ESPON MA and ESPON EGTC Joint Event 14 November 2017 in Brussels List of Participants

Last name First name Institution/ Organisation Country Artymowska Patrycja Ministry of Economic Development Poland Baron César EEP Belgium Bazgierová Pavla AccessEU! Belgium Bedia Gemma Government of Cantabria Spain Billing Peter ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Biot Valérie ULB Belgium Black Ian Scottish Government Scotland Bobbink Wilma ITC Netherlands Bonino Pauline Association européenne des élus de montagne Belgium Borrell Cristina Barcelona Provincial Council Belgium Bouhours Gonzague CCI France Belgium Brzezieska Joanna Marshal's Office of Lodzkie Region Poland Camela Eleonora Marche Region Brussels Office Belgium Cervelli Curzio Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region Managing Authority France Coleman Karen Conference Moderator Ireland Corbalan Alfredo - Brussels Planning Agency Belgium Coronato Maria University of Rome Tor Vergata Italy Dangeard Marie-Lorraine CGET France David Evers PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Netherlands De Carli Magda DG Research Belgium Deconinck Mireille Service Public de Wallonie Belgium Eser Thiemo ESPON Managing Authority Luxembourg Falvo Fabrice Hauts de France Region France Feliu Efrén TECNALIA Research & Innovation Spain Ferrara Sara ESPON Managing Authority Luxembourg Fleury Edouard Métropole Européenne de Lille France Frideres Laurent ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Gauk Martin ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Gensheimer Michaela ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Gervasio Veronica Marche Region Brussels Office Belgium Gingles Ronan Irish Regions Brussels Office Belgium Giovannini Valerio UEFA Switzerland Gira Camille Ministry for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure Luxembourg Godal Odd DG Regio Belgium Goetsch Helena ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Guillermo Ramirez Martin AGEG-AEBR Germany Hermansons Zintis ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Hope David Coventry City Council United Kingdom Huertas Lucía Region of Murcia Office Belgium Hunter Alison Economic and Public Policy Consultancy Belgium Iotzov Vassilen ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Jacqmin Gabriel EUROCITIES Belgium Jost Silvia UVEK, ARE Switzerland Kubalakova Alexandra Bratislava Region Brussels Office Belgium Lambertz Karl-Heinz Committee of the Regions Belgium Le Galès Patrick Sciences Po CNRS Centre d'études européennes France Leinfelder Hans KU Leuven-Faculty/Department of Architecture Belgium Lemaître Marc European Commission Belgium Last name First name Institution/ Organisation Country Lindmark Ludwig Central Sweden European Office Belgium Lukeš Pavel Ministry of Regional Development Czech Republic Macaluso Agnese Ecorys Netherlands MacNeill Stewart Coventry University United Kingdom Marinelli Carlo Regione Molise Belgium Martin John Independent Planning Advisor Netherlands McGarrigle Declan Special EU Programmes Body United Kingdom Mehlbye Peter Private consultant Luxembourg Mifsud Solange Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU Belgium Monfort Philippe European Commission, DG REGIO Belgium Moricz Adam European Commission DG REGIO Belgium Osvald Petr Committee of the Regions Belgium

127 registered participants ESPON MA and ESPON EGTC Joint Event 14 November 2017 in Brussels List of Participants

Pantzer Juliana Europabüro der sächsischen Kommunen Belgium Pedrazzini Luisa regione lombardia Italy Penning Sandra Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris Belgium Petracca Michele Regione Molise-Representative Office in Brussels Belgium Peyrony Jean Mission Operationnelle Transfrontaliere France Polák Attila Permanent Representation of Hungary Belgium Prezioso Maria Univeristy of Rome Tor Vergata Italy Pucher Jürgen Metis GmbH Austria Raugze Ilona ESPON EGTC Luxembourg Richters Frederick-Christoph Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure Luxembourg Ristkok Priidu Estonian Ministry of Finance Estonia Robbeets Caroline Equipe Technique Interreg France-Wallonie-Flandre Belgium Rosset Claire CNRS/UMS RIATE France Rossignol Nicolas ESPON EGTC luxembourg Sansen Joren VUB Belgium Schuh Bernd Austrian Institute for Regional Studies - OIR AUSTRIA Six Philippe CDS - IGRETEC Belgium Snijders Jacqueline Panteia Netherlands Stancheva Kristiyana EU Balearic Islands Office Belgium Szarazi Eva ESPON Managing Authority Luxembourg Szarka Jozsef ESPON MA Luxembourg Taccetti Sarah Université libre de Bruxelles Belgium Trandafir Madalina National Union of County Council of Romania (UNCJR) Belgium Tuffs Richard ERRIN Belgium Veit Charlotte Universität Luxemburg / ECP Luxemburg Luxembourg Vogel Benjamin Vertretung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt bei der EU Belgium Walot Chloé University of Ghent Belgium Weisen Romain Ministère de l'Economie Luxembourg Ylimaunu Konsta Helsinki EU Office Belgium Zagrzejewska Magdalena ESPON EGTC Luxembourg

127 registered participants