
Tony Yule (Chair); Ian Fraser (Treasurer); Terry Griffiths ( Port Talbot); Les Meachin and John Sanders (Bridgend); Alistair Sloan and Christine Sloan (Merthyr Valley); Brian Morgan and Marvi Yule (Taff Ely); Vernon Davies, Mike Kohnstamm and Andrew Morgan (); Gwyn Lewis and Diane Davies (Cardiff); Robin Pitcher (Penarth); Jackie Brett (Vale of ); Asta Smith and Katy McGavin (Tiger Bay); Catherine Morgan (Ramblers Cymru staff).

1. Welcome to Those Present and Apologies for Absence: 1.1. A warm welcome to Jackie Brett for her first Area meeting and Catherine Morgan, Ramblers Cymru staff. 1.2. Michael Holley and Gwion Evans (Vale of Glamorgan); Val Hartrey (Penarth) and Maureen Griffiths () sent apologies.

2. Minutes of the Last Meeting: 2.1. The minutes of the meeting of the 16th June 2017 were read and approved.

3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting: 3.1. Item 4.4 – Proposal 25 of the Welsh Government’s consultation document “Taking Forward ’ Sustainable Management of Natural Resources” was to remove the cut-off date for historical routes under sections 53-56 of the CROW ACT.

4. Treasurer’s Report: 4.1. The Receipt and Payments Account for the quarter to 30th September 2017 showed a surplus of £1,917 compared to a budget of £900. The only expenditure had been £33 for Area Council expenses. Members and group footpath officers were requested to submit any expense claims in time for the 30th September year-end. The Quarter Budget Allocation of £1,950 had been received; having asked for a total of £9,000 a reduction of £300 in funding had been made in Quarter 4. 4.2. The balance at the Unity bank on the 30th September was £9,534.56, 113% of expenditure. The reserves percentage should be between 40% and 100%. 4.3. The Area’s Budget Application for 2017/18 had been submitted and was awaiting approval. £8,250 total funding had been requested, although group funding had increased by £85 to £5,450. By reducing the funding request a deficit of £2,890 was forecast to keep the reserves percentage below the WCEC target of 80%. 4.4. Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan and Swansea had submitted budget applications for funding greater than their basic allocation. Initially Swansea’s application had not been accepted as their reserves had been too high but by reducing their funding and increasing their anticipated expenditure their reserves had been brought below the WCEC target. The detail of Group Funding for 2017/18 was:


Group Code Group Name Budget SW01 Cardiff £1,900 SW02 Neath Port Talbot £178 SW03 Bridgend £319 SW05 Vale of Glamorgan £300 SW06 Swansea £1,250 SW07 Cynon Valley £203 SW08 Maesteg £111 SW09 Merthyr Valley £159 SW11 Penarth and District £252 SW12 Taff Ely £277 SW50 Tiger Bay Ramblers £372 SW51 Tawe Trekkers £129 Total £5,450

5. Secretary’s Report: 5.1. The Swansea Roadshow on Saturday 24th June had been a well attended and a successful event. 5.2. Thanks to the groups who had submitted their walk statistics for July for the WCEC Walkers Annual Return. The only group not to submit any data had been Tawe Trekkers. The most popular walks had been the moderate and leisurely walks. Groups were requested to submit their August data ASAP. An evaluation of the results would be made once three months data had been received. 5.3. Ramblers were gearing up for the Walk About festival from 26th May to 3rd June 2018. Awards of up to £1,000 were available for local festival activities. See Ramblers website for details of award applications which close on 24th September 2017. 5.4. Nominations for volunteer certificates were to be submitted by the end of September. 5.5. Groups were urged to consider asking their AM or MP to attend a walk. AMs and MPs could be great advocates for walkers within their constituencies and regularly use their influence to support ramblers when campaigning on local footpath issues.

6. Membership Report:

The group membership for 30th April 2017 to 31st July 2017:

No at No at No New Group 30/5/17 31/7/17 Change % Change Members Cardiff 638 635 -3 0 5 Neath Port Talbot 86 83 -3 -3 0 Bridgend 229 227 -2 -1 3 Vale of Glamorgan 143 149 6 4 7 Swansea 377 391 14 4 12 Cynon Valley 112 116 4 4 2 Maesteg 18 18 0 0 1 Merthyr Valley 65 63 -2 -3 2 Penarth and District 157 157 0 0 4 Taff Ely 182 175 -7 -4 1 Tiger Bay 275 267 -8 -3 3 Tawe Trekkers 34 31 -3 -9 1


Glamorgan Area (SW96) 50 45 -5 -10 6 Glamorgan Area (SW97) 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2,366 2357 -9 0 47

6.1. Swansea had again shown the greatest increase in number of members, possibly due to the success of their Saturday walks programme. Tawe Trekkers had the greatest percentage loss. A lot of non-members joined their walks but did not appear to be recruited. It was thought that the reduction in Glamorgan Area members was due to them opting to join a recognised group. 6.2. It was noted that the Ramblers membership fees was soon due to increase.

7. Footpaths Report: 7.1. It had been a very quiet period with respect to footpath orders both locally and nationally. 7.2. It was noted that David Lewis, Merthyr Valley group footpath officer, had stood down due to problems with his knees. Many thanks for his years of service. 7.3. Groups were requested to make members aware of the Welsh Government’s consultation document “Taking Forward Wales’ Sustainable Management of Natural Resources”. The document outlined a large number of proposals which would be welcome to walkers. The most contentious rights of way proposal was to open up all rights of way to cyclists and horse riders. Ramblers Cymru was campaigning against this proposal being applied en-bloc, advocating that each change of footpath status be treated on its merits and subject to consultation including the Ramblers. Members were urged to sign up on wales-forward.aspx and support the Ramblers Cymru campaign.

8. Publicity Report: 8.1. There was no publicity report.

9. Walking Environment Report: 9.1. There was no walking environment report.

10. Chair’s Report: 10.1. The Swansea Roadshow had been a great success. It had been reported that 55% of all people attending roadshows had not been to one before. 10.2. Contacted Max Grant of WCEC regarding possible web sites for maps of Tir Gofal and Glastir paths but there were no known sites. 10.3. For any group requiring business-style cards the WCEC recommends a template developed by Ramblers found by searching “Business Cards” on the Ramblers website. Such cards could form part of a budget request to Area. 10.4. Groups were reminded of the Festival of Winter Walks between 23rd December and 7th January. The theme for this year’s festival was New Year’s resolutions and was aimed to encourage people to start their resolutions early by joining a walk over the Christmas period. One month’s gym membership could purchase a whole year’s subscription to the Ramblers. 10.5. In addition there was a “Walk About” Festival between 26th May and 3rd June 2018. There was a document on the Ramblers website and awards up to £1,000 were available but applications must be made by the end of the month. 10.6. It was noted that Ramblers insurance cover for third party liability on walking holidays required there to be a named organiser and named walk leaders published the same as day walks.


10.7. Groups were requested to include details of the Glamorgan Area AGM in their programmes.

11. Welsh Council Executive Committee Update: 11.1. There was a WCEC meeting the following weekend to discuss Ramblers Cymru policy.

12. Ramblers Cymru Area Support Officer, Catherine Morgan: 12.1. Similar to the post in Scotland the purpose of the post was to support Areas in undertaking their role. Examples included training programmes for Area Chairs and training for finance officers. First Aid training was often undertaken locally but could be supported by Ramblers Cymru. The aim would be tailor courses to group or individual’s needs. 12.2. Funding was available to help the less able; most members wanted to do longer walks but training was available to lead health walks. 12.3. Ramblers Cymru now had a communications officer heading up a communications team.

13. Area AGM 21st October 2017: 13.1. The Area AGM would be hosted by Swansea Ramblers and held at 2.00pm at the Tower Hotel, Jersey Marine, Swansea preceded by a short walk at 10.00am. As hosts Swansea would be eligible to send two observers to General Council 7/8th April 2018. 13.2. Tony agreed to formally invite Professor Madeline Grey, proposed Area President, to the meeting. 13.3. The guest speaker would be Aled Elwyn Jones, author and member of Tiger Bay Ramblers. 13.4. Asta Smith, Helen McGavin and John Sanders confirmed that they would not be standing for election at the forthcoming AGM.

14. Glamorgan Rambler 2017 Update: 14.1. The Glamorgan Rambler was virtually complete and would be sent to the printers by mid- September but it was not known whether it would be available for circulation by the AGM. 14.2. Diane suggested that a fresh face as editor of the Glamorgan Rambler might have new ideas to bring it to the attention of members. With the introduction of annual statistical reports from groups there might be a need to change the publication’s format.

15. Any Other Business: 15.1. There was no other business.

16. Date of Next Meeting: The Annual General Meeting at 2.00pm Saturday 21st October at the Tower Hotel.

Signed: ……………………………..………………………….. Date: …………………………………………..