LaurierCORD University, Waterloo, Ontario Thursday, February 10, Volume 23 Number 17 THEWilfrid WEEKLY 1983 BILD comes to the aid of handicapped

by Rita Pekrul WLU receives grant monies for general repairs and ramp construction to provide wheelchair accessibility to student services building. Bette Stephenson, minister of Finally, $7,000 will go toward colleges and universities recently providing ramps for the disabled to informed WLU that it will be allow access to the student services receiving $69,400 in special grants 'building. Currently the top floor of from the government's Board of this building cannot be reached by a Industrial Leadership and physically handicapped person. The Development (BILD) fund. The new ramp will make it possible for grants will provide 13 new jobs and these individuals to reach health 96 person weeks of employment. services and the counselling staff University president John Weir said located there. ~ that the funds were especially This is the 3rd ramp built at appreciated at a time when Laurier within the past year in an Photo hv I red Taylor universities would otherwise be attempt to make this university unable to carry out such projects. more accessible. Inspite of his part Dave Adams and Luanne Eves share a gourmet dinneras of their first date. The skit was Director of Physical Plant and position as chairman of the part of L.C.F. talent night held last Friday evening in the A.C. Planning, Wes Robinson, outlined committee studying accessibility at the various areas in which monies Laurier, Dean Nichols knew will be spent. nothing about the ramp when $20,000 will be allocated toward initially contacted by the Cord. In a replacement of wood-framed later interview he said that he was windows, in the arts and sciences pleased with the progress that was building, with double glazed being made around the campus, and Students pleased with aluminum windows that will that to his knowledge there was no increase heating efficiency. sign of funding from the ministry of Painting of mechanical rooms in colleges and universities to help the central teaching building and Ontario universities provide Ont. Work Study Plan arts building will cost $28,000. accessibility for their handicapped Tops of the lab benches will be students. the labs The Dean also noted that the by Heather Welch amount above this would be program arc all smiles. As one replaced in science at a cost pamphlet outlining the services that working to the disadvantage of the student put it"I really don't know of $9,900. With the continuing trends of student as their OSAP award would how they could improve it. I like the A new fire alarm system will Laurier provides to handicapped unemployment and inflation, decrease accordingly. freedom to make my own hours and insure that all fans stop as soon as individuals which was to be ready in the is late November be to the students at Laurier have found the Laurier's Director of Student to work as much as 1 want, when I alarm activated, in accordance will going shortly be increasing need to "tighten their Awards, Horace Braden, seems very want." Another student felt that the with new fire-code regulations. printers and should Estimated by early March. belts". And, in spite of the most pleased with the program indicating pre-job preparation, in relation to cost of this project completed valiant efforts, some inevitably find that its implementation has interview and resume workshops, $4,500. their university costs exceeding their "received a very positive response was extremely beneficial as well. personal resources. In an from the university community in "It's definitely a worthwhile project help alleviate some of these general". Since September, some 90 and should be continued next year." Graduation Class problems, Laurier introduced the students have made application to In Ontario Work Study Plan to our the program. Of those who have However, because the program is Executive of 1983 campus last fall, which has resulted been approved for participation, 27 jointly funded bv the university and This in the successful placement of students have been placed in jobs on the provincial government, hope for Election students who would otherwise have the university campus, and 21 its continuation in the future is been unable to find employment. persons are still in the system contingent on provincial funding. Nominations will be closing on Week The plan is an extension of the awaiting an opening. Jobs Braden, although unsure of this February 10th for the following Ontario Student Assistance performed range from conducting continued monetary assistance for positions on the Graduating Class of Program and allows qualifying marketing surveys, to filing, to the program, is optimistic and 1983 executive: students to earn $500 per term, or a writing press reports. "hopes that it will be continued and Liberal lushes? p. 5 maximum of $ 1000 tor the vear. Any Students working within the expanded next year". President Honourary President Biblical view of gays? p. 9 Treasurer Seasoned folkie at the Hero Secretary p. 10 Your 1983/84 WLUSU Board Vice-President The responsibilities of this new Buffalo chips no longer? President Arts Directors Business Directors executive encompass organizing the p. 18 graduation weekend for all those Reaume 749 Petrucci 425 Mlot 306 students who plan on celebrating Hawks lose in their final year. Basketball Byers Murtagh -^ 84 Scicluna 277 669 Students entitled to vote include overtime p. 15 Duong Easson 245 those who are presently in their final at Laurier. The faculty of the Annear year Holder 242 individual is not relevant to their Flynn MacGraith 239 voting status. Vice President The position of Honourary Docherty 917 Turtle Baptie 219 President is held by a staff or faculty 284 Rubino 211 member who is voted on by his Hunter 453 Petrachek fellow students. The duties involved Taylor 24^ Dennis 193 here center around giving the keynote address at the graduation Airey 191 dinner. Music Directors McLachlin 160 A meeting to nominate candidates will be held today at 12:30 p.m. in Mackenzie 35 Voter Turnout Woodley 150 Room IEI. The election of will be held Hrycun 23 Presidential 34.5% Parlettee 113 candidates to office Wednesday, Feb. 16 in the Bakker 16 Vice-Pres 33.1% Haines 55 concourse from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Grad weekend will be held May 27- 29, 1983. 2 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983 I APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING | I ACCEPTED FOR I THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: I I EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE I I -responsible for the financing and budgeting of WLUSU. I I -acts as chairman of building committee which oversees I I the Student Union Building management. I I EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES | I -co-ordinates the Board of Student Activity. This I I involves supervising the organization of the many I I annual and special events which WLUSU sponsors. I I COMMISSIONER OF UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS I I -co-ordinates student input into university decision-making I I on the Board of Governors, the Senate and the university I I committees. I I -assists students in having their problems or complaints I I dealt with within the university. I § -responsible for the operation of WLUSU Legal Services I I and Bacchus Services. I I APPLY IN WRITING TO THE I I WLUSU MAIN OFFICE I

I CLOTH OR PAPER - WHETHER USED ON THIS CAMPUS I ■OR NOT. WE BUY ALL TITLES HAVING RESALE I I MARKET VALUE! I I SELL THEM OUTSIDE I THE BOOKSTORE FEB. 15 & 16 I TUES. & WED. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.J The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 3 Patten and Maynard close their terms in office opportunities lor a student to gain exist are used to their potential and improved. The special events com- direction. BACCHUS has been experience that a year as President the way pbsitions relate to each mittee is finally functioning with more active this year and continues provides. other makes sense. Second, was to events like theme nights, blood to improve. The President is a "manager", make WLUSU more prominent on donor clinics and next week will be a All ofthe Students' Union is ready however. he must apply his campus. I felt that if I was St. Patrick's Day celebration but the to move forward and improve. managerial skills under unusual sufficiently successful in these two variety and quality of events can be Students are showing increased circumstances. The President must areas I could trun over to the new improved. The Commission of interest in getting involved. Now it is articulate his priorities to and President a Students' Union with a University Affairs, which has been up to Tom to use his managerial supervise, full time staff who have lot of potential. re-orientating since WLU got out of skills to bring to WLUSU a been on the job for a number of Happily I can say that to a large OFS, is finally clear as to its successful vear. years and have more experience than degree WLUSU has realized the two he. The President must supervise goals that I have had. It took a lot of and co-ordinate volunteers work to do this while student still Services who, in many cases, have only maintaining effectiveness in -Sss Executive Secretarial Inc. I limited time and energy to committ organizing WLUSU's regular A Word Processing/Typing Service Bureau ( rill/ lilc /'lltiln to the Students' Union. also services and activities. But it was by Sieve Patten He must - co-ordinate the accomplishing of a worth it because now "more than ever RESUMES - LETTERS As the new WLIJSU President, number of goals and projects in a WLUSU has the potential to move Tom Reaume faces quite a situation quite different than most ahead with special events and new - ESSAYS " MAILING LISTS challenge. The job ol Students managers lace. And he must do this student services.

Union President is a large within the limit of his one year term. This year the priority does not Be a cut above the others ... Word Process undertaking that demands When I took over as President one have to be with reogranizing; rather your work; A cheaper way of typesetting considerable time, energy and year ago, I had two main goals. the priority should be fine tuning. personal commitment. But it is all First, was to improve internal co- The new promotion committee has Corporation Square, 30 Duke St. W Gr. Fl. success, wurth it. There are few ordination so that the positions that been a but it can be Kitchener, Ontario 745-0271 r ". 1982-19X3 were a success or not. up new bar system for both Will's and to you. the Turret. 156 Columbia Street West As most know, a deal ofcash great Through it all. 0.M.8. and the Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3L3 was spent over the last year. These Board attempted to voice student ■ Phone (519) 885-5870 funds were invested into concerns and weigh the pros and JSBBBa (Columbia at Phillip) improvements within the Student cons of each individual action. Were Union and were designed to improve the best choices made? Only you can Term Papers Required? both the looks and the facilities that decide. a have Channels ||lf See us first; our work we to offer. were Did you vote on the past election? read around the | opened between the students of our Did you ask candidates questions on is world. Word Processing Professionals University and the K-W area issues which concern you? If you through our efforts to sponsor a answered no to of either these & Overheads minor hockey team and act as *Tcrm Papers questions, then what can you expect Mailing donors to the Red Cross. More clubs I *Resumes, Covering letters, lists ( Hiil / lie I'lkilii Irom'your student representatives? gained recognition, thus allowing ! I)r Mvhtnic Mavnurd It is your prerogative to vote. Jf -I more students access to our services. you didn't, however, you shouldn't The Cord has approached me and A number of student concerns complain. Perhaps you could have 1 submit some type ol asked that were not covered this year although prevented a decison which vou don't synopsis about my last year as Vice- salient attempts were made. These like! President for the Student Union. included the transit issue, a drug To close, I just want_to say thanks Knowing full well that most students plan, and the extension of hours at to everyone who showed interest or read a down do not want to trip Wilfs. was involved with the Student memory lane. I'll try only to Controversy arose as it alwavs Union this ve a A big some of the activities that i'. highlight does, this year concerning the gay congratulations to the Rugbv team. went on and leave the decision ol club, the U of W user privileges of I couldn't leave the office of the Directors whether the Board of our pubs, and the installation of a Student Union on a happier note. | | W gets ■ Charlie's Restaurant & Tavern U of 5 yr program I 24 Charles St. W., Kitchener - 579-1760 Canadian professional account- set to meet the needs of the They will be required, however, to Lots ol free parking in Bullas lot. opposite Charlie's. ing education has passed a new accounting profession. Included in complete a 24-month monitored milestone. The Institute of the five years are three years of . practical experience requirement Chartered Accountants of Ontario professional accounting study built and sit the Canada-wide Uniform announced the formal recognition upon the first two years of university Final. Examination before receiving IN || MM 4 111 of the University of Waterloo's new study. their CA designation. five-year honours accounting According to Lyman Maclnms, program under the Institute's FCA. President of The Institute of | The Institute's initial period of itiUiMui professional schools of accounting Chartered Accountants of Ontario, approval for the Waterloo honours criteria. This is the first such "All students who graduate from the accounting program covers the I recognition of a university program Waterloo honours accounting years 1982 through 1987. "During ■KIuWMRI in the country. program up to 1987 will be this period, the program will be The Waterloo honours account - exempted from the Institute's six- ing monitored by the assessment program is a five year program month School of Accountancy. committee, Maclnnis said. ■ Mon. Pizza $5.25 I The Southern Comfort difference: ■■ 8 Slice Pizza. Choice ol 3 Items Reg. 56.90 ■ Tues. Spaghetti $3.25 with Meat Sauce, including Salad Bar Reg. $4.70 H | Wed. Lasagna $4.25 I m Baked Lasagna. including Salad Bar Reg. 55.90

w Thurs. Chicken $5.25 Cacciatora. Fries/Spaghetti, including Salad Bar Reg. $6.90 H | FRI. Veal $6.25 |

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b Sat. Bbq Ribs $6.25 BBQ Ribs. Fries/Spaghetti, including Salad Bar Reg. $7.90 I Sun. Smorgasbord $5.95 | $7.95 Salad Bar. Soup. Ribs. Lasagna. Chicken. Spaghetti . Reg. _

After dinner visit Charlie's Backyard! It's the place to party. ■ ' I & Its special made it famous. iftWB H * Entertainment taste 1 dancing ghtly. ■ *% •• Nocovercharge. The unique taste of Southern Comfort, *»• enjoyed for over 125 years.

" (or ]>' . < ' :. Send .1 tret' Rt n m V IMt' IM f p' Ml' P t"i* I* •IS" ■ V "Iff,!' H")A'f- * 4 The Cord Weekly, Thursday. February 10, 1983. EDITORIAL Support your local Pubs!

If you are at all interested in helping out with Student Publications and the various products thereof (Student Handbook. Telephone Directory, Calendar, Looton, Residence Yearbook, and 22 annual appearances of the Cord), but tor one reason or another cannot foresee making the necessary commitment involved in taking on an editorial or managerial role, then you should consider the positions available on the Student Publications Board of Directors. These positions are appointed by the outgoing Publications Board on the basis of applications received and interviews. (Weaknesses of the current selection process suggest that some form of election would be a good idea.) Once four Directors have been appointed, this new Board chooses a Publications President from among themselves in a bizarrely incestuous and undemocratic fashion. Again, a more thorough screening process involving an election (perhaps all the staff of the various publications should be allowed to ask questions and vote) could improve the possibility that the most qualified candidate gets the job. The importance of the Publications Board is that under the leadership of the Pubs President, they are responsible for interviewing and hiring all of the staff for the various publications as well as handling the legal, financial and other business affairs of the corporation. (Student Pubs is a legallv separate entity from WLUSU.) The present setup of the Board is such that it doesn't operate even nearly at Silhouellc full potential. Although the President must in theory report to the Board, the role and responsibilities of the various Directors are not spelled out. They have Graphic/ no job description whatsoever. As there are four members to the Board, the ludicrous situation presently exists whereby when a tie vote occurs, the President (whose prior vote for one side or another has helped to establish that tie) also votes to break the tie. The Board needs to be enlarged in size (if only by one member) and also to become more aware of the day to day workings of Student Publications. If a Board is unaware of what is going on, they cannot effectively supervise the LETTERS President's actions or ensure that the President fulfills his/her mandate. (The President's job description includes the phrase "to coordinate the operation of the departments on a daily basis and to act as a resource person in all matters Music related to student government, publications, and the university community.) added dimension to the concourse The nature of the President's role on the WLUSU executive (0.M.8.) needs to and unanimously they replied that it be clarified. Is the President required to submit reports to WLUSU (who adds life was definitely a positive addition partially fund the workings of Student Pubs and the acquisition of new Dear Editor. (except for mv roommate Jim Stanish who never agrees with me-i equipment?) Is a President who refuses to do so neglecting his responsibilities? If I doubt that you are the proper guess that's to be expected seeing as not, why is the Publications President even sitting on 0.M.8.? authority to consult on this matter, how we're roommates). Finally, Student Publications needs a President who will devote the but believe this column is an I Therefore I would hope that considerable timeand effort (a corollary of this is the idea of regular office hours appropriate place to air mv feelings whom ever the proper authority most days, if not every day) necessary to properly manage the planning and day and hopefully a vehicle to be used to might be reads this letter and to day affairs ofStudent Pubs. If someone calls the Cord asking to speak to the get things done. Initially, 1 would seriously considers the implimenta- President and the staff is unable to guestimate what day, let alone what time the like to thank all those people who tion of at least one day of music a President might next make an appearance, business cannot run productively or voted last week as their interest in week as 1 feel there is a great number smoothly. the running of our student union of students who would appreciate it Applications for positions on the Publications Board close on Friday, illustrates their genuine concern. very much. February 11th. If you are interested, please apply. Student Pubs will only grow But more than this, and the actual Sincerely yours. and improve at a rate equal to your collective efforts. reason I'm writing this letter, is to Dank Lauzon \likc Strat/uk'c recognize the efforts put forth on election day last week, to bring some life to an otherwise lifeless concourse. The life I am referring to Young Tories Administration neglects societal was the D.J. services provided by Samboard resulting in a very social atmosphere in the i heart of our respond

university - the concourse. needs for the handicapped This letter is in response to Blaine Not only did the music provide Connolly's editorial of Feb. 3/83. some stimulating rhythms to It seems that in order to get any help these days, one must cry helplessness and As delegates to the PC Youth brighten a it be graciously rescued from the clutches of poverty by the purse strings of boring Wednesday, also Convention where we young Tories encouraged students government. Wilfrid Laurier's administration is now providing the students to sit and relax supposedly "slit our throats", we lor a change in the concourse and with a birds-eye view of this method in it's approach to the problems faced by would like to present the "other side converse informally with fellow handicapped students at our school. of the story". students. I am not a firm believer in the fact that every Laurier student reads this First ofall, Mr. Connolly does not Because of ones editorial, but I would like to have faith in the thought that the leaders of our of the uniqueness have his facts straight. The consulted a number of university's administration may desire to read it. Earlier in the year, the Cord feelings, I chairperson had the room cleared friends as to their feelings on this Weekly ran two stories on the accessibility (or lack thereof) of certain areas of cont'd on pa"? $ our campus to the physically handicapped. And now we are all to catch a glimpse ot a pamphlet on the topic so that we may all see what services are available as well as what has been done by our administration. (The pamphlet is now three months late). The prime concern of the articles, as missed by the administration, is the lack of accessibility to the university's library. To this day, Phone Number ...... nothing has yet to be done to properly alleviate this situation. MikeVll Strathdec/Lditor With the recent grant of some $64400 from the provincial BILD campaign, 884-2990,884-2991 Blaine Connolly/News Editor I funds are being set aside for the installation of a ramp to student services. Good. Carl Clutchey/Eotertainment Editor Handicapped individuals can now obtain counselling, but how are they to Chuck Kirkham/Sporls Kditor decide what to be counselled on if they cannot complete course requirements Rita Pekrul/Eeatures-CUP Editor because of the difficulties in retrieving information from our library. Ralph D'Alcssandro/Copy Editor External monies are being used to correct one area, but the most blatant TUE V .la kie Kaiser/Production Manager problem is yet to be addressed. Surely the university cannot claim financial M 8jg$ Michaela Reicht/Production Assistant mm~ constraints; last year we made a profit! In addition to this, one ofthe reasons for Nancy Stobbe/Production Assistant the fund-raising campaign by the university in the fall was to add two.more 'red Taylor/Photo Manager floors to our library. How is a wheelchair to get to additional floors when it is yet Karim Virani/Photo Technician unable to get through the front doors! '>au ' Comme/Ciraphic Arts lechnician Nancy Bast/Circulation & Filing Manager Since September, two ramps have been built to provide easier movement inside and around the school. These two ramps and the upcoming one at student services are all paid for through the provincial BILD campgaign; done so by claiming to produce local work. The university is shamefully neglegent in it's Monday duties to provide adequate facilities for the physically disabled. It is unfortunate All submissions to the Cord should be typed and handed in to the Cord office prior to right to that the administration must hidebehind provincial purse strings in order that it noon.Letters must bear the author'sfull name and telephone number. The Cordreserves the are can fulfill its societal obligations. The price is never too high for social justice; refuse any submission which it considers to be racist, sexist, or libellous in nature. All letters preserve something strikingly absent at Wifrid Laurier University. subject to editing for length, although the cogency of the argument will be Connolly Blaine University- The Cord Weekly is published 22 times a year by Student Publications of WilfridLaurier Cor is Editorialopinions are independent of the University, WLUSU, andStudent Publications. The a member of the Canadian University Press cooperative. J V ' The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 5 Liberal policy convention seen through the Week the bottom of a glass Question of by Basil Healey expecting any "Are crazies up here. In by Darin Victor trouble. you the States they Photos by Alfred Chong kidding?" he replied. "These had that assasination attempt on buggers won't even for their Nixon and As a veteran of the last Liberal fight that assasination attempt leadership convention, I looked country, they ain't gonna fight us." on Kennedy, but I think we need Now forward to attending their policy I was positive that there would someone to shoot Trudeau." With Do you know what the significance shrove convention held last weekend at the be no riot so 1 went to the press nods of our heads and a few "damn of Harbour Castle Hilton. Although 1 conference. rights" we left these microbes to Tuesday is? the am not a Liberal myself, I do enjoy There were no real journalists at solve nation's problems, while the we some being in a nice hotel with thousands press conference, only high solved of our own in David of drunks. The absence of these school wet-heads who were too Peterson's hospitality suite. hordes of alcohol swilling political afraid to ask questions. 1 started the All that Peterson had to offer in ball by way of types left me bitterly disappointed. rolling asking the ministers the libations was cheap white The purpose of last weekend's their opinions on the results of the wine in glasses so dinky that it took convention is still not clear to myself Tory convention. Their answers four to make a mouthful. What's Wendy Adamson many Liberals, however, all will were as irrelevant as the question. more, when people saw my press or Ist. Bus. agree it certainly was a nice way to Then a high school kid rose, and tag, they pegged me to do a story on money. with a shaking voice, asked them. I promised them that I would spend It's when you have After registering at the media a question of the minister of Justice, and that they would probably pancakes. desk, my photographer and I headed the Hon. M. MacGuigan. It wasn't become famous because of it. This out towards the main convention a bad question except that he- seemed to satisfy them and they left area where we were met by poncho- directed it towards Eugene Whelen. me alone. Then, pushing my way clad people who handed us anti- An understandable mistake since through the throngs of admirers cruise missile literature and asked us there are physical similarities. The who surrounded Peterson, I posed a very to give peace a chance. The pressures of being a reporter had important question as he shook protesters — Youth Coalition for now become too great so my my hand. 1 don't think that the Peace, Parents for Peace, Operation photographer and I sought solace in question pleased him since his Dismantle, etc. seemed to have more the Hotel bar. laconic reply was "No, 1 don't know names than members. I stopped to The bar at the Hilton is rather where Mr. Whelan's hospitality chat to one of these fringe-ohs who nice, it overlooks the lake, and the suite is." I think he did know but just Roger Polgar wanted to set the record straight - beer is cheaper than it is at Liberal wasn't telling because he was We, however, they are not socialists. "If anything, sponsored events. jealous. 1 found Eugene's suite and it 3rd. Bus. was much we're anarchists," she said. At this made the mistake of sitting beside better than his: there was A religious holiday. But we some missing links who assumed real booze and it was point, hotel security came to evict self-serve. don't get the day off so it that we were At them, but my hopes for a riot were since reporters we this point, I remembered what doesn't matter anyway. dashed when the protesters agree 4 would be interested in hearing what my parents had often told me; the to leave peacefully. A disgrace to the they felt was wrong with "goddamn Liberals are like a cult. They invite black flag of anarchy! Trudeau". you to their meetings, give you free They re-assembled outside where Their opinions provide the things like liquor, welfare, or landed they were joined by the ever popular greatest single argument in favour of immigrant status, and before you People's Front Against Fascist a means test for voters. For example, know it you're a Liberal. Well, their Violence and Imperialist War, and here is one nut bar's feelings about sneaky mind control tactics won't proceeded to chant nifty slogans like metric: "My buddy has a kid who's work on me. I won't let the Grits, "Two, four, six, eight, we don't want ten eh, all he knows is metric, kid Tories or that other party get control to radiate." I yelled back "Eight, don't even know there's twelve and 1 beseech my friends to Ruth Augustine four, six, two, how about us who inches in a yard." Another pearl of kidnap and deprogramme me if 1 do." Still no riot. I asked one of the wisdom on the Canadian versus the ever give any indication of becoming 2nd. Econ. identity: "We political. police officers there if he was American don't have 1 don't know.

corrections. The article states that members of the Council who wish to

return . the following year are automatically chosen. This statement is incorrect. Potential LETTERS returnees must reapply and go through the interyiew process like all cont'd from page 4 As well, while the debate was other applicants. and only accredited delegates who going on, other delegates who Secondly, it was stated that the had previously voted were allowed hadn't voted had been wandering in. D.A.C. has the power to expel a into the room. But, immediately Thus, it was impossible to tell who student from the University. In fact, after this, the Quebec delegates in had been there at 9:22 a.m., 10:30 the Council may recommend this Barry Shulist question and of anyone else who had a.m. or 12:00 noon. course action but does not have 3rd. His. not previously voted were allowed Another important point that Mr. the final decision in such an into theroom. The Quebec delegates Connolly fails to mention is the fact instance. A religious holiday and a were not kept outside of the room, as that these Quebec delegates, as well Finally, the D.A.C. did not wish fast day. Mr. Connolly claims they were. as all others who were not at the to convey the idea that it is any less Limiting the debate to three polls by 9:20 a.m., were allowed to severe than Dean Nichols in the speakers per side was not a mistake, vote on the second ballot. handling of disciplinary offences. as Mr. Connolly contends. The Yes, we agree that it is Rather, we wished to make the point speakers for each side virtually unfortunate that these Quebec that we are better able to view the repeated themselves and allowing delegates could not vote on the first case from the point of view of the more speakers simply would have- ballot for the election of a new PC student than would a member of the lead to more repetition. As well, Youth Executive. And, yes, there administration. We are looking out simple time constraints called for was confusion among these people for the best interests of the students Nancy Petrick & Alex limiting the number of speakers, the as to the time of the balloting, but at Laurier and in some cases this meeting was already running an due to the circumstances, we feel may require strict decisions. Nitsis hour and a half overtime. that the right actions were taken. The Dean's Advisory Council is 4th. Bio. & 3rd. Urban St. Mr. Connotly cites mistake- Furthermore, we do not agree continually portrayed as operating Two heads are better than number two as ignorance of the with Mr. Connolly's exaggerations— in a "cloak of mystery" (just look at one but we still don't know voting time not be ing accepted as a the PC Youth did not "slit its own the title of the article). The reason the answer. valid excuse lor the lateness of the throat", as Mr. Connolly claims. behind this is not to act as a form of Quebec delegates. He states that"we Some people were upset with the "Spanish Inquisition". It is felt that are not in a court of law, but an open turn of events, but we don't think by keeping a low profile, the election." What exactly is an "open that this incident will make the members of the council are best able election ? One with no rules? In a downfall of the PC Youth in Quebec to maintain the objectivity that is federal election, the polls close at or anywhere else. crucial to their decision-making 8-00 p.m., and if you arrive at 8:02, We would like to suggest that in responsibilities. claiming that you didn't know the the future, Mr. Connolly, that if you Sincerely, closing time of the polls, you are not are going to use words like "truth" The Dean's Advisory Council allowed to vote. in your editorials, you should Alfonse Gayed But more important here is the present both sides of an issue and setting of a precedent. If you not just what you consider to be the suspend the election rules for one "relevant facts". 3rd. Psych. No. group, it is easier to do so again and Marian Shall a gain Letters to the Editor should he and where does it end? Chris Rot Cord As well, there were other Dong Swiizcr typed and handed into the circumstances surrounding the Michele (lower office prior to Monday noon. All question of these Quebec delegates letters must hear the author's full* Mr Conno"y faits to mention. name and telephone number. The a few of those Quebec delegates had Cord Weekly reserves the right to een in the room DAC rebutts by 9:20, but were refuse any submission which it Pulled out by the candidate that they Were considers to he racist, sexist, or w°rking for to plan or Dear Editor; strategy libellous in nature. All letters arc In response to last week's article antl us: Some people were right, it is when you have pancakes and it whatever, and Council subject to editing for length, didn't get back into on the Dean's Advisory does have something to do with religion. e room in time. An unfortunate, (D.A.C. Works in the Dark), we although the cogency of the ut stupid, mistake on their part. would like to make a few argument will be preserved. 6 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. Missed Having Your LETTERS passed upon others' choice. Such such an inconsiderable question. narrow-minded, thoughtless Perhaps it was all in fun, but how GRAD PHOTOS Q of W flubbs behavior perpetuates bigotry and truly funny can insult be? Consider blind patriotism. more intelligent questions in future Dear Editor; I am saddened that The Cord to improve our "quality student, TAKEN? I am a Wilfrid Laurier Weekly, as a reflection of our publication.'" week's writing with regard to last university, the students' concerns, Sincerely Cord "Question of the Week", attitudes and intellect, should pose Bronwyn Powell "Why are you glad that you don't go Late! to the University of Waterloo?" It's Not Too I am appalled that a university paper should attempt to propagate such juvenile school rivalry. Why not ask "Why are you glad you go to Call FORDE STUDIO Wilfrid Laurier University?" You are purposely insulting another for an Appointment university, disregarding the benefits of this neighbour campus, which offers our students co-registration in courses that our small, personal Deadline to have your picture university cannot offer. I enjoy the privilege of dance and included in the Yearbook is March 15. drama classes at U of Wand my friends in business take computer courses there. University should be a place to Yearbook broaden one's thinking, to learn Free Included in acceptance and tolerance in all areas, to become more open- every Package Offer Ordered minded, certainly not to exercise a grade-school attitude of "My school's better than yours." Young adults make a choice for a FORDESTUDIO university education and atmosphere based on personal l>t i c/LdinbdA needs. We are all different, as are our 745-8637 aspirations. How dare you instigate opinions that cause judgement to be Stock game a challenge Mike McAra Whether you are a Bay Street development trigger the start of a major trend in broker or a Laurier student playing -change in management or stock price movements. the stock market game, deciding managerial practices On the other hand if you already what stock to buy can be very -strategic diversification into fields hold shares in these companies, then difficult, especially in todays where existing management skills this type of news could be important market. may be applied by the company in deciding whether or not you Volitility of share prices can Sources of information include should hold on to your investment. confuse even the best of experts as the Financial Post, the Globe and While this seems like basic advice, the "Bull market of today gives way Mail's "Report on Business", and the topic itself is not. to the Bear market" of tomorrow. Businessweek. These reports should Ruling Reason should be the One way of approaching the be used as your starting point when starting point for the analysis of any problem is to determine the looking for a ruling reason behavior stock and. with thorough technical "RULING REASON" behind the in a particular company. and quantitative study of the behavior of a particular stock. That Unusual circumstances that make company ie. sales, price/earnings is find and determine, given all that the news headlines are important analysis, leverage, you should have a you know about a company, the one indicators of how certain stocks are clearer understanding of how a underlying reason why you think a going to react. Examples include particular stock will behave. company's stock will either go up or news of potential merger, hiring or For more information on the jown. Examples of ruling reason firing of key executives, or the stock market game refer to Clubs behavior include: introduction of a new product by a Corner's Stock market Club -innovation through product company. Any one of these could announcement. Viewpoint AIESEC celebrates 25th anniversary

j Bt c■£ by Frank Lauzon spilling out into the hallways of our To give you an idea of the size of Currently, there are seventeen downtown hotel. Montreal, you organization, 31 universities were student delegates somewhere on must understand, is a very unique represented in Montreal stretching Laurier's campus recuperating from city. The bars there are open until from Simon Fraser to Dalhousit; AIESEC-Canada's 25th Anniver- three in the morning. On top of University. Additionally outside of sary celebrations. It seems that five this, the "floor parties" went til five Canada, there are 58 other countries days in Montreal, including the bus in the morning with a very annoying which are members ol AIESEC and ride there and back, have gotten the wake-up siren sounding only three play a vital role in its primary better of their physical well-being. hours later. I'm sure it is easy to see objectives. These objectives are to In retrospect, there were two now, why five days in Montreal promote international understand- things which truly impressed me could have such a devastating effect ing and co-operation (by offering about this convention. The first was on one's health. foreign exchange traineeships, ie. the quantity and quality of partying To understand why we went to jobs), to foster dialogue among which went on. The second was the Montreal, and secondly why the students, academics and business quantity and quality guest speakers quality speakers were present, you people (as was the case at our most li|^|r^H||||^H|ll|l|Sl|Ul||l|fi|Hllll|ll|lilli||^| which were recruited to discuss a must first understand a little about recent business luncheon) and lastly variety of issues relating to 'The this organization. to compliment students' theoretical Future of Business in Canada'. For the past 25 years, AIESEC in education with practical business Since I know you're all anxious to Canada has strived through various experience (that is the organizing, Yuk hear about a good party, we'll start programs and activities to develop planning, etc... of events like with those first. Montreal is simply a future managers and executives Yuk's, The Annual Fashion Show, of Canadian fantastic city for a convention. It is capable of acting in various The Plant Sale, etc, etc...) The black sheep liquors. very similar to Vancouver in that economic environments. It is an It was because of these objectives although only Soft-spoken and W PI one visit guarantees you'll want to organization to promote and their successful, smooth,JT return. In addition to the attractive outstanding leadership by partial fulfillment, that Mr. Ed its northern flavour T| S character of thecity, there was a very improving the general level of Lumley - Ministry of Industry, simmers just below the \XI\vJIjJA large number of students in practical preparation of students to Trade and Commerce - presented from all over the face the world. Finally, it is - with an surface, waiting to be W ® attendance nation. "real" AIESEC Canada has funding to discovered. Straight, on the ■ r These people were extremely an organization which grown additional $10,000 in outgoing and provided a wide not only through the students continue our efforts. Other notables mixed, Yukon ■ ■^ were the rocks, or Jack 1 fßr diversity of ideas and experiences involved, but also through the speaking at this conference Sons, is a breed apart; unlike any W N&kD worth listening to. business community, government Chairman of Seagrams and * liqueur you've ever tasted. p The social events were plentiful, assistance and its alumni multi-millionaire Charles with at least one "planned" involvement to create a better future Bronfman, President of Bell Canada

- the gathering each night and without a for our students, our country, and James Thackray, President of cont'd on pase 7 .. Concoctcd with fine CanadianWhisky. doubt a late night "floor party" indeed for the world as whole. The Cord Weekly. Thursday, February 10, 1983 7 KMXXJCI WLU debating society? OPEN THE DOOR TO A CHALLENGING CAREER by Laura Gainer speaking ability, his judgment and Recently myself and another Do you have a burning desire to his knowledge while engaged in an student. Marc Pare, were fortunate express your views? Do you enjoy a intellectual battle with his enough to attend a French Do you like invitational 2ood argument? opponents. debating tournament participating in rhetoric? Or perhaps Each year, a number of held at Royal Military College in you would like the opportunity to universities host tournaments that Kingston. The cadets at R.M.C. put develop your orator skills? provide participants with the on a fabulous tournament. Aside If you answered yes to one or opportunity to develop their from the usual five rounds of debate more of the above questions, you debating skills to a level that will and three rounds of public speaking, to a member make them worthy probably aspire being contendersat the a number of social functions were debating society. However, Canadian Earlier of a Championships. organized such as a "pub debate" unfortunately this most fundament- this year, the Canadian and exquisite banquet. Though we is doomed to were al of human needs Championships held in placed very respectively among the remain unfulfilled because Laurier Victoria and were hosted by the The Canadian Armed Forces is looking for twenty five teams gathered, we were university and community college graduates to has as of yet no debating society. University of Victoria. Twenty hampered by a lack of previous member of my high teams serve as commissioned officers in a variety of As an active from universities all across competitive experience at the debating team, I was Canada gathered for four days of challenging technical and professional career school university level. A special thanks with or disappointed to learn that Laurier debating and public speaking and positions the army, navy air force. must go to Dr. Berman and to the The Canadian Forces offers you a unique was not a member of the Canadian fraternizing. Competitors who reach departments of romance languages opportunity to apply your specialized University Society of Inter- this level can go on to participate in technical and political science for assisting us. professional and to develop your Collegiate Debating (C.U.5.1.D.). the World Championships which and training leadership skills. If you're medically fit and meet This society includes approximately this year will be held March 14-19 at Our participation in this our selection requirements — you qualify. twenty-five member universities and Princeton University. The World tournament procured an invitation For more information, visit your nearest is to promote the art of Championships attract teams from its purpose to an English language debating recruiting centre or mail this coupon. You can also debating. A debate consists of two England, New Zealand, Scotland, tournament, the Central Canadian call collect — we're in the Yellow Pages under two member teams who meet to Canada and the United States. Championships, to be held March 4. Recruiting. discuss a given topic or resolution. A Elizabeth Lancaster, vice-president 5 and 6th at Queen's University in team is declared winner based upon of the Queen's University Debating Kingston. Anyone interested in WN.lif.lihl, N the coherence, logic and Union assures me that a number of participating in this tournament or I™eS"oRCE S persuasiveness of the arguments it Canadian teams stand to do very informing a debating society should has presented. Debating provides well at this year's championship. leave their name in the Cord offices T CanadianForce* Recruiting Centre 1 the individual with the opportunity Unfortunately, Laurier is not among located in the Student Union 3 Duke Street East Kitchener, Unt. N2H IA2 1 to develop and exercise his them. Building. ii t I'm interested in hearing more about a career opportunity as an I officer in the CanadianForces. Please send me information. I I I Name I I I is in { your | What challenge life? Addreea I I J City Piov J by Vivienne Joyce But there another I I Laurier Christian Fellowship like. is challenge "Nice try. kid, but I don't have the | Postal Code Telephone I even beyond that. There is the time." Well, I've thought that a time I 1 .Everyone likes a challenge. We challenge of God. 1 don't mean just or two myself, but I dotv't think that love to accomplish something that what you'd like to think He is. I way anymore. God is there and most complete stock of we think is worthwhile. So, we set what He wants us to know Him. He made Atl mean really is. What does m /MM professional, theatrical goals to reach for. Maybe it's one He say about Himself and what does time for us. Shouldn't we take time wand party makeup supplies more grade point or two more He think about you? for Him? and accessories in Western Ontario lengths of the pool on Monday I guess that is a heavy question to night. Whatever our particular goal read as you eat your lunch in the colors, colored hair sprays & pates is, we're all going for something. Torque Room. But, I've been There's a hand.y side-effect of Clown white and assorted washable & Capsules, special effects & scars But sometimes I think that there wondering, what good is it if we get searching for God: you find yourself Wig sales rentals, Blood Crepe hair, latex, ETC. are a few important challenges that to the end of our lives after rushing along the way. And this isn't an everyone wants to brush aside. Yes, here and there, accomplishing many unrealistic challenge with an Heg. Hours we get as far as deciding what things, and earning lots of praise, if unattainable goal because if you Mavis Theatrical supplies Mon - Fri profession we'd like to be in and out look for He'll find you. 697 GLASGOW ROAD we've been too busy to find Him. 6 * 9 P m KITCHENER, what we want to do in the future. about what really matters'? 50....g0 for it. ONTARIO People will tell you, "Oh, I'm going to be a businessman," or "a phys-ed teacher, or a minister:" but that's Enrolment at WLU is only who they'll be professionally, not personally. 1 get the impression that people don't mind thinking up by 6 percent Japanese about "what" they'll be, however difficult that sometimes is; but they time studies, however, dropped by Student Scholarships seem to shy away from thinking The enrolment at Wilfrid Laurier 8.4% in just one year with a present & (Canada) a about "who" they will be. University is up six percent over last enrolment of 2,627 students. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Co. announces program to enhance opportunities for We keep ourselves busy around year (as of November Ist). The Arts Listed divisions scholarship by full time Japanese students to study in Canada. here. There's always one more essay and Science faculties experienced registrations this year are: arts and scholarships open any Japanese citizen who is to write, one more bus to catch, one the greatest level of growth. This science 2,025, school of business and The are to of full timestudy in Business or more reading to do. We trv to keep to a to admitted to a course according report the economics 1,756, music 183, the university, at the under- ahead of immediate Economics at a Canadian either challenges while university's administration by graduate social work faculty 155, graduate or graduate level. we sometimes let the really James Wilgar, university registrar. federated Waterloo Seminary 53, important ones slide. We're going to The report states the enrolment at and MA programs 74. Scholarship Provisions be busy the rest of our lives. Maybe Laurier in 1978 (full-time) was 3282. The total enrolment at Laurier may annually to an individual we Cash amounts Pe awarded should do some of the serious This figure has risen to 4,006. (combining full and part-time or individuals, to an aggregate totalof 52,500. thinking now. Graduate enrolment continued to enrolments) is listed at 7,166 as of The scholarships are tenaPle for one full academic year. Its important to know who you grow with 285 graduate students this fall compared with 7,135 last suPsequent whether are and to know what vou want to be compared with 267 in 1978. Part year and 5,978 in 1978. individuals may re-apply in years, or not they have previously Peen awarded a scholarship. nation invaded Selection AIESEC trips across USSR A selection committee to Pe named Py Peat, Marwick, & (Canada) will review applications and page before going on to talk about the Mitchell Co. from 6 scholarships to Pe awarded in any economic difficulties in by balloons decide the numPer of current year and their amount. Canadian Development Corpora- Canada, said that "...for 25 years (RNR/CUP) - the M-X tion-Anthony Forget The consul General of Japan, in Toronto, will act as Hampson and the list AIESEC has been successful in missile: an evangelical preacher goes on and on. talent. 1 advisor to the committee. developing fine managerial from Cucamonga, California, has Although play an extremely impressed by am sure it will continue to succeeded in penetrating Moscow's Applications their presence at this preparing our seemingly important part in - air defense with balloons. Requests application forms should Pe addressed to: '"significant gathering of AIESEC future business leaders for the many for Reverend Peter Popoff savs his Mr. R. Michael Howard, 8.A., C.A. students from across Canada, 1 that lie ahead. difficult challenges top-secret Labour Day launching Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. couldn t help but feel "dis-awed" if I can only hope that as a potential from Finland succeeded in P.O. Box 31 there is such a word. Alumni of AIESEC and a potential delivering nearly 1 .000 Bibles, Commerce Court Postal station There directly in you are to many Toronto, M5L182 front of manager ready meet these using 700 balloons, io the Soviet Ontario People in positions which most of us difficult challenges, that 1 will be Completed applications be received until April 15 of each av e capital. will aspired to - occupy at one time in able to attend AIESEC Canada s Vollmer Thrane. who operates as year, applicable to the subsequent academic year at the our life, yet the really, they aren't gods next 25 year anniversary and see advisor, says Canadian university which the applicant will attend. u t Popoffs technical "we merely mortal humans like you same enthusiasm and excitement launched them bunches so they and 1. in It W as inspiring to listen to that was displayed at this years 25th would look birds on • em like Soviet praise our organization and Anniversary of AIESEC in Canada. radar." Thrane says he's planning e students ot today as sincerely, I P. S. The word AIESEC four more "Bible attacks" during ee 1 they were encouraging us to (pronounced eve-seek) is the French 1983. ecome the managers of tomorrow acronym for the International Two of the targets will be Cuba 0 meet I Beat,Maftvick, Mitchell&Ca the challenges of our future. Association lor Students of, and the Soviet Union. The other P It was Anthony Hampson who, Economics and Commerce. two, he says, are "classified." 8 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983.

M 'Resumes a The National M r• Mailing Lists w 1 Word Processing, Editing, Typing 112 % B Erb Street West/ Waterloo 1 m Ottawa, provinces agree on aid changes 1

OTTAWA (CUP) - After months water by ~the time education provinces guarantee that student aid unemployed, she said the NDP has of talks, the federal and provincial ministers met with Secretary of State programs would be maintained or been pushing for this since governments have come to an Serge Joyal in Victoria January increased. The changes are: November, especially MP Mark agreement on changes to Canada's 23rd. Part-time students will be Rose (Mission Port Moody), and student aid system. The federal government had eligible for student aid for the first thought this might be a response to But the deal is somewhat of an already decided, probably in time. the party's questions in the House of anticlimax, because the major December, to abandon plans to for The most needy students will Commons. program student organizations had the first time give bursaries as well as receive an extra $56 to $ 100 per week She was not so keen about the in loans. lobbied for was already dead in the loans to students. That scheme larger loan limits. The amount of would have pumped up to an extra Graduates who because of new money under that proposal $250 million into student aid, on top financial difficulty cannot meet their would be only $10 million, versus will of about $200 million in existing repayment schedule have their the $250 million hoped for under the federal loans. loans repaid by the federal axed bursary scheme. She also said The decision to scrap federal government. raising the loan ceiling does not bursaries came as a bitter but not "Apparently, Joyal's conditions make post-secondary institutions Qualify for surprising disappointment to the met with resounding applause," said more accessible, because students Canadian Federation of Students Flaherty. are reluctant to go thousands of (CFS), according to executive So is this good news? dollars into debt with unemploy- university officer Diane Flaherty. She said the "When you take into account that ment so high. the we were planning to get a new bursary program fell victim to general cost-cutting. bursary program, it's terrible news," The federal and provincial your choice Still, students weren't left Flaherty said. But she added that the education ministers have not yet of reached a deal on federal completely bereft of good news. extension of aid to part-time transfers Flaherty said the federal students is great news, "something under Established Programs government will not announce the we can certainly claim victory for Financing. The federal government will probably make an announce- Columbia Secondary independent, non- Victoria agreement until the Throne because we have been lobbying for it Speech, probably in March, but for a long time." ment on transfers by March, said an interna- sectarian, coeduca- enjoys secretary of state bureaucrats told Flaherty was also pleased that the Flaherty. "It is generally assumed tional accreditation tional institution CFS the details. federal government will cover for they will impose the six and'five per for its disciplined ap- offering grade 11, 12, They said Joyal agreed to three graduates who cannot repay their cent limits on education transfers proach to education. 13 studies and language major changes to student aid if the loans, particularly those who are oyer the next two years." As such, more than programs in an 90% of Columbia international environ- graduates have been ment. Applications Outlook bleak for summer job seekers accepted into the from and for last fall (for jobs this area over- (CUP) - After the "It's going to be very difficult summer) university of TORONTO seas students are horrors of student unemployment in students to get jobs this summerand compared with previous years." choice. ever to get The national unemployment rate their M % now being the summer of 1982, it would be more difficult than work," Pat among studentspeaked Columbia is an § jmy j entertained. heartening to predict improvements course-related said returning in sS-y for this summer. Werner, executive director of the July 1982 at 19.3 per cent, well o** That's not what those in the University and College Placement above the overall unemployment business of predicting are saying. Association. rate of 11.8 per cent. When more in "Getting a summer job has been a than one million students hit the Columbia Secondary School of Canada "I predict that perhaps one four students will be unemployed this struggle for years," said Werner. But labour market this summer, Balnis 430 East 25th Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Canada LBV 384 (416) 387-3381 summer," said Richard Balnis, this year will be even worse than last expects even more than last year's researcher for the Canadian year because "there was a dramatic 216,000 to be out of work. decrease He said this because "the Federation of Students - Ontario. in on-campus recruiting happens student unemployment rate is directly related to the national unemployment rate," and he expects the national rate to go even higher than it did last summer. If potential were everything in life, Chase Econometrics, an economic forecasting company, predicts that the national rate will peak at 13.6 to 13.8 per cent this it made. summer. the increase in ouzanne would have Balnis said student unemployment will be proportionately higher. More than ever before students butterfly. Everything she does, will have to compete with the long- All her life Suzanne has social for jobs, overdoes, including drinking term unemployed summer adored animals. So no one was s^e Balnis said. surprised when she announced beyond her limit too often. She "Traditionally, returning the opening of her very own doesn't realise there are equally good students have obtained jobs through Animal Shelter. sliP fljk reasons for self-discipline now as there family connections or friends," he were when she was J ust starti" g said. "But families and friends can her business the ■*-- _ She built , do when companies are hiring Suzanne s at the crossroads. She little hard way, with far more grit Wi back laid-off workers and those with her by opting for and discipline than money or Pm Jyf c an protect future much more experience." including the experience. How ironic then, if a moderate lifestyle, Balnis said student unemploy- that just when things are going Hr-o sensible enjoyment of beer, wine or ment is even worse than Statistics ' Or she can gamble. Canada figures suggest, because a well, there's another kind of ||||jj/ ~ spirits. v student who only finds work for one problem. If you were Suzanne, which Ilik day a week is not counted as Suzanne's become quite the would you choose? unemployed. A CFS-O pamphlet, "Where Have the Summer Jobs Gone? charges that the Ontario and federal have not done enough We believe in moderation and governments students threatened by / we ve been saving so since 1934. to help unemployment. "Many existing federal and provincial summer job creation programs for students are short-term or part-time, minimum wage positions inadequate to finance a student's participation in higher education." Students must save $1,120 to be considered for a bursary or loan under the Ontario Student Assistance Plan. Studepts who worked 16 weeks at Ontario s $3.50 per hour minimum wage would be required to save $70 a week. 50 per cent of their earnings before deductions. But OSAP maintains that students need a minimum of $85 per said week to live on during the year, Balnis, "leaving the student in the hole $15." bv » . -.syy 'i** < The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 9 Gays and God: A biblical perspective? You have to realize that Paul was writing to places where Although sex is not mentioned (as part of the insult, its by Ralph Johnston extreme excesses went on. In some groups complete sexual name would be carefully avoided, as was David's name, etc.) treedom was the norm, where any combination, type and and Christianity a the suggestion of sex is very strong. Considering time, Homosexuality is thorny topic. Many activity of sexual partner would be considered. Obviously, the believe homosexuality is inherently culture and role of women, a physical relation is very Christians immoral, and free and easy homosexual activity was involved too, and this may possible. that while homosexuality be tolerated as yet another is what Paul saw. The idea of a loving relationship between of the outside world, you certainly can't be Although David later married Jonathan's sister Mikhail perversion gay two partners who didn't want the opposite sex at all would Christian too. (as would be expected of his time) his love for her never and be be so rare in his world as not worth considering. as someone who is gay and has watched transcended his love for Jonathan, as shown by his lack of Yet, life for years, Nowhere else in the Old Testament do we get direct that. I know that the deepest concern when they had to separate. 1 question strongest loves aren't reference to homosexuality. These purifying laws were man and woman, So where does that leave us in regard to scriptures? Sodom always between and that love and caring designed for a specific time and situation when the Jewish have any bounds ~ whether orientation, race and Gomorrah's destruction is irrelevant to the homosexual don't or age. nation was in danger of losing its identity and strict measures are simply not created identically. We are each issue, as are the "sodomites" of Kings and Job.All we really people very were needed to survive. Obviously, applying these laws to our own have is a pair of anti-homosexual laws in Leviticus, three different individuals with lives to lead. modern times must be done carefully, since things Have the Bible say references by Paul against the easy sexual (and homosexual What does about homosexuality? Not much CHANGED, AND Christ has come IN THE MEANTIME. practises) in his time, and God's approval of David and really. Only five passages actually mention it. What does the New Testament say? Interestingly, Jesus though, quoted Jonathan's possibly homosexual relationship. Others, get frequently, but have nothing himself never said anything about homosexuality, not even case. The From Christ himself? Not a word! But then, Jesus isn't to do with the most common is the Sodom and including it in his lists of sins (Matt 19:18-19 for eg.). (Gen 19: 4-11). concerned with the mechanics of deeds but the motivation Gomorrah story Here Lot, an immigrant Only Paul refers to it, three times. In Romans 1:26-29 male behind them (Matt 5:27-28). He applied ("sojourner") in the city of Sodom (due to be destroyed for a the spirit ofthe law, and female homosexuality is depravity resulting from idol- not has angels visiting overnight. mob the letter. i iniquity) two inspecting A worshipping in the pagan religions. In a letter to Christians "to forms, demanding know"the strangers and riot to the in Corinth he says (I Cor 6:9-10), "Be not deceived, neither them daughters. point that Lot offers his The angels strike fornicators not idolators nor catamites nor sodomites nor the mob blind and take Lot and his family out of the city theives nor...shall inherit the kingdom of God". In his letter "I believe it is possible to be gay and destroyed before it is by fire from heaven. It's often to Timothy he says (I Tim 1:9-10), "The law is not for a be a Christian." presumed that the five cities on the plain were destroyed for righteous man, but for the lawless and unruly this homosexuality. for...sodomites..." were they? The story clearly says the city was already Yet Again arid again he broke through surface appearances to slated for destruction (Gen 18:16 and 19:13) and the riot get to the heart of the matter. Is it love or isn't it? He is only part of the final events. It cause was didn't the concerned with things which hurt and destroy—lust (treating though it may have been straw. The destruction, the last a person as an object), adultery (which betrays another), element certainly wasn't considered homosexual important murder, theft, lying, etc. All it says is the by Genesis. that people of Sodom were But homosexuality doesn't destroy. In an honest caring and sinners before the Lord (Gen "wicked exceedingly" relationshiD there is no degrading, no deception, no taking 13:13). No specific immoralities. No mention of excessive unfair advantage. There is joy, there is growth, there is love. homosexuality. Just that they were wicked in many ways. Whether a couple is two men, two women, or a man and a This attitude of assorted wickedness is all we get in later woman, the genuine quality of love (as I Cor 13) is possible. scriptures too. Ezekiel (16:49-50) writes, "This was the sin of If you walk in the "gay world" as Christ walked through his your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, world, with openness and love, you soon find that people are overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and just as human, just as caring, just as moral as anywhere else. needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before That's why I believe it is possible to be gay and Christian. me. Therefore I did away with them." Homosexuality isn't automatically immoral. Just like the Jeremiah 23:14 doesn't mention homosexuality, nor do hetrosexual love/sex drive it can be used or misused. the Apocrvphic writings (Wisd 10:8, 19:8, Ecclus 16:8). Jesus It seems logical that a Christian who is also gay would himself mentions Sodom and Gomorrah only as examples of bring the same standards to a gay relationship that he/she inhospitality (Matt 10:15, 11:23-24, Luke 10:12, 17:29). would have brought to a marriage-faithfulness, love, Surely if homosexuality caused the cities' destruction, honesty. While an "official" marriage isn't possible, somewhere in the Bible it would have said so. But it doesn't. certainly the spirit of one is, as those who have lived and So why do we think it does? Because between 200 BC and grown old together through the years will testify. 100 AD various Jewish and early Christian writers began Some will say that a gay couple breaks God's law, since reinterpreting the story. It started with the attack on the God made Eve for Adam to have children. However, God angels being considered unnatural because, like the"the didn't make Eve primarily for child-bearing. Rather, God sons of God" in Gen 6:1-4, it was sex between two different said, "It is not good for the man to be alone" (Gen 2:18) and breeds-men and angels. This unnaturalness of Sodom was Sex still played a part in some religions (the temple of created her as a companion. If a man can't want a woman picked up by other writers and, because of the prominence of Aphrodite to it). Intercourse with temple members was a companion, should he be lonely, or take a man for his and Greek homosexuality, presumed to be homosexual in casual thing, Paul may be attacking specific causes of companion if that's his nature? Which answers God's nature. (For a detailed study, see Bailey's "Homosexuality this in the Romans passage. intentions more? and the Western Christian tradition). Paul didn't need sex himself and thought of marriage as a To take it further, if marriage and children are considered resort those unable last for to control themselves (I Cor 7:8). the proper duty of everyone, then Paul shouldn't say "It is With the world due to end any moment (Matt 16:28)sex was good for a man not to marry" (Rom 7:1) and every unneccesary, since any children wouldn't have time to grow unmarried person would be condemned for not Biblical passages not end Even relevant to up before the came. "proper" sex was a reproducing. Surely we have to realize that each person has dis;raction, so homosexuality. something as frivilous to Paul as their own way ot fulfilling God's purpose in their life, and homosexuality be wouldn't considered decent at all. not all are the same. Alter all, if you're gay, you can go places Note that all three passages are very physical. There is no and relate to people that others can't. It can be useful to be love or caring implied, which is what we're discussing. Of gay. The early Christian Fathers built on this homosexual course lust and self-gratification is wrong by Christian Some Christians feel that if you are homosexual, you can tradition, and passed it on. For 2000 years Christians standards, and that's all Paul considers homosexuality to be, be Christian only if you renounce all gay love. This is a pretty presumed homosexuality was so awful God threw fire down not surprisingly considering his world. strong demand—permanent chastity being a heavy burden if on cities that practised it. Yet the evidence shows He didn't. Does the Bible say anything positive about you aren't called to it. The resulting frustration and guilt Sodom's destruction has nothing to do with a modern homosexuality? Possibly yes-in the story of David and complexes don't seem worth it, and that's what you usually discussion of homosexuality, both because the homosexual Jonathan. The Bible doesn't say clearly thev had a nhvsical get. Is an uptight and desperate life really a good gift for element wasn't important Biblically and because it was rape, relationship, but there is certainly an undercurrent there. God? became one with David, which has nothing to do with love between consenting "Jonathan in spirit and he loved It seems like Paul's statement, "It is better to marry than adults. him as himself. And Jonathan made a covenant with David to burn with passion" (Rom 7:9) applies here. Not literally, he as the robe Judges 19 (the outrage at Gibeah) is also quoted against because loved him himself. Jonathan took off but in its basic meaning: "If you can't be single, take a he was it David, his tunic, homosexuality, but it is irrelevant too, being another case of wearing-and gave to along with partner rather than waste all your time repressing passions rape. and even his sword, his bow and his belt". (1 Sam 18:1-4) you've been given". When dies in years later, The last set of passages that appear relevant, but aren't, Jonathan battle David writes a What about marriage with an opposite sex partner? I to him which concludes, love are Deut'23:l7-28, 1 Kings 14:22-24, 15:22, 22:46, 2 Kings long lament "Thy to me was shudder to think ot it. So much damage has been done by gay wonderful, passing the of (2 Sam 1:26). Does 23:7 and Job 36:14. Here some translations render "qadesh" love women" people getting married and having things collapse or being this imply a lover's relationship closer than (male) as sodomites (and the female "qedheshim" as they could ever forced into a deceptive lifestyle that I would only get with a woman? Or is it just an expression of a prostitute). These were sacred prostitutes in the Baal temples deep recommend it after lots of discussion, honesty, prayer and platonic love? If so, the reference to women introduces an who, with the destruction of the temples were expelled from actual testing. Is the falseness and immorality of marrying odd sexual overtone. the country. Regular homosexuals aren't meant at all. The someone you don t love, along with the pain and betrayal of contusion came in with the King James translation, at which a break-up worth it.' A real relationship, albeit gay, seems time the word "sodomite" seemed reasonable enough since more a relationship that is natural to you. After all, God the Hittite fertility cults were unknown. It was only after Possible support for didn t make us all alike and doesn't expect the same of each later archaeological the homosexuality discoveries that meaning became can be found. person. clear. In the end it's between you and God. Because it's not That brings us to the only clear references to clear-cut, it's a matter of searching, questioning and praying homosexuality in the entire Old Testament: Lev 18:22 tOs find the right answer, whether it be chastity, a ( Perhaps the clearest suggestion comes when Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is a Saul berates relationship, or something else. It's a complex issue, but not abomination") and Lev 20:13 ("If a man lie with mankind as Jonathan for siding with David against him, his father and nearly as oppressive as some people think. with of the womankind, both of them have committed an king. Typically period, he does not name what he is For more detailed discussion, try "Jonathan Loved insulting directly, uses roundabout abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood but description. I Sam David" bv T. Horner and "Homosexuality and the Western shall 20:30-31 son perverse be upon them."). Both of these are part of the "Thou of a rebellious woman (my Christian Tradition" by D. Bailey (both in our library). wife) Holiness Code"—a compiliation of various laws set down do 1 not know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse There are support groups formed by gay Christians of (David) to thine own the around seven centuries BC to purify the Jewsish nation in confusion and to confusion of thy various denominations, including Catholic, Anglican, mother's exile. Some of these are still followed (eg. which relatives you nakedness?" "Mother's nakedness" refers to Lutheran, United Church and Salvation Army (also Jewish). sexual can and can't marry) while others have been dropped (the intercourse (see Leviticus in a King James version). The Metropolitan Community Church (Toronto and This can be taken, use of hybrid plants (19:19), mixed fibre fabrics, and shaving even in the original Hebrew, in two ways. London) is gay positive. For addresses or information, Either "You of (19:27)). The aim is to prevent "unnatural mixtures" and obstinate son an obstinate woman, 1 know contact Gays of WLU or phone the GLOW Itne (884-4569). you love David, confusing your own purge foreign practices (Lev 18:1-5). Homosexuality would sexuality and loyality, As well, on Thursday, Feb. 17th, Gavs of WLU have a gay not but if, as shaming the day your mother conceived you" or "I know only be considered an "unnatural mixture" United Church minister speaking at their regular you have sided with David against me, ignoring your evidence suggests, it was part of other religions, it would be loyalty coffeehouse. Everyone is welcome, and there will be lots of considered an idolatrous act, deserving severe measures. as my 50n..." time for discussion. 10 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983 ENTERTAINMENT Seasoned folkie deserves more recognition than cult following

By Mike Strathdee country and bluegrass which Bennett clearly enjoyed having Willie P. Bennet's appearance at borrows heavily from western backing musicians to help flesh out the Hero last weekend raises the themes and stylings. The songs his music. The bass line added a question of why a musician of his which he writes tend to be quite pleasing depth to most songs. The calibre was subjected to playing simplistic musically, much in the saxaphonist provided a discrete there in the first place, and not in a John Prine mold (count the chords flavouring as well, most notably room at least big enough to on one hand). The themes of accentuating the romanticism of accomodate everyone who wanted Bennett's material have remained "Lace and Pretty Flowers" from the to hear him play. Why is a man with relatively constant over the years: Hobo's Taunt lp. three albums to his credit (Trying to the road, solitude, lost love and One weakness stemmed from Start out Clean, Hobo's Taunt and western era ballads. It is on the Bennett's exuberant, wild man ballads that he truly shines. persona. He sometimes launches on Blackie and the Rodeo King— all on "Blackie and the Rodeo King", a maniacal spurts of guitar playing on Woodshed Records) performing on tale of a drunken Indian rodeo hand faster numbers, (ie If you can't hurt a matchbook stage in a room which and his female companion, provides on the outside honey, dontcha could barely accomodate fifty a good example of his ability to paint blame yer blues on me. This people with a shoehorn? sympathetic portraits of people sounded more ragged than Canadians have a strange habit of down on their luck. "...Counting pleasant.) overlooking their own. the scars on one another as they Racing insanely through the song Bennett is a resident of London, watched the level of the bottle go actually butchered it. The fast Ontario who spent several years around and down/ And Blackie was shuffle of "Take your own advice" playing harmonica for the popular a beauty, although why she was, was was somewhat more restrained and Dixie Flyers bluegrass band before very hard to tell/ Still, the faces that worked well by contrast. leaving that band in 1978 to further the Lord put on us are the actions of Willie P. Bennett has, >a cult pursue his own career. If a harp a heart that love can fill/ Heart to following across Canada, yet still player was ever to find a perfect heart they're living now, Blackie and remains relatively unknown outside niche in bluegrass music, it was the Rodeo King". of the acoustic club (to the extent during Bennett's tenure with the Bennett doesn't merely sing sad that there still are any in Canada) Flyers. Try to imagine a harmonica songs. Willie wails'em with notes so festival/university circuit. His John Goulart plays a fine classical guitar in the LCF subbing perfectly and then some for low and true that most performers chocolate baritone voice, manic Talent Night. a fiddle. couldn't hit standing in their energy and quick wit are a too well His music is a blend of folk. basements. kept secret. Coop's piano has remarkable energy

by Mary Clendenning was written by men from Europe probably give a nice, dainty piano If you are the type that thinks rock who have been dead for hundreds of performance. Such thoughts were music is the only music that's worth years. The opening piece was by a immediately destroyed when she listening to because it allows you to young Canadian professor from began playing. If you think Roger move and participate by releasing 'University of Western Ontario. The Daltry exerted a lot of intense energy your inner energy then you are in for work, "Epitaph", consisted of just during the last Who concert you a surprise. Being one ofthese narrow strings and woodwinds. It began should have seen Miss Coop when minded types myself I was a little very heavy and serious but ended she hit a crescendo in Bartok's apprehensive when I discovered that with the violinists picking at the "Piano Concerto No. 3". Although my assignment this week was to strings creating a sharp contrast in her arms were flying and her head cover a concert by the Kitchener- tones. was bobbing she performed Waterloo Symphony Orchestra, One of the major things I learned "Allegro Vivace" with the at the Square on Saturday Night. about classical music during the controlled spirit of a spinster Because the closest association I evening was that if you do not heading for the finish line. have ever really had with classical understand what the music is trying music was from the background to say, it is possible to gain great This is not to imply that everyone accompaniment of Roadrunner insight by looking at the faces and will find all symphonies full of cartoons, I decided that I would just stature of the musicians. When Jane contrast and excitement, but if you give my first impressions. Coop, the guest pianist, first walked are looking for an escape from punk The first surprise came when I out she gave the impression of being or heavy metal a little classical

Not all classical music was written by men from Europe found that not all classical music a small, meek woman who would doesn't hurt - reallv. Slightly bruised bananas Cord Staff It was stuck. It was twisted on so The shocked one replied, "have you been tightening the securely, that he guessed (probably ketchup bottles so that nobody can possibly get them accurately) that it could not have unscrewed without the use of an air chisel?" Theold man been so tight merely because of a replied in the affirmative, and regretted any inconvenience factory device. Yes, it was the doings he had caused anyone, but had to admit it had been knew of the man in the Mac's store that indescribably fun. From that day on, the shocked one twisted the cap of the ketchup bottle that life was full surprises. He went home, and cultivated on so tightly. hoards and hoards of mustard • Also, he was known to be he up on And so when he had sat down to very humourous at parties, and kept impressive his chicken n' chips dinner, there series of long distance calls to his aging great aunt.~ would be no ketchup on the fries. In a state of searing rage, he overturned his table, and even though it was Today at the Theatre Auditorium! after hours, he slipped down to the Hortulani Musicae (The Gardeners of Music) is Mac's store where he purchased the a group of Vancouver musicians dedicated to the bottle. To his horror, his hunch was meaningful performance of early music. correct. When he peered into the Presenting music from the Middle Ages to the window, leaning up over the sign for Baroque period, the ensemble uses appropriate discounts on slightly bruised historical instruments and performance styles. bananas, he discovered the old Since 1969, Hortulani Musicae has presented crony armed with a pair of vice concerts in the Vancouver area, been grips. He was also in a countless snickering the fashion that featured regularly in concerts of Vancouver was somewhat of annoying. Society for Early Music, toured in many parts recording and The shocked one pounded on the Canada and the U.S.A., made a the window, and demanded to be let many radio and television appearances for inside. His face was blue. The old C.B.C. The concert is another one in a series of man came to the door, and opened the "Music at Noon" series, and it is free of charge. it. He said, "yes?" The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 11


MIKE'S DINER Delicious Hamburgers on Kaisers Sandwiches Made to Order All Great Prices all at Mike's Diner Homemade Soup Only Eat In or Take Out Sandwiches/Burgers Available for Party Groups 42 King St. N. (Just up from Waterloo Theatre)

White Frost finds no audience I- * '


A LOVE STORY BETWEEN mmmrnn A SPEECH THERAPIST, 6jf % ■ JAMES LEEDS, WHO M —f|| Al Tjjrß WORKS /N >4 SCHOOL FOR |ffll BKT" PEOPLE HEARING by Dave Bradshaw as who did WITH Sbi .yiADD Last Thursday the few VlP's talents to the point where they can AND SPEECH PROBLEMS, m fON* Thursday, White Frost played hear the band left happy and AND A YOUNG WOMAN IN or perform clear and clean sounding r RO an enthusiastic audience a exhausted after a night of dancing THE SCHOOL, SARAH F anety music such as "Men at Work", NORMAN, WHO HAS BEEN YORK \ oftop 40 and classic pop hits. on the MCVH unusually barren dance floor. —' ey DEAF SINCE BIRTH. l__—— well but were hardly which includes bass "Flock of Seagulls" and"The The band, — 'nspired Saturday, February 19 8:00 p.m. to perform as only 50 Randy Predsta, guitarist Cars", to the raspy rock and roll People player Sunday, February 20 - 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. could manage to come out Pracchia, keyboard player sounds of the Rolling Stones. This a "d Terry $13.00 $16.00 $19.00 see them. new them to satisfy just This Maurice Sardo and drummer diversity allows Price includes 50

By Carl Clutchey will ignore tradition, because it is attention, a possibility for minor but the cost of the The band. money could not expect something not my purpose to perpetuate the effective change will come about raised from student lik e activity fees "Bent" to materialize at Laurier, I saw the advertisement for (everybody has a dream). kind of acts as a but "buffer stock" in thinking in terms of cover that Let us ourselves more another very plain band briefly familiarize case of a dramatic loss or other investigation, more was due to arrive at Laurier with the hiring/contractual emergencies. diversification (and that could mean dealing ("Glider" I think) and the arrangements that are related to This being outlined, we can with bands directly), and a better "feel" newspaper slipped out ol my hands lining up various gigs at the Turret. address some pertinent issues. One for current and dropped to the floor like a pile The person in charge of liquor could isolate the position of band developments, would all be appropriate of old Johnny Mathis records. services at Laurier (a full-time committee chairman as an initiatives. Perhaps the latter point "Good golly", I exclaimed to position) work,s in conjunction with important source of change. It could would mean a change in the myself, "cannot something be done the band committee chairman (a be visualized, that if this role was criterion of the "job

- requirements" for the to remedy this intolerable student position honorarium: $100 expanded, the accessibility to position of band committee situation?" per year), to plan Turret activity on different sources of information, chairman. Of course For the past memorable three and Thursday evenings. For the most and talent, would improve these proposed changes will never come a half years of my "life at Laurier", I part, these people obtain pertinent - significantly better entertainment about if there is not a genuine concern, or have discovered that the information from a booking agent in would result. Put another way, "like maybe more importantly an relationship between the Toronto. He has access to a union man, if we got some guy or chick "interest" for their development. entertainment editor and the band list similar to the one that appeared who's clued in on the action, then From this point we committee has been miserably in a fall-term issue of the Cord. It is things are gonna get shakin'." For ritualized. That is, in each year, difficult to determine whether or not example, the universities of Guelph there is an expression of moderate financing is a problem or a "cliff- and Waterloo (we are exposed to disgust (and sometimes disbelief) at aforementioned trend; rather, hanger" issue; essentially, theTurret "Bent" of the latter) both operate in the monotonous repetition of perhaps by raising a few alternatives operates on a break even basis, as the area of entertainment with the "Turret repertoire". Hopefully, I and relevant issues to the reader's ticket and beer sales usually cover above in mind. Now realistically, we

m Ji ■■» an "old war horse" view yfc. discover ■ '&JBBs jiiliPilr ii» i that maintains that there is not *• sufficient interest in the student aWt-f. |P population for creativity in the area 'SKir -J" ' l jjl ;l9iK , A; of band selection. Well, 1 challenge ; v , , #i ￿')S^S iS*"" this "who cares" attitude with an incredible "so what?". Actually, the M \npnpr, >. majority of Laurier students do fall in the "yawn pond" category, but : ' this year it's evident that a sizeable jr 11k Im' with the • ' >! minority has become bored v-- # iji te:,t^BpP^ " ' '' ' t^v* : I Look at • the issue * "old reliables". / >j£ j* .' ! /v this way: If it is true that the majority -￿' -' disinterested and is mainly ir »;• W;. is ~' 5 * limir * ->iJ -<• with a little live * concerned -- --- • ~ < jig entertainment after a midterm say, :9k, then why not experiment with ' MUM. ;<; '|Hi|. VLv-r Something new and original? As jfcjfc. . M#K 'V■■-.JMffif gk , long as the band is danceable, the and • be g 1 I1 regulars will satisfied possibly a creative approach to band selection will attract the percentage

' conceivably be put toward a big name" band like "The Spoons' or "8.8. Gabor", and even possibly result in lower ticket prices for the same (holy practical, batman!). Another area to consider would be in the field of local talent. In addition to the K-W area, this could also include London, which is a great untapped source of up and coming talent: the Demies, Second Thoughts, and the Stoves would ' to acquire lastyear- , ■ Kfcffif*j'jiy have been super maybe there are more developments to date. There is more to be commented on, such as the claim that students won't pay $5-6 for a big name ban (baloney - three years ago Max Webster packed'em in like sardines - $5-6 a besides, most people consider Player's Extm bargain when you're paying $9-11 'j* |g| enough Toronto), but there's is taste ofPlayer's in an extra light cigarette. rambling to be found in class t Enjoy the afternoon. The crux of the matter lies in more creativity and s investigation - the rest of the detai are relatively minor. The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 13 to be... Classified Unclassified

Timbit Send a heart - send one or more Forever see February 11 waiting to your evil side! helium-filled hearts or a Valentine Friday, Tuesday, February 15 Wednesday, February 16 Your curiosity will eternally hold Balloon Bouquet to you sweetie, you as my captive. Order now. Call 745-0354 or 886- Feb 11 German Film being Attention first year Arts and 1 Wednesday, February 16. Ash Old Fashioned Plain 1720. shown by English Dept. at WLU Science students. Come and Wednesday worship with The film Matthias Kneissl, 1971, learn about the INTERNSHIP communion: 7:30 am, 12:30 pm There be a general and at Keffer Memorial Call early, Reinhard Hauff, will be shown at program. will 10:00 pm TYPING - Professionally done, information session held at 12:00 Chapel, of Albert and Larage, tapdancng Rabbit 9*30 a.m. in Rm. 4-209 of the j corner reasonable rates. Fast, accurate Central Teaching Building. noon, in Room P1019, on Bricker Streets. Sponsored by service. Satisfaction guaranteed. delivers Valent.nes, chocolates. ° wers etc Admission free and everyone Tuesday, February 15, 1983. Lutheran Campus Ministry. Diane, 576-1284. cakes ' n " Reasonable welcome. 743-7139 (evenings). Wednesday, February 16. Ash Feb. 15 Evening Concert being Wednesday worship with ( —\ Start the New year right with held at WLU Evening concert communion, sponsored by Wanted: more R&R. Typing professionally February 13 will feature Barocque Ensemble- Lutheran Campus Ministry, at $1.00 578- Sunday, \ receptive poke done. 65c to per page. Michael Purves :Smith, director. 4:00 pm in St. Bede's Chapel, ' n tlle Tum-Tum 3605. Concert will begin at 8 p.m. in Renison College, UW. ( ) February by an Sunday, 13. Come and t fie Theatre Auditorium. celebrate the Eucharist with the / Uf)>r / ' exhilarating intel- Admission will be: AduIts-$4, Garfield, Gustave and all our Lutheran Campus Ministry at Everyone '( r\ lectual exchange Students/Seniors-$2. Dr. Margrit Eichler will ( \ Uttle friends wish you an extra an ™ If Phone 885-5134 11:00 welcome. discuss The Changing Economy / special , 7,uAlbert A 1™°? 1/ I ask for Pugsley, Valentines Day. Chapel, and Bncker and Its Impact on Women a at 1 ar excellance. Streets. Brown Bag Seminar sponsored I P Can you say hari-kari? The Tories _ . , \J , by the Waterloo Public Interest February 13.0 Lutheran i can. Try Sunday, Tuesday, February 15. Partici-; Research Group on Wednesday it. Movement meets at Student pate in our Bible study at 2:30 pm j February 16, 1983 at 12:30 p.m. 6:30 pm at er t. to at 177 Albert in Campus Centre Room 110, Experienced typist will type discuss: Prayer: m , WQu, d ,ike tQ express my thanks University of Waterloo. reports, financial statements, etc. the Spiritual during Lent. I o be and appreciatlon to the student presented by Kathy Zettel, Please call 662-1038. body of Laurier for your support in Catholic Chaplain. To emphasize the beginning of Thursday, February 17 the WLUSU election. Special thanks LENT the Chaplains at Wilfrid Quote of the week: to C.P., G.M., R.D., K.C., T.L. for "It's possible you your my Laurier invite the University Feb. 17 Music at Noon Concert that might be help with campaign. able to say the truly, Community to their traditional at WLU Music at that potential is Yours Monday, February 14 noon will there..." PANCAKE CELEBRATION of feature Judith Kehler, piano; Mai Duong SHROVE TUESDAY on music of Grieg, Beethoven, Febrl4- Mar. 4 Art Exhibit in February 15, 1983, in the Granados. Concert will be held Concourse Gallery at WLU An Concourse. At 11:00 a.m. WLU's in the Theatre Auditorium at 12 exhibit by Friedel who will show Campus President Dr. J. Weir will flip the noon. Admission free and Clubs woven wall murals will be held in one. first everyone welcome. The Stockmarket Club will be the Concourse Gallery. Gallery OFFCAM elections will be held This year's proceeds are for setting up a display in is open during regular university the concourse on Wednesday March 2nd.'All THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP, February 15-16. It will include hours. Everyone welcome. KITCHENER. Friday, February 18 positions available. Pick up your information on the Stock-market nomination form in the small clubs Come, have lunch with your game as well as other club activities. Chaplains. office or contact Greg Tees at Looking for a change of place? Feb. 18 German Film being Members please PICK UP YOU 885-1796 Look at CUSO. Employment shown by English Dept. at WLU NEWSLETTER AT THE WLUSU opportunities in Third World The film Tue Recht Und Scheue OFFICE. If there are any questions countries for teachers, Niemand! (Do Right and Fear you may contact Cliff (884-9241) tradespeople, business ad- Feb. 15 Contemporary Film No one! A woman's Life in before 10:00 most evenings. Gays of WLU Thursday night visors, etc. Details at an being shown by English Dept. at Germany 1915-1975) 1975, Jutta coffeehouse. History Lounge, Room INFORMATION MEETING, WLU The film Wild Straw- Bruckner. Film will be shown at POETS, WRITERS OR LISTEN- 4-301 CTB, 8-11 pm. Tonight we will 7:30 p.m., Rm. 232 South berries (Bergman 1957) will be 9:30 a.m. in Rm. 4-209 of the ERS, all are invited to attend be holding an informal drop-in. Campus Hall, University of shown at 2:30 p.m. in Rm. 2E7 of Central Teaching Building. readings of the WRITERS CLUB. Next Thursday, our guest speaker Waterloo or by calling 885-1211, the Arts Building. Admission Admission free and everyone Feb 15 at 7 o'clock in the English will be Rev. Frerichs, UC minister ext. 3144. free and everyone welcome. welcome. lounge, 2nd floor CTB. and chaplain at U of T.

Want to Sublet for the Summer?

you're trying to rent out your apartment for May to August, then you've probably pinned a notice to a Bulletin Board somewhere on campus.

Your notice is competing with dozens of others, and not getting the attention it needs.

Use CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED Laurie Simpson sings a Laurie however, was in next week's CORD! With over 4,000 sincere "Oh Budda" in the exceptional as her beautiful readers each issue, your ad will get results! LCF Talent Night. voice was a notable standout. And at only 5c a word, it fits in with the The programme was essen- If this year's LCF talent night student budget. Deadline is Monday at noon. tially lowkey overall in is any indication of what is in comparison with the Tamaie store for next year, then a night, although good 'k. Talent there sized turnout Slf were a few humourous skits. should be expected again. 14 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983.

POETS, WRITERS OR LIS- TENERS, all are invited to attend readings of the WRITERS CLUB. Feb 15 at 7 o'clock in the English lounge, 2nd floor CTB. POETICS


A sigh is like a song and then the rest; Silver silence slips away amidst confusion.

Sights and sounds slip away. movements--- Sliding into sleep which savours Silence. (quiet...the clock moves) With a touch so soft She softens sadness; sought as you undress Love. as you undress and quickly fit the night shirt to until Salmon swimming, seeking to return, you morning summits which can not b<: climbed into her mind. then into the dress or maybe the jeans Sweet sighing sorrow, so sad, or whatever saved only as singing sounds to make you look good silently separated. (never sensual., ; just good) by Andrew Morgan you walk out smiling and laughing contently and i go back to sleep

(quiet...the clock stops)

by Allan Moore Klaudia

Klaudia, I saw you yesterday. Klaudia, I saw that bump on your nose. I didn't know if that was your face or some artist's misconception. Klaudia, 1 fell in love with you. Klaudia, I fell off my chair. 1 talked to your Creator and liked what she was doing. Klaudia, you did it for her. Klaudia, your imperfections are your best features.

by Jeff Brycc


Moonlight trickled down Through the clouds and the crisp night air Beneath the treeframes, and the evergreen boughs Poetry is... To land on the fluffy, downy snow before us. In pools of misty illumination. Enduring the ages for many a year It's amazing the history it's brought On the nearby pond 1 us nere. Water gently swirled around tiny twigs To be formal or freely tormed As ducks drifted aimlessly among the ripples is much debated, yet never solved. Forgetting, for the moment, that it was chilly— That they should fly south. It's playing with words as has often been said And the old wooden bridge as an accountant with numbers Whispered as we crossed, but said or a "shrink" with heads. No more when we stopped to listen. He's a gentleman you see; It is the living of words He keeps his thoughts unless he is asked. It is the feeling for words Words are the medium... Still we walked on, ...singing syllables marked by poetic As the moonlight trickled down punctuation... Through the clouds, and the crisp night air And as for me, it is Rythme. Beneath the treeframes, and the evergreen boughs Watching two joined hands fading into the distance. It's writing about the times in verse and rythme by Heather Welch All the feelings that are mine Written down in very few lines.

bv Frank Lauzon The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 15

The Golden Hawk Are the Buffalo Chips mascot is here! no more? page 18 SPORTS page 18 Overtime loss for Hawks by Peter Noblesheet It was a regular heartbreaker for the Golden Hawks and their 2500 fans on Tuesday night, as the Hawks dropped thier O.U.A.A. basketball game, 96-84, in overtime, to the crosstown rivals, University of Waterloo. The Warriors pulled away from the young Hawk team in the five minute overtime to save themselves from an embarrassing defeat at the hands of the Golden Hawks. The Warriors were saved, and able to go into the overtime period, on a twenty foot jump shot with no time left on the clock. Former Canadian Olympic team member Steve Atkins hit the shot from the corner to tie the game at 78. The Hawks put up a valiant effort and were leading by one point at the half 33-32. Their inexperience shone through however in the final minutes of the game and it can be chalked up to experience. For most of the game the Hawks were playing with three first year players on the court. The rookies more than proved themselves capable, and it must leave Coach Coulthard drooling at the mouth to think of the years ahead with this fine crop of players. Leading the Hawk scorers was Doug "Rock" Aitchison. His aggressive, drive to the hoop, type of ball led him to 21 points. The rest of the scoring was spread out among the team, with four others hitting the double digits. Rookie Pat Keane hit for 14, another first year player Steve Forden had 12, Dave Byck popped in 11, and rookie Chuck Klassen added 10. When the final buzzer sounded last Wednesday night at Windsor's St. Denis Hall, a little bit of history was in the making. Never in the existence ot Wilfrid Laurier University have the Men's Basketball Hawks walked out of the Lancer's gym with a win. Strong relief from the bench, pinpoint foul shooting and a great deal of hard work enabled Golden Hawks to emerge 88-80 victors and shake the St. Denis jinx. After falling behind by a 42-37 count at half time, Hawks responded with 51 points in the second halt including an impressive 13 out of 15 from the free throw line. Although there is no question that it was a total team effort, a Windsor boy returned home to make a very key contribution to the eventual outcome. With the Hawks trailing by two and just over five minutes remaining in the game, border city native Enzo Piazza connected on three consecutive baskets within a 25 second span which shifted the momentum to Laurier's favour, Doug Aitchison followed with a three point play which caused disgruntled Lancer fans to head for the exits. Dave Byck led all shooters with 27 points while Aitchison hooped 19, including an unblemished nine of nine from the chalk line. Piazza notched 14, while rookie Chuck Klassen hit on 11. Guards Steve Forden and Pete Briglio turned in strong games from their general's post. Defensive Leon Arendse continued his steady play as he hauled in 8 rebounds and blocked a shot. NOTES: Hawks were without the services of rookies Mark Polischuk and Shawn O'Rourke. Both were suffering injuries. An achilles tendon forced Mark to the sidelines while Shawn has knee problems...The win was the 4th for the purple and gold in the last five games...Windsor's new St. Denis /'hold by ( hack K'irkhain Hall doesn't seem to evoke the same atmosphere as Doug Aitcheson puts one up for two points against U of W Tuesday night. Aitcheson led the Hawks scorers with 21 the previous faculty. points but the Hawks lost in overtime 96-84. Weir speaks out Hawkey Hawks in a romp on task force by John Sanderson looked back. Rob Whistle closed the with Mike Grazzola and Rob by Chuck Kirkham meetings is confidential". first period scoring with a powerplay Holody to get his second of the night Contrary to reports published in He also clarified that Mr. Peter .-•Last Thursday the Hawks played goal, as the Hawks led 3-1. at the 2:51 mark. Dan Speck had last week's Cord, the Presidential Venton is not the chairman of the ost to the Ryerson Rams; a game Strong goaltending by Hawk some help from Kevin Casey and Task Force into the use of the committee. The committee, °minated by the Hawks as they John Sop, shut out the Rams in the Greg Mills four minutes later to Athletic Complex was "never a consisting of seven people voted on outplayed, outshot, and outscored 2nd period, as the Hawks popped in increase the Hawk lead to 8-1. Tony secret and never intended to be their own chairman and selected Dr. he Rams 10-3 en route to their 17th three more goals to take a 6-1 lead. Martindale then popped in the next one." Jerry Hall. Other members of the UUAA hockey victory. Dave his second of the Hawk goal with help from Stark and Dr. Weir, president of Wilfrid committee are Dean Nichols, Dr. The Beckon got scoring opened fast with night with help from Beric Sykes Grazzola, Tony later blasted in his Laurier University, who initiated the John Peters, Virginia Robinson, aw c , ! Todd Stark getting his first of which led to Joel Levesque's second of the night to close the committee, explained the task force Deb Moffett, Ed Nieuwesteeg, and e night with help from defenceman unassisted, shorthanded goal at the scoring at 10 for the Hawks. John more completely in an interview this Peter Venton. 1 Rellinger and Joel Levesque. 8:45 mark. The period closed with "Sopper" Sop allowed two mid- week. "It is not a secret committee. Weir's reasoning for initiating the e Rams were quick to respond Beckon's third of the night from the period goals of compassion for the It would be impossible for it to be committee was that in the ten year owever, as Earl Demond scored stick of Tim Glencross. Once again Rams who managed to rally with one, as soon as questions were asked history ofthe Athletic Complex such e P°werplay only three minutes the Hawks were shorthanded. some offence. it would no longer be a secret. The a committee had never been struck a er. Dave Beckon answered the The third period saw the Hawks "I was pleased to see the team play committee itself is not a secret but to see if the Athletic Complex was InBf°r the Hawks with his first of even more as they gaifted what is said and done in their jlree open up goals and the Hawks never four goals. Todd Stark teamed up cont'd page 18 cont'd page 18 16 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983 it Pots Hawk Watching (519) 885-2180 University & Weber (Behind Tim Hortons) Skiing Volleyball Badminton Attention all You W.L.U. Special to the Cord Guys and Girls: Remember by Theresa Noonan by Cathy Drummond The 1983 Pepsi Ski Series The women's varsity volleyball This weekend, both the men's and SWEETHEARTS ON continued last week with the WLU team was busy last women's week hosting badminton teams travel to team showing better results than the both Brock and Windsor in two Kingston, as EAST MEETS VALENTINE'S DAY week before. exciting matches. WEST in the final tournament Jane "Smitty" Gripper led the On Tuesday night the girls hosted hosted by RMC. floral service & gifts complete quality women's team in the first Giant Brock in an exhibition match The men's team has played race With two four HOURS: Slalom of the season. winning of the five games. spectacularly this year and has led impressive runs, Smitty finished On Thursday night the girls had a the competitive western section Fri. Feb 11 9-9 pm. 12th overall. Close behind her, and somewhat tougher team to handle. overall in point standings. However, her in the Sat. Feb 12 9-5pm. making debut racing They hosted the Ontario West first at the last tournament hosted by circuit, Sue Dawson skied place team, the Windsor Lancers. Laurier, Jan. 22 and Mon. Feb 14 9-6 pm. 23, Waterloo aggressively and placed in the top The Hawks fell to the strong managed to tie Laurier for first 10% Discount All Items prices are not thirty. Windsor team three games to two. postion. But Laurier still remains with Student I.D. Card SUBJECT TO The women's second seed, Kelly The Hawks started off slowly, not overall leader by 2 points as the Ritchie, fell on her first run, and playing their best ball in the first teams jockey for Ist spot in skied well on her second. game. As the match went on the girls Kingston. Patty "Wortley" Stickly had two play improved and the games To give you an idea of the keen swell runs, and finished with two became closer. Outstanding players competition and calibre of play points. Jane Flynn and Laura for the Hawk team were Wendy taking place-two of Laurier's own Folliot skied tremendously well to Siminski, Karen Egoht, and Carol players-Dave Drummond and Tom the Hunter both YOUR OWN WAREHOUSE \\ gather points and thrust Stewart. are members of the g/ women's team into fifth place The girls have one game left in Ontario Badminton Team. Both overall. their season as they fight to hold Tom and Dave will be travelling INC The highlight of the day however, onto their fourth placed spot in with the Ontario team to IISTORE-N-LOCK A was the incredible run of Cam Ontario West. Chicoutimi, Quebec during Reading MacDonald. At the intermediate Likewise the women's basketball Week to compete in the '83 Canada FuRNrruf»e point of the course, the clock team's season is almost over. They Winter Games. Unfortunately, showed Cam ahead by two one- hosted Brock on Saturday night. Laurier will be losing Tom and Dave hundredths of a second. Under Many of you may femember that the as they will be graduating from extreme pressure, Cam caught an Hawks were blown away by the Business this year. edge, and took a picturesque ten roll Brock team earlier in the year. In Laurier also hosted a women's u-lock rr - - u keep the key - - - tumble, landing in the forest ten that game the Badger's used a full badminton west sectional, Jan.29th. metres from his Marker court press the entire game. That Western, again, made an overall ii V "explodamatic" bindings. Rescue game caused quite a bit of discussion sweep of the tournament. Though ig W SIZES 5 X 10 - 5 X 15 / crews worked fifteen minutes throughout the 0.W.1. A. A. as it was Laurier's team bettered their point /# l\ 10x10-10x15-10x20 retrieving the shaking MacDonald unnecessary for Brock to take standing over their previous %\ ?W OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE /# J from the forest. It took them a advantage of the situation run tournament they still trail behind \\ V\ / UPON REQUEST /# and /# further half hour putting his overall results at Kingston. Final %\ \\ omiut 0* the score as high as they did. bindings back together. The second time these teams met standings of the Laurier Women's Rick Piester finished on top for the Hawk team improved their Badminton tournament: the men with Philippe Dyment and situation. Against the third ranked 23 Chris Walsh both finishing in the team in the country Laurier was Western McMaster 886^7350 top 25. at 17 down only 28-16 the half. This is a WATMLOO 8 Dave Latreille and Scotty Barker feat that the girls should be very Guelph both skied well. Overall the men's oroud of. Laurier 5 team finished a solid sixth out of When the team came out in the fourteen teams. second half the Brock full court GOOD LUCK! to both teams This week is the double header press started to work, and our girls on the weekend. finale, with a giant slalom race both started to lose their confidence and Thursday and Friday. eventually lost the game 80-24. *NOTE: For those who missed When told that would be The team has one Cam game left in seeing our talented men's team in Gourmet six ounce burgers their season. back again. Blue Mountain The game is on Friday action—the Laurier tournament will at in Done to your individual taste authorities were heard to say," Nets 8:00 the A.C., when they host be televised March 19, on channel the Windsor Lancers. Variety of salads with spinach or and hay bails will be set up." 11. lettuce, each completely different Stuffed veal cutlets Volleyball action continues to be Fresh baked quiche fast and furious down at the A.C. dogs Since no one was able to Exotic foot-long hot determine the real volleyball in 24 entrees for under $3.90 last week's photo we made it easy Wine and Beer this week and left the one ball. Licensed for Stay tuned for continuing Corner of King and William Streets volleyball action. BESIDE THE DONUT CASTLE

THEHERO WATO*L(X>7!rV Take a friend . . . meet a friend, have I J some laughs . . . enjoy the show ... try I ( J some darts. Indulge in the good ml. times at "The Hero".

Dave Reansbury r/f photo by Gonzo/a Wilson O.U.A.A. MEN'S BASKETBALL GAME Athletic Complex

At the Watertoo House Tuesday, February 15th comer ofKing and Erb streets, downtown Waterloo Laurier vs. Western The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 17 Sports Quiz Chuck's Ground and Charlie Tatham 7. A Minnesota Viking player by Mike Lock How you rate? once ran into his own end zone and did 1. What was the nickname of the spiked the ball (for a safety), 10 right? You get a blind date with of those weeks. Everyone is screaming and yelling 1934 World Champion St. Louis thinking that he had scored a Loni Anderson It's another,pne at me to hurry up and finish the Ground. It's.only 1:00 Wednesday Cardinals'.' touchdown. Name this bonehead. 7-9 right? You get a blind date morning—what the hell is everyone upset about? 2. When a pitcher gives up a "two 8. What is the latest promotional with Nancy Lopez How about that Brett Roberts? His friend Torigian hasn't been bagger", does that mean he has scheme of the North American 4-6 right? You get a blind date gone for more than two weeks and already he has run out of ideas for turned down a date with eighty year Soccer League? with your favorite woman All-Star Buffalo Chips. That's right folks. Roberts has run dry. If you think old twins? 9. Name the NHL team owner wrestler about it though it just makes sense. At the beginning of the year they who is considered a candidate in an 1-3 right'.' You get a blind date stuck up for the cheerleaders and last week he stood up for women's 3. Name the only major college upcoming political leadership race. with the lady at Mac's Milk on rights. What kind of garbage is this? C'mon Roberts pick it up! No basketball team that is undefeated (Hint: It is not Harold Ballard). University excuses. Next week I want a Chips and I want a good one. (Why not this year. 10. When Montreal won the 1971 0 right'.' You get a blind date with Stanley Cup by beating Chicago, Ray Charles phone Torigian? It's obvious that he was the brains of the operation!) 4. Who holds the world record in who scored the overtime goal in the How about those Leafs? Can't figure them out. Orte week I'm ready the long jump, and what year was it seventh game? to dump 'em off the end of Yonge Street into Lake Ontario and forget set? 11. The Langer Question: all about them, and then they do something half decent. Right now 5. Where are the 1984 Winter Between 1957 and 1969, one man Answers in they are half a step from the edge but they'll probably pick up and Olympics being held'.' won the U.S. National Singles Lawn make the playoffs. Get rid of Salming though. Washed up! History! 6. What is the name of the trophy Bowling Championship six times. Move him now and you might get something for him. Somebody Scoreboard tell the Leafs to Paul break! man on awarded to the golfer with the lowest Who is this immortal lawn bowling please give Higgiils'a The sits the Holy average score per round'.' giant? pine all game then comes out and hits someone over the head. Cementhead Batman! How about that presidential task force? Scary, boys and girls. Do you have some concerns about the A.C.? Why not talk to Deb Moffett Intramural hockey report or Ed Nieuwesteeg (is that spelled right?). Anyhow, give them some suggestions; it can't hurt at all. If you don't want to talk to them, write a letter and bring it up to the Cord Office, we'll see that it gets to the A very entertaining hockey game must win game. The second period by John Sanderson right people. With some quick phone calls I came up with a couple of between power displayed by the the first placed Herrdogs Hurting Unit things for the task force. The weight room is only open from 12 noon The games played last week and the third was too much as the Individuals placed Indecent 'till 5:00 p.m. on the weekends. That may be okay for Saturday, but the dropped the game 6-2. provided league and its followers Assault team saw the Herrdogs how about an extension for Sunday? Item B. Let people sign up for very The most entertaining game the with some entertaining hockey, squeak out a 2-1 victory. This raised of squash courts earlier than 8:30, say 8:00 or 8:15. Keep a better watch which, when over, saw some their record to 9-1-0. week took place Tuesday night. The The Herrdogs on the sign up sheet and don't-let people book more than one court. significant changes in the leagues first place seed can be attributed to game, played at 1 1:00 drew over 100 standings. fine play and excellent goaltending fans and matched 1 NUC up against The Molson Canadians moved tip by Doug Urquart. Things may the Unit. The intense rivalry in the rankings by two positions with change for the Herrdogs however, as between these teams continued and their 4-1 victory over the improved they have vet to p 1 a y th e tonight had the Unit come out on B2 Bartenders. The game was full of Lunchbuckets or the Unit. top of a close game, 3-2. action, but tended to get sloppy at The much improved Gamecocks The scoring was opened up by the times. The game started out rough as increased their winning streak to TNUC team, as defenceman Steve fighting penalties were issued to the four straight games as they defeated Bolt blasted a shot home from the Canadians' Pete Maclntyre and the Columbia House 4-3 in a well played point. The 1-0 score held until Bartender's Tim Hunt. Both players game. midway through the second period. received the mandatory one game The hard working Individuals The Unit's Rod McKeuwan evened How about those Golden Hawks synchronized swimmers. Oh...we suspension. unfortunately dropped yet another the score to end the period in a 1-1 don't have any. Never mind. But did you know that we do have a tie. curling team at our school. Sure do. Wouldn't lie to you. The third period was spectacular How about that Tuffv Knight? He may not talk to me much but he as Mike "Chico" Taylor scored to can't seem to stop from putting his foot in his mouth whenever I'm put the Unit ahead for the first time around. While in an interview with Cookie Leach a couple of weeks Tamiae on in the game. With under three- ago Sir Tuffy had the obnoxious-ness (new word) to barge in on our ice at minutes left the hard working conversation. We were in her office the time he made his grand entrance. Hey, it did not matter to him that the was by Dick Belloes TNUC team evened the score on a door locked, he shorthanded. Other Bus 4 goals were Andv Watson marker. used his master key. What are they for anyhow. This isn't about Consistency was the name of the scored by Munkittrick, Sweeney, Larry "Tougie" Tougas proved to Tuffv's rudeness though. This is about his ignorance of the varsitv game Tamiae Hockey last week. Roland in and another shorthanded bv be the hero in this game. With 1:15 program at our school. While I was there he popped in to ask Cookie if Wednesday's game saw last place Bus Osske. 2's losing scoring drive left in the game, he found the net to we had a gymnastics team at our school. Simply Amazing! Bus by 3 doubled the Bus 5 'Virgins' was put together by Martin, Fox and ice the victory for the Unit. Nuff said. by a score of 6-3 and staying in last Saumur. place - see, consistency! 3's Harry Prior to press time I received a Chuck Kirkham Kozak picked up two of their goals, leaked memo from Bus 7 owner pj. putting him in the leading scorer H. Mallard outlining the Tamiae' position for that team. Their third playoff format. The top six teams goal was shot in by Steve Soper. will make the playoffs, with the top Birthright cares Goals for the 'Virgins' were two getting a bye in the first round. provided by team mates Evershed. That first round will see the third about you and your Lapier, Williamson, Mclnnes, and sixth place teams, as well as the Thorne and Courtis. The goal by fourth and fifth battle it out in 1 baby when you are Tim Courtis, combined with his two sudden death games in hopes of pregnant. For assists the for game, allowed him to making it to the second round. free practical take over first place in the Tamiae The second round will see each of | help and counsellinq scoring race and gave him a good the four teams play two games. j CORD shot at that most coveted title. Total goals in those call games will : \ I Counting My Pennies. jU The 'Virgins' were once again in determine the ranking of the four PHOTOS uniform on Sunday night and once teams and the top two will plav in 579-3990 the final round. The Tamiae i CAN i again skated to a victory, defeating BE Bus 8 4-3. Tim Courtis picked up champions will be the winners ofthe two more best two out of three games. hope i YOURS! i goals for Bus 5 giving him 1 ■ r an even hold the you can understand all this. I sure tighter on scoring &. J Quahtv black while reproductions <>l (»»r//•«/oIhce (2nd llthM S U II.) Prices lor I«JK2-K.t are Q I THANK YOU has it Novak miss the Bus 5 and Bus 8 are now finished that may $4.50 playolls for he will be back in regular season play. Both finished | 11x14 to all of those tied with 13 points. Bus 5 will receive Sudbury trying to take care of some , Bxlo 2.50 j who helped and third place in the final standings due unlinished business with a certain 5x7 1.25 to a superior head to head record supported me in female employee of the Laurentian ! and more goals in total for the 2x2 50 1 Pub. Bus B's goals were contributed ■ the last two season. Bus 4 and Bus 7 will fight it I weeks. bv Lemmon, Levine and Cave. I B out for first place in the coming 1 112 I ve also been informed that I 8 DAVE DOCHERTY Virgin' week. Good luck mivs! player Dave Parr scored 4 WMzrrspt goals that night. That is quite an Mexico and Return From accomplishment for someone who $3.50 has yet to score a goal this season. O.U.A.A.MEN'S HOCKEY "~k"w book"! Unfortunately for Dave, all four were called offside. Keep trying EXCHANGE j Show us calculator New your and we will Dave! II you're wondering why I Kitchener Auditorium and Used Books i give you an additional 10% discount had to be told this and didn't see it We now carry on top of normal 15% student for myself, the reason is I was busy International discount - Total discount 25%. chasing some drunken fan who stole We also sell New & Used one of my famous designer hats. Thursday, February 10th German books & magazines. J Try our Macho Nachos Stuffed with The week's final game saw Bus 4 742-1261 jalepeno. Hot! All you can eat $3.00. Pulverize Bus 2 "7-3. 4's Scott 306 King St. W., Kitchener i Hemsley was definately the first star 1335 Weber St. E. 749-1810 Laurier vs Waterloo Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. of the game picking up 5 goals, 3 of (Next to Hiway Market) Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. which were unassisted and two 18 The Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10; 1983

Hawkey standings but must defeat both cont'd from 15 Windsor twice and so well,'" said Gowing understand- Waterloo tonight. If the Hawks so much ing the motivational problems a as tie, they will loose their second when the last place Buffalo Chips team faces playing standing to Western who at present placed club."The boys all put in a appear as they will finish good 60 as high strung people, we have to baby effort for minutes did point behind Laurier. We John net" he can them you know. Sop in replied. witness the rivalry between The Hawks are presently poised Waterloo and Laurier tonight at the to finish second in the O.U.A.A. Let's talk "I miss Matt". Yes Auditorium. Game time 8:00 p.m. lovers of Buffalo Chips 1 think that Brett really misses his big buddy Weir from St. Catherines. Last seen, cont'd from 15 Torigian was kissing ass at a Moss On the issue of how the Laurier Lawson recruitment drive. Seems "meeting its mandate." population would be able to provide Weir that Torigian wants to get into the went on to explain the input to this committee Weir replied difficulties that the Complex faces he "k market. Would you buy in that told the members what he trying to satisfy the needs of the ything from him? I've seen this wanted, and left it up to them to ,uv in action and he would do different people who use it. decide how to go about collecting anything to sell a product. It is Weir strongly emphasized that that information. was "not a witch usually himself that he is trying to this group hunt, The results of the task force will Tuffy sell however and of course fails out to get Knight." He was hopefully be in the hands of Weir by miserably. concerned that the task force was the end of the academic year. At that seen as this and was adamant that he time will decide if the report But back to Brett. What the hell is Knight's job was not on the line. should be released to the public. wrong? I'll tell you. Roberts has developed standards. Egad you say? Correct. Roberts feels that the level of intellectual stimulation has Yes, the Buffalo is an almost regressed in his column and has extinct species. It follows of course refused to write another Buffalo that their Chips would also become Chips column until he is properly rare. There is no Buffalo Chips this motivated. So girls if you really miss It's a bird... week. Brett is depressed, lonely, the Chips bring your beer in hand bitter, mad, worn out, frustrated, and track down Brett. He is in search bored, impotent, sober, underfed,... of motivation. It's a plane... who knows. These intellects are such


M» mk ,

1 V > S

I'hiilirby Clunk Kirkham

It's a Golden Hawk!


~ WELediIHE TUESDAY, ; ii , BEEfc BOCK? MARCH 15 I he Cord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983. 19 Scoreboard

Hockey Basketball

Varsity Intramural Men Women West West

W L T F A Pt W L T PT W L F A Ft W L F A P Toronto 18 1 1 196 48 37 Herrdogs 9 1 0 18 Waterloo 7 2 719 659 14 Brock II 0 858 432 22 Laurier 17 3 1 117 57 35 Unit 8 0 1 17 Brock 5 4 691 674 10 Guelph 9 1 686 504 18 Western 15 4 0 126 63 30 Indecent Assault 6 2 2 14 Laurier 4 4 612 630 8 McMaster 6 5 608 510 12 Queen's 13 7 1 106 75 27 Molson Canadians 6 2 113 Western 4 4 592 614 8 Western 5 5 598 557 10 McMaster 12 8 0 110 74 24 TNUC 6 4 0 12 McMaster 4 5 682 7II 8 Waterloo 4 7 583 685 8 Guelph 10 8 2 113 93 22 Lunch Buckets 6 2 0 12 Windsor 3 5 705 656 6 Windsor 2 8 592 664 4 Laurentian 10 10 1 98 105 21 Party Mongers 4 4 19 Guelp'h 3 6 60! 658 6 Laurier 0 11 325 898 0 York 10 9 0 100 80 20 Game Cocks 4 6 0 8 Windsor 9 10 1 93 109 19 Willison Animals 3 6 0 8 Results Brock 6 12 2 101 159 14 Hurting Unit 3 4 17 Results RMC 3 19 0 95 168 6 Columbia House 2 9 0 4 Sat. Sat. ' 5 Waterloo 2 17 I 61 128 Individuals 18 0 2 Brock 80 Western 66 Brock 80 Laurier 22 B2 Bartenders Ryerson 2 19 0 81 184 4 0 10 0 0 Waterloo 83 Windsor 79 McMaster7l Windsor 49 Western 70 Waterloo 47 Results Tamiae Brock 80 Laurier 24 Thurs. Laurier 10 Ryerson 3 Future Games Future Games w L T F A Pt .Bus 4 9 1 1 52 28 19 Fri Fri Answers Sat. Bus 7 8 1 40 20 16 Windsor 1 Queen s 0 0 Laurier at McMaster at Laurier Toronto Bus 8 6 5 l 46 37 13 McMaster 8 RMC 3 Bus 5 5 6 1 44 44 11 1. The Laurentian 7 Brock 4 Gashouse Gang Bus 6 2 7 2 27 41 6 2. No, the batter hit a double Windsor 6 Guelph 6 Bus 3 2 6 30 48 6 3. University of Nevada, Las Ryerson 6 Waterloo 5 2 CIAU Basketball Rankings Bus 2 2 8 1 30 51 5 Vegas 4.80b Beamon, 1968 Sun. 1. Victoria 5. Sarajevo, Yugoslavia York 14 Ryerson I 2. Brandon 6. The Vardon Trophy Toronto 14 RMC 0 3. Calgary 7. Jim Marshall Tamiae Playoff Schedule 4. St. F-X 8. Complimentary pillows with 5. Dalhousie seasons 6. Concordia each pair of tickets 9. Peter Pocklmgton Ist round 7. Waterloo Ist and 2nd place teams get byes 8. York 10. Henri Richard 11. Willis Tweksburv 3rd vs 6th one game elimination 9. Winnipeg 4th vs sth one game elimination 10. Ottawa 2nd Round Enzo returned his Ist vs lowest ranked remaining team Piazza to 2nd vs other remaining team hometown, Windsor to help the -2 game total goals series Hawks down the Lancers. Piazza scored 14 points. 3rd Round 2 remaining teams play the best 2 out of 3 ] *vi Dan Speck: Led the Hawks in W Hi m *112 scoring again. 3 goals against i || j ||l jM Ryerson in a 10-3 win. Volleyball Future Games Men Thurs Waterloo at Laurier Sat WEST Laurier at Windsor W L P lli 1 E f-9 IHErVm^PsnHIHI Waterloo' 7 7 0 14 JbT Y BWB Guelph 8 7 1 14 Western 8 5 3 10 McMaster 7 3 4 6 2 CIAU Hockey Rankings Laurier 8 17 Brock 8 0 8 0 1. Toronto Future Games 2. Concordia 3. Saskatchewan 4. Moncton Men 5. Brandon Fri 6. Dalhousie McMaster at Laurier 7. Alberta 8. Laurier Women 9. Manitoba Fri 10. Western Laurier at Guelph

~ N (T OWIAA SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP Wilfrid Laurier University February 11th and 12 th Sy 15% OFF 77 KITpT SWE All Engineering, Drafting V* \ & Artists Supplies T $coo aii Upon presentation of this coupon and J» JcX-"-" / I S * ■ WLU ID Card w Off Grad i I Waterloo Square 886-1740 West mount Pl.u e 68 Queen Street S %AfII Stanley Park Mall 893-7120 I Waterloo.Ont Kite hener, Ont £gg& | Ciwl\€lj|^w " V lIIOVI I 885-4691 745-1431 EXPIRES MARCH 31, 1983 L—— — — 20 I he C ord Weekly, Thursday, February 10, 1983

11 AT THE TURRET 1 || I WAVE I night conan I I I \|\deos I I Joe Jackson BARBARIAN I I Men at Work I I Clash FRIDAY I I Spoons FEBRUARY 18 I

I Thursday Room 1E1 7pm, 9pm I

I February 10 „„ I I 8*00 pm Admission: $2.00 I