Proposed Wilderness Pattison

Northern Mountains and Rivers Blue Creek Proposed Wild & Scenic River

Description Quick Facts

From its exceptionally wild sources in the , Blue Management Agency: Creek is one of the most pristine and important tributaries of the U.S. Forest Service, . The creek’s steep banks are covered old growth Six Rivers National Forest Douglas fir and hardwoods, as well as one of the best stands of rare Port Orford cedar on the Six Rivers National Forest. These diverse Location: ancient forests support threatened Northern spotted owl, goshawk, Del Norte County, CA; nd and osprey. Blue Creek carves its way through volcanic and serpentine 2 Congressional District bedrock. Serpentine soils are a haven for many species of rare plants and it gives the creek its distinctive blue-green color. Watershed: Klamath River Wild & Scenic River Miles: One of the stream’s most important values is its fishery, including Blue Creek – 15.3 salmon, steelhead, and resident trout. Indeed, Blue Creek is one of the East Fork Blue Creek – 10 most important tributaries of the Klamath in terms of the quality and Crescent City Fork – 9.25 quantity of habitat it provides for these species. Cultural Values: Part of the Blue Creek flows through the Helkau Historic District, a traditional Helkau Historic District, Native American cultural area on the National Register of Historic including Native American Places. The District provides extensive views of a natural landscape villages along the Golden Stair without modern intrusions, which is crucial to traditional Native American religious practitioners. Blue Creek supported villages along Ecological Values: Critical cold the Golden Stairs, a trail that connected the earth with the heavens. water refuge for salmon and Wild & Scenic protection of Blue Creek and its tributaries on the Six steelhead; diverse old growth Rivers National Forest would complement efforts of the Yurok Tribe to forests supporting threatened establish the Blue Creek Salmon Sanctuary on lower Blue Creek. wildlife; rare plants on serpentine soils

For additional information please contact: Steve Evans - FriendsCalifornia of Wilderness the River Coalition 916.708 916.708.3155.3155 [email protected] [email protected] Warren Alford - The Wilderness Society 209.795.2672 [email protected] Ryan Henson - California Wilderness Coalition 530.365.1455 [email protected]