Grade: 4-12



Raw Eggs Scissors Tape Glue Cardboard Tissues Foil Plastic Bags Other household supplies Outdoor space with height


8-9/1975 - and - First missions to land on another planet after the months-long trip in 1976.

12/1996 - and - technology demonstration of a way to deliver landers and robotic rovers to the surface Viking 1 and 2 Pathfinder and 1/1999 - Mars Polar /Deep Space 2 Sojourner - Sent to study the south pole and dig for water ice, but both spacecrafts were lost upon arrival to Mars.

6-7/2003 - and - Rovers sent to search for liquid water or evidence of past water on Mars. /Deep Space 2 Spirit and Opportunity 11/2007 - Mars - Had a robotic arm to dig through and analyze top soil and water ice

11/2011 - () - Rover sent to determine if Mars could have ever supported life for small microbes Phoenix Curiosity 3/2018 - InSight - Study the interior of Mars

7/2020 - and Helicopter - Sent to look for signs of ancient life and collect rock and soil samples that will eventually be InSight brought back to Earth. Perseverance and Ingenuity Grade: 4-12



1.Build an Egg Suit for your egg-stronaut 2.You must be able to get your egg-stronaut in and out of the suit without difficulty- suit cannot be permanently sealed 3.The suit must be smaller than 3 inches wide, long, or thick 4.Once built, put your egg-stronaut 5.inside and climb to a safe height outdoors using ladders, stairs, or other safe climbing materials- BE SURE TO HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION 6.Drop your egg-stronaut in their suit and see if they survived the fall! 7.Make adjustments to the suit and try again 8.Fill out the Egg Suit Trial Worksheet with your data 9.Think about and answer the following questions a.What material protected the egg-stronaut the best? Why? b.What material did not protect the egg-stronaut? Why? c.How is protecting a human different from protecting an egg? d.How is protecting a human in space different from protecting a human on Earth?
