March 2014

Ciarán Sheehan with the Cleveland Pops

The Irish Language ... Page 11 One Liners and Funny Sayings ... Page 16 Don’t Miss St Pat’s Events List ... Pages 28, 29 & 30

March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 3

@InTheCLE #InTheCLE startin Editor’s Corner, 3/9! Check out what going on March 2013 in the week leading up to St. Patrick’s Day: Things to see, do, Folk and Irish, they’ve been to know and to not miss. Fol- interlinked since before Makem low me any time at @jobjr, but met Clancy. As I adjusted to especially follow me as I tweet a 14 hour, 80-degree change for @InTheCLE the week of 3/9. in temperature from Cozumel, Let your liquor be light, Mexico to Chicago, Illinois this your memories be sharp Toasting our heritage, week, I thought about legacy, John O’Brien, Jr. learning and the legends cre- whether Guinness or Harp ated on the 3rd Annual Joanie think should be advertising in Many kisses received, for Madden Folk n Irish Cruise, your Ohio Irish American News: your Irish style Lass or Laddie and there were many, many [email protected]. Referrals And remember in print: created over the week, some are gold and there is much gold Its not Patty; it’s Paddy. even in daylight hours. in Ohio. Both she and I would Make ready the pipes, I had already been preparing greatly appreciate your sup- vocal or drone myself for the cold as I walked port in helping us get continue Feel the roots, from of the Norwegian Epic and to grow and offer even more of your soul to the bone headed for Chicago for a brief our rich heritage to our readers, Class over crass, let the book tour, but I still haven’t as a great newsmagazine for green come from your heart wrapped my arms around the the Irish in and around Ohio. Long live the Irish; let experiences of The Cruise or I was fortunate to be born in the Green Season start! the amazing book tour stop that a house where love and action Looking forward to see- followed. Look out next month were equally demanded. I hope ing you out and about Ohio for the full, glorious story! my books, the Ohio Irish Ameri- this month, or on The Av- We fancy stories here, mostly can News, Cleveland Irish Cul- enue March 17th. Let’s Get true. Do you have a story to tural Festival and the volunteer up, Show up, and Lift up. tell? Send your submissions to efforts leave a legacy even half Slán, John me at [email protected]. We as rich as my parents gave me; “Follow me where I go, like emailed submissions in thank you very, very much for what I do and who I know; Word, single spaced, under 1,100 all your kind words and Con- O’Bent Enterprises includes: words, with a great, permis- gratulations on being selected as www.songsandstories. sion to use granted photos. a United Irish Society 147th St. net Please welcome to our OhIAN Patrick’s Day Parade Honoree. team Amanda Karpus, our new A myriad of events are orga- Cleveland Account Manager. nized, full of tradition and cel- jobjr www.twitter. Amanda will be working with ebration for the honorees. I can’t com/365Irish www.twit- new accounts that I can’t always wait. The season is always full of reach with the day job. I have great joy, great friends and great enjoyed getting to know her memories; this year will be the IrishAmericanNews www. and think she will be a fantastic best yet, knowing full well that addition to our growing team. that is a high, high benchmark. To get her off to a blazing start, Breaking news: delighted to jobjr/ http://songsandsto- please let her know who you be selected to be guest tweeting

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The Shamrock Cottage An Irish, Scottish & Welsh Gift Shop GUINNESS MERCHANDISE NOTRE DAME MERCHANDISE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS MERCHANDISE 9097 Mentor Avenue March 2014 Vol. 8 Issue3 Mentor, Ohio 44060 Publishers PH: 440-255-2207 FAX: 440-255-2273 John O’Brien Jr. / Cliff Carlson [email protected] Editor John O’Brien Jr.

John M. Luskin, Owner Website-Cathy Curry & Ryanne Gallagher-Johnson About Our Cover: Columnists Blowin’ In ... Susan Mangan Behind the Hedge ... John O’Brien, Jr. CIARÁN: A Crossword Puzzle..Linda Fulton Burke Illuminations ... J. Michael Finn St. Patrick’s Day Inner View … John O’Brien, Jr. Celebration! Letter From Ireland ... Cathal Liam Off the Shelf … Terry Kenneally Jeff Pachini and Dan Gilbert of Greater Cleveland On This Day in Irish History.. Sports Commission Congratulating Mark Owens Ciarán Sheehan with the Terry Kenneally Cleveland Pops returns to Sev- Out of the Mailbag John O’Brien, Jr. Congratulations Owens Sports got engaged on the Joanie Mad- erance Hall on Friday, March Owens Sports ... Mark Owens Columnist Mark Owens, 2013 den Cruise, during Mickey’s new 15th at 8:00 P.M. Starring with Terry From Derry … Terry Boyle Sports Development Gold Med- CD, Last Glance, launch party. Carl Topilow and the Cleveland Ireland Past and Present ... alist Winner by the Cleveland POPS orchestra, Dublin-born Niamh O’Sullivan Sports Commission at the 14th The Hooley House opened their Ciarán Sheehan, a glorious IAN Ohio Inc. is published monthly (12 Annual Greater Cleveland Sports 3rd location, in Westlake, in Febru- tenor and one of Broadway’s issues a year) on the first day of each Awards, for his work in bring- ary. Fantastic food and music of most celebrated Phantom’s of month. Subscription is by first class ing and coordinating the GAA course, but the people running HH the musical “Phantom of the mail. 1 year $30, 2 years at $55 3 years North American County Board are the best of the best. Stop in to Opera”, will be joined by the $80. To subscribe go online at www. National Championships to any of the locations, and send us a Murphy Irish Dancers, The, or Email us at subs@ Cleveland Labor Day Weekend. pic of you with that month’s copy Cleveland POPS Chorus, and, or call us at 708-445-0700 or mail to address below. of the Ohio Irish American News The Cleveland Firefighters IAN Ohio is available for free at over Congratulations to Mary or post it on our Facebook page. Memorial Pipes Drums. 240 locations throughout Ohio. For Coogan, of Cherish the Ladies, Winners receive a $20 gift certifi- Tickets are available at the information on the locations go to www. and Bruce Foley, of Guaranteed cate for the Hooley House (Mentor, Severance Hall box-office and click on the Ohio Irish, who were engaged recently. Brooklyn or Westlake), courtesy of 216-231-1111 or toll-free Distribution button. Congratulations to Mickey your Ohio Irish American News. 800-686-1141 or online at Coleman and Erin Lockery, who Contact: IAN Ohio Inc. For group discounts call PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW PHONE (216) 765-7677. NUMBER: 216.647.1144 e-mail: mailto:[email protected]

or mail to: IAN OHIO INC PO Box 7, Zion IL 60099 Celtic 847-872-0700 e-mail: [email protected] Subscriptions: [email protected] On the Internet Woman May 13 News Procter and PUBLISHERS STATEMENT The opinions and statements ex- pressed in this newspaper are entirely Gamble Hall those of the authors, and do not reflect in any way the opinions of IAN Ohio. Cincinnati, OH Circulation: 7,500-For a list of distribu- tion points, go to and click on the word “Distribution.” Erin Lochery & Mickey Coleman

6 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

Palladius or two men, argument as to the order in which they arrived in Ireland, St. Patrick - Who and conjecture about the existence Came First? of two or more Patrick’s. Given the On the eve of yet another St. modern status as patron saint of Patrick’s Day celebration, it is the Irish and icon of Ireland, this timely to consider whether Patrick, speculation when first published the patron saint of Ireland, was the in the 1940s, was denounced as first bishop sent to minister to the something akin to sacrilege. Christians then living in Ireland, The evidence further suggests or whether it was Palladius, a that by the seventh century, the little known person ordained by history of the missions of Patrick Pope Celestine, who was sent as and Palladius had become con- Ireland’s first bishop is AD 431. fused. It appears later propaganda The first reliable date in Irish emanating from the church of Ar-

13920 Triskett Road 13801 Triskett Road Cleveland OH 44111 Cleveland OH 44111 history is AD 431. The source of magh (diocese created by Patrick) Phone (216) 251-3130 Phone (216) 251-4242 that information is the Chronicle of appropriated Palladius’s mission Prosper of Aquitaine, which reads: to Patrick. It is unlikely, however, “To the Irish believing in Christ, that seventh century Irish scholars Palladius having been ordained knew any more about Palladius by Pope Celestine, is sent as first than that was provided in Proper’s bishop.” The implication of Pros- Chronicle. per’s statement is that there was Probably the real reason for already a community of Christians Patrick’s dominant place in Ireland, living in Ireland of which Celestine regardless of whether he came first was aware. or not, is that two of his own writ- Prosper of Aquitaine was a pious ings have survived, his Confession, layman closely involved with the and his Letter, addressed to the theological controversies of the day. soldiers of Coroticus. Who was St. Prosper has an earlier reference to Patrick? The only reliable informa- Palladius in 429, which shows him tion about his life and career is to as an enemy of Pelagius heresy (a be found in the saint’s own writ- belief that original sin did not taint ings, all other accounts being either human nature and that mortal will derivative or else entirely spurious. is still capable of choosing good or Nothing else in the Irish annals or evil without Divine aid). in any other Irish source can be Unfortunately, that is the extent proven to be genuine reminiscence of the historical record concerning of Patrick or his activities. Palladius and Ireland. Aside from So the answer to the question the two one line entries in Pros- is that Palladius probably came per’s Chronicle, we are entirely first, but Patrick remains the more in the dark about what he did or dominant historical figure in Ire- where he went in Ireland (or if he land and rightfully deserves to be ever went there). celebrated on March 17th each year. But it was not Palladius who *Terrence J. Kenneally is an attorney was to become the ‘Apostle of and president of Terrence J. Kenneally & Ireland’, but a Briton. Patrick, Associates Co. Named a Super Lawyer who arrived in Ireland in 432 AD, for 2008 & 2009 by the Law and Politics a date suspiciously close to the Magazine, he has been elevated to the date of Palladius’ mission. The rank of Diplomat by the American Board coincidence of the two dates and of Trial Advocates. He is presently work- also the approximation of the two ing on toward his Master’s Degree in Irish names ( Palladius Patricius) has Studies at John Carroll University. terry@ led to the confusion between the March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 7

tenement apartment with her mother, father, and brother. Gabe, her brother, realizes his vocation and becomes a priest, but suddenly leaves the priesthood for reasons the reader is left guessing about. Marie experiences two suit- ors in her life, the first of which Someone nearly breaks her heart and By Alice McDermott the second whom she marries. Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux The author deftly summons ISBN 978-0-374-28109-0 up Marie’s memories of both 2013 232 pp relationships. Her marriage Someone is the latest novel produces four children, “Irish by Alice McDermott, former twin” boys and two girls. winner of the National Book The story is told episodically Award for After This, previ- in non-chronological fashion, ously reviewed in OhIAN. It but the reader never loses sight is a story of an unremarkable of the timeline of Marie’s life. woman living a very ordinary Ms. McDermott’s description of life. The author’s ability to scenes such as Gabe’s break- elegantly portray the life of down, Marie’s sexuality, the the novel’s heroine, Marie, Caesarian birth of her first child from childhood through old and her long-lasting marriage, age will impact the reader tive and takes liberties with make the book one that is filled like few other writers can. time, juxtaposing Marie’s with universal experiences. I The book is set in twenti- past, present, and future. rate it a TOP SHELF selection. eth century Brooklyn, in an Marie is a bespectacled girl *Terrence J. Kenneally is an Irish-American neighborhood, who, throughout her life, has attorney and president of Ter- River Terrace Building a familiar setting for McDer- issues with her worsening rence J. Kenneally & Associates 19111 Detroit Rd, Ste 200 mott’s novels. McDermott eyesight. She is the product Co. Named a Super Lawyer for Rocky River, OH 44115 never uses dates in her narra- of a loving family living in a 2008 & 2009 by the Law and 440-333-8960 Politics Magazine, he has been [email protected] elevated to the rank of Diplo- mat by the American Board of Trial Advocates. He is presently working on toward his Mas- ter’s Degree in Irish Studies at John Carroll University. [email protected].

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 3/17 from 3/18 12:30-2pm 5:00pm House of Blues The Treehouse Downtown Cleveland, OH Survivor Party 3-10pm Cleveland, OH PJ McIntyre’s Marys Lane (Tremont) Cleveland, OH (Westpark) 8 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

musicians. Their sound is pop music with some of their Another artist that is immense- traditional but their innovative song choices and arrangements. ly popular but seldom tours arrangements have made their This is not necessarily a bad is Loreena McKennitt. She has previous four albums very hot thing as I think this CD will be released a best of album titled sellers, “A Lovely Madness”, attractive to a much larger audi- “The Journey So Far, The Best of “Mischief”, “The Incident” and ence being more of an American Loreena McKennitt”. A beautiful “How to Tune a Fish”. For my production. I do hope that the collection of the songs that made money the DVD is worth the boys will remember that it’s al- her famous. Her hardcore fans price of admission and the CD ways a good bet to “dance with will already have most of her is gravy. Very difficult CDs and, subsequently, Back home in the Midwest to keep your feet under most of these songs. This after spending the first 6 weeks control when this group’s CD is for those folks who of the year in Florida where the playing. haven’t experienced Lo- weather was wonderful but the The “High Kings” have reena’s magical perfor- music scene was dreadful. I released their third CD mances and for those of won’t mention the bands I saw “Friends for Life” and it’s us who’ve worn out our but I will tell you they were far pretty good. They do a old CD’s. I have to say the worse than any you’ll find in nice job on “Galway Girl”, sound quality on this CD the Ohio area. Enough griping which has become every is exceptional and is much about that. bands most favorite song clearer and fresher sound- Compass Records has again to the point that we keep ing so I have to imagine put out what might be one of the score at festivals now on that technology has again finest CD & DVD sets you’ll see how many times we hear passed me by with better this year. “Beoga, Live at 10” cel- fiddle & vocals; Seán Óg Gra- it and who butchers it the recording processes. ebrates the bands 10th anniver- ham, button accordion, guitar & worst. High Kings do a good job the one that brung ya”. Other From sunny Philadelphia sary (can it be 10 years already?) backing vocals; Damian McKee, on it and also on “Peggy Gordon” than that I think folks will enjoy (okay I exaggerate) comes an- For those of you who have not button accordion and Eamon a nice song I don’t hear too often, this nicely put together album. other production by my favorite had the privilege to see this out- Murray, bodhran. Some of the and an especially good job on Unfortunately, I have it on good Irish rock band Barleyjuice. You standing collection of Irish musi- names should sound familiar “MacAlpine’s Fusiliers”. I get the authority that High Kings will cians, the band consists of Liam to folks involved in Irish danc- feeling that the boys are trying to not be touring this year and that, Bradley, piano; Niamh Dunne, ing since they had their start as make this CD a cross-over into if true, is a damn shame. continued on next page March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 9

Piping It In they put out some of the most original,

innovative and entertaining rock music 3 0 TH A NNIVERSARY C OLLECTION h continued from page 8 you’re going to find. Together they write g some fun songs that you’ll get stuck in know I’m not a big fan of the Irish/Celtic your head and find yourself singing and rock bands because most play it fast and playing for your friends. Barleyjuice is THE BEST OF loud to cover their poor musicianship, a great band to share, I know because LOREENA MCKENNITT Barleyjuice don’t! They can play and lead Shay Clarke shared it with me and I am singer Kyf Brewer can sing and together eternally grateful. This is a fun recording THE JOURNEY SO FAR with tunes like “Whiskey & Weed”, “Catholic Guilt” and “Sweet Young Thing”. I hope Barleyjuice gets some gigs in the area this year be- cause we’re not doing any shows in Pennsylvania this year. I hope everyone has a happy and safe St Patrick’s Day. That’s it for now but I do want to thank my wife, Gayle, for filling in for me last month, I think she did a darned good job. You can reach me at [email protected] Slainté featuring the hit single The Mummers’ Dance On This Day were released after serving sixteen years in prison on fabricated evidence for the h g in Irish History bombing of two public houses by the AVAILABLE AS CD / DELUXE 2CD / VINYL / DIGITAL DOWNLOAD IRA in 1974 in Birmingham. March 2014 15 March 1895 - Burning of Brigid Visit to explore Loreena’s music, videos and performances. 3 March 1924 - The world premiere Cleary by her husband, who believed of Sean O’Casey’s Juno and the Paycock she was a “changling” (fairy) when her Available at Amazon, and the logo takes place at the Abbey Theatre. flu-like symptoms caused him suspicion. are registered trademarks of, Inc. or its affi liates. 10 March 1888 - Birth of Oscar- Cleary was found guilty of manslaugh- winning Irish stage and screen actor ter and spent fifteen years in prison. Barry Fitzgerald, in Dublin. Following 17 March 460 - Believed date of the a start at the Abbey Theatre, he headed death of St. Patrick. to Hollywood and starred in films such 24 March 1968 - An Aer Lingus Vis- as Going My Way and The Quiet Man. count, St. Phelim, with 57 passengers 14 March 1991 - The Birmingham Six and a crew of four enroute from Cork to London, crashed into the sea off Tuscar Rock, Co. Wexford. There were no survivors. 30 March 1603 - After a long battle against English rule, Hugh O’Neill, the Earl of Tyrone, submits to Lord Mount- joy at Mellifont. O’Neill is pardoned and the Treaty of Mellifont ends the Nine Years War, bringing Gaelic and feudal The Birmingham Six Ireland to an end.

Gaelic Imports 5633 Pearl Rd. Ahern Ca tering Parma, OH 44129 Banquets, 440-845-0100 fax 440-845-0102 We ddings, 800-450-2725 Clamba kes or     Your Special Ev ent To ny Ahe rn Irish Sausage, Irish Bacon, Soda Bread, Black Pudding, Sausage Rolls, Pork 440-933-7500 Bangers, Potato Scones, Imported Fax : 440-933-7507 Groceries, Flags, Buttons, Jewelry, [email protected] Music and much more! ww w.Ahe rnCaterin 726 Avon Belden Rd., Avon Lake, OH 44012 March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 10

Lakewood and are members of Engineer’s Office, retiring in 2002 Dinner – the was al- Holy Redeemer Catholic Church after twenty-five years of service. ways that weekend. We stayed in Cleveland. Her mother, Nancy, taught first in hotels, traveled; we had so Volunteer efforts also include grade for the Cleveland Metropoli- much fun. I loved it so much. It being a current member of the tan School District, was a member gave me an incredible amount Cleveland Metropolitan Bar As- of the Cleveland Teacher’s Union of self-esteem, taught me about sociation’s 3R’s program, mem- and retired in 2010 after thirty- friendship, other girls, with boys. What if you knew, from the day County work. I think that makes ber of The Cleveland Metropolitan seven years of service. Shannon’s It gave me so much. I loved you knew enough to know, that me uniquely qualified.” Bar Association’s Bar Admission’s uncle, Sean C. Gallagher, currently dancing; I miss it. It is who you you wanted to be something? Shannon is a Judicial Attorney Committee, Board of Trustees serves as an Eighth Judicial Dis- are. Cleveland is one of these rare Something specific, something and has recently been certified by Member for The Absolute House, trict Appellate Court Judge. communities, where generations your generations before you had the Ohio State Bar Association in Advisory Board member for the Shannon’s cousin, Patrick get to know each other; it’s rare. It thrived on, what would you do to the State of Ohio in the field of Ap- Ed Keating Center and volunteer Gallagher, is the former Business is a joy to come full circle. make sure you were the very best pellate Law as a specialist – one of for Stella Maris Treatment Center. Manager for the International “My uncle is so approachable, prepared, experienced and ready only twenty-seven. Shannon is a member of The Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Lo- could talk to him about anything – for it, when the your time came? “I gained such a knowledge of Cuyahoga County Metropolitan cal 744. Shannon was a member he was a probation officer, a bailiff Shannon M. Gallagher has all areas of law. This opportunity Bar Association, Life Member of of AFSCME Ohio Council 8 while for Judge Nugent – the way he known most of her life she wanted has given me a vast breadth of law the Eighth Judicial Conference, employed as a Cuyahoga County handles himself – caring, compas- to devote her career to public that I could use as a judge – that Probation Officer. sionate, approachable – the way service, to practice Law, to make is what people want – that you “I’ve got a bit of I want to be. a difference for those who needed know the law and apply it. Being teacher blood in “I come from a place of com- someone to fight for them. She honest and thorough has earned me. My mother passion – wouldn’t you want the has been preparing for this for a me a good reputation. Judges was a teacher. I’ve judge to analyze everything about long time, with purpose, insight saw me grow and develop, hone always admired that case and the offender(s)? The and recommendations that span my legal skills and to have them the profession. vast number of offenders are Congresswomen, Senators, May- now reach out to me [by endors- When I heard the low-level offenders. A small per- ors, Unions, Members of Council, ing Shannon’s candidacy for Cleveland Metro- centage of offenders commit the business owners, leaders and this Judge]; I take that with a lot of politan Bar Asso- vast majority of violent crimes; newspaper. pride and honor. ciation had a pro- we know they cannot be out in “We invest in the public. My “I have worked my whole life gram to teach law, society. But the vast majority is grand parents were immigrants, “ to make sure I am the person for to mentor young lower level. Shannon recounted. “Like most, this job. All the areas of law that people, teach them “I really think that is important someone helped them out, got come before a judge, I have sat in about the constitu- to get out into the community, to them a start. My family is from these meetings and these courts. tion, the amend- see faces, people are often time Achill Bay Island and my Grand- I think this is the best way for ments, I joined terrified. You have to play by mother from Tuosist, Co. Kerry, me to help; I’ve worked hard to in. It was a fun the rules. Help them get on with outside Kenmore. My grand- make sure. experience to be their lives. mother, Mary Gallagher married “I’ve always had great pride in there with our “Cuyahoga County is suffering Patrick Gallagher. Six brothers in giving back, and paying the next generation, to from Heroin epidemic. Almost served in the Army at the same blessings forward. It would be Shannon Gallagher learn about their 200 deaths in 2013 – the only thing time. Two others had enlisted but a huge honor to be able to do interests. It gives that works is treatment. I’ve seen had not yet served. It takes amaz- that now if I am elected judge. them wonderful it – that is what motivates me. ing bravery to take your family When people give me their vote, The West Shore Bar Association, skills. I’ve been involved since its We need more beds, outpatient, across the world. Their bravery, it is an incredible gesture; people The West Side Irish American Club, inception; it is wonderful. I think it is important, ½ Way houses. We their sense of adventure; I admire have an amazing tool, in their abil- The East Side Irish American Club, every attorney should do it. need more for women. What I them so much. ity to vote. I hope through your The League of Women Voters, The “It’s incredibly important to would suggest is we defer people Shannon’s family has stressed interview with me for the Ohio Lakewood Democratic Club, The know where we come from. My to that treatment. Have they had the importance of education and Irish American News, people get Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s uncle is a historian. I can call him a chance? Coming from the bench, hard work in life: an idea of who I am.” Caucus, Delta Gamma Fraternity up and he can tell me anything. you are limited. You can’t watch “Probably in high school I knew Shannon has over fourteen and C.A.M.E.O. She is also a mem- My great uncle took me around them every day, but you can refer I wanted to be an attorney; it was years of public-service experi- ber of the Cleveland branch of the and taught me how to campaign. them. The message doesn’t al- a short leap to being a judge. I was ence in justice-related affairs. In NAACP, the Brehon Law Society I grew up in West Park. I know ways stick, but sometimes it does. involved in politics, campaigns at that time, she has worked to earn of Cleveland, the Norman S. Mi- the Irish community; it is a great You give them a chance.” a young age. I saw how the poli- the respect of her colleagues and nor Bar Association and The Ohio place to grow up. What would you do to make tics worked in Cuyahoga County. the legal community as a whole. Women’s Bar Association. “Growing up, I looked like the sure you were the very best pre- Not everyone can do it; you have Shannon is a graduate of Berea Further, Shannon comes from a map of Ireland. My Grandmother pared, experienced and ready for to be an attorney, you also have High School and earned her un- long line of dedicated public ser- wanted to be involved when I it, when your chance, your time to have the right temperament. dergraduate degree from Miami vants, her grandfather worked for was young; she wanted me to had come? Shannon Gallagher So I wanted to see if this job, this University. She earned her law Cuyahoga County as a member know about our culture. She has put in the time, learned how dream I had, was for me. I saw it degree from Cleveland Marshall of the Building Laborers’ Union signed me up with Tesse Burke to be a compassionate, insightful first hand. College of Law, which she ac- Local 310 and her grandmother School of Dance; I was four. It and effective advocate for and “I know I am compassionate, I’m quired while working full-time worked nights as a waitress in was great. I achieved Champion- of the law. Her time has come. a hard worker. The variety of ex- as a Cuyahoga County Proba- Cleveland. Her father worked ship level by nine, and won US The Ohio Irish American News perience is important – to see it, to tion Officer. Shannon has been for the Common Pleas Court, the champion two times. I placed endorses Shannon Gallagher for know it. It’s a wide range that I’ve a member of the Ohio Bar since Cuyahoga County Recorder’s 2nd in Nationals. Judge, Cuyahoga County Court seen, how the courts in Cuyahoga 2004. She and her family live in Office and the Cuyahoga County “We never had Thanksgiving of Common Pleas. March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 11

had to wear a stick on a piece of Father Eugene O’Growney. The Irish?” a total of 1.8 million string around their necks. Each League was founded on the people answered ‘Yes.’ Of the time they were caught using Irish saying, “Tír gan teanga, tír 1.8 million who declared they Irish, a notch was cut into the gan anam.” That is, “A country could speak Irish, 77,185 said stick. At the end of the day, they without a language is a country they speak the language every would be subjected to physical without a soul.” It sought the day outside of the school system, punishment according to how revival of Irish as a spoken and and 110,642 said they speak Irish many notches they had on their literary language and to that weekly, while 613,236 said they The Irish Language now covers the boundaries of stick. Little wonder that the chil- end ran Irish language classes speak Irish less often. In 2011 eastern France (Gaul), northern dren decided to stop speaking and promoted social gatherings. Northern Ireland reported that When the Irish Language is Switzerland and southwestern their native tongue. It also encouraged Irish music, approximately 11% (or 185,000) mentioned, you often hear a Germany. By the third century The greatest blow to the lan- and Irish sports – all of the population has some comment from someone who BC, Roman military power be- guage came from the negative centered on the language. knowledge of the Irish language, says, “I didn’t know the Irish gan to expand and Latin became effect of the Great Hunger. Of Founded as an inclusive, which is up 1% from 2006. On had a language.” It is doubly the accepted language wherever those who perished between non-political organization, it the island of Ireland, that is frustrating when this response the Romans conquered. Celtic 1845 and 1855, most were Irish attracted a diverse member- roughly two million with some comes from an Irish-American. languages were mostly driven speakers. Also, a large percent- ship, including nationalists, use of Irish. Besides suffering from a lack out of continental Eu- unionists, Protes- In Ireland, there are regional of speakers, the Irish Language rope and replaced by tants and middle areas of Irish speakers called also suffers from a lack of public Latin. class members. the Gaeltachta, and in these knowledge about the language We cannot be cer- The League’s first areas the language is spoken on itself. This month of St. Patrick tain when Irish first newspaper was a daily basis; English becomes we will attempt to answer a few came to Ireland, but An Claidheamh a second language. These areas questions regarding the origins many scholars believe Soluis (The Sword are in Counties Donegal, Gal- and history of the language that it was there over of Light) and its way, Kerry, Cork and parts of and take a brief look at how the 2,500 years ago. By the most noted editor Waterford and Wexford. In the language is faring in the 21st start of the Christian was Patrick Pearse. Gaeltacht areas, children are Century. era, Irish was spo- The League ex- taught Irish in the schools as the What should we call the lan- ken all over Ireland ists today as one of principal language. That is, all guage? In attempting to define and was spreading the chief promot- subjects are taught through the the Irish Language the first dif- through Scotland, the ers of Irish. It was medium of Irish. The govern- ficulty one encounters is what to west coast of Britain among the princi- ment also encourages businesses call it. Some refer to it as Gaelic. and the Isle of Mann. pal organizations to move into the Irish speaking To separate it from the Scottish St. Patrick spoke both responsible for areas, creating jobs and helping language, some even refer to it Irish and Latin. He co-coordinating the economy. as Irish Gaelic. But, use of the had to learn Irish as a the successful Today in Ireland, the Irish term “Gaelic” presents us with slave in Ireland. campaign to make language is far from being con- a unique problem. The word The oldest remains Irish an official sidered a dead language. While Gaelic is the English corrup- of Ancient Irish that language of the some in Ireland still view the tion of the word Gaeilge, which we have are inscrip- European Union. government’s emphasis on is the Irish word for the Irish tions on Ogham There are also the language negatively, the Language. Over the years there stones from the 5th several American language has its own radio has been a trend among Gaelic and 6th centuries. Old and internation- stations, newspapers, music, a speakers to refer to the language Irish was first written al branches that contemporary literature, and an either as Irish or Gaeilge rather in the Roman alphabet have been estab- established television channel. than using the corrupted English before the beginning lished and are ac- The Irish language today has version of the word. If you ask of the 7th century, which makes age of those who emigrated from tive in language education and a prominent role in Irish society an Irish speaker in Ireland, “Do Irish the oldest written vernacu- Ireland were also Irish speak- promotion. and is a vital part of the rich- you speak Gaelic?” they will lar language north of the Alps. ers. Sadly, the language never How many people speak Irish ness of Irish culture. The next likely reply, “No, I speak Irish.” Why did the Irish Language recovered from this tragic event. today? Article 8, Section 1 of time you hear about the Irish It is a fine point of language decline? The decline of Irish Immigrants to America brought the Irish Constitution reads as Language, the reply should be correctness. began with the influence of the their native language with them. follows: “The Irish Language “The Irish Language is alive and Where did the language origi- English and their efforts to make But, the language died a quick as the national language is the doing quite well.” nate? Irish is a Celtic language. English the only language in Ire- death in America, where the first official language.” In the *J. Michael Finn is the Ohio As such, it is related to the Scots land. The dreaded Penal Laws culture of assimilation quickly Republic of Ireland, proficiency State Historian for the Ancient Gaelic, Welsh, Cornish, Breton outlawed the speaking, teaching drove most Irish to rely solely in Irish remains a requirement Order of Hibernians and Divi- and Manx languages. At their or learning of Irish. A state sys- on English in order to survive for students graduating High sion Historian for the Patrick root Celtic languages are classi- tem of primary education was and be considered as Americans. School. It is also required if you Pearse Division in Columbus, fied as Indo-European and share introduced in 1831 and one of Was there a rebirth of the wish to obtain a job with the Ohio. He is also Chairman of a relationship to Gothic, Greek, its main aims was the teaching of Irish Language? Thanks to the government. According to the the Catholic Record Society for Hittite, Latin, Old Slavonic and English. Children were strongly hard work and dedication of latest figures released from the the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. Sanskrit. discouraged from speaking Irish. many a revival of the language Republic of Ireland’s Census He writes on Irish and Irish- The Celts appeared as a cultur- To accomplish this, the “tally was instituted. An Conradh 2011, the number of people who American history; Ohio history ally distinct race towards the end stick,” or “bata scoir” in Irish, na Gaeilge (the Gaelic League) declared they can speak Irish has and Ohio Catholic history. You of the second millennium BC. was introduced into classrooms. was founded in 1893 by Eoin increased by 7.1% since 2006. may contact him at They occupied the region which Irish children attending school McNeill, Douglas Hyde and When asked, “Can you speak [email protected]. 3/13 Thursday 8pm: Pitch the Peat with The Burke School of Irish Dance 3/14 Friday 9pm: The Drowsy Lads 3/15 Saturday, 9pm: Harp City 3/17 Monday, St. Patrick’s Day....Open 9am All Day: Irish Music, Corned beef dinners, Authentic Irish Stew, free Irish Derby’s & beads, live music with the Irish Cottage Boys and Harp City 1:30 Dave Sizer 21750 Lorain Rd Fairview Park, OH 440-333-7826 Casey’s Irish Imports Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us at Casey's!

Parade Apparel Irish Gifts Home Decor Irish Music Claddagh/Celtic Jewelry Irish Breakfast Foods 17% o any one item with this ad (excludes food, gift certificates and previous orders - expires 3/31/14) Casey’sCasey’s IrishIrish Imports,Imports, Inc.Inc. 19626 Center Ridge Road Rocky River, OH 44116 (440) 333-8383 March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 13 Steak • Seafood • Prime Rib “I really like the idea of having a special event on Irish Specialties and Spirits this holiday for Americans of Irish heritage [and those] who are in recovery from The Unicorn alcoholism, to celebrate our shared heritage in a Restaurant safe and inclusive environ- ment.”- Noel Kilkenny, Con- & Pub sul General of Ireland, Sober St. Patrick’s Day® 2012. Contact: Jack Kilroy, 440- Open from 11:30 a.m. Tuesday - Friday 759-1253 or jpk1798@gmail. & 4:00 p.m. Saturdays com 423 Main Street (Route 57) Grafton, Ohio 44044 Every St. Patrick’s Day is Patrick’s Day® celebrations a great day for the Irish (and were successfully staged in their friends), as celebra- Casper, Wyoming, and Bel- 440-926-2621 tions abound. But in 2014, fast, Ireland in 2013. Cleve- Minutes South of 480 and Route 10 West (Elyria-Medina Exit) the Cleveland area will see land joins the movement as SUBSCRIBE a new and different kind of the fourth city to produce celebration, as Cleveland a Sober St. Patrick’s Day joins the growing move- event. TODAY ment for a Sober St. Patrick’s Admission is $10 per per- Day® alternative. son with coffee, tea, and 216.647.1144 The Sober St. Pat’s Cleve- soft drinks provided, along land offers outstanding with light snacks. Alcoholic Irish entertainment, includ- beverages will not be served or jobrien@ ing Mary Agnes Kennedy or permitted. Ahern’s Ban- (guitar and vocals) singing quet Center has ample free traditional Irish ballads; parking and is convenient Patrick Kilroy on bagpipes; to I-90 just north of the Rte traditional Irish dancers and 83 – Avon exit. the popular trio Fior Gael, with traditional Irish tunes Dianna Geary, RN and CPN and songs, featuring Brian Tri-C Nursing program graduate Supporting the Bigley on uillean pipes, Rory Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital Hurley on guitar & vocals Irish Community and Brendan Carr on per- in Ohio for cussion and bohdran drum. The purpose of Sober St. more than 30 years. Patrick’s Day® is captured in the organization’s mis- sion statement: A fi rm dedicated to “To reclaim the true spirit providing competent, of the day and to change the prompt, economical and perception and experience of what St. Patrick’s Day effi cient legal services. can be, by providing family- friendly, alcohol free events ready, set, Thomas J. Scanlon celebrating the best of Irish music, dance and comedy.” go for it. Tim L. Collins Sober St. Patrick’s Day® Harvey Labovitz was created in New York Craig P. Kvale City by award-winning the- ater and television producer, Anthony J. LaCerva William Spencer Reilly, who Joseph H. Gutkoski almost lost a member of his TRI-C HAS THE LOWEST TUITION IN NORTHEAST OHIO Jeff Hastings, Of Counsel family to addiction. He first Cuyahoga County residents pay $101.21 per credit hour. Kristie Weibling, Of Counsel proposed the idea to leaders Other Ohio residents pay $128.44 per credit hour. in the recovery and Irish American communities, a Don’t Wait. Enroll Now. pitch that led, a year later, Spring semester second session classes begin March 17. 3300 Terminal Tower ■ 50 Public Square ■ Cleveland, OH 44113 ■ 216.696.0022 3685 Stutz Drive, Suite 100 ■ Canfi eld, OH 44406 ■ 330.702.0200 to the 2012 inaugural party. Metropolitan Campus 2900 Community College Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115 800-954-8742 As word spread, Sober St. 14 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

ACROSS 18 Laugh the night away at the City drama, music, pantomime, opera hike. friendly. _____ Comedy Club in Cork City and comedy. beautiful Victorian 40 Explore Lios-na-gCon, a re- 10 Take the FREE guided tour of 2 Walk around the Glengariff _____ 19 Sign up with Whale ______West theatre. stored ____ fort near Clonakilty Barryscourt ______to learn what Park Bay through Cork fo a whale and dolphin view- 34 Stop in at Bantry______and Agricultural College it was like to live there in the 16th its forests, with many different ing experience. Gardens, a stately home in south- 41 Take a walk or swim at Inchy- Century plants, down to Bantry Bay 21 Climb the tower to ring the Bells west Ireland situated right on doney Beach in______11 Buy some beautiful sweaters at 4 Go to the ____ Head Visitor Cen- of ______at St. Ann’s, Cork City Bantry Bay the Blarney _____ Mills tre and Lighthouse 22 Drive or walk the Sheepshead 36 Tour the ______Distillery in DOWN 12 Bet on the dog races at ______at the most southern point in ______near Bantry for outstand- Midleton and volunteer to be a 1 Spend the day at Barleycove Stadium in Cork City. Ireland ing scenery taste tester. _____, in Schull, with its white sand 13 Attend Pulses of ______, a vari- 8 Spend a day at the most visited 23 Tour the Donkey _____ in Mal- 37 Tour the Cork City _____ to see dunes and shallow water. ety show of trad song and dance, in Family attraction in low and get up close to the many what life was like in a 19th century 3 Go trout fishing at ______Triskel Christchurch, Cork Cork, Fota Island ______Park. donkeys they have rescued. prison. Lakes Activity Centre & Fishing 16 Play a round of golf at the ___ 9 Kiss the ____ Stone 24 Visit the Michael ____ Memorial 38 Mass at Cobh _____ with its in Cecilstown ___Golf Links in Kinsale 14 Take s step into the Edwardian Centre, in Clonakilty great views of the 5 Visit St Fin Barre’s Cathedral of 17 Tour of the West Cork Shoreline era with a stroll along the ______28 Stop at the Altar Wedge _____ Atlantic and beautiful stained glass The Church of _____ in Cork City with the Baltimore Sea Safari to see in Youghall near Schull and take some pics of windows 6 Visit the Birds of ___ Educational whales, dolphins and seals in their 15 Spend the day on _____ Island this ancient site 39 Take Ireland’s only cable car to Centre in Midleton to see owls, natural habitat. near Baltimore 33 Visit the ______, Cork’s Dursey _____ and go for a scenic hawks, and falcon and a reptile 20 Take a drive through the ____ sactuary, too Pass in Crookhaven 7 Explore Cape _____ Island near 24 Have a mystical experience at Baltimore to see Ireland the way it the Drombeg Stone ______located used to be...Rugged, windy, and between Rosscarberry and March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 15

Down (continued) 29 Way Drive or hike the ______, Glandore a good alternative to Ring of Kerry 25 Take a walk around ______and - wild and not so touristy climb Knockomagh Hill to see un- 30 Attend one of the many musi- usual sea creatures and odd flora. cal performances at the 150 yr old 26 Explore ______Fort in Summer Opera House at _____ Place in Cove near Kinsale Cork City Centre 27 Hike the various level trails or 31 See the colonies of seals on your drive through Gougane ____ Park boat ride to beautiful _____ Island in Macroom in Glengariff 28 Visit the Heritage Centre in 32 Visit the Wine Museum in Cobh, the last port of the doomed ______Castle in Kinsale ______and departure point for 35 Go horseback riding at the Bal- many Irish emigrants lykenly ______Centre

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Brigid's Cross March Schedule

Sat. March 1 - Wheeling Celtic Celebration/Wheeling, WV Sun. March 2 - The Coppertop/Valley City, OH 2pm(see website for ticket info) Fri/Sat. March 7 & 8 - O’Donold’s/Youngstown, OH Welcome Our Newest Tue. March 11 - The Unicorn/Grafton, OH 7:30pm Advertisers: Fri. March 14 - Hooley House/Westlake, OH 9:30pm Sat. March 15 - Great Northern Mall/North Olmsted, OH 1pm Brigid’s Cross, Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival, Ciaran Sat. March 15 - Hooley House/Brooklyn, OH 9:30pm Sheehan & the Cleveland Pops, Emerald Art Sun. March 16 - Hooley House/Mentor, OH 7pm Irish Countdown! Services, Hooley House, Hermes Sports, Mon. March 17 - ALL THREE HOOLEY HOUSE locations: Luna, Mad Macs, Next Day Signs, Rhythm Mentor 10am, Westlake 3pm, Brooklyn 6pm of the Night, Sober St. Pats, Stamper’s Grill Pub, Conway Land Title, Cleve- Then we head down to Florida! land Printwear, The Irish Boutique Visit for schedule details. 16 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

Bold = naughty; Bollacking = to scold some- one; Bolloxed, Langers, Ossified, Petrified = drunk; Fair play to you = give your approval; Get out of it = stop doing that; Gobsmacked = verbally stunned, surprised;; Messin’ wit ya = teasing; No bother = it’s no trouble; Not the full shillin’ = whacky, daft; Put it on the long finger = postpone indefinitely; Queue Ah yes, up = line up; Slagging = making fun of someone, teasing; “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God Slanging (match) = battle of angry words; To give out = made mad, for all their wars are merry and all to criticise, scold; Wrecked = hung over. their songs are sad.” Those of a general nature: A bollocks = a stupid person; I can’t help but think of G.K. Chesterton’s apt one- A dull day = a grey, overcast day; A hooley = a party; A liner this time of year. March, the month of the Gael, is press = a cupboard; A soft day = a grey, drizzly day; A also the month honouring Mars, the Roman god of war. stone = 14 lbs; Advert = advertisement; Amadán = idiot; It was also the first month of the old Roman calendar, Arseways = to make a mess of; Beyont = some-where and is still the first month in the hearts and minds of all other than where you are now; Bog = a toilet; Bogtrotter, Irishmen and women everywhere. Culchie = city person’s name for a country person; Bum So while thinking about topics for this letter, I unex- = the backside, butt; Carriageway = undivided highway; pectedly came across an internet piece authored by Mark Céilidh = social gathering, dance; Chuffed = pleased; Farrelly and published on Irish Central. He entitled it Cotton bud = Q-Tip; Cotton wool = cotton ball; Craic “35 Irish sayings and phrases you need to learn before = a goodtime; Divil a bit = not at all; Donkey’s years = you visit...[Ireland].” a long time; Dual carriageway = divided highway, ex- Sure, I recognised most of his 35 entries. Then it hit pressway; Eejit = idiot; Fierce weather = stormy; Fiver = me. Some years ago, I vaguely remember doing the a five-Euro note, five-pound note; Footpath = sidewalk; same thing in one of my letters to you. Consequently, Gallery = balcony; Gangway = aisle; Garda = an Irish I glanced back over my old columns, but couldn’t find policeman/woman; Go on outta that = you’re joking, no it. Thinking I must be imagining it or maybe recalling way; Gob = mouth; I will ya = I definitely will NOT do some other bit I wrote for another publication, I decided that, (sarcastic); I’m gonna head on = to leave, go away; to put together my own list. But after some minutes of Jackeen = rural person’s name for a Dubliner; Massive jotting, I realised it was a hopeless task. = brilliant; Motorway = limited access highway; Muck FREE The 32 Annual Irish Heritage Celebration IRISH In the first place, I know many of you come from or savage = mountain man, culchie; Nappy = diaper; Pants ADMISSION DANCERS have visited Ireland and/or Britain. Many of Farrelly’s = underpants; Plaster = band aid; Punter = customer, items are commonplace to both lands, partly because of player; Puss = face; Smalls = underwear; Ta = thank Fri. March 7, 2014, 10:00am - 7:00pm Irish resettlement and/or worldwide travel. But even if you; Taig = a Catholic (demeaning); Taxi rank = a line you haven’t journeyed afar, you’ve certainly read books, of waiting taxis; Tenner = a ten-Euro note, ten-pound Sat. March 8, 2014, 10:00am - 5:00pm seen films or watched television programmes where note; The Gardaí = the Irish police force; The Guards = such colloquial expressions are used. Irish policepersons; The jacks = a toilet; The washing = Sun. March 9, 2014, 11:00am - 4:00pm Not wishing to embarrass myself while writing for doing the laundry; Torch = flashlight; Trad = traditional such a well-educated and sophisticated audience, I Irish music; Yoke = any nonspecific thing. For more information see, decided to press ahead with an abbreviated listing of Sure, knowing the verbosity of the Irish, I could’ve AllIrishBoutique or selected entries, hoping to catch your fancy. If nothing gone on, but no, this is more than enough. I invite you to else, some of my choices might bring back a humor- add to the listing yourself, if you are so inclined. Feel free ous moment or a favourite memory. Hopefully, a few to email me some of your favourite words and sayings. expressions may be new to you...worthy of filing away So, until next month, wishing you all a grand St. Pat- for later use, as you think about or plan a trip across rick’s Day and a happy 80th+ birthday to Mr. Pat Fallon the Atlantic this year..I’ve tried grouping my picks into of Irish Imports. Now, resist acting the maggot and avoid Marianne three broad categories. being bolloxed on the 17th...remember Patrick was a Mangan Those relating to food/dining: A brown mouthful = dignified, sober sole sent to Ireland on a Holy mission. drinking tea; A cuppa = a cup of tea; Afters = dessert; God bless and all the best, Cathal Aubergine = eggplant; Banger = sausage; Bap = similar to a hamburger bun; Beetroot = beets; Biscuit = cookie; Candy floss = cotton candy; Carrier bag = shopping bag; Flashes of Chips = French fries; Cos = romaine lettuce; Courgette the moment... = zucchini; Crisps = potato chips; Doing the messages Images for = shopping, grocery shopping; Gammon = ham; Jacket potato = baked potato; Minerals = any soft drink; Neep a lifetime. = turnip; Peckish = hungry; Pinny = sleeveless apron; Serviette = napkin; Starter = appetiser; Sultanas = golden raisins; Swede = rutabaga; The washing up = doing the dishes; Victualler = butcher. Those relating to behaviours: A gasman = a funny person; Acting the maggot = acting foolishly, annoying; All sixes & sevens = in great confusion; As different as chalk & cheese = superficially lookalike but actually very different; Ate someone’s head off = verbally attacked; March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 17

that he might rather incentiv- given ample exposure in this voice in general elections. ise young professionals to stay report. We are reminded that These facts made for an View and give back to the country Fine Gael once tabled a motion interesting study of contem- that nurtured them? of allotting three senate seats porary Ireland’s attitudes to, From Ireland One emigrant who partici- to non-resident Irish people: and experience of, emigra- pated in the surveys that form this generation of Irish abroad, tion. But emigration impacts By Maurice Fitzpatrick the backbone of this report which is highly educated, will much more in the heart than in accused the government of not be palmed off with such a trends of sociological data and Emigration in an been with us for over two cen- being ‘bloody lazy-minded’ sleight-of-hand, the political in the shifting sands of politics. turies. It is this swathe of Irish in setting great store in emi- equivalent of sending a mon- Human stories, too, feature Age of Austerity emigrants that MacÉinri and gration as a silver bullet for key into space. Currently the prominently in Emigration his colleagues profile. This Ireland’s woes. That criticism strongest lobby group for ad- in an Age of Austerity. In my The report’s authors went research is a valuable first at- is not fully correct. While, equate representation, Votes next column, I will return to for an epochal title. It sounds tempt at chronicling the latest certainly, the government’s for Irish Citizens Abroad, is this most fundamental dimen- a little like Love in the Time chapter of the Irish emigration thinking is lazy in not seeking based in London. They focus sion in Ireland’s narrative, and of Cholera, Gabriel García story against the backdrop to staunch the haemorrhage on voting rights in Presiden- the emotional perspectives Márquez’s wondrous novel, of past experiences of Irish of people from our shores, tial elections as the entering of emigration detailed in the although the realities of emi- emigrants. the real problem is more pro- wedge in the fight to have a report’s findings. gration during a recession We are informed that The foundly rooted than in the are not nearly as uplifting as Irish Times in an editorial pub- government simply falling reading the great Colombian. lished in the 1950s savaged De back on a disastrous policy. I am referring to the work of Valera for his government’s Irish governments since the a triumvirate of scholars (Irial role in pushing people out: foundation of the state have Glynn, Tomás Kelly and Piar- ‘De Valera’s reaction to emi- blithely maintained a policy as MacÉinri) based in Univer- gration in 1951 was to blame on emigration first formed sity College Cork who recently the victim’ for leaving behind by the British state. The Lord A full service law firm providing published a book length inves- frugal comforts in search of Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord quality representation throughout Northeast Ohio tigation entitledEmigration in material gain. Undeterred by Clarendon, wrote in a let- an Age of Austerity. Timely such rumblings, successive ter (7th August, 1847) at the and topical, its subject is one Irish governments (whatever height of the famine, that that has touched everybody permutation the parties in the mass emigration of Irish Patrick T. Murphy, Esq. in Ireland either directly or power formed made no dif- people would be entirely indirectly—and many people ference) contentedly sent Ire- beneficial; he described how outside our country as well. land’s youth into exile. As our a policy to create employment Emigration has been with former Foreign Minister, Brian oppourtunities abroad to lure us immemorially. Before the Lenihan Senior, gnomically Irish people away was neces- 60 South Park Place 950 Illuminating Bldg. foundation of the state, Irish observed in the 1980s: ‘we can- sary. Cleared of Irish people, Painesville, OH 44077 55 Public Square people had been leaving en not all live on a small island’. Ireland would thus become an (440) 352-3391 Cleveland, OH 44113 masse for the New World. The It is hard to trump that analy- outsize game shooting estate (440) 946-7656 (216) 861-4211 mass departure of Irish people sis unless one remembers for the English gentry. (440) 352-3469 (fax) (216) 861-1403 (fax) is often attributed to The Great that a relatively small island Irish governments absorbed Famine, but Irish people had nation like Japan, the major- this British policy and, even left long before that trauma ity of whose land surface is today, Irish politicians consis- as well. The theme of Irish uninhabitable, has histori- tently duck out of challenging emigration is unrelenting in cally always had minuscule the perception that the state our past, resulting in an expec- emigration figures, and today should seek to retain rather tation that one disappeared 127 million people manage to than dispatch its population. RUNOHIO generation would enable, and live in Japan without falling It is a perception that has even fund, the departure of through the floorboards. In ignoble roots, and the faintly the next. voicing such views, Lenihan infanticidal malady of spirit Arnold 5K Yet there was one excep- sang in unison with Irish that sustains it needs to be ad- Sunday, tional period when emigration governmental policy since the dressed before trends of Irish March 2nd was not a de facto part of Irish foundation of the state: they emigration can be reversed life. During a tiny window in have all hoped that the road permanently. Columbus, OH our contemporary history, the would rise to meet us. Recent Irish arrivals in Matt McGowan – [email protected] 1990s and into the noughties, This perspective epitomises North America and the An- & emigration did not dominate current governmental policy tipodes are sharply aware of Irish thinking or demograph- too. Here is our Minister for the enthusiasm with which Circleville Classic ics. The country was gripped Finance, Michael Noonan: the Irish government bid in Memory of 5 Mile then by a contrary fervour: ‘What we have to make sure them farewell. They want to Jeff McGowan Sunday, how best to integrate the is our young people have the have a say in the way Irish arrival of immigrants into best possible education, so matters are handled in the October 19th Ireland. With the popping of that when they go, they are future, and they have begun to Ohio’s source for running the economic bubble, however, employed as young profes- agitate to achieve that. So, ap- Ireland fondly embraced the sionals’. Why does Noonan propriately, emigrants’ voting mass emigration that had not even entertain the idea and representation rights are 18 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014


131 Ghent Rd., Fairlawn, Oh 44333 ~ 330.835.3046

Opening Reception March 8 @ 10:00 am See Irish contemporary artwork by ~ Liam Roberts, Ciarán Lennon, Basil Blackshaw, Simon McWilliams and Noreen Rice *Custom conservation framing is available*

20 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014 March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 21

Recipe: Quick Brine and Slow 1 small cabbage or bag of shredded Cook Corned Beef and Cabbage cabbage 1 yellow onion No time to brine? In a St. Paddy’s din- Cooking Instructions ner party pinch, I made this work with 1. Combine all the brine ingredients in 24 hours notice. The key: one two pound a large saucepan with 10 cups of water piece of fresh beef brisket and shredded and bring to boil until salt dissolves. Let cabbage. Most major grocery store chains cool to 45 degrees F. should have these spices. Feeds four. 2. Score the beef brisket with a sharp knife in a lattice pattern on both sides. Total brine time: 24+ hours 3. Place brisket inside a large zip lock “Don’t let me forget to put the beef and cabbage. Total crockpot cook time: 6 hours bag and the pour brine over the brisket, in the brine,” Mom said. She was busy “The most probable reason for the Ingredients sealing out the air. Set the zip lock bag in- preparing to host her first Irishman—my popularity of corned beef among the Irish Brine side a large pot or deep pan, to avoid any husband—for a St. Patrick’s Day dinner. Americans was not the lack of availability 6 allspice berries leaks while it’s brining in the refrigerator. She would not disappoint. of bacon, as sometimes argued, but be- 1 tsp. whole mustard seeds 4. Once 24 hours have passed, remove That salty aroma from the kitchen, cause corned beef was widely available 4 coriander seeds the brisket from the zip lock bag and redolent of Cork, means it’s March and at a reasonable price,” wrote Mairtin Mac 1 tsp. red pepper flakes run it under cool water to wash away corned beef and cabbage will be on the Con Iomaire and Padraic Og Gallagher, 4 whole cloves the brine. menu in homes and restaurants across two eminent experts at the School of 1 tsp. whole black pepper corns 5. Slice the onion and cover the bottom America. Luckily the legendary snakes Culinary Arts and Food Technology at 4 cardamom pods of the crockpot. Pour ¼ inch of water 1 bay leaf over the onion. ½ tsp. ground ginger 6. Place the brisket in the crockpot, 1 cinnamon stick laying it gently over the sliced onion, Dash freshly ground nutmeg fat side down. Dust it very lightly with ¼ cup honey lemon, orange zest, mustard seed and ¼ tsp. aromatic bitters (optional) whole black pepper corns, then put the Dash lemon zest cover on. Let cook for five hours on high. Dash orange zest 7. At the five-hour mark, add the 1 cup kosher salt or sea salt shredded cabbage and cover for one 10 cups water more hour or until cabbage is tender. 2 lbs. beef brisket 8. Serve with toasted and/or buttered 16 gallon zip lock bag rye bread.

that St. Patrick banished from Ireland the Dublin Institute of Technology, in the never became a part of Irish culinary his- Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. tory, but beef did! “Irish immigrants aspired to better In Ireland’s wet climate, rich green themselves in America, and part of this grass grows year-round which makes for betterment was the consumption of a prime environment to raise livestock, foodstuff they might not have been able especially cows. In early Irish history, to afford at home,” they wrote. cows were milked and used for plow- Beginning in the 18th century, corned ing fields, only later were they raised for beef was a leading Irish export. It was beef. However, in modern day America, distributed mainly from Cork to the it is wrongly assumed that Irish cuisine French colonies, consumed by the British is laden with corned beef and cabbage Navy and eaten by soldiers from various dinners. countries during World War II. “Mom, you do know that they don’t Funny enough, even the name, “corned eat corn beef and cabbage on a regular beef,” isn’t from Ireland. According to basis in Ireland,” I replied. I debunked Mac Con Iomaire and Gallagher it origi- many American assumptions while liv- nates in the 17th-century England, de- ing in Ireland in my early twenties—the rived from corns—or small crystals—of ubiquity of corned beef was one of them– salt used to salt or cure meat. but corned beef and cabbage remains It is clear that corned beef and cab- enshrined in the American imagination bage have their roots in the Emerald Isle, as the quintessentially Irish dish. but the modern day expression of this In a quest to understand more, I set culinary treat is predominantly Irish out to explore the history of corned beef American. 22 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

Every Thursday is Irish Night 7 – 10pm Open Seisiún – Traditional musicians of all ages welcome! $3 Guinness & Jameson on Thursday Nights Come enjoy our patio, expanded wine selection and new dinner menu! 16719 Detroit Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107 Have a Safe and Responsible St. Patrick’s Day! March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 23

beyond the constraints of bor- ders, psychological and physi- CONWAY LAND Terry From Derry cal, pushing you outside of the painting itself, while at the TITLE COMPANY by Terry Boyle same time pulling you inside 162 Main Street Painesville, OH 44077 the artistry. Though Rothko claimed to be not spiritual, I Hibernating in find his work very inspirational, Tele.: 440.352.0651 find ways to fuel our hope for and metaphysical. Each paint- Fax: 440.352.9261 the Hope of better times. For the Celts, it was ing holds a sense of mystery Spring celebrating the return of the Sun that transcends the defined Email: [email protected] This winter, we have gone God, the lengthening of daylight shapes within. As you can Website: from Arctic blast to Arctic blast, and the promise of spring. see, I’m an ardent pilgrim who snowstorm to snowstorm, and to For me, the resurrection of indulges my enthusiasm for art top it all, extreme low tempera- good feeling happened in our when I can. L-R: Declan, tures. Everyone is preoccupied nation’s capital. Washington After leaving the gallery, we Neil (Bubby) ERIN GO with the weather. And, despite was significantly warmer for walked to the Episcopal Ca- and Liam Conway the fact I’ve been here eight years, one thing, It wasn’t the Medi- thedral. The stroll towards the BRAGH! I’m still not used to shoveling my terranean climate of Southern church is like a walk through way out to the street. The snow California, but when the sun the United Nations. Embassy I’ve piled up on either side of shone, it radiated heat, enough consulates line the walk up- my makeshift track has frozen to make my hope begin to thaw wards to the Cathedral. Each Serving Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga in place and lies waiting for that out. What I missed most this country embraces its own and Lake Counties since 1956 day when earth begins to warm winter was being able to get out personality in the building it up. And, up until a recent trip and walk. D.C is such a great city chooses, some quite conserva- to Washington D.C, my sense of for walking, and we were eager tive, others eccentric, but all of hope also lay buried under that to explore. them with their own individual frozen white artifice. The Mall with its many monu- decorative taste. Near the Irish Even the one area of life I like ments is an obvious choice, so embassy, at the base of the hill, to retreat to, the arts, echoed the we wrapped up and headed is a statue of Robert Emmet. futility of life. Invited to review out topped up with excitement. An Irish Patriot in the heart of a couple of plays, I found both Memorials are inspirational. the American Capital seems out works experimental and techni- They remind us of unpleasant of place, but it echoes the uni- cally interesting, but these too times, war and civil unrest, but versal cry for freedom, a love explored the depressing themes these historic moments are en- of one’s country, and the Irish of isolation, loneliness, and shrined with artistic beauty. The abroad take both of these senti- suicide. At this point, I’m be- Korean War monument stands ments with them. It was a good ginning to think the rainy, wind out as beautiful reminder of omen for the hike upwards. swept, damp cold of Ireland is the tragedy of war, and craft of At the top of the hill the Ca- preferable. the artist/sculptor. This monu- thedral stood out as a magnifi- When people here say that ment, coupled with the Martin cent building. We were fortu- you get used to the cold weather, Luther King Jr. statue, elevate nate to visit on a day when the they invariably mean you numb the human desire to conquer sun was shining. The colours of your mind, put it into suspen- injustice and violence with hope the stain glass windows danced LENT FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY! sion until it begins to heat up; for a better time. Like the crocus around the plain stone inside. Where The Irish Come Together! you have found a good survival breaking through the concrete as The stark stoicism of the inte- 17015 Lorain Ave. •Kamm’s Corners • Cleveland, OH strategy. For an eternal optimist a thing of beauty, nature reminds rior was offset with the warm 216-476-2000 like myself, this approach has us of its wonderful fragility and blues and reds. These contrasts little or no effect. Each day I get strength. presented me with the theme of up expecting the snow and ice It was only the first day into the trip, hope and despair, war St. Patrick’s Day 2013! to have disappeared over night, the trip, and I was already and the creative instinct. only to despair when I pull open beginning to melt. A highlight We live trudging through OPEN at 6am for Kegs & Eggs (Breakfast til 10 am) the blinds. for me when I go to D.C is the valleys, but occasionally we FREE Irish Breakast to first 50 guest My mind flits back to a visit to Philip’s Gallery. My fascination reach the heights. Standing Irish Menu & Irish Drinks Specials All Day New Grange, the Neolithic site with the work of Rothko has on the hill, looking out over a north of Dublin, when our an- continued to grow since I first tapestry of houses and woods, Entertainment All Day Including: cestors build their amazing pas- watched a documentary on the I had reached a peak. The Sun Burke School of Irish Dance • Live Irish Music 9am sage grave. This was no simple man and his work. God had reached his zenith Live Music from O’Janice & McMark construction. Our forefathers The gallery designated a point in the sky, and his light Bagpipers • Face Painters and much much more! designed this place to welcome room to house four of the art- shone into the heart of the tomb, the winter solstice. As the sun ist’s paintings. The blurred reminding those of us waiting, Hang out on our Heated Patio! rose on day of the solstice, De- edges of the horizon, with the that spring is on its way. YOUR ST. PATRICK’ S DAY cember 21, it would climb along almost unfinished brushstrokes, *Terry, originally from Derry, the passage and eventually shine leave one sensing the shadows now resides in USA HEADQUARTERS! into the centre of the tomb. Win- behind colors. As if the work [email protected] ter affects all of us and we each challenges the viewer to look 24 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014 2014 St. Patrick’s Day Honorees United Irish Societies 147th Annual Irish American Club, Irish American Cleveland St. Patrick’s Day Parade Club East Side, Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians and a Delegate to Grand Marshal: Andrew Dever the parking lots and sidewalks at the the United Irish Societies of Cleve- West Side Irish American Club. He is a land. In 1993, the West Side Irish member of the Cleveland-Achill Twinning, American Club honored her as the which celebrated the 10th Anniversary in Woman of the Year. Bridie has spent 2013. He is a strong supporter of arts and countless hours volunteering at club culture, tourism, education and business events, including the Coordinator opportunities between Ireland and the U.S. for the Parade Marching Units for Andy has been an active member of twenty-two years. In 2001, Bridie was St. Luke’s and St. Angela’s Catholic honored as the St. Patrick’s Parade Parishes. He enjoys a good card game, Co-Chair by the United Irish Societies. golf and spending time with his fam- The ministry of Fr. Jim O’Donnell ily. Andy looks forwards to his frequent is very important to Bridie. She visits back to his home in Currane and serves as the Co-Chair for the An- Margaret’s home in Brisbane, Australia. nual Fundraiser for the Little Broth- Andy has participated in St. Patrick’s ers and Sisters of the Eucharist. Day Parade for forty-nine years. The Bridie Joyce is an exemplary Irish West Side Irish American Club hon- woman and a proud Irish mother. ored him as the 2010 Man of the Year. Parade Co-Chair: Irish Mother of the Year: John F. O’Brien, Jr. Parade Co-Chair: Bridie Joyce John Francis O’Brien, Jr. was John F. O’Brien, Jr. born on November 22, 1965, the youngest child of Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival. He has Andrew (Andy) Dever was born in Bol- John and Eileen. He has three older organized over 200 exhibits covering the linglanna, Currane County Mayo Ireland sisters, Noreen, Cathy and Patricia, land, events, people and places of Ireland on December 26, 1932. He is the second and is the proud uncle of seventeen. for the Cultural Hall at the Irish Cultural youngest of six; sisters Bridget, Mary and John attended St. Mel Grade School, Festival. He serves as the Delegate to the Catherine and brothers Michael and Wil- St. Ignatius High School and received United Irish Societies for the Festival. liam. Andy spent his early years helping a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Parade Co Chair: Mark Owens the family on their small farm. In his teens, Management from the University Mark Owens is originally from Derry he joined the exodus of Irish to work in of Dayton. He is employed by the City, Ireland and is the oldest son of Bryan England for a construction company. He Cuyahoga County Executive Office and Paula. He is brother to Joanne, Julie received a contract to do work in Australia. and serves as the spokesman for the and Michael. Mark is married to Maria Andy and his wife, Margaret Lachlan, Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office. (Mezera) and they have two wonderful were married at All Saints Church in Lon- He is the Co-Publisher and Editor children, Lillian and Eamon. They live don, England. In July 1958, the Devers ar- of the Ohio Irish American News. He in Rocky River and are members of St. rived in Cleveland. Soon after, Andy took is the author of three books: “Festival Christopher’s Church. Mark attended a position with Arrow International and Legends: Songs and Stories”, a bio- John Carroll University on a business later the Stadard Brewing Company. He graphical chronicle of Irish performers, scholarship in 1998 then moved perma- established Dever and Sons, a small con- “First Generation”, John’s book of orig- nently to the Cleveland area in April of struction and concrete business, in 1965 inal poetry about the Irish American 2001, becoming a citizen in 2011. Mark Andy is a lifetime member of Local 310. Immigrant experience, and the “Great- recently became the new Director of Andy and Margaret are the proud par- er Cleveland Irish Directory”. John Marketing for Skylight Financial Group. ents of nine: Patricia (deceased), A. Steven, won First Place at the Irish Books, Arts Despite a short time in the area he Doreen A. Papajcik, Catherine Coyne, Bridie was born to Martin and Bridget and Music Showcase for his poem, “ and his family have become actively Michael W., Annemarie Patton, John McCarthy Jennings in Currarevough, Vacant Chair” and was honored as one involved in the Irish community, in P., Kevin J. and William A., and proud Finney, County Galway. She immigrated of the Top 100 Irish-Americans in 2011. particular with the West Side Irish grandparents of twenty-three: Jim, Joe & to the United States in 1956. Bridie worked John was a member of the Celtic American Club, where he has served on Anne Coyne, Philip Papajcik, Connor, Ka- as a waitress at Stouffers Restaurant, Top Broom Hockey Team and St. Pat’s the board and with Cleveland St. Pat’s tie & Edward Patton, Victoria, Samantha, of the Town and Pier W. Bridie married and St. Jarlath’s Gaelic Football Clubs. Gaelic Football Club, of which he has Monica, Andrew, Maggie, Grace, Michael, Terry Joyce at St. Ignatius Church in 1964. He is a member of the West Side served as club Chairman since 2007. Gabriella, Aidan, Emily, Jack, MaryRyan, Family is the most important part of Irish American Club, Rose of Tralee More recently, Mark spearheaded Joe, Bridget, Kevin & Molly Dever. Bridie’s life. The late Terry and Bridie Northern Ohio Committee, Sean the successful campaign on behalf of Andy is an active member of the West are the proud parents of three: Mau- Moore Memorial Irish Vocal Schol- Cleveland St. Pat’s to bring and ad- Side Irish American Club, St. Jarlath’s reen, Eileen O’Donnell (John) and arship Committee, Irish Network minister the North American Gaelic Gaelic Football Club and the Mayo Society. Terry Og (Nikki) and proud grandpar- Cleveland, North American Irish and Games Championships to Cleveland. He has worked in many projects, includ- ents of four: Brona, Eoin and Cormac Celtic Festival Organizers and the The Games were held over Labor Day ing the construction of the pavilion, Gaelic O’Donnell and Aislinn Joyce. Irish Famine Memorial Committee. weekend and drew 110 teams from all Football Field and pouring concrete for Bridie is a member of the West Side John is the Deputy Director of the over the U.S., Canada and the Cayman March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 25

where they lived for many years on West 105th Street. Tom attended St. Ignatius grade school and St. Ignatius High School, 2014 West Side Irish graduating in 1944. After serving in the American Club: Queen: Navy toward the end of World War II, Anna Therese Kilbane Tom attended John Carroll University, Anna Therese Kilbane is the daugh- graduating in 1950. He joined the police ter of Terse and James Kilbane, Jr., and force, but took accounting classes at night the Grandaughter of Anna Rita (De- at John Carroll. Tom got his foot in the ver) and James Kilbane, Sr., and Marie door at the accounting firm that was at and Donald Koenig. A graduate of that time named Ernst & Ernst by taking Saint Christopher Elementary School, a part-time job as a proofreader in 1952. Rocky River, and Saint Joseph Acad- After passing the CPA exam, he spent emy, Anna works for PhyAmerica in his entire career at Ernst & Young as an Westlake as a Pharmacy Technician. accountant, serving in both the Cleveland Anna spent three years with the and National offices. Tom was the part- Bobby Masterson School of Irish Dance. ner in charge of audit in the Cleveland She started marching with the West office at the time of his retirement in 1988. He then served as executive director of the Domed Stadium Corporation and as Irish American Club - East the Chief Financial Officer for Sudbury Side 2014 Member of the Year: Parade Co Chair: Mark Owens Inc. Tom worked on various fundrais- Donna Jones ing campaigns for his alma maters, St. Islands. They are widely seen as the Ignatius and John Carroll University, and can Club and the Mayo Society. He was most successful Games in recent history. chaired the first, critical campaign after St. Irish Man of the Year for the Cleveland Mark and his wife Maria put in a count- Ignatius made the decision to stay in its Athletic Club in 1982 and received a Walks less amount of time and energy to ensure near-West side location. He is a longtime of Life award from the Irish American Ar- that Cleveland’s reputation for Irish sport, member of the Board of Catholic Chari- chives Society in 1999. Tom and his wife hospitality and entertainment were reflect- ties and served a term as President of the Margaret have been married for more than ed at the national level; and the dedication Board. He has been on the Board of St. sixty years and are the parents of seven paid off. The Gaelic Games were an event children and the grandparents of eleven. to remember, and most all participants left asking when they would be back to Cleve- Irish American Club - East land. In keeping with his GAA involve- Side 2014 Member of the Year: ment. Mark has served as the Chairman of Donna Jones the Midwest GAA for the past five years Donna Jones was born in Cleveland, and is currently the Public Relations Of- OH on Septe,ber 2, 1939. The middle ficer for the North American GAA Board. child of three girls of Tom and Anne 2014 West Side Irish Over the years Mark has chaired mul- Hayes, Donna graduated from Shaw American Club: Queen: tiple events at the WSIA and with Maria High School in East Cleveland. She is the Anna Therese Kilbane host the popular monthly Pub Quiz for proud mother of Bobby and Sandy and members. Mark is one of the founding grandmother of Lindsay, Dylan and Lo- Side I.A. Majorettes when she was members of the Cleveland Irish Network, gan. Donna worked in Customer Service seven years old, moved up to Flag a business group launched in August of for General Electric and retired after 32 Unit., and on to Ireland’s 32 Pom Pom this year in the area with the goal of bring- years; she has been on the go ever since. Unit. Anna has been marching with ing Irish/Irish-American business owners Donna is proud of her Irish heritage the Ladies Drill Team since 2004. and associates together. In addition, he and has been to Ireland 4 times. Her Attending Anna in the Queen’s Court pens a monthly sports column, “Owens family roots are in County Limerick. will be her younger sister Megan and Sports”, for the Ohio Irish American Donna was chosen as the Member of her friend Alana Bendetta. Anna’s escort News. Mark has sat on various boards the Year for her the many years of volun- throughout the Saint Patrick’s Day activi- over the years and currently serves on the teering at IACES. She has been on The ties will be her boyfriend, Sean Lawry. Associate Board of the Greater Cleveland Schanachie staff and served as the editor; Woman of the Year: Sports Commission, specifically deal- Ancient Order of Hibernians she was an original Lip Sync cast member, Midge Gannon ing with community development. 2014 Hibernian of the Year: performed in most of the shows, and Co- Midge Gannon was born Mary Cath- In his spare time, Mark loves to spend Thomas M. Lynch Directed. Donna Co-Chaired the Bar Com- erine Ginley to John and Margaret time with his family and is an avid mittee and was Rummage Sale Co-Chair; Ginley. Pat, her only brother, gave her sports fan, in particular following and she marched with the Ladies Drill Team; the nickname, Midge. She grew up in playing Gaelic football and soccer. Augustine Health Campus and has also was a model for the Bridal Fair; is an orig- St. Colman parish, moved to St. Patrick served as treasurer or fiscal advisor for a inal Celtic Threader; a MAGIC member; (West Park) during high school, and Ancient Order of Hibernians 2014 number of non-profit organizations: The plays in the Pinochle League and is a Celt- graduated from Magnificat High School. Hibernian of the Year: Thomas M. Cleveland Medical Library Association, ic Red Hatter. Donna has served on the Midge began Irish dancing at six years Lynch Thomas M. Lynch was born No- the Irish American Archives Society, the board of the Padraic Pearse Center, is an old, first with Tom Scott and then with vember 26, 1926 and he was baptized at Coterie of St. Augustine Health Campus, avid reader and participated in the Book Kevin Shanahan. At twelve, she took her St. Patrick’s Church. His family lived on and the Ladies Ancient Order of Hiberni- Club discussions. She brought the “Steak first trip to Ireland, with the goal of bring- West 48th Street but moved to St. Igna- ans. Tom is a member of the Ancient Or- Shoots” to the IACES and has worked tire- ing new steps back to her Irish dancing tius Parish when he was still very young, der of Hibernians, West-Side Irish Ameri- lessly on the Ladies Only Reverse Raffles. class. Midge and three other dancers spent 26 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014 two months living in Dublin with Kevin Midge worked for the East Ohio Gas charge of running the kitchen facil- Shanahan’s sister, Murial Brown. She also Company and volunteered at St. Patrick’s ity, feeding 2,000 inmates 3 meals a participated in an honor guard Cleveland School (now WPCA). For thirty years day. Kevin was promoted to Warden hotel where John F. Kennedy was staying. Midge has worked in the school library in 2001 and retired from the Sheriff’s Midge danced as a student of Bobby and was an assistant coach for the St. Pat’s Office in 2010, with 30 years of service. Masterson and assisted him as a teacher drill team. She spends time working at Kevin has been a member of the at his school for many years. Daughter Casey’s Irish Imports during their busy WSIA since 1990, a board member Marian and granddaughter Fiona have seasons and has served as an officer for since 1992 and Vice President since 1994. kept her involved in Irish dancing. Midge the Altar & Rosary Society at St. Pat- Shortly after joining the club, Helen has also spent a lot of time watching rick’s Parish WP, selected as the Woman Malloy, President at that time, asked her husband, Brendan and sons John of the Year in 1998. She has also been a Kevin to put on a Ham and Cabbage and Patrick play Gaelic football. She has member of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Dinner. After that success, Helen asked been married to Brendan Gannon for Association for almost fifty years and is him to start a Fish Fry for the Club. over forty-six years and has three mar- serving as the acting secretary this year. The Fish Fry started in the Pub with ried children and five grandchildren: Midge volunteered to help Lon- 20 people and grew into his “Mc- Maeve, Fiona, Colin, Gavin, and Conall. nie McCauley set up the WSIA Li- Donough’s Brigade”, serving 500 to 600 meals in the Hall and Pub on a Friday night for 10 to 13 weeks each year. Kev- in ordered the food, planned the menu Woman of the Year: and cooked for the Fish Fries, and still Midge Gannon does it for the Steak Roast, Pig Roast, Ham & Cabbage Dinner and several brary & has been the Chairwoman of other Club events throughout the year. the library for a number of years. When he’s not cooking and coor- Man of the Year: dinating, Kevin is employed as Lead Kevin McDonough Residential Supervisor at the new Kevin was born in 1950, the third Nancy McDonnell Community Based son of six born to Mary Jane (McGilly) Correctional Facility at East 34th & and John McDonough. The fam- ily lived in Parma until their move to Fairview Park in 1963. Kevin and his wife Linda knew each other at Fairview Park High School in the 1960s, but met again in 1980. They were married in 1983 and Kevin became a father to Kevin and Heather (O’Malley). To celebrate Kevin & Linda’s 30th wedding anniversary and Linda’s retirement from 30 years of nurs- ing, they went to Las Vegas and got remarried by “Elvis Presley.” Kevin & Linda live in Lakewood in a century home, built in 1903. Kevin has been unable to trace his family roots in Ireland on either the McGilly or McDonough sides. On the McDonough side his great-great grandparents were from West Virgina, where the trails ends, but there is no denying that he’s a true Irishman. Kevin loves to be in the kitchen and it has served him well in his profes- Man of the Year: Kev- sional and personal life. Starting with in McDonough working at fast food restaurants in high school and then part time cater- Broadway, a 200 bed facility that di- ing, culminating with being in charge verts low-level, non-violent offenders of the kitchen at the county jail, and from the state prison system with the becoming the WSIA Club’s “chef goal of reducing criminal behavior extraordinaire” of our kitchen. In 1975, through highly structured programs. Kevin opened “Kevin McDonough’s”, Shamrock Club of Columbus Honorees: on Madison Avenue in Lakewood. 2014 Member of The Year: Manny He started working at the Cuyahoga Prado; 2014 Irishman of The Year: County Sheriff’s office as a Correc- Tim Feeney; 2014 Parade Grand Mar- tion Officer, but his love of cooking shal: Francis Doyle; Honorary Pa- eventually led him to the county jail’s rade Grand Marshal: Dick Bolton kitchen, where for seven years he was in March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 27

writing about new ideas Let’s BLOG from a different culture. Caela Provost, a Boston student ambassador I could tell you that I TheThe ShamrockShamrock CottageCottage who studied at University of Limerick. chose to come here be- An Irish, Scottish & Welsh Gift Shop cause for some reason, a Hello Irish education scapes and views. Even reason not even I can GUINNESS MERCHANDISE enthusiasts! Firstly, I want on rainy days (which do put my finger on, I feel to thank all of you for occur here from time to safe here in Ireland. I feel NOTRE DAME MERCHANDISE reading! For me, writ- time), everything is green, welcomed by everyone I ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS ing is just as meaningful vibrant, and full of life. meet, and I feel at home. MERCHANDISE to the “reader” as it is to I could tell you I chose I could tell you all these the “writer,” and I would to come here because of things and I’d still feel like be remiss if I didn’t take Ireland’s rich history. How I’m missing something. I 9097 Mentor Avenue the time to thank you all whenever I walk down guess the best thing I can Mentor, Ohio 44060 for your interest in study- the streets of Limerick I say to all of you is this: I ing in Ireland; without discover something dif- knew I was taking a risk PH: FAX: you, I wouldn’t have this ferent and interesting, or in coming to Ireland to 440-255-2207 440-255-2273 amazing opportunity to how every day I learn study. What I didn’t know, write and share my ex- something new even was that the risk I took in [email protected] periences. Thank you! when I’m not in class. coming here, would turn I should preface the con- I could tell you that I into one of the best deci- John M. Luskin, Owner tent of this blog post with chose to come here for sions I have ever made the following: I studied the amazing education in my life. Ireland has abroad at the Univer- offered at my school. I been an adventure- my sity of Limerick (where I get to not only heighten adventure, and that now go to school) in the my knowledge and love choice is one I wouldn’t spring of 2009. This be- of literature, but also change for the world. ing said, you’d think after broaden it by reading and spending a full 6 months in Ireland when I was 21, and then coming back for my postgraduate educa- tion, that I’d be able to quickly and eloquently give a definitive reason telling you why I chose to attend university in Ire- land. The truth is- I can’t. However, this inability to give you a straight-for- ward reason for studying here should by no means tell you that I can’t think of something good to say about my education, and has little to do with the fact that my mind may or may not be swimming with the content of three research papers due in two weeks or so. No…the reason I am strug- gling is because I really can’t seem to put into words how incredibly ecstatic I am to have been afforded the oppor- tunity to study here. I could tell you I chose to come here because of the unbelievably breathtaking land- 28 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

Cleveland Cleveland Findlay 30th- Rob Duskey. 820 College Flannery’s Pub Logan’s Irish Pub Avenue, Cleveland, 44113 www. 1st - The Bar Flys, 7th - The 8th - Drowsy Lads, 12th Higbees, 8th - Walking Cane, 14th - Runa, 13th - Whiskey Tast- Flanagan’s Wake is Back! - Kristine Jackson, 15th - Brent ing, 14th - Highland Reign, The Hilarious Interactive Irish PJ McIntyre’s 1st - Abby Normal, Kirby, 17th St. Pat’s - The Boys 15th - Lonesome Meadow, 16th & from County Hell 1-8pm, 21st & Wake is Every Fri & Sat at 8pm 4th - St. Ed’s Alumni “Fat Tuesday - Rusty Musket, 17th – 11 to and Kennedy’s Theatre at Play- Party”, 5th - Monthly Pub Quiz- w 22nd - The New Barleycorn, 28th - 2 - Rusty Musket/ 2-5 Brunos house Square; Downtown Cleve- Mike D 7pm, 6th - Colm O’Brien Bar Flys, 29th - Honey Spine. 323 Boys/6-9 Athen Ry, 19th – Trad land. 216-241-6000 or 866-546- Cleveland (Prodigals), 7th - New Barleycorn, East Prospect, Cleveland 44115 Sessiun, 29th – Lone Raven. 1353 The Harp 1st - the porter sharks, 8th - Carlos Jones, 13th - Craic 216.781.7782 2414 South Main Street, Find- 5th - lonesome stars, traditional Brothers, 14th - Disco Inferno, 15th PaddyRock Irish Super Pub lay 45840 419.420.3602. www. irish session, foir gael, 12th - chris - Stone Pony, 16th - St. Practice 16700 A Lorain Ave Avon Lake & tom, 14th - traditional irish ses- Day, 17th - Marys Lane - Doors Cleveland, 44111 Ahern Banquet Center sion, 15th - the porter sharks, 16th Open @7am. First 100 people in Hiram is booking weddings and - pitch the peat, 17th - the boys from door with proof of purchase get Columbus Sean Moore Irish Music Sessiúns special events. Call Tony co hell, lonesome star, 21st - pitch free T- shirt! Dancers, Pipers, All 30th - Learn tunes: 2:00 / Ahern / Lucy Balser @ 440- the peat, 22nd - kristine Jackson, Day Irish Breakfast , 21st - Burn- Shamrock Club Events Open session: 3:00. Potluck 933-9500. 726 Avon Belden 26th - chris & tom, walking cane. ing River Ramblers, 22nd - Charlie Happy Hour every Friday from refreshments—All wel- Rd, Avon Lake 44012. www. 4408 Detroit Road, 44113 www. in the Box, 28th - Crazy Chester, 5-7pm! 60 W. Castle Rd. Co- come. Frohring Music Hall 29th - Bastard Bearded Irishmen, lumbus 43207 614-491-4449 Room 102 (recital hall), 11746 Stone Mad 2nd - Holleran’s Tra- 30th - Noel Leneghan $10 cover in www.shamrockclubofcolum- Dean St., Hiram Village ditional Irish Session, 9th - Marys PJ’s speakeasy. Don’t forget T-Shirt Tara Hall Traditional Brooklyn Lane, 16th - Boys From County Tues: wear any PJs T-Shirt get 15% Irish music w General Guinness Lakewood Hooley House! 7th - Velvet Hell, 17th - Holleran’s Traditional off bill! Whiskey Wed: ½ off every Band & Friends 2nd Friday 8:00 - Beck Center for the Arts 1st, Shake, 8th - Charlie in the Box, Irish Session and Pitch the Peat, whiskey in the house. Thurs - Craft 11:00pm. No Cover. Tara Hall 274 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th - CARRIE the 14th - Breakfast Club, 15th - Brig- 18th - Professionals Party, 23rd - Beer $2.50. PJ McIntyre’s is a Local E. Innis Ave., 43207 614.444.5949. musical. 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 28th, id’s Cross, 16th - Countdown to Kelly Wright & Pete Cavano, 30th 10 Union establishment. Home of 29th, 30th – ‘night, Mother. 17801 St. Patrick’s Day w/ Morrison - Chris Allen. Live music entertain- the Celtic Supporter’s Club. Book Detroit Avenue Lakewood 44107 McCarthy; 17th - Open @ 6 for ment every Sunday. Traditional all your parties & Events in our Euclid (216) 521-2540 www.beckcenter. Kegs & Eggs: 9am - Fior Gael, Irish Session 1st Sunday of ea/ Bridgie Ned’s Irish Parlor Party Irish American Club East Side org. 17801 Detroit Avenue Lake- 1:00 - That Irish Band, 6:00 - Brig- month, Happy Hour Monday- Room. 17119 Lorain Road, 44111. 1st - Kick Off Party w Bastard wood 44107 (216) 521-2540 www. id’s Cross. 21,22, 28, 29 - Open Friday 4 to 7. 1306 West 65th Street 216-941- Bearded Irishman $12, 2nd Jukebox after the NCAA Games! Cleveland 44102 216-281-6500 9311. - New Barleycorn, 7th - Loch Plank Road Tavern Open Ses- 10310 Cascade Crossing, Brook- Flat Iron Café 7th - High Strung Erie, 8th - Guinness & Harp I w siún Every Thursday 7 – 10. $3 lyn 216-362-7700. Irish Band, 14th - Donegal Doggs West Park Station The Boys from the County Hell Guinness and Jamieson. 16719 17th - Donal O’Shaughnessy, 21st 1st - My Manic Episode, 4th $10, 9th - No Strangers Here, Detroit Avenue, 44107 Cincinnati - Brian Lindsay & Alex Sturbaum, - Fat Tuesday Party w Honey 14th - Mary Agnes Kennedy, 15th Irish Heritage Center Call for 28th - Brittany Reilly Band. 1114 Spine HH, 5th - Ash Wednes- - Guinness & Harp II w Tara’s Medina Irish Rugby Schedule Games Center St. Cleveland 44113-2406 day AYCE Lake Erie Perch Fire $12, 16th - Irish Coffee Night Streamed in from Eire. Irish 216. 696.6968. www.flatironcafe. 11am-9pm, 6th - Jim & Eroc w Craic Brothers $10, 17th - St. Sully’s 1st - Lisa Spicer, 7th - That Teas/Library /Genealogy Detec- com HH, 7th - Ragged Glory Neil Pat’s Night w Craic Brothers $10, Irish Band, 8th - High Strung tive/ all three by appointment. Treehouse 2nd -Thor Platter; Young Acoustic tribute HH, 8th 21st - Mad Macs, 28th - Kevin Irish, 14th - The New Barley- Irish Heritage Center 3905 East- 9th -Pat Shepard; 16th -The Ter- - UFC Fight Night, 13th - Austin McCarthy. PUB: 7:30 – 10:30. corn, 15th - Marys Lane, 17th ern Avenue 513.533.0100, www. riers; 17th -The Craic Brothers; Walkin’ Cane HH, 14th - Honey IACES 22770 Lake Shore Blvd. - Loch Erie, 21st - Mossy Moran, 18th - Annual Hair of The Dog Spine HH/The Attraxxion/& DJ, Euclid, 44123. 216.731.4003 www. 22nd - Bruno’s Boys, 28th - Noel Irish Heritage Center 3905 East- Party: Doors open at Noon: then 15th - WP6PC Party 7 UFC 171, Lenaghan, 29th - Pompous Ass. ern Avenue 513.533.0100, www. Marys Lane. 23rd -Walkin’ Cane: 17th- St. Paddy’s Day Bash open Paddy’s Pour House 117 West Liberty Medina, 44256 6am, 18th - March Madness Big 922 East 222nd Street, Euclid, Screen TV’s, 20th - Tim & Mi- 44123 216.289.2569 chelle HH, 21st - Hello My Name is... 22nd - Porcelain Bus Drivers, Fairview Park 28th - Diane Chittester HH, 29th - Jacob & the Good People. Stampers Bar & Grill ‘Merican Mondays & Trivia 13th – Pitch the Peat & Burke Night 7pm. Tues: Roll Call-dis- School of Dance, 14th – Drowsy counted drinks for all Fire, Police, Lads, 15th – Harp City, 17th Military & Med Professionals – Open @9am. Dave Phizer, 9pm. Wed: Karaoke 10pm. Thur: Irish Cottage Boys and Harp Girl’s Night 10pm. Sun: SIN City; Corned Beef Dinners, Night 9pm. 17015 Lorain Avenue Irish Stew, Derby’s & Beads. Cleveland 44111 www.west- 21750 Lorain Road, Fairview (216) 476-2000. Park 44126. 440.333.7826. Brunos Boys: 17th @ Logan’s Boys from the Co Hell: 8th @IACES, 16th @ Stone Mad, Irish Pub, 22nd @Sullys. 17th @Flannery’s & @The Harp. March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 29

Ongoing Traditional Beginner - friendly, inter- Logan’s Irish Pub – Mentor Willoughby mediate level Irish session 3rd Wednesday of the Hooley House 1st - Charlie in Irish Sessiúns meeting every other Thurs- month, 414 S. Main the Box, 7th - Abbey Normal, Mullarkey’s Bring your instruments and days 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm St., Findlay, 7:30 pm 8th - Open Jukebox, 14th - Sa- 7th – Jam Sammich, 8th – Sean play along! Irish Eyes Heavenly Pub, Oberlin’s Traditional Irish mantha Fitzpatrick, 15th - That Benjamin, 14th – Eric Butler, 15th Akron Hibernian’s Ceili 1st Wednesday of month. Session – 2nd Monday of Irish Band, 16th - Brigid’s Cross – Dan McCoy, 21st – Mo Andrews, Band Sessions, Wednesdays 3324 Secor Rd, Toledo the month 8-10pm Slow - Countdown to St. Patrick’s 22nd – Mossy Moran, 28th – 7:30 pm. Mark Heffernan Stone Mad – 1st Sunday of Train Café, 55 East College Day! 17th - Opening for Kegs Brendan Butler. Wed: Karaoke, Div 2 Hall 2000 Brown St, the month Holleran Tradi- St., Oberlin. Informal all & Eggs @ 6am, Brigid’s Cross Thurs: Ladies Night w/ D.J. 4110 Akron 330-724-2083. Be- tional Irish Session, 7pm experience welcome: www. ~ 10am, Morrison McCarthy ~ Erie Street ginner to intermediate Plank Road – Every Thurs- 1:00, Matt Johnson ~ 5:00: Live Croagh Patrick’s day 7 – 10. All ages and ex- Claddagh Irish Pub - entertainment All Day on Two - 2nd Tuesday of ev- perience welcome. 16719 De- Sundays 6:00pm-9:00pm. All Stages! 21,22, 28, 29 - Open Juke- Croagh Patrick’s ery month 8 - 10pm troit Road, Lakewood, 44107 experience levels welcome box after the NCAA Games! All 4857 Robinhood Drive Willough- Bardic Circle @The Sham- The Harp – 1st Friday 585 S. Front St. Co- starts @9:30: Every Tues - Open by, 44094 (440) 946-8250. www. rock Club of Columbus of every month, 9pm lumbus, Ohio 43215 Mic w Nick Zuber, Every Wed - Trivia Night. 7861 Reynolds Rd Mentor (440) 942-6611. TREEHOUSE BAR Olmstd Township 820 College Ave. West Side Irish American Club 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th – Live Cleveland, OH 44113 Music and Food in The Pub every Friday; 1st – Jr. Marching Unit Exhibition, 8th – Sr. Units 216.696.2505 Annual Exhibition Dance and Honoree Presentation; 15th – Claddagh Ball; 16th – Boxty Open 365 Days a Year & Sausage 4pm, followed by Live Music; 17th – 10:00am Now Serving Lunch Mass @ St. Colman’s, 1:00 Satuday and Sunday Parade, 4pm Entertainment at the Club. WSIA Club 8559 Doors open at Noon Jennings Rd. 44138 www. Colm O’Brien: 6th @ PJ McIntyre’s, 7th @ Daly’s Pub. 440-235-5868. Live Entertainment 440-235-5868. the idealism and steely deter- Judy Collins: mination of a generation united on Sunday Evenings against social and environmental Live in Ireland injustices. Her landmark works Sandusky Judy Collins has inspired au- helped form the backbone of diences worldwide for over five American folk music. Judy’s Daly’s Pub decades with her sublime vocals, luminescent presence shines 7th – Colm O’Brien boldly vulnerable songwriting, brightly as new generations bask (formerly of The Prodi- personal life triumphs, and a in the glow of her iconic 50+-al- gals). 104 Columbus Avenue. firm commitment to social activ- bum body of work, and heed ism. March 18th 2014 will see the inspiration from her spiritual much-anticipated release of Judy discipline to thrive in the music Westlake Collins, Live in Ireland, CD/DVD industry for half a century. LIVE on Cleopatra Records. Recorded IN IRELAND showcases a living Hooley House. September 29, 2013 at Dromoland legend whose career continues to 7th - Marys Lane, 8th - New Castle for PBS broadcast, Live blossom with each new release. Barley Corn, 14th - Brigid’s in Ireland is scheduled to run on Cross, 15th - Craic Brothers, 16th thirteen NYC, WGBH Boston & - Countdown to St. Patrick’s Day! PBS affiliates nationwide March Donegal Dogs, 17th - Open @ 5th. Now fans worldwide in the 6am for Kegs & Eggs, Morrison comfort of their homes can enjoy McCarthy ~ 9am, Brigid’s Cross time and again this spirited and in- ~ 3:00,That Irish Band ~ 6:00. spiring set of Judy’s most beloved 21,22, 28, 29 - Open Jukebox after hits along with her favorite Celtic the NCAA Games! folk songs and stories (including 24940 Sperry Dr Westlake 44145. duets with Irish singer Mary Black & NY singer-songwriter Ari Hest). (440) 835-2890 835-2890 In the 1960s, she evoked both 30 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

Gaelic Sheer Sound Football 101 Celebrating our 24th year as It has not been uncommon for “Official Sound Company someone to reach this section of the Ohio IAN and proceed to read of Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival.” a story concerning Gaelic Football. Call Sheer Sound for all of your Concert, Over the past few years or so I Festival and Special Event sound needs covered Gaelic Football in terms of results, champion’s roll of honor, hand or fist, kind of like a serving Seven-a-Side 216.533.2527 the history of the game in Ireland action in volleyball. After every In May local club Cleveland St and even the history of the game four steps the ball must be either Pat’s will host their annual 7-a-Side in Cleveland, Ohio. bounced or soloed, an action of Tournament at Barton-Bradley Soc- This past year there was a even dropping the ball onto the foot cer Fields, the same location as the bigger focus on Gaelic Football, and kicking it back into the hand. North American Championships. given that the North America When played by men, the ball may This is in a smaller format, not just Gaelic Games Cham- in number of players, but pionships were held in also in that it is all held Cleveland in August of on one day. So far the 2013. For those of you Midwest Division’s Buf- knowledgeable in the falo, Pittsburgh, Detroit sport of Gaelic Football, and Columbus have con- these articles have hope- firmed, along with several fully provided you with clubs from both Chicago some up-to-date infor- and Toronto. As more in- mation on a sport you formation and teams are are already familiar with. confirmed I will be sure On the flip side to include in my column. though, with every new For those looking to form of literature, pub- volunteer on the day, feel lication or article comes free to drop me an email, a new reader with a new level of not be picked directly from the listed below. We had a lot of help knowledge on the topics at hand - ground - it must be scooped up last summer and it really made for in this case, Gaelic Football. And into the hands by the foot. How- a great experience for the players with the Championships being ever, in ladies’ Gaelic football, the and spectators. Admission is free held here last year, interest in the ball may be picked up directly. You on the day whilst teams pay a nom- sport has risen to a level where I may not bounce the ball twice in a inal entry fee. Games will include regularly get asked ‘can you ex- row. To score, put the ball over the Gaelic Football (ladies and men’s) plain that rule again’ or ‘how many crossbar by foot or hand fist for one along with Hurling and Camogie. steps can you take’. point or under the crossbar and Stay tuned for more details. Gaelic Football can best be into the net by foot or the hand fist Trivia described as a mixture of football in certain circumstances for a goal, First last month’s question: (soccer) and rugby, although it worth three points. When was the last time Ire- predates both of those games. Physical contact in the form of land won the Six Nations Rugby Gaelic Football is played on a pitch shoulder charging (shoulder to ChampionshipThe answer is 2009, approximately 137m long and 82m shoulder) and slapping the ball when the Irish won it all - ‘The wide. The goalposts are the same out of the opponent’s hand is al- Grand Slam’ as its called. At the shape as on a rugby pitch, with lowed. The following are examples time of going to press they are the crossbar lower than a rugby of some fouls that can result in looking good for it again. Hope- one and slightly higher than a penalties and further disciplinary fully I don’t put the blight on soccer one. action deemed necessary by the them. Each team typically consists of match officials; using both hands This month’s question: The fifteen players – although in North to tackle, pulling an opponent’s Republic of Ireland will not be America teams of 13 players are jersey, blocking a shot with the foot at this year’s football world cup not uncommon. Teams line out and striking an opponent. that takes place in Brazil this sum- as follows: One goalkeeper, three Games are played anywhere mer. When was the last time they full-backs, three half-backs, two from 60-70 minutes in length, in played at the tournament? midfielders, three half-forwards the form of two halves. Duration *Mark Owens is originally from and three full-forwards. The actual can vary depending on the compe- Derry City, Ireland and has re- line out on the playing field is as tition or division. sided in the Cleveland area since follows:The ball used in Gaelic I recommend going to www.gaa. 2001. Mark is the Director of Football is round, slightly smaller ie for more info. As we approach Marketing for Skylight Financial than a soccer ball. It can be carried the summer, games can be seen Group in Cleveland. Send ques- in the hand for a distance of four live from Ireland every Sunday at tions, comments or suggestions steps and can be kicked or hand- PJ McIntyre’s Irish Pub, Cleveland. for future articles to Mark at: passed, a striking motion with the Save the Date: Cleveland St Pat’s [email protected] March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 31 Celebrate St. Patrick’s Week with the “Get Your Green On” at the Irish Heritage Center of Cincinnati Irish Heritage Center of Cincinnati The Irish Center pres- 3905 Eastern Ave 513-533-0100 ents “Get Your Green On” … Three days of Saturday, March 15th 2pm - ?? celebrating all that is Irish. St. Patrick’s Parade Day ‘Afters’ Celebration Family fun starts at 3 PM on March 15th and at 3 Irish Music, Dance & Songs * Irish Food PM on March 17th . With Pub & Tea Rooms with favorite Brews a Special Concert with the Headliner band, from Children’s Parade & Games - Arts and Crafts Room Ireland, Derek Warfield and the Young Wolf Tones, Sunday, March 16th 6pm– 8:30pm on March 16th at 6:00 The Young Wolfe Tones Featuring Derek Warfield PM. March 16th the Pub opens at 4:00 PM with Irish Pub opens at 4 PM (Serving Food) Tickets are $22.50 Food and libations concert prepaid ($20 members prepaid) $25 at the door starts at 6 PM-- the band St Patrick with the very young dancers & their will be preceded by the Teacher Hazel Donley in the Tea Room Kelly Brothers Pipe Band.. Monday, March 17th There are endless possibilities to enjoy the Irish Tea Room, The Irish Pub Room Mass 2pm St. Patrick’s Day Celebration 3pm entertainment in the Center dedicated to the Home of the “Perfect Pint” Certifi- Ireland and the Irish. Enjoy live Irish Mu- cation from Guinness Dublin Ireland. Family-Friendly Celebration * Irish Music, sic including, Sing A Longs, Irish Pipes, Music Sessions are in various Dance & Songs * Irish Food * Plenty of Strong Drink Irish Dancers, Children’s Room with rooms; the Theater Concert Hall, the Children’s Activities & Great Craic face painting-arts and crafts-story tell- Dance Room, The Irish Pub Room ing- games-parade day preparations-Two happening at different times through- Children’s Parades throughout the Irish out the day and the evening. Center one at 5:30 on the 15th of March Featured performers include; The and another Children’s Parade at 5:00 on McGing Irish Dancers, Silver Arm, the the 17th of March. There will be typical Friendly Sons of St Patrick Men’s Glee Irish Food with Soda Bread, Shepherd’s Club, Clarke and Jones, St Patrick Pie, Potato Leek Soup & delicious home- himself, Ceol Mhor , Celtic Font, the made treats baked by the Irish ladies. See Erickson Academy of Irish Dance, the Irish Art Exhibit, The Samuel Becket Xavier University talented duo Lau- Exhibit from the National Library of ren Holt and Donny Rolfes playing Ireland, The Irish in Cincinnati Museum fiddle and uilleann pipes, Green Key, Exhibit, enjoy a Mini Genealogy ses- the Riley School of Irish Music, Harp- sion. Stroll the halls filled with the Irish ers Robin, Celtic Rhythm Dancers, County Flags, visit the Thatched Roof, Dark Moll, Mick and Mai and more.

Founders travel to Ireland to bring back culture and entertainment to the Tri State’ss Area Irish Heritage Center 32 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

his personalized steps, I was reflecting changing, yet never changing cycles of on the presence of art in our everyday nature. Nettles and wild lilies caress lives. From the intricate Celtic embroi- the granite and frame an image, primi- dery on the dancers’ costumes to the tive, yet, deeply stirring in its simple vendors displaying Claddagh rings and beauty. Such is the movement of art. tea towels festooned with images from At times, we need to step back from the Book of Kells, Irish art is indeed alive. an image to appreciate the art that lies When my son and I traveled to beneath a common scene. In reaction to Dublin for his first World Irish Dance the mid-eighteenth century Impression- Recently, I entertained out of town Time Life series of art books depicting competition, we had the opportunity ist movement made famous by Claude visitors who arrived on a snowy night. the Great Masters. Though I had yet to view the Book of Kells housed at Monet, Georges Seurat developed a We spent the evening talking about art, to learn to read, I viewed the visual technique called Pointillism. music, and gardening: pursuits that en- religious art of Michelangelo Each dot of color is unique, grounded liven the soul rather than quell the spirit. and the haunting images of the in precise miniscule brush strokes that Our gentleman friend is quite special. Spanish artist Goya. My parents upon close inspection represent tiny Born in New York’s Spanish Harlem, taught me how to recognize the dots of vibrant color. When the viewer Charlie was reared on music and ideas. difference between plain glass steps away, he realizes that each pin- He had the opportunity to study jazz and cut crystal with a resonant point of color melds together to present guitar and eventually went on to cut tap to the base of the crystal an image of life, such as a scene from a record deal with his band. Of great- piece. I saw beauty in books and a park on a sunny Sunday afternoon. est interest to me is Charlie’s study of nature, in the crowded streets of Though the images are mere pictures, stained glass. He shared a picture of one Chicago, and along the graffiti the painting reflects movement and life. of his creations that resembles the Tree painted walls lining the city’s This will remain true now and one of Life: intricate and diversely colorful “EL” tracks. As I became older, hundred years from now, given that glass perches on the limbs of an oak tree. I saw the beauty in people. the painting is properly cared for Metaphorically, this image is so fit- Understanding art involves and protected. Diversity, in color ting. The artist, Charlie, is a half-Puerto not just knowledge of a spe- and subject matter, as well as the Rican, half-Native American man with cific time frame or trend, but conscious act of living, is celebrated a zest for life and a deep respect for rather the ideas and passion throughout the paintings of Seurat. the arts. He sees promise in existence, that move the art. Through- As I was leaving the North Coast Feis even on the streets of Spanish Harlem. out the ages, art proves to be at the close of the day, I had the great I understand this philosophy. As a alive, rather than static, as the viewer, Trinity College. In order to preserve opportunity to visit with a man who child, I would pour over my parent’s or listener (depending on the medium the ancient text dating back to 800 A.D., has spent his life playing traditional of art) brings his own personal connec- only one page a day is displayed. The Irish music. He has promoted the art of tion to the image or song. Likewise, manuscript is encased in glass, never to Irish dance, music, and culture among the artist, whether an author, visual be touched by human hands. My son his own large family and among scores artist, dancer or musician, brings not recognized the Latin word for Resur- of Irish dancers. He was lamenting that only tradition, but a unique perspec- rection, thanks to his music teacher. he and his lovely wife would be miss- tive which propels the art forward. Meanwhile, the intricate detailing of ing St. Patrick’s Day in Cleveland due Study of art does not have to be the design and the vibrant colors that to a family wedding in Florida. Despite high-brow. I find truth in the chalked have withstood the ages stunned me. the sand and hot weather, the gentle- images created by children on the To obtain such color, the artists man had every intention of bringing sidewalk during the heat of sum- created blue pigments from plants his accordion to the beach. He might mer and in a simple score composed such as indigo and woad, and vibrant be absent from Cleveland’s festivities, by a budding young musician. Art yellow from arsenic. A compilation of but he could bring a bit of traditional provides perspective and hope. alchemy and artistic vision resulted in Irish music to the Floridian sunbathers. A few weeks ago, during The North The Book of Kells, 340 folios depicting I believe that if Georges Seurat had Coast Feis, an Irish dancing competition scenes of Jesus Christ and his disciples stumbled across the scene of a hand- hosted in early February by a dedicated in the four Gospels. Ironically, in the some older man creating music on the group of Irish dance enthusiasts, I twenty-first century, we continue to beach, he would have paused at the observed art in motion as I sat at my vol- appreciate this great work of art as it energy of the music and the sheer joy unteer station. Grandparents traveled to appears on everything from necklaces that this art form delivers. Perhaps he watch their grandchildren take the danc- and earrings, to sweatshirts and Indie would have painted a portrait alive ing stage for the first time or the hun- sundresses. Art transforms as people with a multitude of colorful pinpoints dredth time. Curious observers, without retain the old, while propelling its depicting the timelessness of tradition, any connection to the world of Irish beauty forward into that which is new. the exuberance of the Irish, and the dance, inquired about the champion One primitive image that continues to importance of the Irish cultural arts. dancers and simply wished for a respite haunt my imaginings is a depiction of *Sources Consulted: Gale Encyclope- from the cold complete with traditional the crucified Christ on a modern granite dia of Biography: Georges Pierre Seurat. Irish music and stunning step dancing. tombstone in the graveyard beneath Trinity College Dub- The young and the old shared their in- Slievemore on Achill Island. Contempo- lin, 6 October 2009. terest in all things Irish, an early chance rary, yet archaic, the engraving speaks *Susan holds an M.A. in English to begin the festivities of the St. Patrick’s of the darkness of death and the beauty from John Carroll University and Day season. As I watched the danc- of resurrection; the importance of faith a MA.ED from Baldwin-Wallace ers perform a Treble , each dancer and the hope in remembrance; the mar- University. She may be contacted uniquely costumed and giving his all to riage of the new and old amid the ever at [email protected]. March 2014 “We’ve Always Been Green!” 33

hugs and camaraderie from er is aware, a pint of Guinness Green Mile contestants. is poured in 2 parts over 119 Pour Off The stretch from the Public seconds. (Few things are more House down to the Pride of obnoxious to a good bartender by Jason Salupo Erin is known as the Green than a guest ordering a pint and Mile. Lined with Irish pubs, expecting it to appear in front The Green Mile Guinness it is hard not to find a bar of them instantaneously as if Pour Off is not a new idea, it’s that cannot pour a good pint. pouring a Miller Lite.) the resurrection of a brilliant However, only one each year The first part of 75% of the old idea. Almost 2 decades is crowned Green Mile Guin- stout is poured at a 45 degree angle. While the bartender waits for the beer to settle, she either entertains the crowd with her jokes and stories or goes about her business waiting on other guests. The final part of the pint is poured, straight up with an open tap, until they achieve a head just proud of the rim. Finishing touches like a shamrock often adorn the head of the pint, but the artwork, while appreciated and admired, is not crucial to the perfect pint. Finally, the glass is set down in front of the judges, Guinness label out. This year’s distin- guished judges were James Reddington of Guinness, Matt Cain, Guinness aficionado, and John O’Brien, Jr., Publisher and Editor of the Ohio Irish Ameri- can News and Deputy Director of Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival. Thoughts went to the Pub- lic House’s Tommy Corrigan, who has won 2 of the last 4 Pour Offs. With Tommy pouring a beautiful pint yet not making it to the finals this time just proves how stiff the competition can be. Any tilt ago, Guinness held a city wide ness Pouring Champion. This of the glass or fish eye on top Guinness Pour Off with its top year, contestants from Pride of of the pour is almost certain accounts, from the east and Erin (Brigid Campbell), Paddy elimination. west side of the river. Since Rock (Robbie Lewis), Smedleys Initially held at the West Park bringing it to West Park, it has (Brendan), Backstage (Shauna Station in 2010, the winning survived more years than the Koehl) , West Park Station bar and bartender earns the original contest. (Molly Kearney), PJ McIntyre’s bragging rights, the traveling This year’s festivities proved (James Finnegan) and Public trophy and the rights to host as exciting as any other at the House (Tommy Corrigan) all the next year’s pour off. This Public House. Held every year competed to see who pours the year, a tearful Brigid Campbell, on the Sunday before Presi- “perfect pint.” who had won it back in 2000, dents’ Day, the event hosts a Competition was absolutely brought the glory back to the who’s who from the Kamm’s fierce; the pomp and circum- Pride of Erin. Having recently neighborhood. You will not see stance was not subtle. PJ Mc- lost her father, John Campbell another event with owners and Intyre’s crew arrived waving (a man very well known in staffs from all pubs together in their five by three foot flag and the West Park area and Irish one room like you will at the West Park Station’s Molly Ke- community), Brigid no doubt Guinness Pour Off. arney arrived in a robe, only to was thinking of her dad as he With little room to move, mu- remove it before her first pour watched her bring the trophy sic from the New Barleycorn revealing her boxing shorts from one end of the Green Mile kicked off the craic. Pints in and West Park Station Clad- to the other. hands, feelings of competition dagh shirt. To all contestants, you were flanked on all sides by As any good Guinness drink- poured a good battle. Slainte! 34 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” March 2014

Immigration: get him on board with this bill pling burden on families. And it takes and his support to encour- a huge personal toll. Communities all Call for a Vote! age his leadership to call this over Ireland can tell you stories about vote. Further information on funerals where a son or daughter by John Meyers, Ohio Ancient immigration can be found at: could not risk traveling home from Order of Hibernians Ohio Immigra- America to see a parent buried. tion Chair Call Speaker John Boehner But the economic case for allowing As you likely know, a compre- at 202.225.6205; Rep. Jim Ren- the undocumented to emerge from hensive, bi-partisan immigration naci at 440. 882.6779. the shadows is just as compelling. bill passed the US Senate early last For the simple truth is that their un- summer. At this moment there documented status also inhibits their exists a bi-partisan majority to ability to innovate, to prosper and to pass a similar bill in the US House create jobs. of Representatives. However, the To that end we must educated and The potential does not stop there, controlling leadership of the House encourage our US House members to The Economic Case for however. For if immigration reform Republicans has refused to allow the call for a vote. Since the Republicans Immigration Reform also addresses the issue of future vote or debate before any Committee are in control of the US House we by Anne Anderson, Ambassador of immigration patterns — which we or a vote before the House. must focus our energies with that Ireland to the United States. sincerely hope it does — the contribu- In addition to addressing the needs group at the moment. Ohio is key as It is perfectly natural that the tion to U.S. growth and employment of the 11 million undocumented to it is the home of Rep. Steve Chabot debate over comprehensive immi- can be greater still. move out of the shadows, the pend- and Rep Jim Jordon who sit on the gration reform provokes strong pas- Here, the example of how highly ing legislation approved in the Sen- Judiciary Committee, which has sions…, as in so much of the United skilled Irish young people have ate provides to correct a historical oversight of Immigration. Also, Ohio States. Choosing the kind of society been forced to look outside the anomaly that essentially cut off Irish is home to the Speaker of the House, in which we wish to live — and an- United States — and particularly to immigration to this country several Rep. John Boehner, who can call the swering key questions around who Canada and Australia — for legal decades ago. This pending bill would vote. Over two million Ohioans claim should be entitled to live there, and employment opportunities abroad guarantee that Irish Citizens would Irish ancestry. As the Irish represent with what rights and responsibilities is a highly relevant one. Since the receive at least 10,500 Visa’s per year. one of the largest swing voting — should provoke strong passions. 1965 U.S. Immigration and Nation- Last year less than 100 Irish Citizens groups and Rennaci’s district is one For Ireland, this is an issue which ality Act, there has been little or no received any diversity visas. of the most competitive we need to we approach with a strong sense of scope for any legal migration from history, as well as with clear-eyed Ireland to the United States. The focus on the future. People of Irish statistics from 2003 to 2012 illustrate and Scots-Irish background have the point: over that period, out of the been coming to this part of the world total U.S. legal permanent residency for 300 years and more and have permits — green cards — issued, just played a critical role in helping foster 0.15 percent (about 15,000 out of 10.5 the innovative and entrepreneurial million) went to Irish people. society for which the United States That figure is pitifully small when is so admired. you consider the rich historic and so-

“Immigration is a challenge that has confounded our nation for years, with little action from our federally elected officials. It is a matter of great moral urgency that cannot wait any longer for action,” 34th Annual ~ Cardinal Timothy Dolan St. Malachi Church Run Presented by Judge Daniel Gaul Today, our assessment is that out cial connections which bind our two of the overall estimated 11 million countries. And it means our smart, to 12 million “undocumented” mi- talented, English-speaking young Saturday, March 15, 2014 grant population here in the United people have no alternative but to look States, some 50,000 are Irish. Many elsewhere when they wish or need to Join this Cleveland favorite and kick off your of these undocumented Irish have take their skills and attributes abroad. St. Patrick’s Day celebrations with more than 5,000 runners, been here for well over a decade. The The current U.S. Senate proposal walkers and spectators! vast majority already pay taxes and for comprehensive immigration re- Social Security contributions. And form addresses that deficit and will • New Race Course • Contests galore all are anxious to regularize their im- allow future Irish immigrants to con- • Awards • Refreshments migration status and make as full a tribute in all the ways that previous • Music and entertainment contribution to their adopted country generations have done. • Post-race party at McCarthy’s Ale House as possible. A window of opportunity for im- • Benefits St. Malachi Outreach Services There is a compelling case in hu- migration reform has opened — we man terms for allowing them to do ardently hope that the House of Visit or call 216.623.9933 for more information so. The stress and anxiety that the Representatives too will act and that undocumented face can be a crip- this rare opportunity will be seized.

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SAVE $150 per person on the land portion of your coach tour of 10 days/9 nights or longer when you book by March 31, 2014. SAVE $75 per person on your coach tour of 9 days/8 nights or less.

SAINT PATRICK’S DAY SALE VALUE DISCOVER INDULGE – NEW! IRISH SPIRIT JEWELS OF IRELAND SCOTTISH & IRISH SUPREME A great value tour! A leisurely paced tour featuring Featuring deluxe accommodations and 2 departures per week, the Wild Atlantic Way fi rst class train from Dublin to Cork February to early December 2 departures per week, April to October Departs Mondays, every other week, May to October 7 or 8 nights: Now from $993 13 or 14 nights: Now from $2,087 10 or 11 nights: Now from $4,308 IRELAND • SCOTLAND • ENGLAND • WALES *Terms & Conditions: Offer valid on new bookings only booked and deposited by April 15, 2014. Not valid for group travel and cannot be combined with other CIE Tours promotions or discounts. Other restrictions apply. For $150 off per person – use code 041514IRISH150. For $75 off – use code 041514IRISH75. Prices in U.S. dollars and subject to exchange rate at time of booking. For more information, contact your travel agent, call 800-243-8687 or visit