Athletic, Without the Consent of Manager More, H
THECOPYRIGHT^ l^ lf THE gpoBTINO L,rl PUBLISH IHO Co. SPORTING LIFE.ENTIBED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOKD CLASS HATTER. VOLUME 9, NO. 23. PHILADELPHIA, PA., SEPTEMBER 14, 1887. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. the generally condemned "blacklist" resolution have been very wild on the trip, and I think to that serration of twelve men, and I am not aware of any act is due the loas of several games. In three games change. The list, on a gues.-?, will consist of Morris, was passed and it was determined to cut off his he former Bent iiiueteeu men to first bane on called McCormick, Galvin, Carroll, Miller. Wh.tney, Cole- supply of inside information by barring him, as REORGANIZED balls, and in four games the latter allowed twenty-two LATE NEWS. man, Barklpy, Kuehno, Field*, Smith and Dairymple. well as all other delegates connected with news men to reach the initial ba£ on phantom hits. That Perhaps Ku'-hne and Dal may be left off under special papers, from the meeting. For this reason Harry always rattled the team, and it is a difficult matter to agreements to make room for Beet her and possibly Weldon, of Cincinnati, did not come on and Geo. The Western League Re win under such conditions." another man to be secured. TEAM NOTES. Pittsburg Declares Itself POTLETS. Munson, of St. Louis, found business elsewhere Mr. Johnson says the men have all conducted them- to attend to. Before the meeting was opened Contrary to expectations Beei her was not given work eelves like young miuidterd on the trip and speaks this week and may not be d^ain this season.
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