Extensions of Remarks

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Extensions of Remarks July 17, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21227- -In section 3, strike out section 3(a), and Comptroller General shall report periodically Accounting Office audits similar Federal ex­ redesignate sections 3(b) and 3(c), as sec­ to the Congress the results of such audits." penditures. The Comptroller General shall tions 3(a.) and 3(b), respectively. Page 10, after line 5, insert after the item report periodically to the Congress the results relating to section 6454 the following: of such audits. H.R. 11986 "8ec. 6455. Audit by the General Accounting "(b) Authority to Examine Records and By Mr. VANIK: Office. Witnesses.-For purposes of o:urying out -Page 28, line 12, strike out the quotation -Page 28, line 12, strike out the quotation audits under subsection (a), the Comptroller marks. marks. General, or his delegate, is authorized to Page 28, after line 12, insert the following: examine materials, to summon persons, a.nd Page 28, after line 12, insert the following: "SEC. 6455. AUDIT BY THE GENERAL ACCOUNT­ to take testimony, in the same manner and ING OFFICE. "SEC. 6455. AUDIT BY THE GENERAL ACCOUNT­ to the same extent as the Secretary is au­ ING OFFICE. "The General Accounting Office shall audit thorized to perform such functions under the credits and refunds, and the recapture "(a) IN GENERAL.-The General Accounting section 7602." of such credits and refunds, under this sub­ Offices shall audit the credits and refunds, Page 10, after line 5, insert after the item chapter in a. mahner similar to the manner and the recapture of such credits and re­ relating to section 6454 the following: in which the General Accounting Office funds, under this subchapter in a manner "Sec. 6455. Audit by the General Accounting audits similar Federal expenditures. The similar to the manner in which the General Office. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE NAVY'S PROBLEMS IN early 1920s were such a. low. The need for air-sea.power will, once again, be as crucial PERSPECTIVE carriers, pioneered and used by the British as often before. in the first Great War, made it obvious that The world of 1978 to 2000 will be a world the U.S. Navy should also develop carriers. increasing in population, in growing, ex­ HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. The role of the airplane was expanding panding third world nations, in increased greatly-but the Navy was slow to perceive nationalism in the Southern Hemisphere, OF vmGINIA both of these trends. and in greater dependence on trade. In IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES In my early days in naval air, aviation was our own case, the United States' need for Monday, July 17, 1978 regarded merely as "eyes of the fleet." The overseas oil, for raw materials, for strategic battleship was almighty. I can remember on and critical ores, will grow-not diminish. e Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ the cruiser I served on as a pilot of a scout And so will our need to trade, to sell the dent, our Navy has been the subject of an plane, the exec of the ship frowned on en­ products of our farms and factories over­ unusual amount of attention over the gine turn-ups around the stern catapult seas, and to maintain unity among our past few years. Shipbuilding problems, because the plane's engines leaked oil on the friends and allies. personnel problems, and even some seri­ spotless teak decks! Because of this our fly­ All this adds up to greater dependence on ing was curtailed. the world's oceans as sources of power, food, ous questioning of the Navy's roles and minerals, oil, fish, and of course, as the missions have led to long and sometimes After World War II, there was another low cycle. Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson highways of world trade. This means an in­ heated debate within the halls of Con­ proposed a plan in the late 1940s to reduce creased need for sea.power, and that must in­ gress and in the public. the Navy's carrier force to only seven ships. clude a strong naval air organization. Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, former Chief But in less than one year the Korean War This issue of "Wings of Gold" tries to of Naval Operations, and former chair­ was upon us, and every usable carrier we look into the future of naval air and to set man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has had was rushed back into service. in context in terms of history as well as in future possibllities, the case that naval air, written a short letter in the Wings of There was also a period after WWII when as in many times past, will pass through Gold magazine which may help to put it was seriously doubted that jet aircraft this current low cycle and prove to be, once some of the Navy's problems in could ever be flown from carriers. And cer­ again, one our country's great pluses in perspective. tainly, many said, a carrier plane could never terms of national defense. carry a nuclear weapon or be part of a long Adm. THOMAS H. MOORER, I ask that the text of Admiral Moorer's range strike force! letter be printed in today's Extension of USN (Ret.) .• The next low cycle was in the mid-sixties. Remarks. The carrier and the mobile air base were The letter follows: again in dispute. Secretary of Defense Mc­ HARRY BROOKS, JR., HONORED BY THE NAVY HAS A PROBLEM Namara opted for conventional power for NAACP In recent weeks we have been reading the JFK, and his young whiz kids (some of doom and gloom newspaper and periodical who have now become "whiz men" in the Navy. "U.S. Navy Losing Its Greatest Battle" present administration) sharpened their HON. CECIL (CEC) HEFTEL (San Diego Union), "The Navy Has a Prob­ pencils to reduce naval air once again. Pilots began to leave the Navy to take airline jobs. OF HAWAII lem" (Christian Science Monitor), "Battle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over Consolidation of Pilot Training Begins" In Pensacola the pilot training rate fell to (Army Times), "Decision Time for Naval 1000 pilots per year. Monday, July 17, 1978 Aviation" (Sea.power), "Getting the Debate And then came the Vietnam War; the Over Naval Aviation in Context" (Armed pilot training rate doubled. The carriers • Mr. HEFTEL. Mr. Speaker, the Na­ Forces Journal), "Pilot Drain to Airlines were pressed into greater-than-ever service, tional Association for the Advancement Worries Services" (Aviation Week). with helicopters taking a greater role in of CoJored People. an organization whose There is no doubt that the Navy's prob­ naval air than ever before. Month after contributions to the minorities of Amer­ lems-and particularly naval air's-are se­ month, three, four even five and sometimes ica are immeasurable, each year honors vere. The American people are just beginning six carriers laid off Vietnam in support of men and women who have made their to recognize that the Administration's con­ a Washington-run war directed by armchair own lives shining examples for our Na­ cept of the Navy's mission is only sea.lane strategists. control and convoy protection. Projection of Meanwhile. over $2 billion were spent in tion's youth. force, presence, mobile based sea.power a.re Vietnam to build airfields and other facili­ Among the honors presented by the considered missions which are passe. And so, tiec;. These several fields were stacked with NAACP at its recent national convention the Navy's budget is axed in favor of both helicopters, aircraft, spare parts and muni­ was its annual Armed Service and Vet­ Army and Air Force. tions, only to see them seized by our en­ erans' Affairs Meritorious Service Award. To the young pilot, NFO and air crewman emies after our withdrawal. Mr. Speaker, I will let you judge the in naval air, who understandably lacks his­ But we did not leave a single aircraft quality of the award by observing the torical perspective, the position of naval air carrier in Vietnam. Today the present ad­ quality of its recipients since 1975, the does seem to be one of deterioration and slow ministration single-mindedly focuses its at­ first year of its presentation. The decay. Accordingly, a great many pilots are tention on Europe and a NATO war, for­ honorees have included Brig. Gen. Rob­ submitting resignations. But to those of us getting that a NATO war of necessity must who have watched the ups and downs of involve Rusc:iia as a major Pacific power, ert Arter, Col. Benjamin Waller. Gen. naval air for more than 40 years. the present with 120 submarines and a large Soviet fleet <ret.) Michael S. Davison, and the late doldrums are just one more cycle in a recur­ in that ocean where two of our states are Gen. Daniel "Chappy" James, Jr. rent pattern. located. Any war in Europe is automatically To that illustrious company, the To the naval aviators of World War I, the a Pacific War, and the need for mobile based NAACP has now added a man who makes Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.~., e CXXIV--1335-Part 16 21228 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 17, 1978 it a habit to set examples, not only for sert in the RECORD the Department's destinations. Tighter control on the move­ ment of suspect animals is expected to result our Nation's youth, but for all who are award description.
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