Congressional Record—Senate S4168

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Congressional Record—Senate S4168 S4168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 20, 2019 POM–96. A concurrent resolution adopted EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF S. 1915. A bill to require the recording and by the Legislature of the State of Louisiana COMMITTEES reporting of communications between the urging the United States Congress to review Department of Justice and the White House the definition of abortion and the use of the The following executive reports of relating to civil and criminal investigations, term abortion for medical purposes of med- nominations were submitted: and for other purposes; to the Committee on ical records when a woman has a sponta- By Ms. MURKOWSKI for the Committee on the Judiciary. neous miscarriage; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. By Mr. HAWLEY: Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. *Robert Wallace, of Wyoming, to be Assist- S. 1916. A bill to amend title 18, United ant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife. States Code, to prohibit companies that host SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 130 By Mr. GRAHAM for the Committee on the videos from enabling child predators, and for Whereas. a spontaneous miscarriage is the Judiciary. other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- unavoidable and untreatable process of natu- Daniel Aaron Bress, of California, to be diciary. rally ending a pregnancy before the twen- United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth By Mr. UDALL (for himself and Mr. tieth week of gestation; and Circuit. VAN HOLLEN): Mary S. McElroy, of Rhode Island, to be S. 1917. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Whereas, according to national estimates, enue Code of 1986 to reform the system of approximately fifteen to twenty percent of United States District Judge for the District of Rhode Island. public financing for Presidential elections, all pregnancies in the United States end in and for other purposes; to the Committee on miscarriage; and Jason K. Pulliam, of Texas, to be United States District Judge for the Western Dis- Finance. Whereas, according to the American Col- trict of Texas. By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. lege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Stephanie A. Gallagher, of Maryland, to be LEAHY, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. BROWN, roughly sixty percent of miscarriages occur United States District Judge for the District Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. BENNET, and when an embryo has an abnormal number of of Maryland. Mr. HOEVEN): S. 1918. A bill to amend the Richard B. Rus- chromosomes during fertilization, a problem Eric Ross Komitee, of New York, to be sell National School Lunch Act to require al- that happens by chance, not as a result of United States District Judge for the Eastern ternative options for summer food service anything the parents did: and District of New York. program delivery; to the Committee on Agri- Rachel P. Kovner, of New York, to be Whereas, the devastation and grief associ- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. United States District Judge for the Eastern ated with a miscarriage leave women to feel By Mr. YOUNG: as though they had done something wrong to District of New York. S. 1919. A bill to require certain grantees cause it; and Lewis J. Liman, of New York, to be United under title I of the Housing and Community Whereas, the trauma is compounded by States District Judge for the Southern Dis- Development Act of 1974 to submit a plan to physicians, hospitals, clinics, health insur- trict of New York. track discriminatory land use policies, and Martha Maria Pacold, of Illinois, to be ers, and other healthcare providers inter- for other purposes; to the Committee on United States District Judge for the North- changeably using medical terminology such Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. ern District of Illinois. as abortion, spontaneous abortion, missed By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself and Mary M. Rowland, of Illinois, to be United abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete Mr. WYDEN): States District Judge for the Northern Dis- abortion, or septic abortion with sponta- S. 1920. A bill to establish jobs programs trict of Illinois. neous miscarriage; and for long-term unemployed workers, and for Steven C. Seeger, of Illinois, to be United other purposes; to the Committee on Health, Whereas, towards the end of the last cen- States District Judge for the Northern Dis- Education, Labor, and Pensions. tury, medical journals and healthcare profes- trict of Illinois. By Ms. ROSEN (for herself and Ms. sionals consciously began using the term John L. Sinatra, Jr., of New York, to be MURKOWSKI): spontaneous miscarriage instead of abortion United States District Judge for the Western S. 1921. A bill to provide that primary care as both an intuitive empathetic response to District of New York. services provided by the National Health the stigma of abortion and as a reflection of Mary Kay Vyskocil, of New York, to be Service Corps may include palliative care legal, technological, professional, and social United States District Judge for the South- services; to the Committee on Health, Edu- developments relative to women who experi- ern District of New York. cation, Labor, and Pensions. ence miscarriage: and David Austin Tapp, of Kentucky, to be a By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. Whereas, despite the evolution and clinical Judge of the United States Court of Federal MERKLEY, Mr. CARPER, Mrs. FEIN- clarity of the use of the term spontaneous Claims for a term of fifteen years. STEIN, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. MARKEY): miscarriage, many women are horrified to Gary Richard Brown, of New York, to be S. 1922. A bill to authorize Federal agencies find that the medical diagnosis or condition United States District Judge for the Eastern to establish prize competitions for innova- listed in their patient medical record indi- District of New York. tion or adaptation management development cates abortion; and Stephanie Dawkins Davis, of Michigan, to relating to coral reef ecosystems, and for be United States District Judge for the East- Whereas, although not technically incor- other purposes; to the Committee on Com- ern District of Michigan. merce, Science, and Transportation. rect based on customary and acceptable med- Diane Gujarati, of New York, to be United By Mr. WHITEHOUSE: ical terminology, the use of the term abor- States District Judge for the Eastern Dis- S. 1923. A bill to require the establishment tion has a widely recognized modern day im- trict of New York. of a Consumer Price Index for Elderly Con- plication of intentionally causing the death Frank William Volk, of West Virginia, to sumers to compute cost-of-living increases of an unborn child; and be United States District Judge for the for Social Security benefits under title II of Whereas, charting, coding, and billing sys- Southern District of West Virginia. the Social Security Act and to provide, in tems include Current Procedures Termi- Edward W. Felten, of New Jersey, to be a the case of elderly beneficiaries under such nology (CPT) codes, International Statis- Member of the Privacy and Civil Liberties title, for an annual cost-of-living increase tical Classification of Diseases and Related Oversight Board for a term expiring January which is not less than 3 percent; to the Com- Health Problems, 9th revision (ICD–9), diag- 29, 2025. mittee on Finance. nosis-related group (DRG) codes, and other *Nomination was reported with rec- By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself and diagnosis and procedure codes utilized in the Mr. MURPHY): United States healthcare system; and ommendation that it be confirmed sub- S. 1924. A bill to prevent the purchase of ject to the nominee’s commitment to Whereas, a conscious and collective assess- ammunition by prohibited purchasers; to the ment needs to be done at the highest level of respond to requests to appear and tes- Committee on the Judiciary. regulatory authority in the United States to tify before any duly constituted com- By Mr. PORTMAN: S. 1925. A bill to authorize State opioid re- provide for definitive and distinctive use of mittee of the Senate. sponse grants, and for other purposes; to the the terms spontaneous miscarriage versus (Nominations without an asterisk Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and abortion: Therefore, be it Resolved, That the were reported with the recommenda- Pensions . Legislature of Louisiana memorializes the tion that they be confirmed.) By Ms. HARRIS: Congress of the United States to review the f S. 1926. A bill to increase access to pre-ex- definition of abortion and the use of the posure prophylaxis to reduce the trans- term abortion for purposes of medical INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND mission of HIV; to the Committee on Health, records when a woman has a spontaneous JOINT RESOLUTIONS Education, Labor, and Pensions. miscarriage; and be it further The following bills and joint resolu- By Mr. KENNEDY: Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution tions were introduced, read the first S. 1927. A bill to amend the Employee Re- shall be transmitted to the secretary of the tirement Income Security Act of 1974 with United States Senate, the clerk of the and second times by unanimous con- respect to association retirement plans and United States House of Representatives, and sent, and referred as indicated: other multiple employer pension benefit to each member of the Louisiana delegation By Mr. WHITEHOUSE (for himself, Mr. plans; to the Committee on Health, Edu- to the United States Congress. BLUMENTHAL, and Ms. HARRIS): cation, Labor, and Pensions. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Jun 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JN6.057 S20JNPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE.
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