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DEPOSITORY COPY Do Not Hemove From Library BIBLIOGRAPHY ~ >ivision of Gaming Enforcement t, lesearch Unit I_rune, 1983 "A C "A ~ AleY Amer Amer Anae Ande Ande Anso "Apa Arth At la NEW JERSEY STATE UBRARY :'A Big Spender Hits Atlantic City." Business Week. N.P.: April, 1977 pp. 47-48. t2 copies "A Game of Casino." Time. N.P.: January, 1958. t2 copies) "A Searchin8 Look at Big Crime: From Shadows Hoodlums." Life. N.P.: February, 1959. (2 copies) Alexander Grant & Co. Guide to Evaluating and Reporting on Internal Accounting Control. May 1980. t2 copies) Alexander, Tom. "What Del Webb Is Up To in Nevada." Forbes. N. P . : May, 196 5 . ( 2 copies ) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Accounting & Financial Reportin§ for Personal Financial Statements. New York: AICPA, 19 2. l3 copies). American Society of Corporate Secretaries, Inc. 1979 Nominee List, Twenty-eighth Edition. New York: N.P., 1979. Anacapa Sciences, Inc. Analytical Investigation Methods- Advanced Techniques, 1978. Anderson, Annelise G. The Business of Organized Crime, A Cosa Nostra Family. California: Hoover Institution Press, 1979. Anderson, Jack. "The Life and Trials of Carlos Marcello." Las Vegas Sun. N.P.: August, 1980. (2 copies) Anson, Robert S. "Gambling Fever: Are Casinos a Bad Bet?" Saturday Review. N.P.: June, 1980. (2 copies) "Apalachin's Mob is in and Its Secret is Out." Life. N.P.: January, 1960. ( 2 copies) Arthur Young & Co. Complication of Casino Financial Accounting Disclosures. t 2 copies) Atlantic City Magazine. New Jersey: Menus International, Inc. tPublished Quarterly, September, 1979 to December, 1981 issues.) (Subscription) Bahama Islands. Re art of the Commission of In uiry into the 0 eration o the Business o Casinos in Free ort Nassau. Her Majesty s Stationery 0 fice, ..,,.....,..,-r-w.------- Bahamas. Lotteries and Gaming Act and Official Gazette Bahamas. "Bally: Central States Pension Fund Loans Help Tall Tale of Teamsters Officials, Organized Crime and the Attorney General of the U.S." Overdrive. N.P.: June 1974. (2 copies) Barnes, Ed and Mcfarlane, Alison. "The Mafia Road Map and House Tour." New Jersey Monthly. New Jersey: NJM Associates, April, 1980, pp. 57-63. (2 copies) Barnett, Marva T. and Smith, J.S. Effective Communication for Public Safety Personnel. New York: Delmar Publishers, 1978. "Behind the Crackdown on a Huge Teamster Pension Plan." U.S. News and World Report. N.P.: July, 1976. (2 copies) Bentson, George J. Corporate Financial Disclosure in the UK and USA. England: Saxon House and Massachusetts, Gexington Books, 1976. Berman, Susan. Easy Street: The True Story of a Mob Family. New York: Dial Press, 1981. "Big-Time Rackets Spread Out." U.S. News and World ·Report. N.P.: October, 1950. (2 copies) Blake, Robert R. and Mouton, Jane Srygley. Productivity: The Human Side. New York: Amacon, 1981. Blum, Howard and Gerth, Jeff. "The Mob Gambles on Atlantic City." New York Times Magazine. New York: New York Times, February, 1978. Brady, Frank. Hefner, An Unauthorized Biography. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1974. Brean, Herbert. "Bagging of Some Top Mobsters." Life. N.P.: June, 1959. (2 copies) Brean, Herbert. "How the Big Roundup Was Run. "Life. N. p. : June, 1959. (2 copies) Broat, I.G. The Entrepeneur. New York: Atheneum, 1978. Broat, I.G. The Master Mechanic. New York: Atheneum, 1979. Bruns, William as told to by Bernie P. Compulsive Gambler. New Jersey: Lyle Stuart, Inc. 1972. Buckley, Arthur. The Buckley Trilogy: Card Control. Nevada: Gambler's Book Club, 1973. California Department of Justice. Task Force Report on Legalized Gambling (1971). Calvert, Robert Jr. Affirmative Action: A Comprehensive Recruitment Manual. N.P.: 1979. Casino Update Magazine. Pennsylvania: Casino Research Corporation. tPublished Monthly, September, 1979 to May, 1980 issues.) (Name changed to Gaming Business.) "Caught in the Spotlight, 'Garnes' Industry Shudders." Business Week. N.P.: March, 1957. (2 copies) Chamber of Commerce of the United States. A Handbook on White Collar Crime. Washington, D.C.: National District Attorneys Association, 1974. Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Deskbook on Organized Crime. Washington, D.C.: N.P., 1972. Chicago Crime Commission Materials. Items 1 through 17. For Reference Only. lRe: Allan Glick, Argent Corp.,. Allan Dorfman, Spilotro, Dunes et. al.) Chicago Tribune. Index to the Teamsters Articles, 1972 to 1979. Christensen, David G. Slot Machines: A Pictorial Review. New York: The Vestal.Press, 1976. Clark, Charles H. Idea Mana ement: How to Motivate Creativity and Innovation. New York: Arnacon, 1 Colvin, Geoffrey. "The Fortune Directory of the 500 largest U.S. Industrial Corporations." Fortune. N.P.: May, 1980, pp. 274-301. (2 copies) Commerce Clearing House. Accounting-Current Text, 1978. (2 copies) Commerce Clearing House. Auditing Management Advisory Services- Tax Practices, July, 1977. Commerce Clearing House. Auditing Management Advisory Services Tax Practices, 1978. Commerce Clearing House. Corporate Partnership--Fiduciary, Filled-In Tax Return Forms, 1979 Edition. Illinois: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1979. Commerce Clearing House. Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. Law & Explanation. Illinois: Commerce Clearing House, Inc. 1981. Commerce Clearing House. Ethics Bylaws Quality Control, 1978. (2 copies) Commerce Clearing House. Federal Tax Return Manual. Illinois: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1979. Commerce Clearing House. Income Tax Regulations as of Jul 14, 1982, Final & Prooosed. Volume One, Two, & Three. inois: Commerce C earing House, Incorporated, 1982. Commerce Clearing House. Individuals' Filled-In Tax Return Forms: 1979 Edition. Illinois: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1979. Commerce Clearing House. 1979 U.S. Master Tax Guide. Illinois: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1979. Commerce Clearing House. U.S. Master Tax Guides for 1980 1982 and 1983. Illinois; Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1980-1983. Commerce Clearing House. Standard Federal Tax Reporter, 1978. Illinois: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1977. lincludes Internal Revenue Code; Index: Volumes 1 through 9: 1978 Citator and U.S. Tax cases.) Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling. Gambling in America--Final Re~ort. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1 76. Corigressional Record. Teamster Pension Fund-and Orsanized Crime. Honorary Sam Steiger, July 23, 1973. l2 copies) Cook, Fred J. "Apalachin: New Light on a Novel Case." Nation. N.P.: February, 1960. (2 copies) Cook, James. "The Most Abused, Misused Pension Fund in America." Forbes. N.P.: November, 1980 .. Cornish, D.B. Gamblin~: A Review of the Literature and its Implicationsor Polict and Research. London, England: Her Majesty's Stationary 0 fice. t2 copies) "Corruption and Mayhem-Inside Look at Mafia." U.S. News and World Report. N.P.: July, 1980. (2 copies) Council of State Governments. Le~alized Gambling: Research Brief. Kentucky: N.P., 197 . "Del E. Webb Corporation." Forbes. N.P.: September, 1963. (2 copies) Del E. Webb. Sahara Boardwalk Casino Hotel. Statement of Compliance and Appendices. Deloitte, Haskins & Sells. Auditape System for IBM S/370 and S/360 Computers. Demaris, Ovid. Captive City. New York: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1969. DeMaris, Ovid. The Last Mafioso. New York: Times Books, 1981. DeMoivre, A. The Doctrine of Chances. England: N.P., 1956; New York: Chelsea Publishing Co., 1967. Doleschal, Eugene; Newton, Anne and Hickey, William. A Guide to the Literature on Or anized Crime, An Annotated Bi iograp y Covering t e ears 1 ew Jersey: NCCD, 1981. For Reference only. Not to be circulated or removed from the Research and Analytical Unit. Donlan, Thomas G. "Bet the Company." Barron's. New York: Dow Jones and Company, July, 1981. (2 copies) Donovan, Richard and Cater, Douglass. "Of Gamblers, a Senator and a Sun that Wouldn't Set." The Reporter. N. P: - June, 1953. (2 copies) "Duel of Acres in Las Vegas." Business Week. N.P.: July, 1969. (2 copies) Dun and Bradstreet. The Billion Dollar Directory-1982. New Jersey: Dun and Bradstreet, 1981. Dun and Bradstreet. Million Dollar Directory. New Jersey: Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 1983. Dun and Bradstreet. Reference Book. September, 1980 and 1981; Volume 553, Area 2, Sections 1, 2, and 3. New Jersey: Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 1980 and 1981. Easy Economics Research Associates. Impact of Casino Gambling on the Re-Development Potential of the Uptown Urban Renewal Site and on the Economy of Atlantic City. N.P., 1976. Eisenberg, Dennis; Uri, Dan and Landau, Eli. Meyer Lansky: Mogul of the Mob. New York and London: Paddington Press, Ltd., 1979. Ellis, Darryl J. and Pekan, Peter P. Jr. Planning for Nonplanners: Planning Basics for Managers. New York: Amacon, 1980. Federal Bureau of Investigations. "Price of 'Self-Paid' Investigation of the 'Sasakawa Family'." Shukon Shincho. N.P.: April, 1979, pp. 134-135. Fowler, Dan. "What Price Gambling in Nevada?" Look. N.P.: June, 1954. (2 copies) Friedman, Bill. Casino Management. New Jersey: Lyle Stuart, Inc. , 19 7 4. Galluccio, Nick. "Why is Del E. Webb Down on its Luck?" Forbes. N.P.: April, 1980. (2 copies) "Gambling-Re: Frank Costello." Time. N.P.: May, 1950. "Gambling: The Newest Growth Industry." Business Week. N. p. : June, 1978. (2 copies) Gaming Abstracts: Industry Periodical. New Jersey: Dean Witter Reynolds Research. lPublished Monthly, October 1979 to October, 1980 issues.) Gaming Business. New York: BMT Publications, Inc. (Published Monthly, August, 1980 to October, 1981 issues.) (Subscription) Gaming Business. 1983 Directory of Gaming Establishments, Vol. 4, No. 2. "Gangland's Grip on Business." Business Week. N.P.: May , 1 9 51 . ( 2 cop i e s ) Garrison, Omar. Howard Hughes in Las Vegas. New York: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1970. Glasgow, Al. Atlantic City Action (Newsletter). New Jersey: Al Glasgow. lPublished Monthly, March to December, 1981 issues.) (Subscription) Graham, Virginia L., and Tulcea, C. Ionescu. A Book on Casino Gambling-Written by a Mathematician and a Com~uter Expert. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 197 . Green, Jack Leonard. Leasing Principles and Methods. New York: Sound Publishing Company, Inc., 1978. Greene, Robert W. The Sting Man-Inside Abscam.