35 bus time schedule & line map

35 Newport - Circular via Docks Way, View In Website Mode Road

The 35 bus line Newport - Duffryn Circular via Docks Way, Cardiff Road has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Newport: 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 35 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 35 bus arriving.

Direction: Newport 35 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Newport Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM Friars Walk 10, Newport 1-7 Friars Walk Shopping Centre, Newport Tuesday 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM

Kingsway Centre, Newport Wednesday 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM Emlyn Street, Newport Thursday 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM Ebenezer Terrace, Newport Friday 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM Commercial Road, Newport Saturday 8:15 AM - 6:15 PM Police Station, Newport Cardiff Road, Newport

Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport Cardiff Road, Newport 35 bus Info Direction: Newport Belle Vue Terrace, Stops: 39 Trip Duration: 52 min Jeddo Close, Pillgwenlly Line Summary: Friars Walk 10, Newport, Kingsway Centre, Newport, Ebenezer Terrace, Newport, Police Mendalgief Retail Park, Level Of Mendalgief Station, Newport, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Belle Vue Terrace, Pillgwenlly, Jeddo Close, Comet, Level Of Mendalgief Pillgwenlly, Mendalgief Retail Park, Level Of Mendalgief, Comet, Level Of Mendalgief, Docks Way Docks Way Middle, Middle, Maesglas, Partridge Way, Duffryn, Duffryn Drive, Duffryn, Henry Morgan Close, Duffryn, Partridge Way, Duffryn Morgraig Avenue, Duffryn, Panasonic, Duffryn, Partridge Way, Tredegar Park Lloydstsb Insurance, Newport, The Dragony, Newport, Celtic Springs Business Park, the Duffryn, Duffryn Drive, Duffryn Lakeside Drive West, the Duffryn, Lloydstsb Cormorant Way, Tredegar Park Community Insurance, Newport, Panasonic, Duffryn, Pencarn Way, Duffryn, Asda, Duffryn, Nightingale Court, Henry Morgan Close, Duffryn Newport, Kestrel Way, Duffryn, Swallow Way, Newport, Oce Of National Statistics, Pont Ebbw, Morgraig Avenue, Duffryn Tredegar Park, Maesglas, Park Drive, Maesglas, St Thomas` Church, Maesglas, Shops, Maesglas, Panasonic, Duffryn Harlech Retail Park, Maesglas, Mcdonald`S, Maesglas, Waterloo Road, Maesglas, , Newport, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Police Lloydstsb Insurance, Newport Station, Newport, Kingsway Centre, Newport, Friars The Dragony, Newport Walk 10, Newport

Celtic Springs Business Park, the Duffryn

Lakeside Drive West, the Duffryn

Lloydstsb Insurance, Newport

Panasonic, Duffryn

Pencarn Way, Duffryn

Asda, Duffryn Sandpiper Way, Tredegar Park Community

Nightingale Court, Newport Woodside, Tredegar Park Community

Kestrel Way, Duffryn

Swallow Way, Newport Swallow Way, Tredegar Park Community

Oce Of National Statistics, Pont Ebbw Ebbw Bridge roundabaout, Newport

Tredegar Park, Maesglas

Park Drive, Maesglas Cardiff Road, Newport

St Thomas` Church, Maesglas Old Cardiff Road, Newport

Shops, Maesglas

Harlech Retail Park, Maesglas 144 Cardiff Road, Newport

Mcdonald`S, Maesglas Cardiff Road, Newport

Waterloo Road, Maesglas

Belle Vue Park, Newport 67 Cardiff Road, Newport

Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport 13 Cardiff Road, Newport

Police Station, Newport 2 Cardiff Road, Newport

Kingsway Centre, Newport Ebenezer Terrace, Newport

Friars Walk 10, Newport 1-7 Friars Walk Shopping Centre, Newport 35 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved