An Open Letter to Wimmera Communities It Is with Great Regret
An Open Letter to Wimmera Communities It is with great regret that I write to inform you that our Mobile Op Shop venture will finish this week. The Mobile Op Shop, a project of the Wimmera Youth and Community Mobile Centre, travelled to Mitre, Minimay, Glenorchy, Pomonal, Natimuk, Rupanyup, Marnoo, Watchem, Serviceton, Harrow, Rainbow, Yaapeet, Jeparit, Goroke and Apsley during a 12-month pilot period. It provided access to affordable new and second-hand clothing at minimal cost as well as an informal method of outreach and communication with people in outlying areas of the Wimmera. During the pilot, coordinator Susan Griffiths and her crew of dedicated volunteers developed robust relationships with businesses, community groups and individuals in the communities the Mobile Op Shop visited. Wimmera UnitingCare would like to thank everyone who supported the project by donating clothing, volunteering, providing information or promotion and all those who browsed the huge array of items the shop had to offer. Although the project received wonderful feedback and some great outcomes, unfortunately the costs associated with running the Mobile Op Shop are too great for the agency to continue. The costs associated with coordinating projects, maintaining the vehicle and general running expenses have resulted in the Board reconsidering its allocation and a decision has been made to cease all operations and associated activities of the Wimmera Youth and Community Mobile Centre. As for what the future is for the vehicle itself is still undecided. Although the end of the project will come as a disappointment to some, Wimmera UnitingCare sees this as an opportunity to reassess the agency’s strategic objectives and look at other ways we can be support and strengthen individuals, families and communities in our region.
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