g' llll. J HI. M HI EDITED BY THOMAS RITCHIE. Navy Asmt'> Orncic, Washington, May 15,1845. THOMAS RITCHIE & JOHN P. HE1SS, will be received at this office until PROPOSALS3 o'clock on Monday, the lGtb day of June PROPRIETORS AM) PUBLISHERS. next, for the delivery of thirteen hundred cords of best quality seasoned pine wood, upon lite whan m TUMI. the navy-yard in this city, to be corded, inspected, Daily paper by the yew. in advance $10 00 > It and such as the commandant " " by peiaon lor less a ® approved than SI month. Unto year. per aaay free of to the government; geuii-Weekly paper h; llit } rar.iii auvauce . too tiasignate, expense u" rtUlj ee on or last Ik to be delivered before the P half Jul for l«s« than a year, j0 eta. per " month VOLUME i. uBERTY, THE UNION, AND THE COK8TI1runoN." NUMBER 15. day of Auguet next, and the residue on or before by the year