.( yi? ' tfc fl . ''',V0 --p; '7 fV w 1V.' .Zffl TO $fep V' i I. Mi" U.I aj Mere Goed News of the Strawbridge & ' . n :'l, Clearance, Reduction and Quick Turnover Sales!, r 1500 Yards of Silver-bleache- d Amazing Values in the Sale- - New Purchases Arrive for the Table of Women's Tailored Suits Special regular January Sale of Women's Coats Te-morro- $1.75 purchases and clearances from our to Half Price, w new plain- - Clese values, all of them. The sketch is of one of the lower prices, of the season's best tailored Suits, special at ?Z7.50. In some instances they are duplicate orders, at Fine silver-bleache- d Damask, 69 inches wide, at an extraordinary saving. Woven selling numbers. Alse remaining groups of Coats from our regular stock, marked for in beautiful floral and conventional designs. Linen of this quality and in such handsome Special at $27.50 quick clearance. patterns will' be purchased eagerly at this amazingly low price. In the January Sale browns, tans and gray. BeltedS;models and Belivia Cleth Coats Fine Wrap-lik- e Coats $1.75 a yard. models without bplta, beautifully tailored -line- d Of pockets and cellars; peau de cygne lining. Throughout $20.00 Dark Belivia Cleth $40.00 January Values in the Linen Stere Special at $30.00 Fine Seal Coats Cleth Coats with Deep Silk-line- d Cellar and Cuffs $50.00 semi-fittin- g, $25.00 Fur Bring a remarkable economy opportunity te every housekeeper interested in . belted model en conservative lines, Throughout pockets smartly 'finished EttSwith straps of self purchases and a sharp reduction in our margain of profit mean unprece- Plaid-bac- k Belivia Coats, & Fortunate fair material; mannish cellar. Cleth Coats Q97 Cfk Cellar (7C AA dented savings for these who share in these values. In the. Sale are Mannish Tailored Medel f ' V Cuffs of Various Furs P O.W $" -- . Strawbridge &. Clothier Second Floer. Centra 16,450 Yards of Table Damask I 40,000 Towels of Every Description Special at $32.50 rta bretn! Mere Than 2850 Table Cleths G510 Yards of Teiceting High-grad- e tailored model with coat that can 6333 Dezen Linen Napkins 12,000 be worn with or without the belt. Pin-tuc- Yards of Dress Linens and slashed scams, smartly finished with folds i - & .' Strawbrldtfe Clothier Aisles 11 and 12, Centre of self material; notched cellars and inset AA". I" ', pockets. Thousands of Yards of at Fine Suits Reduced One-thir- d Regular An Unprecedented Sale of and new $40.00 te $75.00 Less than of most desirable Silks of season, at one-thir- d less Medels developed in duvet de laine, duvet Thousands of yards the the te-day- 's assortments, weaves weights. Alse Silk Underwear, in Variety Value melange and moussyne; black, navy, various than regular prices. Excellent all and and brown and gray tones. Straight-lin- e models many single pieces and short lines at great price reductions. flaring hips. Beau- Months of preparation, taking advantage 'of manufacturer's close-ou- t of and models smartly ever the lets tifully tailored Suits with conservative lines, Printed Crepe new $1.65 Brocaded Silk Peplin new $2.85 fine Undergarments, and selling at less than our margin of profit, in fair has resulted ethers embroidered and d. Goed shades and designs; 40 inches wide. Pennikes Brocaded Silk Peplin, in navy blue, our greatest Sale of Muslin Underwear. brown, black, tan and gray; 40 inches wide. SO THAT EVERY WOMAN may supply her needs at these lower prices, wonder- Fine Suits Reduced new $80.00 te $275 Brocaded Silks new $4.00 te $5.00 Fine new $2.85 ful lets of Silk Underwear are included. As well as every reliable kind of Muslin 25 - Strawbridge & Clothier Second Floer. Centre Brocaded Crepes and . Black, white, blue taupe; 40 inches wide. Black and all geed dress and sports shades; 40 Undergarment, from the least expensive Bloemers at 38c te a beautiful Night Gewn at and inches wide. $iu.uu. A bale of interest te all women whether selecting Fine Chiffen new $5.95 i one piece or a season's supply. Imperial new $2.00 Beys' "Makine" Black and Colored ; 40 inches wide. A full line of shades; 35 inches wide. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR IN THE JANUARY SALE Fine new $2.00 a yard Sports Satin new $2.65 Regular Sizes Extra Sizes Coats, $10.75 Fast and color; 27 inches wide. White, flesh, navy blue, brown and black; 40 inches wide. Night Gowns -- 50c te $10.00 Night Gowns $1.00 te $4.25 One of the many features of the Foulard Silks new $2.50 and $3.00 January Clothing Envelope Chemises 50c te Envelope Chemises $1.00 te Sale in the Beys' High-grad- e Foulards in exclusive designs; 40 Silk Dress new $2.00 $4.50 $4.75 Stere, is this group of 150 Makine Coats inches wide. Wonderful values. Black, navy and brown. Excellent quality. Drawers 50c te $3.50 Leng Petticoats $1 te $7.50 at a sharp reduction from the special New 1922 Foulard Silks new $1.85 Seft Satin Duchess new $2.00 Cevers 50c introductory price. They are of all-wo- ol Corset te $3.50 Short Petticoats 65c te A practically unlimited assortment of new 1922 A favored black Satin; 35 inches wide. Bloemers 38c to $2.00 $2.75 blanket cloth, longer than a Mackinaw, patterns; 3(5 inches wide. Leng Petticoats, 75c te $4.25 Combinations, $1.50 te $2.50 but shorter than an Overcoat. Made with Black Peau de Soie $2.00 Pajamas yoke and belt back; muff and side pock- Satin-fac- e Crepe new $2.65 Heavy quality and 35 inches wide. Flannelette $1.50 Bloemers 75c te $1.50 Copenhagen ets; convertible Sizes 9 18 Tan, gray, taupe, marine, blue, te $2.50 Night Gowns cellar. te jade, henna, brown, navy and black; 40 inches wide. Silk new $1.35 a yard Combinations, $1.25 to $5.00 $1.25 to year's 10.75. $3.25 Smart Shirting Silks new $2.00 Imported Black Habutai; 3r inches wide 1200 Night Gowns , Radium, Crepe de Chine and White Ninghai new $1.35 a yard Nainsoek 200 Suits with . Widths 32 and 36 inches. In the At Remarkable Saving 95c natural shade; 33 inches wide a Extra Trousers Special Aisle Table of Black and Colored Satin de Luxe, 35-in- $1.35 Just one of the pretty styles is sketched at the right. And there are ethers nMm Special Aisle Table of All Kinds of Desirable Silks new $1.65 equally pretty, trimmed with and embroidery. All of soft nainsoek, daintily $1025 and $11.75 Of all-wo- ol -line- d made. Most women will buy this low price new 9Bc. handsome cheviets, with coats and several at full-line- Canten-fille- 40-ii- v, -- two 8 18 d - Struwbrldge & Clothier Third Floer, Weat pairs of knickerbockers. Sizes te years. Heavy Crepe de Chine, colors & black $3.50 JSH " Strawbridge & Clothier Second Floer, Filbert Street, East Strawbrlde & Clothier Alala fl, Centre

Negligees of Beauty Over-Blous- Unusual Anether Great Sale of Women's Dresses Blouses and es I At Extraordinary Savings Are Greatly Under-Price-d In the Salen $15.0.0 te $35.00 -- French That Will Have City Tlli.s is one of the most important features of the January Tip Tee Snle-P- the en ight Practically every type of fashionable, luxurious Negligee thousand Blouses were here at special prices included te start in this remarkable purchase. The finest collection at the Six ment.hs age we had a Sale of Women's people te-da- y and this Sale bids the Sale, and additional special purchases are coming lowest prices, of which we knew. .' Dresses that are still talking about in almost tair te surpass it. Nearly five Dresses, new, Te we have added the high-grad- e uahy. Of Velvet thousand fresh, just purchased. these and Waterfall $25.00 te $35.00 Dresses in our regular stock, at clearance deductions. A few of the different lets are briefly described belew: Of Crepes and Satins, some brocaded $15.00 te $25.00 Smart Tailored and Blouses Breakfast Coats of Taffeta, Satin and Gres de Londres New Peiret Extraordinary at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25 and A Special of A Let of Fashionable Pe'.er-Pa- Purchase n $15.00 te $18.00 models of plaid voile and dimity, $1.50. Others of Lambs'-woo- l Quilted Robes $16.75 te $30.00 Weel Jersey Dresses Peiret Twill Dresses Canten Crepe Dresses dimity in Peter-Pa- n and Tuxedo styles, $2.00 and $2.25. Silk Negligees and Breakfast Coats Porte Rican Hand-mad- e. White Away Under Price $5.95 te $14.85 Blouses, $2.95, $3.50, $3.95 and $4.95 If you are planning te buy a Negligee, paying from $5.95 te $15.00 Every stitch hand-mad- e, and all the trimming done by hand, ?M.8e, you cannot afford te miss these. won- $25.00 many trimmed with fine filet Graceful $25.00 models in New spring and Irish crochet . Vest effects derful coleiings. models. The Peiret Twill POIRET TWILL DRESSES in black, navy CANTON CREPE DRESSES in black, navy and elaborately tucked models among them. Dresses black lew-waist- Crepe de in and navy, the Jersey Dresses and brown all new spring models, in straight-lin- e blue nnd brown a model, plaited Chine Negligees $5.95 te $14.85; of Crepe black, navy braid-trimme- in and brown. Embroidered and and circular-ski- rt styles, with distinctive and d, and finished with a wide braid-trimme- Tailored Pongee Meteer $12.95 Sizes 36 te 40. new trimmings. Sizes 30 te 40. girdle with sash ends. Waists, special at $3.00 Tailored models, Peter-Pa- n, Satin Breakfast Coats, $7.50; of Taffeta, $7.50 and $11.95 convertible or Tuxedo cellars. ?- - Strawbrldxe & Clothier High-Grad- e Over-Blouse- French Salen and Third Floer. Fllb.rt Street. West Cleth Dresses Silk Afternoon Dresses Mignonette s, special at $3.95 Light and dark embroidered in color or trimmed with New $37.50 te $100 New $50.00 te $125.00 flat braid or narrow tape edges. 600 Satine Petticoats )M Clearances from our regular stock of Cleth Dresses duvetine, Our entire remaining stock of Silk Afternoon Dresses crepe J- AA tncetine, Peiret twill, piquctine and tricefine. Black and colors. Georgette, Canten crepe and Reshanara ciepe, in geed shades and Levely Crepe de Chine Blouses and Many handsome . Werth - models. excellent Styles. rr-- - stnilrlJe Clothier tin eml F'oer, MurW 'r.t Deuble This Price) P VJ Over-Blouse- s, Of satine with plaited taffeta flounce in novel designs. $3.75, $5.00, $5.75 Serviceable Over-Blous- and pretty in effect. in canna, Getham, hensydew, Dutch blue, geld und navy. Tuck-i- n 600 White Satine Petticoats, special 85c Bleached Muslin Tailored Blouses in flesh and white. With double panel back and front, and with tailored flounce. The Great January Sale Fer Sheets and Pillow Striped and Plaid Silk Waists $3.95 At a substantial saving. Cases Dark, rich coloring.--. Convertible cellar and long sleeves. 100 Messaline Silk Petticoats, special, $2.95 A Wonderful Opportunity for Men - hTuwtnjKe & Cleth ei Serend Kloef. Centra Unusual Away value at this January Sale price. and Yeung Men Who Desire Under Price S3 - Strawtrldee & Clothier Second Floer. West Kleached Muslin of standard quality, at exceptional savings 1 r--() during the January Sale. Women's Skirts Unusual Savings Suits with 81-in- Muslin new 7.h $5 Extra G3-m- Prevail Trousers Muslin new t)3c Specially Priced 45-inc- h Muslin new 13c. Is Presented by These Three Excellent A purchase at such a remarkable price concession in the Str.iu brulue A. i n'ller our puce of that Leather Goods Stere Alulr 1.1 ('. ntrs i5.e0 is, in many instances, about half of Skirt.- - what the ere?V of ?Re Leather Goods at January Sale prices, Groups in the Winter Clothing Sale ure worth. including special purchases and reduced lets. fume of prunella, ethers of voleur, in smart Hex-plaito- stripes and 150 New plaids. d te a solid-col- effect Leather Hand Bags $2.85 - gie at the top A Warm Sweater ui.. 4 r- - -- - ,, fitrt.t Bosten Bags, split nri i cowhide, $1.35; surface cowhide, $2.50 Every i' ' THESE NOTABLY REDUCED At $23.50, $29.50 and $32.50 for Need Velvet Hand Bags Beaded Bags Leather Hand Bags Among the most important Is included in the Sporting ' Dressing Cases features in the $200,000 collection of Suits and Over- Goods Stere's comprehensive Men's Wallets and Card Cases coats new mai'ked at clearance prices are in these groups of Misses' Coats Chopping Bags Desk Sets. Suits with two pairs of steck: ctn Leather Novelties trousers. Styles smart and clean-c- ut ftpn or of conservatism. Fabrics Pull-eve- r Sweaters, Sh" Straw lirldire i. Clothier Allies S and 0, Centre n5 worsteds, silk mixtures, winter serges nnd cassimeres. Sizes for practically every chest Shaker-kni- t, are $7.50 te $15. Extraordinary at 31 measure and every proportion. Savings ABOUT ONE-THIR- D Pull-eve- r cel- are $23 50 ' S9 30 Sweaters with and $32.50. lar are $U.OO und $10.00. Nearly One-thir- d Under Price And there are many Full-belte- ether d Coats Cotten Dress Fabrics Seme Fine Overcoats Arrive Frem Londen popular styles from $5.50 te .,,NV' of cordeva cloth, vith wrap sleeves $18.00. windshield; smartly trimim-- with buttons. Large cellar of ringtail opossum. silk-line- d A Just in Time te Appear in the Sale Straw brMu-- a Clntliler Beuuufully und warmly interlined. Wonderful Collection at $49.50 Navy blue, brown and black. Size.s of Imported A"stin & sufficient quality guarantee Fourth rioer 14, 10 and 18 years. ?ic,mrd, Ce; ? for any one familiar with clothes zr--r- Bintwnn.iKr, t deW-b""- t etiiirr .Sirend Heur Markitt Htrwt and Jiiff "d some fabrics typify Demestic Fabrics for 1922 S l&.SSSfi aWndrdurinbffeI!nd that desiLSCnnr,lTr0,,tI??t,tern,a Jpve"", mere striking in their artistic Lady Alice Drlntl50fuiico,er,,n88, inest Fnbrics in novel wcnvus 1000 and of cotton Mere Than Suits of "Alce" Make "na EnS?' the,mnker3 both here and in France January Voiles, Tissues and in glorious array. in the Sale at $23.50, $32.50, $46.50, Almend Cream, 30c Clearance $54.50 Women Handsemo fabrics, carefully tailored in the distinctively who knew hew won- A First Showing Hand-wove- n smart styles for which this mmeus one-thir- derfully geed liquid of Cotten manufacturer is noted. These nre d under their regular prices. this cream of Damaged Beeks Fabrics is for keeping the bkin smooth from North Carolina and Men's relieving chapped and irri- Prices Reduced One-ha- lf i? .eclU8laVe distributors in Philadelphia. It is and Yeung Men's Overcoats and Mere worth iT5iMr tated skins will be delighted Just because they show the! Stere te see these Fabrics, beautiful in slight traceH of handling we ' unusual perfection of in the Sale at $23.50, $32.50, $46.50, $54.50 te buy it at less than regular marked thousands of Beeks, covering weave and coloring. ture, the entire realm of S! ? oirawuriuue & cieinier Alale 0, Centre Ulsters, Ulsterettes and neat Chesteifield styles of line price new 30c a z. including Juvenile, Fiction, Classics '" I $. Many imnerted evor bottle. and Keference works coatings are used in the Oveiceats at the higher 1 Htrawbrldk-- i. reductions of one-ha- lf at prices. - sir.wbZe Moer. Clethlar Alala 10, and mere. Centre, and Alale 7 Market Street - A "wtlda I'l'.thler Second Kloer. Filbert Btreat. Wut . 1 -

k V i t .V ,., --X . ,t .