Hiraga Files $39M Defa1nation Suit
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!JN.!~~RS11Y OF HAWAII LIBRARY r-·. - --------· -----·-··------- -~- .... -- ·-··· .......... -·· NMI prods JAL to fill routes abandoned by Continental By Aldwin R. Fajardo Variety News Staff THECNMI Aviation Task Force · is encouraging Japan Airlines to reactivate its flight se1vice be- . tween Saipan and Nagoya, fol lowing Continental Micronesia's decision to aban don the said route .. Task Force chairman J.M. Gue1Tero has proposed discus sions with JAL regional man ager Haruo Ushiba, and other airline executives to discuss the · J.M. Guerrero possibility of reactivating the Nagoya-Saipan flights. He added that if there is no "We would like to invite you way JAL executives can come . to visit our islands so you can to the Commonwealth, the : meet with the members of the CNMI is ready to send a group i Task Force and Gov. Pedro P. of representatives from Saipan Some me_m_bers of _the R1::taluw_aas~h comn:unity mill around a traditional canoe on which navigators from i Tenorio [and] discuss more in to Nagoya do discuss the pro- '. the Carohman Affalfs Office sailed m traveling to Managaha Island for Chief Aghurubw Day last Saturday. 1 posal. Photo by Louie C. Alonso detail with you as to how we can ! help justify the restarting of "I am kind of aware of the / JAL'sNagoya-Saipanroute,"he earlierexperience of Japan-Asia i said in a letter. Continued on page 23 ; ·---------------------· .--------- --·--·--·--- -------·-------··- Hiraga files $39M NeW deal secured on FAS eligibility for Pell Grants which would retain Pell Grants defa1nation suit and other federal education pro, By Zaldy Dandan Ltd., Hiraga earlier sued Sekisui Sekisui knew or should have grams for Freely Associated Variety News Staff for $23 million over the Osaka known that the US attorney pros States citizens until 2004, the BUSINESSMAN Shigenori based company's alleged failure ecuting the bribery case against · expiration year of the Compacts Hiraga is again suing Sekisui to honor a verbal agreement in Hiraga considered him more of a of Free Association. House, Ltd., this time for alleged volving a multi-million hotelcon victim, and that it was a federal "We've been able to draft a defamation. dominium project. official who had extorted money compromise measure that gives Hiraga, in a civil lawsuit filed But a jury last July decided in from the businessman. us five years to solve the prob in the Superior Court, is asking favor of Sekisui. Last month the Yet Sekisui failed to mention lem permanently," Underwood for $39 million in damages for the Superior Court denied Hiraga's this fact in its memorandum, ac said Thursday. humiliation, emotional distress, motion for a new trial. cording to the complaint. Under the compromise deal, mental anguish and public ridi In the new complaint filed Fri The memorandum named sev "if continued participation is cule he suffered because of day by Hiraga's attorney, Rich eral CNMI officials-including Robert A. Underwood agreed to in the renegotiations Sekisui's allegedly malicious ard W. Pierce, the businessman then governor Froilan C. of the compacts, then eligible Jacob Leon Guerrero memorandum and other statement alleged that on March 12 of last Tenorio-as the alleged recipi compact citizens will be eligfole to the media that depicted him as year, Sekisui filed a memoran ents of the supposed bribe mon Variety News Staff in U.S. public law."· HAGATNA - Guam Del. a convicted felon who bribes dum with the court in the then ies. "This is a very positive devel Robert A. Underwood has se CNMI officials. ongoing civil case to embarrass, Tenorio, as well as the other opment because we have been cured a Senate conference com Hiraga is also asking the court humiliate and harm the reputa officials, vehemently denied the able to fend off the narrow inter~ promise on theproposedHigher for a jury trial. tion of Hiraga. allegation. pretation which led to the amend- Education Act Amendments, The president of CDC Saipan, The complaint alleged that Continuedon page_2_3 Continued on page 23 Tenorio signs new law Births top CHC hospitalization record t9 assist big ~evelopers 190 deliveries in August By Aldwin R. Fajardo By Haldee V. Eugenio Asthma comprised the second fection (five), and chest pains Variety News Staff Variety News Staff hospitalization record with 12 GOVERNOR Pedro P. Tenorio (five). DELIVERIES topped the patients admitted, and 11 pneu . Maggie T. Sablan, manager over .the weekend signed into Commonwealth Health monia patients hospitalized in of the DPH' Planning and Sta law a legislation that would re Center's record of hospitaliza August. tistics Division said the top rea lax policies on issuance of occu tion in August with 190 women Cellulitis of the leg and urinary sons for hospitalization do not pancy permit to large develop admitted to give birth, even as tract infection cases came in next, dramatically change for a one ment projects in an effort to only around65 percent of them each with eight patients hospital month period, although their maintain an investor-friendly gave live birth, records from ized for the one-month period. ranking oftentimes fluctuate. environment in the Northern the Department of Public During the month of July, the "Delivery remains the num Mariana Islands. Health's Planning and Statis top hospitalization cases at the ber one reason why patients are The move was also part of admitted here," she told the Pedro P. Tenorio tics Division show. hospital were birth deliveries government attempts to help al The figure is slightly lower ( 193), congestive heart failure Variety. leviate the problems faced by on the lookout for. new finan Filipinos comprise the bulk ciers to supplement its contin than July's delivery figure of (nine), cellulitis of the leg (eight), cash-strapped Tinian Dynasty cholelithiasis or gall bladder in- Continued on page 23 Contlnued on page 23 193. Pfle6 Hotel and Casino which has been f\)E;.WSfftPSt:.. 5 T/JcL> ----. _ MONDAY.SEPTEMBER 21, 1998-MARIANASVARIETYNEWSANDVIEWS-3 UN, Thailand ask Gualll carrier to fly By ~ldwm R. Fa1ardo Sky Cab Incorporated is plan- Tinian Dyna.~ty Hotel and Ca.~ino terminal. airline officials, as well as a meet Vanety News Staff ning to initially provide air trans- management, as well as the Rota ··in the interim, we are looking to ing to discuss the details on the Hun·Sen: Lift ban AN AI~LINE c_ompany based_ in portation services non-scheduled Resort and Country Club to pro- lease only counter space at e;ch current availability of check-in Guam 1s proposing to operate m- basis between Guam and the North- vide on-demand air taxi services. terminal. We will employ two to counter space at each airport. PHNOM PENH, Cambodia was convened. ter-island flight s~rvices, a d~vel- em Mariana Islands, and eventu- In a letter to Ports Authority ex- three people on each island to (AP) -The United Nations on The opposition had earlier "'Perhaps, a site visit might be opment s_een to virtually er~d1cate ally set up scheduled flights. ecutive director Carlos H. Salas, handle our operations,'' Shih said. helpful for planning purposes," the Sunday said itwas''seriously con threatened to boycott the new par air traffic_ backlog around the The airline company, based in Sky Cab president Peter Shih said cerned" about the Cambodian liament in protest against alleged Salas said CPA has been in com CPA chief said. Mananas. It was learned over the Tamuning, Guam, also expressed wasproposingacounterspacelease government's ban on international fraud by Hun Sen's party in win munication with Sky Cab, adding The proposed inter-island opera weekend. intentions to work closely with the agreement in each of the airport travel by opposition lawmakers, ning the July 26 parliamentary that the carrier was already pro tions will be done in three pha,es calling the move unconstitutional. elections. vided with a copy of airport rules during the next 60 to 90 days, ac The statement by the U.N. Spe "Government officials have and regulations which outline the cording to Shih. He said Sky Cab is cial Representative of the Secre made it clear this decision has Mayor's Office, DPS tap inmates CPA requirements on operations, currently finalizing its Guam op tary General for Human Rights in been taken at the highest levels insurance requirements and aero erations. nautical fees. Cambodia, Thomas Hammarberg, and will not immediately be re "'[We} should be ready to begin in building temporary bus stops He was proposing a site visit for followed a warning by Thailand versed," the U.N. representative Contmueironpage22 that efforts to end the country's said, adding that freedom of move i, with this joint project of the De political crisis could be derailed if ment is a fundamental liberty rec partment of Public Safety and the New law prohibits 'bias' in the ban is not lifted. Hun Sen ognized under international and municipality. Cambodian leader Hun Sen or Cambodian Jaw. · Rosario said if construction is delivery of housing program dered a travel ban on 53 newly violence through massive street Thailand's Deputy Foreign completed, these wooden-made bus By Haldee v_ Eugenio HouseBill I l-136,nowknown elected parliamentarians and more rallies calling for his ouster, said Minister, Sukhumbhand stop units will be donated to the Variety News Staff asPublicLaw 11-38,ensuresthat than a dozen military and police the ban was necessary to prevent Paribatra, also expressed concern Public School System: · TIIE CNMigovernment now has the enforcement of any com officials loyal to the opposition potential suspects in the grenade that pledges of freedom of move PSS, Rosario said, decides which the authority to enforce its own plaints received by the federal after a grenade attack on his attack from fleeing the country.