- 73 - Tenth t~DY, .D. 0, Int"Reps Sep 44, Report ropaganda Liaison Offr) ( hotostat 91.1 liO; (D2C34) ). tabul tion i this doc t shows th t a total of 2,945,000 leaflets, pets d "news­ papers" were dropp3 at the front during tho onth. 500,000 copies were made or·tho report on a fictitious interrogation of a Colonel L rianoff, who s said to h ve been a departnentn1 head i the Soviet isLry of r, t ve r peatodly convorsed with stalin un Tinosha ka, and to h ve revealed Soviet anbitians for the future. To this tho :~lY CODO dor, or his Chief of St tf, had dded the follawin' rgin nato: "Did he t least exist? t lease in a at once • C stan-t ilar te al as pr p red for the Can dians: For tho Canadian tro s a. sho t story "Tony and Je y" was writte d 250,000 co ies p inted". It tolls h at ho e t gi I friend of a voluntee~who is figfiting in Europa,is tillcen over by a war profitoer (ibid).

T e Canadi bar d aised ~ifo of Interpreter Burnoster (305 Inf Div) pr pared. "Letter fro . Ontario", which excelled in local colour. (250,000 copies) ~ ibid) Nearly two Ilion leaflets were distributed aoang the civilian popul tion:

To show the conditions prcv iling in t ~ lied occupied part of , 500,000 f csimiles were made of a fictitious letter from a Canadian soldiar hospitalized at Trentola (ibid).

1 "!' 10 Oct 150. . On 1 Oct tho atte ts to reta" a to B tt glla were given up. But cohesion bet ee tho 0' "es ad een established again and the er~s were hopeful f preventing Fifth fran reaching the Vi "~ilia. In the driatic soctor the ruins ad softened tho ground, the oby ens i a breathing spell for 76 z Corps. On 1 Oct Tent had the fallOWin formations undor its cOmLland, from est to Est. 51 ttn Corps 1ith' 715 Inf Div 90 Int iv (o e regi e t co t­ ted with 715 Int Div; two still recuperating)

305 f Div 356 Inf Div

76 pz Corps /lith 114 Jg iv 273 f D 90 pz Gren Di v 26 pz Div 29 pz Gren v 1 ara. Div Commander Vonotian Coast With 162 (Turc) Int Div and Co der Def nca '..rca. Va "ce ( j-Gen Gall)

(G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth my, W.D. 9, 1 Oct 44)

Fourte nth at that tice co p ised the folIo i g jar fa ations: - 74 -

1 Para Corps with 334 Inf Div (nearest to boundary) 44 Inf Div 362 Inf Di 4 P r Di 16 s.. _z Gren Div 94 Inf Div (en route to .,:"1.rmy) Infantry Training Brigade 14 pz Corps i th 65 Inf Div 42 Jg Di 135 Fbrt ess B igade 1043 Gren Regt (from 232 Inf Div) Reserve: Battle Group composed of elements from 100 - n He (5 Mtn Div) sohematic order of battle of th 1 rge formations of the Army was issued on 1 Oct. photostatic copy of the dooument appears as Appendix "Q."-to this report. (G.M.D.S. - 65922/2, Fourteenth , .D. 5, ppx 998, 1 Oct 44) (Photostat 98lAlO.(D287)). tabulation of the G.H.Q. troops t en With Fourteenth s issued 6n the e d (ibid, ppx 999, 1 OCt 44) (Photostat 9811tiO.(D288)). 151. Contrary to earlier intentions it was now decided to ove 94 f Div ediately to the left wing of ourtee th my·to relieve 44 f Div (0 cit, .D. Tenth , 1 Oct 44). C. of S. 51 tn Corps told 1entzell 0 the telephone that Canadian:' had bee seen nea.r rradi, and that attention would have to be given to this fact. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/2, Tenth y, q.D: 9, ~px 1-6 Oct, Appx 10, tel co s 1 Oct 44) \Photost t 98 ~O.(D285}}. (ate: The Can ians hat ad bee seen . ht have bae eit er from - II CdD d Regt, then opa sting i support of 1 Brit Div, or" fro 14 Cdn ~md egt, then operating in support of 8 Ind Div. See.H.S. Report No. 175.) 152. On 3 Oct it bec e necess ry for Tenth to lend further assistanc e to t e d-pressod eastern wi g of the neighbouring l y. Du to ain and raging taters the Adriatic sector was quiet; there was moderate pressure on the centre and right wing of 51 Mtn Corps, but the two still un­ committed egiments f 0 98 Inf Div h d to be dispatched to the sector across the i ter-a boundary, ~here 334 Inf Div had repl ced faltering 44 Inf Div d as no~ i difficulties itself. In dditio to this the boundary was temporarily shifted, and 715 Inf Div took over the responsibility for one regimental sector of 334 Inf Div. In connection with all these move nts the ar Diary of Tenth carried the folIo ing ot tio : 3 Oct ••• n so doing Tonth relinquished the last reserves which could have been made available to moat any situation ariSing in the ountains or at the coast. The resumptio of 1 ge-sc e fighti g on the d iatic however y now be looked forward to With confidence. Th s to the we ther the divisions have somo time for recuperation and for the iIhprovoment of their deaply echelonned positions.

(G. ~.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth ,-• D. 9, 3 Oct 44) - 75 -

153. On 4 Oct t e Fifth exerted very stro g pressure 0 bot sides of t e Fut£l Pass. Te th y pointed out that, due to the deflection of potential reserves, an Allied attack on tho Adriatic would have to bo met with tactics of "nobile w fe". 76 pz Corps receive orders to reconnoitre defence lino'between 010. d the Valli di Cornacchio (ibid, 4 Oct 44). , - 154. On 5 Oct, fter losing more ground along the to' r ad, 4 Pur Divan 362 In1' Di succeeded in alting the ene for the ti e being, - The "Final ...ppreciation of the Day" in the !fuin War Di ry of Tenth Army road:

Toda the en y attacks ag in at t 0 centro of the y' front end at t e i r Jin s o~ t e ttO Corps (Sogliano 0.1 Rubicone). On tIle.. .y' s loft wing increased ene~y artillery fire. s, duo to the weath r, the ene is unablo to attack at the coast, a shift of t e "ce t e of gra i ty" to t e area east of the Savio valley is ithin the rea of possibility, The attack on Sogliano indicates that fro~ there he intends to break through in the direction of . In consequence th y issues orders to 76 z Corps to e' ediate arrangoments pernitting t e co it ent of 29 pz Gren Div at the Corps boundary on short notice• ••• In add tion to this, one regime tal group from 90 pz Gren Div is to be asse bled during the night 5/6 Oct as a mobilo Corps Reserve. (Ibid, 5 Oct 44) On this day Tenth Army issued a comprehensive Schematic Order of Battle. A photostatic copy and a translatiOn of the document ppear as A pendix "R" to this report. (G. .D.S. ­ 63426/2, e t Army, .0. 9, px 1-6 Oct, Appx 93, 5 Oct 44) (Photostat 91AlO.(D289)) 155. . On 6 Oct the offensive of Fifth rmy was stalled by bad weather, oderate pressure continued on t e front of 51 tn Co ps· on t e font of 76 z Co ps t' e day as uneventful. During the morning repo t Kesselring told v. Vietinghoff of an order which had been received from highest source: 0925 hrs 6 Oct • Vietinghoff - Kesselring

• • • K: high superior has s t me a message. Re points out that Schlemm (1 Para C6rps) must definitely be brou t to a halt. v. V: It is about time. Othervnse certain consequenc8_ beco 8 ine itable.

11:: These he declines. He says that each man must be conVinced of the necessity. We ust help· ourselves. Help yo self and God helps yo • (G.M.n-.S. - 63426/2, Tenth Army, W.D. 9,. pp 1-6 Oct, ppx 106, tel cons 6 Oct 44) (Photostat 981 0.(0285)) - 76 - • The text of this message was passed on to the commander of 1 Para Corps 'for verbal communication to his divisional commanders. A photostatic copy and a translation of the latter document appear as Appendix "8 ft to this report. (G.M.D.S. - 65922/2, Fourte~nth Army, W.O. 5, Appx 1014b, 6 Oct 44) (Photostat 981A10.(D290)) • 156. Better w~ather on 7 Oct led to a resumption of Fifth fJmY's attacks. On the whole, 1 Para Corps was able to hold its positions on that day (G.M.D.S. - 65922/1, Fourteenth Army, W.O. 5, 7 Oct 1>4). On the left wing of 51 Mtn Corps British forces made further gains and advanced from Sogliano to the area of M. Farneto. In the Adriatic sector 76 pz Corps was harassed by heavy artillery fire. At 1705 brs the Army commander told Kesselring that a further thinning out of the front near the coast was dangerous and would entail an immediate withdrawal in case of a serious' att~ck (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth t~, W.O. 9, 7 Oct 44). 157. On 8 OCt, determined attacks by Fifth ArmY with large forces forced 1 Para Corps to yiold further ground. Once more the situation was critical end a major 'breakthrough was prev~nted by a narrow margin only. (QQ cit, W.O. Fourteenth Army 8 Oct 44) In the area of Tenth'.rilly the pressure on 51 Mtn 60rps and the right wing of 76 pz Corps continued throughou the day. In order to have unified command over the 'forces defending the approach to Cesena from the mountains, at 1200 llrs 356 Inf D1 v Vias placed under the command of 76 pz Corps. At 1930 brs Marshal Kesselring called at the head­ quarters of Tenth Army, and shortlv thereafter 29 pz Gren Div received orders for immediate intervention at the junction of 356 Inf Div and 114 Jg Div in the area between Savio and Sogliano. Dospite the threat to Ccoena by 5 Brit Corps, General Herr remained of the opinion that the outflanking movements at the Armyts contre were of a more or loss diversionary nature, and that the main blow would fall near the coast. Earlier in the day Marshal Kesselring had announced the forthcoming arrival of 18,000 reinforcements from the convsleseent hospitals in'northern Italy and of 3,000 replacements from Germany. Since the Army Group had suffered • 30,000 casualtiea during the month of September, this was not sufficient to restore previous strength, but enough to constitute a substantial alleviation of the manpower situation. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth ,lrmy, W.D. 9, 8 Oct 44) 158. On 9 Oct heavy fightin~ continued at and east of the Fata Pass road (sector 65 Inf Div) and in the area'west­ north-west of Fontanelice (98 Inf Div and 334 Inf Div). On the whole the German formations held their lines, and individual penetrations'were brought to a halt in the depth of the'main defence line. (QQ cit, Vi.D. Fourteenth Army, 9 Oct 44). In the area of Tentnl~my 51 Mtn Corps succeeded in retaining M. Cece and in clinging to its positions in th~ Portico valley. 76 pz Corps was under particular pressure at M. Farneto and Montigallo. Counter-attacks were discontinued in view of the precarious situation of 1 Para Corps, whioh seemed to make advisable the concentration of one division from Tenth Army near Cesena as on operational reserve. It was therefore • decided to make preparations for the defence of the Savio sector south and southwest of Cesena, and to withdraw 278 Inf Div from the front for this purpose. Orders were also given for the accumulation of'fuel for the'ferries and other means of traversing tho River Po. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth Army, • W.D. 9, 9 Oct 44) - 77 -

159. In the oarly days of Soptonbor both l~os had • rocoived lettors rrom Arny Group roquQsting inforcation for tho Japaneso Military Attach6 on oxporiences with largo fornations in counter-attacks on ostablished onony beachhoads. The roports submitted in this eonnoetion by tho two Armies appoar in pnotostatie and translated form as Appendix "T" to this roport. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/3;renth Amy, W.D. 9, "Appx 7-11 Oct, Appx 179/180, 10 Oct 44) (Photostat 9811uO.(D291)) and G,M.D.S. - 65922/2, Fourteenth 1~, W.D. 5, Appx 1028b, • 9 Oct. 44) (Photostat 9811U0.(D292)) 160. On 10 Oct, in sharply concentrated local attacks, Fifth Amy endeavoured to exploit previous gains. Apart fran 262 Inf Div, whioh was driven further back in the area east of the Futa Pass road, 1 Para Corps oanaged to hold its positions in hard fighting (~Cit, W.D., Fourteenth l~oy, 10 Oot 44). In the area of Tenth Jlrmy--rhe nain pressure rested on 29 pz Gren Div and 90 pz Gren Div. The lattor fornation was forced to withdraw, leaving roar gUards in the line - 2.5 kID south~east of Gaobettola. In tho Adriatic soctor the day was ~UiOt. In tho afternoon the woathor began to clear up. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth Aroy, W.D. 9, 10 Oct 44)

11 Oct

161. On 11 Oct Fourteenth ~ succeeded in holding its positions against formidable attacks on the oontre of 1 • Para Corps during the night aild thrOUghout the day (~ ill, W.D. Fourtecnth~, 11 Oct). During the day however, Marshal Kesselring decided to place 98 Inf Div, 334 Inf Div and 44 Inf Div under tho eOI"",end of Tenth Army (51 Mtn Corps) as of 0800 hrs 12 Oct. The threo divisions wore to remain in present positions: the inter-amy boundary was to be moved , correspondingly further west: tho G.H.Q. troops to reoain in present attachoents, and Inf Tr Bde to be abSorbed by 44 Inf Div. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/3, Tonth Aroy, VI.D. 9, Appx 7-11 Oct, Appx 214, 215, 216 and 217) Aeoording to the telophone conversation of 12 Oct it was strongly felt that this step would bring about a doeidedly nore adroit and economical handling of the forces concerned. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/4, Tenth' Amy, VI.D. 9, Appx 235, tel cons 12 Oct 44) (Photostat 981.\10. • (D285) ) 162. With 5 Cdn Arnd Div in Corps Reservo, and flanked by 2 N. Z. Divan the right and 46 Brit Divan the left, on 11 Oct l'Cdn Inf Div began moving forward towards Cesena and tho Savio. During tho first phase of tho advance, resistance from the forces of 90 Pz Gren Div and 26 pz Div was light; theso divisions, and particularly 1 Para Div nearor to the coast, were not disinclined to fall back to the bridgehead'position at Cesena and the western bank of the swollen Savio, whero defence action would be practicable and profitable oneo nore. As expressod in various tolephone conversations between 7 and 11 Oct, Corps, 1I:t:'rr.y and Army Group were again having J:lUch troublo with Heidrich, who was holding 7,000 frosh reinforcemonts in an area between the Rivers Po end Adige, was planning intens. ive training for these forces, and had visions of fortifying and defending Ravenna. Reminded by Kosselring - on tho telephono and during a porsonal visit of the Marshal to divisional head­ quarters - of the fact that such considerablo forces could not be kept out of the fighting at the moment, Heidrich claimed to have received direct orders fran Hitler and Goering to - 78 -

rebuild his Division forthwith "1'0 Fuehrer and Reich". The plans for the ave a area, alread countenanoed by Herr, were disallo ed by Kesselring; but on the hole the affair developed in the customary manner, end as described by Roettiger at 2035 hrs 10 Oct in the following words: Heidrich has prevailed again. O.B.SW wants to talk to Hermann [Goering] about this; but they already have enough other troubles up there. (G. 1.D.8. - 63426/3, Tenth Army, W.D. "9, Ap:px 197, tel cons 11 Oct 44) (Photostat 981 0.(D285J)

12 Oct 163. ith the situation a Corps showin signs of further de eriorat'on, at 1545 rs 1 esselring orda E the immed ate tr sf r of 29 pz Gren Div to ""0 rteenth to relieve 362 Inf Div (1 ar Cor s)o bra through to and Lake Co acchio would eC'..n the 0 Ii up or 76 _z Corps. The greatest dang r to Te th rested therefore in t a attac on the Via Emili from the foothills,and 76 pz Corps bagan thinking in torms of quick eneral with r wal i case of . need. (G••0.8. - 63426/1, Tenth .~, .r.D. 9, 12 Oct 44). i.t, and north of the Via Emilia 90 pz Gren Div was withdrawing unde some pressure; 26 pz Div roported thG presence of enemy forces thG main defence lin, and 1 Para" Div was narassing traffic across the Fiumicino. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/4, Tonth Army, W.D. 9, Appx 12-15 Oct, AP:px 232( sit rep Tenth Army, 12 Oct 44) (Photostat 98lAlO.(D286)} . . 164. During the day v. Vietinghoff had visited the three divisions ju t taken over from 1 P a Corps. Though noted for an exceptio ally even temper, the i..rlIlY commander returned to his eadq· ers blazing with ger. Co ~ir.ming ea lier remarks on thc telephone: e wrote 0 Kesselring ( ho knew it Ire dy) th t t c divisions ud b cn b dly h dIed by Schlemm (Gan ~f t e ;'r Fo ce . frod Sch e ,Co d 1 Para Co pa); that he s un pproachable, inel stic and thlessj and t at he as conducting purely line r . rf 0 d demanding i ed! te and ill-pre_ od counter- tt .cks, thus ruin' g even good divisions in disproportion tely qUick t1me (ibid, ppx 238

13 Oct

165. The front of 1 Para Corps and 51 Mtn Corps continued to crumblo bit by bit at all pressure points. In­ creased preparations for further advances were clearly dis­ cernible. 90 pz Gren Div stride the Via Emili~, and 26 pz Div t Gambetto1 end on tho west bank of the Scolo Rigossa reported defensive succosses for ted • (G••D.S. - 63426/4, Tenth , .D. 9, l..ppX 12-15 Oct; ppx 256, sit rep Tent ,13 Oct 44) (Photostat 9811 0.(D286)) Just south of the Via Emilia. 'I S 2 Bn 200 pz Gren Regt (90 pz G on Div); between high ay d Bulgaria '1 s 3 Bn 200 z Gr egt. t Bulg ri were 1 d 3 B s 361 pz Gre Re 90 pz Gre iV)j at 2 B 9 pz G e Regt 26 pz Div), fle.n od b 1 B 9 pz G on Rogt (26 z Div) .., d 26 pz Rocco Bn - all 0 tho est bank of t a Scolo Hi 0 sa, rt or on s 1 B 67 z Gran Regt (26 pz Di ); thon s f r as Pte 'gossu, 2 Bn 39 I f R and 2 En· 40 Inf Regt ire ts of 20 G.J..... F. D1 v unde 00 and 26 pz Div) • 0 th-east of Pte Ri ossa to th sea s lara Div, witl - 79 -

4 Paru Rogt at tho div sian 1 boundary. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/10, Tenth my, sit m ps 11-20 Oct, sit up 13 and 14 Oct 44)

166. I the in ~r D y of Tenth ~ y ate s taken of tho f ct t at 4 Ind Div, 4 Brit Div and 56 Brit Div had vanished fro the ...driatic sector, "which mght indicate the enemy's intention of increasing pressure in the direction of Bologna', and eastwards of tho Savio valley on Casena" (G••D.S. - 63426/1, Tent.. ,.D. 9, 13 Oct 44). Despite tho ardor fa . ediuto t sf r, the ass of 29 pz Gren Div w s still an ge in fi ti g in the old secto ; at th s a timo the fi st advanco signs of a comi g transfer of 90 pz Gren Div were seen in tho fact that in the evening of 13 Oot, Tenth y dirGcted 76 pz Co ps to co centrate one rogimental group from 90 pz Gr..., Div by th or ing of 15 Oct in t a are west of Cese • (G••D.S. - 63426/4, Tenth , '1. .D. 9, .. ppx 12-15 Oct, ppx 259, 13 Oct 44)

14 Oct

167. Fourtee th y l' port d so e lessening i intensity of the attack on 1 Para Corps (0 cit, Fourte nth Army, W.D. 5, 14 Oct 44). furth l' crumbling'of the front at all pressure points was reported by Tenth·~r.my. t the cost of high casualties, particularly officers, a breakthrough was prevented owever. Concern w s c us d by the reappearanc of 78 it Div west of the Santo o. Further ardors ore give for st-engthening th defence in t e S via Valley south of Cesena. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tonth Army, .D. 9, 14 Oct) 90 pz Gren Div report d the 10s8 of Gambettolu:

~tor ho s or artillery pr par ti n ten ,in batt lion at e gth s pported by' 20 t s, attacked 1 k1:l BTl 12427 (Gambotto1a). fter heavy fightin and severo casualtios the locality . [Gambettola] 600 atros wast of 12427 was lost. Ind vidual ene y t k a v ced orth as far s the rail ay line. The penet1'a ion seen se ed off. (G.~.D.S. - 63426/4, Tenth Army, 1.D. 9, .ppx 12-15 Oct, Appx 278, sit 1'e Tenth lrmy, 14 Oct 44) (Photostat 98 0.{D286)) situat on p of 76 z Corps, s of 0800 s 14 Oct, is being ret ined in photost tic fo (G••D.S. - 63426/101 Tenth , sit maps 11-20 Oot sit map 76 pz Corps, 14 Oct 44) (Photostat 981AlO.(D293)). part of this ap showing German dis,ositions in the Cesena sect r ap e 8 in photostatic fo " as ppendix t n to hi re t {i i (Ph tost t 98 O. (O294) ). ~ photostatic copy is Iso bei ~. ad of t e situa~ion ~. of 51 n Corps on 14 Oct 44 (ibid), (p otost t 9811liO.(D295)}.

15 Oct 168. B. no t e mans dined fairly accurate picture of lie regroupings. 1m" eny Situation p" wa.s issued on 15 Oct. photosta.tic copy of the docucent appears as ppendix "Vtl to this roport. (G. ~D.S. -_ 63427, Tenth'A,r , Int Reps Oct 44) ( hotostat 98 LlO.(D296)) Fourteont reporte ecoon iss ce and hoI "ng ntt c s on 14 _z 00 - 80 -

t 0 continu tion of heavy tt cks w·th v y strong artillery support on 1 ara Corps. tt cks wero repulsed or penotrations sealed off fter so e loss of round. In view of the inter­ polation of I U.S.Armd Dlv and the 'obvious readiness of several assault divisions or .ll-out att ck in the irection of Bol gn , Fourteent expected a jo attac th next day, and ordered rut c s eOu atio of t e lines of 14 z Corps i f~vour of I r Corps. Li ria had report d 11 units of 232 Inf Diven route to Fourteenth ; all but 1045 Inf Regt had arrived nd were Dovin15 to the front of 14 pz Corps to relieve units roquired by I Par Corps. Concern was felt over the del y in t 0 Q_ i 1 of 29 Z Gre Div, which was engaged in e y ~ighting on 14 Oct ~ d w s only nOI bei g relieved in the old se tor by 278 I f Div. (G•.•D.S. - 65922/1 Fou:teenth. y, .D. 5, 15 Oct) 169. Most divisions of 51 Mtn Corps rund 76 pz C6rps reported sharp pres ure on their po iti n during the day. 98 Inf Div (in tho Sillaro v 11ey) repo ted hoavy rtillery fire reac ing as f as the ·lin. it ante e zio lost, fighting oentred on the ro art -v,est of S Cle 0 ta. 334 I f Div reporte heavy fiehting f r • 1 Ii ve since dnight. Repeatod"att cks (78 Brit Div and 12 Odn U'od Regt) were repulsed. Sovero pressure was felt by 90 ·z Gren Div; out­ posts d re elenants astride the Vi Ecili were forced back. ressure by supe ior opposin forces forced re r elene ts of 26 ·z Div to ith in northerl direction in a heavy delaying action. "... ~t r two hours of a tillery preparation, and ufter sever .1 fruitloss initial atte,pts, the opponent succoeded in crossIng the Scola Rigossa at S. Angelo in S line." (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth , W.D. 9, 15 Oct 44)

16 Oct 170. Due to bad flying weathor the attack of Fifth Arnw astride th Futo ass on this d y did not ussune the expected d ensions; but nevcrtheles$, a deep penetratio w s de 2 est of ~he to. roa. This in tur ocessitnted taki b ck tho whole e r ste w' g of 1 0. 00 s. I t e fternoon 29 I z Gren Di v assUI:led co and in the penetratio are (1 km north-west of ~uercoto and the western slope of M. Della Vigna), where 71 pz Gren Regt (With tot 1 stron th of"280 men, and under co and of 65 lnf Div) he beo forced back. The ctin J' Co dor (Gener Frid lin • Sen or und Etterlin, Co d 14 rZ Corps) skc s al esse i het cr t e del "in the arrival of t 0 bailee of 29 _z Gren Di w s un aid ble. s ecd-upw s pro ised. (0 cit, Fou teonth 1 ,·'.D. 5,16 Oct ---

171. ajar att cks on t e Tenth my did not neterialize, but 98 Inr Divas d lost Ronco Britti and • delle To be. 334 Inf f st ne line It orth-e st of • 1 leve. In the ~dri tic sector 90 z Gren Div, 26 z Div d I ar Div lost som.e grotUld tUlder pressure:

90 Z Gre Div: Outposts ithdrew to ~in defence line under pressure frOD supe io fa ces. d'ter Eoving into s enbly posit 0 s urinb t e ni t (15/16 Oct), the ene ,supp rtOd by tanks, attacks on both si es of the Via ~li. ttack is repulsed. - 81 -

ter obstin te fighting wit assault detachments t 0 combat outpo ts 0 t e left :Vi g ro also forced buck. 26 pz Div: Superior enomy forces attack our rear e1eI!l.ent s on tho right wing and fore 0 thom back to the outpost aroo. (of t 0 main defence lino). During the oon hours onony with t' support ttacks co bat outposts 3 ,b ttolo.. 1 Par Div: Tho Division directs continuous harassing firo on enomy concontration on the loft wing of the Division ~d stops ~ anemy attack 3 km NNE Gambettola. (G••D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth , .D. 9, 16 Oct 44)

172. In tho course of the d y's telepho 0 conversa­ tions C. of S. Fourteenth pr ised tho work of tho cting krmy Commander (pnra 170 above). 1 and 4 Para Divs had received 1 rge drafts of reinforcements from tho Gorman Air Force, and the high. staff officers of the Group and the two os were exploring t e best ethod of approac ing Heidrich d Trettne ith view to obt ing a loan of 1,000 replaceQonts fro oa6h Parachute DiVision until the­ arrival of the my drafts. It was a difficult situation. Nentzo11 said to Roott1gar: "With tho paratroops it 1s not s6 th t O.B.SW can interfere With orders". Kossalring and v. V1etinghoff agreed that the loss of the eas east of t 0 S vio w s unp10asant but not tr gic. The 1 t 'ling of 76 Pz Corps (fro Cos no. to tho coast) ould have to e tho difficult crossing of the rivor when t oro was a temporary lessening of pressure; re r eloments were at the front, and only allowed themselves to be forced bar.k slowly. With 1 Cdo Inf Div in action, 5 Cdo md Div would not be far away; tho "centre of Gr ity" hm ever was of course on the right side of tho" activo" front. (G••D.S. - 63426/5"Tenth , , .D. 9,' ppx 16-21 Oct, LPPX 319, tel cons 16 Oct 44) (P otostat 9811~O.(D285))

" 17 Oct 173. In he vy fi hting. 1 Corps succeeded in hoI ing its positi6ns 'it the except on or the rea west of tho to' Pass road. 29 pz Gren 'v repulsed nine consocutive attacks "and oliminat d 11 penetration by tmmedi to counter­ thrusts. (G.M.D.S. - 65922/1, Fourteenth Army, W.D. 5, 17 Oct 44). The gangrenous cond tion at the focal points was most pronounced at t e inter-a boundary. wherE> 98 Inf D1v (now wit a total fighting ~tre th of 455 men) was unable to pr vont a breakt Dugh. Calls for help to both "as brought i odiate ssistanco, and an order fro Tenth for the immediate disp tch of 190 pz Reece En (90 pz Gran Div) to the sore spot, height 6221 north of .tnco Britti. (G.M.D.S - 6342611~ Ten~h U"IDY J W. D. 9 J 1'( Oct 44) 174. In the driatic sector. B~itish an Canadian fo ces worked their closer to Css a. 90 Pz Gren D1 v w s att eked along tho i Emili and the r ilroc.d 1 e. Th Canadian dvanc e along tho r ilroad line w s eventually stopped after heavy and costly fightin. 26 pz Div lost ground

]i T ER, Hei rich, nj- n, Co d 4 Para Div • - 82 - north of Ruffio. 1 Para Div was under constant harassing fire, repulsed an attack 2 km west of Sala, and laid harassing fire on concentrations ncar Sala (ibid), In view of the possibility of a breakthrough to Bologna, and the necessity for thinning out 76 pz Corps in favour of tho Army's right wing, as well as in view of the British advance from the South and the Canadian advance along the axis of the Emilia on Cesena, 76 pz Corps proposed a withdrawal"in a northwesterly direction to • avoid possible encirclement, Army Group rofUsed consent, and demanded that Cesena be held (ibid). In the telephone conversations the consonsus of-opfnion was that unless something drastic were done immediately, the Via Emilia would be lost within the week. The balance of 29 pz Gren Div and 90 z Gren Div would have to be withdrawn from 76 PZ Corps regardless of the consequences. Vietinghoff told Kesselring on the telephone that 1 Para Div might be eble to stem the tide if"it were moved to a critical sector. (G.M.D.S;­ 63426/5, Tenth f~, W.D. 9 Appx"16-21 Oct, Appx 339, tel cons 17 OCt 44) (rhotostat t~81AlO.(D285))

175. Regarding 1 Cdn orliKl Bde, the "Enemy Situation Bulletin" of 51 Mtn Corps carried the following notation on 15 Oct: Unclarified in particular are the whereabouts of 1 Cdn Armd Bde, which, according to fJlied reports, has given valuable support in tho area between Florence and Bologna. (G.M.D.S. - 63602,-51 Mtn Corps, Int Reps Sep and Oct 44. 15 Oct 44) " " In a telephone conversation at 1130 hrs 17 Oct, C. of S. 51 Mtn Corps told Wentzell that Canadian tanks had been seen in the area of M. Cece, where all three battalions of 66 Bde (1 Brit Armd Div) were committed (2E cit, tel cons 17 Oct 44). 176. A schematic order of battle of Army Group "C" as of 10 Oct 44 appeared in the records of Tenth f~ on 17 Oct• l1ccording to this document the f~my Group was then composed • as follows: ARMY GROUT "c " lURMY OF LIGURIA 75 Corps 34 Inf Div 5 Mtn Div 157 (Res) Mtn Div 3 Regt Brandenburg (less 1 En) Regt Meero.lpen Corps Lombardia 148 Inf Div (upgraded frOD Res) 232 Inf Div . 3 Ital Div (S. Marco) 4 Ital latn Div (M. Rosa) - 83 - • FOU!lTEn

14 pz Corps 94 Inf Div 42 Jg Div 135 Fo"tress Bde 1 !'era Corps 334 Inf Div • 98 Inf Div 65 Inf Div 44 Inf Diy (H. & D.) 4 Para Di y 362 Inf Diy 16 8.S. pz Gron Div Tl!NTH ARMY 20 G.A.F. Fd Div (under direct command) 51 Mtn Corps 715 Inf Div 305 Inf Diy 76 pz Corps 90 rz Gran Div 1 Para DiY 26 Pz DiY 114 Jg Div 278 Inf Div 356 Int DiY 29 ",z Gren Div Commander Venetian Coast 162 (Turc) Inf Div Ol'ERJ\TIOOS ZOOE ADRIfIl'IC COl£l'L"!lD (97 Corps H.Q,.) 188 (Res) Mtn Div 237 Inf DiY 71 Inf Div A photostatic copy of tho document appears as Appendix "W" to this report. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/5, Tenth Icrmy, ~.D. 91 App± 16-2 • Oct, Appx 242b, 17 Oct 44 for 10 Oct 44) (Photostat 9tilAlO. (D297)) Apart from snallor fOIm'itions and G.H. Q,. troops, the Army Group accordingly conprised a total of 30 divisions, one of which was a panzer division, throo were panzer grenadier divisions and 26 woro infantry divisions. In strength and fighting value there were of course tremendous differences between theso fort:lations, which rrlJged from elite demD to quite inferior aggregations. With the Vie Emilia serving as a base lino for lateral movenents tho Germans had little difficulty in shifting forcetions to soctors where Qssistonco weB needed I!lOst urgontly at tho I!lOI!lcnt. Tho clasticity of' the German thuutre connnnd in tho r~grouplng of forces no doubt was one of the nain factors prevonting the debauchmcnt of the Alliod forces in tho socond half of October from the hills and valleys to thc Via Emilia. 177. A complote·schematic order of battle of Tonth Army was issuod on 18 Oct. A photostatic copy of the documont appoars as AppondiX "X" to this report (G.M.D.S. ­ 63426/5, Tenth f~, 1.D. 9, Appx 16-21 Oct, Appx 371, 18 Oot 44 (Photostat 9811~0.(D298)) • • - 84 - 178. At the front of 1 Para Corps pressure continued unabated, and, as tho day want on, tho situation on the right wing of 51 Mtn Corps showod furthor doterioration, whilo the left wing roportod holding o.ttacks by the nowly' committed 2 Pol Corps. 200 rz Gren Regt (90 pz Gren Div), which was urgently noeded in tho soctor of 98 Inf Div, wes locked in fierce and costly fighting with Canadio.n units advancing o.long tho Vic Emilio. end tho railroad line. South of Cesena the • situation was no loss sorious, and on the right flank of the Cano.dians the New·Zeo.landers too wore fighting at the Piscio.tello rivor. In tho @eantime however Marshal KesselriUg had received strict orders not to yield ground in any sector. This meMt that in ordor to hold ground in a relatively un­ l..mportant sector tho whole J.rmy Group was being placed in jeopardy. In all tolephone conversa~ions the commanders and chiefs of sto.ff harped cco.solessly on this point, and v. Vietinghoff wired to Kesselring ti@e and again, and With mounting insistance, that the sector east of the Savio should be given up. Kesselring had been of the same opinion for several days I and at 1400 hrs ho fino.l~y dooided to assume personal responsibility by countenancing a delaying withdrawal to the Savio." (G.M.D.S. - 63/>?6/5, Tenth Army, IV.D. 9, Appx 16-21 Oct, Appx 362, tel cens 18 Oct 1,.4) (Photostat 98lAlO. (D285) )

179. In the Main IVar Diary of Tenth Amy the fighting in the sector of 90 pz Gren Div was described as follows: During the night 90 rz Gren Oiv smashes an enemy attack on bath sides of the Via Emilia. An enemy attack along tho road cn:uan;·.nant leads to a panetration north of the embnnkment. Another attack by combined anns on the left wing of the Division is bcaten off. Only during the mo:>:ning hours, in reponted counterthrusts &ld heavy fluctuating fighting, 'with heavy coounitment of projectors and artillery, is it possible to seal off the penetration north of thc road ombnnkIlC'nt (1.5 kn wost of Ponto dclla Pictra). Steadily gai~;ng in strength, the enemy'continucs his attacks against a much weakened front. In the centro section the enemy, supported • by tanks, penetrates, swings north, and rolls up two batto.lions, which faJ 1 bacl:: fighting to the new lino. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth Ar~y. IV.D. 9, 18 Oct 44) Tonth J~ny's situation map far 18 Cet is bein~ retained in photostatic form (G.M.D.S. - 63~.26/J.O, Tonth Amy, sit .maps 11-20 Oct, sit Elap 17 and 18 Oct 44) \Pho'oostat 9811,.10. (D299) ).

19 Oct 180. 1 Para Corps now reportod a lessoning of pressure; individual local attacks were repulRed (QE cit, Fourteenth Army,

" Students of thc phase in questi0n will find the 3l-page record of the day's telephone cc~versation a particularly interesting document • • - 85 -

W.D. 5, 19 Oct). At 0005 hrs Marshal Kesselring released the signal confirming his vorbal authorization for the withdrawal on the "loft wing of Tcnth l.:rmy. "(G.M.D.S. - 63426/5, Tcnth 1ml W.D. 9 'APPX 16-21 Oct, Appx 383,19 Oct 44) (Photostat 98lAlO. (D300) j• In the critical scctor 98 Inf Div was again losing ground; 114 Jg Div and olamants of 90 pz Gren Div were under pressuro at thc outskirts of Cosena. In the evening the transfer of the battalions of 200 rz Gren' Rest to the inter- . army boundary began. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth lumy, W.D. 9, 19 Oct) With 2 Fol Corps opcrating at the centrc of tho lJmY front the rctention of 1 rara Div at the coast seemed un­ justified; plans were nado for the commitment of the fornation at the nain front. The disengagecent of 200 pz Gren Regt implied thc loss of Cesena. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/5, Tenth fumy, W.D. 9, Appx 16-21 Oct, Appx 382, tol cons 19 Oct 44) (Photostat 9811uO.(D285))

20 Oct 181. General Lemelsen had returned to his headquarter and resumed command of tho Fourteenth fumy. Local attacks were scaled'off after some loss of ground (2£ cit, Fourteenth ljmy, W.D. 5, 20 Oct). 98 Inf Div was being puShed back furthor. In the morning GenJral Baade (Comd 90 pz Gren Div) was at the headquarters of 51 Mtn Corps, just opened at Vedrana (5 km north-west of Budrio); in the afternoon he was on roconnaissancl 90 rz Gren Div was being organized behind the fighting line, and would take over cOl!l!land in the sector from 98 Inf Div in a day or two. Headqunrters 5 ?roj Bde and 71 I'roj Regt (l~ss one battalion) was en routo from 76 rz Corps to 98 Inf Div. (Vietinghoff told Kesselring: '''II~ have to s tick it out today: after that things will bo ensier".) 1 Para Div received orders to change places with 114 Jg Div; British, Canadian aJi.d New­ Zealand forces were at the Savio. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth Army, W.D. 9, 20 Oct 44) In tho sector of 26 pz Div some rear' elements woro foreed to fall bnck acrOss the Sevio to·the West.' ~.D. (G.M.D.S.-63426/5, 'Tenth lJTIY 9, Appx 16-21 Oct t Appx 401, eit rep Tenth l~oy, 20 Oct 44 j (rhotostat 98lAlO.(D28b))

The Forcing of the Savio (21 - 23 Oct)

21 Oct 182; 1 Para Corps roportod no major attacks for the day, but continued oneny pre~nrctions for a large attack were observed in tho Futa scctor (2£ cit, Fourteonth !~, W.D. 5, 21 Oct 44). East of tho inter-army boundary (98 Inf Div) the Manto Granda had boor.. lost in hoavy night :fighting; Baade was sealing off about 500 metres further to tho North. In the Cesena area pressuro was maintained (G.M.~.S. - 63426/1, Tenth l=y, ".D. 9, 21 Oct 44). Contrary to ee.rl1er arrangements 3 Bn 200 I'z Gren Regt (90 I'z Gren Div) had been retained at the Savio front" nnd vms fightinG just north of the (destroyod) rnilroad brid o. Cornd 51 Mtn Corps sent en angry signal requesting the immodi~to dispatch of the battalion. Apart from mareinal notes of a sarcastic nature, the document boars the notation that tho unit would be disongagod during the" night 23/24 Oot. (G.M.D;S. - 63426/5 Tenth fumy, W.D; 9 . Appx 16-21 Oct, Appx 431,21 Oot 44) I hotostat 981AlO.(DjOl)). At the newly won snall Canadinn bridgehead west of Martnrano - 86 -

w s 2 En 9 Z Gren Re (26 z Di J.o furth r north as f r sieve Se tin ~cs 1 n 9 ~Z Gre Ro·t. (~ote: T e crossi of t e S v a y C~n~ i~s i fa cu e in tho evenin. en ~s r fl eted in the Ge .' n e 0 ts f- 22 Oct (para 189 below) ~ ph tost tic py is cin rct~inc of ~ w II-prepared tU.ti n LP of 76:z Co f_r 21 Oct 44 (G••D.3. - 6J426/1~, Tent Of, sit ~ s 21-30 Oct 44, sit E p 76 z Corps, 21 Oct 44) ( h tost t 98 ".J.O.(D302)). '.. situ'1tion . p of 51 tn Cor 5 s of 0600 h 21 Oct 56 bei ret ined in ~t photostatic. fo • (I- id) (:' (tost 9 1 • ( 303 ) 183. ceord to tho iX Grou w"s ,.w co sid 0 ' I:.:> t of 1 r Corps un 0 the co rill co d t c i ht i ~ of T:. th wasta n win of Fourtcenth '~ny. responsibi ity for Bologn~ squ,-__ el on t 0 houlders of Tenth 1 • Un ty of CODO" in the e it c~l a Cu was desirable; unspoken.but obvious os t Q 'If i to a.vo t 0 situation hElIldled by tho ost c~ c I co 0 (eo p. r 164 bove). t the contro of Tenth y's front 2 01 Co s w~ nibbling hard in the rea Dort of Gnleatuj n urth r de ud tio of the centre was out of the question. Heidrich h d expressed wil1ingnoss to grant the tQI:lpornry 1 un of 1,000 roplaeenents providing tho necess~ry permission could be obtained from Marshal Gooring. Koss olrin said: 91This would be f no" (seo para 172 above). (G.M••S. - 63426/5, Tenth 1 y, ,'I • • 9, ~ ppx 16-21 Oct, Appx 432, tel cons 21 Oct 44) (lhotostat 9811UO.(D286))

22 Oct 184. There wore only ) nor en a enents in the are of 1 ar Corps, ut further ~G r vation of the situation w s roported fron the Qxtre e ri . t of Tonth' " where oontact with Fourtce th y h been lost•. 'l.!"Dy Group

ow ci 0 to eo t 42 Inf J)"v Q tr 0 th iter-army bound rYe FreD the . ri~tic socto the f cin of the Savio b C i m w~s r'_ort d. J rin tho r i 76 -z Corps roceive eission t 'hort nits font y ithdrnw to tho line ssarol - Bracci io ro (o Vi ~li )- 8. # e in Bncnolo (0 k of S viol - 0 sa (on

Sout of -thD nj Ro t (278 Inf of the s e div sio ,

T O.a:o crossi b of t 0 V' 0 po in r i lias

o pcs rn olit trocp.81 0 is f ous xploit at 1eve Sesti the e ly G; of 22 Oc~, Ite E•• th, V.C., baste' e of nean reputation (0 £11, H•• Ro ort o. 25, 138). - 87 -

west bank of Savio).* In order to onSlITO that Withdrawals would • bo carried out only under pressure, lower ochelons were not to be advisod"of this decision. Countor-attacks howevor were not to be nude. (C.M.D.S. - 63426/7, renth Army, W.D. 9; Appx 22-25 Oct, Appx 412, tel cons 22 Oct 4~) (rhotostat 98D\10.(D285)) In the main War Diary or Tenth Army the rorcing or the Savio was rerlected by the rollowing entry:

26 rz Div: In the evening hours or 21 Oct the enemy • covc..rs tho ontire main line of resistance with heaviest drunfire, and thus oven &t that stage takes a heavy toll of the troops in the main lino. iUtcr two hours the enemy shirts his drumrire to the artillery position: and ntt~cks at the Sevio in the divisional sector. Several heavy attacks arc beaten ofr nrter hard rightInl A renewed attack, acconpuniod by continuOus drumfire, has its rocal point 3 km north or Cesena. At several points tho enomy succeedS, after severo fighting, In thrustIng through the weakened rorces still In position. Due to our heevy casualties and the Inpossibility or comnItting tanks over the DUddy ground, pronptly initiated counterthrusts rail to reach their objectives. In the poneooration area tho enomy reinforces his position end, under cOVOr of mare heavy drw:rt'ire, roms a bridGehead rrom which In the morning ho again uttacks towards the Wast and Southwost. Sub­ sequent eneny attacks orran the bridgehead rormod during the night are snashod. (C.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth l~my, W.D. 9, 22 Oct 44)

* This decision was preceded by a telephone conversation whioh ran in part as rollows: 0940 hrs Wcntzell - Roetti cr R: Thi~ is quite a ness at Crasemann's [26 PZ Divl. W: Yes. I hovo just beon talking w:i. th Corps agaIn. It was a nerce artIllery siloot there dUring the night, and contrary to expectations, and In spite of beine thrown bllck°repeatedly, thc onc"'Y renewed his attacks with a wJ.ll. He now hilS Il 1ridgehead, but the thing • has bee~ stopped, due to his dirriculties in erossing the wator wit h tanks e.na he~vy weapons. Wo are in dif­ ficulties t60 bccause in the countorattacks our tanks bogged down. R: How is tho weether? W: Terrible. It Is raining without e let-up. MilitarJ.ly spenkinp. it is thererore good ror us. R: So ho cannot use his All' Force. W: That ho cannot do) and t!::is is in our favour; but durinG thc night he attacked tIne artar tJ.l!le •. R: Thcn it hns to be broken up by the artillery. W: They aro doinG it, but they haveOtrouble with ruomunitiom too. 76 rz Corps has now only 90 tons per day. °There LlUst bo sonethinG wrong with tho supply services. R: We are hoping rof an inp.ovenent in the sItuation at tho Bronner vass • •.. (2£ cit, tcl cons 22 Oct 44) • - 88 -

2.3 Oct

185. The gravity of the situat on was undi~nished; 9110 Inf Divan the right wing of 1 .L era Corps, and 29 pz Gren Divan the left wing lost furthe ground in very heavy fighting, Howover, 1 Para Corp, , w th all its div' sions and G.R.Q,. troops would be under the conmand of Tenth Ar as of 1800 hrs 24 Dot; in addition the coomnnders and headquarters staffs of 51 Mtn Corps and 14 pz Cor~ would be axc anged; Oorps Lonbardin (see para 176 above) would co G under the command of ~ourteenth y, d Fourteo th 'd my Li i would be welded into new" Group Gr zi (G••D.S. - 65922/1, Fourte nth , '. D. 5, 23 Oct 44) _t the right ~ i g of c th t· a situ tio was equ l1y se ious, d it s decidod to ova 1 a Div from its two-d st d south d Bout west of Cese a t( the e at 00 90 z Gro Div d 98 Inf 'V. Fro the dri tic wing 26 ?z Di r ported t t no forces, hic had crossed t e S via est of Bargo di Ranta; had beon 't back across the river (seo H.S. Re art o. 25, paras 146-148). Fightin h d elsa spre d to 114 Jg iv, w io had relic ad 1 T r Div in the co st 1 stretch and whic d been placed thoro under the Venetian Co t Coorn d. (G••D.S. - 6.3426/1, Tenth ~,• D. 9, 2.3 Oc t 44) 186. Tho decision re nrdin tho major changes in oommand rel.tianships h d boon mado, and all he dquarters woro now working on tho nocoss ry rr ngo onts. Tho ~ was busy one for M rsha1 Kossolrin ; Roiohs 'nist·r Spour was with tho \Troy Group, and h~d call d t tho he dquarto~ of 76 pz Corps in order to in a picture of th unition prob1om;H a group of Jap esc officers w s t the he dqu rtors af Tenth' y und t ctic dovelop ts cle ly i ic tad a further incr se in tho wei t of pressure 0 the ri t fing of 76 z C rps. IMrin the arning the rsh ed visit 26 z Div, 1 ra Di and 114 Inf Div; . th ftornoon _6 no e n to t e head- qu to sotho d:'.. isio s t t e criticr-U. pints, and announce is ito t ion of c 11in 1 ter t th dqu e s of 76 • z . Corps or e t y...t 17.35 s e 'I s t t e t ctic he d- qu rtors af 29 -z Gre Div, ere he ga his verb cons nt ta cess ry loc 1 wit dr wal of 94 Inf Div nd the west rn wing of 16 S.S•• z Gran Div.- ether or not h went f'ron there to tho ho dquarters of 90 .z Gren Div c' ot be told fro tho doc~ ts on hand, but at 2002 brs, unconscious and with

~ 2E cit, t~l cons 22 Oct ~* G.M.D.S. ~ 6.3426/1, Tenth 1 cy, W.D. 9, 2.3 Oct 44 ~ G••D.S. - 65922/1, Fourt .enth i~oy, .D. 5, 2.3 Oct 44 ~ t 1830 hrs cntzc11 told Roetti er that the arshal h d left Des. e to be forw d d to Nentze11, accord' . to which everythin po sible w s to 0 ono to ave one ro" ent to the re~ of Ba de. (ate: "e1 e H ufan" - t the ti a aing usad in these circles _ c 110quiel co e war f r "0 e regi a ttl.) (a cit, tel cons 23 Oct) - 89 -

rractured skull, tho Marshal was reported as boing at tho casualty clcaring station or 90 rz Gron Div at S. Lorenzo di Guiano (5kn north~ncrth-wo$t or Castol S. Pietro doll' Enilia). (G.M.D.S. - 63426/7, Tonth l~ny, W.D. 9, ~ppx . 22-26 Oct, Appx 475, tcl cons 23 Oct 44) \Photostat 98ll~0. (D285)) _ • 187. According to the record or Tenth Amy's telephone conversations, tho Hrst word or the accident reachod I.:rny Headquartors at 1955 hrs, whe~ C. or s. 51 Mtn Corps told Wentzell: "Field Marshal i:1 accident; rractured base or skull". Wentzoll innodiutely inrorE6d Army Group. At 2002 hrs C. or s. 51 Mtn Corps reported that the Marshal was at tho·casualty clearing station at S. Lorenzo (para 186 above). l~cording to a conversation·later in the evening, Kesselring WQS moved to Base Hospital No. 200 at·Ferrara shortly arter 2000 hrs (£E cit, tel cons 23 Oct). In the Main War Diary or Tenth Arny~o rollowing was recorded: In the evening hours or 23 Oct Tenth Amy receivod word that Marshal Kesselring, who during the arter­ noon had announcod his intention or calling at Army Headquarters for conversations, had suffered a serious aocident in a collision with a gun. O.B.S'N was rirst novod to the nearest caSualty cloaring . station; thon to Base Hospital No. 200 at Ferrara. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth Arny, W.D. 9, 23 Oct 44)

In tho synopsis of conversations the accident was referred to as a trarric accident. Nothing has been round to indicate that the event occured during un air raid. H Tho War Diary of Fourteenth Army does not reror to the occurrence; presunably for reasons of securit~ after 23 Oct roferences to the Marshalts andition were onltted trOD the records of conversations~ In addition to the major changes in connands already pending, a shuffle in the top personnol of the Arcy Group would now be necessary. At 2300 hrs Roottiger told Wentzell: I have talked With Jodl regarding the temporary replacenent. It is of course your chie~. (Note: Literal translation would distort the nean­ ing) (£E ill, tel cons 23 Oct 1,4)

li In this connection see alse,: v. Schramm, P.E. cit, para 128:

On 23 Oct Marshal Kcn~elringts car drove over a gun in the dar!cles". O.B.SI'I was so severely hurt that ho had ToO be taken to the hospital•

• - 90 -

76 pz Corps vlthdraws to the Ronco (24 - 26 Oct)

24 Oct 188. In the area of 1 Pa a Corps an attackdeveloped east of the Futa Pass road at the ante Belmonte (which was" lost in the eveningJ. After init , 1 penetrations the situa­ tion was sta ilized (see para 192)c At 1800 h s 1 Para Corps assed under t e co and of Tenth 'th the following formations: 94 Inf Div 16 S.S. pz Gren Div 4 Para Div 65 Inf Div 29 pz Gre Div 362 Inf Di all" G.H.Q. troops with the Corps, and, of 42 Jg Div: 142 Reece Bn 3 n 25 Jg Regt 3 n 40 Jg Regt ~ ance to follow) (G••D.S. - 65922/1, Fourteenth Army, 1/ • D. 5, 2l~ Oc t 44) In keeping with its future role. Fourteenth Army was now well on the way tow ds becoming ag-regation of vastly different complexion and infe ior substance. 189. 'T e focal point of ctio during the day was northeast of • Grande, where erican advance elements reaohed Vedriano (less than 7 km from the Via Emilia). After several hours of bitter fight~ng the units of 90 pz Gren Div and 98 Inf Div· in the area suco· eded in seal n off the'penetration. (G••D.S. - 63426/1, Te th ,~D. 9, 24 Oct 44). But, wile Baade obtained some me sur 0 defensive sueces , Heidrich auld e eeded in a dition to til ese t foroes. T e first eleme ts fro 1 P a Div ere expected during the night 24/25 Oct.~ In the meant me muoh anti-aircraft artillery had been moved to the support of 90 pz Gren Div (G.M.D.S. - 63426/71 Tenth Army, V.D. 9, Appx 22-26 Oct, Appx 493, tel cons 24 oct 44) (Photostat 98lAlO. (D285))

190. t the left ~ing of 76 pz Corps, 26 pz Div in the abse ce of ressure re rte~ h vy h assing fire; 114 Jg Div i thdrew as planned. ccord' to the i ar Diary of enth my, the ~ront was now 0 t e following Ii e:

lE 4 Para Regt and 3 Bn 200 pz Gren Regt (90 pz Gren Div, (see para"192) ere then en oute to 51 n Corps (ibid, ppx 497). - 91 -

3 S Vergato - 6 6.5 SE Marzabotto - east slope do e - 2 M. Bel onte (height 407) -•"BOLnonte - N Parra. di Vignale - 1 km SW M. della Piana ­ indefinite to Vedriano - 2 km S Vedrian6 - 2-km ENE S. Clemente - northern slope • Spaduro - 1.5 SE .• Spaduro -• dell' cqua Salnt uncha ged to 1.5 ; Ton ola -S Paolo . cquilone - 1.5 B goals - l'kI!!. S Polonta - road fork 2 km SSE Pert' uovo - 2.5 kn E ­ SW C semur tu - multiple road junotion at Borgheso - 5 E Campiano - thence along the Savio to ooast.

othing of CO'll se s . portant at the 0 t than the freeing of forces fer tete str gt 0 " g of t 0 extrene ,right wing of 51 t Corps, a d in tho aftornoo tho ~ ooomander issued a detailod ordor for a withdrawal in this connection of 76 pz Corps and 114 Jg Div (Venetian Coast Command). The ~ain lino of resistance was to bo taken back to the ge eral line: _- rth-west of Bagno -• Volbo - north r outskirts of eldol - bridge 0 th-oast of gli 0"- railroad brid 4 south-east of orli - 3 south-w ~t of S; Pietro in Vincoli - road inte oct on 5 ·~opth~o at of S. Pietro in Vincoli - coast at Bocca Bovano. The order oontained much relevant additional inforoation, and is being retained in photostatic fo • (G••D.S. 63426/7, Tenth , 1.D. 9, ppx 22-26 Oct, p x 496, 24 Oct 44) (Photo­ ~O. stat, 98 (D304)) 191. P rt from dealing ith the orders "for with- drawals to the Bevano and Savio rivers, General v. Vietinghoff, in his new role as i tarim Army Group commander, now informed Hitler of his intention to carry out a gradual ithdrawal of the to the line Bolo a - Lake Co acchio; a bold suggestion which surprisingly enough seemed acceptable to H t1er ( ith the usual rese vations). T is : formation, owever; is ot based on original documents, but appears in I jor v. Schramm's study: At 1800 hrs 24 Oct • Tietin off reported the ntention of dthdra g Tenth"' during the coming month to a' line f om the hills sout of Bo ogna - Budrio - 01inel1a - ganta - estern shore of Lake Comacchio, there passing to per- manent defence. ..." . (v. Schramm, 0 oit, para 128) Thereupon, on 25 Oct, tho Fuahr r decla a imself in agreement wit t e furth r weakening of t 0 driatio front, round howevor to be yiol ed only under pressure ••• (Ibid, para 129)

25 Oot

192. In the late hours of 24 Oot 29 pz Gren Div had lost M.'Belmonte. Moderate pressure was reported from all seotors. Armoured reconnaissanoe groups had followed tho withdrawals in the Savio - Ronco rea to the road just wast Of Casamurat , to Campiano and to th Bavano bridge of Route 16. But all attention as focusse on the Vodriano sector, whore" tho f te of tho w s procariously anging in the bal co. - 92 -

3 En 200 pz Gren Regt had rejoine its division; 4 Para Regt was being built up between 90 PZ G en Div and 98 Inf Div; the best aVailable troops were in the fight; eidrich had arrived during the day. and thus the two ace diVisional co ders of the Army G oup we~e no i the ctor. But needs be one regiment of 1 Para D v would have to re~ain at the front south­ east of Forli; 26 PZ Div would ha G to ~emain on the left wing lest 1 Cdn Corps bypass Ravenna on the West All that could be done had een do e, and if the ~lies were in a position to t ow additional forces int 't e fray, str tegical breakthrou could no longer be prevented Telephone conversations wer interlarded with anxious and hopeful exclamations: "If Heidrich fails it means a big with rawal"; "All' our hopes rest on Heidrich"; "Can 'Heidrich- do "t?"o (G••D.S. - 6342677, Tenth Army, .D. 9, AP~x 22-26 Oct~ ppx 513, tel co s 25 Oct 44) (Photostat 98IAlO.(D285)) 193. At 1800 hrs General v. Senger and the head- quarters staff of 14 pz Corps assumod command over tho foroes preViously commanded by General Feu'stein and the headquarters of 51 tn Cor s (G••D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth ,.D. 9, 25 Oct 44). Both generals were lIell 1m and respected in the's staff cixcles. The departure aD F urstein was regretted and ascribed to political consi~erations (2E cit, tel cons 23 Oct 44). Lata in the ovoning tho situation in the critical soctor soemed to come to hand, and ~e tze.l as told that the"penetra­ tions had een sealod off (0 cit, tel cons 25 Oct 44).


(26 - 31 OCT)

26 Oct 194. Due to uninterrupted heavy r infall the weathe had no ecome the dominan fac~or T af ie across the ri a Po was paralysed at time by storm drain; f lied air activity w s at a stand till; i m 3t ectors the "commitment of armour and heavy weapons had beoome impossible. Regarding the events in the critical sector, Tenth '5 Intelligence SUnnnary co tainod a ome h eni Gic entry: "Due to t e continuous rain 94 risoners' wero taken i the ar a of 85 and 88 U.S. Inf- Divs" (G.M.D.S. - 6;:1l1-26, Int Summary Tenth my, 26 Oot 44).* bridgehoad across the Ronco, Which had been established during the night 25/26 Oct by 4 Brit Inf Div 4 km south-west of Forlimpopoli, w s'wi d out during the day, d 264 prisoners ere t en (bid): is counter-attack cried out by 01 nts 278 Inf lJi supported by Tiger tanks from 508 G.H.Q. By Tk Bn. The folJowing units participated: 1 En 992 Gren Regt { 7 Coy 993 Gren Regt (i. e. one company of 2 En 993 Gren RogtJ, 2 Bn 994 Gren Regt, 4 Bn 278 rty Regt

These prisoners were t ken by 1 Para Regt (G••D.S. ­ 63426/7, Tenth Army, ~. D. 9, PP"~ 551, sit rep 26 Oct 44) (Photost t 9811uO.(D286)) - 93 -

(all fro 278 Inf Div), nd clements 508 G••Q. Tk Bn. (G••D.S. - 63426/1, Tenth my, .D. 9, 26 Oct 44)

27 Oct 196. Pou ing ralllS were dre ching the front; heavy togs shroudod tho mount in are s; rivers were in flood; many roads were impassable. No eng gements of consequence were reported fro any part of the fro • General Lem lsen arriv d at the eadquarters of Tenth Y, and took over co and from General v. Vietinghoff, who then moved- to rroy Group headquarters on tho "morning of 28 Oct. (G.M.D.S. - 63426/1, Tonth Army, .D~ 9, 27 Oct 44) 197. ccording to e tzell 4 Brit Div had received a marked sotback at the Ronco, and had lost almost a whole brigade. This was due to the fact that the Ronco had been crossed at normal wate level; whereupo the ~aters had risen and could not be ccrossed 'Then t e counter-attack went i • Wentzell told Runkel of ossage from the High Commanq. which expressed extraordinary displeasure at the withdrawal [to th Ronco] in the absence of p essure. This meant that in fUturo disengagements for tr sfer could onl be ca ried out if the opponent were attacking, or if the seotor could be bolstered by euns of spr ading neighbouring formations. (G.M.D.S.­ 63426/8, Tonth my, W,D. 9, Appx'27-3l Oct, Appx 553, tol cons 27 Oct 44) (Photost t 98 O.(D285)) 198. As ever after a critical period it was now necessary to straighten out the formations whioh had become entangled at difficult oments. Most urgent was the prep tion of defence lines in t e Bologn e; where t e lied forCes ight soon r s e majo operations; any changes in COEm ds and dispositions were to be made. The composition of Tenth 'yon 27 Oct (before tho changes began to create a new picture) was as follows: - 94 -

Tenth u:ny

(fron West to Est)

1 Pa_ Co s 94 lof Div 16 S.S. pz Gron Div 4 Para Div 65 Inf Div 29 pz Gre Div 362 Inf Di. vH

14 pz Corps 90 z Gren Div 1 Para Div 98 Inf Div 334 Inf Div 715 Inf Div. 76 pz Corps 305 Inf Di 356 Inf Div 278 Inf Div . 26 P:1E: Di,piiE!!

Venetian Coast 114 Jg Div Co d 162 (Turc) Inf Div·

(G••D.S. - 63426/1, Tent 1 ~ .D. 9, 26 and 27 Oct 44; 63426/11, Tenth U"I!1y , sit maps ~l- 30 Oct , sit nap 27 anel 28 Oct 44) (Photostat 981AlO.(D305)} The above order of battle is co fi ed and enlargod by t detailed situ tio . ps of t e t oc Corps for 28 Oct 44: Photostat 981Ll0;(D306} 1 Para Corps Sit "np 28 Oct 44 Photostat 98lAlO~(D307) 1~. pz Corps Sit Map 28 Oct 44 Photostat 981AlO~(D308) 76 pz Corps Sit Map 28 Oct 44 graphic tabul tion f the fighting strengt of the's divisions is also bei greta' e . p otostatic forn (G••D.S. 63426/8, enth y,' .D. 9~ ppx 27-31 Oct, PPX 561, 27 Oct 44) (Photostat 9811~0.(D309})

l! Ius ale ants 42 g Di Vj alance following Under command of 76 pz Corps vinco 25 Oct (Tonth , W.D. 9, 25 Oct 44) Plus remnants 20 G. ~.F. Div In eserTe about 10 kn no th-wcst of Rayonna (0 £!i, sit m p 27 and 28 Oct ) - 95 -

199. In t 0 n.c t i 0 Fou too t ...rny h d bee 1 gol denuded of fa tions 'lith a fighting v:.luo, and now consisted of:

He qu t s 51 1tn Corps with: 232 In D olen nts 42 Inf Di ( dually Doving to Tonth ~) 4 Ital ~tn Div ("Manto osn") (elerlcnts ar iving) 135 Fortress Br g de Corps Lombardin With:

148 Inf Div 3 It 1 Inf Div ("S ~. con) 2 Ito.l Inf Div (9fL ttor10") (on route from Germany) Reserve: Nil sch otic orde of battle of Fourtco t on' 1 ov 44 oppe rs as ppendix ny" 'to this' repo t. ( •.•D.S. - 65922/2, Fourteenth" , .D. 5, PPx 5, ppx lOot - 31 Doc 44, Appx 1075, 1 Nov 44) (Photostat 981A10.(D311))

28-31 Oct 200. During the last four d s a October tho situation conti ued to be donin ted by the .... d se eat er conditions. Between the Vi "li~ d the so , east of tho Ronco 1 Cdn Corps w s w"thdrawn into ~ oservo; west of the Ronco 3 Para Regt moved off to ejoin its division. 114 Jg Div and 26 pz Div extended t ei respective positions to the right. On 29 Oct deep pe trotio n rt of aldol heralded the beginning of th fight for Forli.


201. Due to the surprise chieved by the Eighth i~y at the beginning of the Battle of Hi . i, t e 'driatic portio o:f the Gothic Li e (G ean Line I) w s not fully nanne ; noit could it 0 held b~ the Ge s floodin' back to tho ljoe simultaneously vith the pursuing forces. ~hot had 6riginnlly been meant to be the inter Li 0 had thus bven lost. By tho end of Octob r howe x, ith s-ill dete" ation worthy of etter c us0, Group "C" ha suoceod d in ensuring the continuation of the Ge hold on Northern Italy for another winter. The Allies, now in full ascendancy, wero novertheless the gainers in this camp ign of ott ition, and any of the o 0 's best fa atio s, wo out or pinned down in Italy, were unavailablo for other undert ings"designed to prolong tho existonce of the dying Third Realm. • - 96 - 202. At the time of writing, the War Diaries of Tenth Army and 76 pz Corps for the remainder of t he Italian oampaign are not in Alliod possossion,"nor 1s there any certain' knowlodge of thoir whereabouts. It is thoreforo not possible to supply a narrative based on enomy documents for the,last four months of Canadian operations in Italy, • 203, This report has been prepared by Capt I•• G, Steigor, Historical Section (G.S.).

• - 'I I H A' A ~.::1JL , ("1"~' J!<;.- (C.P. Stacey) Colonel t Director Historical Section (G.S,)

• • • I


• l!EP!. H.S. NUI:lber Docuoent Para "f.." 96l.Al0. (D2l0) Tenth !.roy 15 £.ug 44 Order of Battlo (Photostat and Translation) 13

"B" 961lll0. (D2l4) Tenth 1l:rr:Jy 19 Aug 44 Order for Regrouping of 76 I'z Corps (!'hotostat and Translation) 19

"C" 961111.0. (D2l9) O.B.SW to Tenth !.:roy 20 !Ulg 44 Directivo ro Withdrawal to Groon Lino Forefiold Position (Photostat and Translation) 22

"D" 98l1ll0. (Dl96c) Tonth 1l:rr:Jy 20 Aug 44 "Enony Situation Map" 24

"E" 98lIll0.(D226) O.B.SW 22 Aug 44 Ordor ro Illegal Actions against Innocent Civilians (Photostat and Translation) 31

"F" 98l1ll0. (D230b) Tenth lL.-ny 3it Map 24 and 25 !illg 44 Loft Wing of 76 Pz Corps 39

"G" 98ll.l0. (D24l) OJ3$N to Tonth and Fourtoenth !.ro1es 29 Aug 44 Ordor for Withdrawal to Groon Line (rhotostat and Translation) 56

"H" 981111.0. (D249) Tanth .:roy 30/31 £.ug 44 Sit Map 76 Pz Corps 69

"J" 98l1ll0. (D255) Tonth !.roy 3 Sop 44 Ordor of Battlo (rntotostat and Translation) 86

• "K" 981111.0. (D256) Tonth !.:roy 3 and 4 Sop 44 Situation Map (Ldriatic Scction) 87