Watford Borough Council Members’ Performance Scheme


End of Year Self Assessments

1 Borough Council Members’ Performance Scheme 2010/11 End of Year Self Assessments


The Council introduced a Member Performance Scheme in February 2008. Part of the scheme required councillors to complete a self assessment at the end of each Municipal Year providing evidence of their activities and demonstrating how these contributed to the Council’s objectives:

1. Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage. 2. Enhance the town’s clean and green environment 3. Enhance the town’s sustainability 4. Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential. 5. Supporting individuals and the community. 6. Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council 7. Influence and partnership delivery.

29 councillors completed self assessments representing 10 of the 12 wards. The assessments are summarised in this document.


Ward Councillors: Chris Leslie, Rabi Martins and Helen Lynch.

Two councillors completed self assessments. Councillor Lynch was only elected in October 2010.

COUNCILLOR CHRIS LESLIE was elected in 2006 and became a councillor because he wanted to make Watford a healthier, safer place to live, work and socialise in and to carry out the objectives of a Liberal Democrat Mayor.

His roles in the Council are as a member of the following committees: Licensing, Scrutiny (Call in and Performance), Member Development, Constitution Working Panel and Chief Officer Pay Panel

He has undertaken the following training: Scrutiny induction, Housing briefing, Development Control enforcement training

How he has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• Attended the Armed Forces Day Flag Raising and the Remembrance Sunday Event.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Reported fly tipping, graffiti and litter. Reported over filled bins to the depot to be emptied. Reported potholes and damaged pavements on to the Herts. Highways website and sent photo and further comments to the area manager of Herts. Highways. • Supported an upgrade of Queens Road as put forward by Queens Road Action Group. Attended the opening and support the work of the Watford Town Centre Night time Economy Group. • Consulted with residents who agreed with my campaign for more trees to be placed in residential streets in Central Ward and put this forward to officers. The trees have been put in place and welcomed by residents. Regularly check that the trees are not being damaged by vandals. • Supported the installation of skips to be placed on Radlett Road estate and attended the clean up. • Visit Park with my partner often, have taken many photos and put them up on Facebook to promote park. Do not actually take part in any “groundwork”.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• A member of Planning Advisory Group • Familiar with Local Development Plan and other planning policies • Communicated with DC officer regarding a planning application to convert a house in Central in to flat as this was refused by the inspectorate and the

3 owner thought WBC could overturn the decision. With help from the officer I was able to convince the resident that this was not possible and confirmed the planning policy to the resident so that he understood why the planning consent was refused in the first instance due to density and over development in the district in Central Ward. • As described above, also campaigned for Franklin Road to be resurfaced and St Johns Road play area to be enhanced, both now completed .

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• Consulted with local traders and businesses through Queen Road action group and requested the parking service to allow 12 minutes free parking in Queens Road at the request of Jays Newsagent...ongoing • Attended consultation on Watford Junction major development and a meeting on developments planned for the front of Watford Junction Station. • At committee level I spoke in support of updated policies and I support the aspirations for a family friendly Town Centre.

Supporting individuals and the community.

• Due to meeting clashes I have only attended 4 out of 11 meeting of the Radlett Road Residents Association. I have attended a meeting of a new residents’ association at Wilmington Close and have taken forward many reports of anti social behaviour in the Town Centre that were concerning them (particularly with Area Night Club) I have worked with the anti social officer on these issues and well as the Chair and Head of Licensing. • Have attended 7 Neighbourhood Forums that my fellow councillors and I have held all around Central Ward. Most of the budget has been used and I requested £500 for our new budget to go on air in the Summer Community Radio Station Vibe 107.6 FM so they could purchase an Omni Device. • Supported many requests for purchases from the fund: most notable from the list is for a garden to be installed at Central Primary School as many pupils who attend live in accommodation where they do not have access to a garden. • Being a General Election year I circulated 1000s of newsletters. I have also circulated street letters on casework created from our Neighbourhood Forms updating residents on the issues that they have raised. • Attending community events: Watford Live • Approving a request for funding from the Central NH budget for the setting up of a garden at Central Primary School. • Reporting highways Issues. • Requested the council and councillors to support the Community Radio station Vibe 106.7 FM • Around 48 phone calls, mostly on planning and anti social behaviour issues residents have reported to me (not all Central ward), over 120 email with residents, over 600 with officers of .

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Licensing and Development Control Enforcement Training.

4 • Awareness of Constitution and Code of Conduct: Member of the Constitution Working Panel • I keep up to date on Local Government issues by looking at the LGA website • Call In and Performance Scrutiny Committee member • Member of: Licensing Committee, Constitution Working Panel and Member Development Panel • I have only missed one meeting of which I am a member (due to illness I informed the group secretary and was substituted). I have been a contributing and challenging member at meetings of which I am a member. I have specifically achieved this at Call in And Scrutiny Committee meetings. • I have contacted officers on Environmental, Licensing and Highways Issues

Influence and partnership delivery.

• I have worked with the Police on Anti Social Behaviour Issues and for a safer Town Centre • I have worked with the Housing Trust for Radlett Road Estate improvements which are now starting to happen. • I have worked with residents’ associations at Wilmington Close on anti social issues relating to Area Night Club and people leaving the Town Centre in the early hours of the morning.

SMART Target for 20010/11

• To help a Project called Vibe FM to provide Watford with a Community Radio Station and to gain funding, to advise, promote, encourage and support. • The Radio Station will move into its studios located in the offices of Watford Community Housing Trust 09.05.2010. The antenna will be sited on top of the YMCA W/c 09.05.2010. Test transmissions are due to start 20.06.2010. Go Live is due to commence 20.07.2010.

Update on Progress

Ongoing as station is not live at time of submitting this report. Met Matt Cadman 55 times during period of this report. Advising at business Level, requesting updates, putting forward ideas where the station should apply for funding. Attended board meeting. Promoted the addition of David Rees of Smile Events Ltd to the board to give the board more “width”. Advised the removal of inactive obstructive board member: all carried out. Put together lists of Councillors and contact details across Watford and Three Rivers to ask for funding and support. The station gained £700 pounds to date from this. This project is ongoing as it still has to go live, be launched and keep going onward afterwards. I have applied to be a member of the advisory Panel and am awaiting approval from the chair, Alastair Robertson. I will link together many organisations after ‘go live’ to the station including Watford Palace Theatre, HQ Theatres, RT Dance, Watford Live, Community Safety and others too many to mention here. I have been working on this for 5 years and we are nearly there. It is very exciting and will give benefits to the 13 to 25 age group. The station is recruiting young people to be DJs/ Technicians as I write this report. I will be co-ordinating marketing of the station and will be linking up with Watford Community Housing Trust to move this forward. I have many ideas.

5 COUNCILLOR RABI MARTINS was first elected 1994 and last elected in 2008. He became a councillor to extend his capacity to serve the community, improve the town and work with businesses on economic development.

I am a member of the following Committees:

Development Control Committee – Chair CSP Scrutiny Sub Group - Chair Call in and Performance Committee – member Budget Panel – member Audit Committee – member

Other Groups with which I worked this year have been:

Member of Planning Advisory Group Member of Market Working Group Lead member – Central Neighbourhood Forum Member Night Time Economy Steering Group

I have also been a member of the LGA Children and Young Peoples Board – Sub.

I have also undertaken the following training:

Royal Town Planning Institute Planning Convention, Community Safety partnerships, development control enforcement training, Westminster Briefing – Planning and community cohesion

How he has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• Attended various open days at ; • Attended Carol Services, attended Remembrance Day ceremony; attended St George’s Day Parade

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Worked with fellow ward councillors to identify Grout Spots and engaged with environmental health to address problem – specifically on Radlett Road Estate (even organised skip day); Gladstone Road; Waterfields area.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• Worked with fellow councillor to revitalise Queens Road area and as a result initiated review of parking restrictions; worked with Cllr. Lynch to initiate Street Market project in Queens Road. • Influenced and supported partnership working - Worked with officers and local police on an initiative to deliver a family friendly town centre through the Altogether Watford Project . I am a member of the associated Night Time Economy Working Group This joined up approach to community safety is

6 beginning to pay dividends by, for example, reduction in attacks on Taxi drivers being attributable to the “Safe Havens”

Supporting individuals and the community.

• Worked with residents on Radlett Road Estate to improve facilities for the youth. As a consequence of which anti social behaviour is markedly down. • Undertook consultation with youth and promoted the provision of additional facilities on Radlett Road Playing Fields • Took up residents’ concerns about commuter parking on the Radlett Road Estate and commenced discussions with Housing Trust to find a suitable solution • Supported a community projects with the aid of the Neighbourhood Budget – Computers for community use at Newton Price Centre; Life-line support for residents of the Alms Houses, Equipment for the Community Radio in the Town Centre, Contribution towards the promotion of the Peace Hospice Starlight Walk; supported Watford Palace Theatre Renovation Fund appeal within the ward • Regular case work – unsolicited as well as solicited through regular residents street surveys • 6 weekly newsletters to the whole ward • Regular visits to the supported residential homes – Homemanor House, Crosfield Court, Woodfields and Dyson Court • Regular discussions with Richard Harrington on various issues relating to the town

Influence and partnership delivery.

• Influenced the inclusion of Queens Road and Market Street within the definition of “Town Centre”. Local Development Framework – this means that these 2 roads can be included in any improvements; Christmas lights. • Arranged for presentations to residents on major developments. Attendance has been good for some of the developments. • Took up residents’ requests and helped bring 20 MPH limit to Watford Fields and Francis Road / Percy Road. Worked with Highways to achieve this, issue was originally raised through a resident’s survey.

SMART Target FOR 20010/11

Work with partners to reduce the level of crime and the cost to Watford of crimes relating to the Night time Economy

Update on Progress

This project is proving to be a success as demonstrated by the downward trend in crime statistics for the town centre


Ward councillors: Bell, Connal and Hines-Randall

Councillors Bell and Connal have completed self assessments:

COUNCILLOR NIGEL BELL was elected in 2007.

I became a Councillor because I wanted to make a difference to the lives of residents in my local area with regard to anti-social behaviour, Highways issues and education policy as the father of 2-children. As a Member of the Labour Party I wanted to put forward Labour policies that could help the most vulnerable and least well-off in my local area and across Watford.

I am the Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, Vice-Chair of the Budget Panel, a member of the Development Control Committee, a member of the Market Working Group, a member of the Highways Joint Member Panel and an Opposition member of the Charter Place development group.

I am a trustee of the West Watford Community Association and on the Management Committee.

I have undertaken the following training:

Housing briefing, Development control enforcement training, Housing briefing value for money review, County Council schools expansion briefing also the briefing on the

How he has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• I attended the Art Exhibition by local artists in Queens Road promoting the New Hope Trust • I also attended and made comments praising the Art show for local artists in the studio set up in the shop in Charter Place • I also attended and praised the exhibition by Photographer, Dave Parker, of traders in the Indoor Market at Watford Market on November 22 nd. • As usual attended the Remembrance Service

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I have been a member of the Development Control committee since August 2009. • I make comments at most DC meetings. • Unfortunately, with other commitments I haven’t been able to attend the Planning Advisory Group as a Labour representative yet but hope to in future

8 • I am familiar with the Local Development Framework and have commented on it at Cabinet • I have advised residents on Planning matters and policy but have been careful to avoid comments that might affect my impartiality at DC meetings. • As a County Councillor for West Watford as well as a Borough Councillor I have responsibility for Highways issues and sit on the County Council’s Highways and Transport Panel. This means that I question and help to take decisions on Highways issues across the County, and it gives me more insight into Highways issues locally here in Watford. • I regularly report on Potholes, roads that need resurfacing, faulty streetlights and other Highway issues; including pushing for a 20mph zone for Park Avenue, which the County is now going to consult and plan for. • I have recently taken up the case of Croxley View residents in my division who are very upset and concerned by the bad parking outside St. Anthony’s School. I have involved the Police and Parking shop to try and alleviate the situation to stop the situation getting out of hand. • I was pleased that, after much campaigning and working with residents, traffic-calming measures were finally introduced into Sydney Road in my Borough Ward of Holywell after many years .

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• As a prominent member of the Market Working Group I have made sure that I have understood and taken on board the views of the traders in the Indoor Market and I try to make sure their views and ideas are taken into account. I have raised issues with Officers, including the Managing Director about the Market to try to help and improve their trading position. • I have also taken a keen interest in Charter Place and liaised and questioned Officers about maintenance and other issues in the area, and have asked questions of the Managing Director and Head of Property about the ongoing negotiations with the Developer for Charter Place. • I raised some of these important questions at the first meeting of the new Procurement Board on March 1 st ,along with questions about the Health Campus and the Croxley Rail Link. • I attended a briefing at the Town Hall delivered by County Officers on the future of the abbey flyer.

Supporting individuals and the community.

• I attend the Holywell Action Group set up by the Watford Community Housing Trust, which met monthly, but now 3-monthly, at the sheltered scheme at Summer Place in Holywell. This enables Holywell residents to discuss issues that the Housing Trust can influence. • I give a County and Borough Council report to residents and the Committee there and answer questions. It is an opportunity for residents to ask me to take up issues on their behalf with Housing Trust Officers and County Council Officers. One example was the question of the faulty lift for the elderly residents at the scheme and I strongly urged the Trust to get on and fix it which they are in the process of doing.

9 • I have organised 2-Neighbourhood Forums this year: last October and this March. We discussed issues of Community safety, Highways and Fire and Rescue in Holywell. I read out a Crime report from the local Police and had Highways Officers take part and a Fire Officer to speak on Fire prevention work in West Watford. • The 3 Holywell Councillors awarded £1,500 to “Farming for All” to enable them to construct disabled access on the allotment in Scammel Way. We also awarded £700 to the Bowls Group at the Holywell Community Centre to buy a New Bowls mat, and we provided £50 to Summer Place residents to buy a printer • I have issued Labour Newsletters with my Labour Borough Colleague, Jackie Connal, to let residents know what we are doing in Holywell. • Despite not having a Labour MP any more, I still take issues to the new MP and his staff. • I have already mentioned my work as a County Councillor on Highways issues, especially on the Joint Member panel, which is based at the Town Hall and is a Joint body between County and Borough members. This is a body which works well and in many ways is largely non-party political in working across the Borough with County Officers in a spirit of co-operation. • My Highway reporting is Watford-wide, partly as I am, at the moment, the only Labour County Councillor, so I tend to get casework from across the Town.This is replicated in Adult Care and Education, as I am the Labour Group at County’s Children’s, School and Families Spokesman. • My main casework still comes from Housing and I have email and telephone contact and meetings with Borough Housing Needs Officers and Housing Trust Officers. • My casework may involve making sure residents understand what to do in getting on the Housing Register. Residents may think they are not getting the choice of property that they wanted. • I am available most times of the day, everyday via email, mobile phone and landline and try to respond as best as I can and visit residents if needed. • I feel, as an experienced Borough and County Councillor now, that I have a good relationship with Officers to get the best and most practical outcome for residents but if I can’t help I try and let residents know where to go for help. While I naturally work with my Party colleagues at the Borough and County, I have also helped and worked with Councillors from other parties when they have asked for advice on a particular issue, particularly new Councillors who have not been sure of procedure .

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• As Vice-Chair of the Budget Panel I was particularly pleased this year to be able, along with the Chair, to undertake rigorous scrutiny of the “service prioritisation” process and the “part B” meetings we had where we encouraged members of the Panel to feel free to comment on ALL aspects of the economic situation facing the Council. I feel this led to a positive input from all Budget panel members and this was important to show the effectiveness of scrutiny at this difficult time for the Council.

10 • Once again I was pleased to work positively with the Chair and the Finance Director and the former Chief Scrutiny Officer, and I chaired one of the Budget Panel meetings during the year. • I am aware of the Council’s constitution and was pleased that my suggestion to the Constitution working party about giving more time for a Motion to be proposed to Council was adopted in this last year. • I get the regular LGA bulletins and Labour LGA information on the latest local government legislation and thinking from working parties, etc. • I have attended meetings of Chairs and Vice-Chairs Committee with Cabinet members to discuss a way forward for Scrutiny. • I have attended meetings at which I am not a member, or example, the Task Group looking at Crime, and asked questions of officers. • I also attended a meeting of the Call-In Committee at which they reviewed what they had done in the year, and the Chair let me make comments. • I also attended the Budget setting meeting of the Functions Committee and the Chair let me ask a question and comment. • I have had contact with Officers from most Departments throughout the year. • I have attended all the Cabinet meetings throughout the year questioning the Mayor and her portfolio holders to try to hold them to account on behalf of the Labour Group.

Influence and partnership delivery.

• As a County Councillor I have meetings with local Police and other County Officers on all County issues and this enables me to use these contacts to be better prepared to do my job as a borough Councillor as well. It also means I can help my Party colleagues on countywide issues as well as residents’ questions. • I am on the advisory board of the Westfield Children’s Centre-this is particularly important for me as I feel Children’s Centres and ‘Sure Start’ are 2 of the key achievements of the last Labour Government and I try to do all I can to keep them going and properly financed. • As mentioned earlier I have a lot of liaison with the Housing Trust via email, phone and meetings with Officers. • I work with the Labour Party nationally and regionally on local Government issues.

SMART Target for 20010/11

Organise 2 forums in Holywell during this Municipal Year; increase the attendance at the forums-try to get more residents’ views from all sides of the ward

Update on Progress

I have organised 2-meetings this Municipal Year although the attendance did not increase; will need to look at what can be done next year to improve participation.


COUNCILLOR JACKIE CONNAL was elected in 2010.

I became a Councillor to be more involved in the community; to help those who do not know where to turn other than their local Councillor; to try and ensure that Watford remains the wonderful town it has been for many more years; to talk to people who just need to share their lives and experiences.

I am a member of the following committees: Constitution Working Party Council and Council Functions Committee

I am a member of the following outside bodies:

Herts Museum Partnership, Local discussion group, U3A (University of the third age) where I run a travel group. Watford Friends of Salfeet, Steering Committee of Watford Fairtrade, WRAP, African Caribbean Association, Friends of and Westfield Children’s Centre (Sure Start)

I have undertaken the following training: Induction , licensing policy, Croxley Rail link briefing, Local Government Association finance conference, risk management training, social media skills

How she has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• I take part in as many events as possible at Watford Museum and this included the Watford Museum’s 30 th Birthday Tea Party as well as assorted lectures on Watford’s history with fellow Friends of the Museum. For more information on what goes on and what all readers can attend, go to the following http://www.watfordmuseum.org.uk/news.html and ask to be put on Watford Museum’s mailing list. • I promote Watford Museum whenever I can. • I attend civic events • I am involved in Groups such as Friends of Watford Museum mentioned above

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I took part in a Holywell Estates Inspection (Watford Community Trust) which took most of the day but was very illuminating and I was able to put the Inspector in touch with Holywell residents who had had issues that they wanted the Trust to be aware of. • I have not had to deal with many rubbish and graffiti issues until the last six weeks when the issue of the removal of the dogs waste red rubbish bins became prominent. • People have become very worried about these bins being removed and I have talked to as many people as possible on this matter culminating in a question to the Mayor and a letter to the Watford Observer.

12 • I am also a member of The Friends of Cassiobury Park and am on their mailing list. I receive their monthly Newsletter and suggest the following web site for more information http://www.friendsofcassioburypark.btck.co.uk/

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I am not on the Development Control Committee but find the Customer Service Centre and on the telephone on tel: 226400 between 9am and 1pm, Monday to Friday will always put me in touch with extremely helpful members of staff. I would like to do the necessary training so that I could step in if necessary. • My fellow Holywell Councillor (Nigel Bell) is also my HCC contact and he always helps on all Highway issues. • We have had a very harsh winter and because of his there have been numerous pot hole issues which have to be passed to HCC which Nigel does on my behalf. • I have been able to help residents with housing issues and am continually working with Watford Housing Trust.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• Having lived in Watford for over 30 years I have contact with many different traders in Watford. • I have been trying to resolve issues about disabled access to McColls in Tolpits Lane opposite Westfield School. As I write this I am able to say that people in wheel chairs are now able to press a button to gain access to the store and that sliding doors are currently being considered.

Supporting individuals and the community.

• I give support at Holywell meetings and Neighbourhood Forums. Paid for a bowls mat from Neighbourhood Forum funds. • Went to many Summer Place events and also drop in when I have a few minutes spare so that I can chat to everyone about any issues they might have. • I have taken up issues on residents’ behalf and because of this have had a lot of contact with Watford Housing Trust and the Town Hall. All have been very helpful. • I have had a guided tour of Holywell Primary School with the head-teacher and also attended a musical ‘EGGsravaganza’. • I have spoken at the last Council Meeting about residents’ views on the red dog litter bins • I try to attend all community events that I am invited to. • Report issues to HCC through Nigel Bell who is a HCC Councillor. • I have not yet had any need to lobby our MP but will do so if necessary.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I attend all appropriate training.

13 • I attend all meetings of which I am a member and will contribute when I feel it necessary or challenging. • Although not a member of all Committees I do attend most of them as an observer and am entitled, with the permission of the committee, to comment on issues raised if I feel it necessary. This I have done. This also applies to Cabinet • I make contact with Officers as and when necessary. • I always encourage residents to participate in consultation opportunities

Influence and partnership delivery.

• I am in touch with the Police and the Fire Service. Holywell local police officer attends CVS meeting. • I am very involved with Westfield Children’s Centre as well as local primary school and Watford Museum • I have a lot of contact with the Housing Trust. • With national issues I will always lobby our MP as and when needed.

SMART Target for 20010/11

To establish the circulation of a newsletter in conjunction with the CVS to help keep local residents better informed about activities in the Holywell area. To aim to have circulated at least one letter before the end of the 10/11 Municipal Year.

Update on Progress I have helped prompt the CVS to leaflet all houses with activities at the Holywell Community Centre and am hopeful that future leafleting will include all other events.


Ward Councillors: Amanda Grimston, Stephen Johnson and Fawziyyah Qureshi

All three councillors have completed self assessments

COUNCILLOR FAWZIYYAH QURESHI was elected in 2008 and became a councillor because she wanted to make a contribution and to give something back to the town she grew up in and be a voice for the community.

I am one of three councillors representing Leggetts ward, having been elected in 2008. I am member for licensing committee .

I am a member of the Joint Committee for Herts Highways with partnership with Council, also a member of the Harebreaks Residents Association, Courtlands Association, Prevent and the Muslim Action Group.

I have undertaken Licensing induction, housing briefing and value for money review

How she has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• We have promoted various improvements in the ward and tackled a number of local issues. These include: promoting improvements to play areas at Callowland Park.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Tackled planning issues in Foxhill

Supporting individuals and the community.

• I communicate regularly with representatives of local groups and organisations in Leggatts Ward about local issues. • I am happy to address issues that are outside my ward, as it is important that we all work with Council officers together to improve Watford. A recent example has been dealing with a case for disability I see that working more closely with my local Lib Dem party, is fundamental to being a better Councillor. • I work very closely with my fellow ward Councillors, Amanda Grimston and Steven Johnson, County Councillor Ian Brandon and Mayor Dorothy Thornhill. • Specific activities this year have included: Funday at the Callowland • We have used the Neighbourhood forum budget to fund practical projects: Funday at Callowland, Community Choir at Hollytree House at Christmas. • With my colleagues I aim to establish the Neighbourhood Forum meetings as a way of engaging with local residents, discussing matters of interest and value to local people.

15 • I believe it is important that councillors actively try to communicate with the people they represent, so that citizens are informed about issues affecting their neighbourhood and the town as a whole and feel able to contact their councillors to raise issues and problems. • With my ward councillors I produce a regular newsletter from the Liberal Democrats distributed to all households in Leggatts Ward. This is produced around six times a year. • I receive regular e-mails and telephone calls from constituents. I always try to communicate with constituents in a way that avoids local government jargon and empathises with their concerns rather than appearing as a voice for the Council.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I am a member of the Licensing committee, one of the regulatory committees of the Council. This requires being familiar with the licensing legislation and other relevant policies and using my knowledge to determine the merits of individual licensing applications. • Recently took part in a Licensing sub committee • In the course of all my work, I aim to promote the cause of local democracy generally and an understanding of how the Council works, the constraints under which we work and what we are trying to achieve.

Influence and partnership delivery.

• Reporting broken pavements and potholes that need repairing • I keep in regular contact with my local PCSO, Lynda Lee, by email and through the Harebreaks Residents’ Association meetings. • As discussed above, my fellow councillors and I work in partnership with community organisations in my ward. • I am currently a member of Joint Highways Member panel, a partnership with the County Council to discuss local transportation issues. • Being a Councillor requires regular liaison with a range of external bodies as issues arise: this includes Police, Watford Community Housing Trust, local voluntary organisations, Harebreaks Residents Association, Courtland’s Association, CVS, Equilibrium, MRCC, County Council etc.

SMART Target for 20010/11

I would like see more activities for women and children in area.

As part of this I aim to help set up a Beaver Group in the local Mosque to encourage young Asian children to participate in an after school activity.

Update on Progress

• Ensure the successful annual Funday event at Callowland Park • To continue to support local groups and initiatives to promote community cohesion

16 • Ensure that the Council adheres to its timetable for the Local Development Framework • To continue to act as a local champion for Leggatts ward, communicating regularly with local Residents and taking up local issues on their behalf.


I became a Councillor because I wanted to serve the communities of Leggatts Ward by representing their interests in local government. I also wanted to have more involvement at a local level in decision making. I felt this was the next step, after chairing a local Residents’ Association

I am leader of my Group. I have chaired a Task Group. I am a member of Development Control, Licensing, Constitution, and Highways JMP Committees.

I am a member of Hertfordshire Environmental Forum and Shared Services committee

I have undertaken the following training: Licensing induction, Leadership Academy, modules 1 to 3, Planning Summer School, Housing briefing, Development Control enforcement training, housing briefing Value for Money review,

How he has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• Spoke at a local Temple about encouraging greater ties across communities. Attended local Mosque open day. • Attended fun day events in Leggatts ward. I have represented the views and interests of local residents and residents’ groups - especially those of the Courtlands residents’ association and Foxhill residents’ association through individual casework, committee meetings, planning meetings and at Development Control Committee.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I have dealt with numerous complaints about rubbish and graffiti writing across my Ward. • I have supported my local residents’ group with the slow transformation of North Watford playing fields. Over the past year we have hired a mechanical digger to clear skip loads of rubble and general rubbish which had been dumped for years in the Dell area. • We have located over 60 more bat, insect, butterfly, and bird boxes. We have planted thousands of Bluebells, Daffodil and other varieties of bulb. • We also hired other mechanical devices to create a grassed area leading to the park. This work was financed by using some funds from the locality budgets of two Wards and the Mayors fund. • We have held six park clean up days over the past year.


Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I am a member of the Development Control committee • I am a member of the Planning Advisory Group • I am familiar with Local Development Plan and other planning policies. The Summer planning school I attended helped in giving me a greater breadth of planning policies. • I have advised local residents on the planning process. I have supported them through the complete planning process. From objections to appeals. • I have reported and followed up on highways issues

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• I have met with a delegation from Mainz, our twinned town in Germany, to discuss business opportunities for both towns. I hope to attend a seminar later this month in Mainz to discuss this further. • I have attended various presentations on the Watford Junction site, Croxley rail link and tram system. • I am a member of the Planning Advisory group in which I take an active role in discussing the future development of our town. • I am also a member of the :Licensing Committee and take a keen interest in the developing licensing policies of our town .

Supporting individuals and the community.

• I have kept local residents informed of local issues both by the publication of the Leggatts In Touch newsletters, street letters and local surveys. • Spent the entire Neighbourhood forum budget for the last two years. We have supported a wide range of local groups from Scouts to Residents’ groups. • Have worked with the Community housing trust and Foxhill residents group to agree a compromise for the Yeatman house site. Local residents happy that the shop and play area are now to be retained. • Attended various consultation presentations for development of the site.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• It is so important that all Councillors scrutinise and when necessary challenge the decisions and actions of Council managers and officers. • I have attended Licensing induction, Leadership Academy, modules 1 to 3, Planning Summer School, housing briefing, Development Control enforcement training, and housing briefing Value for Money review. • I feel I have gained a good awareness of the Council Constitution and Code of Conduct over the last 12 months. • I attend Cabinet on a regular basis and always ask questions. • I do try and keep as up to date as possible on local Government legislation/issues.

18 • I have monthly meetings with Cate Hall to keep me informed about Council business and ask questions about the running of the Council. • I have regular contact with Manny Lewis on a range of issues. • Continue to be a member of the Licensing committee and have sat on several Licensing Sub Committees

Influence and partnership delivery.

• I have chaired a Task Group scrutinising the Voluntary sector. • Working with community organisations in my ward. • Attending Hertfordshire Environmental Forum meetings. • Attended meetings between the Council and Age concern. • Have successfully lobbied to be able to sit on the Procurement and Contracts Board, which oversees the way in which the Council buys goods and services. • Worked closely with Community Housing Trust over re-development of Yeatman house site and numerous housing issues of local residents. • Played an active role in the Shared Services Committee. • Active member of local Residents’ group.

SMART Target for 20010/11

As Group leader effectively scrutinise Administration policy and be able to call the administration to account at Full Council

Update on Progress

I feel this is a target that I am only starting to achieve. I always ask questions of the Mayor at full Council meetings. I feel in the coming year I will be able to use the experience gained over the previous 12 months to better meet my target.

COUNCILLOR AMANDA GRIMSTON was elected in 2007.She is a member of Call in and Performance Scrutiny Committee as Vice Chair, and also Vice Chair of Community Safety Committee. She is also Director of Leggatts Choir

How she has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• Engaged with North Watford History Group for Neighbourhood Forum Money to get them to go to more events to promote North Watford History • Organised Callowland Park fun-day • Work in NHS

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Encouraged Residents to clean up gardens etc.

19 • Trees cut back in NWA • Helped with clean ups in Ward. Planting bulbs etc.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Spoke on behalf of residents re: planning in the Ward • Advised residents in Maytree Crescent on Planning issues. • Regular walkabouts with Herts Highways and WBC Environmental Service (Alan Gough)

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• Regular visits to Leggatts Green re: large development issues • Attended Licensing meetings.

Supporting individuals and the community.

• Attended Harebreaks, Foxhill and Courtlands Resident Assoc. • Managed to spend all of Forum monies for local Groups across all age ranges • Attended local scouts, Old peoples’ club, School fetes • I always speak on behalf of residents for the good of community • Regular contact with MP Richard Harrington • I always return e-mails and phone calls to residents

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Had D.C. training etc • Always follow Code of Conduct • I am a member of Call In and Performance Scrutiny committee and Community Safety • I always challenge when I feel decisions are wrong • I will always phone officers when concerned • Have attended Cabinet and asked questions of the Mayor • Encouraged local resident to come to Call In meeting

Influence and partnership delivery.

• Regular contact with local police and PCSO re anti social behaviour • Encourage schools with environmental issues, also free community singing & dancing sessions • Meetings with Housing Trust re: housing issues and Yeatman House • Anti Social Behaviour Foxhill and Longsprings Shops

SMART Target for 2010/11

Not set this year


Ward councillors: Jan Brown, Sue Greenslade and Kareen Hastrick

All three councillors have completed self assessments.

COUNCILLOR JAN BROWN was a councillor between 1997-2001 and then re- elected in 2004. She was a police officer in Watford for 17 years and enjoyed working with people, becoming a councillor seemed to be a natural progression.

She was Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee 2007-2009, Chair of Licensing 2009 to date; Regular member of Licensing sub-committees, member of hackney carriage and private hire consultative group; regular meetings with the Chair of the local Hackney Carriage Association; responsible for developing the Council’s new Licensing Policy which came into effect on 6 th January 2011 and also the Council’s Lap Dancing Club policy, member of Friends of Meriden Park

Councillor Brown’s membership of outside bodies: Director of Watford Charity Centre Limited, which runs the LeMarie Centre on St. Albans Road, Friend of Watford, member of Friends of Watford Museum, Committee member of the Rainbow Toy Library and member of the steering group of Berrygrove Children’s Centre.

Training & Development undertaken:

Local Government Association Licensing and Localism conference, housing briefing, Development Control enforcement training and Development Control training; Licensing 9.8.05; Website Training 8.11.05; Code of Conduct 28.11.05; Equalities and Diversity 14.6.07; Code of Conduct 28.6.07; Licensing training – taxis 26.11.07; Pathfinder briefing 18.3.08; Introduction to Islam and the Muslim Culture 16.4.09; Licensing and Gambling Act training, Nov. 2009

I still enjoy my work as a councillor just as much as I ever did. I am particularly enjoying being Chair of the Licensing Committee and working with the excellent licensing team. I have enjoyed the challenge of re-writing Watford Borough Council’s Licensing policy, together with the police, our own licensing team and our planning department. I am looking forward to seeing how this policy works in turning around the problems of the night time economy in the town. I also enjoy supporting colleagues in the Friends of Meriden Park project. Also enjoy the challenges of trying to help the hackney carriage association and the private hire operators during a difficult financial time for them

How she has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• I am a Friend of Watford Museum; also a member of Watford School of Drawing and Painting held at Meriden Community Centre (I was instrumental in bringing the group to Meriden). Also, a Friend of Meriden Park. • I’m an ex Chairman of Watford Borough Council, so participate in civic events regularly • Friends of Watford Museum and a Friend of Meriden Park

21 • Friends of Meriden Park have tree planting and litter picking activities, with which I join in.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Deal with complaints about graffiti and rubbish regularly – currently engaged in spreading the word that dog waste may now be placed in ordinary litter bins as dog waste bins are currently being withdrawn • I am involved with the Friends of Meriden Park • I have encouraged and participated in “clean up” sessions and am involved in groups to enhance and protect local parks

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I have been a Speaker at Development Control committee when required by local residents. • I have recently undergone planning training and have advised residents on the planning process. • I have reported on Highways issues such as reporting many potholes and making sure they are dealt with

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• I have been heavily involved in this, mainly to get a good deal for local taxi drivers and also for disabled people. • I have been responsible for working with officers to produce WBC’s new licensing policy, which came into effect on 6 th January 2011.

Supporting individuals and the community.

• Meet with Meriden Residents’ Association on a fortnightly basis. Attend Berrygrove Children’s Centre Meetings and Rainbow Toy Library Meetings. Also directors’ meetings of Watford Charity Centre ltd. • In Meriden, we have chosen to use our Neighbourhood budget on small community projects. I do the administration. • I have been involved in general casework and taking up issues on residents’ behalf which is a major part of the job. • I have attended community events • I have had Involvement in local schools. • I have represented issues to HCC on behalf of residents and have worked closely with Meriden’s County Councillor. • I have lobbied the MP and other organisations where necessary. • I have had regular contact with colleagues and outside agencies, such as the police regarding licensing issues • I have been Chair of Licensing Committee.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I have attended appropriate training

22 • I have kept up to date as far as possible on local Government issues, particularly through the Institute of Licensing • Have participated in a Scrutiny group researching how successful the neighbourhood forum money has been • Chair of the Licensing Committee • I have attended meetings of which I am a member, contributing and challenging • I have had contact with officers on issues of concern to residents • I have encouraged residents to participate in consultation opportunities.

Influence and partnership delivery.

• Contact with the police, Herts County, Fire Service and other agencies. I have had particular contact with the police with regard to issues involving the night time economy from a licensing angle • Recently attended ‘Altogether Watford, Night Time Economy’ brain storming meeting of representatives from NHS, HCC, the Fire Brigade, Police, Watford Borough Council and students from . From this meeting came several positive ideas for improving the town centre with specific regard to the night time economy. • I am not a school governor but have a good relationship with the headmaster of Berrygrove School • I have worked with the Housing Trust. The Trust representative is always present at the Meriden Residents’ Association meetings, so we have a good working relationship. • I am a Director of Watford Charity Centre Ltd. Running the LeMarie Centre which rents out accommodation to local charities; member of the steering group running Berrygrove Children’s Centre and on the committee of its Rainbow Toy Library • I have worked with Residents Associations on specific issues - the withdrawal of dog waste bins being the current local issue.

SMART Target FOR 20010/11

It has been left to me to administer the £5000 annual community project allowance made to Councillors. Therefore, I intend to see that all this money is properly and well spent.

Update on Progress

We spent our full quota, all barring £50 and all on community projects. This included two visits of a small animal farm to Meriden Community Centre, where children who don’t normally get to see small animals at close quarters, had a delightful time handling the animals.

We had an old folks’ coach outing to Clacton, an old folks’ bingo Club fish and chip supper.

We enabled a boardwalk to be built over the stream in a local park of recycled materials


COUNCILLOR SUE GREENSLADE was elected in 2003 and became a councillor to help in the local community..

She is a member of the Council Budget Panel, Policy Development Scrutiny Committee, Chief Officer Pay Panel, Call-in and Performance Scrutiny Committee, Call-in and Performance Task Group: Neighbourhood Forum (Chair)

Membership of outside bodies: Hertfordshire Environment Forum, South West Herts Youth Advisory and Counselling Service, Domestic Violence Forum, Celebrations (multi faith event), Meriden Residents’ Association, Knutsford Friends, Garston Friends, Edward Amey Close Residents’ Association

She has undertaken Scrutiny induction.

She has helped other Councillors with nature reserve, activities at the Multi Cultural Community Centre, run the children’s activities at the Fun Day on the Meriden for the Meriden residents, afternoon tea clubs. She attended local carol service, Remembrance Services, Town Centre and . CVS, National Trust, RSPCA, RSPB, wildlife and Scouts.

How she has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• Attend Remembrance Services at the Town Hall and Vicarage Road • Help with Safer Route to School project for Berrygrove School

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• In touch with Environmental Services regarding dog fouling, litter, graffiti and re- siting of dog bins. Also reports fly-tipping and over flowing rubbish • Contact with nature officers about trees etc. • Involved with Friends of Knutsford Playing Fields and , help at King George V playing fields in West Watford.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Raised resident’s concerns over Sun Chemicals development and this is ongoing. • Report potholes, lighting, paving issues • Reports water leaks • Up to date with training for planning and licensing and have subbed on both

24 Supporting individuals and the community.

• Contact with Afternoon Tea Club, Berrygrove Childrens Centre and Berrygrove School. • Attend Edward Amey Close, Meriden, Residents’ Association • Visit elderly residents and help them with their individual issues e.g. life-lines, completing benefits forms, accessing Citizens Advice Bureau and Age Concern • Meet local residents, out and about and face to face and by ‘phone • Keep in touch by newsletter and survey • Speak at open residents’ meetings • Working with children e.g., craft activities

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Speak up at scrutiny meetings • Being the longest serving member of Policy Development Scrutiny Committee, with the reviews I can look back on notes for the meeting.

Influence and partnership delivery.

• In touch with local Police, County Council officers, Housing Trust, Fire Brigade and local schools and GPs. • Involved with Celebration event, Domestic Violence Forum, Herts Environment Forum, Friends Groups, Tea Club, Watford CVS

SMART Target FOR 20010/11

To work with Environmental Services to clear up dog mess on school routes in ward.

COUNCILLOR KAREEN HASTRICK was elected in 2006 and re-elected in 2010. I became a councillor because, Living in Meriden Ward, I felt it important that residents have an advocate and I was impressed with what the present administration had achieved for Watford. I am Chair for Council Functions and serve on the Licensing Committee as Vice Chairman, member of Constitutional Working Party and also Call-in & Performance Scrutiny Committee. Involvement with the disabled community. Trustee on local CAB Board – in particular the role of Board Representative for Health & Safety. Attending regular meetings and an away-day for Board members to discuss strategy I have participated in training run by both the Council and external bodies, details are included on this form I have an excellent record of attendance at committees and full Council meetings and am not afraid of stepping forward to put my point across on behalf of my residents as well as in the interests of fairness.

25 How she has met Council objectives.

• Regularly attend Friends of Garston Park and also Friends of Meriden Park groups. • Instrumental in starting up Friends of Meriden Park group • Driving the Friends of Meriden Park meetings and activities – ensuring publicity by delivering posters to suitable sites, including Berrygrove School.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Previously spent two years on Development Control committee. • In order to be able to sit on or substitute for Development Control committee I attend any training required to ensure I understand the regulations fully.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• As Vice Chair of Licensing regularly attend meetings and consultations with Hackney Cab Drivers and also Private Hire meetings. Part of the task group to review Watford Borough Council’s Licensing Policy. • In order to sit on Licensing committee I attend any training required to ensure I understand the regulations fully. • Serving on Licensing sub-committees for individual licensing applications.

Supporting individuals and the community

• Attend fortnightly meetings with the Meriden Residents’ Association, regularly attend Edward Amey Close Residents Association. Attend Meriden Community Centre User Group meetings. • Helped organise dispersal of funds made available by Neighbourhood Forums for the benefit of local residents. For example, supporting Berrygrove School by funding a Petting Zoo for their community information day, supporting the Toy Library with funds for equipment, funding Friends of Meriden Park tree plants, some funding to start up Meriden Anglers’ Club, Noticeboard for Garston Park, funding for Edward Amey Residents’ Association community items. • As the full-time carer of my disabled mother, I regularly speak up on behalf of the disabled at any meetings I attend and am consulted by my co-councillors on these matters. • Involved in starting up Meriden Anglers club for young Meriden residents. • I have held regular surgeries in the Meriden Ward. This was not, however, well attended by residents As I have become better known as a Councillor, residents contact me by phone, in person or by email or via the social networking application, Facebook. • Communication via the regular LibDem newsletters to residents is very effective. Indeed in delivering these leaflets I gain regular face-to-face contact with residents • In attending Residents’ Association meetings, in particular their Open Meetings I can speak on behalf of the Council, making local residents aware of any key issues and answer their questions. This helps the two-way communication process with residents.


Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I am Chair of Council Functions and Vice–Chair of Licensing. Have been an active member on Call-in & Performance Scrutiny Committee • I understand the Cabinet decision-making processes • I recognise the importance of training as a means of development both personally and as an effective Councillor. For example:. • Watford Borough Council’s training courses and seminars • IDEA Leadership Academy for residential course for Councillors • Also, in recognition of the importance of the Code of Conduct, my personal commitment is to retain a strict moral ethos and don’t make an advantage of my position. • Working on Constitutional Working Party Committee. • The residents who elected me are entitled to my prompt and willing attention. • Politically disparate views should not affect working for the common good of Watford residents.

Influence and partnership delivery.

• Taking up residents’ concerns with Council Officers, in particular social housing concerns and issues. Liaising with the Housing Trust over these issues. • I regularly attend community events on behalf of Meriden residents, the Council and the Liberal Democrat party. Attending WCHT hosted meetings to keep residents aware of issues, in particular over improvements to High Rise apartment blocks. • Raise issues with County Councillor on behalf of residents. • Resident’s casework is major part of what I do in my role as councillor and this involves working in partnership with others - from reporting issues to Watford Borough Council Officers; Herts Highways, and the Watford Community Housing Trust to address maintenance and anti- social problems for residents that live in social housing. • I keep in regular contact with my local PCSO, by phone and email and through Residents’ Association meetings and take further action with the authorities where necessary, e.g. Police and Fire Brigade, • I maintain a good working relationship with Council Officers which is extremely important to being an effective force on behalf of residents • It’s also important to maintain healthy communication with my fellow Meriden Councillors as well as County Councillors this is addressed by regular meetings. • I am also happy to address issues that are outside my ward, as it is important that we all work together to improve Watford. To this end, I work closely with my local Lib Dem party as a group. I also get involved with local party politics and campaigns I have attended the Lib Dem Spring and Autumn conferences and attended the training laid on at these events which although obviously political in bias, has proved useful in my development as a Councillor.

27 SMART Target FOR 20010/11

To set up and have at least 2 or more meetings of Friends of Meriden Park



Ward Councillors: Andrew Forrest, Andrew Mortimer and Mark Watkin.

All three councillors have completed self assessments.

COUNCILLOR ANDREW FORREST was elected in 2007 and became a councillor because he wanted to serve the communities of Nascot Ward by representing their interests in local government.

Roles in the Council: Chair – Constitution Working Party Member – Policy Development Scrutiny Committee

Membership of outside bodies: Liberal Democrats Association of Teachers and Lecturers The Historical Association Political Studies Association General Teaching Council for England

Training & Development undertaken: Decentralisation and localism bill conference, housing briefing and Value for Money review, Localism conference

How he has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• I have supported the ongoing development of Cheslyn House and Gardens leading to the award of Green flag status. In addition, I have spoken to Officers with regard to Cheslyn House which I would like to see used more intensively by the community. • I have represented the views and interests of local residents and residents’ groups – notably, those of the Courtlands Residents’ Association, Ridge Residents’ Association, and Nascot Residents’ Association – through individual casework and at meetings of the Development Control Committee with the aim of preserving the heritage of Nascot Ward.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I have asked Council officers to conduct a ‘deep clean’ and refurbishment of the play equipment at Stamford Road playground including the installation of an additional litter bin. • In addition, I have worked with the Ridge Residents’ Association to support clean up sessions at North Watford Playing Fields. In particular, I have asked Council

29 officers to get The Dell cleared following fly tipping in order to create a nature trail there in the future. • I have continued to seek improvements to the playground at Goodwood Recreation Ground

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I have represented the views and interests of local residents and residents’ groups – notably, those of the Courtlands Residents’ Association, Ridge Residents’ Association, and Nascot Residents’ Association – through individual casework involving planning. In particular, I have spoken against inappropriate and unsustainable development proposals at Development Control Committee.

• I have regularly reported and followed up on highways issues with Hertfordshire County Council.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• I have attended a consultation on the future of the Croxley Rail Link, a presentation on the future of the Health Campus, and a consultation regarding the Charter Place development.

Supporting individuals and the community.

• I have supported the activities of the Courtlands, Ridge, and Nascot Residents’ Associations both formally through Neighbourhood Forums and informally through regular contact about local issues. I have taken up a range of these issues with local authorities through casework. • I have circulated newsletters to inform local residents about progress on these matters on a regular basis. • I have attended a wide range of community meetings and remain in regular contact with the schools through events in the ward. • I have represented the views of residents at meetings of Development Control Committee as well as to HCC and the local MP. I am in regular contact with local residents through email, by phone, and meetings.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I am aware of the Code of Conduct and familiar with the Constitution in my capacity as Chair of the Constitution Working Party. • I keep up-to-date with local government issues through the LGA magazine. • I am a keen participant in Policy Scrutiny Development Committee meetings, contributing and challenging on a regular basis. • I am in contact with officers concerning wide range of local issues. • I receive e-mail updates from the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors which keep me informed about the national picture emerging for the future of local government under the Coalition Government.

30 Influence and partnership delivery.

• I am in regular contact with HCC, Hertfordshire Constabulary, and other agencies on behalf of local residents. • I have a good relationship with the WCHT and attend formal meetings at their invitation.

SMART Target FOR 20010/11

To ensure the Stamford Road Playground is refurbished to a high standard to create a quality area for the community to enjoy

Update on Progress

The refurbishment is due to commence on 6 th June 2011.

COUNCILLOR ANDREW MORTIMER was elected in 2004. He became a councillor as a ‘payback’ to society.

He is a member of the following committees: Audit committee, Budget Panel (Chair), Licensing Committee, Market Working Group, Standards Committee, Watford and West Herts Golf Club Joint Committee

Membership of outside bodies: Member Watford Museum

He has undertaken training in the following areas: Updates on licensing and Development Control, Budgeting and L.G. Finance, housing briefing, risk management training

How he has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• Visits to Museum, including Anniversary Arts Events at Museum • Mayor making, Nov 11 th Service & Wreath laying, Carol Service • Involvement in Friends of Watford Museum

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• No graffiti problems, regular (but not frequent) rubbish problems, dealt with via Wiggenhall or Cate Hall • Helped in clean up at North Watford Playing Fields and Goodwood Park

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Speaker at Development Control committee • Familiarity with Local Development Plan and other planning policies • Advising residents on the planning process

31 • Reporting and following up on highways issues

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• Discussed poor situation in Queens Road • Attended briefings, negotiated open space at Willow Grange constant liaison at Cala Homes Site, Langley Road • Member of Licensing Committee

Supporting individuals and the community.

• Support for 4 Nascot Associations • Full support and expenditure of Neighbourhood Forum budget • Deal with casework and issues on residents’ behalf 3 – 4 times a week 24/7 • Circulate newsletters and attend community events • Involvement in local schools • Represent issues to HCC on behalf of residents • Lobby the MP and other organisations • Regular contact with individuals through e-mail, phone etc.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Attending appropriate training • Awareness of Constitution and Code of Conduct • Researching and keeping up to date on local government issues • Committees: Chair Budget Panel Member Licensing Committee Member Market Development Committee Member Audit Committee • I seldom attend meetings where I do not contribute or challenge • Have regular contact with officers, up to MD level • Regular attendance, compared with which, full Council is a waste of time • Budget Panel & Local Party & Ward Committee • I encourage and help to organise public consultations

Influence and partnership delivery.

• Contact with Chief Inspector John Dempsey Brench • Visit Watford Community Housing Trust for regular updates • Involved with Conservative National Politics • Membership of Local Government Association • Working with Residents’ Associations on specific issues is a major part of my job

SMART Target for 20010/11

To work with my other ward councillors towards ensuring that the public open space at the ex Cassio College site in Langley Road is managed and maintained satisfactorily on behalf of the residents by CALA, the developers.


Update on Progress

We don’t yet know but the project offers big challenges. The Rounton, Road, looms and will be similarly challenging

COUNCILLOR MARK WATKIN was elected in 2006. and re-elected in 2010.

My principal reason for becoming a councillor is my desire to improve the facilities and services provided to it by the Council and its associated bodies. “To make a difference” to the lives of the community I serve

Roles in the Council:. Vice Chair of the Policy Scrutiny Committee and I chaired a number of Topic Groups; member of Development Control Committee, Chair of the Major Projects Board; Member of the Planning Advisory Group; Member of the Budget Scrutiny Panel; Member of the Herts Highways Joint Members Panel.

Membership of outside bodies: County Councillor for Nascot Park Division, represent Watford Borough Council as a Trustee of the Multi Cultural Community Centre; Member of Chessbrook School Management Committee. Am responsible for the scrutiny of the West Herts Crematorium.

Training & Development undertaken

• Training in Localism • Procurement Conference • Budget training • Planning and Development Control

How he has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage.

• I have attended plays at the Watford Palace Theatre; art exhibitions at the Watford Museum and also in the Pop Up shops around the town. • I am an active member of the Friends of Cassiobury Park. • I have worked to preserve the character of the Nascot Conservation Area. • I regularly go to plays at the Watford Palace Theatre.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I attended the Courtland Residents Association’s (CRA) Open Day in Goodwood Recreation Ground. • I participated in the CRA’s clean up day around Goodwood Recreation Ground and the rear of the Goodwood Parade. • I have reported incidents of graffiti to Environmental Services (mercifully very few actually occur in Nascot.)

33 • I am a member of The Friends of Cassiobury Park and regularly participate in their monthly working days.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I am a member of The Development Control Committee. • I am a member of the Planning Advisory Group working with officers to generate the Local Development Framework, the next generation of the Local Development Plan. • I regularly advise residents on the planning process although I am constrained by my Committee role in how much active support I can give them. • I chaired a Topic Group which reviewed the South West Herts Transport Study and which recommended that it should take a far more sustainable and less car- friendly approach in future. • I am regularly involved in reviewing the highways schemes in my ward and have obtained officer approval to have a through road at Fairview Drive turned into a cul-de-sac. • I have regularly reported damage to the local highways and have ensured that stretches of road in my ward e.g. the top of Church Road will be resurfaced

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• I have attended and participated actively in meetings on the development of Watford Junction Station. • I am a member of The Planning Advisory Group working with officers to generate the Local Development Framework to help create a balanced environment between housing development, congestion and the continuing prosperity of the town. • I chair the Borough’s Major Project Board which has been established to advise the Cabinet and the Executive on their policies and plans for such developments as Charter Place, the Hospital and the Junction Station.

Supporting individuals and the community.

• I have worked closely with the Council and the Courtlands Residents’ Association (CRA) in the continuing refurbishment of Goodwood Recreation Park’ • I have worked closely with the Council and the Nascot Residents’ Association in the planned refurbishment of Stamford Road playground. • Similarly I have worked with residents of Dellfield Close and other closes off the Hempstead Road in getting the road combined with the Nascot CPZ . • I have worked with the local police and the Courtlands Residents Association in providing CCTV security around the Goodwood Parade of shops. • I have advised local residents associations about to how address a number of controversial developments including the ongoing scheme between Ridge Lane/Gammons Lane, a development at 4-6 Essex Road and have worked to ensure that the public open space on the Cassio College site will meet the needs of as wide a cross section of the community as possible. • I have reported a number of road and pavement repairs requiring attention to Herts Highways.

34 • In my role on the Multi Cultural Community Committee I have worked closely with the Committee to encourage closer working with the West Watford Community Association and to review its structure to improve its effectiveness. • I have regularly attended the open meetings of the Nascot, Courtlands and Ridge Residents’ Associations. • I have been an active participant in Watford Lib Dem Group meetings. • I have handled a significant number of individual pieces of case work for residents involving house visits, writing emails and letters and making phonecalls. • I have organised one Area Forum with residents in the year. • With my fellow ward councillors we have used part of the Area Forum grant to support local groups such as the Greenbanks Care Home, Nascot Wood Junior School, and The Vibe Community Radio. • I attended the CRA’s Open Day in Goodwood Rec. • I participated in the CRA’s clean up day in February 2011 working around Goodwood Rec and the rear of the Goodwood Parade. • I have kept my residents informed of local issues both by the publication of regular Nascot Focus Newsletters, street letters and local surveys

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• During the year I attended the following training sessions: o Several internally run sessions on Development Control law and new Government legislation. o An Equality and Diversity Summit o Several internal training sessions organised by the Head of Corporate Finance and a national conference on Local Government Finance. o Training on social and affordable housing run by the Borough o A conference on the Localism White Paper o Attended Procurement 2011. • I am fully aware of the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members and have never had any of my actions referred to the Standards Board. • I keep myself apprised of changes in the national context impacting on my role as a local councillor. • I am a member of the Development Control Committee. • I am vice-chair of the Policy Scrutiny Committee and chaired working groups looking at the recently issued South West Herts Transport Plan and reviewing the Council’s Services to the Deceased. • I am a member of the Budget Scrutiny Committee and play an active part in its discussions . • I played a significant part in the establishment of the Major Projects Board which I also chair and which developed from the Procurement and Contracts Board which I also chaired. • I have regular contact with officers raising issues on behalf of residents including such things as parking tickets. Housing issues, Development Control matters and environmental issues. • I have attended several meetings of the Cabinet either to present papers or to raise matters on the Agenda.

35 • I chaired a Nascot Area Forum specifically called to advise residents on the outcomes of a recent consultation and to raise any associated issues that they might have.

Influence and partnership delivery.

• I work closely with our Neighbourhood Police team, PC Kevan Ball and PCSO Stephen Dalton. In particular, in addressing a number of anti social behaviour issues around the Goodwood Recreation Area and the Goodwood Parade of shops. This involved my funding additional security cameras. The local Police team have played an active role in tackling parking issues around Holy Rood School. • I liaise with my local schools visiting them from time to time. I have supported Nascot Wood Junior School in developing the Old Music School Recital Hall into a community facility. • I have attended meetings with the Housing Trust and have raised a number of specific issues with them. • I have attended conferences on national issues e.g. Procurement 2011, the Equality and Diversity Summit and have raised issues with our local MP from time to time. • I am on the management of the Watford Multi Cultural Committee and am a Friend of Cassiobury Park. • I have assisted the CRA in improving the facilities in the Goodwood Recreation Ground including funding a purpose designed “Owl Bench” to be located in the playground. I attended their Fun Day in the summer and in February spent a very muddy day clearing rubbish from behind the Goodwood Parade of shops. • I have worked with the Ridge Residents Association by advising them on planning and traffic matters, I have also worked with the Nascot Residents Association on the redesign of the Stamford Road playground and the design of the Cassio College development public open space.

SMART Target for 20010/11

Agreement on the design of the new play area in front of the Cala Homes Development on the Cassio College Site by April 2011.

Update on Progress

I have written numerous emails, attended meetings and generally fought to ensure that the play area, in particular, and the public open space, in general, will be an area that Nascot residents will use and be proud of. The design of the new playground was agreed during the year.



Ward Councillors: Shirena Counter, Tony Poole and Iain Sharpe.

All three councillors have completed self assessments.

COUNCILLOR SHIRENA COUNTER was elected in 2002. Reason for becoming a councillor: I wanted to influence what happened in my local area. I was also persuaded that it was a good idea and didn’t take up huge amounts of time!

Roles in the Council: Member of Policy Development Scrutiny Committee, Member of Functions Committee, Chair of Links.

Membership of outside bodies: The Ashfield Foundation

How she has met Council objectives

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Liaised with Property Services and Leisure Services to organise removal of redundant and unsafe concrete posts in Heath Road • Liaised with officers and residents to resolve issues with waste collection in Heath Road • Facilitated consultation with residents/local schools to identify most popular pieces of equipment in both Oxhey Park and Oxhey Green with officer support. • Held two meetings with local residents to discuss and agree the improvements to Oxhey Green. Used ward funds to contribute to new fencing

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Advised and supported residents who had built an extension without planning permission in Heath Road (on incorrect advice from their architect) about how to respond to the enforcement process and apply for retrospective planning permission – this involved liaising with officers. • Held meeting with residents of Blackwell Drive about repair and maintenance of the access road and garage court. This issue was finally resolved by officers and use of the Mayor’s fund.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• Attended developer’s meeting for residents in Nov 10 to discuss the impact of the development on the JR Tagger site, opposite Bushey Arches. As a result, this helped facilitate the resolution of a dispute about access to the site between the developers and the Council. • Attended meeting of developers and residents regarding the Massey waste transfer site in March 11.

37 Supporting individuals and the community

• Chaired three meetings of Oxhey Links (Anti Social Behaviour group) in Sep 10, Oct 10 and Dec 10 – key issues were parking and low level antisocial behaviour. • As a result of these meetings, a parking survey was carried out to determine the severity of the problem, with a view to consulting residents formally about options. The consultation is due to be held in the summer of 2011 • Attended Oxhey Village Environment Group AGM – March 11 and Oxhey Village Environment Group fayre – June 10 • Dealt with casework such as renewal of road signs, street cleaning, information displayed at bus stops, planning queries, recycling issues and parking (including an issue about removal of a disabled bay) • Liaised with officers and police to address a resident’s complaint about the position of a bench on Oxhey Green and antisocial behaviour • Met with County Councillor and residents to discuss problems with enforcement of tactile paving, resulting in the removal of a pair of tactile slabs as requested by residents (funded by County Councillor) • Attended Stage 3 complaint meeting between residents and the Managing Director at the request of the residents – May 10 • Continued to liaise with enforcement over a noise issue in Capel Road – this led to enforcement action (Jun 10) • Chaired two neighbourhood forums, one with the Mayor in Nov 10 to consult on the budget proposals and the second in March 11 with a representative from to listen to residents’ concerns and update them on the plans for the fast train service

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Part of scrutiny task group on the Deceased • Member of Policy Development Scrutiny and Functions committees

Influence and partnership delivery

• Attended one meeting of the Oxhey Policing Pledge Priorities Panel in Apr 10 on behalf of ward councillors • Working with London Midland and to improve the out of hours fast train service to Bushey

SMART Target for 20010/11

To arrange a meeting with London Midland to press for improvements in the out-of-hours timetable from Euston to Bushey and organise a petition/campaign to influence key decision makers.

Update on Progress

Arranged two meetings with a senior representative from London Midland and a further meeting with Network Rail to discuss how to take forward. The outcome was the announcement at a Neighbourhood Forum that Network Rail had agreed to bring back a

38 disused platform into use, enabling London Midland to drastically improve the out of hours and weekend service from Dec 2011

COUNCILLOR TONY POOLE was elected in 1998. Reason for becoming a councillor: I was invited to stand for election

Roles in the Council : Audit Committee, Budget Panel, Call-in and Performance Scrutiny Committee and Market Working Group. Group secretary for the Lib Dem Group.

Membership of outside bodies: Advisory Board for the Sunshine Children’s Centre (Oxhey + Central)

How he has met Council objectives

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Dealing with a complaint concerning footway safety with loose gravel. • Often participate in ‘Clean-Ups’ with the Friends of Oxhey Park

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Advising residents on the planning process on occasions – usually over the phone. • Liaising with the County Councillors to report and follow up Highways issues.

Supporting individuals and the community

• Liaising with O.V.E.G (Oxhey Village Environmental Group) together with my Councillor colleagues over parking and planning matters. • Organise venue, equipment and publicity for Neighbourhood Forum meetings • Often undertake casework– recently a problem with an elderly resident’s cold weather payments • Organise the ward – wide distribution of regular literature concerning the Councillors’ activities • Sometimes directly represent issues to Hertfordshire County Council – but usually through the County Councillor • Frequent contact with residents through email, phone etc.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Often attend training sessions. • General awareness of the Constitution and Code of Conduct. Member of the Call-in and Performance Scrutiny Committee, Budget Panel and Audit Committee • Made contact with officers on issues of concern to residents as required.

39 Influence and partnership delivery.

• Frequent contact with the PCSO • Have attended meetings with the Housing Trust and residents of Eastbury Court/Longcroft concerning the future of this estate. Have engaged with residents’ concerns. • Now the future of the estate is more settled, I hope to see the improvements promised and the filling of voids. Some work has already started.

SMART Target for 20010/11

Create a new play area in Oxhey Park

Update on Progress

Yes. Almost on time - the play area has just opened for the Easter weekend and was an instant hit!

COUNCILLOR IAIN SHARPE was elected in 1991.

I became a councillor because I wanted to make a contribution to making sure that Watford remains a good place to live in, and for people to visit and work in, especially to protect and enhance the build environment. I believe strongly in local democracy and the need for councillors to hold public bodies accountable to the public. In addition, I am a committed Liberal Democrat and believe the party has strong policies for open government, responding to the concerns of local residents and providing quality services at a reasonable cost to taxpayers.

I am leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Cabinet member for Planning, Legal and Property Services and serve on the Development Control Committee and the Procurement and Contracts Board (now Major Projects Board).

I am a member of the Joint Committee for Shared Services - a partnership with Three Rivers District Council.

I work very closely with my fellow ward Councillors, Shirena Counter and Tony Poole, County Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst and Mayor Dorothy Thornhill. Much of what follows reflects issues on which we have worked on jointly.

How he has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• Attends Oxhey Village Fayre and community carol singing and the Community Orchard’s Wassailing event. Used part of the neighbourhood forum budget to support the Bushey and Oxhey Community Choir. • Attended Friends of Oxhey Park Annual General Meeting


Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Has promoted various improvements in the ward and tackled a number of local issues. These include: - Promoting improvements to play areas at Oxhey Park and Oxhey Green, work on which is currently under way. - Campaigning against the County Council’s closure of the Wiggenhall waste site, disappointingly this did not result in a change of heart on the part of the county council. - Campaigning against the scrapping of the mobile library, which resulted in it winning a partial reprieve. - Getting a crossover installed at Watford Heath to improve access for people with disabilities. - Pressing for improved rail services at Bushey station and taking up concerns of local passengers with train companies. - Securing agreement for an acceptable design for the bridge in Oxhey Park so that an initially controversial project has now been implemented and appears to have general approval. • Communicating regularly with representatives of local groups and organisations in Oxhey ward about local issues. With my colleagues I aim to establish the neighbourhood forum meetings as a way of engaging with local residents, discussing matters of interest and value to local people.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I am a member of the Development Control Committee, one of the two regulatory committees of the council. This requires being familiar with the local development plan and other relevant policies and using my judgment to determine the merits of individual planning applications. • There is always a degree of tension between the need for new development and the desire to protect the character of the town. As a member of this committee, I have to apply the informed judgement of a lay person, guided by the professional opinions of planning officers as expressed in their committee reports. • I am a vocal member of the committee and have on occasion successfully argued for the committee to reach a different decision from that of the officers – usually to reject applications that are recommended for approval. At the same time, it is sometimes necessary to take difficult and unpopular decisions – usually to approve applications that are in line with planning policy, but controversial in the local community. • I participated in an appeal hearing regarding the Leggatts campus, although was not formally presenting the council’s case. Unfortunately the developers’ appeal was granted although the rejection of their appeal for costs offered a crumb of comfort. • I have reported broken pavements and potholes that need repairing. I currently chair the Joint Highways Member panel, a partnership with the county council to discuss local transportation issues.


Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• Attend the regular meetings of the Hertfordshire Infrastructure Planning Partnership, which comprises representatives of Hertfordshire Districts and the county council and is working to identify and meet the infrastructure needs of the county to cope with new development. • More widely, being a councillor requires regular liaison with a range of external bodies as issues arise: this includes police, Watford Community Housing Trust, local voluntary organisations, county council etc.

Supporting individuals and the community

• It as important to the wellbeing of the local community to have thriving voluntary and residents groups who act as champions for their localities and engage with the council/councillors on local issues. This means not just people being able to influence council decisions, but also being able to take action on their own initiative to improve the area where they live. Oxhey has a thriving network of voluntary and community organisations. • Specific activities this year have included: the Friends of Oxhey Park Annual General Meeting and conservation events that they have organised. He has attended a meeting of Watford Heath residents, the Oxhey Village Fayre and community carol singing and the Community Orchard’s wassailing event. He took part in a walkabout on the Rookery estate with a representative of Watford Community Housing Trust • With my fellow Oxhey councillors, I organised a Neighbourhood Forum event in which the Mayor gave a brief on the council’s budget and they discussed a range of other topical issues. This was attended by more than 50 people – considerably higher than the old area committees – and saw a lively and constructive discussion about development issues in Oxhey and Watford. Due to have a further neighbourhood forum meeting at the end of March to discuss rail services affecting Bushey Station with a representative of train operators London Midland present. • I used the remainder of the neighbourhood forum budget to fund practical projects to enhance Oxhey Green and Oxhey Park, and also to support the Bushey and Oxhey Community Choir • I believe it is important that councillors actively try to communicate with the people they represent, so that citizens are informed about issues affecting their neighbourhood and the town as a whole and feel able to contact their councillors to raise issues and problems. • With my ward colleagues I produce a regular local newsletter from the Liberal Democrats distributed to all households in Oxhey ward. This is produced around six times a year. • I receive regular emails and telephone calls from constituents. Always try to communicate with constituents in a way that avoids local government jargon and empathises with their concerns rather than appearing as a mouthpiece for the council.


Influence and partnership delivery

• In the course of all my work, I aim to promote the cause of local democracy generally and understanding of how the Council works, the constraints under which we work and what we are trying to achieve. • Being a councillor requires regular liaison with a range of external bodies as issues arise: this includes police, Watford Community Housing Trust, local voluntary organisations, county council etc.

Providing vision

• In my role as majority group leader, I have been involved developing council policies and priorities, for example in terms of our approach to planning, to protecting and improving green spaces and defining our approach to service provision (e.g. judging things according to what will provide the best service rather than favouring either in-house or private sector provision.) • I have attended and contributed to a recent meeting involving the Council and partner organisations.

Managing Performance

• It is fundamental to the role of all councillors that we scrutinise and if necessary challenge the decisions and actions of council managers and officers – effectively holding the council to account on behalf of the people who elected us. • In my regular meetings with heads of service and other officers, I provide such challenge, outlining the priorities of the administration and acting as an advocate for the local community. • The best example of this is in working on the Council’s Local Development Framework (i.e. overarching planning policy). I chair the Planning Advisory Group which monitors progress and gives policy guidance to officers. I have tried to communicate the preferred choices of members, to make sure that the documents produced reflect this so that this leads to planning policies that will meet the aspirations of Watford residents. • I also attend regular Quarterly Review meetings with heads of service within my portfolio to monitor the performance of departments. This is part of the Council’s performance management process and provides an opportunity for scrutiny by a councillor of the department’s performance against its agreed service plan and performance indicator.

SMART Target for 20010/11

1. Ensure the successful completion of playground improvements at Oxhey Green and Oxhey Park

2. With my ward colleagues, hold two neighbourhood forum meetings in Oxhey

3. Ensure that the Council adheres to its timetable for the Local Development Framework


4. Persuade the county council not to close the Wiggenhall Recycling Centre

Update on Progress

1. Work is currently under way in Oxhey Park. There have been delays in agreeing the exact nature of work at Oxhey Green, but these are in the process of being resolved and work will take place shortly.

2. One held in the autumn with Mayor Dorothy Thornhill and a second in March with a speaker from London Midland rail operators.

3. This approved by Cabinet at its March meeting.

4. Despite a strong local campaign, the county council went ahead with closure



Ward Councillors: George Derbyshire, Bernadette Laventure and Malcolm Meerabux.

All three councillors have completed self assessments.

COUNCILLOR GEORGE DERBYSHIRE was first elected in 2004.

Reason for becoming a councillor: I became a councillor because of an interest in politics and at a time in my life when it is possible for me to devote the required time to the role. I felt that the knowledge and experience I had gained in my professional life before retirement could be usefully used in representing the residents of Park Ward on the Council.

Roles in the Council: Chair of Chief Officers Pay Panel, Vice-chair of Development Control Committee, Member of Budget Panel, Member of Licensing Committee, Member of Shared Services Committee.

Membership of outside bodies: Director of Watford Palace Theatre, Trustee of John Hosier Music Trust, Member of Watford Citizens Advice Bureau

How he has met council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• Lecture given to Ladies Study Group of Cassiobury Townswomen’s Guild on how to become an Councillor and the Councillor’s role. • Attendance at Audentior Awards.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Subscribing member of Friends of Cassiobury Park. • Litter picking sessions in park.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Member of Development Control Committee since 2004. • Represented Park residents by speaking on their behalf in connection with the re-development of the Hempstead Road campus of West Herts College. • Member of Planning Advisory Group. • I keep myself up to date with developments in planning by attending any raining on offer and by private research. • Subject to the need as a member of the Development Control Committee not to pre-judge any planning applications, I regularly advise residents on planning issues.

45 • I report defects in road and pavements via the Herts CC website.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• I am an active member of the Licensing Committee and regularly sit on and chair its sub-committees considering applications for licences under the Licensing Act 2003.

Supporting individuals and the community

• I liaise regularly with officers of the Cassiobury Residents Association and the Cassiobury Triangle Residents Association and attend their AGMs and other meetings if called. • Together with my Park councillor colleagues, we hold Neighbourhood forums in the Ward. So far this year we held one forum for residents of the Cassiobury Estate neighbourhood at St Luke’s church. The attendance at the meeting was over 200 people. The main item on the agenda was the council review of the operation of the Cassiobury Estate Controlled Parking Zone implemented in September 2010. • I act as a subscription collector for The Cassiobury Residents Association of which, as a resident of the Cassiobury Estate, I am a member. • Dealing with issues raised by residents either on the telephone or by mail and email is a regular feature of my life as a councillor. If necessary I call round to their homes to discuss their issues with them. • The Liberal Democrat councillors in Park Ward produce and deliver a regular newsletter “Cassiobury Focus” to all residents in the ward. • I attended a recent public meeting held by the local MP in Park ward.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I attend all appropriate training arranged by the Council for councillors. • I am aware of and abide by the Council’s Constitution and code of conduct. • I regularly read the “First” magazine published by the LGA. I also undertake internet research of development of Government policy, particular in the fields of planning and benefits. • See above for membership of relevant committees. I play an active role in the work of the Budget Panel, as well as the Licensing Committee and Development Control. • I contact officers about issues raised by residents as necessary. • I attend Cabinet as necessary whenever there is a matter under discussion affecting Park ward in particular. • See above for chair/vice chair appointments.

Influence and partnership delivery

• Together with park councillor colleagues, I maintain contact and have priority setting meeting with the ward PC and PCSO. • See above for membership of other bodies.

46 • I have been working closely with the Cassiobury residents Association on the Cassiobury Estate parking issues and also the impact on the Estate of the re- development of West Herts College.

SMART Target for 20010/11

Work towards full resolution of the parking issues on the Cassiobury Estate.

Update on Progress

Consultation on the impact of the partial Cassiobury Estate Controlled Parking Zone on the Estate areas not included ended 28 February 2011. Analysis of responses now under way.

COUNCILLOR BERNADETTE LAVENTURE was elected in 2007. Reason for becoming a councillor: I wanted to become more involved in my local area and have an active say in what happens around me. I also had an opportunity to change my lifestyle and wanted to find a role for myself which used my existing skills, allowed some more family time and help shape my town.

Roles in the Council: Cabinet – Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, Council, Licensing (Licensing Act 2003) Committee, Licensing Committee, Licensing Sub Committee

Membership of outside bodies: Watford Community Housing Trust, Audit Committee member, Governance Committee, Equalities Champion, NHS Hertfordshire Stakeholder Forum, Watford and Three Rivers Health Partnership, One Watford Equalities Panel, Member of Watford Disabilities Forum (now Disability Watford), Friends of Cassiobury Park

How she has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• Member of Hertfordshire NHS Stakeholder Forum. • Always represent Watford’s viewpoint, especially with regard to health inequalities and the specific needs of the town. • Influence spending in key areas such as smoke cessation- am the smoking cessation champion for Watford.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Member of Friends Cassiobury Park – occasionally help to litter pick. • Promote their activities in political newsletter to encourage new attendees

47 Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Frequently speak against applications at Development Control committee, representing residents’ views. Examples include: 43 Langley Way - change of use for Threshers on Langley Way – refused for restaurant 25 Glen Way 7 Roughwood Close Cassiobury Court • I have advised numerous residents on the planning process and the policies, especially with regard to extensions, which have increased a great deal over the last few years. • Reported potholes, paving slab damage, especially after the cold spell this winter.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• Consulted and visited the veterinary practice on Cassiobury Estate with regard to parking as well as responding to concerns of the Cassiobury Tennis Club. • Part of the team who selected Charter Place developers, Colosseum developers and theatre management company. • Helped to form the new Licensing policies through my role as a member of the icensing committee.

Supporting individuals and the community

• Attended Cassiobury Residents Association • Attended Cassiobury Triangle Residents Association • Neighbourhood Forum held on the Cassiobury Estate, including parking and historic buildings presentation by Council. Fire Service, Police representatives invited but did not attend. • Various casework taken up, including planning issues, parking, health issues, housing. Regular newsletters distributed to all of the ward, every 6-8 weeks.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Attend training where possible. • Understand the Code of Conduct and Constitution • Portfolio Holder for Scrutiny and have worked with the chairs, vice-chairs and officers to reform Scrutiny to make it more effective and to involve more members and residents. • Chair of One Watford Equality Panel, which consults with residents representing different groups within the Town in order to review proposals, developments, strategies and take into account disabilities and minority groups.


Influence and partnership delivery

• Contact with police mainly on local issues and priority setting for the ward. Successful in targeting resources at things that matter to residents e.g. speeding on residential roads. • Involved in different capacities with the Watford Community Housing Trust: Board member, Audit committee, Task and Governance, Equalities. • Reduced board size to be more effective and worked with council to get agreement. • Developed the Equalities strategy for the Trust. • Involved in business planning and strategies going forward. • Worked with Cassiobury Residents Association with regard to parking CPZ, College and noise attenuation. • Also with regard to Cassiobury Court. • Worked with Triangle Residents association with regard to a planning application 19 Cassiobury Park Avenue

Providing Vision

• Involved with Service Prioritisation process. • Identifying and agreeing savings within division. • Working with department heads in order to deliver these.

Managing Performance

• See above – review of Scrutiny process which will be in operation in new municipal year.

SMART Target for 20010/11

To set up and maintain a ward based website. To keep residents informed of local news, events, and council initiatives.

Update on Progress

Yes I have! See www.cassioburylibdems.org.uk It is ward based, includes our newsletters and also to inform residents of things happening in their locale.

COUNCILLOR MALCOLM MEERABUX was elected in 2010. Reasons for becoming a councillor: 1) Keen to be involved in ensuring the needs of residents are met (2) I would like to use my knowledge and experience to bring about positive changes for local people (3) Help the council make the right decisions e.g. planning (4) To be an advocate for local residents (5) Support Conservative policies

49 Roles in the Council (1) Member of Policy and Scrutiny Committee (2) Member of Task Group looking at Neighbourhood Forums

Membership of outside bodies: Volunteer at the local Peace Hospice, Cassiobury Tennis Club, West Herts Squash Club, Watford African Caribbean Society, Conservative Party, Friends of Cassiobury Park, the Palace Theatre, Watford Inter Faith Association, Watford Philharmonic, St Luke’s Church, Cassiobury Residents Association, Watford Harriers, Fair trade, Woodside Leisure Centre and a Governor of Nascot Junior School.

How he has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• Watford Inter Faith Pilgrimage • Guest at a Watford Camera Club Exhibition in the Harlequin • Fair Trade painting event at St Luke’s Church • ‘Promoting Equality’ in Church • Starlight Presentation • VIP guest at a Gipsy Booth musical & dance show • Open Air Remembrance Sunday Service at the Town Hall • WBC Christmas Carol Service at Christ Church Road • Official Opening of new Fire Station in town and West Herts College’s new expanded campus. • Invited guest at an Arts event in the Watford Museum • Attended Watford Caribbean AGM and he Saturday School Christmas concert • All day trip to Southend with other councillors to examine the work of HQ theatres – the Company running the Colosseum. • Attended the Lions Club Annual Charity Awards at the Town Hall. • Marshall at Starlight Midnight Walk and the Watford Half Marathon.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Raised questions about the bin service for the narrow terraced streets as the elderly and infirm have to negotiate an obstacle course and some residents may be at work all day. • Took part in a rubbish clean up of the banks of the with Friends of Cassiobury Park. • Regular with Friends of Cassiobury Park e.g. putting up bird boxes, hedging or clearing rivers

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• A regular attendee and contributor at Development Control Committee meetings. • Spoke and submitted written objections on four occasions as well as regular observer at Development Control. • Regular observer and contributor on Planning Policy Advisory Group

50 • Planning policies have been referred to in written submissions on planning applications • Croxley Rail Link briefing. Attended Herts Highways Watford Joint Member Panel • Advising residents on the Controlled Parking Zone in Park and back garden developments • Liaising with HCC and the police over speeding in Park ward. • Attended meetings with WBC officers on the implementation of the CPZ in Park ward.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• Attended a briefing on Watford Junction

Supporting individuals and the community

• Attended residents’ meetings in Nascot, Park, Central and Leggatts • One meeting has been held in Park ward • Parking, planning, street cleaning, speeding, conservation. • Used the Conservative In Touch leaflet to inform residents as well as regular letters to the press. • Watford African Caribbean Society’s Windrush show at the Palace Theatre, • Holyrood Church Fete, Hospice coffee morning, • Changes in Health Service Provision at The Stanborough Centre • Nascot School – governor, Fete helper, presented prizes on sports day. Cassiobury School Fair • Speeding in Park ward, M25 slip road at Hunton Bridge. Asked about the closure of the Wiggenhall depot. • The Croxley Rail link and the need to keep the Met Station • Regular contact with residents, WBC officers, organisations – perhaps the most time-consuming function of being a councillor

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• WCHT on Housing and Value for Money as well as a briefing from Bernard Clarke on the impacts of cuts. • Attended a small group meeting with Bernard Clarke on WBC finances. • Attended briefings on social housing. Attended courses at LGIU in Holborn and at Hertsmere as well as absorbing information as an observer at different committee meetings. • LGIU course on ‘Overview & Scrutiny of the New Localism. • Veolia Water presentation. • Member of Policy Development & Scrutiny. • Member of task group on Neighbourhood Forums. • Policy Scrutiny Development and Task Group • Planning, Conservation, Street cleaning, Environmental, Finance, Parking • Observed consultation opportunities • CPZ, Cassiobury School expansion and planning.


Influence and partnership delivery

• Met the Herts County Fire Service at - the opening of the new Fire station in town, a meeting on the Holywell estate and at Residents’ meetings. • Contacted the police on a residents’ dispute and speeding in Park Ward, CCTV in Cassiobury and at residents meetings in Park and Leggatts. • School governor at Nascot Junior School, helper at school fete, presented prizes at Annual sports Day • Took part in BBC question time and asked a question on supporting localism. • See above ‘Membership of outside bodies. • Planning and parking in Park ward – made representations to the Development Control Committee e.g. on Cassiobury Court, Gade Avenue, the ‘Threshers site’ and the West Herts College

SMART Target for 20010/11

Planning – be able to understand the rules of planning. To be able to use my training to make cogent representations on behalf of residents to the Development Control Committee

Update on Progress

There is still a lot to learn as I’m not a professional planner. Attended courses when they are offered and quoted WBC policies in my 4 written submissions .



Ward councillors: Keith Crout, Derek Scudder and Andy Wylie.

All three councillors have completed self assessments

COUNCILLOR KEITH CROUT was elected in 1999. Reason for becoming a councillor: Having been a local newspaper reporter for 25 years I recognised a need to get involved and to try and improve things for the people of Watford

How he has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• I keep in touch with local residents via newsletters and surveys. • I contribute a regular column to the Kingswood Residents’ Association Newsletter. • I regularly attend our two local residents associations to keep abreast of developing issues and to take up any areas of concern as necessary. • I regularly sit on Licensing Sub Committees to hear applications. Concerns from the police and local residents are examined and acted upon where possible. If we cannot help we explain why. I make visits to local events such as school fetes and open days in my ward. • We hold neighbourhood meetings to keep residents informed and to hear any concerns they have. • I play an active role in the development of policy at group meetings and keep my colleagues abreast of issues. • I contribute to the letters pages in local newspapers to ensure the people I represent know where I stand on locals issues.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I have had solar panels fitted to my home.

Supporting individuals and the community

• See above

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Serving on Licensing Sub committees and the Standards Committee has given me a good understanding of the committee process. • I make a good contribution to the running of such committees and encourage others to have an input.

Influence and partnership delivery

• I regularly deal with the local media and get publicity for my work.

53 • I keep an eye on the local media via the Watford Observer and its website. • I also keep an eye on national developments via trade and local government publications. • I keep the Mayor and portfolio holders abreast of my work and any developments. • I meet with the Housing Trust to tackle local issues as they arise.

SMART Target for 2010/11

Not set this year

COUNCILLOR DEREK SCUDDER was elected in 1994.

Roles in the Council: Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Deputy Mayor

Membership of outside bodies Watford Sheltered Workshops, West Herts Golf Club Joint Consultative Committee, Watford CAB, Bedford Morrison & Cordery Almshouses, United Sustainable Energy Agency, Herts Environmental Forum

How he has met Council Objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• I attend civic events such as Remembrance day ceremony and the Community Reception

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I represent the Council on the Herts Waste Partnership which is a County wide partnership

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I have helped residents with many issues, many of which are to do with road and pavement repairs, but also personal issues and development control problems

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• I continue to be a member of the Licensing Committee of the Council. In this role, apart from the usual committee meetings, I have sat on several Licensing Sub Committees, chairing some of them. These deal with licensing applications and reviews for various premises around the town when representations are made by interested parties objecting to the granting of, or changes to, licenses. • From time to time I am asked to give radio interviews concerning aspects of my work as a cabinet member, as this is a fairly high profile role. The local press will contact me on occasions to discuss particular issues.


Supporting individuals and the community

• I maintain regular contact and work with the residents’ associations in my ward. • I attend committee meetings of the Leavesden Green Residents’ Association and also public meetings which they hold from time to time. I have worked closely with the Association, WBC and the Watford Community Housing Trust in moving towards transferring management of the Leavesden Green Community Centre to the Trust. • The Kingswood Residents’ Association is a very well established group and I attend its AGM and work with the committee on local issues on a regular basis. • With my fellow ward councillors I produce and distribute a regular local newsletter for Stanborough residents. • I endeavour to respond in a timely manner to any communications I receive from constituents and residents of other parts of the town, whether in my role as a cabinet member or as a ward councillor.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• As a Cabinet Member I attend Cabinet meetings and also meet regularly with members of the senior management team of the Council. • As a Cabinet member I am not permitted to sit on any of the scrutiny committees of the Council. However I attend the regular joint meetings between the executive and the chairs and vice chairs of the scrutiny committees in which work programmes and other issues are discussed. • I speak frequently at Council meetings and at meetings at which members of the public are present. • I believe I have a good working relationship with Council officers. • I attend many of the training opportunities offered by the Council and encourage others to do so as well.

Influence and partnership delivery

• I am a Member of a number of outside bodies as shown earlier in this document. • On occasions I deputise for the Mayor on outside bodies.

Providing vision

• I work closely with my cabinet colleagues and the officers within my area of responsibility in formulating and developing policy. I am also heavily engaged in other strategic decision making within the Council on matters outside of my portfolio. • I have a good understanding of local government finance and take a very active role in developing the Council’s annual budget. • I am always available to give advice and information to other members of the Council.

55 • My primary role in forums outside the council is environmental matters and I believe the Council’s voice is heard and respected.

Managing Performance

• The Cabinet members meet regularly to exchange information. The collegiate approach we adopt serves the Council well. • I have monthly meetings with the Head of Environmental Services at which we discuss issues of the day and also work on longer term policy and financial matters. One of the members of the second tier of management in the department usually attends part of these meetings to enable a more in depth look at a particular issue. • I take part in the quarterly reviews of the department which the corporate director also attends.

SMART Target for 20010/11

Oversee the transfer of Leavesden Green Community Centre to Watford Community Housing Trust

Update on Progress

The transfer of the Leavesden Green Community Centre to the Watford Community Housing Trust was completed on May 1 st 2011. This was slightly behind schedule due to a few legal/contractual problems, but was ultimately successful. I assisted in the transfer by attending a number of meetings at which the transfer was a major topic of discussion.

COUNCILLOR ANDY WYLIE was elected in 1995. Reason for becoming a councillor: To make a difference to both Watford and the people in my ward

Roles in the Council: Cabinet Member (Shared Services), Constitution Working Party, Council Functions Committee (Vice Chair), Procurement and Contracts Board

Membership of outside bodies: HCC Local Transport Plan Committee, HCC/WBC Highways Joint Member Panel

How he has met Council objectives

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I currently represent the Council on the HCC Local Transport Plan group as well as being a member of the HCC/WBC joint Highways Panel, both being advisory groups, not decision making bodies.

56 Supporting individuals and the community

• I have taken up numerous issues on behalf of residents, mainly individual ones. The subjects have ranged from road, pavement and street light issues to individual housing cases, development control issues, bus issues, parking problems and anti social behaviour and neighbour disputes. • In my role as ward councillor, I regularly attend meetings of both the Kingswood and Leavesden Green residents’ associations, the two residents’ groups that cover the majority of the ward. • I do attend other residents’ meetings across the town in my role as Cabinet Member. • I have not had any occasion to speak to the MP on behalf of a resident and I think it most unlikely that I will be contacted by the current MP on any constituency issue. • Together with my ward colleagues, I communicate regularly with Stanborough residents through ward newsletters and individual street or house letters. • I communicate with my ward colleagues on ward topics and my fellow Cabinet Members on policy queries. Events in other wards are communicated to/from my fellow councillors who represent those wards. • I often speak at various meetings, from Full Council to Neighbourhood Meetings. Listening to residents is an important part of policy formation as well as sorting out issues. But sometimes explaining why the Council cannot do exactly what they want requires thought and preparation.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• As a Cabinet Member I am not on any formal WBC main committees. As a long standing councillor who grew up in the old committee system I understand the frustrations of members with the current system that divorces them from the decision making and the need to exercise patience in dealing with members in the current structures. • I am a member of the Constitution Working Group which reviews the WBC constitution and promotes annual changes to keep the Council up to date with both best practice and recent legislation. • I am Vice Chair of the Shared Services Committee which is the governing body for the four shared services (IT, HR, Revenues and Benefits and Finance) that are subject of a joint structure between WBC and Three Rivers DC. • As a Cabinet Member, I support officers at Scrutiny meetings and am present at the relevant meetings, sitting away from the table unless invited to participate. The exception is Budget, where I have a standing invite to be present at discussions. • The protocol at Scrutiny is, for me, important. It lets members scrutinise without Cabinet Members dominating the meeting but also it enables them to challenge an executive member on policy, procedures and performance. • I have attended Policy, Call-in & Performance and Budget Panel meetings at various times during the municipal year.

57 • In my role as a Cabinet Member, Councillors often bring me policy or individual queries on which guidance is given or, in the case of policy issues, taken up with Council Officers. • I communicate with Council Officers on two levels – as an ordinary ward Councillor on behalf of residents and with Council Officers on policy issues. • As a Cabinet Member, I have instituted a policy of Members briefings on live topics, as well as training sessions for “difficult” subjects. Access to Council Officers is also enabled so that there can be quality engagement on issues. • I believe it is the role of a Cabinet Member to front difficult decisions, not let Officers catch the flak for political decisions. I have an open relationship with Officers based on Trust and Support with a small raft of Key Performance Indicators enabling me to monitor effectiveness without being too intrusive in the Council day to day Structure. • There is a bi-monthly newsletter to my fellow group members on subjects in my Portfolio, I get Shared Services updates put into the wider members bulletin and I have pursued a policy on going “on site” to discuss members concerns. • I am up to date with my training in Development Control and my Code of Conduct Training. • Through my work I regularly receive training on Safety, IT and HR responsibilities. • As a member of the WBC Constitutional Working Group, I am familiar with the Council’s Constitution. • Through the Council’s participatory structures (Scrutiny, Training, Information Sharing) working across Group boundaries is achieved.

Influence and partnership delivery

• I am in regular contact with such bodies as HCC, Herts Highways, Watford Community Housing Trust, and Herts Police at various levels both in my role as ward councillor and as a Cabinet Member.

Providing vision

• As a long term resident of the town, I am aware of the long term context of decisions made in the past and therefore want the decisions of this administration to be, as far as is possible, future proofed, durable and effective. • This means providing a clear steer, based on defined policy objectives, as set out in the Mayor’s manifesto to enable the right strategic decisions to be made on budget, performance and policy issues and to enable corrective action to take place in a timely manner, if the circumstances demand it. • In Finance, there has been a continuing review of procedures, especially around budget performance and monitoring, bringing in my professional experience of working in a low to medium financial awareness environment. • I tend to do my own research and discuss it with officers. I also keep up to date with latest national developments in my portfolio area, together with other interests that concern me, such as Housing and Transport. • The introduction of a new Revenues and Benefits system was given the highest political priority and has continued to help the Council perform a key

58 task at a time of severe pressure on the department. A thorough review of the department was also supported. On IT a change in the way officers and members could remotely access the network was promoted and is now in pilot. • The wider agenda that Council sits into (One Watford, CAA being just the more local elements) means that we have to provide “influence” rather than “direction” in order to achieve the objectives of WBC. This is where we, as Cabinet Members, can make a difference when we are in contact with HCC, Regional or National bodies. • Sharing that vision, as well as explaining what it will actually mean is key, especially to members who are more concerned with the individual effects on the ground rather than the policy framework. Therefore information gathering and dissemination is vitally important in this process.

Managing Performance

• I carry out formal quarterly reviews of service plans and performance with shared services, at WBC director level. These include a review of the financial outturn. • Together with my Three Rivers counterpart, I also carry out monthly one to one meetings with my heads of service which are preceded by the exchange of performance information. If there are issues with a department then I may require information on a more frequent basis and there may be a more intensive discussion. • The Cabinet meet informally on a roughly weekly basis to share information, discuss issues and help each other. The Mayor operates a collegiate, rather than a purely directive system of management. • I won’t repeat here what I have put in earlier sections about both Scrutiny and feedback but the opportunity to explore ideas and issues with residents and businesses is very important to how we manage WBC and, again, in this year a number of budget meetings were held. In previous portfolio responsibilities this type of approach on key issues (such as the whole area of Housing) was a feature of how I liked to interact with end users and other affected people.

SMART Target for 2010/11

Not set this year



Ward councillors: Kelly McLeod, Lindsey Scudder and Darren Walford.

All three councillors have completed self assessments.

COUNCILLOR KELLY MCLEOD was elected in 2007. Reasons for becoming a councillor: I became a councillor because I wanted to make a difference within my community and to make a contribution to the decisions being made within Watford.

Roles in the Council: Chair of Policy Development Scrutiny Committee, Vice Chair of Community Safety Partnership, Member of Member Development Group, Chair/Vice Chair of task group on Neighbourhood Forums, Tudor Neighbourhood Forum

Membership of outside bodies: Council Representative for Groundworks Hertfordshire, Member of Friends of Knutsford Playing Fields, Governor of Knutsford Junior and Infants School, Representative of Watford Liberal Democrats at Regional Party Conference

How she has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• I have been an active member of the Green Gym, which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Knutsford Park Playing Fields. This is a conservation project that combines outdoor fitness with practical, needed projects around the park. So far, the Green Gym has created a footpath alongside of the River Colne, cleared trees, Himalayan Balsam, Japanese Knotwood, Planted a wild flower meadow, created a dead wood hedge and filled and levelled footpaths. • I like to attend the “pop up “galleries that have been created within the town centre, attended the opening ceremony of the new bridge over the river Colne in Oxhey Park that was funded by Groundworks and will enable cyclists to cross over the river from Bushey Arches to the NCR 61 cycle route. • I have also attended the anniversary of the Abbey Line Flyer and have been working with the consultation process to ensure that residents’ views are heard.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I have a strong commitment to our Parks and Open spaces and have worked within our area to set up a Friends Group for Knutsford Park. This Friends group will be monitoring and targeting the section of the Colne River Park between the A41 through to the underpass by Radlett Road and squared off by Stephenson Way and Radlett Road. We arrange the posters, publicity, monthly clean up days and facilitate objective targets for the park and its’ development.


• I have dealt with Environmental Services about derelict homes, Fly tipping, rubbish collection along particular streets and reported Graffiti along fences and walls when reported to me. • I have helped arrange park benches where required and paid for out of our Neighbourhood forum money. • I attended the launch of Allotment Watch and have arranged for two picnic tables to be placed within a pitch for the users of the allotment to enjoy.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I report footpath faults and potholes on a regular basis. During walk-a-bouts I always report faulty trip hazards and damaged road surfaces. • I have attended Development Control meetings as a committee member and as a speaker at Development Control committee meetings. I have argued and explained my residents’ point of view to committee members on several occasions. There have been several high profile planning applications within the Tudor Ward that I have advised and argued for and against during the planning process. • I have advised residents about the planning process and on expected outcomes

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• I have attended all consultation meetings regarding the Abbey Line Branch Line and have documented my concerns and opinions that have been given to me by residents. • I have attended all consultation meetings regarding the Watford Junction Redevelopment proposals and have ensured that Tudor residents’ needs are met with any changes. • I have chaired the Affordable Housing Scrutiny Topic and have helped set out planning and housing policies for consideration by Cabinet and Council. • I have stood up in Council and argued the point about changing the character of Tudor Ward by allowing piecemeal redevelopment in residential areas. • I have liaised between residents and occupiers of industrial premises for disputes between who is responsible for property lines, access, and overlooking.

Supporting individuals and the community

• I attend as many Residents’ Association meetings as my schedule allows and always respond to minutes and actions that arise from these meetings. • I have assisted my fellow members of the Tudor ward in determining allocation of monies for picnic tables and park benches as requested by residents. • I have helped individuals with planning issues, housing issues, school placements • I attend the junior school as a Governor every term. I have helped set policies and strategies for SEN students. • I have written articles for Tudor Opinion on a monthly basis

61 • I have written to our MP about the housing cut backs and lobbied him for a fairer deal for Watford residents. • I have had street surveys, walkabouts and phone calls from residents on a weekly basis

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I have attended training for my positions on the various scrutiny committees. • I understand the Code of Conduct for members and always abide by its rules and guidelines. • I regularly attend Cabinet to represent Policy Scrutiny committee recommendations. As Chair of Policy and Vice Chair of Community Safety Partnership I chair meetings and engage in the interviews and investigating into topics as agreed at the beginning of the year. • I have always attended every meeting unless I have had to give my apologies. • I always encourage residents to participate in consultation opportunities and ask their views on topics of interest

Influence and partnership delivery

• I have liaised with both the local police officer and our local PCSO at residents’ meetings, email, telephone conversations and at local events. • I have attended the local infant school (Parkgate) with our local police officer to discuss and come to an agreement for action with regards to parents parking inconsiderately during pick up and drop off of students outside the school gates. • I am the Chair of SEN at Knutsford Junior and Infants School and attend the school for all full Governors meeting and SEN meetings. I was recently on the Interview panel for finding a new Head; I try to visit the school during the day at least once a term. • I have spoken to the Housing Trust during Scrutiny Committee meetings and when dealing with residents’ casework issues. • I have attended several training courses – Re-housing of Ex-Offenders and the New Localism Bill so that I can understand the issues that will affect my residents. • As the Council Representative for GroundWorks, I attend Panel Review meetings twice a year and attend activity/inspection days for the Charity. • I have worked with Residents’ Associations on specific issues ranging from providing seating at specific locations to arranging reflective lights to be put on the bollards at the local shops.

SMART Target for 20010/11

Publicise the fact that I am a school governor and responsible for the Special Educational Needs Committee.

62 Update on Progress

Have had school letter sent out by school to all parents about the people who are governors and also put it into my local leaflet during the year.

COUNCILLOR LINDSEY SCUDDER was elected in 2001. Reason for becoming a councillor: to have some influence on what happens in the community and, hopefully, to improve it.

Roles in the Council: Member of Development Control Committee. Chair of Member Development Panel. Vice Chair of Council 2010/2011

Membership of outside bodies: Committee of Parkgate C.C.

How she has met Council objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• Museum and Arts activities – Cassiobury History Day, Art appreciation sessions. • Attended the Remembrance day service • Visiting Rugby Club to meet representative from RFA re club development and attend barbecues etc.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• Liaised with relevant officers re flytipping, waste etc. • Liaised with Herts Highways re flood risk, improvements etc. • Friends of Knutsford Park, attend cleanup sessions where possible

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Current member of Development Control Committee • Have spoken on behalf of residents, also speak as committee member • Member of Planning Policy Advisory Group • Familiar with Local Development Plan and other planning policies • Have arranged meetings with Planning Officers and advised groups of residents re process and presenting case to Development Control meetings. • Report through website; also discuss with local manager and County Councillor.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential.

• Discussions with County Councillor and HCC Planning Officers on big developments such as the Watford Junction site • Working with officers on new policies through Planning Policy Advisory Group.

63 Supporting individuals and the community

• Attended the Tudor Residents’ Association meetings. • Call Neighbourhood Forum meetings where appropriate; have used 2010/11 budget residue for improvements to green areas • ///Regular newsletter, also street letters where appropriate • Attended Rugby Club events • In frequent contact with County Councillor and HCC managers • Regular contact with residents through e-mail, phone etc where appropriate

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Attended relevant training sessions – Development Control, Housing and Equality & Diversity • Attended updates on Constitution and Code of Conduct • Read local government newsletters and magazines • Member of Development Control • Contact with officers by phone and face to face • Chair of Member Development Group • Encourage residents to attend ‘open’ meetings to understand process and demonstrate transparency

Influence and partnership delivery

• Contact with local police officers, through meetings/emails/phone • Previously was governor at Knutsford, term ended – replaced by Cllr McLeod. • Worked with Watford Community Housing Trust, where necessary, to resolve issues • Worked with residents and Residents’ Associations

SMART Target for 20010/11

To enhance my understanding of planning and development

Update on Progress

Have attended various training sessions on Enforcement/Planning. Sitting on Development Control has reinforced my knowledge. Liaison with officers has also added to my awareness.

COUNCILLOR DARREN WALFORD was elected in October 2008. Reason for becoming a councillor: I take great pride in where I live, and so the by-election in October 2008 gave me an opportunity to put myself forward to represent my local neighbourhood and do something positive for the community in which I live.

64 Roles in the Council: I am a member of the Licensing Committee, Functions Committee, Procurement & Contracts Board and Watford Borough Council & West Herts Golf Club Joint Consultative Committee

Membership of outside bodies: Friends of Knutsford Park Association

How he has met Council Objectives

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I work with council officers both at borough and county level, as well as other outside organisations, when dealing with casework on behalf of residents. Some recent casework examples have included dealing with issues surrounding the back pay of pensions, the removal of graffiti from the cycle path sculpture; and mine and my fellow councillors ongoing discussions with a private company about the height of their trees, which are causing upset to the resident that lives opposite.

Supporting individuals and the community

• Having lived in the Tudor area since 2003, I have met many people over the years. I feel this has encouraged people to approach me and speak to me personally because they feel as though they already know me well. I have been approached by local residents both in the streets and shops on a number of occasions with various issues they may have regarding the area and this is where I feel I get most casework from. • I continue to attend the Tudor Residents’ Association meetings as ward councillor and share the responsibility of running the local neighbourhood forum with my ward representatives. • As my daughter attended Knutsford School I had been approached by Governors of the School to become a parent Governor but she has now left to start senior school. One of our councillors Kelly McLeod is already a Governor at the school but I have been advised there is a Governor’s post at Parkgate school which I am interested in. I feel this would benefit the community having two Councillors at different schools. • Residents know they can contact me through email, phone or by stopping me in the street and they regularly do so. I also share news through the Lib Dem newsletters and through residents’ association meetings and neighbourhood forums.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I have undergone training on the Council’s Code of Conduct as part of my induction to the Council, and have also been trained on licensing and development control issues. • I have yet to be involved in scrutiny; I understand the process, however, and will be sure to represent the views of my residents to Cabinet should the need arise.

65 Influence and partnership delivery

• I work with Council officers both at Borough and County level, as well as other organisations, when dealing with casework on behalf of residents.

SMART Target for 2010/11

Not set this year



Ward councillors: I. Brown, Alan Burtenshaw, Karen Collett.

COUNCILLOR IAN BROWN was first elected in 1983 and served until 2003. He was then re-elected in 2004. He has been Mayor and Chairman’s Consort.

Reasons for becoming a councillor: To help residents in the community with their problems and to be able to take part in the running of Watford

Roles in the Council: Chair of Audit Committee, Member of Call in and Performance Scrutiny Committee

Membership of outside bodies: Director of Watford Charity Centre Limited. West Herts Crematorium Joint Committee

How he has met the Council’s objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• Jan and I have deputised for the Chairman at certain civic events when he is otherwise engaged. • Committee member of Friends of Watford Museum. • I have attended Art Lectures at the Museum. • Committee member of Rainbow Toy Library. • Member of Watford Mayor’s Association.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• There are some complaints in the Ward about rubbish and graffiti and I deal with these speedily. • I have had to deal with questions arising from the fact that some dog bins are being removed. • Environmental Services are helpful in these respects • Help residents’ groups to keep the town clean. • I report the problems arising from people who insist on selling cars from grass verges owned by the Council. The Licensing Officers respond quickly in this respect.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Trying to get potholes filled in as soon as possible (County Council activity) • I have spoken at Development Control Committee on the application re Elmcot. • I have also advised residents about planning letters, too numerous to mention individually.

67 Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• I have given advice to local businesses re business plans – my background as an Accountant helps with this. • I am a Director of Watford Charity Centre which runs the Lemarie Centre in North Watford. The Company is organised for the benefit of local charities. • This is very satisfying unpaid work.

Supporting individuals and the community

• Lots of casework – e mails, letters and personal contact, as I live in the Ward. • There are no more Neighbourhood Forum meetings as not enough people attended. We have projects instead. • Regular newsletters • Various community events were attended. • Involvement with Leavesden Green School and the children’s centre. • I was often approached in Asda where I worked

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• I enjoy being Chair of the Audit Committee. The annual accounts have been prepared and audited in good time. • Treasury Management is in good shape. • Regarding the Scrutiny Committee, I would prefer to see more practical outcomes from the various reviews. • I am in regular contact with officers on matters concerning residents.

Influence and partnership delivery

• Regular contact with the police and the PCSO on matters in the Ward – especially anti-social behaviour issues. • Many meetings with the three residents associations in the ward, on specific matters as they arrive. • Fairly regular contact with the Housing Trust on properties which they own

SMART Target for 20010/11

To attend a training course in planning

Update on Progress

Yes, David Noble brought us completely up to date in planning matters

68 COUNCILLOR ALAN BURTENSHAW was first elected in 1994.

Roles in the Council: Chairman of the Council, Development Control Committee, Procurements and Contracts Board, member of the Local Development Framework working group

How he has met the Council’s objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• As Chairman of the Council this year has been particularly busy. I have participated in a number of civic events such as Remembrance Day services and civic carol service. I also attended a number of art exhibitions, concerts and theatre and charity events. I have attended local primary and secondary school fetes and presentation evenings and have hosted numerous visits to the Town Hall by schools and other organisations. I have attended and supported a number of events run by my nominated charities again promoting them at various functions as worthy organisations to support.

• I also help organise the wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial in the High Road, Leavesden on Remembrance Sunday.

• I am a member of the Friends of Watford Museum and the Watford Ex- Mayors Association.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I have a great interest in environmental issues and at a local level I co-run the Friends of Woodside playing fields group (formerly the Friends of Alban Wood) with a former Councillor and also have been an active member of the Friends of Cassiobury Park group for many years.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• I was Chairman of the Development Control Committee 2002-2010: this is one of the two Council regulatory committees, I have to act in a sensible and legal manner, often under pressure from people with differing viewpoints. An ability to judge the situation and provide guidance to all concerned is very necessary. People skills are paramount! I have to take into account the many planning policies and guidance notes from local, regional and government departments. I also have to liaise with the planning department and provide them with possible issues that might cause problems at DC meetings.

Enhance the town’s economic prosperity and potential

• As a member of the Major Projects Board I have to ensure that the way projects are procured and run are done in the correct manner and are of benefit to the Council and therefore the residents of Watford.

69 Supporting individuals and the community

• As a Woodside Councillor I have attended a number of tenants’ and residents’ meetings and many other meetings including Community Action days. I am also heavily involved with the park at Woodside, the new leisure centre, the athletics stadium and other clubs that use Woodside and am on the Woodside Car Parking Project Team. Along with fellow ward Councillors I regularly ‘walk’ the ward as I think that is the best way to see what is happening in the area and to pick up issues that occur. It is also a way of meeting residents in a less formal manner. I also distribute regular newsletters around the ward and communicate with residents via letters, e- mail and telephone.

• I have also spent some time with the new Woodside councillor, elected last year, to ensure that she has been able to enjoy her first year on the Council and be an effective representative.

• Keeping in contact with residents is a vital part of my job as a Councillor. I do this via the telephone, e-mail, post and regular newsletters. I also spend some time on home visits as I believe a personal and friendly attitude is vital. Residents also call at my house, not only those from my own ward but also the area I live in which is adjacent. I feel that I am providing the necessary service to residents if they feel comfortable to call on me when necessary. I also believe that communication with staff at the town hall, which has changed greatly over my time as a councillor, is essential to provide a satisfactory service to all.

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Over the past year I have attended various courses and briefings including Development Control and Planning Enforcement although my role as Chairman has rather limited my attendance. • I have also attended a number of major planning sites presentations and community consultation events. • As a member of the Local Development Framework working group I am helping to move this document forward for approval.

Influence and partnership delivery

• I was a member of the Groundwork Hertfordshire Advisory Panel up until last year although I still maintain contact with them and have been invited to a number of their events. • As Chairman of the Council, I have visited many organisations and Councils around Hertfordshire as the representative of Watford promoting the Town as a great place to visit!!

SMART Target for 2010/11

Not set this year


COUNCILLOR KAREN COLLETT was elected in 2010. Reason for becoming a councillor: I have always wanted to be a Councillor as this gives me the perfect opportunity to represent the people of Woodside. Firstly it is important for me to listen to the concerns and views of the people and to address them at Council meetings. Secondly I believe in supporting the local people by being involved in community groups and offering assistance where I can. Personally I have been involved with local groups in the past and so I have witnessed first hand how powerful a community voice can be, so with that in mind I intend to uphold these values.

Roles in the Council: Licensing Committee, Member Development Group, Policy Development Scrutiny Committee, Services for the deceased task group

How she has met the Council’s objectives

Improve the health of the town and enhance its heritage

• Have attended Watford Palace Theatre to see a Watford Community play, entitled, ‘Hello, Mister Capello’ as well as other press nights. I have also attended the Art shop in Queens Road on several occasions to support local artists. • Attended 70 th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain. (Church Service) • Official opening of Watford College Campus. • In 2010 I led the Act of Dedication/ Remembrance and wreath laying on Remembrance Sunday at the First World War Memorial in Leavesden High Road. This was attended by local residents, Veterans, Cadets and Councillors.

Enhance the town’s clean and green environment

• I have dealt with residents’ complaints on Woodside by contacting WCHT and arranged with our Local County Councillor to have a bin placed in an area that is constantly affected by a build up of litter; this was brought to my attention by 2 local residents in Haines Way. Reported rubbish left in local car parks. • Involved with councillor Burtenshaw in seeking to receive post and rail fencing in order to protect green areas in Woodside. • I attend Woodside Alban Wood clean up on a regular basis. This I will continue to do and hopefully encourage others to join. • Attended a Parks talk called a Fungus Foray. I intend to support these events and promote these in our newsletter.

Enhance the town’s sustainability

• Stairway at Underpass on Haines Way - our residents could not use the steps leading them to Kingswood. I kept residents informed as to the stages of complaint and to the end result.

Supporting individuals and the community.


• I support Woodside Action Group, Boundary Way and the Leavesden Community Group. I attend all their monthly meetings as well as AGMs. In addition I pop in to the Community café at the Church of the Nazarene and the Orbital lunch club in Haines Way.

• Residents in Cobb Green had complained of Anti Social Behaviou r- I used some of the Neighbourhood Forum money to pay for the installation of a CCTV camera; this was also supported by the local police as this area of concern had been on going. The camera is now up and running. • Contacted WCHT on these issues • I was able to have radiators and boilers replaced in 2 properties in Forest Road, as residents complained of inadequate heating. Have also seen to the completion of a Shrub bed which had been neglected for some time. • I circulate our local Woodside Democrat and have helped Resident groups in circulating their flyers. • Attended Leavesden Primary School Fun Day and the Children’s Family Centre. • Via Cllr Alan Burtenshaw, we worked together on the Haines Way steps issue. I liaised with residents, Alan liaised with HCC. • I use all means of contact, e-mail, phone and home visits to stay in touch with residents

Securing an efficient, effective, value for money council

• Induction day for first time Councillors – found it useful and made good links with officers and other Councillors. • Training received at Induction day. • Reading local papers, Political literature, as well as following news items on TV and radio. • Member of a task group set up to look at Cemeteries in Watford. As a Councillor I felt this group was able to look at the issues facing Watford long term. One of many things I came away with was that we are fortunate to have committed staff at North Watford who make sure that all residents in and out of the borough are serviced in a sensitive way. • Member of Scrutiny and Licensing Committees. • I keep in regular contact with WCHT officers in relation to concerns from local tenants.

Influence and partnership delivery

• Contact with local police officer and community police. Neighbourhood police officers have just changed and have been in contact. Interested in police and youth crime. Working closely with the police in and out of school. • As I work in the local Academy I have contact with the Extended Schools Team. • Involved with Empowerment Officers and local officers on resident concerns. Streets inspections with officers – looking to prevent anti social behaviour and work with the youth club • Will be looking at parking, fly tipping and anti social behaviour.


SMART Target for 20010/11

Setting up a residents’ group for Sherwoods.

Update on Progress

I have met this target. I felt it was important that the Sherwood’s area was represented, as we have 2 strong resident groups already in place serving other parts of Woodside. WCHT provided a leaflet inviting residents to attend. I distributed the leaflet to all households in the area. The meeting was successful and many residents attended. They now have a constitution and call themselves the Leavesden Community Group. They have planned several events for the year as well as a children’s Christmas party and a Carol singing event.