Coaches Awarded High Performance Coaching Scholarships
Volume 23. No.1 September 2006 Peter Bishop Matt Cowdrey BISHOPBISHOP && EmergeCOWDREYCOWDREY from the City of Churches Inside this issue: Doing it for the girls: Teri McKeever Keogh: To be #1 Nation in Paralympic Swimming Age Group Planning Principles THE SWImmING AUstRALIA PARALYmpIC PROGRam PatHWAY (PPP) Has BECOME an InnOvatIVE DEVELOpmEnt INITIatIVE THat manY OTHER DIsabILITY spORts ARE TURNING TO FOR InsIGHT anD ADvancEMEnt. rial There are numerous people working behind the scenes at Swimming Australia and within the State Associations to O eorge G continue breaking down the barriers that surround athletes with a disability. it Inside this issue we take a look into the profiles of two of Kaylee Australias most prolific paralympic coaches and the swimmer by ED whose engaging face has covered media for the paralympic swimming movement through the Trials and the Commonwealth Games. Matthew Cowdrey is the young South Australian boy who has captured the hearts of all Australians in his quest for swimming greatness. David Lyall interviews the incredible man beside Matthew’s campaign, “The Bish”, who discusses his coaching philosophies, the Commonwealth Games experience and how Matty matured through his athlete pathway at the Norwood Swimming Club. Paralympic Program Head Coach, Brendan Keogh explains his long term plans for the PPP and discusses how paralympic swimming is leaping forward, and will continue to through his interview. Wendy Ross and Sacha Fulton also provide insight into the Paralympic Program P2 Camp – working towards Beijing in 2008. Other articles in the “Swimming in Australia” September issue include, US coach Teri McKeever, the worlds leading female swimming coach, (pg 8) and Dr Ralph Richards busts the myth surrounding breathing frequency (pg 30) and shares his ideals on the principles of planning (pg 34).
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