Giving Your Children the Greatest Gift

We all enjoy giving gifts to our children at time. A gift all wrapped up in pretty paper with a BIG bow is enough to get us all very excited. Gifts come in all shapes and sizes. Some of the very best presents come in tiny packages and some-times the favorite gift for your kids may not even be wrapped at all! A long time ago God gave the world the best present ever. God sent His only Son named to come and be born in a manger in the city of .

God sent us His Son as the greatest gift because God loves us and He wanted us to have a Savior. A Savior is someone who SAVES someone else and that is just what Jesus does.

Jesus came to earth as a baby and He lived a PERFECT life. That means that Jesus never did anything wrong, EVER! Even though Jesus was perfect, He took the punishment for our sins and He died on the cross so that we could be saved and live forever with Him in heaven. What a wonderful gift that God gave us! He loves us very much and He will always take care of us. The true reason for Christmas is Jesus. It isn’t always easy to remember Him in the middle of our celebrating this special holiday.

Understand that the gifts found under the don’t last very long. They break, or become out of date, or lose the interest of our children as something else takes its place.

A better gift is one that you are already giving your children. It’s the gift of a quality education based on God’s love and grace that will fan the flame of faith for a lifetime.

And even as that precious gift lasts a lifetime, make sure your children receive the gift that lasts for ETERNITY – our Savior born in Bethlehem, crucified on the cross, and raised to life on Easter so that we might have life in Him forever!

Continue to give the gift of Jesus to your children, not only during this Christmas season, but throughout the seasons of life.

Enjoy a blessed Christmas for you and all your loved ones.

Pastor Mark