SERVING THE TOWNS OF BARRE, HARDWICK, HUBBARDSTON, NEW BRAINTREE, NORTH BROOKFIELD, OAKHAM, PETERSHAM & RUTLAND SINCE 1834 ServingServing the towns the of towns Barre, of Hardwick, Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, Hubbardston, New Braintree, New Braintree, North Brookfield, North Brookfield, Oakham, Oakham, Petersham Petersham & Rutland & Rutland since 1834 since 1834 Serving the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Petersham & Rutland since 1834

FEBRUARYBARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE VOL. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 FEBRUARYBARRE20,EBRUARY 2014 GAZETTE F BARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE USPS 044560 VOL. 179, NVOOL. 40. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 $1.00 USPS 044560USPSUSPS 044560 044560 A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ Singing the night away April 22, 2021 ❙ Vol. 187, No. 1 ❙ $1.00 Senate SingingSinging the night the nightaway away visits selectmen SenateSenateeconomy, candidateeducation and candidatecommu- Mike Valanzola nity. Of all the candidates for the Hardwick, visiting district towns senate seat, he is the only one that Select was a selectmen. He stated that local aid and Chapter 70 money What a difference a fewBy Ellenor Downer days make visitsvisits wereselectmen a priority. Heselectmen said that now Barre Staff Writer board they were the first areas cut, not the first funded. economy,He mentioned educationeconomy, and education commu- and commu- OAKHAM- Despite a Mike ValanzolaMike Valanzolathat the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm, Oakham nity. Of all thenity. candidates Of all the for candidates the for the discuss ested in funding new programs, closes ATM selectmen still held their meeting. but that new programssenate take moneyseat, hesenate is the seat, only he one is the that only one that Republicanvisiting candidate visitingdistrict for state townsdistrict towns away from existing programs. Senate, Mike Valanzola, intro- was a selectmen.was a Heselectmen. stated that He stated that He also said that the EMS duced himself to the two select- local aid andlocal Chapter aid and 70 Chaptermoney 70 moneywarrant Department of Elementary and men present, EliotBy StarbardEllenor and DownerBy Ellenor Downer Secondary Educationwere (DESE) a priority. was were He a priority.said that He now said that now Matthew Broderick. James Erhard Staff Writera Stafffar too Writer powerful bureaucracy. By Ellenor Downer coverage of Sturbridge is also a running as a they were thethey first were areas the cut, first not areas cut, not DESE adopted common core state Staff Writer Republican for the senate seat. standards initiativethe without first a vote funded.the first He funded.mentioned He mentioned Valanzola saidOAKHAM- he hoped to visitOAKHAM- the Despite aDespite a By Paula Ouimette of the legislature thator input the fromlegislature is more inter- selectmen in all 28 towns in the that the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm,Tuesday schoolsnowstorm, Oakham districts. Oakham Selectman HUBBARDSTON – The select Staff Writerw Senate district. He stated that he ested in fundingested newin funding programs, new programs, Starbard said that he did not agree board voted to close the Annual served selectmentwo terms on still selectmenthe heldWales their still meeting. held their meeting. with the income basedbut thatnet school new butprograms that new take programs money take money Board ofRepublican Selectmen and isRepublican candidate currently forcandidate state for state Town Meeting warrant at its April HARDWICK/BARRE – spending formula that determines chairman of the Tantasqua Regional away from existingaway from programs. existing programs.12 meeting. Senate, MikeSenate, Valanzola, Mikehow much Valanzola,intro- a town must intro- spend on Hardwick Board of Selectmen School Committee, a committee of He also said that the education. Starbard said the town He also said that theActing town administrator vice-chair Julie Quink said she 18 membersduced that serveshimself fiveduced thehimself two select-to the two select- has no way to collectDepartment any of the Department of Elementary of Elementary and and He menexplained present, to themen selectmen Eliot present, Starbard Eliot and Starbard and David Nixon went through the met with various representatives Secondary EducationSecondary (DESE) Education was (DESE) was and fire chiefs regarding proposed that his Matthewfocus if elected Broderick.Matthew would be James Broderick.See Erhard SELECTMEN, James Erhard page 7 draft warrant for the ATM set for a far too powerfula far too bureaucracy. powerful bureaucracy.Tuesday, June 1. He said the war- emergency medical services cov- Turley Publications Photo by Amber King, an intern from Quabbin Regional High School. of Sturbridgeof is Sturbridgealso a running is also as aa running as a DESE adoptedDESE common adopted core common state corerant state included standard articles, erage duringThe the band board’s Crawdad April E Creek 15 held their sixth annual bonfire and food drive on Saturday, Feb. 8 at American Legion Post 2. RepublicanRepublican for the senate for seat.the senate seat. standards initiativestandards without initiative a vote without whicha vote appear every year. A new meeting. Quink said the Ware Fire Valanzola saidValanzola he hoped said to visithe hoped the to visit the of the legislatureof the orlegislature input from or inputarticle from this year, asked the voters Department is not interested in cov- Stateselectmen funds inselectmen all 28 towns in allused in 28 the towns into the school districts.Selectman Selectmanto suspend the wiring inspector’s ering all of Hardwick, just part of Senate district.Senate He district.stated that He hestated that he Starbard saidStarbard that he didsaid not that agree he did notrevolving agree fund as the town was it. The Barre QRSDFire Department to hold could promoteserved two servedterms regional ontwo the terms Wales on the Wales State approves Pathfinder roof project with the incomewith basedthe income net school based net nowschool covered by a regional wiring also provide partial coverage at a Board of SelectmenBoard of and Selectmen is currently and is currently combined assessmentpublic budgetof $99,500. about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance of the cost, site, type, spending formulaspending that formula determines that determinesinspector and no longer needed Construction or $2,003,781 of $3,273,620, with scope and timeline for the pro- chairman of thechairman Tantasqua of the Regional Tantasqua Regional Quink said West Brookfield Rescue partnerships how much ahow town much must a spendtown muston spendthe onrevolving account. Nixon said hearing expected to begin the remaining $1,269,839 borne by posed project,” wrote John School Committee,School aCommittee, committee aof committee of the Community Preservation Act Pathfinder’s member towns, based McCarthy, executive director of munities that benefit education.from the 37 pro- Starbardeducation. said Starbard the town said the town Squad is the only one interested in Technology,18 members health that18 members serves five that towns. serves five towns. covering the entireBARRE town. - TheHowever, Quabbin late summer on enrollment. the MSBA in a Jan. 29 letter to Dr. jects slated to receivehas funding no way from hasto collectno way any to collectof the any Committeeof the requested articles on the Regional School District (QRSD) Pathfinder’s member towns Gerald Paist, superintendent-direc- He explained to thethe selectmen $4 million Community Innovation WBRS feels covering West networks advancedHe explained to the selectmen warrant, which totaled $250,000 School Committee will meet on By Douglas Farmer include Palmer, tor of the Pathfinder regional dis- that his focusthat if hiselected focusChallenge would if elected (CIC) be grant would program.See be SELECTMEN,See SELECTMEN, page 7 pagefrom 7 CPA funds. The CPA articles Hardwick couldThursday, be Feb. challenging27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Staff Writer Blog about it in Ware, Belchertown, trict. “Upon receipt of the certified By Emily Thurlow “The CIC program is a major Quabbin Regional School District our reader forum Staff Writer component of the Patrick included $20,000 submitted by with long response times. WBRS Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by AmberGranby, PhotoKing, Hardwick, anby internAmber from King,votes Quabbin an interndemonstrating Regional from Quabbin High School. Regionallocal High School. Educational Support Center, 872 PALMER – After receiving Administration's commitment to pro- is only able to provide BLS ser- Monson, New approval, the MSBA and the dis- Habitat for Humanity for an afford- South St. At the conclusion of school formal approval for funding of the Braintree, Oakham trict will execute a project funding Through a program that is vide cities and towns with the tools to able housing unit, the debt service The band CrawdadThevices band Ecurrently, Crawdad Creekcommittee held Enot Creek theirbusiness, ALS. sixthheld a public Quink theirannual budget sixth bonfireproject annual andfrom bonfire foodthe drive and foodon Saturday, drive on Feb.andSaturday, Warren. 8 at American Feb. 8agreement at LegionAmerican which Post will Legion set2. forth thePost 2.intended to support regionalization effectively manage resources and pro- hearing on the Quabbin Regional School Building Authority www.gazetteforum. and other cost-saving initiatives that vide services to their residents,” said for the Hubbardston Public Library said both Barre and Ware would “Pursuant to the terms and conditions pursuant to will change the way local govern- Secretary of Administration and continue to provideSchool District mutual FY15 aid.budget will be (MSBA), a new roof will be placed terms of the MSBA’s which the district will receive its roof, an amount toward the pur- held. The public is invited to attend. over the heads of staff and students Accelerated Repair Program, the grant from the MSBA.” ments doState business to maintainState service fundsFinance Glen funds Shor. “This usedprogram used to tochase of an Agricultural Protection Quink said Athey copy of thewould FY2015 budgetmeet will at Pathfinder Regional Vocational district has 90 days to acquire and Within days of the receipt of delivery and stretch every taxpayer provides an opportunity for neigh- with Barre’sbe Board available forof review Selectmen at the Central TechnicalSnow High covers School in Palmera fieldcertify in Oakhamlocal approval for on an appro-Friday,the letter,April a preliminary16. About meeting dollar as far as possible, the towns of boring communitiesTurley Publications to build part-Photos by Ellenor Downer Restriction on acreage located off Palmer, Monson, Brimfield, Holland on April 20 toOffice, discuss 872 South possible St. after cov12 p.m.- by thefour end of to the sixyear. inches ofpriation wet andsnow all other fell necessary in the area. The same field in Oakham on Sunday, April 18 is clear of QRSDQRSD to hold to(noon) hold on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014. MSBA is expected to cover local votes or approvals showing See ROOF PROJECT, page 8 snowand Wales andpromote will sports be among those green com- grass.See regional CIC GRANT, page 8 erage. Quink said sheState asked WareState approves approves Pathfinder Pathfinder roof roofproject project promote regional See HUBBARDSTON, page 7 if they would consider looking at publicpublic budget budget about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance of the cost, site, type, their proposal again, andConstruction that WareConstruction about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance ofChocolates the cost, site, andtype, so many to pick Town ManagerKaren Stuart Beckley Anderson said of Orangeor $2,003,781 announcesor of$2,003,781 $3,273,620, of her$3,273,620,with scope with and timelinescope and for timeline the pro- for thepartnerships pro- partnerships hearinghearingit would not be a significant reduc- the remainingthe $1,269,839 remaining borne$1,269,839 by posed borne byproject,”posed wroteproject,” John wrote John candidacyexpected forexpected to state begin representativeto begin munities that munitiesbenefit from that thebenefit 37 pro- from the 37 pro- tion in cost. FinancePathfinder’s Pathfinder’smember committee towns, member based towns,McCarthy, based executiveMcCarthy, hears director executive of ATMdirectorTechnology, of Technology, healthMark health Sawyer appointed BARRE -BARRE QuinkThe Quabbin - saidTheORANGE dispatchQuabbinlate - Karen Anderson,summer forlate a squeezed summer between increasingon enrollment. prices tionson enrollment.that unreasonably hinderthe MSBA inthe a Jan.MSBA 29 letter in a Jan. to Dr. 29 letter to Dr. jects slated tojects receive slated funding to receive from funding from Regional SchoolRegional District School (QRSD) Republican,District (QRSD) announced her candi- of the necessities, food, clothing them.” the $4 millionthe Community $4 million Innovation Community Innovation Hardwick isdacy currently for the 2nd Franklin provid District- and shelter, on the one handPathfinder’s and “WePathfinder’s havemember a serious towns problem:memberGerald towns Paist,Gerald superintendent-direc- Paist, superintendent-direc-networksnetworks advanced advanced School CommitteeSchooled by Committeewill C8 meet (StateState on will Representative Police) meet on inBy seat. New Douglas She more ByFarmer Douglasand update more taxesFarmer on the other. too includefromoften the people includePalmer, in office David nowtorPalmer, of the Pathfindertor ofNixon the regional Pathfinder dis- regional dis- to policeChallenge (CIC)Challenge grantdepartment program. (CIC) grant program. Thursday, Feb.Thursday, 27Braintree at 6:30 Feb. p.m. 27 and atdeclared, the6:30 that p.m.“For too Barreat longthe the needsFireStaff of WriterWhen StaffI am the Writer RepresentativeBlog about for it in haveWare,Blog been about only itBelchertown, in interestedWare, in Belchertown, play-trict. “Upon trict.receipt “Upon of the receipt certified of the certified By Emily ThurlowBy Emily Thurlow “The CIC program“The CIC is aprogram major is a major our district the people of this districtByour readerIEllenor will foruming ourDownerpolitical reader forum games for their own Act committee presented six articles for a By Paula Ouimette during his time at the academy. Sawyer Quabbin RegionalQuabbinDepartment School Regional District is School dispatched District through Granby, Hardwick,Granby, Hardwick,votes demonstratingvotes demonstrating local local Staff Writer Staff Writer component componentof the Patrickof the Patrick have been work to reduce our taxes toStaff the Writerbenefit instead of standing up for total of $250,000, which would use CPA Staff Writer said he was excited to continue his career EducationalEducational SupportRutland Center, Support Regional 872 Center, Emergency 872PALMERignored by the –PALMER Afterminimum receiving level – After essential receiving for good the Monson,people they are supposedNew to rep-approval, the MSBA and the dis- Administration'sAdministration's commitment commitmentto pro- to pro- Monson, funds,New forapproval, the Annual the MSBA Town andMeeting, the dis- sched- in North Brookfield. South St. At theSouth Communicationconclusion St. At the of conclusion school Center. of formalschool Shepeople approval said formalwho forgovernment. approvalfundingHUBBARDSTON offorI will the funding fight to protectof the resent,” –Braintree, Finance Anderson charged. OakhamBraintree,commit “I won't- trictOakhamuled will forexecute trictJune willa project1. execute Peter funding aRussell, project funding newThrough mem- a Throughprogram athat program is vide that cities is andvide towns cities with and the towns tools withto the tools to committee business,there a public is good budget communicationprojectare fromsupposed the ourMassachusetts elderly and those on fixed be just one of the good old boys on intended to supportintended regionalization to supportNORTH regionalization BROOKFIELDeffectively manageeffectively – resources The manage North and resourcespro- Kiley and pro- asked Sawyer about a Lifesaving committee business, a public budgetto be repre-projectincomes fromtee from thechair, the Massachusetts spiraling Susan costs Rayne, of Beaconand asked Hill. Warren. I knowactingand that Warren. statetown gov- agreementber on whichtheagreement finance will set which forthcommittee, will the set forth asked the him Brookfield Board of Selectmen was Medal he received last year during his hearing on thehearing betweenQuabbin on the RegionalC8 Quabbin and RRECC, RegionalSchoolsenting so disBuilding usSchool -on food, medicineBuildingAuthority and housing.”Authoritywww.gazetteforum. ernmentwww.gazetteforum. can be made to work better and other cost-savingand other initiatives cost-saving that initiativesvide services that videto their services residents,” to their said residents,” said administrator, David Nixon,“Pursuant if he totalked“Pursuant the terms toto theexplainand conditionsterms the and Community pursuantconditions to pursuant Preservation to introduced to the Police Department’s time in Barre. Sawyer said he responded School DistrictSchool FY15patching District budget should FY15 will be budgetnot be will(MSBA), an issue.beBeacon a new (MSBA),Hill. roof will “Therea withnew be areplacedroof his many willcounterparts non-govern- be placed and in termsI willthe work ofother theto see terms MSBA’sQuabbin that it ofdoes.” the which MSBA’sAct. the Nixon districtwhich said willthe CPA districtreceive was willits a receivelocalwill options,itschange willthe waychange local the govern- way localSecretary govern- ofSecretary Administration of Administration and and Police Chief James AyotteWe askedneed ment agencies that do wonderful Anderson, her husband, Robert newest candidate for hire, Mark Sawyer to an overdose call during the COVID- held. The publicheld. is Theinvited public to attend. is invited to attend.over thesomeone headsover who of thestaffwork heads and meetingRegional studentsof thestaff needs andSchool ofAccelerated students the peo- DistrictandAccelerated Repair their towns five Program, sons regardingRepairand a daughterthe Program, grantwhich fromthe theHubbardstongrant MSBA.” from the MSBA.” voters approved,ments do business toments to do maintain atbusiness their service toregular maintainFinance meeting service Glen lastFinance Shor. week. “This Glen Shor.program “This19 programspike. The party was unconscious A copy of thethe AFY2015 copy board of budget the if FY2015 they will hadbudgetat call Pathfinderwillwill volume be moreat Regional Pathfinder ple of theVocationalour Regional communitiesschool assessmentsVocationaldistrict and help haslive 90 districtat in daysit Orange. April hasto acquire She907 meeting. daysis the and tofourth acquireimposeWithin and adays surchargeWithin of the days receiptof 1% of ofonthe propertiesreceiptdelivery of overand deliverystretch every and stretch taxpayer everyprovides taxpayer an opportunityprovides an foropportunity neigh- for neigh- information from Ware, notingresponsive that to people in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in Sawyer, a resident of West Brookfield, and had no pulse, in a car with his girl- be available forbe availablereview at forthe reviewCentralKaren at Anderson the CentralTechnical HighTechnical School High in NixonPalmer School said incertify Palmerfor localthe mostcertifyapproval partlocal for other approvalan appro- town for thean $100,000.appro- letter, a thepreliminary The letter, committee a preliminarymeeting was meeting madedollar asup far ofasdollar possible, as far the as townspossible, of theboring towns communitiesof boring communities to build part- to build part- if the call volume to West Hardwickthe district's effective and more efficient than Orange and has deep affection for was recommended by Police Chief Mark friend in a remote area of town. Sawyer Office, 872 SouthOffice, St. 872 after South 12 needs.p.m.St. after I will 12tirelesslyby p.m. the endwork oftoby pro-the the year. similarend ofadministrators government the year. programs.priation Assaid a and thetheir areaall and othertowns its people. necessary can not members from select board, conservationPalmer, Monson,Palmer, Brimfield, Monson, Holland Brimfield, Holland was low, could that possibly reduce priation and all other necessary Smith for appointment to the position removed the victim from the vehicle and (noon) on Tuesday,(noon) Feb. on Tuesday, 25, 2014. Feb.tect our 25, children. 2014. I willMSBA work to is cre- expectedMSBAstate Representativeafford isto expected cover the I willassessment. localto work cover votes to orlocal The Heapprovals Anderson votessaid orthey familyshowing approvals wereis active showingSeecommission, ROOF PROJECT,See assessors, ROOF page PROJECT, planning 8 pageand board, Wales 8 etc. willand be Wales amongof will thosefull-time be amongcom- police those com- officerSee CIC left GRANT, vacantSee CIC pageby GRANT, 8performed page 8 CPR for about eight minutes the cost. Quinkate ansaid economic Ware environment would be that have ourtrying state governmentto set up encour- a number of local organizations The money can be used for open space, his- covering bothwelcomes West jobHardwick creation in ourand dis- age these NGO's and I will work to Officer James Early earlier in the year. until Fire Chief Robert Rogowski arrived trict. Too many of us are being eliminate any unnecessary regula- See ANDERSON, page 9 toric preservation, affordable housing and Gilbertville, so they would still be Capital expenditures Sawyer has been a full-time police offi- and administered four doses of Narcan, The acting town administrator said total recreation. Nixon said the town also could covering most of the calls. Quink cer for three years. Smith said they had reviving the victim. Kiley said he likes to capital expenditures, if all passed, would borrow against CPA funds. three candidates apply for the position hear stories like that. said almost $100,000 for EMS is ChocolatesChocolates and so andTurleymany Publications so to Photomany bypick Genevieve to Fraser pick KarenKaren Anderson Anderson of Orange ofChamber Orangeuse about announces $182,000 eyes volunteerannounces of free cash. standoutsher He said heher The CPA articles included $20,000 and that Sawyer came highly recom- Clerk John Tripp read through a significant costGreen for Energythe town Tips and Kay Berry writes out a minimum bid for items in the chocolate auction held on Sunday, Feb. 9 was not sure the town had that much money submitted by Habitat for Humanity for could be challenging.Barre Energy Quink Committee said Awards to be presented of the Year, of anyone from the at the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian in Petersham. Proceedsmended. from Smith the chocolate commended auc- Lieutenant Sawyer’s resume, seeing his interest in in free cash and the worseChamber townscash ofwould Belchertown, be antion affordable will benefit thehousing church building unit, maintenancethe debt ser fund.- candidacycandidacyWBRS would for beBeautiful significantly state for icicles and state representative lessprob- representative Ryan Daley for conducting a “very thor- drumming and various sports. Sawyer at Aprilto default 26 dinner to a SpecialBrimfield, Town Brookfield,Meeting Eastin vice for the Hubbardston Public Library for the town, butlematic they ice could dams? Ifrun you intohave Brookfield, Hardwick, Holland, ough” background check”. said he is hoping to get back into coach- ORANGE - ORANGEKaren Anderson, - Karenicicles a Anderson, squeezedhanging ora between icesqueezed dam increasing betweentheBy prices fall.increasingDouglas He Farmertions saidprices that the unreasonablytionstown thatcould unreasonably affordhinder the hinderroof, an amount toward the purchase of an coverage issues. Monson, New Braintree, North Chairman Dale Kiley asked Sawyer ing, saying he coached for Gardner High Republican, Republican,announced herannounced candi-issues, heritof is acandi-the sure necessities, sign youof theare necessities,food, smallerclothing Stafffood, Writerexpenditures them.”clothing them.” Brookfield,on the list. Palmer, Referring Spencer, Agricultural Protection Restriction on acre- wasting money to melt the Petersham annual town toBarre speak about to hold himself. Sawyer said he School in the past. Tripp said they would Quink said Town Administrator PALMER — For every active Wales, Ware, Warren and West age located off Lombard Road. The town dacy for thedacy 2nd forFranklin the 2nd District Franklinsnow onand your District roofshelter, by heatand on loss. theshelter, one onhandto thethe and onediscrepancy hand“We and havein the a “Wefreeserious havecash problem: afigure serious as problem: grew up in the Winchendon/Gardner area like to get the youth involved with the Theresa Cofske is working with group or organization in town, Brookfield. The payback for insulation is fundselection 10% and theis setstate for90% of March the purchase 3 rabies clinic State RepresentativeState Representative seat. She seat.more Sheand moremore taxes and onmorethere the“a are taxes other. bita number ofon a thetoo oftangle,” key other.often volun- thehetoo peoplesaid oftenLast he inyear’sthe andoffice people thewinner now townin wasoffice now before his family settled in Hubbardston. police department. Sawyer also does USDA on potentialfairly short, grants considering to get the declared, “Fordeclared, too long “For the tooneeds long of theWhen needs Iof am Whenthe Representative I amteers theaccountant behind Representative forit, from have churchwere beengroupsfor working onlyhaveBobbie interested beenon McAvoy the only matterofin interestedWare, play- forand her in ofplay- developmentPETERSHAM rights - Theon theposition property. once again. There Ellen Anderson SawyerBARRE said - The he town has of been Barre working for the work with canines. ambulance servicehigh cost back of energy. in town. It has been like the United Church of Ware work in holding collections for werePetersham also Annual articles Town Electionfor $4,000of 20 Danafor Roadadminis has taken- out will hold a rabies and microchip our districtbelowour freezing thedistrict people for quite theaof while thispeople district ofshould this I will district haveing aI political willnew freeing games politicalcash for figure theirgames ownin fortwo their own Barre Police Department and appreciates The board unanimously appoint- and the First Church of Monson to troops overseas. At the time, she will be held on March 3. The papers to challenge for the seat. clinic on Saturday, March 29 from Meetingresulting within very little melting or three days. The issue stems from the fall trative costs of the CPA Committee such have beenhavework been to reducework our to reducetaxescivic organizations to our the taxes likebenefit theto Palmerthe insteadbenefitsaid of that standing instead she was ofthrilledup standingfor to be up forBoard of Selectmen seat currently Other positions on the bal- the9 to small 11 a.m. town at the feel Barre of DPW the Brookfields. “I ed Sawyer to the position of full-time from the suns warmth. Compare Barre’s board Lionstown Club andmeeting the Belchertown and he saidnominated, the lowestbut didn’t number believe she as heldlegal by Timreview, Clark, whopostage, has sub- attendancelot, which are allat three CPA year terms likeBuilding, knowing 441 Wheelwright my community, Road. the people police officer to start as soon as possible. ignored by thetheignored snowminimum on by the the roof level ofminimum your essential level for essential good thefor peoplegood theythe arepeople supposed they are to rep-supposed to rep- The Hardwick board met with Fair Committee, said Quaboag was as deserving of the award as meeting,mitted his resignationetc.; $33,000 as of March for andinterior signed by work the incumbents on are Second Chance Animal Shelter will people whoheatedpeople housegovernment. whoto an unheatedgovernment. I will fight toIwould will protect fight be $62,000.toresent,” protect Anderson resent,” charged. Anderson “I won'tcharged. “I won't that live there; have a little bit more of a The board welcomed Sawyer aboard the Hills Chamber of Commerce others in the community. 3, will have a contest. Nancy Allen Moderator – Bart Wendell, Board be providing rabies vaccines for dogs the Barre Boardgarage, of this Selectmen will tell you howon the library and $20,000 for exterior brick are supposedare supposedour elderlyour and elderly those(QHCC) onand fixed PresidentthoseCommunity onLennybe justfixed Weake. one ofbe Preservation the justAnd good one that oldof is the justboys goodthe on quality old boys onof 17 Common Street has taken of Selectmen – Frederik Marsh, personaland cats for onlyconnection $12. Microchipping with them,” he said. police department. Smith said they hope energy efficient your house is or re-pointing and landscape of the library. Tuesday, April 20, at 7:15 p.m. These are the people that – for the that Weake said the committee that out papers to fill the term. Dana Treasurer – Dana Robinson, Board Sawyerwill also be saidavailable he for is$20 focusedinclud- on commu- to do a community “meet and greet” at to be repre-is tonot. beincomes repre- fromincomes the spiraling from the costs spiraling of Beacon costsAct of Hill. articBeacon I knowles Hill.that stateI know gov- that state gov- via Zoom. Barre Chairman Greg most part – stay in the background judges Citizen of the Year nomina- SeeKennan FINANCE of 404 North Main COMMITTEE, Street of Health –page Kaye Cousens,6 nitying registration.policing, Dogs something must be on that he learned some point in the future. senting us onsentingfood, us medicine on food, and medicine housing.”when andthe Nixon mediahousing.” showssaidernment upthe at cananCommunity ernmentbetions made is looking canto work Preservationbe for. made better to work betterhas notified the Town Clerk, Diana Petersham School Committee – leash and cats must be in carriers. If a O’Sullivan said many of the roads “These people are the ones in HardwickBeacon Hill.areBeacon difficult Hill.“There for Barreare many“There non-govern-event are but many are a vitalnon-govern-and part Iof will bring- workand to I willsee thatwork it todoes.” see that it does.”Cooley, of his intention to run as a Russell Fontaine, Planning Board – pet is eligible for a three year vaccine, We needWe mentneed agenciesment that agencies doing wonderful community that do activities wonderful toAnderson, life. that her Anderson,don’t husband, do it for her theRobert recognitionhusband, Robertwrite-in for the position. John Lawson and Planning Board people bring prior vaccine paperwork to respond to.New Barre board And it is recognition of that but without whose diligence the The Board of Assessors will – Fraser Sinclair. The position of with them. Vaccines will be provided membersomeone Dr. who Maureensomeonework who meetingMarshallwork the meetingneedsfact of thethatthe needsthepeo- QHCC ofand the is theirseekingpeo- fiveand sons their and five a daughtersons and a daughteralso have a contest. Fredrik “Rick” Trustees of Public Library, current- by the licensed veterinarians of said willher beconcern morewill was plebe more ofbeing our communities pleable of ournominations communities and help for the liveand 2014 helpinCitizen inShe SeeOrange. is CHAMBER, the fourthShe page is the 10 fourthMarsh has signed to serve in the ly held by Annette Ermini, is open. Second Chance Animal Shelter, Inc. responsive to people in ways that are bothLocal more generation stitchers of her family to live in group donates Afghans to Camp Putnam Karen AndersonKarento cover Anderson their ownresponsive town toand peopleNew in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in Braintree,the district's in additionthe district'seffective to Hardwick. andeffective more efficient and more than efficientOrange than and Orangehas deep and affection has deep for affection for By Ellenor Downer serves many sliding scale campers and never needs. I willneeds. tirelesslyBarre I will workTown tirelessly to Administratorpro- worksimilar to pro- government Jessicasimilar governmentprograms. As programs. a the area As aand theits people.area and its people. Staff Writer turns away a child, who cannot pay. tect our children.tectSizer our I will children. saidwork thatto I willcre- Fire workstate Chief to Representativecre- Robertstate Representative I will work Ito will workThe to AndersonThe family Anderson is active family is active Heather Stewart, representing Camp ate an economicate Rogowskian environment economic was environment that unablehave to ourthat attend statehave thegovernment our state governmentencour- in encour- a numberin of a localnumber organizations of local organizations GILERTVILLE – Every Thursday Putnam, says if a camper comes without welcomes job creationmeeting in as our he dis-was onage vacation. these NGO's and I will work to welcomes job creation in our dis- age these NGO'safternoon and I will a workgroup to of women gather at the a blanket or sleeping bag, the camp has a trict. Too many ofQuink us are told being the Barreeliminate board any that unnecessary regula- See ANDERSON,See ANDERSON, page 9 page 9 trict. Too many of us are being eliminate any Gilbertvilleunnecessary regula-Public Library to knit and cro- supply of old Army blankets for him or her Hardwick has been without an chet. to use. Now campers, who need a blanket, ambulance service of their own The group known as the Naughty but receive an Afghan and get to take it home for about four years. She said they Nice Stitchers dates back 12 years. Chloe with them. Stewart says, “They are thrilled Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by Genevieve Photo Fraser by Genevieve Fraser were approached by Ware years ago ChamberChamber eyesMoriarty volunteer eyes a member volunteer of standouts the group standouts and a to have them.” Green EnergyGreenand entered TipsEnergy into an agreement,Tips with Kay Berry writes out a minimum bid for items in the chocolate auction held on Sunday, Feb. 9 library trustee for many years, has come HeatherKay Stewart Berry writessays, “Campout a minimum Putnam bid for items in the chocolate auction held on Sunday, Feb. 9 Barre EnergyEMSBarre Committee services Energy Committeeassessed at $60,000. of the Year,of of the anyone Year, fromof anyone the from the Awards toAwards be presented tosince be presentedthe beginning along with librari- atwill the be First openat Congregational inthe some First form Congregational this Parish, year, Unitarianbut Parish, will in Unitarian Petersham. in Petersham. Proceeds from Proceeds the chocolate from the auc-chocolate auc- Quink said their current assessment Chamber townsChamber of Belchertown, towns of Belchertown, an Linda Payne, Evelyn LaBelle with 10 tionaccept will fewer benefittion campers will the benefit church this the buildingyear.” church The maintenance buildingcamp maintenance fund. fund. Beautifulis icicles $77,000Beautiful and prob-andicicles there and hasatprob- April been a 26 lot dinner Brimfield, Brimfield,Brookfield, Brookfield, East East at April 26years dinner and Eleanor Czabaj with five years. accommodates up to 25 campers in each lematic ice dams?lematicof “healthy If ice you dams? havediscussion” If you have about what Brookfield, Brookfield,Hardwick, Holland,Hardwick, Holland, Newer members include Lynne Deschamps, of the four villages, two for girls and two icicles hangingiciclesis best or hanging icefor damHardwick or ice damfor aboutBy Douglas a ByFarmer Douglas FarmerMonson, New Braintree, North Paula Abair and PaulaMonson, Peloquin. New Members Braintree, Northfor boys. It accepts ages 6 to 12 years old. issues, it is aissues, year.sure signitShe is youa saidsure are Waresign you is areonly interStaff- Writer Staff Writer not presentBrookfield, last ThursdayBrookfield, Palmer, are CarolSpencer, Palmer, Reed, Spencer, StewartPetersham says,Petersham “[It] is an annual old-fashioned annual towncamp” town wasting moneywastingested to in meltmoney covering the to melt West the Hardwick BarreBarre to hold to hold PALMER —PALMER For everyConnie — active For Roxi,everyWales, activeClaire Ware, Wales,Stelmokas Warren Ware, and and Warren West Susan and offeringWest arts and crafts, sports and games, snow on yoursnowand roof onGilbertville, by your heat roofloss. by and heat she loss. is “hoping group or organizationgroup or organization town, town, Brookfield. swimming in its pool and boating on the The paybackThe for payback insulation for is insulation is electionelection is set isfor set March for March 3 3 rabiesrabies clinic clinic See EMS COVERAGE,there are page a numberthere 5 are of a keynumber Thevolun- ofAfghan key volun- Lastproject year’s consistingLast winner year’s of betweenwas winner pond.was It also has a day camp session in addi- fairly short,fairly considering short, considering the the teers behind teersit, from behind church 45it, fromgroupsto 50 church benefitsBobbie groups campersMcAvoyBobbie ofat McAvoyWare,Camp for Putnamof her Ware, fortion her PETERSHAMto the overnightPETERSHAM sessions.- The position- The once positionagain. Ellen once Anderson again. Ellen AndersonBARRE - TheBARRE town -of The Barre town of BarreTurley Publications Photo by Ellenor Downer high cost of highenergy. cost It ofhas energy. been It has been like the Unitedlike Churchthe Unitedin of New WareChurch Braintree. workof Ware in holdingIn workresponse collectionsin holding to why collectionsfor the Petersham forThe ambitious AnnualPetersham Town stitchers Annual Election Town alsoof Election make20 Dana mit ofRoad- 20 DanahasHeather taken Road out hasStewart takenwill out hold of aCamp willrabies hold andPutnam, a microchiprabies and from microchip left, receives Afghans from below freezingbelow for quitefreezing a while for quite a while and the Firstand Church the First of Monsongroup Church to selectedof Monsontroops overseas.Campto troops Putnam, At overseas. the time, member At she the time, tens,will she be hats, held willscarves on beMarch held and 3.on Theeven March sweaterspapers 3. The to challenge forpapers for toGilbertville thechallenge seat. for the Public onLibrary Saturday,clinic librarian,on March Saturday, 29 from MarchLinda 29 Payne from and a member of the resulting in resultingvery little in melting very little melting civic organizationscivic organizations like theLynne Palmer likeDeschamps thesaid Palmer that says, shesaid was“It that isthrilled theshe best was to campbethrilled toBoard be of SelectmenBoard of seat Selectmen currently seat currentlyOther positionsOtherNaughty on positions the bal- But on the9Nice to bal- 11 Stitchers a.m.9 toat 11the a.m.forBarre campersat DPWthe Barre at DPW the summer camp in New from the sunsfrom warmth. the suns Compare warmth. Compare Braintree. Lions Club Lionsand the Club Belchertown around.”and the Belchertown Therenominated, is a butnominated,need didn’t since believe but the didn’t shecamp believe held she by Tim heldClark, bySee whoTim STITCHERS, hasClark, sub- wholot, has which pagesub- are lot, 8 all which three yearare all terms three yearBuilding, terms 441Building, Wheelwright 441 Wheelwright Road. Road. the snow onthe the snow roof onof theyour roof of your Fair Committee,Fair Committee, said Quaboag said Quaboagwas as deservingwas as of deserving the award of as the awardmitted as his resignationmitted his as resignation of March as andof March signed byand the signed incumbents by the areincumbentsSecond are ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter Animal will Shelter will heated househeated to an house unheated to an unheated Hills ChamberHills ofChamber Commerce of Commerceothers in the otherscommunity. in the community. 3, will have a3, contest. will have Nancy a contest. Allen NancyModerator Allen – ModeratorBart Wendell, – Bart Board Wendell,be Board providing berabies providing vaccines rabies for dogsvaccines for dogs garage, thisgarage, will tell this you will how tell you how (QHCC) President(QHCC) Lenny President Weake. Lenny Weake.And that isAnd just thatthe qualityis just the qualityof 17 Commonof 17 Street Common has taken Street hasof Selectmen taken of – Selectmen Frederik Marsh,– Frederik andMarsh, cats for onlyand cats$12. forMicrochipping only $12. Microchipping energy efficientenergy your efficient house is your or house is or These are theThese people are that the –people for the thatthat – for Weake the saidthat theWeake committee said the that committeeout that papers toout fill papers the term. to fill Dana the term.Treasurer Dana – DanaTreasurer Robinson, – Dana Board Robinson,will Board also be availablewill also forbe available$20 includ- for $20 includ- is not. is not. most part – staymost in part the –background stay in the backgroundjudges Citizenjudges of the Citizen Year nomina- of the Year nomina-Kennan of 404Kennan North of Main 404 StreetNorth Mainof StreetHealth of– KayeHealth Cousens, – Kaye Cousens,ing registration. Dogs must beDogs on must be on when the mediawhen showsthe media up at shows an tionsup at is an lookingtions for. is looking for. has notified thehas Town notified Clerk, the DianaTown Clerk,Petersham Diana SchoolPetersham Committee School –Committeeleash and– catsleash must and be incats carriers. must be If ina carriers. If a event but areevent a vital but part are ofa vitalbring- part of bring-“These people“These are peoplethe ones are the Cooley,ones of hisCooley, intention of histo run intention as a toRussell run as Fontaine, a Russell Planning Fontaine, Board Planning – Boardpet is eligible – pet for isa eligiblethree year for vaccine, a three year vaccine, ing communitying activitiescommunity to life.activities tothat life. don’t dothat it for don’t the dorecognition it for the recognitionwrite-in for thewrite-in position. for the position. John LawsonJohn and LawsonPlanning and Board Planningpeople Board bring peopleprior vaccine bring priorpaperwork vaccine paperwork And it is recognitionAnd it is recognitionof that but of without that butwhose without diligence whose the diligence theThe Board ofThe Assessors Board of will Assessors– Fraser will Sinclair.– Fraser The Sinclair. position The of positionwith them.of Vaccineswith them. will Vaccines be provided will be provided fact that thefact QHCC that theis seeking QHCC is seeking also have a contest.also have Fredrik a contest. “Rick” FredrikTrustees “Rick” of PublicTrustees Library, of Public current- Library, bycurrent- the licensedby the veterinarians licensed veterinarians of of nominationsnominations for the 2014 for Citizen the 2014 CitizenSee CHAMBER,See CHAMBER, page 10 pageMarsh 10 has signedMarsh to has serve signed in the to servely held in theby Annettely held Ermini, by Annette is open. Ermini, isSecond open. ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter, Animal Inc. Shelter, Inc. Page 2 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021 News of the Towns

Round Town Hubbardston Ellenor Downer Tom turkey struts Ellenor Downer 413-967-3505 during mating season [email protected] Post 2 to hold men’s Alpaca farm hosts Bocci league spring fling American Legion Post 2 is looking to rebuild the Plain View Alpaca Farm, 130 Gardner Road, (Rte Barre Men’s Bocce League. There are three Bocce 68), will host a spring fling Saturday, April 24 from Courts behind the American Legion Post #2 at 450 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. People are invited to join Deb and South Barre Road. At one time about three yeas ago, Keith Tetreault for some fun and shopping at their fam- Post #2 had six teams with six players each. Games are ily owned and operated Alpaca Farm. The alpacas and on Mondays at 6 p.m. and start date is scheduled for vendor tents will be seen from the road. Rain date is May 3. Cost is $5 per week so prizes may be awarded Sunday, April 25. There will be many vendors and lots at the end of the season for first, second and third place of alpacas, food, crafts, honey, maple syrup and more. finishing teams. Men interested in playing on a team Mathilde Duffy will have new cards, bookmarks and should call 978-355-4002. magnets featuring many new animals. She will also be Farmers’ market at the Barre Farmers’ Market, which opens Saturday, The Barre Farmers’ Market opens Saturday, May May 1 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Barre Common, 1 on the Barre Common. It will be open from 9 a.m. Barre. to 12:30 p.m. and features local farmers, crafters and Hikes planned at Fieldstone farm more. The market will be open Saturdays May through Hubbardston Open Space Committee and East October. Quabbin Land Trust invite individuals and families Church supper for a community hike at Fieldstone Farm on Lombard The supper committee of the Barre Congregational Road. The one-mile walk begins at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Church, 30 Park St., will hold a drive thru chicken April 24. Rain date is Sunday, April 25. People dinner Saturday, May 1 with pickup 5-5:30 p.m. Cost will have another opportunity to enjoy this trail on is $12 per adult and $5 per child under 12. People must Saturday, May 22 at 1 p.m. with a rain date of Sunday, call Lisa Holloway at 978-355-0140 for reservations. May 23. Fieldstone Farm is near the Audubon Society Dinner includes salad, chicken half, corn, potato and a in Princeton. Eventually the hope is to connect with the desert. This dinner is a fundraiser for the church. Mid State Trail and Mt. Wachusett. Turley Publications Courtesy Photo by Paula Paquette Senior center A Tom turkey displays its tail feathers while a hen looks on at Pine Grove The Hubbardston Senior Center drive through food Cemetery in Hubbardston recently. and eggs will still be in place on Thursday mornings. Local organic farmers Masks will be in place properly and distancing will be followed. to host workshop A history of Curtis Recreational Field BARRE – Many Hands Organic Farm will be host- ing a workshop regarding organic small fruit produc- By Jane McCauley ed and agreed to help the town Curtis Recreational Field when Free fishing derby tion on Saturday, May 8 from 10 a.m. to noon at the as part of their Public Service a playground was made in the farm on Sheldon Road. Participants will learn seed HUBBARDSTON – Most Project. Twenty-two servicemen same location at Center School. starting and planting protocols from greenhouse to of the spring and summer you worked on the first phase of the The basketball court as also set for May 1 will find a large group of peo- project involving site engineer- taken away at Center School at hoophouse to field. They will start seeds inside, plant NORTH BROOKFIELD – The North Brookfield ple using the Curtis Recreational ing, drainage, landscaping and the same time when the school in the field and also spend some time on the theories Sportsman’s Club in conjunction with the North Field, Route 68 in Hubbardston. seeding the field. They proved had the addition. and practice, which don’t always conform with the Brookfield Police Department, are sponsoring a free It is used by youngsters on the labor and equipment for The playground was installed norm on how to get plants off on their best footing and childrens’ fishing derby on Saturday, May 1 at North the playground, baseball, soc- several months at no charge to by volunteers at a great savings. keep them thriving throughout the season. Registration Brookfield Town Forest Park, off Rte. 67, 26-28 West cer, basketball, bandstand. The the Town. It was estimated by A walking path has been con- is available on the Many Hands Organic Farm website Brookfield Road. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. and Lions Club holds their annual the Corps of Engineers that this structed going around the field at the derby will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Field day there and several musi- service saved the Town approxi- and next to the bandstand which The Town Forest pond will be stocked with trout for cal concerts were held there. mately $200.000. Hubbardston was installed by the local Lions children ages 5-15 to catch. Children do not need to This year a special town meet- did spend $46,153.75 for Club. The Nonesuch Garden reside in North Brookfield to attend; all are welcome. ing was held there because they expenses. Local business and Club installed the landscaping Barre Dining Center Prizes will be awarded. needed to be in open air. individuals also contributed around the Bandstand. In 1986 the members at Town $6,300 to the phase one project. The whole project has been BARRE — Elder Services of Worcester Area Meeting voted to purchase A basketball court and ten- a community effort and was Nutrition Program welcomes guests to dine at these eleven acres for $55,000. nis court are still in the planning named for Theodore Curtis, ‘Kindergarten the Barre Senior Center, 557 South Barre Road. In September of 1988, voters stages. When the tennis court who was a selectman for many The following meals will be served for the week approved the project and appro- that was installed at the Leonard years and was on the original readiness kits’ offered of April 26. priated $50,000 to begin con- Field at Center School by the Recreational Field Committee Meal sites are closed and there are only struction. The Fort Devens 39th Camsters Auto Club the Town with Dennis O’Donnell, Phillip BARRE – MOC will offer “Kindergarten Readiness Meals on Wheels deliveries. Engineer Battalion was contact- Fathers agreed to replace it at the Laine and Raymond Turcotte. Kits” to CFCE families, who have children entering kin- Volunteers are needed at the Barre dining dergarten in the fall 2021. site. Volunteers are needed for Meals on Wheels The kits are funded by the Mass. Department of (mileage reimbursement) and in the kitchen. Early Education and Care and offer a variety of tools People should contact 978-355-5027. Bigleow library lists upcoming events needed to help teach counting, addition and subtrac- MON. – Chicken Picatta, rice pilaf, roasted On Wednesday, May 5 at 6:30 org/calendar/to receive the Zoom on the Kapha dosha. People tion, word building, handwriting, beginning reading broccoli, lemon pudding, diet = sugar free tapio- p.m. the Bigelow Free Public meeting invitation. may register to learn more and much more. The kits are available to families ca pudding, pumpernickel bread Library presents “Armchair On Wednesday, May 12 at about what kind of diet, exer- from the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Oakham, New TUES. – Meatballs with onion gravy, bowtie Travels with Steve Farrar- 6:30 p.m. the library will host cise and meditative techniques Braintree, Hubbardston, Gardner, Templeton, Fitchburg, pasta, Scandinavian vegetables, pineapple, corn Exploring the Alaskan National A Taste of Ayurveda with Claire might help them feel healthy Ashburnham and Westminster. muffin Parks” Zoom presentation. This Ragozzino- Kapha Zoom resen- and grounded if their primary Families may register at WED. – Marinated pork lion, cornbread will be the last one of an arm- tation. Combing physical, psy- dosha is Kapha, This program is gartenkit. After registration, a CFCE coordinator will stuffing, roasted California vegetables, baked chair traveling via Zoom series chological and spiritual health, part of the Everyone is Welcome reach out to coordinate pick-up and confirm the date cinnamon pears, whole wheat bread with travel expert Steve Farrar. Ayurveda focuses on whole body at the Table series funded by for the virtual parent workshop, which accompanies THURS. – BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, In this presentation, partic- healing based on a person’s indi- the Institute of Museum of the kits. Workshops are being offered May 19 at 6 p.m. corn niblets, fresh fruit, pumpernickel bread ipants will explore the nation- vidual body type or “dosha.” Library Services adminis- and June 9 at 6 p.m. For more information, parents FRI. – Macaroni and cheese, stewed toma- al parks system in Alaska, Ayurvedic practitioners believe tered by the Board of Library or guardians may contact [email protected], toes, green beans, cookie, Italian bread which includes the Glacier there are three major doshas Commissioners. [email protected], [email protected] or clap- *Diabetic friendly dessert Bay, Wrangell-St. Elias, Kenai (Vata, Kapha and Pitta) and by People may register at http:// [email protected]. **Higher sodium entree Fjords, Lake Clark, Katmai, understanding and balancing the to Meal includes milk and margarine. Menus Kobuk Valley, Gates of the needs of a particular primary receive the Zoom meeting invi- are subject to change. All meals are served at Arctic and Denali national parks. dosha leads to a better quality tation. about 11:45 a.m. each weekday. Reservations People will learn about them and of life. For more information, people Paige Memorial should be made the day before by calling 978- find out what to look for when Tonight’s presentation by may contact the Bigelow Free 355-5027 before 10:30 a.m. The donation of they travel there. People should Claire Ragozzino (https://vidy- Public Libraryat 978-365-4061 Library offers $2.50 per meal helps keep the program running. register at http://bigelowlibrary. will be focused or [email protected]. browsing appointments HARDWICK – The Paige Memorial Library, 87 Petersham Road, is now open for browsing by appoint- Your Local Realtor® (508) 829-7333 Barre Family Pharmacy ment with restrictions due to Covid. People may visit 25+ Years Experience 547 Summer Street, Barre the library website at for 978-355-2359 details. Free Market Analysis The appointmen t hours are Tuesday and Thursday “CERTIFIED CONTACT LENS & EYEGLASS SPECIALISTS” Call Today for an 3-6 p.m., Wednesday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday POST OFFICE PLACE Compare Our 10 a.m. to noon. SUITE 37 Easy Prescription Transfer Assistance with appointments and other questions is 206 WORCESTER RD. Prices, Service and Selection. PRINCETON, MA 01541 After Hours: 508-864-6540 available during regular hours, Tuesday and Thursday It’s Worth the Trip! 2-7 p.m., Wednesday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday 9 978-400-6932 [email protected] Laurie Kraemer Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m.; a.m. to 1 p.m.. 1015 MAIN STREET, HOLDEN MASSACHUSETTS 01520 Realtor® Sat. 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; Sun. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Patrons must be free from symptoms of infection, wear a mask covering mouth and nose and practice social distancing. Books are quarantined, touched surfaces are wiped down between appointments. Scanning, copying, print- Support ing are available with the assistance of staff. Curbside Farber & Lindley service will continue. Computers are not available the local at this time. The children’s area is closed, but par- ATTORNEYS AT LAW ents may check out books, movies and materials. businesses Restrooms are not available at this time. 7 Exchange Street, Barre that support People may call 413-477-6704 to make an appoint- ment or place an order. 978-257-8389 your local newspaper. Corrections policy Personal Injury Let them know The Barre Gazette will gladly correct factual Automobile Accident you saw their errors that appear in this paper. Corrections or clar- ad in the ifications will always appear on Page 2. To request Slip and Fall a orrection, send information to Editor Ellenor Barre Downer at [email protected] or call 978-355- 4000. Corrections may also be requested in writing Gazette at Barre Gazette, P.O. Box 448, Barre, MA 01005. April 22, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 3 News of the Towns

Public Meetings What Do Old Friends Talk About? Oakham Note: Many meetings are closed to the By Carole Gariepy Ellenor Downer public or will be held remotely. [email protected] BARRE At last there’s something Cemetery Commission – April 22 at 11 a.m. social on my calendar -- lunch Board of Health – April 24 at 8 a.m. and with my old high school girl- May 10 at 5 p.m. friends. There used to be five of Collection held for QRSD School Committee – April 27 at 6 p.m. us for these special occasions, Conservation Committee – April 27 at 7 p.m. now we’re only three, Mary Felton Field Commission – May 4 at 6:30 p.m. Alice Pollard, Shirley Avery Cradles to Crayons Council on Aging – May 5 at 1 p.m. and me (Carole Gariepy).. It’s a Barre Housing Authority – May 6 at 3 p.m. reminder to treasure our friends Gavin Majoy, a Project 351 alumni ambassador QRSD Special Ed Subcommittee – May 7 at 9 a.m. while we have them, and don’t will hold a clothing drive for Cradles to Crayons Water Commission – May 10 at 6:30 p.m. put off opportunities to keep goes to make a “Kid Pack,” which is a week’s worth DPW Commission – May 10 at 7 p.m. connected or it may be too late. of outfits for a child. The “Kid-pack” includes: four Library Trustees – May 18 at 6:30 p.m. We all had our two vac- shirts, two pairs of pants, one package of underwear, Planning Board – May 18 at 7 p.m. cine shots and felt comfort- a package of socks, a sweater or sweatshirt, a pair of Sewer Commission – May 20 at 7 p.m. able about meeting for lunch. shoes and one set of pajamas. Cradles to Crayons is Zoning Board of Appeals – May 26 at 7 p.m. The five of us always made asking Project 351 to reach out to communities to Cable Advisory Committee – June 8 at 7 p.m. it a point to get together at gather donations of new or “like new” clothing sizes least once or twice a year, and Turley Publications Courtesy Photo newborn to youth large (10-12) (new socks, new HARDWICK we each prepared one of our These women have been friends since elementary school. underwear and new pajamas are also welcome. He Board of Selectmen – April 26 at 6:30 p.m. best dishes to make it a spe- They are back row from left, Mary Alice Pollard, Betty will have a collection box for any items donated at Finance Committee – April 26 at 5:30 p.m. cial lunch for the special occa- Snyder and Shirley Avery and front row from left, Carole the Oakham Congregational Church starting Sunday, Personnel Committee – April 27 at 5:30 p.m. sion. Now we’re in our 80s and Gariepyand Sandy Allen. April 25 to Sunday, May 16. Any new or “like new” Planning Board – April 27 at 6:30 p.m. each of us brings our own food clothing sizes newborn to youth large (10/12) includ- Conservation Commission – April 28 at 6:30 p.m. because of dietary restrictions. catch up on, then the grand- one in a nursing home or the ing new socks, new underwear or new pajamas is Recycling Commission – May 4 at 6:30 p.m. Nevertheless, the get-togeth- children. The grandchildren -- hospital, go to a museum, or greatly appreciated. The box will be located in the Paige Library Trustees – May 6 at 7 p.m. er is just as special, and it felt that’s when we started sharing go to church. As well as gain- hallway of the side door of the church. The outside Gilbertville-Wheelwright Sewer Commissioners – even more special this year photos. I think of the bumper ing a deeper appreciation for door is open at all times. May 10 at 6 p.m. because Covid prevented us sticker that says, “If I’d known the things that had been normal Preschool registration Council on Aging – May 13 at 9:30 a.m. from meeting last year, the first what a pleasure grandchildren in our lives, we did talk about Children who will be three or four years of age Gilbertville Public Library – May 14 at 4 p.m. year we missed a get-together would be, I’d have had them being thankful during this peri- prior to Sept. 1, 2021 are eligible to attend. For reg- since we graduated from high first.” Now, in our 80s, it’s od for more time to read and istration information, people may visit the Quabbin HUBBARDSTON school in 1955. great grandchildren. We can’t more time to spend with God. Regional School District website or Select Board – April 26, May 10 and May 24 It’s interesting to reflect on be as active with them as we Some good comes from every- email [email protected]. Preschool in the QRSD is at 6:30 p.m. the topics of discussion we had were with the grandchildren, thing. We are thankful at last to free of charge. Open Space Committee – April 27 and through the years and how con- but we find it very satisfying to be able to visit with each other Kindergarten screening May 25 at 7 p.m. versation centered around our see the new generations come without wearing a mask and are Kindergarten screening for incoming kindergart- Historical Commission – May 1 at 10 a.m. life’s stages. During college along and observe our own anxious for the day to come eners will be held Friday, June 4th. Parents will be Conservation Commission – May 4 at 7 p.m. years we talked about school children in the grandparent when everyone will be vacci- contacted in regard to the screening process as well Planning Board – May 6 at 6:30 p.m. and the men in our lives. Then, role. nated so the comfort we felt as to schedule a screening appointment. Registration it was engagements, showers, We girls kept connected being together can be felt by paperwork should be completed prior to the screening marriage. We all got married with caring, interest, and sup- everyone everywhere. date. Registration packets are available on the district PETERSHAM quite young, as was typical in port for over 70 years, through The years go by fast. My website or at Oakham Center School. Please call Mary Advisory Finance Committee – April 22 at 6 p.m. those years -- no living togeth- all the emotional ups and grandmother used to tell me in the school office for more information at 508-882- Planning Board – April 22 at 7 p.m. er before marriage then. Next, downs that accompanies every- that the older she got, the fast- 3392. Nichewaug Inn and Academy Committee 2020 – our lunch discussions would be one’s life. Can you guess what er the years went by. I thought Walk to school April 26 at 6:30 p.m. about babies, followed by toilet the central topic of conversa- she was crazy to say that. How Wednesday, April 28 Oakham Center School stu- Open Space and Recreation Committee – training, and raising children, tion was this year? could time go faster at one age dents in grades K-5 who would like to join the walk May 4 at 6:30 p.m. always cooking and health top- Yes, Covid 19. It’s the main than another? Now I feel the to school should be at the library between 7:50 and Conservation Commission – May 4 at 7:30 p.m. ics were important to share. topic of conversation for every- same way. My husband Gerry 8 a.m. They will begin walking to school at 8 a.m. Board of Health – May 6 and May 20 at 7 p.m. Our kids’ teen years, and espe- one all over the world. As we says, “Time flies, but we only sharp. Cemetery Commission – May 13 at 7 p.m. cially when our kids got their talked we realized that this walk.” Because time seems to Town election information Petersham Historic District – May 20 at 7 p.m. driver’s licenses, were stressful lonely, depressing, worrisome fly, we want to be sure to spend Christine Mardirosian, town clerk, announces times and our support for each time has made us more appre- our time wisely. I’m thankful the last day to register to vote in the town election RUTLAND other was helpful. Fortunately, ciative of the everyday things that we girlfriends, since ele- set for Monday, May 17 is Tuesday, April 27. The Finance Committee – April 22 at 6 p.m. we all had good husbands, each we always took for granted. mentary school, once again had following positions will be on the ballot: three- Planning Board Public Hearing – April 27 at 6:55 p.m. with some hobbies and inter- Never before did we appreciate an opportunity to be together to year term for selectman, town clerk, assessor, Planning Board Public Hearing – April 27 at 7:20 p.m. ests that were fun to hear about. being able to welcoming peo- continue sharing in the stages board of health, library trustee, cemetery com- Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing – Our children’s doings were ple into our homes or feel safe of life, and hope our example of mission, school committee and tree warden; two- May 5 at 6:30 p.m. always a topic of conversation, to visit them. We didn’t appre- maintaining, appreciating, and year term for assessor and cemetery commission; Annual Town Meeting – May 8 at 6 p.m. our work or volunteer outreach ciate being able to go shopping, nurturing friendships will be one-year term constable and five-year term planning Annual Town Election – May 10 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. was a subject we wanted to attend a meeting. visit some- passed on to our descendants. board. Church news The Oakham Congregational Church will hold in person Sunday worship at 10 a.m. Social distancing Gardner Museum lists lecture series will be followed and masks must be worn. Sunday Postponements GARDNER – All events smallest members of the North Massachusetts Department of School meets downstairs in Fellowship Hall. All are run from 7-8 pm after a muse- American deer family. On Conservation and Recreation, welcome. and cancellations um-hosted reception from 6:30- Thursday, May 20 the pro- will present wildlife imag- 7 p.m., unless otherwise noted. gram will be “Gardner’s lost es, focusing on birds that visit due to the coronavirus Reservation is required for every railroads and train stations.” It , and birds and event. Admission for non-mem- will be a joint presentation by mammals that live here and Barre Spring In & ber adults is $3, unless otherwise local railroad buffs under the call New England home. Both pandemic noted. leadership of Chuck Heidorn. of his books, “Secret Lives Opticians Schedule Your On Thursday, May 13 the On Thursday, May 27 the topic of the Quabbin Watershed” & Due to snow, the Earth Day River Cleanup on April program will be “Glimpses is “Birds of New England and and ”Voyagers, Visitors Hearing Eye Exam 17 will now occur on Saturday, May 8 from 9 a.m. to of white-tailed deer.” Wildlife the Quabbin Reservoir.” Dale and Home,” will be avail- Aid Center noon at Laviolette Field, Three Rivers. photographer Bill Fournier Monette, local birder and nature able for purchase at the pro- will share his up-close imag- photographer and retired edu- gram and signed on request by Accepting New Patients The Three County Fair, Northampton, closed its es and experiences with the cator and naturalist with the the author. Call for an Appointment 978-355-2191 office for the winter season and instituted staff cuts and 395 Main Street, Barre Plains furloughs to help the 202-year-old organization survive the extended shutdown of the fairgrounds due to the COVID-19 health crisis. The cuts will affect each staff member, and includes a fourteen percent salary reduc- tion for senior management and staggered furloughs Have Something to Share? for all employees. Furloughs could be extended if the fairgrounds are unable to host postponed 2020 events Send your stories and photos to [email protected] NOTICE in the spring, which include over a dozen different ERRORS: Each advertiser is horse shows from April through October, plus a vari- requested to check their ad- WE SERVICE ALL ety of concerts and festivals. The Three County Fair vertisement the first time it MAJOR BRAND entered 2020 on solid ground after completing 2019 appears. This paper will not APPLIANCES as its most successful year since horse racing ended at McNeely Tree Service Trees be responsible for more than NAME BRAND the fairgrounds in 2005, thanks to a widely attended Insured • References • one corrected insertion, nor Labor Day weekend fair, and another full slate of horse Shrubs Perennials APPLIANCES & TV’S AT • Hazardous Tree Removal will be liable for any error in shows and festivals. But with reoccurring operational WAREHOUSE PRICES expenses and more than one million dollars in lost • Stump Grinding Garden Statuary an advertisement to a greater 2020 event revenue, the fair will run out of reserves • Bobcat Rental extent than the cost of the 287 Main Street sooner rather than later. The fair received a Small • Lot Clearing Open: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. space occupied by the item Gardner Business Administration Paycheck Protection Loan in • Furnace Wood Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the advertisement. mid-May, which has since been exhausted and forgiven • Storm Cleanup 978-632-0241 by its lender and the SBA. For more information, peo- ple may visit • Firewood $220/cord • 101 ft Aerial Lift Rental POR 77 Tully Road, Orange DEBIT IT’S A GREAT TIME TO LIST With the current and near future Covid 19 parame- H: 508-867-6119 CARDS 978-575-0570 ters from the CDC, the Home Builder & Remodelers Like Us On YOUR HOME FOR SALE! 978-888-1693 Facebook Quality Nursery Stock Landscaping Supplies Association of Western Massachusetts, along with the Buyers are anxious to get out and look at homes Eastern States Exposition, has postponed the March after the winter, and with a low inventory of Home Show 2021: the “Original” Western Mass Home homes available in the area and low mortgage and Garden Show to Aug. 20 – 22, 2021. The new date rates, it’s a great time to sell. While following will allow for the utmost personal safety for guest & HELP WANTED COVID-19 safety protocols, properties are sell- vendors, allow full building occupancy, and reflect the Experienced Cashiers & Take Out ing quickly and at higher prices than ever. true show attendance numbers of their past shows REMINDER: $16.00/hour Pizza Makers Contact Brian Cirelli of Cirelli Real Estate for a APRIL 30TH IS THE 2 Years Experience Required free CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) and PEOPLE/MILESTONE NEWS find out what your home may be worth in to- $17.00/hour As a free service for our readers, we will print all births, DEADLINE TO REMOVE day’s real estate market. weddings, engagements, milestone anniversaries, major Line Cooks birthdays, military achievements, honors and awards. We STUDDED TIRES 2 Years Experience Required have a “people news” form available for you to submit these $16.00/hour CIRELLI REAL ESTATE listings. This material is provided to us by our readers and lo- Brian Cirelli - Broker/Owner cal institutions and we do not charge to print this content. ORIGINAL TIRE CO. For more information, or to submit people or milestone Joseph West, Prop. Barre, MA news for the Barre Gazette, please email edowner@turley. SOUTH ATHOL ROAD, ATHOL 978-249-3477 978-355-2700 com. OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8 A.M.TO 5:00 P.M. PIZZA & RESTAURANT SATURDAY 8 A.M.TO NOON [email protected] Service While You Wait 11 Exchange St., Barre • 978-355-3536 Search MLS listings at Page 4 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021 Opinion

Guest Column Letter to Editor SOCIAL SECURITY Project 351 alumni MATTERS member plans clothing drive When can I get I hope that you and your families are all staying safe and healthy at this time. I am reaching out to you to ask for your help once again. I was selected benefits from my to be a Project 351 Ambassador for the town of New Braintree, last year, and continue to be a part of this organization as an Alumni Member. Project 351 is a youth service nonprofit organization that develops a ex-spouse? rising generation of community first leaders. By Russell Gloor In the next few weeks, I will be leading a cloth- Guest columnist ing drive dedicated to collecting new or “like new” clothing for Cradles to Crayons. Cradles to Crayons Dear Rusty: I know that I am able to get Social provides children from birth to age 12, living in home- Security from my ex-husband. We were married for less or low income situations, with essential items they 16 years and I have not remarried. I will be 60 soon need to thrive-at home, at school, and at play. They and he is 63. I do not know if he is retired yet, as we supply these items free of charge by engaging and do not speak. Please advise when I can collect and connecting communities across the commonwealth how to go about the process. Signed: Divorced Lady through service and generosity. Dear Divorced Lady: Since you were married to The clothing that is donated to Cradles to Crayons your ex for more than 10 years and haven’t remar- goes to make a “Kid Pack”, which is a week’s worth of ried, you may be able to collect a spousal benefit outfits for a child. The “Kid-pack” includes: 4 shirts, 2 from your ex-husband when you are 62-years-old. pairs of pants, 1 package of underwear, a package of Your eligibility will depend upon the amount of your socks, 1 sweater or sweatshirt, a pair of shoes, and 1 own personal Social Security benefit compared to set of PJS. your ex’s benefit amount, but you cannot collect an Cradles to Crayons is asking Project 351 to reach ex-spouse benefit before age 62. To be eligible for In Past Pages out to communities to gather donations of new or “like a benefit from your ex-spouse, you must also claim new” clothing sizes newborn to youth large (10-12) your personal Social Security from your own lifetime (new socks, new underwear, and new pajamas are also work record, and when you claim your own benefit, 5 years ago (April 28, 2016 welcome) an ex-spouse benefit will be given, if you are entitled I will have a collection box for any items donated at to one. The Barre Farmers’ Market LOOK BACK the Oakham Congregational Church starting Sunday, To be eligible for a benefit from your ex-spouse, opens Saturday, May 7 from 9 a.m. Barre Fair - 1986 April 25 to Sunday, May 16. Any new or “like new” your personal Social Security retirement benefit at to noon on the lawn and parking clothing sizes newborn to youth large (10/12) includ- your own full retirement age (FRA) must be less lot of the Barre Congregational ing new socks, new underwear, or new pajamas is than 50% of the benefit your ex-husband would get Church, 30 Park St The market greatly appreciated. at his FRA (note that FRA amounts are used for this runs every Saturday May through Thank you in advance for helping me and for help- determination, regardless of the age at which either October There will be maple syrup, ing many people in need. of you claim Social Security). If your FRA benefit honey, flowers, plants, eggs, meat, Sincerely, amount is less than half of his FRA benefit amount, milk and other dairy products, Gavin Majoy then you will be entitled to a “spousal boost” to bring crafts and baked goods. New Braintree your total payment up to your spousal entitlement. Alumni Ambassador 2020 But taken at age 62, both of those amounts will be Police Chief Erik reduced. Demetropoulos and John Dipilato Your full retirement age is 67, and if you claim of the Public Safety Building How to submit photos and any Social Security benefit before that it will be Committee recommended select- reduced. At 62, your personal Social Security retire- men award the bid for the public news to the Barre Gazette ment benefit will be cut by 30% and your spousal safety building to the low bidder, Readers, institutions, municipalities, non-profit groups boost will also be reduced. So, at age 62, the total P & P Construction of Charlton. and civic organizations are strongly encouraged to send amount of benefit you could get (your own benefit Acting on the committee’s rec- the Barre Gazette their hometown news and photos. plus your spousal boost) would be about 32.5% of ommendation, selectmen award- News items and press releases should be sent in an your ex-husband’s FRA benefit amount. Nonetheless, ed the bid to P & P. Its bid was e-mail to [email protected] as either a Microsoft if you are comfortable with these benefit reductions, $2,441,447 and included three Word document attachment or pasted directly into the e-mail message screen. Be sure to include who, what, you can claim at age 62, or any age thereafter, by alternates. Chief Demetropoulos when, where and why in the submission, preferably writ- contacting Social Security or, when the time comes, said the architect was confident the ten in the third person unless it is a letter to the editor or apply online at project could be completed within guest column. will need to provide Social Security with a copy the three million budget. The town Turley Publications File Photo Please send photo captions identifying all subjects in of your marriage certificate and your final divorce received $3 million from the state A picture perfect landing was made by one of the image(s) from left to right and include first and last decree, and you will need to know your ex-husband’s to build a public safety building. the skydivers to the delight of the onlookers. name, hometown, title if applicable, and a brief descrip- Social Security number. If you do not know his The board expressed thanks to for- tion of what subjects are doing in the photo. Social Security number, you’ll need to provide his mer state Senator Stephen Brewer E-mail uncorrected, raw, RGB color digital photos at parents’ names and his date and place of birth. for his efforts in acquiring the uture programs for the public and Corey got out of the water and highest resolution directly off the camera or sized at least 6 inches wide at 200 resolution, no larger than 1 megabite. If you wish to find out in advance whether funding for the town. Town admin- to listen and enjoy. Concerts are Corey went for help. Within min- They may be e-mailed as attachments to barrenews@ you’re entitled to an ex-spouse benefit and how istrator, Heather Lemieux, estimat- held every Sunday evening at the utes, help came in all directions. or faxed to 413-967-6009. Deadline for hard much it is estimated to be, you can contact Social ed the construction start date to be Harding Allen Bandstand on the Hardwick Officer Thomas Petrone copy is noon on Friday and e-mailed copy noon on Security at 1.800-772-1213, or call your local late May or early June. Barre Common beginning Father’s was first on the scene and rescued Monday. Publicity chairpersons are encouraged to send in Social Security office. You can find the local office Day, June 19 and running until Chris, who was clinging to a tree news about upcoming fundraising or other calendar events number at Please note that Highway superintendent, C. Aug. 14. branch. Massachusetts Electric at least three weeks before they take place. all Social Security offices are temporarily closed to Kevin Currier and selectmen dis- workers rescued Joshua, who float- The Barre Gazette will respond to all e-mail messages public access due to the pandemic, so calling them cussed the sidewalks on Maple Dr. Allen Russell has traveled ed further down the river. All four received. People may call the Barre Gazette at 413-967- is your best current option to get an estimate of Street. Currier said the sidewalks all over the world searching for were wearing lifejackets. 3505 for help and suggestions. People who do not have e-mail may mail these materials to: Ellenor Downer, your spousal benefit. on Maple Street were a “gray dinosaur fossils and studying them. Editor, Barre Gazette, P.O. Box 448, Barre, MA 01005. One final caution: if you claim Social Security area” as some residents claim they “Dinosaurs are really just a form Selectmen heard complaints before your full retirement age and you are working, owned the sidewalk in front of their of a big lizard and some of them Monday night about flooding you’ll be subject to Social Security’s “earnings test” homes and others said the town weren’t that big,” said Russell. He behind the Bradford Apartments which limits how much you can earn before they take did. He said if the town owned the said there are dinosaurs that he has in South Barre. Romeo Salvadore back some of your benefits. sidewalks, he recommended elim- never heard of. “You know why? of Main Street in South Barre said Turley BARRE GAZETTE This article is intended for information purposes inating the sidewalk on the left Because we are finding them all the Ware River is at extremely high Publications The Barre Gazette (USPS only and does not represent legal or financial guid- side of Maple Street as the tele- the time. And some of them we level and there has been a lot of 044560) is published ance. It presents the opinions and interpretations of phone poles were on that side and haven’t even named yet. We just flooding in the area where he lives. Letters to every Thursday by Turley the AMAC Foundation’s staff, trained and accred- just keeping the one the right side. have a bunch of bones.” Russell He said three feet of the embank- Publications, Inc., 24 Water ited by the National Social Security Association. He suggested the selectmen talk visited the Woods Memorial ment near his home has eroded the Editor St., Palmer, Mass. 01069. NSSA and the AMAC Foundation and its staff with the property owners or write Library on April 21 to discuss away and there has been water Telephone (413) 283-8393, are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social them a letter regarding ownership. dinosaurs, as part of the library’s in his cellar and other cellars of Policy Fax (413) 289-1977. Security Administration or any other governmen- Another option would be to check school vacation programs. homes in the area. Salvadore called POSTMASTER: Send tal entity. To submit a question, visit our website the deeds to see who owns the side- the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Letters to the address changes to Turley ( walks. editor should be Publications, Inc., 24 Water 25 years ago (April 25, 1996) at Barre Falls Dam in an attempt to St., Palmer, Mass. 01069. visory) or email us at ssadvisor@amacfoundation. resolve the problem. He spoke with 350 words or less in org. 10 years ago (April 28, 2011 It was Wednesday of school Paul Martinelli there and asked length. No unsigned PATRICK H. TURLEY Russell Gloor is a Social Security advisor for vacation week and 14 year old him to “shut the water down,” but or anonymous opin- CEO AMAC. The 60th Annual National Day twins, Christopher and Cory Martinelli refused to give the order ions will be pub- KEITH TURLEY of Prayer will be observed locally Bernard of West Street and their to hold back the water. Salvadore lished. We require let- President ter writers to include on the Barre Center Common at friend, Joshua Cabot of Woods said when the water is high, it EDITOR noon on Thursday, May 5. Nancy Road, also 14, were looking for is supposed to be directed to the his or her town of Ellenor Downer Gromelski, local organizer, stated some excitement. A fun morn- Quabbin Reservoir, but now the residence and home [email protected] that this year’s theme, “A Might ing began with fishing at 5 a.m., environmentalists are saying this is telephone number. We must authenti- STAFF WRITER Fortress Is Our God” is based on followed by a hike at Barre Falls not a good idea because this water Colleen Montague Psalm 91.2. Dam with the Bernard’s parents, is dirty and won’t purify itself. cate authorship prior [email protected] Mark and Robin. The boys then Selectmen will contact the Army to publication. We reserve the right to ADVERTISING SALES Tell Us What The Quabbin Community Band decided to canoe the river. Mark Corps of Engineers in an attempt to Tim Mara invites current and interested new and the boys put the canoe in at the resolve the problem. edit or withhold any [email protected] submissions deemed You Think members to the first rehearsal of “singing bridge” in South Barre. SPORTS EDITOR the upcoming 2011 summer season They were about 100 yards from Dr. Joseph Richard Stenger to be libelous or con- tain unsubstantiated Greg Scibelli on Monday, May 2 from 6:30-8:30 Silver Bridge in Hardwick and the has been re certified a diplomate [email protected] allegations, personal p.m. in the Quabbin Regional High end of their trip when the current of the American Board of Family SOCIAL MEDIA School band room. Artistic director took them toward a tree sticking Practice, the certifying entity of attacks, defamation of and conductor Peter Lewis is excit- out of the embankment. We ducked the family practice specialty. Dr. character and offen- ed to once again bring together our heads to avoid the tree and the Stenger, a family physician, earned sive language. All @ Barre Gazette unknown or alleged musicians of the surrounding com- canoe turned sideways with this diplomate status by passing the WEB munities to create and rehearse shifting of weight and tipped. Mark ABFP’s certification examination, facts and quotations Share your thoughts and suggestions offered by the author with our staff and your fellow readers. an intensive written test of the phy- sician’s abilities in pediatrics, inter- need to cite credi- Participate in our opinion pages, ble, unbiased sourc- or contact us anytime with your feedback! PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BARRE, MA nal medicine, surgery, obstetrics, The Barre Gazette is a weekly newspaper published every Thursday by gynecology, psychiatry, prevention es. Send letters to: Barre Gazette, Inc., with offices located at 5 Exchange St., Barre, MA and other aspects of family practice. Barre Gazette, P.O. 01005 and at 24 Water St., Palmer, MA 01069. Telephone at 978-355- Box 448, Barre, MA Barre Gazette 4000 or FAX at 978-355-6274. USPS number is 044-560. Postmaster: Send 01005 or via email to Turley Publications, Inc. cannot address changes to: 38 years ago (April 28, 1983) assume liability for the loss of Your Community Newspaper Barre Gazette, 24 Water St. [email protected]. Palmer, MA 01069 The deadline for sub- photographs or other materials $1.00 per copy Daniel R. Kirkpatrick, submitted for publication. Subscription rate: $33 for one year, $44 for two years Chairman of the Fiance missions is Friday at Materials will not be returned [email protected] • 413.967.3505 Out of State: $38 for one year, $54 for two years noon. except upon specific request See PAST PAGES, page 5 when submitted. April 22, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 5

Serenity Hill Sampler Enjoy Earth Day while rethinking your gardening practices by Jane McCauley Die-hard gardeners celebrate relationship with the ture lost to evapora- Earth Day year round, I feel. We garden center you in the tion while watering in take pleasure in our yards and the buy your plants and the evening can make With the eight inches of snow Audrey’s Apple Bread ready growing. A few of the older GARDEN bounty our gardens produce. But gardening supplies plants more prone to on Friday and Saturday we sure 1 cup salad oil hostas were showing their points so when the formal holiday of April from. Ask them to disease. What to do? did not look like spring on Serenity 3 eggs I divided some and put the extras 22nd approaches, I pause, ana- carry organic seeds, For happy, hydrat- Hill. It was very pretty and I took 2 cups sugar in a holding bed to use wherever I lyze my own practices and make potting soils and ed plants water in the some pictures of the snow cling- 1 teaspoon vanilla need some later. sure they are still in tune with pest control options. early morning hours ing on the trees. On Friday night 3 cups flour Now that the buds are coming my beliefs. While not a purist, I A friend of mine instead. Hand water- it was sleeting so I did not bring 1 teaspoon cinnamon out on the roses I trimmed some of generally try to tread lightly on pestered one local ing at the base of each in my pots of pansies as I did not teaspoon salt the bushes. I also fertilized them Mother Earth. I encourage you to company so much plant or using soaker want to fall on the deck. They look 1 teaspoon baking soda and put some extra aged manure take inventory this week as well, that they now carry Roberta McQuaid hoses or drip irrigation like they survived after I removed 3 teaspoons baking powder on them. Columnist and if so inspired, adopt some of everything I men- is far better than over- the snow from the pots. The poor 3 cups diced apples I finished mulching the bush- the following ideals borrowed tioned above as well head sprinklers when it daffodils got bent over but maybe 1/2 cup nuts (optional) es and raking and will mulch the from previous columns and add as organic livestock feed. comes to conservation and disease those in bud will survive. They call Grease and flour two 5 by 8 hosta bed when they all come up. them to your own routines. Reduce, reuse, recycle! I first prevention. this “Poor man’s fertilizer,” but we inch bread pans. Mix all ingredi- We did burn a large pile of Feed the soil, not the plant. became familiar with this catch Extend the harvest. Do you really don’t need any more. ents in the order listed. Bake in a brush, but there is so much more to Have your soil tested and ask phrase back in 1990, when Earth know how far most fruits and I spent Saturday making water- 300 degree oven for 55 minutes. burn. The oaks and pines sure took for organic recommendations Day celebrations went global. In vegetables have to travel to color pictures and some greeting Test with toothpick or cake tes- a beating this winter. to correct nutrient deficiencies. the context of plastic pots and reach the local supermarket? cards. I really don’t need any more, ter. Wrap in foil while still warm. I’m hoping to get up to the Replenishing your garden with other containers used to grow Probably far more than the aver- but I will donate them to one of my This is important the recipe says. Curtis Field for a good walk when amendments like rock phosphate or move plants, I’d like to think age American travels in a year’s favorite clubs. This makes two generous loaves. the snow melts. and greensand will help to create that the local Mom and Pop shop time. Frustrated? Then read up I did make a batch of chocolate I use nuts, but you do not have to The Girl Scouts held a good long-lasting nutrient storehouses. would take back the pots you on various methods of extending chip cookies as the cupboard was use nuts. bottle and can collection on Healthy soil will produce plants bought their plants in and use the use of your own garden boun- getting sort of bare. I need to get This and That Saturday, but the town wide that are less prone to insect and them to grow next years crop. If ty past the growing season. This groceries. I went to the dentist for my clean up was cancelled due to the disease problems. not, maybe you could reuse them could mean growing a few veg- With the apples that the semi-annual check up and the same snow. Start a compost pile. Layer to start some homegrown seed- gies like winter squash, onions or Hubbardston Senior Center gave us day had wax removed from my The Hubbardston Senior Center your vegetable and yard waste, lings and recycle the rest. I sure garlic, all of which store well. It one week I plan to make this recipe right ear so I can hear again. is now opened with limited capaci- keep it moist and give it a turn; do, and when they get old and tat- could also mean trying your hand that came from my favorite cook Before the snow came, I was ty. They are also holding classes in after a few days turn it again. tered I double them up! An even at freezing or drying some of your book from Heywood Hospital in getting the gardens cultivated and making May baskets and watercol- After a short time it will decom- better solution for earth-conscious produce for use in the offseason. Gardner weeded as some grass was all ors. Have a good week. pose, leaving behind a great growers would be to replace plas- I just thawed out some roasted source of organic matter. No mat- tic with fiber (stronger than peat peppers for dinner tonight. It is a ter how you garden, be it vegeta- and made from recycled materials good feeling. Few of us can feed bles, flowers, herbs, fruits or even to boot). ourselves entirely, but whatever shrubs, each benefit from a yearly Use the least toxic measures we can grow offsets the rest. Guest column top dressing of “black gold.” to control bugs and other garden Enjoy Earth Day while Make compost tea. Are your thugs. Beer to trap slugs, and bak- rethinking your gardening prac- transplants looking a little pale? ing soda for black spot, the list tices. Rather than sprinkling them with of remedies to fight garden mala- “blue water,” perk them up with dies is numerous and not always Roberta McQuaid graduated Adventures of Gertrude the Cat home-brewed compost tea. Mix a stretch of the imagination. If from the Stockbridge School of By Ruth Robinson into bed, we cuddled for she uses on her rugs. Darn, I can one part well-rotted compost or you choose a chemical option, Agriculture at the University of a while. I like to cud- crawl in the bag, but that is no fun. manure to five parts water and follow the manufacturer’s recom- Massachusetts. For the last 28 Dear Folks, dle, but don’t pick me I will check the small bag. allow it to sit for a week or more. mendations. Assuming that more years, she has held the position Last week, I was up. Missy only does that There seems to be lots of small Strain before foliar feeding your is better is outdated and danger- of staff horticulturalist at Old a very naughty cat and when we have to go to pieces, which I can pull out of it. plants. Or, take a cup of the ous thinking! We especially worry Sturbridge Village. She enjoys had to be scolded several the vets. Whoopee, I had just pulled out manure, pop it in a square of mus- about our pollinator populations growing food as well as flowers. times. So I decided to be After breakfast a few pieces when the door flew lin and let it steep in a five gallon these days. Have a question for her? Email on my best behavior this the next morning, she open and in came Missy. “I forgot bucket. Fill your watering can no Conserve water. We all know it to [email protected] with week, as an angel with informed me she was the sweater, which I was going to straining necessary. that watering during the heat of “Gardening Question” in the sub- pure innocence. I doubt going shopping with exchange,” she says and then, “Oh, Shop Mom and Pop. Develop a the day results in lots of mois- ject line. if you believe that. I have her daughter. Hurray, I Gertrude what a mess you have stayed out of Missy’s have been an angel long made. I don’t have time to stop way and at night I have been up enough. now and pick things up.” Wow, no Red Cross seeks blood donations on the magazine rack next to her I know Missy has a big bag scolding. I wonder just how bad as she reads or watches TV. I have of something on the floor in the it will be later. I better hurry and MEDFORD – During National Black donors with an addition- Wednesday, April 28 from noon- purred very loudly each night for sewing room and I need to check take some of those pieces into the Volunteer Month this April, the al health insight and help the 7:15 p.m.; Thursday, April 29 her and she seems to like that. that out. There is a smaller bag on computer room for my trinket box. American Red Cross is celebrat- Red Cross identify compatible from 11:15 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. and I guess I fell asleep last night, top, which I will pull off the big That should make it look pretty. ing the blood, platelet and plasma blood types more quickly to help Friday, April 30 from 8:15 a.m. to as the next thing I knew Missy bag. The bag isn’t tied and opens And now for a nap. donors who help fulfill its lifesav- patients with sickle cell disease. 3:45 p.m. poked me and said it was time to quickly for me. Woo, what is all Love, ing mission and urging healthy Blood transfusion is an essential Simply down- go to bed. So I hopped down and this stuff? There is nothing small, Gertrude individuals to join them in giving. treatment for those with sickle load the American Red went in on the bed. After she got but large pieces of clothe, which The Red Cross continues to cell disease and blood donations Cross Blood Donor App, urge healthy individuals, espe- from individuals of the same race, visit, call cially those with type O blood, ethnicity and blood type have a 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733- cult to travel, especially in win- provide BLS and they are not in to give blood to ensure hos- unique ability to help patients 2767) or enable the Blood Donor EMS COVERAGE, ter. Marshall said there was also a neighboring town. Quink said pitals can meet patient needs. fighting sickle cell disease. Skill on any Alexa Echo device to continued from page 1 the added strain of Mary Lane Ware will still provide mutual aid Schedule a donation appoint- Each Red Cross blood drive make an appointment or for more Barre would consider partnering Hospital closing this year. regardless of the direction they ment by downloading the Red and donation center follows the information. All blood types are with Hardwick,” and cover the rest Sizer said Rogowski recogniz- take. Cross Blood Donor App, visit- highest standards of safety and needed to ensure a reliable sup- of the town. O’Sullivan asked if es that Barre provides service to The Barre board said they ing, calling infection control, and addition- ply for patients. A blood donor Quink knew the percentage of calls Hardwick already and would like would talk with Rogowski about 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733- al precautions – including tem- card or driver’s license or two covered by insurance and Quink to make it a formal deal. Sizer how this would affect his staff- 2767) or enabling the Blood perature checks, social distancing other forms of identification are said she would ask for that data said she is trying to secure a rapid ing. Quink said they would like Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo and face masks for donors and required at check-in. Individuals from Ware. response vehicle through grants to have an agreement in place by device. staff – have been implemented who are 17 years of age in most Both O’Sullivan and Marshall to assist in emergency response. July 1 and hope that Ware will As a special thank-you, those to help protect the health of all states (16 with parental consent expressed concern about being Quink said Hardwick is also con- “hang in” with them until they who come to give by April 30 those in attendance. Donors are where allowed by state law), able to provide services to their sidering getting a “fly car” to help do. “Time is of the essence, but will automatically be entered asked to schedule an appointment weigh at least 110 pounds and own residents plus Hardwick’s respond to emergency scenes. it needs to be a good fit for every- for a chance to win one of five prior to arriving at the drive and are in generally good health may with only two ambulances. Sizer said Rogowski’s main con- body,” Quink said. Both boards $1,000 e-gift cards to a merchant are required to wear a face mask be eligible to donate blood. High Marshall noted that many roads in cern with a potential partnership agreed to meet on May 3, and of choice. Additional details are while at the drive, in alignment school students and other donors Hardwick, particularly Shunpike with West Brookfield Rescue include Rogowski in the conver- available at with Centers for Disease Control 18 years of age and younger also and Old Petersham, were diffi- Squad was the fact it can only sation. To protect the health and safe- and Prevention public guidance. have to meet certain height and ty of Red Cross staff and donors, Upcoming blood donation weight requirements. it is important that individuals opportunities at the Worcester Blood and platelet donors can who do not feel well or believe Blood Donation center, 381 save time at their next donation Brewer said that the board will property or in those cases when they may be ill with COVID-19 Plantation St, Worcester April by using RapidPass® to com- PAST PAGES, make a decision at next week’s reg- property owners refuse to donate, postpone donation. 22-30 include: Thursday, April plete their pre-donation reading continued from page 4 ular meeting. the necessary land will be taken by At a time when health infor- 22 from 11:15 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.; and health history questionnaire Committee, approached the Barre Eminent Domain. mation has never been more Friday, April 23 from 8:15 a.m. online, on the day of their dona- Board of Selectmen Monday night Peter Donahue District Engineer important, the Red Cross is also to 3:45 p.m.; Saturday, April tion, before arriving at the blood on behalf of the committee to ask for the State Department of Public Saturday night “Snoopy” will screening all blood, platelet and 24 from 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.; drive. To get started, follow the if the Annual Town Meeting could Works presented New Braintree be presented at Quabbin Regional plasma donations from self-iden- Sunday, April 25 from 8:15 a.m. instructions at RedCrossBlood. be postponed from its present date selectmen with preliminary plans High School by the Quabbin tified African American donors to 3:45 p.m.; Monday, April 26 org/RapidPass or use the Blood of May 21 to a date later in June. for the reconstruction of Route 67. Music Theater Class at 7:30 p.m. for the sickle cell trait. This addi- from noon-7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Donor App. The finance committee feels that He reported that the final funding in the auditorium. The cast for the tional screening will provide April 27 from noon-7:30 p.m.; more time is necessary to deter- for the project is expected from the play includes Randy as Snoopy, mine the amount of state aid the Federal government later this year Richard Stevens as Charlie Brown, town will receive. The selectmen and that actual construction could Justin McGonigle as Linus, agreed with Kirkpatrick and are start as early as the spring or sum- Mia Catalini as Lucy, Pauline in favor of postponing the town mer of 1984. Donahue suggested Hammond as Sally, Amy Jefferson Country Auto Body, Inc. SEASONAL LABORER that selectmen begin the process as Peppermint Patty and Kelly meeting. Before taking any action The Town of Barre is seeking qualified applicants to on the matter, the selectmen would of taking the necessary land for the Waite as Woodstock. Tickets can like to check with Town Counsel project from property owners. This be bought at the door, $2.50 adults perform seasonal manual work in the maintenance James F. Baird to see if this move would involve asking the property and $1.50 students. of parks, commons, ball-fields, roadways, is possible. Chairman Stephen M. owners to voluntarily donate their equipment, buildings, grounds and cemeteries. Applicants must have a valid Massachusetts Driver’s License Class D and must complete a physical exam and drug and alcohol testing successfully as 2021Turley Election Policy SUMMER IS COMING! a prerequisite of employment. This is a seasonal This newspaper will print free self-submit- do not allow personal attacks against other Check Your Tires position for 40 hours per week with a schedule from ted statements of candidacy only four weeks or candidates or political parties in statements of Monday-Thursday, 6:30 am - 5:00 pm. This position more out from the election. All candidates run- candidacy, nor do we publish for free any infor- Before You Travel runs from May through October. Pay is $14 per hour. ning in both contested and uncontested races are mation about key endorsements or political asked to submit their statements to the editor to fundraisers. We Stock Interstate Batteries Interested applicants should submit a letter of include only biographical and campaign plat- Letters to the editor of no more than 250 interest and employment application to: Town of form details. Total word count for statements is words from supporters endorsing specific can- We Sell Propane Barre DPW 441 Wheelwright Rd Barre, MA 01005 limited to between 300-500 words maximum. didates or discussing campaign issues are lim- no later than 4pm on Thursday, April 29, 2020. Please include a photo. We will not publish any ited to three total per author during the election Full Auto Body Employment applications can be downloaded from statements of candidacy inside the four weeks season. No election letters will appear in the Mechanical & Towing Service For further information, from election threshold. To publish any other final edition before the election. We reserve the please contact Shannon O’Connor at (978) 355- campaign publicity during the race, please con- right to edit all statements of candidacy and let- 5013 or via email at [email protected] tact our advertising representatives. We also ters to the editor to meet our guidelines. 69 Donovan Road, North Brookfield A.A./E.O.E. Employer 508-867-9736

TO ADVERTISE IN THE BARRE GAZETTE, CALL TIM MARA AT 978-355-2254 Page 6 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021 Hardwick Hardwick youth experience the arts at Workshop13

By Paula Ouimette Staff Writer HARDWICK/WARE – Fourteen youth, who attend Hardwick Youth Center, a free program for children residing in Hardwick and its villages, held a small art exhibition for their fam- ilies last Thursday at Workshop13 in Ware. These youth have been taking a weekly art class at both Workshop13 and ClayWorks since December, only missing a few weeks due to holidays and weather. Hardwick Youth Center was formed 35 years ago, as a joint effort by parents and involved community members. In the first 25 years of its existence, the cen- ter provided a safe, fun place for teenagers to spend time and social- ize. Now, the HYC provides pro- gramming to children through age 19, with an afterschool pro- gram for grades K to 12, and a MOC Coordinated Family and Community Engagement play- group for children up to age 5, all located on the top floor of the Turley Publications staff photos by Paula Ouimette Sadie, age 12, holds up her favorite photograph she took. Myron E. Richardson Municipal Natalie, age 14, enjoyed needle felting the most. Building. Youth Commissioner a challenge for outdoor gathering stuff than they would in college,” involved; it was great for the dren attend. The children as they HYC allows youth to “express Elizabeth Reilly said HYC serves and Workshop 13 was able to pro- from needle felting, to photogra- youth to try different types of art, grow up and become volunteers yourself in a way you wouldn’t more than 100 member children vide a one-of-a-kind art immersion phy, to paper mache and pottery. to take risks and to discover in with younger kids and the town,” in other places.” Ethan, age 13, and families. experience for the sixth through She said the students provided themselves what passions they she said. said he liked “getting to see his The COVID-19 pandemic has 12th-graders of HYC. Desjardins input on different techniques they may have,” Desjardins said. “Art “HYC youth are very fortunate to friends” at HYC. Lindsey, age 13, changed the way HYC’s programs said, “Through a fabulous col- wanted to learn and she and other truly is for everyone - not every live in a town where the people see said she likes the inclusiveness of are available to youth, with the laboration with Workshop 13 and Workshop 13 instructors provided medium but one aspect - which the importance of a youth center and HYC and “how nice people are.” MOC CFCE playgroup meeting generous grants we have spent the guidance. “It’s been a won- was great we got to try so many financially support it,” Desjardins In addition to the collaboration on Zoom every Friday morning our winter months creating art,” derful togethering of HYC and types so the youth could experi- said. “We are very thankful to the with Workshop13, HYC has also from 10 to 10:30 a.m., and the Desjardins said. She is planning on Workshop 13,” said Ward of the ence art.” town and to the individuals who partnered with the East Quabbin afterschool program exploring the continuing this collaboration with experience. Reilly said HYC is unique donate supplies and money.” Land Trust to provide outdoor beautiful, rural landscape for which Workshop13 next winter as well. All the HYC youth involved to other youth programs as it Desjardins said, “we focus on learning experiences. Older HYC Hardwick is known. HYC Director The program is supported in part in the Workshop13 art classes, receives funding from the town meeting youth ‘where they are’ youth will continue to meet weekly Laurie Desjardins said, “we have by a grant from the Hardwick-New had positive things to say about each year. “The town supports without passing judgement. We for outdoor activities through the only been able to (in-person) serve Braintree Cultural Council, a local the experience. While they found the HYC in its annual budget… strive to increase youth self-es- spring and early summer. Desjardin our sixth through 12th-graders due agency, which is supported by the some of the techniques challeng- and Hardwick is the only town teem, social-emotional wellbe- said HYC is hopeful all age groups to the difficulty of social distanc- Massachusetts Cultural Council, es, they were all proud of their in the Quaboag and Quabbin ing, and promote creating a ‘team can begin meeting in the fall. ing of younger groups. We spent a state agency. It was also made results. Morgan, age 13, said mak- Regions that does that —that is atmosphere’ where the youth People can support HYC by our time outdoors hiking, fishing, possible by funding from the Barre ing a paper mache “big head” was how remarkable it is,” she said. begin looking out for each other. making donations to the Town of crayfishing, learning about nature, Savings Charitable Foundation. the hardest technique to master, HYC also relies on grants from HYC youth Natalie, age 14, said Hardwick and designating those sledding and supporting each other Instructor Faith Ward, who but making a clay dish in the the state, and donations from the center provides the space to funds to the Hardwick Youth masked and social distanced. The teaches Art is for Everyone in ClayWorks studio was her favorite local businesses and individuals. meet people and form friendships. Center. People may also contact second to fifth-graders have met Monson, led most of the classes experience. “Everyone in town benefits and “It also allows me to go new plac- Reilly at 413-477-6635 if they twice to sled and play kickball.” with the students. Ward said the “The Workshop 13 program knows this,” Reilly said of the es in the town I live and nearby,” have questions or want to talk The cold winter months proved HYC students learned “more was a great experience with all program. “Families whose chil- she said. Jocelyn, age 13, said about needs and gifts. Board reorganizes, Kemp now chair By Paula Ouimette of place, values have gone up, and in with Cofske about any updates. Staff Writer they “get it.” Ruggles asked the board if they In-person meetings thought they should talk with HARDWICK – The Board of Kemp said she sees other towns McDonald about the school’s Selectmen met on Thursday, April are beginning to have in-per- response. Kemp said they did agree 15 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. This son meetings and wanted to see to meet with each other and both was the board’s first meeting since where the rest of the board stood counsels. Quink said she feels the town election last Monday. on that. Ruggles said he would be hopeful they can move forward Member Julie Quink nominat- in favor of in-person, for ease in quickly. McDonald agreed they ed Kelly Kemp as chairman. The handling paperwork. Comerford needed to move forward together board unanimously approved asked if virtual meetings would and welcomed conversation with Kemp as chairman. Quink then still be available. Kemp said they the board. Wolfe reminded those nominated herself as vice-chairman would do both. McDonald said the present that there are rules that and new board member Robert school has purchased Owl tech- the selectmen abide by as far as Ruggles as clerk. Both nominations nology to assist with virtual meet- meeting publicly. Kemp said she were also unanimously approved. ings and would be willing to let would follow up with Cofske. Erik Appointments the town use it. Quink said the Fleming recommended to Kemp Gail Ann Anderson request- town does have Owl technology as that one of the board members con- ed an appointed to the Parks and well. Quink said they should check tact town counsel directly. Recreation Committee for a two- with the Board of Health regard- ATM date year term, which would expire in ing in-person meetings. Quink said Town Clerk Ryan J. Witkos LOCAL RESULTS TARGETED MARKETING TARGETED 2023. The board approved this they should also learn how to use suggested to have an annual town appointment. the Microsoft Teams platform. meeting only, as there was no real Mayflower account quote List of ‘moving targets’ need for a special town meeting. The date will be Saturday, June 19, CLUES ACROSS 29. Indian musical accessory 22. Spanish dances The Board of Assessors sent a Quink said Town Administrator letter recommending the accep- Theresa Cofske helped compile a at 9 a.m. 1. Ocean surface rhythmic pattern 51. Political action 23. Town in Central tance of the Mayflower Personal list of “moving targets,” or issues Community Host indicator (abbr.) 30. “The Raven” committee Italy Property Class 504 Account quote. the town will be facing in the 4. American time author 52. Unhappy 24. Cars need it Agreements The total cost of the services future. One of the things Quink Comerford asked if the 7. Satisfaction 31. Take in solid 27. Mimics Mayflower will provide for fiscal wants is to have is more collabora- Planning Board could receive 8. Diving duck food CLUES DOWN 28. Rocky peak 2022 will be $1,800. The board tive meetings with other boards and copies of marijuana Community 10. Very small 32. Legendary QB 1. Make unhappy 29. Cigarette (slang) accepted the Board of Assessor’s committees. Finance Committee Host Agreements when the town amount 39. Sorrels 2. Heard the 31. One point south recommendation. Chair Cheryl Wolfe said they receives them. The Planning Board 12. Metrical units 41. Organization of confession of of due east Eagle Hill PILOT will be meeting the last Monday did not have a copy of the CHA for 13. An ignorant or nations 3. Capital of Taiwan 32. Soap actress agreement in April to discuss the fiscal 2022 a recent community outreach meet- foolish person 42. Texas 4. Fiddler crab Braun Kemp asked Eagle Hill School budget. They will have a joint ing by Budding Botanicals. 14. Sino-Soviet pharmaceutical 5. Brazilian dances 33. Large Headmaster Dr. PJ McDonald meeting on Monday, April 26, at Agenda block (abbr.) company 6. Fit with device to domesticated AGAWAM ADVERTISER NEWS if he was aware of this PILOT 5:30 p.m. A resident commented that Another item on the list includ- 16. It may sting you 43. Mathematical assist breathing wild ox BARRE GAZETTE invoice agreement for fiscal 2021. the agenda posted online with the McDonald said he is aware and ed the USDA grant for the sewer meeting link, was different than the 17. Turn outward term 8. Brother or sister 34. Island nation COUNTRY JOURNAL project. She said she will check 19. Perform on 44. Expression of 9. Pastries 35. Appear all set. He said nothing looks out one they shared in this meeting. stage disappointment 11. “Lone Survivor” 36. Addictive CHICOPEE REGISTER 20. “CSI” actor 45. Abba __, Israeli director Peter practices THE JOURNAL REGISTER George politician 14. Boat type (abbr.) 37. Loss of control THE LUDLOW REGISTER and Maria Tourigny and Rayne, the The town would receive the ARPA 21. Localities 46. Hide away 15. Apertures of one’s body FINANCE QUABOAG CURRENT committee chair opted to defer the dis- funds in two checks: one in 2022 25. Make a choice 48. Salad restaurant (biology) 38. Type of poster COMMITTEE, cussion of the ATM warrant articles and the other 2023. It must be used 26. Indicates 49. Daughters 18. Suffix 39. Greek mountain THE SENTINEL continued from page 1 when the full committee was present. by 2024. Nixon said the govern- position of Boreas 19. Creative 40. Funny person THE SUN America Rescue Plan Act ment was not clear if this was a 27. One of Thor’s (mythology) endeavor 44. One and only WILBRAHAM-HAMPDEN TIMES 2021 budget update The acting town administra- calendar year or fiscal year. Nixon names 50. Men’s fashion 20. Icelandic poem 47. Pouch Nixon said this year’s budget, tor said Hubbardston’s share of said the town should receive guid- TOWN REMINDER FY 21, was doing great. Revenue America Rescue Plan Act fed- ance within 30 days. ANSWERS ON PAGE 12 WARE RIVER NEWS received was at 80%, five percent eral funding was estimated at Other business above the 75% number expected at $1,400,000. He said brood guide- The finance committee will this time. Nixon offered to include lines included for recovery and schedule a meeting after the acting turleynews graphs in the monthly reports he economic development associated town administrator meets with his This paper publishes birth, engagement, wedding and signifi cant anniversary announcements free of charge. presented to the finance committee. Simply log on to our web site, choose the paper you want the announcement to appear in, then use our SUBMISSION link to email your information. with the COVID lockdown, help counterparts in the five Quabbin TurleyPublications Warrant articles for local businesses impacted by District towns – Barre, Hardwick, With only three members the lockdown and infrastructure Hubbardston, New Braintree and birth attending, which included Russell like water, sewer and broadband. Oakham. announcements SUBMISSIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Send your stories and photos to [email protected] April 22, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 7 North Brookfield

STM/ATM set for May 7; town election is May 3 By Paula Ouimette this article on the warrant, but they Tripp said when they did that, it Petraitis said the corner of routes He said the Fire Department and Cider Mill project Staff Writer are not in support of it, and neither became part of the Gustafson 148 and 67 needs to be mowed and Highway Department will both ben- The board received and signed is the Finance Committee. Kiley property which was in 61A classi- cleaned up. He said it could also efit from this, as will the town as it an extension agreement with Fuss NORTH BROOKFIELD – said the town voters will be able to fication. Tripp said the telephone use some bushes or other landscap- will receive revenue from the storage & O’Neill, the engineers work- The North Brookfield Board of decide. poles are screened from sight being ing at that corner to improve the units. ing on the Cider Mill Road/Coys Selectmen met on Tuesday, April Regionalization committee placed where they are. The board appearance. Rail Trail rules Brook project. Administrative 13, at 6 p.m. Petraitis said the approved the removal of the land Tree removal Tripp went over the Rail Trail Assistant Ashley Barre said the The Special Town Meeting will Regionalization Committee is from 61A classification. Highway Superintendent Jason rules and regulations that were project is going to take long than be held May 7, at 6 p.m., followed meeting on April 28. They may Disc golf course Benoit spoke to the abutters regard- drafted for people that use the they anticipated, but it is all set to by the Annual Town Meeting at have a recommendation regard- Vice Chairman Jason Petraitis ing the removal of trees on the trail. Tripp said use of the trail is move forward. 7 p.m. in the elementary school ing which school district to pursue said that all nine baskets are in and Water Department property. Benoit at peoples’ own risk and no motor- Warrants auditorium. Kiley said they will regionalization with at that time. the trails are cleared at the disc golf said the abutters are all in favor. ized vehicles are allowed. He The following warrants were open the ATM on May 7, but will Kiley said they will have it on the course located at North Brookfield Kiley asked how they were paying said trail users need to be consid- read and approved: Payroll Warrant keep it open until June 4 as they do STM warrant anyway in case they Town Forest Park. Petraitis said for the tree removal. Benoit said it erate of each other and the trail #12, $347,639.03; CDBG Warrant not always have budget numbers in can act on it. they are hoping to have a grand would come from the tree expenses is only open from dawn to dusk. #1053, $22,098.82; General May, so they move those to June. 61A land opening on the Saturday of and they could do most of the work Trail users need to respect the pri- Warrant #1054, $51,906.29; and Kiley said the STM will consider is The board received a request to Memorial Day weekend. He said this year. Tripp said the road gets vacy of adjacent property owners School Warrant #1052, $33,744.22. a lot of transfers between accounts. remove about half an acre of land they are considering having a tour- ice buildup due to the shade from by staying on the trail, and litter- The Fire Department received a The board reviewed the articles out of 61A agricultural land clas- nament and an introduction to the the trees. Benoit said he is going ing is strictly prohibited. Walking, $10,000 grant from the state to for the STM that included numer- sification at the Gustafson prop- park for residents who may not to mark the trees to be saved. Tripp hiking, biking and cross-country purchase pagers. The CDBG ous account transfers for various erty on Lane Avenue. Barre said know about it. Petraitis said they volunteered to go with Benoit to skiing are allowed. Horseback rid- grant management agreement was departments. They also reviewed they planned for a solar field on will have discs on hand for new- mark the trees. ing is also allowed if horse owners approved by the board. the ATM warrant. The first article the property and need to make comers to the game to use, along Donovan Road property pick up after their horses. Dogs Appointments on the ATM warrant is the elec- the access road bigger. She said with instruction from regular play- One article on the STM war- are allowed on leash and owners The board made a motion tion on Monday, May 3. Kiley the Conservation Commission ers of the course. He said if they rant involves the town’s abili- must pick up after their dogs. Tripp to appoint Mark Sawyer of West encouraged people to vote in their and Planning Board have already had enough interest, they would ty to purchase the property at said someone put signs up remind- Brookfield, currently on the Barre local election. Article 16 of the signed off on it. Clerk John Tripp like to expand the course in the 63-65 Donovan Road. The busi- ing people to pick up after dogs Police Department, as the new full- ATM was a petition circulated by said the Planning Board asked to future. ness owner is planning to relocate and he thanked them for doing so. time police officer at the recommen- a resident for the town to appro- put the telephone poles into the Tripp asked if they needed and is looking to sell the prop- Tripp encouraged people to get dation of Police Chief Mark Smith. priate $22,500 to correct storm- tree line, instead of the orchard, more help clearing trails. Petraitis erty to the town. Tripp said the out an enjoy the open space North The board entered into execu- water flooding on Summer Street. on Old East Brookfield Road. said they could use more help on town must agree to this purchase. Brookfield has to offer. tive session at 7:09 p.m. Kiley said they are required to put the weekend, weather permitting.

HUBBARDSTON brine was available for purchase said over 90% usually donate the continued from page 1 the next town over and the price land and the town had an article OSV celebrates Earth Day reduced with large volume pur- on the ATM for $15,000 to cover Lombard Road. The town funds chases. costs for residents, who do not STURBRIDGE – Earth can meet and speak with costumed the many talks given on this day at 10% and the state 90% of the pur- CHA change wish to donate the land. The proj- Day, Thursday, April 22 at Old historians about wild and cultivated the village. chase of development rights on the Damon Schmidt requested a ect also included tree removal and Sturbridge Village will feature a herbs popular in the 19th century The village will be open property. There were also articles change in the Community Host there would be tree hearings in the host of special talks on weather, and visit the households to see how between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and for $4,000 for administrative costs Agreement with the select board future. nature, composting, and more. these seasonal foods found their 5 p.m. Tickets are $28 for adults, of the CPA Committee such as for the marijuana grow facility on Other business Village gardeners will prepare for way into the rural New England $14 for youth (4-17), $14 for col- legal review, postage, attendance 69 Gardner Road. He said since The board waved the right of the growing season. diet. lege students and free for children at CPA meeting, etc.; $33,000 for he did not have a drying build- first refusal on a 61.5 acre par- The topic on Friday, April 23 Sunday, April 25 the topic is ages 3 and under. All visitors and interior work on the library and ing constructed on the property cel off Brigham Road by Old and is trees. From chestnut to hicko- stewardship: native and non-na- members will be required to pur- $20,000 for exterior brick re-point- yet, he planned to flash freeze his New Westminster Roads. The land ry, many tree species played a tive species. Many nonnative spe- chase and/or reserve their tick- ing and landscape of the library. crop wet and transport elsewhere will remain in the Chapter 61 pro- vital role in the forest ecology and cies are challenging the popula- ets online to manage capacity by The warrant also included a sign to dry. Schmidt said five pounds gram. regional economy of New England tions of the native flora of New following current Massachusetts bylaw presented by the planning wet marijuana equaled one pound Brian Scales of RCAP in the 1830s. People may visit the England. Iconic species such as guidelines. People may purchase or board. dry. The present CHA called Solutions said it received a grant Cooper shop, woodland walk and the American elm, hemlock and reserve tickets and see the current DPW director requested for the town receiving $30 per from Mass Health to assist peo- sawmill to learn more about these maple all face threats from invasive policies at Department of Public Works pound and he did not want to pay ple with private wells with testing iconic New England plants. plants, fungi and insects. People visit/. Please note that certain activ- director, Travis Brown, asked per- that much for one pound of wet for natural containments. RCAP Saturday, April 24 the topic is will learn how they can help pro- ities, like cannon demonstrations, mission to spend money in his marijuana. He asked to change, Solutions would be working with wild and cultivated herbs.Guests tect native plants through one of are weather-dependent. budget to purchase a used spray just for this year, to $30 per five MassDEP on the program. The system for applying brine to the pounds wet. testing would be on a first come, roads. He said it was a “really Selectman Kris Pareago said first serve basis. Scales said a good investment for the town.” he needed more clarification postcard mailing would be sent to He said advantages of the brine before making a decision. The Hubbardston residents directing treatment used less salt, less select board asked Schmidt to them to a web page. He said all corrosion, costs less than rock send the language for the modifi- testing would be confidential with salt treatment, can be applied a cation so the board could send the homeowners. few days before a storm, stays request to town counsel. Select board vice chair, Jeff in place rather than scatter like Update on Main Street Williams, said there was an acci- rock salt and can be used on dirt reconstruction dent at Brigham Road and Rte. 68 roads for dust control. He said Select board chair, Dan Galante, recently. He wondered what could one treatment of rock salt used 20 gave an update on the Main Street be done to alleviate this bad inter- tons while one treatment of brine reconstruction project. He said the section. Galante said the town com- used 2,400 gallons state need a letter of commitment mon project addressed the issue Brown said a new system from the town that it will main- in the road redesign. It included would cost about $18,000 and did tain a planting bed at Williamsville cutting back an embankment to not include tanks and the PTO Road and Main Street by the improve visibility and tapering the pump for the truck to run it. The church. The DPW director pro- road coming from Holden to slow used system had two tanks, the vided the letter. Galante said all traffic. The select board will bring PTO pump as well as the anti ice people with land needed for the up the topic at an upcoming meet- system and was $14,200. He said right of way would be notified. He ing.

Places to go... Things to do...

WE ARE OPEN YEAR ROUND 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Brookfield Orchards In times of uncertainty, rest assured that as your 12 Lincoln Road, North Brookfield, MA 01535 community newspaper, we are working hard with a H APPY APPLE Follow signs from Rts. 9, 31, 67 or 148 PIZZA & RESTAURANT local, regional and national network of official resources Brookfield Orchards to keep you informed and up to date on the issues and Spring & Summer Events SPECIALS developments that matter most to you. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER Grand Opening of our Fudge Counter #1 2 Large Cheese Pizzas in the Country Store by the Candy Section and choose from a few different flavors! $14.00 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 22 NO SUBSTITUTIONS, NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. TAKE OUT ONLY. Flea Market #2 2 Small Pizzas 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 22, June 19 and July 24 With 2 Toppings Each Bring your tables and enjoy Minuteman Kettle Corn Accurate. Reliable. Unbiased. 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Family Style Dinners ServingServing the towns the of towns Barre, of Hardwick, Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, Hubbardston, New Braintree, New Braintree, North Brookfield, North Brookfield, Oakham, Oakham, Petersham Petersham & Rutland & Rutland since 1834 since 1834 • Chicken Parmesan Over Penne Serving the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Petersham & Rutland since 1834 Visit Us On Facebook • 508.867.6858 • 877.622.7555 • Baked Cheese Ravioli $ 95 • • Cheese Tortellini Parmesan 22 Ea. • Baked Penne Pasta FEBRUARYBARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE VOL. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 FEBRUARYBARRE20,EBRUARY 2014 GAZETTE F BARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE ALL FAMILY MEALS INCLUDE GARLIC BREAD AND FEED 5-6 PEOPLE. USPS 044560 VOL. 179, NVOOL. 40. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 $1.00 USPS 044560USPS 044560 It Matters Now More Than Ever. In Print. Online. Local. 11 Exchange Street, Barre Singing the night away 800.824.6548Senate |candidate 978-355-3536 SingingSinging the night the nightaway away visits selectmen Open Sun.-Thurs. 10am-9pm • Fri. & Sat.10am-10pm SenateSenateeconomy, candidateeducation and candidatecommu- Mike Valanzola nity. Of all the candidates for the visiting district towns senate seat, he is the only one that was a selectmen. He stated that local aid and Chapter 70 money By Ellenor Downer visitsvisits wereselectmen a priority. Heselectmen said that now Staff Writer they were the first areas cut, not the first funded. economy,He mentioned educationeconomy, and education commu- and commu- OAKHAM- Despite a Mike ValanzolaMike Valanzolathat the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm, Oakham nity. Of all thenity. candidates Of all the for candidates the for the ested in funding new programs, selectmen still held their meeting. but that new programssenate take moneyseat, hesenate is the seat, only he one is the that only one that Republicanvisiting candidate visitingdistrict for state townsdistrict towns away from existing programs. Senate, Mike Valanzola, intro- was a selectmen.was a Heselectmen. stated that He stated that He also said that the duced himself to the two select- local aid andlocal Chapter aid and 70 Chaptermoney 70 money Department of Elementary and men present, EliotBy StarbardEllenor and DownerBy Ellenor Downer Secondary Educationwere (DESE) a priority. was were He a priority.said that He now said that now Matthew Broderick. James Erhard Staff Writera Stafffar too Writer powerful bureaucracy. of Sturbridge is also a running as a they were thethey first were areas the cut, first not areas cut, not DESE adopted common core state Republican for the senate seat. standards initiativethe without first a vote funded.the first He funded.mentioned He mentioned Valanzola saidOAKHAM- he hoped to visitOAKHAM- the Despite aDespite a of the legislature thator input the fromlegislature is more inter- selectmen in all 28 towns in the that the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm,Tuesday schoolsnowstorm, Oakham districts. Oakham Selectman Senate district. He stated that he ested in fundingested newin funding programs, new programs, Starbard said that he did not agree served selectmentwo terms on still selectmenthe heldWales their still meeting. held their meeting. with the income basedbut thatnet school new butprograms that new take programs money take money Board ofRepublican Selectmen and isRepublican candidate currently forcandidate state for state spending formula that determines chairman of the Tantasqua Regional away from existingaway from programs. existing programs. Senate, MikeSenate, Valanzola, Mikehow much Valanzola,intro- a town must intro- spend on School Committee, a committee of He also said that the education. Starbard said the town He also said that the 18 membersduced that serveshimself fiveduced thehimself two select-to the two select- has no way to collectDepartment any of the Department of Elementary of Elementary and and He menexplained present, to themen selectmen Eliot present, Starbard Eliot and Starbard and Secondary EducationSecondary (DESE) Education was (DESE) was that his Matthewfocus if elected Broderick.Matthew would be James Broderick.See Erhard SELECTMEN, James Erhard page 7 a far too powerfula far too bureaucracy. powerful bureaucracy. Turley Publications Photo by Amber King, an intern from Quabbin Regional High School. of Sturbridgeof is Sturbridgealso a running is also as aa running as a DESE adoptedDESE common adopted core common state core state The band Crawdad E Creek held their sixth annual bonfire and food drive on Saturday, Feb. 8 at American Legion Post 2. RepublicanRepublican for the senate for seat.the senate seat. standards initiativestandards without initiative a vote without a vote Valanzola saidValanzola he hoped said to visithe hoped the to visit the of the legislatureof the orlegislature input from or input from Stateselectmen funds inselectmen all 28 towns in allused in 28 the towns into the school districts.Selectman Selectman Senate district.Senate He district.stated that He hestated that he Starbard saidStarbard that he didsaid not that agree he did not agree QRSD to hold promoteserved two servedterms regional ontwo the terms Wales on the Wales State approves Pathfinder roof project with the incomewith basedthe income net school based net school Board of SelectmenBoard of and Selectmen is currently and is currently public budget about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance of the cost, site, type, spending formulaspending that formula determines that determines Construction chairman of thechairman Tantasqua of the Regional Tantasqua Regional or $2,003,781 of $3,273,620, with scope and timeline for the pro- partnerships how much ahow town much must a spendtown muston spend on hearing expected to begin the remaining $1,269,839 borne by posed project,” wrote John School Committee,School aCommittee, committee aof committee of Pathfinder’s member towns, based McCarthy, executive director of munities that benefit education.from the 37 pro- Starbardeducation. said Starbard the town said the town Technology,18 members health that18 members serves five that towns. serves five towns. BARRE - The Quabbin late summer on enrollment. the MSBA in a Jan. 29 letter to Dr. jects slated to receivehas funding no way from hasto collectno way any to collectof the any of the Regional School District (QRSD) Pathfinder’s member towns Gerald Paist, superintendent-direc- networksHe advanced explainedHe to explainedthethe selectmen $4 million to Communitythe selectmen Innovation School Committee will meet on By Douglas Farmer include Palmer, tor of the Pathfinder regional dis- that his focusthat if hiselected focusChallenge would if elected (CIC) be grant would program.See be SELECTMEN,See SELECTMEN, page 7 page 7 Thursday, Feb. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Staff Writer Blog about it in Ware, Belchertown, trict. “Upon receipt of the certified By Emily Thurlow “The CIC program is a major Quabbin Regional School District our reader forum Staff Writer component of the Patrick Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by AmberGranby, PhotoKing, Hardwick, anby internAmber from King,votes Quabbin an interndemonstrating Regional from Quabbin High School. Regionallocal High School. Educational Support Center, 872 PALMER – After receiving Monson, New approval, the MSBA and the dis- Administration's commitment to pro- South St. At the conclusion of school formal approval for funding of the Braintree, Oakham trict will execute a project funding Through a program that is vide cities and towns with the tools to The band CrawdadThe band E Crawdad Creekcommittee held E Creek theirbusiness, sixthheld a public theirannual budget sixth bonfireproject annual andfrom bonfire foodthe Massachusetts drive and foodon Saturday, drive on Feb.andSaturday, Warren. 8 at American Feb. 8agreement at LegionAmerican which Post will Legion set2. forth thePost 2.intended to support regionalization effectively manage resources and pro- www.gazetteforum. and other cost-saving initiatives that vide services to their residents,” said hearing on the Quabbin Regional School Building Authority “Pursuant to the terms and conditions pursuant to School District FY15 budget will be (MSBA), a new roof will be placed terms of the MSBA’s which the district will receive its will change the way local govern- Secretary of Administration and held. The public is invited to attend. over the heads of staff and students Accelerated Repair Program, the grant from the MSBA.” ments doState business to maintainState service fundsFinance Glen funds Shor. “This usedprogram used to to A copy of the FY2015 budget will at Pathfinder Regional Vocational district has 90 days to acquire and Within days of the receipt of delivery and stretch every taxpayer provides an opportunity for neigh- be available for review at the Central Technical High School in Palmer certify local approval for an appro- the letter, a preliminary meeting dollar as far as possible, the towns of boring communities to build part- Office, 872 South St. after 12 p.m. by the end of the year. priation and all other necessary Palmer, Monson, Brimfield, Holland QRSDQRSD to hold to(noon) hold on Tuesday,State Feb. 25, 2014.State approvesMSBA approves is expected to coverPathfinderlocal votesPathfinder or approvals showing roofSee ROOF roofproject PROJECT, pageproject 8 and Walespromote will be among promotethose com- See regional CIC GRANT, pageregional 8 publicpublic budget budgetConstruction about 62 percentabout of 62 the percent project of cost the projectacceptance cost ofacceptance the cost, ofsite, the type, cost, site, type, Karen AndersonConstruction of Orangeor $2,003,781 announcesor of$2,003,781 $3,273,620, of her$3,273,620,with scope with and timelinescope and for timeline theChocolates pro- for thepartnerships andpro- so manypartnerships to pick hearinghearing expectedexpected to begin to beginthe remainingthe $1,269,839 remaining borne$1,269,839 by posed borne byproject,”posed wroteproject,” John wrote John candidacy for state representativePathfinder’s Pathfinder’smember towns, member based towns,McCarthy, based executiveMcCarthy, director executive of directorTechnology, of Technology, health healthmunities that munitiesbenefit from that thebenefit 37 pro- from the 37 pro- BARRE -BARRE The Quabbin- TheORANGE Quabbinlate - Karen Anderson,summerlate a squeezed summer between increasingon enrollment. prices tionson enrollment.that unreasonably hinderthe MSBA inthe a Jan.MSBA 29 letter in a Jan. to Dr. 29 letter to Dr. jects slated tojects receive slated funding to receive from funding from Regional SchoolRegional District School (QRSD) Republican,District (QRSD) announced her candi- of the necessities, food, clothing them.” the $4 millionthe Community $4 million Innovation Community Innovation dacy for the 2nd Franklin District and shelter, on the one handPathfinder’s and “WePathfinder’s havemember a serious towns problem:memberGerald towns Paist,Gerald superintendent-direc- Paist, superintendent-direc-networksnetworks advanced advanced School CommitteeSchool Committeewill meetState on will Representative meet onBy seat. Douglas She more ByFarmer Douglasand more taxesFarmer on the other. too includeoften the people includePalmer, in office nowtorPalmer, of the Pathfindertor of the regional Pathfinder dis- regional dis- Challenge (CIC)Challenge grant program. (CIC) grant program. Thursday, Feb.Thursday, 27 at 6:30 Feb. p.m. 27 atdeclared, the6:30 p.m.“For too at longthe the needsStaff of WriterWhen StaffI am the Writer RepresentativeBlog about for it in haveWare,Blog been about only itBelchertown, in interestedWare, in Belchertown, play-trict. “Upon trict.receipt “Upon of the receipt certified of the certified By Emily ThurlowBy Emily Thurlow “The CIC program“The CIC is aprogram major is a major our district the people of this districtour readerI will foruming ourpolitical reader forum games for their own Staff Writer component of the Patrick Quabbin RegionalQuabbin School Regional District School Districthave been work to reduce our taxes to the benefitGranby, instead Hardwick,of standingGranby, up Hardwick,forvotes demonstratingvotes demonstrating local local Staff Writer component of the Patrick EducationalEducational Support Center, Support 872 Center, 872PALMERignored by the –PALMER Afterminimum receiving level – After essential receiving for good the Monson,people they are supposedMonson,New to rep- approval,New theapproval, MSBA andthe MSBAthe dis- and the dis- Administration'sAdministration's commitment commitmentto pro- to pro- South St. At theSouth conclusion St. At the of conclusion school of formalschoolpeople approval formalwho forgovernment. approvalfunding offorI will the funding fight to protectof the resent,” Anderson charged. “I won't Through a Throughprogram athat program is vide that cities is andvide towns cities with and the towns tools withto the tools to are supposed our elderly and those on fixed be justBraintree, one of the good OakhamBraintree, old boys on trictOakham will executetrict willa project execute funding a project funding committee business,committee a public business, budget a public projectbudgetto befrom repre-project the incomesMassachusetts from from the the Massachusetts spiraling costs of Beaconand Hill. Warren. I knowand that Warren.state gov-agreement whichagreement will set which forth will the set forthintended the to supportintended regionalization to support regionalizationeffectively manageeffectively resources manage and resourcespro- and pro- senting us on food, medicine and housing.”www.gazetteforum. ernmentwww.gazetteforum. can be made to work better and other cost-savingand other initiatives cost-saving that initiativesvide services that videto their services residents,” to their said residents,” said hearing on thehearing Quabbin on the Regional Quabbin RegionalSchool BuildingSchool BuildingAuthority“Pursuant to“Pursuant the terms to theand conditionsterms and pursuantconditions to pursuant to (MSBA),Beacon a new Hill. roof will“There be areplaced many non-govern- and I will work to see that it does.” will change willthe waychange local the govern- way localSecretary govern- ofSecretary Administration of Administration and and School DistrictSchool FY15 District budget FY15 will bebudget will beWe (MSBA),need ment a agenciesnew roof that will do bewonderful placed termsAnderson, of herthe husband, termsMSBA’s of Robert thewhich MSBA’s the districtwhich willthe districtreceive willits receive its held. The publicheld. is Theinvited public to attend. is invited to attend.over thesomeone headsover who of thestaffwork heads and meeting studentsof thestaff needs and ofAccelerated students the peo- andAccelerated Repair their five Program, sons Repairand a daughterthe Program,grant fromthe thegrant MSBA.” from the MSBA.” ments do businessments to do maintain business service to maintainFinance service GlenFinance Shor. “This Glen Shor.program “This program A copy of the AFY2015 copy of budget the FY2015 will budgetat Pathfinderwillwill be moreat Regional Pathfinderple of Vocationalour Regional communities Vocationaldistrict and help haslive 90district indays Orange. hasto acquire She90 daysis the and tofourth acquireWithin and daysWithin of the daysreceipt of ofthe receiptdelivery of and deliverystretch every and stretch taxpayer everyprovides taxpayer an opportunityprovides an foropportunity neigh- for neigh- Karen Anderson responsive to people in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in be available forbe availablereview at forthe reviewCentral at the CentralTechnicalthe district's HighTechnical Schooleffective High in and Palmer School more efficient incertify Palmer than localOrange certifyapproval and local has for deep approvalan affectionappro- for for thean appro- letter, a thepreliminary letter, a preliminarymeeting meetingdollar as far asdollar possible, as far the as townspossible, of theboring towns communitiesof boring communities to build part- to build part- Office, 872 SouthOffice, St. 872 after South 12 needs.p.m.St. after I will 12tirelesslyby p.m. the endwork oftoby pro-the the year. similarend of government the year. programs.priation As a andthepriation areaall andother its and people. necessary all other necessary Palmer, Monson,Palmer, Brimfield, Monson, Holland Brimfield, Holland (noon) on Tuesday,(noon) Feb. on Tuesday, 25, 2014. Feb.tect our 25, children. 2014. I willMSBA work to is cre- expectedMSBAstate Representative isto expected cover I will to work cover to The Anderson family is active See ROOF PROJECT,See ROOF page PROJECT, 8 pageand Wales 8 willand be Wales among will those be amongcom- those com-See CIC GRANT,See CIC page GRANT, 8 page 8 ate an economic environment that have our state governmentlocal encour- votesin orlocala numberapprovals votes of local or showing approvalsorganizations showing welcomes job creation in our dis- age these NGO's and I will work to trict. Too many of us are being eliminate any unnecessary regula- See ANDERSON, page 9

KarenKaren Anderson Anderson of Orange ofChamber Orange announces eyes volunteerannounces standoutsher her ChocolatesChocolates and so andTurleymany Publications so to Photomany bypick Genevieve to Fraser pick Green Energy Tips Kay Berry writes out a minimum bid for items in the chocolate auction held on Sunday, Feb. 9 Barre Energy Committee Awards to be presented of the Year, of anyone from the at the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian in Petersham. Proceeds from the chocolate auc- Chamber towns of Belchertown, tion will benefit the church building maintenance fund. candidacycandidacy forBeautiful state for icicles and staterepresentative prob- at representativeApril 26 dinner Brimfield, Brookfield, East lematic ice dams? If you have Brookfield, Hardwick, Holland, ORANGE - ORANGEKaren Anderson, - Karenicicles a Anderson, squeezedhanging ora between icesqueezed dam increasing betweenBy prices increasingDouglas Farmertions prices that unreasonablytionsMonson, that New unreasonably Braintree, hinder North hinder Republican, Republican,announced herannounced candi-issues, heritof is acandi-the sure necessities, sign youof theare necessities,food, clothing Stafffood, Writer them.”clothing them.”Brookfield, Palmer, Spencer, wasting money to melt the Petersham annual town Barre to hold PALMER — For every active Wales, Ware, Warren and West dacy for thedacy 2nd forFranklin the 2nd District Franklinsnow onand your District roofshelter, by heatand on loss. theshelter, one onhand the and one hand“We and have a“We serious have problem: a serious problem: group or organization in town, Brookfield. The payback for insulation is election is set for March 3 rabies clinic State RepresentativeState Representative seat. She seat.more Sheand moremore taxes and onmorethere the are taxes other. a number on thetooof key other.often volun- thetoo people oftenLast inyear’sthe office people winner now in wasoffice now fairly short, considering the declared, “Fordeclared, too long “For the tooneeds long of theWhen needs Iof am Whenthe Representative I amteers the behind Representative forit, from havechurch beengroupsfor onlyhaveBobbie interested been McAvoy only ofin interestedWare, play- for her in play- PETERSHAM - The position once again. Ellen Anderson BARRE - The town of Barre high cost of energy. It has been like the United Church of Ware work in holding collections for Petersham Annual Town Election of 20 Dana Road has taken out will hold a rabies and microchip our districtbelowour freezing thedistrict people for quite theaof while thispeople district of this I will districting I political will ing games political for theirgames own for their own and the First Church of Monson to troops overseas. At the time, she will be held on March 3. The papers to challenge for the seat. clinic on Saturday, March 29 from resulting in very little melting have beenhavework been to reducework our to reducetaxescivic organizations to our the taxes likebenefit theto Palmerthe insteadbenefitsaid of that standing instead she was ofthrilledup standingfor to be up forBoard of Selectmen seat currently Other positions on the bal- 9 to 11 a.m. at the Barre DPW from the suns warmth. Compare Lions Club and the Belchertown nominated, but didn’t believe she held by Tim Clark, who has sub- lot, which are all three year terms Building, 441 Wheelwright Road. ignored by thetheignored snowminimum on by the the roof level ofminimum your essential level for essential good thefor peoplegood theythe arepeople supposed they are to rep-supposed to rep- Fair Committee, said Quaboag was as deserving of the award as mitted his resignation as of March and signed by the incumbents are Second Chance Animal Shelter will people whoheatedpeople housegovernment. whoto an unheatedgovernment. I will fight toI will protect fight toresent,” protect Andersonresent,” charged. Anderson “I won'tcharged. “I won't Hills Chamber of Commerce others in the community. 3, will have a contest. Nancy Allen Moderator – Bart Wendell, Board be providing rabies vaccines for dogs garage, this will tell you how are supposedare supposedour elderlyour and elderly those(QHCC) onand fixed Presidentthose onLennybe justfixed Weake. one ofbe the justAnd good one that oldof is the justboys goodthe on quality old boys onof 17 Common Street has taken of Selectmen – Frederik Marsh, and cats for only $12. Microchipping energy efficient your house is or These are the people that – for the that Weake said the committee that out papers to fill the term. Dana Treasurer – Dana Robinson, Board will also be available for $20 includ- to be repre-is tonot. beincomes repre- fromincomes the spiraling from the costs spiraling of Beacon costs of Hill.Beacon I know Hill.that stateI know gov- that state gov- most part – stay in the background judges Citizen of the Year nomina- Kennan of 404 North Main Street of Health – Kaye Cousens, ing registration. Dogs must be on senting us onsentingfood, us medicine on food, and medicine housing.”when andthe mediahousing.” showsernment up at canan ernmentbetions made is looking canto work be for. made better to work betterhas notified the Town Clerk, Diana Petersham School Committee – leash and cats must be in carriers. If a Beacon Hill.Beacon Hill.“There are many“There non-govern-event are but many are a vitalnon-govern-and part Iof will bring- workand to I“These willsee thatwork people it todoes.” are see the that ones it does.”Cooley, of his intention to run as a Russell Fontaine, Planning Board – pet is eligible for a three year vaccine, We needWe mentneed agenciesment that agencies doing wonderful community that do activities wonderful toAnderson, life. that her Anderson,don’t husband, do it for her theRobert recognitionhusband, Robertwrite-in for the position. John Lawson and Planning Board people bring prior vaccine paperwork And it is recognition of that but without whose diligence the The Board of Assessors will – Fraser Sinclair. The position of with them. Vaccines will be provided someone whosomeonework who meetingwork the meetingneedsfact of thethatthe needsthepeo- QHCC ofand the is theirseekingpeo- fiveand sons their and five a daughtersons and a daughteralso have a contest. Fredrik “Rick” Trustees of Public Library, current- by the licensed veterinarians of will be morewill plebe moreof our communitiesple of ournominations communities and help for the liveand 2014 helpinCitizen inShe SeeOrange. is CHAMBER, the fourthShe page is the 10 fourthMarsh has signed to serve in the ly held by Annette Ermini, is open. Second Chance Animal Shelter, Inc. responsive to people in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in Karen AndersonKaren Anderson responsive to people in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in the district'sthe district'seffective andeffective more efficient and more than efficientOrange than and Orangehas deep and affection has deep for affection for needs. I willneeds. tirelessly I will work tirelessly to pro- worksimilar to pro- governmentsimilar governmentprograms. As programs. a the area As aand theits people.area and its people. tect our children.tect our I will children. work to I willcre- workstate to Representativecre- state Representative I will work Ito will workThe to AndersonThe family Anderson is active family is active ate an economicate an environment economic environment that have ourthat statehave government our state governmentencour- in encour- a numberin of a localnumber organizations of local organizations welcomes jobwelcomes creation job in ourcreation dis- inage our these dis- NGO'sage these and INGO's will work and toI will work to trict. Too manytrict. ofToo us many are being of us areeliminate being anyeliminate unnecessary any unnecessary regula- regula-See ANDERSON,See ANDERSON, page 9 page 9

ChamberChamber eyes volunteer eyes volunteer standouts standouts Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by Genevieve Photo Fraser by Genevieve Fraser Green EnergyGreen TipsEnergy Tips Kay Berry Kaywrites Berry out writesa minimum out a bid minimum for items bid in for the items chocolate in the auctionchocolate held auction on Sunday, held on Feb. Sunday, 9 Feb. 9 Barre EnergyBarre Committee Energy CommitteeAwards toAwards be presented to be presentedof the Year,of of the anyone Year, fromof anyone the fromat thethe Firstat Congregational the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian Parish, in Unitarian Petersham. in Petersham. Proceeds from Proceeds the chocolate from the auc-chocolate auc- Chamber townsChamber of Belchertown, towns of Belchertown,tion will benefittion will the benefit church the building church maintenance building maintenance fund. fund. Beautiful iciclesBeautiful and prob-icicles and atprob- April 26at April dinner 26 dinnerBrimfield, Brimfield,Brookfield, Brookfield, East East lematic ice dams?lematic If ice you dams? have If you have Brookfield, Brookfield,Hardwick, Holland,Hardwick, Holland, icicles hangingicicles or hanging ice dam or ice dam By Douglas ByFarmer Douglas FarmerMonson, NewMonson, Braintree, New NorthBraintree, North issues, it is aissues, sure signit is youa sure are sign you are Staff Writer Staff Writer Brookfield,Brookfield, Palmer, Spencer, Palmer, Spencer, wasting moneywasting to meltmoney the to melt the PetershamPetersham annual annual town town BarreBarre to hold to hold PALMER —PALMER For every — active For everyWales, active Ware,Wales, Warren Ware, and Warren West and West snow on yoursnow roof on by your heat roofloss. by heat loss. group or organizationgroup or organization in town, town, Brookfield. The paybackThe for payback insulation for is insulation is electionelection is set isfor set March for March 3 3 rabiesrabies clinic clinic there are a numberthere are of a keynumber volun- of key volun-Last year’sLast winner year’s was winner was fairly short,fairly considering short, considering the the teers behind teersit, from behind church it, fromgroups churchBobbie groups McAvoyBobbie of McAvoyWare, for of her Ware, for herPETERSHAMPETERSHAM - The position- The once positionagain. Ellen once Anderson again. Ellen AndersonBARRE - TheBARRE town -of The Barre town of Barre high cost of highenergy. cost It ofhas energy. been It has been like the Unitedlike theChurch United of WareChurch workof Ware in holdingwork collectionsin holding collectionsfor Petersham for AnnualPetersham Town Annual Election Townof Election 20 Dana ofRoad 20 Danahas taken Road out has takenwill out hold a willrabies hold and a microchiprabies and microchip below freezingbelow for quitefreezing a while for quite a while and the Firstand Church the First of Monson Church to of Monsontroops troops At overseas. the time, At she the time,will she be heldwill on beMarch held 3.on The Marchpapers 3. The to challengepapers for to thechallenge seat. for the on Saturday,clinic on March Saturday, 29 from March 29 from resulting in resultingvery little in melting very little melting civic organizationscivic organizations like the Palmer like thesaid Palmer that shesaid was that thrilled she was to bethrilled toBoard be of SelectmenBoard of seat Selectmen currently seat currentlyOther positionsOther on positions the bal- on the9 to bal- 11 a.m.9 toat 11the a.m.Barre at DPWthe Barre DPW from the sunsfrom warmth. the suns Compare warmth. Compare Lions Club Lionsand the Club Belchertown and the Belchertownnominated, butnominated, didn’t believe but didn’t she believeheld she by Tim heldClark, by whoTim hasClark, sub- wholot, has which sub- arelot, all which three yearare all terms three yearBuilding, terms 441Building, Wheelwright 441 Wheelwright Road. Road. the snow onthe the snow roof onof theyour roof of your Fair Committee,Fair Committee, said Quaboag said Quaboagwas as deservingwas as of deserving the award of as the awardmitted as his resignationmitted his as resignation of March as andof March signed byand the signed incumbents by the areincumbentsSecond are ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter Animal will Shelter will heated househeated to an house unheated to an unheated Hills ChamberHills ofChamber Commerce of Commerceothers in the otherscommunity. in the community. 3, will have a3, contest. will have Nancy a contest. Allen NancyModerator Allen – ModeratorBart Wendell, – Bart Board Wendell,be Board providing berabies providing vaccines rabies for dogsvaccines for dogs garage, thisgarage, will tell this you will how tell you how (QHCC) President(QHCC) Lenny President Weake. Lenny Weake.And that isAnd just thatthe qualityis just the qualityof 17 Commonof 17 Street Common has taken Street hasof Selectmen taken of – Selectmen Frederik Marsh,– Frederik andMarsh, cats for onlyand cats$12. forMicrochipping only $12. Microchipping energy efficientenergy your efficient house is your or house is or These are theThese people are that the –people for the thatthat – for Weake the saidthat theWeake committee said the that committeeout that papers toout fill papers the term. to fill Dana the term.Treasurer Dana – DanaTreasurer Robinson, – Dana Board Robinson,will Board also be availablewill also forbe available$20 includ- for $20 includ- is not. is not. most part – staymost in part the –background stay in the backgroundjudges Citizenjudges of the Citizen Year nomina- of the Year nomina-Kennan of 404Kennan North of Main 404 StreetNorth Mainof StreetHealth of– KayeHealth Cousens, – Kaye Cousens,ing registration. Dogs must beDogs on must be on when the mediawhen showsthe media up at shows an tionsup at is an lookingtions for. is looking for. has notified thehas Town notified Clerk, the DianaTown Clerk,Petersham Diana SchoolPetersham Committee School –Committeeleash and– catsleash must and be incats carriers. must be If ina carriers. If a event but areevent a vital but part are ofa vitalbring- part of bring-“These people“These are peoplethe ones are the Cooley,ones of hisCooley, intention of histo run intention as a toRussell run as Fontaine, a Russell Planning Fontaine, Board Planning – Boardpet is eligible – pet for isa eligiblethree year for vaccine, a three year vaccine, ing communitying activitiescommunity to life.activities tothat life. don’t dothat it for don’t the dorecognition it for the recognitionwrite-in for thewrite-in position. for the position. John LawsonJohn and LawsonPlanning and Board Planningpeople Board bring peopleprior vaccine bring priorpaperwork vaccine paperwork And it is recognitionAnd it is recognitionof that but of without that butwhose without diligence whose the diligence theThe Board ofThe Assessors Board of will Assessors– Fraser will Sinclair.– Fraser The Sinclair. position The of positionwith them.of Vaccineswith them. will Vaccines be provided will be provided fact that thefact QHCC that theis seeking QHCC is seeking also have a contest.also have Fredrik a contest. “Rick” FredrikTrustees “Rick” of PublicTrustees Library, of Public current- Library, bycurrent- the licensedby the veterinarians licensed veterinarians of of nominationsnominations for the 2014 for Citizen the 2014 CitizenSee CHAMBER,See CHAMBER, page 10 pageMarsh 10 has signedMarsh to has serve signed in the to servely held in theby Annettely held Ermini, by Annette is open. Ermini, isSecond open. ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter, Animal Inc. Shelter, Inc. Page 8 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021

Where is this? Second Chance to host hybrid dinner auction May 15 EAST BROOKFIELD – would be easing, we immediately tough for our restaurant friends Tickets are now on sale for reached out to Southbridge Hotel right now, so we’re encouraging Second Chance Animal Services’ and Conference Center to see supporters to consider purchasing 22nd Annual Dinner Auction. what we could do. Together we gift certificates to local restau- The fundraiser, to be held May 15 came up with the hybrid plan to rants to donate to Second Chance will give attendees the option to give supporters a choice to par- for our upcoming Annual Dinner pick-up their meal in advance and ticipate that made them comfort- Auction.” join the festivities online or attend able.” The annual dinner auction is the event in person that evening Second Chance is now Second Chance’s largest and most at the Southbridge Hotel and accepting sponsorships and important fundraiser, providing Conference Center. Either way, item donations for the din- funding for all the programs that supporters will be helping pets in ner auction. Doray is grateful help pets in need from adoption need while enjoying a delicious to the many sponsors who have services to vaccine and spay/neu- meal and bidding on the opening already stepped up to support ter clinics to access to veterinary block of auction items. pets, including RE/MAX realtor care for all. Development director Lindsay Wendy Johnson who was also last For anyone interested in spon- Doray is excited to offer the year’s major sponsor. soring, donating or participating option for a limited number of Doray shared a special appeal in the Fetch! Sit! Stay! Dinner supporters to attend in person. for pet lovers who also want to Auction, complete information “Earlier this year we renamed the support local restaurants called and tickets can be found at www. event Fetch! Sit! Stay! - meaning Plates for Pets. “For over 20 supporters would fetch their meal, years, local restaurants have been For more information, visit sit down at home to enjoy the our partners, helping pets in need Second Chance’s website at meal and stay tuned for the kick- by donating gift certificates for off of the online auction. When our dinner auctions and golf Donate today at https://www.sec- Turley Publications Photo by Ellenor Downer we learned that state restrictions tournaments. We know times are This week’s mystery photo is from New Braintree. If any readers know where this photo was taken, they may email [email protected] or call the Barre Gazette at 413- 967-3505, extension 100 with their answer by noon on Monday, April 26. The names of those that correctly guessed the location will appear in next week’s edition. Dick Purple Martins helps spring get going Clark, Stephen Craven, Bill Fichtel, Rosemary Horan, Barbara Kempski, Rene Lafeyette, In a sure sign that spring is Siegrist says the very survival Evelyn Luukko, Jane McCauley, Lynn Oaks, Paula Paquette, Paul Talaford, Bruce not far behind, the first Purple of the species is due in large part Towner and Jeremy Varnum correctly identified the photo. Last week’s photo was the Martins of the year have been to scores of dedicated conser- bandstand at Curtis Recreation Field, Rte. 68, Hubbardston. spotted in Massachusetts. vationists who invest their time, The birds were seen on April money and hearts into maintain- 3, in the town of Mashpee by ing housing for the martins. a Purple Martin enthusiast – “The landlords provide crit- one of many people throughout ical shelter for the martins,” the eastern and central United Siegrist said. “In return, they DMV extending grace period for States who track and report are rewarded with a family-like on the birds’ annual migration bond with the birds who return expired inspection stickers on behalf of the Purple Martin to the same colony year after Conservation Association. year like clockwork.” REGION - Due to the nation- 30, in light of the outage caused eral other states, experienced a “The Purple Martins arriv- To follow along with the wide system outage of motor by the malware attack against cyber-attack in several states on al in Massachusetts show the Purple Martins’ migration and vehicle inspection services by Applus. March 30, preventing the RMV’s birds are making steady prog- learn more about how you can its vendor Applus Technologies Motor vehicles with expired vehicle inspection stations from ress northward since they first help conserve this treasured impacting inspection stations inspection stickers from March conducting vehicle inspections made landfall in Florida two bird, visit www.purplemartin. and motor vehicle owners, the 2021 (“3” sticker on windshield) statewide. days before Christmas,” said Joe org. In addition, people interest- Massachusetts Registry of Motor and April 2021 (“4”sticker on The RMV will hold the ven- Siegrist, president of the Purple ed in learning more about how Vehicles is extending a grace windshield) are extended until dor accountable for this disrup- Martin Conservation Association. to attract and care for Purple period for specific motor vehicle May 31, to obtain an inspection. tion and is working with Applus “Tracking the migration is not Courtesy photo Martins can receive a free book- inspection requirements. Newly purchased vehicles to restore services as soon as only fun, it also provides us with Purple Martins have arrived let by contacting the Purple The requirements are outlined registered on or after Tuesday, possible. Applus has indicated valuable information that helps along with spring. Martin Conservation Association inform our research and strength- by emailing info@purplemartin. below and include an extension March 23, 2021, should be that their systems will be oper- spread in rural America, this which now allows vehicle own- granted until April 30, 2021, to ating by Saturday, April 17, in en our efforts to make sure we’re org or calling 814-833-7656. doing everything possible to species, that eats billions of fly- Based in Erie, Pennsylvania, ers with expired March 2021 and obtain an inspection. Newly pur- Massachusetts and the Registry ing insects annually, has been April 2021 inspections stickers to chased vehicles must typically will continue working with the sustain the population of these the Purple Martin Conservation amazing birds.” disappearing at an alarming rate, Association is an internation- have through May 31, to obtain be inspected within seven days of vendor to meet this goal. experiencing a loss of one-third inspections. The RMV is work- registration. It has been 15 days since the North America’s largest spe- al tax- exempt, nonprofit orga- cies of swallow, Purple Martins of its population over the last 50 nization dedicated to the con- ing in close partnership with the Customers who recently had Registry learned of the Applus years. Executive Office of Public Safety an inspection rejection and are cyber-attack, and the outage winter in the rainforests of servation of the Purple Martin Brazil before making up to a “The decline seems to be the through scientific research, state and Security, the Massachusetts in the 60-day free retest window has had a significant impact to combination of a few factors: Chiefs of Police Association, the will be afforded one extra day the many business owners who 7,000-mile migration north into of the art wildlife management the eastern United States and nesting habitat loss, compet- techniques and public education. Massachusetts State Police and for each day Applus’s system employ staff to deliver vehicle ing invasive species, decreasing other stakeholders to mitigate the remains unavailable but should inspection services to the citizens Canada. The PMCA serves as a cen- The annual migration is a prey availability, and climate tralized data-gathering and impacts of the outage. plan to facilitate their inspection of the Commonwealth. change,” said Siegrist. “Over the The RMV is allowing a grace as soon as possible once the sys- For additional information testament to the martins’ resil- information source on the spe- ience as well as the unwaver- majority of the Purple Martins’ cies, serving both the scientist period for certain expired motor tem is restored and stations are and details on these and other range, they are unable to nest vehicle inspections. The RMV online. RMV service offerings during the ing dedication of thousands of and Purple Martin enthusiast. ‘martin landlords’ who main- naturally any longer. Human- The PMCA’s mission is edu- has advised law enforcement that Status of vehicle inspections COVID-19 pandemic, please visit provided nest boxes are the only compliance with the safety/emis- Applus Technologies, a ven- or https:// tain multi-compartment nest cating martin enthusiasts in the ‘condos’ that are essential for thing keeping the species alive proper techniques for managing sions inspection requirement has dor that facilitates vehicle inspec- east of the Rocky Mountains.” not been possible since March tions in Massachusetts and sev- rmv-covid-19-information. the birds’ survival. Once wide- this human-dependent species.

STITCHERS continued from page 1 children in Hardwick. The Naughty But Nice Stitchers, Community due to the pandemic, started up in August after the Send Us Your library closed from March to April. Librarian Payne says the Gilbertville Public Library is one of just a few Summer Events libraries open. The group can always use donations of yarn, used Summer Event Event Should Be Non-Profit if clean or new. People may drop off yarn donations at the Gilbertville Public Library, Rte. 32, during regular & Open to the Public hours Tuesday and Thursday from 2-6 p.m. and Friday Information from 4-7 p.m. FREE Calendar Listings Reaching over 200,000 Readers in the Pioneer Valley Turley Publications will print Event Name ______your summer Date/Time ______calendar listings Location ______FREE OF CHARGE ______in our Description ______SUMMERFEST ______Turley Publications Photos by Ellenor Downer Supplement which ______Shown with some of the about 50 Afghans knit or crocheted by members of the Naughty But publishes early June. ______Nice Stitchers, who meet at the Gilbertville Public Library on Thursday afternoons along with Heather Stewart, representing Camp ______Putnam are front row from left, Chloe Moriarty, Eleanor Czabaj and Evelyn LaBelle and back Cost ______row from left, Lynne Deschamps, Heather Stewart and Linda Payne. Deadline for submissions Contact name & phone number for more information ______is May 4th. ______Please specify if you would like your name and number printed in the paper.

CLIP OUT AND MAIL TO: Turley Publications, Attn: Jamie Joslyn, 24 Water Street, Palmer, MA 01069 or email* them to: [email protected] *Be sure to indicate “Summer” in the subject line of your email. These are some of the Afghans donated to Camp Putnam. April 22, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 9

[email protected] @turleysports@turleysports

A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ SPORTSSEND US YOUR SPORTS SUBMISSIONS Panthers finally get first win MIAA By Gregory A. Scibelli activity [email protected]

GARDNER – After a bit of a picking up delay, the Quabbin Regional High School football team was finally By Gregory A. Scibelli able to get back on the field. [email protected] On Monday afternoon, the Panthers finally were able to pick REGION – It has been a rari- up their first win of the Fall 2 ty for a team from Western season, defeating Ayer-Shirley Massachusetts to qualify for the High School in an offensive slug- Division 1A tournament, a special fest 48-35. tournament for select elite teams in The game featured a lot of various sports. scoring with Quabbin doing most A lot of questions have been of it in the first half. raised about the future of the Ayer-Shirley may have scored Division 1A tournament now that three of the final four touchdowns the state is going to a statewide in the game, but Quabbin already tournament and eliminating the sec- had a strong lead at that point. tional tournaments. It started with an Aiden Last Thursday, the Tournament Notarogiacomo touchdown Management Committee met to dis- reception. He took a pass from cuss the subject. quarterback Brandon Arsenault, The Division 1A tournament and ran it more than 60 yards to will likely be delayed until 2025 the end zone for a touchdown. in order to allow the MIAA and its The point-after kick failed, how- various sport committee to compile ever, it was just a 6-0 lead for the four years of data under the new Panthers. structure. Ayer-Shirley answered back Division 1A tournaments are with a score, but it was a quick dependent on the sport, and not all turnaround as Owen Faulha had a sports hold one. Hockey, basketball, one-yard run for a score to make soccer, and baseball and softball are it 20-6. among the sports that could possi- Next Notarogiacomo, got his bly hold tournaments. The 1A tour- second touchdown pass of the nament has been held for hockey in quarter with a 16-yard reception Owen Faulha assists in a defensive play. Fauhla had 150 yards rushing in Quabbin’s win over Ayer-Shirley. previous years with Pope Francis, to make it 20-6 after just one previously Cathedral, taking part in quarter. third quarter to make it 41-8. the second quarter on an impres- the tournament often. Kyle Nastasi had the only Aresenault scored a touchdown sive 64-yard run. Baseball has also been a sport touchdown in the second quarter on his own in the fourth quarter. Otherwise, the game was that has had a 1A tournament in with a three-yard touchdown run. While Faulha only had the owned by Lunenberg, which used recent years, with many of the Nastasi kicked the extra point as short touchdown run, he amassed to a be a Thanksgiving rival with state’s elite teams qualifying to play well to make it 27-6, the score 150 yards on the ground to Quabbin. The teams have since in it. The teams that qualify often when the whistle for halftime account for plenty of the Quabbin changed opponents in the past would abandon their section tourna- blew. offense. couple of years, but they continue ments to participate in the 1A event. File photos Notarogiacomo would score Quabbin fell against to play each other in the regular According to the proposal made Kyle Nastasi makes a catch during a 2019 game for Quabbin. on a third touchdown pass from Lunenberg in a tough game 38-6 season. to the TMC, any approved 1A tour- Nastasi had three touchdowns in the last two games for the Arsenault and Nastasi had a on April 9, with Nastasi scoring Panthers. 49-yard touchdown run in the the Panthers only touchdown in See FOOTBALL, page 10 See MIAA, page 10 Williams looking for another title run Sign up for Quabbin SEEKONK – Two years ago, Williams has previous wins at Ronnie Williams became the Monadnock and Seekonk, but has Valley Baseball second driver not named Matt yet to hold the checkered flag at REGION – The Quabbin Valley roster spots for new players. Hirschman to win a Tri Track Star. Baseball League is an age 28-and- Players who sign up in the first few Open Modified Series presented “I don’t have a ton of laps at over league which plays its games weeks of the season should be able by All Phases Renovations cham- Star but I love it,” Williams said. Sundays at 10 a.m. beginning in to be placed with a team. pionship. In 2021, he looks to do “It’s a weird little track. We almost late April and concluding in late The league’s first games are it again. had a win there in the SBM when August. It is a six-team league and scheduled for Sunday, April 25. Williams, driving for veteran Ron Silk beat us, which was a a 15-game schedule with all teams For the 2021 season, there is a car owner Gary Casella, returns great race. It’s one track that both getting at least one playoff game at mask-wearing rule, as well as mod- to Tri Track driving the familiar Gary & I really want to win at the end of August. ifications that prohibit any type No. 25 he’s taken to Victory Lane this year. Hopefully we can get it The league is seeking new play- of spitting or close contact, and before, and hopes to be consistent done.” ers to join in the fun. The cost to players are required to take out all enough to contend for the title at Williams knows the competition play in 2021 is $192.50 and reg- trash they bring in with them. The the end of the six-race schedule. is going to be stout, and the path to istration can be found at www. league allows the use of BBCOR- “Gary can be a clown when wins, or the championship, will not Games certified -3 bats as well as wood you’re around him, it’s fun,” be easy with Tri Track. are mostly being played this year bats. Games are nine innings and Williams said. “If you look at “You have a guy like Matt in Easthampton and South Hadley. all players who participate get to Gary, you might not think he can Hirschman racing and a lot of peo- Players who wish to pitch in the hit and play the field. For more set up a race car… but every single ple from a lot of different parts of league must be 30-years-old. information or to contact someone place we go, we are fast. He wants New England coming to run with Sign-ups will continue to be from the league, go to the league’s to win, I want to win.... and we just Tri Track,” Williams said. “It pro- open as the league still has open website. work well together.” vides some of the best racing and Submitted photos Williams is set for another busy Ronnie Williams is among the drivers looking to make his way brings the best drivers.” year as a driver, competing full- back to a championship this season. The Tri Track Open Modified time chasing his third SK Modified Series presented by All Phases championship at Stafford Motor and most successful rising stars the as we would have liked, but hope- Renovations season begins on Monadnock opener set Speedway, while also running Modified ranks in New England fully this year we can turn it back Saturday, May 1 at Monadnock with the Tri Track Series and some offers. around and have some more fun.” Speedway. For more information for next weekend select NASCAR Whelen Modified “It’s fun,” Williams said of all Tri Track will visit three New on the Tri Track Open Modified WINCHESTER, N.H. – On Modifieds, Pro Truck Series, Mini Tour and Open Modified events. of his driving ventures. “It’s better England race tracks in 2021 Series, visit TriTrackModifieds. Saturday, May 1, Monadnock Stocks, Pure Stocks, Young Guns Over the last three years, Williams when we are winning… last year -- Monadnock Speedway, Star com and follow the series on social Speedway will be back in action for and Classic Lites. Race time is at has become one of the quickest we didn’t have as much success Speedway and Seekonk Speedway. media. the 2021 Season. Although there 5 p.m. The Sunday line up will will be some COVID19 restriction include 100 Lap Granite State Pro that will remain in place for capac- Stock Series, NHSTRA Modifieds, ity and social distancing, the speed- Late Models, Street Stocks, way has added on 1400 more seats NELCAR Legends and Enduros. Premier Lacrosse League coming to Gillette to accommodate the restrictions. Race Time is at 2 p.m. FOXBOROUGH – The Premier June 4. Saturday’s slate includes lacrosse club, Cannons LC. Men’s Lacrosse Championships The season opener will be a Advanced General Admission Lacrosse League (PLL) powered a championship rematch between The 2021 PLL season will since 2008 and holds the NCAA two-day event this year with the Tickets and Reserved Camping by Ticketmaster announced today Whipsnakes LC and Chaos LC, include 11 tour stops from June to Men’s Division I Championship Tri Track Modified Series as the Sites area available for purchase at that the league will return to Gillette followed by Archers LC taking on September. For the third consecu- attendance record (2008: 48,970), headline on Saturday (May 1) and Pit Stadium to kick off the 2021 sea- Atlas LC. On Sunday afternoon, tive year, PLL games will be distrib- the top three attendance records for Granite State Pro Stock Series on Admission tickets will not be avail- son with an opening five-game slate Cannons LC will return to the field uted via an exclusive media rights Division I National Championship (May 2). There will be a practice able in advanced and are available June 4 through June 6. against Waterdogs LC, and the agreement with NBC Sports Group Games since 2012 (2012: 30,816, session held on Friday (April 30) for purchase on the day of the event. “There’s no better location to weekend will be capped off with a with action being shown through a 2018: 29,455 and 2017: 28,971) from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, go to the kick off our 2021 tour than Gillette matchup between Chrome LC and combination of NBC, NBCSN, and and the top three Division II and The divisions scheduled on speedway’s website at monadnock- Stadium,” said PLL Co-Founder Redwoods LC. Peacock TV. Division III National Championship Saturday are 100 Lap Tri Track or call 603-239- and CMO Paul Rabil. “Our inau- The PLL is a tour-based The PLL played its inaugu- attendance records (2017: 31,560, Modified Series, NHSTRA 4067. gural weekend in 2019 was a huge model featuring eight teams and ral weekend at Gillette Stadium in 2008: 24,317 and 2009: 24,072). success. The fans in New England the world’s best lacrosse play- 2019, and had announced plans to The venue hosted professional are passionate, and the Patriots ers. In addition to being full-time open the 2020 season at the home of lacrosse games in 2015, and was Follow Turley Sports on Instagram organization is exceptional.” employees and receiving health the six-time Super Bowl Champion recently awarded the 2025 and Turley Publications sports department has recently joined Instagram. You can find The PLL season will begin at benefits, players get equity stakes New England Patriots and New 2026 NCAA Men’s and Division I our account by searching “turleysports.” We will regularly feature samples of photos Gillette Stadium for the sec- in the league – a first in profes- England Revolution before COVID- Women’s Lacrosse Championships. that you will see in our publications on a weekly basis. Please follow and share with ond time, getting underway with sional sports. The league recently 19 forced the adjustment of the Kraft Group President- your friends and loved ones. We will be featuring photos from all 11 of our sports sec- a primetime matchup between announced a merger with Major season to a three-week quarantined International Dan Kraft, who was tions in the coming weeks, but as always, you can see all the photos that appear by Cannons LC and Redwoods League Lacrosse, leading to and fanless tournament. Gillette subscribing to your local paper or picking up a copy in your community. LC under the lights on Friday, the addition of the PLL’s eighth Stadium has also hosted five NCAA See LACROSSE page 10 Page 10 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021 Sports Education

@turleysports Center for Italian Culture presents virtual programs FITCHBURG – The with the generous support of to the discussion of La Strada Center for Italian Culture at Fitchburg State University’s on May 2. At the end of the 4 p.m. Sunday, Fitchburg State University Center for Italian Culture and first discussion, Plotkin will May 2: La Strada will feature the works of cel- the Sandro and Lillian Clementi introduce the second film, I Meeting ID: ebrated filmmaker Federico Lecture Fund, in collaboration Vitelloni, and send participants Fellini with a series of virtu- with the Amelia V. Gallucci- on their way to screen that film Phone Numbers: (US)+1 402- al programs, which will let Cirio Library at Fitchburg State during the following week in 761-0129, PIN: 288 801 215# Athlete of the Week audiences explore the work University, the Fitchburg Public anticipation of the second meet- 4 p.m. Sunday, May 9: I through the eyes of author Library and the Leominster ing on Sunday, May 9. The Vitelloni NAME: Kyle Nastasi and lecturer Fred Plotkin. Public Library. third film, Amarcord, will be Meeting ID: SCHOOL: Quabbin ”Fellini 101: Conversations The first event will be pre- discussed on Sunday, May 16. com/sqn-qzge-rwk In Quabbin’s April 9 game with Fred Plotkin” will start ceded by a recorded introduc- The films in the series will Phone Numbers: (US)+1 at Lunenberg, Nastasi had a at 4 p.m. Sunday, May 2, with tion to this series and the first be available to stream for free to 385-325-1097, PIN: 487 302 64-yard run that resulted in a a presentation on La Strada film, La Strada, by host and Fitchburg State students, faculty 776# touchdown for the Panthers. (1954). The series continues guide, Fred Plotkin. A link to and staff members and are also 4 p.m. Sunday, May 16: at 4 p.m. Sunday, May 9 with this recorded introduction will available through local libraries Amarcord To nominate someone for a discussion of I Vitelloni be made available by Sunday, and streaming services. Meeting ID: Athlete of the Month, con- (1953), and concludes at 4 April 25, so that participants Information on how to join com/hsg-jnnq-cpk tact Managing Sports Editor p.m. Sunday, May 16 with a will have a week to screen the the discussions is below, and Phone Numbers: (US)+1 Gregory A. Scibelli at 413-283- look at Amarcord (1973). series introduction and watch additional information and 484-424-7347, PIN: 926 928 8393 ext. 258 or send an e-mail This series is presented the first film on their own prior links can be found online at 756# to [email protected]. Nathan Maldonado completes FSU hosts graduate Our Family intensive research project at WPI application Cares WORCESTER – Nathan and around the world, through al studies brings students out Maldonado, of Rutland, a mem- the university’s 50-plus proj- of their comfort zones to apply workshop About Your ber of the class of 2022 major- ect centers. Students usually their knowledge to solve real ing in Mechanical Engineering travel to the project center for problems for people in com- FITCHBURG – Fitchburg Family at Worcester Polytechnic seven-week terms; this spring, munities around the globe,” State University’s School HOME – AUTO – BUSINESS – LIFE Institute, was a member of however, due to the global coro- said Professor Kent Rissmiller, of Graduate, Online and a student team that recently navirus pandemic, they worked interim dean of the WPI Continuing Education will host completed an intense research remotely, using video confer- Interdisciplinary and Global a free, virtual information ses- CONGRATULATIONS project titled Creating a Fire encing and other technology to Studies Division. “Students sion at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 1 Protection Database for the complete their projects. A sig- have the opportunity to learn that will cover all the bases. CFIA with Costa Rica Project nature element of the innova- about a different culture, from The graduate application ATHLETE! Center. tive undergraduate experience at the way people live and work to workshop will let attendees Very Competitive Rates • Experienced Professional Staff At WPI, all undergradu- WPI, the project-based curricu- the values they hold to the foods learn about: ates are required to complete lum offers students the opportu- they eat - all valuable perspec- How to submit your applica- 99% Claim Satisfaction Rate • On-site Registry Processing a research-driven, profession- nity to apply their scientific and tives for surviving and thriving tion and supporting materials al-level project that applies sci- technical knowledge to devel- in today’s global marketplace. Important deadlines and 143 West Street 45 North Main Street ence and technology to address- op thoughtful solutions to real They also learn the meaning and dates for summer and fall 2021 Ware, MA 01082 Belchertown, MA 01007 es an important societal need or problems that affect the quali- magic of teamwork; make a real enrollment issue. Nearly 90% of students ty of people’s lives-and make a and meaningful difference and Financial aid and payment typically complete a project in difference before they graduate. gain a competitive edge for any information More companies, collaboration with partners in “The WPI project-based resume, or graduate or profes- Why earning a graduate more choices, communities across the country curriculum’s focus on glob- sional school application.” degree now can help you reach BETTER RATES! 413-967-3327 your personal and professional goals QCC announces 2021 commencement ceremony plans Attendees will have their $50 application fees waived. WORCESTER – still waiting to be vaccinated service in the United States Fitchburg State’s School Valley Wheel Baseball seeks new players Quinsigamond Community and current safety protocols Congress, the National Urban of Graduate, Online and REGION – The Valley Wheel July with the playoffs for the top four College announced its May preclude us from holding an League, the Congressional Continuing Education (SGOCE) Over-30 Baseball League is looking teams during the first two weeks of 21, 2021 Commencement in-person ceremony.” Black Caucus Foundation and offers graduate and undergrad- for new players for the 2021 sea- August. While tryouts have completed, Ceremony will be held virtually. QCC’s featured virtual com- the nonprofit sector. Most uate degree and certificate pro- son, which is set to begin at the end there are still open roster spots among “The College came to this mencement speaker will be recently, Dr. Rockeymoore- grams, non-credit courses for of April. Players who are 28-years- the six teams in the league. The league difficult decision after a review nationally- recognized schol- Cummings toured the coun- professional development, and old prior to June 1 are eligible to play will continue to accept applications for of current public health advice ar and elected official, Maya try championing her late hus- life-long learning. Its high-qual- in the league this season, however, new players throughout the season. All and the many unknown factors Rockeymoore-Cummings, Ph.D. band, Representative Elijah ity, affordable graduate pro- only those 30 by June 1 are eligible to players bat and every player spends of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Dr. Rockeymoore- E. Cummings’ autobiography, grams are available in part-time, pitch. The league includes six teams at least four innings in the field in a pandemic’s course over the next Cummings has championed “We’re Better than This: My full-time, online, evening or and there is a 15-game season that nine-inning game. The league will be months. Our first and foremost social justice causes in areas Fight for the Future of Our accelerated formats so students begins on Sunday, April 25. Games playing with some minor modifica- commitment is to the safety of that include health equity, Democracy.” can always get the learning they are 12 Sundays, a special Mother’s tions due to the COVID-19 pandemic our faculty, staff, students and protection of social entitle- The college is offering free need. Day weekend Saturday game, and two to start. For more information, please their families,” said President ment programs, income secu- caps, gowns and tassels to all To learn more and to register, weekday night games under the lights. contact League Commissioner Jim Luis G. Pedraja, Ph.D. “While rity, diversity and inclusion QCC August 2020, December people may visit https://admis- The season ends the final week of Nason at [email protected]. we are encouraged by the and civil rights. Her career 2020 and May 2021 graduates rollout of vaccines; many are has spanned over 22 years of for this year’s commencement. GradAppWorkshopMay2021.

be, but it could be a modified version of the Walker sys- continued from page 9 continued from page 9 FOOTBALL, MIAA, tem, a ranking system utilized by teams from Western Lunenberg had a 12-0 lead before Quabbin cut nament must have a format that includes selection and Massachusetts for tournaments. The system was devel- Coaches & Parents the lead in half to 12-6, but Lunenbeg scored 26 seedings using the same power-rating/ranking system oped for use due to the vast diversity among the schools unanswered points to put the game out of reach. that is used for the other tournaments. in the region. Send your sports stories The final game of the Pod 6 schedule for Recently, as part of the move to go to a statewide The proposal also says any 1A tournament must be Quabbin will see the Panthers meet with Murdock tournament, Maxpreps was secured to organize tour- single elimination tournaments. There are currently no and photos to High School at 1 p.m. on the turf at Gardner High naments and collect information for rankings for state multi-elimination tournaments with the exception of [email protected] School. Following that game, Quabbin will immedi- tournaments. Maxpreps is expected to use a formu- consolation rounds for wrestlers. But that is an individ- ately transition into the spring season with practices la to compile power rankings in order to see tourna- ual, not a team tournament. beginning Monday, April 26. ments. It is not known exactly what the formula will According to the proposal, data will be analyzed in the next four years in order to see if dominance exists in particular sports and if there is a need to establish the elite tournament across the state. There was a 12-2 vote approving the proposal and The benefits of local newspapers recommending it to the MIAA Board of Directors. ocal newspapers play vital roles local newspapers cover local politics more active in communities across the globe. extensively. in their LACROSSE, continued from page 9 The Information Age has changed commu- • Local newspapers benefit nearby a collegiate lacrosse goalie for Tufts University in Lthe way many people get their news, but nities and businesses. Small business owners of- the 1980s and served on the executive Board of the local newspapers continue to serve as build stron- ten connect with community members 2018 Federation of International Lacrosse’s World valuable resources for readers interested ger commu- via local newspapers. A strong, locally Championships Host Committee, expressed his contin- in learning more about and becoming nities as a ued support for the league and its ongoing potential to based small business community can more involved in their communities. result. further grow the sport in the New England region and improve economies in myriad ways, throughout the country. While local publishers continue to creating jobs in the community and • Local “We are thrilled to continue our incredible part- adapt to the changes brought about by contributing tax dollars that can be newspapers nership with Paul and Mike Rabil and the Premier technology, the following are a handful used to strengthen local schools and can benefit Lacrosse League and once again host the league’s of benefits unique to local newspapers. infrastructure. And local newspapers children. opening weekend at Gillette Stadium this summer,” do their part by providing affordable National Kraft said. “We sincerely missed hosting profession- • Local newspapers keep readers up- and effective advertising space to local newspapers al lacrosse in 2020 and cannot wait to welcome the to-date on their own communities. world’s best lacrosse players back to Foxborough in business owners looking to connect may have Globalization may be here to stay, but little age-ap- 2021 for an exciting opening weekend. We feel Gillette with their communities. Stadium is the country’s preeminent lacrosse venues that does not mean local communities propriate are no longer home to newsworthy • Local newspapers can strengthen and look forward to hosting another world-class event content to Additional studies have indicated that promoting the sport in such a large and passionate events. National and international communities. Local newspapers are offer young children, but local news- students who use newspapers in the lacrosse region.” newspapers and 24-hour cable news great resources for residents who papers tend to include more soft news classroom perform better on standard- Under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ channels can keep men and women want to become more active in their items than national periodicals, and ized reading tests than those who do reopening plan, Gillette Stadium will safely welcome up-to-date on national and world communities and learn more about such stories typically are appropriate not use newspapers in class. fans to each game, and tickets are available now for all news, but in many instances, local community events. Local newspapers for young readers. According to News- five games at Many local newspapers have played newspapers are the only means people often showcase community events like papers in Education, students who The PLL will work with its venue partners to main- vital roles in their communities for tain compliance with local and state governance regard- have to learn about what’s going on in carnivals, local theater productions participated in an NIE group in Florida their own communities. Local politics and projects like park cleanups. These decades, providing a go-to resource for ing health and safety best practices. This will include performed significantly better in spell- standardized weekend-to-weekend health and safety impact residents’ lives every day, and are great ways for readers to become local readers and business owners. ing and vocabulary than nonreaders. measures, including but not limited to: seating pods, social distancing, enhanced venue cleaning, mobile ticketing, hand sanitation stations, staff and attendee 12 Weekly Newspapers Serving The Local Communities mask requirements. Similar to the 2020 season, the Agawam Advertiser News • Barre Gazette • Chicopee Register • Country Journal • Journal Register • Quaboag Current • The Register • Sentinel PLL will be working with a committee of medical pro- fessionals to develop health and safety protocols for all The Sun • Town Reminder • Ware River News • Wilbraham Times players, staff and fans. For more information about the 413.283.8393 • PLL and the 2021 season, visit www.premierlacrosse- April 22, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 11

reasons why summer camp is a good choice for kids 5ummer vacation offers students a tomed to living sedentary lifestyles. respite from lessons and the rou- Regular physical activity has many tine of school. Children might health benefits and can set a founda- Sonce have eagerly awaited those final tion for healthy habits as an adult. days of classes so they could lounge 3. Gain confidence. Day and sleep- poolside, skip rocks across ponds and away camps offer campers the oppor- spend the long days of the season play- tunity to get comfortable in their own ing with friends. But many of today’s skin. Camps can foster activities in youngsters spend much of their sum- self-esteem by removing the academ- mer vacations indoors playing with ic measures of success and fill in with their digital devices. noncompetitive opportunities to suc- Perhaps that’s why one of the last ceed. Campers learn independence, vestiges of the classic summer vaca- decision-making skills and the ability tion escape — summer camp — re- to thrive outside of the shadow of their How to help kids make friends at school mains such a viable option for parents parents, siblings or other students. The average student likely spends more guage. Wearing earbuds or exhibiting neg- questions can kick-start in-depth conversa- who want their children to get out- 4. Try new things. Camp gives chil- time at school and participating in extracur- ative body language, such as crossed arms tions. doors once the school year ends. dren the chance to try new things, ricular activities with classmates than he or or avoiding eye contact, can make a person • Join a team or club. Students often make Although kids needn’t be in camp whether that’s learning to cook, ex- she does at home. In close proximity to so seem less approachable. Smiling, engaging friends in social or extracurricular settings, all summer long, a week or two can ploring new environments or em- many peers, it may seem like making friends in conversation and being friendly can make such as on a sports team. With a shared in- benefit campers of all ages. The follow- bracing a new sport or leisure activity. would be a snap. However, some students it easier to make friends. terest, it’s easy to find topics to discuss. ing are five reasons why summer camp Opening oneself up to new opportu- have trouble connecting and can use a little • Ask teachers to help. The education re- Making friends in school can make time might be the right fit this year. nities can build character and prove push to make friends. source Understood says teachers can give spent in the classroom more enjoyable for 1. Explore talents. Summer camps enlightening for children. The family and parenting resource Par- children responsibilities, such as the oppor- youngsters. help young people explore their 5. Make new friends. Camp is a enting Science notes that research indicates tunity to hand out snacks or papers, which unique interests and talents. Under an great place to meet new people and that the most popular children are those can build confidence and provide organized, yet often easygoing, camp make lifelong friends. Campers flood who exemplify certain traits. These traits in- opportunities for kids to converse schedule, kids can dabble in sports, in from areas near and far. This pro- clude being caring; a willingness to share; a with their peers. arts and crafts, leadership, community vides kids with a chance to expand willingness to offer help; and strong verbal • Help children be active listen- support, and so many other activities their social circles beyond their im- skills. Children who embrace these traits ers. An active listener is someone that may not be fully available to them mediate neighborhoods and schools. may prove better at making friends. Parents who makes it clear that he or she is Summer elsewhere. Camps benefit children in a variety may find that youngsters need some encour- paying attention. Making eye con- agement to build their social circles, and the tact, orienting the body toward the Camps 2. Physical activity: Lots of camps of ways. Lessons learned in camp can following are some ways parents can offer speaker and making relevant verbal in Performing Arts, build their itineraries around physical strengthen values, build confidence, that encouragement. responses are some active listening Debate & Public Speaking activities that takes place outdoors. develop coping mechanisms when ad- • Encourage kids to seek out someone strategies that can help kids more Campers may spend their time swim- versity strikes, and enable campers to on their own. It may be challenging to walk fully engage with their peers. Feel- day & residential options available ming, running, hiking, playing sports, make lifelong friends. up to a group and introduce yourself. En- ing valued and listened to may en- climbing, and so much more. This can courage students to seek out someone who courage other children to be more be a welcome change for kids accus- is alone and then strike up a conversation, friendly and engaging. which can be less intimidating than ap- • Ask open questions. The social Greene Acres Equestrian Center L.L.C. proaching a group. Emphasize to kids that networking advisement site Young SUMMER CAMPS other students may also be a little shy and Scot suggests having students ask Co-ed • Grades 1-8 looking to make friends. open questions, such as: “How was July 5-9 • July 26-30 Mass Riding Instructor June 28 - August 6 Mass Stable License License • Practice conversation starters at home. your summer?” or “What sports August 2-6 • August# 1472 16-20 # 5391 Children can work with their parents to do you like to play?” These types of 9am - 3pm (lunch not provided)

come up with topics Basic Horse Care, Daily Riding, that can help foster English & Western, Ages 5 & up communication. These can include ice breakers Call to RegisterBoarding, (413) Leasing, 813-9291 Lessons, Training, Trailering Space is Camp Marshall 53 Ware Road,P.O. 873 Belchertown - 53 Ware Rd. Belchertown, MA 01007 limited and common interests, Day & Overnight Options for Email: [email protected] o summer at so don’t Phone (413) 813-9291 - Fax (413) 323-4999 Race int Camp Mac such as favorite tele- Traditional & Horse Camp Ages 7-16 Duffi e wait! E-mail—[email protected] ! vision shows or video Cloverbud Day Camp Ages 4-6 • Leadership Programs

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Visit For more information, visit (413) 323-8108 and/or email [email protected] Page 12 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021 Obituaries Church News Carol Elizabeth (Rice) Goldsmith, 87 BARRE – Carol Elizabeth (Rice) Association and in organizing Barre Local pastors offer sermons Goldsmith , age 87 passed peacefully High class reunions. my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; lic after 27 years in prison. It is on Saturday, April 10, 2021 after a We will remember her quick wit and Names and Titles of I have acquired wealth and do not a day I will never forget. As I am short illness. She was the daughter of humor, as well as her loving, grateful, Jesus Pt. 2 need a thing.’ But you do not realize reminiscing about that experience Laurence V. and Edith (Middlemiss) generous heart. Her friends and family that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, among others and also about your Rice of James Street, Barre and is will miss having long talks with her and blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to own experiences, my heart goes out predeceased by her sister, Dorothy her perceptive, intelligent, understand- Scripture employs an array of names and titles used in reference buy from me gold refined in the fire, to the disciples who may not have Lou Franciose, and brother, Robert ing ways. so you can become rich; and white believed they would see their Lord, V Rice. She loved celebrating holidays and to Jesus. Each provides some unique insight into His nature and work. clothes to wear, so you can cover the Messiah in person again after She leaves her husband of 64 birthdays with family, her children and your shameful nakedness; and salve He was crucified, died, and was years, Richard Allen Goldsmith: grandchildren, yearly family trips to Moreover, each helps us to under- stand the role He should and must to put on your eyes, so you can see. buried in a tomb. daughters, Susan Getz, Jenifer , animals, flowers, church 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and II. The Power of His Presence Swart and Cara Goldsmith; grand- suppers, watching sports teams play in our lives, shaping how we live before Him. Let us take some discipline. So be earnest and repent.” The appearance of Jesus Christ children, Ashley Davieau, Spencer and the simple pleasures of life. “Amen” stems from a Hebrew to the disciples, left them with both Holbrook, Elliot Getz and Julia Getz, as well as There will be a Celebration of Life followed by time to briefly identify and explore the following designations of Christ: word that refers to something as doubt and fear on the one hand, as nieces, nephews, four great-grandchildren and many private graveside ceremony on Saturday, May 1 at being “sure, certain and true.” As the they thought He was a ghost; and dear friends. the Covenant Evangelical Church on South Street, 1) Almighty Jesus Christ self-identified as divine “Amen” Jesus is the sure, cer- on the other hand, with awe as this Carol was a proud graduate of Barre High and Barre at 11 a.m. Fond remembrances of Carol are tain and true foundation upon whom experience was beyond them and from Northeastern University, Boston, as a laborato- most welcome. “the Almighty” in the following por- tion of Scripture: the promises of God rest. Moreover, their human understanding of Him ry technician, and worked at Heywood Hospital and being sure, certain and true, Christ as He entered their space and time Athol Hospital for many years. Revelation 1:8 DEATH NOTICE 8 “I am the Alpha and the will ensure that the promises of of loss and sorrow. There was a She served as town Assessor in Athol and Barre, God are utterly fulfilled. Ultimately, mix of emotions... disbelief, joy and was co-owner of Goldsmith’s Greenhouse and Omega,” says the Lord God, “who Goldsmith (Rice), Carol Elizabeth is, and who was, and who is to “Amen” signifies both the veraci- and amazement. They were still Nursery. Died April 10, 2021 ty (i.e., trustworthiness) and ability dealing with the empty tomb, and She loved her hometown, Barre and was active come, the Almighty.” Celebration of Life May 1 What does it mean that Jesus is of Jesus to execute the purposes of probably talking with one another in town politics (finance committee), Historical Graveside ceremony private God. about what He told them before Society, Barre Business Association, BH Alumni “Almighty”? Firstly, the term speaks to Christ as being unrivaled in To what degree do you look to His death, what the women told authority. The word for “almighty” Christ as the One who is sure, cer- them about seeing Him, and what comes from a root meaning “moun- tain, and true? To what degree are their strategy should be going for- tain”-portraying Him as one who you convinced that He is able and ward. They may not have expect- is exalted far above human domin- willing to accomplish His promises? ed that He would appear to them, Tri-Parish Community Church news ion. Simply stated, nothing in all Do you know the One who is faith- but maybe they were hoping qui- NEW BRAINTREE – Beautiful harmony soared The church is hosting its annual plant/bake/craft creation can challenge His control ful for time and eternity? etly that they would somehow once again from the organ at the Tri-Parish Church sale on the Hardwick Common on Saturday, June 5 of the universe! Secondly, the term I close with the following pas- see Him again. And here He was, celebrating in New Braintree on Sunday, April 18. and Sunday, June 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. People speaks to Christ as being unlimit- sage (Heb. 13:8): “Jesus Christ is the His physical appearance was that Guest organist Deborah Kent soothed the parishio- may call the church office at 508-867-3306 to vol- ed in power (i.e., omnipotent). The same yesterday and today and for- of the Christ who was crucified, ners with a delightful prelude of “What Wondrous unteer or ask questions. An administrative assistant Bible affirms the power of Jesus to ever.” What was true of Jesus many wounded, and He still carried His Love Is This” and “Jerusalem, My Happy Home,” has office hours by phone at that number every week accomplish His good purpose in the centuries ago remains true today. wounds with Him, meaning He was along with other arrangements to join in song. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. earth. As the prophet Jeremiah pro- What was claimed of Christ mil- not taken up into heaven where He All parishioners are pleased to be singing again, People may call then or leave a message any time. claimed (Jer. 32:17), “Ah, Sovereign lennia ago will be true tomorrow would be glorified and transformed albeit with quieter voices than normally used! All are welcome to attend the services on Lord, you have made the heavens and forever. I would call you to give into His heavenly existence. His Jennifer Pollard inspired both the little ones and Sundays at 10 a.m. Sunday, April 25 will be in the and the earth by your great power yourself in faith to the One who is presence transformed their pain the big ones with a children’s sermon entitled New Braintree Church. Summer services beginning and outstretched arm. Nothing is too Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega, and sorrow into utter joy and hope. “Squeezed.” The adult sermon, “Witnesses,” was the first Sunday in May, May 2, at the Stone Church hard for you.” the divine Amen and so much more Jesus’ appearance brings a mes- compelling and thought-provoking. in Gilbertville. To what degree do you recognize (as we shall note in subsequent pub- sage of peace to His distraught dis- Christ as being supreme, sovereign, lications). ciples. While the greeting is the unmatched and unequaled? To what Thank you for taking the time greeting He taught them to use degree do you believe that He has to read this publication. Should as they were entering people’s the capacity to faithfully execute you have any comments or ques- homes, it is especially an import- Congregational church to hold His Word and fulfill His purpose for tions, feel free to contact me at your ant greeting, as it brought a mes- you, your family, our community, convenience using the information sage of hope to a group of peo- drive-thru chicken barbecue May 1 this nation and beyond? below. Also, feel free to check us out ple in distress and worry and loss. 2) Alpha and Omega online at His appearance brings reassur- BARRE – The Barre Congregational Church, The Supper Committee would like to In Revelation 1:8, Jesus also or visit us in person each Sunday at ance and comfort to the grieving 30 Park St., will hold a drive thru chicken bar- take this opportunity to thank every one, self-identified as “the Alpha and the 10:30am (COVID-19 protocols are group. “Why are you troubled? It becue Saturday, May 1. Pick up time is 5-5:30 who has supported its drive thru dinners. Omega”: presented on our website). We hope is I myself – look at my hands and p.m. Cost is adults $12 and children under The committee hopes to continue this until Revelation 1:8 to see you soon! feet!”, Jesus said. After they still 12, $5. For reservations, people may call Lisa it is safe for all of people to be together 8 “I am the Alpha and the did not believe, He asked them for Holloway at 978-355-0140. again inside. Omega,” says the Lord God, “who Pastor James Foley something to eat as proof that He is, and who was, and who is to New Life Assembly of is indeed risen and that He is here come, the Almighty.” God South Barre with them. Eating with them may What is the meaning of this [email protected] not have had the purpose of fel- phrase? To begin, it must be noted 978-355-6407 lowship, we do not know, but it AARP analysis shows COVID cases and that Alpha and Omega are the first certainly must have felt like the and last letters of the Greek alphabet times they would eat and have fel- (i.e., similar to our “A and Z”). This lowship together. It was a remind- deaths declining in nursing homes indicates that Christ is the absolute Third Sunday of er of their special friendship. His source of all creation and history, appearance brought them spiritual BOSTON – The latest release of AARP’s ing or making permanent the components of Easter enlightenment, as He took them Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard shows AARP’s five-point plan. with nothing being “outside” of Him. It all began with Him and it “The Power of His Presence!” back to what was prophesied about that both cases and deaths in nursing homes Prioritizing regular and ongoing testing and Him in the Old Testament, and as declined in the four weeks ending March 21. adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) will all culminate with Him and His Our services can be found on good design! The following quota- our website at www.barrechurch. we are reminded of Him in the Although these rates are improving, chronic for residents and staff—as well as inspectors Temple right at the beginning of problems in nursing homes revealed during the and any visitors. tion helps us to delve deeper into the com and Facebook page. significance of this designation: His ministry, quoting Isaiah 61, and COVID-19 pandemic, continue. Improving transparency focused on daily, the purpose of His ministry. The In Massachusetts, during the four weeks public reporting of cases and deaths in facili- “An alphabet is an ingenious way to store and communicate knowl- Scripture Reading: Christ would die, but rise again on ending March 21, 2021, .49% of nursing ties; communication with families about dis- Luke 24 v 36b - 48 the third day, and repentance and homes reported a shortage of nurses or aides, charges and transfers; and accountability for edge. For instance, the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet, forgiveness will be preached to the down from 2.4% from the previous reporting state and federal funding that goes to facilities. Introduction: nations. He opened their minds by period. Ensuring access to in-person visitation fol- arranged in almost endless com- binations, can hold and convey I am wondering whether you speaking to them in those power- Deaths of nursing home residents in lowing federal and state guidelines for safety, have had the experience of meeting ful words, words that would trans- Massachusetts have significantly decreased and require continued access to virtual visita- all knowledge. Thus, Christ is the supreme, sovereign alphabet; there someone whom you never thought form their despair into hope and from the previous period, dropping from a rate tion for all residents. you would meet or encounter... purpose. He would then empower of .79 to .10 per 100 residents. New infections Ensuring quality care for residents through is nothing outside his knowledge, so there are no unknown factors that someone that made an impact on and commission them to carry the among residents and staff also declined to less adequate staffing, oversight, and access to you; or maybe you were hoping to message of the Good News to the than half of previous levels. Resident cases fell in-person formal advocates, called long-term can sabotage His glorious purposes or Coming.” see, or hear from someone from nations. We see at the start of Acts from 2.4 to .34 per 100 residents, and new staff care Ombudsmen. your past, an old school friend and into the first few chapters how cases declined from 2.4 to .49 per 100 resi- Rejecting immunity for long-term care facil- To what degree do you see Christ as the end-all-and-be-all of life and whom you hoped you would see these disciples who were witnesses dents. ities related to COVID-19. again after many years, someone of Jesus’ life and ministry became “The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to Establishing minimum nursing staffing stan- living? To what degree do you rec- ognize that the whole of your life is you have been wondering about? powerful messengers of the Good light the chronic, ongoing problems that have dards Do you remember that feeling news. plagued the nursing home industry for decades, Ensuring progress is made so that in-person to consist in Him (Col. 3:1-4)? Do you understand that we are mov- when you had those encounters? Conclusion: The Power of His including staffing shortages, poor infection visitation can safely occur and facilitating vir- One experience that remains an Presence for us today control, transparency, and accountability, tual visitation ing-inexorably-to His intended end (Rev. 21:1-8)? extraordinary one for me, was the While we cherish those who said Mike Festa, AARP Massachusetts State Creating a pathway for single occupancy day former South African president have made or are making an impact Director. “Following the COVID-related deaths rooms in nursing homes. 3) Amen The final title I want to explore Nelson Mandela was released from on our lives, we have someone of more than 9,000 nursing home residents and The complete Nursing Home COVID-19 prison. It was quite an extraordi- in an even higher power who has staff in Massachusetts, now is the time to erad- Dashboard is available at today appears in Jesus’ words to the ancient church at Laodicea: nary day for us South Africans, shown us the power of the resur- icate these failings that jeopardize the health inghomedashboard. For more information on because we did not in our wildest rection, the power over death and and safety of nursing home residents.” how COVID is impacting nursing homes and Revelation 3:14-19 14 “To the angel of the church in dreams believe or imagine that we dying, despair and suffering, and AARP continues to urge elected officials to AARP’s advocacy on this issue, pwoplw may would see him alive and freed in loneliness. The Christ whom we act immediately, focusing this year on enact- visit Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, our lifetime. I remember the exhil- follow is alive as He is sitting at the the faithful and true witness, the aration and joy and amazement as right hand of God, and is also pres- ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know we all rushed to the prison where ent in our lives through the power Our advertisers make this your deeds, that you are neither he was held and released. There and presence of the Holy Spirit. 1158 Main Street 100 Worcester Road publication possible. were lots of people, and we all In our own moments of worry Holden Sterling cold nor hot. I wish you were either Let them know you one or the other! 16 So, because traveled from there to the City of and distress, we have the promise 508.829.4434 978.422.0100 saw their ad in the you are lukewarm-neither hot nor Cape Town to see him and hear cold-I am about to spit you out of him speak for the first time in pub- 800-983-4434 Barre Gazette See SERMONS page 14 Barre Gazette NOTICE Obituary Policy ERRORS: Each advertis- er is requested to check Turley Publications offers two types of their advertisement the obituaries. first time it appears. One is a free, brief Death Notice listing This paper will not be Funeral Homes the name of deceased, date of death and funeral date and place. responsible for more Honoring Lives ~ Celebrating Memories The other is a Paid Obituary, costing $100, than one corrected in- which allows families to publish extended death sertion, nor will be li- Family Owned and Operated notice information of their own choice and may able for any error in include a photograph. Death Notices & Paid an advertisement to a Richard Mansfield Ricky Mansfield Obituaries should be submitted through a greater extent than the Director Nationally recognized as a Director funeral home to: [email protected]. Selected Independent Funeral Home cost of the space occu- with the highest ethical and Exceptions will be made only when the family pied by the item in the professional standards. provides a death certificate and must be pre-paid. advertisement. BBB Award Recipient April 22, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 13 Public Notices

NOTICE OF 3208 Greenwich Road, 69 degrees 8' 25" E. along certified or bank check zone to two intermittent Office on the 3rd floor of Equipment Rental Bids at the Barre DPW building, MORTGAGEE'S SALE Hardwick, Worcester Lot # 4 69.97 feet to an at Harmon Law Offices, stream channels at property the Henry Woods Building, for the period from July 441 Wheelwright Road, OF REAL ESTATE County, Massachusetts, all iron pipe: THENCE: N. P.C., 150 California St., located at 242 Walnut Hill 40 West Street, Barre, MA 1, 2021 through June 30, Barre Massachusetts, or By virtue and in exe- and singular the premises 74 degrees 42' 6" E along Newton, Massachusetts Road, Assessors Map E, 01005. 2022. The bid prices within by contacting Shannon cution of the Power of described in said mort- Lot # 4 42.65 feet to an 02458, or by mail to P.O. Lot 5 and recorded with the Ronald Rich the contract may be extend- O’Connor, DPW Sale contained in a cer- gage, iron pipe; THENCE: S. 60 Box 610389, Newton Worcester District Registry Chairman ed by mutual agreement Administrative Assistant by tain mortgage given by TO WIT: degrees 36' 8" E. along Lot Highlands, Massachusetts of Deeds Book 63704, Page 04/22 /2021 between the Town and the email: dpw@townofbarre. Christopher L. Eldredge A certain parcel of # 4 153.04 feet to the point 02461-0389, within thirty 118. Contractor for up to two com or phone at: 978-355- to Mortgage Electronic land, with the build- of beginning. Being the (30) days from the date of From: COMMUNITY (2) 1-year options. The first 5013, Monday through Registration Systems, Inc., ings thereon, situat- same premises conveyed sale. Deed will be provid- Paula & Brent Bolger OUTREACH MEETING option shall extend through Thursday from 6:30 a.m. to as nominee for America's ed on the westerly side to me by Deed of Lu-Ann ed to purchaser for record- 775 Worcester Road Notice is hereby given June 30, 2023. The second 3:00 p.m. Wholesale Lender, dated of Greenwich Road, in J. Eldredge dated April 6, ing upon receipt in full of Barre, MA 01005 that High Hawk Farm option shall extend through Contractors bidding on March 23, 2007 and Hardwick, MA and being 2006 and recorded with the purchase price. The To be held on Tuesday, LLC of 140 Worcester to June 30, 2024. Public Works Construction recorded in the Worcester shown as Lot # 3 on a plan Worcester District Registry description of the premises April 27th at 7:45 p.m. Rd Barre MA 01005 will Sealed bids, plain- Projects estimated to cost County (Worcester of land owned by Karl D. of Deeds at Book 38743, contained in said mortgage via Zoom and at the conduct a Community ly marked, for the $50,000 or more must be District) Registry of Deeds Germain and Brenda L. Page 264. shall control in the event of Conservation Commission Outreach Meeting on the Road Materials, Road pre-qualified with the in Book 40890, Page 128 Germain dated April 10, For mortgagor's(s') an error in this publication. Office on the 3rd floor of following matter at 6:00 Maintenance and Massachusetts Department of which mortgage the 1989, by Donald A. Para, title see deed recorded Other terms, if any, to the Henry Woods Building, pm on May 3, 2021 at Equipment Rental items of Transportation – undersigned is the pres- R.L.S. and recorded in the with Worcester County be announced at the sale. 40 West Street, Barre, MA Higgins Powersports locat- listed below, will be Highway Division, 10 ent holder, by assignment Worcester District Registry (Worcester District) THE BANK OF 01005. ed at 140 Worcester Road, received at the Department Park Plaza, Room 7552, from: of Deeds, Plan Book 619, Registry of Deeds in Book NEW YORK MELLON Ronald Rich Barre MA 01005. High of Public Works office, 441 Boston, MA 02116. All Mortgage Electronic Plan 91. Beginning at an 38743, Page 264. F/K/A THE BANK Chairman Hawk Farm, LLC intends Wheelwright Road, Barre road materials shall con- Registration Systems, iron pipe at the northeast- These premises will be OF NEW YORK, AS 04/22/2021 to apply for the follow- Massachusetts 01005, until form to the requirements Inc. to The Bank of New erly corner of lot herein sold and conveyed sub- TRUSTEE FOR THE ing Adult-use Marijuana 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, of the MassDOT’s standard York Mellon, as Trustee described, on the west- ject to and with the ben- CERTIFICATEHOLDERS Barre license: Marijuana Product May 6, 2021, at which time specifications for highways for the Certificateholders, erly side of Greenwich efit of all rights, rights of OF CWABS, INC., Conservation Commission Manufacturing; at 286 the bids received will be and bridges. All contractors CWABS, Inc., Asset- Road and at the south- way, restrictions, ease- ASSET-BACKED Notice is hereby given School Street North, opened and recorded. providing services to the Backed Certificates, Series easterly corner of Lot #4. ments, covenants, liens CERTIFICATES, SERIES in accordance with the Barre MA 01005, pursu- Items to be bid: Town must be bonded and 2007-7, recorded on THENCE: S. 8 degrees 43' or claims in the nature of 2007-7 Massachusetts General Law, ant to MGL Ch. 94 G and 1. Washed and screened fully insured. January 15, 2010, in Book 26" W, along the westerly liens, improvements, pub- Present holder of said Chapter 131, Section 40, Chapter 55 of the Acts sand Attention is called to the No. 45355, at Page 331 side of Greenwich Road, lic assessments, any and mortgage The Wetlands Protection of 2017, other applica- 2. Screened sand Minimum Wage Rates to be Mortgage Electronic 213.18 feet to an iron pipe; all unpaid taxes, tax titles, By its Attorneys, Act, that a public hearing ble laws and regulations 3. Crushed stone paid on the work as deter- Registration Systems, Inc. THENCE: N. 56 degrees tax liens, water and sewer HARMON LAW on an Amendment to the promulgated thereunder, 4. Bank and processed mined by the Department as nominee for America's 26' 19" W. along Lot # 2, liens and any other munic- OFFICES, P.C. Order of Conditions, DEP including those promul- gravel of Labor, Division of Wholesale Lender to 285.35 feet to an iron pipe; ipal assessments or liens or 150 California St. #101-0319 for the replace- gated thereunder by the 5. Fiber or rubber crack Occupational Safety in The Bank of New York THENCE: N. 54 degrees existing encumbrances of Newton, MA 02458 ment of structurally defi- Massachusetts Cannabis filling accordance with the provi- Mellon fka The Bank of 14' 8" W. along Lot # 2 record which are in force (617)558-0500 cient culvert under drive- Control Commission. 6. Full depth reclama- sions of MGL c. 149 s. 26 New York, as Trustee for 960.65 feet to a gun bar- and are applicable, having 19755 way to access ROW for 04/22, 04/29/2021 tion and 27D. the Certificateholders of rel; THENCE: N. 27 priority over said mort- 04/15, 04/22, 04/29/2021 property located at 629 Old 7. Milling The Town of Barre the CWABS, Inc., Asset- degrees 16' 55" E. along gage, whether or not ref- Dana Road Assessors Map Town of Barre, 8. Type I bituminous reserves the right to reject Backed Certificates, Series land now or formerly of erence to such restrictions, Barre A19-D. Recorded with the Massachusetts concrete any and all bids deemed not 2007-7, recorded on May Louis H. and Angelina easements, improvements, Conservation Commission Worcester District Registry Department of 9. Cold Patch to be in the best interest of 29, 2012, in Book No. Labier, 100.00 feet to an liens or encumbrances is Notice is hereby given of Deeds Book 2287, Page Public Works 10. Equipment rental the Town. Contract award 49039, at Page 163 iron pipe; THENCE: S. 60 made in the deed. in accordance with the 523. Road Materials, with and without an oper- is based on the lowest for breach of the con- degrees 23' 00" E. along TERMS OF SALE: Massachusetts General From: Road Maintenance and ator qualified, responsible bid ditions of said mortgage Lot# 4 696.24 feet to an A deposit of Five Law, Chapter 131, Section New England Power Equipment Rental 11. Catch Basin received for each individual and for the purpose of iron pipe; THENCE: S. Thousand ($5,000.00) 40, The Wetlands Protection Company For the period from Cleaning item. foreclosing, the same will 34 degrees 23' 6" E along Dollars by certified Act, that a public hearing 40 Sylvan Road July 1, 2021 through 12. Drainage Structure For the Department of be sold at Public Auction Lot # 4 177.21 feet to an or bank check will be will be held on a Notice of Waltham, MA 02451 June 30, 2022 Rebuilding/Repair Public Works Commission, at 3:00 PM on May 6, iron pipe; THENCE: N. required to be paid by Intent for Paula & Brent To be held on Tuesday, Invitation to Bid 13. Line Painting Shannon O’Connor 2021, on the mortgaged 89 degrees 7' 35" E along the purchaser at the time Bolger for the construction April 27, 2021 at 8:00 The Town of Barre is Bid documents will DPW Administrative premises located at 3234 Lot # 4 72.00 feet to an and place of sale. The of a single family home p.m. via Zoom and in the accepting Road Materials, be available beginning Assistant Greenwich Road a/k/a iron pipe; THENCE: S. balance is to be paid by within the 100-ft buffer Conservation Commission Road Maintenance and Wednesday, April 14, 2021 04/22/2021 Public Safety

Barre Police Log Rutland Police Log

Monday, April 12 Signed Refusal 5:31 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley Sunday, April 11 Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued Road – Fire Extinguished 8:40 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 2:53 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South Road – Citation Issued 11:14 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 3:47 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Wheelwright Road – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued 5:42 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley Pommogussett Road – Written Warning Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued Friday, April 16 2:54 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley Road – Citation Issued 3:24 p.m. Animal Bite Prospect 6:58 p.m. Neighbor Dispute 12:04 p.m. Motor Vehicle Collision Tuesday, April 13 Road – Citation Issued 5:44 p.m. Motor Vehicle stop Street – Information Given Cameron Drive – Report Filed Fisherman’s Road – Report Filed 11:30 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop West 2:58 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South Mechanic Street – Citation Issued 4:32 p.m. Falls Mark Circle – 9:09 p.m. Missing Person Main 12:48 p.m. Disorderly Conduct Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued 5:45 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Ambulance Signed Refusal Street – Information Taken Maple Avenue – Report Filed 11:48 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 3:03 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley Summer Street – Citation Issued 1:14 p.m. Fraud/Forgery Autumn Valley Road – Citation Issued Road – Citation Issued 5:55 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Monday, April 12 Wednesday, April 14 Wood Drive – Report Filed 12:04 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 3:07 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South Summer Street – Citation Issued 5:08 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 7:07 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 7:02 p.m. Seizures Bushy Lane – Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued 6:02 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Pommogussett Road – Criminal Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued Transported to Hospital 12:14 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 3:15 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley Hubbardston Road – Citation Issued Complaint 7:28 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South Street – Citation Issued Road – Citation Issued 6:27 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Summons: Gabriel P. Acevedo, 18, Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued Saturday, April 17 12:28 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 3:18 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South Mechanic Street – Citation Issued Worcester 7:38 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 3:57 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ South Street – Citation Issued Barre Road – Citation Issued 6:58 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Drug, Possess to Distribute Class D Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued Fire Worcester Road – Transported to 1:11 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 3:31 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Wheelwright Road – Citation Issued 5:21 p.m. Breathing Difficulty Bullard 8:25 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Maple Hospital Wheelwright Road – Citation Issued Mechanic Street – Citation Issued 8:04 p.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ Road – Ambulance Signed Refusal Avenue – Citation Issued 11:32 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 1:29 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley 3:43 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Fire Main Street – Transported to 8:37 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Street – Citation Issued Road – Citation Issued Worcester Road – Citation Issued Hospital Tuesday, April 13 Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued 11:44 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 1:48 p.m. Motor Vehicle stop South 3:46 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 8:12 p.m. Breathing Difficulty South 8:14 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 8:45 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Mechanic Street – Citation Issued Street – Transported to Hospital Street – Vehicle Towed Pommogussett Road – Criminal 11:53 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 1:54 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 3:52 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 8:38 p.m. Panic Attack Exchange Summons: Emilly Twinamasiko, 30, Complaint Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Street – Referred to Other Agency Lowell Summons: Gerald J. Orre, 72, 12:31 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 2:05 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 4:05 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop North Unlicensed Operation of Motor Rutland Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Brookfield Road – Citation Issued Thursday, April 15 Vehicle License Suspended, Operate Motor 12:39 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 2:12 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 4:06 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 2:48 p.m. Harassment South Street 11:15 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main Vehicle With, Subsequent Offense; Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued – Officer Advised Street – Citation Issued Unregistered Motor Vehicle; 12:45 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 2:18 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 4:11 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 11:43 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main Inspection/Sticker, No; Speeding Rate Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Friday, April 16 Street – Citation Issued of Speed Exceeding Posted Limit 1:03 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 2:45 p.m. Property Damage 4:23 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 6:55 p.m. Property Damage 11:53 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 9:25 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main Street – Citation Issued Summer Street – Officer Advised Worcester Road – Citation Issued Worcester Road – Investigation Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued 1:54 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 3:28 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 4:36 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley (On-going) 12:30 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 9:39 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Street – Written Warning Street – Citation Issued Road – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued 2:05 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 3:44 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 4:38 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South Saturday, April 17 12:44 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 9:43 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued 8:25 a.m. Seizures Peach Street – Street – Citation Issued Pommogussett Road – Citation Issued 2:16 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Maple 3:52 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 4:44 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Transported to Hospital 12:58 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 10:07 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop East Avenue – Citation Issued Street – Citation Issued Valley Road – Citation Issued 9:53 p.m. Suspicious Person/ Street – Citation Issued County Road – Citation Issued 2:30 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 4:09 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 4:47 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Vehicle Cedar Street – Arrest(s) Made 1:15 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 10:18 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop East Street – Citation Issued Wheelwright Road – Citation Issued Mechanic Street – Citation Issued Arrest: Sean Delvalle, 20, Charlton Glenwood Road – Citation Issued County Road – Citation Issued 2:45 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Maple Summons: Matthew C. Ludwig, 27, 4:49 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South OUI-Liquor or .08%; License 1:29 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 10:28 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Barre Avenue – Citation Issued Barre Street – Citation Issued Suspended, Operate Motor Vehicle Street – Citation Issued Paxton Road – Report Filed 3:21 p.m. Fraud/Forgery Prouty Unlicensed Operation of Motor 4:55 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley With, Subsequent Offense; Negligent 1:38 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 10:33 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop East Lane – Officer Spoke to Party Vehicle; Inspection/Sticker, No Road – Citation Issued Operation of Motor Vehicle Street – Citation Issued County Road – Citation Issued 5:15 p.m. Seizures Charnock Hill 5:51 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley 5 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 2:07 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main Road – Transported to Hospital Road – Citation Issued Mechanic Street – Citation Issued SOUTH BARRE Street – Citation Issued Thursday, April 15 8:44 p.m. Seizures Joanna Drive – 5:57 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley 5:05 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley 2:44 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Main 7:38 a.m. Bleeding (Non-Traumatic) Transported to Hospital Road – Citation Issued Road – Citation Issued Tuesday, April 13 Street – Written Warning Main Street – Referred to Other Agency 6:08 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley 5:16 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley 7:06 p.m. Fraud/Forgery Church 2:55 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 1:33 p.m. Structure Fires Simond Hill Road – Citation Issued Road – Citation Issued Street – Officer Advised 6:18 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 5:17 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Barre Road – Citation Issued Worcester Road – Citation Issued Wednesday, April 14 6:45 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop South 5:20 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley 10:31 p.m. Animal Bite Worcester Street – Citation Issued Road – Citation Issued Road – Information Taken Hubbardston Police Log 5:28 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Valley Wednesday, April 14 Road – Citation Issued Thursday, April 15 12:54 p.m. Chest Pain/Heart 5:28 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop 5:36 p.m. Property Damage Elm Monday, April 12 Templeton Road – Criminal Complaint 6:24 a.m. Chest Pain/Heart Problems Cedar Street – Ambulance Hubbardston Road – Citation Issued Street South – Information Given 4:53 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Summons: Jon A. Jonsson, 59, Problems Gardner Road – Referred to Gardner Road – Vehicle Towed Hubbardston Other Agency Summons: Alexis N. Clark, 21, License Suspended, Operate Motor 2:57 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Gardner Vehicle With Gardner Road – Citation Issued Uninsured Motor Vehicle; 10:43 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ 3:07 p.m. Falls Brigham Street – Registration Revoked, Operate Motor Fire New Westminster Road – Report Transported to Hospital Oakham Police Log Vehicle With Filed 4:21 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Summons: James F. Conroy, 75, Gardner Road – Citation Issued Tuesday, April 13 Hubbardston 4:32 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Sunday, April 11 Refusal Hospital 6:59 p.m. Neighbor Dispute Gardner Negligent Operation of Motor Gardner Road – Citation Issued 12:48 p.m. Welfare Check Adams 8:55 a.m. Animal Bite Barre Road – Road – Officer Spoke to Party Vehicle; Marked Lanes Violation; 4:52 p.m. Traffic Hazard Worcester Road – Negative Contact Friday, April 16 Information Given Speeding Rate of Speed Greater Than Road – Criminal Complaint 7:27 a.m. Tree Incidents Worcester 1:20 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Wednesday, April 14 was Reasonable and Proper Summons: Jonathan K. Roy, 31, Monday, April 12 Road – Removed Hazard Bullard Road – Written Warning 5:53 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop New 1:24 p.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ Hubbardston 5:04 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop North 2:43 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Templeton Road – Criminal Complaint Fire Bemis Road – Vehicle Towed Unregistered Motor Vehicle; Brookfield Road – Citation Issued Saturday, April 17 Coldbrook Road – Citation Issued Summons: Kristopher J. Blakely, 32, 1:33 p.m. Structure Fire Simond Hill Uninsured Motor Vehicle 5:21 p.m. Breathing Difficulty 3:57 a.m. Motor Vehicle Collision/ 5:13 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Old Bladwinville Road – Fire Extinguished 5:31 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop New Bullard Road – Ambulance Signed Fire Worcester Road – Transported to Turnpike Road – Citation Issued Uninsured Motor Vehicle; 9:31 p.m. Property Damage Barre Templeton Road – Citation Issued Unregistered Motor Vehicle; Number Road – Negative Contact 8:47 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Plate Violation to Conceal ID Brigham Street – Citation Issued 6:42 p.m. Property Damage Ragged Friday, April 16 9:25 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Email all Hill Road – Report Filed 5:45 a.m. Fire, Arcing Wires Barre Worcester Road – Citation Issued WE’VE EXPANDED OUR WEB SITE notices to 1 [email protected] Road – Referred to Other Agency 9:43 p.m. Motor Vehicle Stop Access archives and visit Thursday, April 15 Worcester Road – Citation Issued digital tear sheets by 2 newspaper title. 10:19 a.m. Motor Vehicle Stop New Saturday, April 17 Public Notices Find a quick link to the state of Massachusetts’ public notice web site to search all notices in ARE NOW ONLINE 3 Massachusetts newspapers. Public notice deadlines are Mondays at noon, Fridays noon for Monday holidays. Page 14 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021 Public Safety AARP offers monthly fraud watch BBB offers travel tips The Better Business Bureau If people will be on the road for The AARP Fraud Watch money instantly and the money is 2020 was the year of new twists to face, it makes for rich targets for recommends the following tips for extended periods of time, it’s a good Network provides people with tips easy to move around. As soon as a on scams. There were COVID test- adept scammers. those planning a trip to minimize idea to bring drinks and snacks and resources to help them spot target sends the numbers to the gift ing scams, miracle cure scams, stim- One trending scam is when a the risks. along too so as to avoid unnecessary and avoid identity theft and fraud card they’ve purchased, the crimi- ulus scams and vaccine scams, but criminal impersonates clergy. The Understand the risks and delay stops in public places. so they can protect themselves and nal is able to convert it to currency one scam stood out above them all. crook spoofs the e-mail address of a plans if possible. The Centers for Make flexible travel plans. their family. Watchdog alerts will in an instant. Not surprisingly, the The Social Security impostor scam. given faith leader and sends a mes- Disease Control and Prevention Flexibility is key during the pan- keep people up to date on con art- Federal Trade Commission reports Social Security impostor scams sage to a congregant requesting a (CDC) points out “COVID-19 cases, demic. Be willing to pay extra for ists’ latest tricks. Report scams to that gift cards have been the most continue to be the most prevalent favor. They will claim they are busy hospitalizations, and deaths are fully refundable flights, car rentals local law enforcement. People may common form of payment in scams in the United States. In 2020, the or out of town and just need peo- extremely high across the United and accommodations. Plans may contact the AARP Fraud Watch since 2018. Social Security Office of Inspector ple to purchase a dozen gift cards, States.” Since travel increases the change last-minute due to an unex- Network at Anytime you are directed to pay General received well over 700,000 which will be used to help congre- risk of infection, CDC recommends pected lockdown or infection. watchnetwork for more information a debt or other obligation with a gift reports of Social Security impos- gants in need. All people need to delaying unnecessary travel plans, to Understand what travel insurance on fraud prevention. card, it is a scam. tor scams, and 70% of the calls to do is buy them (say, $100 each) and protect themselves and others from covers. CNBC reminds travelers that A key part of being able to Tax time is here again and so the AARP Fraud Watch Network email a picture of the front and back COVID-19. In addition, if anyone purchasing travel insurance is wise, spot a scam is knowing the red are the IRS impostors. Scammers Helpline were related to Social of the cards. And of course, they in the household or at the travel des- but it may not cover every situation. flags – those signs that suggest posing as IRS agents or Treasury Security impostors. will be reimbursed. tination is at high risk of infection, Read the fine print or work with a that what they’re confronting may Department officials are out there Remember, the real Social If people are ever asked to do everyone in the household should travel agent to understand how the not be legitimate. One of the big- once again, calling to convince tax- Security Administration will not a favor like this, take a pause and act as if they themselves are at policy works. Most travel insurance gest red flags these days is any- payers that they owe back taxes and call people unless they are already think, “Would this person really ask increased risk of infection. will cover medical expenses if peo- one, who tries to convince peo- face immediate arrest. The IRS will in discussions with the agency on me to do this?” Contact the person Research travel restrictions. ple get sick during their trip or the ple they owe some debt or other initially contact people through the a particular issue. They certainly and get validation they are who they Travel restrictions vary by state and cost of their trip if they must can- obligation and the quickest way mail if thye owe back taxes. If peo- won’t threaten to cut off benefits say they are. And if the request was country and are constantly chang- cel due to illness, but they may not to address the issue is to purchase ple receive an unexpected phone or seek to “help” with an identi- for gift cards, they’ll learn it was a ing. People may visit the U.S. cover the cost of the trip if people gift cards and share the informa- call, an email or a text indicating ty theft problem. Anyone who does scam attempt. State Department’s “Know Before need to cancel because a state or city tion off the back. it’s from the IRS, do not engage. is not from the Social Security Report scams to local law You Go” page and the CDC Travel goes into lockdown unexpectedly. Why gift cards? First, they are Report the scam attempt to the IRS Administration. enforcement. For help from AARP, Planner to get up-to-date informa- Opt for a road trip instead of fly- readily available. People see them at at 800-366-4484 or The ongoing remote world peo- people may call 1-877-908-3360 tion on COVID-19 related travel ing. Waiting in security lines and sit- the grocery store, department store If people receive an email, forward ple are living in has many getting or visit the AARP Fraud Watch restrictions as they plan their trip ting on crowded flights will increase and hardware store. Second, it’s it to the IRS at [email protected], used to doing more of their activities Network at and as the travel dates approach. the risk of infection. People or any- a way that criminals can get their and then delete it. virtually. When people can’t be face watchnetwork. Take precautions before and after one they’ll be in contact with is in the trip. During the 14 days leading a high-risk group, it’s best to drive. up to the trip, avoid situations that Road travel carries risks too, but it’s could put them at risk for infection, much easier to mitigate them. Fire Marshal announces no child deaths in fires for two years such as attending large group events Book accommodations that make STOW – There have been no occurred on March 16, 2019, in brought these messages home to by toxic gases and extreme heat.” or using public transportation, rec- it easy to follow COVID-19 guide- deaths of children in fires over the Pittsfield. their families. Thank you,” Fire Building on the success of ommends the CDC. Then, get tested lines. Travelers should find out last two years, and state officials “I attribute this record-break- Chief Michael Newbury, president the Student Awareness of the Fire with a viral test 1-3 days before they what precautions and sanitary mea- are crediting education programs ing milestone to the 26 years of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Education (S.A.F.E.) Program, travel and keep a copy of their neg- sures accommodations are taking in as one of the prime reasons for that of the Student Awareness of Fire Massachusetts said. the state created the Senior SAFE ative test results with them. After between guests. Wear a mask and statistic. Education Program (S.A.F.E.). So far this year, there have Program to reduce fire deaths the trip, get tested again 3-5 days social distance. CDC advises trav- “On January 8, 2021, I Firefighters and classroom teachers been 12 fire deaths and 75% of among what is now the most vul- after arriving home and make plans elers to wear a mask, avoid crowded announced that for the first time on have raised a fire safe generation of the victims were people over 65. nerable population – seniors. People to self-quarantine for 7 days after areas and stay at least six feet away record, there had been zero child children by teaching key fire safety “Regardless of your age, make sure over 65 account for nearly half of travel, regardless of their test results. from others whenever they are in a fire deaths in a calendar year,” State lessons in an age-appropriate man- you have working smoke alarms all fire deaths in the commonwealth. The CDC also advises getting vacci- public space. Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey ner that fits with the state’s curric- that are less than 10-years-old on Both the S.A.F.E. and Senior nated, if eligible, and waiting until Enjoy the great outdoors. Hiking said. “Today (March 18) marks ulum frameworks,” said Ostroskey. every level of your home and prac- SAFE Programs provide grants to two weeks after the final vaccination and camping at state and nation- a new milestone. It has been two “The collaboration between tice your home escape plan,” said local fire departments to collaborate dose to travel. al parks are a great way to enjoy whole years since a child has died firefighter-educators and class- Ostroskey. “You may only have one with local schools and senior ser- Pack a “pandemic bag.” Pack a warmer weather since they don’t in a fire in Massachusetts.” The room teachers has made fire safety to three minutes to escape a typical vice agencies to provide fire safety bag with COVID-19 prevention sta- involve sharing indoor spaces with last fire that claimed a child’s life accessible to our youngsters who house fire before being overcome education. ples including hand sanitizer, face others. Travelers should book a masks, disinfecting wipes, health campsite well in advance. Parks insurance cards, a thermome- have become a popular pandemic ter, latex gloves (for one-time use vacation option and spaces are lim- Gobi’s legislation targets food insecurity in public spaces) and hand soap. ited. BOSTON – Senator Anne Massachusetts Food Systems chase fresh fruits and vegeta- Since its inception 85,000 fam- Gobi (D-Spencer) filed legislation Caucus and a former chair bles over less healthy options.” ilies have earned HIP incentives, this session aimed at enhancing of the Joint Committee on Launched in April 2017, the purchasing $19.5 million in local hope, and we too have been given the stability of one of the most Environment, Natural Resources, Healthy Incentives Program foods that directly benefited more SERMONS, a commission as well, to contin- continued from page 12 popular transitional assistance and Agriculture. She had this to (HIP) provides a 100% incen- than 200 farms in the state. More ue spreading the Good News of programs offered by the state, say on the bill, “I appreciate the tive, a dollar-for-dollar match than 63,000 households used HIP and certainty that Christ is with us love and peace and forgiveness and the Healthy Incentives Program overwhelming bipartisan support for each SNAP dollar spent in FY21, totaling more than $5 through it all. Our physical chal- compassion for all those around us. (HIP). for HIP in the legislature. It is on targeted fruits and vegeta- million in incentives being put lenges and those of our loved ones May He appear to each one of The bill filed by the Senator, a program that provides people bles purchased at farmers mar- back into the area. Estimates show can sometimes be overwhelming, us in ways that will fill us with SD. 1178, An Act relative to an with nutritious food from our kets, farm stands, mobile mar- that each dollar spent results in an and it is when we cry out for help joy and amazement and hope for Agricultural Healthy Incentives local farmers, helping our farms kets and Community Supported additional $1.12 in local econom- in those moments, when Christ tomorrow and the days ahead. May Program, codifies the program and farmers remain sustainable. Agriculture (CSA) programs ic impact as farmers contribute appears and wants to comfort us, the power of His presence trans- into law, and requires that a sepa- Every dollar stays in the state, it statewide. By increasing access back to the local economy. help us, guide us, and heal our form our lives for the glory of God. rate fund be established within the goes to farmers and back into the to locally grown fruits and vege- For more information on the lives. Amen department of transitional assis- local economy, helping farmers tables for SNAP clients, the pro- program, people may visit https:// Christ’s resurrection appearanc- tance to ensure adequate funding protect their land, helping protect gram benefits family and com- es are hopeful messages for us as Pastor Margaret Keyser for the program moving forward. the environment and helps people munity health, and support farms massachusetts-healthy-incen- well today. We have been given Barre Congregational Church Gobi is the co-chair of the stay healthy being able to pur- and the local economy. tives-program-hip.

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ANTIQUE AND PERIOD CHAIRS PROMOTE YOUR PRODUCT, ser- A HOME IMPROVEMENT SPE- HOME MASONRY CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All WAS BROTHERS CONSTRUC- STORAGE – Restored with new woven seats – vice or business to 1.7 million house- CIALIST Decks, additions, garages, Makes/ Models 2000-2019! Any Con- TION Is now taking applications for Many styles and weaves available. Call holds throughout New England. Reach sheds, porches, repair work. BBB IMPROVEMENT dition, Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! the following positions: Skilled Labor- 4 million potential readers quickly and Approved Tim 413-563-2229 Lic Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call er - Underground utility construction. SECURE STORAGE Winter Spe- (413)289-6670 STOP WET cial. Rent a 5’x10’. 2 months payment inexpensively with great results. Use #053483 CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION Now: 1-888-513-1505. Truck Driver/Laborer - required to up front, 3rd month free. Call Mary DISH TV - $59.99 For 190 Channels the Buy New England Classified Ad Kitchen, bath, foyers. Referenc- perform both. Must be able to pass a BASEMENTS (413)531-3722 + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Network by calling (413)283-8393, ABSOLUTE CHIMNEY HIC es. Lic #086220. Please call Kevin ABC MASONRY & BASEMENT background check, DOT physical and installation, Smart HD DVR Included, [email protected]. Do they work? #161245 & CSSL #101365 Insured. (978)355-6864. WATERPROOFING drug/alcohol testing. Applications ac- Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions You are reading one of our ads now!! Sweeping chimneys year round. Thank All brick, block, stone, concrete. Hatch- cepted between 9:00am-2:00pm M-F Visit our website to see where your you. (413)967-8002 @ 2378 Boston Road, Wilbraham, MA. VACATION apply. Call 1-877-925-7371 HOME IMPROVEMENTS. RE- way doors, basement windows, chim- RETIRED RACING ads run Paid major holidays, vacation, medical MODELING Kitchens, baths. Ceram- neys rebuilt & repaired, foundations GREYHOUNDS AVAILABLE RENTALS BILODEAU AND SON ROOFING. insurance after 90 days and SIMPLE RETIREE PAYS CASH ic tile, windows, painting, wallpapering, repaired, basement waterproofing FOR ADOPTION STAY IN YOUR HOME longer with Established 1976. New re-roofs and IRA offered. for stamp collections, siding, decks. Insurance work. Fully systems, sump pumps. BBB+ rat- SPAYED/NEUTERED, WORMED, WARM WEATHER IS Year Round an American Standard Walk-In Bath- repairs. Gutter cleanings and repairs. large or small. insured. Free estimates. (413)246- ing. Free estimates. Lic #14790. Call SHOTS, HEARTWORM TESTED, In Aruba. The water is safe, and the tub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including Licensed/ insured. Call (413)967- Will evaluate or buy. 2783 Ron. (413)569-1611, (413)374-5377 TEETH CLEANED dining is fantastic. Walk out to the Questions?? a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty 6679 beach. 3-Bedroom weeks available. on the tub and installation! Call us at Ron (413)896-3324 NAWROCKI HOME IMPROVE- MAKE A FAST FRIEND! Sleeps 8. Email: [email protected] 1-866-945-3783. CHAIR SEAT WEAVING & refinish- MENT Kitchens, bathrooms, replace- PAINTING for more information. ing - cane, fiber rush & splint - Class- FOR RENT ment windows & doors, roofing, siding, GREYHOUND OPTIONS INC. STOP STRUGGLING ON THE room instructor, 20+ years experience. FIREWOOD decks, custom woodworking, drywall. KEEP IT PAINTING– Klems ex- CALL MARY AT 413-566-3129 STAIRS. Give your life a lift with an Call Walt at (413)289-6670 for es- Full insured & registered 413-237- cellent exterior painting. Interiors too. OR CLAIRE AT 413-967-9088 ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for timate. LAND WANTED FIREWOOD 2250 Mark Specializing in all aspects of quality OR GO TO $250. OFF your stairlift purchase and Fresh cut & split $170.00 painting and staining. 25 years ex- WWW.GREYHOUND WANTED!! 40+ ACRES OF FREE DVD & brochure! 1-844-325- JKL LIQUID ASPHALT Custom Seasoned cut & split $200.00 WATER DAMAGE perience. Free consultation. Steve OPTIONS.ORG LAND. Looking to purchase large 8610 driveways. Oil & stone specialists. All hardwood. CALL JAY (413)436-5782 (413)477-8217 acreage lot for family farm. Call Matt Call today for a free quote. 413-289- Tree length available FOR REPAIRS at (413) 667-7165 *Also have seasoned softwood for 6251 Like us on Facebook HORSES outdoor boilers (Cheap). Quality & vol- TAG SALE COMPLETE DRYWALL PAVING PAINT AND PAPER Over 25 years SERVICE. FINISHING, umes guaranteed!! New England HORSEBACK RIDING LESSONS experience. References. Lic #086220. PAINTING, CEILINGS ALL REAL ESTATE advertised Forest Products (413)477-0083 RUTLAND, MASS 25TH ANNU- offered year round at our state of the Please call Kevin 978-355-6864. (SMOOTH OR TEXTURED). herein is subject to the Federal Fair Classified AL TOWN WIDE YARD SALE. art facility. Beginner to advanced. Ages Sat. April 24 – 250+ participants. 40+ YEARS EXPERIENCE. Housing Act, which makes it illegal to !!!!!FRESH CUT FIREWOOD!!!!! 4 years to adult. Boarding, Sales and Maps at town lines and on Common FULLY INSURED. advertise “any preference, limitation, Over a cord guaranteed. Cut, Split, Leasing also available. Convenient lo- Advertising (Rts 122A and 56) starting at 7:15 AM. or discrimination because of race, col- Prompt delivery. Call D & D Cordwood cation at Orion Farm in South Hadley (413)348-4326. Rain or Shine. Join the Fun! or, religion, sex, handicap, familial sta- INSTRUCTION COMMERCIAL (413)532-9753 tus, or national origin, or intention to AND make any such preference, limitation, DEADLINES RESIDENTIAL DON’T BE A STARVING ART- or discrimination.” We will not knowing- MISCELLANEOUS PAVING & SITE QUABBIN & IST - learn how to teach painting with ly accept any advertising for real es- SERVICES tate which is in violation of the law. All The nation’s this special method to people of all SUBURBAN A PLACE FOR MOM. OLD CARPENTER TOOLS want- WE RENOVATE, SELL & PUR- 413-267-4088 persons are hereby informed that all largest senior living referral service. ed. Planes, chisels, axes, etc. Vintage ages and abilities and have your own CHASE (any condition) horse drawn MONSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS dwellings advertised are available on FRIDAY AT NOON Contact our trusted, local experts to- hunting, camping, cast iron cookware. business with a stable income. Fill the vehicles such as sleighs, carriages, 7D Van Driver - Part Time. $18.24 Per an equal opportunity basis. day! Our service is FREE/no obliga- Covid guidelines followed. Call Ken need for more art in healthcare facili- surreys, wagons, dr’s buggies, drive- Hour. Please contact Lisa Joseph at HILLTOWNS tion. CALL 1-855-799-4127 (413)433-2195. ties. Check it out at: PLUMBING able or lawn ornaments. Some furni- or call (413)297-3274 or josephl@mon- ture and other restoration services MONDAY AT NOON (508)882-3848 LINC’S PLUMBING DEALING WITH WATER DAM- available. Reasonable prices. Quality AGE requires immediate action. Local LIC. #J27222 HILLSIDE VILLAGE workmanship. Call (413)213-0373 professionals that respond immediate- “New Season” PAINTER PART TO FULL TIME. APARTMENTS for estimate and information. No fear of heights. Must have vehicle ly. Nationwide and 24/7. No Mold Calls. “New Projects” FOR RENT DEMERS & SONS LANDSCAPING Call LINC’S and valid drivers license. Will train APPLICATIONS NOW BEING 1-800-506-3367 BELCHERTOWN, MA A+ ROZELL’S For Your Connection right person if not experienced. Steve ACCEPTED FOR ONE, TWO (413) 477-8217 DO YOU HAVE chronic knee or LANDSCAPING & (413)668-5299 AND THREE BEDROOM back pain? If you have insurance, you BOBCAT SERVICE APARTMENTS TOWN OF WARREN WASTER- All real estate advertising in this may qualify for the perfect brace at Excavator Services newspaper is subject to the Federal WATER TREATMENT PLANT. •Heat and hot water included little to no cost. Get yours today! Call 1*******A CALL WE HAUL Overgrown property? RUBBISH Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes CHILD SERVICES Assistant Chief Operator. The •Ample Closets 1-800-217-0504 WE TAKE IT ALL Extreme Brush Cutting! it illegal to advertise any preference, Shrub, Stump, Tree Removal REMOVAL Town of Warren Board of Sewer Com- •Fully Applianced limitation or discrimination based on WE LOAD IT ALL *NEW STATE LAW. Anyone adver- missioners is accepting Applications INVENTORS: FREE INFOR- Lawn/Arborvite Installed •Community Room race, color, religion, sex, handicap, Lowest Rates, tising caring of children must list a li- for a Wastewater Treatment Plant As- MATION PACKAGE Have your Loam, Stone, Mulch, Sand TRASH, JUNK, CLUTTER We clean •Laundry Facilities familial status (number of children and accumulations, junk, estates, cense number to do so if they offer this sistant Chief Operator. Salary is $23.3 product idea developed affordably by Storm Clean-up out all. Prompt courteous service. Ful- •Cats Welcome or pregnancy), national origin, ancestry, attics, garages, appliances, service in their own home. per hour. Applicants must possess a age, marital status, or any intention to the Research & Development pros Maintenance ly insured. Free estimates. Dumpster •Extra Storage basements, demo services. Massachusetts Grade 5 Operators make any such preference, limitation or and presented to manufacturers. Call Small Demolition/ Junk Removal/ service available. DiRico Properties •24 Hour Maintenance 10% disc. with this ad of services. License and valid MA Driver’s license. discrimination. 855-380-5976 for a free idea start- Clean-outs (413) 530-1299 For Information call Dumpster Rentals available for rent. Job description and applications are This newspaper will not knowingly accept er guide. Submit your idea for a free Insured (413)967-7755 EHO All Major CC’s available at the Warren Wastewater any advertising for real estate that is in consultation. ELECTRICIAN Josh Rozell 413-636-5957 CALL NOW (413)531-1936 Treatment Plant, 2527 Main Street, violation of the law. Our readers are hereby TREE WORK informed that all dwellings advertising in [email protected] West Warren, MA 01092. The position LIFE ALERT. 24/7. One press of CHAMPAGNE ELECTRICAL DAVE’S LAWN 17 Convent Hill, this newspaper are available on an equal will remain open until filled. Warren is a button sends help FAST! Medical, CONTRACTORS Service changes/ AND GARDEN, LLC- DL & G TREE SERVICE- Every- opportunity basis. To complain about an EOE. Fire, Burglar. Even if you can’t reach upgrades, generators, phone/data wir- Spring Clean-ups thing from tree pruning, tree removal, Ware, MA discrimination call The Department of a phone! FREE brochure. CALL 800- ing, smoke detectors. Insured. Credit Tree pruning/removals stump grinding, storm damage and Housing and Urban Development “ HUD” TRUCK DRIVER - CLASS A CDL toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the N.E. 457-1917 cards accepted. License #22882A Mulch/ Stone brush chipping. Honest and Depend- (413) 210-9140 able. Fully insured. Now offering a Se- - Bulk Tank - Tri Axle - Dump Trailer - area, call HUD at 617-565-5308. The toll Stump grinding free number for the hearing impaired is nior Citizen and Veteran discount. Call Experience Required. RB Enterprises, MOBILEHELP, AMERICA’S PRE- 2*******A & B HOUSEHOLD Senior Citizen/ Veteran’s Discount 1-800-927-9275. DEPENDABLE ELECTRICIAN, today for free estimate (413)478- Ludlow (413) 583-8393 MIER MOBILE MEDICAL ALERT REMOVAL SERVICE******* Certified/ Insured SYSTEM. Whether you’re Home or FRIENDLY service, installs deicing Call Dave (413)478-4212 for your 4212 Cellars, attics, garages cleaned, yard cables. Free estimates. Fully insured. Away. For Safety and Peace of Mind. debris. Barns, sheds, demolished. free estimate. No Long Term Contracts! Free Bro- Scott Winters electrician Lic. #13514-B Swimming pools removed. Cheap- Call (413)244-7096. chure! Call Today! 1-844-892-1017 er than dumpster fees and we do all STUMP $12.50 the work. Lowest rates. Fully insured. LAWN & GARDEN GRINDING Digital Photos Each OXYGEN-ANYTIME. ANY- (413)283-6512, cell (413)222- TURLEY PUBLICATIONS, INC. WHERE. No tanks to refill. No deliv- 8868. *COMPOSTED LOAM* 3/8 DL & G STUMP GRINDING Grind- eries. Only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! EXCAVATING screened, $30/yd. deliv., 10 yd min.; ing stumps of all sizes, insured & certi- Purchase a photo that recently ran FREE info kit: Call 1-855-917-4693 No additives, fillers or by-products. Lo- ELIOT STARBARD EXCAVA- fied. Senior discounts. Call Dave413- in one of our publications. cal deliv. to Oakham and surrounding 478-4212 TION 35 yrs of happy customers. towns only. Eliot Starbard 508-882- Go to 508-882-0140 0140. FILL OUT AND MAIL THIS MONEY MAKER MAIL TO: Classifieds, 24 Water St., Palmer, MA 01069 DEADLINES: QUABBIN & SUBURBAN – FRIDAY AT NOON or call: 413-283-8393 HILLTOWNS – MONDAY AT NOON

CATEGORY: Quabbin 1 2 3 4 Village Hills Circulation: 5 6 7 8 50,500

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Base Price 17 18 19 20 $26.00 Suburban

21 Base Price 22 Base Price 23 Base Price 24 Base Price Residential $26.50 $27.00 $27.50 $28.00 Circulation: 59,000 25 Base Price 26 Base Price 27 Base Price 28 Base Price $28.50 $29.00 $29.50 $30.00 Hilltowns Circulation: 9,800 ADVERTISE TODAY!

29 Base Price 30 Base Price 31 Base Price 32 Base Price $30.50 $31.00 $31.50 $32.00 Buy the Quabbin Village Hills or the Suburban Residential ZONE 33 Base Price 34 Base Price 35 Base Price 36 Base Price for $26.00 for 20 words plus $32.50 $33.00 $33.50 $34.00 50¢ for each additional word. Add $10 for a second Zone 37 Base Price 38 Base Price 39 Base Price 40 Base Price $34.50 $35.00 $35.50 $36.00 or add $15 to run in WE ARE THE REAL DEAL! ALL THREE ZONES. 12 Weekly Newspapers Includes Name: ______Phone: ______First ZONE base price ______additional words Serving the Local Communities $ Address: ______Add a second ZONE ______10.00 Run my ad in the Agawam Advertiser News • Barre Gazette following ZONE(s): Town: ______State:______Zip:______Add a third ZONE ______$5.00 Chicopee Register • Country Journal Quabbin Number of Weeks: ______X per week rate = $______Subtotal ______❏ Journal Register • Quaboag Current The Register • Sentinel • The Sun ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Suburban Credit Card: MasterCard VISA Discover Cash Check# ______x Number of Weeks ______❏ Town Reminder • Ware River News Card #: ______Exp. Date ______CVV ______TOTAL Enclosed ______Hilltowns Wilbraham Times ❏ Amount of charge: ______Date: ______413.283.8393 OUR CLASSIFIEDS REACH 50 COMMUNITIES EVERY WEEK! Page 16 • Barre Gazette • April 22, 2021 Gobi supports legislation aimed at assisting business owners BOSTON – Senator Anne Gobi had this to say on the cial relief to small businesses the income received through “E” and ensure the solvency businesses by freezing this Gobi (D-Spencer) joined her actions needing to be taken, during the COVID-19 pan- the program. of the fund. During the pan- scheduled rate increase, while colleagues in circulating letters “Our businesses have suffered demic, would ensure that loans The second letter circu- demic many businesses were also ensuring the positive sol- supporting a pair of legislative during the pandemic and it is offered through the federal lated addressed support for forced to lay off employees vency of the Unemployment initiatives aimed at assisting vital that they receive neces- Paycheck Protection Program Governor Baker’s bill H.55, as a result of state-mandated Trust Fund through bond- business owners, who were sary assistance. As a co-spon- are not subject to state taxa- An Act financing a program closures and health concerns ing. If action is not taken, negatively impacted back the sor of the bills I will work to tion, further burdening the for improvements to the and without legislative action Massachusetts businesses will COVID-19 pandemic. The two make sure they pass as soon business owners they were tar- Unemployment Insurance Trust employers, who were paying experience great economic bills, which require immediate as possible to provide needed geted to help. These loans are Fund and relief to employ- $539 in unemployment insur- hardship and unemployment attention by the legislature are relief, the same relief large cor- forgiven by the federal govern- ers in the Commonwealth, ance taxes per worker in 2020 may begin to rise once again. aimed at concerns over taxing porations receive as do small ment and if the legislature does which will freeze the experi- will see their rates jump sig- For more information, people federal PPP loans and the sol- businesses across the country.” not take action before March ence rate of employers for nificantly, to $858 per worker. may contact Senator Gobi’s vency of the Unemployment The first piece of legisla- 15 many small businesses may calendar year 2021 and calen- If enacted, the bill will provide office by email at Anne.Gobi@ Insurance Fund. tion, An Act providing finan- be forced to pay a 5% tax on dar year 2022 at rate schedule timely relief for Massachusetts

Your BUYLINE CONNECTION OVER 3,000 APPLIANCES ON HAND 99 SAVE FOR PICK UP OR QUICK DELIVERY!!!! w/Exch. UP 23 TO 35% MORE APPLIANCES IN STOCK 122 Quaboag Street, Brookfield Lawn & Garden #8221 Battery THAN ANY OTHER STORE!!! Listed for $449,900 SOLD for $600,000!!! SOLD after only 4 days on the market for $150,000 PLUS $ $ BIKE SALE over asking price and buyer pays appraisal gap!! SAVE EVAS 10 1500 IN STOCK WE DO MORE SO YOU WILL GET MORE! 10 YOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS On All Other Lawn PRESEASON GRILL SALE!!! & Garden Batteries #8240, 8261, 8270, 8301, When you #8221R, 8223, 8224, 8227, 8302, 8303, 8304, 8307 OVER 600 IN STOCK! do more you 8227R, 8229, 8229R will make WHITCO TOY & BIKE more!! ® 12 MONTHS 140 Main St., Spencer NAPA AUTO PARTS 0% FINANCING 508-885-9343 Open: Mon. thru Sat. 10am-8:30pm; Sun. 10am-7pm Michelle Terry EXIT Real Estate Executives WARE•WEST BROOKFIELD Broker/Owner 130 W. Main Street Spencer, MA 01562 175 West St., Ware 116 Federal St. 117 West Main St., 413-967-5121 • 967-3184 (Rt. 9) Belchertown W. Brookfield • 508-867-9947 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-7; Sat. 8-3; Sun. 9-2 413-323-7661 • 323-9296 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30; Sat. 8-3; Sun. 9-2 GILBERTVILLE - 2-FAMILY - SIDE BY SIDE GIVE US A CALL TODAY! 508-202-0008 $245,000 2 Family in Gilbertville section 80 Cricket Dr. Sturbridge of Hardwick. Both units are WATER FILTRATION occupied. This is a great location $349,900 for commuters to Worcester or 774-200-0225 4 Bedroom - 2 Bathroom Springfield! Each unit has 4 bedrooms and plenty of storage WE'RE LOCAL! Remodeled Kitchen Wood Flooring area. Separate utilities for each unit. If you are looking for an • NEW INSTALLATIONS • SERVICE PLANS AVAILABLE investment property here is your opportunity. Central Air - Updated Bath • SERVICING ALL EQUIPMENT • WELL TANK & PUMP SERVICE Garage - Deck - Private Yard Century 21 Ready to Buy or Sell? Call Me! James Morse - Cell: 774-200-0225 North East 1-978-434-1990 BUYING • SELLING • RELOCATING 109 West St., Ware NOW OPEN STEWART & STEWART 413-387-8608 Support Your to [email protected] or • Take-out! WHERE EVERYONE GOES FOR THEIR PIECE OF THE EARTH! Hometown Businesses Call Today For Your Free Estimate NEW FALL MENU STARTS321-506-3446 THIS WEEK LANDSCAPE STONE Residential/Commercial ALL SIZES White • Blush • Blue • Brown • Purple Licensed/Insured: Red • Lt Gray • Dark Gray Look for the new breakfast,- Weekly Lawn Maintenance lunch, and SCREENED LOAM STORED IN BUILDING - Spring and Fall Clean Ups SHOP LOCALdinner items we have- Aeration in and Overseedingstore for you! Construction Stone • Title V Septic Sand Egan - Mulch Installation Concrete Sand • Chicken Coop Sand • Utility Sand - Shrub and Tree Trimming Chip Stone • Stone Dust • Silt • Crushed Gravel Lawn Care JUNE 2021 321-506-3446 - Garden Bed Renovation Crushed Asphalt • Crushed Concrete • Cold Patch Masks -required Planting to enter. Homeowner Friendly • No Minimums NOW OPEN- Small Tractor Work PICK-UP OR CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR DELIVERY TODAY! 98 North Spencer Road, to Dine-in or Take-out!Thank you Route 31N, Spencer, MA Your Guide to Local NEW FALL MENU STARTS THIS WEEK 508-885-6100 Summer Activities & 508-885-2480 Look for the new breakfast, lunch, and Sand, Gravel & Asphalt Vacation Destinations Call 508-867-6643 MOTHER’Sdinner items we have in store DAY for you! BREAKFAST SERVED ALL DAY! Masksor requiredcheck to enter.out our WINE DINNERThank you CHECK OUT OUR CLEARANCE CHECK OUT OUR CLEARANCE Wednesday,Facebook May 12 page SPRINGAREA. HAVE TO IS MAKE HERE! ROOM AREA. HAVE TO MAKE ROOM One seatingCall 508-867-6643 5 PM CHECK OUT OUR CLEARANCE AREA. or forcheck updates.out our WE HAVE TOFOR MAKE NEW ROOM STOCK. FOR NEW STOCK. FOR NEW STOCK. 5 courses & 6 wines $65 perFacebook person page ReservationsThank required you –for Minimum updates. for table your of 4 business! Thank you for your business! Contact Your Turley Rep Today! 800-824-6548 E.B.E.B. Flatts Flatts Rte 9 E. Brookfield • 508-867-6643 PLACE YOUR AD A SPECIAL CONCRETE SOLUTIONS IN NEW ENGLAND’S RteSUPPLEMENT TO 9 E.Breakfast BrookfieldHours: & Sunday-WednesdayLunch Daily • Dinners • 7AM-1:30PM -508-867-6643 Thurs, Fri, Sat 199 East Broadway (Rt. 2A), Gardner #1 SUMMER ACTIVITY GUIDE* CONCR978-669-0088ETE SOLUTIONS CONCRETE SOLUTIONS Thursday-Saturday 7AM-8:30PM 199 East Broadway (RT. 2A), Gardner 199 East Broadway (RTBreakfast. 2A), Gardner & Lunch Daily • Dinners - Thurs, Fri, Sat 978-669-0088 978-669-0088 FRESH VILLAGE MARKET SANDWICHES OPEN & MEALS 2240 Main Street MONDAY-SATURDAY GROCERIES West Warren 8AM-7PM BEER & WINE & Deli PIZZA ONLINE ORDERING NOW AVAILABLE! 413-436-5900 FAX / COPY / ATM / NOTARY PUBLIC