An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3): e20191265 DOI 10.1590/0001-3765202120191265 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências | Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences Printed ISSN 0001-3765 I Online ISSN 1678-2690 |


Species richness and distribution patterns Running title: of Rio of the fauna of Rio Grande do Grande do Norte state, Norte state, northeastern Brazil

Academy Section: ECOSYSTEMS RICARDO MARQUES, THAÍS BARRETO GUEDES, FLÁVIA MOL LANNA, DANIEL CUNHA PASSOS, WILLIANILSON PESSOA DA SILVA & ADRIAN ANTONIO GARDA e20191265 Abstract: The Neotropics are one of the richest regions in biodiversity globally. Still, much remains unknown about the mechanisms and processes responsible for the

93 accumulation of in this region. Among the many limitations on our current (Suppl. 3) knowledge on the region’s biodiversity, understanding of community composition and 93(Suppl. 3) species distributions is limited and greatly biased in many Brazilian regions. We present information on species composition, habitat use, geographic distribution, taxonomic DOI accounts, and conservation of snakes from state, Northeastern 10.1590/0001-3765202120191265 Brazil. We compiled, from primary and literature data, 851 snake records from seven families and 47 species, with fi ve new records for the state. Species are mainly terrestrial and semi-arboreal and associated with at least six vegetation types from and Atlantic Forest domains. None of the species is listed in threatened categories of IUCN, while two species are listed in the Brazilian Threatened Fauna list. Our data covers 32.34% of the state’s area, a consequence of locally limited inventories and lack of long- term studies on snakes’ fauna. The richest areas within the state are near large cities, which lack protected areas for the species they harbor, and highlights the necessity of protective policies and conservation actions. Key words: Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, conservation, Serpentes, .

INTRODUCTION and practical limit of biodiversity knowledge is that scientists often work with incomplete Biodiversity is not equally distributed across and/or unrepresentative datasets. For instance, Earth, varying signifi cantly among and within knowledge about the identity and distribution geographic regions and taxa. The Neotropical of species is biased (the Wallacean Shortfall), region is one of the most biodiverse areas which compromises our capacity to synthesize in the world (Olson et al. 2001, Antonelli knowledge of existing biodiversity, leading to & Sanmartín 2011). Understanding the misidentifi cation of ecological and evolutionary mechanisms and processes that generate and processes and ineffi cient conservation strategies maintain the Neotropical hyper-diversity has (Lomolino 2004, Hortal et al. 2015). been an important target in research and also Squamate comprise the world’s th a challenge since 19 century naturalists began most diverse group of terrestrial vertebrates to study the region. Nowadays, this effort is still (Tonini et al. 2016, Uetz et al. 2020), and a central goal for researchers in systematic, are arguably among the most neglected in ecology, biogeography, and evolutionary biology conservation prioritization exercises (Schipper (Rull 2011, Hughes et al. 2013). One fundamental

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL et al. 2008, Butchart & Bird 2010, Böhm et al. Many herpetofaunal studies in RN have 2013, Tingley et al. 2016). Within squamates, focused on amphibians and lizards, while snake snakes comprise nearly 3,800 known species studies are por based on punctual observations inhabiting temperate to tropical environments and do not address local or state diversity. Indeed, in varied habitats including terrestrial, marine, some studies focused on snake association with and freshwater areas (Wallach et al. 2014, Uetz et bromeliads (Jorge et al. 2020), and chromatic al. 2020). Snakes have a wide variety of ecological anomaly (Paredero & Passos 2020), while and morphological adaptations, and intriguing others reported endoparasites for two species reproductive and dietary aspects and thus (Almeida et al. 2008). In addition, accidents with constitute an excellent system to investigate venomous species and the regions where they evolutionary processes (Cadle & Greene 1993). occur have also been reported (Tavares et al. However, the lack of knowledge about 2017, Costa et al. 2019). Otherwise, publications and geographic distribution, for example, has on the snakes of RN report single geographic hindered the inclusion of snakes in most large- distribution records (Brito P.S., unpublished scale biodiversity and evolutionary studies (e.g. data, Jorge & Freire 2011, Brito & Freire 2012, Pereira et al. 2010, Colston et al. 2013, Jenkins et Santos et al. 2020, Aquino et al. 2020) or natural al. 2015, Alencar et al. 2016, Card et al. 2016, Moura history notes (Souza & Freire 2008, Sales et al. et al. 2016). Reliable estimates of the diversity 2013, Ribeiro et al. 2014). and distribution of snakes would contribute Snakes have also been part of local to both global and regional understanding of herpetofaunal inventories (Lima-Verde 1971, evolutionary history of biotas and more accurate 1976, Sales et al. 2009, Caldas et al. 2016, Calixto strategies for their conservation (Böhm et al. & Morato 2017, Coelho-Lima et al. 2020), and 2013, Meiri & Chapple 2016). conservation inquiries such as how forest In a recent study, Guedes et al. (2018) fragment characteristics (e.g., area, shape, provided an overview of the distribution of isolation and matrix quality) affected reptiles Neotropical snakes based on a large database in RN’s Atlantic Forest (Lion et al. 2016). Finally, of georeferenced records representing 886 records of snakes for RN are mostly contained species and 12 families spanning 27 countries. in broad natural history compilations (Schmidt To our knowledge, it is the most extensive and & Inger 1951, Guedes et al. 2014a, 2018) and complete database of snake distribution for taxonomic reviews (Thomas unpublished data, the Neotropical region. That study identified Myers & Cadle 1994, Arredondo unpublished Amazonia, the Andes, and some portions of data, Fernandes & Hamdan 2014, Pires et al. Northeastern Brazil as poorly sampled (less 2014, Montingelli et al. 2019). Costa & Bérnils than 100 records per one-degree grid cell). (2018) compiled the list of snake species for all As a consequence, these areas also present Brazilian states based on presence and absence low richness (Guedes et al. 2018). The state of and listed for the first time a total of 43 species Rio Grande do Norte (RN hereafter) is located for RN without any further information. in northeastern Brazil and is also assumed to Herein, we provide an updated list of snake have low sampling and low species richness of species recorded inside the political limits of RN snakes. Thus, a large knowledge gap identified in state through primary data, complemented by the literature for this state represents a serious scientific literature. Additionally, for each species shortcoming of present literature. we present (1) the geographic distribution within

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 2 | 20 RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL the state, (2) information on habitat use, and (3) borders the states of Ceará and Paraíba. The we discuss previous identification mistakes of state covers an area of 52,811 km² corresponding species occurring in the state reported in the to 0.62% of the Brazilian territory (Figure 1; literature. IBGE 2017) and encompasses 167 municipalities arranged into four geographic mesoregions: Oeste Potiguar (62 municipalities), Central MATERIALS AND METHODS Potiguar (37 municipalities), Agreste Potiguar Study area (43 municipalities), and Leste Potiguar (25 The Northeast region of Brazil comprises a municipalities) (Figure 1; IDEMA 2008). massive portion of the country with an area of The natural landscapes in RN include a 1,558,000 km2 (IBGE 2017). Rio Grande do Norte variety of geomorphological formations and state is the northeasternmost state in Brazil, phytophysiognomies. The relief includes plains between latitudes 4.82 and 6.98 South, and and Tabuleiros along the coastal plain, lowland longitudes 38.58 and 34.96 West (Figure 1), and areas such as the sublitorânea and sertaneja

Figure 1. Map showing Rio Grande do Norte state and its four geographic mesoregions: Oeste Potiguar (OP), Central Potiguar (CP), Agreste Potiguar (AP), and Leste Potiguar (LP). The red dashed line shows the boundaries between Caatinga (left) and Atlantic Forest (right) biomes. Black dots represent snake records, hatched polygons show protected areas: RPPN Mata Estrela (private reserve) (1), APA Piriqui-Una protection area (2), APA Bonfim/Guaraíra protection area (3), APA Jenipabu (4), RDS Ponta do Tubarão (5), RPPN Esperança (6), FLONA Açu (7), RPPN Fazenda Salobro Farm (8), ESEC Seridó (9), PN Furna Feia (10). Protected area acronym, in increasing order of protection: APA (Área de Proteção Ambiental – Environmental Protection Area); RDS (Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – Sustainable Development Reserve); FLONA (Floresta Nacional – National Forest); RPPN (Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural –Private Reserve of the Natural Heritage); PN (Parque Nacional – National Park); ESEC (Estação Ecológica – Ecological Station).

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 3 | 20 RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL depressions, and mountain chains (e.g., Chapada did not consider Lima-Verde (1971, 1976) whose da Serra Verde, Chapada do Apodi and Planalto records were not detailed for municipalities. da Borborema) (Diniz et al. 2015). The state is We also included in our list photographic irrigated by sixteen river basins composed of records and confirmation of records based on seasonal rivers, lakes, and ponds. Two major direct observation by the authors. We followed river basins, Apodi-Mossoró and Piranhas-Assu, Burbrink et al. (2020) for family taxonomy. are responsible for the majority of the state’s We defined snake habitats based on records water reserves (Nascimento et al. 2014). The and the phytoecological units in RN state climate type according to Köppen-Geiger ranges established by the national forest inventory from Tropical savanna (Aw) to Arid steppe (BSh) (SFB 2018). When possible, we also provided and desert hot (BWh) (Peel et al. 2007), with an information about habitat use from the location average temperature of 28°C. Precipitation is where the snake was collected or observed, higher in the eastern coastal region (1,100 mm complemented with literature information. We per year) and decreases below 500 mm per year plotted snake records on a shapefile with federal towards the west (Diniz & Pereira 2015). Most of and state protected areas to evaluate the degree the state is within the Caatinga biome (95% of of protection of each species in the state. We the state area), while a narrow portion on the generated distribution maps for each species east coast is composed by Atlantic Forest (5% with habitat information using Mapbiomas of the state area) (Figure 1). Hence, the result is 3.0 shapefiles. Finally, to evaluate distribution a vast vegetation mosaic composed of restinga patterns of species richness, we compiled snake sand dunes and mangroves (both with marine richness and geographic coordinates from all influence), seasonally dry formations such as recorded municipalities and produced a Kernel caatinga bush, forest, and parkland vegetation, density map restricted to RN with a search savanna-like fragments, and deciduous and radius of 0.2 in Qgis 3.8.2. semideciduous forests (IBGE 2012, SFB 2018).

Data source RESULTS

We gathered snake distribution records by We obtained 851 records (450 primary and 401 examining voucher specimens collected by us, from literature) of 47 species from seven families housed in the collections of the Laboratório de (Dipsadidae, , Elapidae, Boidae, Anfíbios e Répteis at the Universidade Federal do , Typhlopidae, and ) Rio Grande do Norte (LAR-UFRN), and the Coleção and 33 genera. Dipsadidae and Colubridae Herpetológica do Semiárido at the Universidade were the most represented in species richness Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (CHSA-UFERSA). with 28 species (58.3%) and 7 species (14.6%), Additionally, we compiled snake records from the respectively. We recorded five species for the scientific literature such as species inventories, first time in RN: Apostolepis longicaudata, ecological studies, taxonomic reviews, natural leucurus, Dipsas mikanii, Imantodes history and geographic distribution papers, cenchoa, and Thamnodynastes sertanejo. Most dissertations, thesis, and books. We considered snakes in RN are terrestrial (66.7%), followed by all records available from each paper and semiarboreal (25%), fossorial (18.8%), aquatic compared records with other studies to make (16.7%) and arboreal (10.4%) species. Most sure we did not use the same record twice. We

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 4 | 20 RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL species were found active during only one cenchoa, Palusophis bifossatus, Micrurus cf. period of the day (40.4% nocturnal, and 36.2% corallinus, M. potyguara, Psomophis joberti, diurnal), while a small portion was found active and Spilotes pullatus). We detected snakes on both periods (23.4%) (Table I and Figures 2–5). in six phytophisiognomies within RN. Snakes Our database contains at least one snake are predominantly reported for caatinga bush record in 54 (32.34%) of the 167 municipalities vegetation (37 species) and restinga sand dunes (29), followed by semideciduous forest (18), in RN territory. When we consider the four cerrado vegetation and caatinga forest vegetation mesoregions of the state, there were more (7 each), and caatinga parkland vegetation (5). records for municipalities in the Leste Potiguar Oxyrhopus trigeminus and Philodryas nattereri (19 municipalities) with 277 snake occurrences, were detected in five vegetation types while followed by Central Potiguar (14; 185), Oeste other species were exclusive from restinga sand Potiguar (13; 322), and Agreste Potiguar (8; 67). The dunes (Amerotyphlops amoipira, Erythrolamprus municipalities of Mossoró and Macaíba were the almadensis, Bothrops leucurus, Micrurus most representative in species richness (22 and potyguara, and Spilotes pullatus), caatinga bush 18 species, respectively), followed by Natal and vegetation (Micrurus aff. ibiboboca, Apostolepis Nísia Floresta (17 species each) (Figure 6A). The longicaudata, Boiruna sertaneja, Erythrolamprus Kernel density map showed major richness on miliaris, E. mossoroensis, angulatus, the Leste Potiguar and Mossoró regions (Oeste H. leopardinus, Leptodeira annulata, Potiguar), and additional scattered areas in João guerini, Thamnodynastes almae, and T. Câmara (Agreste Potiguar), Serra Negra do Norte sertanejo), and semidecidual forest (Imantodes (Central Potiguar), and Assú (Oeste Potiguar) cenchoa and Psomophis joberti). (Figure 6B). Philodryas nattereri, Micrurus aff. The IUCN lists Corallus hortulana, Bothrops ibiboboca, and Oxyrhopus trigeminus are erythromelas, Crotalus durissus, Erythrolamprus widespread in RN and were recorded in 22, viridis, and Lygophis dilepis as Least Concern 16, and 15 municipalities, respectively (Figure and Amerotyphlops amoipira as Data Deficient. 7). Detailed information of distribution maps The Red Book of Brazilian Threatened Fauna lists for each species, sources, and snake species A. amoipira as endangered and A. paucisquamus occurrences for all municipalities in RN are as vulnerable (ICMBIO 2018). We recorded snake listed in the supporting information (Table SI species inside the limits of three protected areas and Figures S1–4). in the Leste Potiguar mesoregion (Environmental Regarding the biomes, 660 records were Protection Area of Apariqui-Una, EPA Bonfim/ from the Caatinga and 191 were from the Atlantic Guanaíra, and Mata Estrela private reserve), Forest. Twenty-two species were recorded in one in the Central Potiguar mesoregion (Seridó both biomes, while 13 species occurred only Ecological Station), and one in the Oeste Potiguar in Caatinga (Apostolepis longicaudata, Boiruna mesoregion (Açu National Forest). Protected sertaneja, Crotalus durissus, Erythrolamprus areas harbor 36 species, including three new miliaris, E. mossoroensis, Helicops angulatus, records for RN, while Apostolepis longicaudata H. leopardinus, Leptodeira annulata, Lygophis and Thamnodynastes sertanejo, both poorly dilepis, Phimophis guerini, Sibon nebulatus, known species (Curcio et al. 2011, Guedes et al. Thamnodynastes almae, and T. sertanejo) and 2014a), were recorded only in unprotected areas. 12 others only in Atlantic Forest (Amerotyphlops amoipira, A. paucisquamus, Bothrops leucurus, Drymarchon corais, Erythrolamprus almadensis, Hydrodynastes gigas, Imantodes

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Table I. Snake species recorded in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. The table outlines total records for each species (TR), total municipalities of occurrence (MO), biomes (Caatinga – CA and/or Atlantic Forest – AF), habitats (restinga sand dunes – RSD, caatinga bush vegetation – CBV, caatinga forest vegetation – CFV, caatinga parkland vegetation – CPV, cerrado – CE, and semideciduous forest – SDF. Snakes habits are as follows: aquatic (Aq), arboreal (Ar), fossorial (Fo), terrestrial (Te) and semiarboreal (SA). Activity period: diurnal (D) and nocturnal (N). (*) New state records.

Habitat Species TR MO Biome Habit Activity RSD CBV CFV CPV CE SDF Leptotyphlopidae Epictia borapeliotes 32 7 CA, AF X X Fo N (Vanzolini, 1996) Typhlopidae Amerotyphlops amoipira (Rodrigues & 2 1 AF X Fo N Juncá, 2002) Amerotyphlops paucisquamus (Dixon & 6 4 AF X X Fo N Hendricks, 1979) Boidae Boa constrictor 22 7 CA, AF X X X Te, SA D, N Linnaeus, 1758 Corallus hortulana 6 3 CA, AF X X Ar N (Linnaeus, 1758) Epicrates assisi 14 9 CA, AF X X X Te, SA N Machado, 1945 Viperidae Bothrops erythromelas 58 13 CA, AF X X X Te N Amaral, 1923 Bothrops leucurus 1 1 AF X Te N Wagler in Spix 1824* Crotalus durissus 14 8 CA X X Te N Wagler in Spix, 1824 Elapidae Micrurus aff. ibiboboca 38 16 AF, CA X X X Fo D, N Micrurus cf. corallinus 2 2 AF X X Fo D (Merrem, 1820) Micrurus potyguara Pires, Da Silva Jr, Feitosa, Prudente, 2 1 AF X Fo D, N Pereira-Filho & Zaher, 2014 Colubridae Chironius flavolineatus 28 6 CA, AF X X X X SA D (Jan, 1863) Drymarchon corais 4 3 AF X X X Ar D (Boie, 1827)

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Table I. Continuation Leptophis ahaetulla 15 8 CA, AF X X X X Ar D (Linnaeus, 1758) Oxybelis aeneus 52 11 CA, AF X X X X SA D (Wagler in Spix, 1824) Palusophis bifossatus 5 2 AF X X Te D (Raddi, 1820) Spilotes pullatus 3 2 AF X Te, SA D (Linnaeus, 1758) Tantilla melanocephala 16 8 CA, AF X X X Te, Fo D, N (Linnaeus, 1758) Dipsadidae

Apostolepis cearensis 23 8 CA, AF X X X X Te D, N Gomes, 1915

Apostolepis longicaudata Gomes in 1 1 CA X Te D, N Amaral, 1921*

Boiruna sertaneja 17 5 CA X Te N Zaher, 1996 Dipsas mikanii 4 3 CA, AF X X Te N (Schlegel, 1837)* Erythrolamprus almadensis (Wagler in 1 1 AF X Te D Spix, 1824)

Erythrolamprus miliaris 2 2 CA X Te, Aq D, N (Linnaeus, 1758)

Erythrolamprus mossoroensis (Hoge & 7 4 CA X Te, Aq D, N Lima-Verde, 1973) Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus (Wied, 28 9 CA, AF X X Te, Aq D, N 1825) Erythrolamprus viridis 47 6 CA, AF X X Te, Aq D (Günther, 1862) Helicops angulatus 6 1 CA X Aq N (Linnaeus, 1758) Helicops leopardinus 1 1 CA X Aq N (Schlegel, 1837) Hydrodynastes gigas (Duméril, Bibron & 3 3 AF X X Te, Aq D Duméril, 1854) Imantodes cenchoa 1 1 AF X Ar N (Linnaeus, 1758)*

Leptodeira annulata 13 3 CA X Te, SA N (Linnaeus, 1758)

Lygophis dilepis (Cope, 38 10 CA X X Te, Aq D 1862)

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Table I. Continuation Oxyrhopus trigeminus Duméril, Bibron & 73 15 CA, AF X X X X X Te, SA D, N Duméril, 1854 Philodryas nattereri 130 21 CA, AF X X X X X Te, SA D Steindachner, 1870 Philodryas olfersii 43 12 CA, AF X X X X Te, SA D (Liechtenstein, 1823) Philodryas patagoniensis (Girard, 8 4 CA, AF X X X Te D 1858)

Phimophis guerini (Dumeril, Bibron & 1 1 CA X Te, Fo N Dumeril, 1854)

Pseudoboa nigra (Duméril, Bibron & 26 9 CA, AF X X Te D, N Duméril, 1854)

Psomophis joberti 1 1 AF X Te, Fo D (Sauvage, 1884)

Sibon nebulatus 2 2 CA X X Ar N (Linnaeus, 1758)

Taeniophallus 8 6 CA, AF X X X Te, Fo D occipitalis (Jan, 1863)

Thamnodynastes almae 2 1 CA X Te, SA N Franco & Ferreira, 2002

Thamnodynastes phoenix Franco, Trevine, 28 9 CA, AF X X X Te, SA N Montingelli & Zaher, 2017 Thamnodynastes sertanejo Bailey, 1 1 CA X Te, SA N Thomas & Da Silva, 2005* Xenodon merremii 16 5 CA, AF X X X Te D (Wagler in Spix, 1824)

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Figure 2. Snakes from Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. Leptotyphlopidae: (a) Epictia borapeliotes. Typhlopidae: (b) Amerotyphlops amoipira, (c) A. paucisquamus. Boidae: (d) Boa constrictor, (e) Corallus hortulana, (f) Epicrates assisi. Viperidae: (g) Bothrops erythromelas, (h) Bothrops leucurus, (i) Crotalus durissus. Elapidae: (j) Micrurus cf. corallinus, (k) M. aff. ibiboboca, and (l) M. potyguara. Photo b by D.J. Santana and photo h by J.L.G.S. Silveira.

Figure 3. Snakes from Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. Colubridae: (a) Chironius flavolineatus, (b) Drymarchon corais, (c) Leptophis ahaetulla, (d) Oxybelis aeneus, (e) Palusophis bifossatus, (f) Spilotes pullatus, (g) Tantilla melanocephala. Dipsadidae: (h) Apostolepis cearensis, (i) A. longicaudata, (j) Boiruna sertaneja, (k) Dipsas mikanii, and (l) Erythrolamprus almadensis. Photo e by D.J. Santana.

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Figure 4. Snakes from Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. Dipsadidae: (a) Erythrolamprus miliaris, (b) E. mossoroensis, (c) E. poecilogyrus, (d) E. viridis, (e) Helicops angulatus, (f) H. leopardinus, (g) Hydrodynastes gigas, (h) Imantodes cenchoa, (i) Leptodeira annulata, (j) Lygophis dilepis, (k) Oxyrhopus trigeminus, (l) Philodryas nattereri. Photo d by B. Pontes.

Figure 5. Snakes from Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. Dipsadidae: (a) Philodryas olfersii, (b) P. patagoniensis, (c) Phimophis guerini, (d) Pseudoboa nigra, (e) Psomophis joberti, (f) Sibon nebulatus, (g) Taeniophallus occipitalis, (h) Thamnodynastes almae, (i) T. phoenix, (j) T. sertanejo, and (k) Xenodon merremii. Photos c and e by G.A. Pereira-Filho.

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Figure 6. Frequency of snake records in municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) state, Brazil (a) and Kernel density map showing the concentration of snake richness over RN (b). Warmer colors show higher richness and frequency, black dots represent snake records. We highlight the municipalities of Natal (1), Macaíba (2), João Câmara (3), Serra Negra do Norte (4), Assú (5), and Mossoró (6).

DISCUSSION the state, it harbors many relictual enclaves of humid forests on top of high-altitude areas Snake richness and habitat use overview in maintained by orographic rainfall. Larger area Rio Grande do Norte and environmental complexity allow higher This is the largest compilation of snake records richness and support for endemic species to for Rio Grande do Norte to date, and we generate persist over time (Roberto & Loebmann 2016). detailed maps of snake occurrences and patterns Aside from environmental features, areas with of species richness, along with quantifying high species richness are usually better sampled sampling gaps. We also report new occurrences, at local level (Guedes et al. 2018). Indeed, the geographic distribution extensions, and habitat low snake species richness in RN is very likely information for all species. The species richness a sampling artifact resulting from the reduced of RN is somewhat low when compared to other number of studies for the group in RN compared state compilations for Brazil, such as (131 to the neighboring states of Ceará and Paraíba spp.; Curcio et al. 2012, Hamdan & Lira-da-Silva (Santana et al. 2008, Loebmann & Haddad 2010, 2012, Fernandes & Hamdan 2014), Rondônia (119 Mesquita et al. 2011, 2012, 2013, Pereira-Filho & spp.; Bernarde et al. 2012, Passos et al. 2016), Montingelli, 2011, França et al. 2012, Roberto & Mato Grosso do Sul (113 spp.; Ferreira et al. Loebmann, 2016, Costa et al. 2018, Sampaio et 2017), Ceará (67 spp.; Roberto & Loebmann 2016, al. 2018). Borjes-Nojosa et al. 2017), and Paraíba (63 spp.; Some species reported herein are known Pereira-Filho et al. 2017). from single or old records for RN (e.g. Psomophis Many factors can affect species richness, joberti, Erythrolamprus almadensis, Helicops including diversity of habitats, area, and leopardinus, H. angulatus). Most of these species sampling effort (Bracewell et al. 2018). For are frequent in other regions (Guedes et al. example, Bahia and Mato Grosso do Sul states, 2014a, Marques et al. 2016, Mesquita et al. 2018, while also being much larger than RN, harbor França et al. 2020) and the lack of recent records three distinct biomes of forested and open in RN reinforces the scarcity of snake studies formations. Ceará state is also larger than RN, in the state. Likewise, the five new species and although the Atlantic Forest does not reach recorded for the state further suggests that the

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Over 65% of the localities we list and 29% of the state’s area have three or fewer species registered. Furthermore, areas with the highest species richness are within/near the municipalities of two of the largest cities (Natal and Mossoró) or inside protected areas with research infrastructure (Açu National Forest and Seridó Ecological Station). Such correlation of sampling intensity near larger cities and research facilities is expected (Meyer et al. 2015, Oliveira et al. 2016). Most species were recorded in Caatinga bush vegetation, which covers 84% of RN state (SFB 2018). Although restinga sand dune habitats cover around 4% of RN vegetation, this habitat is distributed along the seashore of RN where densely populated cities are found. Despite the sampling artifact, snake richness is high throughout Atlantic Forest habitats (Argôlo 2004, Santana et al. 2008, Pereira-Filho & Montingelli 2011, Marques et al. 2016, Guedes et al. 2018, Sampaio et al. 2018). This raises concerns, as the biome is threatened by ongoing anthropogenic actions and habitat loss (Joly et al. 2014) and is mostly restricted to small fragments embedded in sugar cane plantations in RN (Lion et al. 2016). Even though the Atlantic Forest covers a small portion of RN state, it showed similar richness to the Caatinga biome, reinforcing the conservation importance of this biome and its related ecosystems for biodiversity. Some Figure 7. Total records for all snake species (gray bars) species recorded in restinga sand dunes (e.g. and total municipalities where they were recorded Erythrolamprus almadensis, Bothrops leucurus, (black bars) in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. and Spilotes pullatus) are also common in this state is still heavily understudied. Knowledge habitat in other regions (Miranda et al. 2012, of snake species richness is concentrated in Marques et al. 2016). Oxyrhopus trigeminus areas easily accessed by researchers, leading to and Philodryas nattereri are generalist species a lack of snake records on most of the state’s and inhabit many vegetation types along their territory, hindering our ability to correctly assess distributions (Pereira-Filho & Montinguelli 2011, the overall diversity and conservation status of Guedes et al. 2014a, Marques et al. 2016), and these in the state (Meyer et al. 2015, were also recorded in almost all habitats in RN. Oliveira et al. 2016). All species exclusive to caatinga bush vegetation

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 12 | 20 RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL are typical from open habitat formations and 2016). Finally, Thamnodynastes sertanejo is likely occur in this habitat (Guedes et al. 2014a). endemic from Caatinga, and our record in João Likewise, Imantodes cenchoa and Psomophis Câmara (5.526461 S, 35.841056 W, 160 m a.s.l.) joberti were only found in semideciduous forest, extends its distribution 423 km Northeast of Jati, as the former is an arboreal species typical from Ceará state, and 320 km Northeast of Sertânia, forests and the later occurs in many habitats state (Coelho et al. 2013). from Caatinga, Cerrado, and Atlantic Forest Previous records within RN require (Moura et al. 2013, Marques et al. 2016, Mesquita clarification. Sales et al. (2009) reported Epicrates et al. 2018). cenchria for sand dunes in the municipality of Natal without specifying its subspecies. Passos Geographic distribution records and and Fernandes (2008) reviewed and elevated taxonomic accounts the subspecies of Epicrates to species. Epicrates Our data added five new species records for cenchria occurs in Amazonia and Atlantic Forest RN state. Apostolepis longicaudata is mostly in primary, ombrophilous, and disturbed forests reported for areas of cerrado vegetation (Martins & Oliveira 1998, Argôlo 2004). Though the (Curcio et al. 2011) and here it was recorded in municipality of Natal is within the Atlantic Forest João Câmara municipality (5.37346 S, 35.879398 biome, its vegetation is strongly influenced by W, WGS84, 188 m a.s.l.) where xeric vegetation Caatinga and this record actually corresponds prevails. This record extends its distribution to to E. assisi (R. Sales pers. comm.). Large patches 237 km North of Cabaceiras, Paraíba state (Curcio of semideciduous forests are abundant on the et al. 2011, Pereira-Filho et al. 2017) and 1281 southeast portion of the state, near the Paraíba km East from Estreito, Maranhão state (França state boundary, where we recorded typical et al. 2018). Bothrops leucurus inhabits mainly Atlantic Forest species as Corallus hortulana and forests (Argôlo 2004) and the nearest record Bothrops leucurus. Schmidt & Inger (1951) and is from REBIO Guaribas (Reserva Biológica, or Freire et al. (2009) reported the occurrence of Biological Reserve, a strict protection area in Lygophis lineatus but this species was restricted Brazil), between the municipalities of Rio Tinto to Amazonia after review by Hoge (1952), while L. and Mamanguape, Paraíba state (Mesquita et dilepis has a broad distribution in RN state, as al. 2018), 38 km south from our record in Baía already pointed by Guedes et al. (2014a). Formosa (6.381705 S, 35.016233 W, 63 m asl). We The compilation of Costa & Bérnils (2018) recorded Dipsas mikanii in Macaíba (5.866257 S, reported Micrurus lemniscatus carvalhoi, 35.32931 W, 42 m a.s.l.), Nísia Floresta (6.083561 Amerotyphlops brongersmianus and S, 35.18251 W, 59 m a.s.l.), and Parnamirim Erythrolamprus viridis viridis for RN. Micrurus (5.915981 S, 35.18419 W, 34 m a.s.l.). These records lemniscatus carvalhoi was recorded by Schmidt are 466 km Northeast of Barbalha, Ceará state & Inger (1951) in Nísia Floresta, but later (Roberto and Loebmann 2016) and 72 km North review by Pires et al. (2014), who showed this of Mamanguape, in Paraíba state (Mesquita et to be a novel species, M. potyguara. As for A. al. 2018). We also recorded Imantodes cenchoa brongersmianus, Lion et al. (2016) recorded it in Baía Formosa, 38 km northward from REBIO in Goianinha, but we examined the voucher Guaribas in Paraíba state (Mesquita et al. 2018) specimen and scale counts (18 rows around the and 495 km eastward from the municipality body and 214 middorsal scales) are typical of of Crato, Ceará state (Roberto and Loebmann, A. paucisquamus (Hedges et al. 2014). Finally,

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 13 | 20 RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL

Sales et al. (2009) reported E. viridis for the considering current sampling gaps. RN still holds sand dunes in Natal and Costa & Bérnils (2018) 42% of its original vegetation coverage (SFB considered the subspecies E. v. viridis because 2018). Though 6.2% of RN’s area corresponds to the record was from the Atlantic Forest biome protected areas (SFB 2018, IDEMA 2019), most (H. Costa pers. comm.). We believe this situation of these confer low protection (Environmental is similar to that of Epicrates cenchria/E. assisi, Protection Areas, or APAs) and just a small part and the subspecies that must be considered of the Caatinga (55.37 km2) that occurs in the for the state is Erythrolamprus viridis prasinus. state is protected by two Strict Protection areas As we did not examine its voucher, however, (SPA), Seridó Ecological Station and Furna Feia further investigation is needed to clarify this National Park. issue. Lastly, species like E. almadensis (Guedes Most snake species recorded for RN show et al. 2014a) and Spilotes pullatus (Sales et al. broad distributions, occurring in other biomes 2009) are reported here but are absent in the and neighboring states (Guedes et al. 2014a). compilation of Costa & Bérnils (2018). Additionally, most of them are also recorded The holotype of Micrurus ibiboboca was in SPA along their distribution and also in RN described from the Atlantic Forest (Belmonte, (Guedes et al. 2014b, this work). Because of Bahia state) with a diagnosis of 210 ventral this, only two species (Amerotyphlops amoipira scales and 23 subcaudal scales (Merrem 1820). and A. pausicquamus) are listed by ICMBio Vanzolini et al. (1980) reported that specimens in threatened categories for the State, while from the Caatinga were not properly described none are listed in IUCN (ICMBio 2018, IUCN in the literature, since they obtained snakes 2019). Nevertheless, evidence suggests that with 219-243 ventral scales. Then, Argôlo (2004) some species should be monitored carefully in examined specimens of M. ibiboboca from future assessments. The coral snake Micrurus Southeast Bahia with 192-219 ventral scales potyguara was recently described for a small and 16-26 subcaudal scales, which matched area of the Atlantic Forest of RN, Paraíba, and the holotype of M. ibiboboca. The segregation Pernambuco states (Pires et al. 2014). Its habitat between specimens from Caatinga and Atlantic is reported to be declining, which might lead Forest was also highlighted in Guedes et al. the species to be listed in IUCN categories in (2014a), but Pires et al. (2014) treated them as the future, as has occurred with other squamate a single entity. Ventral scales from specimens species in similar conditions recently (Fazolato of RN ranged from 226 to 250 and subcaudal et al. 2017, Rosário et al. 2019). Erythrolamprus scales from 24 to 30 without proper segregation mossoroensis is a Caatinga endemic that occurs between both biomes. Until a more detailed in four municipalities of RN; although this taxonomic review of these species is available, species has a large range (Guedes et al. 2014a), we propose specimens from RN should be most records are old, possibly indicating a low- treated as Micrurus aff. ibiboboca. density population or lack of faunal inventories. Similarly, Boiruna sertaneja is considered rare Conservation challenges for Rio Grande do in the neighboring state of Paraíba (Pereira- Norte snakes Filho et al. 2017) and might be threatened by The biggest conservation challenge for snake intrinsic aspects of the species (Pizzatto 2005), species in RN in face of rising habitat loss besides anthropogenic factors. It is urgent for is to identify priority areas for conservation RN state to evaluate the conservation status of

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 14 | 20 RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL its flora and fauna, including snakes, and draft AQUINO NC, MAIA HAC, JUCÁ MAS & PASSOS DC. 2020. lists of endangered species to guide political Distribution extension and update map of Taeniophallus occipitalis (Jan 1863)(Squamata, Dipsadidae), with a and conservation actions aiming to maintain relevant record to Caatinga, Northeast Brazil. Herp Notes the remaining habitats. 13: 661-666.

Our data updates the current knowledge of ARGÔLO AJS. 2004. As Serpentes dos Cacauais do Sudeste snakes in RN and the necessity for a significant da Bahia. Ilhéus: Editus, 251 p. increase in sampling effort within many poorly BERNARDE PS, ALBUQUERQUE S, BARROS TO & TURCI LCB. 2012. sampled regions of the state. The low number Serpentes do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Biota Neotrop of records compared to other regions is likely 12: v154-182. the result of limited local inventories and fewer BÖHM ET AL. 2013. The conservation status of the world’s long-term studies on the snake fauna. Several reptiles. Biol Conserv 157: 372-385. undersampled regions might gather similar BORJES-NOJOSA DM, LIMA DC, BEZERRA CH & HARRIS DJ. 2017. richness to those observed in the East region Two new species of Apostolepis Cope, 1862 (Serpentes: Elapomorphini) from brejos de altitude in Northeastern of RN, and even produce new state records Brazil. Rev Nordest Zool 10: 74-94. or undescribed species. Finally, those areas BRACEWELL SA, CLARK GF & JOHNSTON EL. 2018. Habitat reported herein as the richest in snake species in complexity effects on diversity and abundance differ RN require protective policies and conservation with latitude: an experimental study over 20 degrees. actions for the species they harbor. Ecology 99: 1964-1974. BRITO PS & FREIRE EMX. 2012. New records and geographic Acknowledgments distribution map of Typhlops amoipira Rodrigues and We thank Bruna Pontes, Diego J. Santana, Gentil A. Pereira- Juncá, 2002 (Typhlopidae) in the Brazilian Rainforest. Filho, and João L.A. Silveira for kindly providing snake Check List 8: 1347. photographs. We also thank Alex Pyron for the English BURBRINK ET AL. 2020. Interrogating Genomic-Scale data review. RM thanks Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento for Squamata (Lizards, Snakes, and Amphisbaenians) de Pessoal de Nível Superior for the current doctoral shows no support for key traditional morphological fellowship (CAPES Process number 1489596). TBG thanks relationships. Syst Biol 69: 502-520. to Universidade Estadual do Maranhão for the Senior BUTCHART SHM & BIRD JP. 2010. Data Deficient birds on Researcher fellowship. AAG thanks Conselho Nacional the IUCN Red List: What don’t we know and why does it de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for matter? Biol Conserv 143: 239-247. his productivity research grant (#310942/2018-7). CADLE JE & GREENE HW. 1993. Phylogenetic patterns, biogeography, and the ecological structure of Neotropical REFERENCES snake assemblages. In: Ricklefs RE & Schluter D (Eds), Species Diversity In Ecological Communities, Chicago: ALENCAR LRV, QUENTAL TB, GRAZZIOTIN FG, ALFARO ML, MARTINS University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA, p. 281-293. M, VENZON M & ZAHER H. 2016. Diversification in vipers: CALDAS FLS, COSTA TB, LARANJEIRAS DO, MESQUITA DO & GARDA Phylogenetic relationships, time of divergence and AA. 2016. Herpetofauna of protected areas in the Caatinga shifts in speciation rates. Mol Phylogenet Evol 105: 50-62. V: Seridó Ecological Station (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). ALMEIDA WO, GUEDES TB, FREIRE EMX & VASCONCELLOS A. Check List 12: 1929. 2008. Pentastomid infection in Philodryas nattereri CALIXTO PO & MORATO SAA. 2017. Herpetofauna recorded Steindachner, 1870 and Oxybelis aeneus (Wagler, 1824) by a fauna rescue program in a Caatinga area of João (Squamata: Colubridae) in a caatinga of northeastern Câmara, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Check List 13: Brazil. Braz J Bio 68: 193-197. 647-657.

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Manuscript received on October 19, 2019; accepted for publication on July 5, 2020 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL RICARDO MARQUES1 Table SI. Detailed distribution of snakes in RN state with the recorded municipality of each species and the source material and voucher. THAÍS BARRETO GUEDES2,3 Figure S1. Geographic distribution maps of snake species and soil cover in Rio Grande do Norte State, FLÁVIA MOL LANNA4 Brazil. Leptotyphlopidae: (a) Epictia borapeliotes; Typhlopidae: (b) Amerotyphlops amoipira and A. paucisquamus; Boidae: (c) Boa constrictor, (d) DANIEL CUNHA PASSOS5 Epicrates assisi and Corallus hortulana; Viperidae and Elapidae: (e) Bothrops erythromelas and B. leucurus, (f) Crotalus durissus, Micrurus potyguara and M. cf. WILLIANILSON PESSOA DA SILVA1 corallinus. (g) M. aff. ibiboboca, and Colubridae: (h) Chironius flavolineatus and Palusophis bifossatus. 6 Stars indicate new state records. ADRIAN ANTONIO GARDA Figure S2. Geographic distribution maps of snake species and soil cover in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. Colubridae and Dipsadidae: (a) Drymarchon

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 19 | 20 RICARDO MARQUES et al. SNAKES OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE STATE, BRAZIL

1Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Programa de Pós- Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia), Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, Campus I - Cidade Universitaria, s/n, Cidade Universitária, 58051-900 João Pessoa, PB, Brazil 2Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Programa de Pós- Graduação em Biodiversidade, Ambiente e Saúde, Centro de Estudos Superiores de Caxias, Praça Duque de Caxias, s/n, Morro do Alecrim, 65604-380 Caxias, MA, Brazil 3Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Center, Box 461, SE-405 30, Göteborg, Sweden 4The Ohio state University, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, 318 W. 12th Ave, 43210, Columbus, OH, USA 5Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Laboratório de Ecologia e Comportamento , Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação, Departamento de Biociências, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Avenida Francisco Mota, 572, Pres. Costa e Silva, 59625-900 Mossoró, RN, Brazil 6Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia, Avenida Senador Salgado Filho, s/n, Lagoa Nova, 59078-900 Natal, RN, Brazil

Correspondence to: Ricardo Marques E-mail: [email protected]

Author contributions RM designed the manuscript, reviewed the specimens housed at LAR-UFRN, gathered all data and performed data interpretation, elaborated figures of heat and distribution maps, tables, and wrote the manuscript. TBG helped in the conceptualization, gathered data, review the analyses, writing - original draft, review and edit final manuscript. FML gathered data from literature, elaborated figures and writing. DCP provided primary data, contributed to the writing of early versions and reviewed the final version of manuscript. WPS collected part of the data. AAG conceived the idea of the paper, collected field data, and participated in the production of the manuscript. All authors discussed and reviewed the final version of the manuscript.

An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93(Suppl. 3) e20191265 20 | 20