29 January-1 February: Verona hosts the 114th International Agricultural Show


Ten halls, 900 exhibitors, two outdoor areas, 800 head of livestock, more than 130 conferences and events over the four days during a Show focusing on innovation, sustainability and the circular economy. International delegations from 30 countries. Croatia is the "guest country" with an official visit by the Minister of Agriculture, Marija Vučković, who will chair the Council of EU Agricultural Ministers in the first half of 2020. The Inauguration on Wednesday 29 January with the Italian Minister for Agricultural Policies, Teresa Bellanova, and in-depth analysis of Italy's agricultural system in the European context, the African primary sector and agri-business opportunities between Italy and Africa.

Verona, 29 January-1 February 2020 - The 114th Fieragricola, the International Agriculture Show scheduled in Verona next Wednesday 114 January-Saturday 1 February, confirms its status as one of the most important events in Europe with expanding figures: 10 halls, 900 exhibitors (+8.2% compared to the 2018 event), net area of 67,600 square metres (+18.7%), two outdoor demo areas totalling 9,500 square meters set up for the "special shows", 800 head of livestock on display (+14.3%), more than 130 conferences, in-depth analysis and training courses are all scheduled over the four days of the event. A specialist and wide-ranging exhibition. The wide-ranging format is confirmed and ensures professional development of the pillars of an event that ever since 1898 has accompanied Veronafiere's growth in the agricultural sector by always pursuing innovation as a tool stimulating growth and competitiveness in the primary sector. Trade exhibition and discussion of ideas: A winning combination. Close attention to agricultural mechanisation, livestock farming (with special emphasis also to relaunch pig and poultry sectors), vineyards, orchards and specialist crops, energy from renewable sources, forestry, agro-chemicals, fertilizers and seeds, multifunctional agricultural enterprises, management of green areas, services for agriculture, dynamic areas for live testing of machinery, agricultural vehicles and telehandlers. The Green Deal at Fieragricola. "Fieragricola 2020 especially highlights the major challenges agriculture is called upon to tackle, starting off with the Green Deal outlined by the EU Commission chaired by Ursula von der Leyen, which also impacts the agricultural system in a very detailed manner," said the President of Veronafiere, Maurizio Danese-. Achieving climate neutrality by 2050 demands joint efforts on a global scale and a clear commitment by all players in the agricultural supply chain as regards topics such as combating climate change, biodiversity, agro-ecology, support for renewable energy and the circular economy, in compliance with the EU "Farm to Fork" project. The event in Verona has always sought to provide food for thought and practical solutions to accompany the business world and agro-livestock supply chains towards environmental, economic and social sustainability." Inaugural conference. The inaugural conference, scheduled on the morning of Wednesday 29 January, focuses on "Agri-business in Africa and commercial relationships with the EU and Italy: opportunities and prospects". Reports by will include the Minister for Agricultural Policies, Teresa Bellanova; the Minister of Agriculture of Croatia, Marija Vučković; Professor Giulio Tremonti, jurist, former Minister of Economy and Finance ; Padre Mauro Gambetti custodian of the Sacred Convent of Assisi; Denis Pantini, Head of the Agriculture and Food Industry sector at Nomisma; and live from

Brussels MEP Paolo De Castro, first vice-president of the Agriculture and Rural Development Commission and rapporteur for the European Parliament of the post-2020 CAP reform proposal. The report by Nomisma provides strategic indications for defining the Italian agricultural system within the European context and the associated trading with Africa by examining the evolution of Italian agriculture in terms of the value of agricultural and livestock production, agricultural import/export flows and Italian agricultural machinery industry. The agricultural system in Africa was also analysed by Nomisma, reviewing the evolution of the economic-demographic framework by macro-geographical areas, the development of the agricultural system in terms of cultivated areas and main products, livestock levels, intensity of mechanisation and trends for irrigated areas, analysis of international trade flows and opportunities for the Italian primary sector with special attention to agricultural and food products, tractors, agricultural machinery and equipment. Analysis by the ICE-Italian Trade Agency indicated that in 2018 Italy's overall exports to 49 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa totalled 5.46 billion euros compared to 5.08 the previous year. Data for 2019 (January-May) show an increase of 6.2% on a trend basis. "Fieragricola was keen to pay close attention to Africa," said Giovanni Mantovani, CEO of Veronafiere, "since agriculture is one of the most important items in the social balance of the continent because, in addition to vital function as regards production, sustenance and food security for local populations, it is also one of the most effective ways to combat the effects of climate change." Climate and environment will also be at the heart of renewed dialogue between the European Union and Africa through the Task Force for Rural Africa that has created an operational partnership between the EU and the African Union, as well as through the future "NaturAfrica" project to combat loss of biodiversity by setting up a network of protected areas. Veronafiere, thanks to the wide-ranging and strong specialisation of Fieragricola, seeks to become a bridgehead between Europe and Africa to support the development of local agricultural supply chains, a vital aspect that will also facilitate the other pillars Africa needs: food security, education and health. Internationalisation Croatia is the "guest country" at Fieragricola 2020 with a specific area for promoting its own agricultural system. An official visit is expected by the Croatian Minister of Agriculture, Marija Vučković, who in the period January-June 2020 heads the EU Council of Agricultural Ministers during the Croatian half-year presidency of Europe. "For Minister Vučković, " Mantovani said, "it will be an opportunity to improve awareness of Italian agriculture - one of the most advanced in Europe - and the innovations in the sector promoted by Italian companies as well as international exhibitors. We believe that dialogue about the agricultural future of Europe must also take in the international show in Verona, that increasingly combines its business vocation with political, economic and diplomatic aspects." Veronafiere, in collaboration with ICE-Italian International Trade Agency and Federunacoma, has organized incoming projects for international delegations and buyers, which sees the Western and the Balkans Area, together with Africa, at the heart of promotional activities. Operators from 30 countries have been selected and invited: Algeria, Angola, Austria, Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldova, Mozambique, Nigeria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda and Vietnam. B2B meetings will be scheduled during the event with specific focuses to put exhibiting companies in contact with importers and distributors of agricultural machinery, vineyard and orchard machinery and the livestock sector. Hall 7 focuses on Italian start-ups thanks to the project created together with ICE-Trade Agency to provide an international stage for innovative products by new Italian companies. Agricultural engineering Fieragricola hosts agricultural engineering in five halls (1, 2, 6, 7, 8) with all the top players in the sector. The dynamic outdoor areas for "Special Shows" are now doubled up, with an area in front of Hall 4 dedicated to tractors, agricultural vehicles and equipment, as well as a venue in front of Hall 9 dedicated to telehandlers. The new frontiers of agricultural engineering - a sector worth around 7.9 billion euros in Italy - are increasingly shifting towards digital technologies, precision agriculture, and collection and processing

of big data. The objective is to improve efficiency, reduce consumption, increase productivity and, consequently, the profitability of agricultural businesses. Specialist agriculture: vineyards and orchards. Fieragricola continues its vocation for transversality and specialist supply chains. Halls 4 and 5 host areas highlighting vineyards and orchards, crops with high added value and a symbol of Mediterranean agriculture. Machinery, vehicles and specific equipment with a focus on precision agriculture and sustainability to improve the competitiveness of specialist agricultural companies, as well as courses dealing with pruning, sulphites, management of vineyard and orchard canopies, dendro-surgery (the complete list of conferences is available at and is constantly updated). Livestock farming events. Fieragricola dedicates major space to livestock farming as a consolidated pillar of the event with three halls (9, 10 and 11). International events include the 19th Dairy Open Holstein Show for the Friesian breed, the 52nd National Swiss Brown Cow Stud Book Exhibition, the European Swiss Brown Cow Comparison (with cattle from Italy, Switzerland, France and Austria), the special "Nations Cup" prize and the "Bruna Originaria" competition. The National Poultry Show is a new and significantly expanded area with exhibition areas, debates and the presentation of the "Poultry Farmer of the Year" award. In general, all sectors have been upgraded: dairy and beef cattle, pigs, horses & related animals, poultry, rabbits and hares, sheep and goats and even snails. "Milk Day". In the wake of success during the previous edition, the "Milk Day" event returns during Fieragricola 2020 to tackle the topic of training for breeders in order to develop the dairy business, starting from the quality of milk. "Nutrition Forum". The Nutrition Forum (Hall 9) focusing on animal feed will also include the "Assalzoo Prize" for university students: it will reward the best Master Degree and PhD thesis, thereby confirming the attention in the world of production to scientific research in such a strategic sector as animal nutrition. Circular economy and renewable energy. The circular economy is one of the key topics at Fieragricola, given the enormous potential that agricultural supply chains can develop: from the exploitation of animal farming waste to renewable energy, as well as the reduction, re-use and promotion of waste. The area focusing on energy from renewable agricultural sources in Hall 11 at Fieragricola 2020 is 13% larger than for the previous edition, driven by the prospects in the Green Deal - an ambitious project that will be defined in 2020 by the European Union with input from Member States to outline a green policy aligned as far as possible on a worldwide scale. Positive signs from Italy came with the 2020 Budget, with regulations for plant generating electricity from biogas that envisage the right to continue benefiting from electricity incentives even for plant fired by biogas that came into operation within on 31 December 2007 that have not had the chance to reconvert bio-methane production, and promoting digestate by equating it with fertilizing substances, a solution that helps counteract the soil depletion phenomenon. This could ensure a further boost to investments in the sector, with special attention to the exploitation livestock effluent.

Veronafiere Press Service Fieragricola Tel. +39 045 829 8242/8285/8350/8210 114th International Agricultural Technologies Show E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: pressVRfiere Web: Facebook: Fieragricola Twitter: @Fieragricola Join the Fieragricola Network on LinkedIn


(% increases calculated on 2018 edition, FKM certified data)

122 years from the foundation of Fieragricola (1898-2018)

114 editions

900 exhibitors (+8.2%) - with 105 international (+41.9%) from 20 countries

67,600 net square metres (18.7%)

9,500 square meters dedicated to "Special Shows" (26%)

800 head of livestock on show (+14.3%)

More than 130 conferences and events organised (+8.3%)

Delegations of international buyers from 30 countries world-wide Algeria, Angola, Austria, Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Macedonia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Moldova, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda and Vietnam.

5 halls dedicated to agricultural engineering

2 halls for specialist vineyard and orchard crops

3 halls dedicated to animal farming

132,000 visitors in 2018, with 19,117 from abroad

29 January-1 February: Veronafiere hosts the 114th International Agricultural Show




Verona, 29 January-1 February 2020 - From co-defendant to green ally. On the eve of the European Green Deal, Italian agriculture dispels many commonplaces and reveals strong empathy with the sustainable zero-emission revolution sought by Brussels. Italy is the country with the healthiest and safest foods in the Old continent, as well as being the most attentive to waste and greenhouse gas emissions; over the last 10 years, Italy has reduced the use of chemicals in its fields with peaks of 50% in favour of a more organic agriculture, ranking first in Europe for arable and permanent crops. On the other hand, the Italian agricultural still reflects a number of structural gaps in the country - such as the shortage and management of water in certain areas, in addition to soil erosion - and will have to rely on its fungibility to help implement the sustainable transition. This emerged from the report presented by the Fieragricola Observatory- Nomisma during the landmark exhibition in the sector scheduled at Veronafiere next 29 January-1 February.

The CEO of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani, said: "While the social value of our countryside in terms of food supply is historically established, the same cannot be said for its potential in terms of sustainability. The green trust of new agriculture is one of the main pillars capable of make a decisive contribution to the transition towards zero emissions during the economic revolution we are about to face. An epoch-making transition which Fieragricola will once again monitor and interpret."

FROM FARM TO FORK - FOOD GOES ARM IN ARM WITH THE ENVIRONMENT This is the name of the strategy impacting the agro-food sector included in the communication launched last 11 December titled "The European Green Deal". The EU will publish the strategic assets by next Spring but communication already makes it clear where the Green Deal wants to go (and in part finance) by indicating a whole series of objectives which European agriculture must focus on in order to develop a circular economy based on a healthy, fair and environment-friendly food system.

PRODUCT SAFETY, WASTE, CHEMICALS AND BIO: ITALY IN POLE POSITION The Fieragricola Observatory-Nomisma Report highlighted how Italian agriculture, in the run up to the most important operational plan in history for green economy, is already exploiting one of its cardinal paradigms: the health and safety of its foods which have the highest percentages of products that - in accordance with to controls by the Food Safety authority (Efsa) - are absolutely free of residues and better than the results found in France, Spain and Germany. There is also good news on the waste front, with per capita food waste (126 kg per year) 16% below the European average and falling sharply over the last decade. Virtues add up from table to the land, according to the Fieragricola-Nomisma Report: Italy holds the EU record of for the area and incidence of organic arable and permanent crops with 1.5 million hectares, ahead of France, Spain and Germany, while greenhouse gas emissions are also falling (-12.3% in the last twenty years according to Eurostat), accounting for 7% of total emissions compared to the European average of 10%. Yet the green sensitivity of Italian farmers and products is even more evident when tested against crop protection products/pesticides and fertilizers. In fact, the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Ispra) suggests that usage has fallen significantly over the last decade and consumption has often halved: this is the case of insecticides (from 1.2 kg of active ingredients per hectare to 0.6

kg), fungicides (-30%) and herbicides (-20%), as well as nitrogen (-25%), phosphorus pentoxide (-36%) and potassium oxide (-50%).

PROTECTION OF BIODIVERSITY AND FORESTS. WATER EMERGENCY AND SOIL EROSION Safeguarding the territory and its resources also brings about aspects which will be essential to achieve a leap in quality. While the Fieragricola Nomisma survey indicates that Italy is permanently in the top 5 EU countries as regards the protection of biodiversity and wooded areas, water management is much more problematic, where Italy is the tail-ender as regards the water usage/resources ratio, where agriculture accounts for half the total use. This structural problem must be mitigated through intelligent management systems - such as precision irrigation - on a par with the use of energy from renewable sources which stands at only 2% of total consumption in the primary sector. Lastly, preservation of the land and the environment is seriously challenged by soil consumption phenomena, up by 50% in the last 30 years alone, as well as erosion by water where Italy tops the European ranking for land damage caused by adverse weather events. On average in Italy, soil erosion comes to almost 9 tonnes per hectare per year, compared to 4 in Spain and 2 in France.

ENVIRONMENTAL BUT NOT ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY "It is evident," said Denis Pantini, the head of the agro-food sector at Nomisma and curator of the study, "how the report highlights the enormous efforts made over the years by Italian farmers to make their business more environment-friendly and how their work is fundamental for the protection of our territories, especially in the face of calamities generated by climate change. Environmental sustainability, however, cannot be separated from economic sustainability, without which agricultural activity itself cannot exist. In this context, unfortunately, incomes for Italian agricultural businesses have not improved over the last five years compared with Spanish and French farmers." In overall economic terms, Italy comes out top in the European production scenario for added value (32.2 billion euros, average over the last two years), second behind France (76.3 billion euros) in terms of the value of production ( 56.7 billion euros, two-year average), but comes in further behind for exports (4th) worth 7.6 billion euros. On the other hand, the situation as regards company income is critical, with a downturn in Italy of 1% over the last five years compared to an EU average of 6%, with Spain and France at 11%.

Ten halls, 900 Italian and international exhibitors, 130,000 operators expected and a calendar of 130 events including conferences, workshops and dynamic tests. These are the facts and figures for the 114th Fieragricola (29 January-1 February 2020), Veronafiere's historic international exhibition which - 122 years after its foundation - confirms its status as a thermometer in the primary sector with a focus on the combination of specialisation and new technologies. Key topics include innovation, sustainability and the circular economy; from agriculture 4.0 to latest-generation agricultural mechanisation and equipment through to the most advanced systems for vineyards, orchards, specialist crops and animal farming to tackle the challenges posed by the European Green Deal. The inaugural conference dedicated to EU and Italy agri-business in Africa, will be attended by the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova, and the Minister of Agriculture of Croatia, Marija Vučković.

29 January-1 February: Verona hosts the 114th International Agricultural Show


The focus interview on the New Green Deal highlights young people and generational turnover, renationalisation and enlargement of the EU in South-East Europe. Croatia is the guest country at 2020 Fieragricola, on the occasion of the rotating Presidency of the European Union

Verona, 29 January-1 February 2020 - Croatia - holding the presidency of the EU Council until June - is the guest country at Fieragricola 2020, the international event dedicated to agriculture across the board. The Minister of Agriculture of Croatia, Marija Vučković, announced the objectives and topics that will be tackled during the six-month presidency. Minister Vučković: what was the agricultural budget for 2019 in Croatia? "Fairly good indices are expected for agricultural production for 2019, especially for cereals, while pork and lamb are expected to provide the best production results in the livestock sector. Beef is likely to be at or below last year's level and poultry is stable." What are the current topics in Croatian agriculture? "The Republic of Croatia is traditionally self-sufficient as regards production of cereals and oil-seeds. There were 170,561 registered farmers in 2019: There are 164,935 family farms (96.7%). 2,234 commercial activities, 2,828 companies, 360 cooperatives and 204 entities in the category of "other organisational forms" were also involved in agricultural activities. Compared to 2018, the number of farmers listed on the official register increased by 1.7%. Agricultural land in 2019 came to 1.14 million hectares, an increase of 12,631 hectares compared to 2018 (+1.1%)." The future of the Common Agricultural Policy 2021-2027 is currently being discussed. What does Croatia hope for during its presidency of the EU Council for the first six months of 2020? "The Croatian Presidency is keen to ensure as much progress as possible for discussions into the proposed reform package for the future CAP with a view to reaching a political agreement at Member State level. Extraordinary work was achieved during previous presidencies in clarifying a number of provisions, although there are still issues that have to be discussed more extensively, such as example the details of the new consignment model or green architecture. The outcome of the multi-annual financial framework (MFF) negotiations is extremely important, since it must be agreed before the CAP reform package can be concluded. Consequently, any delay in the MFF negotiations will affect our plan for the future CAP." Do you think that Member States should contribute more to the European budget after Brexit and EU plans to support other policies over and above agriculture? "We believe that the CAP budget should at least remain at current levels. By supporting the agricultural sector, we also support important objectives for other EU policies. It is also expected that this sector will contribute even more in the future to environment and climate action, through specific targeted measures and through funding alike. The European Green Deal acknowledges that the transition towards an emission neutral economy is very costly. Inasmuch, appropriate budget funds must be available to achieve these objectives." Greening, as defined in the current CAP, has not achieved the desired results. Yet EU citizens are demanding a greener and more sustainable agricultural policy. What do you suggest? "We must guide the debate bearing in mind the effective situation and avoid interacting under the influence of emotions. Our farmers are obliged to implement a growing number of environmental protection standards and comply with stricter rules with every CAP reform. Most of the finance for climate change action in the EU comes through the CAP budget. The proposal of the European

Commission for the period 2021-2027, sees 46% of the EU's total climate expenditure come from the CAP. At the same time, agriculture contributes about 10% to greenhouse gas emissions. The burden of developing a more sustainable European Union must also and clearly be borne by other sectors, which generate 90% of emissions, and not only by agriculture." What is Croatia's position as regards the renationalisation of mutual agriculture policies? To what extent would a process of definition on a national scale be useful for farmers in every Member State? "Croatia welcomes the greater flexibility expected for CAP in the future. This arises because of the different conditions in EU Member States and will allow national authorities to adapt CAP measures more suitably to the needs of their agricultural sectors. At the same time, they must still contribute to the attainment of the EU's shared objectives, which is an appropriate way of ensuring that the CAP remains a true common European Union policy." The so-called "Balkan Area" seems to be interested in joining the European Union. Do you think that some of these countries could begin the EU accession process? "The accession process was one of the most important points raised during the European Council session in October. However, leaders have unfortunately been unable to find a solution. As a more recent Member State, Croatia is well aware of the utmost importance of this accession process by candidate countries in South East Europe. The efforts of Albania and North Macedonia must be acknowledged and the Croatian Presidency will therefore give priority to these decisive issues. We hope that constructive discussion and positive progress will be achieved, while considering all the internal challenges the European Union has to tackle." Rural depopulation and generational turnover in agriculture: what is the situation in Croatia and how can we encourage young entrepreneurs to stay in this business? "These are major problems in Croatia which we are attempting to resolve through a series of national and EU measures. There are incentives for young farmers within the CAP but they are not enough. We must ensure that agriculture is seen to be a profitable activity and that rural areas offer a standard of living that is attractive for young people. This task goes beyond agricultural policy: long- term fiscal and economic solutions must also be found." Farmers are currently being taken to task by citizens demanding greater corporate responsibility, especially as regards production of quality food, with guaranteed traceability and the least possible environmental impact. "Our role as policy-makers in the agriculture and food sectors is to ensure that food is safe for consumers. This is why such a huge body of food safety legislation has been developed at EU level. Food product traceability is an integral part of such legislation. Possible improvements to this food policy will be part of the new "Farm to Fork" strategy, which the European Commission will publish during the Croatian presidency." What message could be launched from Verona for "Agricultural Europe"? "Agriculture has to respond to many challenges and we must also respond to society's expectations for the agricultural sector. Hopefully, current discussions into the reform of the common agricultural policy in Europe will bring about solutions to all these challenges. Yet we also hope that agriculture will no longer be perceived solely as a problem. Europe has earned worldwide recognition for its innumerable high quality food products and famous culinary traditions. This is a good basis for further development of agriculture as a successful and prosperous sector."

29 January-1 February: Verona hosts the 114th International Agricultural Show


Verona - 29 January-1 February 2020 - Agricultural machinery is one of the main pillars of Fieragricola, the international agricultural show scheduled at Veronafiere 29 January-1 February next, with five halls (1, 2, 6, 7 and 8) dedicated to Italian and international exhibitors and double the area for dynamic events. The challenge for the sector is sustainability. "Fieragricola has the promotion of new technologies in its DNA," said the Sales Director of Veronafiere, Flavio Innocenzi; "they are a vital tool for innovation in order to reduce emissions, safeguard the environment of our planet and, at the same time, improve production performance. We must never forget that the population of the world is growing towards an expected 9 billion people in 2050, while usable agricultural land area should remain almost stable at around 1.5 billion hectares. This means that it will be vital - in response to growing demand for food - to stimulate progress, which inevitably also involves precision agriculture and more modern agricultural equipment." The 2020 Budget is expected to facilitate upgrading of the machinery pool. Access to tax benefits envisaged in the National Business Plan 4.0 may facilitate the rejuvenation of Italy's rather old fleet of vehicles at an average age of 25 years and a registration rate that in 2019, according to Federunacoma analysis, posted growth of 0.7% to 18,600 units. The agricultural machinery sector in Italy is worth about 7.9 billion euros, a figure that rises to 11.4 billion euros with components, while exports come to more than 5.2 billion euros; this highlights the impressive popularity of "" agricultural engineering thanks to versatility and an exceptional ability to adapt to the needs of end users. Five halls for agricultural engineering. Fieragricola hosts five halls specifically for agricultural engineering (1, 2, 6, 7 and 8), joined in turn by halls 4 and 5 with Vineyards and Orchards once again focusing on specialist agriculture involving crops ensuring high added value that symbolise the biodiversity and richness of agriculture in Italy and Mediterranean Europe. All the top players on the market are attending the event in Verona, with an offering moving in the direction of sustainability. As regards agricultural engineering, the "Green Revolution", in keeping with the Green Deal announced by the President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, precision agriculture, minimal tillage, sod seeding, attention to soil and big data management. These solutions not only contribute to environmental protection but at the same time agricultural enterprises improve their competitiveness and economic margins. Recent studies by the Universities of and Genoa in collaboration with Conserve Italia into vegetable crops (tomato and sweet corn) quantified the benefits of precision farming technologies at between 70 and 160 euros per hectare. Not to mention fuel consumption reduced by between 22% and 55% for minimal tillage or strip till, based on the findings of the Confai Academy in collaboration with the University of Perugia, Bayer, Scam and other partners. All the most important manufacturers in attendance. Fieragricola 2020 includes, among others: New Holland Agriculture, Case IH, John Deere, Argo Tractors (Landini, McCormick, Valpadana), Agco Group (Fendt, Valtra, Massey Ferguson), Same-Deutz Fahr, Kubota, Claas, Jcb, Bcs, Antonio Carraro, Krone, Merlo, Manitou, Breviglieri, Caffini, Maschio Gaspardo, Berti, Lovol Arbos and many others. The "Special Shows". Fieragricola now doubles up the dynamic areas in the exhibition centre to expand presentations of agricultural machinery and vehicles through a "live" approach increasingly appreciated by visitors.

The "special shows" now boast an area expanded to 9,500 square metres, a 26% increase compared to Fieragricola 2018. The dynamic area managed in collaboration with magazine L'Informatore Agrario (in front of hall 4) will welcome three events on every day of the show: 10:30-11:30 12:00-13:00 14:00-15:00 providing insights focusing on vineyards and orchards, precision and conservation agriculture. An outside area will also be set up in front of Hall 9, managed in collaboration with Edagricole New Business Media Gruppo Tecniche Nuove, for a dynamic show highlighting telehandlers (particularly versatile machinery in terms of use, as evidenced by the boom in registrations in 2019: +23.5%) 11:00-12:00 and 15:00-16:00 every day of the event. Combined agricultural machinery value chain. All segments of agricultural engineering, from machinery builders to professional agro-engineering companies and retailers are attending Fieragricola. The central theme is innovation, while will also welcome the "Subcontractor of the Year" award, organised by Edagricole - New Business Media in collaboration with the Italian Agricultural Engineering and Agriculturists Confederation (CAI) scheduled on Thursday 30 January at 12 noon in hall 7 (Nutrition and Sustainable Defence Forum Area). Conferences. Among the conferences scheduled (for the full programme, see the website, FederUnacoma, Cai and Unacma discuss the topic of "Mother Regulation, 2 years later", i.e. the disposition that has become the main legislative landmark for the approval of agricultural machinery in Europe. The key passages will be summarised on Friday 31 January (Puccini Meeting Room at 14:00) alongside discussion of the new Ministry of Transport circular concerning carried, semi-carried and towed equipment on public roads. Uncai, on the other hand, analyses current issues affecting subcontracting through talk shows on its stand in Hall 2. Thursday 30 January at 14:00 (Hall 7, Nutrition and Sustainable Defence Forum Area) sees magazine L'Informatore Agrario examine "Profitability of precision agriculture", aspects of a new frontier that combines agricultural engineering with big data analysis and the Internet of Things (IoT). Specialist agriculture. Fieragricola continues its vocation for transversality and specialist supply chains. Halls 4 and 5 host areas for vineyards and orchards, crops with high added value and a symbol of Mediterranean agriculture. Machinery, vehicles and specific equipment with a focus on precision agriculture and sustainability to improve the competitiveness of specialist agricultural companies, as well as courses dealing with pruning, sulphites, management of vineyard and orchard canopies, dendro-surgery (the complete list of conferences is available at and is constantly updated).

29 January-1 February: Verona hosts the 114th International Agricultural Show


Verona, 29 January-1 February - The 114th Fieragricola, the international agricultural exhibition scheduled at Veronafiere 29 January-1 February, consolidates its leadership in the livestock sector even further. As facts and figures clearly demonstrate: 800 head of livestock (+14.3% compared to the previous edition in 2018), a net area of 4,000 square metres for livestock competitions (+17.6% over 2018), with two international cattle exhibitions dedicated to Friesian and Swiss Brown Cow breeds, as well as two livestock rings for presentations by the Italian Breeders Association, an organisation that protects and promotes the biodiversity of breeds. Fieragricola once again hosts the National Poultry Show and three specific Forum Areas for cattle, pigs and poultry. Three halls highlight innovations for animal farming and agro-energy, a sector among avant-garde agro-livestock companies that increasingly interprets a multi-function approach and a formula for implementing circular economy solutions to increase business profitability. "Animal farming, with a production value of over 16.2 billion euros (source: Ismea, 2018), is one of the strong points of Italian agriculture and the driving force behind many Italian PDO and PGI products held in high regard and in great demand all over the world," said Flavio Innocenzi, Veronafiere Sales Director. Fieragricola was keen to strengthen this exhibition segment, in view of the challenges impacting economic, environmental and social sustainability which find direction and drive towards innovation in the exhibition offering." The National Poultry Show. Fieragricola meets requests from the world of operators by hosting the National Poultry Show in Hall 11 with new companies taking part, theme focus meetings and in- depth analysis. Wednesday 29 January (Hall 11 Poultry Forum Area at 11:30): the "Poultry Breeder of the Year" award announced - the coveted prize organised by Unaitalia (National Union of Meat and Egg Agro-Food supply chains), the trade association representing more than 90% of Italy's poultry sector and a large part of the pig sector. All sectors upgraded. In general, all sectors have been upgraded: dairy and beef cattle, pigs, horses & related animals, poultry, rabbits & hares, sheep and goats, through to snails, with the aim of encouraging dialogue in the supply chain thanks to alliances with trade organisations. Competitions in the Fieragricola ring. Four events will be organised in the Fieragricola ring in Hall 10: the 19th Dairy Open Holstein Show, dedicated to the Friesian breed (with cows from Italy and the Czech Republic), the 52nd National Swiss Brown Cow Stud Book Exhibition, the European Swiss Brown Cow Comparison (with livestock from Italy, Switzerland, France and Austria) and the "Bruna Originaria" competition. Wednesday 29 January ensures space for young people, with competitions between Agricultural Technical Institutes (10:00-13:00), Young Italian Friesian Breeders and the Swiss Brown Cow Junior Club (14:00-18:00). Thursday 30 January: the biodiversity of Italian animal farming will be on show in the ring followed at 14:00 by a focus on the Swiss Brown Cow breed. Friday 31 January - 09:00-19:00. Spotlights on the 19th Dairy Open Holstein Show, with more than 180 head of livestock registered. Saturday 1 February - 09:00-16:30: events dedicated to the Swiss Brown Cow breed: European comparison, "Bruna Originaria" competition, National exhibition and the "National Cup" with 320 cattle taking part.

"Milk Day". Fieragricola 2020: Hall 9 will repeat the "Milk Day" experience for visitors with special emphasis on the topic of breeder training to help develop the dairy business, starting from quality milk. Focus on animal feed. Hall 9 at Fieragricola will also host the Nutrition Forum specifically for animal feed, thanks to partnership with the Assalzoo sector association. "We are keen to develop the area by strengthening a strategic sector in terms of both animal welfare and the environment," said Luciano Rizzi, Agriexpo & Technology Area Manager. Animal farming is called on to expand production to meet growing need for noble proteins of animal origin while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions - a goal that can also be achieved through new feed solutions for farmed animals." "Breeder of the Year" award. Friday 31 January (14.00, Forum Area in Hall 9): the "Breeder of the Year" prize organised by magazine Informatore Zootecnico-Edagricole for dairy cattle, beef cattle and pig categories will be presented.

The 114th international agriculture event scheduled until Saturday 1 February


Verona, 29 January 2020 - the National Poultry Show makes its debut in Hall 11 during the 114th Fieragricola scheduled until Saturday 1 February.

Partnerships. "Partnership with Unaitalia, Assalzoo, Coldiretti-Aia and some of the main players on a national and international scale," said the CEO of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani, "has helped Fieragricola strengthen its offering in the animal farming sector and provide effective answers to the need among operators to rely on one of the most cutting-edge and dynamic exhibition centres in Europe. Involvement of the entire supply chain and dialogue launched with buyers, dealers, poultry farmers, sales managers and decision makers from Italy and abroad is the ideal basis for viewing the 2022 edition with optimism." Poultry farming is a growing sector already structured to ensure food self-sufficiency. In 2018, it posted production worth 7.9 billion euros and, from feed to hatchery, breeding, processing and sales, generates turnover of 21.7 billion euros. Verona: the landmark for animal farming in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. "As a group and as Assalzoo, we asked Fieragricola to become involved to create a landmark exhibition for the whole of Southern Europe, just like Rennes or Hanover for Northern Europe. Verona should be the cardinal point for the entire Mediterranean area. It is important that we have brought such a strong representation of poultry farming to Verona because we must coordinate and guide future choices in the light of a growing supply chain and manage poultry farming in co-existence with other kinds of animal farming in an area with a strong vocation for agro-livestock operations," said Marcello Veronesi, President of Assalzoo, the national association of feed producers belonging to Confindustria. The product sectors taking part respond to the needs of the poultry system in its entirety. Fieragricola will host technologies and buildings for poultry farming; systems, equipment and solutions for health and well-being in intensive farms; systems, equipment and solutions for breeding (broilers, laying hens, turkeys); egg processing, marking and packaging technologies; poultry genetics. A glance at the world. As regards internationalisation, the National Poultry Show has launched operational dialogue with delegations from numerous countries, especially in Africa and Eastern Europe:Morocco, Egypt, Algeria and Lebanon, Israel in North Africa and Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and Mozambique in Sub-Saharan Africa; Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro in the Balkan countries, as well as the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. "We are bringing a sector to Veronafiere a sector whose strong point is an integrated supply chain," said the President of Unaitalia, Antonio Forlini, "that generates value not only for the Italian agro- food industry but also for the as a whole." "Poultry farmer of the Year" award. Wednesday 29 January (Hall 11 Poultry Forum Area at 12:00): the "Poultry Breeder of the Year" award will be made - coveted prize organised by Unaitalia (National Union of Meat and Egg Agro-Food supply chains), the trade association representing more than 90% of Italy's poultry sector and a large part of the pig sector. Attendance is expected to include, among others, Fabio Rolfi (Councillor for Agriculture of the Region), Ettore Prandini (President of Coldiretti) and the Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova. The impressive programme of events and conferences (for the complete list, see gives special emphasis to sustainability, animal welfare, traceability and bio-

security. Members of the Single National Commission of live rabbits for meat will meet on Thursday 30 January at 15:00.This is further confirmation that the Italian poultry system is relying on Fieragricola and Veronafiere.

29 January-1 February: Verona hosts the 114th International Agricultural Show


Verona, 29 January - 1 February 2020 - Digital farming is already here. And it may even arrive from space. Fieragricola, the landmark international event in the primary sector scheduled Wednesday 29 January-Saturday 1 February, hosts an area in Hall 7 (stand C8) dedicated to start-ups created thanks to the contribution of ICE-Agency for the promotion and internationalization of Italian companies. The ICE-Agency will host innovative Italian start-ups free of charge during Fieragricola so that they can present themselves to international visitors and exhibitors and meet potential national and foreign counterparts attending the exhibition. "Fieragricola confirms its status as a hub with a high rate of innovation for the sustainable growth of agriculture and the development of relationships within the primary sector's supply chains, with an eye to civil society," said the CEO of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani. Thanks to partnership with ICE-Agency for the promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, farmers, breeders and professional visitors attending Fieragricola will have the chance to come into contact with highly technological solutions capable of accompanying growth and promoting the competitiveness of companies in a sustainable manner." The Smart Agrifood Observatory Report suggests that the Italian Agriculture 4.0 market represents 5% of the world market and 18% of the European market and is worth about 400 million euros (2018). The world market for Agriculture 4.0 is worth more than 7 billion dollars, 30% of which - again according to the Smart Agrifood Observatory report - is generated in Europe. On a global scale, there are 500 start-ups attracting 2.9 billion dollars of funds in the last 2 years alone, largely active in e-commerce (65%) and agriculture 4.0 (24 percent) sectors, with excellent growth dynamics The "magnificent four" are summarised below - the entrepreneurial realities attending Fieragricola in Verona that seek to improve human life through agriculture. BioPic for "Smart Urban Farming". Founded by Renato Reggiani, who is also sole administrator, BioPic brings to Fieragricola models for gourmet gardens used in pubs, restaurant kitchens and even homes. BioPic promotes "home gardening" using futuristic lamps and technologies tested on a NASA space base, with low-consumption LEDs in place of sunlight. BioPic was the protagonist of the "Mars Farm Project", where land having a very similar composition to that of the Red Planet was used to grow broccoli, parsley, lettuce and tomatoes. "During Fieragricola," said Reggiani, "we are looking for medium-large farms keen to invest in our start-up to diversify the market and even invest in the urban agriculture which offer." Agricolus. This innovative start-up founded in Perugia in February 2017 presents an agri-tech platform for smart farming at Fieragricola. Since it is a cloud platform, users do not have to download software but simply register by email to access a service created to simplify and enhance the work of farmers and farms in the field. The platform is used to consult predictive models for plant development based on phenology, advance planning for irrigation needs, nutritional requirements and the state of health of crops. A satellite or drone remote sensing system provides vigour indexes, situations of water stress and areas of chlorosis. Agricolus can also be used to map fields using GIS technology, thereby connecting all the platform's functions. The start-up also organises smart farming courses for agronomists, experts and technicians; the basic level is free.

Mechanika Parts. A digital start-up that filters all agricultural and industrial mechanical components (agricultural and industrial tractors, earth moving machinery, trucks). "Our platform has all the catalogues of manufacturers and retailers for a market share we follow up in its entirety, from technical advice in the selection phase to ordering products, shipping and delivery logistics," said Roberto Apicella, founder together with brother Emanuel. The advantage is that platform users can make purchases with a simple click without leaving the workplace and thereby optimising time. Simultaneously, users can find the best price and the necessary part without the risk of errors. The entire agricultural machinery chain uses Mechanika Parts, from farmers to agro-mechanical entrepreneurs, who represent 40% of users, as well as dealers (20%) and mechanical workshops (40%). "During Fieragricola, we hope to sign agreements with mechanical workshops and expand our market between 2020 and early 2021," said Roberto Apicella. We operate in Italy but we also hope to expand into France, Germany and the United Kingdom." Cynomis. This start up uses the scientific name of the "Prairie dog", a genus of mammals belonging to the order of rodents that has a characteristic whistle when there is a threat to its clan. And this is precisely what this kit does while monitoring more than 20 customisable parameters in stables - from temperature to humidity, the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia to noise or lighting levels. Cynomys provides an integrated service for environmental monitoring using IoT sensor networks that send warnings when measured values exceed a pre-defined threshold. Data "is collected on a secure cloud platform and can be consulted by the customer in real time using any device". Breeder or farmers are alerted on their PCs or even smartphones if parameters no longer fall within defined values. The app is ideal for any stable and any type of animal breeding and helps to improve environmental requirements and animal welfare. EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, has suggested that smart farms could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 9%.

Veronafiere Press Service Fieragricola Tel. +39 045 829 8242/8285/8350/8210 114th International Agricultural Technologies Show E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: pressVRfiere Web: Facebook: Fieragricola Twitter: @Fieragricola Join the Fieragricola Network on LinkedIn

The Bio Foods & Natural Self-Care show is scheduled Wednesday 1-Friday 3 April 2020


Verona, 29 January-1 February 2020 - The entire professional supply chain in the organic sector, from certified organic foods to natural self-care, comes together at Veronafiere 1-to 3 April 2020 for the first edition of B/Open. This exhibition highlights business aspects of the organic sector ranging from raw materials to finished products and packaging. The new Veronafiere event covers the entire supply chain and is the outcome of detailed analysis of trends and needs among increasingly attentive and well-informed consumers and careful selection of exhibiting companies based on the needs of professional buyers. "Veronafiere responds to the needs of the professional supply chain in the light of demand from sector operators and observation of the market and its sensitivity," said the President of Veronafiere, Maurizio Danese. Prospects for further strengthening the organic sector as a production model will emerge from the Green Deal Manifesto drafted by the von der Leyen Commission and the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050." In the first half of 2019, the Italian organic market posted growth of 1.5% compared to the same period in the previous year (source: Sinab), with an increase in operator numbers and cultivated land, thereby confirming an albeit niche phenomenon which nevertheless continues to expand. Professor Angelo Frascarelli, Professor of Agri-Food Policy at the University of Perugia, suggests that even more space will be dedicated to organic agriculture in the future. Right from its first edition, B/Open aims to consolidate a profile focused on internationalisation: in this context, the new Organic Trade Fairs Alliance brings together Italian and international b2b trade fairs in the organic sector, including Bio-Beurs in the , Organic&Natural Products Expo in South Africa and Natexpo (Lyon-France, 21-22 September 2020). The Organic Trade Fairs Alliance seeks to promote a model for nutrition and personal care focused on health, environmental awareness, the global climate and respect for workers. A preview of the theme areas that will be covered in more detail next April is offered by conferences during Fieragricola, the international agriculture exhibition open until Saturday 1 February under the "B/Open Labs" banner, which will analyse new trends, prospects for development in the organic sector after 2020 and the challenges and needs facing it. The conferences scheduled during Fieragricola targeting the agricultural sector include: "Organic and sustainable sunflower production in times of climate change: the sustainability of the organic method in relation to climate change. A way to generate income", coordinated by Agricola Grains, an exhibitor at B/Open (29 January at 15:30); "Downy mildew of vines. Strategies 4.0 for sustainable defence", coordinated by Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario in collaboration with Manica (31 January, 10:00); "Bio-control agents!", organised by Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario (31 January, 15:30); "The European milk producers' charter of values. Between social sustainability and environmental sustainability", organised by Ruminantia (1 February, 09:30); "Bio-stimulants and extensive crops", coordinated by Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario (1 February, 10:30); "Organic arable land: as demand grows. what are the opportunities for agriculture?", coordinated by Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario (1 February, 14:00). Important companies in food and cosmetics sectors will attend B/Open, including Girolomoni, Montalto, Agricola Grains, Cereal Docks, Biokyma Laboratories, the Specchiasol Group with

companies Larico and San Demetrio, Molino Rachello, Chiara Cantoni partner of Ringana, Terre & Tradizioni. Enjoying the patronage from the start-up phase itself of Aiab (the Italian Organic Agriculture Association), it targets producers and processors. All the more, B/Open will also involve the main Italian certification bodies, including Assocertbio, Bioagricert, Bios, Ccpb, Consorzio Il Biologico, Eco Group, Suolo & Salute and Q Certificazioni, which have acknowledged the precise identity of the Veronafiere event within the scope of trade fairs in this sector. Bionnova - the network of companies based in the Region - has also joined the B/Open project. Bionnova already includes 54 companies in the sector and seeks to develop the organic sector from business and training standpoints. The visitor target for B/Open includes Italian and international buyers from retail chains and specialist, the horeca segment, collective catering, the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies, para- pharmacies, beauty centres and spas.

Info: 1-3 April 2020 09:00-17:30 Cangrande Entrance Gate

VeronaFiere Press Office Tel: 045.829.82.42-82.10-84.27 E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @pressVRfiere Facebook: @veronafiere


More than 1.1 million visitors, 13,000 exhibitors, 760,000 square metres of show areas and stands sold, 71 events organised (47 in Italy and 24 abroad in 14 countries). These are the facts and figures for Veronafiere Group operations that close 2019, pending approval of the consolidated financial statements which for the first time post turnover in excess of 100 million euros. These results confirm Veronafiere among the most important international business promotion platforms for companies and professionals, a role it has played ceaselessly for 122 years.

HISTORY - The history of Veronafiere goes back to 1898, with the six-monthly agriculture and horse shows launched by Verona City Council. The "Ente Autonomo per le Fiere di Verona" was founded in 1930 and became Veronafiere S.p.A. in 2016 (thereby becoming an equity company).

EVENTS Veronafiere's strength is that it has always been the direct organiser of its events. Vinitaly, Marmomac, Fieragricola, Fieracavalli and Samoter are just some of the highly successful products in a portfolio highlighting specialisation in value chains such as wine&food, agro-food, natural stone, design and construction machinery. Over the years, the offering has been expanded to include other sectors such as heating with wood biomasses (Progetto Fuoco), custom motorbikes (Motor Bike Expo) and bicycles (CosmoBike Show), as well as the worlds of art (ArtVerona), education and training (Job&Orienta), the biomedical field (Innovabiomed) and the organic food sector (B/Open).

INTERNATIONALITY - Veronafiere's operations focus strongly on world markets through international events taking in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Russia, Oman, Thailand, China and Hong Kong. The wine sector is served by Vinitaly International tours, as well as the b2b Wine South America and Wine To Asia shows. Natural stone, design and processing technologies are the heart of the Stonexpo/Marmomac and Vitória Stone Fair/Marmomac America shows. Abroad, Veronafiere can rely on a network of 60 delegates, a permanent office in Shanghai and subsidiary companies Veronafiere do Brasil, Veronafiere Asia Ltd and Shenzhen Baina International Exhibitions.

EXPO 2015 - On the occasion of Expo Milano 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture engaged Veronafiere to implement the first pavilion dedicated to in the history of the universal exposition. The "Wine - A taste of Italy" project, designed by archistar Italo Rota, informed 2.1 million visitors about the culture of great wine-making and Italian terroirs through a multi-sensory and tasting journey. The pavilion also received the prize for best Expo set-up focusing on a single food product.

SERVICES - Veronafiere Group's core operations are not limited to promoting products or selling exhibition space but are part of an integrated system that provides companies with dedicated, innovative and customised business solutions. Such services include the marketing intelligence tools provided by Vinitaly, Samoter and wine2wine observatories and the training and refresher courses organised by Vinitaly International and Marmomac Academy. Other services focus on design and construction of exhibition stands and conference activities, which in 2019 involved 262 events attended by more than 94tousands people.

BUSINESS PLAN - The strategic development of Veronafiere, strengthened by an important digital transformation project, seeks to consolidate its leadership on reference markets both in Italy and abroad.

The 2019-2022 Business Plan envisages investments totalling 105 million euros on growth drivers that, in addition to increasing internationality, also focus on three main lines: 1) upgrading Exhibition Centre infrastructures to ensure it is one of the most modern in Europe; 2) launching new products in agro-food, wine and natural stone segments; 3) promoting value-added services in digital, stand set-up and catering fields.

PARTNERSHIPS AND ACQUISITIONS - Agreements and acquisitions are another important aspect within the scope of Veronafiere's operations that, together with Fiere di Parma in 2017, gave life to newco VPE (Verona Parma Exhibitions). In January 2018, VPE in turn took a 50% equity holding in "Bellavita Expo", a British company operating in the "Made in Italy" agro-food sector trade show business in the United Kingdom, Holland, Poland, United States, Canada, Mexico and Thailand. In 2019, the Veronafiere Group acquired the Eurotend SpA and Int.Ex SpA companies, thereby expanding its scope for marketing, design and production of stand set-ups.

SUSTAINABILITY - VeronaFiere has implemented an increasingly virtuous and sustainable business model in environmental terms. It was the first exhibition centre in Italy to receive ISO 50001 certification and use 100% recyclable eco-certified aluminium and fabric fittings. It also generates clean energy from more than 2000 square metres of solar panels installed on the roofs of exhibition halls and is one of the top exhibition centres in Europe as regards recycling waste generated during events (in excess of 70% of total). Veronafiere is connected to the city's district heating network and has installed co-generation plant to generate electricity and heat for its own consumption. The objective of reducing electricity consumption by 47%, gas by 52% and water by 17% has been achieved in just 10 years.


President: Maurizio Danese

Vice-Presidents: Matteo Gelmetti and Giovanni Maccagnani

CEO: Giovanni Mantovani

Board of Directors: Maurizio Danese, Matteo Gelmetti, Giovanni Maccagnani, Barbara Blasevich and Daniele Salvagno

Equity holdings: Verona City Council (39.666%), Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Verona, Vicenza, Belluno & Ancona (24.190%), Verona Chamber of Commerce (13.045%), Cattolica Assicurazioni (7.108%), Banco BPM Spa .%, Agezia Veeta per l’Iovazioe el Settore Priario .%, Provice of Veroa .%, Intesa San Paolo SpA (1.081%), Banca Veronese Cooperativo di Concamarise (0.705%), Immobiliare Magazzini Srl (0.189%) and Veneto Region (0.162%).

Veronafiere Group, subsidiary, investee and associate companies: Veronafiere Servizi Spa (70%), Piemmeti Spa (100%), Veronafiere do Brasil (51%), Veronafiere Asia Ltd (100%), VPE (50%), Bellavita Expo (50%), Metef Srl (50%), Designwine Srl (36.7,51%), VPE (50%), Eurotend Spa (100%), Int.Ex Spa (100%).

Veronafiere Press Service Tel.: + 39.045.8298.223 – 210 - 350 E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @pressVRfiere Web:



WHERE Veronafiere –Cangrande, San Zeno, Re Teodorico gates WHEN From Wednesday 29 january to Saturday 1° february

OPENING HOURS From 9 am to 6 pm


Agricultural mechanisation, Focus on vineyards and orchards, Professional green world, International animal farming showcase, Bioenergy, Seeds and agricultural chemicals, Plants and equipment for protected crops, Services for agriculture and livestock farming.

PRESS ACCREDITATION Ground Floor - Palaexpo (Viale del Lavoro, 8)

PARKING FOR PRESS Park Palexpo (Viale del lavoro); P3 Ex mercato Ortofrutticolo (Viale del Lavoro)

PRESS ROOM Gallery between 4 and 5, 1° floor



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Photocredit: © Foto Veronafiere-ENNEVI

Veronafiere Press Service Fieragricola Tel. +39 045 829 8242/8427/8350/ 114th International Agricultural Technologies Show E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @pressVRfiere Web: Facebook: Fieragricola Twitter: @Fieragricola Join the Fieragricola Network on LinkedIn