Environmental Journalists Talk About Their Beat Rotting Holes—Home Sweet Home
CONNECTICUT Woodlands ENVIRONMENTAL JOURNALISTS TALK ABOUT THEIR BEAT ROTTING HOLES—HOME SWEET HOME. BLUE TRAILS MAP INSIDE. The Magazine of the Connecticut Forest & Park Association FALL 2015 Volume 80 No 3 The ConnectiCuT ForesT & Park assoCiaTion, inC. OFFICERS PRESIDENT, ERIC LUKINGBEAL, Granby VICE-PRESIDENT, WILLIAM D. BRECK, Killingworth VICE-PRESIDENT, DAVID G. LAURETTI, Bloomfield VICE-PRESIDENT, STARR SAYRES, East Haddam TREASURER, JAMES W. DOMBRAUSKAS, New Hartford SECRETARY, ERIC HAMMERLING, West Hartford FORESTER, THOMAS J. DEGNAN, East Haddam DIRECTORS BRETT BOSKIEWICZ, Simsbury STARLING W. CHILDS, Norfolk JESSI CHRISTIANSEN, Killingworth R. RICHARD CROCE, Killingworth RUTH CUTLER, Ashford CAROLINE DRISCOLL, New London PETER KNIGHT, Bloomfield MICHAEL LECOURS, Farmington SCOTT LIVINGSTON, Bolton JEFF LOUREIRO, Canton RUSS CHAREST ERIN McGRATH, Wesleyan University LAUREN L. McGREGOR, ESQ., Hamden Building a bridge on the new trail in the Whitney Forest. See page 22 JEFFREY O’DONNELL, Bristol DAVID PLATT, Chester RAYMOND RADIKAS, Glastonbury ALEX J. SIEBERT, Wesleyan University Annual Membership RICHARD WHITEHOUSE, Glastonbury Connecting People to the Land Individual $ 35 HONORARY DIRECTORS Our mission: The Connecticut Forest & Park Family $ 50 Association protects forests, parks, walking GORDON L. ANDERSON, St. Johns, FL Supporting $ 100 HARROL W. BAKER, JR., Bolton trails and open spaces for future generations by RICHARD A. BAUERFELD, Redding connecting people to the land. CFPA directly Benefactor $ 250 RUSSELL BRENNEMAN, Westport involves individuals and families, educators, GEORGE M. CAMP, Middletown community leaders and volunteers to enhance ANN CUDDY, Ashland, OR Life Membership $ 2500 PRUDENCE CUTLER, Farmington and defend Connecticut’s rich natural heritage. SAMUEL G. DODD, North Andover, MA CFPA is a private, non-profit organization that ASTRID T.
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