THE CASUAL PLANESWALKER’S u l t i m a t e g u i d e t o DECKBUILDING The Casual Planeswalker’s Ultimate Guide to Deck Building is copyright 2009 The Casual Planeswalker, LLC. Any unauthorized reproduction, whole or in part, is forbidden and is punishable by law. For any questions regarding acceptable use or for any comments, suggestions, or other feedback please contact us at
[email protected] This book and its contents are provided “as is” and no guarantee as to the accuracy of the statements contained herein is made. All information contained in this book is written as the opinion of the author and is intended for entertainment purposes only. Magic: The Gathering, including all playing card titles and card mechanics, are the prop- erty of Wizards of the Coast, LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. The Casual Planeswalker is not affiliated with with Wizards of the Coast, LLC or Hasbro, Inc. in any way. Kent sends heart-felt thanks to all of the people whose hard work and dedication led to the creation of this book. Thanks also to my amazing family and friends who continuously supported and encouraged us from the early stages of the project. --- Oz would like to thank Pat, without whose encouragement The Casual Planeswalker would not exist, and Dixi, whose artistic contribution really brought the project to life. --- The author would like to thank his family and friends for their encouragement, inspira- tion, and motivation to complete this project, his associates at The Casual Planeswalker for helping make this vision a reality and ultimately, he would like to thank everyone who ever played a game of Magic with him, especially those who made it fun.