• **

T h t Weather 1 5 ^ ilUmr^wt^r lEwnttig Mm rkwrnm A Cky • / V9Kmgm Ckmrn f

Mtneld Ihra in •nort Enemy Loss Leaders of World t»Tto *•*. 6^000 lUUary Men Joint Assemble for Ian to i Praa- WIASHMGTON (AP)— Tbe contnon psopls «f lUs y witb F o r Month caater, tfnt cMtsI tniM ftk «vsr-kB«ttMnii« ■arch, 1k m pM t tlie S U ld i^ oaskcit o f DnUgfat D. — tedsy toliBe toorid iMden isimaliled to par th ^ Iban. ttHboto. 0 rch (for) m tmmnl dsy of Amflrtcs'« 84th IVtoWoBt OmiiMd und in radtantly olesr soil ttn fDe of mtounwra— two doabh Shaw ftm, iwMna dAbONtatir tot ste«dily-H|aMly Wnm. andon, (aitin. V Stu tflID n. te Om M O g^ ___ -_____ ISaOsronolSMrtoSboCSMfliSB „

Life planlat tta a 1.0W Vlait Om« >thera. P«to«a to ttw amHi aoiia orothy mHOmml o f Saigon *V»oM Bthel ■•I* • tor tha oily tor Jonea, pofeUeli^ imHio— ~~ Oaaa- acMoM aloiipadiV to Saigon vrme tM wwolnnd. to to mm■U8AF — m»- itotn^the ett^for tha lint I BI«b pottoai and aot off n I IM Tarda from too I tondy ttuaa i WMBdod tn tbo iM vociit Tito cnakial; o f fonner President D n iglit D. Etoecdiower, tom e by in n to ^ to n d (0) tat ttw rookato fall tianiiliaaij <• W> to or mar ttw Saigon Itw . TSfcBon 'doDK lVWhiii|Kton% OoDStObiftion Avenue, is Shosta daring yesterdey's i: Jo- ), HU- 'mutaiy mokoaiain ramitod Rar- BOAC POots proeessioanl to U.S. OepMiol. W lilte HkNise te in berikgrouiid. (A P OolbipfaDto) that alUod toroaa klllBd s a Vlat y.-.f 0 (O) Oong and Noitti Vtotawmiaa to De Gaulle, OamaIrnia mora ttWB a damn flghte doilBg Coll At tlw other and o f ______1 that ttw waaktnd. U A loaato a m Strike ato Avonw, Do OwSK ham to nitted pot at t t own Irillad mid IM Baudouiu l ^ r t wooBdod, whlla to Soutti Vlat- XJONDOH (AP) — A pOota* Noom n World Ww U ooanmda lacond atrlka groundad m on than imw Ceremonies Across U.S. to on irt oontoitad patowtoly In bwigtt ot ttw Britlah Ovanaaa Atrarayn oto wm’taaofllwi Ooip. woridarMa flart o f Jrt Visit Nixou Nixon of world not yet bymoiwpwiptoki ahoot to nttmha hgr nwkata or planoa today and oparrttom ap- tor 4 m ot proartwd a total halt WASHINGTON (AP) — moQiBoy. ttw world flan angr Ickma ■H itan o w B igtit on alHad Honor Ike’s Memory FNntti Prwddart Chaitas da .Aawrlon aver ‘ Deb- taam and towna, Intihidlng a BOAC aald IS houn after ttw Other :ontaI- atrlka began It had txamtMrad Oaulla and Prartdant NheoB BallitoOad< totaooBd mortar harraga tol* TBB ASSOOIATIID P U S S gamaa, racing at mamra Oitf- talked togattwr at tha White qulatty Oraer 8,000 to 4,000 paaaangara to otti- o f Danvar, wham SSsan- wara to tw ______, d 8ul- tomad hgr am tofantnr aaaautt on ar atrttaoa. A tot o f tbinga stopped tor Hw Btraam P u k and ttw quallfyiag Ids flirt of am n House today tor naarty an hour. day m (C) d night oamp of U A tth totan- today—sobools, bualiwaaae; Do Oaulla, riding to a «msn IVaaldent and tan. Nfatoafattw 1 (C) Tha alrllna aald 34 of its n round of ttw Oraater Oraam- heart attaeka In INA announoad aaily avantog. ■Mattmtha: HuaH tty Urtalan troopa. ptonaa aran groundad In Britain sports araoto, ann ttw poatal boro Open golf tounwy In North that ttw oardtao oara mtt of Froneb-inada Cttroaa aadan that and dlguttartas i (0 ) lh a gn on d anaanlt toudwd ^ than ttw tenrtatten onto fU- ifaaae and 10 mom irora idla at air- aervtoa—and bla mamory arm OuraHm w e n oaneaML Sponldtng RahaldHtwHon Oantar barely aeoommodatod bis taU tunda to make wny I talhar oft n BigbtploBg baltla to adlea honorad rt oaramoniala acrom frame, came to ttw Wbtto Bourn mraltorttwiwr»paortdiiit,im- (C) porta from Karachi to Naw TTatm of tha Brta-Ladnnraima woidd ha named In ttw formar So. wart of IContwm, in tha Omtaal Tork. Tha ramainlng IT, a tha m tlon. and flwmpeaki A OhloUrtth prMMMR'W aOnOTe at »:8T aum. BST. dar ttw soaitag gottdo aMbm of Tlw hdtty, In ttw ISO ( Wghlawda m a r tha OHitoadlaa lOtttary bases artwdultd 81- mora A Ohio raltaoadi wlU atop Prtm Sunday ehnroh aarvtoaa After thair meettog, Ntacon aa- Naltoonl OWhodthl C con- qiokaaman said, arlU ba ground­ woUM be over and • an-M w kind ttw Aiaqr m m to tatdir. Twontyltra North Vlat- ad arhw they reach their deaU- gun aahitoa at noon and SOgun toe cm nfnuto duidng the day. aoliowd PrealtWia Nbooii’a aidogy oortad bhn out of ttw Soutti Por- a har tNto would ba eanyliv the bury an Ito anlillMn Inal Aom 1 har m iiwoa aoldiara and aix U.8. nattona. salutaa at aunmt tn honor of Om of many memorial aorr- tor.SSaaidxwwr. tioo antranoa at 10:64 a.m. and borm mojirttoany to tha Oupl- arroll kraoga wora raportad klltod and ona-tlme Waiwaa farm boy bartt ITaltar Tha BrlUah Airltna Pilota’ Aa- their former oommandar-ln- tem wBt ha hold at ttw Air "Wa’ra aoiry over ttw darth they posed briefly tor ptoturaa tol OB tha toMBttoart, oeetahw >T Amarioam woundtd. oUat betore tha Ftandi leader drove to ttw platoa of Abttona tor buri­ (C) aoolation, which ordered Ita Foma Aoadamy In Oolorwio, of Frartdant Blaiiriwwar. But al. ■rtOtaty naliaon dmmi bgr Carol At laart half of tha ammy 1,100 BOAC mambara to rtrika Tha atook and oonunodlty ex­ toundsd In 1806 during ttw lata oft, after a torowan handahaka. Dick ttaad wara oiadttad to mandva wa have the happlniaa of tha Among .ttw ttnoiiga Swt b o w . for higher pay, aald the walkout changes rdosed in Now Tork praatdant's firat team. mamocy o f Ida dadtaatad Sto," Ktag Bandnuln o f Bttgtum Tha rtattar o f ttwi Jah»- Amailoan flrapoarar, inehidtog would ba 100 par cant affaothra. Otty and baiAa rtoaed In some An avonliig aarvtea will ba also oallad on Nixon at the to ttw Ortrtol to pay thair par- (fl» bomhant haUooptor gunahlpa, saU Airtddahop Taranoa J. N M l tribute and murmur thair baoka tha Mwwn aa (0 ) A BOAC rt>okaBman aald atatoa. bald rt Vallay Forge, Pa., at ttw Oooba, outaMa o f S t Frtriek*s Wblto Houaa, arriving at 11 a^n. Iflwd OnmtthSbm Avoom tor Cam- • ta lta y, tha oontrow a la l naw thera waa no sign of a broak- Itany odOogae shut doom tor BTaadom Foundation’s Faith of Tha two leadors wara among Prtvato panyain wara thouaanda Starldna tonka and amorad OatlwAral In New Tork CMy of ttw Negroaa who make up the ASMwaa noab^ throufh in mgotiatlona after the day, Inohidtog Ootaimhia Our Fattwra Ohaprt. vdwre Btoonbawerto name waa notablas hero tor ttw funeral ot Drunw; mniftod and rtranag to panmmtt onirtwa. talks with union nagotlaton ool- IMvacrtty, w hm Dwight D.( Bl- tormar Praaldent Dwight D. HI- ttmaa-touittw of ~ Item Amaotean hahooiitara a Tha Ntoamon Trtwmaola Nad In tha prayer tor ttw dead. populatton. Itopaad Juat port mUboight aenhower was praaktont twioro Choir mt w noon sarvtoe rt tha sanhowar. Shartdw tank and an aimored Kalth QranvUlo, BOAea man­ haedtog tha oaQ to pitoBo ofOoa. OUsi Indlaos Joined an aktoaty But mort ware the wbtto, mld- paraonml omrtar warn raportad Tahanwola in Salt Lake CUy. crowd at the Flirt PraSbytarlan Da OauUa, who apoko to Nix­ hr btoek aging dlraotor, aaid ttw two on to Paris a month ago, haa dla oloaa Anwrtoom who made tort in ttw wnahand ngMiwg The atatta of flv« Loa Angatoa "The mitten and the world Ohondi In Phoenix, Arts, Sun­ Uw the meat poprtar flgnm of oavadry booto aldm wara a l o ^ way apart gok ohtoa wUl stand wt attention wfll mlm hia wisdom and val­ ■aid ha will return to tha Uhltad ■ttaiupa; a bb *tam rt tha beUooiitor oraw- “It could ba a long atrlka," ha day. THbal JUdio Pony Ikxw States later tor a formal visit bio era. im n wara fellM and ftwa w an tor om mtauto whSa two Atr iant sarvloa,’’ aald David O. Raven pinaead addad. aaU. “ Praaldodt lOaMdMwor. Standtag wilhout hrt or ooat They blinhad In ttw ta n k toiwndad. A total o f S,4n Amarl. Foma Jeto n f ovariwad. Golf IBcKlay, pmaUant of the Moi^ has alwaya haan my favortte taxi ttw "twWWf I Tha pUota complain that they to a dSM wind; Nbcon awaited ItlEhto of trtevtrton m they oon haUooptan hawo born ra- wan Btsenbower'a favortte sport mon Church. “I ch»H«h the ganaiml and my tovorlta praai- A prnoaaaicn of 48 era racatving far lam pay ttmn unta his haaltti tolled. Da OauUa’a aartval. Tha Frenoh in from ttw ooM to the ptaw pottodhirt taiawwnr. employes on many foreiyn air- memory of my vWta wfth him d an t" onlto of maify 8,060 aoldtonA' Schooto and gmermiwnt of- whaao their Uw lay to rtrta. both hare In Sak Lake Ctty and In Boston, ttw Rev. Or. (Soe P a g o : Ibalda, thair raariar parted to (Sm Inga ttoatoa) (Saa Page Twain) Oom In many atatoa shut down at the tohito Bouse." ■) (too Ihga Ttoahw) tor att or part of today. Post oA AAort B,000 people gattwrad In Skadailck H . Msak, wdidatar of fkwa okwad and naU drttverles Amfwhto CaUf., Sundays wtem Old South Church, Ihdtad were auspandad tor ttw day. bands, rtwrat groupa and Holy- Church of Christ raoaSad that At Broirtway thaatera, a min­ wood ftguraa lad tta mourning. lllarrOR’a NOTB-Thla is the doubtftS that ttw world awor At Death’s Approach h u Jurt bean com- flirt ot five aritriaa on the Ufa of would taavw board hla iwma. plated by Rrtroan MOrln, fa- one of Amartoa’a besMoved Of- Tlw nanii iloatku or hUnd ■UROR’S NOTto—Death to Shailod okvo tnaos. Ha Hum Bun’s ovaiy day oompanlon. m om Aaaoolatad Pram War oor- uiwa. It la baaad on tlw autfaorto Uwnoa—is cloariy vlsibta, btad- Ataaalt to the groond, raapondant, Cwodima PuUtaer forthootnlng book, “Dwlgiit D. tog togattwr the atrande of Uto Tto nwB’M Tlnjiat down, aobbtog, Hla anm apiaad bol agatnrt tha ttwught o f dying. Piiaa winner, and author of a BUaanhowar: A Oaugo of Orsatp two esraera. agatnrt a paobnidlag atob of btograpliy o f Wlnaton ChurohlU Ih o toSowlng flirt of Itoa aitt- rook. This la not to aay that Xtom- rtm doalhig with tlw Haatar po- and ot otlwr books. howar waa merely a fottuonto And Ha paayod, anyaHabauwa The only oomplato btography ^ BKUIAN B«»IN man. Ba bacusbt to anoh naw itod takm up nwa’a ralattom to 6:7; “ with loud eitoa and d u tti and tta meaning in ttw Jir taam." bw ot our lato ProaMan^ tt la a AP Special Oarraapondnrt uadartaWng a handy nnalytloal dowCtetollaB tiadittoii. big, twndaoma book with 804 A atiimga pattern appasH nBiMa ywm^ Anaor af Dmih pngw and marly a hundred again and again to tlw whoto of Ito CnOtoOB W. OOtoNBU. ■ad the phyrtoal and Daaptto Hla —m tiij of Ufa, ptohnm In color and blaok and Dwight D. Xbaanhowar’a story, a atomlna to work long : AP BaMgtaa Wrttor Ho ahuddaiad at tlw apetOMh white. ■aquanoo of avanto that aainw Tha oandla buna out, and took advantaga of hia < ^ death. Diaptto Hla nomptota ICoiln had known. Btaenhow- ahnort tp have preordalnad him ttaa but nothing oanw to trim OB youVa gona. It la the and. tlw raaltwn, Rls total nnmniWiinnal ar for ff yaaro; had oovarad for hia great tola in hlatory. a allvar platter. awAd ftoaUto- And It oonua to to tnon’a valatinna. and poihapa many of Us aottvlttsa aa mili­ Ha makM a oartain daclaton, Nomtlwtoaa. hia Ufa to e fmeir an aartk Ihigr don’t Uka to think moN baoauaa of It, Ha aganlmd tary laadtr and Praaldent. Tb unawsN that tt will lead to a ■bout It, hut tbay murt dia. ■tltotata. noting study to ’ Tfa." obtain material for thla book turning point tn hla Ufa. Shear Tha flrrt of thaoo appears hi "TonaN duat," aaya tha Oaa- Ho ahanad tlw unlvaiaal h a -' \ m ho tadhad with him for hours, aoUdant bcinga Um to othar ■rtn of nraatkm. "and to man mtoary, the undsitokw m o, the ueoMont that aont Um durt you rtwU return.’* And with many of hla aaaool- turning pointa. If ha had made a to Uw UUtad States taWtery dread, the raaUmttoa of Uw im­ ntoa. Mbraovar ha had ttw In- dlftorent decision at a particu­ tt ts M ptoMUt piPipMlp Ift pending btosr that eventually an- Academy. tha Jndao nniattan view, liod- aatlmabla advantage ot mioNm lar moment, or If events had da- Ha hod graduated from U|JI gidto avaigmw and avarythlng a to the gamral’a paraonal fliea; valopad dlffaianUy, tt la ex­ aan outturn Mm to ohaouN It, paraoB Iowa, pouauaa, wlrtwa, ■rtiool in Abilana, Kan., end wm amUtalk of It, martt it toaott Tou ean obtain a oopy of tliis tremely unllkaly that ba would daapaiwMy amkraa to go to ool- ■M vu for and hi^wa. oitrtandtng book through this have bean rtxwan to lead the i It la Bum’s ultimata halplaaa- laga. Any ooUoga. Howavor, hto B r t i r nawapapor at only $8- R to now mightiaat array In history, and alder brettwr, SUgar. had Jmt I nam, hla ttnal tourtnUton and on tlw pram and will ba ready than to ba alactad Prertdirt of defeat, Uw tragedy e l hie eendl- ■nterad the UUvaialty of lllttd- ttan. Uw United Staim Indeed, It to gaa and Darlght, for flaamtol rtaaoiw. would bava to watt Ha And It rsmalm uonoalvod bgr took n Job aa night *»— »—« ha all hia medical marvala; hla I ToG diiguof Grestness tha BaUa Springa CNamaey In ■homing toebaology. and noian- MAneAaatar (Oonak) Herald Abilaaa. tlfle futo in a ortituiy whan, m ' P. O. Box 08. Pm^hkaaprta, N.T. I tlwologlan DIatrtok Btoonbowar’s eloaort friaaf put It, man appoam to have . Sand n w ------oopioa of “ Blaonhowcr, A Chuiga of < wm a aohoolmata nnmad Brot> "ooma of aga" to —““-g- khl I at 18 each. art U Hartrtt, Jr. DwigU caUad Um "Swada." ThrmgUMf tlw I Fneloaed to 8. Saoond World War and oven bulk ao Immanm that they al- whan ho wm PiaaUon^ ta m r Ho told mort aaam to glaw Um total iw- , ...... howar comapondad ragolaily Rotunda View with hla friand. Bonw c f hto m«rtibmty. an allwnnclaBey for binwalf and hia world. It In a Flsh-egre, lens view of the bJtmior of this OspiM potunds dtnteg yusterdsy^ [ toort intaraatliig and twichtog powerful oantamporaiy ran- state , tettoca btetoto wtih tta aUnta funeral activitSm. Hie ouakttt o f Homier Ptaiide&t Dw4ght D. Eisenhower city ttoat “ Dear Swada." (See Page Two) Stands in the center of the floor circled by dJetiHaries. (AP Fhotetex) (bCaka ebaeks payable to Aaaoolatad ] (Baa Page Viva) ' r M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 kANCHS^TEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 P A G B T H i l Europe, where you pay taxee t r on your tetevteion, various gov­ Coventry MOVIE AUDIENCE S h e in w o M on B rid ge Nadeau, Toltoad; a son to Mr. **«#*•• GUIDE******* Afancliester ttaa oataooi calendar a s proposed ernments buy these tapes (or aad Mrs. Thomas Morrlssette, Red FWther Service B ih a m D is t r ic t fo r 1989-70, T h e calendar to rent them I don’t know which) A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS e x p e r t p l a y e r c u r b s NDimi Hsffonl Spriaga; a soa to Mr. AND THEATERS. Hospital Notes mads iq> of 184 daya. The board a p p e t i t e ♦ K Q aad Mrs. Howanl JacbsoarGIazh Do you know of the com­ and oftoc them over govern- Kindergarten Registration approved the clortng of oehool “ T H E W A Y ment,-0tvned transm itters. These reimpe epply to Mme C? 6 3 2 toobury; a daughter to Mr. aad munity Red Feather Intor- p i M f t l i o w By ALFRED SHEINWOUI TiOnmo BouBs on , the laoih day of oobool. AU Ttils wouldn’t get much of a releeeeS efter Nov t. 1988 0 5 4 2 Mrs. Russell Fransen, Jonrtfaaa matlan and Referral Servlee ■ . O are Sesal- $1.1 Million Budget make-up days wUl ba made up Nielsen rating in this country, Scheduled hy Two Schools 4 A7532 Dr., Vernon; a son to M>. and for Health and Social Serv- SStteffOE o f I HEAiu) r r THIS SEAL Sooner or later your doctor pilvato, MOri-a pjB., oai 4 at the end of (be oobort year. but it Is oiw of the Mg pro­ M e. Joseph Currier, 287 Center icesT With the wide -variety TAIRW > Kindergarten registration has session. Coventry Grammar and your tailor Join forces to WEST E A S T • ► «.» pMvato Moma, lb aja.- The tart four daya of sebool wlU grams In Europe generally, to In qds IndicStss ths film was 4J9653 #10 82 St; a son to MT. and Mrs. of pubUo and private agen­ been scheduled by both local School (COS) is located at the submittsd and approvsd undsr urge you not to gobble up every­ * •■m l cies In the Hartford regton Before Voters Monday be eariy closlqg- Yhe Ixiard alao say nothing of the German (7 K 10 0? Q954 James Brown, Rocky MU; a by John Gruber elementary schools, Coventry comer of Rt. 81 and Wrights the referral service waa es­ voted to oet graduation on tbe spealdng countries in particular. lha Motion Pietura Code thing on your plate. It’s a lesson OQ97 OJ10 86 son to Mr. and Mrs. David Bow­ T h e R egton al B oetd o f Edu- Grammar and Robertson. Chil­ M ill R d., Just south o f the Rt. ■ *7 a m * except aocM-a y — tablished several yearn ago mean an addtiional nine to 10 tart school day «if tbs year. Again, money changes hands of Self-Rcgulalion. bridge experts learn early In #Q I09 4^ Ki ers, WaU at, Hebron. cation WlU preesnt a 81,112,983 condiM — boskols — ocmM dren who will be five years old 44A-S1 Junction. George Hersey ••tea* t pjB.4 pjm and has bean beneficial to mule bawed on t approxfanntely ad the venture is breaking [g Suggested for GENERAL their career, when they encoun­ budget tor Ihe raoUsnte of He­ $13 miUen Grand lis t figure. Ths tMaid approved tbe ap­ on or before Dec. 81 of this Robertson (OHR) Is on Cross SOUTH Self Serriooi 19 aan.-8 p jn .. many thousands of individ­ even. ter the play known as the B IR T k S YESTERDAY: A bron, Andover and Marlborough pointment of Thomas McGarry 'youH onfoy thoppliig oor soloettoo in boMi" year are eligible for kindergar­ St. near South St. audiences. # A 4 2 4 pjn.-a pjB. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Den­ uals in helping them and Fbr Martborough, the added DMfilte all the publicity oon- for not knowing how to apell.) "d u ck ." to consider at the annual builg- oort w oted b e $809,767 o r 81.01 of New as auditor. Next he sells the production ten this September and birth Parents ane also raminded that S Suggastad for MATURE <0 AJ87 tatoMtve Oare and Ooromry nis Santoro, 897 Spring S t; a agenoiea to Identify the ap­ eernlof Blistt NUnon'a refueal Von Karajan doea not have aa South dealer. r t m eetteg to -be held neoct M on­ J. OoUn Purtiee, principal, re­ Fftorts: oho noto tfio largo vcoltty of whila^ to opera houses elsewhere. certificates as well as proof of physical examinaitions for all 0 AK3 Oaret Immediate family eotr son to Mr. and Mie. Roimit Cor- - propriate agency to meet a par oedt TMs is an inoreane of to U a g a t the M et under Herbert eaay-golng a personality, and he audlsncss (parsntal disert- ^ Both sides vulnerable. day at 8 pm. in the Bham $80418 and would m ean an ad­ ported that os of Marcto 1, there (Salxburg gets first Innings, but vaccination must be presented children entering kindergarten 4 864 te«r^ Hutted to ^ lett 323 Center St, Vernon. particular need. If you find eon Rara^Jan’a raualeal and haa had rowa with all aorta of Uon advised). Opening lead five of spades. aucUtorium. was a total enroUmaiit of 824 .ehoeolato Ifior uro Iiofo . . . he has even trouped the produc­ at the time of registration. are required by the Board o i South West North East need of this service why ditional flv « or six mills based •tors diractlon, Rudolph Blnr atara, managera, atage handa, West Isads the five of spades ThU repceeeirte an increase of on a $10j6 mllUon grand list. ztudento at Rham; 221 from tion to the U.S.8.R.) With tha ’The schedule is as follows: Education. Forma for all the fa] RESTRICTED — Perione 1 NT Pasi 3 NT- All^aii >*Wte*llyt IM ben, u ajm ■ DISCHARGED SATURDAY: don’t you telephone the baa announced ahe w ill definite­ and ao on. In practically every to dummy’s queen, and South $270,614 over the current year’s heavy "mit’’ practically At COS April as and n, S family physician’s report will be under 19 not admitted, un­ U M p .^ , «Bd g pjB,.g P.BI., MTa. Jobne G eary, 16E PV>tert Greater Hartford Communi­ For Andovar, the additional Andover, 848 from HSbron and !> •• atone open Onm. to frt. nlgMs tffl 9 ly U n g tha Bruennhllde in "fllef- opera houae in which he haa counts seven easy tricks: three b u dget liquidated, aptra, houses can af­ a.m . to 4 p.m .; A p ril 3S, 7-8:80 enclosed In letters to parents, ••■erB, 8 p,ni.-4 pjn., aad a St.; Rlchsrd McOonvlUe* 99 t y Councit (821-4820) and dls- coat would Ibe $286,618. TUs U 284 from Mariborough, wtth four trled " next aeaaon aa w ell aa In worked. Thla particular row less aceompanisd by parsnl declarer must load ohoIIm d I ow T h e pn E m ln ary budget o f $1,- — ton eoavenleat teeaMoae — ford to present the production p.m. and should be sent to the school spades, two diamonds, one ^ m .-a p.m . Keeney St; Mrs. Amoldeen cuss your referral questions an tecrease o f $87,978 and would tuition etudento ftom Columbia, * dewatoaat masrheater # east middle -tMasOi ''Ooettardaemmerunr'* during aeema to have atemmed from a or adult guardian. heart and one club. He needs club from dummy. 038,398, presented at the hear­ require 10 to 11 mills more when they coUMn’t if they had A t OHR A p ril so and May 1, nurse as soon ae ths examina­ Thornton, Obaverse R d, Bolton; with Mm. Helen Fiaher. fou The board bas voted to make the ItTO-Tl aeaaon and In the number of aourcea. two additional tricks, and his South wlna the apaula n tu m ing on Iteroh 17, did not Inchrte based on ih e $6.6 mUUon grand to rely on their own resources. 9 a.m . to 4 p.m .; M ay 1, 7-8:80 tions had been complated. ® Parsons undsr 16 not sd- 19 m other areas, no MmH h Mbs. Kaye Maxa,-187 Maple S t; WlU find her helpful. up the two enow daya from the antlra '*R lnr” cycle alao aohed- Karajan le In the proceea of best chsnce Is to develop the with the aoe and loads hla third an addUonal ammmt of $82^9 H at This Is where the Met comes p.m. Any physloal examination sctf-oorvleo* Mm. Helen Ktisipa, Bast Hart- curreitt acbool year enalve at OHR. ^ .___ bylhli newepepet. ,,- maining clubs should bo good. his high rsd cards to ooora too atephanie Heam. Staftend $48,714 for pay latoee according tha reputatton of belnr eaay to of It (the second, one already hearsing she has to do with this ed on the day of registration. gams and rubbor. • * * f* l«i too boopHal while the A n tid p otod revenues h ave In- for the towns as far as trans­ Children who live north of Unfortunately, -the defenders re­ l^winga; k(m. Doris Douglas, to a new solaiy srtiedule. CARD GALLERY (Next to Kfawh) got on with, at leaat In comparl- setup. Further, ahe objected to Parents are uiRed to cooperate Ptemag problem exists. oreaseid fro m $29,987 to $114,- portation was concerned to do exists) tor which he and the Ripley HiU Rd., on South St. turn a spade to dummy’s king Dally 4)oeatloti East Hiritford; Mm. MarJorto T o See O fl aon to moat prime donne. (Ihat a Karajan protege getting some with the school admlnistratian 027, due iBigely to a $81,667 re­ The board has agreed to pay the sam e thing. A n d over -hoe slngeni will naturally receive north and west of the Daly Rd. THEATER nME on being given their first club Partner opena wtth 1-MT) (it OuUo, 147 Birch St.; Edward la the correct plural of prlma performances of the role in New by registering their children on Tattento Todayi w i investment of the money >bor- fuH family jiremluma for CMS, already voted to make tip Its money. Junction, on Daly Rd., at Wa­ SCHEDULE trick. Then declarer can set up to 18 pointo), and the aaxt {g a y ­ Comber, U l Oampftold Rd.; donna, by the way, deaplte a York. (Ostensibly the younger the assigned datee, so that ade­ rowied fo r tb s $1,280,000 bond Is­ Blue Croas and major medical snow days when tbe high school When the recordings are terfront Park, Oak Grove, Bel­ dummy’s clubs, but he can nev­ er paaoea. Ton hold! Spadoo, i- -^MTTTBD SATURDAY: Scott MoKee, 21 Church St; Techniques letter I got talcing me to taak singer was hired as an under­ quate provUdona may be made Fte^rt AUen, Abby Dr., He- sue, and increased state grants while in tbe past It paid only does. made, he begins stage re- levue and all other northern er get back to cash them. 9-9-5'ts Hearto, K-19| Dtamoodo, Ronald Webster, 888 Oaldand study; apparentiy Madam N’ls- for bus tranaportatton end class state Theatre — Secret Cere­ hnm; Jamea Bevins, gt b tor qMotal education wMdi for individual premiums. hearaals, entually using tepee areas of the town will register Exercises Restraint Q-9-7: Oluha, S t; Linda Deane, 81 Mdgewood Jeanne Pehovlak of RockvU)e The board atoo aocejlted the SMi sees |ier aa a threat; like assignments for the opening of mony, 7:00, 9:00. South solves his problem by What do you sayT M iddle T^ke.; Mrs. Helen Bras- wlU give a demonstration In oU Jumped from $8,000 to $14,000. The board will taeve figures resignation of Thomas flktaba. while the singers learn their at COS. sdiool in Sept. St.; Rlohard Bhrerdlng, 88* 3 everybody else, the diva Is get­ Blast Hartford Drlve-In — exercising restraint. He must Answer: Bid two clubs, the auskaa, OB North St.; Bryon painting, using the palette knife This leaves ihe dislrtct towns ready at the budget meeting on Industrial arts teacher, effec­ atage action, bearing their own ’The child being registered for Breton Rd.; John Rivooa, 47 ting older.) Anyone wMh queetions regard­ oloaed. not gobble up the ace of clubs Stayman Convention, asking B u ^ , Andover; JealB home of Mrs. Ruth Ste#art, 49 Ave., Vernon; MTs. Louise County Art Association, wlth-^ ing. ford; Kevin Barnett, Hasard- productions and spotty ^h tin g by Mrs. Marion Y. Kingsbury, this ’Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Oakland Rd. AU memhera are Bengston, 3BS Gardner S t; Mrs. studio In her home on Ridge curred on the secular plane. (‘In the midst of life we are In vlUe; WUUom CUffoid Jr., El­ CHICKEN originated after the war in Bay­ assisted by Mrs. Virginia L. Town Hall. Seven appUcaUens urged to attend. Clare Breneman, 8 1 Hatch HIU Rd., Mm. Pehovlak haa been "Fill the earth and subdue death," the Ekigllsh prayerbeok lington Rd., Wapplng; Mm. reuth, under the late Wleland Eells and M. Louise Dickson, will be considered at the hear­ ’Ihe auxiliary la f toixdiig a y, Rd., Vernon; Megan Burke, Val­ studying tor the pest three yearn i.t," says the primordial Genests puts it. Sadie Hadler, East Hartford; Wagner. (I wasn’t Impressed past matrons, and Reginald E. ing. setback card party oti Saturday ley Falla Rd., Vernon; Mrs. El­ with Claude Almond and C.B. BREASTS mandate to man. "and have do­ No man can ward off this John Banas, 80 Burnham St.; with his productions either.) Alien, past patren. Mrs. Vera S. MUichell ’Trucking, Inc., 90 evening, April 19, at 8 In the sie Calve, 68 New Bolton Rd.; (3oodsteln at the Artisen Studio minion over . . . every living time-co.iecioiisness. Neither can Rtdiand Weber, 8 Oak St., Rock- There was method In the mad­ Miner, past grand matron and Brookfield St., requests a tem­ Community HaU on Main fit Robert Curry, East Hartford; In Stafford Springs, formerly of thing," What happens here was he immense himself entirely In JELLY EGGS e ness. ’The old scenery w as in past matron of Bigelow Chapter, porary and conditional permit to Mrs. Nancy Dearlngton, 41 Vir­ vlUe; Mark Mavlkaa. ^ . East RockvUle. ItylM, Dwipfo t a i 39 or LEGS put iq> to man. In a wide grant the here-and-now moment, exis­ ’The oatd p arty ^Is <^>en to) th e stich bad condition, It wouldn’t was the installing organist. Mrs. allow the use of a stone crusher ginia Rd.; Mrs. Helen Diehl, Hartford; Mrti Bernadette The Bolton Art Club meieting Cfilan a* V a t lt i ■■ e Mon., Xhea., Wed. Only a Made by laarla O rgalailj 88e ui freedom, both productive and tentially, for he knows of his public. Refreetunente wBl he e Bu a o r fttATCH e stand much light, and Germany Chartotte R. Gray and Ranald for 30 working days a year on 139 Keeney S t; Sean Doherty, Ckalaba and eon, Eart Hartford; la at 8 p.m. at the Community Um Bdiaotn In Ik* perilous. yesterdays and of dying on served and prizes wUl be aniud- Mrs. Valerie DeQuattro and HaU. had no money at that time for Erickson were the soloists. premises known as gravel pit. ed. 41 Chestnut S t; Joseph Fooa, (Undt S Lbs. Per Family) some tomorrow. * », 41 Hany Lane, Vernon; Two {llano students of Mm. # Emp+y Baskefs # Unusual Gifts new scenery. Accordingly, It Its posslbllltlea now seem al­ The elective officers Installed Barber HiU Rd. in an R Rural BB Weatmlnoter Rd.; Cbiiatlne M sun hn been serving the Heme Owner A "being-unto-death," some Named Ensign Carolyn Hutchinson are audi­ W R ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR EASTER was lighted so as to minimize most immeasurable, and grow were Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Oellneau, 186 VaUey View Dr., ktee, Judith Wortoi ami daugh­ philosophers ca ll it. Jt la the hu­ zone. Navy Ensign Ortand T. P ilch ­ for at Y IA U . for a cempleto FM i INSNCHON of % Chocolate Bunnies — 4 inches to 4 feet FOR FRESH KHJ.EO its shortcomings, and then some over more so. Yet with all of the Person Jr., associate matron Wapplng; Eleanor Gordon, ter, Eart Ifortford; Mrs, Joyce tioning today at Waridns Bros., man sadness. David B. Webster, 1678 Elling­ ard Jr., son of Mir. and .Mm. your home by a TenaNe Cenirel Ixport, supsivieed nuts decided this was most accomplishmmits and incalcula- and patron; Reginald E. Allen, RFD 3; James Griffin, 4B4 Av­ IMnfotd and son, Hartford. In Hartford for a clianoe to play PINE ton Rd., requests a variance to Oriand T. Pritdnud Sr., 88 TqH- in the Connecticut State Music # Visit our Perty Shop # Imported modem and artistic. ole potentialities, the central Yet, while tn bondage of time, past patron, secretary; 'MVs. ery St., Wapplng; Mrs. Valeda by the finest technleal elaff, phone our neerezt Greyledge TURKEYS allow a sign -huger than permit­ wood Dr., has been oommioalbn- DISCHARGED YESTER­ problem remains. It can be man’s very nature protests It. Helen T. Elliott past matran, Houley, 96 Center St; Mrs. Teachem’ Aasoclallon annual lecel sffiMt PHARMACY Despite the vaunted knowledge ted on premises known as 1678 ed an ensign In the Naval D AY : Mrs. Stella OrabowaM, 38 Domestic Chocoiete Merzipen Novelties orcstalled, the pain edlayed. It seems contrary to all his treasurer; Mrs. Janet W. Von Joan Hulaer, 140 Ksnnedy Rd.; recdtal April 18. 884 CENTER STREET of German audiences, relatively ElUngtcn Rd. in a RC zone. Reserve upon completion of the Snlpslo St, RookvlUe; Mm. In Vietnam Squadkon EASY CUT MORREIX SEMI-BONELESS But it domes. Inescapably, to planning, his development, his Dock, conductress; Mrs. Janice Robert Johnstone, B4 Overlook M anchester — 649-96M few people go to Bayreuth with Petroleum Ehiergy Carp., P.O. Norma Llsotte, 31 Mark Dr., Marine Staff Sgt. Robert W. S »- « every man. aspirations, his intellectual M. Hodge, associate conductress. Aviation Officer Oouiae at., the D r., W applng; Edmund ICun- 4 92 a thorough knowledge of ‘"The Box 777, Hartford, requests a Wapplng; Carol Knljht 100 Androlevich, son of William An- He is mortal. He will die. And growth, his completeness. He Appointed officers installed Naval Aviation Bebooto Com­ hardt Stafford Springs; Joseph HAMS HAMS R in g ." ’They go as a sort o f pU- specific exception and a state Ferguson Rd.; Marion Garrison, drotovlch, ToOand Rd., was os- unlike other creattues, he feels mecuit for something are Mrs. Harriet E. Case, mand, Pensaobla, Fla. Landry, 374 Woodbridge St glmage, to worship at a shrine. hearing to aUow a gasoline ser­ 68 Irving St; Mm. Dolores aigned with hla squatknn to pro­ knows It. more, that he was not meant to organist; Janies E. Nichols, He wUl now enter the flight Also, Mrs. Rachel LaPlante, Bayreuth held a position of such vice station on premises known Fregin, Ue>H. School S t; Mm. vide elr transportation for the BLISS TEBHITE CONTROL GOBP. die. His deepest Instincts resist chaplain; Mrs. CeclUa M. J<^- preparation school at the Naval 87H union St, RookvlUe; Mrs. Fresh Killed CAPONS stature for many years that the "His days are like grass,’’ as 30 WindsorvUle Rd. in an CeceUa Peitlco, 88 Redwood commandant of ihe Marine It, fear it, cry out against it. eton, marshal; Mn». Lucille W. Aviation Schools Command! to Marilyn Dojssld, ITS Ludlow D IV. OP BUSS ^ R M IW ATO R C O ., IN C . • EST. 1882 • . r'4 • .I.t ,• • ‘ Germans have come to accept says the Psalmist. ". . . the R C zone. Rd.; Darlene BleUcU, Rook­ Corps during his recant Itm-ou- fet, inexorably, death comes, Nichols, Adah; Mrs. Dorothy C. continue his training under the Rd.; Mrs. Edna MoGratb, South anything they see there as au­ wind passed* over It, and It Is Ruth Burnham, C/O Eldward vlUe; Mrs. Mary Dunlop, 101 day visit to Vietnam. a iF ’-'t’ - -'S. go n e." ’nme closes in, shunts us as;de. Kelly, Ruth; Mrs. Bette p. Naval Aviation ^ngiam . Windsor; Robert Maltempo, B VI JV' , HIGHLAND PARK MARKET thentic beywid any argument. R. Kuehn, 968 Farmington Ave., Hamlin S t; Mm. Sonia Bockus, He to serving with (toe Marine Tho OMoft ft iargost in Conn. A Something Is wmng, awry, out Parker St.; Beverly Morse, 81 Bayreuth has never been able Contrary to popular supposi­ Bantly, Junior post matron, West Hartford, requests a var­ 31 Foxcroft D r.; LeaUe Longak- 317 mOHLAIini ST., MANCHESTER «43-4278 of kilter. And it tormented that Palmer Dr., Wapplng; Mrs. Light Hehoopter Squadron 167, to afford the greatest singers tion, Judeo-Christlanlty does not Esther; Mrs. Carolyn Nelson, iance to allow a lot with less er, 98 CampbeU Ave., Vernon; slngiUar person, Jesus. He faced Ballet Leader Booed Anna Olenlok, Lebanon; San­ a untt of (toe First Marine Air­ at the peaks of their careers. R co-stder man, In himself, "Im ­ M artha; M rs. Joyce W. Smithy frontage and smaller in size Walter Mugtord, East Hartford; craft Wing, at ihe Marble mortal.’’ ’This is a Greek and the end of His days on earth. Electa; Mrs. Jacqueline Smith, HAMBURG, Oermaiw (AP) dra Roberta, Slooum R(L, He­ Is a relatively small house where than required on premises — George Balanchine, leader of Mm. Aima lyier, 88 Maple St, Mountain Air Facility near Da- Oriental Idea, which sees man “ My FBther, If it be possible, warder, and John S. Rlsley, bron; Gory Rosa, 800 Diane D r„ Vernon; Mm. Domw Hinkel, even subsidies don’t make things known as 678 Pleasant Vlalley the New York City Ballet, wae nang. as a duality of separate entitles let this cup pass from M e," He sentinel. Wapplng; Jane Roseeco, Storrs; WUUmantlc; Mm. Rose Bump, Complete Home balance. The net result is that Rd. in an RC zone. booed off the stage of the State HML-167 iiew Gen. Leonard —corrupt body and pure soul. prayed In agony on the moun­ The worthy matron introduced Stephen Ruplnskl, Warehouse Broad Brook; Mm. Thelma you get perhaps a young singer Salvatore Garofalo, P.O. Box Opera at the end of hla produc­ F. Chapman Jr. In -vleit vazioue Furnishings Since In sharp contrast. Scripture tain rock. Scripture says sweat Mrs. Bernice A. Rleg, Grand Point; Mrs. Margaret Sears, Briggs, 97 WeUs St.; Elbert h e i tit 's who may or may not make the 202, Wapplng, requests a tem­ tion of the opera Ruslan and Marine flactitttea and outlying views man as an integral, psy­ poured from Him like great Adah of the State of Connecticut, 108 Avondale Rd.; Adam Si- Knowles, East Hartford; Mm. 18991 grade later, In search of Inter­ Ludm illa. ports tiuougdMut South Viet­ LAST DAY chosomatic being, body and drops of blood. "Nevertheless, the past matrons and patrons of porary and conditional permit to monceUo, 88 CooUdge S t; Mrs. Loulta Jorgensen and daughter. national acclaim. (He may or Other members of the compa­ nam's flv« norihernmost prov- O P E N 8 HATS HVEBT WEEK—THUIIS. NIGHTS TILL 8 spirit, and views death with not My will, but Thine, be Ttemple Chapter and from sur- aUow parking of refuse trucks Evelyn Smith, 86 Dover Rd.; East Hartford; Mm. Eva Ac- may not get It.) Michael Trrtano, South Wlnd- Inoee, from south of Chu Lai melancholy realism, as opposed done.’ ’ rouwSng chapters, and the new­ within a building on premises ny received hearty tqyphuiM oarpio and eon, Eaton Rd., Keith s Offer Another Quelity Service! Or, on the other liand, you to the DMZ in the north, and to man’s strongest impulses, the He got up finally, and re­ ly installed matrons and patrons known as 387 Pleasant VaUey from a critical audience Sunday eor; Mrs. Marjorie Welch, RookvlUe. may get a singer who has had a night. Warehouse Point; Craig Wol- Inland to wart of Ktoe Sanh. Quality Candy shadow of some basic, primitive turned to where His apostles from other chapters. Rd. in an Industrial zone. long career, made lots of money, fran, 186 Thompson Rd.; Mrs. 'CusfoiiT ‘ 417 flaw In him. had fallen asleep, "So, could GuesU from various Masonic WllUam A. Bartensteln, 89 and can afford to sing for less Emma Wood, 8 Autumn St SAVE But Scripture also upholds the you not watch with Me one organizations were Arne P. Alison Dr., requests a state than top price. Unfortunately, hearing to allow a used car hope of his ultimate resurrec­ hour? . . . The spirit indeed Is Sterud, Junior warden of Ma- BQVEBS SATURDAY: A son such a singer may be well peist dealer’s license on premises lor EASTER tion, through a power beyond willing, but Uie flesh is weak." chester Lodge of Masons; STATE to Mr, aad MM. Robert WhKe, TUES„ WED. ONLY! Ids or her prime and either too his o\^. The Roman soldiers and reli­ Harold E. ’Turklngton, worship­ known as 388 John Fitch Bhnd. REUPHOLSTERY proud or too stupid to retire. Glen Rd., ToOaad; a datghter Rather than demeaning ma­ gious officials, representatives ful master of Friendship Lodge in a OC zone. If you happ«ai to get a good, M l " B e e i^ ( to Mr. sad Mrs. WUUsm B. teriality as a burdensome evU, of the most respected institu­ of Masons; Grady Pearson, high South Windsor Bank and n o a d r ii Twenty, 80 ICoiUe S t; a daugh­ young singer, you are In luck. as In the ancient Eastern phi­ tions of the community, came priest of Delta Chapter, Royal Trust Oo„ 1088 Jolm Fitch ter to Mr. aad Mrs. Timothy Even so, these singers have 4 W E DON'T JUST CO V ER YOUR sou* CHOcoun losophies, Jewish - Christian and seized Him. They bound His Arch Masons; Judy Patterson, Blvd., requests a variance to al­ Paul BUNNIES ft CROSSES rarely digested the Infinite rami­ teachings esteem it highly. arms and led Him away for His worthy advisor of Manchester low a sign larger than permit­ ‘‘SEC R ET FURNITURE. WE REBUILD IT! fications of a Whgner opera, so "Very Good,” God terms It In trial and execution. Death took Assembly, Order of Rainbow for ted on premises known as loss Revere ■VERY PIECE 18 PBOTBOTED BY SOOTCHOABD® mRk chocolate «nd wiiite something is missed. over. Girls; Mrs. Barbara Taylor, CEREMONY* Genesis. John PHtch Bl-vd. in an I zone. AT NO EXTBA COST TO YOU— ! Possibly Herr von Karajan’s Furthermore, death is defi­ The Unending Finale mother advisor of Manchester All Interested persons may Sugar, IwaaNiuMhismi ALUMINUM method Is the best one avail­ nitely no pleasant Journey or It is the comprehensive trage-' Assembly; and Raymond Islelb, appear and be heard. Included FREE! Extre Arm Covers BASIBR BASKIT5 dy, the deep tnalon in man, as master counselor of John ■ ■ C ream & able today. Nevertheless, It Is "friend" but rather the arch Orchard Hill PTA SIDING to Metch Your Upholstery.. flOed with oor earn (joallty candy not without Its pitfalls and head­ foe, the epitome of evil and It was in Jesus, and yet He, as Mather Chapter, Order of De- The Orchard HIU P T A wUl w e e k Tray S et M olay. For Frae EeUmato aches, as Mr. Bing can attest. consequence of it, the summing all men must, accepted It, the m eet tom orrow night at 7:30 at I f h / T V MMCMSTnNBUK-m.M divine will in manhood taking Mr. and Mrs. Bantly were the Orchard HiU School. U ^ A ^ __HHM-8ISWIHUM-neofi I e« s H < 0 .1 the worst kind of cruel death, presented with past matrons and The speaker for the evening k U i A M E A S t 6 4 9 -0 4 6 8 SOFA or 2 CHAIRS KML WRAmo submitting to a purpose in It. patrons Jewels by Mrs. Ella will be Dr. Elmer Diskan of BobKittk A)dd ygrajo# beauty w»d^ oemfott to "If one is not able to die, he is Gallant and Keith E. Jonston. your prisentpresen t iqibotatered Funiiture by CHOCOLATB D O N ’T MISS THESE Project Hope. He has served for BUNNIES in a l ilgeg and colon not really aUe to live," ob­ Hostess for the evening were three tours with the floatit^ hos­ A MELVIN FRANK FILM TIm Bartlett BminBrd^ served the late theologian Paul the past matrons: Mrs. our Custom Reupbols- pital ship and has Just returned Prodocti Co. tarliig Depantonnt T illich . Bernice A. Rleg, Mrs. Janet B. from Ceylon. Richmond, Mrs. Viola G. ’Trot­ "Buona n Ibloott Bd. CSiocse ftxxn a tewclal 16 F t Custom Crafted Kitchen Jesus didn’t duck either. He .^ 8 0 at this meeting a mem­ West Hartfofd Group of tbe NWest See Our 75 Lb. Solid Wkito Bunny had finished His earthly time. ter, Mrs. Vera H. Ford, Mrs. 3 ber of the Board of Education Sera, FhoM SSS-M1B FaMeniB in Thadl- Mary G. Beauregard, Mrs. -INCLUDING APPLIANCES- He had not wauXed It, but used It wlU give a brief summary of ttond. Modem, CUo- Blfi SAVINfiS to the hilt, up to the last. His Hazel F. Loveland and Mrs. Lil­ the budget. ’Mrs.. ntal and Provtectal lian H. Leggett. Hosts for the ItnakeaCteKli Fabrics ta Decorator departure from it g rieved -Him. Legion Awdllary can Ibe comni t A s m n m a s ^ evening were Frank H. Gakeler, Yet He submitted to It as also The Abo E. Miller Unit No. r « k. necessary and useful. ' Keith E. Johnston and T. Dye Hooper, past patrons. 183, American Legion Auxiliary 81012 It must be that. It squid be wlU hold its regular meeting on TECHNICOLOR' linitsd Aptista 4 M i ioa aivaa M yearn! ► the greatest gift. Inserted into Members for the John Mather 595 Chapter served os ushers. A RN L BOOS ear ewa qaollty i : rhec elate er wrote. the sweep of eternity; time pro­ ' . choir formed by the Manchester T vides a scale in Tritlch human Special purchase arrangements HERFS WHAT YOU RECEIVE wrongs could be made tempo­ Assembly, Rainbow for Girls only ' i i i n u ' k rary. closed the ceremonies vdth a with International make this CrytMliied Cream Eggs and Brnmiee • 16 FT. OF NATIONALLY FAMOUS It can be seen as a compas­ rendition of "Let There Be low price poaeihle. Handsome ' Prtoaa Ase , flavors P e a c e ." - sionate ixovislan for man’s rep­ Paul Revere design complements fooln dh ix Prefkiislwd aration. Blven -the limit on his Profoartoiial W ol - oxzd A ll ^ I B irch years make# them precious. R both traditional and modem Clwcetale Covered Btamif Pppf ^ OabinetB makes them re^xMistldc. Time G>ncert, Play accelMories. Lovely for Q U AN TITY LIM ITED WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM MADE Is his to use. It Is Us oppor­ AT THIS SPECIAL FABRICS and CLEAR V IN Y L SLEPOOVERS ' ■ 9 9 1 owd P d i • Modeev Built-In Oven a 6 F t Formloa Oounterto|> On PTA Agenda gift giving, too! LOW PRICE $ 2 - ^ 3 tunity. JStitflStJM eh • 08—dier-Top Range • Stalnleaa Steel Sink "Behold, now Is the accepta­ A band ocnoert and play wUl Phone 643-4159 for Keith's maple walnut ble time,” writes St Paul. be presented at the Wfuldell FREE HOME SERVICE! • Ooppertone Range Hood • Single Lever Faucet Regularly to S5 per yard "Look carefully then bow you School PTA meeting Wednesday famous in Wm. ROGERS* ★ SILVERPLATE We rtartllae and ropod, seats are rebuilt, aprlngs ora retied, a Instnllatlnn Arranged By Our Own Trained OaftaoMn walk ... m ak^ the moot of night. Choose from a large selection o f oor freahly made «»tin«Hjebig time.” For God has rsveolsd Between 7:80 and 8 the school new webbteg used, loose Joints are reglued, aprttig mtA- Check-. — Stripes — Plaid-. "the mystery of Hlo will, ac­ INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY Each piece a deHcioaa taste tmat. it TWs offer la made through the cooperation of the band, directed by Louis Boau- Pastel', - Pvf-n White cording to HU purpose whloh hs lac, w ill play a .„va rlety o f ae- m— adnctaTCr and local distributor. It la oftored ca set forth In Christ, as a plan tor lectlons. n Mmtted, R n t com e fansto. 54 to 60' wide the fullness of time, to units ’"The Oreen Blackboard" wUl Have Tea Tried KeMhh "OoteStap 8to Unique Easier Candies For The Whole Family TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIB things In Him, things In heaven be given following the concert. • Wen OODW To Your e Afl Paroha O iO l NOW! HUGE PRE-SEASON SPECIAL and things on earth." D irected by -Mrs. MadeUne Bene Da Advtoe YexI BeSeae Delivery! (Tomorrow; In the shadows of • Use Om New Bevelttoar e We Hawe Ttome To Gain, the cart Is composed of Oredtt Ptaei d o u b t) Allan Watch, Mrs. Sandra PleMe Bve RitR CONTRACTORS Wertchelser, Henry Poirier and 9 * David Caron, Waddell PTA Q m r m ttn u FABRIC DEPARTMEMT STORE GASTER CANDIES m em bers. 83-8a, $3- On sale at box el- Following the play, there will floe or by malL SeM cheek u ■* 1 a r n i i tur0» 644-2720 ^ HARTFORD ROAD - MANCHESTER OompSot* SsN cHoii be a dlscusston of Its ImpUoa- and stomped self-addressed tions, led by Miss Ethel Robb, envelope tot -ntairti, Hort- principal, and the kindergarten, ' 1 f.'. A 1 rj ',1 MAN- H !silk Open Daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Sat. till 6 P.M. ARTHUR DRUa tord aai9t. A Trio OoMorto ^ S. O. M. B. and first grade teachers. Re- preoentaUon. frsshinewts will be served in Satisfaction O r MoNFr'lAoc CppaoMa ttke BmaairiABBtorHIgliMtool am Munson's Candy Kitchen the calsterta. Itewer (BeMh M ) Miabi Bbeet Phrai• S4S-SUS ROUTE S, BOLTON—OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY tffl 9 P

A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONT&., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 p A O B m * * r Eight Killed In traotian part of the thus, for meet Wednesday at 2 pan. In plicante by appointinont. Ctance Played Big Part 60 d a ys. Hehron the h om e o t Mra. Kart Lankoff Parents are rsminded to siend Baby Has In Mishaps When he was about to gradu­ on R t 86. Ikisteases for the chUfiran to school with proper ate the medloal otOeera at the mssUiig wlU be Mra. Irens footwear for.the playgrounda. p M t t In Ike’s Historie Role , Aeademy wars not certain Town p r o Wright Mrs. Helen Hills and According to the latest news­ f a v On Weekend — ------Anderson-Little ------(Oonltaaed from Page One) whether - they should reoom- leader of the program will be letter senk out from the Hebron day, Ike waa Ineligible because mend Um for a com ml salon. Mrs. Carrie Lelblar. The mem­ School, some chUdren find it By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In the year before, HaaleU ’Ihe anthorlUes hesitated to Won’t Split bers will hold an exchange of difficult to stay on the t s r play FAIRWAY ‘ had received a Oongreaaional of age for AmapoUs. Bristow Been Named Five Connecticut residents wrote that the boy who had oommUsian any cadet with a se- plants, bulbs and shrubs. area and wander'to the "grass.” r / R r ,T died In weekend traffic accidents ; ajppoliitment to the United Moet grass Is now mud—there­ soored No. 1 In the test tor the riouB phyaleal defect wtofeh Into 2 Units BuIleUn Board which Included a crash In which States Naval Academy, but had fore, boots are necessary. MlUtary Academy would not be might force him to retire early. The Hebron board of Educa^ a Fairfield couple died in a failed the extraixae examina­ School Menu taking the appointment and In that event, the Inveatnient of The Hebron PTO haa voted to ition will hold a special meeting compMe chkin reaction accident on the tions. Now, having obtained a The menu to be served In the O u t e i r , H tm fher, dM ighter o i Wayne ^ Kathleen Tan- therefore he tmos awarding it to four years’ trabdng in the Acad­ table the matter of dividing the tonight at 8 In the GOead HIU ' eecond d)ppolntment, he was Hebron BUementary Schools for tUto Gardner, m s Hartford Tpke., RockvHle. She waa bom Connecticut Turnpike. m e. emy wouM be kMrt. What Uwuld into two separate untts School to continue work on the k H u ^ l taking special studicB in prepar­ p r o March M at Manchester Memorial Hbepltal. Her maternal Out-of-state accidents took the P re-E a ster they do about the man with the 1939-70 budget proposal. tMs week is: ’Tuesday, sloppy Both boys were deeply dfoap- until neott year. Uvea of three Connecticut real- ation for a second try. The Hebron Boeiid of Finance joe, mixed green salad, pnme (randmother is Mra. Providence Tantlllo, Tolland. Her pater­ pointed. Bdt, Haslett reoaUed trick knee? The few members who a tte^ you iMocI h denta. "Swede" often came to the will meet tonigM at 8 In the squares; Wednesday, turkey, nal grandmother is Mrs. Elsie Gardner, Rockville. later, "Bte mumbled something The question of commlaBion- ed the special maeting last week « * • » • The latest death reported was cream y at night to pdra the ing Mm hung In the balance. town ofiloe building to hear .mashed sweet potatoes, cran­ fho egg! that of Ronald Bell, S3, of Glas­ aboU not loMdng a gift bone in felt It would be best to work to­ berry sauce, Uqiloca pudding Beldao, Pan! Henry, son of DennU J. and Jocelyne tim e ■Mth Ike. One night, he EXseniMwer did not attempt to budget presentations from aU tonbury. He died Sunday In a the mouth.’’ So it was to be g eth er. topped with orange slides; Plante Bolduc, 156 Union St., Rockville. He wito bom March 12 b ro a ch e d an Idear-why argue Ms case. He had achieved town offlcdale, committees and two-car accident in Bristol. West Point, not Annapolis. Mrs. HkUth Long, Mra. RHa 'Thursday, mojoaroni and cheese, betk etetee epeu 1 at Manchester Memorial Hoispltal. His maternal grandparents shouldn’t Ike try for an appoint­ Ms objective, a college educa­ agenM ea. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laevsky He was luckier than he real­ Chsaborough, Mra. Marie Fon- qitnach, fruit jeUo. — tw o I are Mr. and Mra. Gedeon Plante, Stafford Springs. His pater­ ment to the Academy? He pic­ tion, aJbett primarily In military Custodian Rettres of Fairfield died early Sunday, ised. tanella and Mrs. Jan Touhey dewaloiw i nal grandfather is Alphonse Bolduc, Quebec. He has a broth­ tured the fun they could have to- sclenoe.'If he was not to go Into Harold Gray, custodian of the 1 ftippose he bad attended the were named to serve as a nomi­ Bfanchestor Evening Herald er, Brian. poUce said, when involved in a gather. They might even be the Army he would have to try Hetoon HUementary School for Naval Academy. With Ms at­ nating committee. They will Hebron correspondent, Mrs. * • • *1 • chain collision on the Connecti­ roommates. But he touched the come other ptxrfesslon. 17 years, retired Friday. Dur­ tainments, he might have bring hi a slate of officers for Marjorie Porter, M . 228-911*. Evtnshek, Steven, son of Marlin and Prisdlla Bell Bv- cut Turnpike In Westport. most re^Mnsive chord vdien he ing Ms final week of employ­ SALE! readied the rank ctf Admiral. The medloal officers offered conalderaUan at the next meet­ According to police, Mrs. « sald,-^Look at It this way, Hce. ment, he was feted with several shek. • VlRage St., Rockvnie. He was bora March 11 at Rock­ But would he have become the to recommend Mm for a omn- in g. MAIN STREET STOBE ville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Laevsky, 43, was driving when Here’s a chance for an educa­ ckL58 p a rties an d o n F rid ay , the first Admire] elected Prealdent mlsalon in the Coast ArtUlery. The PTO will meet April ■ 18 Mra. Roger Bell, Vernon. His paternal grandparents are Mr. the car crashed into the rear tion and you don’t have to pay bulletin boards In the corridors Pope Says Youth of the United States? He refused. He said he wanted at Hebron Elementary School and Mra. Bvtusihek, Windsor Locks. of a truck, stopped for minor fo r IL’ ’ of the HSbron School were dec­ Should Unite Easter • The second turning point was the Infantry. After long dellber- auditorium for a-second youth «*•>«• accidents ahead. She and Mr. Itoe thougM took root. orated by file children with var­ VATTOAN CrrY (AP) —Pope to come four years later. atlonk—and atretohlng the point night which will feature Boy and Laevsky, 46, were dead at the Bee prompUy wrote to both ious ways of saying thank you Paul VI says the youth of the Cliarette, BncheDe Sosan, daughter of Milford and Nancy Exciting Fashion Coats Elsenhower’s grades were —thqy agreed. Girl Scouts units of Hebron and Candy Niemann Charette, R.F.D. No. 2, R t SO, Rockville. She was scene, after another vehicle Kansas Senators asidiig for an and farewell. worid should unite and perform Gyafits w ell above average at West If they had decided otherwise, the 4-H auhe. born March 19 at Rockville General H o^tal. Her maternal rammed them from behind. No 1 appoiirtment to Annapolis. One, Relph Miner wiU become day constructive deeds. other Injuries were reported. Poiift. He graduated in the top there wouM not have been a Lt. ’The PTO will sponsor a|'visit custodian beginning tMa week. lit a Pakn Sunday Mass, he KNi I ^ jR VAlUt':> gram^wrents are Mr. and Mra. William Nelmaim Sr., Elling­ J. L. Bristow, replied that he Specials Steven Yungk, 21, of East third of the dass of 1916. ElsMhower, much less the Al­ to the elomentary schools by the Applications for the position of criticised "the vitality of youth ton. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ell CSiarette, proposed to fUI them in competi­ Hartford, was puUed dead from However, a serious ^estlon lied Supreme Commander o t Mansfield State Training school night custodian are im w be­ wMdi expresses Itself In a nega­ RoUce said was a two-car Winter Christie, 101 Fairlawn Rd., Glastonbury. He was bora crash. A car driven by the vic­ Msxch 20 at RMkvllle General Hospital. His matemal grand­ tim oolUded with a station wag­ mother ia Mra. Ivy Winter, Methuen, Maas. H a paternal grand­ on near the Intereection of U.S. Tomorrow SSsMO S. B. M. Depositors parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. SancHiagen, Allquippa, Pa. He 17 and Virginia 610, police said. has two brothers, Timothy and Donald. V * « « Blartin, Timothy John, son of Raymond M. and Mary Foss Martin, Box Mountain Dr., Vernon. He was bora March will Recleve a Record « Breaking 21 at Rockville General Hospital. His matemal grandmother Is INCOME TAX Mra. George Foss, Rockville. His paternal grandparents ore Mr. and Mra. John Martin, Canteihury. He haa a brother, Ray­ mond, and a sister. Crystal. PREPARATION MOIVIIMIAL quarterly Dividend of over Devost, Bnchdle tynn, daughter of George L. and Vir­ BUSINESS AND ginia Biota Devost, 25 Stone St., Mandiester. She was bom March 21 at RodudHe General HoepMal. Her maternal grand­ SMAa BU5INEK parents are Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Slots, Rockville. Her pater­ nal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Arthur Devost, Rumford, C d t Maine. She has a sister, Monique. « *1 * JASON J. NOVITCHi Sheaiin, Richard Ashley, son of Richard C. and Vicki 6 4 3 ^ 1 9 9 « Aitchley Shearln, lOB Regan Court, Rockville. He was bora March 21 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. W.B. AtcWey, Raleigh, N.C. His pa­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Shcarin, Greens­ b oro. N.C. WhM Hw way you m Burke, JonaOian Cadin, son of Martin D. and Ellen I I dtponds on a Schopfer Burke, 38 Reed St., Rockville. He was born March Proscription 22 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents you ccm dopond on are Mr. and Mrs. Holland Schopfer, Villanova, Pa. His pa­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Fenton Burke, Rock­ WoMon's ville. He has a brother, Matthew, 2. Hogue, Kevin Michael, son of Robert D. and Catherine i O s d d j y y L ! This unusual collection Ferry Hogue, 434 West Middle Tpke., Manchester. He was bora March 23 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His mater­ DRUG CO. nal grandmother is Mrs. Catherine Ferry, Glendale, Calif. His o f 767 Main St., Manciwater paternal grandmother is Mrs. Madge Hogue, G len^e, Calif. 643-6321 He has two sisters, Mary 6, and Colleen, 3. FASHION COATS. Get your share of the next •» llllr REDUCED big dividend! DEPOSIT TODAY! CASUAL specially for this MANCHESTER • MAIN FACING OAK SALE!

OUR GIFT TO YOU - FREE! STYLES: I So many to choose from! Shaped coats! Belted coats! Side button coals! Single breasted coats! Double WITH EVERY PAIR OF breasted coats! And mini-coats! All S. B. M. Savings M OR $10 CLOTHING PURCHASE FTHE shoes that UHDEDSTANO CHILOHEN FABRICS: beautiful 5x7 Accounts EARN OFFER ENDS SAT.. APRIL 5th S A tremendous variety! Shetlands! Boucles! Worsteds! I photograph of Diagonals! Novelty checks! Tweeds! See them all!

Your Child in Natural Color COLORS: Navy, white, gray and all the newest high shades. NO NOTICE REQUIRED AT ANYTIME

Sizes 6 to 18 and 5 to 15. d 4 d - 1 7 0 0 NO MINIMUM DEPOSIT- NO MINIMUM BALANCE Paid Quorierly from Day of Deposit

Taken by a professional Pied Savings Bank^ f Manchester Piper photographer. Choice of First step, the Firstie. The shoe that WE HONOR poses, no age limit. Hurry in! gives an inexperienced walker all the Anderson-Little M em ber F.D.I.C. IN MANCHESTER advantages of a snug heel, firm counter No Appointment Necessary (Manchester Parkade) West Middle Turnpike-Broad Street and flexible sole. And we have just the Six Oenveeiegt OGcee Setvliifi Come fo : 10 to 1 and 2 to 5:30 Phtme 647-9776 Late Nights till 7 fitters who’ll make sure the Firstie fits. M ANCm sm • lAST HARITCRD • SOUTH WINDSOR • lOLTON NOTCH voifmi ifviisii owfvm qfi vm ignoii_ BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. MARCH 81, 1969 P A G l SBVEM

Schnyder, TumWebrook Dr., Vemon Covent Rockville Vemon; Katherine Fahey, Ver­ 120 Hi STAR OAXEK^^ h non Haven Rent Home, Vemon; 1620 By C L A Y R. P O L L A N -*!------Hospital Notes Mary Prachniak, Rockville; Program for Slow Students ARIt$ LIIRA Mansfield Gray, Lake St., Ver­ History Oiib Your Daily Aefivity Guide CE , k4A». II sen.T. 23 Vlalting bourn are 12:80 to 8 non; Glenna Pair, Union St., . According fo fho Sfon. riifi ■t- ■ -An. I* ocf.f. 22 p.m.. In an areas except ma­ Rockville; Pamela Vltkus, Vil­ Meets April 9 Prepared by Town, iJConn ■^17-22-3543 To develop message for Tuesdoy,, 4-18-29-‘34^ ternity where they are 2 to 4 lage St., Rockville; Raymond 1 90 reod words correspond lr>g t (f numbers f M I 48-5048 V and 8:80 to 8 p.m. Lemek Jr., O ystal Lake Rd., „ ... T O B a — — , ■Bl Arnold G. Prelhman, director ing darees at the Oapt. Nathan of your Zodioc birth sign. The VeronTTOstorlcal Society ^ TAURUS SCORPIO Rockville; Eileen Fitzgerald, You n noTor hovo to buy ••uii mbmii of Pupil Peraonnel Servlcea in Hale Sttiool, and it ia these An. 10 b^utr cacti time Ur MU daySio(ii will hold Its annual meeting and 6t Without OCT. 11 Admitted Thursday: Harvey West Rd., RockvlUe; Mary prints mur roll of BuSdi A WwSe or the Coventry Schools, has an- teachers that 'workahopa would M m a V jo 62 Disopprovti dinner April 9 at 6:S0 p.m. at ** "Hofii* of Servic* and Quality" NOT. II Peck, Merrow; William Gould, F7ucklg^r, MUe HIM Rd., Rock- JJ'JJL » » «*»• A®?®- nounced a joint cooperative endeaver to - 5-UW1 63 It's LUTELY n iE E , a fresh roll of fum 64 Use 38-47-51-57/ son, Nike Circle, Manchester; for rour e w e r x ^ W e replace the mm the Northeast School. The dead­ project In special education with Pressman noted that the Cov- 49-60-73 Willimantlc; Carl Chapman, 65 Go son, Ike Circle, Manchester; you teve developed. It'a all fieab- SOUTH the University of ConnecUcut. entry school system ha< made GIMINI 66 Friends Rockville; Frances Almquist, ^ e d and top quaUty and Ko- line for dinner reservaiUons Is SAGITTARIUS Mrs. Charlotte PTokop and son, I dak. too. Qulclc proceselng . . . Dr. James Streuch, assistant a commitment to.special edu- may 21 67 Just Rhodes Rd., Tolland; Richard tomorrow. WINDSOR 68 Fortunott WOK. Pillsbury Hill, Rockville and IM hour lervlce for professor In the department of cation by providing a total pro- V VJO M C 1C ■ ■ ” Coyle, Vemon Gardens, Ver­ f b ttfk and white (Juat 69 Surrounds OfCc. II Mrs. Betty Sheer and son. a little bit longer for The business meeting will Speclal Education at UConn, gram for -educable children, pri- 70 A non; John Reed, Kingsbury Sullivan Ave. ?) 7-12-2046 Somers. color). start at 7:80 p.m. and will In­ WIU serve as unlverrity director mary ttetnigh Wfirh school, and >»70:80-88 71 Before 6.19-24-40/^L' Ave. Ext., RockviHe; Linda clude the election of officers and Shopping Center 72 Something 56:64J2JZ.'^ of this program. presently is serving children CANCIR 73 Mochinery CAPRICORN Schnyder, Tumblebrook Dr., report of the president and JUNS II 74 And Vemon, and Donna Henry, Rob­ The project will be essential- also at the intermediate and 75 Help DEC Nuns Live Longer treasurer. .V in Rd., Rockville. MANCHESTER ly a two-phased program, with hdgh school levels of the Mans- ^!JW tV 11 76 Time JAN. AT THE f AEXADB Miss E lla Woof^ executive di­ popular phase I operating for approxi- Held Ihibllc Schools. 77 Attentlorw Births Thursday; Daughter CHICAGO—A study has found r')M43-5442 8- 9-15-28^ lUGGEH DRUG 404 M ID D LE T P K E .' rector of the Connecticut League 76 Mysterious mately six weeks at UConn., Nutmeg State WV^76-79-89 79 To 30-55-66 bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Mc­ that CaUwHc nuns, probably be­ of Historical Soctetles, will be 725 Middle Turnpike East June 20 to Aug. 4, and phase H American Lej^on Post Boys LCO 80 Young AQUARIUS Coy, Klbbe Rd., Ellington, and cause o t their comparative free­ the guest speaker. Her topic will 81 Usuol JAN. 10 ^ daughter bom to Mr. and Mrs. dom from stress, suffer lees being conducted at the Coven­ Dbate chairman John Lacek has 82 Your be "The Connecticut League cuid Burr Comers Shopping Center try schools on an In-service announced that application to 2 5 l- aug. 11 23 Companionship53 With 83 Right n i. i» Buel Henry. Robin Rd., Rock­ from heart disease, cancer and 54 One 84 The Historic Preservation.” training basis for teachers dur­ the American Legion’s Nutmeg 2-11-25-39 24 Own 3-14-16-23^ ville. gostrolnteetinal disturbance than Tolland Turnpike 25 Own 55 Your 85 Now Dlschatged Thursday: Linda other women end live longer. Miss Wood, one of the found­ ing the 1969-70 academic year. Boys State have been sent to W^5841-75 26 Moy 56 And 66 Down 324I-8V-85Sl l . ' Fi OF MANOHEanCB ers of the Connecticut League The main goal in phase I the prindpeXs of Cfoventry High VIRGO 27 Show 57 Secrecy 87 Initiotive PISCIS 88 Person of Historical Societies, has serv­ would be to prepare an in- School and E.O. Smith High Zg y AUS. 11 26 Gratitude 58 Affoirs 29 Of 59 Feelings 69 Holt 54 McKEE S1REET ed as executive director during dlvlduallKd plan of Instruction School in 'Mansfield. The Rotary 11 30^ 60 Unfomilior 90 Aheod MAR. 2 0 < ^ = ^ 6494521 the 20 years of Its existence. In an academic area for 12 to Club of Coventry wlM sponsor 3\21-26-37-42 CH) Adverse Neutral 13-27-36-44^ ^7-71-84-86 \S2.7^7J Indian lore was the subject of 16 special class pupils from the the boy chosen from Coventry, Now la the time to bring in your screens to be repaired. actlvlUes and decorations at the Coventry special education pro- and Post 62 the boy chosen Storm window g la u replaced. March meeting of Vernon Chib gram. These would be children from Mansfield, Earn Extra Money will also pertlcipete, and music Easter Sunday at First Congre­ Pack 221 at the Lake Street who, although classified as re- At^Ucants must be high school will be provided by the combined gational Church will be at 9:80 AUTO GLASS INSTALLED School. Steven Hall was awarded tarded, should be doing better juniors, and the sdeotian Is choirs of the two congregatitnis. and 11 a-m. There will be no a box kite for winning the leg academically. The indlyidualtz- mode by high school guidance All are invited to this service. seaalons of Church School and GLASS FURNITURE TOPS 3 wrestling contest. ed program would be tried and counselors and faculty. The pro- First Ckxigregatlonai Church no nursery that day. Deliver Telephone Books Awards presented included: refined during the six weeks, gram which ccnslsts c< one full will hold an Easter Sunday Ser­ MIRRORS (Fireplace and Do m *) Lewis Lano and Don LaJoie, with the ultimate goal of having week of education In govem- vice to be conducted by -mem­ Wolf badge; Brian Fielding, these plans of Instruction utllls- ment, -will be held et the Uni- Men or women with cars or light trucks to deliver . PICTURE FRAMING (all typM) ed by the child’s teacher In 1969. bers of the Senior Pilgrim Fel­ Wolf badge and two silver ar­ verstty of Connecticut Storrs NOW... FMOTIGTION (iH«rald photo by Pinto) lowship at the home of Mr. and j telephone directories in Manchester, Wapping, Bed- rows; Dave Theriaque, Wolf Children selected for the pro­ campus from June 22 through dependable Mrs. Walter Thorp, Paden Rd., ' WINDOW and PLATE GLASS badge, sliver and gold arrows; gram^ would be part of the uni­ June 28. ton and surrounding areas. at 6 a.m. BreaMast will be ‘ quality-assured The Clean Water Is on the Right Ken Silvane, gold arrow, Norni versity’s six-week summer ses­ ■ The $80 fee for each boy ia Tub Enclosure from $30 to $45 phis instaUatioii served In the church vestry fol- ; QUdden, silver arrow; Don sion, which has always been at- paid by the qxmsoring organl- TERMITE Please report for hire and route sdection on Wednes­ Raw sewage is comhug out of the left culvert while tended by experienced teachers aatlons, a cooperative venture lowing the Sunrise Service. i the edges of the shrinking pond. William O’Neiill, Lewis, two silver arrows. Bill day, April 2, from 8:30 s jn . to 4 pjn. the rest of Bigelow Brook comes out of the other. and supervleors In special edu- for the. past several years be- Morning warship services on CONTROL D. D. EISENHOWER DECANTER public works director, said today the Water Re­ Kerr, three silver e u t o w s ; Oaiy ABE LINCOLN DECANTER .... The culverts are emptying into Hilliard Pond on sources Department Friday finally approv^ the Ghartler, gold and two silver ar­ cation. Children from Coven- tween the Rotary Club and Post w ith try’s special classes attend- S3, F. D. ROOSEVELT ...... the north slide of W. Middle Tpke. near the Park- town’s plans for $4.7 million worth of sewer lines rows, and Matt Kelley, Bear GOLD CREST CHEMICALS PRO ms. CO., Inc. badge, and Gian Linton, den ed last summer’s workshop. Ohuroh Dervioee M. L. K IN G ...... aide. Area residents report the sewage flow this and a sewage treatment plant. One of the lines w'ill EVERY CARD IS A WINNER! C all. . . Pupils would be transported Maundy Thursday will be ob- LIGGEH DRUG c/o Knights of Columbus R. F. KENNEDY ...... weekend has been much heaviter than usual. The handle the sewage at the Parkade pump house. But chief chord. WIN $].. $5. $10. $20. $100, $1,000 with FREE dally from their homes to the aerved In the First Oengrega- NULINE REPRODUCTIONS FROM sewage is overflow from the sewage pump house O’Ndjll said, “Assuming no snags, it will be 18 to Scouts advanced to Weblos PARHADE 188 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER were David Martin, Mike Sac- weekly visif punches! $203,266 IN PRIZES! imlversity for a half-day pro- tlonal Church with a service cf 646-0445 1968 CAMPAIGN BOTTLES . .se t | on the south side of the culverts. Although town 24 months before that phase of the work is done.” gram. While the primary focus Temibrae and H

MANCHESTTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 ^ A O l M I N B J B K S n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 Vemon of the greatest statesmen ot this our Initiative, at least the world on the day of Ms funeral. MP Killed in Vietnam Tolland their car went off the road and pionship of the Church League Ceremonies country.” wlB know who is for conflict Most rtores and large indus­ rolled over, according to state Basketball program. The final The naUonsl chaplain of a and who is for peace.” tries remained open. Commu­ WAIXlNOrORD (AP) —Army police. score of the game waa 78-80. Jewish veterans group urged to­ The rabbi stressed that such nity officials like Danbury May­ Spec. 4 WUUam C. Fienton Jr., Eklward J. Sass, 19, of 570 Utembers of the champlmuhlp Across- U S . day that Preaident Nixon ’’hon­ an action would be especially or Ginq Arcontl conducted 19, son o< Mr. and Mrs.. Wil­ team are Larry Anderson, Cmi- General Government Budget in Newsletter, Vernon St, the driver of the or the memory at Dwight Elsen­ significant “ now, when we are observances, and schools, stdte liam C. Fienton of WaUlngfocd, car, waa taken to the hospi^l rad Dwlre, Robert Wong, Rich­ hower with a truce In Vietnam In the midst of a Joint holy Slid local offices and most has been killed in Vietnam Ms suffering from facial cuts and ard M iller, Ed Sherman, Russell Honor Ike and a moratorium on arms season.” were cloeed. ^ n ily laarned Friday. ftkscrihe Pay Negotiations Weix and Peter Brenn. poesible chest injuries. Churdies and synagogues At Yale University, Eugene The team will play the coach­ A t $3.3 M illion —a 26% R ise (C fran Page Oae) Fenton, a military poUceman, Also treated at Manchester throughout Connecticut and the V. Rostow, former assistant n tha board ed the reasons tor the changes es tomorrow at ^ e Vernon Ele­ DRUGS„NARCOTICS RabU Samuel Silver of Tem­ who enlisted In the Army in By BARBARA RICHMOND the ToUand to the board's reprssentativee. Hospital wns Robert Kravlec, ta lin g $5,180,818, last week. equipment of our public Mtfo- At the wMte frame Brethren ple Sinai, chaplain of the Jew­ nation-paused today during their secretary of state under Presi­ January 1988, was killed by an mentary School. A proposM general govern­ UtfgoUU- “Having oompieted this for the 19, of 22 Lodge Dr. He was This was an Increase of slight­ ty, aad protection departments In Christ cbundt in Ahflene, ish War Veterans ot thb UAJL, Lenten and Passover celebra­ dent John F. Kennedy, spoke enemy land mine while on a ment budget o f $8,894,228 for iB f tfM W bava been oontinutair entire oontiwct proposal, we treated for facial cuts and later ly over $1 million over tbe cur­ and undertaking Town of Ver­ Kan., where young xaseiiiower made hia comment in a me­ tions to Ikskm* the 34th President at a noontime service. voluntary mlseton. Manchester Evening Herald 1989-70 waa submitted today to OB a W*Jdy bMlB dhce Decem­ then went beu:k to the begtanlng releaaed. A second passenger A SEMINAR IN THREE PARTS rent budget. non Improvements projects, attended Sunday school, the morial service for Elseidiower Tolland correspondent Bette ber, Irtflm it any publicly an- escaped injury. tbe Board of Representatives by Rev. Glew A. Hensel said: "We to further c la r ify and dIacuBs quatrale, tel. 875-2845. The board of R^nesenta- long neglected.” In Stamford. The accident is still under in­ Mayor John E. Grant. 'The fig­ bMBiced procreee or agre^ basic iaaues,’’ Italia stated. “At tives will now hold a series of Tlte mayor also said It is the like to Giliric that some of the " B y m aking the m ove,” Raib- vestigation by State Trooper ure represents a 28 per cent in­ raM bi. this time we have gone through Presented By ta*lgrt meetings to go over intention to pursue every ap- lessons he leaned In this Sun­ U Stiver said, “ President Nixon Both groiva agreed to reaped Clifford Lots. crease. the erttlre contract for the sec­ PRIED ®och request before a final pro­ portunlty to obtain fedeM and day school may have' helped would win a bBHon hearts. And the pilracy o( the negotiating Pilgrim Fellowahlp Champs This figure with the proposed ond tim e ." GASIBl DASKETS STATE, LOCAL OFFICIALS and COLLEGE STUDENTS posal is made to a public hear­ state grants through the Com­ him heoome what he waa—one if our enemies fail to accept team eeeiinne and to iasue only He Kdiatged the board negotia­ The Uirited Cfongregatlonal education budget of $5,390,818, ing. munity Development Act Pro­ m aking a total ot $8,784,544, Joint alatementa. tors with having “very little in­ Church Pilgrim Fellowship bas­ 98e CNN Submitted with the budgets gram . THE DRUG PROBLEM AND HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. could mean a 13-mlll Increase In the flrat public newalet- sight Into the day-to-day duties ketball team defeated the Ver^ APRIL 2 was a message from Mayor “The Changing White House” ARTHUR over the present 55.5 rate A to­ tar laaued by the ToHand Bdu- and reqionslbiHlies of teach- non- Union Congregational Grant which ia baaieally the will be the subject of a talk to oatlon Aasodatton, however; Church team to gain the cham­ APRIL 9 WHAT MANCHESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE tal ot $6,240,504 Is to be raised ■ame as hia message of last g o a l ) era.’ ’ be given by Mrs. Ruel Warrlner WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES Robert Italia, dialrman the by taxation. year. o t “This ts understandable as DOING ABOUT THE PROBLEM. Jr. of South Windsor at the TEA Oontract negotiating team, Hie Increase in the general neither one Of them has had eX| The mayor notea that cuta meeting of the Suburban Wo­ haa included an ertide explain­ government budget is largely perience teaching in putdic APRIL 16 WHY YOUNG PEOPLE GET INVOLVED IN DRUG made In proposed new equip­ men's Club tomorrow at 8 p.m. ing tbe propoaala being present­ due to a 80 per cent rise in the Day In,Day schools,'’ The TEA team chair­ ment, new programs and re­ at the SMnner Road School. sleekest, most fashionable ed by the teachers, wMh the ex- ABUSE. figure for debt interest and man added. quests for increased manpower Mrs. Warrlner worked in the cvfUoD of salary requests. Sponsored by ^ principal which went from the Earlier this month the TEA UPTON PAVING CO. do not mean that he has White House for two years as MANCHESTER ADULT EVENING SCHOOL , current figu re o f $831,000 to $1,- T ^ newsletter contains var- established skimping on neces­ assistant curator, one year with look for Springtime . .. toui items of interest to the negotiating team held the first MUNO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL P.T.O. 330,275. on PRESCRIPTIONS President' John F. Kennedy and of a series of coffee hours at DRIVFWAYS • PARKING LOTS MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE sities as a set policy for the atadiers and Rte general public, This Includes a $2 mUlion one . with President Lyndcm the Meadowbrook School. The future. He said, rather, that he . . . resuiting in meaningful paovlding an Insight into activ- COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL To Be Held At sewer extension project and a feels the town must mark time, Johnson. Kiae in the local schools. team discussed “three import­ COMPLETE EXCAVATING $1.8 million sewer revolving purchasing only what It ab­ With colored slides to Illus­ savings to you every day! Italia notes the two negotiat­ ant aresis, the consultation pro­ fund. It also includes a $1.9 mil­ trate her talk, Mrs. Warrlner cedure, the formatton ot an ILUNG JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM — 7:30 P.M. solutely needs to maintain the ing teams, meet every Thurs­ AND PAVING WORK lion 39-room elementary school. status quo until, “we are able will speak of her experiences No 19a and downs In jrom Prapcriptlon Aides Association and salary day evening fai the teachers An amount of $125,000 Included to catch our breath.” while assisting Mrs. Kennedy in costa—no "dboounte” tod^, "Kegnlar developments,” according to TEL. 742-6190 or 742-7604 MO RGGISTRATION FEE room at the high school from for an addition to the Talcott- The mayor cited the increase redecorating the White House. prloeo” tomorrow! f 7:M until 10:10, w here “ w e find Italia. vUle School will be almost total­ in the education budget aa a Maple Grove Ladles No ''Mdnced qwoials”—no “temporary ouraetree trying to convince Additional coffee hours will be ly reimburseable by the state. The Maple Grove Ladies Aux­ 3 hard blow for all. He said, “We redocUona” on Preoer^tfona to hire the board of teachers' needs.” sche Board ot Eid’ication sub­ of the can and holding Bethea ments mstde by our staff,” The two were taken to Man- Movi; nr TO autdm \rii: msiivv \shini; on the betterment of aervlcea The TEA team then explain­ cherter Memorial Hoepltal after The "ready-for-everything" washer! mitted Its proposed budget, to­ to our citizens by updating the

COME IN BIG VALUES! BIG SAVINGS! The Director of the Senior Center wishes to apologize to the many mer­ PA T im S chants he did not have time to contact to see if they would t>e in­ cleaning Oven That terested. However, he would afford these merchants the opportunity Two appliances in one! of adding their names to this list, by contacting the Senior Citizens Center Office. Along with this list Mr. Fortin, Senior Citizens director, navy and red NOW AND has compiled the discounts and limitations for each place of business and bone Lets You See What's Cooking! and has made out a few rules for the Senior Citizens to follow. These and black 13.5 cu. ft lists must be picked up at the Senior Center by the Gold Card holders combination as soon as possible. SAVE! And only G.E. has It! Two Door . G20 pr. 30'' Custom Refrigerator • Big zero-degree fr^zer SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT PLAN Automatic Range holds up to 13^ lbs. • Two ice trays under CO-OPERATING MERCHANTS P-7® Oven cleans Itself completely, package shelf. Easy to electrically . . . baked-on grease 3 remove; no shuffling House A Hate . ENTERTAINMENT BARBER SHOPS and grime simply vanish! CUANS of packages Turnpike TV Manchester Hardware A Manchester High School John's—Green Rd. • Automatic Rotisserie • Freezer door shelf holds Supply State Tlieatre Pine—Center St. gal. ice cream cartons! Paul’s Paint A Wallpaper Parkade—W. Middle Tpke. 1 ITSfLF • Meat thermometer M ari-M ads Main—C en ter St. • Automati9 defrosting Oaplbol Elquipment Oo. Capitol—M ain St. ' BEAUTY SALONS • Automatic Sensi-Temp unit refrigerator section! Treasure City Pike-(W. Middle Tpke. with Grill Watkins Brothers, Inc. Jon-Ly Coiffures Sal’s-Depot St. • Twin vegetable bins; I ' iL Land O’ Fashion Billie’s Beauty Shop Pagan l’s;—P e a rl St. removable egg bin Fairway Stores John’s—Route SO AVAILABLE IN ALL Sherwin-Williams Oo. Lando’s—E. Center St. • Coppertone or white Glazier’s Corset A Uniform E m il A Son—M ain St. itSi Shop AUTO REPAIRS and Bob’s—^McKee A C en ter St. COLORS Keith’s Furniture EQUIPMENT SUte—Blssell St. Logan Mills Hebron—Route 66 $ ' W. T. Grant (Main St. Only) Manchester Motor Soles John’s—Hartford Rd. AT NORMAN’S Pentland the Florist Cantone’s Esso A Oil Co. Cfooper Street—Cooper St, VP TO a< MONTHS TO FAY Nasslff Arms Co. Wholesale Tire Co. of VUlage—C en ter St. The Treasure Shwpe M anchester Don’s—Main St. Gleiiney’s Men’s Shop Nlchols-Mancheater Tire, Inc. Manchester—Main St. E. A. Johnson Paint Co., Inc Ed’s Atlantic Ruaaell’s—Spruce St. Choose from a wide variety of Bray’s Jeweler Ftogarty Oil Co. Ted ford ’ s—M ain S t Reed’s, Inc. Green—E. Middle Tpke. discontinued sewing machines, BUY FROM THE EXPERTS—IN PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE AND IN SERVICE! Sam Yules Walnut—Walnut St. carrying cases and cabinets, Urbanetti’s Shoe Repair Shop DINING PLACES bone calf or Eleanor Buck’s Shop Including some Touch and Sew* PotterUm’s, Inc. Pizza Ray’s Mack patent Coret Casuals machines. Merle Norman Cfoemetic Studio IrtsItsiwJbfIwswiBifilsiSlMCIR faddy.’’ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SINGER Optical Style Bar For address d< store nearest you, APPLIANCES sec shite pa|es of phone book und«r SINGER COMPANY 886 M AIN OT. — TEL. 647-14IK INC. (D AL Shoes—Oorbtna C om er and fTHKMNMRCOMMNY Manchester Fiarkade) 445 HARTFORD ROAD. MANCHESTZR OTEN THJ. NINE DAILY — SATURDAY TIU SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1989 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 PAGE

W lift beloagB to Qaoi«e "poaltiFa, «ompralMnMa« actions gotiM of Houae Dr. Schroll HfCC Presents Voter Sesrion lar boyond ttnoo of recant yean?” Police tfOg omftd'not be contacted aa he is Two-Part Campaign Listed A a tq 8 p.m. voter-makliig Tliay awe little pro^wat t i an aaoape i <».. INC ottwr goiTemineiital progimme, a P n A at. ebazgad with opm b “What’s Happenbif Nhw," a Munlclpel BnUding. Otmuneraa Cfty Beautiful Com­ gnune. lit ia ontJolpatod the col­ Mbrtantial tianafer at Income tn m a motor vahlcla while under j-.o- _ ** one-man titow, on AprU 6 at 8 BUglble appUcanta must be mittee formuMted two plana as lection wAl be completied by thoee who are atiU working kitn the Uvkv ^ InAueocp of intoxicating Uq- ^ p.m. in BaUey Auditorium, Iton- at least 21 yeara of ago, Man- part of tts conUnuliig anU-Itt- September. reaouroaa of our groarhig retired poptila* Chester High School, qponaored chaster lealdenta tor at te r drive. Hie talk wffl bo flexible tor j- QtMbtr 1 . am Uon. brakes). Oomt data AprU lA Bahre of Oanten. by Mandieotor Community Col­ least alx montha, and must One la « letter to approxi' -aU age groupe, and vartaU n In lege program committee. be UJI. etttaans. scope tor piwseiiitatton by oom- SPECIAL ■reafev Baeapt Sandayn Here we have them. a> right, back mately 160 Manchester mer- Rdbest ' Vanstaenburgh, 33 of mlttee membere when Invfted Boat OOlM at In their "eootal odentMt” mood. And COMPLAINTS The pubUc may purehaae chaifts, Usting tour year-round M Beoooa C lu a Mad 168 Pearl St, ohoigad with fail­ to speak before youth and here, perhapa, we otorm at them with Two cameras, valued at 81W, tickets at the door. MOC stu­ singing in high school, and procedures to toSo(w in making ure to obey a traffic oontnri dents wUl be admitted tree. ’VSeenUneas good tor busineas.” Whitt JorganIsaMans. It WiU in­ our answer*. Oontrol inflation, we may were stolen from WUUam SaCh- served as president at OorneU’a tu rn sign. Oouit date AprU 14. In this program, Tamnr wUl folk muale olub. The other ia the preparation of clude the role of homeowners, TAX LOAN Advaaea erek of aa Cottage St. on Mu«h aay, so thw retired dollar la not ootored sUdea and « disoussion bustoeoeea, eohools, youth 28, police report Sacberek said Incorporato his many, eroativo Ho began playing night olubo, ^ ttieafwned. Tee^h peo|ile to oave more, Dorti B. Bombard of Cook Dn, talents reAsoting today’s youth outline on 30 antl-Htler and giwqis, c4v8e organlsottcna, and ...... T.I0 he had the cameras under the i^peared on tho A n t UlevlBion mixildpol government in town­ ...... AW we may oay, so th^ have better Bdton, charged with oparating scone end rapiftty otisriglng so­ folk musio apoolal, "Folk Sound landeoaplng programs conduct­ a motor veblola with unsafe front seat of his oar, which was cial values. He recently co-pro­ ed by the oemmittoe each year. wide oleenup and beautiAcotion. financing for their retirement years. Re- parked in Ms driveway. UIA,” and partlolpatad in the The talk will touch on the me­ SERVICE tiras. Oouit data ApsU 14. duced a movie, “Tou Are What In its btier, (ho town litter ______'^PRBSB •tore the aiMlent unity ot die temlly, Newport Folk Festival. Ha waa morial tree program. Rid Utter H m A M S^^ai i n t m m la aaduatralj entlded we may preach, so the old people can Tou Bat,” a multimsdla “hiqp- already a auocaSsful aolo par- prevention auboommfttoe, Law­ bucatkm or all nawa dla- Jamas Daly, no oartoln ad- angina of a oar belonging panlng’’ daaltng with tha youth rence A. Oonvarae HI ohalnnan, and Arbor .Daye, (own Utter ft or not oUieralae oredH- live 'upetalre and not require public sub- forpiar whan ha met Mary Get the cash you nasd to pay your taxee 1 «lM> tha local neara pub- dnas, and Harry Laiatar, no oer- ^ Robert WlnofaaU, 848 theme. Traven and Paul Stookey to is urging (1) H ie pravlaton of praventkxi, edwol antt-Utter tidy so they can ttv« somewhere else. eduoation, oervloe otatton end —and get it fs8tl Jim call us and tell us how at rainMloatloD of apodal dla- tain addraaa, both obaiged with tampaied with Aa a mambor of Potor, Paul form tho famous trio. edequato tratti roosj^tacles for Atb alao r aaar red. What It these answers are not gohM intaxtoatiaft. Court data fqirU ift ^ weekend, poftoe report. ouatomera; (3) (ho regular urban renewal beautlAoaticn, and Mary sinoa ita Inooptlon in new busimea landacaping, open much you want. WeW have the cash ready ■aMH M a tta d ObimauiT toe., aa- to be made to work? What if no one IMl, Tarrow has oontrUmtod to sweeping ot atdowalfca, but not ■ a /n a a M a l raaponaffijllty tor typo- does control inflation? What it the cost Waldo J . Batting, 41, of Daley Frank WoUngar, M Blssell the group’s rapartolra by writ­ Named to M eAcalPost Into gutters; (8) the provlaton qpaoe preservation, pubUotty and waiting for you when you come in. ------dppaautad in advorUaementa of laidoquato oontainore tor buai- and aduoation program, atrsat auU er in H w Manchester of Uvlng and keeping up with outturn Rd., CovaOtiy, ohargad with op- S t, oomplalnad to poUoe that ing and arranging oonga. Whan At 9l Lonls Unhrenlty tree ptanting, Aower gardan Remember: when you want caih, you’re feeble human eMorts tor greater ttwitt? arating aa unrsgiatorod motor tha air had bean let out of the not working or travalliig with neee tieah at the rear of etorea ST. L o u n (AP) — Dr. Max to ptovent qtSUng and Mow- program, and ralaitod eubjaota. good for more at Beneflciall Call up or oome _ ta fcaa'Angolae Tlmea-Waaiitna What if the family refuses to be put vefaksla and Impropar uao of a ttiee on his oar twice during the the ^ 0, he pursuoa panwnal In- lo a ^ M l MHaa Idrrtee. marfcar. Court dato AprU 14. past weak. tereata in musio, painting, aroh- P. V ogfar, BSMiolato profaaaor big; (4) the eweepiiig of park­ A Uat of Alms for ohUdran in today. Beneficial. . . where the money is. of N. E. A. Sorvloe, Inc together again? of publlo health and payiddatiy and adulte on Utter pravantlon, jantatlyea — “nie Jullue Iteotura, phyalaa, and payohol- ing lots to ramo(ve Utile left Then, we guess, we either let pey^e Jamas J. KaUy, M, of 66 Sum­ ogy. at Tala Utovetotty Sdiool of by ahoppera end pedeetrlana. vnndaUam control and beauUA- M d ^ S m ~ aink tocther down into that poverty they Hie word “LOVB" wee Xsdlolno eor U ysara bam boon TownwMe cooperation by oation may bs Obtainad from mer St, charged with failure to reoently soratahed on the beige He began his study ot a rt AXTMT BDIIKAU OF c m n iiM find wafting for them when they reach obey a traftlo oontrol aignel. and painting at an early age in appolntod with lem nmn—la^faifi was Involved in a two-car ac­ As in Ml, » fax death Dwight Elsen- The aome practice ObtoinB hi big buti- cident in ftont of McDonald’s hower brUlgi )M mUlan a kind of paaoe. wSIJi some fln n s big enough to Sunday at 6:21 p.m. Court date April 14. H is ebanoiar ot the nation’s mourn- •Cfonl tlMtr own permanent efflcieocy lag tor Mm rMsots it depaitmenta. Ftiotogragtied By Reginald Pinto Emeat O. Earle, 64, of War­ Other reoent national funeraM have Ny <**• emptoyment or another, the IF SPRING COMES, OAN WINTER BE FAR BEHIND? wick, R.I., w&B icharged witii toond aa aomindned to bear witness, with reiaUvety few efficiency consultant Arms evading neeponalbiUty Satutday tom litarlw to tha brabal ending of isi- with high reputatlona have t>een moving at 11:46 p.m. at a Mobil Serv­ tninied careers of Mgh promloa. into a positkm from which they *i«ri«.s ice Station on Tolland Tpke., Wa warn kColMd and battered bjr the seem to be naming America. Herald' near exit 94 of the Wilbur Croea htJuBtioe ot the deaths. Now there to news of a fSKlnatiiM: Highway. PoUtoe eald Barte Inside Report backed Into another car parked We M t dfi^ vad of gtortoas might- extention of their zone of operathsH. Yesterdays at the otation and then drove have-beens. ■ One of the more famous firms, Ailthur Open Form *»y oft. Court date April 14. Wfth^Dwlght misfnhnwBr, there was D. Little toe., has oontracted to do a 25 Year» Ago no violanee Or tnJasUoe aoaociated wUh Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak noO.OOO fkudy for the Oommunioatlons Center Congregational Church A fcwo-car accident occurred flie dsotii. I t oame peaceftahy, a t the Sunday at 9 a.'m. on Haokma- Workers of America, the study to in­ W mjAMSTON. N. C. — the state capital Ut Itoleigh, the parish honors the Rev. Dr. Wat­ “Must FaU Sqnuely’’ cient suppAea and maintenance, good end of tbtagk not fai the unfUflOed taok 8t., near S. Main St. Hie clude a “top-to-bottom review of our Despite the success of HEW private school route poses al­ son Woodruff at a farewell par­ To the Editor, but were promised many ex-, otiMle. Secretaiy Robert Finch in per­ ty and presents him with gift citing thinga to oome auTA- drivers were 'RJehoird Enibaer, management practices,’ ’according to most insuperable financial bur The arguments used by Mr. k 39 Judith Dr., and .Flrank Ali- Untioad ot Imsgkiliig what Dwight Joseph Beime, executive head of the suading the MiarUn County dens. Nevertheless, pledges of of 81,000. FitzGerald and Mr. Agostinelli cient ftmda were tortbooming. school board to adopt an "ac­ que, 107 Francks Dr. Elm-boer Kisonhoww might have become, we are union. more than 1100,000 have already at the recent Board of Director’s Howeyier, there were two foe-; waa injured 'but he did not re­ ceptable” desegregation plan, 10 Yeara Ago ton left unexplained which' privileged to remember what be was. And Boos, AUen k Hamilton, another been made and at least 200 meeting will no longer work. quire hoapUal traaitment, eu:- thus freeing blocked Federal families are said to have ex- proved dlaturiting to me and; His best powan and potentialtttea bad conwiHing Arm fam iliar to Otannectiout Report ot engineering firm Only the most inane teacher cordlflg to ipoUoe. baen gtVte thtir full chance, and had fluids, the plan is alreadly under premed solid interest. would believe that a raise given othera. pubUc and private enterpitwe, has one withering fire fpomi militant reporta 81,472,300 In improve­ proved dMiBSsIwo ftdly, with full divl- If it goes that way, the bond ments is needed tor Manches­ to him wotdd automatically be The Ant factor was that none John Turner, 49, of 110 Hack­ of its team s of eoeperts studying the blacks and whites in this back- taken from the dtUdren he teach­ of the administrators could dmds for flie Oecisty and time in which country county seat. laaue caimot win, for the ob­ ter’s future water needs. matack St., waa issued a writ­ tiructurs and operations of the Meat Cut­ vious reason that* all the es or the flacilltlea he teachea In. adequately explain why Man-' ten warning tor making an im­ ha lived. School board chairmen Leroy ters Unlcn, trytQg to shnpOfy its poper- private-school familiee will fight With this line of reasoning the idieater has a higher oost per proper signal, after he was in­ Wa M ar wo may never nee another like Harrison is now organizing an wodc and taioreaae its efAciency. One it (the last school-bond issue Director^^ could urg® for neoct pupil rate than neathy towns volved in (an accident with en- him, and tilat is part of the affection all-out publicity campaign to brand of efAciency — automation — the failed by less than 600 votes). year in an educattonal budget but Is, according to the educa- . ctiier car Saturday at 4:06 p.m. with whldi wa oay our ritual farewells. sell the desegregation plan to coveting only teacher’s totlaiies ton, getting less in value. Hie at W. Center St. and Hartford union has no intention of taking. Othei^ parent-teacher groups, civic or­ Worse yet, however, is the We WIdW we are mourning, tgit we and then argue that the teachers one explanation tiiat we had Rd. The other driver was Nor­ wise, it luqies to proAt. ganizations, and white and ciAtural and economic split in­ Poet*8 Corner Girls Spring thru cannot dengr that We feel good about the side the white conununity that ore taking everything away many teacben who were af the man J. PhAUps of East Hart There was a time, of course, when black leaders. But tor Harrison, from the children. The burden top of their grade did not suf­ (lord. way we are privileged to do our mourn­ who believes the economic would follow eetabliabment o< a uni one spedalized in felling Indiwtry how 1 Thank You! of education must fail squarely fice as otiier towns must bave Summer ^uits ing tMs time, free to honor our national future of the prosperous county private scbobl for well-heeled it shoMd run itself. Now they are hiring on everyone’s ahouldera for edu­ many teachen alao in this A viehiole roDed 284 feet from best rather than cnnuniserate over some depends on peaceful acceptance white families. As a local busi­ I guess it’s always been since Two and three piece styles, cation in A m erica'is pubUc. No same lAtegory. At the same its parked pooition oh House Dr. act from our violent worst, privkeged the same eoqwrts industry hires. In order of the plan, the going is all up- nessman told us: “That private time, with fashion detail. Bonded r,,, more sacrifice should be ex­ time We were told that many < Saturday afternoon, before it orlon and double knits. A a07 to contemplate the honor and satiefaction to And out how to run themselves. hUl. schoed Idea Is Just like an eatln’ And it could remain that way; cancer. The rural white families A lack of appreciation, pected from a teacher because Manchester teachen had left us Mt another parked car. The roU- lovely selection of colors and “ of a Ufe mtation completed rather than This leaves the consultant Arms alone Moreover, it will be little tor these other towns. How cam couldn’t stand it and it would That’s what I’m tr3rlng to say. he is one than from a person In Ing ea r la owned by Frank Di- patterns. Sizes 4/6x and 7/14 A on a pinnacle of their own—the last sur­ short of a miracle if a 83-5 mil­ angulah over a mission interrupted. any other profession or vocation. morale be poor if we have so , nardo of Bast Hartford and the lion' bond issue tor two new in­ Just build up a whole other In death, aa hi life, Dwight llllaenhoweT viving instance of enterprise which func­ class.’’ It seems quite illogical for Mr. many satisAed teachen at the tions without a continual calling In of tegrated high schools, up tor a So will someone kindly ttil me. top level? Not one of the educa­ gives us peace. vote, late this spring, actually But the posslbiUty of a boy­ Even hint or gesture vrtiy, FItMIerald to demand sacrifices outtide experts. Who coilld, tor that mat­ from 'teacheni while he himself tors could give any bettor rea­ passes. Resentment over high cott by some of the vriiites in It’s so hard to say, “I thank son tor our high costs, not one ter, quakfy to be consultent to the con- real estate tax rates killed the; this tobacco-and-peanut county you,” feels a tax Increara of U mills Girls Easter Hats aidtants, or efAciency expert tor the ef- Or some other way Imply. would force him to move to an­ was willing to investigate and THE Our “GoMen” Years last two school bond issues. The* is no more dangerous to the de­ give the town the facts, and Aciency eotperts? Hiey had better be new one now carries the extra segregation plan than the threat other town. Why ia the 8100 or 8200 loss of salary he expects of not one could promise that with Down in Waatdngtcn, a Senate Special burden of racial emotions aris­ of a aimUar boycott by blacks. Things most toipaitant we for- good and they had better be itght if, teachers so much easier to ac­ a higher budget that our p e r Committee on Aging has Just isaued a as present trends indicate, they are soon ing out of the desegregation The Negroes are furious that the get; PANTS Dozens of styles to select pupil coat, and beneAts received plan sponsored and approved by plan involves only one-way traf- Unimportant, we remember; cept than the extra 800 increase from - assorted straws - report prepared by a study group of going to be running, ' with their Ir- he would suffer by an additional would be In better proportion. i$2 Finch’s Health, Education and Ac — the assignment of Negro Not Just once or twice a year, beautiful trims. social sofentists. - resistible axhice and expoftise, goivern>- 6 mllla? Are the teachers cap­ The second factor and pei^ It wonft do us any good to scoff at Welfare Department in Febru­ pupils to white classrooms, but But from January through haps the most dtsturUi^ was ment, big busineas, and bfg labor. ary. That approval lifted no white pupils to black class­ December. able of being more dedicated one more “study group" or at the pro- rooms. than town ofAclaila ? the grammatical errora made by Finch’s conditional ban on 1700,- an administrator and a repn- feasicnal wailing of “social scientists,” 000 worth of B’ederal school In any event, I would advise 17.97 10^24.! Last fall the school board There’s little praise for a Job sentaUve from the teachen’ h fn not in this case. The^^'Gap’' Is Overdone aid—a cool 13 percent of the him not to move, for in the near abandoned freedom of choice, well done group. One error was so g*vi4ny Girls We all know tiiat what the study aays Hie much-cited “generation gap” county’s tot€il budget—ordered future I think there will be many New Spring coats in navy and pastel strains the credibility of many Amerl- which simply hadn’t worked be­ This no one will deny; that It ibrought toitii a gasp o f Full Bloom is true. in his first decision last Janu­ But a tiny slip, and what a of those exceptionally weU- pay­ colors. Wools, flannels, acrylic, -9 “ oans, and they’re not all oldtiers. To­ cause, for so many reasons, ing teaching positions available dismay from several people ful Spring coats and coat/dress tweeds, checks: in Tile main terrible thing the study nays ary in the South’s hottest poli­ Negro mothers refused to send noise! AND Easter Handbags day’s young people may be the smart­ tical issue. In thoee particularly resplendent and yet not one of the eight ed- lies. Bonded Orion acrylics, knits - sizes 5/11 petite, StiS is this “fondaihentar’ truth; 'their kids to distant white A mammoth hue and cry! ucaton seemed to notice it. Per­ est, bmt informed, most dedicated, The plan seems simple but somewhat overcrowded in­ . and linen fabrics. Plaids - checks - Solid and^^ junior, 8 /18, and I6'A- “The eoefiomhi problems of old age most concerned, etc., generation that schools. So to increase the haps our educators should stop enough. In the 1969-1970 school So with my pen I would Impart, stitutions. Perhaps both he and Vinyls and leather looks - d two-tone combinations.' Sizes 5/13 and 7/15 24'A. ever came down the pike. At least snail’s pace of desegregation, watchiiig much television LOGAN 157 are not oidy uneUved for today's elderly, year, the board has agreed to A truth wei'l wortU unfurled; Mr. AgoatlneUl could qualify tor 80 shoulder, tottfs and top 7/14 that’s vdiat every public flgure, from the board assigned 700 Negro two of them. and then one of them would not but they will not be solved for the assign 28 percent of the 4,000 I'm grateful for free time and handle. Presidents on down, hlave been saying. 'pupUs to white schools. Result be heard saying, “tell ft like elderly of the future—today's workers— Negro pupils to classes with the space Sincerely, MILLS But to aay that the “dtfferenoe be­ An immediate black boycott. ft Is". unless this nation takes positive, compre­ 3,200 white pupils and exchange From “The Manchester Eve­ Walter D. Scholsky With Negro pupU-assignment Sincerely, WVV.'r. X-IVrv.'^A -V.to.sl' j tween the lives of pre-WorM War II so black and white teachers. ning Herald” ! Bennet Junior High School HAS THE MOST hensive actions going far beyond those generations and today’s youth is as way up next faU, another black Complete desegregation will Manchester, Connecticut Mtontgomery of recent years.’’ great as the span between the oldsters - (Mn. Richard C.) start In the fall of 1970, with boycott is highly probalde. One P. F. Mletzner GLAMOUROUS ltog.tJ7 - No expert has to tell us that. and the savages of New Guinea” Is, we of the school board’s Negro ad­ Girls White Gloves all high school students going “lik e It Is?*’ « 2 W. Middle Trnp. Ub. U8 toSAS fm m m v W V S We all know we are in a time when suggest, a wee bit of exaggeration. In­ into the two new schools to be visers, Mis. Rosalie Hassell, re­ To the Editor,' Manchester, OonnecMcut SELECTION our (4der people Uve longer. deed, some New Guinea natives possess fused to predict what would financed by the bond issue. Harriaan and the embattled Last nig^t for the third time We also know we live in a time when qualities that are woefully lacking in happen, but she attacked the scfiool board have now started OF FABRICS many Americana, young or old. But the plan is selling very I heard Dr. Hennigan and vari­ Quotations jaftt (...... f/- social custom has become one In which hard. "Trouble is,” one pillar HEW-approved plan as “a bad their selling campaign. On their Anyway, Margaret Mead, the noted ous administrators and teach­ pr. 'lets, RsMK-fNBdUiL ' the older people are somehow supposed, the' community told us, plan that doesn’t represent the suocees depends not only the “»“»>»»oninaaa of TO PLEASE ai^hropolaglst, made the comparison ji f Negro point view," and told ers discuss the need tor a high­ the other aide, we ore willing to lOOB'Oatto* IMfttoeot fvns in for their owH better enjoyment as well "some of the whites still don’t ot M artin County PuWlc school Assorted styles - washable recently. The youth are the natives in us she hadn’t even seen it until er educational bui%et tor Man- continue dlscukslana with them nylon • dainty trims. It, ifokjv m ttu. as the greater ease and comfort of their believe this will ever really system but the outcome of cheefer. We were given crew And, on top of aH this, we know that the air in 1MB really that much mora th* doUara the eldeily receive ftom one miraculous than the sending of words A T hought fo r TViday \ 0 1M9 Chicago Dally News kind of income or another—social securi­ in 1B29? Is the gleaming supersonic Jet \ , PuMlihrra-Hftli ^>onsored by the Manchester ty, retirement peraonal Insuranoe, any more amazing than the wire-and- Otwncll of Churches Acrylic Knitshirts lUe savIkigB, tovesondits—are all doBate canvas contraption that struggled a few feet oft the ground in 1903? Are the which takflatlOB has cut down to a frac- “And he said to Jesus; Lord tkai of the. wtMth and purchaaliig value high-powered, Mghway-clogging cars of today really that much of a quantum remember me when you come they bad when they were originaUy Jump from the one-lunger that exploded Into your kingdom. And Jesus saved and oontractod for. down quiet, pastoral Elm 8t„ U.8.A,. said to him : Amen I say to you, For all tbla, what is the remedy? Hisre around 1900? - this day you shall be with me 99 is none, not even within reach of the True, there is atomic energy and sat­ In paruulae.” Luke 23:42f Our moat generouB Imaglnatlan. Ehnerythtng ellites and space travel and wonder Today we begin the holiest Rag. drugs. But these things did not aiqiear week of the Church year. It la Mens & Boys 3.99 that to being currently proposed or of­ fitting that we commemorate fered—increased social seettrtty, medi­ orveraigM, and nobody presently under 30 invented them. It is not such a this week by a study of the last care, speetol tax rtilef tor the tideriy-:- words of Jesus on the Chess. Famous Douglas Shoes Teens and Ladies Pumps wrench to project oneself back from P .8 .' W E H a V b t h e Virgin 100'/' Cashntillon Acrylics with


« o i IW ImM Thousands Bid ■t U Uk. at ■» Rites Tomorrow B oom, fli a t H m Rrr. Rickard K. About Town For Area GI c t tbm Blrat Ike Farewell Manchenter Lodge rt Masons af Rodrallla. wUl medt tomorrow at 7 ;80 p.m. Burial adn Ita. la rt toe NDasonic Temple. The SCOVT Entered Apiirantloe degree wOl can at the to- B O Y be conferred. Arne P, Storud, from i to Junior warden, w ill preside. 4aadT todpiaa. Notes and News Mystic Review, Nbrth Amer­ ican Benefit Association, will WnUam Dermott of East Hart- Ihoop 98 to Bwdday School meet tomorrow rt 7 p.m. rt Odd tort, hraOiar of IDra. BUsabadi m camp w hiter cam |M at______Frtkvwa HaH. A fter a ehort Doonallp o( 21A GUrvar Laaa. I IS aad 16 ut Cbmp Johne iiaavSy meeting, there wiU be a Mtebeo diad Saturday at Hartford Hoa- ______■ _ „ roundsd soda! for members end friends. pItaL ' t a R ccar OuaBaSte Refreshments wtil be served. Survivuta alao Inelnda a oondnotod the oaBopout watfatsd j , daufMar. two toothers, two by Hartmrt Rowlay, Louii Htf- _ ... . Manchester WATB8 wUl meet ctliar aiatani. and two srand* w . VlBter D n fb y aad Doamld " children. tonight at the Italian-Amerioan \ R Mrtda. ira n p o rta tk m was , Club. Weighing in wAl be from rm era l senrtcea arlll ba bald Buppltod b y Chtrlas Rfaanltis. « O H i* " * * * » «ha > tomorruw at U a.m. at the New- 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. John Favefeck, k M and WIittnay Vunatal M ^ a p l n . mid MTto Odrtay waad tol with mm- program chairman, has planned a Hat Parade. Judges will be Home. SIS Burnside Awe.. Bast Thasvaagw asane»s,tfsato^,gr^.?!»?*f».fc«^ Hartford. Burial wiU be In Rose Mrs. Rudolpb Gcineh and llte. ■anond cdsaa reqntremaalw hi Alice Evans. Hm Memoclal Park. Rocky Bin. ( the use to a aaw and ax, Are ^ * l**"*‘ _ , . _ rrtanda may can at the fu­ ''M ata»»iiiw wad oantmi.canmca, thatanat aid am ■maaiaksa fan ^ artany. ^ Mm . Wk oCa neral home tanlslit from 7 to t. Second CkxigregaUonal Church oonflrmation doss tor K W M b*. Boonta aBtendlag ths oanq*- ^ atoondad Btoeaw R . T ^ ; t y< those in Grade 10 will meet to­ cart ware Vte DUPay, Sh^ **?**• , . _ , _ Steven R. TiBRt. 21, of Bast OdeB, M ark Hafher, n £ Heoughout the hag Mte morrow alt 4 p.m. r t the church. Hartford, srandaon a t lira. Mmsoai. D avU Hleta^ Btewe ” >• M nwhoiwer w ealm. poan- A g iM TUngt of Manchester, RavM Rcgetat Doamld ^ wateMng woeM. On Preceptor Gsunma Chapter, was tilled Saturday In Bast iu«ir» Junes AiiMw- Bob **** ooeashas In die Rotede, It Beta Sigma Phi sorority, will Hartford When hla car ran off niM t txnnorrow a t 8 p.m. at (tw Rt 2 near the Charter Oak Khminaky, David Hebeat, PhQ Spina aad Donald RMniito. " g * r home r t Mks. Horace BtfseU, 109 todnde 2 Bridge and plunged Into the Carman Rd. 3 Ths troop alto had a oplaih Her son nsver left ______aCn. Vera LaTaaMa Hoofcannm Rtver about 2 a.m. party SatnniBy, auroh 22. at always thsTe for N. J.. aad Funeranl s w lo e a were held ths Boat Site Rse. *'•*' *® '"*0» a Mack gloved The OosmopoUteit Chtb meet­ o( Latvia; Sds afternoon at the Newkirk - (H tnld <* «v a - The entire Interior portion of The loss of the club building down and an entire new struc­ University. Buckley School library staff Chamber Board VF’W state commander, Satur­ at a Hartford area oonnmleaoent she made her home, an of Man­ win have. a business meeting ■Mcal Hoaie. Burial Enemy Loss belief that she will not return to lend (AP) - BeaUe Oeorge the building was gutted by toe will cause a curtailment of so­ ture erected. YiMOA Speaker w ill meet tom orrow at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. rt toe day night presented a life mem­ wm ba to YaULlea Cemetery, ^ chester, and Mrs. Frederick the war because the bombard­ Crash Kills cial events In town, since the in the school Ubrary. lire, including toe bowling alley, The Are was reported about Luther Barnard of Anderson studio, 22 Oak S t Bacldng Bills bership charter to Andsrson- North Bnawwlek. N. J. \___ __ w. Hancher to Tolland; 3 sons, Ru­ ment to North Vietnam has Harrison and his wife PatUe being cartled Imek to the building housed the only large _ _ _ _ Mta. OUron was bom O c t SO, bar and banquet hall. 5:46 a.m. by a man ploughing Rd. will explain toe work of the Shea Port as approximately 200 dolph Kissman and August Kiss- 6,000 M en stopped. Btood band in band in court to- teal by hearse for the hmatrt It- hall made available to outside snow at the Wedeco Building There win be a service rt a . t o M ir t * in South (RaatoUburyt and Ronald Bell, YMOA with school dropouts at Tonight’s rehearsals of toe On Road Safety members and guests observed man, both to Manchester, and A U.S. comm unique reported day and pleaded guilty to hav- salt No price tag has been placed organisations. Most local dances next to the club. Holy Oommunion tomorrow rt ^ „ haed in Mnnrhfwter hum 19M John Schlund to Etest Hartfrad; on toe damage at this time, and the April 7 meeting of toe Tol­ Manchester Civic Orchestra and the post’s 88th anniversary. TOLLAND — Haael O. the 70th ■Vdgnilloant” ■ • incident VbTAm ^ Herijuana In their suburban Through the night a trato wIB were held there. Firemen from Tolland, El- 10 a.m. at St. Miaiys Episcopal The Manchester Chamber rof to MBO, beiore moving to Hart­ a brother, Paul HeUwlg to F o r M onth It.'V'a I the cause of toe fire remains land Library Association at 2:30 Manthester Ol-vlc Chorale have Cm. John Lynn, aad Rolaad West, SR to Hartford, Sormerly to enemy adttvlty In tee r>mw- X W v A l I T X c U l. home. They were fined 50 cerry Blaenhower on bts to"* David Williams of Rockville, Ungton, RockviUe, Vernon, West Church. ford IS years ago. She wuw a Olastonbury; 8 grandchUdren, in the Ubrary. been canceled. Commerce executive board *is Wilson, life membership chair­ to TtoOaad. dtod yeaterdi stooe the Nov. 1 bombing halt pounds—1800—each. Journey west—to U s _____ Stafford, Stafford Springs, Wll- Bulletin Board menaber to the Bhie HUls 12 great-grandchUdren, and 4 (Continued from Page One) RoneJd B. BeQ, 32, to 107 giving Its unanimous backing to man, accepted toe charter for *■ Hartford after a BapOat Church, over NUrth Vietnam. It said The 28-yeartod pop guttarlst home In Abfiene, Ungton, Coventry and Elagte- H ie 'VBW M emorial Monu­ Women’s Home League rt the toe port. At the same time, H aitftod. great-great grandchUdren. Larrabee St, East Hartford, for- paid the fines, left tee court and m e train is due kito aarwiT,. vllle assisted in putting out the Dr. Donald Hennigan, auper- a proposed act which wcmld pro­ Survlwns Include 4 sons, With the Viet Oongte spring American artillery detoroytol an Young GOP ment Committee will meet to­ Salvation Arm y •will meet to ­ intendent rt Manchester vide for periodic Inspection of 88 port members received life < MIm West was bora May 83. told newsmen: “ We hope the po- wt mintrol of drunken driv­ ed by toe national organisation vras anvloyed at the Trmvtoera Hartford, fa ^ r to Lucy a„as iJrtteJ^rt^f^tfg^^^ was fired on without being Ste^ to Mstto, and Prosecutor Michael West told gg the o f tee BlasMxnrm* guished a woods fire on Oak caused by the night’s snowfall. and TbMnas E. Caron to North A rooord 400 delegates and al- Grove St. Saturday at 1:66 p.m. meet tonight at 7 rt the Pas­ Mrs. Rebecca Grant. rt a meeting rt toe Buckland ers. to a post that obtains a m in i, Iteairamp Qx, Hartford, before Belanger to Manchester, died the coastal lowlante south to Da nounced dead on arrival at the court that poUce with dogs u ttra rv niwr iwwi. « » , A town road crew was dls- tor’s Home. Miami Beach, Fla.; IS grarrd- Friday at 8t. Francis Hospital. Cttiaens to the oM imperial Bristol Hospital. searched the Harrison's' gTLOOO ^ the body of hkr teinates from 69 Connecticut patdhed to send the area. School PT A tonuMTow rt 8 p.m. The bill, being pushed by toe mum of 26 life memberrtilpa. abe rrtirad four years ago. She Nang and Just below the temUi- son Doud, who died to chkd- Hose, and Ladder Ob. 1 r t the Manchester’s Is toe thlrtMli was a member to the United chiidren. and 10 great-grarrt- He was the husband to M r s . capital of Hue buried 134 vlo- A passenger to Bell's BeD's car.car, home March 12 and found about oltlea and towns, ajttendlng an Area firemen stayed on the The showing rt toe film rt the cpchcx)!. There will be a Connecticut Safety (fommlsslon, terised sane. hood. "Early Childhood Education’’ Town Fire Elepaitment will question and answer period. le patterned after the National charter in toe state. Life mem- Oougragatlonal Chakoh to Tol­ chllihen. Rartid ffirois Marino. At least 188 enemy ware kUled •*“ * to tee 1988 Tet offensive es Miss Rita Diqdessls, 26, to Bris­ 870 grains of marijuana, enough annual meeting o f the State Fed­ Students Speak scene until about 9:30 a.m. Eyench Preddent Charles 'de tonightt has been portponed un- meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. rt the Before toe program begina, Highway Safety Act. bersMps may be granted by land, sad______a 50-year______FUneral member to services wlU be lirtd Survlvoia also Include tw o ju three day-hsR battles Sunday parties continued to find tol was taken to tee hospital for about 120 cigarettes. eration at Young Republicans in wMIe the local fire dportment ToBand O ia r^ She also was W e*»sday at » s.m. at the Tay- sous, two daughters, _ with a brokm collaibone. Harrison was the seooral Bea- Oaidte, Btoeehowwr'e oomnte Waiterbury Saturday, elected To Ovitan Oiib remeiirved until moon. tU tomorrow night jrt 7:30 in MoKee St. Arahouse. commtttees wUl make reports In addition to mandatory In- the family of. toe member, toe onotbv to Tay Ntoh Province at a oast nte.. Flsetto Funeral Home, 20 Sls- Cuddy, 21, to Btogham, Maine, in bis Looten apartmsnt and Richard Barblerl of Waterbury shlp d u b has used the build­ namese dead to the biggest More than 8,000 peiucJis He changed from dvttiaa exchange atudento attending The Board of Selectmen wUl will receive Ms 60-yeor Jewel. served. present .15 per cent to a propos­ toe national commander’s team Stafford ,8|*lnga. t * 7 ^ win be aon Ave.. Hartford, with a Mass Into custody and returned him fined 160 pounte, or $380. was unanimously elected chair­ ing tor approximately 37 yeors.« cfotees to his genwsl’s vUtorm Miancberter High School.' \ meet tomorrow night at 7:30 In ed .10 per cent. pin tor his contributions to 'VFW. m ^ se^ce. wm b. held Md W e^y rt U:80 a^m. ^ tunmd out for the funeral, pres- to tee Bristol PoUce D^>art- B> tbe Beattef auteoiised bt- man, to succeed Charles L. Rie- The Italian-Amerioan dub of aad wait to tee Rotunda. Ths ' A . seven-day mandatory Jail Wilson, past port 'oommondfr, at l:»p^m. rt the Haryh Cemetery, New ^ov«r by Mayor Col. Le Van «^t^egedly ography Lennon said tee vdiote gel of Manchester. Paul Bern­ They are Mica Margarita Rockville has offered the group toe Town HaU. Manchester Junior Women’s Because of today’s day rt Semblantes from Ecuador euid The ToAend Grange will meet Club garden group will visit term would be imposed tor a received an award from toe na­ Unltod Congr egational Oiurch. be In Sddiere PleltL Northwood sonnel carrier. „„ the second car, he is being held gtmto had taken matljasiia, and were hrtted at too d w stein of Newington, who had an­ temporary use of its faculties mourning, toe Manchester pub­ Miss Bernadette Flevrt from tomorrow night at 8 In the Wootoand Gardens end tour the first conviction of driving whUe tional organization for Ms work Ths Rev. Donsld O. lOUer, pas­ FHemte may call at the fimer- Cemetery, WUsoo. U .a Infantrymen to the 6te ®*®P ***” ' on charges of driving wKhout a to an interview two years sgo ** the^ eiderty French losdsr nounced that he would oppose tor meetings. lic schoclB cafeteria ntenu of ter. win offidato. Burial will be at home tomorrow from- 2 to 4 llcenee, n^mgent bomldde, Letuion and Harrison admitted townsd tea Mer, ashded, Barblerl, withdrew at the last France. Mias Semblantes is liv­ Grange Hall. greenhouses tomorrow at 8:80 imder the Influence of alcohol In toe life membership pro­ Friends may call rt the fU- Mechanised Dividon accounted .. . ^ you, the dead, Urban Worker to Speak 'baked sausage, originally o f drugs. gram. In North Oemetoy. airt 7 to 9 p.m. reckless driving, and evading taMiR LSD as an experiment «<>«» quietly, saluted again, and minute. ing with Dr. and Mrs. Seymour The Decorations Oommlttee p.m. rwral home tonight from 7 to 9. tor 200 ettel^ dead to a three- fight on," intoned The Rev. Richard Rangoon, scheduled to be served today, The ac$ would inaugurate a The port color guard, Michael Fkiends may caU rt the Ladd re^xinsiblUty, pending furteer But stoce tee millionaire pop ^^**^*<*- Mrs. William (Karen) Von- Neleber, 29 Adelaide Rd., and for St. Matthew’s Ladles OuUd ------day running battle Just south o f '*’ “ »»• director of the Vine St. Oom- wiU be served tomorrow. The medical advisory commission, Jutras, officer rt the day, pre­ Fhnetml Home, 19 BUtogfon BOehaei F . Htergrue Deck of Manchester was elected Mias Fievet le the guest of Dr. Fashicn Show, "People, Poppies W illing Workers r t South the DMZ, and South Vietnamese investlgatlan. musicians studied medltatian to 9?“ **??*?* ^ munlty Housing project, wUl Wednesday menu rt hamburg to counsel amd assist the motor sented a new banner, .rsplacing Ava., Rockville, tomorrow from national commltteewoman and and Mrs. Edmund Zagllo, 63 and Pretty Things,’’ wlU meet United Methodlat Churoh -wlH Michael F. Shugrue, 82, of rangeis reported killing 146 ene­ According to poUce, Cuddy likHa, there has been UtUe taJk ***'«"W *»t Hateb Bowgulba speak to the April 10 meeting patty on a roB, an d ' Thursday vehicle commissioner of medi­ the one In use for 88 years. 8 to 5 aad 7 to 8 p.m. Near London, father to Mrs. was on a teree-day pass from of drugs, and Lemon he TVnlsia atoo earns to Iko Ro- Gena Boylngton of Coventry was Lakewood drcle. The young of toe United Congregational tomorrow night rt 7:30 at the meet Wednesday rt 2 p.m. at menu o f macaroni and hamburg A BO AC Pilots my Saturday soute to Da Nang. cal aspects of driver licensing. Master of ceremimles w as ladies will show slides and nar­ home of Mrs. Vincent Lamo, _ ~ Pstrida Ltomvlts of Manohes- Deaths in the Armsd Foross. had given them iqr. hmda. elected treastmer. Church Women’s FeUowsMp at the home rt Mbp. Nonnle casserole wtil remain toe same. And, It would authorize toe com­ John OUksew, a life member The U.S. 7th Fleet regained Mr. BeU was born May 28, ■biklana A. H. Hone ter, died last night at Lawrence Only about a dooen, teen-age Hasslve security precauUano Mrs. VonDeck defeated Mrs. rate something of their coun-' 8 p.m. In the Religious Educa­ Garnet Ridge Dr. Hildlng, 318 Charter Oak « . Af­ missioner to suspend the operat­ of the port and part department Kb full strength to five aircraft 1935 to Manchester, son to Mrs. RDCSVZLLB — Mrs. Lena and Memorial Hospital, New Call Strike Beetle fans were In tee B ^ r -*«®*«ihKent to tea 3988 funor- Susan Urso of Newington in the tries. tion BuUdlng. Members o f St. Mlattoew’ s ter the meeting, there will be a The monthly buslneu meet­ ing privileges of toose refusing adjutent quartormastar. carriers Sunday with the return Irene WUUs BeU to West Hart­ Ant Hoffman Morse. 78. to London. He was the fauaband of The Nation and Walton MSagriatrate's Court ^ ProsldeHt John F. Kenne- electlan’e only contest. All other The hoard of directors has vot­ The * minister supervisee Ladles OuUd will meet tomor­ silent auction. Mrs. Marlon Bar­ ing of toe Little Theatre of Man­ to submit to a chemical exam­ (OonUnued from Page One) to the nuclearpowered Enter­ Broad Brook, formerly to Rock- Mrs. Delia O'Ctemdl Sfai^nie. ford and Cutebert BeU o f CaU- tor tee Harriaens' appearance. 'when tee hewk to state last officers w ere elected unanimous­ ed to donate $28 to the (3iamber several low inoome projects in row night at the churrti at 6:40, rett is co-hostesB. chester, Inc. will be held ination. prise to the Tonkin Gulf. The Stuart H. Johnson fomia, and Uved to Manchester of Commerce Arbor Day pro­ vllle. died yesterday rt Rock- Swivora also todude three lines. They are demanding a Extra poUce worn stationed out. hero-wsrs ordsrsd ly- Hartford. He Is in charge of a before leaving to visit patients Wednesday at 8 p.m. at toe The act would place Connect­ V ^iicle Cotmt Up world’s biggest flattop had been BROOKVnXE, N.T. (AP) gram, and $100 for the Manches­ vine General Ho^iltal. She was grandchlhhon. scale that would boost the earn­ _ untU movtogto East Hartford 10 side tee courteouse near London * * ***• ^ Other new offleera are: Diane 49-unlt low Income project on at St. Anthony Convalescent The Cheney Homestead Theatre Worshop, 22 Oak St icut in an inter-state driver NEW YO R K — The motot^ tee widow of ghnest H. Morse. The fimeral win be held out to oi^ratlon 2H mmths tor Stuart H. Johnson, the retired years aga He was employed by vriien tee Harrisons arrived but ^ fimeral. Miarianl of Groton, cochalrmsn; ter Scholarship Foundation. Earle St, and the rehabilitation Home In Rockville. Museum committee and vol- WDTWlj^a arftete a #I9 *a 4wu »4 s ^ _ _ i ______* ^ • • t v j a j ______ma ^ . vn . __ * t v #i The busineas and production license compact, which would vehicle population rt the United Mrs. Morse was boni Nov. 18. Wednesitey rt 9:16 a.m. from ings of a senior captain from r^ralis after a fire teirtog trato- financier who was host to the Unltod Aircraft Oorp., Blast Hart- there was notw^to'te^foim’tlMt The UR. Secret Service, Jack TVaver of Watertown, na­ WHiliam Lennon has resigned o f a row of apartment houses imteer workers will meet at the staffs , for toe forthcoming stipulate that a driver who is States has increa:^ 40 per cent the p re ^ t 313,920 to a mini- teg exercises off HawaU Jan. 14. daughter of Joeeph Stalin when ford. He was a member to Christ usually surroimte the Beatles 1890 to Germany, and lived to th e'^m as L. Ndland and 8 8 million, to 99,968,000 line has offered to boost the sen fighter-bombers that wm Join States, was found dead Suitday w«s a past vice president to the raugenMute, coordlnattog with with a solemn Harriison was wearing a daric chairman; Andrew Schrader of to fill the -vacancy. Horace Bushnell Church in Quatrale, tel. 878-2845. regular April meeting. meeting. state. registrations. In 1988. a mem ^ t o ^ T- G ^ Kpis- ^high Mass of requiem at St ior minimum to $16,120 and pay the bombardment of North Viet- on the BrookvUle County Club Hast Hartford UtUo League. bhie suit with a Mack necktie. foreign security men and loonl Brooklyn, second vice chairman; a maximum of $18,480 to about namese supply lines through golf course. He was 76. Death Survivors, besides Ms parents. His wife, a 24-yeartod modd, poSoe to Insure agstost tod- and Bruoe Sweeney of Wert 200 of BOAC’s 306 senior cap- La o s . ^ ^ W irx te o r Senior atteens lo. Burls* wm be to St. Mary's tains was attributed to head injuries toclude Ms maternal grandparr wore light grey panis and a dents. Haven, third vice chairman. As the 90.000-tofi carrier Clnb. suffered Saturday night when he onts, Elmer and Helen Luetjto imdberry velvet Jacket. ’The secretary la appointed by Cemetery, New London. IXINDON pilots strike A984 Joined the war, the 66,000-ton Survtvors include two sons, fell as he entered his car. WilUs to Mianchester; a son. The prosecutor said the poUoe the chairman. Linen Closet Friente may cafi rt tee fu­ add: captains. New Jersey, the worid’s oidy Norman Hoffman aad Ehnest Sterven B d l, and a dau^iter. The convention adopted a re- N\\ OJ furniture neral home foniglit from 7 to 9 BOAC canceled 21 departures active battleship, began the J. Graham Brown found the dkvg to a box to the Hoffman, bothIWUl Wof XMmaBroad Brook;DIHOK: _ ____. ^ ^ , ------— aswwwaisy, U9SKTUA UlC LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — J. Miss Deborah Bell, both to Hart­ soluUon honoring the late Pre­ Moves Into two daughters, Mrs. Harold A from 2 to- 4 and and arrivals at Kennedy Airport two-week Journey to Long livliv room ant a wardrobe to Graham Brown, mtilUinllllan- ford; two brothers, Robert W. sident Dwight D. Elsenhower, Rotesle to Oriumbia and Mrs. ^ * P-“ - New York, where three JeUl- Beach. CaUf., after six months the bedroomi. They also ftMmd a rtre businessman and promi­ Bell to East Hartford and Rich­ pH;>e containing traces at ntarl- aad another aupportteg the ad­ Galano Furniture here we come! Harold A. Burger of Broad ners were grounded. Passengers on the firing hne. She is goiiw ard A. Bell to Hartford; and a Mrs. were transferred to other air- home for six months nent race horse owner, died Jmna, a cigarette roller bearing ministration of Presidient Rich­ In order to eerve its custo­ Brook; two brothers, Albert to repair sister, Mrs. Roy Taplo to East marijuana mers better, CaUno Furniture, Mrs. Ekmn& D'Auteuil. 83, tews. work and Sunday after a long illness. ard Nixon. A nt of Broad Broede and Oscar retraining to her Brown, 87, gave rnimons to var­ Hartford. Inc. 325 Burnside Avenue, East mother of Sister Marie Hieresa grins to the drug to Mrii. Har­ Oong. Lowell P. W eloker Jr. Hartford, Connecticut, has an­ Ant to Norteboro, Mass.; two ious institutions ctocludtog $2 Funeral services wm be held airten, Mrs. Leroy Elliott and o f the Assum{Kicn Convent to rison’s purse. o f Greenwich, In Ms lumtoeon nounced that their subeidiary. million to Hanover College, tomorrow rt 1 p.m. rt tee Christ M n . Bart RandaU, both of MancJieBter, died yeatorteiy Some o f toe drugs were found address, p ra l^ former Presl- The Uiwn Closet will be near Madlscm, Ind., his birth­ Lutheran Church, Hartford. Bur­ moved from its present loca­ Rockvme; five gruidteildren, morning at the home of another by a pdice dog trained to sniff dent Elsenhower and read from Motion To Bar Evidence place. ial will be to Cedar Hik Ceme­ out marijuana. two of Elsenhower’s writings. tion, 529 Burnside Avenue. It and two grert-grandctiildren. dayghter. Mra. Arthur Peptn- of tery, Hartford. wlU be made an integral de­ Funeral services wm be held Columbia. She was «il«n the Joseph Auerbach West said Mrs. Harrison was Weloker told the assembly partment of Calano Furniture tomorrow rt 1 p.m. rt the Ladd mother of Gerard D'Auteuft and Denied in Civitillo Case HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Pro- BVlends may call at the Taylor alone and phmied her husband. that the GOP "must'clutch onto at 825 Burnside Avenue. The Auerbach, who Modeen Funeral Home, 138 He rt first said toe home EMsenhower’ s IdeaHsm and announcement was made this Funeral Home, 19 Elltogton Ave. Edward D’Auteuil, bote of week by Gordon T. Calano The Rev. William F. Gender, Columbia. .. **■ Lnbbe to Ms room rt Hart- won an Academy Award to 1946 **®te SL, West Hartford, to- tatoed only prescrlDtlon drues leaderaMp In its future party proldent of both Calano Fur­ Blumenfeld, of toe U.S. Die- ford Hospital. She was arrest- tor Ms film ''Chagall,’’ died Sat- ^ght from 7 to 9. but toe police made a sra ^ activUles.’’ niture, Inc. and ’The Linen rectm- to Grace Episcopal Survivors also include three trict Court in Hartford, today search ed authorities said, on addiUen- unlay at toe age of 83. Ho was a and Mrs. Harrison cooperated Oong. Thomas J. Mesklll of Cloert Ctonch. wm officiate. Burial oteer daughters, two other sons," denied a motion to supress ' ’Fo facilitate this move, an wm be to Yfindaorvllle Cem- two sisters, 19 grandcteldFen, al Information. movie producer to Csechoslova- * g with them. New Britain spoke on toe eub- evidence {fathered in an Investi­ Ject, "Student Disorders,’ ’ at entirely new area to house eteiy. and 10 gTeat-grandchih&cn. Miss avlUllo’s rttomey Her- before he fled to toe Unltod A Iw g iif When Harrison got hack to the ’Ilie Linen Closet has been gation conducted before toe ar­ toe convention’s business Friends may call at toe fu­ The funeral win be held to­ bert G. Appleton, of Hartford, States to 1^. /’XAMJUl house, toe poUce were to the Uv- constructed. In addition to rest to Miss Lucille CivitUlo, 20, session. lively, new eye catching dis- neral home tonight from 7 to 9. morrow a* 9:16 a jn . from tee filed a motion wUh toe Federal Oen. Willard O. Wyman The Fltvo Point d u b tog room, watching television of Hartford. He drew applause- when pfaqra, the new Linen Closet The family suggests that those Bacon Punerai Home, 71 Pros­ Court to supress all the evi- WASHINOTON (AP) — Gen. pie Chapter, OES, will meet "id playing BeaUe records on w ill ofier customers a more Miss Ovltillo feces charges of he said, "Our young pe^e 3 witeing to do so make memorial pect St., WilHmanUc, with Wyman died Satur- Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. at toe tee phonograph. varied and comprehensive se­ Defonse lawyer Martin Pol- must reallM that evolution, not lection of custom draperies, copal Church Building Fund. pita], a day after Ms World War Oarto Rd. Mrs. Joyce Snkto, Mcers need to have last Jime. Germany. tinue to serve irae. customers M cm oriA in Puller. ^ Wd In a garage at tS67 New evWence of coer^ sioeanna, the report said. The train will make several A drive to Lucerne, Switzer­ with the latest decorator styles The report, released Friday, Induatry *Boom»* and colon In draperies, sh w n . Mrs. Kissman was born Sept. ®*^taln Ave. cion. stops, but they wlH he fiincthm- land will commence an Alpine bedspreads, end linens, with 28, 1869 in Germany and had After questioning In her apart- Commenting on toe recovered also recommended that UOonn MODDERFONTEIN, South ail. It is to learo W a s h in g^ a t e tour triilch will Include many the dacoratlng staff of Calano llved in Manchester for 75 ment by police the same day of 'n”b«y. Blumenfeld said It ooartder creating a combi nation Africa — South Africa’s cbem- p-m. today, arrive rt Charlottas- old and picturesque towns. The Furniture available for in we're moving two elephant campus-clty force with nearby ioals induatry began when de- vlBa, Va., about 8:80 pjn.’ next stop will be Luxembourg, store or at home consultation. years. She was a charter mem­ the robbery. Miss a w u ilo led would have been found even PIHE PHUIUOY Founded in 1968, The Linen ber of Zion Evangelical Luth­ poUce to the bag containing toe without Miss CiviUllo’s help, **Mi^eld. mand ansa for dynamite in White Sul|diur* Springa, W.Va.’ visits to Reims and Verdun, and Closet was designed to compli­ a toort wUle. eran Church and Its Ladies Aid money. She told police that she He said police had received oth- If a conrUnatioh force coveted gMd mines 70 years ago. Now U:20 p.m.; Huitttegton, W.Va.' the cities of Vouslers, Stenay, ment the total boma furniihing steps west Um wtM» He Society. the campus, then university pa- tee natloo is the wciWs Uggast 5 a.m. Tusaday; O ncian^ $ and Longwy, destroyed in two concept of the CaUno man­ was not aware that there was er Information about the where- h a n c h e s t e n , c o n n , trobnen could be more Uke manufacturer at coaHnercfel a-m.; Wateb^;tott, B xt, 2:06 agement. Store hours in the Survivors Include 4 daugh­ m^ey in toe bag. nbo,*, of the money foom a world wars. /lew Linen Cloaet will conform pnetora, help with minor die- exploelves, and a plant hen p.m.; St Louia, 5:46 p.ni'.* and A four-day visit In Paris will Gaddy aatl ters, Mrs. Katherine Keish, Miss ClviUIlo was arrested neighbor wrho Hved a story 1BL M9J9014 to tboae of Calano Furniture, clpUnaiy problems and not produces nearly a milUaa deto- arrive at AbUane at conclude the tour, and the stu­ daily 10 am . to 9 p.m. and Mrs. Helen Schildge, and Miss toe next day while she was vis- above lOes Civltlllo. need guns, said the nport natora a day. Tuesday. dents will return on Aug. 6. Saturdays until 6 p.m. MANCHESTER EVENING IteRA^J), MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1989 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 PAGE FUm t BN ed by dialing 411. SNBT has BoHon Ufa curriculum, Board of Edu­ renamed Information operaton 12th Q renit April 18 a t 7 p.m. at Rock- De Gaulle, New Phone Directories "Directory Assistants" to better TraasmiMMisa Vemoh cation comniunicatlone and viUe M gh School. describe their role in helpikig ■election of a nominating com­ AU .phases o f good gun usage ’ at High School To Be Delivered Soon telephone customers use the di­ G>urt Cases mittee .will round out the and proper gun handling will MANCHESTER’S Trsahhaf agenda. be taught in a ISweek course Baudouin Delivery of more than W,000 building comiSete the nutmeg rectory. PTO Will Hear Principal to its Annual Report BNET BB Gun Coarse using BB guns. U will conclude. new Manchester-Rockville tele­ flavor. MANCHIsstBB BB8HON The Vernon Jayceee wiH qpon- wMh a Jaycees shootkig league for April 18^ 19 said the rapht growth of calls Tha oaM of Harold W. Woods, Only Fuel Oil Dealer phone ' directories starts this A new telephone number, 0U, On New Report Card Plan tor a BB gun course tor boys In which boys and girts will to Intormatlon la creating an ex- 28, of 464 N. Main St. who ia ac- 1lM tU K m H)(h School cawr- year. The spokesman is Dr. Gil Visit Nixon tor telephone rqpcdr service be­ LET US HELP YOU C. Arthur Mattson, prlnci^ and girls aged seven to 14. A participate in regtSation team week, acconfing to The peiolve problem for the ooin- ouaad of takliig part in Uirea sent "A Safety Canyialgn for the us wlO froM Dt Oiioort hiid Sul- Boisoneau. A meeting of all in­ (Continued from Page One) comes effpetlve here after de­ df the Lake School, will preview lesson to be given match compeUUon. 0|ien 24 Hours A Day! Southern New England Tele­ pany. CaUa fo r Information aafa thafta aaw a fur thaft—all SlamaiitBry LevM" and will ex­ terested persons w ill be held president emerged from his car livery of the new directory. The preaent tentative pUns tor a liTWi’a ‘"Iha Mikado" April 18 phone G>. about telephone numbers have H ymi'vt get transmissioii iroiMei, ainca laat Juna—^waa contlnuad plain how PTO ’e can Initiate and April 38 in the Community Hall. for a smiling exchange of hand­ number 114, formerly dialed by twvised rqtort card system tor conduct such a program. and I t at St. Maurica Church Meanwhile, the selectmen and Tile new fMreotories’ front increased 70 per cent since 1960, get te the bottom of It. Tbot’s hieiM ii for a baaring for probabla eauaa shakes, then Joined Nixon in custonters to reach repair serv­ the Vernon SchoOe ait a meet­ Repocie o f unsafe condtUons Hall. TUa irill be the first musl- the park and recreation com­ cover illustration, titled "Con­ with nearly 80 miHlon such calls aftar Wooda antarad not guilty MORIARTY BROTHERS posing for photographers. The ice, is being phased oiit gradual­ we're experts erf ow job. Ecehemkel, cite. ing of the PTO Council tomor­ In kwal school buses, oomplainta missioner will ask the Board of necticut a place to visit. ... a in 1966, alone. Each o f these plaaa, Thunday In Circuit oal to performed by the American and French flags ly in the BeB System, and will row at 7:80 p.m. a f tha Maple regarding schedules and the de­ THIilK SHALL $tHU$ ”“ S£T” Whoro Cutfomon For Over Finance to add 8100 to the rec­ place to Mva,” was created by calls requires tile personal at­ Court. group. It will be olrected by whipped in the breese beside be comipletely replaced by 611 Street School. Deliver^ in Manchester reation budget for the next fis­ ainton artist Bern jnil. The tention of an operator but does ALWAYS RELIABLE Tha probabla eauaa haaring ia portment o f ohUdren on these Novo Oomo Vs of A Keith Oroethe. high school mu­ in Connecticut by eaily neitt cal year. them. color sketches feature the not produce revenue.. The com­ aat tor April 10. Wooda ia The program w ill also kudude buaaa wiU alao be aired tomoiv W f f f CentHry! Although De Gaulle wore his year. many othar important itema. row mght. sic tnstnictar. Bnllettn Board Charles W. Morgan whaler at pany aays. chargad with four counts of trie wipera heater, defogger, 4- m ilitary uniform when he went Phone ccmipcuiy officials said MAN0HE3TER TRANSMimiON OOl The bylaws oosnmittee, repre­ Some of the PTO'e have re­ In the load roles wi.i be Pam The final Lenten seminars will Mystic Seaport, the Putnam braaklng and antaring with ^ M y fiaMiera, l^-up to the Capitol Rotunda Sunday the faatest way to find a mun- senting each wlU recom­ ceived Inquiries from cohcenied Gear as Turn Turn, Wayne be conducted tonight at United Memorial: Park in Redding, the ‘HOT’ PUB8D1T’ DEADLY criminal intent and four counta pro, lights, front and rear aaat belts night to pay his respects to Ei­ ber is to look It tq> in (he direo I t BiMMliMtMr — PhMW t4t<4082 of larceny. mend that tha cotmcil member- parents regarding some of the Warren as Nanld Poo, Mike Methodist Church starting at New (Janaan Omgregational WASHINGTON — Phystdaiw baodieets, a t e a r 1 n g senhower, he appeared at the tory or bi a list of frequently efalp be changed to include the local busing procedures. A oon- CALL 6 4 3 -5 1 3 5 Brodour as Pooh Bah, Alan 7 :80. Ra^ph Archer w ill speak on Church, BiiH’s Bridge In Kent, estimate that eomeone Is kSIed Michael J. Dennis, 21, of ktok and rear window d i White House wearing a black ci­ c a lM numbers near the phone. ptinc^Mls of oU schools having soUdaUon o f these complaints 301 CCNTER STREET MANCHESTER Oocoonl as KoKo, Karen Hills afcoholism, and-the Rev. Hugh and the A, N. Jorgensen audi­ In one out of five oases of high­ Wlndaorvllle Rd., RockvUla, vilian suit. If a local number isn’t in the pleaded not gtiUty to charges of PTO ’s, all PTO -praeidenta and arill determine whether further aa KaUsha, John Potterton as GUlls will conclude a study of torium at the University o f Con­ speed poHoe punult o f fleeing While posing, Nixon and De book, however, a Directory As­ three counts of breaking and en­ action by the Council is neces- Pish T\aah, Duane LeBlanc as th-! Beat'itudes. necticut. A typictU rural scene motorists. Half these duuM two at-large membera fran each TED TRUDON Gaulle chatted cmttlnuously, sistance operator can be reach­ Read Herald Advertisements tering, three counta of larceny organisation tn addition to a re- eary or whether these com- the Mikado, Kathy Geer as Pit- The Board of Finance will and a representative toduatrial end In aertoua injury. presumably in EngHsh since the and one count of aggravated as­ presantaUve from the Board of plainta are minor In nature and ti Sing, and Sharon Carpenter as meielt tonight at 7 at tMb town VOLKSWAGEN Peep The cast will also in­ American PreaidetK does not sault, Thursday. HU $6,000 bond Education. do not warrant further dlacua- Read Herald Advertisements offices to Interview auditors and clude a chorus of 41. have a speaking knowledge of was reduced to $1,000, and a slon. to talk with tire commissioners. MIsa Edith paaaU, dialrman The costumes tor the per­ French. haaring tor probable eauaa w u The Peace Corps School Part­ The selectmoi have called a of the Board of Education, will formance will be rented from It was De Gaulle who signaled sat tor April 8 by Judge Fran- nership Program wiU be out­ combined meeting o f the Cohser- eoiiSaln a request tor ithe coun­ the Manchester Gilbert and an end to the session with photo­ cU Quinn. lined briefly and If further In­ vatton Commission, the Zoning cil to qtearheed a drive tor terest is expressed, a Peace Sullivan Workshop, which pre­ graphers, turning with Nixon to Dennis surrendered himaalf at funds tor the 100th anniversary sented "The Mikado" earlier Board and the Planning Oom- enter the executive mansion. Manchester police headquarters Corps Volunteer from Washing­ mlsslion to discuss the location oetobration RockvUla High this year. Nixon atx) De Gaulle con­ A&P's Early Week Buys Through Tuesday! March 26, after he phoned the ton, D. C., wUI be invited to of the new Rt. 6 tomorrow at 8 School. Ksahlon Show ferred in the yellow oval room police station asking If there ■peak to the councU at a later pjn. in the Community Hall. A paction of the meeting wlU date. in die family living quarters...... ririinpi »iiwi I til 14 II Ml...... III...... PS-,-.------; were any warrants out for htm< BoMon’s first all-BoMon be devoted to safety in the B rief dlecuselone on Project LOW PRICES! fashion show will be presented This room opens onto the balco­ according to Det. Sgt. Jtmh Manchester Evening Herald Krlnjak. soboola. Joseph Giorgio wUl pre­ Concern, the health and family tomoarow night by G ill Scout ny which Harry S. Truman built wm .“Sqper«gM” OiiM. M m w , DennU is accused of commit­ TVoop 6S9 at 8 p.m. in the Edu- Bolton correspondent, Clemeweil on the south side o f the White F ir s t Young, toL 618-8981. House when he was president. ting three local breaks, all on TOP QUALITY! eatfcn BuOdlng o f Bolton Oon- March 7, anJ of heatin'- o. man gregational Chundi. two days later. The man was N a tio n a l The Osdettes and ladtee from reportedly beaten so severely m Valuable the Junior Women's Club will that he required hospital treat­ Stores have their hair styled -by Tree ment. Chic (of Rt. 8) and will model A 16-year-old W""* Wartford dothea from Pandora’s Box (in hoy, Stephen J. Kukevich, who iS&H STAMPS! the Notch). ia accused of attempted break­ Proooeda will go toward the ing and entry in connection with troop's camping trip in Mlay. lO lW Tl WWIRwi the foiled break into the VFW COMPIETE home recently, appeared in Scoots modeling w ill include INIURANtMItM* court Thursday, but was aerved Debbie Negro, Pam Weis, Don­ I t l 4 MONDAY . TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY ONLY! na Cfauiilla, Kedhy Dixcn and with a thick sheaf of additional Bara Touqg. MSIIRAIRE chaigea. Kukevlch's attorney, I ndtWyjAodellng will be Mrs. public defender George Royster, Oil Boisoneau, Mrs. Norman Le- asked tor a continuance to f F S F U N lU S D A maira.and Mto. Alan Wledle. M study the added chargee. CHOICE SERVICE irtuf...... ' ' LoinX_ . .... ^...... SliN'i Police say Kukevich and an- The pubHo is invited. Refresh- meats will be served. 'Other East Hartford youth are reeponsible for a total of 19 area Beach Assodaiioa breake. BONE The Rosedale Beach Associa­ REAL Roger P. Saucier, 16, of Ver­ tion will meet tonight at 8 at non, and Michael E. Seoor, also IN the home of Aloysiua Aheam, B 16, and also of Vernon, \riko were LO^nwood Dr. to dlsctias the ESTATE cbaiged wUh assault with intent aituatlaa regarding roads in to rob, pleaded guilty to the Rosedale and to plan possible leaser tihaige of breadi of the JOIN THE LUCKY ONES! courses of action to bring the peaoe, and their oases were roads in the area up to stand­ continued to April 8. ard. Alfred Oolohera, 19, of Staf­ The meeting is one of the ford Springs, had two of three i n i i F O R n m board of directors, but it is open choigea against him dropped to any person In Rosedale, and Thd st(^re thet Thiuisday. A tSiarge o f deliver­ CHUCK in the town, who is interested. ing Hquor to a minor >wos noU- ROBERT J. SMTN, tt0.M WMNIt S23.00 wmNn $25.00 WmNIR 5TEHH5 Bone In Town Office News ed. On a charge of operating lUANOR nCNIUO MRS. CONMI AUYN dORIA MANR The new dog warden will be­ MSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914 cares about yoiii a motor veh id e whSe hU Ucenee NORWKN, CONN. HOITORI, MASS. FO RRISTV RLL CONN. gin his duties tomorrow. His was under auspenalan Calchera name is George Taflin. He lives was found not guttty hecauee P u r e P o r k 1 on the com er of Volpl Rd. and 649-5141 the drettit court aasiataxat prose­ ITHLimi H o t o r Carter St. t il MAIN STMIT. MANCHISTM “Super-Right” cutor, WHhasn B. OoWns, failed There has been a request tor (Qfees4 Beer NcnH * Kmns A Hek) UeSeDeE. to eatabllah adequate Identity of S w e e t y a midget football program this Oalohera by tastlnwny in court. ib Quality InSpectad A third choige of proourlng FRESH CHICKEN liquor by a minor, resulted in SS0.00 WINNIR fSaO O WINNER OSaOO WINNIR a guilty plea and a $4D fine. SOFNM FMOU DOROTHY nOOOARD DORK DWYER Ranchers Pride Finast Sliced Easter Polish WITH W INGS IPEAL FOR SOUP Oaeee ctmtlnued Thursday in­ NAUCATUCR, CONN. NtWINCTON, CONN. OINTON, CONN. cluded the toUowlng: UEHL S h ll^ CSongoH of Springfleltk ggeon KIELBRSn A two oounta of obtainbig money PATTIES VAC.PAC COLONIAL Breast Quarters39i Chicken Wings 29 under italse pretenaes, posses­ WITH PARTS OF BACKS MEATY PLAVORFUL sion of stolen goods and defraud­ ing on Innkeeper, to A p ril 17. '' George B. Frank, 80, of 882 ‘|15 WITI Oakleiid St., larceny to April 17. $100.00 WINNER $100.00 WINNIR $100.00 VmiNER !. MARY ANN DORAN EOITN STORY 7 5 MARION DoFAVARI 8 S. TIIMS GeilsM Gebo, 34, 801 MColn St., SFRtN«nil0, MASS. PANOURY. CONN. NEW LONDON, COHN. Leg Quarters Chicken Legs 5 5 breach of the peace, to April 18. BEEF LIVER >43c David J. Bartlett, 24, o f T a y­ BREAST iONE lor St,/Vernon, breach of the SWEEPSTAKES WIMNER peace by aasauM, intoxication, REMOVEB to Majr 8. Breasts 5 9 R obeil HaBp\vell, 44, o f 266 Bidwell St., driving under the influence, and operating a mo­ tor vehicle while his license was IRUIT RETTV under suspension, to April 17, $600 bond 'dropped, pubMo de­ JUIIE Chuck Steaks Fresh B risket fender to he ai^xiinted. COCKTRIL lONELESSIEEF Oases disposed o f included, I Patricia Karvelts, of 464 N. HNAST LAYER CAKE MIXES PINEAPPUGRAPEFRUIT “Super-Right” Quality ^ Main St. operating a motor ve­ ^ rStrelghi hicle while her license was un­ BEB-BONEIN 1 der suspension, eentsnoed to 18 30 oz J days, suspended. Ic ^--- J Tracy W. dole, 41, of-lii Touch of Ma^c ^ Walnut St., fraudulent issue o f a So Fresh So Lo w In Price’ A P Produce ! check, noUed after restitution had been made. An oreJinary kitchen can achieve raeJiant new beauty' YIUOW OOLDIN RID RIPI with Scheirich Cabinets. Bronzeglow Birch is the aristocrat of ^oods... its rich, natural grain is beau­ 17 oz IF HE WERE KING. (MIS you’tu’d be Queen. H e may not tifully at home in any decor. Maintenance is magic, b^ but ) jrou can moke him SWEET PEAS fe^ like a King on hie Birth­ too! Bronzeglow Birch Cabinets have a finish that's day or Amtiveraary by giv­ B A N A N A S % T 0MAT 0ES ing him a VIBRAZOR, the resistant to water, alcohol and fruit juices-it stays COLOR TV WINNER new Bllectiic Blade Ranmr tor Ideal use with LstilMr. It’a eo fkn- beautiful with a minimum of care. Cabinets come C. AAATSON FIRM. RIPE tastic, R makes all other JEWETT CITY, CONN. Fruits & Vegetables From the Fussy Bunch! For Sliciag 10 oz. ■having instrumenta obso­ in a complete range of sizes. Let us give you an None Priced Higher lbs. cello lete. V IB R AZO R WiU actual­ ly give a man the oloeeet, estimate today-there's no obligation whatsoever! LAST CHANCE AT THIS SPECIAL 3 or Salads nuait comfortable, longest LOW PRICE - noucL ORDi laatlng Shave he’s ever had. RHUEIORHHGES W hyf Because R doerat ----- sexeuM whlsken aw ay . . . AMBERSTONE DINNERWARE Famous for Dependability! A'^P-Priced for Thrift! it snoes them off neat and clean. Give him a VI­ H / r CT Ar i!' A/ THIS WEEKS SPECIAL FOR I ■Vb/ BRAZOR today and when ha ehavee with it toroonw , SUNSHINE S E IT E N i WHM be’U feel like a King. DESSERT DISH only 33< BRONZEGLOW. BIRCH with each $3 purchoM ESTOWU SCHRAFFTSi LARGE PHARM ACY " "The Most Beautiful Kitchens of Them AH" Next Week C o ffa a C u p Milk eetk 4 Squara Pdk 66(| HW artford Bead 966-1166 33c $1 porchMc iCUMS S 1EUJES| TORIRTOEE wHk eeck You like galloping up the cellar stairis every time the phone rings? FIG BARS April U -19 So uM r 33c $3 porckeee Blue Green lb wM» eeifc April 21-26 tread A letter Plate 33c BROEEOll i-' UUHpNl.: • CUSTOM $3 pErfckese A Large Selectimi ef Tulips. Lilvt aed Otber Easter Pbets 3 »^ 1 .00 * ■> S F U a O IL SAVE AT THIS SPECIAL LOW PRICE! New AvaOeble at Year First Natieeal Th . Wall Phona. Tha Princats.o lEUCIOUS SiACI TIEAT ^ REMODELING CO. MRS. HLBERTS Put It on your kllchtn Thit lltlla beauty has iiiw.iMiiv.niiaiiBtnC 15.4 LU CKY WHIP CRISCO MRS. FILBERTS CHASE & SANBORN IMPERIAL wall, yourworkthop abulll-ln night light DIVISION QF SOFT COHN OIL wall, any wall. 888 Gal. M a . O.O.D. TOPPING, MARGARINE SHORTENING COLDER MARCARINE COFFEE AAARGARINE 7Sf a month* JANE PARKER—PACKAGE OF 8 CORN, RUTTERMILK or HONEY DATE MUFFIN Oae Day KeUea iar ROOFING m d BUILDING SUP^IES CO. The Trimllna.* foscon 4 9 c libptie 4 9 c Regular Z lb l C Wa call It tha 86 Yean ia Hartterd Area 9 A cea U 3 c n ^ 2 i , J . 6 3 « orDrlp con l . —VaP S.H i . t 4 9 c phone ol tha I The Ctoek WB0I.B8ALB A BBTAH. lutura.Tha dial'a NT tarvtoe right In tha Strengbeart Dog Food 2'~ 23c BEECH-NUT BEECH-NUT Nusoft Fabric Softener » - 83c handle. SI 26 a Hot Cross Buns 39* Jiity Mixes_____ COFFEE . ONE STOP SERVICE Ty-D-Bol u «te g 9 c COFRE Simsweet Pitted Prunes u-w. 49c month* OU DHhrertMi Made at tegular er Drip All Method Orind 18de p w O aL FLOORING — CEILINGS Krah Parkay Margarine 33c Hormel Spam > - - 2Sc The Desk Phone. APPLIANCES lAcaa 7 3 c lib con ^ . 4 3 Thia one li all business. VarHWRt MtM Symp ^ 35c Nescafe Instant Coffee *->- 92c It comes In 11 colors, ELECTRICAL — PLUMBING Inoluding black. tiiiBiDiTM...Mim tim wiiiHincM^ L^toa OMoa Sonp Mix i»'rs.3 9 c Green Ciant Green Beans 's '? ;!? 21*'49c Nescafe Instant Coffee f.33 ■eeoBt Payiarat M Prince MedkNH Shels 21st 53c Green Giant Green Beans 2 '!ir5 3 c Chicken of the Sea Tuna imwwmti 7 - - 41c Tht Sotiliwni Nitw England Talephont Company ^______wiilijatHIHF.______V______' CA LL S22-0141 FREE ESTIMATE5 Giarietia SKced Peaches - 31c Green Giant W ax Beans h- - 2 9 c Karo Blue Label Syrup i*« m 3 3 c U l TSSTSL Magk Spray Siuiiig Starch is--45c Green Giant Mexkom 2'!lr 55c Formula 4 0 9 ‘- - '- '1 .5 9 “II ■ ■ able la ponhatt any aivtrtiioK Ho*. . . M«060 rmiMt ■ RAIASHUK.” < THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. INC «49^90B BY OUR INTERIOR DESIGNERS * In tddlllon to service connection, monthly and one-time charges. Pricoi offoctivo riirovfk TuotJny. April lal fci iMt oommunlty nml vMnhy 191 PARK AVB., B. HARTFORD, CONN. WelMMvelhel I Te Uah OeaaMM M(M tWwtiw hi Fir»t Nitiiwl SnMaurlwIt Btw. OgwiWw Aef fatem lu a p i $»■ Staep gtiw PAia SDCITOi MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTTER. CONN., MONDAY. MARCH 81, 1989 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 PAGE SEVENTEEN rowell, Edward JoUcoeur, Elacb g irl on the winning team ing, Mrs. Hs m I Keboe, Mrs. T o lla n d BenjAnl Loehr, Robert Morrison received a certificate. Most Doris Starnes, Mrs. kOray, Mrs. a voice In their employment snd Jeff Campbell. Industrial valuable players of tbe week Pat Downer and Ted Lamptcn. Dietary Staff policies, filed a petition with the Meade Alteom ment in Wadtlngton for his serv­ btA that ctreumetanoea brere Arts DspSitment chairman Ron­ were Jeanne Dowd and Debbie TlMir gratitude was also ex­ state last October. An election ices. , mich that I didn’t think any­ FOR RENT 8th Graders ald lA i^ b u h l ac(x>mpanled the Hathway. tended to the high school atu-i waa ordered after two lengthy When be learned Alcorn thing could induce me to remain 8 and 15 mm. Msada P r»- BITUMINOUS May Unionize Turned' Down planned to resign, Elsenhower In Washington." Jeetors—eoand s r aOent, alse group. Membeni of the fifth end sixth dents who helped instruct snd |j hearings In November, but when urged him to rta y on, Alcorn Alcorn failed to. elaborate, but 56 mm. slide pTOjMltotMe Olila Basketball Program grade championship team were referee the games. Tens Selby, i The Hotel Reatauront Km- the election w(os'^flnally held on Television Warned On C a b in e t P o s t said. "He told me that If I said he and Elsabhower wiMlud The final session of the Board Debbie HaU, T erri MiUer, Pat Diane Miller, oathy and Dante ployea Urton, Looal 09, AFLr Feb. 20, the resuRs were Incon­ W aoO N DRUa CO. cat) Folk Oulttr HARTFORD, Corni. (AP) — would, he would moke a place on "a very, veiy close basis." of Recreation-sponsored Girls’ Tomatore, Darlene Hackett, DoKtrty, Oarla Doran and ChMTl | DRIVEWAYS CSO, bos filed a pciUtton with clusive becauM of the great 767 Bfata {lt.-Tel. U H m (10) Alfred Ritcboock Paridag ArSos « Oas Stattona a B a a k etM l Oswrts Meade Alcotn, Republican Na­ for me in the cabinet." ’The poetUon o f OOP national Ho t O ri^ ( 8-U) Truth or Oonsequencet Basketball program was held Lynn Aramlnl, Peggy Zabllan- Hackett number lof challenged votes. Breaking Law Now Booking for Spring Work the State Labmr Board to tional Chairman from 1967-1950, Vtjnws to Hm Bottom tao) Himtlejr-Brlnldey recently, with the Cubs gaining sky, Linda Jtunes and Lori Bow- 'Baton Wfamera Now, after a third hearing " I Udd him I ^ipreclated M, chairman is now paid. % ) Newabett giantae the Dietary Department has dleelosed he could have T;80 (18) Mystery Theater M ty . Harold Oarrtty recenL the championship on the third ering. The most valuable play­ Last week’s wtnnen of the I at Mondiaoter Memorial Hoa- was called last Thursday, the r’s IMsMior- (at) Auto Insuranoe and fourth grade level. ers of the week were Dtirlene Board of Recreatian baton ks-l Early Bird Special held a cabinet poelUon In Wash­ (8-tO) The ATenfera ly apohe to eighth grade studenta pital. hoepltal is awaiUng the decision ington but preferred to return (lOaOdiMO) I Dream of Hie Hoopers won the cham­ Hackett, Susan Harrison, Pat sona w ere Kim ESmer, Oarrla] PLACE YOCT EB NOW BECAPMB o r A l i t at the Tolland Middle School aa Unton officials say they have of the labor board on whsttwr to hto Connecticut home. Jeannle pionship on the fifth and sixth Hills and Kathy Dwyer. Brooks, Kathy Kbths, Debra] PEKE INCREASBrAFTER APRIL 15 the nurses will be represented • :S (tO) Weather part of the obeervanoe of Youth about 96 per cent etgiport of tbe In aa Interview with the Hart­ grade level. The Board of Recreation has Evans'and Kim Hunt An work Personally SupervlBed. We ore 155% inaaaed- by CNA. R. G. PAINTERS •:I0 (tO) Trath or Oaosequence* 66-70 hospital cafcAeria w often. ford Times just after former M ) What'e NewT and the La w Day. Players on the winning Cubs expressed its gratitude to the Hospital administrators ex­ Now Is The Time... tm Boqpe In his informal talk to the team were Pam Hills, Allison following adults who donated Maachester Evetdng BeraM DsMAIO BROTHERS The otAte requires only a SO par President Dwight D. Eisenhow­ Two young married men (SO) F Troop OAIX. 585-7551 Mr 541-5TS8 cent show of Initial strangth to pressed no suipriee at the lat­ er’s death Ftiday, AI(x>m said ( S) I Lore Lucy eighth graders, Oanity dee- Dwyer, Mami Bowen, Pam Lee, time to Instruct tuid supervise Tolland ooneqiondaBt Bette | est union nwve. HAVE UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED will paint houses crlbed the state courts which Jeanne Dowd and Kwen Ward. the program, Mrs. Julie Bower- Qnatrale, teL S78-S845. file a pettUen. that after 2^ years as head of 0:00 «|«40) Neem. SporU. I. (C) safely and permanently by electioijrsts. Free ooasulta- Low Rates Weather (C) pertain to young people, and The petltkxi waa filed Mandi the OOP, he decided to resume (aS) Hlihllidita 21, and ttw heeulng has been his Oonnectlcut law practice. tions. All work done by appointment only. Pleaae caO— Now Scheduling Nevaheat __ ) Monday Nlctit at the Importance of avoiding a Oetriehee Ogled Metre Movies a court record. eet for Wednesday at 2 p.m. Alcorn had taken over the Call otter 6:00 p.m . Open Mike (8-13) FamDy Affair Hospital administrators are head OOP spot In January, 1967 Ireland: U e of Sport (3t) Oonnectlaut Issue He cited typical case histories EAST LONDON, South A frica MoRalee Navy (8-13) Oerol Burnett now chaUengtog their minNs’ (AP)—Five Rheas ostriches and replaced Leonard W. Hall 6:86 (40) Combat (18) Newa of young persons who have M A R Y W A R D Gall M M 79I 8:80 (S-Un Walter Crooktt* (O (40) The Bljr Vallw broken the law and vdiat the attempt to (otganlae under t)te hatched in West Berlin Zoo and who had resigned. In those years 51 ALTON ST., MANCHESTER e a45-»58T (8) Brealac Newa 10:80 Evans-Novak Report Joaeph A. Vob Qatdaw W. MoMtea Oonnectlcut Nunes Association shipped to the aoo here are now the poaiitlcn was non-salaried (SO) Film Movie results were. The question and (lOjaSO) Buntley-BrlnUey (C) 11:00 answer period following the pro­ (ONA). out o f quarantine and are draw­ and the chairman reiselved only (18) ^ Ftrorlte Martian E10-13-18-338040) Metm The nurses, who say they want ing many admirers. travel axpenaea and an apart­ msSBSSSStSBiS l Principal Vene Heird- (Saw NewaWeather. Bpiorts 1030-3380) Tonltht ing. 18) Movie Tart-siceet and tasty! Ocean 5 p r a y 8RR SATTHDAT^ TV WEEK FOB OOMFUCTE LISTINGS The Youth and La w Day pro­ Solid Pack! Joseph Volz Retires, gram Is jointly sponsored by the Connecticut Bar Aasodatlon, the Radio Connectl(nit State Federation of Geisha White Tuna Cmherry Juice Women's (Clubs and the Hart­ Banker for 32 Years (IM a BstiB( liieliides o a if Otoae aews broadcasta of 18 or IS ford Insurance Onxq). it was the nlaale tengtlL Some atatioiw oamr other abort newaoaata.) * second annual program to be Jose^ A. Vbiz, Hssistamlt vice pre^dent and rntmaKer Cocktail of the CVnmei^eut Bank and Trust Company’s 8:00 Newa held here. 1:10 Speak Dp aportB c)he8ter-(N. Miain St. cuffioe, will rethc itomortcw after 3 5:00 Bailford HUhUahtr Seventh grade studento at the 7:00 News 8:80 Speak Dp Hartford 8:00 OasUaht 11:80 Barry Farber middle sch(x>l also recenUy held 32 years (hi bank!in(g. CBT assistant treasurer GoD^ner 13:00 QolerHoam 13:15 Sian Off a akatlng end sliding party at Lovely, W. MCuliton, presenitly H loan officer at the N. 'Moiiin WTOF—ItU w n o —1808 Cnmdairs Pond. regal . . . 5:00 Danny Claytoa 6:00 Afternoon Edition Branch, will succeed Vdz aS branch momalger. 8:00 Dlok Baathertoi) 6:15 Market Repon About 80 seventh graders at­ brighten VoU began Ma < »reer In bank------^------— — 0:00 Bfll Love 6:30 Weather your home! 6:35 Strictly Sports tended the event which waa is? uheoter Rotary aub. and 1« 1:00 9aiy Olrard 6:35 Afternoon Eldltlori organized by the class officers 7:00 5-Flowered Oa to 1987. He was named an past vice preskhmt and treiamii^ 5:00 Newa 7:15 Now Brent Dottier, Geoffrey King, ^ ta n t tr«si^r ^ t h a t „ the Bast Hartford Rotary, 5:15 Up 7:30 David Brinkley Disine Pelletier and Terry Jedr- 8:00 Newa 7:80 News of the World bank to 1862, when he became Moultwi la also national imeal- 8:15______Speak^ Bartfoni 7:55 Joe Oaraalola slewskl. They were assisted by Easter Lilies ft mana^r the newly opened ^ent of the Appalachian ^ 8:45 Lowell A o 8:05 Pop Oancert seventh grade advisors J(*n N. Main St. branch. He was Oub, the oldest and second 8:55 n s RInuto 0:00 NIahtbeat Beautiful white ^ 1 7:00 The World TonlUhL 11:00 Newa, Weather Campbell, Robert Jellen and Jo­ ^VMJced to assistant vice prea- mountaineering oiganl- 7 JO Frank OMbid 11:15 Sporta Final seph Pacheco. blooms with a \ 7:80 Speak Dp Sports 13:00 heavenly sweet ident to 1967, a year before the xatton in the United States. Graphic Field Trip fragrance. No Manchester bank merged with ^Tie Moultmis have two The Graphic Arts students at more appropri­ Oonnectlcut Bank and Trust. daughters Tolland High Schl made a ate gift for the A longtime resident of Man- Windsor. recent inspection trip to the U.S. hostess. Available Tuesday chestto, Vtdx to clerk of th e Envelope Co. In Rockville, Eighth UtUiUes District and a where they became acquainted .membgr of the Campbell Ooun- with the job opportunities in the IcU, Manchester Knlf^ts of Oo- field of printing and paper con­ lumlai^ third and fourth degre,e, WANTED verting. and' el member o f the Bishop Gean, Late Miodel "Th e students were impressed MoMdbon Fourth Degree with the diversification of job Knights o f Oolumbiis In Hart­ U SED C A R S opportunities and the friend­ ford. liness of the plant atmosphere," Top Prices Paid Mr. and Mrs. 'V oIb , the for­ according to high school Prin­ m er Low ^tta BeUnran, are both For An MiBkes! cipal Howard Harvey. shop natives of New Britain. They Studenta -participating In the CARTER CHEVROLETl Uve at ta Delmont St. and have trip were Dennis Buckley, Gary CO.. INC. three c^dren and nine grand- ohildren. 1229 Main St. An enthusiastic sportsman, Phone 649-5238 When you think of Volx ptons to spend much of his T Y P e w R n e t s new totoure time fishing. Moulton joined CBT in 1948 IMik of YIAlE as a proof clerk. He later TVPBWIUTEB 8BMVKBE wished in various operating de­ partments of the bonk and 48 S. Adams S t, Msntftestar spent three years in the credit. GLOBE i M depaitndei)t. In 1961 he was as­ IMHDW signed to the East Hartford Travel Senriae SW IFT’S PREMIUM OR ARMOUR STAR Office as an ofilcer’s assistant, QUARTERED PORK LOIN-SLICED 905 MAIN STREET We*re as and was named as assistant END AND CENTER Make Grand Union 4 lb. ifiwtor 08 treasurer in 1963. He has been 648-2165 PORK CHOPS CUT C H O FS lb I your headquarters lor all your can W A at the Manobeetor N. MAlii Of- Early Week Specials Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday! AnOioriaed agent In BRan- B-TMRIFTY SKINLESS warren gregory 7:25 a.m. dloe 'sinoe November 1968. GENUINE FRYER your Stop & Shop has maxi-men leater for all Alritaes,i PASSOVER NEEDS Active In dvlo affairs, Moul­ Kallroada and Steaiwahlp bob dougUts 8:25 a.m. telephone so you don't have ton has long been involved In lb. . W e carry a complete YMCA work and in various BONELESS A to talk to yourself! community funds drives. He is EAR LY M ORN Selection of Nationally Advertised U.S.D.A. FREE currently a member of the Mon- Mb. With so much meat variety, you Brands For The Holidays. CHOICE lb. pkK- CHUCK FILLET \ DELIVERY may wonder why you’d ever need to see a maxi-meat man "in per­ \ Tour order for drug ikeeds C h i c k t n & d e ! and oosmetloa win be son!" Very often, a meat shopper niskiSit utlEi T V / 3 D NEWS can of Immediately. is undecided about a particular These are leaty chicken quarters, w H r\j B cut. is it right for baking or broil­ 30 you get lots more delicious eat­ ing. And lots more value, too, with PINE BAKERY ing? How many persons will that this low mini-price. Buy the quarters u : 668 CENTER STREET Cdeldo/iX, good-looking roast serve? Will a 7i7 MAIN ar,^-e«s-5ssi your family prefers. lower priced cut suit my purpose bunch Connecticut's most colorful television station Is Back Under • a . 'A as weil as a more expensive one? TCBItmiSlOK New Management g inoBCOton CALiroimiA Questions that naturally - come Breast or Leg MVx...... OQt K R CRAPES lb to mind selecting meat. And rnay ASPARAGUS lb 39* /' 59* Specializing in SNOW WHITE / WL often lead to debate and discus­ » ea. DUB 19* lb. 59* " 29* sion with yourself. Quarters 4 9 WEDDING & ALL OCCASION CAKES ^U S H R O G N S Breast Quarters with Wing NOTICE So when you need someone to or Leg Quarters with Back f All Merchandise Baked Daily on Premises talk with, someone pleasant, WITH COUPON BELOW! SNOW CROP-FROZEN j m knowledgeable and helpful . . . Open Tues. through Sat. 7-7 6-O Z. $1 Out Of Respect To see a maxi-man. He’s the best Back Bay Sliced Bacon 65' Sunday 7-2 — Closed Mon. COLD MEDAL FLOUR URANUE JUICE 4 c a n s friend "to meat!" SPECIAL! For every purchase oi $1.00 or DEL M O N TE i M b . \ CHOCK FULL O’NUTS-FROZEN Lenten favorites from your Stop & Shop Seafood Dept. mol'e we give a 10% Discount! 1 4-oz. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER FRDIT COCKTAIL can ^ I Cooked Haddock Fillets H i LIGHT CHUNK FRESHBAKE BUTTERMILK M b . 6 ’/2-o z . \Mon,, Tiles, and Wed, Special! C o o k e d F lo u n d e r F ille ts ,a 78*______C o o k e d Fish £i^kes «,4 9 * 6-oz. ONLY 16 DAYS LEFT! STARKIST TUNA 3 cans lo a ve s file following members of file PINEAPPLE ANTI PERSPIRANT Fresh Brisket or 3-oz. Louisiana Yams Yellow Green Front Cnts 3 can l l M ( F ■'Ot) SECRET DEODORANT cent. Manchester Oil Fuel Maxi-man meats Just dandy for candying in a brown sugar Fresh, delicious and full of vUzmIns. All STOP BURNING must satisfy or sauce. When minutes count in the kitchen, the "just picked" flavor of the farm . . . your money back! and at a low. mlnl-price to save you rACK ; CHKECmn heat boiled yams in maple syrup. Yummy! u n rs VNKtuD UBtY'S HD CAUrOERIA u rn TUNA A CHICUN PAITS DOKINO I80WNVUTED They're what we like about the south! monsyl TOMATOES 2 ECO Color Kit wt 29*t,‘.•49* ' lb APRICOTS HALVES 2 ' '4 7 ' SAUERKRAUT 2 CAT FOOD, 2 29* SUGAR Institute Dealers Single Cut >b 99c rincEELtow lb MIDNIGHT OIL UMT’I lUHT SUCID UtIT'S NUElUrS ELIOW CKIYEI'S OLD EHCUSH Luar LEAE Arru M -isS' GREEN BEANS 2 ' 33* SUCCOTASH 2 MACARONI 2 > MACARONI 2 - 53* MARMALADE 39* PIE FUXING * ' UVA-INAK WERE CLOSED SE/illOOK RED ROSE TENDERUAE O N Y O U R WAX BEANS 2 ' 39* BROCCOLI G8ATIN TEA BAGS LAUI 57* DOG FOOD Rich, buttery flavor ! corrn NENNEU LOVn SHUT STIAWIUIT .• TODAY FROM 12 NOON to 2:00 P.M.' Stoirffei's- Freezer Queen Sliced Meats SUCED BEETS 2' 29* CHASE A SANBORN/ TEA BAGS o^^°oo SPANISH RICE 2 47* PRESERVES" intV'S SNAU ^ conit COFFEE DEuaovt POUT MNEtO'S C08C0NX0U Birds Eye Vegetables Macaroni & Cheese 2-lb package MILK DUDS 25* SALAD DRESSING ‘ ' The tenderest WHOLE BEETS 2 ‘ 33* CHASE A SANBORN in Butter Sauce i macaroni, the uttrs AgHTJIMNASOTTUNUI YUBAN REGULAR can VCRHOUNT NAIO POUT NANUO'S CMUC Peas, corn, French tastiest cheese. Your choice of SUCED CARROTS 2 ’ 29* PANCAKE NIX SYRUP 33* SALAD DRESSING ’ None but the fi­ daliclout Beef, IN C O M E T A X UPTON UDI-rUVOIED 44 style green beans ... j tnos EYE COOL 5 CHANT VERMONT MAI]).. BANTLY OIL CO. nest ingredients in Turkey or Sal­ |hli yaar-gat tmarti BOTH UllY'S all ready to heat and I this casserole I isbury StMk. PEAS A CARROTS 2 ' 31* PUDDINGS ; ■ “ 2 ■SYRUP 59' BREAD CRUMBS . eat. dish. l^n't burn the midnight xeneDai ONION SOUP NIX ot : GLENNEY OIL CO. oil, worrying with tax fig- .y,. $ uret. Why not let BLOCK ■ft N: i-S. <4-.. s-A figure your return quick- STATE vAtoABiTiiariryo^ y.i".roionranix3:-m 2rra HOLLYWOOD OIL SERVICE ly, de pe nd ab ly an d in- ALL PURPOSE ture you of maximum ben- LIFE M&M OIL SERVICE Full Color Golden Book Health and beauty aids are efitt? Drop in todayl UP GRAND UNION 3-OZ. mini-priced budget aide/ ______OUA5ANTII MORIARTY BROTHERS ,We guoronttR occurott preporotion of evtry tax return. phg. Encyclopedia If we make ony errori thof cost you any penalty or . with this coupon and purchase of interest, we will poy the penglty or interest. With SAVE 10‘ on Stop & Shop ib . o R a ' PILLSBURY 9 lb., 13>oz. pkg. detergent * Completely Brock Shampoo 79‘ this WHITING CORE. new and upi SWEETMIIK 8-oz. to datel 16 ' MID baE a a coupon Hot Cross Buns volumes il­ C H'RI :-II L,! • I C 3 I : c ^ c o . VINOOIS kUTTERMIlK pkg. CONCENTRATED ALL Nicest way to bright­ healthy. 8 02. bonit. * COUPON L T. WOOD CO. lustrated in DESSERT TOPPING en up a breakfast. ?;lorious America's Largett Tax Service with Over 3000 Offices GOOD thru SAT., APRIL 5th Full of tasty diced ull color. B B'/z-oz. fruits and raisins, NoneM t ° a a r m VsiMIt *1 39 rUMlT ONE COUPON PER CUSH ’^llfippH/IMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER | WILUAMSOILCO..Inc. topped with snowy Rtgular. m«nthol or popular now lima Level LUCKY WHIP can while frosting. Volume *8 now available at only *129 For a claan. conrfortabla thavt. 1 Been 1 i Orento i PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., APRIL 5th. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

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M i n iB T B E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING JERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY,. MARCH 81, 1969 PAGE NINBTBBN Lo8 Angeles^ Willie Davis Sidelined^with Fracture Willis Reedy Walt Frazier Lead New Yorfe’s Attack Palmer Hurls Scoreless Innings Knickerbockers Stun Baltimore NEW YORK (AiP) — 'nte Dodgers' fleet ceitter curtailed’ because of the funeral Frank Joibe, the club physician, the Red Box' Jim Lonfcorg BALTIMORE (AP) — and take a 3-0 lead ih the best- shooters, .iriM Mt from any­ Oazrie Russell and Phil Jack- 42 seconds to pUy, thsn mlsssd BaMmore’s Ji»n PteSmer and fielder, who batted .284 three of former''President Eisenhow­ was to study X rajrs of the InjJu- against the Tigers’ D ei^ Mc­ York’s Uron-men Knicker­ ot-7 Eastern Division semifinal where on toe oourt, they play son. two free throws with 16 seoondz Los Angahes’ Wfllfe Davis years ago, broke an ankle slid­ er, with three games called off Lain tor the first six series. good defense and rebound,” ” I don’t tolnki they’d be as remaining and Read gvabbod Pete Rose’s three-nm double In bockers could wi'n the Na- The fourth game will be Ferry said. "What rise is have been runnii^g into ing the following spring and and others pushed back to start "TWs is pretty rough on Willie good with Russell and Jackson one of his 19 rebounds to set up missedd 20 games, finishing with the eighth, after a leadgff bam- tkniBl Basketball Aasocier played in New York Wednesday there?” — playing,” Perry said. "We have a Bill BraiOey badtat. trouble since their fateful no earlier than one hour’after and the club,” ssdd Manager a .207 average'^ tiien dipped to the completion of the ceremo­ er by Tony Peres, swept the nigM. WlUls Reed scored 86 points to divide the playing time, and “We’re all tired,” Dave De- 1966 Wbrid Series encoun­ Walter Alston. "He might Just tibn playoffs if they stay .250 alst season, was hit in the nies at Washington. The Yan- as well not have come to spring Reds past the Astros. Ferry, who quit as a player while sinklhg 16 of 28 shots and It would be a coaching problem Busschere said when quesUonsd ter. dear of fouh and injuries, this season to become assistant arm by a C3aude Raymond kees-Kansas City, Baltimore- training, since he’ll have to Duane Josephson rapped a grabbed 19 rebounds, while Walt to get them all In there.” about the iron-men stung, ‘TU- Now, Palm er appears set to says Dob Perry of ttie Bal- to Coach Gene Shue, hasn’t con­ pitch in Saturday night's 3-2 vic­ Pittsburgh and Minnesphi-Ftaila- start all over again when he’s bases-loaded triple as the White Frazier scored 26 points and set Fnazier put New York ahead guarantee that Pm ttrsd. do an about face after two ceded the postseason demise of for keeps at 118-114 and his free tory over Atlanta. deli^ia games were p^poned. able to play. Even- then, it’ll Sox struck tor five runs in the tinriore Bullets. a NOW York playoff record with ’’But playoffs are (Ufferant. throw-away seasons. But the "Tlielr starting five takes a Baltimore’s Eastern Division 17 assists. throw made it 116-114 with 89 There's not os much tmvsl, we The Braves beat the Dodgers Palmer, a 23-year-old right­ take him sbc weeks to get seventh to overtake Minnesota. breaks are stiU going against back seat to nobody,” Ferry champions but he’s greaUy im­ Coach Red Holzman was seconds left. have days off, we know w ho 4-2 Sunday adiile St. Louis hander who came «q> with shoul­ ready.” A three-run eighth got Montreal Davis and the Dodgers. said after the Knicks rallied to pressed by the Knicks. forced to etick mostly with his Earl Monroe, who had a driv­ we're playing and tbere’a a lot topped Philadelphia 5-3, Wash- der and back ailments following past the Dodger Be. Palmer, plagued by recurring The Braves spotted the Dodg­ ,beat Baltimore 119-116 Sunday "They have five great open starting flv« after injuries to ing layup blocked by Reed with at stake.” arm trouble since 1966, when he .ington downed Kansas City 5-1, his brilliant '66 Series perform­ ers a 2-0 lead on Bill Sudakis’ 'Pitcher Rudy May hit a gnuid won 15 for Baltimore and then Boston edged Detroit 5-4 in 12 ance, has posted Just one major first-inning homer, then came slam homer in CaUfomla'a vic­ became the youngest pitcher Innings, Cincinnati downed league victory in the past two back to win as Milt Pappas and tory over San Diego but the An­ HouMon 0-4, the Chicago White ever to toes a Series shutout, seasons. He appeared in Just Cecil Upshaw flipped hjtless gels’ B team managed only five New York Wins Tournament scattered three singles over Sox hamMed Minnesota 0-4 and nine games tor the Orioles in baU over the final seven. hits off Diego Begul, Darrell Alcindor Offered $$ Montreal nipped Los Angeles’ B eight innings Sunday as the Or­ 1967 and got into 10 with three Rookie Joe Hague belted a Brandon and Bill Henry in bow­ team 7-0. Defeats Connecticut TeaUfi ioles soared past PitUfburgh 6-0 minor league clubs last season. two-run eighth inning homer off ing to Seattle. for a 17-3 exhibition record. lasewhere, California shaded But he breezed t h r o i^ the Chris Short, powering the Cardi­ Ron Santo cracked two hom­ Will Go To the NBA ALTAMONT, N.Y. (AP)—New points and earned the Most Val­ Meanwhile, Davis, whose San Diego 5-3, Seattle got by the Pirates’ line-up Sunday, throw­ nals past the Phillies, and left­ ers, driving in five runs, as MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — George Mikan, who says I York City took Its second* con­ uable Player award. three errors on successive plays Angels' B sqiud 2-0, the Chicago ing 96 pitches, and also oontrib- hander Frank Bertaina pitched the Cubs whipped the A’s tor secutive High School AlhStar Ron WlUiams of Boy’s High ABA helped Palmer and the Orioles Cubs pounded Oakland 8-3 and uted a single and double to the two-Wt ball for five Innings as their seventh victory in the last signed “for sotnelihlinig like $10,” when he entered pro­ Basketball Tourney ctoamplon- led the NYC team with 28 points Eastern Division trim Los Angeles 4-0 in the sec­ San Francisco outlasted Cleve­ Baltimore attack, \riiich was the Senators finally beat an eight starts. Jim Davenport’s SHOT BI/KTKED— Dm Russell (6) Boston Cdttes’ player-coBch has first pe- fessional baieAcetball, awaited word today from Lew Al- ship Sunday when it defeated for game honors. ond game of their ’00 Series land 13-11. keyed by Mark Belanger’s two- American League rival after 11 two-run triple was the big blow nbd field goal effort blocked by Chet Walker (25) in last night’s playoff cihdor on an American Basketball Assodatibn offer ■ W. L. Pet. G.B. Connecticut, 84-83, In overtime. (Xhers named to the aH-tour- run homer fof Jim Bunning. xindlana 44 33 .671 — 3 sweep, learned he’ir be sidelined Rain washed out the New setbacks. in a six-run eighth that won tor game in Philadelphia. Other Celtics are John Havliedk (17) and Bailey worth more tban $3.26 million. New York captain Jose Paris nament team', beside DlOregor- Miami 41 85 .539 2% from three to four weeks with a York Yankees-New York Mets Davis was flown from the Reggie Smith’s 12th-lnning the Giants in a struggle marked Bowel! (18 ). Boston Colteis lead Philadelphia in the best of seven, playoffs. Alcindor has said he will sign -—— ---- —------from' Rice High Schcxil made lo, from S t Thomas More High haiiiine fracfore of the right grame. Dodgers’ Vero Beadi, Fla., single delivered the . tie-breaker by 16 walks, seven hit batsmen irito toe Milwaukee Bucks of ^ five-year $1 million con- Kentucky 40 36 .538 3 the winning lay-up after steal­ School In Colchester, were Wil­ 41 arm. Today's schedule has been camp to Los Angeles, where Dr. for Boston in a duel that pitted and six errors. toe rival NaUonal Basketball tract, an annuity payment of Minnesota 36 .468 8 ing the boll with 17 secxinds to liams, Jcunes Brosm of Long Is­ Underdogs Jinxinff Season Winners AssociaUon. $62,500 a year for 20 years and New York 17 59 .224 28% play. The championship game land City, Frank OosteDo of But Mikan, a 6-foot-lO giant of lo per cent of ABA national tele­ Western Diterion had bebn neck-and-neck from CathoHc Memorial High in Bos­ Second Best for Avis Only, Not'San Francisco toe NBA from 1947 to 1966 and vision contracts totaling at least xOakland 58 18 .763 — toe first quarter on. ton and Don Johnston of RSox Hopes itow. 'the ABA commissioner, $eoo,000. New Orleans 45 82 .584 13% Connecticut met New York Jamestown High, Jamestown, and Arthur J. Brown, owner of «i signed for something like Denver 6 43 34 .588 18% City in the championship game N.Y. thb New York Nets, still hope $io,” said Mikan. “We didn’t Dallas 40 36 .533 17% after Connecticut downed New The New York State Sriiolas- Brightened Celts Stymie 76ers Los Angeles 33 43 .434 25 Giants Rearrange Lineup toe 7-1% UCLA All-American want him Alcindor to have to York State, 92-86, Saturday and tic Writers Association upon- can be convinced to sign with worry about his life after he’s Houston 22 64 .289 86 sored the two-day tournament, FRIENDSHIP—Walter Delisle New York City swamped Massa­ PHILADELPHIA (AP) with a rush In the last period to “ I, think we’re playing our toe two-year-old league. finished playing basketball. x-C!Iinched dlvlrion title held at LaSaDette Seminary 220, Jerry Ringuette 565, Ehrvin Once Again chusetts, 99-71, also Saturday. —'If the Boston Oeltits are score 12 of his 18-polnt total. be^ basketball of the year,” he Mikan said he met last Friday “We still don’t consider toe In the coneolation game Sun­ here. ym pple 2 0 ^ ^ W W p p le 2M, WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (AP) dead, somebody better Playerooach Bill Russell added. "It started after the (Los with Alclndor’s financial advis­ negotiations ended,” Mikan NATTONVO. HOCKEY ’ day, Massachusetts beat New SUCCESSFUL STE A L— New York Yankees, Tom SSiopay, steals second base gillie Mays Leadoff Man scored nine and picked off 18 re­ -T he Boston Red Sox’ pennant Angeles) Lakers humihated us or, Sam Gilbert. said. "A ll this can still be his. LEAGUE in the filet inning, also stole second base in the third hnini’g. Piittsburj^h Pi- vich 206-225-620, Hugo Benson __ (iheck the coffin. York State, 84-76 . bounds. BlQy Cunningham by 36 points on television recent- "When I left Los Angeles Fri­ All he has to do is pick up toe East Division In the champlonriilp game Last mte Jerry May throws ball past second baseman, Bill Mazeroski. Ball went PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP)— fever,” says the now-de- will, in aU HkeUhood, be leading 224-570, Lois Stout 176, Judy Sel- When the Celtics finished' topped the 76ers with 33 points. day night,” Mikan said, "Gil­ phone.” W. L. T. Pts. Jim Fitarinunons of Fairfield On the third paire of the Parted OUle Brown and, indeed, off this year, a big change for a We 180, Gen Burns 462, Doris ' fourth hi the National Basket­ 'y- SAPPORO, Japan—Hboyifid into the outfii^ ii his first steal. The Yankees downed Pfflttsburgh 7-1. The game was tied 21 times ”I made a dissertation which bert told me a lawyer would be Alcindor, however, said Batur­ Montreal 46 19 11' 103 Prep collect^ 26 points and tied the Giants have finished second man who is the second leading Avery. 453. ball Associatian’s Eastern Divi­ EMhara, 111%, Japan, outpotafi- San Francisco Giants’ 1 9 6 9 Lohborg, the Cy Young Award before Bailey Howell scored on in my office Monday to go over day In Atlanta that Milwaukee Boston 42 18 16 100 toe game, 79-79, at the end of the last tour years—good home run hitter of all time. sion this season, experts figured I can’t tell you about. We shook ed Jose Severino, 111, Brasil, guide there is an inlterest- winner in pitching toe Red Sox a fast-break lay-up and dropped ourselves after that game.” . toe contract we offered. Does "made me a very lucrative of- New York 41 6 9 91 regulation play. Teammate Er­ enough tor Avis, perhaps, but The idea Is to get Willie VILLAGE MIXERS — Nancy toe Boaton dynasty had ended. 15; EUhara gained vacant to the American League pen­ in a free throw for a three-point Russell also refused to claim that mean negotiations are fer. They’re real good people up Toronto 35 26 16 85 nie DiGregorio also collected 26 ing set of sta'tisWcs — the not for owner Horace Stoneham, aboard, take advantage of his Thomas 465, Bob Gaffney 202, They buried the Celts. world flyweight boxing tttle. Former Manager Bobby Bragan nant In 1067, is determined to play that sent Boston ahead for closed?” there and I had no difficulty Detroit 33 31 12 78 composite Natiional League Here’s a flash for those so- the series for toe Celtics, even who did not reeist Herman ^ w y on toe basM, ^ t a run or Dave Thorny 214, G ^ e r Your- oveio^ m e"^ i’eii;»ial 'rigW show“ good 96-92 with 23 seconds re­ with a big lead and the fourth Mikan revealed terms of toe whatsoever in making up my Chicago 34 38 9 77 standings .for 1 9 5 8 -1 9 6 8 , Franks’ departure as managrerAapwtAMM nar/v two 4m in the #I firsth s 4 I mInning m lm w A and m ^ 9 leta A kas 1*aa 482,AOO Ed V fl YourkasVMi«»1raci 206,OAK Blanche ulamjvbiA . ‘ ^ caHed' experts: The Boston Cel­ der trouble, anmething he maining in the third period. game Tuesday nigM slated for ABA offer Saturday at a news mind to play with them.” . West Division the 11 seasons the (Jiants and hired Clyde King in his the other guys play oatch-up tor Vincent 460, Irene Stone 191, Dan tics not only are alive, but they Alcindor, in making a quick claims he has every spring. In the fourth quarter the 76ers the Boston Gardens. conference. St. Louis 37 25 14 88 Sides witb the Men in Blue place. - . a change. Doran 218, Rita Hughes 467, stiU may be the team to beat tor The 50-year-old Bragan is toe Job today. 17110 dedication is have been plajin^r in San Lonnie, who received a shot of came from an 11-polnt deflclt- It Includes five per cent of decision, said he wanted to Oakland 29 36 11' 69 NEW YORK (A!P) — King is convinced toe Gleints Joining Mays in the outfield Hick Hughes 209, Jean Menzel the NBA titlq. "I can’t be confident until stock in the Nets, a $600,000 bo- avoid a bidding war oppoRfnmiTY new preWdent of toe Texas missing. The players are four or FranoisCD. cortisone to relieve shoulder 112-101-to within two at 119-117 Philadelphia 20 35 21 61 H iib ■will be an entJrely The Giants are in first place, cam do better than second this are Jim Ray Hart and Bobby 201.601, Dick Noren 205, Alice The tourtlvplace Celtios beat we’ve won four gam es,” he League and Is moving the office five years younger now. You pain a week ago, returned to the with 1:47 left. But that was Los Angeles 24 42 10 68 (fifferent besebali setison 24% games athead of second- year—ignoring observers vdio Bonds, b6th long-bell hitters. At Brown 461. the socond-plaoe finlsMng Phlla- said. from Tulsa to Fort Worth, Tex., have to spend extra time with mound Sunday au>d turned in close as they got Minnesota 18 43 16 61 For EmploymoRt M for Bobby Bragian, wbo place Los Angeles, 33 games wickedly suggest that the re- first bawe is WlHle McOovey, the ------delpMa 76ero 126-118 Sunday Coach Jack Ramsay of the where he bas lived since 1948. them. They are prima donnas fine performance, pitching sev­ Jones was fouled anc oaimly PitUburgh 20 46 ll 61 managed major leiague ahead of thlrd-pIaice St. Louis, moval of the St. Louis Oairdinals league’s home nin aind runs bat- night to take a 8-0 lead in their made two, and Havlicek was 76ers grimly stated, "Our 'backs When toe Montreal Expos, un­ now and managing is touchy. If en innings as the R od Sox went teams in PiKtsburgh, CSeve- and so on. But, as toe kmg-suf- to toe National League’s East- ted in champ of 1966 and the big Baseball W riter best-of-7 Eastern semifinal ser­ foiHed. He made them both to are against toe wall. But we’re ROGERS GORPORATNNI'S der President John McHale and I did manage again I’d demand on to a 6-6 victory over toe De­ hmd, Milwaukee and Atlan­ fering Giant fan will quickly em Division should help—and is maul in the Giants’ power at­ ies. mtake it 123-117, and it was all In it until they put us'out.” Manager Gene Miauch, hired freedom in hiring my coaches. I Dies in Boston troit Tigers in a 12-inning gaune. BOSTON (AP)—Howie Dlcken- point out, toe Giants only won not above tampering with cher- tack. Sam Jones, John Havlicek over. The 76ers may have lost for­ ta. He says he will never Bragan over the winter as a hired only one coach all the Although he struck' out only man of Central Connecticut was the x>cnnaint in one of those Ished Gtont institutions to ac- Ron Hunt is at second base BOSIDN (AP) — Edmund P. and Don Nelaon appfled the Did Russell think the 76ers ward Civet Wtalker for the ser­ 5 Conn. Plant Locations manage in the majors coach for 1969, some felt he was time I managed.” two batters, Lonboig worked top man for toe College Divi­ years, 1962. compUsh it. again and Hal Lauiler is the ‘Ed’’ Cunningham, former Boe­ . stranglehold on Philadelphia. were tight in the playoffs? ies. Tentative diagnosis of an in­ again and that he’s nbw on on his way back as a manager. Bragan has never been in toe sion In the 14th annual Naiamith “They seem to have second- WlUle Mays, tor instance, shortstop, but third base was as tO" »i»rts writer and tor nine Jones, a 35-yearold veteran, "I think it is uikalr to insinu­ jury was a torn tendon in his Technicians and Engineering Assistants in Quality Control, the idde o f the umpire. front office phase of baseball Hall of Fame All-Star basket­ "I wasn’t enthused about ------much a questton nuu'k as spring years secretary of the old Boa- seventh innlns' hitf w« b popped in 28 points, Havelicek ate that in any way,” said the right knee. He didn’t play in toe Research and Devekqment, Mjanufacturing Englnoorlng. and tods was one of toe things ball game for New England col­ Starting salaries as hlgji as $145 per week tor Teohnlrians going to Montreal,” says Bra­ training In OouTBllman’s first 10 years Southern Oal in the 400 freestyle poned in honor of toe late Presi­ Indiana NCAA Champ In Boston, won $290,696 on toe professional dent Dwight D. Eiseidtower. Dushed his stretohed its season-ending un- his second child, with a $21,027 stock car circuit. surface of Mexico’s Olympic ’ ■ as coach, Indiana finished as relay. pushed his ^i»int goring mark beaten streak to six games by check to pay for it. 1969 MONTEGO Stadium in the final furlong of BLOOMING'TO^Ind. (I^P)— With another national to an incredible 126 and tallied knocking off Philadelphia, "I hope I get there in time,” toe 1,600-meter run. cpl'legiate swimming' title ^already assured for their his 48th and 49to goals of the George Swarbrick scored one said toe blond, stocklly built Jim Ryan has not raced out­ season, shattering toe record team, Indiana University fans gave their support to a Penguin goal and assisted on driver who celebrated his 30th doors since that dreadful day in for a center of 47 held by Mont­ .roung fordgn swimmer with spectacular results. $ 0 3 7 0 0 0 the other. birthday in toe Atlanta raceway October when his powerful real’s Jean Beliveau. Hans Faaanacht, an 18 -yea r------TTie Penguins finished In a tie garage area Wednesday. stride, weakened during toe 3 old West German swimming for Don Havens anchored South­ Esposito’s llnemate, Ken for fifth place In toe West with summer by mononuclclosls, fail­ Hodge, scored his 44to and 46th Yarborough, a popular favor­ Long Beach State, was helped ern Cal’s record-breaking 400 Delivered! Minnesota, which got a goal ite with the crowd estimated at ed to respond to the challenge along by chants of "Go, Go, Go” _____ of the season as toe Bruins fln- with less than four minutes to of toe African, Kipchoge Kelno. freestyle team with a fantastic better than 85,000, drove his 1969 as’he went after one of toe most 44.9 leg. i^ed the season with a record play from rookie Joey Johnston Mercury across toe finish line "I have to go to Munich In respected records in toe NCAA Oregon freshman Mike Dirk- *■ 3OT goals and 100 points, three to tie Los Angeles. It was Johns- three seconds ahead of close CHECKERED 1972,” he said after losing to 15:59.4 mark in toe 1,650-yard "SAFE-BUY" USED CARS ★ sen won toe 200 breaststroke 1964 MERCURY short of .the CJanadiens’ cham- ton’s first NHL goa. friend David Pearson to claim Kelno in toe 1,000-meter , finals, books Saturday night — toe 1905 M£R4!URY 1986 U N C m jV Saturday night in 2:08.62. First • 4-Uoor Hardtop his first victory of toe season. his first defeat at that distance freestyle. 4-Door Hardtop Continental since he was a high school boy year men took six of the meet’s 8-cyllnder, a u to m a t i c "Park Lane" — Top of Choose from 3! FuUy But it was Pearson who cap­ “ I was beginning to hurt, but 16 individual events and sopho­ transmlasion. power steer- the line, and fully 'equip­ 1 QifNlT •’■0 0 UCf$, Palmer, Boros, Snead Tied in Wichita. "If I ha^ won, per­ equipped, plus factory in-- tured the crowd’s fancy. The I heard the cry and felt pretty ing $ 8 9 5 ped, too! haps I would have run another mores won two. stalled air conditioning. 34-year-oid Ford driver elected good again,” toe chunky little 1965 COMET to start at toe rear of toe 40-car year. Now I must train for four 5-foot-8 swimmer said after his Indiana won half toe meet’s 18 $1395 52895 years. I want another chance.” events and totaled a record 47 2-Door Sedan 1988 COMET . Our car the movie star. field when he decided to use a Riverside Speedway in 15:54.2 victory. He broke toe rec­ 6-cyllnder, automatic, ra­ 1968 PONTIAC tire compound different from Agawam, Mam., opened toe The first step on that "anoth­ ord set by UeXA’s Mike Burton points to runner-up Southern Tempest Le Mane Demonstrator Darkhorse Wins dio, good, economical 6 - cylinder, automatic, the one on which he qualified for doors for toe start of their 21st er chance” schedule comes in 1968. Cal’s 306 and Stanford’s 196. transportation. 2 - Door Hardtop. Bucket seats, V-8, power steering, , power steering,' radio, Incredible os it soun/s, you ore look­ Once signed up, the bug won't sud­ toe front row. NASCAR rules re- yoar ot stock car racing Satur- „Saturday at Westwood when Like nine other NCAA meet Michigan was fourth with 164 ing at the romantic leqd of a big new denly start making crazy demands. (A and Yale fifth with 160. $995 automatic, radio. whitewalls, deluxe wtoel quire that toe car be started on ------breakneck speed that he took tered toe picture. First It m tof the mile and the the 200 backstroke, and toe Indiana was second in 3:03.05, "Marquis" — Top of the where and in any weather.) air conditioning! the main character. 'Or one with fewer bad habits. Ilf "I am going to slap it in the In 13 tniii-rvMTv.MT,, , .M. the lead within 55 laps. From started raining but changed to , races he won 3:02.7 by Southern California’s Stanford third in 3:06.51 and S1195 line, and fully equipped, s far this battle between snow, so track officials called ^® ^'**®*im against UCLA 400 freestyle relay team. Yale fourth in 3:06.57 with Mike 1988 FORD J 1 7 9 5 Why would a big film studio want to doesn't even drink water.) * ° ® ' $3195 these two drivers and every- toe race on account of snow con- "I was hoping for 15:50, but Cadden splitting 47.2, Roben 2-Door Hardtop la n DODGE make a movie star out of the bug? Or one that ages so gracefully. , son of a Valdosta, ent ^tmens. Jack Nlcklaus and 1988 .MCSCUKY thing else was Incidental. dltlono. The program will be 51?**"* offer much I’m satisfied with toe record,” Waples 46.4, John Nelson 46.6 4-Door Hardtop Why not? "Galaxle 500.” Full, Station Wagon And of course, there isn't a performer said Fassnacht, whose training and Steve Job 46.5. Signing one up for a lifetime costs "It was a great ride,” said «We

\ BfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1909 BIANCH^STER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY,. MARCH 81, 1969 PAGE TWENTY^NE Uuk: AiitomobllM For Solo 4 HUGOS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE HouMhoM SonrtcM Pointing— Popnring 21 Hnip Wontnd— Help Wontnd Hnip SAVE —1968 VolkevNMfen sedan, OllMod 13-A CONTRACTOR — Interior — Fnmain 35 Fnmotn 35 35 cream puff condition. Call Don I KNOW WHAT HEjS CUMBER Aniwtf to PitvlMi fiiiil* CLASSIFIED LIC«T 'mOCKINQ, bulk deliv­ exterior painting, piy>er hang­ ■TOWN S O M E Girard, M9-2S88. WANTED — Dental aealetant, MOUMEAN bus! ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ ing. Discount on wallpaper. WOMAN tvanted to cook part- I KNOW THAT WHEN HE PIPNT 6 0 TD, THIN R O P E S W ords, W ords wiU train quaUfled person. BEFORE, BUT ed and removed. Also odd Jobs, CaU 646-3048, Oscar Hebert. •nmnETs amp the TH6 MORNIN6 I 1987 r-85 OLDSMOBILE, club TREASURE CITY time,- 11-3. No experience Those with heavy household I?CPUBUCAN£ w o n PART O F MY LUNCH THS HAS TD BE M4-8962. necessary. Apply Shady Glen, MIS (EREATCST coupe. Hbccellent oondlUon. EXTERIOR painting - Quality responslbiUtles need not apply. BUT I S T lU . F O R F1CHM5RS/ 4 Russian city advertising NEEDS Parkade or call 643-0811. FI6UREP I OOULO PBRFORAAANCE/ ACROSS Call 649-1462. REWEIAVINO of burtis, moth- ivork, quality paint. Don’t set­ Write Box 8, Manchester ME ISNT e v e n 5 Tallinn’s Cl GIRLS HUT PI?CPICT AT LEAST IG ifto f------CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS holes, aippers repaired. Win­ tle for less, the beet for Herald. ONC U 3 SEB / H 1D1N6/ r ---- 4 Public spM h Germanic r j HAIRDRESSER — Manager too? name U1 8 A.M . to 4:30 P.M. dow ehades made to measure, less. Nick Tsapatsaris, 643- siufC 11 Haw fMUngs FOR: DomesUcs—9 a.m. to 3 wanted for shop in hfanchesr S kk 6 Man’s name 1966 FORD all else Venetian blinds. Keys 1731, firee estimates. OMkM for ■i|=t p.m. Mens Dept.:. 9 a.m. to 4 ter, salary plus. Call 643-0322. UChatiRcto TDiuatlonsof made while you wait. Tape re­ HIGH SCHOOL MIMISl UF 150, Bronco wagon com­ in s id e :—outside painting. Si>e- p.m. Housewares Dept.: 9 a.m. After 6 p.m. call 249-0217. Mipoaita offices COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 8 Angers wwr=i plete with 4-way. snow plow. corders for rent. Marlon’s, 887 olal rates for people over 86. 13 Dash a iM ci 4!S9 P.M. DAir BEFORE PITBUCATION to 8:30 p.m. Sophomores or Juniors tor 9 Secretive Main St. 619-6221. CaU m y coinpetlton, then call 14 M L------(In r=iir=THi neadllne for Saturday and Monday ia 4 :se p.m, Friday part-time waitress work, af­ group (ab.) . Call 649-2871 me. Estimates given. 640-7868. These are full-time positions N ^ ) devices 39 Television ter school and some week­ 15 Yule aymbol 10 Seine 876-8401 with good working conditions. PBX llG a u b 27 Pronoun group LOAM, gravel and sand orders ends. No experience neces­ I S F r t ^ t ^ 28 Small bird 40 Positive PLEASE READ YOUR AD Apply in person to Treasure sary, good pay plus gratui- 17 Horse gaits 16 Fall flower taken now. Telephone 6499709. City, Manchester Parkade. 18 Tropical 29 Main artery electrode . ties, pleasant atmosi^ere. 19 River in CI^IMed or “ Want Ada- are taken over the phone as a 1969 WHITB AUSTIN, Healy— Root Rnishing 24 OPERATOR ALLEY OOP plants 30 Alt (comb, 41 American con\ enlenee. The advertiser should read hla ad the FIRST TWO HANDYMEN want a Apply In person. Brass Key BY V. T. E^AMUN .Belgium form) blacktnaka 106. CaU 6494329. 20 Shade tree 20Finial DAY IT and IlEPORT E iSSo r S% time f ™ I variety of Jobs by day or hour. FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- Opening for on experienced Restaurant, 829 Main Street, ornament 31 Australian 43 Size of type WOMAN with car for cleaning 1HWr« WHY WEVE ALREADY 23LegisUUve next insertion. T ^ Herald Is responsible for only ONE In- Reasonable. CaU 648-6806, 648- ing (specializing in older switchboard operator tor a Manchester. WE'RE HERE, SEEN TWO 21 Constellation bird 44Bryophytie 1964 BLUE TONTIAC Lemam, 8202. every other week. CaU 649-3784 body 32 Disintegrate plimt oorreet or omitted insertion for any advertisement and then floors). Inside painting. Paper busy board in East Hartford l«N^IT.,.TO OOP-BAU. 25 Fencing sword 22 Bipeds only to ^ extent of a “make good” Insertion. Errors which convertible, 326 euitomatlc, ex­ after 6 p.m. HMJNTl^ ; SEE IF IT 24 Economic 35 Athapascan 46 Ordinary (ab,', cellent condition, I860. Call af­ hanging. No Job too small. to work part-time after­ 26 Oral 47Arikar« do not l^essen the value of the advertisement will not be CLERK Typist — Insurance R E M ayis? performance Co-operation Indiim porrerted by “ make good” Insertion. ter 6, 872-8731. John VertaiUe, 649-5760 CATALOG free. I'll send you all noons, Monday through Fri­ Administra­ 36 Poltroon Indian Builfling~~ Claims office, 37(4-hour week 30 Concluding new Popular Club catalog. Let day. Company offers good tion (ab.) 37 City In 48 Catchall Contracting 14 Call 649-4526 between 9-4 partofa abbreviation 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury ' mi your friends shop from It. Then wages, congenial co-work- speech 25 Heating Germany (Rockville, Toll Free) Bomb— Stocks— p.m. fc^y equipped, low mileage, DORMERS Room AdiUtionB, you pick $60 and more In free ers, excellent- working condi- 33 Old Testament r • 9 i T mint condition. Must seH. 489 Mortgoges 27 tlorni and ionvenlent free V-V;5 prophet 1 2 5” 4 5 $ 7 643-2711 garages, kitchens, rec rooms, items. Alice Williams, Popular LUNCHEONETTE help needed IwtcoimicKl 87S-3136 Main St., third floor epeulment parking. Write P.O. Box 'B MAS N E U S 34 Sleeplike houses, siding, roofing. ‘Seven SECOND MORTGAGE — Un- Club Plan, Dept. W603, Lyn- for full or part-time daytime S-St • taw H MA Im, TM Vt ON. FOR THEM <* II 1 and 2, mornings. brook, N.Y. 1483, Hartford, stating edu­ state year flnancfaig available. Add- llmlted funds available for sec­ hours. Apply Manager, W. T. 38 Woody fruit 13 14 A-Level Dormer, 286-0440, cation, experience and sal­ Grant Co., Manchester Park­ 39 Equal status 1968 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, ond mortgagee, payments to INSURANCE Agency requires ary requirements. suit your budget. Expedient ade. ^ OUT OUB WAY BY J. & WILLIAMS 42 Russian IS H 6 • Trouble Reaehing Our Advertiser? equipped with aU extras, ALMCrnONS, remodeling, ga­ mature fuU-Ume employe for emperors $1,700. 649-9189. rage, rec rooms, bathrooms service. J. D. Realty, 648-6120. InteresUng and challenging po­ 43 Central 17 , 13 IA fi 22 SALES person for toy depart- ■ tiled, kltdiens remodeled, ce­ sition. Knowledge of typing DOCTOR’S office assistant, 1-6 mept, 38-hour week. Apply to / WHAT'S WROMS WITH THATl r ALL RI6HT, IF 'lOU SAYSO -BUT American 24-Hour Answering Service 1968 PLYMOUTH, V-8, 4 new MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec­ / COULPM'T 'lOU HAVE THOU3HT TO ment work, cellar floors, pa­ and figure aptitude required. p.m., tour days, 9-2 p.m., Manager, W.,T. Grant Co., I/ m e r e l y S T E P P E R O U T O F country tires, good condition. Beat offer ond, third, aU kinds, realty, 'EAA--AN' WHEN I WANT TO P U LL T H E COAL T R U C K S O F F T D 45 Duct (anat) ■ ■ tios, roofliig. CaU Leon Oies- Salary to $100 weekly, 643-9648. Saturday. No Saturdays July Manchester Parkade. THE SIPE OF THE AAAIM DRAS SO 26 27 26 29 Free to Herald Readers over $100. 646-1400. statewide. Credit rating isi- !> aOPLIT ASAIN I JUST 46 South Amer­ synskl, BuUder. 640-4291. neoessary, reasonable. Confi- and August. LPN Training de­ DAVY JONES BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS TU R N TH’ M A T AROUW P OTHER TRAFFICiF FIC r ican river HAIRDRESSEUl experienced SALESPERSON for house- 3 C O U LP G E T 30 31 32 Want Information on on© of our riaasifled advertlBementsT 1968 CHEVROLET El Camlno demtiat, quick arrangements. sirable but not necessary. ANP STEP BACK 48 Roof overhang CARPENTRY — concrete steps, preferred, full or part-time. wares, 35-hour week. Apply to THROUGH f No annwer at the telephone lUted? Simply call tbe 327-276 h.p. engine, yellow with Alvin Lundy Agency, 627-7971, Write Box "T,” Manchester • it -S ^ r L L NBELIEVE IT THOSE TWO PIVERS ' M i POOR BUGGY 49 Ebbs 33 35 3^ 37 floors, hatchways, remodeling, CaU Tuesday or Wednesday, Manager, W. T. Grant Co., THIS TREASURE W H E HTHE l JOB'S rear tonneau cover, mint con­ 063 Main Street, Hartford. Eve- Herald. ARE WORKING FOR 15 TAKING A BAP 50 At that time porches, garages, olosets, ceU- 643-9022. Manchester Parkade. HUNT FIGURES MARCO. M E ... ONLY THEY BEATING... BUT 1 51 Merchants 38 38 40 41 dition. Private owner. 649-2006. idnga, 288-6879. TO BE A PU SH ­ EDWARDS Ings, attics finished, rec PILGRIM MILLS Fabric De- DON'T KNOW IT YET. CAN'T STOP. PAW 52 Together After 6:30 call 646-3824. COUNTER-WOMEN: A mature OVER, PAW.' ANP MARCO ARE (prefix) 43 44 46 rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ partment Store is expanding GONNA NEEP ANSWERING SERVICE er related work. No Job too person for part-time counter AVON DOWN 46 47 49 1662 CHEVROLET BtaUon Business Opportunity 28 service in fast food business. and needs experienced sales rtE SOON.' smaU. Dao Moran, BuUder. ladies to be trained for our new 1 In abundance Wagon, new automatic trans­ Housewives who can spare six Add To Your Family Income. 49 u Ghrenings 640-8880. 2 Spanish 649-0500 875-2519 mission. Clean. $460. CaU 649 hours a day are welcome to fabric store now under con­ Only a few hours dally. Start struction on Oakland Street. region 51 52 0617. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ TEXACO apply. Apply in own handwrit­ your oftm business now. Become 3 Man’s and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertiser In Apply Miss Cobum, Pilgrim iV modeling specialist. AddlUons, ing, P.O. Box 2266, Bishops an AVON Representative. Call nickname Jig time without spending all evening at the telephone. 1960 CHEVROLET Impala, 4- Mills, 177 Hartford Rd., Man­ rec rooms, dormers, porches, Comer Branch, West Hart­ 26$-4922. (Nswspsper [nt*rprit$ AutiJ dew/r sedan, 186 h.p., 6 cylin­ SERVICE chester between 3 and 9 p.m. " s cabineU, formica, built • Ins. ford, Oonn., 06117. An equal op­ der, automatic transmlaslon, Autamobiks For Sole 4 bathrooms, kitchens. 646-3448. portunity employer. WAITRESSES and counter girls, power brakes, radio, heater. STATION BAKERY Saleslady, steady full-time. Also weekend nights, 643-9089. position, good houra, good NEWTON H. SMITH A SON- CLERK—Part-time for our part-time. Apply in person HERALD 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, Remodellng, repairing, addi­ FRANCHISE Nelco drive-in store, Man wages. Apply in person. heater, white. $1,000. Call 649 CHEVROLET 1968 Bel Air Parkade Bakeiy, Manchester only. Howard Johnson Restau­ _ iL C 'm . Of. —A. rw« > ■ CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER tions, reo rooms, garages, Available in the Manchester Chester. Afternoons 3-6 p.m. 4349. ^atio^ wagon, six, automatic, Shopping' Parkade. rant, Exit 94, off Rt. 84, 894 BDX LETTERS porches and roofing. No Job and Glastonbury areas. Ex­ Saturdays 8-2 p.m. Apply per­ Tolland Tpke., Manchester. whitewalls, d e a n in end out. too small. CaU 640-8144. ceUent opportunity for new sonnel department. New Eng­ WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE For Your 1969 TRIUMPH GTS Pius, Oood- $660. 643-6903. NURSES- year Radial Urea, red, excel­ career and secintty. If you land Laundry, 441 Homestead h o m e s , GARAGES, porches, ore concerned about the fu­ Ave., Hartford. RN’S AND LPN’S Help Wontod— Mala 36 McNBuiht S)YMlieBt«, Inc. Information lent condition, $2,900. CaU 742- rec rooms, room additions, 7726. TR4, 1966, good condlti(m. ture end wiUing to invest IN EAST HARTFORD ( C O V E ON B o y.' THE HERALD wUl not kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ your money and time in a CAREER-MINDED Individual $1,100. CaU 1-2699678. / eral repair woric. Financing « law w HU, *«■ tm u$ » disclose the identity of 1068 OLDSMOBILE sedan, profitable career, caU Mr. HAIRDRESSER wanted, LuJon Full or part-time, all shifts. wanted for management posi­ any advertiser using box available. No down payment. tion for growing (HartfM-d bas­ I H E R E bhick, good running condition. laoampo days 868-06(X), eve- Salon of Beauty, 643-1939. On bus line. Paid meal and letters. Readers answer­ Economy Builders, Inc.. 648- ed) fast food service organiza­ fi'. $100. After 4:30 p.m., caU 649 Trucks— ’Tractors 5 nhigs 1-688-1639, or write Op­ mealtime. Good benefits. r o ing blind box ads who 6160. WOMAN for general office tion, 21 or over, capable of as­ S P O T ./ . SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL desire to protect their 2361. portunity, P.O. Box 231, 1964 INTERNATTONAL pick-up work, full-time. Apply Watkins BURNSIDE suming responsibilities. A per­ identity can follow fhis ALL TYPE framing and re- East Hazard, Conn. truck, 8 cylinder, good condi­ " Brothers, 936 Main Street, CONVALESCENT manent position with 'fringe procedure; 1963 CHEVROLET, 6 cyUnder, modeUng, additions, carports, tion. $860. 648-1949. MARINA on the Connecticut Manchester. HOME standard shift, radio, new garage and rec rooms. Free benefits. Ehcpeilence not neces­ EnckMte your reply to brakes, exceUent condition, River, wU lease. Write Box B, Phone Mr. Atlas 289-9571 sary, we will train. Successful 1966 EX>RD half-ton pick-up, estimates. B & C Oorp., 232- BABY SITTER wanted, my the box in an envelope — $496. 6498166. Mancheeter Herald. applicant must have ambition, V-8 engine with canopy. Call 4298, 628-2660. home or yours. Hours 9:30 to GIRL or lady, part-time, 11- address to the Classified energy and enthusiasm. Apply M anager, Manchester 1966 EDRD LTD, excellent con­ 643-4343. 3:30 daily. OaU 646-0268. 2:30, 6 days per 'week, Ideal Ehrening Herald, together ioTCHEN’S Remodeled ^ working condlUone. Apply in in own handwriting, P.O. Box Ttn------dition, power steering and Herme's Construction, kitchen Private instructions 32 ASSISTANT librarian, part- with a memo listing the person. Bonanza Steak House. 2266, Bishops Comer Branch, brakes. 742-7676. specialists. Recently featured time. Booth Dlmock Library, companies you do NOT 1966 CHEVROLET Step Van, MOTEL Call tor appointment, 649-1154. West Hartford, Oonn. 06117. An want to see your letter. 1967 KARMANN Ghla— Excel­ $896. CaU 649-4329. in House And Home and House Coventry. Call Librarian for in­ equal opportunity emplt^er. Your letter wlU be de­ lent condition, five new tires, Beautiful magazines for MANAGERS terview, 742-7606. KEYPUNCH Machine operator BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE stroyed if the advertiser JOURNEYMAN lioened luggage rack. CaU 6492527. - construcUon and designing. NEEDED wanted tor Board of Education. is one you've mentioned. 1968 CHEVROLET half-ton Free planning, no obUgations. PLASTIC MACHINE operators Must have experience in key­ plumber wanted. Good wages, AND ARE YOU OTHER 6UV5 INF 1 WOULD LIKETO HiREVOUR If not It wUl be handled Men-Women-Couples. Both full­ tor third shift, 12 midnight to overtime, paid hoUdaya Oall MILLIONAIRE FINANCIERS, NEWLY 'built stock car, almost pick-up, $260. CaU 043-0300. Surprisingly reasonable rates. punching. Will also run IBM HELICOPTER TO FLV US BACK in the usual manner. time and part-Ume positions. 8 a.m. Will train. Apply Iona Ray Bpulet Plumbing and MR. AtARCa DETUR6ENT, complete, with quick change Financing available. 232-6600. sorter and reproducer. Will \yTO CIVILIZATION.^ ------1966 CHEVROLET pick-up Manufacturing Co., Regent St. MR. REGINALD V.T.TWITTV, rear-end. CaU 8791016 after 6 Our fully licensed home study train on these machines. In­ Heating, 644-1817. truck, half-ton, fleet side 8’ AND...UH... p.m. REC ROOMS, kitchens, room course prepares- you. Place­ quire Superintendent of Schools body with canvass cover. 643- CLEANING WOMAN wanted ELEX7TRICIAN — experienced, SEE, '>e»U DIDN'T HAVE additions, dormers, complete ment service available. Write Office, P. O. Box 420, Rock­ AMOCWWOPORE Penonols 1347. for friendly home. One day a 48-hours per week, all benefit. TD BLOW 'lOuR -TOP.' NEED CAR? Credit very bad? home remodeling. Royal Cus­ CENTRAL CAREER SCHOOLS, ville, or call 875-2679 tor <1. HAZARD week. Call 648-1831. C6nn. Time and oi.c-half over 40. Call Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ tom Builders. 646-3434. P.O. BOX 1085, Middletown, an appointment. est Douglas accepts lowest X5onn. 06467. ■-14 0608 after 6 p.m. INCOME TAX service, call Dan down, smallest payments, any­ Trailers— Special Services IS SHORTHAND — T ypli^ at all Mosler, 649-3329, or 626-8263. where. Not smaU loan finance NIGHT KEYPUNCH A Mobile Homes 6-A levels. Mary Jayne 'Mitchell, BOOKKEEPEIIS company plan. Douglas Mo­ PROFESSIONAL wig styling SECRETARIES tors, 346 Main. 643-8296. / OPERATOR / ’ APACHE tent trailer, sleeps and cutting done in my home. Full charge and assistant, 2-JI INCOME TAXES prepared by . five, dinette. Icebox, canopy, East Hartford firm needs girl 1963 VOUCSWAQEN, sunroof, For Uiat personal touch caU, small office. Good working XI mt I, HiA. w. TM I.,, u.i. r«, o«. Marvin Baker, 648-0267. storage cabinets, spare tire. Opening tor an experienced very good condition. CaU 649- 647-9660 for an appointment. MEDICAL with good typing and short­ ExceUent condition. 643-2308. keypunch operator to work conditions, excellent oportun- 'M Mom says you gotta learn to be a good loser, too! 3603 after 3 p.m. evenings from 6-10 on part- Ity for right girl. Salary to hand skill. 36-hour week. Sal­ INCOME TAXES prepkred In RECEPTIONISTS That's so you’ll make somebody a good husband 40' FRANKLIN mobile home, time basis. Hours may be $1201 D.O.E. Fee paid. ary to $100 D.O.E. Fee paid. 9 >T MU. let TM «.» Mi. r# CW. 1968 PLYMOUTH Pury HI, 4- Rooftng— Siding 16 MICKEY FINN somedayl" your home. Call 643-A338. needs some repair, $500 or NEEDED varied, excellent wages and BY LANK LEONARD door sedan. Power steering, beat offer. Contact Mlrs. ROOFING and Root Repair. working conditions, con­ • A Permanent ATTENTION — Builders, con­ power brakes, automatic trans­ Work for doctors, cimics, medi­ A Perm aneat I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM, ARE you READY NO— I'LL WAIT FOR Marlon McMahon, 742-9439. Couglin Roofing Co., Inc., 643- venient free parking. Apply Placement SHERIFF.' WOULD YOU cal centers, rest homes, etc. Service Placement TO ORDER, SIR? MR. KEENWAY TO tractors, handymen. Bam with mission, low mileage. $100 and 7707. Service LIKE A TABLE FOR , JOIN ME! HE'LL BE STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF many good beams, all free for take over payments. Gall 1-429- TRAVEL TraUer 17' Shasta, Both part-time and full-time TWO? ANY MINUTE! BIDWELL Home Improvement poaitlpns. Our home study 8M Silver Lane, E. Bartford Uie asking. 647-1743. 0906 after 6:30 p.m. sleeps 8, self-ccntoined, in­ FIRsi" NATIONAL 8M Sliver Lane, E. HarttoiirUo^ I HAVEN'T PZ course fully prepares you. TEL. StS MU THE PRINCIPAL STOCK­ cludes aU aocessoriee. 876-6124. Co. Expert InataUatlon of STORES INC. TEL. StS-Mlf HAD TIME HOLDER IS A CULLEN t : aluminum elding, gutters and Placement service upon com­ ID REAP UP PR CALLAHAN... trim. Roofing InMaliaUon and pletion of training. Write: Park & Oakland Ave., ON THIS Automobiles For Sole repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. CENTRAL CAREER SCHOOLS, c o m p a n y ! Motorcycks— East Hartford, Conn. WHO JS THE B icycks 11 P.O. Box 1085, Middletown, ^ B O S S ? ROOBTNO, aluminum sdihng, Conn. 06457. 1968 KAWASAKI, 120 cc, street gutters, carpenter work, 80 END OF MONTH SALE scrambler, $260. CaU 647-9868 years’ experience. Connectlout RN’s or LPN’S part-time, 11-7 W anf W orkhtear Home? after 6 p.m. Valley Construction Oo., 648- shift. Laurel Manor, 649-4619. INTERESTING JOBS AVAILABLE FOR 7180. Free estimate. Help Wanted— 1968 CHEVROLET $2,195 BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Impala 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, radio, heater, automatic trans­ BICYCLES—new and used. Re­ Female 35 SECRETARIES — Typists pairs on all-makes. Open daily needed tor work in your area mission, power steering. 8 TO 11 P.M. nurse’s aides, full Experience not necessary—We train you. 9-6:30. Manchester Cycle Shop, Roofing and and Hartford. Temporary, full­ or part-tiine. Laurel Mianor, Attractive Wages, Group Insurance, 1967 FORD $1,795 time or 9-3 p.m. ExceUent pay, 182 West Middle Tpke., Chimnays 16-A 6494610. Profit Sharing Benefits MR. ABERNATHY Galaxlie 600 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, radio, heater, automatic 649-2098. no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY transmission, power steering, air conditioning. ROOFING — Specializing re­ lum, Hartford, 278-7610. AM>Iy in person at pairing roofs of all kinds, new DREAM JOB—keep your full­ time Job as wife and mother I c an Y t a u c HOWAAANyTIAAES 1967 CHEVROLET ' $1,695 roofs, gutter work, ohlmiMys SECRETARY — Local law of­ Business Services and earn a weekly pay check. ABo irr HAVE I TOLD MX) Impala, 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, radio, heater, automaUc cleaiked and repaired. 80 years’ fice, excellent skills required, THE ALOON SPINNIHe MILLS CORP. Offered 13 Call 847-9881 or 649-2289. ABERhWTHy? unimportant NOT TD CALL traiunnlaBlon, power steering. experience. Free estimates. 30-35 hours weekly. 647-9903. TALCOTTVILLE / CONNECTICUT THINGS LIKE HOW ABOUT AAEOUFUNG WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU TREE SSIRVICE (Soucier) — Call Howley 648-5881. 844- SHOOTING THAT RIGHT OFFICE HOURS? 1966 FORD $1,695 8888. Cbuntry Squire. 9-passenger, V-8, engine, radio, heater, au- Trees cut, building lota clear­ A LITTLE NOW! I'M DtOC .ANPytXJlLV/lN VERY BUSY! CKMMA THPaOW |NA€AOCoor Hfuxltop. V-8, radio, heater, automatic traiwnlealon, BOOKKEEPING services •taUed and taped. Wallpaper | FIRST TWID 6 0 B y/ THE" THATSTHE power steering, power brakes. • Paid Sick Time THIRD PERFECT rendered. AU types of business­ books on request. Exterior Excellent full and part-tirne op­ N W r ONE IN DIE STRIKE PITCH you IfiNORED, 1962 CHEVROLET ^ $695 es. CaU 643-5338, Bookkeeping painting, aluminum gutter* • Paid Vacatione and Holidays ,zoN E 6E rs Be l t e d - Associates. and leaden. Fully Inaured. 649- portunities availably now for ma­ j?fzeL6err ^ MASON//I THINK TmpUi 4-Door station Wagon. Radio, heater, automatic tmnsmiaaion, power steering. v 9668. If no anower, 848-8882. ture mien and women in several LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also departments. Empitwe discounts CALL IN PBtSON LITTLE SPORTS BY RQUSON 1967 CHEVROLET $1,595 moving large appUaneos. Burn­ L. PELLETIER PADCnNo”— ing barrels deUvered, 84. 644- Interior and exterior painting. and many benefits. Day and eve­ TIT %-Ton Truck. V-8, 8' body. — SEE — »M W*.M kgMi bed ^ 1775. . . Piq^ering and peqier removal. ning hours to suit. Apply during M a n y More T\) Choose From. No Down Dayment Free estimates. Workmanship Bank Financing store hours to Mr. Cohen or Mrs. MR. DOUCETTE or MR. OLIVER guaranteed. Fully insured. 648- Household Servicas 9048, 8494836. Burns. SOLIMENE MOTORS Offeied 13-A EDWARD R. HUCE-Palnting, — We are an equal opportunity employer — $ LIGHT Trucking—clean attlc^, PAUL DOOCE PONTIAC, I r a 7 887 OAKLAND STREET—MANCHHBTBR exterior and interior. Paper- 373 MAIN WT.. MANCHENTER ______646-1101 cellars. Odd Jobs, mow lawns. Jia/ hanging- OeUlngs, etc. Insured, Roaaonabt*. OaU 648-6000. 649-lOOS.

i. • / -: ■■ ■


Sateuiwn Wanttd 36-A SlfBoHow Wowtod O m» o f J o v n i Invaslminkt Froporty HeoMkoid Goods SI Butlnoss Locotiam Homos For Sato 72 Heusm For Soto 72 Houtm For Soto 72 Lots For Soto 73 0«t off Towii F or 6 6 Baptigt Circles / 39 TWIN bedspread, cafe curtains, ______63 For Rant 64 For Sato 70-A BIMlROWINa to pay aurchaire MANCHESTHIR — 6-room RA building lot for aale, north­ For Solo 75 ROCKVILLE — I^SW S%-ioom THREE apartments In one NEW LISTING — Would you SOUTH BND-llove in tomor­ A S S m E D .taXaaT a a a n up that loan and auperlnUndant, y " J*1**V^’ .**SL FIVE-ROOM flat, second floor, SMALL STORE near 100 par Ranch, city uUlltles, fuu cellar. row, tdder aeven-room in tip­ east comer of Carol Drive and COVENTRY — $18,000. Modera Meet Tomorrow middle aged, experienced all wrought inm table 4-chairs, ceht Main Street location. Ap­ apartment In residential arsa, buirdlng, a cottage with one beUsve a gracious, spacious 6- the othen aelling Rawleigh big rooms, excellent condition, $16,000. M eyer A ^ n cy , 648- top condMon. IH baths, three Olcott Street. CtaU 346-4781 af­ one-year Equipnwnt 54 IH baths, color appUances, OFFICE Space — Immediately For Soto 70 tion. A buy at $22,900. Call the and aluminum siding. Owner rage, bam . Only $84,000. Hayes Realtora, 6404347. aresyk. 43 Lydall 8t.. Manchester, Oauk, 1 tot I W . An equal op- II. Call 64S-2711 Realtor. 648-6968 640-9686. Agency, 646-olSl. Oonn. executrix. parking and benefit pro­ hood, disposal, heat, hot water, available, Vemon-Manches- PhUbrlck Agency, Realtors, *rHE MOST Immaculate Green SOUTH WINDSOR ORDERED; That three months pMtonity flttpioyer. Has Immediate Openings gram. Apply, First National DITTO Photocopier, two-years carpeted tfaircase, Venetian 391 CENTER Street, an eight 649-6847. from the 34th day of March, 1969, 3 ter area. Call 64A6816. old. D ry and quick. CaU 643- room home with 2-car garage Manor Ranch we’ve ever seen! TWO FAM ILT, 4-4, separate LOOK^IG tor summer fun? READY AFTER SCHOOL be and the same are limited and DAYS Stores, Park A Oakland Ave., um. . bUnds, private entrances, bus Listen to this —w all to waU allowed for the creditors within roU i er patt^hne machinist East Hartford. “ RIDING lawn mower, used 2109. 283 MAIN Street, offices fo r located In business II s o n s .' MANCHESTER — 7-room THREE WISHES heat, aluminum siding, 7-yeara Here's a 4-bedroom, aU year Now Is the time to assume Une, storage, paridng, $160. No carpeting in the living room, whichT” to .bring «•••• *•*In asssjtttheir wclaims a » ■ III a alidad wMi some latbe and Turret Lathe operators. In­ 2H seasons. CaU 648-2687. rent, $40. monthly. Ask f o r Dwelling could be cosily con­ Ranch, 114 baths, 2-car garage, old. Call early. Victor Agency, ‘round lakefront property. Two SU.% mortgage on an 8- against said estate, and sold execu­ mining eaqiariaice. Apply in pets. Available April 16. 849- dining room^ hallway and aU 648-6700. full baths, 2mpressor, 1 h.p., ly located, newly decorated. net or better than 24 per oent’ 646-4126 649-1922 PAOnnui toantad -C aU 876- FIRST AND SECOND lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 Ospe fireplaoe, formal dining boys from the Belfiore Agen­ 6611. 1-428-9201 Gerry Petrus, 1-428- M anchester 649-6806 m s e n t , Hon. John J. Wallett, An Equal Opportunity Employer 60 gallon tank, 6 cubic feet Heat, hot water, one bed­ return. Oall Palmer Realty, Judge. TlTl aftir 4 p-m. SHIFTS Lake St., Bolton. 649-8247. 643-6821. room, oil hot water heat, ga­ cy, 047-1418. 0768, Joan SadkH) 1-228-3060. „Bztate of August Ptlukos, late of air per minute at 100 pounds room. One or two adults only. Houses For Rant 65 BOLTON — Thiee bedroom Manchester, tax said District, de­ rage, wooded lot, on bus line, MANCHESTER — Dartmouth ceased. pressure. Call Mr. Cordera, No pets. References required. B &. W VERN(!iN — Six-room Caps, Raw*. Two baths, two flie- FuUy experienced or '.ralnees near shopping and school. Char Rd. New 7-room Raised Ranch, TALL TREES and flowering The administratrix, having ex­ Hotp Wanted Mato 36 848-2711 days. Rooms Without Board 59 648-2171, Evenings, 643-8470. VERNON — Manchester line. Idaces, two. car garage. Im­ hibited her admlnlstraUon account fo r: Bon Real Ertata, 64S-068S. 2H bathe, 2 fireplaces, laundry shrubs are featured on this es­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Uke new on a parklike lot. Three-bedroom Raised Ranch, Manchester Parkade Three bedrooms, formal dining m ediate occupancy. Low 80’ s. adth said estate to this Court for COMPLETE set of Super Eye- • r a O M ^ N Houm — » t - LOOKING for anything In, real NOTICE room, bullt-lns, plastered tate In Manchester Truly a allowance. It Is 2-car garage, convenient to I- MANCHESTEIR Green Area- M anchester 640-6306 room, wall to wall carpeting, OonversB Road. Morrison q W E ^ D : That the 14th day of TURRET AND ENGINE 0-Matlc MacGregor Tourney tage St. centrally located, large estate rentals — apartments, This is to certify that three ‘ waUs, 2-car garage, city uUll- centraUy located hideaway. 84. Available April 1. Call Paul Six room Ranch, large fire- Two master bedrooms, two ovendzed attached garage, Realtor, 643-1016. April, 1969, at ten o'clock forenoon LATHES golf clubs and bag (less No. 2 pleasantly furnished rooms, homes, midtiple dwellings, no W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4686. copies of the State Building Uee, near school. 30-day o c ­ RANCH — Six room, three bed­ at the Probate Office In the Munici­ parking. Call 649-2868 for over­ placed living room, aluminum other bedrooms, 2% baths, minutes to Vernon Circle. H.M. pal Building In said Manchester, be SALESMEN MILLING MACHINE w ood). $70. o r best offer. 648- fees. Call J. D. Real Estate Code are on file In the Bolton cupancy. Built by Anealdi. rooms, two baths, family room, LONDON PARK — Pleasant uul the same ts aaolgned for a hear­ both a large formal dining F’rechette, Realtora, 647-9908. 9089. night and permanent guest Associates, Inc., 048-6129. COVENTRY — Four-room Town Clerk’s office. siding, full basement, garage. Charles Lesperance, 640-7620. rural atmosphere in congenial ing on the allowance of said ad- BENCH ASSEMBLY room and a breakfast nook. brick front, attached garage. minlatratlon account with said rates. house, large yard, porch, lake Dated M arch 28, 1660 at Bol­ Low 20’ s. Hayes Agency, 648- young neighborhood. Charm­ GENERAL INSPECTION TWO SKI-DUOS in excellent 0181. Many other features including Mid 20’s. 610 Wetherali Morri­ VERNON estate, aocertalnment of heirs and WE HAVE customers waiting privileges, 742-6651. ton, Conn. , FLORIST gift shop, beauty ing clean 6-room Cape. BVxrmal order of dlstributlosi, and this Court condition. Cal! 876-1016 after 6 ROOM for rent, gentleman on- son Realtors, 643-1015. COLONIAL LOVERS TAKE YOUR BIG STEP Excellent opportunity for willing for the rental of your apart­ Board of Selectmen ; salon, etc. Attractive 6 room wall to wall everywhere. 3-car dtaxtaig room, waU to wall. Bx- direcu that notice of the time and p.m . ly, central location, free park­ STRETCH out In this spacious A redwood clapboard ex­ place assigned for said hesuing be ambitious people. ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ Richard Mona home, garage, covered patio, garage, breeseway. Elxtra lot LARGE, clean, attractive 11- ing, references required. Call house. Five large bedrooms, 2- terior with two bay win­ ceUent insulation. Alxuntaium riven to all persons known to be tate Associates, Inc., 648-6129. Michael Peace fireplace, 2 acres. Hutdiins of record Included. Fast sale room bouse including 4-room storm s, screens, doors. $21,- mterested therein to appear and be QusUfy now for a position with: CB MESSENGER 3, and E leo 643-2693, 849-8160. Out of Town car garage, central location, dows complement this col­ heard thereon by puhlbnlng a copy Established firm, air-conditioned Joseph Llcltra A g m y , Realtors, 040-6824. wanted without fuss or fan­ rental plqs exceUent barn, 332’ 700. and worth It. B elfiore plant. 779-A, 23 clumnel radio sets. NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ oU heat. Needk some work but ter entrance, 4-bednx>m Co­ of thistola orderoi^r In in some nrnewspaper------For Rant 66 fare. Several financing options frontage, $28,600. Hutchins A gehcy, 647-1418. having a circulation in said DUtrict, Excellent condition. Little use. ROOM for gentleman only, luxe garden type apartments only $28,900 buys. Keith Agen­ MANCHESTER — 2 family, 12 available. Ask for BIU Belfiore, lonial on a tndy picturesque •t— ___ I seven toe day Will consider reasonable offer. shower, private entnuice, Agency, Realtors, 049-5824. of said hearing, Excellent fringe benefits. Apply; available now. Call Paul VERNON — Brand new 8%- cy, 046-4126, 640-1022. room s, 6-6 and 2. Oonve^ent B elfiore A gency, 647-1418. lot. Bullt-lns, fireidace, ga­ VERNON — O-room SpUt Call 643-4348. parking. Inquire 118 Pesurl St. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. INTERNATIONAL W. Dougan, Realtor, 849-4636. room apartment In lovely resi­ locatinn, city water, city sewer, 14ANCHB5STER —- 8-6, two- rage, IH-baths, overythtaig! Ranch, fireplace, buUt-lns, co; PrancU C. Sbsa, Atty. after 4 p.m. dential area opposite recrea­ CXIBURN Road. . .a fine custom $29,900 w ill buy (this unique CONN. STATE IT’S INEXPmsrVE to clean NOTICE $26,900. Philbrlck Agency R eal­ NEWLY LISTED and immacu­ fomUy central location. Recent bath and half, maxlmxun fi­ tion park, featuring heat hot built colonial in an area of tors, 649-6347. late I Colonial with fam ily property. 649-6306. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE rugs and upholstery with Blue ROOM for rent for gentleman 474 MAIN St., S-room heated comparable' homes. This is one heating system, new ceramic nancing available to qualified CORPORATION water, refrigerator, range, PUBLIC HEARING room in cellar, large kitchen, baths, new oak floors, act., ect. buyer. 646-1700, 668-0225. Lustre. Rent electric shampoo- only, free washer, dryer and apartment, $110 640-2426 9-5. hood, garbage dispo^, master BOARD OF DIRBCTOR8 of the finest we have seen. $18,100. MaiicheBter, attractive 806 MAIN STREET er $1. Olcott Variety Store. parking, kitchen privileges. 643------'■------!______’ big Uvlng room, two fireplaces Profeeslonally cqjpralsed. Ask B & W LEGAL TV antenna and sliding glass TENiAi'xVE BUDGETS Sunken Uvlng room, two fire­ 8-bedroom Ranch, large seclud­ formal dining room, three * WE OFFER: 6321. * MANCHESTER Garden Apart- OF GENERAL MANAGER places, baths, three bed­ tor Mr. Zinsser, Belfiore Agen­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. MANCHESTER, CONN. EXCBLLENT efficient and doors, leading to balcony off ed well rtirubbed yard, city !good slsed bedrooms. Private cy , 647-1418. Forms For Solo 76 NOTICE ments 16 Forest St., 4Vi rooms, A PRIL 7, 1960 rooms, rear porch enclosed, Manchester 'Parkade * lioeal and ptoteoted Sales TerritMies economical, that’s Blue Lustre NICELY furnished room, for an free heat and hot water, park­ living room. F or an appoint­ utilities, centrally located. yard with swimming pool. MISS M anchester 640-6806 CHAPLIN, Windham Coimty. MANCHESTER * t***dfig imogram at our expense 8:30 to 4:80, Monday through carpet and upholstery cleaner. older employed gentleman, ment to see this beautiful, one- 8:00 P.M . side porch, garage, must he Hutchlne Agency Realtors, 040- New 100 amp service with cir­ $28,000 — P rivacy, 6-r o o rn Friday. ing, $135. a month. Four-room dwelling (meds PLANNING and ZONING * ExeeflthmsBy Ugh guarantee plus oommlsston to start. Rent electric sham pooer $1. story, all brick apartment WADDELL SCHOOL seen to be eqrpreclatad. T. J. 6824. cuit breakers I Aluminum Ranch, paneled family room, parking, 272 Main St. VERNON —Owner transferred some work), approximately 3 ' < COMMISSION * Secure ixnfeuional future The Sherwin-Williams Ck). building. CaU 873-0639 week­ AUDITORIUM Crockett, R ealtor, 648-1677. storms, screens, doors, and stove, dishwasher, garage, se­ seiltaig their neat Ranrit with * Rapid oppoitiBilty for advancement 168 BROAD STREET SPLIT LEVEL, all brick con­ acras. Asking W.600. AU cosh Tha Planning and Zoning PRIVATE ROOM for rent. days. Rental $136, adults, no awnings. Wall to vraU carpet­ cluded yard with trees, laurel. 8 bedrooms, Uvlng room with * F bat year earning potential 12,000 - 16,000 Notice la hereby given that in THREE incomes, Oenter Street, struction, 4 bedrooms, formal price, $4,360. H istoric Lebanon, Commlaslon will hold public SALES HELP for pet shop, KEEPSAKE diamond wedding Kitchen privileges, laundry Furalshod pets. ing in five —yes, five rooms I Hutchins Agency, Realtora, fireplaoe; dtaitaig room and * Pensian Program and cither benefits accordance with the provisions two fomUy, 6-6 phis separate dining room, 2H baths, ma­ New London County, 60 acres, beartaiga on April 7, 1060 at 7:80 some exjierience with animals band, reasonable. Oall ^after facilities, lady only. CHose to Oh yes, recent Armstrong 049-6824. bright kitchen. Basement has Apenrtmants 63-A of Chapter V of the Town Char­ five room house. SelUng ea a hogany family room, 2 flre- frontage on 2 rooda, partly p.m. tat the Mtmiolpal Building preferred, pay according to ex- 6:30, 043-1683. Main St., $20. weekly. After cork inlaid linoleum in kitch­ reoroom plus an office. Ter­ ter, as amended, the Board of package. Price reduotkm for plaoes, 2-ear garage, many MANCHESTER — Elxequtive cleared, asking $31,600. Many to hear and consider the follow­ IF YOU ARE: perlence. Apply at Pet Shop, ------4:30 call 649-6129. ONE ROOM, furnished, lease en ! ElxceUently located. rific location, the lot is approoc- King’s Department Store be- OERT’s a gay glrl^neady for a and security required, $76 per LEGAL Directors of the Town of Mon-' quick eale. Wolverton Agency more features. Must be seen. brick Colonial, one of town’s other listings. By appointment. ing petltiana: Please caU now. Belfiore Agen­ tanatcly 800 feet deep. Start A * A ^portsrrrinded man of integrity, and character tween 3-10 p.m . whdrl after cleaning carpets AVAILABLE tor lady only, i>rl- cheater will hold a public hear­ Realtora. 640-2818. Philbrlck Agency Realtors, 640- finest locations, 10 rooms, 8H Joseph Hochberg, Broker. Item 1 RICHARD HAYES— month Paul W. Dougan Real­ cy, 647-1418. packing and coU T.J. Crockett, * iHpUBSlii II aoctaUe, wlUlng to work wlth Blue Lustre. Rent dectric vate room with community ing on the tentative budgets o f, 5847. baths, double garage, fire­ Phone WlUtanantic 1-400-00$7. Zone C3iange tor, 646-4636. NOTICE Realtor, 048-1677. * BontaUe, over 21 — end preferaUy manied EXPERIENCED nurse aide for sham pooer $1. Paul’ s Paint ft kitchen and bath, all utilities the General Manager for said' MANCHESTER — Two-family, place, Uvlng room, noany other To change the aonlng from * Own a car, — Ugh scbocS grad, or better day :dtUt, fuU-Ume; RN tor day TOWN OF ANDOVER 6-0, good condition, excellent MANCHESTER — Charming 6- MANCHESTER Green area... Wallpai>er Supidy. Included, conveniently located THREE room apartment, fur- Town of Manchester for the fis­ neat five room ranch with the refinements. Situated on mani­ BOLTON — 6H-room Ranch Rural and AA residential to shift, full-time; porter for day nl^ed, private bath and en­ ZONING BOARD return, $24,QOO. H. M. Frechette room Ranri), 2 baths, fire­ Womad Rod Eslota 77 to stores and bus line. After 6 cal year beginning July 1, 1069 basement finished. Open porch, cured landscaped acre lot with attached garage, one half Industrial for a tract of ap- ALL INTERVIEWS PERSONAL AND OONFIDENTIAL shift, full-tiane. Pleasant work- I ~ trance, utUitles, no pets. 224 Realtor, 647-0008. place, 2-car garage, walkout THIS COULD BE TOUR OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME p.m ., 644-0388. OF AIPPEALS as published or to be published two baths, two fireplaces, best Available for immediate occu­ block from boating and swim­ SELLING TOUR HOME? Fttr proxlm ataly 04 acrea with ing oondiUone in a modem BoOtS an d AcCOSSOrtoS 4 6 Charter Oak St., 648-8368. basement, large treed lot. Im­ At an executive session of the by the General Manager in The DELMONT Street — Six-room of construction. Owner wants a pancy. CoU Warren E. How­ ming, wooded lot, $18,900 takes prompt oourtaous oervloa that frontage of approxlmataly 2,- facility, 3 miles from East mediate occupancy. WUl fi­ 130 feet on the north side of CaQ now for an appointment Zoning Board of Appeals of An­ Manchester Evening Herald. bungalow with tour rooms fast sale,. .this could bf, your land, R ealtor, 848-1106. it. Philbrlck Agency, Realtors, gets reaulta. Oall Louis Dtmook Hartford. Meala, Blue Cross 17’ (3ROSBY flberglas Master- PLEASANT furnished room tor nance. Owner, 1-878-8631 eve­ Tolland Turnpike as shown on dover, Conn., held on March Said hearing will be held In down and two . up. Enclos­ opportunity. Move In^ im­ 649-5847. Realty, 640-0628. Mr. Sloate—646-2800 and CMS available, wages com- craft Tilt Trailer, 1968, 33 h.p. gentleman. Apply 4 P earl St. 26, 1969, at the Town O ffice nings. MANCHESTER — Center St a plan entitled “Area Map Legal Notices the Auditorium of the Waddell ed front porch. New wiring. mediately. T.J. Crockett, Real­ paraUe to other convalescent electric start Evlnrude motor, Building, it was voted that: School, 168 Brood Street on Bualneaa sons, vacant value! SOUTH WINDSOR — Big 8- AIL CASH lor your property Tolland Turnpike North Side With $7,000 down, you can as­ MANCHESTER — 6-room Co­ tor, 648-1677. Mon., Tues., March 31st, April 1st—9 a.m. to 7 pjn. homes. Own transportation. Ap­ 644-2332, 3:30 p.m . to 9 p.m . UMITATION OBDEB Appeal No. 69—Anthony Armen- Monday, April 7, 1060 at 8 Seven rooms, 3 baths, oU heat. room SpUt In convenient loca­ within 24 houra. Avoid red tape. West of Slater Street" Scale sume FHA mortgage and have lonial, nice wooded lot, 2-car ply In person, M onday-Friday, Weekdays, 9-9 p.m . weekends. Aportmonfs Flats ■ AT A COURT OP PROBATE, held tano, 394 Stony Road, Bolton, o’clock in the evening, at which Ideal inveatment tor office and tion. Plethora of extras includ­ Instant servloe. Hayea Aganey, 1 inch equals 100 feet dated at Manchester, within and for the monthly paym ents o f $182. T.J. garage, $16,000. M eyer Agen­ MANCHESTER — Move right Tenements 63 District of Manchester, on the 34th Conn., variances be granted hearing any elector or taxpay- , apartment. $31,600. CaU War­ ing automatic kitchen with all 646-0181. Jen. I960. Prepared by GrlS' Help Wantod—Mato 36 Help Wanted— Mato 36 9-3. South Windsor Oonvales- m o l d e d flberglas with Crockett, Realtor, 848-1677. cy, 648-0600. In,' 8-bedroom Ranch, formal day of March, 1969. as requested tor front and er may have an opportunity to ren E. Howland, Realtors, 648- conveniences. Large famUy wold Engineering b e. cent Home, Inc., 1060 Main St., EMnrude 90 h4>. engine, com­ Present. Hon. John J. Wallen. dining room, bath and a half, 30 LOCUST St. — first floor, 4 side yard clearaince as weU 1108. Item 2 RA'YMOND S. HOL­ South^lndsor. plete with all necessary equip­ Judse. be heard. F\>r and by order of , large living room with fire­ room plus den or fourth bed­ PART-TIME mornings to assist l ATHE operator. Jig bore rooms, heat, hot water, $140. Batate of Urrum K. Stenbers aka as for minimum floor area re­ COMBE—Subdlxision In displaying furniture. Apply the Board of Directors of the < place and bookcases, rec room WEST SIDE — 6 rooms, mod­ room . (Uty water. WaU to waU Logoi Wotic— operators, second shift, ex- HAIRDRESSER wanted for full ment. OaU 648-2871. 646-2426 9-5. Umun Keeney Stenbers, late of quired in the first floor of a Request for approval of sub­ Manchester, in said District, de- Town of Manchester, Connectl- [ and basement garage. Prime em kitchen with bullt-lns, for­ in several rooms. Oarage. WatMns Bros., 936 Main St., or part-time work for well COftAOd, cut. I division plan—9 Iota b Rural p^enced men only. LeMi FOUR-room apartment, new ...... single family dwelling. location. $27,900. Make this a mal dining room, three bed­ P riced to sell at $29,900. New Mr. William Johnson. established beauty salon. Call On motion of Albert J. Markii. Would You Believe DBCBEE ON Zone Bxuh Hill Road as shown Corp., 1 kfitcheU Dr., 643-2382. Household Goods 51 building, 2 bedrooms, center of . -T.« 49 Peari St., Hartford, Oow. This decision of the Zoning The public hearing previously | must to see. International As­ rooms, large enclosed porch, Usting. Mr. FlUoramo, Bel­ LIMITATION OF CLAIMS WHEN BUYING 643-6808, after 6 p .ip ., 876-8848. administrator. Board of Appeals to become ef­ AT A COXntT OP PROBATE, on plan entitled; town, $160. 648-4608. scheduled for 8:00 p.m. March * sociates, 647-1800. garage, aluminum siding, $24,- fiore Agency, 647-1418. APPLIANCE Model Home Fkirnlture ORDERED: *niat three months fective as of April 6th 1969. holden at Bolton, within and for "Property surveyed for Ray­ from the 34th day of March. 1969. 31, 1069, at the Mlart'n Schoo' " 900. IWbrick Agency Real­ the District of Andover, on the MEN—WOMEN. FIVE-room flat, second floor, Dated in Andover, Ck>nn., this FIVE BEDROOMS! MANCHESTER — Spotleesl 34U> day of MAich AD. 1969. mond S. Holcombe Bush Hill SERVICEMAN 8 ROOM HOUSEFUL be and the same are limited and Auditorium has been canceled. * tora, 640-0847. OR SELLING garage, west side. Adult fam­ allowed for the creditors within 29th day o f M arch 1969. John I. Garstde Jr., I room Ranch with kitchen bullt- EAST HARITORD —Four or Present, Hon. Norman J. Preusa, Road Manchester Connecticut 19 PIECES which to bring in their claims five bedroom Colonial. Two Judge. 18-80 Immediate opening tor one full­ CAR DRIVER ily, no pets. $120 per month. against said eetate, and said ad­ Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary > 1ns, fuU basement, one ca r ga­ MANCHESTER and vlctailty — On motion of Raymond E. Beg­ Scale 1 inch equals 60 feet $297 baths, city uUUties, fam ily' un of BoIUsl on the testate estate time aiq^anoe serviceman tor References required. Write ministrator is directed to idve pub­ Andover, Conn. Board of Directors • rage, half acre lot. Seneibly For the beat in real estate In dated January 81 1060” . P re- PART-TIME lic notice to the cr^Itors to bring room , double garage. $28,600. of Martha H. Boglin. late of Bol­ YOUR HOME expanding appliance service de­ liHerlor Designer wants reliable Box “JJ” , Manchester Herald. m their claims within said time Theodore Moberg, Manchester, Conn. ' priced at $24,000. T . J. Ckock- all price ranges call Mitten ton, within said district, deceased. imreJ by Oriswbd Engineer M eyer Agency Realtor, 648- Earn High partment. Be secure with one famUy or newlyweds to accept a l l i e d by publishing a copy of this Chairman Dated at Manchester, CJon- i| ett. Realtor, 618-1677. Rjeatty, Realtors, 843-0930. This Court doth decree that three ing b e . We have a permanent open­ MANCHESTER — Three-room order In some newspaper having a 0600. months bo allowed and Umlted for Item 8 RA'YMOND F. DAMA'TO of Connecticut’s largeat and delivery of complete Model Dis­ circulation in said probate district Erich Siismets, necticut, this twenty-seventh ' the creditors of said estate to ex­ ing for a part4ime driver apartment, first floor. Security Secretary MANCHESTER Spotless Chpe. MANCHESTER —6-room Colon­ hibit their claims against the same —Group Dwellings—62 units oldest appliance stores. Top play of Quality Furniture Just wthln ten days from the date of day of March 1060. BOLTON — 6V& room Ran... ELEVEN wooded acres go with publlsbing a copy of this order In Copies of these petitions have M A N ^ i e S I C R listtelMStor Parkade maintenance man needed, BK»1T ROOM Colonial re- full-time, 40-hours. Apply W. T . ______BABY CARRIAGE, Infant seat, Realtor's Remarks within'a block of St. James this im m aculate 8-bedroom , 8- wme newspaper having a clrcula- been filed b the Town Clerk’s ca r bed, $26. ^ b y ’s horse 4. You want to work in-a modem plant near School. Eight room s In all, produoUon, 3H baths, 3 flra- j®** *5 District, at least seven office and may be inspected ■ m v iC B s t a t io n attendant Grant Co., Manchester Park- home. bathroom, 3-car garage Ranch. dora before the day of aaidheaiing, wanted, part-time, i$ noon to 6 rocker with seat, $7. 640-6873. THAT NEXT RAISE can buy a difference in combination windows, real plocea, family room, raerea- Raised hearth flreptace, i4e- and to m^lng on or before M ai^ durbg normal office boxum. TYPING Jobs In my home. OaU 16. tiro, t o certified inaU, a copy p.m. Also Some weekend work. V TBLBVI810M APPUANCB the way you live! Stop and think about five to big lol with plenty of trees. tion room, double garage, 2 thora of cloaets. Walk-out base­ Dated thb 24b day of March PART-TIME anytime 640-2304. NORGE electric olothee dryer, 6. You are witting to work 2{ LV® ..“ 'a**' 1® A™to Barth, 40 CaU III OMI between 0-6 p.m. a bathroom, cramped Quarters, frayed tempers, Give us a caU and START patios, traea. Superb landscap­ ment. Belfiore Agency, 647- J®* - JtancheaUr. Conn.; I960. •OARD OF work In hardware store, .lours EXPERIENCED babysitter, 16 good running condition. |46. PACKING. T. J. Crockett, ing, 300’ frontage. Hutchins 1418. Nellie Oofaus Kovach, 76 Bummer Planning and h o m e IMFtOVMNT etc. The name of the game is living. Av«- Ra pOIz. Mich.: m tv io it . STATION, attendant 1-6 weekdays, 8-12 noon Satur- yeana old, looking tor summer Call 646-3824. W IPCO M IUW O RK hM. Realtor, 648-1677. Agency Realtora, 6404iS34. Zoning Commission PRESTIGE Riga Lone tax Bel- Walker, M ichigan:* * •’Sr*® Mary ^BlaahU R W - WBiftiS, fuiH hne, days. Apply day. Ocmtact Mr. Chapman, work. Available now depending 71 TOLLAND TURNPflOG M. Adler Dobkb, IIEALTOR$. m e . M M t Sonriae Statkm, 666 B. MftNOHEaflEB EXFLOM «A n e w ADDEBSS TODAY! TWO-famlly, 4-4, 3-car garage, -ton, outstanding 0-room Ranch O k o n ^ B icadw iy N.W.. W.O. Glenney Oo., 836 North on hours. CaU after 8:30 p.m.. GAS STOVE, six months old, n ex t to stop and SHOP Orand Raplte Mich., and return C hairm an^ M U M qTSto. Main St. No phone calls please. 648-0738. reoent^ cenovatad, very good Call Frank Filloranxo, Belllora make to lUa Cbuit. Clarenoe w. Walti, $100. CaU 64S4M8S. location, $34,000 64ft6410. Agency, 647-1413. jo r a J. WALLETT. Judge, Read. Herald Ads ee; rranols C Shea, Atty. Secratary ' • r

tWlMtr-FOUR MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 fltanrlf?0t?r lEtt^nitts l|rniUt A tm c v Dufijr Net PriMB Ron VW W ta k B h« m > The Weather UM ToirffM and tomornw meat. \y eHoudy, mlldwr. lo w toolgM 15,535 Ul Mta. H lgb to m o R W 00 to B6 with ebanoo oC ahowaw. IHanchm$ter 4 City o f ViUoge Chmrtn VOL. L X X X V m , NO. 154 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, APRH, 1, 1969 (CtaMifled AdvertlalBff €■ Pa«« If) PRICE TEN CENTS

Laird Cutting Military In Today's Herald H m fiiat of three aittoles on the drug prohlem In ICan- cbester to printed in today’s High Court To Decide Herald. It was written by Another $613 Million Robert DIgan, coordinator of youth activities for the town. WASHINGTON (AP)— Nixon had ordered "significant The defense secretary did not It tells how the problem Secretary o f Defense Mei- reductions" In federal budget repeat his March 19 statement came to Manchester and v5n R. liiird, nuyv^insr to cut eatlmates to cope with the prob­ that Abrams "considers the B02 adiat die town Is trying to do niiiatlBry speofiiiiig: another lem . to be Mie of his most Important about It. The Pentagon chieTs second w eapon s.” Look for it on page 8. Civil Rights Question 5618 miWion, tumooinced to­ whack at the defense bu4get In There was no indication of day i4ens to reduce B62 On page 7 The Herald car­ two weeks was a patchwork In­ how much of a reduction will be ries the second of five storiee boinber sorties and trim cluding stretching oUt some made in the current 1,800 bomb­ on the Ufe o f D w ight D . B3is- WASHTNTON (AP)— Supreme C5ourt, in a ma­ several naval ships in the projects, deferring othera—and er sorties a month against ene­ eiriMWer. Today’s story con- jor Ofvil rights move, agreed today to decide wheitlher Vdetmam war. . In some cases revwsing actions my targets In South Vietnam cenm the Influence of Gen. Negroes 'have a right to use all^hito communilky parks Laird also toM the House Laird announced to the Senate and Laos. A sortie is a single Pox Conner on the young and swhnlmilng i>ools. ------Armed Services Oommlttee be Armed Services Committee only flight by a single plane. military officer who was to The pace-setting case comes ginlg. nonstock cotporation or­ TEXAS to postponingr purchase ot a two weeks ago. The original Johnson .defense become the president Of the from suburban Fairfax County, ganised to operate a community San Antonio mlssUe cadi SRAM untU tests His action to reduce the num­ budget assumed the average United States. Va., where a Negro family rant­ park and awtmmiqg pool for the show whether It will work. ber of B82 sorties in the Viet­ number of sorties would decline ing a house from a white family benefit of -rssldsnts of some nam wsu- was a switch from hla These actions, irepresentlng beginning last January. Laird is was forbidden to use the subdi- housing subdivlrioiis in Fairfax M arch 19 position and am ounts about h a lf th e $618 milUon, Mdlllng to pay for the higher vlalon’B recreational facfllttes. County, Virginia. EogU Past to at least a partial reinstate­ brought to more than g l.l billion monthly number .only until July. Both families sued and Freeman Is an agricultural the amount of spending pared ment of a Johnson administra­ claimed vlolationa of their civil tion plan. Translating his switch Into Heart Attack economist with the U.S. embas­ Borrof ron by Laird from the Johnson ad- money, Laird siloed about In righ ts. T h ey sa id to e 1966 civ il sy In Pakistan. Two weeks ago, after return­ mlnisltratlon’s final defeiwe half his March 19 request for rights law, which the court has ing from a trip to Vietnam, budget fo r fle ca l 1070. $102 mUHon in ad d ition a l B02 Kills Judge said bars discrimination In pri­ WABHENGTON (AP) — The Laird said ‘|pn the basis of my vate housing sales, also protects The new total stands at $77.9 operating funds. Supreme Court upheld today toe own observatiens” he had con­ the Negro family’s ri^ t to use right of unions to punish work­ Minsrs billion for the bookkeepti^ year cluded enough money should be The defense chief mentioned Brownsvili* starting July 1. Pentagon otfl- trtmming some of the Navy's In Ray Trial the facilities. ers who go over production quo­ provided to support the current Last June, acting on an ear­ ta s. Trappad ciak indicated more slashes are ships operating off Vietnam to rate of B62 sorties through June lier appeal, toe court directed under study. help save $26 mlllitm by laying MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Fiidng; or even exprillng piece 1970 a s recom m en ded b y Gen. Virginia state courts to reocm- woilDers 'Who exceed production Laird made It plain the fresh up 18 vessels. Judge W. Preston Battle Has Creighton W. "Abrams, U.8. Bider rulings against the two quotas set by toe union is a mat­ Monforr# y spending reductions were relat­ Laird gave no hint how many died of a Iwart attack, raising commander in Vietnam. families. The Supreme Court of ter of Internal policy not topblcl- ed to President Nixon's caH tor of the 18 ships have been taking the pcBslblUty that James ESarl But Ledrd said today, “As Appeals of Virginia, in October, dsn by federal labor law, toe ejdtension of the 10 per cent in­ Ray may get the trial hy Jury much as I would like to suiqmrt (See Page Eight) turned the oases down on proce­ court said 7 to 1. come tax surcharge. he now says he wonts. his recommendation, the budget dural grounds. The deciaion, given by Jtistlce "H ie nation is confronted with strlngencieB under which we TTie 60-yeor-oId ju rist w as Now the high court Itself will Byron R. White, dealt wlto quo- Gulf of an extremely difficult and dan­ found dead In hie chambsra must operate in fiscal 1970 will settle the Issue, in a ruling that tas set by the United Auto MEXICO gerous economic and fiscal situ­ not permit a continuation of that Monday night. On March 10 be undoubtedly will have broad na- Workers Union (AFL-CIO), at ation” Laird said. He noted rate beyond June 1909.” R u m o r, K y had accepted Ray’s plea of tlo.-jal implications. the Wisconsin Motor Corp., in Moxico guflty to the murder of Martin Last term’s decision assured Milwaukee. Bhur machine oper- 0 100 Luther King Jr. and sentenced Negroes equal access to private ators were tried by toe tmion O thers P ay Him to 99 years In prison. numes in burgeoning devedop- and fined $80 to $100 and were Latter Judge Battle disclosed ments. This case tests their suspended from the union tor a MILES Navy Considering Ray tied written from toe state rl^ t, when there, to t»e all the y*ar when It was found that Nixon Visit penitentiary advising that he benefito of suburban Uvlng. they, and other members, had Where Miners Are Tflapped New Missile Sub wanted to wltodraw his plea and The suits were brought by exceeded the production celling stand trial. Paul E. SuBlvan, a white gov- tor piece workers. ' WASHINOTON (AP)— Secretary John H. Chafee disclosed WASHINGTON (A P ) — Charles Golbreato, a Tennes­ emment woricer, Ms wife and , today the Navy Is considering a new long-range submarine __ k.. >p n production workers Prime Minister Mariano Riunor see Appeals Court judge, said G6ven cnllapen« Gnd iwr T, R. .a. « mlssfle system to meet the increasing threat from the Soviet ■ ___ „ . . __ Lh,- Ptont are paid on a piece of Italy led a day-long proces- today that If toe letter Is Union In the 1976s. BVeenaarit a Negro, hto wife and work or ^ IncentlyeincenMw* luurfabasis. TheT»,a un­ silon of foreign leaders into construed as a motion tor a new their two chRdrea Over 150 Trapped Chafee told the Smate Armed Services Committee of plans ion rule, enforceable since 1944 President Richard M. N 1x wUnessed the AP BeUglon Writer ing only Inky gloom, but Instead when they met in Paris a month at Mao’s direction — was forth­ Burnett said Battle’s death Tun—and, cUtoougfh they are not ing,” he sold. Mast. '"We have no in ju red . A New York OUy gtri, viaitlng rile beheld ostonlshliig glory. ago during the chief executive’s coming soon. ' '~' would have no effect on toe party oftlciale, Mrs. Mao and Some rescue officials ex- At « Weetom- rawA, steiq>ed out­ European tour. cEise. The constitution names De­ In a way to those associated two other leadm of toe proleta­ pressed a hope of reaching iH® «'^*Ance or trapped below, side in the toto evenbig. She woe fense Minister TAi Plao as with Jesus^ His death was like Another ally in the Vietnam "It makes no dUference at rian cultural revolution—Ohoi^ some of toe trapped men in 72 **** ***• stattled. Seporatied for the first Mao’s successor and opens toe that. They had resigned them­ war. President Ferdinand Mar­ all," BurnsU said, adding toot a Chun-chlao and Yao Wen-yuan. hours, but the mine tunnris time from the city IRuminatlon way for appointment as well as selves to toe worst. They had cus of the Philipirines, said en- peUtlon of IMS kind could be This is toe ninth congress. It were a shambles and rescue of- of some of the dead that veils the nighttime sky, she given up, drained of hope, route to Washington that he had election to leading organs of toe filed wUh another judge. was repeatedly driayed because flclals said it may be as long as <«>ey were on saw In toe blajokness what for plunged Into on alien midnight. unspecified "urgent" matters pa rty. Criminal Court Clerk James of toe convulsions of toe Proto- 16 days before men couW (Hg “P and near the exR." her was a grand, new thing—the The radio said Lin was on (he ^ The mining company is one of spsuaded dome of Otars. (See Page Two) (See Page Two) down to reach all of the vlctima. Doyour Easter shoppii^ at King’^ (See Page Eigkt) plattorm with Moo os the con­ (See Page Eight) Gas still lingered in pockets of (See Page Bight)

Ik^’s Burial in Abilene Tomorrow And there/'s enough lett over for Mom. ------Hushed Crowds Gather , By the time you get a whole family outfitted for Easter, M other’s usually wearing last year’s hat. But not when you shop at King’s, the To View Funeral Train ' self-service department store. W e’re brimming with pretty girls’ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ahilnted to a wash rack In an In­ Wednesday In the Elsenhower ABILENE, Kan. (AP) — Past dustrial area a mile north of toe Center, a memorial library and dresses in permanent press prints. Matching coat and dress outfits. hushed dusters of townsfolk terminal. A score of the sur­ chapel buUt on what was a corn­ who had call^ him Ike, the prised diners abandoned their field when the wrorld leader was bo($y of Dwight David Elsen­ breakfasts in a nearby restaur­ a ix>y in this frontier cattle town New torso silhouettes. Groovy “ in” looks for juniors and junior petites. hower was borne today in a ant and rushed outside to stand at the turn of the century. black baggage car toward buri­ silent in the drlszle until the Ihresident Nixon, the political car, its paint gleaming again, Double-breasted suits and sport coats in fabrics even boys can’t wrinkle. al Wednesday in his home soil heir whomi Elsenhower lived to of Abilene, Kan. was recoupled to the train. see in the l^Tiite House at last, It headed west across the Fashion-tone shirts and plaid slacks for Dad. Dressy shoes, shirts Hi' groups of hundreds and will fly here for the final serv­ plains at 10:88 a.m. BST, almost ice s. crowds of thousands gathered at back on the schedule which was slacks with new flared legs, floppy hats, shoulder bags, towns and crossings throughout to bring it to Abilene around the Nixon was blinking back tears the long night-time pull across midnight hour. as he left toe train station in Virginia, through the Alleghan- Karen Husband of Livermore, Washington Monday after the lots of chains. King’s has the styles, the colors, the quality ies and oiver the Ohio, Ameri­ _Ky.,. a co-ed from the University flag-covered coftln was carried cans paid silent homage at the' of Kentucky at Lexington who aboard the funeral car to begin you want. At prices low enough to leave enough traokalde to the 84th American skipped classes to wait at Union the 1,800-mlle trip in the twilight P re sid e n t Station, told a reporter: "I of a chill spring day. left over for Mother. For a change. Only a handful waited when thought he was the greAtest." Nixon led great of the toe 10-car train readied Cincin­ As the funeral train with world as they sat on simple nati’s Union Terminal in a black crepe drawn across its cane choirs beneath the soaring steady rain, there to transfer windows passed through Char­ splendor of the Washington Na­ from the Chesapeake and Ohio lottesville, Va., the soaring tional Caitliedral to mourn the tracks to those of the Baltimore words of "The Battle Hymn of 78-year-old fallen President in a Shop at King^s where you get more than you pay for* and Ohio—the steel ribbon the Republic" rose from the solenon rtate funeral. acraos the plain taken by toe fu­ crow d . "The Lord gave and the Lord neral train of Abraham Lincoln At the rear of the train, came hath taken away; blessed be toe K>4 years earlier. the private railroad car of the name of toe Loi^’’ intoned the A memorial service at the ter­ former President, this time car­ Very Rev. Francis b ;- Sayre Jr., minal planned by (toio Gov. rying his widow on the long trip dean o f ^the oathedral ' and James A. Rhode* and the dignl- west from Washington. tarlea of nearby cities had been grandson of another president, G ^ S At midnight the funeral train Woodrow Wilson. canceled at request of the wid­ wUl reach Abilene, toe last SELF-SERVICE DEPT. STORES The presidential widow, Ma­ ow and family, worn by toe scene for toe five days of fare­ mie Doud Ehsenhower, veiled in tears and strain of three days of well to the general who ted his­ black, held onto the arm cf her (AP PtKMlXSX) MANCHESTER - Green Manor - Prospect St. funeral pomp and homage in the tory’s m’ghtlest armies to victo­ Blvd. / W. HARTFORD Ave. &. Kane son Jtohn d u rin g toe se rv ice s Family otid fMends o# Dwigtit D. Eisenhower pay him tribute at nation’s capita]. ry In . World War H. wife Barbara. At right are President and Mrs. Nixon and daugh­ and wept quietly at toe last Instead ..the rust-fleeted and TIm burial, beside his first son funeral service yesterday at Washington National Oathedral. ter Tricia, the Shah o f Iran, Belgium King Baudouin, Tunisian 'dust-streaked baggage cor was who died in Infancy, will be (See Page Eight) In front row, left, are Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower,.son John and his President Bourguiba and French President de Gaulle.