Charles Smith Candidate for East Metro District Policing and crime spokesperson

RE WA Police 2017 Pre - Election Submission

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation supports the Police Union’s call to:

Police Budget and strength

1. Increase the number of police stations and ensure they are fit for 21 century policing. 2. Provide stab proof vests for police officers. 3. Fully fund the recruitment of 1000 police officers including support staff and traffic police officers.

Salaries and Legislation

1. Increase employer superannuation contributions. 2. Modernise the Police Act and Regulations. 3. Protect police officers rights from evidence obtained from the CCC so it cannot be used in criminal trials. 4. Protect a police officer’s disciplinary record from being obtained in civil and criminal cases. 5. Stop offenders being released on parole prior to serving minimum mandatory sentences. 6. Pass legislation to impose mandatory life sentence for offenders found guilty of murdering a police officer. 7. Pass legislation for mandatory sentences for offenders found guilty of assaulting police animals.


1. Commit to fully funding the existing Regional WA Attraction and Retention Allowance

Community and Road Safety

1. Introduce legislation to permit additional methods to end pursuits sooner.

Health, Safety and Welfare

1. Fully support a workers compensation style scheme including medically retired police officers including a range of specific illnesses and injuries including PTSD. 2. Introduce free counselling for police officers and staff 3. Expand mandatory blood testing of anyone who exposes a police officer to their blood or body fluid. 4. Allow police officers to be armed in court.

Once again thank you for meeting with Colin Tincknell and myself and I genuinely hope we can help bring significant change to WAPOL.

I trust this will be the start of a good working relationship between ’s One Nation and the WA Police Union.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Smith MSc BSc