[Ro~~Country Invitational
1996 [RO~~COUNTRY INVITATIONAL XXIII EDITION Program printed courtesy of Shooting Star Media, Ine., publishers of Tfack&Field- Last week9 W we received a ph()ne c~11 ..a track coach who has coached since ,'~36- that's probabl~I before your grandparents were born~He tried to retire in 19709 but he drove his wife CAAZY in 3months, so he started a track club, _"1!1~~ke6 him, 'Y.~'r~t!W4D'~'~{'\.~~\!XL!I .v!) GfJ~~~l ~a?".,Ul f. H He told us that if we didnS'tknow whY9he sure·, f couldnS't;explain ifs'l guess itS'sjust a track things ~. There are 37,5'5" head track and field J coaches just as c~azty'If • Ias our friend from New M.exico9 and wei know that they all '11. read the Tine magazine: Track&Field' ,,.--... II Just a coincidence? Read, then decide for yourself~ out our web site at: http://www.american-trackandfield.com Stanford Cross Country Invitational Saturday, October 5, 1996 Race Schedule 11:10 A1\1 Junior Varsity Girls Divisions III, Iv, V 3,000 Meters 11:30 A1\1 Junior Varsity Boys Divisions III, Iv, V 3,000 Meters 11:50 A1\1 Varsity Girls Division IV and V 5,000 Meters 12:20 PM Varsity Boys Division IV and V 5,000 Meters 12:45 PM Varsity Girls Division III 5,000 Meters Welcome to the 23rd edition of the 1:15 PM Varsity Boys Division III 5,000 Meters Stanford Cross ·Country Invitational 1:40 PM Junior Varsity Girls Divisions I and II 3,000 Meters co-hosted by Palo Alto High School.
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