AN INTERNATIONAL WATERCENTRE PUBLICATION AN INTERNATIONAL WATERCENTRE PUBLICATION Assessment of river health in the Gui River Nick Bond, Robert Speed, Chris Gippel, Jane Catford, Liu Wei, Weng Shichuang, Stuart Bunn Assessment of river health in the Gui River AN INTERNATIONAL WATERCENTRE PUBLICATION © Commonwealth of Australia 2012. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the publishers. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the International WaterCentre, PO Box 10907, Adelaide St, Brisbane QLD 4000. Online/print: ISBN: 978-1-921499-09-8 Assessment of River Health in the Gui River. N Bond1, R Speed2, C Gippel3, J Catford4, Liu Wei5, Weng Shichuang6, S Bunn1 1 Griffith University,2 Okeanos Pty Ltd, 3 Fluvial Systems Pty Ltd, 4 University of Melbourne, 5 Pearl River Water Resources Protection Bureau, 6 Pearl River Water Resources Protection Scientific Research Institute. Published by the International WaterCentre Level 16, 333 Ann St Brisbane QLD 4000 Tel: 07 3123 7766 Email:
[email protected] Date of publication: June 2012 An appropriate citation for this report is: N Bond, R Speed, C Gippel, J Catford, Liu Wei, Weng Shichuang, S Bunn, 2012. Assessment of River Health in the Gui River. International WaterCentre, Brisbane, Australia. Disclaimer This report is presented by the IWC for the purpose of informing discussion. It does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Governments of Australia and China, nor those of the IWC.