The National Cancer Society of 2015-2017 CONTENT


• About the Society 1 • Message from the President 2 • Our People 3 • Our Objectives 6


• Achievement 7 • Education and Advocacy 8 • Care 11 • Support 13 • Melaka Office 20 • Cancer awareness campaigns 22 • Highlights 27 • Our Journey 30


• Consolidated Balance Sheet from 32 YA 2015 until YA 2017

• Consolidated Income Statement from 33 YA 2015 until YA 2017

LIST OF DONORS & SPONSORS 35 W� s����� t� �� ��� C�n��� So��e�� �ha� ‘���� �� �i�� y�� ����� s��� � ���w��

- Dr. Saunthari Somasundaram ABOUT THE SOCIETY Vision Living in a world without cancer.

Mission To ensure that no Malaysian fears cancer by creating an understanding of cancer that leads to prevention and early detec- tion by providing the best possible care and support for those affected by cancer.

The National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM), also known as Persatuan Kebangsaan Kanser Malaysia, is a registered, tax exempt charity body established in 1966 under the laws of the Malaysian Societies Act and Registrar of Societies Malaysia.

NCSM is the first not-for-profit cancer organisation in Malaysia that provides education, care and support services for people affected by cancer. It was founded by Dato’ Dr. S.K. Dharmalingam and officially launched by YAB Tun Abdul Razak in 1966. It is under the distinguished patronage of the Sultan of . The Society is financed entirely by contributions and donations from the public. Being the only charitable organisation that provides holistic cancer support to patients and caregivers, NCSM supports patients in understanding and dealing with cancer in various phases through its five centres in – the Cancer and Health Screening Clinic, Nuclear Medicine Centre, Resource and Wellness Centre, Quit Smoking Clinic and the Children’s Home of Hope and branches in six states, i.e. Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Perak, Penang and Sarawak.

NCSM works with corporate partners, colleges, universities, schools and civil societies on awareness and outreach programmes in its efforts to educate the public on the prevention and early detection of cancer.


These past years have been a real joy for me as I have had the privilege and opportunity to get to know our evolving team much better, especially the newcomers, donors and community participants. What I have witnessed makes me even more excited about our future and the ways in which we can deepen our impact in the communities that we serve.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dear supporters who have tirelessly championed our cause and for your patronage towards the National Cancer Society of Malaysia. In presenting the activity report from year 2015 to 2017, I would like to offer a few words.

In 2016, we at the National Cancer Society of Malaysia celebrated our 50th anniversary. It was our largest and proudest milestone yet, and was a time of reflection as well as gratitude towards all those who have gotten us here. In our journey of empowering Malaysians in the battle against cancer, we have seen the parameters of cancer control worldwide shift from treatment, to support, and now, to early detection and prevention.

The Society has thus evolved from a medical-centric organisation to one that leads awareness and behavioural shift programmes, advocates for policy change, provides stronger support services, and complements the work of all stakeholders in cancer control.

At our core, we remain a community organisation – run by people, for the people. From 2015 to 2017, we have carried out hundreds of awareness programmes, served thousands of survivors, screened as well as reached tens of thousands of people, and helped teenagers quit smoking.

One of our biggest highlights in 2015 was the launch of Cancer Action Malaysia – an initiative to revamp our Society, as well as the introduction of new medical services such as X-Ray and ECG by our Royal Patron, DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah. In 2016, we opened our very own Quit Smoking Clinic to create awareness on the negative impacts of smoking and help people quit their addiction. We had also successfully launched our Cancer Information Service, a toll-free helpline service manned by experienced nurses - to provide clear and credible information to patients, care givers, healthcare professionals as well as the public. Additionally, we inaugurated our Young Cancer Survivors Group, aimed to bring young cancer survivors together to discuss issues, challenges and support each other.

None of our efforts would have been possible without your support. I encourage you to celebrate our victories with us and continue to support our initiatives.

Together, we can fight cancer.


Dr. Saunthari Somasundaram President



Royal Patron

D.Y.M.M Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfurlah ()

Principal Patron Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz

Honorary Advisor Dato’ Zuraidah Atan


Dr. Saunthari Somasundaram President

Dr. Felix Sundram Vice President

Ms. Clare Ratnasingham Vice President

Dr. Sulaiman Tamanang Honorary General Secretary

Mr. Anthony Skelchy Honorary General Treasurer

Mr. V Mahalingam Publicity Director

Dr. Lam Chin Chyou Expansion Director

Dr. Felix Sundram Social Services Director

Dato’ Seri Dr T Devaraj Council Member

Ms. Sue S C Pan Council Member

Ms. Charlene P. C. Chew Council Member

Mr. AS Dass Council Member

Mr Lee Cheng Fatt Council Member


President & Medical Advisor Dr. Saunthari Somasundaram

General Manager Mr. Sudhaharan Nair

Dr. Murallitharan Medical Director

Ms. Clare Ratnasingham Project Director

Ms. Indira Menon Marketing Director

Ms. Sharon Lee Strategic Planning Director

Dr. Dalilah Kamaruddin Head of Cancer & Health Screening Clinic

Mr. Anthony Ng Head of Nuclear Medicine Centre

Ms. Sue S C Pan Administrator





PENANG QUIT SMOKING CLINIC Palliative Care,Education & Support


Education & Support


Education & Support


In line with our mission,

“Giving Hope. Celebrating Life”, our objectives are to:

Educate To minimise cancer in Malaysia by raising public awareness on the prevention, screening and early detection of cancer through education.

Care To increase access to cancer services in Malaysia by providing affordable as well as advanced screening and diagnostic facilities.

Support To empower individuals and those affected with cancer to maintain the highest possible quality of life.


In 2015, our President and Medical Director Dr Saunthari Somasundaram was elected to the Board of the Union for International Cancer Control. The Society also became a member of Childhood Cancer International, as well as the ASEAN Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Alliance.

Being a part of the international cancer community means that all of our initiatives in cancer control are aligned on a global level. We learn from the successes and challenges from different regions, and are guided by the World Cancer Declaration. The specific targets we are pursuing are:


Apart from working towards these targets through our network of six branches across Malaysia, we also harness the support and power of corporates and local communities to achieve better outcomes for patients, and drive positive and sustainable changes at grassroot levels.


Almost half of cancer cases can be prevented through healthy lifestyles, and early detection greatly increases the chances of a patient’s survival.

Your donation has supported our education programmes in schools, corporates, and communities.

Summary of achievements:


8 Tobacco control

Tobacco is the single greatest preventable cause of death worldwide. Around five million people smoke in Malaysia, with 500,000 of them below age 18. And each year, 20,000 Malaysians die from smoking related diseases.

As council members of the Malaysian Convention of Tobacco Control (MCTC) as well as the Malaysian Women’s Action Tobacco Control and Health (MyWatch), we advocated for reduced access to cigarettes, and better enforcement of non-smoking laws.

Supporting the Ministry of Health’s initiatives, we have lobbied for the:

zoning of smoke-free areas in eateries and parks

prohibition of cigarette sales in coffee shops and retail outlets

banning or regulation of electronic cigarettes

plain packaging of cigarettes


Studies show that people who have professional support are more likely to quit smoking successfully. To complement our awareness campaigns, promote behavioural change, and reduce smoking related deaths, we set up a Quit Smoking Clinic in 2016.

Our highly experienced smoking cessation specialists are now a crucial part of our healthy lifestyle programmes in schools, colleges, corporates, and communities.

Our quit smoking programmes include: 2017 1. Jom Cegah Kanser program (Quit smoking 2016 programme) 2015 Sponsored by Berjaya Cares Foundation and with the support of the Ministry of Education, we carried out a quit smoking programme for school students aged 13 to 17 in selected schools in Kuala Lumpur. The programme - 43% 55% 64.7% carried out over 2 years (2016-2017) - had a success rate of 55 per cent in 2016 and 65 per cent in 2017.

2. Quit smoking workshops

A grant of RM14,000 from MySihat allowed us to carry out SUCCESS RATE OF workshops in four universities. Attended by future SMOKERS WHO QUIT medical professionals, these sessions strengthened their skills in carrying out smoking cessation programmes for the public.

9 Our Smoking Cessation Specialist, Sister Swinder, giving a smokelyser test to one of the students during the quit smoking programme held in a school

Nutritional counselling

Malaysia is the ‘fattest’ country in Southeast Asia, with obesity hitting half of our population. While this puts us at a higher risk of cancer, this risk factor is something we can change. To help the public make informed and healthy food choices, our in-house dietitians provide nutritional counselling in person and through the phone. They also conduct talks and workshops on nutrition for the public.

Tips and guidance on basic nutrition are also posted on our Facebook page.

Cooking demonstration to the cancer survivors at Resource & Wellness Centre


Getting screened

Regular health screenings allow us to be more familiar with our body, and improves our chances of early detection. ‘Finding’ cancer early in turn boosts survival rates, decrease treatment time, and provides a better quality of life.

Total 11,911 Total 4,493 women did their mammograms women underwent pap smears tests (5,927 in 2015 / 3,858 in 2016 / 2,126 in 2017) (1,610 in 2015 / 1,572 in 2016 /1311 in 2017)

Total 109 Total 37 were referred for further testing were referred for further testing (37 in 2015 / 54 in 2016 / 18 in 2017) (14 in 2015 / 13 in 2016 / 10 in 2017)

Total 2,828 Total 186 women did their ultrasounds women received HPV vaccination (697 in 2015 / 1,242 in 2016 / 889 in 2017) (87 in 2015/ 34 in 2016 / 65 in 2017)

11 Thanks to the support of Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN), Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK) Selangor, and partners such as Estee Lauder, Southern Lion, DNA Laboratories, and Metrojaya, we were able to provide free screenings to underprivileged groups.

2015 2016 2017

received free mammograms 4,992 2,683 748

68 10 72 received free pap smears

received free HPV Vaccination 20 19 0

367 459 139 received free breast ultrasounds

received free abdomen ultrasound 58 174 9 for screening prostate cancer

Community outreach

Cancer care reaches beyond the confines of our centres. With the help of corporates, volunteers, and our women cancer support group, Pink Unity, we shared and increased cancer awareness and knowledge with different communities. This include educational talks about the warning signs of cancer, ways to reduce cancer risks, and clinical breast examination.


number700 of people we 2017 have reached out 2016 number748 of people we have reached out

number500 of people we have reached out Our cancer survivor teaching a group of woman on how to do self-breast examination.


Nutritional Advice

Eating well during treatment is a major challenge among cancer patients. As many are affected by poor appetite and are at risk of malnutrition, our dietitians and nutritionists are there to provide ongoing guid- ance and support. 63 nutritional counselling sessions 47 nutritional for cancer patients and caregivers counselling sessions including children with cancer and the general public in 2016 for cancer patients and caregivers including children with cancer and the general public in 2015 107 nutritional counselling sessions for cancer patients and caregivers including children with cancer and Cancer information service the general public in 2017

No one should have to face cancer alone. In 2016, we set up a Cancer Information Service that includes a toll-free helpline and email correspondence to provide patients, caregivers, family and friends infor- mation as well as emotional support at their fingertips. .

13 Through this nationwide service, our nurses provide up-to-date and evidence based information about all aspects of cancer, including where to get financial assistance, where to get treatment, or counseling.


50 issues issues services

40 habits eating

30 Prevention Symptoms 20 Practical support Diet & Diet NCSM’s Financial Research Donation Cancer resources Cancer

10 statistics Cancer care Palliative Preparing for surgery surgery Preparing for and healing Treatment 0 Psychological TOP 3 CONCERNS: 1 Cancer resources 2 Psychological issues 3 Financial issues

Children’s Home of Hope

Children from outside of Kuala Lumpur – and their caregivers – can stay at our Children’s Home of Hope while they undergo cancer treatment at Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

Thanks to our donors, many families are able to shorten their trip to hospital for treatment sometimes up to 300 kilometres.

The ‘Home away from Home’ provide children with cancer and their caregivers a comfortable place to stay with fully furnished bedrooms, a well-equipped kitchen, laundry room and a playroom.

Thanks to the generosity of Guardian Health and Beauty Sdn Bhd, – we were able to expand our Home from 7 rooms to 11 rooms in total which include two play rooms.



Our General Manager, Mr Sudhahan Nair with Chief Executive WE ACCOMMODATED Officer of Guardian Health & Beauty Sdn Bhd, Mr Peter J Dove 116 CHILDREN AND 116 CAREGIVERS at the launch of the new wing at Children’s Home of Hope. 2017

14 Rooms at Children’s Home of Hope.

RM RM RM30,500 FUNDS RECEIVED RM RM30,499.20 Childhood Cancer Fund WAS DISBURSED

In 2016, we set up Childhood Cancer Fund to provide financial assistance to deserving families to meet travel expenses to and from their homes and hospital for treatment, meal expenses and also to purchase things like formula milk, diapers, and prosthetics for the child cancer patient as recommended by the doctor.

There is often little or no funding for childhood cancer care from local sources, so families are often time faced with huge medical bills or family expenses.

As many families who have stayed with us had to travel long distances and live away from their homes while their child is being treated, they have lost their livelihoods or suffer a significant drop in their income – something that affects the whole family.

Programmes by Resource & Wellness Centre

Treatment is just one part of surviving cancer. Research shows that patients who join support groups enjoy a better quality of life. Our Resource and Wellness Centre continues to empower and support people affected by cancer, and provides a wide variety of activities such as reiki, Chinese ink painting classes, laughter yoga, rhythm wellness, qigong, dance, cane therapy, restorative yoga, and ‘be bold, be beautiful’ workshops.

We also provide counselling as a way to cope with cancer patients and survivors’ diagnosis, manage any of their emotional concerns and as well as to help them to cope with any life changes that may occur.

Chinese Ink Painting class Laughter yoga class

15 2015 2016 2017

136 220 390 wellness classes conducted

1404 2263 2490 survivors and caregivers attended

10 9 17 talks and workshops conducted

patients and survivors reached through 373 446 476 phone calls, emails and face to face

22 44 12 professional counselling sessions conducted

16 By survivors, for survivors:

Meals during cancer treatment don’t have to be plain or tasteless. Our survivors showed that you can have a variety of dishes that are nutritious, simple, affordable and tasty by producing a cookbook; “Around the Table: recipes for cancer patients and caregivers.”

The cookbook was launched by Raja Datuk Seri Azureen Sultan Azlan Shah on 27 August 2016. The cookbook feature over 50 recipes that include soups, light bites, main meals and smoothies. The recipes also comes with tips from Around the Table: recipes for cancer patients and our dietitians on boosting nutrients. caregivers cookbook

Support groups

Having cancer is often one of the most stressful experiences in a person's life. Support groups help many of them cope with the emotional 390 147 MEMBERS IN PROSTATE MALE aspects of cancer by providing a safe place to PINK UNITY SUPPORT GROUP share their feelings and challenges. Our cancer support groups include a women 49 16 cancer support group (Pink Unity), men’s YOUNG CANCER CERVICAL CANCER prostate cancer support group and young cancer SURVIVORS GROUP SUPPORT GROUP survivors group.

Pink Unity hold various activites for our cancer survivors. Activities include:

Total 22 Total 11 Total 16 Brisk walking sessions Beading classes Sharing sessions (7 in 2015/9 in 2016/6 in 2017) (2 in 2015/ 5 in 2016/4 in 2017) (6 in 2015/6 in 2016/4 in 2017) Total 4 Total 9 Hospital visits Outreach programmes (1 in 2015 / 3 in 2016) (1 in 2015 / 5 in 2016/3 in 2017)

Cancer survivors doing an outreach Pink Unity AGM 2016 programme

17 Young Cancer Survivors Group

While cancer is hitting more and more young people, their voices remain unheard and needs unmet. To support this group and future young cancer patients, we set up the Young Cancer Survivors Group in 2016.

Their first gathering was in April 28, 2016 with a get-to-know and sharing session led by trained counsellor, Mary Anderson. The first session was attended by 11 young cancer survivors.

Year end gathering with our young cancer survivors and their caregivers We also appointed out Ms Choo Mei Sze, a young colorectal cancer survivors to be first Youth Ambassador for the Society and to lead the Young Cancer Survivors Group.

The group meets once a month and participate in various activities and workshops as well as sharing sessions that provides patients and survivors aged 15 to 35, a avenue to share their journey and the opportunity to bond and obtain peer support in a supporting environment.

Cooking Workshop Floral Workshop

National Cancer Survivors Day

Finishing treatment is just one part of healing from cancer. Survivors often face physical, psychological and social problems post treatment.

To help survivors stay well after cancer and gain skills as well as knowledge on life after cancer, we host National Cancer Surviors Day annually to celebrate survivors and discuss various topics on survivorship. Survivors at the National Cancer Survivors Day Seminar on June 7, 2015

2015 2016 2017


18 Chinese Ink Painting exhibition

The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) collaborated with Craft Complex Kuala Lumpur to host a very special art exhibition on December 12th and 13th of 2015.

The exhibition showcased the Chinese Ink paintings created by our survivors who use their artwork as an outlet for emotion and creativity.

Survivors from Chinese Ink Painting class showing their paintings at the art exhibition held on December 12th to 13th, 2015

Be Bold, Be Beautiful

The programme helps women restore a positive body image, therefore improving their self-esteem, which is an important part of recovery from cancer.

Held at Hopsital Kuala Lumpur, the programme offers free interactive workshops to women who are undergoing treatment and are conducted by our cancer survivors.

Be Bold Be Beautiful workshop at Hospital Kuala Lumpur


Run almost entirely by passionate volunteers as well as local communities in Melaka, our Melaka office provides education, counselling, therapy as well as practical support and services for cancer patients and survivors in the state.

Breast cancer peer and volunteer support

Peers who have been through cancer are often the biggest support for newly diagnosed patients. To ensure that our survivors and peers have the skills to speak at clinics and wards, we provide them a vigorous three-month training before they start.

Childhood cancer support

Our counsellors and volunteers also support children with cancer at the Day Care Center of Hospital Melaka.

20 Needlework circle

Our survivors tell us there’s nothing like beading or similar activities to take their mind off things. Some of them participate in our volunteer sewing group, and have made pillow covers, comforters or bra pros- theses.

Cancer survivors supporting each other at the sharing session


We can’t fight cancer alone, which is why we are grateful for the support of government and private sector organisations in our awareness and education programmes.

Breast cancer awareness campaign

Shokubutsu Pledge to Self-Check Campaign Organised by Southern Lion Sdn Bhd, the Shokubutsu Pledge-to-self-check campaign was launched in 2015. The programme shares vital information on the prevention and early detection of cancer, and encourage women to check their breasts during showers.

These messages can be found on Shokubutsu’s shower gel bottles, and on Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on television.

Southern Lion also generously donated a portion of their sales of the shower gel to us. Our Head of Cancer & Health Screening Clinic, Dr Dalilah Kamarudding, together with our cancer survivors at media launch of “Shokubutsu Pledge-to-self-check campaign’.

22 Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) campaigns As part of the Seeding Progress and Resources for the Cancer Community: Metastatic Breast Cancer Challenge (SPARC MBC Challenge) initiative, which was launched in 2015, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and Pfizer awarded NCSM with a grant to address the needs of metastatic breast cancer patients.

Through the grant, and together with Norvatis, we launched the Advanced Breast Cancer Guidebook: A Guide to Living with Advanced Breast Cancer to help newly diagnosed advanced breast cancer patients cope with disease. We also conducted a forum on how to manage the symptoms. Launch of our Advanced Breast Cancer Guidebook by Dr Imran Rasheed, Business Unit Head of Novartis

Other campaigns

Breast Cancer Campaign with Adijuma (charity sales)

Pink Pony Project by Ralph Lauren (charity sales)

Diva Run by NM Galaxy (charity run)

Shower run – be my reason campaign by Southern Lion Sdn Bhd (charity run)

Pink Luncheon by AAM, LLAM and ABWM (charity event)

Pink campaign by Designer, Carolina Herrera (charity sales)

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign by Estee Lauder Group (charity sales)

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign by Hello Kitty Malaysia (charity sales)

Breast Cancer Awarenes Campaign by Calaqisya Sdn Bhd (charity sales)

Cervical cancer awareness campaign SimplySiti ‘Hope’ Campaign A united effort and collaboration by SimplySiti, NCSM, Guardian Pharmacy and KPJ Healthcare Berhad, the ‘Hope’ campaign was launched in April 2016 to raise awareness about cervical cancer and prevention methods among Malaysian women.

Customers were encouraged to purchase SimplySiti’s products in order to receive a mystery gift, free ticket to our educational workshop and as well as enjoyed a promotional rate for our cervical cancer screening package and HPV vaccination. Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza (President, SimplySiti) with (from left) Sudhaharan Nair (General Manager, NCSM), Dr Dalilah Kamaruddin (Head of Cancer & Health Screening Clinic, NCSM), Puan Faridah Muhamad (Cancer Cervical Survivor), Cik Jennifer Wong (Corporate Affairs & Event Senior Manager, Guardian) and Asyraf Khalid (CEO SimplySiti) at the Media Launch of ‘SimplySiti Hope Campaign

23 Gastrodome’s Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign

Together with Gastrodome Group Malaysia, a one month campaign was conducted whereby donation boxes were placed at all seven restaurants under Gastrodome and customers were encouraged to buy teal-coloured ribbon pins that symbolised awareness on cervical cancer.

Leaflets were also placed at each outlet to help raise awareness of the disease.

Our Vice President/Project Director, Ms Clare Ratnasingham, at the Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign held by Gastrodome Group Malaysia with our Cervical Cancer Survivor, Genevieve Sambhi, Gastrodome’s ambassador, Thanjua Ananthan, and PR & Marketing Manager of Gastrodome, Ms Cecily Fourrier.

Men’s Health Awareness campaign

A well established and widespread movement worldwide, Movember challenges men to stop shaving for a month, all the effort to raise awareness and funds for cancer affecting men.

For the last four years, we have had a great partner in Pisco Bar, who organised large scale fundraising campaigns, brought in ambassadors, and finished with a night of auctions and great fun.

Men need to prioritise their health too. MagnumCares and NCSM shone a light on this issue through the ManAge Heath Awareness Men’s health fundraising event by Pisco Bar Campaign in 2016. The campaign included talks by doctors, dietitian consultations and free health screenings throughout the Klang Valley.

Men’s health awareness campaign by Magnum

24 Lung cancer awareness campaign

Lung cancer talk In conjunction with Lung Cancer Awareness Month, we partnered with Pfizer Malaysia on the ‘Quit like a champ!’ smoking cessation campaign. Around 100 smokers who wanted to quit received quit smoking kits that include two weeks of oral therapy, booklets, support cards, and a list of available quit smoking clinics.

Other campaigns: In 2015-2017, the following partners helped in our battle against breast cancer either through fundraising campaign, events, Pfizer Inc Global Innovative Pharma business unit lead donations or through their charity sales: Jeff R. Bote, Dr Saunthari, Pfizer Inc vice-president Clare Ratnasingham and Noor Yang launching the ‘Quit Like A Champ’ smoking cessation campaign. - Adijuma - Ralph Lauren - NM Galaxy - Southern Lion Sdn Bhd - American Association Malaysia, LLAM and ABWM - Carolina Herrera - Estee Lauder Group - Hello Kitty Malaysia - Claqisya Sdn Bhd - Bloomthis - La Mav - Hermo Malaysia - Pharmacy Vibrante Pro SB

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day takes place every year on February 4. It is one singular initiative under which organisations and individuals worldwide unite to raise awareness about the disease, which kills eight million people annually, and work to make it a global health priority.

In conjunction with World Cancer Day, NCSM has been organising seminars, forums and workshops on cancer awareness, support and prevention.

World Cancer Day 2015 In 2015, we held a World Cancer Day expo and conference at Medical Academies of Malaysia Auditorium while in 2016, we held a Quit Smoking workshop at our centre.

For 2017, the World Cancer Day campaign was ‘support through sport’ to show the world that sports can also support the fight against cancer.

We partnered with Malaysia's number one squash player, Dato' Nicol David, Malaysian diver, Pandelela Rinong, and Loh Jack Chang from the Malaysian Wushu Association where they took part in the 'We can, I can' campaign to show the world that sports support the fight against cancer.

World Cancer Day 2016

25 Our National Sports stars, Dato’ Nicol David, Pandelela Rinong and Loh Jack Chang, joined in the ‘We can, I can’ campaign and showed the world that sport supports the fight against cancer.


Launch of our X-Ray machine by our Royal Patron

As part of our initiative to offer a wider range of screening facilities to the public, in 2015 we installed an X-Ray machine and Electrocardiogram (ECG) machine in our Cancer and Health Screening Clinic in Kampung Baru.

27 Relay For Life Kuala Lumpur

Relay For Life (RFL) Malaysia is our signature cancer fundraising event that is held overnight and brings together cancer survivors, caregivers and communities from all walks of life. We celebrated our 10th year on September 2016 and had 2,856 relayers including 600 cancer survivors, the biggest turnout of survivors in our RFL history.

HRH Tuanku Zara Salim has graced the ceremonies since 2015.

Tuanku Zara Salim at Relay For Life KL 2015

Relay For Life Melaka

About, 1,750 Relayers, including survivors, participated in the 6th Relay For Life Melaka.

Cancer survivors at the first lap of Relay For Life Melaka

Giving back to the community

Majlis Berbuka Puasa with our child cancer patients Vice President and Project Director, Ms Clare and their families from Children’s Home of Hope. Ratnasingham, giving away free mask to the children with cancer.

28 Survivors Give Back Programme where survivors Part of the Survivors Give Back Programme is the cook ‘bubur lambuk’ in conjunction with the holy distribution of ‘bubur lambuk’ to the public as a way month. of saying thank you.

Celebrating 50 years

The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) celebrated 50 years of providing cancer services to cancer patients, caregivers and the public in 2016.

In conjunction with our 50th anniversary, NCSM held a Gala Charity Dinner on 10 March 2016 at Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur. Our Royal Patron, His Royal Highness Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah and Her Royal Highness Raja Permaisuri Perak Darul Ridzuan Tuanku Zara Salim were the guests of honour.

Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz (Principal Patron of NCSM), Dato Zuraidah Atan (Honorary Advisor of NCSM), Datuk Noor Hisham Abdullah (Director General of Health, MOH), members of the NCSM Board and many of our corporate donors attended the dinner

Members of the National Council with the Royal couple and Director General of Health Malaysia at the Gala Charity Dinner

Free 5,000 mammograms to underprivileged women

In July 2017,Etiqa Insurance & Takaful and National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) inked a new partnership agreement to launch a free breast cancer screening programme. The agreement targets to reach out to 5,000 underprivileged women aged 40 and above. This national initiative targets to reach out to 5,000 underprivileged women aged 40 and above.

As the first corporation to partner with NCSM to offer mammogram on a big scale, Etiqa aims to raise awareness amongst underprivileged women on the importance of early detection in improving breast cancer survival rates. Eligible women are transported to the NCSM's Cancer and Health Screening Centre in Kuala Lumpur, or appointed hospitals across the country for free mammograms.

29 OUR

JOURNEY National Cancer Society Malaysia

1966 Set up

1971 1976 Set-up National Set-up our Cancer Registry Headquarters

1989 1985 Opened Cancer Opened FIRST Treatment Centre Mammography Screening Centre in South East Asia 1996 1998 Opened Children’s Opened The Nuclear Home of Hope Medicine Centre

2005 2003 Inaugural Relay Opened The Resource for Life Malaysia & Wellness Centre 2011 2015 Launched FIRST 3D Launched X-Ray Tomosynthesis Digital and ECG machines Mammography in Malaysia

2016 2016 Launched Quit Launched Cancer Smoking Clinic Information Service 2017 Launched Stronger Than Cancer Mobile App & Website

2018 Oct 1-4 NCSM Host The World Cancer Congress


31 Consolidated Balance Sheet from YA 2015 until YA 2017

2017 2 0 16 2 015 RM RM RM

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 4,039,543.72 4 ,591,036.43 4,812,318.83 BRANCH FUNDS 7,006,126.42 6 ,846,471.63 6,948,071.39

CURRENT ASSETS TRADE DEBTORS 54,350.60 104,664.40 4 81,885.40 SUNDRY RECEIVABLES AND PREPAYMENTS 1,082,620.38 141,034.80 102,264.10 DEPOSITS 16,550.00 11,750.00 11,400.00 GST CLAIMABLE - - 54,383.88 BANK BALANCE 1,159,495.64 805,454.20 1,067,766.69 CASH IN HAND 19,000.00 13,655.78 5,135.82 FIXED DEPOSITS 7,066,189.51 6,174,742.24 5,519,740.28 TOTAL CURRENT ASSET 9,398,206.13 7 ,251,301.42 7,242,576.17

GRAND TOTAL 2 0,443,876.27 18,688,809.48 1 9,002,966.39

ACCUMULATED FUND CARRIED FORWARD 1 8,601,193.19 17,085,144.92 1 3,657,551.97

SPECIFIC FUNDS National Council - Cancer Treatment Centre Fund (CTCF) 4 62,881.46 462,881.46 4 62,881.46 - Dato' Dharmalingam's Scholarship Fund 1 00,000.00 100,000.00 1 00,000.00 Penang Branch - Endowment Fund - - 4,102,638.98 - Estate/Land 19,487.24 18,901.28 18,297.46 - Advance Building Fund - 193,500.00 1 93,500.00 - Building Fund 5 64,708.83 319,619.13 - TOTAL SPECIFIC FUNDS 1,147,077.53 1 ,094,901.87 4,877,317.90

CURRENT LIABILITIES SUNDRY PAYABLES AND ACCRUED CHARGES 6 70,305.55 480,362.69 4 39,696.52 BUILDING TENANTS DEPOSITS 25,300.00 28,400.00 28,400.00 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 6 95,605.55 508,762.69 4 68,096.52

GRAND TOTAL 2 0,443,876.27 18,688,809.48 1 9,002,966.39

32 Consolidated Income Statement from YA 2015 until YA 2017

2017 2016 2015 2015 RM RM RM

INCOME DONATION RECEIVED 5,485,505.71 3,346,997.61 2,196,216.33 SALES OF MERCHANDISE 15,917.00 47,264.65 34,854.44 FIXED DEPOSIT INTEREST 1 42,828.77 161,226.40 134,851.95 UNREALISED FOREIGN EXCHANGE GAIN - 1 40,875.00 - INSURANCE CLAIMED RECEIVED - - 11,554.34 SURPLUS - RELAY FOR LIFE - KUALA LUMPUR 91,947.62 81,926.70 240,734.26 - NUCLEAR MEDICINE CENTRE 71,993.49 98,302.00 77,190.49 - RELAY FOR LIFE - MALACCA 1 37,054.46 137,818.84 56,412.82 - SARAWAK BRANCH - - 57,225.00 - SELANGOR & WILAYAH BRANCH 1 ,189.00 - 4 ,743.00 - NEGERI SEMBILAN BRANCH - 998.69 - - PENANG BRANCH 1 11,734.13 3,893,907.58 -

TOTAL INCOME 6,058,170.18 7,909,317.47 2,813,782.63

2017 2016 2015 DESCRIPTION RM RM RM ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES DEFICIT - CANCER & HEALTH SCREENING 8 9 6 ,377.34 5 7 5 ,353.42 2 5 9 ,320.37 - CHILDREN HOME 1 2 6 ,177.04 1 7 , 328.29 1 2 , 067.96 - NATIONAL CANCER SOCIETY BUILDING 1 8 5 ,845.25 2 5 0 ,738.69 1 3 0 ,726.84 - MALACCA OFFICE 1 8 9 ,313.44 1 3 8 ,852.00 9 2 , 458.04 - SARAWAK BRANCH 5 , 4 44.00 1 7 7 ,834.00 - - PERAK BRANCH - - 1 , 0 00.00 - SELANGOR & WILAYAH BRANCH - 3 6 , 256.00 - - PENANG BRANCH - - 2 6 9 ,270.97 ACCOUNTING FEE 6 3 , 600.00 6 0 , 300.00 5 1 , 600.00 ADVERTISEMENT 2 6 , 967.39 1 7 , 917.70 2 1 , 256.28 AUDITOR'S REMUNERATION 5 , 0 00.00 5 , 0 00.00 5 , 0 00.00 BAD DEBTS WRITTEN OFF 1 , 3 31.06 - 5 , 6 10.39 BANK CHARGES 4 , 2 90.14 4 , 9 68.70 2 , 7 73.49 BONUS 1 5 0 ,856.75 1 3 3 ,782.30 7 6 , 213.50 CASUAL WAGES 3 2 , 904.53 3 0 , 355.87 2 2 , 429.00 CREDIT CARD CHARGES 7 0 4 .98 5 2 9 .26 2 9 6 .82 DEPRECIATION OF PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 1 6 3 ,323.34 2 7 4 ,839.46 2 9 9 ,751.83 DONATIONS 1 , 1 20.00 2 , 0 00.00 1 , 7 00.00 GIFTS 6 , 8 57.13 7 , 0 60.26 2 , 6 54.91 GRATUITY PAID TO YOUTH AMBASSADOR 3 0 , 000.00 2 0 , 000.00 - GST EXPENSES ( BLOCK TAX ) 4 4 6 .43 5 3 4 .34 5 9 7 .36 GST NOT CLAIMABLE 4 5 , 142.48 1 8 5 ,602.84 - GST EXPENSES TAX NOT CLAIMABLE 3 , 7 73.31 - - HIRE OF PHOTOCOPIER 2 , 6 00.00 2 , 4 00.00 2 , 4 00.00 INSURANCE 7 0 , 379.14 6 8 , 368.77 5 4 , 813.42 IPAY 88 CHARGES 1 , 8 20.86 1 , 8 83.63 1 , 9 16.33 LEGAL FEES - - - LICENCE FEE 6 2 5 .00 - -

33 2015 2017 2016 2015 DESCRIPTION RM RM RM

LOSS ON DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSET/DEPOSIT FORFEITED - - 3 0 0 ,000.00 MEDICAL EXPENSES 3 , 2 60.00 3 , 5 52.55 3 , 9 36.35 MEDICAL SUPPLIES - - 1 1 , 625.50 PAYROLL SERVICES 2 5 , 824.00 2 2 , 100.00 1 8 , 265.00 PERIODICALS AND BOOKS 2 4 3 .00 3 4 7 .21 2 9 0 .15 PINK UNITY SUPPORT GROUP EXPENSES 3 8 , 071.82 7 5 , 737.78 4 9 , 350.22 POSTAGE AND COURIER 9 , 0 52.47 1 6 , 784.93 7 , 6 38.32 PRINTING AND STATIONERY 3 7 , 232.44 4 9 , 461.41 5 7 , 526.90 PROFESSIONAL FEE 2 8 , 484.72 2 4 , 683.51 ( 8 8 3.55) PROJECT EXPENSES 1 5 4 ,337.63 2 5 3 ,162.12 54,995.68 PURCHASE OF MERCHANDISE - 2 8 , 172.65 3 , 9 18.03 REALISED EXCHANGE LOSS - 1 0 5 .46 - REBRANDING AND LAUNCHING EXPENSES - - 1 4 , 076.59 REFRESHMENT 2 6 , 688.54 3 2 , 662.55 2 6 , 517.54 ROAD TAX AND INSURANCE 5 , 2 96.99 3 , 7 83.38 6 , 7 51.30 SALARIES, ALLOWANCE, EPF AND SOCSO 1 , 7 33,888.20 1 , 5 71,377.61 1 , 3 15,126.34 SEMINAR EXPENSES 1 1 5 ,207.49 1 9 0 ,596.98 1 1 2 ,255.10 SERVICE TAX - - 1 , 2 08.40 STAFF TRAINING 1 5 , 200.15 1 4 , 633.28 9 5 0 .00 SUBSCRIPTION 2 4 , 381.17 1 8 , 646.58 1 3 , 890.51 TAX COMPLIANCE FEE - 3 , 0 95.00 1 8 , 290.00 TELEPHONE AND INTERNET CHARGES 3 1 , 722.40 4 0 , 552.05 2 7 , 787.51 TRAVELLING EXPENSES 5 4 , 058.46 4 1 , 679.95 3 3 , 517.44 UNREALISED EXCHANGE LOSS 1 5 4 ,717.61 - - UPKEEP AND MAINTENANCE OF AIR CONDITIONER 9 , 4 95.00 6 , 0 15.00 6 , 9 15.00 UPKEEP AND MAINTENANCE OF IT SYSTEM 2 5 , 056.48 2 0 , 790.69 3 7 , 626.74 UPKEEP AND MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLE 3 , 6 49.22 6 , 8 28.48 4 , 0 88.19 UPKEEP AND MAINTENENACE OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1 7 0 .00 1 , 7 79.56 1 , 1 90.00 UPKEEP AND MAINTENANCE AND WEBSITE 7 , 0 70.00 3 , 4 47.00 - UPKEEP OF OFFICE 2 4 , 114.51 2 2 , 895.25 1 1 , 102.80 WORLD CANCER DAY CONFERENCE - 1 6 , 928.01 1 8 , 496.10

TO T A L A D M I N ISTRATIVE EXPENSES 4,542,121.91 4 , 4 81,724.52 3 , 4 7 0 , 309.67 SU R P L U S / ( D E FICIT) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1,516,048.27 3 , 4 27,592.95 (656,527.04) A C C U M U L A T ED FUND BROUGHT FORWARD 1 7,085,184.92 1 3 ,657,591.97 1 4 , 3 1 4 ,079.01 A C C U M U L A T ED FUND CARRIED FORWARD 18,601,233.19 1 7 ,085,184.92 1 3 , 6 5 7,551.97


Our fundraising activities are also key strategies for driving community engagement, and supporting the delivery of our programmes and health campaigns, thereby increasing understanding of our work and awareness about cancer.

We would like to give our special thanks to the following donors and sponsors for their generous contribution and support to our cause.

• Etiqa Insurance & Takaful Berhad • AXA Affin Life Insurance • Berjaya • Guardian Healths & Beauty Sdn Bhd • Associaton of Wedding Professionals Malaysia • Tune Insurance • Merck Sharp & Dohme Sdn Bhd • Estee Lauder Group • Asia Works LP179 • Bridgestone Tyres Sales • ADIJUMA • Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon – crowd funding • Bridgestone Tyres

35 • Jeunesse Global Products – donation in kind • Siemens Healthcare • Khazanah Nasional Berhad • PRG Holdings Berhad • GAS Malaysia Berhad • British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce • Abbvie • Roche • Kiwanis • Nestle Malaysia – donation in kind • Accenture • Experian • Brother International • Southern Lion • Vitahealth • Novartis • Idifynetz • Taylor’s International School • Asia Works LP181 • Pfizer Malaysia • Berjaya Times Square Management • Genting • Asia Works LP187 • Pisco Bar • Chuan Huat Group • British International School • Credit Guarantee Corporate • Celcome Axiata • Fitline Malaysia • Malaysia Building Society Berhad • Malaysia AEON Foundation • Lion Industries Corporation Berhad • Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad • The Malaysian Insurance and Takaful Brokers Asso (MITBA) • AIA Bhd. • Sri Aman School, PJ • Christine Lau • University of Nottingham • Malaysian Timber Council • MAXMAN TV – donation in kind • Felda

36 • WCT Holdings Berhad • Unisem (M) Bhd • Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) • NGO HUB ASIA – donation in kind • Tangs Malaysia • Allied Calibration Engineering Services SB • Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad • Interact Club of WMS • Fairview International School • BloomThis • SOROPTIMIST Malaysia – donation in kind • Ril’s Bar & Restaurant • CENTRISOH • United Malacca Berhad • PPB Group Berhad • Vigilenz Medical Devices Sdn Bhd • Metrojaya • St John’s International School • University TAR Group CSR : Social Entrepreneurship Project : CUT FOR HOPE • Advance Ceramics Technology Sdn Bhd • Modern Technic Sdn Bhd • Tunku Khursiah College • FashionValet • ULTRON Malaysia • Nelleisa’s & Friends • SME Corporation Malaysia • Kong Long Huat Chemicals SB • Urban Imix • Writebest Manufacturing • E&W Engineering • Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad


National Cancer Society Malaysia, No. 66, Jln Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T: 03 2698 7300 F: 03 2698 4300 E: [email protected]

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