Recent Advances in Computer Engineering, Communications and Information Technology

Improving through Combination of Scrum and

VILJAN MAHNIC Faculty of Computer and Information Science University of Ljubljana Trzaska 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA [email protected]

Abstract: - Applying Kanban principles to software development is becoming an important issue in the area of . The number of Scrumban users, a method that combines Scrum and Kanban practices, almost doubled in the last year. While Scrum is well-known and widespread method, scientific literature about Kanban adoption is scarce and many questions regarding Kanban use in practice (e.g., the structure of , setting appropriate work in progress limits, combining Kanban and other agile methods, etc.) are still open. The aim of this paper is to upgrade previous research of different Kanban boards by proposing structure of a generic Kanban board and ground rules for its use, which could serve as a guiding reference for teams planning to introduce Scrumban as their development process. Additionally, an example of using such a board in practice is provided. The paper starts from the premise that appropriate combination of Scrum and Kanban advantages makes the most from both. Therefore, the proposed solution combines the most important Scrum practices (release and Sprint planning, regular delivery of increments, frequent feedback) with basic Kanban principles (visualization of workflow, limiting work in progress, change management).

Key-Words: - Scrum, Kanban, agile methods, software development, software process management, quality improvement

1 Introduction According to the last State of Agile Development Numerous agile methods [1] have appeared in the Survey [9], the most widespread agile method is last fifteen years that – in contrast to traditional Scrum [10, 11]. Pure Scrum is reported to be used disciplined approach – value individuals and by 54%, Scrum/XP Hybrid by 11%, and Scrumban interactions over processes and tools, working by 7% of respondents. However, the survey also software over comprehensive documentation, revealed a rapid growth of the number of Kanban customer collaboration over contract negotiation, users. Compared to 2011, Kanban and Kanban and responding to change over following a plan [2]. variants [12, 13] nearly doubled in 2012, mostly due Several reports indicate that agile teams achieve to an uptick in Scrumban use. It is expected that this significant improvements in productivity, quality, trend will continue in the forthcoming years; and stakeholder satisfaction, e.g., [3, 4, 5]. therefore, applying Kanban approach to software According to Standish Group’s 2011 Chaos report, development (either as a standalone method or in the success rate for agile projects is 42%, which is combination with Scrum) seems to be a hot topic for three times more than for waterfall projects (14%) software researchers and practitioners. [6]. In spite of initial doubts (some people even While Scrum advocates incremental software considered agile methods a backlash to software development through a sequence of iterations, the engineering [7]), agile methods have been gaining main goal of Kanban is to maximize the workflow wide acceptance among mainstream software and shorten the lead time (i.e., the average time to developers. In January 2010 Forrester [8] reported complete one item) by limiting the amount of work results of their Global Developer Technographics in progress (WIP). In order to visualize the Survey, which revealed that 35% of respondents workflow, a Kanban board is used, which consists used an agile, 21% an iterative, and 13% a waterfall of several columns, each column representing a development process, while 31% did not use a stage in the development process. The number of formal process methodology. work items in each column is limited, thus forcing the developers to concentrate on the work in

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progress and not start a new piece of work until the While some Kanban enthusiasts treat particular previous one is completed. Scrum practices (e.g., effort estimation, Sprint Kanban has been used in manufacturing for more planning meetings) as waste, we agree with those than two decades [14], but it is a relatively new (e.g., [23]) who argue that some up-front planning is concept in the area of software engineering. A necessary (or even inevitable) in development recent review of Lean-Kanban approaches to projects (when a new product is developed from software development [15] revealed that there was scratch and the development team is faced with a almost no paper published on this topic in the comprehensive backlog), and can only be omitted in scientific literature. However, some early adopters pure maintenance projects (bugs and small report significant improvements in their enhancements when work requests arrive development process. Sjøberg et al. [16] describe spontaneously from time to time) if the team obtains the case of a Scandinavian company, which after the enough experience with Kanban. Therefore, the introduction of Kanban almost halved the lead time, solution proposed in this paper can be regarded as reduced the number of weighted bugs by 10 percent, an example of Scrumban – a software development and improved productivity. Similarly, Anderson et method that combines practices of Scrum and al. [17] report experience from a Microsoft’s Kanban. This method is particularly appropriate for maintenance project indicating that the typical lead companies already using Scrum and wishing to times, from the arrival of a request to its completion, make their development process leaner, even more reduced from 125–155 days to only 14 days after transparent, and continuously optimizing. successful implementation of Kanban. Some other In order to incorporate best practices of Scrum papers explore elimination of waste [18, 19] and and Kanban, the advantages of both methods are describe introduction of Kanban in combination analyzed first (Sections 2 and 3). Then the proposed with iterative development [20, 21]. Nevertheless, it generic Kanban board and ground rules are can be concluded that the current state of research described (Section 4). An example of adaptation of on Kanban use in the area of software engineering is the proposed board to the needs of a small team still in the nascent phase. (including the choice of appropriate WIP limits) is Due to limited evidence there are still many open provided in Section 5. Finally, the most important questions regarding Kanban implementation in conclusions are summarized in Section 6. practice, e.g., how the Kanban board should like, how to set the WIP limits, how to combine Kanban with other agile practices and methods, what tools 2 Scrum Advantages are available for managing the Kanban process, etc. Scrum advantages that we want to retain in the new Corona and Pani [15] studied 14 different Kanban Scrumban approach comprise project planning on boards in order to identify their main characteristics the basis of fix-length iterations (called Sprints), and main activities defining the software process. regular delivery of product increments, and frequent The aim of this paper is to upgrade their research by feedback on work performed. It is assumed that the (1) proposing structure of a generic Kanban board, development process is driven by the Product suitable for smooth transition from Scrum to Backlog – a prioritized set of user requirements Scrumban, (2) describing ground rules for formulated as user stories [24]. Each requirement is maintaining such a board, and (3) providing an recorded as a user story consisting of three parts: a example of its use in practice. By generic we mean a written description (used for planning and as a Kanban board that includes a full range of activities reminder), conversations about the story (to flesh that make up a software process, and can serve out the details), and acceptance tests (to determine Scrumban users as a guiding reference when when a story is “done”). adapting the board structure to their needs. We start from the premise that iterative development and Kanban are not mutually exclusive 2.1 Project Planning but complementary processes that when used The last State of Agile Development Survey [9] together contribute to higher performance of agile revealed that the lack of up-front planning and loss teams [20]. Therefore, combining Scrum and of management control are the greatest concerns Kanban practices can contribute to make the most of about adopting agile. Therefore, when introducing both [22] and represents the first step in introduction Kanban it makes sense (at least at the beginning) to of lean principles to software development as retain well-established Scrum practices of effort proposed by Ladas [13]. estimation, and release and Sprint planning [24, 25].

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Scrum requires that the effort for implementation 3 Kanban Advantages of each user story is estimated in story points, and Kanban has become popular because of its ease of the stories comprising the Product Backlog are implementation, use of visual controls, work in allocated to Sprints strictly considering estimated progress management, and relentless focus on the velocity of the development team (i.e., the number continuous process improvement. of story points the team can accomplish in one Sprint). In such a way, a release plan is created that makes it possible to define approximate release date 3.1 Limiting Work in Progress and serves as a guidepost toward which the project Kanban is based on a very simple idea: Work in team can progress. Progress (WIP) should be limited and something At the beginning of each Sprint the development new should be started only when an existing piece team re-estimates its velocity and the remaining user of work is delivered or pulled by a downstream stories in order to obtain a more precise Sprint plan, function. This mechanism is known as a “pull” called Sprint Backlog. The content of the Sprint system: new work is “pulled” into the system when Backlog is defined in co-operation with the Product there is capacity to handle it, rather than being Owner at the Sprint planning meeting. The Sprint “pushed” into the system from the outside. WIP Backlog consists of stories with highest priority limit defines the capacity of each step in the having the total number of story points equal to the development process in terms of the number of Team’s estimated velocity. The Team further work items that may be in progress at each decomposes each story into constituent tasks and workflow state. assigns responsibility for each task. Each team Appropriate WIP limits ensure that a pull system member individually estimates how many hours it cannot be overloaded, thus making it possible to will take to accomplish each task he/she accepted. maintain a sustainable pace of development. Only the workers at the bottleneck are fully loaded; everyone else should experience some slack time. 2.2 Regular Delivery of Increments On the other hand, WIP limits quickly bring to light Each Sprint should produce a visible, usable, and issues that impair performance. When work cannot deliverable increment of functionality. Since a move forward because the WIP limit has been Sprint is time-boxed development (i. e., the end date reached in the next state, it makes the current for a Sprint does not change), developers are constraint on the system highly visible, thus forcing motivated to actually finish stuff and release it the team not to take more work until the problem instead of having huge piles of 99% finished user with the constraint is fixed. stories. On the other hand, customers see on-time Limiting WIP significantly reduces lead time, delivery of increments. They receive tangible results which is used as a major measure of development in regular intervals, thus having an opportunity to team throughput and productivity. see how the product actually works as soon as possible. Through regular delivery of increments a better relationship with the customers develops, 3.2 Process Visualization trust builds, and mutual knowledge grows. Kanban requires work items (usually user stories) to be presented on a Kanban board, which serves as a visual control mechanism indicating how the work 2.3 Frequent Feedback flows through the various stages of development The system of Sprints encourages regular feedback. process. Typically, a whiteboard with sticky notes, Each Sprint is followed by a Sprint review, which or an electronic card wall system is used. provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to The Kanban board consists of a sequence of reflect on the results of previous Sprint and discuss columns that represent the various states a work improvements for the next. Stakeholders are free to item can exist in during the development process. voice their comments, observations or criticism As work progresses through the development regarding results. lifecycle, the cards move from one state to the other, Due to constant feedback, it becomes easier to until they finish in the last column. Each column has cope with the changes and the work done better on its top a WIP limit indicating how many cards meets the customers’ needs. New features can be can be in the corresponding workflow state at any added and tasks reprioritized without adversely one time. When a card is completed in one column, affecting the project flow, so that progress is made it moves to the next, thus creating an open space in even when requirements are not stable.

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its current column, which allows the development stories move to subsequent columns in team to pull a completed card from a previous accordance to Kanban pull mechanism. If the column. If, for any reason, cards in one column Sprint is executed properly, this column cannot be completed and moved forward, this becomes empty at the end of the Sprint and is column sooner or later hits its WIP limit, which filled again at the next Sprint planning meeting. prompts the development team to fix the bottleneck • The “Next” column is intended to contain a instead of just piling up a whole bunch of unfinished limited number of high priority stories. work. Whenever a member of development team is ready to start working on a new item, he/she can take a user story from the “Next” column and 3.3 Change Management move it to “Analysis & Design”. By providing team members and other stakeholders • The “Analysis & Design” column reflects with visibility into bottlenecks and their impact on Scrum approach to just-in-time design requiring the development process, Kanban encourages that each user story is decomposed into collaboration among all parties involved and constituent tasks. Given the fact that user stories discussions about improvements, thus contributing provide only rough description of required to incremental evolution of existing processes and functionality, it is also assumed that all details continuous improvement. As such, Kanban regarding implementation are clarified during represents an approach to introducing change to an this step. The “Analysis & Design” column is existing software development lifecycle or project split into two sub-columns “Ongoing” and management methodology. Kanban does not require “Done” in order to distinguish between user revolutionary changes, but can be simply stories being still in a working state incorporated into an existing development process. (“Ongoing”) and user stories for which analysis It is only necessary to visualize the workflow, limit and design were completed (“Done”). In such a WIP, and measure the lead time. way, the “Done” sub-column acts as an inter- process buffer providing information which user stories can be pulled to the next step in process. 4 Generic Kanban Board The same holds for “Ongoing” and “Done” sub- The aim of the generic Kanban board shown in Fig. columns within “Development”, “Testing”, and 1 is to provide a full range of activities (steps in the “Documentation”. development process) and approaches to board • The “Development” column is intended to modeling (working states, buffers) that must be show what is (at a given moment) being taken into account when deciding about the most developed. In our case it is assumed that appropriate board structure. Although the proposed development includes coding and unit testing board can be used as such, it is primarily intended as performed by programmers; therefore, a reference from which the users can choose those development is considered “Done” when all unit parts that best suit their development process. tests pass and functional testing can start. • The “Testing” column indicates which user stories are being tested. It is assumed that this 4.1 Columns Description step comprises functional and integration tests The proposed Kanban board consists of the performed by the development team in order to following columns: verify that user stories comply with the Scrum • The “Product Backlog” column contains all concept of done, which requires that each Sprint user stories currently known. Each user story is provides a fully shippable increment of product prioritized by the Product Owner and estimated functionality. Stories in the “Done” sub-column using planning poker [26, 27]. Whenever a new are considered completed and ready to be user story is created, a new card is added to this documented. column. • The “Documentation” column contains user • The “Sprint Backlog” column contains user stories for which documentation is being stories belonging to the current Sprint. The prepared. Scrum requires that the user operation content of this column is initiated at the Sprint of the new functionality is documented, either in planning meeting when the Product Owner and Help files or in user documentation [11]. This the development team agree which stories to requirement is a constituent part of the develop in the next Sprint. During Sprint, the definition of done. Stories in the “Done” sub- column are considered completed and ready to

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be presented to the Product Owner and other 4.2 Ground Rules stakeholders at the Sprint review meeting. In Kanban it is recommended to establish ground • The “Acceptance” column corresponds to final rules for who uses the board and how [22]. For each acceptance testing performed by the Product column and subcolumn it should be specified who Owner. According to Scrum rules, it is the can move a card in (from previous column), and Product Owner who decides whether a user who can move a card back (to one of the previous story implementation meets all requirements columns). Special attention should be devoted to and can be put in production. treatment of bugs and unexpected critical work • The “Deploy” column shows which user stories requests. are being deployed. Considering the standard Scrum roles of Product • The final “Done/Live” column contains stories Owner, ScrumMaster and development team, an that were accepted by the Product Owner example of possible ground rules for Kanban board (“Done”) and made available for use (“Live”). in Fig. 1 is provided: • A card can be created in the “Product Backlog” only by the Product Owner.

Product Sprint Accept- Next Analysis & Design Development Testing Documentation Deploy Done/Live Backlog Backlog ance Ongoing Done Ongoing Done Ongoing Done Ongoing Done

Fig. 1 Proposed generic Kanban board

Fig. 2 Example of an adapted Kanban board described in Section 5

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• Cards belonging to user stories that are to be entering directly the “Next” column as proposed developed in the next Sprint are transferred by Ladas [13, pp. 172-174]. A silver bullet still from the “Product Backlog” to “Sprint Backlog” has to go through the workflow and obey the by the Product Owner or ScrumMaster. This WIP limits in order not to interrupt work-in- operation takes place at the Sprint planning process. meeting. Strictly following Scrum rules, moving Note, however, that the above ground rules are just a card from Product Backlog to Sprint Backlog an example of possible ground rules. Each team is and vice versa is prohibited in the middle of a advised to set its own rules and experiment with Sprint (unless agreed otherwise). them to achieve best fit with their development • A card can be moved to the “Next” column only process. by the Product Owner. When a user story is taken from the “Next” column (in order to be developed), the Product Owner has to choose 5 Adaptation for a Small Team next story from the “Sprint Backlog” with the The Kanban board in Fig. 1 is suitable for complex highest priority and fill up the free space in development projects, but in most cases it should be “Next”. Within the WIP limit of the “Next” adapted to serve specific needs of a particular team column, the Product Owner is allowed to and/or project. In such cases it can be used as a change priorities by moving high priority stories guiding reference containing a list of possible from the “Sprint Backlog” to “Next” and vice working states and ground rules. versa. Whenever the number of user stories In this section a real-life example is provided of reaches the WIP limit, one of them had to be how a subset of proposed columns was used and moved back to the “Sprint Backlog” before how WIP limits were set in an experimental Kanban being replaced with a more urgent user story. project that was conducted at the Faculty of • Members of development team are allowed to Computer and Information Science, University of make changes in the “Analysis & Design”, Ljubljana. The project required the development of “Development”, “Testing”, and “Documenta- a web-based tool for managing Kanban projects and tion” columns (as well as corresponding sub- lasted 3.5 months. The development team consisted columns). Whenever one of them is ready to of three graduate students of Computer Science, start working on a new item, he/she can take a while the author played the role of the Product user story from the “Next” column and move it Owner. During the project we experimented with to the “Analysis & Design” column. The story two different boards and different WIP limits [28]. then moves through “Development”, “Testing”, The final board structure and WIP limits are shown and “Documentation” until it reaches the in Fig. 2. “Done” sub-column in “Documentation”, which The board consisted of a subset of columns indicates that the story is fully tested, proposed in Fig. 1. The “Backlog” and “Selected” documented and integrated in the shippable columns correspond to the “Product Backlog” and increment of new functionality. “Sprint Backlog”, respectively. • The Product Owner can take a story from the The WIP limit of the “Selected” column was “Documentation Done” sub-column and start its expressed in terms of velocity, i.e., the number of evaluation within “Acceptance”. If the story is story points that the team was expected to complete accepted, he/she moves the corresponding card in a Sprint. At each Sprint planning meeting the to the “Deploy” column (if deployment is corresponding stories were transferred form the organized as a separate activity) or the final “Backlog” column to “Selected”. “Done/Live” column (in case or small projects The WIP limits of other columns were expressed or if deployment is not treated as a part of in terms of work items, indicating the maximal development process). number of user story cards in each column. The • The “Deploy” column can be used by a separate “Next” column contained a limited number of high deployment team, which (after successfully priority stories as described in Section 4. The WIP deploying the new increment of functionality) limit was set to 3 because there were 3 developers moves the corresponding cards to the final working on the project. “Done/Live” column. The project was small and each developer was • Serious bugs and unexpected critical requests supposed to develop a user story from beginning to are marked with a different color (see the black end; therefore, it seemed reasonable to merge the card in Fig. 1), and are treated as “silver bullets” “Analysis & Design”, “Development”, “Testing”, and “Documentation” columns into a single

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