HTML5, AND ANGULARJS OH MY! WHO AM I? Name: Justin Stockton Roles: Developer, QA, UX Designer, Business Analyst Twitter: @poorgeek Email: [email protected] WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT TODAY? How do we evaluate a new technology? Who benefits from using a new technology? Examine a few new technologies LOOKING FOR SOMETHING MORE TECHNICAL? GLOSSARY Accessibilty Making something available to persons with disabilities accessibility Making something available to everyone

Evergreen Browser A browser that updates itself without prompting the user

Polyfill Adding browser support for a feature that does not exist natively in that browser

Progressive Enhancement A method of web development where content is enhanced by layering on additional technologies for more advanced browsers so that the user can fallback EVALUATING A TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL VS. EXTERNAL FACTORS INTERNAL EXTERNAL Environment Site Analytics Ease of Use Requirements / Community / Ecosystem Commandments Support Surveys Documentation Help Desk / Support tickets Performance Security Accessibility WHO BENEFITS FROM USING A NEW TECHNOLOGY? Users Developers Business LET'S TALK TECH … HTML5 More than just new tags, e.g. New form types, e.g.
