188 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, llth JULY, 1952. ' And Notice is hereby further given that after the and the interest used for the benefit of Ballin- said 1st day of August, 1952, the Executor will derry Parish Church, County Antrim, to assist proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased in the general upkeep of the Church or the amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard Sustentation Fund of the Parish, that is to say, only to the claims and demands of which he shall then to one or both of these purposes, as the Rector have 'had notice. of the Parish for the time being, shall think best. Dated this 4th day of July, 1952. Probate of the said Will was on the 25th day of P. J. McGARVEY, Solicitor for the Executor, June, 1952, granted forth of the Principal Registry of 105 Royal Avenue, Belfast. the Queen's Bench Division (Probate) in the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, to Annie Beck- ett, of 168 Fernagh Garden Village, Whiteabbey, Spinster, and John Mervyn McConnell, of Bank THE COMPANIES ACT (NORTHERN Chambers, Lisburn, Solicitor, both in the County of IRELAND), 1932 Antrim, the Executors named in the said Will. FERGUSON (HAIRDRESSERS), LIMITED Dated this 9th day of July, 1952. (In Voluntary Liquidation) JOHN T. McCONNELL 6 SON, Solicitors Notice is hereby given in pursuance of Section 208 for the Executors, Bank Chambers, Bow of the Companies Act (Northern Ireland), 1932, that a . Street, Lisburn, County Antrim. General Meeting of the Members of the above- To:—The Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, named Company will be held at No.
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