Tension High in Klondyke Section After
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í * 'I J I I J ' I UTS READ THE CZ :» Segregationists? . NEWS *> PRICE WHILE IT IS NEWS i -r Fail To Halt i t FIRST 6 Cents IN YOUR Opening Of Schools o p 8. n 4 PER COPY WORLD By PRESTON MCGRW'uS? United Press International VOLUME 29, NUMBER 8 LITTLE ROCK.. Ark. -„XOTIE MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, AUGUST IS, 1959 PRICE SIX CENTS —Firemen with hlgh-pressurélwJtó- and police with swinging., jighfcr.' t sticks broke up a threatening.’-anllJ II integration demonstration .a’iSCefV4 w tral High School Wednesday.. Nér groes integrated both CentraL'ipS’: Tension High In Hall high schools. " Police bloodied the heads.,pt- white men with nightsticks,; CTAck-jl ed another across the ribs so shdrp-' ly that he wept and threw a t^.” Klondyke Section □±r±i" al of 24 persons, Including /‘tóür' women and girls, into Jail. Three-Herb Blount, 16; JantoJl, Tipton, 16. and Raymond Mantees,' After “Beatings” 18-had nine tear gas bombs.-''1?( », their automobile. City police tUHF; ed them over to state police be — Tension was high in the Klondyke sec cause they were arrested at tj»o ¿i . MEMPHIS, Tenn. stale Capitol. A” K tion of N. Memphis Wednesday night after two policemen alleg I An estimated 1.000 )>ersons (verd A. edly beat a 56-year-oid woman, struck her husband, slapped ín the crowd al Central High ' and kicked several other young women and men, near 888 School. Perhaps 500 foere in a’ threatening knot that pressed •j Annie Place. against police lings. The, others H: Hi I A crowd ot nearly 200 persons Ii t*he -po^’cenifn not to beat Inno- milled about in the general arta. r I gatoered and witnessed toe Negro corA by-stand ers. HELD ON OPEN CHARGE ’ sA’ack. a number <•/ ¡witnesses told Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cash said they The two men "hit on their heads ' the Merrroh’s World. had gone to »‘‘he scene »bo see “about ? were Dossie Ruple of Jacksonville^ ; Arrested "was Lee Cato and ,his their children.” Mrs. Cash was Ark., and Calvin Parish of Little' wife Sadie, of 875 Annie; and Mre rirvek WSh '"he butt of a p’stol sev H Rock. They and seven others Were Evelyn Jones, of 871 Annie. They ered times. E‘(?ht stitches were re w r. held on an open charge. Twelve wire charged witih assault and bat quired to close tiie ¡hole in her head. She was taken to Jahn Gas were booked on charges ot loiter tery wnd interfering with an offi I ing and their. bond .set at $15J>0 cer. Several others. were being I ton Hcsp’-tal. Mr. Cash, a teacher in fibe city system, is the brother of each. ..■.—1: sc'irht. Three Negro girls - Effie Jonrs; i The two officers involved were Harrv Cash, principal of Hamilton High School. Elsie Robinson and Estc'la Thomp identified as patrolmen W. E. Pler- son - integrated Hall High with-' Wi and F. K. Henry, who claimed TENSION BECOMES HIGH GROUNDBREAKING FOR NEW YMCA SWIM management, is the man with spade in hand. out a sign of trouble. They went ■ tihat a mob rushed ’hem while they Looking on, from left to right, are: Dr. Thad- were trying, to make an a.rrest. The police reportedly were first MING POOL — Groundbreaking was held this home without being molested......... When' called .to the scene by Arlandcre deus T. Stokes, editor of the Memphis World Hall High closed at noon. • ' - ■ Ii However, a reporter Said that one week for the new Abe Scharff YMCA swim i of the officers triggered the tens- Co bvirn, of 888 Annie, •' concerning and a member of the Board of Directors; Jas. Jefferson Thomas and Elizabeth m cih.’Pdren playing ball next to ide ming pool which will be built at an estimated attended Cen- I ; tan when he slapped a young man Roland, Lenard McCafferty, contractor's em Eckford, who first ; for having a piece of A.’iiy. Russell house.” After itlhe. crowd’s tension cost of $90.000. The 75 by 50 swimming unit tral in 1957 under the protection became high because of the “whole ployee; Dr. Blair T. Hunt, board chairman Sugarmonte campaign, literature. will be the end result of ä recent YMCA drive of paratroopers, Integrated i He said: ‘‘the ycur.g man was pale attack on innocent bystanders, emeritus; E. I. Whittington, general secretary; tral again. standing ¡in the vacant dot, where the Colburns fled from their home, which raised over $40,000. J. T. Chandler, and R. H. Awsumb of George Awsumb and "One ot the children told- me', ; the melee took place when an of according to witnesses. chairman of the Abe Scharff committee of Sons, Contractors. that there was nothing out' of $h’e ficer said to him, what are you do The (two ©¿fleers called tor rein- ordinary." Mrs. L.' O. Bates, head ing with Ws (literature, as he foucemenits after the crowd started of the National Association; for. th» ■ snatched jit from toe youth’s pocket to prevent them from “beating in » —■ ■ ■ ......... II ■ —...... .......... nocent people, Lt. was declared. Laurens Jury Advancement ot Colored People . in'. and slapped him at toe same time.” Little Rock. said. -'•'y BROTHER SLAPPED ■Mrs. Cash, after she and her hus Church. Group Endorses CRIPPLED CHILDREN RETURN FROM CAMP - Pictured above are band were released under bond, had In Favor Of BOARD VISITED SCHOOL Mrs. Jones said (lit- was her bro Members of ' the school '’.tJOjftd; some of the crippled children who recently returned from a ther who was slapped and she said, to be put ito bed, suffering from week of fun and excitement at Fuller State Patk. Also shown ■'please don’t hit him; ¡he hasn't shock. TO Candidates Monday Sterilization who ordered Central arid Hall' Jnr. A number of miinistens, Civic or tegrated under a pupil placement are two of the parents of the youngsters and two of the coun done anything.” DUBLIN, Ga. — (SNS) —Steri ganizations, ’individuals and other law, visited .both schools while selors that volunteered their services. From left to right, front At that point she claimed; “a CANDIDATES IN 3 POSITIONS being challenged by George M. lization of any woman bearing two policeman struck me down on the groups, have called the meetings WERE NOT ENDORSED Ang'lln. classes were in progress. row, ore: Lottie Gill, Donald Williams, Eddie Allen, his mother, or more illegitimate children is concerning alleged “police brutality. BY GROUP Board of Education (Position 4) “Everything is going awoáragr ground and kicked me in the breast favored by the Laurens County Mrs. Ruthie Mae Allen of 679-F McKinley. Second row: Coun - ■ovyvseveral»— —times."________ She ___explained ___________ ____that— I -which is becoming widespread to in which incumbent Julian B. Fnn- to plan," Ted Lamb,-a metñbs^f, several -persons in the crowd asked I Negro neighborhoods.” The Tnterdenomlncillonal Church grand jury —--------- — selor June Hill Deadmon, Counselor Willie Earl Bates with arms Movement: . organized since durint is being opposed by Lloyd) The group -went on record after ithe board,-¿said. on Rickv Winiqjn^Tgn^Mrs. ^Annette Williams of 625-E Saint tbejx^’tical campaign got under Burgen. ; ' hearing members of the county “The kids in the halls .are not; Paul, mother of Ricky anci Doriaid.—(StaVf. Photo) way .... ... went on record Mon All candlda.ic's’presenc, were given Welfare Board in their,’request to even-talking about the early open-;. day as endorsing the same polkicai a brief period .br wliicli to address • aid in reducing the number of Inging ,ofof the schoolsschools,. They art; ’sajé'rajr' ■ the gicup. Present were Aiti.'y. ing to aach other, ‘What aw yon-. candidates as d d ¡the Leadership Sugarmon, Atty. Hooks, Rev. Love, illegitimate arid abandoned chil Council several weeks ago.? dren. Records showed that- $391992 do this summer?’, '' Rev. Bunton, Stanback, Joe E. "They seem to be eager ¡.to get Crippled Children Have The endorsement was ’revealed Borner, who is seeki ng-to be elect Is spent yearly in Laurens County during a meeting at Mt. Olive CME for dependent children. back after being out’ of school-Tif- church on Linden Ave.. Endorsed ed Commissioner of Fire and Po year. It is most routine in the. lice; and Dixon Gaines. Jr., seek wcia: MODERN JAZZ QUARTET school rooms.” ' 1 ■”*>’.■ For Mayor: Partee Fleming, ing a position on ¡the Board of Big Time At Fuller Park Education. DEDICATES NUMBER TO A TENSE HOUR Commissioner of Public Works: BILLIE HOLIDAY refreshments. CANDIDATES SPEAK But for mor«' than an '.hbirii The physically and mentally SHE IS HERE FOR Willis and the four candidates will Altty. Russell B. Sugarmon, Jr. Wednesday. It looked'as it Centra^; handicapped children of Memphis The children displayed their ta Commissioner of Finances and Sugarmori said "I (think we are WESTPORT, Conn. — (ANP) — VOLUNTEER TICKET be .introduced ¡by Atty. A. W. Wil ga ng ¡io have a city (Memphis) we bright again become the ’ bloody just completed a week of camping lents and best skills and ’■ were lis. Institutions: James (Jimmyi W. The Modern Jazz Quartet dedicat awarded for thein performances Mrs. Daisy Bates, the celebrated Moore. can be proud of after Aug. 23. toe ed a number “One Never Knows,’’ battleground that provokeljHtSI- .activities at Fuller State Park In Lieut. Lee will give the purpose election date. It is a city with thé Boy Scout area. - ----- ■ • - - Prize winners were EdfUe Allen civil rights leader of Little Rock, of the campaign. Memphians iwho Commissioner of Public Service: to the memory of the late' Billie dent Elsenhower, to send in 1,060.