A large proportion of these data can be consulted through the ASSESSMENT OF COMMERCIAL FISHEYE database accessible by RESOURCES IN THE Intemet*. FISH Sampling techniques

LAGOON OF THE NORTHERN Underwater visual PROVINCE, census (UVC) The underwater visual censuses were spread in such a way as. to Bac kground cover all reef geomorphologic b by Pierre Labrosse,Yves Michel types with a minimum sam- I Letourneur and Kulbicki The Northern Province of New pling frequency of 6 dives for ORSjOM, -' Caledonia has in recent years every 4 miles of reef (fringing ' Noumea, New Caledonia been concerned with imple- _- __- __ and barrier reefs) and surveys menting rational and sustain- on both the windward and lee- able management of lagoon fish 7 O00 km2 were surveyed. For ward sides of the middle reefs. resources. In addition, the practical reasons, the area was Wc's were mainly carried out Province needs to be in a posi- divided into three zones (see on inner coral-reef slopes. tion to respond to various ques- Figure 1): the BeIep Islands tions raised by fishermen. (northern zone), the West Coast The populations were studied (west zone) and the East Coast by the so-called 'line-transect' These questions mainly concern (east zone). All biotopes were method (Buckland et al. 1993). exploitation levels for certain sampled with complementary At each site, a 50 m transect species or fishing areas, fish- techniques (reefs, lagoon bot- was laid out with a 50 m-long eries development and the use toms, mangroves). measuring tape. Two divers, of new techniques. Available one on either side of the tran- information and knowledge Over the 270 days of work, sect, carried out visual surveys were, until now, too inadequate more than 1,800 underwater (Figure 2). and incomplete for the Province visual censuses (dives on the to be able to respond. reef), 400 experimental fishing They noted all commercial fish trips with hand-held lines on seen. For each observation, This situation justified the the reef edges, 210 longline they identified the species con- implementation of an assess- deployments on the lagoon bot- cerned, estimated the number ment of commercial lagoon fish toms and 100 net deployments of specimens (n), the size and resources. This study was car- in the estuaries and mangroves the perpendicular distance (d) ried out by ORSTOM (French were carried out. of the fish(es) from the transect. Research Institute for Develop- ment in co-operation) at the From this point of view, this Along each transect, the special request of the Northern Province, programme is a world-wide characteristics of the surround- as part of the French Govern- first. No sampling effort had ings were noted. In 10 m sec- mentjNorthern Province Devel- ever previously been undertak- tions, each of the two divers opment Contract. It was com- en on a so great geographical estimated the relative percent- pleted in August 1997 after two- scale and with different tech- age of each of the different

' and-a-half years of work. niques in the tropical world. kinds of substrate: i.e. mud, fine sand, coarse sand, debris, blocks, A major sampling operation was It has made it possible to collect rock, coral heads (Table 1). Mounted by the team of four a very large amount of informa- ORSTOM researchers and tech- tion concerning the structures of In the same way, the observer - - nicians from the Provincial fish populations (diversity, abun- noted the cover rate of the sub- 1 Government. The work covered dance, biomass); species; indi- strate by living organisms viduals; and preferred locations, (stringy algae, brown algae, depending on their size and green algae, alcyonarians, coral). biology (reproduction periods, feeding habits, habitat, etc.).

C--- a- a- I E-0 3- or 'presetrtaîion_eti.html'vor the English language version) uO-- -0 * http://noumea.orstom.nc/BASE/FISHEYE/presetltation.html ;=O "




LIFOU 44. NORTH Paindimie ISLANDS 2 os,



Isleof Q PINES

153' 164' E 165' 166" 167" 168 o I I I I I I

Figure 1: Northern, western and eastern zones of the Northern Province of New Caledonia

10 0 n=8 K 10 K3 n=1 K3


Figure 2: WC(L = length of transect, dl = distance from the fish to the transect, n = number of fish)

Fishing experiments next to those sampled by diving, them had a hand-line rigged as using hundlines in order to be able to reveal any shown in Figure 3; the line was possible correlation between baited with squid. Fishing Handline fishing experiments fishing and diving. In general, began half an hour after the offi- two were spread over the sea-floor, at fishing experiments were carried cial sunset time and lasted 2 depths of 3 to 20 m, near the bar- out every to 3 nautical miles. hours. Every half an hour, the rier, fringing and middle reefs. boat was moved about 100 m Wherever possible, these fishing At each site, there was a boat around the station marker. This experiments took place on sites with two fishermen. Each of procedure made it possible to

i !~ SPC Fisheries Newsletter #85 -April/ June '98 > . *,


Table 1: Granulometric scale used during surveys limit the variability of results caused by the very heterogeneous nature of the surroundings. Name Description Longline fishing Mud Particles < 0.063 mm in size experiments Fine sand Particles 0.063 to 0.25 mm in size These were spread over the Particles 0.25 mm to 2 mm in size Coarse sand lagoon floor using a sampling Gravel Particles 2 mm to 1 cm in diameter grid with a spacing of 3 nautical Debris 1 to 5 cm in diameter miles. About 30 visual censuses Small blocks 5 to 30 cm in diameter were carried out using longlines Big blocks 30 to 100 cm in diameter (transect length 250 m) accord- Rock Rock of organic or non-organic origin ing to the method described Coral head Coral head more than 1 m in diameter above, with only the carnivo- Slab Hardened horizontal layer rous species being recorded. A longline consists of a mainline made of polypropylene 250 m long. On this line, 100 snoods were spaced 2.5 m apart and equipped with a Mustad 11/0 circle hook baited with squid. Either end of the cord was weighted with ballast and attached to the surface buoy by -x. ‘i a rope (Figure 4).

At each site, two longlines were , set parallel (i.e. 200 hooks) with a spacing between the two long- lines of about 80-100 m. Fishing lasted about two hours (not including setting and reeling in).

Fishing trials with gillnets Figure 3: Handline rig for fishing experiments Gillnet fishing was carried out at the edges of the mangroves AA and estuary regions. Each site I was sampled with two types of net (large and small mesh).

Each net was 50 m long and 1.5 i m high. Mesh sizes were 47 mm (small) and 57 mm (large). At each site, 4 nets (a total of 200 linear metres) were set perpen- dicular to the edge of the man- grove or the coastline.

They were spaced every 100 m approximately, alternating small I and large mesh sizes. They were set at high tide and caught fish at Figure 4 Longline rig for fishing experiments low tide for about four to six hours.

SPC Fisheries Newsletter #85 -April/ June ’98 ..


Popu I at i on s t ruct ure the West Coast. This means that particularly in the area. average specimen weights for Analysis of size structures con- The average density figures for fish in the East and West Coast firms the differences observed fish from the coral reefs of the lagoons were less than those in between the northern, eastern East Coast lagoon and the Belep the Belep Islands, especially for and westem areas for these fish. Islands were equivalent and long-lived species. In general, slightly higher than those from the biomass figures obtained Given population characteris- the West Coast (Table 2). were relatively high in compar- tics, and negligible fishing pres- ison to data and literature sure, stocks of bottom fish of On the other hand, biomasses (Table 2). commercial interest in the Belep in the Belep area were among zone could be considered the highest recorded in the Study of the demographic stmc- untouched. By contrast, those in Indo-Pacific region. They were ture shows that long-lived the East and West Coast lagoons twice those on the East Coast species accounted for a large show the characteristics of and a third higher than those on proportion of total biomass, stocks under exploitation.

Table 2 Assessment of densities (spec/mz) and biomass (g/m*)for fish in some Indo-Pacific reefs. The figures concern all species, unless otherwise stated.

Location Surroundings Density Biomass Source

East Coast lagoon, Barrier + 0.48 158 (I) Letourneur et al., 1997 Northern Province, fringing New Caledonia +middle

West Coast lagoon, Barrier + 0.62 (I) 258 (I) Labrosse et al., 1997 Northern Province, fringing New Caledonia +middle

Northern lagoon, Fringing 0.54 (I) 339 (I) Labrosse et al., 1996 Northem Province, +middle New Caledonia Hawaii Fringing 3.1 106 Brock et al., 1979 Hawaii Coral heads 2.6 102 Wass, 1967 Chesterfield, New Fringing 2.0-3.2 37-43 Kulbicki et al., 1990 Caledonia Australia Fringing 7.0 92 Williams and Hatcher, 1983 Australia Outer reef 3.2 156 Williams and Hatcher, 1983 Mayotte Barrierreef 3.7 202 ('I Letourneur, 1996 La Réunion Island Coral slope 3.0 161 Letourneur, in prep. La Réunion Island Isolated coral 1.1 34 Letourneur, in prep. New Caledonia Barrier 3.4 244 Kulbicki et al., 1991 New Caledonia Middle 3.4 301 Kulbicki et al., 1991 Aboré (Noumea),New Barrier 7.9 253 Kulbicki et al., 1995 Caledonia

Aboré (Noumea),New Barrier 0.7 (I) 182 (I) Kulbicki et al., 1995 Caledonia Ouvea, New Caledonia Barrier 3.70 260 Kulbicki et al., 1994 Ouvea, New Caledonia Barrier 0.5 (I) 187 (I) Kulbicki et al., 1994

commercial species only

SPC Fisheries Newsletter #85 -April/ June '98 u


Yields for the fishing trials carried located in the Belep Islands 'Line-caught fish' included the out on other biotopes corroborate region (Figure 5). Serranidae (cod and trout), Lut- these results (Tables 3 and 4). In janidae (snapper) and the the Belep Islands, the figures The rest is divided between the Lethrinidae (emperor and observed for handline fishing East and West Coasts. In gener- bream) which made up slightly were among the highest in the al, a little less than half of the less than 50 per cent of the total Indo-Pacific region, while those total stock is located on the reefs stock. About half of this group from East and West Coast lagoons (principally on the barrier was located on the lagoon floor. were comparable with those from reefs), with the other half on the areas under exploitation. lagoon floor (Figure 5). This lat- Where 'browsing fish' are con- ter part is difficult to exploit and cerned, the Acanthuridae Status of total stock can be considered as a biomass (clown fish), Scaridae (parrot reserve for the resource, espe- fish) and the Siganidae (rabbit Total stock was estimated at cially for lethrinidae (emperors fish) make up about 25 per cent 138 O00 tonnes of commercial and breams). of the total stock. bottom-dwelling fish over all the biotopes studied, except for More than two-thirds of the They were almost always con- the estuaries and mangroves for total stock (about 70 per cent) is centrated on the coral reef which an estimate was not pos- formed of six families of fish where they made up 75 per cent sible. It is interesting to note which can be classified into two of the commercial fish resource. that half of this total stock is groups.

Table 3 Yields observed for handline fishing in the tropical reef setting (yields are shown in kghoudfishermen)

~ Location Yields Source

East Coast lagoon, Northem Province 1.70 Letourneur et al., 1997 West Coast lagoon, Northem Province 1.55 Labrosse et al., 1996 Northem lagoon, Northem Province 6.80 Labrosse et al., 1996 Ouvea. 6.90 Kulbicki et al., 1994 South West lagoon, New Caledonia 10.00 Loubens, 1978 South West lagoon, New Caledonia 2.60 Kulbicki et al., 1987 Chuuk 2.30 Diplock and Dalzell, 1991 Guam (lagoon) 0.90 Hosmer and Kami, 1980 Guam (lagoon) 1.50 Molina, 1982 Nauru 5.80 Dalzell, unpublished Norfolk 13.60 Grant, 1981 Palau (reef) 3.49 Anon, 1990, 1991 PNG (exploited lagoon) 1.20 Wright & Richard, 1985 PNG (untouched lagoon) 3.90 Wright & Richard, 1985 PNG (Port Moresby) 2.50 Lock, 1986 Samoa (lagoon) 0.90 Wass, 1982 Yap 1.70 Anon., 1987 North West Australia 15.60 Stehouwer, 1981 American Samoa 0.54 Sauceman, 1994 Tuvalu (Funafuti) 2.35 Patiale and Dalzell, 1990 Wallis 1.30 Taumaia and Cusack, 1988 Tonga 0.44 Munro, 1990 Guam 0.55 Katnick, 1982 Caribbean (10 to 20 m) 1.70 Munro, 1983 Caribbean (20 to 30 m) 1.60 Munro, 1983 Caribbean (30 to 40 m) 2.60 Munro, 1983 Caribbean (40 to 60 m) 1.10 Munro, 1983


Table 4 Yields observed from longline fishing in tropical areas. Yields are shown in kg100 hooks.

Location Depth and type of zone Average Yield Source weight (kg1100 (kg) hooks)

East Coast lagoon, Northem Province 20-50 m, lagoon floor 1.6 9.80 Letoumeur et al., 1997 West Coast lagoon, Northem Province 2040 m, lagoon floor 2.1 8.80 Labrosse et al., 1997 South West lagoon, New Caledonia 5-70 m, lagoon floor 1.6 7.50 Kulbicki et al., 1987 Maldives, Shaviyani Atoll Atoll - 16.70 Anderson et al., 1991 Maldives, Alifu Atoll Atoll - 24.00 Anderson et al., 1991 Maldives, Laamu Atoll Atoll - 9.80 Anderson et al., 1991 Maldives, N. Male Atoll - 20.00 Anderson et al., 1991 Sri Lanka 10-180 m, reef flat 2.6 5.90 Anon., 1982 Vanuatu 120-440 m, outer reef slope 3.9 39.50 Brouard andGrandpemn, 1984 Kenya 200 m, continental shelf - 23.00 Anon., 1979 Caribbean 32-450 m, fringing reefs 2.2 8.30 Kawaguchi, 1974 Caribbean (commercial trial) 30-300 m, fringing reefs - 3.00 Kawaguchi, 1974 Guyana and Surinam 160-400 m, continental shelf 6.0 22.70 Wolf and Ratjen, 1974 Gulf of Mexico 50-550 m, continental reef flat - 15.00 Nelson and Carpentier, 1968 New Caledonia 100-500 m, outer reef slope - 24.00 Grandperrin, pers. Comm. Hawaii 200-500 m, seamounts 4.5 30.30 Anon., 1984

Northern lagoon East Coast lagoon Reef slope 35 300 t (26%) Lagoon floor 62 500 t (45%) 13 500 t 110%)

West Coast lagoon Reefs 40 500 t (29%) 64 100 t (46%)

Figure 5 Distribution of total stocks by geographical area and biotope. Stock figures are given in metric tonnes.

Fishing pressure and sumption budgets carried out by Catches in the Belep Islands exploitable stocks the ITSEE (Institute of Statistics represent 0.003% of the total and Economic Research) in 1991 estimated stock in this area. The Assessment of the quantity of (28.6 kg/inhabitant in the North- same calculations made for the fish which can be exploited ern Province), fishing pressure West and East Coasts 'yield fig- without danger to the resources was assessed in the various areas ures of 0.3 and 0.1% respective- and the lagoons of the East and and geographical sectors studied ly that is to say 100 and 300 West Coast must include fishing (Labrosse et al., 1996). times higher than in the North- mortality in contrast with the em area. These exploitation per- Belep Islands where the stocks In 1996, catch amounts in the centages for the resource remain are considered untouched. At Northern Province were esti- low overall. the beginning of the study the mated at 1 330 t. It is important only data about lagoon fishing to note that subsistence fishing A significant relationship related solely to the activities of accounts for 90% of this total between total stocks and fishing a few commercial fishermen. (Figure 6), i.e. almost all catches. pressure, as estimated in the Subsistence fishing catches had It is higher on the East Coast. various Northern Province loca- never been calculated. The foreseeable growth of the tions, shows that catches are amount of fish caught seems, for higher in certain habitats and On the basis of statements by the moment, to be mainly deter- for certain species. commercial fishermen, and sub- mined by subsistence fishing, sistence quantities estimated and consequently, by the demog- Therefore, on the East and West from a study of household con- raphy of the fish populations. Coasts, handlined fish are sub-

'98 SPC Fisheries Newsletter #85 -April/ June u


Northern Province, i.e. about Commercial fishing 10% of the total stock. These Subsistence fishing resources mainly consist of, in order of importance, Lethrinidae (emperors and breams), Acan- thuridae (clown fish), Scaridae (parrot fish), Serranidae (cods), Lutjanidae (snappers), and Siganidae (rabbit fish). For each one of these families, the maxi- mum sustained catch also repre- sents about 10% of the estimat- ed total stock.

When considering overall fish- ing pressure, stocks seem far from being threatened, and it is possible to significantly increase fishing effort. However, it must be considered that, on a smaller Figure 6: Distribution of commercial and subsistence fishing catches geographical scale, some specif- in the Northern Province in the various zones studied in 1996. ic reef habitats and geographi- Catch figures are given in metric tonnes. cal locations (Figure 7) already sustain a significant amount of ject to higher fishing pressure Fishing pressure and the biolog- fishing activity. which mainly occurs on and ical characteristics of each around the reefs. species (e.g. growth, mortality) In some cases, the exploitation have made it possible to esti- limit seems to have already ; i All of these results confirm that mate than 13 O00 t per annum been reached, and even exceed- ' fishing has an effect on the pop- could currently be caught with- ed, as in Koné (Figure 5). How- dations of the West and East out endangering the resources ever, it must be understood that Coasts. in all of the lagoons in the fishing pressure takes into


Figure 7: Comparison of fishing pressure and exploitable stocks in 1996 in the various geographical locations studied. Fishing pressure (in dark grey) and exploitable stocks (in light grey) are given in metric tonnes per km2.

SPC Fisheries Newsletter #85 -April/ June '98 ASSESSMENT OF COMMERCIAL FISH RESOURCES IN THE LAGOON OF THE NORTHERN PROVINCE... account all species, including From now on, it would seem a year in four geographic sec- those from estuaries and man- advisable to re-direct part of the tors, and Koné on the groves, which have not been fishing effort towards groups of West Coast, Hienghène and subject to a stock assessment. species (rabbit fish, parrot fish, Poindimié on the East Coast. etc.) and biotopes (lagoon floors Recommendations especially) which are less Finally, diversification of fishing and prospects exploited. This could be done techniques will be investigated, by using different fishing tech- to see if they are technically and Some recommendations can be niques (fish corrals, traps). Also, economically viable. made, based on the data collect- this would allow lagoon fish- ed in this study. They also take eries to expand into new poten- At the end of the study the into consideration projections tial markets, such as those for Northern Province will have the that fishing pressure in the live fish and aquarium species. basic skills and information lagoon will double over the next needed to formulate and imple- ten years in the Northern These additional aspects are ment a policy for the sustain- Province. They target sustain- part of a supplementary study able and balanced development able management of . this which began in October 1997 of lagoon fishing resources and resource, whose importance is and will last six months. It is their exploitation. vital for the people of the principally designed to define Northern Province. . and implement monitoring The diversity of lagoon environ- methods for fishing pressure ments and the species that live Firstly, the system for assessing and populations, and transfer there, and the local socio-eco- fishing activities in the North- these methods to the Province’s nomic characteristics of the peo- em Province should be modi- technical services. ple (especially social structure), fied. Until now, it’hasonly been justify the identification of based on the declarations made To help with this supplemen- homogenous units (such as vil- by local commercial fishermen, tary study, a survey of fish con- lages, districts, communes). whose activity remains margin- sumption is being carried out al. This is likely to have led to an and will be repeated at regular Inhabitants of these units will under-assessment of catches for intervals. It will record the be educated about taking this activity. This assessment amounts and main species responsibility for the manage- needs to be made more precise. caught for subsistence fishing. It ment of their own units. On the Also, given their demonstrated will also contribute to clarifying basis of biological, ecological importance, subsistence fishing exploitable stock figures. In and technical data from current catches must be assessed. addition, fishermen‘s landed and future work, fishery officers catches will be recorded on a will be able to guide them more Secondly, the study which has routine basis, in order to deter- efficiently in the research of just been completed is in some mine the quantities and quali- rational solutions appropriate ways ‘a snapshot’ of the popula- ties of fish caught. to their environmental context. tion of fish at a given moment in time. A plan to monitor the The planned population moni- Bibliography stock over time needs to be toring work only concerns those made, especially in areas most coral reefs (barrier, middle and ANDERSON,R.C., Z. WAHEED,M. sensitive to fishing pressure, in fringing) which are the most RASHEED& A. ARIF.(1991). order to study longer-term subject and sensitive to exploita- Reef fish resources survey in trends. tion. In order to be able to make the Maldives - Phase II. Tech- comparisons with the sites nical Report MOFA. 59 p. A joint analysis of fishing pres- already surveyed, a single sam- sure and standing stocks would pling method has been chosen. ANON. (1982). Further fishing allow monitoring of exploita- trials with bottom set long- tion levels of populations and This involves UVC work lines in Sri Lanka. Technical their probable impacts on the through diving using the tran- report FAO-BOBP, 16,25 p. resource. This should help pre- sect method, which has the pare for the possible implemen- advantage of being a proven ANON.(1984). Bottom longline tation of management measures technique. This will make it tested as sampling gear. aimed at preservation of the possible to quantify the.changes Technical Report, SW Fish- resource, especially if new fish- in populations and correlate eries Center Monthly eries are to be started. these data with fishing pres- Report, 4 p. sure. It will be carried out once


ANON. (1987). A survey of village ITSEE. (1993). Budget consom- KULBICKI,M., G. BARGIBANT,J.L. fishermen. Marine Resources mation des ménages 1991, MENOU, G. Mou THAM, Management Division, Yap principaux résultats. Vol. 1. P. THOLLOT,L. WANTIEZ& State Dept Resources and 200 p. J. WILLIAMS.(1994). Evalua- Development. 66 p. tion des ressources en pois- KATNIK, S.E. (1982). Effects of sons du lagon d'Ouvéa. 3ème ANON. (1990). Annual Report, fishing pressure on the reef partie: les poissons. Rapport Division of Marine Resources, flat fisheries of Guam. MSc. Conv. Sci. Mer Biol. Mar. Ministry of Resources & Thesis, University of Guam. ORSTOM Nouméa. 448 p. Development, Palau. 40 p. 62 p. KULBICKI,M., R. GALZIN,Y. ANON. (1991). Annual Report, KAWAGUCHI,K. (1974). Handline LETOURNEUR,G. Mou THAM, Division of Marine Resources, and longline fishing explo- P. THOLLOT,L. WANTIEZ, S. Ministry of Resources & rations for snappers and SARRAM~GNA& C. CHAWET. Development, Palau. 66 p. related species in the (1996). Les peuplements de Caribbean and adjacent poissons de la réserve marine BROCK, R.E., C. LEWIS& R.C. waters. In: Exploratory Fish- du récif Aboré (Nouvelle- WASS. (1979). Stability and ing in the Caribbean Marine Calédonie): composition spéci- structure of a fish communi- Fisheries. 9(36). fique, structures trophiques et ty on a coral patch reef. Mar. démographques avant l'ou- Biol. 54281-292. KULBICKI,M., G. Mou THAM,G. verture à la pêche. Doc. Sa. BARGIBANT,J.L. MENOU& P. Tech. ORSTOM Nouméa. 210 p. BROUARD, F. & R. GRANDPERRIN. TIRARD.(1987). Résultats (1984). Les poissons pro- préliminaires des pêches LABROSSE,P., Y. LETOURNEUR,N. fonds de la pente récifale expérimentales à la palangre AUDRAN,P. BOBLIN & M. externe à Vanuatu. Notes et dans le lagon sud-ouest de la KULBICKI.(1996). Evaluation- Doc. Orstom-Port Vila. II: Nouvelle-Calédonie. Rap- des ressources en poissons ' 131 p. port Sci. Tech. Biol. Mar. démersaux commerciaux des- ORSTOM Nouméa. 49,104 p. lagons de la Province Nord-- BUCKLAND,S.T., D.R. ANDERSON, de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.-.. K.P. BURNHAM& J.L. LAAKE. KLJLBICKI,M., P. DOHERTY,J.E. Résultats des campagnes (1993). Distance sampling. RANDALL,G. BARGIBANT,J.L. d'échantillonnages de la. Estimating abundance of bio- MENOU,G. Mou THAM& P. zone nord. Rapport C0nv.z logical populations. Chap- TIRARD.(1990). La campagne Sci. Mer, Biol. Mar. ORSTOM-,-. man & Hall, London. 446 p. Corail 1 du N / O Coriolis aux Nouméa. 118 p. îles Chesterfield (du 15 août DIPLOCK,J.H. & P. DALZELL. au 4 septembre 1988): don- LABROSSE,P., Y. CETOURNEUR,N. (1991). Summary of the nées préliminaires sur les AUDRAN,P. BOBLIN, P. results from the NFCF-OFCF peuplements ichtyologiques. MALESTROIT,J.R. PADDON& M. survey of the deep slope Rapport Sci. Tech. Biol. Mar. KULBICKI.(1997a). Evaluation fishery resources of the outer ORSTOM Nouméa. 57,88 p. des ressources en poissons banks and sea mounts in the démersaux commerciaux des Federated States of Microne- KULBICKI,M., G. Mou THAM,J.E. lagons de la Province Nord sia. South Pacific Commis- RANDALL& J. RIVATON.(1991). de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. sion Inshore Fisheries Suivi mensuel des peuple- Résultats des campagnes Research Project. 22 p. ments ichtyoIogiques des d'échantillonnages de la récifs coralliens dans le lagon zone ouest. Rapport Conv. GRANT,C. (1981). High catch sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calé- Sci. Mer, Biol. Mar. ORSTOM rates ' in Norfolk IsIand donie. Rapport Sci. Tech. Nouméa. 110 p. dropline fishery. Australian ORSTOM Nouméa. 61p. Fisheries. 3:lO-13. LABROSSE,P., Y. LETOURNEUR,J.R. KULBICKI,M., G. Mou THAM,G. PADDON& M. KULBICKI. HOSMER,A. & H. KAMI. (1980). BARGIBANT& J.L. MENOU.(in (199%). Incidences de la pres- PDTF sea mount groundfish prep). Les peuplements de sion de pêche sur les stocks development project. Guam poissons récifaux et lagon- de poissons démersaux com- Dept of Agriculture Report. naires du lagon SW de Nou- merciaux du lagon ouest de 51-88. velle-Calédonie. Rapport Sci. la Province Nord. Rapport Tech. Biol. Mar. ORSTOM Conv. Sci. Mer, Biol. Mar. Nouméa. ORSTOM Nouméa. 15 p.

SPC Fisheries Newsletter #85 - April/ June '98 ‘L



LETOURNEUR,Y. (1996). Répons- PATIALE,H. & P. DALZELL.(1990). WASS, R.C. (1967). Removal and es des peuplements et popu- Preliminary account and repopulation of fishes of an lations de poissons aux analysis of the Government isolated coral reef in Kaneo- réserves marines. Le cas de small-scale fishing fleet on he Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. MSc. l’île de Mayotte, Océan Indi- Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Thesis. Univ. Hawaii. en occidental. Ecoscience. Inshore Fisheries Research 3:442450. Project. South Pacific Com- WASS, R.C. (1982). The shoreline mission, Noumea, New fishery of American Samoa: LETOURNEUR,Y., P. LABROSSE,N. Caledonia. 25 p. past and present. In: Ecolog- AUDRAN, P. BOBLIN, J.R. ical Aspects of Coastal Zone PADDON& M. KULBICKI. SAUCERMAN,S. (1994). The inshore Management. Proc. Mar. (1997). Evaluation des res- fishery of American Samoa, Coastal processes in the sources en poissons démer- 1991-1993. Department of Pacific, Motopure Island, saux commerciaux des lagons Marine and Wildlife PNG. UNESCO-ROSTEA, de la Province Nord de la Resources, Biological Report. Jakarta. 51-83. Nouvelle-Calédonie. Résultats 35 p. des campagnes d‘échantil- WILLIAMS,D.McB. & A. HATCHER. lonnages de la zone est. Rap- Slvnm, A. & P. DALZELL.(1991). (1983). Structure of fish port Conv. Sci. Mer, Biol. Fishery resources and man- communities on outer slopes Mar. ORSTOM Nouméa. 130 p. agement investigations in of inshore, mid-shelf and Woleai Atoll, Yap State, Fed- outer shelf reefs of the Great LOCK,J.M. (1986). Fish yields of erated States of Micronesia. Barrier Reef. Mar. Ecol. Prog. the Port Moresby barrier and South Pacific Commission Ser. 10:239-250. fringing reefs. Technical Inshore Fish. Project. 88 p. report 8612, Dept of Primary WOLF, R. & F. RATJEN.(1974). Industry of Papua New STEHOUWER,P.J. (1981). Report Exploratory fishing activities Guinea. 17 p. on a dropline fishing opera- of the UNDPI FAO Carib- tion. Northern Territory bean fishery development LOUBENS,G. (1978). La pêche Dept of Primary Production, project, 1965-1971: a summa- dans le lagon néo-calé- Australia. Fishery Report 6. ry. Marine Fisheries 36:l-8. donien. Rapport Sci. Tech. 28 p. Su. Mer ORSTOM Nouméa WRIGHT,A. & A.H. RICHARDS 1.52 p. TAUMALA,P. & P. CUSACK.(1990). (1985). A multispecies fish- Deep Sea Fisheries Develop- ery associated with coral MUNRO,J.L. (1983). Caribbean ment Project. Report on sec- reefs in the Tigak Islands, coral reef .resources. ICLARM ond visit to Tokelau (13/8 to Papua New Guinea. Asian Studies and review 7.276 p. 22 1121 86). South Pacific Com- Mir. Biol. 2:69-84. mission Report, Noumea. 29 p. NELSON,W. & J. CARPENTIER. (1968). Bottom longline exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. Comm. Fish. Rev. 30:57-62.

SPC Fisheries Newsletter #85 -April/ June ’98