
Outline of : Math 201B

February 24, 2011

1 Functions and

1.1 Periodic functions

• Periodic functions. Let T = R/(2πZ) denote the circle, or one- dimensional torus. A f : T → C is equivalent to a 2π- f˜ : R → C. (The real line R is the universal cover of the circle T and f˜ is the lift of f from T to R.) We identify f with f˜.

• Continuous functions. The space of continuous functions f : T → C is denoted by C(T). It is a Banach space when equipped with the maximum (sup) norm.

• Smooth functions. If k ∈ N, the space k-times continuously differ- k entiable functions is denoted by C (T). This is a Banach space with the Ck-norm (the sum of the maximum values of a function and its of order less than or equal to k.) The space of smooth func- tions (functions with continuous derivatives of all orders) is denoted ∞ by C (T). This is a Fr´echet space with the metric ∞   X 1 kφ − ψkCk d(φ, ψ) = k . 2 1 + kφ − ψk k k=0 C

p p • L -spaces. For 1 ≤ p < ∞, the Banach space L (T) consists of all Lebesgue measurable functions f : T → C such that Z 1/p p kfkp = |f(x)| dx < ∞. T ∞ The space L (T) consists of essentially bounded functions. We iden- tify functions that are equal almost everywhere.

1 2 2 • L -. The space L (T) is a Hilbert space with inner product Z hf, gi = f(x)g(x) dx T ∞ p • Density. The space C (T) is dense in L (T) for 1 ≤ p < ∞ and ∞ in C(T), but it is not dense in L (T). More specifically, according to the Weierstrass approximation theorem, the same density results are true for the space P(T) of trigonometric of the form P inx |n|≤N cne .

1.2 Convolutions and approximate identities 1 1 • . If f, g ∈ L (T), the convolution f ∗g ∈ L (T) is defined by Z (f ∗ g)(x) = f(x − y)g(y) dy. T • Young’s inequality. If 1 ≤ p, q, r ≤ ∞ satisfy 1 1 1 + = 1 + p q r

p q r and f ∈ L (T), g ∈ L (T), then f ∗ g ∈ L (T). Moreover,

kf ∗ gkr ≤ kfkp kgkq .

This follows from Fubini’s theorem. In particular, convolution with an L1-function is a bounded map on Lp,

kf ∗ gkp ≤ kfk1 kgkp ;

and the convolution of L2-functions is bounded (and therefore contin- uous by a density argument)

kf ∗ gk∞ ≤ kfk2 kgk2 .

. A of functions

1 {φn ∈ L (T): n ∈ N}

2 is an approximate identity if there exists a constant M such that Z φn dx = 1 for every n, T Z |φn| dx ≤ M for all n, T Z lim |φn| dx = 0 for every δ > 0. n→∞ δ<|x|<π (Analogous definitions apply to a family of functions that depend on a continuous parameter.)

• Mollification. If {φn} is an approximate identity and f ∈ C(T) then p φn ∗ f ∈ C(T) and φn ∗ f → f uniformly as n → ∞. If f ∈ L (T), p ∞ and 1 ≤ p < ∞, then φn ∗ f → f in L as n → ∞. If φn ∈ C (T) 1 ∞ and f ∈ L (T), then φn ∗ f ∈ C (T). (The Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem justifies “differentiating under the sign.”)

2 Fourier Series

2.1 L1-theory 1 • Definition of Fourier coefficients. For f ∈ L (T) define the Fourier coefficients fˆ : Z → C by 1 Z fˆ(n) = f(x)e−inx dx. 2π T

1 • Fourier coefficients determine a function. If f, g ∈ L (T) and

fˆ(n) =g ˆ(n) for all n ∈ Z then f = g (up to pointwise a.e.-equivalence). Thus follows from ap- proximation of a function by convolution with an approximate identity that consists of trigonometric polynomials (e.g. the F´ejerkernel.)

1 • Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. If f ∈ L (T), then fˆ(n) → 0 as |n| → ∞.

This result follows from the estimate 1 ˆ f ≤ kfkL1 `∞ 2π

3 and the density of trigonometric polynomials (or smooth functions) in 1 L (T). 1 • . If f, g ∈ L (T), then

(\f ∗ g)(n) = 2πfˆ(n)ˆg(n).

That is, the maps the convolution product of func- tions to the pointwise product of their Fourier coefficients.

2.2 L2-theory • Fourier . The functions   1 inx √ e : n ∈ Z 2π

2 form an of L (T). The is easy to verify; the completeness follow by the use of convolution with an ap- proximate identity that consists of trigonometric polynomials to ap- 2 proximate a general f ∈ L (T). 2 1 • Fourier series of an L -function. A function f ∈ L (T) belongs to 2 L (T) if and only if 2 X ˆ f(n) < ∞ n∈Z and then (with the above normalization of the Fourier coefficients) X f(x) = fˆ(n)einx n∈Z where the series converges unconditionally with respect to the L2- norm.

2 • Parseval’s theorem. If f, g ∈ L (T) then X hf, gi = 2π fˆ(n)ˆg(n). n∈Z

4 2.3 Absolutely convergent Fourier series 1 • Absolutely convergent Fourier series. If f ∈ L (T) has absolutely 1 convergent Fourier coefficients fˆ ∈ ` (Z), meaning that

X ˆ f(n) < ∞, n∈Z then f ∈ C(T). This follows from the fact that the Fourier series of f converges uniformly to f by the Weierstrass M-test. We denote the space of functions with absolutely convergent Fourier series by A(T). • Pointwise of Fourier series. There are continuous functions whose Fourier series converge uniformly but not absolutely, and whose Fourier series do not do not converge uniformly; in fact, there are continuous functions whose Fourier series diverge pointwise on an arbitrary set of Lebesgue measure zero. If p f ∈ L (T) for 1 < p ≤ ∞, then the Fourier series of f converges 1 pointwise a.e. to f (Carlson, Hunt) but there exist functions f ∈ L (T) whose Fourier series diverge pointwise a.e. (Kolmogorov).

• Convolution theorem. If f, g ∈ A(T), then fg ∈ A(T) and X (dfg)(n) = 2π fˆ(n − k)ˆg(k). k∈Z That is, the Fourier transform maps the pointwise product of functions to the discrete convolution product of their Fourier coefficients.

2.4 Weak derivatives and Sobolev spaces 1 • Weak . A function f ∈ L (T) has weak derivative g = 0 1 f ∈ L (T) if Z Z 0 ∞ fφ dx = − gφ dx for all φ ∈ C (T). T T That is, weak derivatives are defined by . If f ∈ 1 C (T), then the weak derivative agrees with the pointwise derivative (up to pointwise a.e.-equivalence).

1 • Fourier coefficients of derivatives. If f ∈ L (T) has weak deriva- 0 1 tive f ∈ L (T), then fb0(n) = infˆ(n).

5 k,1 • Decay of Fourier coefficients. If k ∈ N and f ∈ W (T), meaning 0 00 (k) 1 that f has weak derivatives f , f , . . . , f ∈ L (T) of order less than or equal to k, then

|n|kfˆ(n) → 0 as |n| → ∞.

This follows from an application of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma to f (k).

2 s • L -Sobolev spaces. If 0 ≤ s < ∞, the Sobolev space H (T) consists 2 of all functions f ∈ L (T) such that 2 X 2s ˆ 1 + n f(n) < ∞. n∈Z This is a Hilbert space with inner product

X 2s ˆ hf, giHs = 2π 1 + n f(n)ˆg(n). n∈Z

k 2 If k ∈ N is an integer, then H (T) consists of all functions f ∈ L (T) that have weak derivatives of order less than or equal to k belonging 2 to L (T). s • Sobolev embedding. If f ∈ H (T) and s > 1/2, then f ∈ C(T) and there is a constant C > 0, depending only on s, such that

s kfk∞ ≤ C kfkHs for all f ∈ H (T).

1 This theorem follows by showing that fˆ ∈ ` (Z) is absolutely conver- gent so f ∈ A(T). Roughly speaking, for functions of a single variable, more than one-half an L2-derivative implies continuity.

2.5 Periodic distributions

• Test functions. The space D(T) of periodic test functions consists ∞ of all smooth functions φ ∈ C (T) with the following notion of con- vergence of test functions: φn → φ in D(T) if

(k) (k) φn → φ uniformly as n → ∞ for every k = 0, 1, 2,....

Here φ(k) denotes the kth derivative of φ.

6 1 • Fourier series of test functions. A function φ ∈ L (T) belongs to D(T) if and only if its Fourier coefficients are rapidly decreasing, k |n| φˆ(n) → 0 as |n| → ∞ for every k ∈ N. This follows from the decay estimates for the Fourier coefficients of smooth functions and the Sobolev embedding theorem. (Note that k k φ ∈ H for every k ∈ N if and only if φ ∈ C for every k ∈ N.) The Fourier series of φ ∈ D(T) converges to φ in the sense of test functions. • Distributions. A distribution T is a continuous linear functional

T : D(T) → C. 0 0 The space of distributions is denoted D (T) and the action of T ∈ D on φ ∈ D by hT, φi. (This duality paring is linear in both arguments, not anti-linear in the first argument like the inner product on a Hilbert space.)

• Convergence of distributions. A sequence of of distributions {Tn} converges to a distribution T , written Tn *T , if

hTn, φi → hT, φi as n → ∞ for every φ ∈ D(T).

0 • Order of a distribution. If T ∈ D (T), there is a non-negative integer k and a constant C such that

|hT, φi| ≤ CkφkCk for all φ ∈ D(T). The minimal such integer k is called the order of T .

1 0 • Regular distributions. If f ∈ L (T), we define Tf ∈ D (T) by Z hTf , φi = fφ dx. T Any distribution of this form is called a regular distribution. We iden- 1 0 tify f with Tf and regard L (T) as a subspace of D (T). • Distributional derivative. Every T ∈ D(T) has a distributional 0 derivative T ∈ D(T) defined by hT 0, φi = −hT, φ0i

1 0 1 A function f ∈ L (T) has a weak derivative f ∈ L (T) if and only if 0 its distributional derivative is regular, and then (Tf ) = Tf 0 .

7 • Fourier series of distributions. The Fourier coefficients Tˆ : Z → C of a distribution T ∈ D(T) are defined by 1 Tˆ(n) = hT, e−inxi 2π

A linear functional on D(T) is a distribution if and only if its Fourier coefficients have slow growth, meaning that the exists a non-negative integer k and a constant C such that

ˆ 2k/2 T (n) ≤ C 1 + n for all n ∈ Z. In that case, the Fourier series of T , X Tˆ(n)einx n∈Z converges to T in the sense of distributions.

• The delta function. The periodic δ-function supported at 0 is the 0 distribution δ ∈ D (T) defined by

hδ, φi = φ(0)

This is a distribution of order zero, but it is not a regular distribution. (It is, in fact, a measure.) Its Fourier series is

1 X δ = einx. 2π n∈Z