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Iw M Trijfbtpr E U T Ttittg AUSTRIA's NAZI-PICKED MINISTER of INTERIOR REPORTS to 'NEW BOSS' AVnUOB nULT OmOCLAIIOM WEATHER Iw Iks Maatk si Jammy. llS i Foiecsst of U. S. Weatksr t Bsrtfnnl 6>048 Chrady and wa rmer tonlgkt a s( Iks AnW iW m trIjFBtpr E u t ttittg Friday fqlowed by light rain ■now Friday. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM YOU Lm, NO. 118 AdvortMog M Paga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN18 CONSCIENCE FUND L3rnch*Mad Mob Bums Jail BKHWAY DEPT. GAINS A DIME Missouri Fanner to Send In METHODS HELD Ten Onts Every Time He AUSTRIA’S NAZI-PICKED Feels Like Taking a .Drink. UPMCR^ Wsshlngtoii, Feb. 17.— (A P ) —A Missouri farmer passed up a drink o f beer, and the TTeas- MINISTER OF INTERIOR I ury*! "oonscience fund’’ bos Moire Printe Land Bi|- gaiiied a dime. ’1 resolved that whe^ 1 felt a desire for a bottle of beer or in f, No More Water*Ma any olooboUo drink”, the Mim- ourioa wrote, “I would send REPORTS TO ‘NEW BOSS’ price o f same to the ’Treasury ci4n. No More OU Phn department instead of for beer or whisky, thus paying the B^es Untfl Hore Study* whole sum to help balance the Arthur Seysz-In(|uart Ar- budget Instead o f just the tax on same." Austrian Situation rires In BerKn To Confer Hartford, F«b. 17— (A P )— Oon- Unlike most contributors to the "conscience ftuid", this man By .\SSOri.\TED PRESR <». Should Hitler avoid a direct com. struotioa of six new Merritt Park- signed his name. Officials con- Britain and France looked to mitmrnt, non-Nazi Austrians would wdy bridges on the basis o f the old , With Der Fnehrer, Re- sidered advising Um that he Adolf Hitler today for clarification consider Hitler to have acted In bad d «d ga criticised in the Hurley re- must be tempted with 13,299,- faith last Saturday when he and ot his intentions toward Austria, port wm be halted “unUI after fur- 999.999 more bottles of beer if Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schusch- ports Say Vienna Wants but there was no Indication that ther conBideration.” ’Iliere will be he wants to wipe out the red nlgg came to terms at Berchtes- ink for the current year, either London or Parts would do gaden. no more water-bound macadam more than ask questions about the Austrias envoy to London, Baron Germany To Do Her Share roads on state highways and towns southward spread of Nasi Influence. George Franckensteln, just return- Austria's Uernmn-e.idursed minis- w in ' be urged to adopt the same ed from Vienna, called upon British By Giving Economic A ii policy ren rdln g state and town aid ter of Interior, Arthur Seysx- Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden to roeula. ’There wiU be no more SEE MOSQUITO Inquart. arrived at Berlin to report Presen- his government's version of private purchases o f M erritt Park- to the Fuehrer on the progress of the Cabinet reorganization. Austro-Gcrninn military, political To Anstria In Retan. way rights of way. the state to ac- Diplomatic sources In London em- quire about 40 remaining parcels of and economic cooperation. phasized that Britain and France FLEET PURPOSE women fired the Tlajuana, Mex.. police hen lquartcrs and jail and Vienna principally was Intent land by oondsmnation. could not be called upon under pres- r^rsona were wounded >ipon winning from Hitler a promise These drastic changes in stats ent circumstances to support by Berlin, Feb. 17.— (A P )— bullctx with soldiers, sent to reinforce tlie j.ill, and .Hx were Injured by tram- of economic aid and a direct guar- policy were offictally snnounead to- pling. The smoking headquarters and jail with some of the crowd Is shown. force Austrian Independence, es- Austria’s pro-Nazi Minister of day by Governor Cross in a state- IN FUND antee of Austrian sovereignty In re- pecially since Italy expressed offi- turn for he- concessions to Naxldom, the Interior, Arthur Seysz*In« ment issued to correct impreaalona cial sympathy with the new Nazi o f the results of a conferenos yes- the naming of Ck’jlnet ministers venture. quart, reported today to t^ ay 9f the govsmor and highway acceptable to Germany and freeing British editorial comment and Reichsfuehrer Hitler on the political prisoners. commissioner Jokn A. Macdanald. Roue Menbers Seek Rea public opinion quietly accepted the sweeping German - en dori^ HuiIm B n ^rt Heeded SIX FLYING FORTRESSES CHINESE CHECK The feeling In the Austrian capi- Nazi gains in Austria but in Paris ’The purport o f the governor’s tal WBS that HIt'ers long-heralded Leftist political parties pressed the changes in Vienna. statement jip that iqsjpr .highway SOD F o r I S Miffion speech before the Reichstag Sunday French government for a definite As Seysz-Inquart arrived operaUons not in line with some sh'iuld guarantee Austrian Inde- stand against the broadening Nazi from Vienna some quM tolf JAPS’ ADVANCE pendence. recommendstions In the Hurley re- perimental FuDd**; Naval WELL ON WAY TO PERU Influence. port win not be Onaliy approved by facetiously observed that t)to Austrian minister, admitted to the Governor until. Commissioner Maedopsld's reply to the Hurley Conmihtee Tackles Details AT CHENGCHOW power in the Cabinet shaJ(e>nV charges is received. U. S. Army Bombers Cross that broke down Austriiu re- “ Yesterday I bad on Informal con- SEE QUICK ACnON ference with the Highway Commls- SPY-CATCHING IN U. S. sistance to Nazi influence, wm sloaer on three suhjMte o f immedl- Washington. Feb. 17.— (A P )—The Caribbean Sea In Six And Their Red Army Troops Cap- reporting to his ‘‘new boM.” ortance pending his formal House Naval Committee dropped ate Impol ON RELIEF FUNDS The more conservative view* reply to charges In the Hurley re- its discussion o f foreign policy to- port," the governor’s statemen'Bni de- One-Half Honrs; Ultimate tured Every One Of Jap PROVES DIFFICULT TASK however, was that Seyaz-W day and went to work on specillc eteies. quart had paid a call on the details o f the proposed fSOO.OOO.OUU ’^ e y . were ''water-bound maea- Goal Is Boenos Aires. Fuehrer, his personal friend, to dgm mods, single span bridges orver naval expansion program. Chairman House Passes BiU By Vote Stations Along A 75-Mile Since Outbreak Of Spanish show that Austria meant bm ^ the M erritt Parkway, and the Vinson (D-Ga) caUed Rear Ad- mtbod of acquiring the remaining miral W„ O. Du Bose, chief of naval Front In Northern Area. ness in pledging to give Ito rights of way for the Merritt Park Miami, Fla.. Feb. 17.— (A P )—Six Of 352-23; Senate To LATE NEWS construction, to answer questions Civil War Many Persons Nazi-inclined elements a chnnfle way. concerning 47 proposed new war- huge Arm y Immbera on a non-stop to help rebuild the state. "As a result of the eonfetenoe tt aUps and 22 auxiliary veaaels. goodwill flight from Miami to Peru Pass It Before Monday. Hankow, CHiina, Feb. 17.— (A P ) Beyond the bare annotmear 'snw agreed that no more, water- Bevsrai committeemen said they crossed the Panama Canal Zone Have Been Deported Be- bound macadam w io be naed ia tk# — Chinese forces were reported to- FLASHES! ment that Seysz-Inquart had xranted to leain how the navy would early today and sped onward. Ughwmn eud usa tbs 818,000,000 axperimentai Washington. Feb. 17 — (A P ) — day to have checked the rapid conferred with Hitler, Forsiis k radio message received at fund which nwaidant Roosevelt cause Of Their Activities. I . t h e c a s e o f Chapman Field hero saM thf fn n -BsnatoEs qm ned by appeals to aid southward push of s mechanised BLAVBII BMMJtJT CD Minister Joachim vcm Ribbiito rsoommended for Inclusion in the State and town aid roads. were directly over the canal at 7:13 a half million new unemployed Japanase army along the Pelplng- TIJiMBa,' Mexico, Feb. 17,— (A P ) trop and Field M srs^ Gsmef bin. OooMmh ih iMI em m., eastern standard time, and Hankow railway ,norc than 50 miles It. has been hinted that part of rushed consideration today of the New York, Feb. 17—Spies, intent — A detachmeat o f troops msrolied si Hermann Wilhelm GowinflV "It was further agreed that here- were proceeding to Lima, capital of frem Its intersection with China's the money would go for a “ mosquito 1250.000.000 emergency relief ap-1 on obtaining secret piam for the I Private Joan Csstillo Morales, 24, Hitler’s chief aide, no purac after land Her the Merritt parkway Peru, unless forced back by weath- "lifeline” Lunghal railway at flset” o f small, swift vessels similar proprlatioD. ' Bsserted sex slayer of 8-yeor-old statement was made. Shan he adqulred tkrough condem- er. Chengchow. cnnstnictlon of American war ma- to the so-caUed "suclde squadrons” chines, have given the Arm y a job Question Dnsnswetni Qstioni proeeedtafs. Though under The planes flew the 1,100 miles The House approved the fund last Chinese troops were said to have Odga Coasuelo Comacbo, from jaU of detective work of unusual peace' Inquiries whether Seysc.Inqusrt the law the m ^ w a y Oommiaeion- employed by some foreign powers. across the Claribbean sea in 6 hours night by the top-heavy vote of 352 clung te:iacloiinI^ to positions north to a cemetery today and pot him to er anpointa appraisers, it is under- They would be constructed of light 30 minutes.
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