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BRAUN CHAIRS AIDS WALK Ryan Braun talks about his role in this year’s AIDS Walk, to be held on Sunday, Oct. 6. page 6 THE VOICE OF PROGRESS FOR WISCONSIN’S LGBT COMMUNITY September 20, 2012 | Vol. 3, No. 23 Defying civil rights activists, Ryan speaks to hate groups Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, R-Wis., waves after speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 14. By Lisa Neff Inside the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Council and the American Family terized the annual event that began second convention. Staff writer the Wisconsin congressman and Association. in 2006 as an extremist affair pro- For civil rights activists outside To reach the Washington, D.C., Republican vice presidential nomi- Both organizations have been moting hate rhetoric and recycling the Omni, the issue was less about hotel where he delivered a speech nee hammered at Barack Obama on labeled as hate groups by the lies about Jews and Muslims, gays what Ryan said – which was pre- to right-wing extremists, Paul Ryan foreign affairs, health care, abortion, Southern Poverty Law Center, and and Latinos – and also Democrats. dictable – and more about his had to pass demonstrators waving religious freedom and gay marriage a coalition of civil rights groups But for a Republican Party appearance at a hate-group event. signs that read, “The TV cameras before about 2,500 disciples of the had urged Ryan and other public pitched to the right, the summit “Congressman Ryan has long are on. Fold the white sheets” and Values Voter Summit, which was officials to skip the summit.
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