Dr. Ibnul Qayim Dr. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat

The International Week at Ural Federal University 2-6 June 2014 Where is INDONESIA? AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY: EXCELLENT UNIVERSITY PARTNER

Bogor Bogor Botanic Bogor Agric Garden University BOGOR PALACE

1744 Baron van Imhoff ABOUT BOGOR ...

Bogor Palace Bogor Botanic Bogor Agricultural Garden University BOGOR BOTANIC GARDEN

1474 Sri Baduga Maharaja 1814 Thomas S. Raffles

EXEX--SITUSITU CONSERVATION History of Bogor Agricultural University

• 1920 Middelbare Landbouw- school, Buitenzorg BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIV

Agriculture is about dead or alive


1963 Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Vetenary Medicine Faculty of Fisheries & Marine Science Faculty of Animal Husbandry Faculty of Forestry

1964 Faculty of Agricultural Technology

1980 Faculty of Maths & Sciences

2000 Faculty of Economy & Management

2005 Faculty of Human Ecology ACADEMIC RESOURCES

No. Name Number 1. Campus 6 units 2. Field Research 11 Units 3. Teaching room 116 Units, 14.422.48 m2 4. Laboratory 385 Units 5. Student Dorm 9 Locs, 3.500 students 6. Library + Digital library 7. Area 665.2 Ha 8. Building 390.504 m2 9. Resto 2.805 m2 POSITIONING:

High Competence in Tropical Agriculture PROGRAMS

Diploma 3 years 14 Majors

Sarjana 44--55 years 34 Majors

38 Master of Sciences Graduate 16 Master Pro/Applied Sci Post Graduate 27 PhD 1. Bio-medicines 2. Tropical Fruits RESEARCH CENTER 3. Tropical Animals 4. Applied Tropical Agriculture Technology 5. Rural Development 6. Biotechnology 7. Regional Planning 8. Entrepreneurship 9. Human Resources Development 10. Primate 11. Coastal and Marine 12. Environmental Studies


14. Bioenergy

15. Intercafe (International Center for Finance & Economics) Alumni

+ 115.000 alumni, incl. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, The

Waiting Time for Job Distribution of Job

50 47,47 35 35 45 < 3 bulan 30 Agroindustri 40 dan Agribisnis 25 Lembaga 35 31,8 Keuangan 30 3-6 bulan Konsultan 20 20 25 Media Massa 20 15 Prosentase Prosentase 14,5 Koperasi 14,29 6-12 bulan 11,9 15 10 9,5 Lembaga 10 Pemerintah 5 6,45 5 Lain-lain 3,5 0,1 > 12 bulan 0 0 Lama Tunggu Kerja Bidang Pekerjaan

Respon dari 276 responden Alumni di Jabodetabek Positioning Alumni IPB

Adaptation Analytical Skills FIELD RESEARH AREAS

1. Darmaga  Arboretum 2. Cikabayan  Integrated Farming System 3. Babakan Kolam  Tanaman Pangan Lahan Kering & Kolam 4. Sindang Barang  Tanaman Pangan Lahan Kering 5. Pasir Kuda  Buah-buahan 6. Sukamantri  Ulat Sutera, Tanaman Tahunan 7. Jonggol  Peternakan & Petak Percobaan 8. Pasir Sarongge  Sayuran Dataran Tinggi 9. Pelabuhan Ratu  Perikanan & Kelautan 10. Pulau Tinjil  Penangkaran Monyet 11. Gunung Walat  Hutan Pendidikan Electron microscope imunohistochemie

Total 385 Laboratories Lab. Facilities

Portable weather Fish Filet Agricultural Technology Wood Science station LIBRARY

Service Time: Self Assessment Digital Library 09:00 to 21:00 Center Information Tech.

Cyber Student & Cyber Lecturer LAN, Wireless

Fiber Optic: 2005  2 Megabyte/sec 2006  6 Megabyte/sec Self Assessment Internet, Website, 2005 10 Megabyte/sec Center IPB Mobile ENTRENEURSHIP EDUCATION & PRACTICES

• IPB Animal Hospital • Cattle Care Center • F Techno-Park  Fits Breed

• Fishery Tech  Sosis Patin • Animal Husbandry Tech  Milch, Yoghurt • Wood Tech  fibre & particle board Student Dormitories IPB INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER (IICC) IPB CONVENTION HOTEL & SANTIKA HOTEL - BOGOR Linking science to market TERIMA KASIH THANK YOU VIELEN DANK СПАСИБО BOGOR BEUATIFUL… COLOURFUL… MEANINGFUL Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Contact: Dr. Ibnul Qayim([email protected]) Dr. Dodik R. Nurrochmat ([email protected])

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Gedung Rektorat, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia