Tms320c2x/C2xx/C5x Ъїцуўфиѳа (໇ᐬઽ)Cгѳёфѩ

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Tms320c2x/C2xx/C5x Ъїцуўфиѳа (໇ᐬઽ)Cгѳёфѩ TMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x ЪїцУўФиѳа (໇ᐬઽ)CгѳёФѩ ѦȼжȼкȦўыѥТѫ 2000 Microprocessor Development Systems TMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x ЪїцУўФиѳа (໇ᐬઽ) C гѳёФѩ ѦȼжȼкȦўыѥТѫ 2000 ᔯ 6 ൮ δ፭৕ ᓼ᝜цЭейȦФѳйфѫѡѳф୴ྰ૱࿒Ɋ৊઼TI ψΤΤϞ TI ώᆽᙊϲᑶ଺၅ዧᡑᑓϋቈ๾ϠγψϏȢΪ౒ᡍᓈྫώѪй ιɋϏȢᏌፎϲιϫγψϊίνώᆽᙊϲᛑูηȢϢηίϏᖾ ЯχϊεϬϫγψψ૲࿡εϬϞιȣTI ᆽᙊϲᑶ଺ᡑᑓϋ཈ᡑ ᒳዎးᇑ૳ᤩᆽᙊϞοϏеȼѓйώᆽኤϞοϏᏳಡϲ፦ཟι εϬϫწ๧ϏȢྲྀሰϋTI ώ៲৷ώၱ៌ϋϨϫႵዺϲᘬᡗψη ϫγψά΢ϪϞιώχȢΪ౒ᡍϏȢᖯ፭εϬϫሰϋȢγϬΫ Ϟιȣ௭නϊૄᔽᆭϲᠭιϫᡑᑓϋ௘ιϫ࿁៤ϏȢTI ώ੄ೈ ϩ༲჈ηϨΦψιϫཱᣁά໇ᄷώϢώχ΢ϫγψϲ୎࿂ϋι ၪϲᏌθφȢTI ᝸Ϊ௳λ઼εΤȣ ϫοϡȢ໇ᄷᗇώཱᣁϲ࿨ᓀιϫϨΦΪ஫ϡηϞιȣ Ϊ౒ᡍώᡑᑓϋTI ᆽᙊϲ཈ᡑιϫγψϋᖼΦ௭නϲ໇ႮώϢ TI ϏȢνώᖾᒳዎးᇑ૳ᤩᆽᙊΪϨϓ௘ᤢιϫнѕшЦЧТ ώψιϫοϡȢᆽᙊ෇ᠭώ௭නᆭϲ໇ႮϋιϫοϡώȢᐬᇚ άȢTI ώᘸၠᛝლჲ൯ϋှΤᗎᕤώໝώල๔ώཅᡍၱϋዐ੾ ϊᇟൗქΪϨϓ໮ᒰιϫქχώূሴዐ໶ϏȢΪ౒ᡍάψϩϊ ηοᆭᔽϲᠭηφΤϫγψϲᛝლηϞιȣඡ຺ΪϨϓνώኾ ίφϏϊϪϞλϳȣ ώᙊ࿁௉᡽఻ᜡϏȢTI άᑶ଺ᛝლϲཙ੧ιϫώϋᘬᡗψϟϊ ιᗏ৏χ๔ϊϯϬφΪϪϞιȣ୆чѐФйώሴφώёѩѡȼ TI Ϗᆽᙊώ཈ᡑᡑᑓϋ௘ιϫཙ੧ȢΪ౒ᡍώᆽᙊώᇟൗȢн пȼϋ௘ιϫᓃᏪώඡ຺ϏȢᆯᙜάνϬᑹώ࿂๔ϲుឳυα φΤϫწ๧ϲၼέȢᘬκηϢ๔ϊϯϬφΪϪϞλϳȣ ѕшЦЧТώᆭᔽȢϞοϏᓃ౶ᄯଲϢηίϏеȼѓйϋዐι ϫᇕᔤϲᙩΦϢώχϏ΢ϪϞλϳȣϞοTI ϏȢνώᖾᒳዎး ᖾᒳዎးᇑ૳ᤩᆽᙊϲ཈ᡑιϫিϫ࿯ώᡑᑓώ፦ϋϏȢའ ᇑ૳ᤩᆽᙊϢηίϏеȼѓйά཈ᡑεϬΦϫȢϢηίϏ཈ᡑ ᜴ȢၽଲȢϞοϏ໢༺ϢηίϏ௄ಭϋᄼ๯ϊᗯଲϲϢοϩι εϬφΤϫቈϟ๧λȢడଣትፖȢϢηίϏ᛽ᜡϲЫѐȼηφ ௭නώૄᔽᆭϲᛱ௞ιϫϢώά΢ϪϞιȣɊ৊઼ȢγϬϩϲ ΤϫȢϞοϏνϬᑹϋ௘ᤢηφΤϫᓃ౶ජȢ፸໮ජȢ૳ᤩᕛ ၅ዧᡑᑓɗψΤΤϞιȣɋ ፖᡸᡑජȢνώኾώፎᐪ໢༺ජϋ௰υΤφિϩΫώѩФлѳڢ йϲ౶ዺιϫψΤΦγψϏៀྨᐪϋϢ៛ྨᐪϋϢᛝლϢᘽྨ TI ώᖾᒳዎးᇑ૳ᤩᆽᙊϏȢᆸឿঢ়ཽώᡑᑓȢትፖȢзйц ϢηφΪϪϞλϳȣ ѠȢνώኾώ၅ዧᡑᑓϋ཈ᡑχέϫϨΦϋᇟൗϢȢ৕ᅞϢȢ ႵᔧϢȢϞοᛝლϢεϬφΪϪϞλϳȣ Copyright ĂE 2000 ᓼ᝜цЭейȦФѳйфѫѡѳф୴ྰ૱࿒ ᛀ࿒ᖾᒳዎᆽᙊώ࿨ϪষΤȦᛝ௉ϋτΤφ ᠢቷ௄ಭȢ௰ᗄ࿂ትჲ൯ϋ ɼ Ꮎ࿍ᓼ෷ά΢οϫჵዖχᛝ௉ȦᠢቷηϊΤγψȣڥȡᖾᒳዎᆽᙊϏȢ࿨ϪষΤȢᛝ௉ ϨσφϏȢΪ౒ᡍχώ࿂ትሰ෥ϋᕋ૵/ᣴઽȢϞοϏ෎უϲయγ ιγψά΢ϪϞιȣ 3. ᝉ྾ອᛱ ȡᛀ࿒ᖾᒳዎᆽᙊώΪ࿨ϪষΤȢδ཈ᡑϋ΢οσφϏ઼భώᑀ ɼ ᝉ྾ອᛱᙊϏȢଫᙵ෥ϏහᛌᅤႩᛝ௉௄ಭౚϓ௼௖ϋှ ϲၥ࿩ηφ઼εΤȣ Τ௰ᗄ࿂ትιϫγψȣ 1. ᇅᑅత ɼ ቇ࿪χᖾᒳዎᆽᙊጱዎϲᄨϩϊΤγψȣωΦηφϢᄨϫ 4. 機械的衝撃 ᘬᡗά΢ϫწ๧ϏȢѪйшйшѩуїᑹχᅍዎΫϩТȼ ɼ ອᛱᙊɊରትȢᓢትȢහትɋౚϓᆽᙊጱᙊϲᡮ઼ελο йϲψϪȢᒳᑅᆭ࿪ዞᑹϲηφ࿨ϪষΦγψȣ ϪȢთൢϲᠿΨϊΤγψȣ ɼ ᛀ࿒ၐ૙ອᛱጱৌɊରትΫϩ࿨ϪၐεϬοᓢትౚϓහ ትɋ᝴Ϗᆽᙊጱᙊχ࿨ϪষΤϲ๔Φწ๧ϏȢᇜፏεϬο 5. ᔮთൢ ᒳᑅᆭώцȼіѫქχɊᒳᑅᆭўушϋТȼйϲψσο ϢώᑹɋȢТȼйϲηο໮ೈ࿔ά๔ΦγψȣϞοȢгѳ ɼ ϏϳπᙕαཾϏȢ໇Ꮳෂ260ɮ৊ქώ๢હჵዖϋȢ10ᙃ цъᑹϢȢᒳᑅᆭώϢώϲ཈Φγψȣ ৊ქεϩεϊΤγψȣɊහᛌᅤႩჲ൯ά΢ϫཾϏνϬϋှ ɼ ўЦѳпϤϏϳπᙕαᇟᗷᑹȢᖾᒳዎώ࿂ትϋ௘ϯϫሴ Φγψȣɋ φώትፖᣠϏȢᇅᑅతώዓᑅϲᝉཟιϫሼፖϲཛྷιγ ψȣ 6. ੸ᇷ ɼ ሰభώѪйшйшѩуїȦᒳᑅᆭ࿪ዞȦцȼіѫᘽ៌ౚ ɼ ϏϳπᙕαᆭϲኻϊΦȢ᝴ϏТѫџᕛᇾᙥᄩώබ৸ψϊ ϓ࿂ትትፖᣠώᇜፏᑹώᇅᑅతዓᑅᝉཟሼፖϏȢჯϋ௉ ϫϨΦϊ੸ᇷᚪ࿁ɊᢲફȢ੶ቇᑹяѭвѳɋώ΢ϫ௄ಭ ᡽εϬνώడᔽά୎ᔧεϬφΤϫγψȣ χᛝ௉ȦᠢቷηϊΤγψȣ ɼ Ϗϳπᙕα෥ϏွᚬϋѕѩуЯйώᇶჴϲ๔ΦγψȣɊᙔ ၣᚪ௞ᠭᢨά৬Ꮺ৊઼ϋᛝლεϬο឵ᇶჴпФїώѕ ྾ᑙ௄ಭ ѩуЯйϏၼίȣɋڥહ .2 ɼ હᑙȧ0Ɂ40ɮȢቪዐ྾ᑙȧ40Ɂ85ɳχᛝ௉Ȧᠢቷౚϓ ࿨ϪষΤϲ๔ΦγψȣɊጢηȢᤪ൫ηϊΤγψȣɋ ৊ქ ϞΨάέ ໇ၩϋΪᓉϟίπεΤ γώўыѥТѫϋτΤφ ᝜ၱχϏȢ৊઼ώгѳёФѩȦфȼѫώ཈ᡑ᛽ᜡϋτΤφᇢៀηφΤϞιȣ - гѳёФѩ - нȼйȦФѳпȼѪйшȦѦȼцУѪцУ - ЪїцУўФж - ёȼе - ѩФіѩѪ໮ᆮѦȼцУѪцУ ᝜гѳёФѩϏȢᛆ๱బ୊ನ૱ (ANSI) ၠ౲ώᘸၠ C нȼйȦгȼщϲ࿵αᙕαȢ TMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x чѐФйᡑώТлѳіѪව෬нȼйȦгȼщϲᆸᆮηϞιȣ᝜ၱ χϏȢC гѳёФѩώᓃᆭϋτΤφᇢៀηϞιȣ᝜ၱχϏȢᓉ࿔Ϗ C їѭаѩѠώ໮ᆮ ᛽ᜡϲ᡽૲ηφΤϫγψϲሰᏳψηϞιȣANSI C బ୊ϋၠ౲ιϫ C ව෬ϋτΤφϏȢ ЫȼыяѳψѪусȼώ The C Programming Language (የ 2 ᗇ) ϋ૲ᇢηφΤϞιȣᘬ ᡗϋ੾θφȢ᝜ၱώ༲ํᚸඥψηφΪᓉϟίπεΤȣ ᝜ၱώ C гѳёФѩϋ௘ιϫჰᛳϲ཈ᡑιϫሰϋȢTMS320C2xx Code Generation Tools Installation Instructions ϲ༲჈ηφȢC гѳёФѩȦфȼѫϲФѳйшȼѫηφΪ ΤφίπεΤȣ ໇ၩϋΪᓉϟίπεΤ III ᝜ၱώδᡸᡑ᛽ᜡ ᝜ၱώδᡸᡑ᛽ᜡ ᝜ၱώៜᐪϏȢTMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x чѐФйᡑϋᓃᛌϋ໮ᆮεϬοȢᑶ࿒ώ C гѳё ФѩȦфȼѫώ཈ᡑ᛽ᜡϲာᓀιϫοϡϋ៲ᢩτჰᛳϲᏳಡιϫγψχιȣ᝜ၱώ฽ᆮ ϏྡώψΪϪχιȣ - የ 1 ჏ɖϏθϡϋɗχϏȢTMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x ଫᖯфȼѫώଵᡗϲᇢៀηϞ ιȣ - የ 2 ჏Ȣየ 5 ჏Ȣየ 6 ჏Ȣየ 7 ჏ȢΪϨϓየ 8 ჏ώɖгѳёФѩϋτΤφɗχ ϏȢC гѳёФѩψзЧѫȦїѭаѩѠώበ໮᛽ᜡȢΪϨϓ ANSI C ཅᡍϋ௘ᤢι ϫ C гѳёФѩ෇ᠭώᓃᆭϋτΤφᇢៀηϞιȣTMS320C2x/ C2xx/C5x ТȼЭц Ясѣϋ௘ιϫ఻ၑჰᛳȢΪϨϓТлѳіѪව෬ϲ C їѭаѩѠϋФѳпȼѕЧФ йιϫψέϋᘬᡗϊჰᛳϢ௞ϞϬφΤϞιȣўЯѭȢ௘ᅴȢΪϨϓνγχᇫවεϬ ϫിώϛΫϋȢѩФіѩѪψјурȦѕСФѫϋτΤφϢᇢៀηϞιȣ໇෥ϋȢѩ ФіѩѪ໮ᆮѦȼцУѪцУϋτΤφᇢៀηϞιȣ - ᙕ᤿ A ϋϏȢɖ༲ํཱᣁɗψηφᡑ෬းά࿽ϡϩϬφΤϞιȣ ᘽభబኧ ᝜ၱχϏȢ৊઼ώᘽభబኧϲ཈ᡑηφΤϞιȣ - їѭаѩѠȦѪйшȢїѭаѩѠᣣȢΪϨϓዐ᥃ᘽྨϏȢпФїѩФпώ୨ེϋཷ οᓃ࿬ϊ୨ེɊspecial typefaceɋχྨηφΤϞιȣᣣϏȢಯᎴώοϡȢќȼѫ щ (bold version) χྨηφΤϞιȣዐ᥃ᘽྨϋτΤφϢȢѦȼжάᓾᣏιϫгў ѡулȼиϊڥѳщψзйцѠάᘽྨιϫ๠ៜ (їѭѳїшȢгўѳщၐᣏȢШѩȼ ω) ψϲ೨ᛌιϫοϡϋȢќȼѫщ (bold version) χྨηφΤϞιȣ ৊઼ϋȢC гȼщώᣣϲྨηϞιȣ # ifdef NDEBUG # define assert - 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Kernighan ΪϨϓ Dennis M. Ritchie ψώದ፸ȢPrenticeĆHall, Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey) ன๔ (1988) ৊઼ώᚸඥϢ༲ํϋηφίπεΤȣ American National Standard for Information Systems—Programming Language C X3.159-1989ɝ ᛆ๱బ୊ನ૱ன๔ (C ව෬ϋ௘ιϫ ANSI బ୊) Programming in Cɝ Kochan, Steve G ፸ȢHayden Book Company ன๔ Ⴆᘸ MSĆDOS ϏȢMicrosoft Corp. ώᑐ᤿Ⴆᘸχιȣ PCĆDOS ϏȢInternational Business Machines Corp. ώႦᘸχιȣ SPARC ϏȢSPARC International, Inc. ώႦᘸχιȣ SunĆOS ψ Sun Workstation ϏȢSun Microsystems, Inc. ώႦᘸχιȣ XDS ϏȢTexas Instruments Incorporated. ώႦᘸχιȣ ໇ၩϋΪᓉϟίπεΤ VII еѝȼшάᘬᡗϊწ๧ȦȦȦ еѝȼшάᘬᡗϊწ๧ȦȦȦ - World-Wide Web Sites TI Online ᓼ᝜ TI Semiconductor Product Information Center (PIC) DSP Solutions 320 Hotline OnĆlinet - North America, South America, Central America Product Information Center (PIC) (972) 644-5580 TI Literature Response Center U.S.A. (800) 477-8924 Software Registration/Upgrades (214) 638-0333 Fax: (214) 638-7742 U.S.A. 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VIII ៜྡ 1 Ϗθϡϋ ............................................................... 1Ć1 TMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x нѕшЦЧТଫᖯфȼѫȢᓃϋЪїцУўФиѳа C гѳёФѩώଵᡗϋτ ΤφᇢៀηϞιȣ 1.1 нѕшЦЧТଫᖯфȼѫώଵᡗ .............................................. 1Ć2 1.2 C гѳёФѩώଵᡗ ........................................................ 1Ć5 2CгѳёФѩϋτΤφ ................................................... 2Ć1 C гѳёФѩψзЧѫȦїѭаѩѠώበ໮᛽ᜡϋτΤφᇢៀηϞιȣC нȼйȦѕСФѫώгѳёФ ѫȢТлѳіѫȢΪϨϓѪѳЯϲ࿂๔ιϫзЧѫȦїѭаѩѠώయᒰ᛽ᜡϋτΤφώᇢៀϢ௞ϟϞ ιȣϞοȢФѳпȼѪйшȦѦȼцУѪцУΪϨϓгѳёФѩȦШѩȼϋτΤφϢᇢៀηϞιȣ 2.1 зЧѫȦїѭаѩѠϋτΤφ ................................................ 2Ć2 2.2 гѳёФѩȦзЧѫώయᒰ᛽ᜡ .............................................. 2Ć4 2.3 ЪїзѧѳϋϨϫгѳёФѩᒰ໮ώᛑู᛽ᜡ .................................. 2Ć6 2.3.1 ཈ᡑᙑᑙώ๢ΤЪїзѧѳ ......................................... 2Ć13 2.3.2 ѕСФѫើώམᏪ᛽ᜡ ............................................. 2Ć15 2.3.3 зЧѫȦїѭаѩѠϋϨϫѕСФѫើώ૲࿡᛽ᜡώᛑู (-faȢ-fcȢΪϨϓ -foЪїзѧѳ)2Ć15................................. 2.3.4 зЧѫȦїѭаѩѠϋϨϫୈᎥདྷώ૲࿡᛽ᜡψୈᎥདྷώᙕα᛽ώᛑู᛽ᜡ (-ea ΪϨϓ -eo Ъїзѧѳ)2Ć16....................................... 2.3.5 чУѬЯшѪώམᏪ᛽ᜡ ..........................................
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    Remove support for function definitions with identifier lists Lars Bjønnes, Jens Gustedt To cite this version: Lars Bjønnes, Jens Gustedt. Remove support for function definitions with identifier lists. [Research Report] N2432, ISO JCT1/SC22/WG14. 2019. hal-02311466 HAL Id: hal-02311466 Submitted on 10 Oct 2019 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution| 4.0 International License ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG14 N2432 September 25, 2019 v 1 Remove support for function definitions with identifier lists proposal for C2x Lars Gullik Bjønnes and Jens Gustedt CISCO Inc., Norway and INRIA and ICube, Universit´ede Strasbourg, France Function definitions with identifier lists (often referred to as K&R functions) are deprecated for a long time. Because they are now clearly phased out everywhere and because function declarations and definitions that provide a prototypes are clearly superior we propose to remove this feature for good. 1. INTRODUCTION The original syntax for definitions with identifier lists and a subsequent declarator list has the disadvantage that it does not provide a prototype of the defined function, and that the function needs a special convention (called default argument promotion) that leaves the verification of type correspondance between caller and callee to the programmer.
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  • Modernize Time.H Functions Jens Gustedt
    Modernize time.h functions Jens Gustedt To cite this version: Jens Gustedt. Modernize time.h functions. [Research Report] N2417, ISO JCT1/SC22/WG14. 2019. hal-02311454 HAL Id: hal-02311454 Submitted on 10 Oct 2019 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG14 N2417 September 3, 2019 v 2 Modernize time.h functions v.2 It's about time Jens Gustedt INRIA and ICube, Universit´ede Strasbourg, France The interfaces in time.h are inconsistent, partially underspecified, subject to undetectable overflow, not thread-safe and present security issues. Along the lines of ISO 9945 (POSIX), we propose to modernize the interfaces to avoid these problems. Changes in v2 | properly distinguish calendar time and elapsed time | the _r functions are not reentrant and may have races if the time environment is changed | avoid to use the tm buffer where it is not allowed | define offset macros for the tm structure | relate the monotonic clock to system suspension | change from pointer to array notation | better explanation why overflow of clock values is a user space problem Contents 1.
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