MARRIAGE LICENSES. tar of Saginaw; Mr. and Mrs. Wal- North Branch High School Band to Play at Union l lace Stevenson, daughter, Florence, SPE I L PRIZB FOR Paul H. Cookingmaster, 19, Caro; PRODilI]FCO, HAS rl# Leona M. Hunt, !8, Caro. Service at M. E. Church Here 0~'~ Sunday Evening StevensonMr. Baer of Deckerville; of Omar; Mrs.Joseph George Gast II g I Marie Baker, 19, Vassar. ier and two sons, Miss Martha Strlff- OU; YEAR Curtis S. Hall, 23, Fairgrove; Mar- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beuhrly and garet Dawson, 19, Gilford. children, Mrs. B. A. Elliott, Clayton Many Opportunities Offered to Steve Ancish, 46, Millington; Agnes Root, Mrs. Fred White and Mary, Has Wiped Out Indebtedness of Mrovinec, 41, Millington. Wretha, Cora and Buddy White, all $24,000.00 in the Last Members of the Livestock Clarence D. Hovey, 56, Akron; of Cass City. Clubs. Sarah Dorothy Handy, 45, Mt. Mor- Mrs. Bradford Slack and Mrs. Jas. Three Years. ris. Slack and son, Howard, of Belling- , • , Andrew Czopla, 45, Caro; Mary ham, Washington, and Helen and The annual meeting of stockhold- Members of the boys and g~rls Circora, 36, Caro. Laurence Slack of Bad Axe were •livestock clubs have the opportunity ers of The Farm Produce Co. held Kenneth Kelley, 21, Deford; Althea week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. Tuesday afternoon showed a better of winning many special prizes Malcolm, 18, Deford. S. Proctor. The Slack family moved their exhibits at the Cass City Fair attendance than has been evidenced DeVere Woods, 19, Bay City; Wil- to Washington from near Ubly about for several years. The following di- in addition to the regular prizes of- ma Wood, 16, Bay City. forty years ago. Bradford died about fered by the fair association. The fol- rectors were re-elected: Win. J. Herman Strobel, 23, Reese; Louise l twenty years ago and James has been Schwegler, ,Smith Hutchinson, N. A. lowing is a list of special prizes: Ott, 19, Saginaw. dead two 'years. They will be remem- The Chester White Record Ass'n Perry, J. A. Benkelman, C. J. Striff- Arthur Tomlinson, 19, Caro; Jen- I be~ed by many of the older people of ler, I. W. Hall and Elijah Fisher. (F. F. Moore) wilt duplicate prizes nie Albrant, 18, Colling. I Sanilac and Huron counties as stock At a meeting' of the board of direc- -,-on on Chester White gilts providing Cleveland Hill, 47, Vassar; Emma I buyers in the early 80's, shipping tors Wednesday evening, W. $. they a~e registered in the boy's or Murry, 37, Ludington. I from Ubly and Bad Axe. girls' name. Schwegler was elected president; The Aberdeen Angus Ass'n, Mr. I Smith Hutchinson, vice president; N. Tomhave, See., will pay $1.00 per A. Perry, secretary; and J. A. Benkel- for each Angus shown and $5.00 man, treasurer. Frank Reid will con- if t;he of the show is an FACADEFOff BLUE RIBi301 FAIR tinue to serve as manager, having Aberdeen Angus steer. been engaged ~'last year for a three- The Shorthorn Ass'n, F. W. Hard- year term. ing, See., will give $7.50 for each COMESNEXT WEEK Mr. Reid, in his report to the stock- shorthorn steer or heifer shown pro- holders Tuesday afternoon, said that riding it is from a registered Short- the total sales of the past year in ele- horn and registered in the boy's or Building Will Soon Have Modern Fine Exhibits and Big Amuse- vator and lumber yard reached $216,- 643.79. After reserving $1,955.36 for girls' name. Also a prize of $10.00 Front of Stone and ment Program Are Prom- for the grandchampion, either steer depreciation, the net profits were $9,- The union service at the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening, August ii, will be of special interest or heifer shown. Brick° ised for Fair Visitors. 369.36. With these profits, the in- Rieker & Krahling will give a due to the presence of the North Branch High School band. The band will furnish a prog-ram of sacred music debtedness of tl~e company has been fitting to the occasion. Under the direction of John R. Church, this band, composed entirely of high school cleared and there still remains a Swi'ft Premium ham to the boy or girl Workmen have removed the second- whose steer places first. students, has competed successfully in the state band contest as a Class A Band for the past four years. All those With the prospects of an unusually small surplus. In the past three story porch from the front and west large showing of live stock and other Krug & Patterson will give a Swift who attend this service can be assured of a real musical treat. years, a deficit of $24,000.00 has been sides of the Cass City State Bank exhibits and the contracting of a Premium ham to the boy or girl wiped out under the able management and in a few weeks will be com- large va1~ety and costly amusement of Mr. Reid. whose beef heifer places first in line. menced the work of installing a new Young & Maier will give a Swift the Cass City Young People's Mis- Farmers' Co-.operative Elevator com- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lowe of features/~ the Cass City Fair next first-story front in this building. The week promises to be one of the best Premium ham to the best inexperi- sionary Circle will present the beau- pany for the past four years, and sec- Highland Park were guests at the old front will be removed and re- expositions held on the local grounds. DEATHS OF THE WEEK. enced showman showing a beef calf. tiful pageant "Back to the Home- retary of the Sanilac County Farm Joseph Benkelman home Friday. placed by a modern facade of stone The entertaimnent features this J. L. Cathcart will give three prizes l land," given by them in various Bureau for the past six years, is a and brick. Three plate glass windows The Evangelical Ladies' Aid held year promise to rank well with ~the Ora Higgins Frysig. as follows in the showmanship con- churches in 4he Thumb in the recent director of the Michigan State Farm and a single door of oak will be in- past. their regular monthly business meet- big programs presented in former Mrs. C. F. Frysig, a former resi- test: First, $3.00. Second, $2.00, stalled. Bureau and who is now serving his ing in the basement of the church on second term as Sanilac county's rep- years to Cass City Fair visitors. Gen- dent of Cass City, passed away at Third, $1..00. IV[. B. Auten, president of the bank, Wednesday afternoon. The Hereford Association, R. J. St. Pancratius Church~Services resentative to the state legislature. erous purses are offered in the har- her home at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, says that a new vault will be built Kinzer, will add 25% to all prizes are held each Sunday morning at A three weeks' old baby girl ness and running races, and the free Tuesday evening, after an illness of in the rear of the present bank vault. 10:30 except the ~irst Sunday in each adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wan-I entertainment features in platform several months' duration, resulting won on Hereford steers. The new one will be equipped with The Ayrshire Association, C. T. month. On these days, services begin her arrived at their home Monday at- l attractions, games, horse- from blood poisoning. The funeral electric lights, telephone and ventila- Conklin, sec., will give $3.00 to each at nine o'clock. ternoon. She has been named Phyllis pitching contests, fireworks, services were held at two o'clock, tor and will be used principally to Ayrshire calf shown providing the Roy. Ft. Fitzpatrick, Pastor. LONI] SENTENGESFOR Elaine. band, etc., provide a variety that will August 2~ at the Crouch funeral par- store customers' safety deposit boxes. delight all. lors and interment was in, Grand- calf is registered in the boy's or girl's Mr. and Mrs. B~.~O. Watkins of Cowles & MutscheHer of Saginaw Baseball fans will be interested in view cemetery. a~ame. Methodist .Episcapal Church Pontiac were week-end guests of rel- are the architects who designed the the two games which have been The deceased is survived by her The Siedel Creamery Co., Bay City, 10:00, class meeting. atives in Cass City. Mrs. Anna Pat- new bank front. This firm made the scheduled for the fair. On Wednesday husband and four children, her through its local agent, The Henry 10:30, morning worship. terson accompanied them to Pontiac moth: plans for the State Savings Bank and afternoon, Aug. 14, Sebewaing~ lead- er, Mrs. J. W. Higgins, of Wenat- Grocery, will give a special cash 11:45, Sunday school. Sunday and is spending the week the Cooper & Striffier block in Caro Rittemier Gets 25 to 40 ers in the Huron County League, will chee, Wash., two brothers, E. A. Hit- prize of $10.00 for the best dairy calf 7:30, union evening service. The there. and St. Agatha's church at Gage- I play Elkton. The latter team has al- gins, of Spokane, Wash., and N. L. in 4-H club work exhibited at the North Branch high school band will Years; Main 15 to 25 town. Raymond McCullough, .Dal~vin L. ready defeated the bay shore town Higgins, of Wenatchee. Cass City Fair. furnish music for this service. The Cass City Bank was established Years. Bailey, Miss Irene Hall and Miss twice this season so there promises to Ora Frysig was born August 9, The Cass City Grain Co. will give Prayer meeting" Thursday evening" in Cass City in 1882 by C. W. Mc- Lorena Wilson, who have been at- be a real battle here Wednesday. On 1892, at Gagetown, Mich. She was a special prize of $10.00 for the calf Phail and its present bank building is at 7:30. thaL wins championship honors and is tending summer school at Ypsilanti, Friday afternoon, Aug. 16, the Lapeer married to C. F. Frysig at Cass City among the few remaining business Betb~l Church~l1:00, Sunday Long prison terms were given two returned to their homes in Cass City team, who have won their seventh on June 23, 1914. fed on George's feed. structures which stood on Cass City's school. 12:00, preaching service. The Nestle's Food Company, Wal- of the three men who robbed the Friday. straight victory this season, will meet Main St. in those early days. George Hill, Pastor. Michigan Savings Bank at Vassar of Bad Axe, second team in the Huron ter Mann, Mgr., will give a Holstein Miss Margaret Jondreau, who has Mrs. E. S. Simmons. Friesian bull calf to the owner of the almost $5,000 on July 13. Circuit spent several weeks in Detroit, re- League. This looks like another real Methodist Episcopal Church, Owen- Judge Henry H. Smith on Saturday contest. Mrs. Enos S. Simmons ]~assed best fitted and shown Holstein heifer turned to Cass City Saturday. Mrs. away at the home of her daughter, • exhibited by a clu5 member. Fitting, dale and Grant--Fred H. Townsend, sentenced Harold Rittemier, 21, of J. B. Cootes also returned to Cass The fair opens Tuesday night, Aug. Pastor. Arbela township, Tuscola county, to a 13, with the regular special attrac- Mrs. E. A. Livingston, in Elkland 60%; showing, 40%. I]H[ST City Saturday after a few days in township, on Monday, August 5, at The Belle Isle Creamery, Mr. San- All services on Sunday, August 11, term of 25 to 40 years with hard la- Detroit. tions and fireworks program and will at the usual hours. bor at Marquette prison, and Elmer continue to and including Friday the age of 77 years, 6 months and 24 son, Mgr., will give a Guernsey bull Miss Frances Middleton motored Rev. Paul W. Pluddemann of Pig- Main of Saginaw was given a 15 to night, Aug. 16. days. She had been ill eleven weeks. calf to the owner of the best fitted AT COUNTYCLINIC to Pontiac Saturday, spending a few eon will speak at both churches in ex- 25 ~ear term at Jackson state prison. Miss Rebecca Wood was born Feb. and shown Guernsey exhibited by a days there. Mrs. John Gordon, who change with the pastor. The third member of the trio, al- 13, 1852, in Morpeth, Ontario, and .club member. had spent a few days with relatives Grant Epworth League, 8:00 p. m. leged to have been Arthur Main, and was .united in marriage with Enos S. The Balmoral Farms, James. E. Da- :Early Discovery of Tuber- and friends in Cass City, returned to Miss Agnes MacLachlan will be the declared by police and the other two Simmons on August 29, 1874, at Mson, owner; Peter McClelland, Mgr; culosis Insures an Early Pontiac with her. Ridgetown, Ontario. They came to will give an Ayrshire bull calf to the leader. Topic, "How Far Should Cus- i to be the "brains" of the gang, is still lYlEDALSAWAI DED TO Recovery. tom Determine Standards of Con- at large. He is claimed to be the one Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright had Michigan on Oct. 15, 1878, and for 13 ~owner of the best fitted and shown as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. years made their home at Gagetown. Ayrshire exhibited by a club member. duct." The young people have inter- who drew the gun on the cashier of McKinley and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mr. Simmons ~passed away April 19, All specials at the Cass City Fair esting and well-attended meetings. the bank when it was robbed just be- FAIIYl HOMEMAI([R8 Opportunity for a free chest exami- Gentry of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. W. 1927, at his home in Gagetown. Four .c~n only be competed for by members You will find it a good place to fore closing time at noon, on July 13. nation will be given the residents of A. HMler of Bad Axe and Miss children also preceded Mrs. Simmons ....of the Cass City Livestock Club. spend Sunday evening. Judge Smith said he hoped the sen- Tuscola county on August 20 and 21 Put Sunday, Sept. 1, down upon tences would serve as warnings to Jeanette Leitch. Public Ceremony Gives Recogni- in death. when the Michigan Tuberculosis As- your calendar as a "Red Letter Day" others who were tempted to rob banks Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnston and Funeral Services were held at the sociation will conduct a clinic at Ca- tion to Part Wo~en Play NEW EQUIPMENT in the life of our churches. and brought out the fact that both daughter, Betty Lou, of Detroit spent E. A. Livingston home on Thursday, to. Miss Beatrice Ferriby, R. N., is in Don't forget that conference is young men came of good families. the week-end at the home of John in Rural Life. Rev. Win. R. Curtis, pastor of the FOR KENNEY GROCERY the county at present making ar- rapidly approaching and there is con- Rittemier said that of the $!300 he Gallagher. Monday morning, Mr. and Baptist church, officiating. Mrs. Sim- rangements for the clinic. Mrs. Johnston and daughter, John mons had been a faithful member of siderable to be done, in order that all got as his share of the bank loot he The presentation of medals to the M. E. Kenney has made great im- The examinations, which will be Gallagher and his daughter, Miss this church since 1895. accounts shall be balanced. "You feed gave Arthur Main $1,000 as his share five Master Homemakers chosen in provements in the interior of his given without charge to the patients, Adeline, left to spend a week at Shel- Besides her two children, Mrs. E. your body 21 times a week, whether of the purchase price of an airplane, Michigan this year concluded the grocery store and creamery on are financed entirely by funds raised burne, Ontario. A. Livingston and William H. Sim- it is hungry or not. Then why not which Main later bought, and said he events of Farm Women's Week at Main street. Steel counters have been in the annual sale of tuberculosis loaned Main an additional $200,'leav - mons, the deceased is survived by six throw your soul a bone once a week Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martus enter- East/ Lansing. ~placed\down the center of the store. Christmas seals. grandchildren, Evelyn and Elmer Sire- at least, even if it doesn't seem hun- ing himself with only $100. Of this tained over the week-end W. G. E1- The women chosen this year are "The steel shelves at the side walls are Calling attention to the early dan- mons and Maxine, Doris, Marian and gry? The poor thing may be too he had $10 at the time of his arrest. sey, Sylvester EIsey and Mrs. Bark- Mrs. Lottie Cridler, Middleville; Mrs. from the floor up, just high enough ger signs of tuberculosis, the Michi- Elmer Main said he paid some Marjorie Livingston, of Cass City, weak from starvation to make its bills er of Detroit. Other Sunday guests Morris H. Belford, Holly; Mrs. Maude to be conveniently reached. The ice- gan Tuberculosis Association warns and two brothers, William Wood., of wants known." "The most beautiful with the $900, his share of the loot, were Leo Kirk, Lorn Burkholder and L. Shull, Hart; Mrs. Floyd M. Barden, box placed just back of the counters that only through early discovery and squandered the rest. Lemington, Ontario, and Otis wood, sight from the pulpit is a whole fam- the Misses Mildred and Pauline Link South Haven; and Mrs. Gerritt Holle- leaves a place for packing butter. The can early recovery from the disease Undersheriff James Kirk Friday of Sarnia, Ontario. ily seated together in a pew. The of Brown City. Miss Lucile Moser of man, Byron Center. 4oundations in the windows have been be insured. The following symptoms went to Plymouth and attached church service is not a convention, the Detroit spent last week at the Mar- Mrs. Cridler and Mrs. Shull manage removed and two racks to match the of the disease are given as danger Main plane in the name of the bank. that a family should merely send a tus home. their home farm as well as the home Leland K. Blades. shelving are placed in each window signals that should lead to a thor- The craft was brought to Caro this delegate." Mrs. John Lorentzen, Mrs. Joseph itself. Mrs, Shull has 12 children. Funeral services for Leland Ken- for displays. The walls are being ough chest examination: unexplained Please remember that the pastor week. Tesho and daughter, Laura, spent All of the women are actively neth Blades were held Monday after- painted light cream and with the loss of strength or weight, too easily doesn't have second-sight, nor is he a from Thursday until Sunday at the identified with all forward movements noon at the Methodist church, Rev. green shelving makes a very neat tired, afternoon fever, indigestion or mind-reader, so if there is sickness in Lorentzen cottage at Caseville. Sun- in their communities. They are active George Hill, pastor of the church, as- and clean appearance. The store is lack of appetite, and a cough that your family, or any need for pastoral day guests at the cottage were John members of such organizations as the sisted by Rev. William Curtis, officiat- now much more convenient for both does not yield to the usual methods service, let the pastor know and he Lorentzen and son, Donald, and Jo- church, Sunday schools, home eco- ing. Interment was in Elkland ceme- customers and salesmen. of treatment. will be glad to respond. seph Tesho of Imlay City; Mr. and tery. Records show that a large majority nomics extension clubs, women's work Mrs. J. H. Bohnsack and sons and in the farm bureau, farmers' clubs, Leland Kenneth, son of Mr. and of the cases of tuberculosis diagnosed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kosanke and Mrs. S. W. Blades of Cass City, was 250,AT ELLINGTON the Grange, the Red Cross, and some in chest clinics come from families JOHN W. GOODwINE son, Donald. born July 8,'1916, on a farm three where some member has had the dis- i of the women act as leaders for boys SCHOOL REUNION and one-half miles north of Cass City ease. Special attention will therefore CHOSEN VICE CHAIRMAN Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shaw and son, and giorls clubs. Mrs. Belford sold $1,500 dollars and resided there until he was. four be given in the coming clinic to per- / Mrs. G. A. Striffler and Mrs. Wil- Alvey, of Decker spent Sunday with % The Ellington school, District No. 1, l liam Paul spent Friday in Lansing. Mrs. Shaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. worth of butter, poultry, garden pro- years of age, when they moved ~to sons who have had prolonged contact John W. Goodwine, farmer of Sani- held their first reunion at the school Irvine Striffler, who was attending Thomas Colwell. Sunday morning, duce, and fruit last year. She com- their present home, 2~ miles north with a case of tuberculosis. lac county, living near Marlette, h:as house Saturday, August 3. Two hun- summer school there, returned home Mr. and Mrs. Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. puted that this took 75 extra days of Cass City, where they have since been appointed by Mr. Powell, com- dred fifty people came to renew old with them Friday evening. Shaw and son, and Mr. and Mrs. but stated that it was not necessary lived. He passed away Saturday missioner of agriculture, vice chair- acquaintances and talk over school George Spencer of Deford motored to to neglect her home to do the addi- morning, August 3, 1929, after a CHURCH CALENDAR. man of a committee of seven to rep- Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Turner, Cressy days. Pot luck dinner was served at Saginaw spending the day with Mr. tional tasks. short illness. He was much loved by resent Michigan at Washington. This Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Little noon, followed by a short program. and Mrs. Ray Colwell and Mr. and The movement for the recognition all who knew him because of his Salem Evangelical Church. Charles committee is par t of a national com- attended the M. P. church in Colum- J. D. Brooker of Cass City and Mrs. Roy Colwell. of the homemakers part in a prosper- bright and sunny disposition. Leland W. Lyman, minister. biaville Sunday, ~nd spent the after- Scott Campbell of Caro gave short mittee, coming from all the bean sec- ous agriculture is sponsored by the was a great lover of flowers and early Owing" to the nineteenth annual noon with Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Miss Vera Kreiman of Saginaw talks. Ed. McKinney of Caro claimed tions of the . It is the Farmer's Wife, St. Paul, Min'nesota, in the season built porch boxes and Evangelical Assembly, now in con- Clark. the honor of being the oldest pupil purpose of this committee to go be- and Miss Ruth Spaulding of Perry and groups of women have been filled them with plants and he took vention at Bay Shore Park, Sebe- fore the new Federal Farm Board to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Southworth of spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the present and Miss Eunita Faldia of awarded the gold medals in 21 states. much delight in caring for and watch- waing, there will be no service in Lakeville spent Tuesday in Cass City. Caro; the youngest teacher. At 4:30, discuss ways and means of working home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Landon. ing the plants grow. the Cass City church until Sunday, Mrs. Mary Brock, who had spent ice cream and cake were served. out a commodity organization on Mrs. E. F. Kreiman and Mrs. J. A. One brother, Lester, preceded him August 25th, when the regular sched- beans. It is the intention of this three weel~s with her daughter, Mrs. Ippel of Saginaw spent Wednesday at One hundred guests gathered at in death. He leaves to mourn besides Visitors came from Hastings, Bar- Southworth, returned to her home ry county, Pontiac, Merrill, Detroit, ule will be resumed. committee, in co-operation with the the Landon home, the young ladies the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dean his parents, two brothers, J. C. and here with them. Oxford, Lapeer, Flint, Jackson, Bay Th@ assembly presents three sec- stat~ department of agriculture and returning to Saginaw with them in Elmwood, the evening of July 31 to Howard, both at home; also his Wednesday evening. Miss Margaret City, Saginaw, Cass City, Deford, tions of an intensive religious pro- other co-operative organizations to Mrs. Samuel Champion and son, help Mr. Dean celebrate his birth- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Landon also accompanied them to and Caro. gram, viz., ministerial convention, work out plans for the solution of Andrew Champion, spent Sunday and day. Ice cream, cake and a large Blades and Mr. and Mrs. J: S. Mc- spend a week with relatives in Sagi- The 1930 reunion will be held on summer school of religious educa- bean problems that might arise in Monday at Toledo. They were ac-i birthday cake made by Mrs. Ray Crea. naw. .Saturday, August 2. tion, and six days of earnest camp the future. companied home by Mrs. Champion's t Wilson were served. Mr. Dean was Those from out of town who at- meeting services, th~ latter running The Thumb section will be rep- sister, Mrs. Gaylord Brown, and two 1 Guests at the Leonard Buehrly presented with a leather, upholstered tended the funeral were J. S. McCrea from August 13 to 18. resented by Mr. Goodwine, who daughters, who •.will visit in Cass home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. chair as a remembrance of the occa- and Dan McCrea of Flint; Gilbert Da- •Advertise ~t in the Chronicle. Next Sunday afternoon members of has been president of the Marlette City. Frey and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barne- sion. Tum to page 8. PAGE TWO. ~ CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, August 9, 1929. CASS CITY CHRONICLE daughter returned last week from a ELKLAND-ELMWOOD who will answer to the name of Eldon EVERGREEN. trip to Niagara Falls. Lloyd. Published Weekly. TOWN LINE ¢÷ Miss Nellie Lenox of Detroit is Joseph Blackmore was a viMtor at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock and .:÷ • The Tri-County Chronicle and Cass visiting among her Brookfield rela- Elmer Bearss lost a cow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Price's on Mon- daughter, Marion, visited their City Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, tives. day. daughter, Mrs. Carl Thane, at Colling 1906. Mrs. Howell of Caro visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, who Sadie Bingham one day last week. Charles Trathen of Snocer was a Sunday. . All Subscriptions Are Payable in have visited their sister, Mrs. Ellen Both ladies are 77 years old and both caller at Albert Hill's home on Satur- Mrs. Elmer Krake is entertaining ¢, Advance. Hendershot, have returned to their are very spry for their age. day. her mother, Mrs. Brooks, of Apple- IH"~ i i i i t~.o home in Woodstock, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ewald of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill of Port gate for a few weeks. ¢. In Michigan--One year, $1.75; six The Sewing Club met with Mrs. g. months, $1.00. Pontiac spent the week-end at the Huron were visitors in and around Mrs. George Carolan of Gagetown, Franz Chisholm to re-organize with Mrs. Celia Palmateer and the Misses Outside Michigan -- In United Wm. Ewald home. Holbrook on Sunday. States, one year, $2.00. In , the election of officers and reception Bert Hendricks iost his house and John Simkins, jr., of Eloise visited Emma and Gladys Lenzner of Cass Extra pair ot pants free with , one year, $2.50: of new numbers. contents by fire one day last week. his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson City, and Mrs. G. F. Lenzner of Bad Mrs. Lloyd McGinn and son, James, Was insured for $1,000. Simkins, on Friday. Axe called on Mrs. Frank Auslander ready cut suit from 5;15.50 to ..,'-" Adve~tish~g ~'ate~ made k~,~.w~ ,~,~ arc viM~i~g 5ir~. 5vim ~,;v~er~ v; Gie~, Si~gena ha,,i the mi~forf, une i .-a d &±~ IIIS~II. appnca~mn. Montrose. threshing machine. to get his foot caught in the gravel Mrs. Manley Kitchin visited friends Entered as second class matter Mrs. Geo. Bothwell and sons, Nel- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ewald and Mr. screen in the gravel pit on Tuesday. i in Port Huron the first of the week. $24.50. Apr. 27, 1906, at the post office at son, Raymond and Joseph of Alpena, Cass City, Michigan, under the Act and Mrs. John Sehaas were callers at He is going around on crutches. Miss Marion Bullock is spending a ¢. of Congress of March 3, 1879. Visited Mrs. C. P. Hunter recently. the E. A. IAvingston home Sunday. Those who have purchased a car few days with her sister, Mrs. Clark Montague, near Deford. H. F. Lenzner, Publisher. Miss Lorene McGrath of Lapeer lately near here are George Cosgrove, RESCUE. spent the week-end at home. a Studebaker, and John Brown, a Robert Craig and daughter, Helen, T"aflor-made suits from $2 4 50 ¢"* Chevrolet. are spending a few days with rela- W. B. Staley of Caro spent tives at Onaway. Irving and Harlan Andrews visited Wednesday at the C: J. Bingham up, with extra pair of pants * relatives at Pontiac and Rochester home. • Mrs. Kitely of Marlette is visiting at the Frank Auslander home. ,t from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Monti and O. Ktine of [ DEFORD Rev. Pludde~nan of Pigeon will ex- T I Mr. and Mrs. John McKeithan and tree " Caro spent Sunday at the C. J. Bing- ¢. change pulpits with Rev. Townsend ham home. ~~~ family of Applegate visited the lat- ¢. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sanson spent ter's sister, Mrs. Elmer Krake, Sun- ¢. Sunday, August 11. The Baptist Mission Circle have Thursday afternoon and evening in day. ~: ¢. I GAGETOWN ) Mr. and Mrs. Levi Helwig and Miss been making quilts for the Bert Erma Hartwick of Elkland were Hendricks family. Bad Axe with brothers of the former Mr. and Mrs. William Wickson and Miss Myrtle Munro returned from in honor of his birthday. family of Detroit called at the John Sunday guests at the Jos. Mellendorf H. McKellar had the misfortune to Kalamazoo Normal, Miss Beatrice home. Mrs. Ben Gage and daughter, Ber- Kennedy home Sunday. Gage & Haven ..-" break his leg while playing ball at Freeman and Miss Lucile Bartholomy niece, and Mrs. A. E. Webster spent ¢. Vernon Roe and Miss Ula Beewick the U. B. Sunday school picnic. from Ypsilanti. Thursday afternoon in Cass City. were Elkton callers Saturday eve- The friends of Bert Hendricks held NOVESTA CORNERS. Lawrence Solgat returned from a Mrs. J. W. Cypher is confined to The Store on the Corner ~! ning. a shower Friday evening at the Frank few days' visit with friends in De- her bed by sickness. Her daughter is 4* William and Howard MacCallum of Burgess home. They received many Mrs. Edward Dawson of Marlette ,~ :) troit. here caring for her. Pontiac spent the week-end at their useful articles besides, a purse of spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Misses Ruby Tennant of Caro, Hel- parental home here. money. E. R. Bruce and granddaughter, Campbell. % en High, Belle and Martha Clara Mrs. Kenneth Kelley, called in Cass Miss Virginia ShelI of Lure vis- Orville Karr and Kenneth Butler Rev. Lee and family, who have been spent Thursday in Rose Island. City Friday morning. ited at the home oF her aunt, Mrs. and lady friends spent Sunday in visiting in Montcalm county, have re- t---A L... o / Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. Purdy and Win. Ashmore, and family a few Prescott. Mrs. Max Agar returned Monday turned home. AoAMs EAST {"'~ord~C'e~~ ~'x,clu,$zvelu daughter, Jean Frances, of Saginaw days last week. to her mother, Mrs." John Clark, after Miss Wilma Wentworth is visiting are yisiting Leslie C. Purdy at Rose $ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Putman and a three weeks' stay in Cass City at her father, Benj. Wentworth, at Roy- Island this week. GREENLEAF. U ,Ook| daughter, Pearl, of Flint, Mr. and the Morris hospital. al Oak. Miss Martha Clara and Miss Edith Mrs. George Putman of Davidson, Colder weather. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gage and two o ~ Miller spent Sunday in Richmond, the sons, Glen and Ben, of Flint spent Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caryl and Mr. Archie Stirton and Wm. Patrick guest of the latte r' s sister, Mrs. Sunday with Mr. G's nephew, Ben National Museum and Mrs. Sidney Potters of Harbor have reshingled their residences. Charles Sellers. Beach were Sunday visitors at the Gage. The United States National museum Pat and Thos. Phelan left Saturday John McLean shipped livestock on is. at Washington, in charge of the Jesse Putman home to see Mrs. An- Friday. Mrs. N. R. Kennedy and children DETRG|T to spend the week-end with their sis- na Alderson, who continues seriously returned Sunday after a vacation in Smithsonian institution. The museum D is rich in the natural history, geology, ter in Buffalo, visiting relatives in ill. Bert Girmus and Ed. Bliss were in the north. II EAST C4~ Pates are ~om.*J. 50 to~20~0 Detroit on their return. Caro business callers Monday. paleontology, archeology, and ethnol- As Mrs. James Andrews' birthday ogy of America, and has eoilection~ A ~AT EAST k Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Beach, Mr. and was Saturday, August 3, her children Wheat harvesting is nearly over in of American history, including war | ANDCENTRE S'I Ed. E. Pitts, Mgr. Mrs. Wallace Laurie and Earle Rus- and their families came on Sunday to this locality. There seems to be a Happenings of a dearth of threshing- machines. collections, as well as many series re- J Sell spent several days in Northern surprise her. They had a bountiful Quarter Century Ago lating to the arts and the industrial Michigan last week. dinner and she received a number of Ray Rolston worked for N. Robin- arts. It is an educational and re- son Monday. George Moore of Deckerville and lovely presents. search museum. Advertise it in the Chronicle. Advertise it in the Chronicle. Miss Margaret Moore of Mt. Pleas- Mrs. D. H. MeColl was a caller in Items from the Tri-County ant were callers here Friday. WICKWARE. Cass City Saturday. Chronicle of Aug. 5, 1904. Mrs. Elizabeth Barnes and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Girmu~ are ter of Detroit were callers at Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Fulcher and spending their vacation here and at Mrs. Eleanor McKim, mother of B. Calley's recently. daughter, Miss Marcelkie, attended Caro this week. They expect to re- Elias and Andrew McKim, died very Mike J. Sovinski is having a trip the Gibbons-Wadge reunion held at turn to Wahjamega Tuesday. ~uddenly from heart disease Monday through the western states. On his Lakeside Park, Port Huron, on Satur- evening at the home of Elias McKim. return this week, he will accompany day. There were •133 guests present. HOLBROOK. Rev. L. V. Nash of Hull, Iowa, and Lawrence McDonald to Northern Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleland and a former resident of Cass City, is Michigan on a fishing trip. Mrs. John Cleland of Pontiac were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cieland and spending" the week at the home of J. Miss M. E. Burleigh is in Detroit the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cle- Mrs. John Cleland of Pontiac were C. Laing. It is 20 years since Mr. purchasing" her fall and winter stock land Sunday. vsiitors at the home of Guy Cleland Nash left Cass City. of millinery. Lawrence Lusk and Alfred Ricketts on Sunday. Rev. Bradfield of Brighton, the new Orrin tIurd returned to Chicago, of Detroit are spending sometime vis- Floyd Shubel of Detroit and L. Presbyterian minister, expects to oc- having" spent a few days among" rela- iting" Lawrence's aunt, Mrs. James Richardson and Miss Lorena Jackson cupy the pulpit here next Sunday. tives and friends here. Nicol. of Ubly were Sunday visitors at Ed- Wm. B. Davis, the genial manager Mrs. Mary LaFave entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spencer and gar Jackson's. of the Cass City Lumber Yards, and dinner recently, Mrs. A. McCarthy, four children spent a few days this Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simkins and Mrs. Stella Walmsley of Caro were Mrs. C. P. Hunter and Mrs. Geo. week in Romeo, Mr. Clemens and De- daughter, Estella, were Sunday af- united in marriage Wednesday at the Suggestions for Carolan. troit. ternoon visitors at the Win. Frantz home of the bride by Rev. A. H. Lee- Mrs. Catherine Ryan of Detroit home in Ubly. son. Week Beginnln~ visited a few days of last week among BEAULEY. Mr. and MrS. Robert Spencer and Ernest Perkins left Friday for her many friends here. family were visitors with relatives. Newberry where he has secured em- August 10th Miss Ada Karr returned Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader attend- and friends in Mr. Clemens on Sun- ployment in the Upper Peninsula hos- ed a f.amily reunion held at James day and Monday. pital. from a visit among relatives in Pon- Have no tiac. i Jacobson s home in Marlette Sunday. Mrs. Carl Page and son, Gordon, A. H. Muck disposed of his dray business to Chas. Young, who has Edgemont Crackers equal..Per pkg. Mrs. Harry Russell and Alex Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Martin and of Seattle, Washington, were visitors Crawford returned from Ypsilanti son, Merrill, and Mrs. Roy-Russell at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert l just returned from Alpena and will Normal Friday. and James Jarvis are spending a Hills on Wednesday. take up his residence here. The whole Shredded Wheat wheat biscuif. ~, .pkg. Mrs. Joseph Bowen returned this week at Tegswater, Ontario, at a Glen Simkins of Pontiac is visiting- I. B. Auten expects to return home IOc week from Detroit, where she was home coming. at the home of his uncle, William[ next week from his extended trip in the guest of relatives. Forty attended the League Sunday Simkins. Europe. The stork visited.the home of Mr. [ Fred Galloway of Owosso is now fresh and tasty ..... lbs. Miss Olive McDonald of Ann Ar- night. Miss Agnes MacLachlan is Salted Peanuts 25c and Mrs. Howard Hill on Tuesday, bor is visiting her parents, Mr. and leader next Sunday night. Iemployed in the meat market of August 2, and delivered a baby boy I Young" & Benkelman. Mrs. Jack McDonald. The family of Mrs. Jane Martin Miss Olive Nutt is visiting her had their reunion• at Caseville Sun- Gold [lust ScourzngPowder.. .° 1Oc grandmother in Flint this week. day. Free---One pkg. free with each purchased. Mrs. Theresa Waid is visiting rela- Mrs. Jane Thompson is visiting her tives at Houghton Lake. sister, Mrs. Jacob E. Hartsell. "FORTY ACRES OF FUN" $ Miss Dorothy Prior is Visiting" her Cider Vinegar Of fine strength and qualit~ ,.Fu11 quart father, Lawrence Prior, of Flint. Advertise it in the Chronicle. 2Zc Miss Vivian Combs recently visited CERTO Makes sure that your Mrs. Russell Thomas of Detroit. jellies will jell._ . . .--- ~...Bottle John High is able to greet his NIAGARA FALLS °* Wenona Beach; 27c friends on our village streets after $10.17 Round Trip Aug. 17 several weeks of illness. 16 Day Limit I Medium. Miss Elsie Munro of Albion, for- Get Details From BALLO0 City $ Corn Flakes Brand..L'ghtHouse merly of Gagetown, is enjoying a R. A. McNAMEE, Pass. Agent ASCENSION motor trip with friends to Denver, Grand Trunk Station. Phone 72. I Large... Colorado. ~: Pete Merrill's Thrilling Drop from the Clouds in a "~ Mrs. Florence Purdy Seeley is en- joying a western trip, which includes TRIPLE PARACHUTE JUMP * Denver, Yellow Stone Park, etc. Green Giant l Large, sweet and tender. Mrs. Win. Bedford, who has visited t SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 $ None finer canned ...... Per can 23¢ her sister, Mrs. Win. McKenzie, for of* some time, returned to her home in Ladies i ° PEAS i Iowa Tuesday. COMMENCING AUGUST 5th ~iiiW~a*~U~i# .. qmqh Light House Brand--From L. C. Purdy attended the Peck re- D nci n g ° full ripe tomatoes--8-oz, size.~. 2 b°ttles 2~C union in Bay City Sunday. for AND LASTING UNTIL - ~: B MINOR MELODIANS * Win. McKenzie is attending the Nazarene conference at Indian Lake AUG" 24th ~ BEST DANCE MUSIC EVER PLAYED Grocer Unexcelled in flavor this week. Mrs. Levi Hurd of Rose Island I am giving a special price on ~ Get a Key with Dance Tickets . and quali~, --.... Per lb. 39c spent Monday at her home here. all guaranteed Spiral .Wound ~ It May Win the Seven Tube All Electric Radio COFFEE I o Mr. and Mrs. Chris Roth, son, Bur- ton, daughter, Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. Waves which vcere formerly $10 x$ __ Geo. Russell and ~son, Lee, and Devil- Per doz. Quarts lo Burton attended the Moe family re- ll0W $8.00. • ~: THRILLING RIDES MaSO~ Jars Now is the time 79c union held at the Van Wormer home 5. e to buy them ..... in Vassar Sunday. Per doz. Pints. "James Deneen of Ellington visited 69c Leonard Karr last week. NEW CROQuIGNoLE WAVE } • ~_~AnV DTF~TTg "~ g"~D{'hlT'I:~ g Mrs. Sharrock of Detroit was a re- the. wave that needs no finger ~ :~ Masen Jar Caps quality... .Per doz. cent guest at her parental home here. waving for $8.00. ~. FREE PARKING AND ADMISSION ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mert Hughes spent ':~ ~ Add zest to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon All waves must be given at ~ .~ P~)~ENTOS salads and Wideman of Pontiac. .~andwiches -,4-oz. tin ~ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lee of Wood- my shop. ~! ' ' ~ ' Fruit and Vegetable Special ! ! stock, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ibbitson, Mrs. .... Eastern M ch Kan Carnival Ellen Henderson and son, George, and ~all or ~empnone your ,:. wa)er Bananas, 4 lbs. for...... 25c daughter, Maude, and Miss Robinson appointment. !i! ' AUGUST 22, 23, 24. i:" Peaches, Alberta, 4 lbs. for ...... 25c were dinner guests recently at the Corn, Home Grown, per dozen ...... 20c A. O. Wood home. T~T..~3%T AK~A'D 1;*.::~: Biggest and Boating" Event x;[ New Sweet Potatoes, 4 ibs. for ...... 25c Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carson and Celery, Fancy Michigan, 3ostalks ...... : ...... 12c family of Pontlac spent Sunday with • Phone 13 t~ : ' in the state. Oranges, 252, per dozen ...... : ...... 27c Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carson. I;~ __ Mr. and Mrs. George Ricker and % Cass City, Michigan, Augus,t 9, 1929. CASS CITY CHRONICLE 3 PAGE THREE. Mrs. H. O. Greenleaf returned last Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hooper of Caro week from a short visit with rela- grandson, Kenneth, and Mrs. Thos. were callers at the George Hooper tives in Detroit and Ionia. Kelly and daughters, Helen and Ma- home Sunday. Mrs. John Dickinson and son, Jack, ry,. were Port Huron visitors Thurs- Harold and Thomas Enzer of Pon- of Bad Axe spent a few days the day. tiac were guests at the Andy Barnes first of the week with Cass City rel- Junior Donnelly, who has spent the home Sunday. Levi DeLong is spending a few atives. summer with his father in Pontiac Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boulton and weeks with relatives in Canada. and with relatives in Detroit, came children of Pontiac spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. George Gee and fami- Monday to spend two weeks with his Mr. and Mrs. George Collings and ly of Flint were Sunday guests at end with relatives here. Mrs. Boulton, At the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Floyd and Fern Boulton remained to son, Ross, of Coiling were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Donnelly. Cass City Sunday. Blades. spend several days in Cass City. Lester Jersey of Lansing was a Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hitchcock of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Joos and Mr. Nearly fifty neighbors and friends week-end guest at the home of A. J. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Romeo were week-end guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Joos and daughter, Wallace. Mrs. Jersey and two chil- price of and Mrs. A. J. Knapp. Katherine, visited relatives in SaM- Orris Reid Saturday evening to cele- !haw Sunday. ~iisz Narguez~ite !!enry !eft Mon- with relatives in Cass City, returned Miss Grace Geroux. The time was day to take a course at Cleary Busi- Division'~ No. 4 of the Methodist home with Mr. Jersey Monday. spent in dancing and cards and a pot ness College at Ypsilanti. church spent Wednesday at the Sand- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rusch and luck supper enjoyed. ordinary tires Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reneh and ehil- ham cottage at Caseville. A picnic son, Jackie, Arthur Haley and Ed- dinner was served. A miscellaneous shower was held . dren are spending the week at the ward Redwine, all of Detroit, spent Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Taylor cottage at Oak Bluff. Miss Ruby Palmateer returned to SUnday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ha- Gone Turner for Mr. and Mrs. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whale and her home in Rochester the first of ley. Mrs. Rusch and little son re- Hendriek, whose home burned last ~TE sell the tire of reeog- son of Detroit spent Saturday and the week after a week's visit with mained to spend the week with her week. They received many useful ~/nized quality at the same Sunday with Mrs. Isabell~e Whale. friends and relatives here. parents. gifts including a purse of money. The Carl Schell and Delbert Henry are Mrs. A. J. Kn~app entertained Tues- The Misses Margaret and Martha Hendriek home, six miles west and price you would have to pay spending the week with the former's day, Miss Olive Buckner and niece, McArthur and their guests, Mrs. one :mile north of Cass City, burned aunt, Mrs. W. H. Dawson, at Sagi- Margaret Jane Hutzel, of Detroit George Bond of Libertyville, Ill.; and to the ground. Mrs. Hendriek and for tires that haven't the Kelly naw. and Miss Jennie McIntyre of Argyle. Miss Mima MCArthur of Chicago, children were away from home while reputation. Mrs. Eva Maharg entertained the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Corkins enter- spent a few days last week with rel- Mr. Hendrick was in the field at work Royal Neighbors at her home on Oak tained Friday and Saturday, Mr. and atives in Detroit and points in Cana- when the fire started. When discov- street Monday evening. After the Mrs. Wilmer Corkins and family and da. Miss Mima McArthur returned ered, it was impossible to save even In other words, when you business meeting, the hostess served Mr. and Mrs. M. Rust, all of Ypsilan- to Cass City with her sisters and is any of the household goods. The loss buy tires of any one of a dozen ~ce cream and wafers. ti. spending the week here. was partly covered by insurance. makes, you pay the price of KEL $ P R | N G F | ELD T| IR E S

Why not have all the mileage and dependabHi~ your money will buy? So long as you pay for Kellys, why not have KeHys?

If you need tires, come in and see us. We can actually save you tire money. CTAe C-/mperia[~ee#a~ CTAed#ort #oupe S., T. H. OIL CO. CASS CITY

C:7 lgIgOlll Cgll [ Two New Models C H EVRO L E T SIX D

Broadening the appeal of a line you will be impressed by their individuality and completeness. 1 of cars which has already4 won over 950,000 buyers since January But you cannot fully realize what 1st, Chevrolet presents two dis- an achievement they represent ...... i!i:il tinguished new enclosed models untii you get behind the wheel 5::::..- • of the Chevrolet Six--the Imperial and drive! For here are all the Sedan and the Sport Coupe. Wi~ qualities Of six-cylinder smooth- beautiful new Bodies by Fisher ness, power and acceleration available in a variety of striking which Chevrolet alone provides color combinations and with nu- in the price range of thefour--com- merous advanced convenience fea- binedwith economy of better than tures-these new models provide, twenty miles to the gallon of in abundant measure, those ele- gasoline! 3Ve a ments of distinction ordinarily Come in today. Learn for yourself associated with more expensive the new standards of quality and automobiles. luxury that Chevrolet has made FISHEIK "ng- When you examine the new Im- available in six-cylinder cars-- perial Sedan and Sport Coupe, at prices within the reach of alll in the most cololfid and captivating

The Roadster, $ 525; The Phaeton, $525; The Coupe, $595; The Coach, $595; The Sport Coupe, $645; The Sedan, $ 675; The Imperial Sedan, $695; The Sedan Delivery, $ 595; The Light Delivery Chassis, $4001 motor car bodies ¢ f the year . . . The 1 ~ Ton Chassis, $ 545; The I 1~ Ton Chassis with Cab, $650. All prices f. o. b. factory, Flint, Mich. Reflecting the matchless genius of Fisher's In addition, this new Buick embodies artist-craftsmen, as well as the unparal- COMPARE the delivered price as well as the list price in considering automobile values. other wonderful new elements of value u leled resources of the Buick and Fisher a new and mightier valve-in-head engine Chevrolet's delivered prices include only reasonable charges for deliv¢~ andfinancing~ organizations, the magnificent new Buick renew Controlled Servo Enclosed Brakes Bodies by Fisher incorporate beauty and mfour new double-acting Lovejoy Duo- charm obviously superior to any other car drauHc Shock Absorbers, and new longer in the Buick field. rear springs, new frictionless steering Longer-- lower and more luxurious, these gear and new Steering Shock Eliminator. new bodies reveal entirely newharmony of color and grace of line. They are replete And what is more, this new Buick, with all with extra features of utility, luxury and of these vital superiorities, is offered at A. B. C. Sales and Service convenience, including new Non-Glare new low prices--prices that make Buick Windshield for safe night drivingmnew for 1930 the greatest value Buick has ever and richer upholstery~new fittings offered in 26 years of building extra value CASS CITY, MICHIGAN and appointments of princely luxury. into each series of Buick cars[ BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN ASSOCIATE DEALER COMM ENT CHEVROLET SALES, GAGETOWN, MICHIGAN. Canadian Factories Division of General Motors Builders of ~cLaughlin-Buick. Oshawa. Oatario Corporation Buick and Marqu~te Motol~ Ca~


-d THE PRICE I:~ANGE OF THE FO . ~ ~___ ~ ~ , , • . ~ . ., -...~, Chronicle Liners Cost Little; Accomplish Much. ~; !ii

Cuss City, Michigan, August 9, 1929. CASS CITY' CHRONICLE ...... ,, ~ ,v ,, PAGE FOUR. I Oriental Rug Weaving Momentous were present from Toronto, Strath- Rev. Avery gave very inspiring rues- health. He is in his 86th year and SHABBONA. The most significant feature in the..~ roy, Bdrrie, Allendale, Kerwood, sages, both morning and evening. I was nearly overcome with heat on Oriental rugs are woven on a single frame consisting of two poles support- history of an epoch is the manner i~ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kritzman of Thedford, Forest and Sarnia, Ontario, Preaching next Sunday evening will t Wednesday last while hoeing in his and Clare, Detroit, Pontiac, Marlette, be at the Riverside appointment, i garden, which he had planted and ing two rollers. To the rollers is fast- has of welcoming a Great Man . . . " Michigan " Detroit spent the week-end with rela- ened a warp of strong threads, the whether they shall take him to be z. and Argyle, Mich. A pot luck dinner Mr. and Mrs. Clare Mudge, two I cared for himself. tives here. number of which determines the width god, to be a prophet, or what they .~a g was served at noon. Immediately af- Frank Auslander is threshing in daughters and baby son from Grosse I ..... and fineness of the rug. To each shall take him to be? That is ever ter dinner, the business meeting was this vicinity. Pointe visited over the week-end at' Credit Goes to Napoleon thread of lhe warp, short frills of col- a grand question; by their way of held and the following officers were Win. Mudge's home. The father of modern road building ored wool, silk, "or hair of camels and answering that we shall see, as:. Mr, and Mrs. James Burns and Lu- elected: Thud Patterson, president; Mr. and Mrs. George Darling were is Napole(m. He systematized the in- goats are knotted fn such a way that through a little window, into the very Coach Ray Fisher and 14 Michigan cile and Robert Burns were callers in Wesley Brooks, vice president; Mrs. business callers in Saginaw last the two ends project toward the heart of those men's spiritual con- . baseball players have left Ann Arbor North Branch and Otter Lake Sunday. Charles Ross, secretary and treasurer. dustry and appointed a body of engi- week. neers to supervise the Construction of worker. dition.--Kansas City Star. on the first leg of the long trip to Alex Hamilton of Detroit is assist- It was decided to meet at the same French roads. Other European coun- Japan. Games on the way to the ing Samuel Hamilton with his wheat place on the first Saturday in August tries and the United States were quick Perfect Diamond coast will be played against the Taco- harvest. 1930. Visiting and games were en- NOVESTA. • Cherry Tree Varieties to paroa~'~,,~ fb~ xr~111~ Of improved ma Tigei~; Seatti~ coiiegia~as a.;.,d tha Ni:c~ and iVlySo Neil Maitla~i and joyed b;, aii in t}ie afternoon, ice lli~';"~ ~'~tt ...... W ~t ~Y m ,-- J.Nm-~.;~'tt biUli~ti? xAi~ ~,~,&...... ~.., r~al?iixb ..1-. ¢ ?~)0" mend signiiies a sLoBe uu~utu~j The Japanese cherry that blossoms champions of the Pacific fleet wit/a children, Marion and Helen, and Miss cream and cake were served before Benj. Wentworth and sister, Mrs. ciety Bulletin. white and free from all flaws and im- so beautifully does not bear an edible. games at Bellingham and Everett, Ethel Babcock of Sarnia, Ontario, departing for the different homes. Wm. Patch and daughter, Stetla, of perfect-ions. The finest old East In- fruit However, Japan has a cherry Washington and Vancouver, Canada. visited their uncle, S. Hyatt, Sunday. Royal Oak spent Saturday night at dian, the.Jagers-fontein, the Rivers tree, native to the mountainous dis- The sailing °date is August 14. If the Mrs. Maitland and two daughters re- the Chas. Cunningham home. and the Blue Wesselton diamonds are tricts Of the island, ' which bears a boat makes the proper time a tenta- mained for a week's visit. EVERGREEN. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur.Frost were t all approximately one grade. large and delicious fruit. tive game has been scheduled with Sunday guests at the W. E. Holcomb Miss Lucy McGregory of Farming- Mr. and Mrs. Welch of Port Huron the University o~ Hawaii for Augurer home at Shover. ton came Friday to visit relatives visited at T. Stitt's on Sunday. Mrs. 20. The arrival in Japan is set for here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watch and Manley Kitchin and son ~eturned 0 August 29. ' Give the Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Waun and home with them for a few days' visit. family of Fenton visited Sunday at daughter, Alice, attended the Waun the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hen- Plans for u "Shelter" to be built by R. Craig and daughtdr, Miss Helen, reunion at the farm home of Win. derson. the 'United Spanish War Veterans of went on Saturday to visit their Waun, jr., Saturday. Mrs. Emma Shook and Mr. and Kiddies Michigan at Higgins Lake, Roscom- daughter and sister, ~rs. Badgers, Mrs. Frank Shook and Mr. and Mrs. men CountY, to care for who are Hugh Phillips and lady friend of at Onaway. Mr. Craig will also visit Harry Shook and family, all of AI- physically run down and in need of Detroit visited the former's uncle, his brother at Rogers City. mont, were Sunday guests at the a Treat care and rest, have been announced Henry Phillips, last week. Mrs. Kitely of Marlette visited home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cunning- at Battle Creek by George F. Ames, Mrs. S. Harms of Pontiac is sphnd- friends here over the week-end. ing some time with her daughter, ham. DOUBLE- DECK ICE commander of the Michigan Depart° Mrs. Susie Brooks of Applegate is merit. The State Legislature approo Mrs. Vern McGregory. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wooley, Lewis, Mrs. Rachel Kitely of Marlette is visiting relatives here at present. priated $18,000 for the building last Alvin and William Woolley and Fred CREAM CONE visiting at the Frank Auslander Mrs. Emma Cook of Port Huron winter. The "shelter" will be erected Shook of Flint were Sunday visitors home. and daughter, Mrs. J. Thompson, of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John on the shores of Higgins Lake on a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Welch of Port California, and Irvin Dennison of Pt. and Arthur Woolley. Mrs. Shook and tract of 960 acres owned by the State. Huron visited at T. W. Stitt's Sunday. Huron are spending some time at the two children, who have been spending Mrs. Hazel K]tchin accompanied them Jason Kitchin home. On Wednesday, a week here, returned to her home An air tour~ the itinerary of which home for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kitchin and their with Mr. Shook. include~ visits to the capital of every 5(; guests spent the day at the lake. state in the Union is being made by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Ca- Mr. and Mrs. Gursenburger and re spent Sunday at the home of Mr. a Jackson plane. The tour is spon- WEST ARGYLE. Assorted Flavors Special Line of Cakes for two sons of Marlette attended quar- and Mrs. Win. Churchill. sored by the aviation committee of terly meeting° here on Sunday. the Jackson Chamber of Commerce; Sunday ghests at the Thud Patter- Mr. and Mrs. Truman Alien and Mrs. Walter Wood and family vis- and is to stimulate interest in aviation son home were Mr. and Mrs. Win. family of Armada visited over the Saturday-,- ° Brooks of Battle, Ontario, Mrs. Wm. ited relatives at Wheatland last week. week-end at the home of Mrs. Allen's Youare entitled to the and to demonstrate the practicability We have been told our baked goods are wonderful by of commercial use of airplanes.~ The Gerber of Pontiac, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miss Norah Moshier is attending parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bar- best. Eat McIntyre's Ice plane, the "Miss Jackson," has been Ross and son, Morris, of Marlette, the F. M. conference at Flint this nard. so many different customers ~hat we are telling you the donated by the Sparks-Withington Co., Chas. Brooks of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. week. The large barn of Peter Ferguson, Cream. "You'll enjoy it." and is piloted by Wynn Bradford. Chas. Patterson of Cass City and The barn on the farm formerly 1% miles north of Novesta Corners same thing. We do our utmost to make them very good. Mr. and Mrl. Bert Brooks. owned by Jason Churchill burned to !burned to the ground on Monday eve- the ground Monday evening. I ning. The season's hay crop of about Most of the business section of the Mrs. Mary Brooks of Thedford is Earl Harris has vurchased a '~10 or 12 tons and a few farm tools village of Argyle, 15 miles northwest visiting relatives in this vicinity. house from Mr. Loney ~nd.~moved it were also burned. Cause unknown. Al er's BMtery of Sandusky, was destroyed by fire The Kitehin reunion was held at to his farm. Unfortunately no insurance was ear- C.kA881 [ AFE West Main St., Cuss City. recently. The loss is estimated at the home of David Kitehin Saturday. There was a large attendance at i ried. $75,000. Three frame buildings, hous- About sixty were present from On- the quarterly meeting on Sunday. i George Barker is in very poor ing the James Perkins general store, tario and Michigan. a the Walter Polewatz store Mr. and Mrs. Percy Start enter- and the Emmett Herdell hardware tained the Norman Ross family of stor% were destroyed, with all the Rochester Sunday. N NNNNINININNINtNNNINNINNINNNNINNINNINNINNN NNNNNINNNNNNINNNNNNNNNNNIN@NgNNNNNNNNNNN @ contents. A grocery store, the village Mr. and Mrs. George Guy of Sagi- N bank and an oil station were the only naw visited at the home of John business places escaping damage. Hinds Saturday night and Sunday. N Mrs. Guy remained for a visit. N To prevent village residents of Mrs. Edward Willerton is suffering N Rochester from drinking water which from a fall. Detroit persons who mistook the vil- N Leonard McLean was pleasantly N lage reservoir for a swimming pool, ale . N surprised last Thursday evening Price (2[eariilg bathed, the village council has ordered when neighbors and friends called at N the erection of a high barbed wire fence about the reservoir. Two swim- his home, the occasion being his at the I. Schonmuller Store, at Cass City, Mich. N 21st birthday. Ice cream and cake N Now Going on in Full Force ming parties have made use of the N' were served and a fine time was en- reservoir this summer, according to joyed by all. complaints. A test of the water show- ed that it had not been noticeably Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitehin of contaminated. Wayne and Mrs. George Ashcroft Mens' and Boys' Clothing and glething and Shoes, N and children of Novesta were guests Ladies' and e,hiid[en's N Ten machine guns will be "installed of Mr. and Mrs. Roy MarshM1 Sun- N day. LADIES' AND GIRLS' N at the new Michigan State Prison at N SUITS Boys' SUITS LADIES' SILK DRESSES N Jackson soon if u requisition, for- Misses Arline and Leola Munn are Some with 1 long and 1 short and visiting in Detroit. For Men and Young Men l lot of $12.75 models $6 66 SPRING AND SUMMER N warded to State authorities at Lans- some with 2 long and 2 short pants. nOW ...... e ing by Warden Harry Jackson, is ap- Linus Walker of Deekerville has N N Including highest class makes, such 1 lot of $9.75 Silk and COATS. proved. Warden Jackson, at the time been,visiting his son, Fred Walker. Sizes 6 to 17. $6.00 Coats: ...... $3.00 N of the thwarted Ionia Reformatory de: N as Michael Stern & Co., and others. The second annual Brooks reunion $5.00 quality ...... $3.75 $10.00 Coats ...... $5.00 N livery several weeks ago, declared it was held. at Lakeside Park, Port Hu- N ,o o.00, wuo , $24 95 $8.00 quality, $15.00 Coats.. $7.50 @ was the intention to install machine ron, Saturday, August 3. About 75 N llOW ...... ® LADIES' RAIN COATS guns at the Jackson institution to quell @ Up to $30.00 values, now .... : ...... $3.66 $20.00 Coats ...... $10.00 N riots among the prisoners should any now...... :...... ~x.,,.~ Up to $12.00 quality, $25.00 Coats. $12.50 @ ever occur. N @ I1OW ...... $8.88 teed, up to $9.00 quality N , i, imM1 ., ,o 0.00, $11.95 tram ...... -- Everett Atwood, 21, of Toledo, who "Kenjola Is N ~now ...... LADLES' N~ came to East Tawas, to visit hLu All Sizes and Models and Mostly BOYS' UNION SUITS LADIES' WASH DRESSES N parents after a four-year absence, N two pants suits. .... RUBBER APRONS @ drowned in East Ta~vas Bay. His N All styles, sizes 6 Lo 16, 42 $1.50 values, mother, who witnessed the drowning, lust what l N nOW ...... C now. 89c Full sizes, all colors 21c N: fainted, and had to be placed under MEN'S DRESS PANTS $2..50 values, now ...... N the care of a physician. Everett, his now ...... : ...... $1.44 N mother and brother, Edward, 11, went Always Needed" $3:00 values, $1.97 MEN'S OVERALLS 1 now ...... fishing in the bay in a rowboat. Up to $4.00 values, SHOES N Heavy blue denim bib, 94c now ...... Everett decided to swim. He was Tells How Six Bottles of New $4.00 values, $2.65' strong make, now ...... $2.67 N seized with cramps and drowned. I1OW ...... i,,i Medicine Solved All Her (Coats to match) now ...... 77c N $5.00 values, " ¢t)¢)"¢Je'~®~ i i Sheriff's offcers at Kalamazoo took LADIES' BLOOMERS N Health Problems. now ...... into custody the "youngest automo. $1.50 values, Rayon and 88 CHILDREN'S N bile thief" ever apprehended in that value, $4.45 RUBBER BOOTS Silk, all sizes and colors .... C N county. He was a boy nine years old, "I was sick all over, tired out and now ...... Black Red SeM, $3.50 ¢DzaU"2:~)®I[~/~ COVERALL SUITS N who drove away a car owned by rundown with long suffering from in- N digestion and kidney trouble," said values ...... Blue stripe, red trimmed, 5 7 C N Stanley Walkew, of Kalamazoo, and LADIES' HOSE 79c value, now .... traveled east on U. S.-12 a distance of Mrs. Mary Perez, 2008 Chene street, MEN'S SUMMER UNION N more than 12 miles before the ma, Detroit, Mich. "My back ached so SUITS Full Fashioned Hose, Pure 97 ' i N that every day was made up of hours MEN'S WORK SHOES Thread Silk, $1.50 value, now C chine ran off the pavement. The boy, All styles, 98c quality, CHILDREN'S N: who lived near Rtchland, was return. 69c Up t ° $2.50 quality, Silk and Rayon, all colors :-~:4:-:-:4:~:.x-~ nOW ...... : ..... 42c ed to his home. .. ======now ...... $1,.82 regular 79c value,,now .... BEAR BRAND HOSE N $1.50 quality, 94c Up to $3.50 quality, Black only, 30c value 1 7 C Per Pair When her right t~oot became caught now ...... now ...... 19c in the blade of a mowing machine, $2.67 nOW ...... now ...... ~tj~: Georgiana Rau, 5-year-old daughter of N Up to $4.50 quality, I ' Ill MEN'S XND BOYS' now ...... Mrs. Estelle Farmer, of Flint, received N $3.29 Ladies', Girls' and Chil- LADIES' injuries which necessitated the am- DRESS CAPS N~ putatio~ . of the member at the ankle. N dren's Oxfords and Slippers HOUS~ SLIPPERS N The acatdent happened at the farm of N Up to $1.65 values, newest Q Q r, WORK SHIRTS colors and shapes, now ...... (D(D~I~ Up to $2.50 quality, her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Boh. i N Felt with leather sole, nard, near West Branch. i now ...... $1.77 46c N~ N $1.50 Dress Shirts {~,2~ now,.oo ...... $1 o 32 all colors. ~ now ...... :: ...... i...... ,., ~.~ ~, Up to $3.50 quality, If; All election booths in Royal Oak N Men's Blue Work Shirts, A~'] ~d nOW ...... $2.34 N will be equipped with voting machines N 79c quality ...... C Up to $5.00 quality, when the next election is held, the DRESS ,SHOES Coat or button style, blue or black; CHILDREN'S SHOES city commission having voted to in, For Men and Young Men nOW ...... $3.62 stall the machine# after trying out regular $1.25 quality, 84C Up to $7.00 quality, Values up to $1.95 now ...... two of them at the last election. iiiil~:: N $4.0.0 Black Oxfords . ~') ~7 now ...... $4.66 now ...... 47c _ N for ...... i...... ~O~.a%0~ Big Yank, Big Phil, all full cut, regu- ,, , • i Falling from a horse preyed fatal Up to $6.50 Black or, Tan ~I~e~ ~m] lar 98c quality, plain blue or 69e Uncle Sam Work Sex, N to Lorene Boyke, 11-year-old daughter Mrs. Mary Perez. Oxfords ...... i...... tI~O,E/ fancy patterns ...... MEN'S HOSE N of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyke of Roy, N seamless, pair ...... 8c of pain. I could not sleep well at ers City. One of the horses' hoofa Fancy silk and rayon, night, and to eat caused no end of N Black or Brown, Men's 15c NI struck her on the head as she fell. HAMPSHIRE PERCALES 39e values, now ...... 22c pain. N YARD GOODS SPECIALS Hose, pair ...... 7c "Kohjola went right to the source UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 36 inches wide, fast colors, newest Men's White Foot Hose, Beacon A race' with a black bear was the N of my troubles. I took six bottles in 36 inches, about lOc value ~:~ patterns, 22c values 1412 Men's Rockford Work Sex, unique experience of Albert Cllfto~ six weeks--the digestion has im- N Yard... " U~ now: ...... C 21e pair, 5 pairs ...... $1 ®O0 now, pair ...... =..... 14c of,Fayette, recently. Young Clifton, proved and the kidney condition has N N astride a bicycle, was returning down cleared up, and the backache has N a lane when he espied a large blac~ faded from me. Konjola is the medi- N be sure and call and around in this big store !! ! N bear in an adjacent pasture lot. The cine that I always needed. I am bet- Hundreds of Other Real Bargains to be had here, so % / bear saw him at the same time and tar generally than in years; eat three, N both put on speed to reach a gap in meals a day and sleep just like a the fence a few rods away. Handi. child." N capped by rough wheeling while the Konjola is sold in Cass City at N eass City N bear was in his native element Clifto~ Burke's drug store and by all the I. $CHONM ULLEI , lost the race, arriving at the openln~ best druggists in all towns through- N N just in time to see the bear shoot of] !out this entire section. NIgNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN~g~NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNIg@NN into the woods nearby. Cuss City, Michigan, August 9, 1929. CASE CITY CHRONICLE PAGE FIVE.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of San- operated on Saturday, August 3, for dusky were callers in Cass City on removal of tonsils and adenoids. Grist Screenings Wednesday. Leland Blades, son of Mr. and Mrs. Published Every Friday Mrs. J. C. Brooks and son, Grant, Samuel Blades, was brought to the of Detroit were callers at the H. L. hospital Saturday morning and was Cass City Fair Vol 4. AugUst 9, 1929. No. 52. Hunt home Sunday. The Brooks fami- operated on for obstruction of bowels. ly were former residents of Cass Gangrene had developed extensively. Published in the ih- And if you want the I healthy early laying Harry Kelly of Colwood called Sat- City, having conducted a confection- He passed away the same day of op- best results say it with I and paying birds. Aug. 13 to 10 terest of the People of urday at the George Akerman home. ery store here knqwn as the Candy eration. Cass City and vicinity I Purina. I ~ Nowadays when a Edw. Drouillard was a business cal- Kitchen. Lillian Zapfe, daughter of Mr. and See our display of NEW FALL READY-TO-WEAR during by the Guests at the farm home of Mrs. Hungry~ individual -- l man gets old enough ler in Fair Haven Saturday and Sun- Mrs. Floyd Zapfe of Owendale, was the FAIR shown through the courtesy of Mr. J. L. Cathcart in his Elkland Roller Mills "What kind of pie have ] so that he doesn't have day. Israel Hall the first of the week in' operated on Monday for removal of RoY Taylor, Editor you ?" [ to tell his mother Mrs. M. Davenport and children cluded Mr. and Mrs. L. Siple and tonsils and adenoids. show window with a complete change each day. Waiter ...... "We b~ve • T -r~ :,i ...... i ~, ~ ~_ ,~ visited relatives m Fo~viac over m~e ~"- ~ ' S~Ac, all of V:oodstod:, We are now ir~ New York selecting oc~r Faii ~t.oc~ c:~ i',oa~s, Actual tests have iJiYie ~ppi ~ pi~ilappl~pi~ • • Ont., Miss Edna Hiiiiker of Burgess- eration Tuesday morning for removal: week-end. Dresses, and Millinery. Watch for announcement of proven that dairy cows ville, Ont., and Mrs. E. A. Siple and of tonsils. give more milk and We will have another Mrs. Crobar is spending two weeks son, Charles, of Bay City. Mrs. Hazel Munroe of Port Huron Opening date soon. Purina Calf Chow I with Mrs. Bruce Brown in Elmwood stay fresh longer when car of "Laura" coal entered the hospital Tuesday morn- fed a balanced ration. next week. Let us have will raise calves for I township. Miss Catherine Bailey is probably the only person in Cass City to re- ing and was operated on the same Cow Chow provides a your order now. The about one-third the J Cressy and Charlene Steele are balanced ration when price is right and the cost of whole milk. [ ceive mail which had been carried by day. Final Clearance on All Summer Dresses. mixed with home coal is right. Ask those | spending ~ the week in Vassar with the Graf Zeppelin on its last flight Mary Lou, daughter of Mr. and feeds. who burned "Laura" Candidate ~"I am their father. across the Atlantic ocean. Miss Cath- Mrs. Edwin Wanner of Cass City, We have a large assortment of Summer Dresses in Printed last winter. willing to trust the J Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan of Sagi- erine received a postal card from her was brought to the hospital Tuesday Crepes, Georgettes and plain colors in sizes from 14 to 20, mostly A London banker people." | haw were callers at the D. E. Turner cousin, Gretel Zinneeker, Of Pirma- and underwent an emergency opera- long sleeve styles suitable for Fall Wear, from our regular $10.00 says he would enjoy You're supposed to Voice from the ] home Monday. sens, Germany, which was sent via tion for appendicitis. and $12.50 lines, priced now at $6.97. running a newspaper work eight hours and crowd--~,'You don't [ Miss Evelyn Ertel left the hospital column for just one need to run for office. Roy McLachlin of Ferndate was the Zep. A good assortment of Sleeveless Dresses, sizes 14 to 40, sleep eight hours~but the guest of his uncle, Samuel Cham- Monday and was taken to the home of day. And what we Just go into the milling [ priced for quick clearance at $4.79. not the same eight pion on Sunday. her grandmother, Mrs. William G. could do to a bank in hours. business." [ LAND TRANSFERS. just an hour! B. A. Eltiott and sons, Francis and Moore. NEW NAVY GEORGETTE DRESSES are arriving daily Leonard, spent from Sunday until Other patients at the hospital are from New York, priced from $10.00 to $16.75. Tuscola arid Cream We will have another Asa A. Henry and wife to Marble Mrs. Edward Hampshire of Kingston This is August. The car of Purina next | Tuesday at giles. of Wheat flour make weather is hot. A dick- & Cowe, w ½ of se ¼ of section 12, and Miss Berneta Voelker of Owen- baking a pleasure. If ens of a time, you week. J Walter L. Mann entertained his fa- Township of Wells. Consideration, $1. dale. you are not using these probably will say, to ther from Elgin, Illinois, a few days C. Douglas Home and Clare W. Millinery Department. excellent flours you are talk about buying coal. "Then there was the J the first of tbe week. !Home to Asa A. Henry and wife, w losing and we are too. But you can save mon- old maid who was so OMISSION IN PASTIME We are now showing a complete new Fall line of Felt Hats modest she wouldn't Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colwell were ½ of se ¼ of section 12, Township of ey on coal by buying dinner guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Shep- Wells. Consideration, $1.00. THEATER ADVERTISEMENT in all ~he popular shades priced from $2.45 to $4.50. It takes a stubborn now. That's a fact! Call undress with the [ dry to favor prohibi- us by phone. We'll give "Christian Observer" in pard at Caro Tuesday. Walter Taple to Ralph Kern, n ½ tion as it is, and a you our quotations on the room. I Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler were of that part of ne ~ of sw ¼ of see. An error slipped into the Pastime stubborn wet to favor Laura coal. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 20, lying e and n of highway, section Theater advertisement last week~ • liquor as it is. A little Calf Chow Southworth at Ell~ton Sunday. 20, Township of Indianfields. Consid- the following item for August 4 and Berman's Dept. Store When the supply of saves a lot of milk. J Miss Catherine Wager of Ann Ar- eration $1.00. 5 was omitted--"News Reel; Comedy, • KINGSTON, MICH. Henry O. Babcock and wife to Pe- Results are what • its product runs ahead bor is spending the week with rela- "Frontier Romance," 15 and 35c" ter Wojcieszyn and wife, sw ~ of ne count. That's why the of the demand a cor- Our mill will be tives and friends in Cass City. Store open evenings--Tuesday~ Thursday and Saturday. best feeders feed Cow poration establishes the closed afternoons dur- | ¼ and w ½ of se ¼, see. 26, Town- Chow- year after year. five-day week on ac- ing the Fair. Benjamin Houghton and Mrs. Ethel ship of Wells. Consideration, $!.00. Advertise it in the Chronicle. ~ ~:~ ...... J count of its keen inter- Farr of Detroit spent last week at C. A. Jones to Harold D. Jones, e "Bring me another iest in its employes' the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sum- 3-4 of n ½ of se ¼ section 18, Town- boiled egg, please." welfare. merville. ship of Akron. Consideration $1.00. "Anything else?" Mills j Dr. and Mrs. F. D. McIntyre of De- Mary Olson to M. C. Evetand, part "Yes, you might Purina Chick Growe- troit were week-end guests of Mrs. of ne ¼ section 26, Township of Day- bring me a coop. The Phone No. 15 na will develop those McIntyre's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. last one flew away." ~ pullets into strong Cuss City, Mich. ton. Consideration $1.00. S. McGregory. John L. Perce and wife to Benjamin Mrs. Alex McLachlan entertained O. Watkins and wife, nw ¼ of se %, l:olkert', o Bargain Store her uncle, Joseph Lowe, and his section 9, and that part lying w of P. daughter of San Diego, California, ov- O. & N. R. R. of the e % ofnw %, ,~ CITY, MICHIGAN. er the week-end. section 16, and e 24 ft. of sw ~£ of CASE , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flew, Mr. se ¼, section i6, Township of Noves- ta. Consideration, $1.00. and Mrs. Thomas and son, jr., of LADIES ~ [112o u n d- Elyria, Ohio, called on relatives and CAPS AND HATS $100,000 worth of merchan- friends last week. HOSPITAL NOTES. One lot of boys' and men's dise auctioned at Detroit. RAYON BLOOMERS Mrs. Ed. Proctor of Toronto, On- caps *and hats, up to $2.00 AND STEP-INS tario, and Mr. and Mrs. Slate of San- Mrs. John Seeger of Cass City en- value, each Folkert bought plenty. dusky were Sunday guests of Mr. and tered the hospital Thursday and un- Mrs. R. S. Proctor. derwent a serious operation Friday 10c I just got back froml Detroit, where I 49c r fiec:r c ou edea e Miss Thelma Hunt left Royal Oak norning. She is doing nicely t Sunday with a company of young la- Kingsley Rash of Bad Axe entered bought about $5,000 worth of mer- STRAW HATS 75c BRASSIERES ~ow - - - in place of at~chments, Premier offere dy friends on a 10-day motor trip to 3aturday and was operated on that chandise at my own price. New York, Philadelphia and Wash- morning. Ladies' and children's ¢ Two Electric Cle'aners for the Price One Florine Campbell of Detroit was of ington, D. C. straw hats, each ~i A big cleaner for the rugs and carpets, and the ) i00 men's summer 39e new small cleaner . - - the Epic-Span - - - to speed suits ...... $2.45 up the little cleaning jobs.v " lOc SANITARY NAPKINS ~-i Weighing only four pounds, the Sple-Span can be 60 men's wool suits ...... $4,95 Per Box takeh from task to task without wasting time or WINDOW CURTAINS steps. You simply plug it into any electric socket EACH 25 men's wool suits ...... $9.95 and clean mattresses, clothes, stairways, upholstery~ 25c ~ automobiles, nooks and crannies everywhere. ,: °Roofing:. *°, 45e 65 boys' wool suits ...... $2.95 70 sheep Skin coats, 50c SNAP FASTENERS $10.00 coats ...... $5.95 ' PETER PAN 2 cards Do not make a hasty decision when pur- 20 boys' overcoats ...... $2.95 Per yard :::: ======iJ!i!?~!~!ij!i'i?ii!ii? chasing roofing for your house or barn. The 5c 15 men's overcoats ...... $2.95 39e :~ roof is the most important part of the build- $. THREAD 30 leather coats, $12.00 / One lot of thread value ...... $7.95 INFANTS' SHOES 2 for $3.00 dress pants ...... $1.95 !} We guarantee to give you a better ~$ Per Pair : grade of roofing for less money than is 5c $2.50 work pants ...... $1.69 iiiiiiiiiiiiii $1.25 work pants ...... 8% 49e being offered by out of town parties. .$ deaners tbe pr, ee_ LADIES' ...... HOUSE DRESSES $5.00 wool sweaters ...... $2.95 These are facts and we stand ready to LADIES' The Epic-Span may be purchased separately for i " Fast Color ' ~13 50 " " " or in one of the following combinations. i prove it. Come in and let us figure with $ About 1,000 pairs of ladies' COMFORT SHOES Easy payments. Phone or visit us today and ar- you. * 98e and men's shoes just ar- $3.50 value range for a private demonstration. No obligation. _ 4- rived. Our price ~' Two Cleaners for the Price of One LADIES' SILK DRESSES $1.95 Premier Duplex and Premier Junior and Farm Produce Co. 0,-" $2.95 Premier Epic-Span Premier Epic-Span BOYS' SHOES AND PHONE 54 $4.95 i MEN'S TENNIS SHOES OXFORDS • "°t"a72 --q,o. "°t**48,o- Next Wednesday we are Heavy Soles, $1.50 kind Per Pair opening another store at $1.95 $2.49 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC POWER CO. Deford with a big sale. 88c General Office at Lapeer r

I Caro Lapeer Bad Axe sandusky Harbor Beach p ast @ me Theatre n n i E. Fitzgerald, Manager. Cass City AB 8112 e S Training! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 AND 10 .,.u KEN MAYNARD IN What.. Does. It Mean to You ? I * Parr0tt's Creamery i PHANTOM CITY Young men and young women~staxting to attend A good mystery Western. Ken Maynard hits the Bull's Eye with this number. ~t business college should remember that the train- , Comedy, "Smith's Baby's Birthday." Collegian Series. 10 and 25c. ing they wish to secure must meet the r~ ments of the boniness world. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, AUGUST 11 AND 12 z{ WILLIAM HAINES IN TIlE WORLDDEMANDS ARE OFExACTING TIIE BUSIr~ i/:i,i/!:i[.[I(. Ii::" Butter and Ice ALIAS JIMMIE VALENTINE ..u Look out, for he'll steal not only your jewels, but your heart There ~re places fcr young men and yoml~ /i as well. You'll be surprised at what happens. = Comedy, "Should Women Drive?" News reel. 15 and 35c women,been thoroughly whose eduo.~tionpracgieaL and business ~ Ires the *. :i: TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 AND 14. *" Cream " Baker Buslness Un{versity InterpretsCorrec.y l'I CODY AND PRINGLE IN Requirements of the Business World and T~ Its Po.sitlo~ ~[! -v -I. " BABY CYCLONE " Students for Profitable Business Comedy, "Blondes Beware." Classes Startlng E<~ery Moz~lay [.[ .:. Wholesale and Retail .:. SPECIAL STAGE ATTRACTIoN--THE SEASON'S SENSATION of* -I, I| *I* - - - ,@ CHICOLA ELDON E. BAKE~, President N/r~te for fnforma~on [::~ -:-':" Cream Wanted THE HYPNOTIST THE SHOW OF 1000 LAUGHS J. L. CATHCART'S STORE WINDOW • TUESDAY AFTERNOON AT 3:30. Accredited by the National Association of Accredited Schoo~ |~ You'll laugh, roar and scream. Chicola offers a change of pro- gram nightly. 15 and 35c. ELDON E. BAKER, President ~~i MONDAY Ladies' Glassware Night. Chronicle Liners Cost Little; Accoml~iish Much, Cass City, Michigan, August 9, 1929. PAGE SIX. CASS CITY CHRONICLE ; !}ii}

B. L. Middleton of Pontiac spent Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herr enter- Walter Wisnieski of Detroit spent Olive and Marie Smithson, who will the week-end with his family here. tained Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkpat- Wednesday in Cass City where he spend the week with their sister. rick of Huron City Friday evening. met Mrs. Wisnieski, who had spent a Mr. and Mrs. Clem Tyo and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warner, Mr. Miss Theda Bardwelt returned Sat- few days with Mrs. E. Pinney, and dren were callers in Deckerville Sun- and Mrs. Clarence Walsh and daugh- urday from a week's visit with De- together they left on a trip north. day. ter spent Saturday and Sunday with troit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wetters of De- Pontiac relatives. Waunetta Warner, Arthur Surprenant of Saginaw was Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Striffier en- troit are spending the week with who had spent four weeks in Ponti- a visitor in Cass City Thursday and tertained their son, Frank, of De- Mrs. Wetter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ac, returned to Cass City with her Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fritz of Detroit Friday. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. I. troit over the week-end. John Caldwell. They expect to spend parents Sunday evening. Wood Sunday. Miss Kitty Vincent of Detroit vis- Mr. and Mrs. L. Copland and next week with relatives at Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rench and chil- ited Mr. and Mrs. David Tyo over the family of Detroit are spending the Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Taylor and dren, Betty and Douglas, visited Mr. Glen NcCullough spent a few days week-end. the first of the week with Clare Bai- week at the Sire Bardwell home. children left Friday to visit relatives Rench's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van than any other ley at Mr. Pleasant. Harold GreenIeaf is spending a Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bigham and at Grand Ledge. Mr. Taylor re- Rench, at Ithaca over the week-end. few weeks with relatives in Pains- son, Basil, spent Sunday at the home turned Sunday. Mrs. Taylor and chil- Raymond Rench of Ithaca accompa- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nowland and ~-e~.1.. , ma" _ ~.% _" . six of equall Mrs. E. Hunter were ca~iers i.n Ar- 02 ~'~ ii/!a~:!i~],..:ttepla<~: ac _,u,_~;~, ~nere. week at his uncle's ...... lIUlllt:~. gyle Tuesday evening. Miss Frances Abbot~ of Detroit Miss Zada Tindale returned to her spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. I Mrs. Clarence Ewald of Pontiac price Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ricker of home at Manton Sunday after a Mary Abbott. month's visit with Cass City relatives. l spent the week-end with her parents, Owendale were Sunday guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ausey Smithson. She and Mrs. A. A. Ricker. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. John Lorentzen and daughter, Janice Ruth, of Detroit son; Donald, of Imlay City spent the was accompanied home by Misses Mr. and Mrs. John West and Ray- were guests at the Dr. I. A. Fritz mond McCullough were visitors in Ar- week-end at their home on South See- .PON ' home Sunday. PRODUCT OFGENERAL MOTORS gyle Sunday afternoon. get street. Jack Hopps returned to his home Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffier and Miss Marion Houghton returned to in Detroit Saturday after spending her home in Detroit Saturday after a When you drive the Pontiac son, Dan, spent Thursday afternoon two weeks with his aunt, Mrs. An- at Whip-poor-will Harbor. two weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. 1 Big Six and actually experi- drew Barnes. Harriet Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Graham ence its exclusive performance Mr. and Mrs. Edd. Rose and fami- Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wilson and and children visited relatives in Port ly of Argyle were entertained Sun- qualities--it's easy to under- Huron Sunday and Monday. daughter, Lucille, are enjoying a two day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. weeks' camping and fishing trip in stand why thousands of buyers .it. o. b. Pontiac, M~h. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Van Winkle Hugh McBurney. Northern Michigan. entertained Monday Mrs. Claude Nor- are turning to this outstand- Five - P~.e~er Vivian McLachlan returned Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mann and ton and Mr. Goes of Detroit. ing Genera] Motors product] 'RN~vo-Door ~edl~m~ day evening from Romeo, where he children returned Sunday from a two ~ody by lFl~her Misses Winnifred and Eunice Schell has spent several weeks at the A. A. weeks' vacation at Chicago and Portt~ B~g Six, $745 to $895~ fi o. b. Por~ left Sunday afternoon to visit rela- Hitchcock home. Grayslake, Illinois. g~c, M~ch., pl~ &/~vory charges. Bump- The down payment is low tives in Detroit for the week. ~rs, spr~ng cover~ and Lovejoy 8hock ab- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Heller, Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Read and ~rbers rehear equlp~ng at ~ght extr~ ---and s few dollars a Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hendrick and L. Heller, son, Clifton, and daughter, miles from daughters, Maxine and Annabelle, co~t. ~nem~ Motors Time Payrn~g WHAT DR. CALDWELL month take care of the Watson Spaven attended a Kroger Carol, attended the Williams family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Walter P~n available at ~n~urn rate~ picnic at Port Huron Sunday. LEARNED IN 47 [ reunion at Grand Ledge Sunday. McCool at Shabbona. Towa balance. Come in to s~ Mrs. Mabel Goff and children of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kenney, son, William Walters and Miss Bernice YEARS PRACTICE I ~onsider the deIivered price as well as the how much more Pontiac Pontiac spent sunday with the for- Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hennes- Hitchcock were week-end guests of mer'g mother, Mrs. S. H. Brown. No more "road work" [ Hat pri~ when comparing automobile Big Six offers~and bring sey were guests of Mr. Kenney's Miss Hitchcock's parents, Mr. and ~)hysiet~m w~tehed the re~lt~ ol values . . . Oakland-Pontiac delivered Mrs. Robert Cleland left Friday to parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenney, Mrs. G. L. Hitchcock. when you run out of eon~bpation for 47 years, and believed I prices include only reasonable charge~ for your present car for our ~ha~ no m~t~er how careful people are of ~he spend two weeks with her daughter, at Flint Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. We Hall enter- handling and for financing when Mrs. W..D. Lane, at Port Huron. gas ff you have e~ their heMth, die~ and exercise, eons~ipa~ Time Payment P~n is u~. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atwelt, son, tained their daughter and husband, ,ion will occur from time to time. Of appraisal. Mrs. Mary Holcomb returned Fri- Stuart, and Mrs. P. S. Rice left Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Hazen MacLachlan, of ~s Insurance on n~ importaace, then, i~ how ~ tree, day from Mr. Pleasant where she day it when it comee. C~ldwell Mways for a ten days' vacation at Hart Detroit over the week-endo your car° Dr. S fer , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ has been attending summer school. Lake, Sault Ste. Marie, and other was in favor of getting az close ~ nature Mrs. C. W. Clark, daughter, Emily, as possible~ hence his remedy for consti- Andrew Wood of Birmingham, Ala- places of interest° and Misses June and Geraldine Ross l~hO° n~ known as Dr. Galdwell's Syrup S~oo~er ...... bama, visited his sister, Miss Bertha Rev. P. J. Allured left Friday for of Caro spent Thursday with Mrs. Pepsin, is a mild vegebable compound. Wood, from Sunday until Wednesday. Wooster, Ohio, where he will attend a Mrs. Clark's sister, Mrs. tester Bai- Co I~ can no~ harm the system and is not Miss Dorothea, Jack and Bobby two weeks' summer training" school, ley. S. CHAMPION habit forming. Syrup Pepsin is pleasan~ Allen of Royal Oak came Wednesday specializing in young people's work. Clarence Walsh of" Curtis, who has Exclusive Agen~ ~ing, ~nd youngsters love it: I He will also spend two weeks with his Dr. Caldwell did no~ approve of t to visit at the home of Walter Milli- been attending school at Mr. Pleas- dr~tie physics and purges. He did no%] gan. mother, Mrs. R. A. Allured, at Evart ant, is spending some time with his Phone 111 Cass City believe they were ~ood for anybody'sl Frank Tebo, traffic officer at Center before returning to Cass City. wife and little daughter at the Stan- uys~em In a pract~c~ of 47 years he I WILLY BROS., Cass City Line, Was a dinner guest at the home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spurgeon en- ley Warner home. meyer saw any reason for their use when I of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Champion on tertained Sunday, George and Edward Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graichen and Syrup Pepsin will empty t~ bowels just I Monday. Spooner of Detroit, Dorothea, Jack aapr°mptly" I [; .... three children of Forestville, and Do not lee a day go by without ~1 George and Edward Spooner of De- and Robert Allen of Royal Oak, Mr. Mrs. Drys and two children of Dear- bowel movemen~ Do not stt and hope, I troit are spending some time at the and Mrs. Walter Milligan, Miss Dora born were Sunday visitors at the Jo- but go ~o the ne~res% ~ruggist and get l~ Krapf, Elisha Fisher and Josh Fish- one of generous bottles of Dr. CaM-I~_ farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert seph Benkelman home. OUTWIT FATIGUE, HIGH BLOOD the er of Cass City. John Whitney, Mrs. Edward Hart- well's Syrup Pepsin, or write "Syrup] Mr. Spurgeon. PRESSURE AND DIZZINESS. Farmer, advertise your Auction in the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McBurney, son, Pel~Jn/' Dept. BB, Monticello. Illinois,[ Mrs. Ray Johnston and daughter, wick and son, Edward Jr., Mrs. gas. gm~ ~'ree trial bottle. . [ Wesley, and daughter, Mavis, and I A. Greenleaf and daughter, Virginia Avoid paralysis and nerve trouble columns of the Chronicle. Phyllis, of Traverse City came last in advanced years. Do it with San week to visit Mrs. Johnston's sister, Miss Leone Rose returned Thursday Ellen, all of Painsville, Ohio, spent Yak Pills for the kidneys. They give Mrs. A. 3". Wallace, and other rela- evening from a week's camping trip. last week with the ladies' parents, ease to the stomach, antiseptic to the tives in Cass City. The party visited Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Greenleaf. Myr- bowels and vegetable when used to going by way of Grayling and Gay- tle Greenleaf, who had spent five Audley Kinnaird spent . Sunday prevent 95% of all diseases arising lord, and returning by way of Ona- weeks in Painsville, returned to her from intestinal trouble. Sold at with relatives in Flint. Mrs. Kinnaird, way and Alpena. home in Cass City with them. Burke's Drug Store.~Advertisement. who had spent two weeks at the home of her brother there, returned to Cass City with Mr. Kinnaird Sun- E WI//7"£ NApHT/-/A ZAUHDRY day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Van Winkle, son, Richard, and daughter, Geor- gene, left Tuesday morning on a mo- tor trip to Niagara Falls and Wat- ,kins Glen, New York. They will also visit other places of interest while on a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. John Barnes and daughter, Mrs. Win. •Brenner, returned Satur- day from a visit with relatives in Detroit and Flint. •They were accom- panied home by their daughter and sister, Mrs. Clyde Peterson, of Flint, who spent the week-end here. The Past Noble Grands Club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. H. Bohnsack. After a short busi- ness meeting, games were played and a luncheon was served by the hos- tess. Mrs. Billings and daughters, Misses Beatrice and Gwendolyn, of Mayonnaise Country Club, 25 c Bowling Green, Kentucky, were 12 -Oz. Jar... OLEO guests. The nex~ meeting will be held ~~@~ Avondale Alaska, 22C with Mrs. A. A. Brian. Tall Pound Can ...... Wondernu J~ek F~@~ 5-LbPure ~Cane Package... Sugar, 29 c True Butter Flavor--For Table U~e or Cook- t~ The Famous Vegetable ing, Reduced Price This Week Shortening, Lb. Can ....

Yeast For 2 ~lelgh~a~ ~ Health, Cake. 3 c I ~Po. unds", ~9~1 ~ ~ "

Lava $oa Cake ...... 5C ~- One of these evenings, when you're ex- or two above that, bhcteria multiply, foods Cream C| eese 12c I hausted from the heat and nothing tastes become unsafe to eat--a menace to health. Phi|adelphia. ~ine to: Salad~. Pkg...... i ~1~--I~ O~ COSec A good, how would you like to sit down to a In the General Electric Refrigerator the dinner like this? An ice-cold fruit cup, temperature is automatically kept several t~,~ Country Club Orange Pekoe *~A I ~lt'~] deg~es below fifty--always. iellied chicken and ham, a salad of crisp :~earU'D~aouln Cans Ma~ ~ [ Gold Medal Cark~eF~aUri~age 29C ~!ru'~:nn~u'~,a'~;2/t~l~a~[2~2~Ib IJ/ lettuce with a stuffed tomato in aspic. And, Now, in addition to all its previously for dessert, a strawberry sundae. proved superiorities, General Electric offers an all-steel warp- Tempting, isn't it? And so pleas- proof cabinet! There are now more ~ntly easy to prepare. Then your . BES.T than 300,000 General Electric Re- ~eneral Electric Refrigerator will frigerator users and not one has do the rest. spent a single dollar for repairs. ~t~er~s peace in th~ household guarded Fifty degrees is accepted by scien- Cm~o~=h~. Peaceful sleep for Baby. 5sts as the "danger point" in the Prices on the new all-steel models A de :ghtfu'. fluffy 2-layer sponge, ~ ?heSe Light dainty wafers peaked with ~ for Mother. For ~ced all over with creamy orange CAGES creamy marshmallow and then com- fe~ ~ of pure (~toria will quiet, start at $215 at the factory. Seo pletely enrobed with dainty sugar preservation of food. When the icing. icing. fretful inf~ut~ Or put the little o~e i hack to sleep when there's ~a upset d~ ~emperature rises even a degree them at our display rooms. :~ and ~:G~ CEN ; _ i :~= CENTS don't try ,~ do withont go~ Tune in on the General Electric Hour broadcast every Saturday evening _ akl~ It hat fair~othe bal~ COOKIES a~d it makes things hard for you. You to 9 Eastern Standard Time over the Nd~B. C. network of 42 stations. 1 .... .-Z ...... ea~ give Be~ medicine meant for g~wn~p--or ~ulda~! ~astori~ is ,the soh~ion. I£ is ~d~ys safe. It al- ~ys dyes the w~k. And although it as swiftly as an opiate or a m~r-' CENr A @ ELrc em Peaches e0tie, it contains neither. Ua,sto~ veg~ Give it whenever t~s constipation, colic, diarrhe~ Tomatoes 2 25¢ Pears 25c No less than five million moder~ Home Grown ...... ~...... ,.....i~ :Bartle~ts ...... mother~ have come to depend on Cas- toria, for twenty-five million bottle~ were fraught last year. Get yours to! Carrots 5¢ Bananas 4 25c Michigan Electric Power Company Large Bunches ...... -.. Yellow Ripe ...... duy; don't ~i~ for some night when it'~ needed, and ~he dregstore is closed! i Care Lapeer Bad Axe Harbor Beach Sandusky General Office at Lapeer. Child Cry | • _ . . Cass City, Michigan, Augus£ 9, 1929. CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE SEVEN.

KINGSTON-NOVESTA i Sadler and baby spent Saturday eve- John Profit were. dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. J. E. Crawford and Frances TOWN LINE ning with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kel- and Mrs. Delbert Profit, Sunday. Graves. ley of Ellington. Clayton Doerr and mother, Mrs. Elijah Wright of Alpena spent a Guy Sweet attended a reunion of Misses Norma and Marion Rether- John Doerr ~ere guests of Mr. and few days this week with his sister, the Sweet families at Millers Lake, ford of Saginaw spent Saturday Mrs. John Doerr Sunday. Mrs. Doerr Mrs. Claude Root. AUGUST Sunday. night and Sunday at their home here. remained for a few weeks and Miss Margaret Doerr comes Monday to Mrs. Cbzas. Allan and Mrs. Jos. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenereaux of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Wells, Mr. and spend her vacation here. Karr, and son, Jos., visited friends in Pontiac spent Saturday and Sunday~ Mrs. Ogle Wells and Cecil Wells vis- Lapeer Friday and Saturday. at their farm here. :ited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernal Lloyd and chil- Julius Karr of Lapeer visited Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Earl West of Brown Mrs. Evard Rawson near Cass City. dren of Pontiac spent from Friday day with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Root. ! City and Russell Pringle of Detroit l Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin were in until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ho- were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Imlay City Sunday. mer Muntz. Mr. and Mrs. McNamee of Cass] Pringle Saturday. Mrs. West is a sis- A good time was enjoyed by all Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Maharg had City were Sunday afternoon guests~ (:lose Out Specials ter of Mr. P~n~le. ~who attended the reunion ~of th~ l,eek as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. M. of Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy. Wm. I Cranc~eii w-as a caher m ~he evening. ! Mrs. A. L. Bruce was in Mayville one day last week. the grove near the schoolhouse. , , • , i i I ' w Every Rug in our stock Greatly Reduced. Eugene Vader of Cass City,spent Those attending from a distance were a few days of last week at the Mon- from Detroit, °Pontiac, Mason, Ox- 20% Off on all Reed and Fibre Rockers. tague home. ford, Flint, Gladwin County, Caro, Marlette, Cass City and Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Retherford vis- ONE LOT OF BRIDGE AND JUNIOR ited their daughter, Mrs. Alva Stew- art, at Midland Wednesday, July 31. ELKLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hicks and LAMPSREDUCED 25% ~children and Mr. and Mrs:. Dennis Geo. Becker and :lack Shubel of De- Hunter and children spent Sunday at troit were visitors at the David Mur- ,N One 3-piece Fibre Suite, regular price $65.00, Miller's Lake. phy home Monday. The young men now $50.00. Mrs. J. MacLaughlin and two chil- were enroute to northern Michigan on dren returned to their home in Det- a camping trip. troit Sunday after spending several Mrs. John Marshall spent from One 3-piece Fibre Suite, regular price $50.00, weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Friday until Sunday at Caseville with now $38.00. G. A. Martin. Mrs. Levi Bardwell of Cass City. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Montague and Mrs. Win. Profit and Mrs. Harry son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hoole of Gagetown were business Karl Thane at Colwood. callers in Marlette Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Wells of Oxford Malcolm McCallum of Greenleaf is Dining hutes going and Cecil Wells of Detroit visited working: for Jacob Helwig at present. Make Hay While the Sun El , . their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~Cyrus Mr. and Mrs. Ray LaVigne of De- u I R Wells, the week-end. troit were visitors at the Jacob Hel- at2 v " Mr. and Mrs. Howard Retherford wig home~ Sunday. Shines--- and son, Arleon ,spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Profit entertained the IW III Walnut Wardrobe, was $50.00, relatives at Port Huron. members of her Sunday school class And make money while coal can be bought at summer Ill Mr. and Mrs. David McCracken of at her home on Wednesday after- prices. We can offer you coal now---aI1 kinds at prices now $38°00° Detroit visited at the home of Mr. noon. well worth a prudent man's consideration. Prices are and Mrs. Arthur VanBlaricom over Mr. and Mrs~ Edgar Williams and the week-end and attended the re- son, Jimmy, of Harbor Beach were going up. Our coal, our prices and our service have $25.00 Glider Porch Swing, now union of the Leek school Saturday. ~allers at John Profit's Friday eve- made many friends for us. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Stewart of Mid- ning. Give us a trial. Phone No. 54. $~9.5Oo land visited the latter's parents, Mr. Misses Lucille and Vernita Knight and Mrs. L. Retherford, Sunday. Phil- of Lansing spent from Saturday un- ip Retherford, who spent a few days til Wednesday at their parental of last week with his sister at Mid- home. i Farm Produce Co. RADIO SPECIALS land, returned home with them. Mrs. Margaret Crawford and son, I Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Howell of Bay Alex, of Gagetown and Mr. and Mrs. ! Sparton Table Model, regular price $147.00, now $125.00 Port were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur VanBlaricom Friday. Crosly Table Model, regular price $127.50, now $100.00 Mrs. Frank Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence -Sherwood of Mason Signola Table Model, regular $85.00, now ...... ~..... $60.00 :spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Wells and attended the reunion of the Leek ! school Saturday. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Sherwood will be remembered here as Ruth and Nellie Thomas respectively. MAY & DOUGL: S Mr. and Mrs. David McCracken of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van- CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Blar~com and Mr. and MrS. Perry

_ ...... Directory.

DENTISTRY I. A. Fritz, Resident Dentist. Office over Burke's Drug Store. We solicit your patronage when in need] ~of work. P. A. SCHENCK, D. D. S. ever Befe , a Great Dentist. " On High Q~ality Groceries Graduate of the University of Mich- :~gan. Office in Sheridan Bldg., Cass ~City, Mich. 3 • ron Sa|e Like Th|s I. D. McCOY, M. D. v~-t~ p~g 37c to introduce the outstamd~g advantages Of the Surgery and Roentgenology. Campbell's Beans 2 ,,.n~ 19c Office in Pleasant Home Hospital. ECO,Om'~m famous Sunbeam iron to every woman Phone, Office 96; Residence 47. 2 c.,,. 19c w,t~E ~ 15c B ...... i i . ~qHELDON B. YOUNG, M. D. Nutley Oleo Smoked Picnics u, 2,5C [115~ 3-Lb. [2] [3] Cass City, Mich. NE~ r Telephone~No. 80. Peas Good Qualify, No. 2 Siz.~ 3 ~-~ 25c Pr|~©ess !~e~ $I.oo Monda¥~ ~uesda¥, Trouble- A. McPHAIL Cleanser B~ue~ caF~ 5~ Wednes.~ Thurs. A~o~ance Funeral Director, r,,,,o,~, en,~,, ~,t 39C On Your °Olives o,~,,, |ndestructible Lady Assistant. Gold Dust large.pkg 2~5 ~, Phone No. 182. Cass City. Shredded Steel OLD Ja ~ Assorted Flavors ~o~ ~.~ 39c Plug KNAPP & DOUGLAS ~'~d Grandmother's, Split-Top lo.~ 10c Wheat IRON . F. E - E: Funeral Directors and Licensed Em- Coffee s o,,,~o,,~ ~ 37c balmers. Mrs. Knapp, Lady Assistant with license. Night and day calls re- Salad Dressing ~ q~afl jar 39c With Every Purchase of th~ ceive prompt attention. City phone.

E. W. KEATING 6-Lb. Iro Real Estate and Fire and Automobile Insurance. CASS CITY, MICH. For a llmitec M~mday ---Tuesday -- Wednesday. --- Thursday R. 'N. MCCULLOUGH time AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE DEALER CASS CITY. Salmon Farm sales a specialty. Dates may be arranged with Cass City Chronicle, Pink, No. !, Tall Can Office at I. Schonmuller's Store, Cass City. 2,o 33 TURNBuLL BROS. Jim Auctioneers Bill Age, experience Youth, ability We sell anything anywhere. If you don't employ us, we both lose money. Write for dates and instructions to YO~ pay nothing for the Little Princess lron~ond~ •vetl made just like our big irons, only half the size. Deckerville, Mich. Phone 56~15. three pounds and ia ideal in the home for ironing d Fels Naptha things, such as lingerie, cu~alns, handkerchiefs, clothes, etc. Also just the thing for traveling. SPECIAL• ...... FRIDAY ~ SATURDAY The Sunbeam is guaranteed to give more years of Higgins--"Gifts That Last." Soap good service than any other iron made. It heats quickly, stays hot and does nicer work because of Here's the @fief the famous 30-year all-over heating unit. Heats en- O ¥elo| 1 Famous Sunbeam Iron . . $7.50 tire ironing surface right out to the edgesand points. A Bkthday Gift That's why you finish quicker--many say they save 1 3-1b. Little Princess Iron . 3.50 half an hour to an hour every week with the Sunbeam. If you are planning to Both sold regularly at . . $11.00 With every famous Sunbeam Iron you get the new give her a gift on her M||k ""°"Carnation $2.00 TROUBLE-PROOF Indestructible SteelPlug at no increase in price. Steel construction--noth- birthday, may we ask that You Get &l| ing to crack or crumble. The only plug that holds ?.:: • cord out of way when ironing. The greatest im- you come here and inspect Eor $%5@ provement in electric irons in years. the delightful pieces of The Sunbeam is also the only iron that has a pat- or $6.50 and your old Iron ented Air-Cooled Handle which keeps the hand dainty Jewelry we have ar- cool. You can't buy a better iron than the Su.nbeam. ~IY95 c do~ BaZanoeonyo~r Act quick, order yours now, before the Little Prino ranged for just such an oc- monthly light bill cess Irons are all gone. Bring in your old iron and casion. get $1.00 aBowance. A. H. HIGGINS r MICHIGAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY • Jeweler and Optometrist Ic a o Lapeer .... Ba d Axe Harbor iBeach ~andusky ...... i G?neralLapeer\:i Office at °~ " I rAGE EIGHT. CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, August 9, 1929.

Im~~nu~|~|ni~g~n~n~i~|~I~|~I~|~IuI~8~n~~~I~lab.o le L ° i THE BETHEL Ladies' Aid will have I DEATHS OF THE WEEK. children were born'--Mabel, who ~tied ronlc Iners I a bake sale at Henry's store Satur- when three years of age, Orlando, n,,, =[ day, August 17. 8-9-1 Concluded from first page. who died in 1914 at Little Rock, Ar- ]I sts ID Ill 1411111llllll I I I I lllllllll Ill I I I I I Ill I I Ill II I lII II I I |11111 I I Illl II Ill I I Illl I Ill I I II I I Ill llll I Iq lit Ill Illll IIII II IIitl I1111 II1111111 Ill I II II I III Ill II I I I Ill II III II I I I I I I I I I lllllll IIIll II I 151111! II I I I I Ill I~ I vis, Mrs. Henry Stapleton, Mrs. Paul kansas, and Malaam, the only sur- RATES---Liner of 25 words or SILO WANTED~Would like to put- FOR SALETwo brooder stoves, Hine of Port Hope; Mrs. Jos. Col- viving member of the family, who less, 25 cents each insertion. Over chase a 12x30 wood silo. What three incubators, one big oil range, ling, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fader and lives in Detroit. 25 words, one cent a word for have you? Phone 35 F 6. 8-9-2p kitchen cabinet and a number of son, Franklin, Mrs. Philio Fader, Mrs. Mrs. Fordyce has spent the last each insertion. white Leghorn chickens. Cheap if Russell Hyde, Murray McCallum, all 'twenty-seven years in Cass City and STRAYED to my farm, 2 months old taken at once. Mrs. Ed. Sutton. 8- of Coiling; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Car- had won many friends by her cheer- ttOUSE and lot in Cass City for sale. Holstein calfo Owner may have 9-1 son and son, Laurie, of Akron; Miss fulness and helping hand. Also an 80-acre farm for sale in same by paying for keeping and Robina Dale of Detroit; Wm. Turner Those from out of l/own who at- Greenleaf township, Sanilac C6. notice. Herman Koch, Gagetown. ELLIOTT MOTOR Lines Schedule-- of Ellington; Mrs. Clarence Boulton, tended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Law, phone 112 F 1-1. 8-9-i Bus leaves Cass City for Imlay Lloyd and Fern Boulton of Pontiac; Malaam Fordyce and son, Maurice, 8-9-2 City daily at 8:20 a. m. and 4-50 p. Mr. and Mrs. John McDurmon, Henry l of Detroit, Ernest and Edgar Ash- FOUND Commercial 1929 Michie'an m., fast time. Bus leaves Cass City ~nd ('It,In MoDn~rnnn M~e ~nrl M~'~ i ton, Henry Small, Elliott Ashton and auto license. 5!0. 1-37(2-425. En 1or ~:;~(~ ~xe at ii:40 a, mo ami 3~h:q K 4~hto L ~ii nf" ()•nf~.rie to freshen in September. N.A. e) ~i~&~S ~i f .tl.t~ ~ OUil &il(i L¢;LIILLt y , ifA1 ~o quire at Chronicle office. 8-9-1 ~:50 p.m. On Sunday, (one bus Edna Bush, Mrs. Benj. McCrea, all of Perry. 8-9-1 each way), leaves Cass City for Caro; Burt McCrea of Saskatchewan. Mrs. Eugene Wentworth. Imlay City 4:10 p. m. and leaves TAX NOTICEI will be at the Pin- Mrs. Eugene Wentworth passed FOUNDs-Michigan auto license No. rilass City for Bad Axe at 8:10 n. m.* Mrs. Fan~y Fordyce. 536-,558. Owner may have same by ney State Bank Saturday evenings away Monday morning, August 5, at Funeral services for Mrs. Fanny the home of her son, M. C. Went- payiag for notice. 8-2-2 and at my home on East Main St. CARD OF THANKS I am very Ashton Fordyce, 75, who died Friday worth, on Third street, after an ill- other evenings of the week except grateful to friends and neighbors .morning the home of Mrs. Mary ness of one week's duration. Al- BAKE "SALE--The Ladies' Guild of Sunday; also at the West Black- for their many expressions of kind- at though in fairly good health, she has St: Pancratius church will hold a smith shop afternoons to receive ness and sympathy during the ill- Abbott on South Seeger street, were held Sunday afternoon at the home of been blind for 13 years. bake sale Saturday, August 10th, taxes of the Village of Cass City. ness and at the death of my moth- Mrs. Fordyee on Third street. Rev. Funeral services were conducted at Mrs. Bliss' store, afternoon and Please call evenings if convenient. er. Malon F. Fordyce. evening. 8-9-1p Last day at 1% fee is Aug. 10. John George Hill, pastor of the Methodist Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock church, officiated and burial was in at the Wentworth residence by Rev. West, Treasurer. 7-5-tf WE WISH to express our gratitude Elkland cemetery. George Hill. Interment was made in WANTED~Baby calves, either sex. for the many expressions of kind- Mrs. Fordyce was both in Martin- Elkland cemetery. Nelson Simkins, R1, Cass City. 8- 'HIGHEST prices paid for poultry. ness extended to us since we lost Alice M. Seeley was born July 19, 2-2" Ricker & Krahling, Cass City. 8- our home by fire. We are especially church, Cornwall, England, and moved to St. Johns near London, Ontario, 1844, in New York state and eame 9-4 thankful for the many useful gifts when three years of age. She was with her parents to Michigan in 1848 FOR SALE 1927 Ford touring in and money received at the shower. married in her early twenties to Jef- and settled in Lapeer county. In good running condition. First $75 FARMS WANTED Farms wanted Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hendriek, jr., ferson Fordyce. To this union, three April, 1878, she was united in mar- takes it. Enquire Earl Maharg at for sale or exchange for Pontiac, and children. 1" riage with Eugene Wentworth and C£ss City Oil & Gas. 8-9-1p Detroit or Flint property. Please moved to Novesta soon after and has give particulars as to improve- WE ARE VERY grateful for the Order for Publication~Probate of lived there and in Cass City since WANTED Day old calves. N. Rob- ments; equipment; encumbrances, many expressions of kindness and WilL--State of Michigan, The Pro- bate Cburt for the County of Tuseo- that time. The last fifteen years, Mr. ertson. 8-9-2* if any; and location or legal de- sympathy and the many flowers la. and Mrs. Wentworth have made their scription in first letter. Marble & from neighbors and friends at the At a session of said Court, held at home with their son, M. C. Mrs. STRAYED to my farm 4 miles east, Cowe, 22 W. Lawrence St., clo Mr. time of our bereavement in the loss south of Deford, 3 calves. Own- the Probate Office in fine Village of Wentworth is the last of a family of Watkins, Pontiac, Michigan. 8-2-4 of our son and brother, Leland; at- Caro in said County, on the 5fin day eight children. Besides her husband, er may have same by proving prop- so for floral offerings from the of August A. D. 1929. erty and paying for this notice. El- Present, Hon. Guy G. Hill, Judge she leaves two sons, Hugh of Wash- POULTRY bought every day. Ricker Calf Club members, Bethel Sunday win Sadter. 8-2 school, Abke school and Brown of Probate. ington, and M. C. of Cass City. She & Krahling, Cass City. 8-9-4 is also survived by four grandchildren school. We especially appreciate the In the Matter of the FURNISHED rooms to rent--2½ kindness and sympathy of Dr. Mc- Estate of Fanny Fordyce, Deceased. and six great grandchildren. blocks north of Bigelow's hardware. LOST--Michigan auto license plate Coy, Dr. Young, Dr. Lyman and Malon E. Fordyce, having filed his Mrs. E. G. Golding, Cass City. No. 957-634. Finder kindly return Miss Sickles. Mr. and Mrs. Sam petition, praying that an instrument Phone 27. 8-9-1 same to Elmer Chapman, Cass Advertise it in the Chronicle. W. Blades and J. C. and Howard. filed in said Court be admitted to City. 8-9-2 Probate as the last will and testa- FOR RENT~House recently remod- CARD OF THANKS I wish to ment of said deceased and that ad- CASS C1TY MARKETS° eled on East Pine St. Has lights FOR SALE Two cows due now and ministration d said estate be granted I two due in September. Three are thank my many friends for the to Malon E. Fordyce or some other and water. John McLellan. 7-26-tf Augus~ 8, 1929.' Holstein and one part Jersey and fruit, flowers, cards, letters and suitable person. Buying Price~ If you're looking for a bit of "cool" FOR SALE OR RENT Farm, 11 Durham. Roy Brown, 5 miles east other tokens of remembrance; also It Is Ordered, That the 30fin day of acres, 2 miles north and one-half and 2 miles south of Cass City. 8- the South Novesta Farmers' Club August, A. D!> 1929 at ten a. m., at Mixed wheat, bu ...... 1.12, happiness on a warm day, we suggest you 9-1 and the Deford W. C. T. U. for the said Probate Office is hereby appoint- Oats ...... 43 mile east of Marlette. Mrs. W. A. ed for hearing said petition. Lamb, Kinde, Mich. 8-9-4 fruit; the Loyal King's Messengers Rye, bu ...... 94 stop in and ask for any of these class for the flowers and the F. W. It Is Further Ordered, That public Corn, shelled, bu. (56 lbs) ...... 1.001 GET OUR PRICES before selling notice thereof be given by publication •1 WILL BUY Poultry at Greenleaf your poultry. Ricker & Krahling, B. Church of Novesta for the plant of a copy hereof for three successive Peas, bu ...... 1.80 Tuesdays, 9:00 to 2:00~phone 177 Cass City. 8-9-4 sent to me during my stay at the weeks previous to said day of hearing Beans, cwt ...... 8.60 R-2. At Elmwood every day in the Bay City Hospital. Thelma Hen- in the Cass City Chronicle, a newspa- Dark red kidney beans ...... 6.50' DELICIOUS SPECIALS! week--phone 132 F 3-2. Joseph FORCED TO SELL--80-acre farm, 4 derson. 1" per printed and circulated in said Light red kidney beans ...... 6.50 Molnar. 7-13-tf miles east of Caro, best of soil, fine county. Barley, ewt ...... 1.25t 9-room brick house, oak floors, open WE WISH to express our thanks to GUY G. HILL, Buckwheat, ewt ...... 1.50 Chocolate, Maple Nut and Black Walnut. .YOR SALE Bethel church sheds. stairway, full basement, some fruit, the friends and neighbors for their Judge of Probate. Butter, per pound ...... 43. good well. Mortgage takes this fine kindness and sympathy during our A true copy. Eggs, per dozen ...... 31 Framed timber in good condition. Minta E. Hill, Inquire of John Profit. 8-2- farm if not sold this month. It's recent bereavement; also those Register of Probate. Cattle ...... 8 10' yours for only $3,500, with $1,000 who gave flowers, Rev. Hill for his 8-9-3 Hogs, live weight ...... 11 A@ Fort & Son FOR SALE~Holstein and Jersey cash payment and your own terms. comforting words, to the singers Calves, live weight ...... 14 cow due to freshen soon. Homer But you must act at once. Write to and Mr. and Mrs. McPhail for IN LOVING MEMORY of Willie Broilers ...... 18 24 26 Cass City Muntz, 5 miles north and ¾ mile Joseph Soltis, 146 Cornelia St., their services. M. C. Wentworth Skinner, who passed away on Aug. Hens ...... 16 22. west of Cass City. 8-9-1 Saginaw, Mich. 8-9,1 and Family. 8, 1928. The Family. 8-9-1p Hides ...... 5

~ NNNNNNN NINN KIN N NN N NN NNINNN NN N N N N N N KIN N N NNN NNN NN N~NNNNNIN NN NN N N NNNNN NNNNN NININNNINNNNNINNNNNNINININNINNNININNN NI N N @ Q @ N N N NI IN N N IN N N N N itSS il illl itl[ and l)lll'lll N N @me N N IN N N IN IN N c_/4ugust 13, 14, 15 and 16 N N IN N ...... , @ IN eN $350,00 in Gold Will Be Horseshoe Pitching The serial Dancing Act ' iN J IN IN s Given Away Every day. Liberal prizes given by the busi- with the keno game. C. K Folker's Side Shows, N :N ness men of Cass City. showing deep sea curiosities. '~ N1 N Fifty dollars each afternoon and evening, com- @ N IN :N mencing Tuesday evening, Aug. 13, when the Six Lucky Boys Fritz, Siegfried Co.'s Shows @ IN fair will be opened to the public. • N1 iN America's Featurd Risley Act. Thrilling! Juggling, balancing, and displaYing physical iN $1 strength and beauty. N Sensational! • N "N David Wise's Shows New toilets supervised by the Hoosier Sanitary IN and Rides Three Argyle Sisters Co. Gent and lady attendants. N N • have been contracted for the benefit of the fair. The Foremost Lady Gymnasts of America. N IN. Plenty of rides for the kiddies. Great amuse- Two acts. ~ Big 5;tock Exhibits ,N @ ments for the grown-ups. The Cass City ,Calf Club, possessing many N State Fair winners in previous years, will have N N N Rex Comedy Circus a large exhibit on the grounds. The only calf N1 Fast Horse Racing in two acts. Four dogs, five ponies, one mule to ride in an areoplane will be on exhibition.. N iN Every day. Two races each day. and one monkey. N Sixty,five exhibitors. N IN CALF CLUB JUDGING " @N1 s Two Ball Games Fireworks Every Evening onWednesday morning. Showman contest in IN N front of grandstand on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. N IN between four leading baseball teams of the CHANGE OF PROGRAM NIGHTLY. Mystify- N N N Thumb~Wednesday and Friday. ing and animating. Set pieces, spectacular This Fair will be Cass City's Feature Fair N N aerial bombs, sensational finals, thrilling bat- Come, bring the family, and enjoy a vacation ~N N tle scenes. Worth coming miles to see. and home-coming the likes of which you have ,s Stone's Famous Orchestra never attended. N IN N N from Detroit will delight the lovers of good N IN music each day of the fair; also will be the at- Drive on the Grounds REMEMBER THE DATES--AUGUST 13 to 16 IN • N1 N traction in the big dancing pavilion on the fair 0nly 25 cents admission for automobile. All G. A. Tindale, President C.J. Striffler, Secretary N N grounds, starting Tuesday evening, Aug. 13. ears policed. S. Champion, Publicity Manager N