E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2019 No. 125 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was They grew up in families of very portunities for mentorship, profes- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- modest means. While working full sional development, and scholarships. pore (Mr. CUELLAR). time, Ralph began a one-man security The society invites members who are f business in 1963. What started as Lake dedicated to education in different Norman Security Patrol, Inc., ex- fields, both active and retired, to build DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO panded into two of the most successful up future leaders at the local level. As TEMPORE businesses in North Carolina and the we all know, the local level is where The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- country: Security Central and the best practices and policies in edu- fore the House the following commu- AlarmSouth. cation come from. nication from the Speaker: Ralph learned the importance of se- Knowing that young educators in the WASHINGTON, DC, curity while serving as a U.S. Army po- Fifth District have such talented and July 24, 2019. liceman and turned his knowledge into locally engaged women behind them I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY security and patrol services for homes makes me very proud. These women CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on and commercial entities. are shining examples of the powerful this day. At his side was Christine, his bril- impact that organizing within our , liant helpmate. They have a wonderful communities has on future genera- Speaker of the House of Representatives. and philanthropic family that is car- tions. f rying on the family tradition and busi- f MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ness into the third generation. Ralph and Christine’s success has not NAACP AGAIN MAKES HISTORY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- only become a family legacy but has The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ant to the order of the House of Janu- benefited numerous good causes in the Chair recognizes the gentleman from ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- community through their generosity, Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. nize Members from lists submitted by including the American Heart Associa- Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the majority and minority leaders for tion, the United Way, and Grandfather and still I rise, proud to be an Amer- morning-hour debate. Home for Children. ican and, today, I would also say, proud The Chair will alternate recognition Having inspiration and determina- to be a member of the Nation’s oldest between the parties. All time shall be tion combined with hard work was civil rights organization, the NAACP. equally allocated between the parties, their recipe for remarkable success. I am especially proud to be a member and in no event shall debate continue The Browns are proof that the Amer- of the NAACP today because, yester- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other ican Dream is alive and well. day, the NAACP became the first of the than the majority and minority leaders RECOGNIZING DKG IN REGION IX OF NORTH civil rights and human rights organiza- and the minority whip, shall be limited CAROLINA tions to take a stand against bigotry, to 5 minutes. Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. xenophobia, homophobia, f Speaker, I rise to congratulate Region Islamophobia, hatred, and racism by RECOGNIZING RALPH AND IX of the North Carolina State Organi- passing a resolution at its national CHRISTINE BROWN zation of the Delta Kappa Gamma Soci- convention calling for the impeach- ety on their achievements at the State ment of the President. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The convention in Hickory, North Carolina. And still I rise, proud, Mr. Speaker, Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Region IX makes up eight chapters to be associated with this organization. North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- across North Carolina’s Fifth District This is not its first time taking a stand utes. and took home five achievement on behalf of the American people. Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. awards, three communications excel- It was the NAACP that filed Shelley Speaker, we all have been privileged to lence awards, and two newsletter and v. Kraemer and Barrows v. Jackson, know people in our communities who website awards. outlawing restrictive covenants that have led remarkable lives but are un- These recognitions speak to the prevented people of color from living in sung heroes. Today, I want to highlight chapter’s success in its mission to pro- certain neighborhoods. one such couple whom I have come to mote the professional and personal It was the NAACP that filed and won know and admire. growth of women educators and excel- Brown v. Board of Education, which, I rise to recognize Ralph and Chris- lence in education. literally, took on and eviscerated seg- tine Brown, a remarkable couple and As an educator myself, I know the in- regation—lawful segregation, I might role models for all the rest of us. credible difference it makes to have op- add—in this country.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.000 H24JYPT1 H7248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 It was the NAACP that guided the do more for Kansas right now, both make this effort to ensure peace and Supreme Court of the United States of Kansas agriculture and Kansas manu- increase stability in the region. America for almost a quarter of a cen- facturing, than to get that agreement f tury under the leadership of Associate passed. It would mean thousands of USDA RULE CHANGE WILL KICK Justice Thurgood Marshall. He was the jobs for Kansans. It would mean hun- MILLIONS OFF SNAP lawyer who took Brown v. Board of dreds of millions of dollars more in- Education before the Supreme Court. come for Kansans as well. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The He was the lawyer who was the chief We are tired of this witch hunt. We Chair recognizes the gentleman from legal counsel for the NAACP. He sat on want to move on. We want to move on California (Mr. COSTA) for 5 minutes. the Supreme Court. He guided the Su- and fix problems. The problem is the Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today preme Court. Democrats don’t want to challenge us to call attention to the administra- The NAACP, again, makes history, on issues and on policy. Instead, they tion’s proposal, its recent attack on and I am proud to be associated with want to attack the President because some of the most vulnerable Ameri- this great organization. their policies won’t stand the test of cans, the 38 million people who rely on Mr. Speaker, I would also add that the American public or the test of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance we are now some 98 days since the time. Program, otherwise known as SNAP. Mueller report was called to the atten- BRING IRAN TO THE TABLE The USDA, United States Depart- tion of the public, 98 days since it was Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, we ment of Agriculture, announced yester- made public, 98 days since the Chief don’t want war in Iran. We don’t want day a rule change to the eligibility for Executive has been above the law. war in the Middle East. We don’t want the program. This change would kick Mr. Mueller is testifying today. To- war anywhere. millions of Americans—seniors, chil- morrow, I will start another acid test Mr. Speaker, I try to talk to my par- dren, and their families—off a program wherein I will show the number of days ents every week—every Sunday, typi- that provides critical assistance. It is a that the President has been above the cally. My parents seldom offer me ad- safety net. law since Mr. Mueller himself testified vice, but the last thing my dad re- This change would weaken our abil- in Congress. cently said to me was, ‘‘Roger, don’t ity to provide support for working peo- Mr. Speaker, we are living in some send our troops into battle.’’ ple who are struggling to get by month very challenging times—very chal- Mr. Speaker, we must, however, to month. lenging times—but Dr. King reminded make every effort to ensure Tehran It would have a huge impact in my us that the truest measure of a person does not have access to nuclear weap- district. Unfortunately, 25 percent of in times such as this is not where you ons. We must stop them from fueling my constituents depend upon the Sup- stand in those times of comfort and global terror and endangering Ameri- plemental Nutrition Assistance Pro- convenience but where you stand in cans and our allies around the world. gram monthly to provide nutrition for Like many other Kansans, I have these times of challenge and con- themselves and their families. served our country in uniform. None of troversy. As a member of the conference com- us want war in Iran. That is not my I am proud to know that the NAACP mittee that negotiated the 2018 farm goal, and it is not the President’s goal. stands for liberty and justice for all, bill, these suggestions were a part of We must, however, guarantee Iran stands for the people of the United the discussion. We opposed them. We never has access to nuclear weapons States of America, as it has histori- fought successfully to include ex- and that they stop funding and arming cally. And I shall continue to stand and panded SNAP eligibility requirements, terror around the world. be a member of the NAACP. and Congress agreed. They are very evil actors. They are That is why I fought to expand the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- not a normal country. They seek the bers are reminded to refrain from en- employment and training programs destruction of the United States and that we do in SNAP in the Fresno gaging in personalities toward the our closest ally in the Middle East, Bridge Academy, to equip recipients President. Israel. with the necessary tools to get back on f I support any effort to bring Iran to their feet, to make them self-suffi- KANSANS WANT CONGRESS TO the table for a deal that addresses both of these important goals. The best way cient. That is what we should be doing. SOLVE PROBLEMS Guess what: The President supported to do this is to continue to apply max- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The imum pressure on Iran. it when he signed the farm bill into law Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, Iran has been respon- last December. He needs to remain con- Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL) for 5 minutes. sible for the death of hundreds, perhaps sistent. Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, the thousands, of American soldiers during I will fight for families, for seniors, circus is back in town. I can hear the the Iraq war through their supply of and for children. The bottom line is music all the way over here in the Cap- IEDs. They chant ‘‘death to America,’’ this: SNAP is a helpful program to sup- itol, the music of that merry-go-round and as I said, they threaten our allies. port people in their time of need with going on in the Judiciary Committee This is an issue of great importance to achieving self-sufficiency. It is part of right now, as we speak. the safety and security of this Nation. America’s safety net. Yes, Mr. Mueller is here now for the Mr. Speaker, if I haven’t said it be- We must block this egregious at- fifth congressional hearing on this fore, we don’t want war. We just want tempt to administratively do what same issue, on this witch hunt. This is Iran to act like a normal country. Nor- Congress did not do last December. a cheap, made-for-TV television movie mal countries don’t take other coun- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to that is now going back and reviewing try’s ships hostage. Normal countries stand with me and oppose this attack everything, allowing Mr. Mueller to sit don’t shoot down American drones. on some of our Nation’s most vulner- there and read the report that he sub- Normal countries don’t ship IEDs to able populations. mitted days and weeks ago. terrorists to kill Americans. Normal HIGHLIGHTING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE Mr. Speaker, the frustration is that, countries don’t fund terrorism. HOUSE IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS back home, we have done over 63 town We cannot sit idly by on our hands as Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I call to halls, and I can count on one hand the we watch Iran seize ships and continue the attention of the House of Rep- number of times somebody has ever to hold the Nation hostage. Instead, I resentatives what we have achieved in asked me about the Mueller report or believe, like President Reagan and, be- the last 6 months, many of these pieces Russiamania. fore him, President Eisenhower, that of legislation on a bipartisan basis. What Kansans want is for Congress to we best have peace through strength. We have passed 10 bills to reduce the stand up and solve the problems in We need to keep the maximum pres- price of healthcare; lower prescription front of us. sure, keep the faith, work with our al- drugs costs, which our communities The USMCA agreement, the NAFTA– lies, and get Iran to the table. want us to do; and strengthen protec- 2.0 agreement, is sitting on the Speak- My fellow Americans, please join me tions for people with preexisting condi- er of the House’s desk. Nothing would in prayer as our Nation’s officials tions—reducing the cost of drugs and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.003 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7249 strengthening protections for pre- So the budget deal is good. It is a bi- tice hands-on patient care procedures existing conditions to protect those in- partisan effort. It, frankly, gives the in a simulated environment and to dividuals. sort of discretion that Congress needs learn how to work in an interprofes- We passed the Equality Act to ensure to make budget decisions to prioritize sional, team-based setting. Beyond the that every American enjoys the same our needs in America. benefit to our students, it will also en- rights and is protected equally under So, for that, I thank the Congress. able us to provide advanced training the law. The Equality Act is so impor- f opportunities to area emergency med- tant. ical services personnel and first re- CONGRATULATING SAINT FRANCIS I fought to improve our water infra- sponders.’’ UNIVERSITY ON THEIR APPA- structure, to address the strain on this Mr. Speaker, this grant is not just an LACHIAN REGIONAL COMMISSION precious resource brought by drought investment in Saint Francis, it is an GRANT and climate change to ensure that we investment in Pennsylvania’s 15th Con- have clean, safe drinking water for all The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gressional District. It is an investment of our communities. Chair recognizes the gentleman from in the lifeblood of our local commu- In the San Joaquin Valley, sadly, we Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 nities. have many communities that don’t minutes. When we empower learners and pro- enjoy clean, safe drinking water stand- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. vide them with the necessary resources ards. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratu- for a conducive, innovative learning b 1015 late Saint Francis University on a environment, our students will thrive I have worked hard to implement the well-deserved grant from the Appa- personally and professionally, and will farm bill, to lead education and out- lachian Regional Commission, other- provide the best possible care to Penn- reach programs for farm programs to wise known as ARC. sylvanians in need. ARC recently announced Saint help farmers improve not only their f water sustainability, but their ability Francis University as the recipient of a $150,000 grant to support advanced pa- COMMEMORATING ASSYRIAN to market their crops. GENOCIDE MEMORIAL DAY In immigration, we have passed the tient simulation training equipment funding bills to help alleviate the hu- for the university’s new Health Science The SPEAKER pro tempore. The manitarian crisis at our border and ad- Experiential Learning Commons that Chair recognizes the gentleman from vanced legislation to secure a pathway will open this October. California (Mr. HARDER) for 5 minutes. to citizenship for millions of undocu- The Commons will include much- Mr. HARDER of California. Mr. mented immigrants currently living in needed space for classroom, laboratory, Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the United States; our Dreamers, over and clinical education, including five August 7, Assyrian Genocide Memorial 800,000, who came here through no state-of-the-art simulation suites Day. choice of their own, and for them where students can practice real life Many Americans are already familiar America is the only country they have clinical scenarios on computer-con- with the horrors of the Armenian geno- ever known. They need and deserve trolled mannequins with the assistance cide. But not nearly as many know legal status. of their instructors through two-way about the genocide of innocent Assyr- I am proud that, in the last 6 months audio-video conferencing. ian civilians by the Ottoman Empire; of work, this week we will consider The grant will be used to invest in which is why I am leading a resolution H.R. 3239, the Humanitarian Standards this cutting-edge technology to provide to finally recognize the genocide of As- for Individuals in Customs and Border students with the technology needed to syrians in the Middle East. Protection Custody Act. close the skills gap and better prepare Many of my Assyrian friends and Many of us have been to the borders, them for situations they will likely en- neighbors in California’s Central Val- and we do have a humanitarian crisis counter in their professional careers. ley still carry the weight of this hor- there, and we need to do what is right. Saint Francis University has com- rific event. We need to ensure that those individ- mitted itself to career and technical Beginning in 1914, the Ottoman Em- uals receive good standards of water, education in the health science field, pire is estimated to have slaughtered beds, and access to healthcare, and and this grant will help provide hun- 300,000 innocent Assyrians; but some that they are treated humanely. That dreds of students with the training nec- experts believe the true death toll is is the American way. These are basic essary to prepare for rewarding careers much higher. On August 7, Shovah living standards. and, quite frankly, service to their b’tabakh, we remember those who were Finally, the budget deal that was community. lost, and we say never again. agreed to on a bipartisan basis over the Investments like these are playing a My resolution would take simple weekend is important, not only as it critical role in developing the 21st cen- steps to do both. It would assert that relates to our discretionary and non- tury American workforce, in devel- Turkey, the inheritor of the Ottoman discretionary spending for the next 2 oping a workforce full of talented indi- tradition, must recognize the genocide; years lifting the budget cap, but in ad- viduals who can help meet today’s and it would condemn any efforts to as- dition to that, to ensuring that we ever-growing demand for healthcare sociate the U.S. with genocide denial. produce a budget on time; that we professionals. My resolution would recognize the avoid a government shutdown; that we Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional resilience of the Assyrian people who ensure that our men and women serv- District, in particular, is in need of endured the genocide, the Simele mas- ing in American Armed Forces have healthcare professionals, and Saint sacre, and are now threatened once the adequate funding that they need; Francis students are rising to the occa- again by holdouts in ISIS. And they that our veterans get the support and sion. The grant will not only support have survived all of this without a our VA hospitals that we have prom- current Saint Francis students; ARC homeland to call their own. ised them. rightfully noted, ‘‘local employers will Today, we remember the Sadih, the These are the things that are part of have access to a pipeline of highly- martyrs. We think of their families. We an overall budget deal. It avoids the skilled healthcare professionals to recommit ourselves to upholding the kind of circus that we had over the last meet labor demands, help create jobs rights of all people to live freely and in year where we had a government shut- and expand the local economy, and pro- safety. down, a government shutdown we vide quality healthcare to citizens in f should never have. We should never Appalachian Pennsylvania.’’ have that impact on our economy; our Reverend Malachi Van Tassell, Presi- AMERICA IS AN AMAZING PLACE Federal workers to be expected— dent of Saint Francis University, noted The SPEAKER pro tempore. The whether they be in air traffic control the value that this grant adds for the Chair recognizes the gentleman from or food safety—to go to work and not students who are seeking an education Michigan (Mr. MITCHELL) for 5 minutes. to receive a check. That is irrespon- in health science. He said, ‘‘This equip- Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, Amer- sible. ment will allow our students to prac- ica is an amazing place, and we too

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 often, as Americans, take that for portive and more patient than probably Vice Chairman Olinger often called granted. Opportunities exist in this warranted. his ‘‘proudest achievement’’ his mar- country that simply aren’t available in A career in Washington was never my riage to his wife, Susan. much of the world. And my life is an objective. My mission has always been Susan, my heart goes out to you and example of the extraordinary possibili- to simply address significant chal- the entire Olinger family. ties in the United States of America. lenges this Nation faces: Trade, I also send my heartfelt condolences I ask you, where else can a kid, born healthcare, immigration, and infra- to the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla in poverty, beginning life in a sub- structure, to name just a few. Indians. sidized housing project, become a na- However, it appears to me that rhet- We will miss Vice Chairman Olinger tional legislator? Yet, here I stand as a oric overwhelms policy, and politics deeply; but we can honor his legacy by Member of Congress. consumes much of the oxygen in this loving our neighbors, caring for the In how many countries can the oldest city. Earth, and protecting and respecting of seven children with parents that are The time has come to make a dif- the rich culture and sovereignty of an hourly auto worker and an office ference for my family, to focus my Tribal communities. worker for the Salvation Army, be- time and energy upon them, their b 1030 come the first in their extended family needs, their goals. HONORING JESUS RIVERA OSUNA to graduate from college, build a ca- George Washington is quoted as say- Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today reer, become the CEO of a major work- ing: ‘‘I would rather be on my farm to honor Jesus Rivera Osuna, a soft- force development company and, after than emperor of the world.’’ spoken, true family man, who passed retiring, be elected to Congress? As a result, I have decided I will not away on June 28, 2019, at the age of 74. America is a truly unique and special seek to represent Michigan’s 10th Con- Mr. Osuna is the father of my child- place that we must love and respect gressional District next term. After hood best friend, Oscar Osuna. I spent with all our heart and soul. serving out the remainder of the 116th so much time at the Osuna home that My mother raised me to believe that Congress, I will return to my family they became my second family, and those with talents and resources were and to our small farm. Mr. Osuna always made me feel wel- expected by God to make a difference f come and part of the family. in the world. I tried to do that in my I remember his patience, humility, career throughout my life. HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE and loving and calming nature. He was My mission for 35 years was to assist OF LARRY N. OLINGER also a kind, stable, and secure male people in identifying and securing ca- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The role model in our rough-and-tumble reer opportunities. My professional ca- Chair recognizes the gentleman from impoverished community. California (Mr. RUIZ) for 5 minutes. reer allowed me to support my family, Mr. Osuna was a hardworking man Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today while assisting adults of all ages and and ran his own business for 50 years, to honor Larry N. Olinger, Vice Chair- backgrounds to develop the skills to toiling in the hot desert Sun to repair man of the Agua Caliente Band of support their families and build ca- air-conditioning units in the Coachella Cahuilla Indians, a dedicated, inspiring reers. Valley community. I assisted individuals ranging from leader who passed away July 15, 2019, at He was also a great guitar player. I laid-off steel workers and auto work- the age of 80. would listen in amazement to Mr. ers, to long-term public assistant re- Vice Chairman Olinger grew up in Osuna play classical guitar alone in his cipients, develop the skills they needed Palm Springs and, later, in Orange room after a long day at work. He was to build a career and support their fam- County, where he spent many years always so humble. He would stop play- ilies. breeding and racing horses. ing if he noticed anybody nearby, so I From a young age, Vice Chairman I worked with individuals requiring would quietly listen from Oscar’s room Olinger was drawn to enacting positive literacy education, English as a second in awe of his talent. language, and adults that had worked change in his community through pub- Mr. Osuna married his high school their same job their entire lives, and lic service. sweetheart, Mary Lou, at 24 years old, suddenly found their jobs and indus- Vice Chairman Olinger was first and together they raised four children, tries had evaporated, and their lives elected to Tribal Council in 1961, where my second family brothers and sis- turned upside down. he began his 60-year career. He went on ters—Elvia, Sergio, Oscar, and Lila— I worked, in some way or another, to serve in every position on Tribal three nephews, and supported Mr. with tens of thousands of people Council, including secretary, treasurer, Osuna’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Osuna’s searching for assistance in securing a chairman, and eventually vice chair- family has grown to include four job and a career path. I believed then, man in 2012. grandchildren. and I continue to believe, that most As the first chairman of the Agua Even in his final days, Mr. Osuna re- Americans find value and opportunity Caliente Development Authority, fused to be a burden to his family as he in working. Sometimes they just need Olinger championed gaming as a Tribal battled the illness that ultimately a hand and assistance to overcome ad- business enterprise, stimulating eco- took his life. versity. nomic growth and strengthening Tribal To the Osuna family, I love you, and I brought that passion and commit- sovereignty. your dad’s story is engraved in my ment to Washington. My mission was His leadership also spanned from the heart and now recorded in our Nation’s to make a difference in the world. I lit- Native American Rights Fund to the history. erally approached being a Member of State of California and the Coachella f Congress like my career, full tilt, leav- Valley Mountains Conservancy, where ing no stone unturned to have a mean- he advocated for the protection of our HONORING SERGEANT MIKE ingful impact and to make a difference. communities’ natural and cultural re- STEPHEN It is an honor to stand on this floor, sources. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The debate issues, and represent the people Our communities have lost a great Chair recognizes the gentleman from of Michigan’s 10th District. I am proud man and generational leader in Vice Arkansas (Mr. CRAWFORD) for 5 min- to be among the 12,500 or so that have Chairman Olinger’s passing. His pas- utes. had the privilege to serve in Congress. sion, class, and concern for the well- Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise But I have also begun to ask myself being of others, including his Tribe and today to honor one of our Nation’s fall- about making a difference in my fam- our surrounding communities, was ad- en first responders, Sergeant Mike Ste- ily. My children of all ages, the young- mirable. phen, who was killed in the line of duty est just 9, have accepted their dad trav- I have always admired Chairman on July 18. eling the country, working a demand- Olinger’s strong character and lifelong Sergeant Stephen was a true public ing schedule, frequently interrupted by commitment to learning; and I will servant, having served Arkansas and text messages, emails, and phone calls. deeply miss his caring nature and dry our Nation as a law enforcement offi- My spouse, Sherry, has been so sup- sense of humor. cer, firefighter, and soldier.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.006 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7251 Sergeant Stephen began his career as checklist of actions, which, if each is have Sessions limit the scope of the a first responder when he was just 16 proven, means that a crime was com- special counsel’s investigation . . . was years old, following in his father’s foot- mitted. What follows in the special intended to prevent further investiga- steps by joining the Calico Rock Fire counsel’s report is an exhaustive de- tive scrutiny of the President’s and his Department. tailing of facts uncovered and a thor- campaign’s conduct.’’ As a soldier, Mike Stephen rose to ough analysis as to whether the ele- These are the findings of the report, the rank of sergeant first class. As a ments of obstruction of justice were the facts as they were uncovered and firefighter, Mike Stephen led the Pine- met in those 11 instances. applied to the relevant statutes of our ville Volunteer Fire Department while The special counsel instructs, on criminal law. This is the information he served as a sheriff’s deputy. He in- page 9 of Volume II, that ‘‘three basic already in our hands today. stilled his values and dedication to elements are common to the most rel- Summed up by Mr. Mueller’s dev- public service and his family, all of evant obstruction statutes: one, an ob- astating conclusion: ‘‘Our investiga- whom served as volunteer firefighters. structive act; two, a nexus between the tion found multiple acts by the Presi- Whenever a call came to the Stephen obstructive act and an official pro- dent that were capable of exerting home, the entire family responded. ceeding; and three, a corrupt intent.’’ undue influence over law enforcement As a career law enforcement officer, In a few of the occasions inves- investigations, including the Russian Sergeant Stephen served in the Moun- tigated, the special counsel indicates interference and obstruction investiga- tain View Police Department, Arkan- that the evidence is not sufficient to tions.’’ The special counsel has done his job. sas Department of Corrections, and, ul- reach that standard. In several others, We must do ours. timately, the Stone County Sheriff’s however, his analysis is crystal clear. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Office. Beloved by his colleagues, Ser- On page 84, the report begins to de- bers are reminded to refrain from en- geant Stephen viewed public service as tail how the President directed White gaging in personalities toward the more than a job. He was always on call House Counsel Don McGahn to remove President. 24/7, ready to assist his community in the special counsel. ‘‘Mueller has to f any way. He advocated for first re- go.’’ sponders by testifying before the Ar- ‘‘Call me back when you do it.’’ HONORING BOYD W. SORENSON kansas General Assembly. The special counsel then applies the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The On Thursday, July 18, Sergeant Ste- law: Chair recognizes the gentleman from phen responded to his final call. Early One, an obstructive act: page 88, Minnesota (Mr. EMMER) for 5 minutes. that morning, Sergeant Stephen re- ‘‘Substantial evidence supports a con- Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise sponded to a domestic welfare call in clusion that the President . . . directed today to congratulate Boyd W. Leslie, Arkansas. As Stephen per- McGahn to call Rosenstein to have the Sorenson of Waite Park for receiving formed his duties, shots were fired, and special counsel removed.’’ France’s highest distinction, the Le- Stephen was struck fatally, as was the Two, a nexus: page 89, ‘‘Substantial gion of Honor, for his service during suspected shooter. evidence indicates that . . . the Presi- World War II. As Arkansas mourns the loss of Ser- dent knew his conduct was under inves- As a fighter pilot in the U.S. Army geant Mike Stephen, I ask my col- tigation by a Federal prosecutor.’’ In Air Corps, he flew 89 missions in the leagues to join me in extending my fact, the President had tweeted about European theater during World War II, condolences to the Stephen family and it. assisting in the liberation of France. honoring the life of a true public serv- Three, corrupt intent: page 89, ‘‘Sub- Mr. Sorenson’s service didn’t end ant who gave his life protecting the stantial evidence indicates that the after World War II. In fact, Boyd went community he loved. President’s attempts to remove the on to fly 72 missions during the Korean war. f special counsel were linked . . . most immediately to reports that the Presi- Mr. Boyd is no stranger to recogni- OUR COUNTRY’S ATTENTION IS dent was being investigated for poten- tion for his bravery. He has already FOCUSED ON THE MUELLER RE- tial obstruction of justice.’’ been awarded the European African PORT Substantial evidence to show that all Middle Eastern Medal with three The SPEAKER pro tempore. The three elements of the offense are met; bronze stars, the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Distinguished Chair recognizes the gentleman from substantial evidence that the President Flying Cross with two oak leaf clus- Massachusetts (Mr. KENNEDY) for 5 obstructed justice; substantial evi- ters, and the Canadian Operational minutes. dence that the President of the United Service Medal with maple leaf cluster. Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, today States committed a crime. Boyd is a hero, and his actions helped much of our country’s attention is fo- There are countless other troubling further the cause of freedom we enjoy cused on the hearing happening across facts which the special counsel indi- today. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. the street from where we stand. For cates may meet the obstruction thresh- Sorenson for his service and congratu- weeks, pundits have been speculating: old. late him on another well-deserved What else would the special counsel re- Page 91, just days after pressuring award. McGahn, President Trump directs his veal? Where is that smoking gun or the CONGRATULATING VIOLET HALVERSON viral moment? former campaign manager Corey Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise These questions are understandable, Lewandowski to deliver a message to today to congratulate Violet Halverson but they also obscure a powerful tool Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit of Sartell, Minnesota. At 94 years old, already at this body’s disposal as we the scope of the Mueller investigation Violet has just earned herself the silver consider whether or not to hold the to future election interference alone. medal in shuffleboard at the National President accountable: what we al- Page 92, the President follows up Senior Games. The National Senior ready know. And for that, we turn to with Lewandowski with the same re- Games were created to promote the special counsel’s report. quest a month later. healthy lifestyles for aging adults Volume I details a ‘‘sweeping and Page 96, the President writes Chief of through education, fitness, and sport. systematic’’ attack by the Russian Staff Reince Priebus, ‘‘Did you get Violet began playing shuffleboard in Government on our democracy, an at- it?’’—referring to Sessions’ resigna- the 1980s. Over the years since, she has tack that our President still refuses to tion. ‘‘Are you working on it?’’—which participated in recreational leagues acknowledge. Volume II describes 11 leads Mr. Mueller to conclude, on page and competitions. When she heard different occasions—11—where the ac- 97, that ‘‘taken together, the Presi- about the National Senior Games, she tions of the President may have ob- dent’s directives indicate that Sessions knew she had to compete. Violet won structed justice. was being instructed to tell the special gold her first year, and this year she The legal framework is pretty counsel to end the existing investiga- takes home a silver. straightforward. In criminal cases, an tion into his campaign.’’ And, the same Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Violet individual must meet the so-called ele- page, that ‘‘substantial evidence indi- and can’t wait to see how she performs ments of an offense, essentially, a cates that the President’s efforts to next year.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.008 H24JYPT1 H7252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 CONGRATULATIONS TO FOREST LAKE HIGH from accumulating wealth drive up derby every year, as well as numerous SCHOOL poverty rates and stifle America’s other activities that promote local pro- Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise economy. gramming for young people throughout today to congratulate Forest Lake This is not just a Black issue; this is the community. Area High School for being named a an American issue. It is organizations like the Optimist Green Ribbon School by the United The inability to secure your future Club that create the backbone of our States Department of Education. This no matter how hard you work runs con- small towns and help preserve their award is given to schools that have rec- trary to our basic American principles. treasured culture. ognized the environmental impact of We must do more in this House of Rep- Mr. Speaker, please join me in con- their facility, promote health, and en- resentatives to alleviate this critical gratulating the Optimist Club of Fay- sure high-quality environmental edu- issue, this crisis, and we must continue ette, Missouri, for their hard work and cation programming that prepares stu- to make our Nation, these United dedication to the youth of the commu- dents with sustainability skills. States of America, the land of oppor- nity for the last 50 years. Forest Lake Area High School is tunity for all of its citizens. COMO FIRE CHIEF RANDY WHITE Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise among only 35 schools, 14 districts, and f 4 postsecondary institutions across the today to congratulate Columbia, Mis- BOYS & GIRLS CLUB MISSOURI country to receive this award. I look souri, Fire Chief Randy White on his STATE YOUTH OF THE YEAR forward to welcoming the honorees to retirement. Washington, D.C. in September for a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Since joining the department in 1998 ceremony to recognize their wonderful Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from as a firefighter, Chief White has dedi- cated his life to the safety of mid-Mis- achievement. Missouri (Mrs. HARTZLER) for 5 min- souri families. He has saved countless Congratulations to Forest Lake Area utes. lives and led his department to new High School for the Green Ribbon Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Boys & Girls heights. School award. During his time as fire chief, Randy’s f Club 2019 Missouri State Youth of the Year, Ms. Jazzmine Jones. department became one of only 258 in THE GROWING RACIAL WEALTH Jazzmine is a member of the Boys & the world to achieve accreditation GAP IN THE UNITED STATES OF Girls Clubs of West Central Missouri’s through the Commission on Fire Ac- creditation International. His hard AMERICA Cole Camp Site, where she serves as a work and leadership have been a bless- junior staff member. In her position, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing to the Columbia Fire Department she helps run programs and mentors Chair recognizes the gentleman from and a true role model for other depart- the younger club kids. Illinois (Mr. RUSH) for 5 minutes. ments to follow. Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Earlier this year, Jazzmine was I join with many Missourians, fami- to address the crisis that is the grow- named the Missouri State Youth of the lies, and friends to wish Chief White a ing racial wealth gap in the United Year at a 2-day event in Jefferson City, fulfilling retirement. I hope Randy en- States. Missouri, marking the first time a stu- joys the days he has worked so hard to A recent report from the Institute for dent from the Boys & Girls Club of earn and wish him continued health Policy Studies noted that the median West Central Missouri was awarded and happiness in this new phase of life. this title. wealth for Black families, adjusted for f inflation, declined from $7,323 to $3,557 Last week, on July 18, Jazzmine rep- between the years 1983 and 2013. resented Missouri at the Boys & Girls WE ARE A COUNTRY OF BRAVE Mr. Speaker, if these alarming trends Clubs of America Midwest Regional AND BEAUTIFUL CITIZENS AND continue, the average Black household Youth of the Year competition. She IMMIGRANTS is on track to own $0 in wealth by the made Missouri proud with her speech The SPEAKER pro tempore. The year 2053. highlighting the importance of a Chair recognizes the gentleman from This stands in sharp contrast to the healthy lifestyle, education, and the California (Mr. CA´ RDENAS) for 5 min- average wealth of White households, impact of one’s actions. utes. ´ which increased by nearly $14,000 dur- I am so thankful to have such a tal- Mr. CARDENAS. Mr. Speaker, let me ing the same period, to an average of ented young individual in Missouri’s set the record straight. The way Presi- $137,000 by the year 2053. Fourth Congressional District working dent Trump talks about women, mi- Zero dollars for the Black families, hard to be the best person that she can norities, immigrants, and pretty much $137,000 for the White families by the be and sharing her knowledge with every American who does not look like year 2053. younger kids as a mentor. him is fueling hate in our great coun- The wealth disparity between Black Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to try. Last week, in a series of tweets, and White families persists across join me in commending Jazzmine for President Trump attacked four Con- nearly all levels of income and edu- her hard work and dedication in using her actions to inspire others. I also gresswomen, all of whom are American cation. citizens and women of color. The Presi- White middle-class households have want to wish her well in her future en- deavors as she begins her freshman dent doubled down on his attacks and almost eight times more wealth than a singled out one of my colleagues from Black household in the same income year at the University of Missouri. Go, Tigers. Minnesota in a rally, during which the bracket. crowd chanted, ‘‘Send her back,’’ which FAYETTE OPTIMIST CLUB b 1045 he seemed to relish. Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, watching that clip Mr. Speaker, even a 4-year degree today to recognize the Optimist Club of made me sick to my stomach, and I am cannot remedy these disparities. A 2014 Fayette, Missouri. This club, founded concerned about the direction Presi- census survey found that a Black fam- on December 13, 1968, celebrates its dent Trump is leading our country. ily whose head of household has ob- 50th anniversary this year. For half a Mr. Speaker, President Trump ap- tained a master’s degree owns an aver- century, they have helped to support pears to be encouraging Americans to age $37,600 of wealth, compared to an youth, and cultivate an overall strong- assume patriotism by the color of one’s average of $181,220 in a comparable er community in Fayette. skin and not the content of one’s char- White household, a difference of nearly The Optimist Club relies on their acter. This is, in fact, the opposite of $150,000. dedicated volunteers to raise funds and what American heroes like Congress- Mr. Speaker, the racial gap in our complete projects that impact the lives man JOHN LEWIS, Dolores Huerta, Cesar Nation must be addressed, as it is a of kids in their community. Chavez, and Dr. King fought and bled critical concern for all of our Nation. The Optimists promote youth in- for. The barriers between Black families volvement in Fayette by hosting a Mr. Speaker, make no mistake: our and White families must be addressed. summer recreation program, a youth President is stoking the flames of hate The barriers preventing Black families appreciation banquet, and a fishing and division in our great country.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.009 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7253 President Trump, his America is an Mr. Speaker, does the word ‘‘patriot’’ I was pleased to both cosponsor and America where Congress does not in- come to mind when you think of a man vote in favor of the United States- clude Native Americans, Latinos, Afri- who dodged the draft time and time Israel Cooperation Enhancement and can Americans, Asian Americans, or again, or does the word ‘‘patriot’’ come Regional Security Act and the resolu- LGBTQ Americans. His vision for to mind when you think of a man who tion opposing the efforts to America is one where people like my answered the call of duty and bled for delegitimize the State of Israel and the parents and grandparents are not wel- our great country? Global Boycott, Disinvestment, and come. Mr. Speaker, I tell these truths to re- Sanctions movement targeting Israel, What I find ironic about Donald mind us all why the United States of two important legislative priorities, Trump’s anti-immigrant vision for this America is great: We are a country of because I believe Israel’s safety and se- country is it contradicts his own fam- brave and beautiful American citizens curity is critical to our own safety and ily’s history. Donald Trump’s grand- and brave and beautiful immigrants security. More importantly, it is the father, Friedrich Trump, moved to the from all over the world who contribute right thing to do. United States in 1885 for many reasons, to the greatness of our great Nation I have shared with my colleagues on including to escape poverty. Today, every single day. the House Foreign Affairs Committee President Trump is hurting our reputa- May God bless the diverse and beau- that Israel holds a special place in my tion by denying entry to asylum seek- tiful people of the United States of heart. As a college student 40 years ers who are fleeing many of the hard- America, and God bless the United ago, I had the opportunity to spend a ships his very own grandfather was es- States of America. semester in Jerusalem and get to know caping. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- the people and cultures. I developed a bers are reminded to refrain from en- In 1905, after making his fortune in unique appreciation and understanding gaging in personalities toward the the United States running a brothel, for the struggles they face on a daily President. Grandfather Trump attempted to go basis. back to Germany, only to be denied f As many of us know, the BDS move- entry for failing to complete military REPEAL THE MEDICAL DEVICE ment exists solely to delegitimize service in his own country of Germany, TAX Israel’s very existence, and I am proud something that apparently runs in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of the House of Representatives coming family. Chair recognizes the gentleman from together on a bipartisan basis with a After attempting to appeal the denial Utah (Mr. CURTIS) for 5 minutes. unified voice that we will not stand in a flattering letter to the Prince of Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise idly by while one of our closest allies is Germany, addressing him as the much- today to speak against the medical de- targeted and vilified. The path to peace loved, noble, wise, and righteous sov- vice tax. between Israel and Palestine will not ereign and sublime ruler, Friedrich Utah has earned a reputation as a be hindered by that kind of blind ha- Trump’s request to return to Germany thriving hub for innovation in life tred. was denied for a second time. sciences, leading the Nation in tech- Although this BDS resolution sends a My father and mother moved to the nology breakthroughs. Each year, med- critical message, it falls short of what United States in 1946 seeking a better ical device manufacturers in Utah pio- is ultimately needed to address the life for their family because they heard neer new, exciting medical tech- long-term challenges. I am hopeful of the promise of the United States of nologies that help patients live longer that the House will consider stronger America, that if you work hard and and more productive lives. legislation with actual binding policy play by the rules, you can succeed and Unfortunately, the culture of col- provisions to help the United States your children can have a better life. laboration and innovation has been stand with Israel against BDS. I stand before you today an Amer- threatened by the medical device tax, a I am prepared to work with my col- ican-born citizen and a Member of the tax on device manufacturers that has leagues on both sides of the aisle to ad- because my stalled medical technology investment dress these issues and those facing our parents worked hard and played by the across the country. allies. rules. I wasn’t handed a fortune like Although Congress has come to- f President Trump. I was taught the val- gether on a bipartisan basis time and ues of keeping my word, being kind to time again to delay its implementa- b 1100 tion, the continuous threat of heavy, others, and working for what I earn. RECOGNIZING APOLLO ENGINEER Mr. Speaker, this President would onerous taxation has stifled job growth MARION JOHNSON like us to believe that he is more patri- among medical technology innovators otic than the Congresswomen he has and has delayed cutting-edge research The SPEAKER pro tempore. The repeatedly attacked, not because of that could potentially lead to break- Chair recognizes the gentleman from anything he has done for this country, throughs in patient care and treat- Georgia (Mr. CARTER) for 5 minutes. but because he believes that this coun- ment. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- try’s rights and protections only apply As it stands today, this tax will come er, I rise today to recognize Ms. Marion to the privileged, like himself. into effect January 1, 2020. The impact Johnson for her contribution to land- Honor and patriotism exist in some would be devastating in Utah, where ing a man on the Moon 50 years ago more than others. My brother-in-law, the med tech industry employs thou- this month. Hector, who was born in Mexico and is sands of Utahns and contributes ap- A product of the First Congressional now a citizen of the United States of proximately $5 billion to the local District of Georgia, Ms. JOHNSON used America, answered the call to serve our economy. One local company estimated her love of math to break barriers great country, when Donald Trump the tax would cost them over $7 mil- throughout her life not only in math avoided service time and time again. lion, money that would otherwise be and science but also for women and While Donald Trump was dodging the reinvested into workforce and tech- people of color. draft five times, my brother-in-law, nology development. With a math degree from Talladega Hector, was serving the United States As we approach this January dead- College, Ms. JOHNSON took a risk and of America in Vietnam. line, I call upon my colleagues to come applied to become one of the first fe- While Donald Trump was ripping off together and finally repeal the tax on male and/or minority engineers at Boe- small businesses right here at home, innovation once and for all. ing. She was accepted. By chance, it Hector was shot while serving his coun- OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAEL happened to be around the same time try in Vietnam. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise that President Kennedy announced the My Mexican-born brother-in-law has today to highlight our critical rela- national mission of sending a man to served this country honorably, and if tionship with Israel, an alliance not the Moon. Donald Trump had his way, Hector only important to our two countries, At Boeing, she worked on a team of would never have had the chance to but to the tectonic plates of global geo- engineers with the specific mission of serve our great Nation. politics. putting a man on the Moon.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.012 H24JYPT1 H7254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 In her own words, she said, ‘‘We Mr. Speaker, happy birthday and an- creasingly likely that . . . investors worked hard. We worked Saturdays. We niversary, Zadie. will become concerned about the risk worked afternoons and evenings until f of default.’’ we got it right.’’ America has clearly entered dan- CONGRESSIONAL INTERNS SHARE The rest is history. Now, Ms. JOHN- gerous, uncharted financial waters. CONCERNS ABOUT NATIONAL SON’s name is enshrined in the Apollo The greater the debt, the greater the Saturn V Roll of Honor at the Smithso- DEBT risk. nian and . The SPEAKER pro tempore. The How do we safely navigate these dan- I could not have been prouder to have Chair recognizes the gentleman from gerous waters? Washington must learn someone like Ms. JOHNSON from the Alabama (Mr. BROOKS) for 5 minutes. from history and heed the advice of First Congressional District of Georgia Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- President John F. Kennedy, who said contributing to this engineering mar- er, President Herbert Hoover once stat- we do not choose to cut spending be- vel that changed world history. ed, ‘‘Blessed are the young, for they cause it is easy, but because it is hard. RECOGNIZING BLACKSHEAR TIMES’ ROBERT AND will inherit the national debt.’’ Unfortunately, today’s Washington CHERYL WILLIAMS Four young interns in my office—Na- politicians reject President Kennedy’s Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- than Olsen, Jill Oxley, Austin Snell, wisdom because they are as hopelessly er, I rise today to recognize Mr. and and Tyler Wiley—recently shared their addicted to debt as a junkie is to her- Mrs. Robert and Cheryl Williams, who concerns about the debt burden they oin. are retiring after nearly 50 years of will inherit from debt-addicted Wash- As a result, America faces a moun- running the Blackshear Times in the ington politicians. These remarks re- tainous $22 trillion debt and a bipar- First Congressional District of Geor- flect their concerns. tisan debt agreement that adds yet an- gia. Ironically, their concerns coincide other $2 trillion in debt in just 2 years. The oldest business in the area, the with a massive $2 trillion deficit bill If America is to soar to new heights newspaper is 150 years old this year. Congress will soon vote on that be- rather than crash and burn on a moun- Under Mr. and Mrs. Williams’ leader- queaths at least $24 trillion in debt to tain of debt, Washington politicians ship, the Blackshear Times has become America’s future generations. Be- must act like adults. Our choice is one of the top papers in Georgia, re- queathing this dangerous debt is the clear. Washington can rack up obscene defi- ceiving over 400 awards. Nearly every- greatest disservice ever done by one cits, accumulated debt, and pay hun- one in Pierce County gets their news American generation to another. dreds of billions of dollars each year in from the newspaper, exemplified in the My interns itemize three ways in which excessive debt endangers Amer- debt service costs, with the ultimate Blackshear Times tag line, ‘‘Liked by catastrophe being debilitating national Many, Cussed by Some, Read by Them ica. First, excessive government debt and insolvency and bankruptcy. Or Wash- All.’’ ington can protect America’s future, Mr. WILLIAMS edited and published, borrowing compete with and crowd out private borrower investment opportu- stop unnecessary spending, and be- his dream job since he was a young queath future generations economic nities by decreasing available credit, child. Mrs. Williams continually kept freedom and prosperity. thereby costing American jobs and bet- the paper’s financials in check. Mr. Speaker, I choose the path of ter incomes. According to the Congres- ‘‘To be a good paper, first, you have economic freedom and prosperity for sional Budget Office, when the govern- to be a good business,’’ Mr. WILLIAMS future American generations. That is ment borrows, it borrows from people said in praise of his wife’s work. why I vote against so many unneces- in businesses, which limits American I am proud to have the Blackshear sary and excessive spending bills that business and citizen opportunity, Times in my district, and I am thank- we don’t have the money to pay for. which, in turn, drives them to be less ful that Mr. and Mrs. Williams dedi- And that is why I will vote against the productive, cuts their compensation, cated 50 years to the paper and keeping proposed spending deal that creates a and makes them less inclined to work. the Blackshear community informed. short-term debt junkie high while Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Mr. and In sum, excessive government debt badly risking America’s future and Mrs. Williams on their retirement. stunts future growth and hurts the health. They both will be missed. American economy and people. f RECOGNIZING HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR SAM Second, excessive debt hurts Con- WEINREICH gress’ ability to respond to challenges HONORING WAR HERO TOM Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- and emergencies. The Peter G. Peter- ‘‘PINKY’’ FUNDERBURK er, I rise today to recognize Dr. Sam son Foundation warns that high levels The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Weinreich, who is celebrating not only of debt reduce our government’s flexi- Chair recognizes the gentleman from his 100th birthday in August but also bility concerning ‘‘future emergencies, South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN) for 5 his 73rd wedding anniversary with his unanticipated challenges, wars, or re- minutes. wife, Frieda. cessions.’’ Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Referred to as Zadie, from Yiddish, The Peterson Foundation adds that today to celebrate a man who is part of Mr. Weinreich is a Holocaust survivor one reason ‘‘the United States was able the Greatest Generation, Tom ‘‘Pinky’’ who spent time in both the Auschwitz to recover from the Great Recession Funderburk of Rock Hill, South Caro- and Dachau concentration camps. He more quickly than other countries was lina. was the only survivor from his family, because our debt was fairly low, at 35 Mr. Funderburk has been awarded which included nine of his siblings. His percent of GDP.’’ the French Legion of Honor. Pinky hometown, Lodz, Poland, once con- As recent history proves, America flew B–17 bombers, known as the Fly- tained over 200,000 Jews and the second can better respond to a financial crisis ing Fortress, with the Mighty 8th largest Jewish community in Europe. if we are not drowning in excessive United States Air Force during World After the Nazi occupation ended, Mr. debt. Unfortunately, by year’s end, War II. Weinreich was one of only 6,000 to sur- America’s debt will explode to roughly The Legion of Honor was established vive. Mr. Weinreich survived in part 78 percent of GDP, more than double by Napoleon in 1802 as the highest because he was a Jewish doctor and re- that of a mere decade ago. That trend French order of merit for military and ceived more privileges than other pris- is dangerous. civil merits. oners, but he also had a beautiful voice Third, as America’s debt becomes The first dangerous missions for and would sing songs in front of the more unmanageable, our creditors be- which Pinky was awarded the Legion guards for food. come increasingly concerned about of Honor took place on the 14th, 15th, Now living in Memphis, Tennessee, government default and national bank- and 16th of April 1945 over Royan, Mr. Weinreich has dedicated his life to ruptcy and insolvency. The Congres- France. His crew’s mission was to sharing his story and ensuring that a sional Budget Office warns that with bomb the 30,000 encamped German tragedy of this magnitude will never the debt-to-GDP ratio projected to troops concentrated around Royan on happen again. grow to ‘‘unprecedented levels, it is in- the coast of France.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.014 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7255 One day, they approached their tar- and I thank the HeartLands Conser- come forward and lead the House in the get from an altitude of 25,000 feet and vancy for its hard work and for being Pledge of Allegiance. noticed an absence of antiaircraft ac- guardians of our history. Mr. DUNN led the Pledge of Alle- tivity in the skies, so they dropped I thank my staff for working so hard giance as follows: down to 17,000 feet. The formation cir- with other issues that are going on but I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the cled three times to drop their bombs understanding how important this United States of America, and to the Repub- more accurately when a small flare issue is to future generations, to the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, used to follow bombs to their targets opportunity for our children and grand- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ignited in their bomb bay, filling the children to understand the history of f aircraft with thick, sooty smoke that this area in the world. I am proud to be WELCOMING RABBI MARK GETMAN covered all the windows. part of these efforts to preserve our Fearing they were hit by ground fire, (Miss RICE of New York asked and past well into the future. was given permission to address the the crew grabbed their parachutes and f prepared to abandon their plane over House for 1 minute.) enemy territory. Before jumping out, RECESS Miss RICE of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to welcome Rabbi Mark the crew made one last check to see if The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Getman of Temple Emanu-El of the pilots were able to make it out ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Canarsie, Brooklyn, and thank him for safely. They yelled through the inter- declares the House in recess until noon leading us in prayer this morning on com to see if they were coming but re- today. the House floor. ceived no reply. Just as they were Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 13 I was proud to invite Rabbi Getman ready to bail out, copilot Funderburk minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- to give the opening prayer today, and I yelled out, ‘‘Wait.’’ cess. am even more proud to call him a con- The smoke was so thick that the pi- f lots were worried about crashing into stituent of New York’s Fourth Con- the other planes in the formation and b 1200 gressional District. Rabbi Getman is a military veteran, were too busy flying the plane and AFTER RECESS clearing the smoke to worry about a cancer survivor, a community leader, The recess having expired, the House bailing out. The pilots were able to and a man of deep faith. He embodies was called to order by the Speaker pro clear the smoke and fly the airplane the strength, leadership, and patriot- tempore (Mr. LANGEVIN) at noon. and crew safely back to their home ism that we look for in every Amer- base. f ican. I can’t express how grateful I am to The final mission took Pinky deep PRAYER into enemy territory into Horsching, Rabbi Getman for making the trip Rabbi Mark Getman, Temple Emanu- Austria, where French prisoners of war down to Washington today to represent El of Canarsie, Brooklyn, New York, had recently been liberated from a our community and to deliver a mes- offered the following prayer: POW camp. Pinky’s crew reconfigured sage of harmony and compassion. I be- Heavenly One, our protector and re- their B–17 bomber to carry 31 prisoners lieve that is a message that our coun- deemer, guardian of life and liberty, we of war back to Paris and their home- try needs to hear, perhaps now more land. ask for Your continued blessings as we than ever. Mr. Speaker, for these heroic duties open this session of the House of Rep- Rabbi Getman graciously reminded and his selfless service, Pinky Funder- resentatives. us today that we are a country united burk honors all South Carolinians, and May our Nation and its leaders be under God, in our pursuit of prosperity I am proud to recognize him today for blessed with Your protection as they and peace for all people, and he re- receiving the prestigious French Le- continue their work for their constitu- minded us that this shared purpose is gion of Honor. ents across these United States. more powerful, more important than God, continue to send Your light to f any political division we may have, and all elected officials across this land, I couldn’t agree more. CAHOKIA MOUNDS guiding them with Your good counsel As a member of the Committee on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and providing them with wisdom and Veterans’ Affairs, I am beyond appre- Chair recognizes the gentleman from forbearance. ciative that Rabbi Getman paid such a Illinois (Mr. BOST) for 5 minutes. May our Nation and its citizens al- touching tribute to the brave men and Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, southern Il- ways work towards world peace and women who wear our uniform today linois is home to one of America’s harmony as part and party rep- and to those who paid the ultimate sac- great civilizations in history, many resenting this great Nation. rifice in defense of our great Nation. As years before this was the United States God of peace and prosperity, bless a veteran himself, I know that Rabbi of America. Its center was at Cahokia, this House of Representatives and all Getman understands that sacrifice bet- and it was once the largest civilization those who lead, serve, and defend our ter than most. in today’s United States. By 1200 A.D., Nation as they continue to serve with I want to thank Rabbi Getman once the community numbered 10,000 to honor, and remember those who have more for his service to our community 20,000 strong. died in defense of our ideals and values. and to our country and, above all, for What remains today are the Cahokia May the One who makes peace in the taking the time to be here with us Mounds, a 2,200-acre site with more universe make peace for all of us, for today and delivering a much-needed than 70 earth mounds, upon which all the United States, for all the world. message of unity. many of their buildings once stood. God bless America. f This treasure is visited by schools, Amen. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER families, and history buffs, everyone f who wants to see this wonderful part of PRO TEMPORE THE JOURNAL history. It is a critical part of history. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The That is why I introduced a bill to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair will entertain up to 15 further re- make Cahokia Mounds a national park. Chair has examined the Journal of the quests for 1-minute speeches on each My bill would help preserve this amaz- last day’s proceedings and announces side of the aisle. ing piece of history for generations to to the House his approval thereof. f come. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ANNIVERSARY OF DEATHS OF I thank Congressmen CLAY, SHIMKUS, nal stands approved. CAPITOL POLICE OFFICERS and DAVIS for cosponsoring this bill. f This legislation preserves the mounds JACOB CHESTNUT AND JOHN in their districts, as well. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE GIBSON I also thank the State and local lead- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the (Mr. HOYER asked and was given ers who support our efforts in Illinois, gentleman from Florida (Mr. DUNN) permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.015 H24JYPT1 H7256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 minute and to revise and extend his re- almost 200 years, and the verbatim pro- Certified Manager of Reporting Serv- marks.) ceedings of House business have been ices, and she remains a certified short- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, this is a published as the CONGRESSIONAL hand reporter in her native Texas. sad day in the history of the House. RECORD since 1873. Melinda plans to return to her home- Some 21 years ago, a deranged indi- We have a young woman who is now town of San Saba, Texas, and spend vidual came through the door that we taking down my remarks, which may more time with her family and faithful now call the Memorial Door and took or may not be profound, but somebody dog, Bleu. the lives of two of our officers. will be able to say: ‘‘What did Hoyer Lucky dog to have Melinda back. I rise to pay tribute to my con- say?’’ ‘‘What did my Representative Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues stituent Officer Jacob Chestnut and say?’’ will join me in thanking Melinda Walk- Detective John Gibson from the State A division of the Office of the Clerk, er for her many years of distinguished of Virginia. Both of them were shot the Office of Official Reporters is and dedicated service to the House and and killed defending this Capitol 21 charged with providing nonpartisan, in wishing her the very best in retire- years ago today, July 24, 1998. professional stenographic services for ment. A lone gunman burst through what the House floor, committees, and lead- Melinda, we owe you and your col- we now call the Memorial Door and at- ership. leagues a debt of gratitude. You si- tacked this sacred home of American It has grown from a 5-person shop in lently serve and sit and listen to verb democracy. These brave officers, whom the 19th century to a diverse 43-person after noun after adjective after word we remember today, placed themselves operation today. They work extraor- after word after word—and you stay in the line of fire and gave their lives dinarily long hours; they work very awake. It is amazing. And you do it so to protect Members, staff, and visitors hard; and they are extraordinarily well, to the advantage of all of us who serve here, but, much more impor- in the building that morning. competent. Memorial Door, Mr. Speaker, is right Today, I join all my colleagues in tantly, to the advantage of the people outside my office. I go through it al- thanking one of those outstanding, of the United States, who will know most every day. Every time I pass what their Representatives say on wonderful individuals who is retiring through it, I look at the memorial their behalf and will be, therefore, able, as the Chief Reporter of Debates, plaque and remember these two ex- in a democracy, to make a sound judg- Melinda Walker. traordinary and brave men whose sac- ment as to whether those words are the Melinda is with us on the floor today. rifice will not be forgotten by those Melinda, thank you very much. words they want intoned on this floor who serve in and work in this House, And I know, Mr. Speaker, if it on their behalf. So, Melinda, to you and to all of your by their brothers and sisters in the weren’t out of order, I would mention colleagues, we say thank you. God- Capitol Police force who still stand that her family is in the gallery, but speed. Be well. sentry and watch over it, and by their because that is not in order, I won’t do grateful fellow Americans. that. f Today, America, let us pay tribute to Melinda will step down in August, Officer Chestnut and Detective Gibson RECOGNIZING EDD SORENSON OF after more than 20 years of service to and give our thanks to all the men and JACKSON COUNTY, FLORIDA the House of Representatives. women of the U.S. Capitol Police and, (Mr. DUNN asked and was given per- A proud native of Texas, Melinda indeed, to all law enforcement officers mission to address the House for 1 came to the House in 1999, after serving who, every morning, get up and put a minute and to revise and extend his re- as a court reporter for the U.N. Inter- badge perhaps on their chest or on marks.) national Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda their belt or in their wallet and go out Mr. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Arusha, Tanzania. to protect us, their neighbors, their to recognize a local hero from Jackson Her career began after graduating friends. County, Florida. Let us thank all law enforcement of- from the Stenograph Institute of Texas Mr. Edd Sorenson is known inter- ficers in communities across this coun- in 1989, and her work took her around nationally for his courageous and skill- try for their service, their dedication, the country and across the world, with ful ability to rescue and retrieve cave and their sacrifices, which make the positions in the United Kingdom, the divers. Just this past March, he was exercise of democracy possible. Caribbean, and South Africa. called upon in the Dominican Republic Melinda has reported both House HONORING MELINDA WALKER UPON HER to retrieve two bodies that were on the RETIREMENT AS CHIEF REPORTER OF DEBATES committee hearings and floor pro- brink of never being recovered due to Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I just ceedings. She has taken down com- the dangerous conditions. spoke about two who served our Cap- mittee testimony from two Chief Jus- His most recent courageous rescue itol and our country. Unhappily, they tices of the Supreme Court and three took place in Tennessee, where he was lost their lives. Secretaries of State, among many oth- called upon, in the middle of the night, I now speak about one who has served ers. to save the life of a professional cave our House of Representatives as an in- On the floor, Melinda has reported diver, Josh Bratchley, widely known as stitution much more happily, because the State of the Union messages for the man who saved the Thai soccer she has served so well and so faithfully three Presidents, as well as the re- team last year from their cave inci- and so long and is now retiring, hope- marks of numerous foreign dignitaries dent. fully, to a very happy retirement. during joint meetings of Congress. When Edd is not answering a call for We could not do our job representing Upon Melinda’s promotion to Chief the next cave rescue, you will find him the American people without the tire- Reporter in 2015, she led the team of re- managing his cave diving business in less and sometimes thankless labors of porters and staff in charge of the pro- Marianna, Florida, where he is a cave the men and women who make this duction of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. dive instructor. House function behind the scenes. Under her watch, the office has been Edd is a truly remarkable individual. They sit at the desk behind us. They successful in meeting its daily produc- Mr. Speaker, please join me in recog- sit at the upper rostrum. They make a tion deadlines, while capturing the in- nizing Mr. Edd Sorenson for his heroic difference. And they record what we tricate parliamentary nuances of and selfless actions that have saved the have to say. House proceedings. lives of many and brought closure to From the Clerk’s Office to the Par- Melinda has contributed a fully re- families that, otherwise, would never liamentarian staff, from the C–SPAN vised and updated style and formatting have been possible. crew to the stenographers, the non- manual, more than 200 pages long, for f partisan, professional staff who enable the Office of Official Reporters. Ameri- b 1215 the work of the House and its Members cans will be advantaged by that work are central to the success of our con- for decades to come. THE PLIGHT OF ETHIOPIAN stitutional mission. She has been recognized by the Na- ISRAELIS IN ISRAEL The House has relied on the services tional Court Reporters Association as a (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given of shorthand reporters of debates for Registered Professional Reporter and a permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.018 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7257 minute and to revise and extend his re- HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION marks.) OF PAUL HANEY OF H.R. 397, REHABILITATION Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise FOR MULTIEMPLOYER PENSIONS today to highlight the suffering of (Mr. MORELLE asked and was given ACT OF 2019; PROVIDING FOR Ethiopian Israelis. A couple of weeks permission to address the House for 1 CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 3239, HU- ago, a young Ethiopian Israeli man was minute and to revise and extend his re- MANITARIAN STANDARDS FOR killed by an Israeli police officer. marks.) INDIVIDUALS IN CUSTOMS AND After this tragedy, there have been Mr. MORELLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise BORDER PROTECTION CUSTODY massive protests against police bru- today to honor the life of Paul Haney, ACT; PROVIDING FOR PRO- tality. Unfortunately, these protests a longtime leader in Rochester and CEEDINGS DURING THE PERIOD have turned violent. While I do not Monroe County, and my very dear FROM JULY 29, 2019, THROUGH condone violence, I believe people have friend, who passed away on Sunday. SEPTEMBER 6, 2019; AND FOR the right to protest systemic racism. OTHER PURPOSES The Ethiopian community in Israel As a former county legislator and has been treated like second-class citi- city councilman, Paul was a fixture in Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. zens for decades. In the 1990s, Ethio- our community; a man who truly em- Speaker, by direction of the Com- pian Israelis had their donated blood bodied the high ideals of public service. mittee on Rules, I call up House Reso- lution 509 and ask for its immediate secretly disposed of by Israeli officials Paul was kind, honest, smart as a consideration. because they believed it may contain whip, and deeply passionate about im- the HIV virus. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- proving the community he loved. He lows: Just 4 years ago, an Ethiopian Israeli devoted his life in service to his neigh- IDF soldier was brutally beaten by an H. RES. 509 bors and was always the first to lend a Israeli police officer, setting off an- hand to those in need. Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- other wave of massive demonstrations. lution it shall be in order to consider in the Now, there are reports that the pro- Paul Haney’s contributions have left House the bill (H.R. 397) to amend the Inter- tests against police brutality are being a profound and lasting impact on his nal Revenue Code of 1986 to create a Pension cast as anti-Israeli. This is nothing beloved city. His legacy will never be Rehabilitation Trust Fund, to establish a more than an attempt to delegitimize forgotten. Pension Rehabilitation Administration with- in the Department of the Treasury to make their suffering. I will not tolerate it, I join all of Rochester County and loans to multiemployer defined benefit and neither should any Member of this Monroe County in mourning his loss, plans, and for other purposes. All points of body. and extend my thoughts, prayers, and order against consideration of the bill are f deepest sympathies to the Haney fam- waived. In lieu of the amendments in the na- ily. ture of a substitute recommended by the NEW SNAP PROGRAM RULING Committees on Education and Labor and (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania Ways and Means now printed in the bill, an asked and was given permission to ad- f amendment in the nature of a substitute dress the House for 1 minute and to re- consisting of the text of Rules Committee vise and extend his remarks.) CONGRATULATING CHANDLER Print 116-24 shall be considered as adopted. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. WASHBURN AND THE UNITED The bill, as amended, shall be considered as Mr. Speaker, this week the U.S. De- read. All points of order against provisions STATES NAVAL ACADEMY MIXED in the bill, as amended, are waived. The pre- partment of Agriculture announced CREW TEAM vious question shall be considered as ordered and published a new rule that would on the bill, as amended, and on any further address ‘‘broad-based categorical eligi- (Mr. RUTHERFORD asked and was amendment thereto, to final passage without bility’’ through the SNAP program, given permission to address the House intervening motion except: (1) one hour of formerly known as food stamps. for 1 minute and to revise and extend debate equally divided among and controlled Under current law, SNAP recipients his remarks.) by the chair and ranking minority member in dozens of States have been auto- of the Committee on Education and Labor Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. Speaker, I and the chair and ranking minority member matically enrolled into the program, rise today to congratulate Midshipman despite not really demonstrating finan- of the Committee on Ways and Means; (2) the Chandler Washburn and the entire further amendment printed in part A of the cial need; simply by receiving other United States Naval Academy mixed report of the Committee on Rules accom- minimal welfare services, even just re- crew team for their victory at the his- panying this resolution, if offered by the ceiving a pamphlet in the mail. toric, now historic, King’s Cup this Member designated in the report, which shall Now, let me be clear that these past July. be in order without intervention of any point changes—anyone who truly is economi- of order, shall be considered as read, shall be cally distressed and eligible will con- The King’s Cup is a prestigious race separately debatable for the time specified in tinue to receive SNAP benefits. But between eight allied military forces, the report equally divided and controlled by through the loophole that has been in and has only been held twice, once in the proponent and an opponent, and shall not 1919, and this year on the 100th anni- be subject to a demand for division of the existence, some recipients were en- question; and (3) one motion to recommit rolled in the program without meeting versary. The U.S. Naval Academy de- feated countries like Canada, France, with or without instructions. its asset and income tests. The asset SEC. 2. At any time after adoption of this and income tests are critical metrics to and Germany on their way to winning resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to ensure program integrity and prevent the cup. clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House benefits from going to those who would The Northeast Florida community is resolved into the Committee of the Whole not normally qualify or truly need the incredibly proud of Chandler and his House on the state of the Union for consider- ation of the bill (H.R. 3239) to require U.S. assistance. fellow midshipmen on this extraor- This new regulation attempts to fix Customs and Border Protection to perform dinary accomplishment. an initial health screening on detainees, and this problem by limiting categorical Chandler graduated from the Epis- for other purposes. The first reading of the eligibility for SNAP recipients only to bill shall be dispensed with. All points of those recipients who receive substan- copal School in Jacksonville and is now a sophomore at the Naval Acad- order against consideration of the bill are tial welfare benefits, rather than nomi- waived. General debate shall be confined to emy. Like all those representing us at nal ones. the bill and shall not exceed one hour equal- As the former chairman of the Nutri- service academies across the country, ly divided and controlled by the chair and tion Subcommittee, I rise in strong his commitment to both academics and ranking minority member of the Committee support of this proposal. Enacting this military service inspire us all. on the Judiciary. After general debate the rule will help address waste and abuse On behalf of the Fourth District of bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. In lieu of the amend- within SNAP, while encouraging the Florida, congratulations to Chandler ment in the nature of a substitute rec- continued availability of the program and the Naval Academy mixed crew ommended by the Committee on the Judici- for our friends in need who truly find team for a victory they will remember ary now printed in the bill, it shall be in themselves food insecure. for the rest of their lives. order to consider as an original bill for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.020 H24JYPT1 H7258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 purpose of amendment under the five-minute such time as I may consume. During The Raise the Wage Act repealed a rule an amendment in the nature of a sub- consideration of this resolution, all shortsighted Republican measure that stitute consisting of the text of Rules Com- time yielded is for the purpose of de- allowed employers to pay Puerto mittee Print 116-26 modified by the amend- bate only. Ricans under the age of 25 a measly ment printed in part B of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this res- GENERAL LEAVE $4.25 an hour for up to 4 years. I don’t olution. That amendment in the nature of a Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. know about my colleagues’ back- substitute shall be considered as read. All Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that grounds, but at 20 years old, I was rais- points of order against that amendment in all Members be given 5 legislative days ing a family, and I could not have done the nature of a substitute are waived. No to revise and extend their remarks. that on $4.25 an hour. amendment to that amendment in the na- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there And we proclaim to all the American ture of a substitute shall be in order except objection to the request of the gentle- women, whether you are a supervisor those printed in part C of the report of the woman from California? at a fast-food restaurant, a nurse at a Committee on Rules. Each such amendment There was no objection. may be offered only in the order printed in hospital, or a World Cup-winning soc- the report, may be offered only by a Member Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. cer player, women deserve equal pay designated in the report, shall be considered Speaker, on Tuesday, the Rules Com- for equal work. as read, shall be debatable for the time speci- mittee met and reported a rule, House And for Dreamers without permanent fied in the report equally divided and con- Resolution 509, providing for consider- legal status who came here as children trolled by the proponent and an opponent, ation of H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation for and just want to contribute to the shall not be subject to amendment, and shall Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019, greatness that makes America, Demo- not be subject to a demand for division of the under a structured rule. crats passed the Dream Act so that question in the House or in the Committee of The rule makes in order one amend- they can have a pathway to citizen- the Whole. All points of order against such ment. The rule provides 1 hour of gen- amendments are waived. At the conclusion ship. My Republican colleagues refused of consideration of the bill for amendment eral debate equally divided and con- to bring up the Dream Act when they the Committee shall rise and report the bill trolled by the chair and ranking minor- were in charge, even when, clearly, we to the House with such amendments as may ity member of the Committees on Edu- had enough votes to pass the bill. have been adopted. Any Member may de- cation and Labor and Ways and Means. Mr. Speaker, that is the kind of mand a separate vote in the House on any The rule also provides for consider- progress Americans wanted to see. amendment adopted in the Committee of the ation of H.R. 3239, the Humanitarian That is why elections matter. Whole to the bill or to the amendment in the Standards for Individuals in Customs Today, we are also voting on the nature of a substitute made in order as origi- and Border Protection Custody Act, Butch Lewis Act, to protect the pen- nal text. The previous question shall be con- under a structured rule. sidered as ordered on the bill and amend- sions of hardworking Americans. ments thereto to final passage without inter- The rule self-executes Chairman NAD- I come from a proud union household. vening motion except one motion to recom- LER’s manager’s amendment and For 171⁄2 years, I worked as a 911 dis- mit with or without instructions. makes in order two further amend- patcher, and my husband was a mem- SEC. 3. House Resolution 507 is hereby ments. ber of the building and construction adopted. The rule provides 1 hour of general trades for 20 years. We taught our chil- SEC. 4. It shall be in order at any time on debate equally divided and controlled dren, our sons, to work hard and save the legislative day of July 25, 2019, or July by the chair and ranking minority for their future, and we showed them 26, 2019, for the Speaker to entertain motions member of the Committee on the Judi- that the House suspend the rules as though the honor of public service. ciary. Mr. Speaker, in December of 2014, under clause 1 of rule XV. The Speaker or Upon passage of the rule, House Res- her designee shall consult with the Minority this body passed the Multiemployer Leader or his designee on the designation of olution 507 will be considered as adopt- Pension Reform Act of 2014, a mis- any matter for consideration pursuant to ed. guided bill that reneged on the promise this section. Finally, the rule provides suspension that we make to retirees that they will SEC. 5. On any legislative day during the authority for this Thursday and Fri- get the benefits they worked and nego- period from July 29, 2019, through September day, and standard floor recess instruc- tiated for. And here we sit, almost 5 6, 2019— tions for the August district work pe- years later, and the multiemployer (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the riod. previous day shall be considered as approved; pension system is still on the brink of Mr. Speaker, in a few days, we will be a real and disastrous crisis. and celebrating 200 days since Democrats (b) the Chair may at any time declare the While these plans have historically House adjourned to meet at a date and time, took back the majority in the U.S. been a safe and secure retirement op- within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- House of Representatives. We have tion, many plans now face financial cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by spent the past 8 months fighting for shortfalls because of the Great Reces- the Chair in declaring the adjournment. American families, American values. sion and other structural challenges, SEC. 6. The Speaker may appoint Members While Republicans spent 8 years in like a lack of new workers, an increase to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- charge, what did they get done? in the number of retirees, and employ- ration of the period addressed by section 5 of Their crowning achievement was a ees abandoning the commitments that this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of massive tax giveaway to corporations they made to their employees. rule I. to line the pockets of the super- Around 130 of these plans covering SEC. 7. Each day during the period ad- wealthy, while exploding the Federal dressed by section 5 of this resolution shall over a million Americans are rapidly deficit by $1.5 trillion. Clearly, a tax not constitute a calendar day for purposes of running out of money to pay benefits scam was a result of special interests section 7 of the War Powers Resolution (50 that were promised to these employees. having too much power in Washington. U.S.C. 1546). Truck drivers, electricians, iron- SEC. 8. Each day during the period ad- Mr. Speaker, it is time to give back workers, steelworkers, coal miners, dressed by section 5 of this resolution shall that power to the people, to the Amer- and many, many others participate in not constitute a legislative day for purposes ican people that sent us here. of clause 7 of rule XIII. Democrats passed the For the People multiemployer pension plans. More SEC. 9. Each day during the period ad- Act, which puts elections back in the than 5,000 of my constituents, alone, dressed by section 5 of this resolution shall hands of the people and gets special in- participate in multiemployer pension not constitute a legislative day for purposes plans. These hardworking individuals of clause 7 of rule XV. terest out of the government. And instead of giving tax cuts to bil- are staring down the possibility of los- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- lionaires, Democrats, last week, passed ing their retirement through no fault tlewoman from California is recognized legislation to increase the minimum of their own. for 1 hour. wage to $15 an hour. I know that some of my colleagues Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. are going to tar and feather this bill. Speaker, for the purpose of debate b 1230 They are going to call it a bailout. only, I yield the customary 30 minutes And as a result, 33 million Americans They are going to say that it is fiscally to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. BUR- will finally get a raise and no more sin- irresponsible. But this bill only author- GESS), pending which I yield myself gling out to our young Puerto Ricans. izes loans, loans for multiemployer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.002 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7259 pension plans, if it is clear that those So let’s examine the facts. istered by a brand-new Federal agency loans can be repaid with interest. Multiemployer pension plans are pen- within the Department of the Treasury This is not a bailout; this is a loan. sions run jointly by a union and mul- called the Pension Rehabilitation Ad- And I am happy to have my staff pro- tiple companies whose employees are ministration. vide a dictionary if any of my col- members of that union. These are de- This new agency would provide unse- leagues on the other side of the aisle fined benefit plans that guarantee em- cured, federally subsidized 30-year are still confused about the difference ployees receive a specific amount upon loans to critical or declining multiem- and the meaning of each. retirement regardless of the funding ployer plans without requiring the Hardworking American workers and available. These plans must comply plans to make any actuarial changes to retirees are counting on us to protect with collective bargaining agreements bring them back to solvency. If the the benefits that they have earned and and the Employee Retirement Income plan cannot certify that it can repay keep them on a solid financial footing. Security Act and pay into the Pension the loan, the plan would also receive a H.R. 397 does that exactly, and all Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the grant from the Pension Benefit Guar- without forcing workers and retirees to Federal insurer of the plans. anty Corporation to pay retiree bene- pay a single cent more for the benefits Over 1,300 multiemployer plans cover fits and to pay back the loan, essen- that they have earned. more than 10 million participants, and tially double-dipping Federal support. Now, I would like to turn our atten- well over a million are in plans that If a plan cannot make interest or prin- tion to H.R. 3239, Humanitarian Stand- are either insolvent or will be within cipal payments on the loan, payments ards for Individuals in Customs and the next two decades. This means that can be forgiven to pay retiree benefits. Border Protection Custody Act. more than 1 million retirees may have Finally, H.R. 397 would reverse re- I have had the opportunity to witness their retirement plan benefits cut if no forms made in 2014 that allowed certain the horrendous conditions at our action is taken. plans greater flexibility to regain sol- southern border, children jailed in Multiemployer pension plans are cur- vency. freezing cold cages, toddlers going rently underfunded by $638 billion, and Earlier this month, the Congres- without nutritious food. They need to the figure increases by $15 billion each sional Budget Office published a report grow up and be healthy and strong. and every year. The largest plan is the on the estimated budget impact of a Six-year-olds who are not allowed to Central States Pension Fund, which previous version of H.R. 397. The new shower. Border Patrol agents parading has been sponsored by the Teamsters. subsidies and the expanded assistance asylees around with degrading mes- It has approximately 385,000 partici- would increase the Federal deficit by sages hanging from their necks. pants and is underfunded by $41 billion. $64 billion without truly addressing the This is the greatest country in the To ensure struggling pension plans world, and no child—no child—should underlying financial issues. would not affect the defined benefit Should this bill be signed into law, it die in our custody and in the greatest promise to employers, Congress created will be the first time that the Federal custody in the world. Jakelin Caal the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora- Government has placed United States should not have died. Felipe Gomez tion to provide financial assistance to taxpayers on the hook to subsidize pri- should not have died. And Carlos Her- nandez should not have died. pay participant benefits. The Pension vate pension plans. We cannot bring these children back Benefit Guaranty Corporation is fund- It is important to note that many from the dead, but we can try to pre- ed through premiums paid by plan taxpayers who would finance this sub- vent the next child from dying. And we funds and is currently not backed by sidy have not, themselves, been in- must. We must because we have a the taxpayer. cluded in a pension plan. moral responsibility to these children. Since 2003, the Pension Benefit Guar- As presented today, H.R. 397 would Today we have the opportunity to anty Corporation has held a deficit result in a large balloon payment due act. The Humanitarian Standards for when comparing its current multiem- in year 30 of the pension rehabilitation Individuals in Customs and Border Pro- ployer pension assets to its out- trust fund loan. And if a plan cannot tection Act would protect the health standing liabilities due to these insol- afford loan payments without cutting and safety of children in CBP care. It vent union-managed pension plans. benefits, the new Pension Rehabilita- will bring medical expertise to the bor- Today, the Pension Benefit Guaranty tion Administration would be allowed der so that children receive the care Corporation has a deficit of $54 billion. to forgive these debts. This is the defi- that they need, and it will ensure that The entity Congress created to protect nition of a taxpayer bailout. children have access to the basics: nu- insolvent plans is estimated to be in- Mr. Speaker, the majority knows this tritious food, a shower, toothpaste, and solvent itself. bill will never move in the Senate, and clean clothes. This crisis did not materialize sud- I do urge my colleagues to reconsider I urge all my colleagues to support denly. During the 2008 recession, retire- this legislation. There, perhaps, are this important legislation. Vote ‘‘yes’’ ment plans throughout the country ways to fix this crisis and address it in on the rule for the children. Vote ‘‘yes’’ lost nearly 30 percent of their value, a fiscally and actuarially sound man- on the bill for the children. but the weaknesses of the multiem- ner. A bipartisan agreement is the only Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ployer system were not conceived in way for a solution to this crisis that my time. one event. The American Academy of will actually make it to the President’s Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I thank Actuaries outlined some of the deci- desk. Mrs. TORRES for yielding me the cus- sions that led to this instability. The second bill in this rule is yet an- tomary 30 minutes, and I yield myself Generally, many plans overleveraged other attempt to fix the crisis at our such time as I may consume. their risk, increased their benefits in southern border without addressing Mr. Speaker, today we are consid- an unsustainable fashion, did not main- any root cause. H.R. 3239, the Humani- ering two bills that will never become tain appropriate resources to recover tarian Standards for Individuals in law. They are not going to be taken up from losses, and kept fewer working Customs and Border Protection Cus- by the Senate. If they did, they would employees. Additionally, many em- tody Act, is a reactionary bill attempt- not pass, and the President likely ployers have left their multiemployer ing to restructure Customs and Border would not sign them. pension plans, further limiting funding Protection through overly prescriptive, The first bill, H.R. 397, the Rehabili- for those that remain. one-size-fits-all mandates that actually tation for Multiemployer Pensions Act, At the end of the day, these plans ignore what CBP has as resources and was drafted by the majority as an at- were mismanaged in a way that has in- its core mission. tempted fix of the multiemployer pen- creased costs and decreased revenue. If this legislation were to be signed sion crisis. Unfortunately, the bill does So how are our colleagues across the into law, Customs and Border Protec- nothing but create more government, aisle hoping to fix this troubling situa- tion would be required to provide increase the deficit, and kick the can tion? The Rehabilitation for Multiem- health and medical screenings to all down the road for another generation ployer Pensions Act would create a migrants who entered their custody. that will have to ultimately deal with trust fund called the pension rehabili- Customs and Border Protection must it. tation trust fund that would be admin- provide individuals 1 gallon of water

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.023 H24JYPT1 H7260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 per day, access to safe and clean toilets Customs and Border Protection in- and women of the Customs and Border and showers, diaper changing facilities, spects our agriculture and food, checks Protection are doing the job that Con- and provide sanitation products. CBP for counterfeit or defective consumer gress asked them to do. Congress didn’t will also be required to provide three products, and searches for and seizes il- ask them to do; they told them to do. meals a day totaling 2,000 calories, in- licit drugs, much of which is currently We passed laws. They are delivering on terpreters, video monitoring, adequate fueling the opioid crisis. If they are not what we told them to do. lighting, and to keep facilities within a on the line to do their job, these things But the men and women at Customs specific temperature range. don’t happen. and Border Protection are good people Customs and Border Protection offi- b 1245 who are driven to do the right thing. cers are also the first to welcome They care, but at the same time, we Medical staff are required to be on- Americans home from abroad and for- complicate their lives so much by not site to conduct medical screenings, re- eigners with legal documentation into funding the needs that they actually gardless of the number of staff or ap- the country. Due to the Democrats’ re- have and then adding on top of it all of prehensions, and specialty physicians fusal to deal with our southern border these unfunded mandates. are required to, at the very least, be on crisis, these important functions will Mr. Speaker, I urge my Democratic call. also suffer. colleagues to work across the aisle to These physician specialties include We must also remember that Cus- find and implement real solutions rath- pediatrics, OB/GYN, family medicine, toms and Border Protection facilities er than unfunded mandates. I urge op- geriatric medicine, infectious diseases, do not just exist along the southern position to this rule. mental health, and dieticians. Imme- border. Customs and Border Protection Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of diate access to such specialists is not is located in every State and territory, my time. even available to some of our veterans, in addition to several overseas Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. yet we are mandating it be there for preclearance facilities. Mandating the Speaker, I yield myself such time as I undocumented migrants. presence of specialty medical personnel may consume. The bill also requires adult chap- and certain facility upgrades is not Mr. Speaker, if my colleagues had erones for children receiving medical only unfeasible in some of these re- read the bill, they would know that not exams. Allowable adults will consist of mote locations, but it would also cost only are there numerous incentives for parents, legal guardians, and/or adult an enormous amount of money. plans to repay the loans, there is a relatives. However, ‘‘adult relative’’ is The cost to comply with the provi- statutory requirement for plan actu- not defined, meaning that a very dis- sions in this bill is unclear because we aries to demonstrate that the plan will tant relative or someone who simply don’t have a Congressional Budget Of- be able to pay the loan back with inter- states they are a relative could pose as fice score, but it is likely to be high. est. Customs and Border Protection cur- the child’s guardian in the absence of a Let’s talk about how we got in this rently has around $3 billion in unmet parent or legal guardian. situation. After the 9/11 attacks, the funding needs due to the crisis on our This is concerning for identifying airline industry was in desperate need southern border. Requiring updates to trafficking victims. When children are of help, and Congress stepped up and hundreds of Customs and Border Pro- victims of trafficking, often the only approved loan assistance. We acted be- tection facilities, increasing personnel chance they get to be apart from their cause it was seen as an emergency. and equipment, and providing training trafficker is while receiving medical In 2008, during the greatest financial would add significantly to this short- care, and sometimes then the traf- crisis in our lifetimes, Wall Street ficker will refuse to leave the child fall. Here is the really amazing part: This banks and the auto industry were in alone. bill contains no authorization for ap- trouble and in desperate need of help. If we mandate the presence of an propriations. Last night at the Rules Congress again acted because it was adult relative during the child’s med- Committee, it was asked how Demo- seen as an emergency. ical exam, in fact, we may never learn crats were planning to pay for the Mr. Speaker, what makes this situa- that the child is a victim. mandates in this bill. The response was tion any different? Additionally, children who arrive that there is money there, that it has Congress disbursed approximately with a parent, legal guardian, or other previously been appropriated in the re- $624.6 billion in taxpayer money during adult relative are to be kept together cent border supplemental. these emergencies, and roughly $699.7 in Customs and Border Protection cus- Remember that is the very same sup- billion has come back: revenue, inter- tody. Under current law, the Office of plemental that the House Democratic est, fees, and asset sales. Ultimately, it Refugee Resettlement has custody of leadership told us last May was not earned taxpayers more than $75 billion and must provide care for each unac- necessary because this was a manufac- in profit. companied alien child, defined as a tured crisis. Then suddenly, right be- To the 898 retirees of Texas’ 26th child without lawful immigration sta- fore the Fourth of July recess, it be- Congressional District, I say to you: tus under the age of 18 without a par- came a very real crisis, and the Con- Democrats have your back, and Demo- ent or legal guardian to provide care. gress did step up to provide the addi- crats are fighting for you. If children who arrive with an adult tional funding that was required. But The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- relative are not allowed to be trans- this funding was provided for specific bers are reminded to address their re- ferred to the Office of Refugee Reset- purposes, not for new requirements marks to the Chair. tlement, this bill is simultaneously upon Customs and Border Protection. Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. mandating that ORR violate current The answer is that there is no fund- Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gen- law. ing provided to implement this bill, tlewoman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR). Customs and Border Protection’s which amounts to an unfunded man- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, it is with mission is to safeguard America’s bor- date. That diminishes the likelihood great pleasure today that I rise in sup- ders to protect the public from dan- that any of it would actually happen, port of strong bipartisan passage of the gerous people and materials while fa- should it become law. Butch Lewis Act and this rule. I thank cilitating legal trade and travel. Due to Most importantly, this bill does Congresswoman TORRES for yielding the migrant crisis, more CBP agents nothing to stop the flow of irregular me this time and Chairman RICHARD and officers are concentrated on the migrants, including vulnerable chil- NEAL of the Ways and Means Com- southern border, taking them away dren, to our southern border. mittee for moving this legislation ex- from their other lawful responsibil- Placing overly burdensome and un- peditiously. ities. reasonable standards of care on Cus- The Butch Lewis Act will provide the If Customs and Border Protection is toms and Border Protection will only economic security this body ripped out required to implement the mandates exacerbate the security and humani- from under millions of hardworking that are in this bill, customs inspec- tarian crisis on our southern border. Americans in past Congresses. tions will be limited, and lines at ports Let me just say this: Having been at Across our country, 1.3 million work- of entry will become much longer. the Clint facility last Friday, the men ers—truck drivers, candymakers, coal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.024 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7261 miners—and retirees face serious and Yes, we need to help those workers. a professional, humane response to the significant threats of cuts to their They were the real victims. The cul- humanitarian challenges at our border. hard-earned multiemployer pension prits? The unions and the employers Why are these humanitarian stand- plans through no fault of their own. making benefit promises that they ards needed, you might ask? Several of these plans are large knew good and well they couldn’t de- Because when I visited the border, I enough to take down the entire Pen- liver on. saw open toilets in crowded cells with- sion Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Who is now going to hold the bag? out privacy, and babies who were dirty threatening the security of another 10 Our children and grandchildren. and didn’t have diapers sleeping on million hardworking Americans. Today, we are bailing out $100 billion cold cement floors; because these inhu- I have heard the message time and worth, about 130 plans irresponsibly mane and unsanitary conditions again from retirees in our district and managed—grossly, irresponsibly man- threaten the mental and physical across this Nation: They worked for aged. It is our children who will pay for health of CBP agents; and because six decades to earn these pensions, and this. children have now died in the custody they cannot sustain massive cuts. Now, This is the first $100 billion. There is and responsibility of CBP. they are too old or their health too un- $650 billion, roughly, underfunded li- To address this crisis, we need to do stable to return to the workforce. The abilities in multiemployer pensions. Of more than send money to an adminis- stress and anxiety are sapping their the 1,300 pension plans, whereby 10 mil- tration that has urged, in court, that will, and some have even taken their lion workers are covered, 75 percent of children in CBP custody do not need own lives. the workers are in plans that are less soap and toothbrushes for basic hy- The Butch Lewis Act will ensure than 50 percent funded. giene needs. they receive their much-needed and This is a disaster. This is a terrible The SPEAKER pro tempore. The long-overdue pensions, again, which precedent. This is a moral hazard if I time of the gentleman has expired. they earned. have ever seen it because we will do Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. The Butch Lewis Act keeps the prom- this for $100 billion, but we won’t fix Speaker, I yield an additional 30 sec- ises made to retirees, guaranteeing the problem. We don’t do anything to onds to the gentleman from California. their pensions into the future, and does get at the root cause that brought us Mr. RUIZ. Passing this rule is the so by allowing impacted pension plans here, and there will be a line as long as first step to ensure CBP facilities have to borrow the money needed to remain the eye can see to bail out the next $100 basic necessities like humane sleeping solvent over a 30-year period of time, billion and the next $100 billion. It conditions, private and clean bath- with low-interest loans that they must won’t be the multiemployer pension. It rooms, sufficient water and nutrition, pay back. will be State pensions and local pen- and showers. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sions. Mr. Speaker, I urge my fellow rep- time of the gentlewoman has expired. We are bankrupt, Mr. Speaker. We resentatives to support my bill, the Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. are bankrupt in this country, and this Humanitarian Standards for Individ- Speaker, I yield an additional 30 sec- is the most irresponsible way to try to uals in CBP Custody Act, to protect onds to the gentlewoman. solve this problem of underfunded and the health of our agents, prevent the Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I thank unfunded liabilities for these workers. deaths of children, and restore human- the gentlewoman for yielding. Hold the people who are responsible ity to our treatment of children and Pensions have afforded millions of accountable. Don’t just give a blank families seeking asylum. middle-class Americans the oppor- check from the taxpayers to bail out Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield tunity to enjoy their golden years with this program and be right back here myself such time as I may consume. economic peace of mind. Let us restore doing the same thing. Mr. Speaker, if we defeat the pre- this peace to 1.3 million Americans and I was a regulator at the FDIC. We vious question, Republicans will amend retirees who earned these benefits with would close down a bank that gave the rule to add H. Con. Res. 54 that will the swift and, finally, just passage of these so-called loans so fast that your reconstitute the Joint Select Com- the Butch Lewis Act. heads would spin. mittee on Multiemployer Pensions Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 This is not a loan. This is a complete through February of 2020. The select minutes to the gentleman from Texas write-off of irresponsible behavior. We committee worked to find solutions to (Mr. ARRINGTON), a valuable member of shouldn’t have anything to do with reestablish the solvency of multiem- the Ways and Means Committee. this. ployer plans. While a draft proposal Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to was released, ultimately, no legislative thank the gentleman from Texas (Mr. reject this bill. I oppose it. I hope they solution was achieved. BURGESS) for yielding. will, too. By reconstituting the select com- I am on the Ways and Means Com- Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. mittee through February of 2020, we mittee. I was at the markup for this Speaker, painting this greedy picture will build upon the work of a previous legislation, Mr. Speaker, and I do want of union bosses who mismanage funds committee to finally ensure the sol- to correct the RECORD from the pre- and overpromise benefits doesn’t get us vency of the multiemployer pension vious statement that my colleague on anywhere, and it is simply not true. plans. This is an opportunity to work the other side of the aisle made that I will tell you what is true. What is across the dais on an issue that affects this was a bipartisan legislative initia- true is that 399 retirees in Texas’ Con- millions of Americans. tive. Not one Republican voted for this gressional District 19 will lose. But Mr. Speaker, I urge a no vote on the bill. guess what? Democrats got your back previous question so that we can come We offered up several amendments. in Texas 19. Know that. together to protect Americans in re- None of them were taken. One of them, Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the tirement. for example, was one that I proposed gentleman from California (Mr. RUIZ). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- whereby these employees would take sent to insert the text of my amend- b 1300 out a guaranty policy that would en- ment in the RECORD, along with extra- sure that taxpayers get paid back for Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- neous material, immediately prior to these ‘‘loans.’’ port of the rule for H.R. 3239, the Hu- the vote on the previous question. They call them loans, and the gentle- manitarian Standards for Individuals The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there woman says that they must be paid in CBP Custody Act, my legislation to objection to the request of the gen- back. That is not true. Read the fine ensure CBP upholds basic standards to tleman from Texas? print, my fellow Americans. It says meet the humanitarian needs of chil- There was no objection. that they can be forgiven, that they dren, women, and families. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 can be converted into grants. My bill is an American-values-based, minutes the gentleman from Wisconsin This is a bailout. This is one of the basic public health approach to prevent (Mr. STEIL). most reckless, fiscally irresponsible the deaths of children under CBP’s cus- Mr. STEIL. Mr. Speaker, I thank my pieces of legislation I have ever seen. tody and responsibility, and to develop colleague for yielding.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.026 H24JYPT1 H7262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Mr. Speaker, I came to Washington However, throughout this process, poles lie inevitable shared sacrifices: a to fight for workers. I also came to the majority did not allow other voices significant but finite injection of pub- Congress to make tough choices, not to be heard. H.R. 397 did not even re- lic funds, offset by limited benefit re- easy ones. That is why we are here ceive a public hearing. We can do bet- ductions, conditioned on long-term re- today: to stand up for workers through- ter. We must do better. forms to stabilize the system.’’ out Wisconsin and across the country. My resolution would require us to And they go on to say: Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose the pre- work together. As my resolution says, ‘‘Congress actually adopted such a vious question so that my resolution, we should establish the select com- proposal on a bipartisan basis in 2014, H. Con. Res. 54, can be voted on. My mittee focused solely on this issue. We but the Obama administration balked resolution, H. Con. Res. 54, will rees- should support hardworking Americans at implementing the required benefit tablish the congressional joint select who are vested in the system. Demo- haircut for Central States’ retirees on committee to address the multiem- crats and Republicans should protect the eve of the 2016 election, which sent ployer pension crisis, bringing together workers and retirees and ensure new Congress back to the drawing board. a nonpartisan group to take this prob- benefits are adequately funded. Reform Lawmakers from both parties and both lem head on. the broken system to prevent this from Chambers formed a committee to write Pension plans for nearly half a mil- occurring again. And use this as an op- a new bill, which would have gotten ex- lion Americans are in jeopardy. Rough- portunity to work together. pedited consideration on the floors of ly, 130 union-managed pension funds, Just like the pension system is bro- both Chambers. Unfortunately, the covering over 1.3 million workers, are ken, so is our political system. We can committee missed a self-imposed No- severely underfunded. This accounts do better. We must do better. The vember 30, 2018 deadline.’’ for more than 23,000 workers from the clock is ticking. This is an opportunity Leaving The Washington Post for a Central States’ plan in Wisconsin to protect retirees and workers. They moment, now we are talking about re- 1 alone. In just 5 ⁄2 years, their pension deserve it. constituting that select committee. fund may become insolvent. Unfortu- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to And, in fact, that is what the editorial nately, the actions of a few have re- vote against the previous question so board of The Washington Post was sug- sulted in uncertainty for many. that we can immediately consider my gesting last April. We find ourselves at We all know that Central States and resolution and reconstitute the joint that juncture now. other pension plans are in crisis. These committee and fix this problem for the Mr. Speaker, again, I urge my col- underfunded plans pose a threat to long term. leagues to vote against the previous workers, to retirees, and to our econ- Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. question and defeat the previous ques- omy. We need to address this now. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I tion so we can consider the amendment I have offered H. Con. Res. 54 as a may consume. brought by Mr. STEIL. real solution to this problem. This is a Mr. Speaker, the joint select com- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of good-faith effort to protect pensions. mittee held five hearings. Enough with my time. This is an opportunity to make real the talk. These hardworking American Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. change in Americans’ lives. This is a retirees are demanding action. They Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- path for Democrats and Republicans to tleman from Illinois (Mr. LIPINSKI). protect pension benefits for thousands want Congress to act. We are here because of failed IRS Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in of Americans. The joint select committee will be regulations in the eighties and nineties strong support of the Rehabilitation required to come to a legislative solu- that deterred employers from increas- for Multiemployer Pensions Act, also tion no later than April 30, 2020. This ing contributions in times of surplus. known as the Butch Lewis Act. holds Members accountable and gives We are here because when a contrib- Without this bill, millions of retired the issue the urgency it requires. uting employer went bankrupt, the re- workers, including truck drivers, elec- Like many Federal programs, we maining employers got saddled with tricians, steelworkers, locomotive en- should look at the States. For example, the unfunded liabilities. gineers, boilermakers, machinists, and in Wisconsin, the State’s public em- Most importantly, we are not here others will lose their earned pension ployee pension system is designed to because of the millions of Americans benefits. We should all agree that these avoid the challenges that we see in to- participating in these plans. They did pensions should not be cut. day’s multiemployer pensions. Con- nothing wrong. This is about basic fairness. These tributions to the State’s pension fund I want to point to one plan in Wis- are hardworking people who agreed to are recalculated yearly to ensure the consin’s First District. There are 3,285 exchange some of their pay during pension fund continues to be funded. retirees. And, to them, I want to repeat their working years for the promise of Wisconsin’s retirement system is and say: Democrats in Congress have a secure retirement. This bill will pro- fully funded. It isn’t reliant on polit- your back. vide loans to pension plans in need of ical wins, and it has a formula that Mr. Speaker, I am prepared to close, help to pay these benefits. These are protects retirees by making proactive, and I reserve the balance of my time. loans. not reactive changes. This is one of Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Many of us remember the dark days many possible solutions that should be myself 3 minutes. of the financial crisis. During this cri- on the table. Mr. Speaker, I want to talk on recon- sis, pension plans took a big hit. Back H.R. 397 does not solve the actual stituting the select committee that then, Congress bailed out Wall Street. problem. Why? Because it does not pre- Mr. STEIL just spoke of on the issue on Although I did not support that bill, I vent this crisis from happening again the previous question. think we should all agree now that we in 5 years, in 10 years, or in 20 years. Mr. Speaker, I want to bring the should help support pensions for retir- We owe it to workers to provide them House’s attention to an editorial in ees. Let’s do right by the everyday with the certainty that they will have The Washington Post from April 25. Be- families who count on these plans. a retirement living in dignity. H.R. 397 fore we initiated this discussion today, Let’s pass this rule and pass the Reha- does not do that. they wrote that the retirement liveli- bilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Democrats and Republicans agree: hoods of hundreds of thousands of Act. It is the right thing to do. the retirees and future retirees are the working class Americans are in jeop- victims here. We need to protect them. ardy. So, too, are many businesses for b 1315 These are men and women who have or which pension obligations have become Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield are currently working and supporting a growth-stifling burden. myself such time as I may consume. their families. They have planned for Quoting The Washington Post: In closing, Mr. Speaker, both bills retirement and, through no fault of ‘‘A meltdown must be avoided, but under consideration as part of this rule their own, their financial future is at so, too, must a massive Federal bailout provide Band-Aids to what are much risk. that would soak the rest of society, in- more systemic problems. We simply Are we capable of working together cluding many taxpayers who do not cannot keep placing Band-Aids on open in the House? We must. even have pensions. Between those wounds.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.028 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7263 Republicans agree that there is a SEC. 10. Immediately upon adoption of this Sec. 204. Authority for officers to opt out of multiemployer pension crisis, but as resolution, the House shall proceed to the promotion board consideration. my Republican colleagues on the com- consideration in the House of the concurrent Sec. 205. Temporary promotion authority mittees of jurisdiction have stated resolution (H. Con. Res. 54) establishing the for officers in certain grades with critical skills. many times before, it has to be ad- Joint Select Committee on Solvency of Mul- tiemployer Pension Plans. The concurrent Sec. 206. Career intermission program. dressed through reforms to the finan- resolution shall be considered as read. The Sec. 207. Major acquisitions; operation and cial structure of these plans to ensure previous question shall be considered as or- sustainment costs. that the plans will not be underfunded dered on the concurrent resolution to adop- Sec. 208. Employment assistance. in the future. tion without intervening motion or demand Sec. 209. Reports on gender diversity in the The security humanitarian crisis on for division of the question except one hour Coast Guard. the southern border continues. At least of debate equally divided and controlled by Sec. 210. Disposition of infrastructure re- we are to a point right now that we the Majority Leader and the Minority Lead- lated to E–LORAN. admit that it is a crisis. Republicans er or their respective designees. Sec. 211. Positions of importance and re- SEC. 11. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not sponsibility. will keep working on solutions to se- Sec. 212. Research projects; transactions cure the border and help stabilize Cen- apply to the consideration of House Concur- rent Resolution 54. other than contracts and tral American countries in order to grants. eliminate the surge in irregular migra- Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. Sec. 213. Acquisition workforce authorities. tion. Speaker, I yield back the balance of Sec. 214. Report on Coast Guard defense These are not problems that can be my time, and I move the previous ques- readiness resources allocation. solved on a partisan basis alone. I hope tion on the resolution. Sec. 215. Report on the feasibility of lique- our Democratic colleagues will join us The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fied natural gas fueled vessels. in finding a long-lasting solution. question is on ordering the previous TITLE III—SHIPPING Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on question. Sec. 301. Electronic charts; equivalency. the previous question, a ‘‘no’’ vote on The question was taken; and the Sec. 302. Passenger vessel security and safe- the underlying measure, and I yield Speaker pro tempore announced that ty requirements; application. back the balance of my time. the ayes appeared to have it. Sec. 303. Non-operating individual. Mrs. TORRES of California. Mr. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, on that Sec. 304. Small passenger vessels and Speaker, I yield myself such time as I I demand the yeas and nays. uninspected passenger vessels. Sec. 305. Installation vessels. may consume. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. Speaker, at the core, how we Sec. 306. Advisory committees. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Sec. 307. Expired maritime liens. choose to vote on these bills reflects ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Sec. 308. Training; emergency response pro- our values. ceedings on this question will be post- viders. This morning, I read a report that a poned. Sec. 309. Aiming a laser pointer at a vessel. school district in Pennsylvania tried to Sec. 310. Maritime transportation assess- f create a family separation program in ment. order to collect school lunch debts. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Sec. 311. Safety of special activities. Imagine that. Family separation be- PRO TEMPORE Sec. 312. Engine cut-off switches; use re- cause children are too poor to pay for quirement. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Sec. 313. Exemptions and equivalents. their lunch. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair This maltreatment at our southern Sec. 314. Security plans; reviews. will postpone further proceedings Sec. 315. Waiver of navigation and vessel in- border is spreading across our Nation, today on motions to suspend the rules spection laws. dehumanizing people because they are on which a recorded vote or the yeas Sec. 316. Requirement for small shipyard poor. This is how we want to treat the and nays are ordered, or votes objected grantees. weakest among us? to under clause 6 of rule XX. Sec. 317. Independent study on the United Will we lock children in cages and States Merchant Marine Acad- allow babies to sit in dirty diapers for The House will resume proceedings emy. days, give asylees toothbrushes but no on postponed questions at a later time. Sec. 318. Centers of excellence for domestic toothpaste, and deny children regular f maritime workforce training and education. showers and proper medical care? COAST GUARD AUTHORIZATION Will we turn a blind eye when chil- Sec. 319. Renewal of merchant mariner li- ACT OF 2019 censes and documents. dren are dying at the hands of the CBP officers? Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I move TITLE IV—MISCELLANEOUS Will we watch as retirees are forced to suspend the rules and pass the bill Sec. 401. Coastwise trade. to choose between paying for rent, pay- (H.R. 3409) to authorize appropriations Sec. 402. Unmanned maritime systems and ing for groceries, or paying for their for the Coast Guard, and for other pur- satellite vessel tracking tech- nologies. medication? poses, as amended. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Sec. 403. Expedited transfer in cases of sex- Will we stand by and watch as our ual assault; dependents of mem- neighbors, our parents are forced to The text of the bill is as follows: bers of the Coast Guard. stretch their medication because they H.R. 3409 Sec. 404. Towing vessels; operation outside are being denied the pension that they Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the boundary line. were promised, that they worked for? resentatives of the United States of America in Sec. 405. Coast Guard authorities study. We are a country where migrants and Congress assembled, Sec. 406. Cloud computing strategy. asylees can come for a better life. We SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Sec. 407. Report on effects of climate change are a nation where you can work hard This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Coast Guard on Coast Guard. and retire with the peace of mind that Authorization Act of 2019’’. Sec. 408. Shore infrastructure. Sec. 409. Physical access control system re- you have earned your keep. SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. port. Democrats are fighting to protect the The table of contents for this Act is as fol- Sec. 410. Coastwise endorsements. promise of the American Dream for ev- lows: Sec. 411. Polar security cutter acquisition eryone. Mr. Speaker, I can only speak Sec. 1. Short title. report. for myself when I say this, but I refuse Sec. 2. Table of contents. Sec. 412. Sense of the Congress on the need to be a party to breaking that promise, TITLE I—AUTHORIZATIONS for a new Great Lakes ice- because it means that much to me. Sec. 101. Authorizations of appropriations. breaker. I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ Sec. 102. Authorized levels of military Sec. 413. Cargo preference study. Sec. 414. Insider Threat program. on the rule and to pass these critical strength and training. Sec. 415. Fishing safety grants. Sec. 103. Determination of budgetary ef- pieces of legislation. Sec. 416. Plans for demonstration programs. fects. The material previously referred to Sec. 417. Waters deemed not navigable by Mr. BURGESS is as follows: TITLE II—COAST GUARD waters of the United States for AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 509 Sec. 201. Grade on retirement. certain purposes. At the end of the resolution, add the fol- Sec. 202. Congressional affairs; Director. Sec. 418. Coast Guard housing; status and lowing: Sec. 203. Limitations on claims. authorities briefing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.030 H24JYPT1 H7264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019

Sec. 419. Conveyance of Coast Guard prop- ‘‘(ii) $2,803,613,000 for fiscal year 2021.’’; and ‘‘(1) MISCONDUCT IN LOWER GRADE.—In the erty at Point Spencer, Alaska. (C) by adding at the end the following: case of an officer whom the Secretary deter- Sec. 420. Prohibition. ‘‘(B) Of the amounts authorized under sub- mines committed misconduct in a lower Sec. 421. Certificate extensions. paragraph (A), the following amounts shall grade, the Secretary may determine the offi- Sec. 422. Homeland security rotational cy- be for the alteration of bridges: cer has not served satisfactorily in any grade bersecurity research program ‘‘(i) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2020; and equal to or higher than that lower grade. at the Coast Guard Academy. ‘‘(ii) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2021.’’; ‘‘(2) CONDITIONAL DETERMINATION.—A deter- Sec. 423. Towing vessel inspection fees. (7) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘and mination of the retired grade of an officer Sec. 424. Subrogated claims. equipment, $29,141,000 for fiscal year 2019.’’ shall be resolved following a conditional de- Sec. 425. Loan provisions under Oil Pollu- and inserting ‘‘and equipment— termination under subsection (a)(2) or (b)(2) tion Act of 1990. ‘‘(A) $13,834,000 for fiscal year 2020; and if the investigation of or personnel action Sec. 426. Liability limits. ‘‘(B) $14,111,000 for fiscal year 2021.’’; and against the officer or warrant officer, as ap- Sec. 427. Report on drug interdiction in the (8) by adding at the end the following: plicable, results in adverse findings. Caribbean basin. ‘‘(4) For the Coast Guard’s Medicare-eligi- ‘‘(3) RETIRED PAY; RECALCULATION.—If the Sec. 428. Voting Requirement. ble retiree health care fund contribution to retired grade of an officer is reduced, the re- Sec. 429. Transportation work identification the Department of Defense— tired pay of the officer under chapter 71 of card pilot program. ‘‘(A) $205,107,000 for fiscal year 2020; and title 10 shall be recalculated, and any modi- Sec. 430. Plan for wing-in-ground demonstra- ‘‘(B) $209,209,000 for fiscal year 2021.’’. fication of the retired pay of the officer shall tion plan. SEC. 102. AUTHORIZED LEVELS OF MILITARY go into effect on the effective date of the re- TITLE V—REORGANIZATION STRENGTH AND TRAINING. duction in retired grade. Sec. 501. Uninspected commercial fishing in- Section 4904 of title 14, United States Code, ‘‘(d) FINALITY OF RETIRED GRADE DETER- dustry vessels. is amended— MINATIONS.— Sec. 502. Transfers. (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘43,000 for ‘‘(1) ADMINISTRATIVE FINALITY.—Except as Sec. 503. Repeals. fiscal year 2018 and 44,500 for fiscal year 2019’’ otherwise provided by law, a determination and inserting ‘‘44,500 for each of fiscal years TITLE VI—TECHNICAL, CONFORMING, of the retired grade of an officer pursuant to 2020 and 2021’’; and AND CLARIFYING AMENDMENTS this section is administratively final on the (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘fiscal day the officer is retired, and may not be re- Sec. 601. Maritime transportation system. years 2018 and 2019’’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal opened. Sec. 602. References to ‘‘persons’’ and ‘‘sea- years 2020 and 2021’’. ‘‘(2) REOPENING DETERMINATION.—A deter- men’’. SEC. 103. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- mination of the retired grade of an officer Sec. 603. Common appropriation structure. FECTS. may be reopened as follows: Sec. 604. References to ‘‘himself’’ and ‘‘his’’. The budgetary effects of this Act, for the ‘‘(A) If the retirement or retired grade of Sec. 605. References to ‘‘motorboats’’ and purpose of complying with the Statutory the officer was procured by fraud. ‘‘yachts’’. Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be deter- ‘‘(B) If substantial evidence comes to light Sec. 606. Miscellaneous technical correc- mined by reference to the latest statement after the retirement that could have led to a tions. titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legisla- lower retired grade under this section if Sec. 607. Technical corrections relating to tion’’ for this Act, submitted for printing in known by competent authority at the time codification of Ports and Wa- the Congressional Record by the Chairman of of retirement. terways Safety Act. the House Budget Committee, provided that ‘‘(C) If a mistake of law or calculation was TITLE VII—FEDERAL MARITIME such statement has been submitted prior to made in the determination of the retired COMMISSION the vote on passage. grade. Sec. 701. Short title. TITLE II—COAST GUARD ‘‘(D) In the case of a retired grade fol- Sec. 702. Authorization of appropriations. SEC. 201. GRADE ON RETIREMENT. lowing a conditional determination under TITLE VIII—COAST GUARD ACADEMY (a) COMMANDANT OR VICE COMMANDANT.— subsection (a)(2) or (b)(2), if the investigation IMPROVEMENT ACT Section 303 of title 14, United States Code, is of or personnel action against the officer, as applicable, results in an adverse finding. Sec. 801. Short title. amended— (1) in subsections (a) and (b), by striking ‘‘(E) If the Secretary determines, pursuant Sec. 802. Coast Guard Academy study. to regulations prescribed by the Secretary, Sec. 803. Annual report. ‘‘A’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘Subject to section 2501, a’’; and that good cause exists to reopen the deter- Sec. 804. Assessment of Coast Guard Acad- mination or certification. emy admission processes. (2) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘An’’ and ‘‘(3) NOTIFICATION OF REOPENING.—If a de- Sec. 805. Coast Guard Academy minority inserting ‘‘Subject to section 2501, an’’. (b) OTHER OFFICERS.—Section 306 of title termination or certification of the retired outreach team program. grade of an officer is reopened, the Sec- Sec. 806. Coast Guard college student pre- 14, United States Code, is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘An officer’’ each place it retary— commissioning initiative. ‘‘(A) shall notify the officer of the reopen- Sec. 807. Annual board of visitors. appears and inserting ‘‘Subject to section 2501, an officer’’; and ing; and TITLE I—AUTHORIZATIONS (2) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘his’’ and ‘‘(B) may not make an adverse determina- SEC. 101. AUTHORIZATIONS OF APPROPRIA- inserting ‘‘the officer’s’’. tion on the retired grade of the officer until TIONS. (c) COMMISSIONED OR WARRANT OFFICER.— the officer has had a reasonable opportunity Section 4902 of title 14, United States Code, Section 2501 of title 14, United States Code, to respond regarding the basis of the reopen- is amended— is amended— ing. (1) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), (1) in subsection (a)— ‘‘(4) RETIRED PAY; RECALCULATION.—If the by striking ‘‘year 2019’’ and inserting ‘‘years (A) by striking ‘‘Any’’ and inserting ‘‘COM- retired grade of an officer is reduced through 2020 and 2021’’; MISSIONED OFFICER.— the reopening of the officer’s or warrant offi- (2) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ‘‘pro- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Any’’; cer’s retired grade, the retired pay of the of- vided for, $7,914,195,000 for fiscal year 2019.’’ (B) by striking ‘‘him’’ and inserting ‘‘such ficer under chapter 71 of title 10 shall be re- and inserting ‘‘provided for— officer’’; calculated, and any modification of the re- ‘‘(i) $8,122,912,000 for fiscal year 2020; and (C) by striking ‘‘his’’ and inserting ‘‘the of- tired pay of the officer shall go into effect on ‘‘(ii) $8,538,324,000 for fiscal year 2021.’’; ficer’s’’; and the effective date of the reduction of the offi- (3) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ‘‘sub- (D) by adding at the end the following: cer’s retired grade.’’. paragraph (A)—’’ and inserting ‘‘subpara- ‘‘(2) CONDITIONAL DETERMINATION.—When SEC. 202. CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS; DIRECTOR. graph (A)(i), $17,035,000 shall be for environ- an officer is under investigation for alleged (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 3 of title 14, mental compliance and restoration.’’; misconduct at the time of retirement, the United States Code, as amended by this Act, (4) by striking paragraphs (1)(B)(i) and Secretary may conditionally determine the is further amended by adding at the end the (1)(B)(ii); highest grade of satisfactory service of the following: (5) in paragraph (1), by adding at the end officer pending completion of the investiga- the following: tion. Such grade is subject to resolution ‘‘§ 320. Congressional affairs; Director ‘‘(C) Of the amount authorized under sub- under subsection (c)(2).’’; ‘‘The Commandant of the Coast Guard paragraph (A)(ii) $17,376,000 shall be for envi- (2) in subsection (b)— shall appoint a Director of Congressional Af- ronmental compliance and restoration.’’; (A) by striking ‘‘Any’’ and inserting ‘‘WAR- fairs from among officers of the Coast Guard (6) in paragraph (2)— RANT OFFICER.—Any’’; who are in a grade above captain.’’. (A) by striking ‘‘For the procurement’’ and (B) by striking ‘‘him’’ and inserting ‘‘such (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis inserting ‘‘(A) For the procurement’’; warrant officer’’; and for chapter 3 of title 14, United States Code, (B) by striking ‘‘and equipment, (C) by striking ‘‘his’’ and inserting ‘‘the as amended by this Act, is further amended $2,694,745,000 for fiscal year 2019.’’ and insert- warrant officer’s’’; and by adding at the end the following: ing ‘‘and equipment— (3) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(i) $2,748,640,000 for fiscal year 2020; and ‘‘(c) RETIREMENT IN LOWER GRADE.— ‘‘320. Congressional affairs; Director.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7265 SEC. 203. LIMITATIONS ON CLAIMS. ‘‘§ 2130. Promotion to certain grades for offi- ‘‘2130. Promotion to certain grades for offi- (a) ADMIRALTY CLAIMS.—Section 937 of title cers with critical skills: captain, com- cers with critical skills: cap- 14, United States Code, is amended in sub- mander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant tain, commander, lieutenant section (a) by striking ‘‘$100,000’’ and insert- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—An officer in the grade commander, lieutenant.’’. ing ‘‘$425,000’’. of lieutenant (junior grade), lieutenant, lieu- SEC. 206. CAREER INTERMISSION PROGRAM. (b) CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF tenant commander, or commander, who is (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter I of chapter THE UNITED STATES.—Section 938 of title 14, described in subsection (b) may be tempo- 25 of title 14, United States Code, is amended United States Code, is amended by striking rarily promoted to the grade of lieutenant, by adding at the end the following: ‘‘$100,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$425,000’’. lieutenant commander, commander, or cap- ‘‘§ 2514. Career flexibility to enhance reten- tain under regulations prescribed by the Sec- SEC. 204. AUTHORITY FOR OFFICERS TO OPT OUT tion of members retary. Appointments under this section OF PROMOTION BOARD CONSIDER- ‘‘(a) PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED.—The Com- shall be made by the President, by and with ATION. mandant may carry out a program under the advice and consent of the Senate. (a) ELIGIBILITY OF OFFICERS FOR CONSIDER- which members of the Coast Guard may be ‘‘(b) COVERED OFFICERS.—An officer de- ATION FOR PROMOTION.—Section 2113 of title scribed in this subsection is any officer in a inactivated from active service in order to 14, United States Code, is amended by adding grade specified in subsection (a) who— meet personal or professional needs and re- at the end the following: ‘‘(1) has a skill in which the Coast Guard turned to active service at the end of such ‘‘(g)(1) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the has a critical shortage of personnel (as deter- period of inactivation from active service. ‘‘(b) PERIOD OF INACTIVATION FROM ACTIVE Commandant may provide that an officer mined by the Secretary); and SERVICE; EFFECT OF INACTIVATION.— may, upon the officer’s request and with the ‘‘(2) is serving in a position (as determined ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The period of inactiva- approval of the Commandant, be excluded by the Secretary) that— tion from active service under a program from consideration by a selection board con- ‘‘(A) is designated to be held by a lieuten- under this section of a member participating vened under section 2106(a). ant, lieutenant commander, commander, or in the program shall be such period as the ‘‘(2) The Commandant shall approve a re- captain; and Commandant shall specify in the agreement quest under paragraph (1) only if— ‘‘(B) requires that an officer serving in of the member under subsection (c), except ‘‘(A) the basis for the request is to allow such position have the skill possessed by that such period may not exceed three years. the officer to complete a broadening assign- such officer. ‘‘(2) EXCLUSION FROM YEARS OF SERVICE.— ment, advanced education, another assign- ‘‘(c) PRESERVATION OF POSITION AND STATUS Any service by a Reserve officer while par- ment of significant value to the Coast Guard, OF OFFICERS APPOINTED.— a career progression requirement delayed by ‘‘(1) The temporary positions authorized ticipating in a program under this section the assignment or education, or a qualifying under this section shall not be counted shall be excluded from computation of the personal or professional circumstance, as de- among or included in the list of positions on total years of service of that officer pursuant termined by the Commandant; the active duty promotion list. to section 14706(a) of title 10. ‘‘(B) the Commandant determines the ex- ‘‘(2) An appointment under this section ‘‘(3) EXCLUSION FROM RETIREMENT.—Any pe- clusion from consideration is in the best in- does not change the position on the active- riod of participation of a member in a pro- terest of the Coast Guard; and duty list or the permanent, probationary, or gram under this section shall not count to- ‘‘(C) the officer has not previously failed of acting status of the officer so appointed, ward— selection for promotion to the grade for prejudice the officer in regard to other pro- ‘‘(A) eligibility for retirement or transfer which the officer requests the exclusion from motions or appointments, or abridge the to the Ready Reserve under either chapter consideration.’’. rights or benefits of the officer. 571 or 1223 of title 10; or ‘‘(B) computation of retired or retainer pay (b) ELIGIBILITY OF RESERVE OFFICER FOR ‘‘(d) BOARD RECOMMENDATION REQUIRED.—A under chapter 71 or 1223 of title 10. PROMOTION.—Section 3743 of title 14, United temporary promotion under this section may ‘‘(c) AGREEMENT.—Each member of the States Code, is amended to read as follows: be made only upon the recommendation of a board of officers convened by the Secretary Coast Guard who participates in a program ‘‘§ 3743. Eligibility for promotion for the purpose of recommending officers for under this section shall enter into a written ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in such promotions. agreement with the Commandant under subsection (b), a Reserve officer is eligible ‘‘(e) ACCEPTANCE AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF which that member shall agree as follows: for consideration for promotion and for pro- APPOINTMENT.—Each appointment under this ‘‘(1) To accept an appointment or enlist, as motion under this subchapter, if that officer section, unless expressly declined, is, with- applicable, and serve in the Coast Guard is in an active status. out formal acceptance, regarded as accepted Ready Reserve during the period of the inac- tivation of the member from active service ‘‘(b) EXCEPTION.—A Reserve officer who has on the date such appointment is made, and a under the program. been considered but not recommended for re- member so appointed is entitled to the pay ‘‘(2) To undergo during the period of the in- tention in an active status by a board con- and allowances of the grade of the temporary activation of the member from active service vened under subsection 3752(a) of this title, is promotion under this section beginning on under the program such inactive service not eligible for consideration for promotion. the date the appointment is made. ‘‘(f) TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT.—Unless training as the Commandant shall require in ‘‘(c) REQUEST FOR EXCLUSION.— sooner terminated, an appointment under order to ensure that the member retains pro- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Commandant may this section terminates— ficiency, at a level determined by the Com- provide that an officer may, upon the offi- ‘‘(1) on the date the officer who received mandant to be sufficient, in the military cer’s request and with the approval of the the appointment is promoted to the perma- skills, professional qualifications, and phys- Commandant, be excluded from consider- nent grade of lieutenant, lieutenant com- ical readiness of the member during the in- ation by a selection board convened under mander, commander, or captain; activation of the member from active serv- section 3740(b) of this title to consider offi- ‘‘(2) on the date the officer is detached ice. cers for promotion to the next higher grade. from a position described in subsection ‘‘(3) Following completion of the period of ‘‘(2) APPROVAL OF REQUEST.—The Com- (b)(2), unless the officer is on a promotion the inactivation of the member from active mandant shall approve a request under para- list to the permanent grade of lieutenant, service under the program, to serve two graph (1) only if— lieutenant commander, commander, or cap- months as a member of the Coast Guard on ‘‘(A) the basis for the request is to allow an tain, in which case the appointment termi- active service for each month of the period of officer to complete a broadening assignment, nates on the date the officer is promoted to the inactivation of the member from active advanced education, another assignment of that grade; or service under the program. significant value to the Coast Guard, a ca- ‘‘(3) when the appointment officer deter- ‘‘(d) CONDITIONS OF RELEASE.—The Com- reer progression requirement delayed by the mines that the officer who received the ap- mandant shall prescribe regulations speci- assignment or education, or a qualifying per- pointment has engaged in misconduct or has fying the guidelines regarding the conditions sonal or professional circumstance, as deter- displayed substandard performance. of release that must be considered and ad- mined by the Commandant; ‘‘(g) LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF ELIGIBLE dressed in the agreement required by sub- ‘‘(B) the Commandant determines the ex- POSITIONS.—An appointment under this sec- section (c). At a minimum, the Commandant clusion from consideration is in the best in- tion may only be made for service in a posi- shall prescribe the procedures and standards terest of the Coast Guard; and tion designated by the Secretary for the pur- to be used to instruct a member on the obli- ‘‘(C) the officer has not previously failed of poses of this section. The number of posi- gations to be assumed by the member under selection for promotion to the grade for tions so designated may not exceed the fol- paragraph (2) of such subsection while the which the officer requests the exclusion from lowing percentages of the respective grades: member is released from active service. consideration.’’. ‘‘(1) As lieutenant, 0.5 percent. ‘‘(e) ORDER TO ACTIVE SERVICE.—Under reg- SEC. 205. TEMPORARY PROMOTION AUTHORITY ‘‘(2) As lieutenant commander, 3.0 percent. ulations prescribed by the Commandant, a FOR OFFICERS IN CERTAIN GRADES ‘‘(3) As commander, 2.6 percent. member of the Coast Guard participating in WITH CRITICAL SKILLS. ‘‘(4) As captain, 2.6 percent.’’. a program under this section may, in the dis- (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter I of Chapter (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis cretion of the Commandant, be required to 21 of title 14, United States Code, is amended for such subchapter is amended by adding at terminate participation in the program and by adding at the end the following: the end the following: be ordered to active service.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019

‘‘(f) PAY AND ALLOWANCES.— ‘‘(4) TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION ALLOW- (1) by redesignating subparagraphs (B) and ‘‘(1) BASIC PAY.—During each month of par- ANCE.— (C) as subparagraphs (C) and (D) respec- ticipation in a program under this section, a ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph tively; and member who participates in the program (B), a member who participates in a program (2) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the shall be paid basic pay in an amount equal to is entitled, while participating in the pro- following: two-thirtieths of the amount of monthly gram, to the travel and transportation al- ‘‘(B) operate and sustain the cutters and basic pay to which the member would other- lowances authorized by section 474 of title 37 aircraft described under paragraph (2);’’. wise be entitled under section 204 of title 37 for— SEC. 208. EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE. as a member of the uniformed services on ac- ‘‘(i) travel performed from the residence of (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter I of chapter tive service in the grade and years of service the member, at the time of release from ac- 27 of title 14, United States Code, is amended of the member when the member commences tive service to participate in the program, to by adding at the end the following: participation in the program. the location in the United States designated ‘‘(2) SPECIAL OR INCENTIVE PAY OR BONUS.— by the member as the member’s residence ‘‘§ 2713. Employment assistance ‘‘(A) PROHIBITION.—A member who partici- during the period of participation in the pro- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—In order to improve the pates in such a program shall not, while par- gram; and accuracy and completeness of a certification ticipating in the program, be paid any spe- ‘‘(ii) travel performed to the residence of or verification of job skills and experience cial or incentive pay or bonus to which the the member upon return to active service at required by section 1143(a)(1) of title 10, the member is otherwise entitled under an agree- the end of the participation of the member in Secretary shall— ment under chapter 5 of title 37 or section the program. ‘‘(1) establish a database to record all 1925 of this title that is in force when the ‘‘(B) SINGLE RESIDENCE.—An allowance is training performed by members of the Coast member commences participation in the pro- payable under this paragraph only with re- Guard that may have application to employ- gram. spect to travel of a member to and from a ment in the civilian sector; and ‘‘(B) NOT TREATED AS FAILURE TO PERFORM single residence. ‘‘(2) make unclassified information regard- SERVICES.—The inactivation from active ‘‘(5) LEAVE BALANCE.—A member who par- ing such information available to States and service of a member participating in a pro- ticipates in a program is entitled to carry other potential employers referred to in sec- gram shall not be treated as a failure of the forward the leave balance existing as of the tion 1143(c) of title 10 so that State and other member to perform any period of service re- day on which the member begins participa- entities may allow military training to sat- quired of the member in connection with an tion and accumulated in accordance with isfy licensing or certification requirements agreement for a special or incentive pay or section 701 of title 10, but not to exceed 60 to engage in a civilian profession. bonus under chapter 5 of title 37 that is in days. ‘‘(b) FORM OF CERTIFICATION OR force when the member commences partici- ‘‘(g) PROMOTION.— VERIFICATION.—The Secretary shall ensure pation in the program. ‘‘(1) OFFICERS.— that a certification or verification of job ‘‘(3) RETURN TO ACTIVE SERVICE.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—An officer participating skills and experience required by section ‘‘(A) SPECIAL OR INCENTIVE PAY OR BONUS.— in a program under this section shall not, 1143(a)(1) of title 10 is rendered in such a way Subject to subparagraph (B), upon the return while participating in the program, be eligi- that States and other potential employers of a member to active service after comple- ble for consideration for promotion under can confirm the accuracy and authenticity tion by the member of participation in a pro- chapter 21 or 37 of this title. of the certification or verification. gram— ‘‘(B) RETURN TO SERVICE.—Upon the return ‘‘(c) REQUESTS BY STATES.—A State may ‘‘(i) any agreement entered into by the of an officer to active service after comple- request that the Secretary confirm the accu- member under chapter 5 of title 37 for the tion by the officer of participation in a pro- racy and authenticity of a certification or payment of a special or incentive pay or gram— verification of jobs skills and experience pro- bonus that was in force when the member ‘‘(i) the Commandant may adjust the date vided under section 1143(c) of title 10.’’. commenced participation in the program of rank of the officer in such manner as the (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis shall be revived, with the term of such agree- Commandant shall prescribe in regulations for such chapter is amended by inserting ment after revival being the period of the for purposes of this section; and after the item relating to section 2712 the agreement remaining to run when the mem- ‘‘(ii) the officer shall be eligible for consid- following: ber commenced participation in the pro- eration for promotion when officers of the gram; and same competitive category, grade, and se- ‘‘2713. Employment assistance.’’. ‘‘(ii) any special or incentive pay or bonus niority are eligible for consideration for pro- SEC. 209. REPORTS ON GENDER DIVERSITY IN shall be payable to the member in accord- motion. THE COAST GUARD. ance with the terms of the agreement con- ‘‘(2) ENLISTED MEMBERS.—An enlisted mem- (a) ACTION PLAN.— cerned for the term specified in clause (i). ber participating in a program shall not be (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days ‘‘(B) LIMITATION.— eligible for consideration for advancement after the date of the enactment of this Act, ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Subparagraph (A) shall during the period that— the Commandant of the Coast Guard shall— not apply to any special or incentive pay or ‘‘(A) begins on the date of the inactivation (A) determine which recommendations in bonus otherwise covered by that subpara- of the member from active service under the the RAND gender diversity report can prac- graph with respect to a member if, at the program; and ticably be implemented to promote gender time of the return of the member to active ‘‘(B) ends at such time after the return of diversity in the Coast Guard; and service as described in that subparagraph— the member to active service under the pro- (B) submit a report to the Committee on ‘‘(I) such pay or bonus is no longer author- gram that the member is treatable as eligi- Transportation and Infrastructure of the ized by law; or ble for promotion by reason of time in grade House of Representatives and the Committee ‘‘(II) the member does not satisfy eligi- and such other requirements as the Com- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation bility criteria for such pay or bonus as in ef- mandant shall prescribe in regulations for of the Senate on the actions the Coast Guard fect at the time of the return of the member purposes of the program. has taken or plans to take to implement to active service. ‘‘(h) CONTINUED ENTITLEMENTS.—A member such recommendations. ‘‘(ii) PAY OR BONUS CEASES BEING AUTHOR- participating in a program under this section (2) DEFINITION.—In this subsection, the IZED.—Subparagraph (A) shall cease to apply shall, while participating in the program, be term ‘‘RAND diversity report’’ means the to any special or incentive pay or bonus oth- treated as a member of the Armed Forces on RAND Corporation’s Homeland Security erwise covered by that subparagraph with re- active duty for a period of more than 30 days Operational Analysis Center 2019 report enti- spect to a member if, during the term of the for purposes of— tled ‘‘Improving Gender Diversity in the U.S. revived agreement of the member under sub- ‘‘(1) the entitlement of the member and of Coast Guard: Identifying Barriers to Female paragraph (A)(i), such pay or bonus ceases the dependents of the member to medical Retention’’. being authorized by law. and dental care under the provisions of chap- (b) RECURRING REPORT.—Chapter 51 of title ‘‘(C) REPAYMENT.—A member who is ineli- ter 55 of this title; and 14, United States Code, is amended by adding gible for payment of a special or incentive ‘‘(2) retirement or separation for physical at the end the following: pay or bonus otherwise covered by this para- disability under the provisions of chapter 61 graph by reason of subparagraph (B)(i)(II) of title 10 and chapters 21 and 23 of this ‘‘§ 5109. Report on gender diversity in the shall be subject to the requirements for re- title.’’. Coast Guard payment of such pay or bonus in accordance (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than January with the terms of the applicable agreement for such chapter is amended by inserting 15, 2022, and biennially thereafter, the Com- of the member under chapter 5 of title 37. after the item relating to section 2513 the mandant shall submit a report on gender di- ‘‘(D) REQUIRED SERVICE IS ADDITIONAL.— following: versity in the Coast Guard to the Committee Any service required of a member under an ‘‘2514. Career flexibility to enhance retention on Transportation and Infrastructure of the agreement covered by this paragraph after of members.’’. House of Representatives and the Committee the member returns to active service as de- SEC. 207. MAJOR ACQUISITIONS; OPERATION AND on Commerce, Science, and Transportation scribed in subparagraph (A) shall be in addi- SUSTAINMENT COSTS. of the Senate. tion to any service required of the member Section 5103(e)(3) of title 14, United States ‘‘(b) CONTENTS.—The report required under under an agreement under subsection (c). Code, is amended— subsection (a) shall contain the following:

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‘‘(1) GENDER DIVERSITY OVERVIEW.—An ‘‘(b) ADVANCE PAYMENTS.—The authority information, of a cooperative agreement for overview of Coast Guard active duty and Re- under subsection (a) may be exercised with- performance of basic, applied, or advanced serve members, including the number of offi- out regard to section 3324 of title 31. research authorized by section 717 or another cers and enlisted members and the percent- ‘‘(c) RECOVERY OF FUNDS.— transaction authorized by subsection (a). ages of men and women in each. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection ‘‘(B) INFORMATION DESCRIBED.—The infor- ‘‘(2) RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION.—(A) An (d), a cooperative agreement for performance mation referred to in subparagraph (A) is the analysis of the changes in the recruitment of basic, applied, or advanced research au- following: and retention of women over the previous thorized by section 717, and a transaction au- ‘‘(i) A proposal, proposal abstract, and sup- two years. thorized by subsection (a), may include a porting documents. ‘‘(B) A discussion of any changes to Coast clause that requires a person or other entity ‘‘(ii) A business plan submitted on a con- Guard recruitment and retention over the to make payments to the Coast Guard or any fidential basis. previous two years that were aimed at in- other department or agency of the Federal ‘‘(iii) Technical information submitted on creasing the recruitment and retention of fe- Government as a condition for receiving sup- a confidential basis. male members. port under the agreement or transaction, re- ‘‘(h) ANNUAL REPORT.—On the date on ‘‘(3) PARENTAL LEAVE.—(A) The number of spectively. which the President submits to Congress a men and women who took parental leave ‘‘(2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—The amount budget pursuant to section 1105 of title 31, during each year covered by the report, in- of any payment received by the Federal Gov- the Commandant shall submit to the Com- cluding the average length of such leave pe- ernment pursuant to a requirement imposed mittees on Appropriations and Transpor- riods. under paragraph (1) may be credited, to the tation and Infrastructure of the House of ‘‘(B) A discussion of the ways in which the extent authorized by the Commandant, to an Representatives and the Committees on Ap- Coast Guard worked to mitigate the impacts appropriate appropriations account. propriations and Commerce, Science, and of parental leave on Coast Guard operations Amounts so credited shall be merged with Transportation of the Senate a report de- and on the careers of the members taking other funds in the account and shall be avail- scribing each use of the authority provided such leave. able for the same purposes and the same pe- under this section during the most recently ‘‘(4) LIMITATIONS.—An analysis of current riod for which other funds in such account completed fiscal year, including details of gender-based limitations on Coast Guard ca- are available. each use consisting of— reer opportunities, including discussion of— ‘‘(d) CONDITIONS.— ‘‘(1) the amount of each transaction; ‘‘(A) shipboard opportunities; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Commandant shall ‘‘(2) the entities or organizations involved; ‘‘(B) opportunities to serve at remote ensure that— ‘‘(3) the product or service received; and units; and ‘‘(A) to the extent that the Commandant ‘‘(4) the research project for which the ‘‘(C) any other limitations on the opportu- determines practicable, no cooperative product or service was required.’’. nities of female members. agreement containing a clause described in (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis ‘‘(5) PROGRESS UPDATE.—An update on the subsection (c)(1), and no transaction entered for chapter 7 of title 14, United States Code, Coast Guard’s progress on the implementa- into under subsection (a), provides for re- is amended by adding at the end the fol- tion of the action plan required under sec- search that duplicates research being con- lowing: tion 209 of the Coast Guard Authorization ducted under existing programs carried out ‘‘720. Research projects; transactions other Act of 2019.’’. by the Coast Guard; and than contracts and grants.’’. ‘‘(B) to the extent that the Commandant (c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis SEC. 213. ACQUISITION WORKFORCE AUTHORI- for such chapter is amended by adding at the determines practicable, the funds provided TIES. end the following: by the Federal Government under a coopera- (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 11 of title 14, ‘‘5109. Report on gender diversity in the tive agreement containing a clause described United States Code, as amended by this Act, Coast Guard.’’. in subsection (c)(1), or under a transaction is further amended by inserting after section authorized by subsection (a), do not exceed SEC. 210. DISPOSITION OF INFRASTRUCTURE RE- 1110 the following: the total amount provided by other parties LATED TO E–LORAN. ‘‘§ 1111. Acquisition workforce authorities to the cooperative agreement or other trans- Section 914 of title 14, United States Code, ‘‘(a) EXPEDITED HIRING AUTHORITY.— is amended— action, respectively. ‘‘(2) OTHER AGREEMENTS NOT FEASIBLE.—A ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For the purposes of sec- (1) in subsection (a)— tion 3304 of title 5, the Commandant may— (A) by striking ‘‘date’’ and inserting ‘‘later cooperative agreement containing a clause described in subsection (c)(1), or under a ‘‘(A) designate any category of acquisition of the date of the conveyance of the prop- positions within the Coast Guard as shortage erties directed under section 533(a) of the transaction authorized by subsection (a), may be used for a research project only if the category positions; and Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2016 (Pub- ‘‘(B) use the authorities in such section to lic Law 114–120) or the date’’; and use of a standard contract, grant, or coopera- tive agreement for such project is not fea- recruit and appoint highly qualified persons (B) by striking ‘‘determination by the Sec- directly to positions so designated. retary’’ and inserting ‘‘determination by the sible or appropriate. ‘‘(e) EDUCATION AND TRAINING.—The Com- ‘‘(2) REPORTS.—The Commandant shall in- Secretary of Transportation under section mandant shall— clude in reports under section 1102 informa- 312(d) of title 49’’; and ‘‘(1) ensure that management, technical, tion described in that section regarding posi- (2) in subsection (c), by striking paragraph and contracting personnel of the Coast tions designated under this subsection. (2) and inserting the following: Guard involved in the award or administra- ‘‘(b) REEMPLOYMENT AUTHORITY.— ‘‘(2) AVAILABILITY OF PROCEEDS.—The pro- tion of transactions under this section or ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in ceeds of such sales, less the costs of sale in- other innovative forms of contracting are af- paragraph (2), if an annuitant receiving an curred by the General Services Administra- forded opportunities for adequate education annuity from the Civil Service Retirement tion, shall be deposited into the Coast Guard and training; and and Disability Fund becomes employed in Housing Fund for uses authorized under sec- ‘‘(2) establish minimum levels and require- any category of acquisition positions des- tion 2946 of this title.’’. ments for continuous and experiential learn- ignated by the Commandant under sub- SEC. 211. POSITIONS OF IMPORTANCE AND RE- ing for such personnel, including levels and section (a), the annuity of the annuitant so SPONSIBILITY. requirements for acquisition certification employed shall continue. The annuitant so Section 2103(c)(3) of title 14, United States programs. reemployed shall not be considered an em- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘rear admiral ‘‘(f) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary of the ployee for purposes of subchapter III of chap- (lower half)’’ and inserting ‘‘vice admiral’’. department in which the Coast Guard is op- ter 83 or chapter 84 of title 5. SEC. 212. RESEARCH PROJECTS; TRANSACTIONS erating shall prescribe regulations, as nec- ‘‘(2)(A) ELECTION.—An annuitant retired OTHER THAN CONTRACTS AND essary, to carry out this section. under section 8336(d)(1) or 8414(b)(1)(A) of GRANTS. ‘‘(g) PROTECTION OF CERTAIN INFORMATION title 5, receiving an annuity from the Civil (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 7 of title 14, FROM DISCLOSURE.— Service Retirement and Disability Fund, United States Code, is amended by adding at ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Disclosure of informa- who becomes employed in any category of the end the following: tion described in paragraph (2) is not re- acquisition positions designated by the Com- ‘‘§ 720. Research projects; transactions other quired, and may not be compelled, under sec- mandant under subsection (a) after date of than contracts and grants tion 552 of title 5 for five years after the date enactment of the Coast Guard Authorization ‘‘(a) ADDITIONAL FORMS OF TRANSACTIONS on which the information is received by the Act of 2019, may elect to be subject to sec- AUTHORIZED.—The Commandant may enter Coast Guard. tion 8344 or 8468 of such title (as the case into transactions (other than contracts, co- ‘‘(2) LIMITATION.— may be). operative agreements, and grants) in car- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (1) applies to ‘‘(i) DEADLINE.—An election for coverage rying out basic, applied, and advanced re- information described in subparagraph (B) under this subsection shall be filed not later search projects. The authority under this that is in the records of the Coast Guard than 90 days after the Commandant takes subsection is in addition to the authority only if the information was submitted to the reasonable actions to notify an employee provided in section 717 to use contracts, co- Coast Guard in a competitive or noncompeti- who may file an election. operative agreements, and grants in carrying tive process having the potential for result- ‘‘(ii) COVERAGE.—If an employee files an out such projects. ing in an award, to the party submitting the election under this subsection, coverage

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United States Code, is amended by— apply to an individual who is eligible to file ‘‘(C) A towing vessel of more than 26 feet in (1) striking ‘‘RIDING GANG MEMBER’’ and in- an election under such subparagraph and overall length and 600 horsepower. serting ‘‘RIDING GANG MEMBER OR NON-OPER- does not file a timely election under clause ‘‘(D) Any other vessel for which the Sec- ATING INDIVIDUAL’’; and (i).’’. retary decides that electronic charts are nec- (2) inserting ‘‘or a non-operating indi- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of essary for the safe navigation of the vessel.’’. vidual’’ before the period. contents of chapter 11 of title 14, United (b) EXEMPTIONS AND WAIVERS.—Section (c) REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO NON-OPER- States Code, is amended by inserting after 3105(a)(2) of title 46, United States Code, is ATING INDIVIDUALS.— the item relating to section 1110 the fol- amended by— (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 81 of title 46, lowing: (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘oper- United States Code, is amended— ‘‘1111. Acquisition workforce authorities.’’. ates; and’’ and inserting ‘‘operates;’’; (A) by redesignating section 8107 as section (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘those 8108; and SEC. 214. REPORT ON COAST GUARD DEFENSE waters.’’ and inserting ‘‘those waters; and’’; READINESS RESOURCES ALLOCA- (B) by inserting after section 8106 the fol- TION. and lowing: (3) by adding at the end the following: (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 ‘‘§ 8107. Requirements relating to non-oper- ‘‘(C) permit vessels that operate solely days after the date of the enactment of this ating individuals Act, the Comptroller General of the United landward of the baseline from which the ter- ritorial sea of the United States is measured ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The owner or managing States shall submit to the Committee on operator of a merchant vessel of the United Transportation and Infrastructure of the to utilize software-based, platform-inde- pendent electronic chart systems that the States of at least 100 gross tons as measured House of Representatives and the Committee under section 14502, or an alternate tonnage on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Secretary determines are capable of dis- playing electronic navigational charts with measured under section 14302 as prescribed of the Senate, a report on the allocation of by the Secretary under section 14104, shall— resources by the Coast Guard to support its necessary scale and detail to ensure safe navigation for the intended voyage.’’. ‘‘(1) ensure that— defense readiness mission. SEC. 302. PASSENGER VESSEL SECURITY AND ‘‘(A) each non-operating individual on the (b) CONTENTS.—The report required by sub- vessel— section (a) shall include the following ele- SAFETY REQUIREMENTS; APPLICA- TION. ‘‘(i) is a United States citizen or an alien ments: Section 3507(k)(1) of title 46, United States lawfully admitted to the United States for (1) Funding levels allocated by the Coast Code, is amended— permanent residence; or Guard to support defense readiness missions (1) in subparagraph (B), by adding ‘‘and’’ ‘‘(ii) possesses a United States non-immi- for each of the past ten fiscal years. after the semicolon at the end; grant visa for individuals desiring to enter (2) Funding levels transferred or otherwise (2) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘; and’’ the United States temporarily for business, provided by the Department of Defense to and inserting a period; and employment-related and personal identifying the Coast Guard in support of the Coast (3) by striking subparagraph (D). information, and any other documentation Guard’s defense readiness missions for each SEC. 303. NON-OPERATING INDIVIDUAL. required by the Secretary; of the past ten fiscal years. (a) DEFINITION.—Section 2101 of title 46, ‘‘(B) all required documentation for such (3) The number of Coast Guard detach- United States Code, is amended by inserting individual is kept on the vessel and available ments assigned in support of the Coast after paragraph (23) the following: for inspection by the Secretary; and Guard’s defense readiness mission for each of ‘‘(23a) ‘non-operating individual’ means an ‘‘(C) each non-operating individual is iden- the past ten fiscal years. individual who— tified on the manifest; (c) ASSESSMENT.—In addition to the ele- ‘‘(A) does not perform— ‘‘(2) ensure that— ments detailed in subsection (b), the report ‘‘(i) with respect to the operation of a ves- ‘‘(A) each non-operating individual pos- shall include an assessment of the impacts sel, watchstanding, automated engine room sesses— on the Coast Guard’s non-defense mission duty watch, navigation, or personnel safety ‘‘(i) a merchant mariner’s document; readiness and operational capabilities due to functions; ‘‘(ii) a transportation worker identifica- the annual levels of reimbursement provided ‘‘(ii) with respect to the loading and un- tion credential under section 70105; or by the Department of Defense to compensate loading of merchandise, cargo handling func- ‘‘(iii) a current security clearance issued the Coast Guard for its expenses to fulfill its tions, including any activity relating to the by a Federal agency; or defense readiness mission. loading or unloading of cargo, the operation ‘‘(B) the employer of such an individual at- SEC. 215. REPORT ON THE FEASIBILITY OF LIQ- of cargo-related equipment (whether or not tests in a certificate to the owner or man- UEFIED NATURAL GAS FUELED VES- integral to the vessel), and the handling of aging operator that— SELS. mooring lines on the dock when the vessel is ‘‘(i) the background of such individual has Not later than 1 year after the date of the made fast or let go; been examined and found to be free of any enactment of this Act, the Commandant of ‘‘(iii) vessel maintenance, including any re- credible information indicating a material the Coast Guard shall submit a report to the pairs that can be performed by the vessel’s risk to the security of the vessel, the vessel’s Committee on Transportation and Infra- crew or a riding gang; or cargo, the ports the vessel visits, or other in- structure of the House of Representatives ‘‘(iv) safety, security, or environmental dividuals onboard the vessel;; and the Committee on Commerce, Science, protection activities directly related to the ‘‘(ii) such examination— and Transportation of the Senate on the fol- operation of the vessel and normally con- ‘‘(I) met the requirements of section lowing: ducted by the vessel’s crew; 70105(d)(2), for persons described in paragraph (1) The feasibility, safety, and cost effec- ‘‘(B) does not serve as part of the crew (1)(A)(i) of this subsection; or tiveness of using liquefied natural gas to fuel complement required under section 8101; ‘‘(II) consisted of a search of all informa- new Coast Guard vessels. ‘‘(C) does not serve as a riding gang mem- tion reasonably available to the owner or (2) The feasibility, safety, and cost effec- ber; managing operator in the individual’s coun- tiveness of converting existing vessels to run ‘‘(D) is not a member of the steward’s de- try of citizenship and any other country in on liquefied natural gas fuels. partment; which the individual works, receives employ- (3) The operational benefits of using lique- ‘‘(E) is not a citizen or temporary or per- ment referrals, or resides, for persons de- fied natural gas to fuel Coast Guard vessels. manent resident of a country designated by scribed in paragraph (1)(A)(ii) of this sub- TITLE III—SHIPPING the United States as a sponsor of terrorism section; and SEC. 301. ELECTRONIC CHARTS; EQUIVALENCY. or any other country that the Secretary, in ‘‘(iii) the information derived from any (a) REQUIREMENTS.—Section 3105(a)(1) of consultation with the Secretary of State and such examination is made available to the title 46, United States Code, is amended to the heads of other appropriate United States Secretary upon request; read as follows: agencies, determines to be a security threat ‘‘(3) ensure that each non-operating indi- ‘‘(1) ELECTRONIC CHARTS IN LIEU OF MARINE to the United States; vidual of the vessel, while on board the ves- CHARTS, CHARTS, AND MAPS.—Subject to para- ‘‘(F) is not specifically exempted from the sel, is subject to the same random chemical graph (2), the following vessels, while oper- requirement to have a merchant mariner’s testing and reporting regimes as crew mem- ating on the navigable waters of the United document under section 8701(a); bers; States, shall be equipped with and operate ‘‘(G) has not been convicted in any juris- ‘‘(4) ensure that each such individual em- electronic navigational charts conforming to diction of an offense described in paragraph ployed on the vessel receives basic safety fa- a standard acceptable to the Secretary in (2) or (3) of section 7703; miliarization and basic safety training ap- lieu of any marine charts, charts, and maps ‘‘(H) whose license, certificate of registry, proved by the Coast Guard; and required by titles 33 and 46, Code of Federal or merchant mariner’s document has not ‘‘(5) ensure that every non-operating indi- Regulations, as in effect on the date of the been suspended or revoked under section vidual of the vessel is employed on board the enactment of this paragraph: 7704; and vessel under conditions that meet or exceed

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the minimum international standards of all that an installation vessel for which a coast- ‘‘(2) LIFTING OPERATIONS.—The term ‘lift- applicable international labor conventions wise endorsement has been issued under sec- ing operations’ means the lifting of platform to which the United States is a party, in- tion 12112 exists. jackets by crane from the time that the lift- cluding all of the merchant seamen protec- ‘‘(2) APPLICATION TO NON-QUALIFIED VES- ing activity begins when unlading from a tion and relief provided under United States SELS.—If the Secretary of Transportation vessel or removing offshore facilities or law. makes a determination under paragraph (1) subsea infrastructure until the time that the ‘‘(b) RECORDKEEPING.—In addition to the that a coastwise qualified vessel exists, lifting activities are terminated for a par- requirements of subsection (a), the owner or then— ticular unlading, installation, or removal of managing operator of a vessel to which sub- ‘‘(A) the owner or operator of an installa- offshore facilities or subsea infrastructure. section (a) applies shall ensure that all infor- tion vessel for which no coastwise endorse- ‘‘(3) PLATFORM JACKET.—The term ‘plat- mation necessary to ensure compliance with ment has been issued under section 12112 form jacket’ has the meaning given such this section, as determined by the Secretary, shall seek a determination of the avail- term in section 55108(a).’’. is entered into the vessel’s official logbook ability of a coastwise qualified vessel under (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis required by chapter 113. paragraph (3) before using such non-coast- for chapter 551 of title 46, United States ‘‘(c) CIVIL PENALTY.—A person (including wise qualified vessel for the transportation Code, is amended by adding at the end the an individual) violating this section is liable of a platform jacket; and following: to the United States Government for a civil ‘‘(B) after the date on which such deter- ‘‘55123. Installation vessels.’’. penalty of $1,250.’’. mination is made, the owner or operator of (c) INVENTORY.—Section 12138(b) of title 46, (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.—The analysis an installation vessel for which no coastwise United States Code, is amended— for chapter 81 of title 46, United States Code, endorsement has been issued under section (1) in the heading, by striking the period is amended by striking the item relating to 12112 shall not use such non-coastwise quali- and inserting ‘‘, AND INSTALLATION.’’; section 8107 and inserting the following: fied vessel for the transportation of a plat- (2) by amending paragraph (1) to read as ‘‘8107. Requirements relating to non-oper- form jacket unless the Secretary of Trans- follows: ating individuals. portation determines a coastwise qualified is ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Trans- ‘‘8108. Use of force against piracy.’’. not available under paragraph (4). portation shall develop, maintain, and peri- (3) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— ‘‘(3) CRITERIA FOR DETERMINATION OF AVAIL- odically update an inventory of vessels that (A) MERCHANT MARINERS’ DOCUMENTS RE- ABILITY.—The Secretary of Transportation are— QUIRED.—Section 8701 of title 46, United shall determine a coastwise qualified vessel ‘‘(A) documented under this chapter; States Code, is amended by adding at the end is not available if— ‘‘(B) at least 200 feet in length; the following: ‘‘(A) the owner or operator of a non-coast- ‘‘(C) have the capability to lay, maintain, ‘‘(e) This section does not apply to non-op- wise qualified vessel submits to the Sec- or repair a submarine cable, without regard erating individuals.’’. retary of Transportation an application for to whether a particular vessel is classed as a (B) TRAINING FOR USE OF FORCE AGAINST PI- the use of a non-coastwise qualified installa- cable ship or cable vessel; and RACY.—Section 51705(4) of title 46, United tion vessel for transportation of a platform ‘‘(D) installation vessels within the mean- States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘46 jacket under this section that includes all ing of such term in section 55123.’’; and U.S.C. 8107 note’’ and inserting ‘‘46 U.S.C. relevant information, including engineering (3) by amending paragraph (2)(B) to read as 8108 note’’. details and timing requirements, and such follows: application is submitted not less than 1 year SEC. 304. SMALL PASSENGER VESSELS AND ‘‘(B) the abilities and limitations of the UNINSPECTED PASSENGER VES- before the date such vessel is required for vessel with respect to— SELS. such use; ‘‘(i) in the case of a vessel required to be Section 12121 of title 46, United States ‘‘(B) the Secretary provides the application inventoried under paragraph (1)(A), laying, Code, is amended— made under subparagraph (A) to the owner of maintaining, and repairing a submarine (1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking sub- each coastwise qualified vessel listed as an cable; and paragraphs (A) and (B) and inserting the fol- installation vessel in the inventory under ‘‘(ii) in the case of a vessel required to be lowing: section 12138(c) and promptly publishes in inventoried under paragraph (1)(B), install- ‘‘(A) was built in the United States; the Federal Register a notice— ing platform jackets; and’’. ‘‘(B) was not built in the United States and ‘‘(i) describing the project and the platform (d) NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OR REVOCA- is at least 3 years old; or jacket involved; TION.—No later than 30 days after the enact- ‘‘(C) if rebuilt, was rebuilt— ‘‘(ii) advising that all relevant information ment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland ‘‘(i) in the United States; or reasonably needed to assess the transpor- Security, acting through the Commissioner ‘‘(ii) outside the United States at least 3 tation and installation requirements for the of Customs and Border Protection, shall platform jacket will be made available to an years before the certificate requested under issue a notice, including an opportunity for interested person on request; and subsection (b) would take effect.’’; and public comment, on the modification or rev- ‘‘(iii) requesting that information on the (2) in subsection (b), by inserting ‘‘12132,’’ ocation of Letter Rulings 101925, 108442, availability of coastwise qualified vessels be 113841, 114435, 115185, 115218, 115311, 115487, after ‘‘12113,’’. submitted within a 45-day period beginning 115522, 115771, 115938, 116078, H004242 with re- SEC. 305. INSTALLATION VESSELS. on the date of such publication; and spect to the application of the section 55102 (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 551 of title 46, ‘‘(C)(i) within such 45-day period no infor- of title 46, Shipping, United States Code, to United States Code, is amended by adding at mation is submitted to the Secretary from certain offshore operations. the end the following new section: owners or operators of coastwise qualified in- SEC. 306. ADVISORY COMMITTEES. ‘‘§ 55123. Installation vessels stallation vessels to meet the requirements (a) NATIONAL OFFSHORE SAFETY ADVISORY ‘‘(a) INITIAL DETERMINATION OF COASTWISE of the application required under paragraph COMMITTEE; REPRESENTATION.—Section QUALIFIED VESSEL.—No later than 180 days (A); or 15106(c)(3) of title 46, United States Code, is after the date of the enactment of this sec- ‘‘(ii) the owner or operator of a coastwise amended— tion, the Secretary of Transportation shall qualified installation vessel submits infor- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘min- determine whether an installation vessel ex- mation to the Secretary asserting that the eral and oil operations, including geo- ists for which a coastwise endorsement has owner or operator has a suitable coastwise physical services’’ and inserting ‘‘oper- been issued under section 12112. qualified installation vessel available to ations’’; ‘‘(b) APPLICATION.—If the Secretary of meet the requirements of the application re- (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘explo- Transportation determines under subsection quired under paragraph (A), but the Sec- ration and recovery’’; (a) that no such coastwise qualified vessel retary determines, within 90 days after the (3) in subparagraph (E), by striking ‘‘en- exists, then, after the date on which such de- notice is first published, that the coastwise gaged in diving services related to offshore termination is made, lifting operations be- qualified installation vessel is not suitable construction, inspection, and maintenance’’ tween a vessel for which a coastwise endorse- or reasonably available for the transpor- and inserting ‘‘providing diving services to ment has been issued under section 12112 and tation. the offshore industry’’; an installation vessel for which no such en- ‘‘(d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (4) in subparagraph (F), by striking ‘‘en- dorsement has been issued is not transpor- ‘‘(1) INSTALLATION VESSEL.—The term ‘in- gaged in safety and training services related tation of merchandise for the purposes of stallation vessel’ means a vessel using a to offshore exploration and construction’’ section 55102. crane suitable for offshore use that— and inserting ‘‘providing safety and training ‘‘(c) REQUESTS FOR DETERMINATIONS OF ‘‘(A) is used to install platform jackets; services to the offshore industry’’; COASTWISE QUALIFIED VESSELS.— ‘‘(B) has a slewing or luffing capability; (5) in subparagraph (G), by striking ‘‘en- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—After the date on which ‘‘(C) has a lifting capacity of at least 1,000 gaged in pipelaying services related to off- the determination is made under subsection metric tons; and shore construction’’ and inserting ‘‘providing (a), an installation vessel for which a coast- ‘‘(D) conducts lifting operations to con- subsea engineering, construction, or re- wise endorsement has been issued under sec- struct or remove offshore facilities or subsea motely operated vehicle support to the off- tion 12112, the owner or operator of such in- infrastructure or to install and uninstall shore industry’’; stallation vessel may seek a new determina- component parts or materials from offshore (6) in subparagraph (H), by striking ‘‘min- tion from the Secretary of Transportation facilities or subsea infrastructure. eral and energy’’;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 (7) in subparagraph (I), by striking ‘‘na- including the charter, membership, and (A) an advisory committee substantially tional environmental entities’’ and inserting other aspects of such committee, may re- similar to the Great Lakes Pilotage Advi- ‘‘entities providing environmental protec- main in force or in effect for the 2-year pe- sory Committee established by section 9307 tion, compliance, or response services to the riod beginning on the date of the enactment of title 46, United States Code, as amended offshore industry’’; and of this section; and by this section, and that was in force or in (8) in subparagraph (J), by striking ‘‘deep- (B) during such 2-year period— effect on the day before the date of the en- water ports’’ and inserting ‘‘entities engaged (i) requirements relating the Maritime actment of this Act, including the charter, in offshore oil exploration and production on Transportation System National Advisory membership, and other aspects of the com- the Outer Continental Shelf adjacent to Committee established by such section shall mittee, may remain in force or in effect for Alaska’’. be treated as satisfied by such substantially a period of 2 years from the date of enact- (b) ADVISORY COMMITTEES; TESTIMONY.— similar advisory committee; and ment of this Act; and Section 15109(j)(4) of title 46, United States (ii) the enactment of this section shall not (B) during such 2-year period— Code, is amended by adding at the end the be the basis— (i) requirements relating to the Great following: (I) to deem, find, or declare such com- Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee estab- ‘‘(C) TESTIMONY.—The members of a com- mittee, including the charter, membership, lished by section 9307 of title 46, United mittee shall be available to testify before ap- and other aspects thereof, void, not in force, States Code, as amended by this section, propriate committees of the Congress with or not in effect; shall be treated as satisfied by the substan- respect to the advice, reports, and rec- (II) to suspend the activities of such com- tially similar advisory committee; and ommendations submitted under paragraph mittee; or (ii) the enactment of this section and the (2).’’. (III) to bar the members of such committee amendments made by this section shall not (c) MARITIME TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM NA- from a meeting. be the basis— TIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE.— (3) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis for (I) to deem, find, or declare such com- (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 555 of title 46, chapter 555 of title 46, United States Code, is mittee, including the charter, membership, United States Code, is amended by adding at amended by adding at the end the following: and other aspects thereof, void, not in force, the end the following: ‘‘55502. Maritime Transportation System Na- or not in effect; ‘‘§ 55502. Maritime Transportation System Na- tional Advisory Committee.’’. (II) to suspend the activities of such com- tional Advisory Committee (4) REPEAL.—Section 55603 of title 46, mittee; or United States Code, and the item relating to ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established (III) to bar the members of such committee that section in the analysis for chapter 556 of a Maritime Transportation System National from a meeting. that title, are repealed. Advisory Committee (in this section referred (e) TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS.—Section 15109 (d) GREAT LAKES PILOTAGE ADVISORY COM- of title 46 is amended by inserting ‘‘or to to as the ‘Committee’). MITTEE.— ‘‘(b) FUNCTION.—The Committee shall ad- which this chapter applies’’ after ‘‘com- (1) IN GENERAL.—Title 46, United States vise the Secretary of Transportation on mat- mittee established under this chapter’’ each Code, is amended by striking section 9307 and place it appears. ters relating to the United States maritime inserting the following: transportation system and its seamless inte- SEC. 307. EXPIRED MARITIME LIENS. ‘‘§ 9307. Great Lakes Pilotage Advisory Com- gration with other segments of the transpor- Section 31343(e) of title 46, United States mittee tation system, including the viability of the Code, is amended— United States Merchant Marine. ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established (1) by inserting ‘‘(1)’’ before ‘‘A notice’’; ‘‘(c) MEMBERSHIP.— a Great Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee and ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Committee shall (in this section referred to as the ‘Com- (2) by inserting after paragraph (1), as so consist of 27 members appointed by the Sec- mittee’). designated by this section, the following: ‘‘(b) FUNCTION.—The Committee— retary of Transportation in accordance with ‘‘(2) On expiration of a notice of claim of ‘‘(1) may review proposed Great Lakes pi- this section and section 15109. lien under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall lotage regulations and policies and make ‘‘(2) EXPERTISE.—Each member of the Com- remove such expired notice.’’. recommendations to the Secretary that the mittee shall have particular expertise, SEC. 308. TRAINING; EMERGENCY RESPONSE Committee considers appropriate; knowledge, and experience in matters relat- PROVIDERS. ‘‘(2) may advise, consult with, report to, ing to the function of the Committee. (a) SECURITY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION and make recommendations to the Secretary ‘‘(3) REPRESENTATION.—Members of the GRANTS.—Section 70107 of title 46, United on matters relating to Great Lakes pilotage; States Code, is amended— Committee shall be appointed as follows: and ‘‘(A) At least 1 member shall represent the (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘law en- ‘‘(3) may only make recommendations to forcement personnel’’ and inserting ‘‘emer- Environmental Protection Agency. the Secretary under paragraph (2) if such ‘‘(B) At least 1 member shall represent the gency response providers’’; recommendations have been approved by all (2) in subsection (b)(8), by striking ‘‘law en- Department of Commerce. but one of the members then serving on such ‘‘(C) At least 1 member shall represent the forcement personnel—’’ and inserting ‘‘emer- Committee. gency response providers—’’; and Army Corps of Engineers. EMBERSHIP.— ‘‘(c) M (3) in subsection (c)(2)(C), by striking ‘‘law ‘‘(D) At least 1 member shall represent the ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Committee shall enforcement agency personnel’’ and insert- Coast Guard. consist of 7 members appointed by the Sec- ing ‘‘emergency response providers’’. ‘‘(E) At least 1 member shall represent retary in accordance with this section and (b) CREDENTIALING FOR STATE AND LOCAL Customs and Border Protection. section 15109. SUPPORT.—Section 70132 of title 46, United ‘‘(F) At least 1 member shall represent XPERTISE.—Each member of the Com- ‘‘(2) E States Code, is amended— State and local governmental entities. mittee shall have particular expertise, (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘law en- ‘‘(G) Additional members shall represent knowledge, and experience in matters relat- forcement personnel—’’ and inserting ‘‘emer- private sector entities that reflect a cross- ing to the function of the Committee. gency response providers—’’; section of maritime industries, including ‘‘(3) REPRESENTATION.—Members of the (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘law en- port and water stakeholders, academia, and Committee shall be appointed as follows: forcement personnel’’ each place it appears labor. ‘‘(A) The President of each of the 3 Great and inserting ‘‘emergency response pro- ‘‘(H) The Secretary may appoint additional Lakes pilotage districts, or the President’s viders’’; and representatives from other Federal agencies representative. (3) by adding at the end the following: as the Secretary considers appropriate. ‘‘(B) At least 1 member shall represent the ‘‘(d) DEFINITION.—For the purposes of this ‘‘(4) ADMINISTRATION.—For purposes of sec- interests of vessel operators that contract section, the term ‘emergency response pro- tion 15109— for Great Lakes pilotage services. viders’ has the meaning given that term in ‘‘(A) the Committee shall be treated as a ‘‘(C) At least 1 member shall represent the section 2 of the Homeland Security Act of committee established under chapter 151; interests of Great Lakes ports. 2002 (6 U.S.C. 101).’’. and ‘‘(D) At least 1 member shall represent the ‘‘(B) the Secretary of Transportation shall interests of shippers whose cargoes are SEC. 309. AIMING A LASER POINTER AT A VESSEL. fulfill all duties and responsibilities and transported through Great Lakes ports. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter II of chapter have all authorities of the Secretary of ‘‘(E) At least 1 member shall have a back- 700 of title 46, United States Code, is amend- Homeland Security with regard to the Com- ground in finance or accounting and must ed by adding at the end the following: mittee.’’. have been recommended to the Secretary by ‘‘§ 70014. Aiming a laser pointer at a vessel (2) TREATMENT OF EXISTING COMMITTEE.— a unanimous vote of the other members of ‘‘(a) PROHIBITION.—It shall be unlawful to Notwithstanding any other provision of the Committee. cause the beam of a laser pointer to strike a law— ‘‘(4) ADMINISTRATION.—For purposes of sec- vessel operating on the navigable waters of (A) an advisory committee substantially tion 15109, the Committee shall be treated as the United States. similar to the Committee established by sec- a committee established under chapter 151.’’. ‘‘(b) EXCEPTIONS.—This section shall not tion 55502 of title 46, United States Code, and (2) TREATMENT OF EXISTING COMMITTEE.— apply to a member or element of the Depart- that was in force or in effect on the day be- Notwithstanding any other provision of ment of Defense or Department of Homeland fore the date of the enactment of this Act, law— Security acting in an official capacity for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7271 the purpose of research, development, oper- gine cut-off switch link while operating on SEC. 316. REQUIREMENT FOR SMALL SHIPYARD ations, testing, or training. plane or above displacement speed. GRANTEES. ‘‘(c) LASER POINTER DEFINED.—In this sec- ‘‘(2) EXCEPTIONS.—The requirement under Section 54101(d) of title 46, United States tion the term ‘laser pointer’ means any de- paragraph (1) shall not apply if— Code, is amended— vice designed or used to amplify electro- ‘‘(A) the main helm of the covered vessel is (1) by striking ‘‘Grants awarded’’ and in- magnetic radiation by stimulated emission installed within an enclosed cabin; or serting the following: that emits a beam designed to be used by the ‘‘(B) the vessel does not have an engine ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Grants awarded’’; and operator as a pointer or highlighter to indi- cut-off switch and is not required to have (2) by adding at the end the following: cate, mark, or identify a specific position, one under subsection (a).’’. ‘‘(2) BUY AMERICA.— place, item, or object.’’. (b) CIVIL PENALTY.—Section 4311 of title 46, (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis United States Code, is amended by— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph for such chapter is amended by adding at the (1) redesignating subsections (c), (d), (e), (B), no funds may be obligated by the Admin- end of the items relating to such subchapter (f), and (g) as subsections (d), (e), (f), (g), and istrator of the Maritime Administration the following: (h), respectively; and under this section, unless each product and ‘‘70014. Aiming a laser pointer at a vessel.’’. (2) inserting after subsection (b) the fol- material purchased with those funds (includ- ing products and materials purchased by a SEC. 310. MARITIME TRANSPORTATION ASSESS- lowing: MENT. ‘‘(c) A person violating section 4312(b) of grantee), and including any commercially Section 55501(e) of title 46, United States this title is liable to the United States Gov- available off-the-shelf item, is— Code, is amended— ernment for a civil penalty of not more ‘‘(i) an unmanufactured article, material, (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘an assess- than— or supply that has been mined or produced in ment of the condition’’ and inserting ‘‘a con- ‘‘(1) $100 for the first offense; the United States; or ditions and performance analysis’’; ‘‘(2) $250 for the second offense; and ‘‘(ii) a manufactured article, material, or (2) in paragraph (4), by striking ‘‘; and’’ and ‘‘(3) $500 for any subsequent offense.’’. supply that has been manufactured in the inserting a semicolon; (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments United States substantially all from articles, (3) in paragraph (5) by striking the period made in subsections (a) and (b) shall take ef- materials, or supplies mined, produced, or and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and fect 90 days after the date of the enactment manufactured in the United States. (4) by adding at the end the following: of this section, unless the Commandant of ‘‘(B) EXCEPTIONS.— ‘‘(6) a compendium of the Federal programs the Coast Guard, prior to the date that is 90 ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sub- engaged in the maritime transportation sys- days after the date of the enactment of this paragraph (A), the requirements of that sub- tem.’’. section, determines that the use requirement paragraph shall not apply with respect to a SEC. 311. SAFETY OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES. enacted in subsection (a) would not promote particular product or material if such Ad- (a) IN GENERAL.—Title 46, United States recreational boating safety. ministrator determines— Code, is amended by inserting after section SEC. 313. EXEMPTIONS AND EQUIVALENTS. ‘‘(I) that the application of those require- 70005 the following: (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 4305 of title 46, ments would be inconsistent with the public ‘‘§ 70006. Safety of special activities United States Code, is amended— interest; (1) by striking the heading and inserting ‘‘(II) that such product or material is not ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may es- tablish a safety zone to address special ac- the following: available in the United States in sufficient tivities in the exclusive economic zone. ‘‘§ 4305. Exemptions and equivalents’’; and reasonably available quantities, of a sat- isfactory quality, or on a timely basis; or ‘‘(b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (2) by striking ‘‘If the Secretary’’ and in- ‘‘(1) The term ‘safety zone’ has the mean- serting the following: ‘‘(III) that inclusion of a domestic product or material will increase the cost of that ing provided in section 165.20 of title 33, Code ‘‘(a) EXEMPTIONS.—If the Secretary’’; and of Federal Regulations. (3) by adding at the end the following: product or material by more than 25 percent, with respect to a certain contract between a ‘‘(2) The term ‘special activities’ includes— ‘‘(b) EQUIVALENTS.—The Secretary may ac- ‘‘(A) space activities, including launch and cept a substitution for associated equipment grantee and that grantee’s supplier. reentry, as those terms are defined in section performance or other safety standards for a ‘‘(ii) FEDERAL REGISTER.—A determination 50902 of title 51, carried out by United States recreational vessel if the substitution pro- made by such Administrator under this sub- citizens; and vides an equivalent level of safety.’’. paragraph shall be published in the Federal ‘‘(B) offshore energy development activi- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis Register. ties, as described in section 8(p)(1)(C) of the for chapter 43 of title 46, United States Code, ‘‘(C) DEFINITIONS.—In this paragraph: Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. is amended by striking the item relating to ‘‘(i) COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE OFF-THE- 1337(p)(1)(C)), on or near a fixed platform. section 4305 and inserting the following: SHELF ITEM.—The term ‘commercially avail- ‘‘(3) The term ‘United States citizen’ has able off-the-shelf item’ means— ‘‘4305. Exemptions and equivalents.’’. the meaning given the term ‘eligible owners’ ‘‘(I) any item of supply (including con- in section 12103. SEC. 314. SECURITY PLANS; REVIEWS. struction material) that is— ‘‘(4) The term ‘fixed platform’ means an ar- Section 70103 of title 46, United States ‘‘(aa) a commercial item, as defined by sec- tificial island, installation, or structure per- Code, is amended— tion 2.101 of title 48, Code of Federal Regula- manently attached to the sea-bed for the (1) by amending subsection (b)(3) to read as tions; and purpose of exploration or exploitation of re- follows: ‘‘(bb) sold in substantial quantities in the sources or for other economic purposes.’’. ‘‘(3) The Secretary shall review and ap- commercial marketplace; and (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis prove Area Maritime Transportation Secu- ‘‘(II) does not include bulk cargo, as that for chapter 700 of title 46, United States rity Plans and updates under this sub- term is defined in section 40102(4) of this Code, is amended by inserting after the item section.’’; and title, such as agricultural products and pe- relating to section 70005 the following: (2) in subsection (c)(4), by inserting ‘‘or up- troleum products. ‘‘70006. Safety of special activities.’’. date’’ after ‘‘plan’’ each place it appears. ‘‘(ii) PRODUCT OR MATERIAL.—The term (c) REGULATIONS.— SEC. 315. WAIVER OF NAVIGATION AND VESSEL ‘product or material’ means an article, mate- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after INSPECTION LAWS. rial, or supply brought to the site by the re- the date of the enactment of this Act, the Section 501(a) of title 46, United States cipient for incorporation into the building, Secretary of the department in which the Code, is amended— work, or project. The term also includes an Coast Guard is operating shall establish reg- (1) by striking ‘‘On request’’ and inserting item brought to the site preassembled from ulations to implement this section. the following: articles, materials, or supplies. However, (2) ALIGNMENT WITH OTHER REGULATIONS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—On request’’; and Such regulations shall align with subchapter (2) by adding at the end the following: emergency life safety systems, such as emer- C of chapter III of title 14, Code of Federal ‘‘(2) EXPLANATION.—Not later than 24 hours gency lighting, fire alarm, and audio evacu- Regulations. after making a request under paragraph (1), ation systems, that are discrete systems in- SEC. 312. ENGINE CUT-OFF SWITCHES; USE RE- the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the corporated into a public building or work QUIREMENT. Committees on Transportation and Infra- and that are produced as complete systems, (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 4312 of title 46, structure and Armed Services of the House are evaluated as a single and distinct con- United States Code, is amended— of Representatives and the Committees on struction material regardless of when or how (1) by redesignating subsections (b), (c), Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the individual parts or components of those and (d) as subsections (c), (d), and (e), respec- Armed Services of the Senate a written ex- systems are delivered to the construction tively; and planation of the circumstances requiring site. (2) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- such a waiver in the interest of national de- ‘‘(iii) UNITED STATES.—The term ‘United lowing: fense, including a confirmation that there States’ includes the District of Columbia, ‘‘(b) USE REQUIREMENT.— are insufficient qualified vessels to meet the the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An individual operating needs of national defense without such a Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American a covered recreational vessel shall use an en- waiver.’’. Samoa, and the Virgin Islands.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 SEC. 317. INDEPENDENT STUDY ON THE UNITED merce, Science, and Transportation of the SEC. 403. EXPEDITED TRANSFER IN CASES OF STATES MERCHANT MARINE ACAD- Senate a briefing on the findings of the re- SEXUAL ASSAULT; DEPENDENTS OF EMY. view required under subsection (a) and a dis- MEMBERS OF THE COAST GUARD. (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days cussion of how existing laws and regulations Not later than 180 days after the date of after the date of enactment of this Act, the could be amended to ensure the safety of ves- the enactment of this Act, the Commandant Secretary of Transportation shall seek to sels described in subsection (a) while infring- of the Coast Guard shall establish a policy to allow the transfer of a member of the Coast enter into an agreement with the National ing as little as possible on commerce. Academy of Public Administration (referred Guard whose dependent is the victim of sex- to in this section as the ‘‘Academy’’) to SEC. 402. UNMANNED MARITIME SYSTEMS AND ual assault perpetrated by a member of the carry out the activities described in this sec- SATELLITE VESSEL TRACKING Armed Forces who is not related to the vic- TECHNOLOGIES. tion. tim. (b) STUDY ELEMENTS.—In accordance with (a) ASSESSMENT.— SEC. 404. TOWING VESSELS; OPERATION OUTSIDE the agreement described in subsection (a), (1) IN GENERAL.—The Commandant of the THE BOUNDARY LINE. the Academy shall conduct a study of the Coast Guard, acting through the Blue Tech- (a) INTERIM EXEMPTION.—A towing vessel United States Merchant Marine Academy nology Center of Expertise, shall regularly to which this section applies is exempt from that consists of the following: assess available unmanned maritime sys- any additional requirements of subtitle II of (1) A comprehensive assessment of the tems and satellite vessel tracking tech- title 46, United States Code, and chapter I of title 33 and chapter I of title 46, Code of Fed- United States Merchant Marine Academy’s nologies for potential use to support mis- eral Regulations, that would result solely systems, training, facilities, infrastructure, sions of the Coast Guard. from such vessel operating outside the information technology, and stakeholder en- (2) CONSULTATION.—The Commandant shall Boundary Line (as such term is defined in gagement. make the assessment required under para- section 103 of title 46, United States Code) if graph (1) after consultation with the Depart- (2) Identification of needs and opportuni- such vessel— ment of Defense, other Federal agencies, the ties for modernization to help the United (1) is listed as a response vessel on a vessel academic sector, and developers and manu- States Merchant Marine Academy keep pace response plan and is operating outside the facturers of unmanned maritime systems with more modern campuses. Boundary Line solely to perform duties of a and satellite vessel tracking technologies. (3) Development of an action plan for the response vessel; or United States Merchant Marine Academy (b) REPORT.— (2) is operating outside the Boundary Line with specific recommendations for— (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year solely to perform operations necessary to es- (A) improvements or updates relating to after the date of the enactment of this Act, cort a vessel with limited maneuverability. the opportunities described in paragraph (2); and biennially thereafter, the Commandant (b) APPLICABILITY.—This section applies to and shall submit to the Committee on Transpor- a towing vessel— (B) systemic changes needed to help the tation and Infrastructure of the House of (1) that is subject to inspection under United States Merchant Marine Academy Representatives and the Committee on Com- chapter 33 of title 46, United States Code, achieve its mission of inspiring and edu- merce, Science, and Transportation of the and subchapter M of title 46, Code of Federal cating the next generation of the mariner Senate a report on the actual and potential Regulations; workforce on a long-term basis. effects of the use of then-existing unmanned (2) with only ‘‘Lakes, Bays, and Sounds’’ or (c) DEADLINE AND REPORT.—Not later than maritime systems and satellite vessel track- ‘‘Rivers’’ routes recorded on such vessel’s 1 year after the date of the agreement de- ing technologies on the mission effectiveness certificate of inspection under section 136.230 scribed in subsection (a), the Academy shall of the Coast Guard. of title 46, Code of Federal Regulations; and prepare and submit to the Administrator of (2) CONTENTS.—Each report submitted (3)(A) that, with respect to a vessel that is the Maritime Administration a report con- under paragraph (1) shall include the fol- described in subsection (a)(1), is listed— taining the action plan described in sub- lowing: (i) on a vessel response plan under part 155 section (b)(3), including specific findings and (A) An inventory of current unmanned of title 33, Code of Federal Regulations, on recommendations. maritime systems used by the Coast Guard, the date of approval of the vessel response SEC. 318. CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE FOR DOMES- an overview of such usage, and a discussion plan; or TIC MARITIME WORKFORCE TRAIN- of the mission effectiveness of such systems, (ii) by name or reference in the vessel re- ING AND EDUCATION. including any benefits realized or risks or sponse plan’s geographic-specific appendix Section 54102 of title 46, United States negative aspects of such usage. on the date of approval of the vessel response Code, is amended— (B) An inventory of satellite vessel track- plan; or (1) in subsection (b), by inserting ‘‘or sub- ing technologies, and a discussion of the po- (B) that, with respect to a vessel described section (d)’’ after ‘‘designated under sub- tential mission effectiveness of such tech- in subsection (a)(2), is regularly engaged in section (a)’’; and nologies, including any benefits or risks or harbor assist operations, including the dock- (2) by adding at the end the following: negative aspects of such usage. ing, undocking, mooring, unmooring, and es- ‘‘(d) STATE MARITIME ACADEMY.—The Sec- (C) A prioritized list of Coast Guard mis- corting of vessels with limited maneuver- retary of Transportation shall designate sion requirements that could be met with ad- ability. each State maritime academy, as defined in ditional unmanned maritime systems, or (c) LIMITATIONS.—A vessel exempted under section 51102(4) of this title, as a center of ex- with satellite vessel tracking technologies, subsection (a) is subject to the following op- cellence under this section.’’. and the estimated costs of accessing, acquir- erating limitations: SEC. 319. RENEWAL OF MERCHANT MARINER LI- ing, or operating such systems. (1) RESPONSE VESSELS.—The voyage of a CENSES AND DOCUMENTS. vessel exempted under subsection (a)(1) Section 7507 of title 46, United States Code, (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: shall— NMANNED MARITIME SYSTEMS.— is amended by adding at the end the fol- (1) U (A) be less than 12 hours, or in the case of (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘unmanned lowing: a voyage in the territorial waters of Alaska, maritime systems’’ means remotely operated ‘‘(d) RENEWAL.—With respect to any re- Guam, Hawaii, and American Samoa, have newal of an existing merchant mariner cre- or autonomous vehicles produced by the sufficient manning as determined by the dential that is not an extension under sub- commercial sector designed to travel in the Secretary; and section (a) or (b), such credential shall begin air, on or under the ocean surface, on land, (B) originate and end in the inspection the day after the expiration of the credential or any combination thereof, and that func- zone of a single Officer In-Charge, Marine In- holder’s existing credential.’’. tion without an on-board human presence. spection, as defined in section 3305(d)(4) of (B) EXAMPLES.—Such term includes the title 46, United States Code. TITLE IV—MISCELLANEOUS following: (2) ESCORT VESSELS.—The voyage of a ves- SEC. 401. COASTWISE TRADE. (i) Unmanned undersea vehicles. sel exempted under subsection (a)(2) shall— (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commandant of the (ii) Unmanned surface vehicles. (A) be less than 12 hours in total duration; Coast Guard shall review the adequacy of (iii) Unmanned aerial vehicles. (B) originate and end in the inspection and continuing need for provisions in title (iv) Autonomous underwater vehicles. zone of a single Officer In-Charge, Marine In- 46, Code of Federal Regulations, that require (v) Autonomous surface vehicles. spection, as such term is defined in section a United States vessel documented under (vi) Autonomous aerial vehicles. 3305(d)(4) of title 46, United States Code; and chapter 121 of title 46, United States Code, (2) AVAILABLE UNMANNED MARITIME SYS- (C) occur no further than 10 nautical miles possessing a coastwise endorsement under TEMS.—The term ‘‘available unmanned mari- from the Boundary Line. that chapter, and engaged in coastwise time systems’’ includes systems that can be (d) TERMINATION.—The interim exemption trade, to comply with regulations for vessels purchased commercially or are in use by the provided under subsection (a) shall termi- engaged in an international voyage. Department of Defense or other Federal nate on July 22, 2023. (b) BRIEFING.—Not later than 180 days after agencies. (e) RESTRICTION.—The Officer In-Charge, the date of the enactment of this Act, the (3) SATELLITE VESSEL TRACKING TECH- Marine Inspection, as defined in section Commandant of the Coast Guard shall pro- NOLOGIES.—The term ‘‘satellite vessel track- 3305(d)(4) of title 46, United States Code, for vide to the Committee on Transportation ing technologies’’ means shipboard broadcast an inspection zone may restrict operations and Infrastructure of the House of Rep- systems that use satellites and terrestrial under the exemptions provided under sub- resentatives and the Committee on Com- receivers to continually track vessels. section (a) for safety purposes.

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(f) BRIEFING.—Not later than July 22, 2022, SEC. 407. REPORT ON EFFECTS OF CLIMATE the 4 years thereafter, the Commandant of the Commandant of the Coast Guard shall CHANGE ON COAST GUARD. the Coast Guard shall submit to the Com- brief the Committee on Transportation and (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Infrastructure of the House of Representa- after the date of the enactment of this Act, of the House of Representatives and the tives and the Committee on Commerce, the Commandant of the Coast Guard shall Committee on Commerce, Science, and Science, and Transportation of the Senate submit to the Committee on Transportation Transportation of the Senate a report re- regarding the following: and Infrastructure of the House of Rep- garding the status of the Coast Guard’s com- (1) The impacts of the interim exemptions resentatives and the Committee on Com- pliance with Homeland Security Presidential provided under this section. merce, Science, and Transportation of the Directive 12 (HSPD–12) and Federal Informa- (2) Any safety concerns regarding the expi- Senate a report on vulnerabilities of Coast tion Processing Standard 201 (FIPS–201), in- ration of such interim exemptions. Guard installations and requirements result- cluding— (3) Whether such interim exemptions ing from climate change over the next 20 (1) the status of Coast Guard efforts to should be extended or made permanent in years. field a comprehensive Physical Access Con- the interests of safety. (b) ELEMENTS.—The report under sub- trol System at Coast Guard installations and section (a) shall include the following: locations necessary to bring the Service into SEC. 405. COAST GUARD AUTHORITIES STUDY. (1) A list of the 10 most vulnerable Coast compliance with HSPD–12 and FIPS–201B; (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the de- Guard installations based on the effects of (2) the status of the selection of a techno- partment in which the Coast Guard is oper- climate change, including rising sea tides, logical solution; ating shall seek to enter into an arrange- increased flooding, drought, desertification, (3) the estimated phases and timeframe to ment with the National Academy of Sciences wildfires, thawing permafrost, or any other complete the implementation of such a sys- not later than 60 days after the date of the categories the Commandant determines nec- tem; and enactment of this Act under which the Acad- essary. (4) the estimated cost for each phase of the emy shall prepare an assessment of Coast (2) An overview of— project. Guard authorities. (A) mitigations that may be necessary to SEC. 410. COASTWISE ENDORSEMENTS. (b) ASSESSMENT.—The assessment under ensure the continued operational viability (a) ‘‘SAFARI VOYAGER’’.— subsection (a) shall provide— and to increase the resiliency of the identi- (1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sections (1) an examination of emerging issues that fied vulnerable installations; and 12112 and 12132 of title 46, United States may require Coast Guard oversight, regula- (B) the cost of such mitigations. Code, the Secretary of the department in tion, or action; (3) A discussion of the climate-change-re- which the Coast Guard is operating shall (2) a description of potential limitations lated effects on the Coast Guard, including— issue a certificate of documentation with a and shortcomings of relying on current (A) the increase in the frequency of hu- coastwise endorsement for the vessel Safari Coast Guard authorities to address emerging manitarian assistance and disaster relief Voyager (International Maritime Organiza- issues; and missions; and tion number 8963753). (3) an overview of adjustments and addi- (B) campaign plans, contingency plans, and (2) REVOCATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF CER- tions that could be made to existing Coast operational posture of the Coast Guard. TIFICATE.—A certificate of documentation Guard authorities to fully address emerging (4) An overview of mitigations that may be issued under paragraph (1) is revoked on the issues. necessary to ensure mission resiliency and date of the sale of the vessel or the entity (c) REPORT TO THE CONGRESS.—Not later the cost of such mitigations. that owns the vessel. (b) ‘‘PACIFIC PROVIDER’’.— than 1 year after entering into an arrange- (c) FORM.—The report required under sub- (1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sections ment with the Secretary under subsection section (a) shall be submitted in unclassified 12112 and 12132 of title 46, United States (a), the National Academy of Sciences shall form, but may contain a classified annex. Code, the Secretary of the department in submit the assessment under this section to SEC. 408. SHORE INFRASTRUCTURE. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- which the Coast Guard is operating may (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year structure of the House of Representatives issue a certificate of documentation with a after the date of the enactment of this Act, coastwise endorsement for the vessel Pacific and the Committee on Commerce, Science, the Commandant of the Coast Guard shall— and Transportation of the Senate. Provider (United States official number (1) develop a plan to standardize Coast 597967). (d) EMERGING ISSUES.—In this section, the Guard facility condition assessments; (2) REVOCATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF CER- term ‘‘emerging issues’’ means changes in (2) establish shore infrastructure perform- TIFICATE.—A certificate of documentation the maritime industry and environment that ance goals, measures, and baselines to track issued under paragraph (1) is revoked on the in the determination of the National Acad- the effectiveness of maintenance and repair date of the sale of the vessel or the entity emy of Sciences are reasonably likely to investments and provide feedback on that owns the vessel. occur within 10 years after the date of the progress made; (c) DOCUMENTATION OF LNG TANKERS.—Sec- enactment of this Act, including— (3) develop a process to routinely align the tion 7(b)(3) of the America’s Cup Act of 2011 (1) the introduction of new technologies in Coast Guard shore infrastructure portfolio (Public Law 112–61) is amended by— the maritime domain; with mission needs, including disposing of (1) striking ‘‘The coastwise endorsement (2) the advent of new processes or oper- unneeded assets; issued’’ and inserting ‘‘No coastwise endorse- ational activities in the maritime domain; (4) establish guidance for planning boards ment shall be issued’’; and and to document inputs, deliberations, and (2) striking ‘‘shall expire on’’ and inserting (3) changes in the use of navigable water- project prioritization decisions for infra- ‘‘after’’. ways. structure maintenance projects; (d) REPLACEMENT VESSEL.—Notwith- SEC. 406. CLOUD COMPUTING STRATEGY. (5) employ models for Coast Guard infra- standing section 208(g)(5) of the American Not later than 180 days after the date of structure asset lines for— Fisheries Act (Public Law 105–277; 16 U.S.C. the enactment of this Act, the Commandant (A) predicting the outcome of investments 1851 note), a vessel eligible under section of the Coast Guard shall submit to the Com- in shore infrastructure; 208(e)(21) of such Act that is replaced under section 208(g) of such Act shall be subject to mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure (B) analyzing tradeoffs; and a sideboard restriction catch limit of zero of the House of Representatives and the (C) optimizing decisions among competing metric tons in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Committee on Commerce, Science, and investments; (6) include supporting details about com- Islands and in the Gulf of Alaska unless that Transportation of the Senate a detailed de- vessel is also a replacement vessel under sec- peting project alternatives and report trade- scription of the Coast Guard’s strategy to tion 679.4(o)(4) of title 50, Code of Federal offs in congressional budget requests and re- implement cloud computing for the entire Regulations, in which case such vessel shall lated reports; and Coast Guard, including— not be eligible to be a catcher/processor (7) explore the development of real prop- (1) the goals and acquisition strategies for under section 206(b)(2) of such Act. all proposed enterprise-wide cloud com- erty management expertise within the Coast SEC. 411. POLAR SECURITY CUTTER ACQUISITION puting service procurements; Guard workforce, including members of the REPORT. (2) a strategy to sustain competition and Senior Executive Service. Not later than one year after the date of innovation throughout the period of per- (b) BRIEFING.—Not later than December 31, the enactment of this Act, the Commandant formance of each contract for procurement 2020, the Commandant of the Coast Guard of the Coast Guard shall submit a report to of cloud-computing goods and services for shall brief the Committee on Transportation the Committees on Transportation and In- the Coast Guard, including defining opportu- and Infrastructure of the House of Rep- frastructure and Armed Services of the nities for multiple cloud-service providers resentatives and the Committee on Com- House of Representatives, and the Commit- and insertion of new technologies; merce, Science, and Transportation of the tees on Commerce, Science and Transpor- (3) an assessment of potential threats and Senate on the status of the actions required tation and Armed Services of the Senate security vulnerabilities of the strategy, and under subsection (a). on— plans to mitigate such risks; and SEC. 409. PHYSICAL ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM (1) the extent to which specifications, key (4) an estimate of the cost and timeline to REPORT. drawings, and detail design for the Polar Se- implement cloud computing service for all Not later 180 days after the date of the en- curity Cutter are complete before the start Coast Guard computing. actment of this Act and annually for each of of construction;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 (2) the extent to which Polar Security Cut- (1) a listing of the agencies and organiza- (1) gather regular maritime domain aware- ter hulls numbers one, two, and three are tions required to comply with the United ness of marine protected areas, the transit science ready; and States Cargo Preference Laws; zone, and the Arctic; and (3) what actions will be taken to ensure (2) an analysis of the compliance or non- (2) ensure sufficient response to illegal ac- that Polar Security Cutter hull number four compliance of such agencies and organiza- tivities in marine protected areas, the tran- is science capable, as described in the Na- tions with such laws, including— sit zone, and the Arctic. tional Academies of Sciences, Engineering, (A) the total amount of oceangoing cargo (b) COLLABORATION WITH LOCAL AUTHORI- and Medicine’s Committee on Polar Ice- that each such agency, organization, or con- TIES.—The Commandant of the Coast Guard breaker Cost Assessment letter report enti- tractor procured for its own account or for shall collaborate with local, State, and Trib- tled ‘‘Acquisition and Operation of Polar Ice- which financing was in any way provided al authorities and international partners for breakers: Fulfilling the Nation’s Needs’’ and with Federal funds, including loan guaran- surveillance permissions over their waters in dated July 11, 2017. tees; conducting any demonstration program SEC. 412. SENSE OF THE CONGRESS ON THE (B) the percentage of such cargo shipped on under subsection (a). NEED FOR A NEW GREAT LAKES ICE- privately owned commercial vessels of the (c) REQUIREMENTS.—The plans required under subsection (a) shall include— BREAKER. United States; (1) discussion of the feasibility, safety, and (a) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds the fol- (C) an assessment of internal programs and cost effectiveness of using unmanned mari- lowing: controls used by each such agency or organi- time systems for the purposes of enhancing (1) The Great Lakes shipping industry is zation to monitor and ensure compliance maritime domain awareness in marine pro- crucial to the American economy, including with the United States Cargo Preference tected areas, the transit zone, and the Arc- the U.S. manufacturing base, providing im- Laws, to include education, training, and su- tic; portant economic and national security ben- pervision of its contracting personnel, and (2) coordination and communication plans efits. the procedures and controls used to monitor to facilitate coordination with other rel- (2) A recent study found that the Great compliance with cargo preference require- evant Federal, State, Tribal, and local agen- Lakes shipping industry supports 237,000 jobs ments by contractors and subcontractors; cies, and international partners; and tens of billions of dollars in economic and (3) consideration of the potential impacts activity. (D) instances in which cargoes are shipped of such a demonstration program on the (3) United States Coast Guard icebreaking on foreign-flag vessels under non-availability Coast Guard’s existing unmanned vehicle capacity is crucial to full utilization of the determinations but not counted as such for programs; Great Lakes shipping system, as during the purposes of calculating cargo preference (4) an overview of areas that could be winter icebreaking season up to 15 percent of compliance; and surveilled under such program; annual cargo loads are delivered and many (3) an overview of enforcement activities (5) a timeline and technical milestones for industries would have to reduce their pro- undertaken by the Maritime Administration the implementation of such a program; duction if Coast Guard icebreaking services from October 14, 2008, until the date of the (6) resource requirements to implement were not provided. enactment of this Act, including a listing of and sustain such a program; and (4) Six of the Coast Guard’s nine all bills of lading collected by the Maritime (7) the operational benefits of such a pro- icebreaking cutters in the Great Lakes are Administration during that period. more than 30 years old and are frequently in- gram. (c) REPORT.—Not later than one year after (d) CONSULTATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS.— operable during the winter icebreaking sea- the date of enactment of this Act, the Comp- son, including those that have completed a The Commandant of the Coast Guard shall troller General shall submit to the Com- consult with relevant stakeholders including recent service life extension program. mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure the Department of Defense, other agencies, (5) During the previous 10 winters, Coast of the House of Representatives and the the academic sector, and developers and Guard Great Lakes icebreaking cutters have Committee on Commerce, Science, and manufacturers of unmanned maritime sys- been inoperable for an average of 65 cutter- Transportation of the Senate a report detail- tems on the appropriate technologies for suc- days during the winter icebreaking season, ing the results of the audit and providing cessful implementation of any demonstra- with this annual lost capability exceeding recommendations related to such results, to tion program under subsection (a). 100 cutter-days, with a high of 246 cutter- include— (e) REPORT.—Not later than one year after days during the winter of 2017–2018. (1) actions that should be taken by agen- the date of the enactment of this Act, the (6) The 2019 ice season provides further cies and organizations to fully comply with Commandant shall brief the Committee on proof that current Coast Guard icebreaking the United States Cargo Preference Laws; Transportation and Infrastructure of the capacity is inadequate for the needs of the and House of Representatives and the Committee Great Lakes shipping industry, as only six of (2) Other measures that may compel agen- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation the nine icebreaking cutters are operational cies and organizations, and their contractors of the Senate on the plans required under and millions of tons of cargo was not loaded and subcontractors, to use United States flag subsection (a). or was delayed due to inadequate Coast vessels in the international transportation of (f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Guard icebreaking assets during a histori- ocean cargoes as mandated by the United (1) ARCTIC.—The term ‘‘Arctic’’ has the cally average winter for Great Lakes ice cov- States Cargo Preference Laws. meaning given that term in section 112 of the erage. Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 (15 (7) The Congress has authorized the Coast SEC. 414. INSIDER THREAT PROGRAM. U.S.C. 4111). Guard to acquire a new Great Lakes ice- Not later than 180 days after the date of (2) MARINE PROTECTED AREA.—The term breaker as capable as Coast Guard Cutter the enactment of this Act, the Commandant ‘‘marine protected area’’ means any discrete MACKINAW (WLBB–30), the most capable of the Coast Guard shall brief the Committee area of the marine environment under a Fed- Great Lakes icebreaker, and $10 million has on Transportation and Infrastructure of the eral statute. been appropriated to fund the design and ini- House of Representatives and the Committee (3) TRANSIT ZONE.—The term ‘‘transit tial acquisition work for this icebreaker. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation zone’’ has the meaning given that term in (8) The Coast Guard has not initiated a new of the Senate on a plan to expand the Coast section 1092(a)(8) of the National Defense Au- acquisition program for this Great Lakes Guard Insider Threat program to include the thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (6 U.S.C. icebreaker. monitoring of all Coast Guard devices, in- 223(a)(8)). (b) SENSE OF THE CONGRESS.—It is the sense cluding mobile devices. (4) UNMANNED MARITIME SYSTEMS.—The of the Congress of the United States that a SEC. 415. FISHING SAFETY GRANTS. term ‘‘unmanned maritime systems’’ has the new Coast Guard icebreaker as capable as The cap on the Federal share of the cost of meaning given such term in section 402(c)(1). Coast Guard Cutter MACKINAW (WLBB–30) any activity carried out with a grant under SEC. 417. WATERS DEEMED NOT NAVIGABLE is needed on the Great Lakes and the Coast subsections (i) and (j) of section 4502 of title WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES Guard should acquire this icebreaker as soon 46, United States Code, as in effect prior to FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES. as possible. the date of enactment of the Frank LoBi- The Coalbank Slough in Coos Bay, Oregon, SEC. 413. CARGO PREFERENCE STUDY. ondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, is deemed to not be navigable waters of the (a) IN GENERAL.—The Comptroller General shall apply to any funds appropriated under United States for all purposes of subchapter of the United States shall conduct an audit the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 J of Chapter I of title 33, Code of Federal Regulations. regarding the enforcement of the United (Public Law 115–31) for the purpose of mak- States Cargo Preference Laws set forth in ing such grants. SEC. 418. COAST GUARD HOUSING; STATUS AND sections 55302, 55303, 55304, and 55305 of title AUTHORITIES BRIEFING. 46, United States Code, and section 2631 of SEC. 416. PLANS FOR DEMONSTRATION PRO- Not later than 180 days after the date of title 10, United States Code (hereinafter in GRAMS. the enactment of this Act, the Commandant this section referred to as the ‘‘United States (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commandant of the of the Coast Guard shall provide to the Com- Cargo Preference Laws’’). Coast Guard shall develop plans for dem- mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure (b) SCOPE.—The audit conducted under sub- onstration programs that will assess the fea- of the House of Representatives and the section (a) shall include, for the period from sibility of using unmanned maritime sys- Committee on Commerce, Science, and October 14, 2008, until the date of the enact- tems for surveillance of marine protected Transportation of the Senate a briefing on ment of this Act— areas, the transit zone, and the Arctic to— Coast Guard housing, including—

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(1) a description of the material condition Committee, shall conduct a study of the (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of of Coast Guard housing facilities; Hudson River north of Tarrytown, New York contents in section 1(b) of such Act is (2) the amount of current Coast Guard to examine— amended by adding at the end of the items housing construction and deferred mainte- (1) the nature of vessel traffic including relating to such subtitle the following: nance backlogs; vessel types, sizes, cargoes, and frequency of ‘‘Sec. 846. Rotational cybersecurity research (3) an overview of the manner in which the transits; program.’’. Coast Guard manages and maintains housing (2) the risks and benefits of historic prac- SEC. 423. TOWING VESSEL INSPECTION FEES. facilities; tices for commercial vessels anchoring; and Notwithstanding section 9701 of title 31, (4) a discussion of whether reauthorizing (3) the risks and benefits of establishing United States Code, and section 2110 of title housing authorities for the Coast Guard anchorage grounds on the Hudson River. 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the similar to those provided in section 208 of (e) REPORT.—Not later than one year after department in which the Coast Guard is op- the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1996 the date of the enactment of this Act, the erating may not charge an inspection fee for (Public Law 104–324); and Commandant of the Coast Guard shall sub- towing vessels required to have a Certificate mit to the Committee on Transportation and (5) recommendations regarding how the of Inspection under subchapter M of title 46, Infrastructure of the House of Representa- Congress could adjust those authorities to Code of Federal Regulations, until— tives and the Committee on Commerce, prevent mismanagement of Coast Guard (1) the completion of the review required Science, and Transportation of the Senate a housing facilities. under section 815 of the Frank LoBiondo report containing the findings, conclusions, SEC. 419. CONVEYANCE OF COAST GUARD PROP- Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Pub- ERTY AT POINT SPENCER, ALASKA. and recommendations from the study re- quired under subsection (b). lic Law 115–282); and (1) Section 533 of the Coast Guard Author- (2) the promulgation of regulations to es- SEC. 421. CERTIFICATE EXTENSIONS. ization Act of 2016 (Public Law 114–120) is tablish specific inspection fees for such ves- amended by adding at the end the following: (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter I of chapter 121 of title 46, United States Code, is amend- sels. ‘‘(f) REMEDIAL ACTIONS.—For purposes of ed by adding at the end the following: SEC. 424. SUBROGATED CLAIMS. the transfers under this section, the reme- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1012(b) of the Oil ‘‘§ 12108. Authority to extend the duration of dial actions required under section 120(h) of Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2712(b)) is vessel certificates the Comprehensive Environmental Response, amended— Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 ‘‘(a) CERTIFICATES.—Provided a vessel is in (1) by striking ‘‘The’’ and inserting the fol- U.S.C. 9620(h)) may be completed by the compliance with inspection requirements in lowing: section 3313, the Secretary of the Depart- United States Coast Guard after the date of ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The’’; and such transfer and a deed entered into for ment in which in the Coast Guard is oper- (2) by adding at the end the following: ating may, if he makes the determination such transfer shall include a clause granting ‘‘(2) SUBROGATED RIGHTS.—Except for a described in subsection (b), extend for a pe- the United States Coast Guard access to the guarantor claim pursuant to a defense under riod of not more than one year an expiring– property in any case in which remedial ac- section 1016(f)(1), Fund compensation of any — tion or corrective action is found to be nec- claim by an insurer or other indemnifier of a ‘‘(1) certificate of documentation issued for essary after the date of such transfer.’’. responsible party or injured third party is a vessel under chapter 121; or (2) Section 534(a) of the Coast Guard Au- subject to the subrogated rights of that re- ‘‘(2) certificate of financial responsibility thorization Act of 2016 (Public Law 114–120) is sponsible party or injured third party to required for a vessel by section 1016(a) of the amended by— such compensation.’’. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2716(a)) or (A) striking ‘‘Nothing’’ and inserting (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section and the ‘‘After the date on which the Secretary of Section 108 of the Comprehensive Environ- amendments made by this section shall take the Interior conveys land under section 533 mental Response, Compensation, and Liabil- effect 180 days after the date of enactment of of this Act, nothing’’; and ity Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9608). this Act. (B) by inserting ‘‘, with respect to con- ‘‘(b) DETERMINATION.—The determination referred to in subsection (a) is a determina- SEC. 425. LOAN PROVISIONS UNDER OIL POLLU- taminants on such land prior to the date on TION ACT OF 1990. tion that such extension is required to en- which the land is conveyed’’ before the pe- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1013 of the Oil able the Coast Guard to— riod. Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2713) is ‘‘(1) eliminate a backlog in processing ap- SEC. 420. PROHIBITION. amended by striking subsection (f). plications for such certificates; or (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Section (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the de- ‘‘(2) act in response to a national emer- partment in which the Coast Guard is oper- 1012(a) of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (33 gency or natural disaster. U.S.C. 2712(a)) is amended— ating shall not establish anchorage grounds ‘‘(c) MANNER OF EXTENSION.—Any exten- (1) in paragraph (4), by adding ‘‘and’’ after on the Hudson River between Yonkers, New sion granted under this section may be York, and Kingston, New York, under sec- granted to individual vessels or to a specifi- the semicolon at the end; tion 7 of the Rivers and Harbors Appropria- cally identified group of vessels.’’. (2) in paragraph (5)(D), by striking ‘‘; and’’ tions Act of 1915 (33 U.S.C. 471) or chapter 700 (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis and inserting a period; and of title 46, United States Code, in addition to for such subchapter is amended by adding at (3) by striking paragraph (6). any anchorage grounds in effect in such area the end the following: SEC. 426. LIABILITY LIMITS. on the date of the enactment of this Act. ‘‘12108. Authority to extend the duration of Section 1004(d)(2) of the Oil Pollution Act (b) RESTRICTION.—The Commandant may vessel certificates.’’. of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2704(d)(2)) is amended to read as follows: not establish or expand any anchorage SEC. 422. HOMELAND SECURITY ROTATIONAL CY- grounds outside of the reach on the Hudson BERSECURITY RESEARCH PROGRAM ‘‘(2) DEEPWATER PORTS AND ASSOCIATED River described in subsection (a) without AT THE COAST GUARD ACADEMY. VESSELS.— first providing notice to the Committee on (a) IN GENERAL.—Subtitle E of title VIII of ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If the Secretary deter- Transportation and Infrastructure of the the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. mines that the design and operation of a House of Representatives and the Committee 411 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end deepwater port results in a lower risk of oil on Commerce, Science, and Transportation the following: pollution than the design and operation of of the Senate not later than 180 days prior to ‘‘SEC. 846. ROTATIONAL CYBERSECURITY RE- such deepwater ports as existed on the date the establishment or expansion of any such SEARCH PROGRAM. of the enactment of the Coast Guard Author- anchorage grounds. ‘‘To enhance the Department’s cybersecu- ization Act of 2019, the Secretary may ini- (c) SAVINGS CLAUSE.—Nothing in this sec- rity capacity, the Secretary may establish a tiate a rulemaking proceeding to lower the tion— rotational research, development, and train- limitation of liability under subsection (a)(4) (1) prevents the master or pilot of a vessel ing program for— for such deepwater port and each other deep- operating on the reach of the Hudson River ‘‘(1) detail to the Cybersecurity and Infra- water port which achieves such lower risk described in subsection (a) from taking structure Security Agency (including the na- level through such port’s design and oper- emergency actions necessary to maintain tional cybersecurity and communications in- ation. the safety of the vessel or to prevent the loss tegration center authorized by section 2209) ‘‘(B) RISK DETERMINATION.—In determining of life or property; or of Coast Guard Academy graduates and fac- the risk of oil pollution, the Secretary shall (2) shall be construed as limiting the au- ulty; and take into account, as applicable— thority of the Secretary of the department ‘‘(2) detail to the Coast Guard Academy, as ‘‘(i) the size of the deepwater ports and as- in which the Coast Guard is operating to ex- faculty, of individuals with expertise and ex- sociated vessels; ercise authority over the movement of a ves- perience in cybersecurity who are employed ‘‘(ii) oil storage capacity of the deepwater sel under section 70002 of title 46, United by— ports and associated vessels; States Code, or any other applicable laws or ‘‘(A) the Agency (including the center); ‘‘(iii) oil handling capacity of the deep- regulations governing the safe navigation of ‘‘(B) the Directorate of Science and Tech- water ports and associated vessels; a vessel. nology; or ‘‘(iv) oil throughput; (d) STUDY.—The Commandant of the Coast ‘‘(C) institutions that have been designated ‘‘(v) proximity to sensitive areas; Guard, in consultation with the Hudson by the Department as a Center of Excellence ‘‘(vi) type of oil handled; River Safety, Navigation, and Operations for Cyber Defense, or the equivalent.’’. ‘‘(vii) history of oil discharges; and

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‘‘(viii) such other factors relevant to the (2) REQUIREMENTS.—The plans required carriage of bulk dangerous cargoes regulated oil pollution risks posed by the class or cat- under paragraph (1) shall— under chapter 37. egory of deepwater port and associated ves- (A) examine and explain any safety issues ‘‘§ 4502. Definitions sels as the Secretary determines appropriate. with regard to the operation of the such ‘‘In this chapter: ‘‘(C) LIMIT OF LIABILITY; TRANSPORTATION craft as a vessel, or as an aircraft, or both; ‘‘(1) The term ‘accountable vessel’ means a OF OIL.—For deepwater ports used in connec- (B) include a timeline and technical mile- tion with the transportation of oil, the Sec- stones for the implementation of such a dem- vessel to which this chapter applies that— retary may establish a limitation of liability onstration program; ‘‘(A)(i) was built after December 31, 1988, or under subparagraph (A) of not more than (C) outline resource requirements needed undergoes a major conversion completed $350,000,000 and not less than $50,000,000. to undertake such a demonstration program; after that date; and ‘‘(ii) operates with more than 16 individ- ‘‘(D) LIMIT OF LIABILITY; TRANSPORTATION (D) describe specific operational cir- uals on board; or OF NATURAL GAS.—For deepwater ports used cumstances under which the craft may be in connection with the transportation of nat- used, including distance from United States ‘‘(B) in the case of a fish tender vessel, en- ural gas, the Secretary may establish a limi- land, altitude, number of individuals, gages in the Aleutian trade. tation of liability under subparagraph (A) of amount of cargo, and speed and weight of ‘‘(2) The term ‘auxiliary craft’ means a ves- not more than $350,000,000 and not less than vessel; sel that is carried onboard a fishing vessel $1,000,000.’’. (E) describe the operations under which and is normally used to support fishing oper- ations. SEC. 427. REPORT ON DRUG INTERDICTION IN Federal Aviation Administration statutes, THE CARIBBEAN BASIN. regulations, circulars, or orders apply; and ‘‘(3)(A) The term ‘built’ means, with re- (a) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after (F) describe the certifications, permits, or spect to a vessel, that the vessel’s construc- the date of enactment of this Act, the Com- authorizations required to perform any oper- tion has reached any of the following stages: mandant of the Coast Guard shall submit to ations. ‘‘(i) The vessel’s keel is laid. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- (b) REPORT.—Not later than one year after ‘‘(ii) Construction identifiable with the structure of the House of Representatives the date of the enactment of this Act, the vessel has begun and assembly of that vessel and the Committee on Commerce, Science, Commandant, along with the Administrator has commenced comprising of at least 50 and Transportation of the Senate a report on of the Federal Aviation Administration with metric tons or one percent of the estimated drug interdiction in the Caribbean basin. regard to any regulatory or safety matter re- mass of all structural material, whichever is (b) CONTENT.—Such report shall include— garding airspace, air space authorization, or less. (1) a statement of the Coast Guard mission aviation, shall brief the Committee on ‘‘(B) In the case of a vessel greater than 79 requirements for drug interdiction in the Transportation and Infrastructure of the feet in overall length, for purposes of sub- Caribbean basin; House of Representatives and the Committee paragraph (A)(i), a keel is deemed to be laid (2) the number of maritime surveillance on Commerce, Science and Transportation of when a marine surveyor affirms that a struc- hours and Coast Guard assets used in each of the Senate on the plan developed under sub- ture adequate for serving as a keel for such fiscal years 2017 through 2019 to counter the section (a), including— vessel is in place and identified for use in the illicit trafficking of drugs and other related (1) any regulatory changes needed regard- construction of such vessel. threats throughout the Caribbean basin; and ing inspections and manning, to allow such ‘‘(4) The term ‘subject vessel’ means a ves- (3) a determination of whether such hours craft to operate between onshore facilities sel to which this chapter applies that— and assets satisfied the Coast Guard mission and offshore energy facilities when such ‘‘(A) operates beyond 3 nautical miles from requirements for drug interdiction in the craft is operating as a vessel; the baseline from which the territorial sea of Caribbean basin. (2) any regulatory changes that would be the United States is measured or beyond 3 SEC. 428. VOTING REQUIREMENT. necessary to address potential impacts to air nautical miles from the coastline of the Section 305(i)(1)(G)(iv) of the Magnuson- traffic control, the National Airspace Sys- Great Lakes; Stevens Fishery Conservation and Manage- tem, and other aircraft operations, and to ‘‘(B) operates with more than 16 individ- ment Act (16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(G)(iv)) is ensure safe operations on or near helidecks uals on board; or amended to read as follows: and platforms located on offshore energy fa- ‘‘(C) in the case of a fish tender vessel, en- ‘‘(iv) VOTING REQUIREMENT.—The panel may cilities when such craft are operating as air- gages in the Aleutian trade. act only by the affirmative vote of at least craft; and ‘‘(5) The term ‘substitute-eligible vessel’ five of its members.’’. (3) any other statutory or regulatory means a fishing vessel or fish tender vessel SEC. 429. TRANSPORTATION WORK IDENTIFICA- changes related to authority of the Federal that is— TION CARD PILOT PROGRAM. Aviation Administration over operations of ‘‘(A) a subject vessel; Section 70105(g) of title 46, United States the craft. ‘‘(B) at least 50 feet overall in length, and Code, is amended by striking ‘‘shall concur- not more than 180 feet overall in length as rently’’ and all that follows and inserting TITLE V—REORGANIZATION listed on the vessel’s certificate of docu- the following: ‘‘shall— SEC. 501. UNINSPECTED COMMERCIAL FISHING mentation or certificate of number; and ‘‘(1) develop and, no later than one year INDUSTRY VESSELS. ‘‘(C) built after February 8, 2016. after the date of enactment of the Coast (a) IN GENERAL.—Subtitle II of title 46, ‘‘§ 4503. Safety standards Guard Authorization Act of 2019, implement United States Code, is amended by striking a joint application for merchant mariner’s chapter 45 and inserting the following: ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall pre- documents under chapter 73 of title 46, ‘‘CHAPTER 45—UNINSPECTED scribe regulations that require that each ves- United States Code, and for a transportation COMMERCIAL INDUSTRY VESSELS sel to which this chapter applies shall be equipped with— security card issued under this section; and ‘‘Sec. ‘‘(1) readily accessible fire extinguishers ‘‘(2) upon receipt of a joint application de- ‘‘4501. Application. veloped under paragraph (1) concurrently ‘‘4502. Definitions. capable of promptly and effectively extin- process an application from an individual for ‘‘4503. Safety standards. guishing a flammable or combustible liquid merchant mariner’s documents under chap- ‘‘4504. Vessel construction. fuel fire; ter 73 of title 46, United States Code, and an ‘‘4505. Operating stability. ‘‘(2) at least one readily accessible life pre- application from such individual for a trans- ‘‘4506. Training. server or other lifesaving device for each in- portation security card under this section.’’. ‘‘4507. Vessel certification. dividual on board; SEC. 430. PLAN FOR WING-IN-GROUND DEM- ‘‘4508. Alternate safety compliance program. ‘‘(3) an efficient flame arrestor, backfire ONSTRATION PLAN. ‘‘4509. Substitute safety compliance pro- trap, or other similar device on the carbu- (a) IN GENERAL.—(1) The Commandant of gram. retors of each inboard engine that uses gaso- the Coast Guard, in coordination with the ‘‘4510. Enhanced substitute safety compli- line as fuel; Administrator of the Federal Aviation Ad- ance program. ‘‘(4) the means to properly and efficiently ministration with regard to any regulatory ‘‘4511. Prohibited acts. ventilate enclosed spaces, including engine or safety matter regarding airspace, air ‘‘4512. Termination of unsafe operations. and fuel tank compartments, so as to remove space authorization, or aviation, shall de- ‘‘4513. Penalties. explosive or flammable gases; velop plans for a demonstration program ‘‘4514. Compliance; Secretary actions. ‘‘(5) visual distress signals; that will determine whether wing-in-ground ‘‘4515. Exemptions. ‘‘(6) other equipment required to minimize craft, as that term is defined in section 2101 ‘‘4516. Regulations; considerations and limi- the risk of injury to the crew during vessel of title 46, United States Code, that is capa- tations. operations, if the Secretary determines that ble of carrying at least one individual, can— ‘‘4517. Fishing safety grants. a risk of serious injury exists that can be (A) provide transportation in areas in ‘‘§ 4501. Application eliminated or mitigated by that equipment; which energy exploration, development or ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in and production activity takes place on the Outer subsection (b), this chapter applies to an ‘‘(7) a placard as required by regulations Continental Shelf; and uninspected vessel that is a fishing vessel, prescribed under section 10603(b). (B) under the craft’s own power, safely fish processing vessel, or fish tender vessel. ‘‘(b) SUBJECT VESSELS.—In addition to the reach helidecks or platforms located on off- ‘‘(b) CARRIAGE OF BULK DANGEROUS CAR- requirements of subsection (a), the Secretary shore energy facilities. GOES.—This chapter does not apply to the shall prescribe regulations requiring that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7277 subject vessels install, maintain, and use the gram approved by the Secretary that meets ‘‘(1) A subject vessel that is— following equipment: the requirements of subsection (b) and hold a ‘‘(A) at least 50 feet overall in length; ‘‘(1) Alerting and locating equipment, in- valid certificate issued under that program. ‘‘(B) built before July 1, 2013; and cluding emergency position indicating radio ‘‘(b) TRAINING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS.— ‘‘(C) 25 years of age or older. beacons. The training program shall— ‘‘(2) A fishing vessel, fish processing vessel, ‘‘(2)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), a sur- ‘‘(1) be based on professional knowledge or fish tender vessel built before July 1, 2013, vival craft that— and skill obtained through sea service and that undergoes a major conversion com- ‘‘(i) ensures that no part of an individual is hands-on training, including training in sea- pleted after the date the Secretary pre- immersed in water; and manship, stability, collision prevention, scribes an alternate safety compliance pro- ‘‘(ii) is sufficient to accommodate all indi- navigation, firefighting and prevention, gram. viduals on board. damage control, personal survival, emer- ‘‘(c) EXEMPT VESSELS.— ‘‘(B) Except for a nonapplicable vessel, an gency medical care, emergency drills, and ‘‘(1) Notwithstanding subsection (b), ves- auxiliary craft shall satisfy the equipment weather; sels owned by a person that owns more than requirement under paragraph (2)(B) if such ‘‘(2) require an individual to demonstrate 30 vessels subject to that subsection are not craft is— ability to communicate in an emergency sit- required to comply with alternate safety ‘‘(i) necessary for normal fishing oper- uation and understand information found in compliance program requirements until Jan- ations; navigation publications; uary 1, 2030, if that owner— ‘‘(ii) readily accessible during an emer- ‘‘(3) recognize and give credit for recent ‘‘(A) enters into a compliance agreement gency; and past experience in fishing vessel operation; with the Secretary that provides for a fixed ‘‘(iii) capable, in accordance with the Coast and schedule for all such vessels owned by that Guard capacity rating, when applicable, of ‘‘(4) provide for issuance of a certificate to person to meet requirements of such para- safely holding all individuals on board the an individual who has successfully com- graph by such date; and vessel to which the craft functions as an aux- pleted the program. ‘‘(B) is meeting such schedule. iliary. ‘‘(c) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall ‘‘(2) A subject vessel that was classed be- ‘‘(3) At least one readily accessible immer- prescribe regulations implementing this sec- fore July 1, 2012, is exempt from the require- sion suit for each individual on board the tion. The regulations shall require that an ments of this section if such vessel— vessel when operating on the waters de- individual who is issued a certificate under ‘‘(A) remains subject to the requirements scribed in section 3102. subsection (b)(4) must complete refresher of a classification society approved by the ‘‘(4) Marine radio communications equip- training at least once every 5 years as a con- Secretary; and ment sufficient to effectively communicate dition of maintaining the validity of the cer- ‘‘(B) has on board a certificate from that with a land-based search and rescue facility. tificate. society. ‘‘(5) Navigation equipment, including com- ‘‘(d) ELECTRONIC DATABASE.—The Sec- ‘‘§ 4509. Substitute safety compliance program retary shall establish an electronic database passes, nautical charts, and publications. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall es- ‘‘(6) First aid equipment and medical sup- listing the names of individuals who have participated in and received a certificate tablish a substitute safety compliance pro- plies sufficient for the size and area of oper- gram for substitute-eligible vessels that in- ation of the vessel. confirming successful completion of a train- ing program approved by the Secretary cludes the following requirements: ‘‘(7) Ground tackle sufficient for the vessel. ‘‘(1) A substitute-eligible vessel shall be de- CCOUNTABLE VESSELS.—In addition to under this section. ‘‘(c) A signed by an individual licensed by a State the requirements described in subsections (a) ‘‘§ 4507. Vessel certification as a naval architect or marine engineer, and and (b), the Secretary may prescribe regula- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A vessel to which this the design shall incorporate standards equiv- tions establishing minimum safety standards section applies may not be operated unless alent to those prescribed by a classification for accountable vessels, including standards the vessel— relating to— society to which the Secretary has delegated ‘‘(1) meets all survey and classification re- authority under section 3316 or another ‘‘(1) navigation equipment, including ra- quirements prescribed by the American Bu- dars and fathometers; qualified organization approved by the Sec- reau of Shipping or another similarly quali- retary for purposes of this paragraph. ‘‘(2) lifesaving equipment, immersion suits, fied organization approved by the Secretary; signaling devices, bilge pumps, bilge alarms, ‘‘(2) Construction of a substitute-eligible and vessel shall be overseen and certified as life rails, and grab rails; ‘‘(2) has on board a certificate issued by ‘‘(3) fire protection and firefighting equip- being in accordance with its design by a ma- the American Bureau of Shipping or such rine surveyor of an organization accepted by ment, including fire alarms and portable and other organization evidencing compliance semiportable fire extinguishing equipment; the Secretary. with this subsection. ‘‘(3) A substitute-eligible vessel shall— ‘‘(4) use and installation of insulation ma- ‘‘(b) APPLICATION.— terial; ‘‘(A) complete a stability test performed by ‘‘(1) Except as provided in section 4509, this a qualified individual; ‘‘(5) storage methods for flammable or section applies to a fish processing vessel to combustible material; and ‘‘(B) have written stability and loading in- which this chapter applies that— structions from a qualified individual that ‘‘(6) fuel, ventilation, and electrical sys- ‘‘(A) is built after July 27, 1990; or tems. are provided to the owner or operator; and ‘‘(B) undergoes a major conversion com- ‘‘(C) have an assigned loading mark. ‘‘§ 4504. Vessel construction pleted after that date. ‘‘(4) A substitute-eligible vessel shall not ‘‘A vessel to which this chapter applies ‘‘(2)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph be substantially altered without the review shall be constructed in a manner that pro- (B), this section applies to a subject vessel and approval of an individual licensed by a vides a level of safety equivalent to the min- that is at least 50 feet overall in length and State as a naval architect or marine engi- imum safety standards the Secretary may is built after July 1, 2013. neer before the beginning of such substantial establish for recreational vessels under sec- ‘‘(B) This section does not apply to a sub- alteration. tion 4302, if the vessel is— stitute-eligible vessel if such vessel complies ‘‘(5) A substitute-eligible vessel shall un- ‘‘(1) a subject vessel; with— dergo a condition survey at least twice in 5 ‘‘(2) less than 50 feet overall in length; and ‘‘(i) the substitute safety compliance pro- years, with not more than 3 years between ‘‘(3) built after January 1, 2010. gram established under section 4509; or surveys, to the satisfaction of a marine sur- ‘‘§ 4505. Operating stability ‘‘(ii) the enhanced substitute safety com- veyor of an organization accepted by the ‘‘(a) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall pliance program established by the Sec- Secretary. prescribe regulations for the operating sta- retary under section 4510. ‘‘(6) A substitute-eligible vessel shall un- bility of a vessel to which this chapter ap- ‘‘§ 4508. Alternate safety compliance program dergo an out-of-water survey at least once plies— ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.— every 5 years to the satisfaction of a cer- ‘‘(1) that was built after December 31, 1989; ‘‘(1) The Secretary shall establish an alter- tified marine surveyor of an organization ac- or nate safety compliance program developed in cepted by the Secretary. ‘‘(2) the physical characteristics of which coordination with the commercial fishing in- ‘‘(7) Once every 5 years, and at the time of are substantially altered after December 31, dustry. a substantial alteration to a substitute-eligi- 1989, in a manner that affects the vessel’s op- ‘‘(2) The program established under para- ble vessel, compliance of the vessel with the erating stability. graph (1) may include requirements for— requirements of paragraph (3) is reviewed ‘‘(b) EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE.—The Sec- ‘‘(A) a specific region or fishery (or both); and updated as necessary. retary may accept, as evidence of compli- and ‘‘(8) For the life of a substitute-eligible ance with this section, a certification of ‘‘(B) any combination of regions or fish- vessel, the owner of the vessel shall maintain compliance issued by the person providing eries (or both). records to demonstrate compliance with this insurance for the vessel or by another quali- ‘‘(b) VESSELS REQUIRED TO COMPLY.—Be- subsection and make such records readily fied person approved by the Secretary. ginning on the date that is 3 years after the available for inspection by an official au- ‘‘§ 4506. Training date the Secretary prescribes an alternate thorized to enforce this chapter. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The individual in charge safety compliance program, the following ‘‘(b) COMPLIANCE.—Section 4507 of this title of a subject vessel must pass a training pro- vessels shall comply with such program: shall not apply to a substitute-eligible vessel

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that complies with the requirements of the ‘‘(b) CRIMINAL PENALTIES.—An individual Fishing Safety Research Grant Program to program established under this section. willfully violating this chapter or a regula- provide funding to individuals in academia, ‘‘(c) REPORT.—Not later than February 8, tion prescribed under this chapter shall be not-for-profit organizations, businesses in- 2026, the Secretary shall submit to the Com- fined not more than $5,000, imprisoned for volved in fishing and maritime matters, and mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure not more than one year, or both. other persons with expertise in fishing safe- of the House of Representatives and the ‘‘§ 4514. Compliance; Secretary actions ty, to conduct research on methods of im- Committee on Commerce, Science, and ‘‘To ensure compliance with the require- proving the safety of the commercial fishing Transportation of the Senate a report that industry, including vessel design, emergency provides an analysis of the adequacy of the ments of this chapter, the Secretary— ‘‘(1) shall require the individual in charge and survival equipment, enhancement of ves- substitute safety compliance program re- sel monitoring systems, communications de- quirements established under subsection (a) of a subject vessel to keep a record of equip- ment maintenance and required instruction vices, de-icing technology, and severe weath- in maintaining the safety of substitute-eligi- er detection. ble fishing vessels and fish tender vessels and and drills; ‘‘(2) AWARD CRITERIA.—The Secretary of that comply with such requirements. ‘‘(2) shall examine at dockside a subject vessel at least once every 5 years, but may Health and Human Services, in consultation ‘‘§ 4510. Enhanced substitute safety compli- require an exam at dockside every 2 years for with and based on criteria established by the ance program certain subject vessels if requested by the Commandant of the Coast Guard, shall ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—If the report required owner or operator; and award grants under this subsection on a under section 4509(c) includes a determina- ‘‘(3) shall issue a certificate of compliance competitive basis. tion that the substitute safety compliance to a vessel meeting the requirements of this ‘‘(3) LIMITATION ON FEDERAL SHARE OF program established under section 4509(a) is chapter and satisfying the requirements of COST.—The Federal share of the cost of any not adequate or that additional safety meas- paragraph (2). activity carried out with a grant under this ures are necessary, then the Secretary may subsection shall not exceed 50 percent. ‘‘§ 4515. Exemptions establish an enhanced substitute safety com- ‘‘(4) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— pliance program for fishing vessels or fish ‘‘The Secretary may exempt a vessel from There is authorized to be appropriated tender vessels (or both) that are substitute- any part of this chapter if, under regulations $3,000,000 for each fiscal year 2020 and 2021 for eligible vessels and that comply with the re- prescribed by the Secretary (including regu- activities under this subsection.’’. lations on special operating conditions), the quirements of section 4509. (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section ‘‘(b) REQUIREMENTS.—The enhanced sub- Secretary finds that— 3104(d) of title 46, United States Code, is stitute safety compliance program estab- ‘‘(1) good cause exists for granting an ex- amended by striking ‘‘under section 4503(d)’’ lished under this subsection shall include re- emption; and and inserting ‘‘under section 4502(3)’’. quirements for— ‘‘(2) the safety of the vessel and those on (c) SAFETY STANDARDS.—Not later than 90 ‘‘(1) vessel construction; board will not be adversely affected. days after the date of the enactment of this ‘‘(2) a vessel stability test; ‘‘§ 4516. Regulations; considerations and limi- Act, and without regard to the provisions of ‘‘(3) vessel stability and loading instruc- tations chapters 5 and 6 of title 5, United States tions; ‘‘In prescribing a regulation under this Code, the Secretary of the department in ‘‘(4) an assigned vessel loading mark; chapter, the Secretary— which the Coast Guard is operating shall ‘‘(5) a vessel condition survey at least ‘‘(1) shall consider the specialized nature promulgate the regulations required by sec- twice in 5 years, not more than 3 years apart; and economics of the operations and the tion 4503(b) of title 46, United States Code, as ‘‘(6) an out-of-water vessel survey at least character, design, and construction of the amended by this section. once every 5 years; vessel; and SEC. 502. TRANSFERS. ‘‘(7) maintenance of records to dem- ‘‘(2) may not require the alteration of a onstrate compliance with the program, and vessel or associated equipment that was con- (a) TRANSFERS OF PROVISIONS.— the availability of such records for inspec- structed or manufactured before the effec- (1) IN GENERAL.— tion; and tive date of such regulation. (A) Section 215 of the Coast Guard and ‘‘(8) such other aspects of vessel safety as Maritime Transportation Act of 2004 (Public ‘‘§ 4517. Fishing safety grants the Secretary considers appropriate. Law 108–293; 14 U.S.C. 504 note) is redesig- ‘‘(c) COMPLIANCE.—Section 4507 shall not ‘‘(a) SAFETY TRAINING GRANTS.— nated as section 321 of title 14, United States apply to a substitute-eligible vessel that ‘‘(1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of Code, transferred to appear after section 320 complies with the requirements of the pro- Health and Human Services shall establish a of that title, and amended so that the enu- gram established under this section. Fishing Safety Training Grant Program to merator, section heading, typeface, and ‘‘§ 4511. Prohibited acts provide funding to municipalities, port au- typestyle conform to those appearing in thorities, other appropriate public entities, ‘‘A person may not operate a vessel in vio- other sections in title 14, United States not-for-profit organizations, and other quali- lation of this chapter or a regulation pre- Code. fied persons that provide commercial fishing scribed under this chapter. (B) Section 406 of the Maritime Transpor- safety training. ‘‘§ 4512. Termination of unsafe operations tation Security Act of 2002 (Public Law (107– ‘‘(2) USE OF FUNDS.—Entities receiving 295; 14 U.S.C. 501 note) is redesignated as sec- ‘‘An official authorized to enforce this funds under this section may use such tion 719 of title 14, United States Code, chapter— funds— transferred to appear after section 718 of ‘‘(1) may direct the individual in charge of ‘‘(A) to conduct fishing vessel safety train- that title, and amended so that the enu- a vessel to which this chapter applies to im- ing for vessel operators and crewmembers merator, section heading, typeface, and mediately take reasonable steps necessary that— typestyle conform to those appearing in for the safety of individuals on board the ‘‘(i) in the case of vessel operators, meets other sections in title 14, United States vessel if the official observes the vessel being the requirements of section 4506; and Code. operated in an unsafe condition that the offi- ‘‘(ii) in the case of crewmembers, meets (C) Section 1110 of title 14, United States cial believes creates an especially hazardous the requirements of sections 4506(b)(1), Code, is redesignated as section 5110 of that condition, including ordering the individual 4506(b)(4), 4506(c), and 4506(d), and such re- title, and transferred to appear after section in charge to return the vessel to a mooring quirements of section 4506(b)(2) as are appro- 5109 of that title. and to remain there until the situation cre- priate for crewmembers; and (D) ELEVATION OF DISPUTES TO THE CHIEF ating the hazard is corrected or ended; and ‘‘(B) for purchase of safety equipment and ACQUISITION OFFICER.— ‘‘(2) may order the individual in charge of training aids for use in such fishing vessel (i) Section 401 of the Coast Guard Author- an uninspected fish processing vessel that safety training programs. ization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–281) is does not have on board the certificate re- ‘‘(3) AWARD CRITERIA.—The Secretary of amended by striking subsection (e). quired under section 4507 to return the vessel Health and Human Services, in consultation (ii) Subchapter I of chapter 11 of title 14, to a mooring and to remain there until the with and based on criteria established by the United States Code, as amended by this Act, vessel is in compliance with such section, Commandant of the Coast Guard, shall is amended by adding at the end the fol- unless the vessel is required to comply with award grants under this subsection on a lowing: section 4508. competitive basis. ‘‘§ 4513. Penalties ‘‘(4) LIMITATION ON FEDERAL SHARE OF ‘‘§ 1110. Elevation of Disputes to the Chief Ac- quisition Officer ‘‘(a) CIVIL PENALTY.—The owner, charterer, COST.—The Federal share of the cost of any managing operator, agent, master, and indi- activity carried out with a grant under this ‘‘If, after 90 days following the elevation to vidual in charge of a vessel to which this subsection shall not exceed 50 percent. the Chief Acquisition Officer of any design or chapter applies that is operated in violation ‘‘(5) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— other dispute regarding level 1 or level 2 ac- of this chapter or a regulation prescribed There is authorized to be appropriated quisition, the dispute remains unresolved, under this chapter may each be assessed a $3,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 and 2021 the Commandant shall provide to the appro- civil penalty by the Secretary of not more for grants under this subsection. priate congressional committees a detailed than $10,260. Any vessel with respect to ‘‘(b) RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAM.— description of the issue and the rationale un- which a penalty is assessed under this sub- ‘‘(1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of derlying the decision taken by the Chief Ac- section is liable in rem for the penalty. Health and Human Services shall establish a quisition Officer to resolve the issue.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7279

(E) Section 217 of the Coast Guard Author- (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.— (A) REPEAL.—Section 8303 of title 46, ization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–281; 14 (A) The analysis for chapter 3 of title 14, United States Code, and the item relating to U.S.C. 504 note)— United States Code, as amended by this Act, that section in the analysis for chapter 83 of (i) is redesignated as section 5111 of title is further amended by adding at the end the that title, are repealed. 14, United States Code, transferred to appear following: (B) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section after section 5110 of that title, and amended ‘‘321. Redistricting notification require- 14305(a)(10) of title 46, United States Code, is so that the enumerator, section heading, ment.’’. amended by striking ‘‘sections 8303 and 8304’’ typeface, and typestyle conform to those ap- (B) The analysis for chapter 7 of title 14, and inserting ‘‘section 8304’’. pearing in other sections in title 14, United United States Code, as amended by this Act, (2) STANDARDS FOR TANK VESSELS OF THE States Code; and is further amended by adding at the end the UNITED STATES.—Section 9102 of title 46, (ii) is amended— following: United States Code, is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘(a)’’ before the first sen- (I) by striking the heading and inserting ‘‘719. VHF communication services.’’. the following: tence; and (C) The analysis for chapter 11 of title 14, (B) by striking subsection (b). ‘‘§ 5111. Sexual assault and sexual harassment United States Code, is amended by striking in the Coast Guard’’; and (b) REPEAL.—Section 343 of the Maritime the item relating to section 1110 and insert- Transportation Security Act of 2002 (Public (II) in subsection (b), by adding at the end ing the following: Law 107–295; 116 Stat. 2106) is repealed. the following: ‘‘1110. Elevation of disputes to the Chief Ac- (c) ACCIDENT AND INCIDENT NOTIFICATION.— ‘‘(5)(A) The number of instances in which a quisition Officer.’’. Subsection (c) of section 9 of the Pipeline covered individual was accused of mis- (D) The analysis for chapter 51 of title 14, Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Cre- conduct or crimes considered collateral to United States Code, is amended by adding at ation Act of 2011 (Public Law 112–90; 125 Stat the investigation of a sexual assault com- the end the following: 1912)) is repealed and is deemed not to have mitted against the individual. ‘‘5110. Mission need statement. been enacted. ‘‘(B) The number of instances in which ad- ‘‘5111. Sexual assault and sexual harassment TITLE VI—TECHNICAL, CONFORMING, verse action was taken against a covered in- in the Coast Guard.’’. AND CLARIFYING AMENDMENTS dividual who was accused of collateral mis- (E) The analysis for chapter 700 of title 46, SEC. 601. MARITIME TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. conduct or crimes as described in subpara- United States Code, as amended by section graph (A). (a) MARITIME TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM.— 311(b), is further amended by inserting after Section 312(b)(4) of title 14, United States ‘‘(C) The percentage of investigations of the item relating to section 70006 the fol- sexual assaults that involved an accusation Code, is amended by striking ‘‘marine trans- lowing: or adverse action against a covered indi- portation system’’ and inserting ‘‘maritime vidual as described in subparagraphs (A) and ‘‘70007. Establishment by the Secretary of transportation system’’. (b) CLARIFICATION OF REFERENCE TO MARINE (B). Homeland Security of anchor- TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PROGRAMS.—Sec- ‘‘(D) In this paragraph, the term ‘covered age grounds and regulations tion 50307(a) of title 46, United States Code, individual’ means an individual who is iden- generally.’’. RANSFERS.— is amended by striking ‘‘marine transpor- tified as a victim of a sexual assault in the (b) T tation’’ and inserting ‘‘maritime transpor- case files of a military criminal investiga- (1) SECTION 204 OF THE MARINE TRANSPOR- tation’’. tive organization.’’. TATION SECURITY ACT.— (F) Section 305 of title 46, United States (A) The Maritime Transportation Security SEC. 602. REFERENCES TO ‘‘PERSONS’’ AND ‘‘SEA- MEN’’. Code, is amended— Act of 2002 is amended by striking section 204 (a) TECHNICAL CORRECTION OF REFERENCES (i) by striking ‘‘The Federal’’ and inserting (33 U.S.C. 1902a). (B) Section 3 of the Act to Prevent Pollu- TO ‘‘PERSONS’’.—Title 14, United States Code, ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Federal’’; and is amended as follows: (ii) by inserting after section (a) the fol- tion from Ships (33 U.S.C. 1902)— (i) is amended by redesignating subsections (1) In section 312(d), by striking ‘‘persons’’ lowing: and inserting ‘‘individuals’’. ‘‘(b) TRANSPARENCY.— (e) through (i) as subsections (f) through (j) (2) In section 313(d)(2)(B), by striking ‘‘per- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In conjunction with the respectively; and son’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’’. transmittal by the President to the Congress (ii) by inserting after subsection (d) the (3) In section 504— of the Budget of the United States for fiscal following: (A) in subsection (a)(19)(B), by striking ‘‘a year 2021 and biennially there-after, the Fed- ‘‘(e) DISCHARGE OF AGRICULTURAL CARGO person’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’; and eral Maritime Commission shall submit to RESIDUE.—Notwithstanding any other provi- (B) in subsection (c)(4), by striking ‘‘sea- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and sion of law, the discharge from a vessel of men;’’ and inserting ‘‘mariners;’’. Transportation of the Senate and the Com- any agricultural cargo residue material in mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure the form of hold washings shall be governed (4) In section 521, by striking ‘‘persons’’ of the House of Representatives reports that exclusively by the provisions of the Act to each place it appears and inserting ‘‘individ- describe the Commission’s progress toward Prevent Pollution from Ships (33 U.S.C. 1901 uals’’. addressing the issues raised in each unfin- et seq.) that implement Annex V to the (5) In section 522— ished regulatory proceeding, regardless of International Convention for the Prevention (A) by striking ‘‘a person’’ and inserting whether the proceeding if subject to a statu- of Pollution from Ships.’’. ‘‘an individual’’; and tory or regulatory deadline. (2) LNG TANKERS.— (B) by striking ‘‘person’’ the second and ‘‘(2) FORMAT OF REPORTS.—Each report (A) The Coast Guard and Maritime Trans- third place it appears and inserting ‘‘indi- under paragraph (1) shall, among other portation Act of 2006 is amended by striking vidual’’. things, clearly identify for each unfinished section 304 (Public Law 109–241; 120 Stat. 527). (6) In section 525(a)(1)(C)(ii), by striking regulatory proceeding— (B) Section 5 of the Deepwater Port Act of ‘‘person’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’’. ‘‘(A) the popular title; 1974 (33 U.S.C. 1504) is amended by adding at (7) In section 526— ‘‘(B) the current stage of the proceeding; the end the following: (A) by striking ‘‘person’’ each place it ap- ‘‘(C) an abstract of the proceeding; ‘‘(j) LNG TANKERS.— pears and inserting ‘‘individual’’; ‘‘(D) what prompted the action in question; ‘‘(1) PROGRAM.—The Secretary of Transpor- (B) by striking ‘‘persons’’ each place it ap- ‘‘(E) any applicable statutory, regulatory, tation shall develop and implement a pro- pears and inserting ‘‘individuals’’; and or judicial deadline; gram to promote the transportation of lique- (C) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘per- ‘‘(F) the associated docket number; fied natural gas to and from the United son’s’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’s’’. ‘‘(G) the date the rulemaking was initi- States on United States flag vessels. (8) In section 709— ated; ‘‘(2) INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED.—When (A) by striking ‘‘persons’’ and inserting ‘‘(H) a date for the next action; and the Coast Guard is operating as a contrib- ‘‘individuals’’; and ‘‘(I) if a date for the next action identified uting agency in the Federal Energy Regu- (B) by striking ‘‘person’’ and inserting ‘‘in- in the previous report is not met, the reason latory Commission’s shoreside licensing dividual’’. for the delay.’’. process for a liquefied natural gas or lique- (9) In section 933(b), by striking ‘‘Every (G) Section 7 of the Rivers and Harbors Ap- fied petroleum gas terminal located on shore person’’ and inserting ‘‘An individual’’. propriations Act of 1915 (33 U.S.C. 471) is or within State seaward boundaries, the (10) In section 1102(d), by striking ‘‘per- amended— Coast Guard shall provide to the Commission sons’’ and inserting ‘‘individuals’’. (i) by transferring such section to appear the information described in section (11) In section 1902(b)(3)— after section 70006 of title 46, United States 5(c)(2)(K) of the Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘per- Code; (33 U.S.C. 1504(c)(2)(K)) with respect to ves- son or persons’’ and inserting ‘‘individual or (ii) by striking ‘‘SEC. 7.’’ and inserting sels reasonably anticipated to be servicing individuals’’; and ‘‘§70007. Establishment by Secretary of Home- that port.’’. (B) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘per- land Security of anchorage grounds and reg- SEC. 503. REPEALS. son’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’’. ulations generally’’; and (a) LICENSE EXEMPTIONS; REPEAL OF OBSO- (12) In section 1941(b), by striking ‘‘per- (iii) by adjusting the margins with respect LETE PROVISIONS.— sons’’ and inserting ‘‘individuals’’. to subsections (a) and (b) for the presence of (1) SERVICE UNDER LICENSES ISSUED WITHOUT (13) In section 2101(b), by striking ‘‘person’’ a section heading accordingly. EXAMINATION.— and inserting ‘‘individual’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 (14) In section 2102(c), by striking ‘‘A per- (B) In the analysis for chapter 27, by strik- ‘‘(A) provide the name and identification son’’ and inserting ‘‘An individual’’. ing the item relating to section 2761 and in- number of the vessel, the names of individ- (15) In section 2104(b)— serting the following: uals on board, and other information that (A) by striking ‘‘persons’’ and inserting ‘‘2761. Individuals discharged as result of may be requested by the Coast Guard; and ‘‘individuals’’; and court-martial; allowances to.’’. ‘‘(B) submit written confirmation to the (B) by striking ‘‘A person’’ and inserting (39)(A) In the heading for section 2767, by Coast Guard within 24 hours after nonwrit- ‘‘An individual’’. striking ‘‘persons’’ and inserting ‘‘individ- ten notification to the Coast Guard under (16) In section 2118(d), by striking ‘‘person’’ uals’’. such paragraphs.’’. and inserting ‘‘individual who is’’. (B) In the analysis for chapter 27, by strik- (3) Section 7303 of title 46, United States (17) In section 2147(d), by striking ‘‘a per- ing the item relating to section 2767 and in- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘seaman’’ each son’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’. serting the following: place it appears and inserting ‘‘individual’’. (18) In section 2150(f), by striking ‘‘person’’ ‘‘2767. Reimbursement for medical-related (4) Section 7319 of title 46, United States and inserting ‘‘individual who is’’. travel expenses for certain indi- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘seaman’’ each (19) In section 2161(b), by striking ‘‘person’’ viduals residing on islands in place it appears and inserting ‘‘individual’’. and inserting ‘‘individual’’. the continental United (5) Section 7501(b) of title 46, United States (20) In section 2317— States.’’. Code, is amended by striking ‘‘seaman’’ and (A) by striking ‘‘persons’’ and inserting (40) In section 2769— inserting ‘‘holder’’. ‘‘individuals’’; (A) by striking ‘‘a person’s’’ and inserting (6) Section 7508(b) of title 46, United States (B) by striking ‘‘person’’ each place it ap- ‘‘an individual’s’’; and Code, is amended by striking ‘‘individual pears and inserting ‘‘individual’’; and (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘person’’ seamen or a specifically identified group of (C) in subsection (c)(2), by striking ‘‘per- and inserting ‘‘individual’’. seamen’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual or a specifically identified group of individuals’’. son’s’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’s’’. (41) In section 2772(a)(2), by striking ‘‘per- (7) Section 7510 of title 46, United States (21) In section 2531— son’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’’. Code, is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘person’’ each place it ap- (42) In section 2773— (A) in subsection (c)(8)(B), by striking pears and inserting ‘‘individual’’; and (A) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘persons’’ ‘‘merchant seamen’’ and inserting ‘‘mer- (B) by striking ‘‘persons’’ each place it ap- each place it appears and inserting ‘‘individ- chant mariner’’; and pears and inserting ‘‘individuals’’. uals’’; and (B) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘mer- (22) In section 2709, by striking ‘‘persons’’ (B) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘a per- chant seaman’’ and inserting ‘‘merchant and inserting ‘‘individuals’’. son’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’. mariner’’. (23) In section 2710— (43) In section 2775, by striking ‘‘person’’ (8) Section 8103 of title 46, United States (A) by striking ‘‘persons’’ and inserting each place it appears and inserting ‘‘indi- vidual’’. Code, is amended— ‘‘individuals’’; and (A) by striking ‘‘seaman’’ each place it ap- (B) by striking ‘‘person’’ each place it ap- (44) In section 2776, by striking ‘‘person’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’’. pears and inserting ‘‘individual’’; pears and inserting ‘‘individual’’. (B) by striking ‘‘seamen’’ each place it ap- (24) In section 2711(b), by striking ‘‘person’’ (45)(A) In section 2777— (i) in the heading, by striking ‘‘persons’’ pears and inserting ‘‘individuals’’; and inserting ‘‘individual’’. (C) in the headings for paragraphs (2) and (25) In section 2732, by striking ‘‘a person’’ and inserting ‘‘individuals’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘persons’’ each place it ap- (3) of subsection (k), by striking ‘‘SEAMEN’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’. each place it appears and inserting ‘‘INDIVID- (26) In section 2733— pears and inserting ‘‘individuals’’. (B) In the analysis for chapter 27, by strik- UALS’’; (A) by striking ‘‘A person’’ and inserting (D) in subsection (k)(3)(A)(iv)(II), by strik- ‘‘An individual’’; and ing the item relating to in section 2777 and inserting the following: ing ‘‘seaman’s’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’s’’; (B) by striking ‘‘that person’’ and inserting and ‘‘2777. Clothing for destitute shipwrecked in- ‘‘that individual’’. (E) in subsection (k)(3)(C), by striking dividuals.’’. (27) In section 2734, by striking ‘‘person’’ ‘‘merchant mariners’’ each place it appears (46) In section 2779, by striking ‘‘persons’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘indi- and inserting ‘‘merchant mariner’s’’. each place it appears and inserting ‘‘individ- vidual’’. (9) Section 8104 of title 46, United States uals’’. (28) In section 2735, by striking ‘‘a person’’ Code, is amended— (47) In section 2902(c), by striking ‘‘person’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’. (A) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘a li- and inserting ‘‘individual’’. (29) In section 2736, by striking ‘‘person’’ censed individual or seaman’’ and inserting (48) In section 2903(b), by striking ‘‘person’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’’. ‘‘an individual’’; and inserting ‘‘individual’’. (30) In section 2737, by striking ‘‘a person’’ (B) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘A li- (49) In section 2904(b)(1)(B), by striking ‘‘a and inserting ‘‘an individual’’. censed individual or seaman’’ and inserting person’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’. (31) In section 2738, by striking ‘‘person’’ ‘‘An individual’’; (50) In section 3706— and inserting ‘‘individual’’. (C) in subsection (e), by striking ‘‘a sea- (A) by striking ‘‘a person’’ and inserting (32) In section 2739, by striking ‘‘person’’ man’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘an ‘‘an individual’’; and and inserting ‘‘individual’’. individual’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘person’s’’ and inserting (33) In section 2740— (D) in subsection (j), by striking ‘‘seaman’’ ‘‘individual’s’’. (A) by striking ‘‘person’’ and inserting ‘‘in- and inserting ‘‘individual’’. (51) In section 3707— dividual’’; and (10) Section 8302(d) of title 46, United (A) in subsection (c)— (B) by striking ‘‘one’’ the second place it States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘3 per- (i) by striking ‘‘person’’ and inserting ‘‘in- appears. sons’’ and inserting ‘‘3 individuals’’. dividual’’; and (34) In section 2741— (11) Section 11201 of title 46, United States (ii) by striking ‘‘person’s’’ and inserting (A) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘a per- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘a person’’ ‘‘individual’s’’; and son’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’; each place it appears and inserting ‘‘an indi- (B) in subsection (e), by striking ‘‘a per- (B) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘per- vidual’’. son’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’. son’s’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’s’’; and (12) Section 11202 of title 46, United States (52) In section 3708, by striking ‘‘person’’ (C) in subsection (b)(2), by striking ‘‘per- Code, is amended— each place it appears and inserting ‘‘indi- (A) by striking ‘‘a person’’ and inserting son’’ and inserting ‘‘individual’’. vidual’’. ‘‘an individual’’; and (35) In section 2743, by striking ‘‘person’’ (53) In section 3738— (B) by striking ‘‘the person’’ each place it each place it appears and inserting ‘‘indi- (A) by striking ‘‘a person’’ each place it ap- appears and inserting ‘‘the individual’’. vidual’’. pears and inserting ‘‘an individual’’; (13) Section 11203 of title 46, United States (36) In section 2744— (B) by striking ‘‘person’s’’ and inserting Code, is amended— (A) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘a per- ‘‘individual’s’’; and (A) by striking ‘‘a person’’ each place it ap- son’’ and inserting ‘‘an individual’’; and (C) by striking ‘‘A person’’ and inserting pears and inserting ‘‘an individual’’; and (B) in subsections (a) and (c), by striking ‘‘An individual’’. ‘‘person’’ each place it appears and inserting (b) CORRECTION OF REFERENCES TO PERSONS (B) in subsection (a)(2), by striking ‘‘that ‘‘individual’’. AND SEAMEN.— person’’ and inserting ‘‘that individual’’. (37) In section 2745, by striking ‘‘person’’ (1) Section 2303a(a) of title 46, United (14) Section 15109(i)(2) of title 46, United and inserting ‘‘individual’’. States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘per- States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘addi- (38)(A) In section 2761— sons’’ and inserting ‘‘individuals’’. tional persons’’ and inserting ‘‘additional in- (i) in the section heading, by striking ‘‘Per- (2) Section 2306(a)(3) of title 46, United dividuals’’. sons’’ and inserting ‘‘Individuals’’; States Code, is amended to read as follows: SEC. 603. COMMON APPROPRIATION STRUCTURE. (ii) by striking ‘‘persons’’ and inserting ‘‘(3) An owner, charterer, managing oper- (a) AMENDMENTS TO CONFORM TO COMMON ‘‘individuals’’; and ator, or agent of a vessel of the United APPROPRIATIONS STRUCTURE.— (iii) by striking ‘‘person’’ and inserting States notifying the Coast Guard under para- (1) PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT OF FUNDS NEC- ‘‘individual’’. graph (1) or (2) shall— ESSARY TO PROVIDE MEDICAL CARE.—Section

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7281 506 of title 14, United States Code, is amend- (1) striking ‘‘of his initial’’ and inserting (B) by striking ‘‘yacht’’ and inserting ‘‘rec- ed— ‘‘of an initial’’; and reational vessel’’. (A) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ‘‘es- (2) striking ‘‘from his pay’’ and inserting (c) VESSELS.—Section 352(a)(4) of the Com- tablished under chapter 56 of title 10’’ after ‘‘from the pay of such cadet’’. munications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 352(a)(4)) is ‘‘Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care (b) Section 2108(b) of title 14, United States amended by striking ‘‘Yachts’’ and inserting Fund’’; and Code, is amended by striking ‘‘himself’’ and ‘‘Recreational vessels, as defined in section (B) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘oper- inserting ‘‘such officer’’. 2101(46) of title 46, United States Code,’’. ating expenses’’ and inserting ‘‘operations (c) Section 2732 of title 14, United States SEC. 606. MISCELLANEOUS TECHNICAL CORREC- and support’’. Code, as amended by this Act, is further TIONS. (2) USE OF CERTAIN APPROPRIATED FUNDS.— amended— (a) MISCELLANEOUS TECHNICAL CORREC- Section 903 of title 14, United States Code, is (1) by striking ‘‘distinguishes himself con- TIONS.— amended— spicuously by’’ and inserting ‘‘displays con- (1) Section 3305(d)(3)(B) of title 46, United (A) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘acquisi- spicuous’’; and States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘Coast tion, construction, and improvement of fa- (2) by striking ‘‘his’’ and inserting ‘‘such Guard Authorization Act of 2017’’ and insert- cilities, for research, development, test, and individual’s’’. ing ‘‘Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Author- evaluation;’’ and inserting ‘‘procurement, (d) Section 2736 of title 14, United States ization Act of 2018’’. construction, and improvement of facilities Code, as amended by this Act, is further (2) Section 4312 of title 46, United States and for research and development’’; and amended by striking ‘‘distinguishes himself Code, is amended by striking ‘‘Coast Guard (B) in subsection (d)(1), by striking ‘‘oper- by’’ and inserting ‘‘performs’’. Authorization Act of 2017’’ each place it ap- ating expenses’’ and inserting ‘‘operations (e) Section 2738 of title 14, United States pears and inserting ‘‘Frank LoBiondo Coast and support’’. Code, as amended by this Act is further Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Public Law (3) CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATIVE EX- amended by striking ‘‘distinguishes himself 115–282)’’. PENSES.—Section 944 of title 14, United by’’ and inserting ‘‘displays’’. (3) The analysis for chapter 700 of title 46, States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘nec- (f) Section 2739 of title 14, United States United States Code, is amended— essary expenses for the operation’’ and in- Code, as amended by this Act, is further (A) by striking the item relating to the serting ‘‘operations and support’’. amended by striking ‘‘distinguishes himself heading for the first subchapter and insert- (4) PROCUREMENT OF PERSONNEL.—Section by’’ and inserting ‘‘displays’’. ing the following: 2701 of title 14, United States Code, is amend- (g) Section 2742 of title 14, United States ‘‘SUBCHAPTER I—VESSEL OPERATIONS’’; ed by striking ‘‘operating expense’’ and in- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘he distin- (B) by striking the item relating to the serting ‘‘operations and support’’. guished himself’’ and inserting ‘‘of the acts heading for the second subchapter and in- (5) COAST GUARD HOUSING FUND.—Section resulting in the consideration of such serting the following: 2946(b)(2) of title 14, United States Code, is award’’. ‘‘SUBCHAPTER II—PORTS AND WATERWAYS amended by striking ‘‘acquisition’’ and in- (h) Section 2743 of title 14, United States SAFETY’’; serting ‘‘procurement’’. Code, as amended by this Act, is further (6) REQUIREMENT FOR PRIOR AUTHORIZATION amended— (C) by striking the items relating to the OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Section 4901 of title 14, (1) by striking ‘‘distinguishes himself’’; and heading for the third subchapter and insert- United States Code, is amended— (2) by striking ‘‘he’’ and inserting ‘‘such in- ing the following: (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘mainte- dividual’’. ‘‘SUBCHAPTER III—CONDITION FOR ENTRY INTO nance’’ and inserting ‘‘support’’; SEC. 605. REFERENCES TO ‘‘MOTORBOATS’’ AND PORTS IN THE UNITED STATES (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘acquisi- ‘‘YACHTS’’. ‘‘70021. Conditions for Entry Into Ports in tion’’ and inserting ‘‘procurement’’; (a) CORRECTION OF REFERENCES TO MOTOR- the United States.’’; (C) by striking paragraphs (3), (4), and (6); BOATS AND YACHTS.— (D) by striking the item relating to the (D) by redesignating paragraph (5) as para- (1) Section 3901(d)(4) of title 14, United heading for the fourth subchapter and insert- graph (3); and States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘motor ing the following: (E) in paragraph (3), as so redesignated, by boats, yachts,’’ and inserting ‘‘vessels,’’. ‘‘SUBCHAPTER IV—DEFINITIONS REGULATIONS, striking ‘‘research, development, test, and (2) Section 3903(1)(A) of title 14, United ENFORCEMENT, INVESTIGATORY POWERS, AP- evaluation’’ and inserting ‘‘research and de- States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘motor- PLICABILITY’’; boats, yachts’’ and inserting ‘‘vessels,’’. velopment’’. (E) by striking the item relating to the (3) Section 3907(a) of title 14, United States (b) COMMON APPROPRIATION STRUCTURE.— heading for the fifth subchapter and insert- Sections 3317(b), 7504, and 80505(b)(3) of title Code, is amended— ing the following: 46, United States Code, are each amended by (A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘MOTOR ‘‘SUBCHAPTER V—REGATTAS AND MARINE striking ‘‘operating expenses’’ and inserting BOATS, YACHTS,’’ and inserting ‘‘VESSELS,’’; ‘‘operations and support’’. and PARADES’’; (c) COMMON APPROPRIATION STRUCTURE.— (B) by striking ‘‘motorboat, yacht,’’ and and (1) OIL SPILL LIABILITY TRUST FUND.—Sec- inserting ‘‘vessels,’’. (F) by striking the item relating to the tion 1012(a)(5)(A) of the Oil Pollution Act of (4) Section 3908 of title 14, United States heading for the sixth subchapter and insert- 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2712(a)(5)(A)) is amended by Code, is amended by striking ‘‘motorboat or ing the following: striking ‘‘operating expenses’’ and inserting yacht’’ and inserting ‘‘vessel’’. ‘‘SUBCHAPTER VI—REGULATION OF VESSELS IN ‘‘operations and support’’. (5) Section 3911(a) of title 14, United States TERRITORIAL WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES’’. (2) HISTORIC LIGHT STATION SALES.—Section Code, is amended by striking ‘‘motorboat, (4) Section 70031 of title 46, United States 305106 of title 54, United States Code, is yacht,’’ each place it appears and inserting Code, is amended by striking ‘‘A through C’’ amended— ‘‘vessel,’’. and inserting ‘‘I through III’’. (A) in subsection (b)(1)(B)(i) by striking (6) Section 3912 of title 14, United States (5) Section 70032 of title 46, United States ‘‘Operating Expenses’’ and inserting ‘‘Oper- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘motorboat, Code, is amended by striking ‘‘A through C’’ ations and Support’’; and yacht,’’ and inserting ‘‘vessel,’’. and inserting ‘‘I through III’’. (B) in subsection (b)(2) by striking ‘‘Oper- (7) Section 4101 of title 14, United States (6) Section 70033 of title 46, United States ating Expense’’ and inserting ‘‘Operations Code, is amended by striking ‘‘motorboats, Code, is amended by striking ‘‘A through C’’ and Support’’; yachts,’’ and inserting ‘‘vessels,’’. and inserting ‘‘I through III’’. (3) BRIDGE PERMITS.—Section 712(a)(2) of (8) Section 4102 of title 14, United States (7) Section 70034 of title 46, United States the Coast Guard and Maritime Transpor- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘motorboat, Code, is amended by striking ‘‘A through C’’ tation Act of 2012 (Public Law 112–213; 126 yacht, or any other vessel,’’ and inserting each place it appears and inserting ‘‘I Stat. 1582) is amended by striking ‘‘operating ‘‘or vessel,’’. through III’’. expenses’’ and inserting ‘‘operations and sup- (b) CONFORMING REFERENCES TO YACHTS.— (8) Section 70035(a) of title 46, United port’’. Title 46, United States Code, is amended— States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘A (4) CONTRACTS.—Section 557(a) of the Con- (1) in parts F and G of subtitle II, by strik- through C’’ and inserting ‘‘I through III’’. solidated and Further Continuing Appropria- ing ‘‘yacht’’ each place it appears and insert- (9) Section 70036 of title 46, United States tions Act, 2013 (Public Law 113–6; 127 Stat. ing ‘‘recreational vessel’’; Code, is amended by— 377) is amended by striking ‘‘Acquisition’’ (2) in subtitle III— (A) striking ‘‘A through C’’ each place it and inserting ‘‘Procurement’’. (A) in section 30506(a), by striking ‘‘pleas- appears and inserting ‘‘I through III’’; and (5) CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES.—Section ure yachts’’ and inserting ‘‘recreational ves- (B) striking ‘‘A, B, or C’’ each place it ap- 214(d)(1) of the Howard Coble Coast Guard sels’’; and pears and inserting ‘‘I, II, or III’’. and Maritime Transportation Act of 2014 (B) in section 30508(a), by striking ‘‘pleas- (b) ALTERATION OF BRIDGES; TECHNICAL (Public Law 113–281; 128 Stat. 3034) is amend- ure yachts’’ and inserting ‘‘recreational ves- CHANGES.—The Act of June 21, 1940 (33 U.S.C. ed by striking ‘‘operating expenses’’ and in- sels’’; and 511 et seq.), popularly known as the Truman- serting ‘‘operations and support’’. (3) in section 60504— Hobbs Act, is amended by striking section 12 SEC. 604. REFERENCES TO ‘‘HIMSELF’’ AND ‘‘HIS’’. (A) by striking ‘‘yachts’’ each place it ap- (33 U.S.C. 522). (a) Section 1927 of title 14, United States pears and inserting ‘‘recreational vessels’’; (c) REPORT OF DETERMINATION; TECHNICAL Code, is amended by— and CORRECTION.—Section 105(f)(2) of the Pribilof

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Islands Transition Act (16 U.S.C. 1161 note; Sanctions Act (Public Law 115–44; 131 Stat. of the Senate the assessment described under Public Law 106–562) is amended by striking 947)— subsection (a)(1). ‘‘subsection (a),’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraph (A) is redesignated as section 70022 of title (2) ASSESSMENT SCOPE.—The assessment de- (1),’’. 46, United States Code, transferred to appear scribed under subsection (a)(1) shall— (d) TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO FRANK LOBI- after section 70021 of that title, and amended (A) describe the level of cultural com- ONDO COAST GUARD AUTHORIZATION ACT OF so that the enumerator, section heading, petence described in subsection (a)(1) based 2018.— typeface, and typestyle conform to those ap- on the National Academy of Public Adminis- (1) Section 408 of the Frank LoBiondo pearing in other sections in title 46, United tration’s assessment of the Coast Guard Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Pub- States Code; and Academy’s relevant practices, policies, and lic Law 115–282) and the item relating to such (B) as so redesignated and transferred, is structures, including an overview of discus- section in section 2 of such Act are repealed, amended— sions with faculty, staff, students, and rel- and the provisions of law redesignated, (i) in subsections (b) and (e), by striking evant Coast Guard Academy affiliated orga- transferred, or otherwise amended by section ‘‘section 4(a)(5)’’ each place it appears and nizations; 408 are amended to read as if such section inserting ‘‘section 70001(a)(5)’’; (B) examine potential changes which could were not enacted. (ii) in subsection (c)(2), by striking ‘‘not be used to further enhance such cultural (2) Section 514(b) of the Frank LoBiondo later than’’ and all that follows through competence by— Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Pub- ‘‘thereafter,’’ and inserting ‘‘periodically’’; (i) modifying institutional practices, poli- lic Law 115–282) is amended by striking and cies, and structures; and ‘‘Chapter 30’’ and inserting ‘‘Chapter 3’’. (iii) by striking subsection (h); and (ii) any other changes deemed appropriate (3) Section 810(d) of the Frank LoBiondo (2) chapter 700 of title 46, United States by the National Academy of Public Adminis- Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Pub- Code, is amended— tration; and lic Law 115–282) is amended by striking (A) in section 70002(2), by inserting ‘‘or (C) make recommendations to enhance the ‘‘within 30 days after receiving the notice 70022’’ after ‘‘section 70021’’; cultural competence of the Coast Guard under subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall, (B) in section 70036(e), by inserting ‘‘or Academy described in subparagraph (A), in- by not later than 60 days after transmitting 70022’’ after ‘‘section 70021’’; and cluding any specific plans, policies, mile- such notice,’’ and inserting ‘‘in accordance (C) in the analysis for such chapter— stones, performance measures, or other in- within subsection (a)(2), the Secretary (i) by inserting ‘‘Sec.’’ above the section formation necessary to implement such rec- shall’’. items, in accordance with the style and form ommendations. (4) Section 820(a) of the Frank LoBiondo of such an entry in other chapter analyses of (c) FINAL ACTION MEMORANDUM.—Not later Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Pub- such title; and than three months after submission of the lic Law 115–282) is amended by striking (ii) by striking the item relating to section assessment under section 802(b)(1), the Com- ‘‘years 2018 and’’ and inserting ‘‘year’’. 70021 and inserting the following: mandant of the Coast Guard shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infra- (5) Section 820(b)(2) of the Frank LoBiondo ‘‘70021. Conditions for entry to ports in the structure of the House of Representatives Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Pub- United States and the Committee on Commerce, Science, lic Law 115–282) is amended by inserting ‘‘and ‘‘70022. Prohibition on entry and operation’’. the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 and Transportation of the Senate, a final ac- (Public Law 115–141)’’ after ‘‘(Public Law 115– TITLE VII—FEDERAL MARITIME tion memorandum in response to all rec- 31)’’. COMMISSION ommendations contained in the assessment. (6) Section 821(a)(2) of the Frank LoBiondo SEC. 701. SHORT TITLE. The Final Action Memorandum shall include Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (Pub- This title may be cited as the ‘‘Federal the rationale for accepting, accepting in lic Law 115–282) is amended by striking Maritime Commission Authorization Act of part, or rejecting each recommendation, and ‘‘Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2017’’ and 2019’’. shall specify, where applicable, actions to be inserting ‘‘Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Au- SEC. 702. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. taken to implement such recommendations, thorization Act of 2018’’. Section 308 of title 46, United States Code, including an explanation of how each action (7) This section shall take effect on the is amended by striking ‘‘$28,012,310 for fiscal enhances the ability of the Coast Guard to date of the enactment of the Frank LoBi- year 2018 and $28,544,543 for fiscal year 2019’’ carry out the primary duties of the United ondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 and inserting ‘‘$29,086,888 for fiscal year 2020 States Coast Guard listed in section 102 of (Public Law 115–282) and apply as if included and $29,639,538 for fiscal year 2021’’. title 14, United States Code. (d) PLAN.— therein. TITLE VIII—COAST GUARD ACADEMY (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than six months (e) TECHNICAL CORRECTION.—Section IMPROVEMENT ACT 533(d)(2)(A) of the Coast Guard Authorization after the date of the submission of the final SEC. 801. SHORT TITLE. Act of 2016 (Public Law 114–120) is amended action memorandum required under sub- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Coast Guard by striking ‘‘Tract 6’’ and inserting ‘‘such section (c), the Commandant of the Coast Academy Improvement Act’’. Tract’’. Guard, in coordination with the Chief (f) DISTANT WATER TUNA FLEET; TECHNICAL SEC. 802. COAST GUARD ACADEMY STUDY. Human Capital Officer of the Department of CORRECTIONS.—Section 421 of the Coast (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the de- Homeland Security, shall submit a plan to Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of partment in which the Coast Guard is oper- carry out the recommendations or the parts 2006 (Public Law 109–241) is amended— ating shall seek to enter into an arrange- of the recommendations accepted in the (1) in subsection (a)— ment with the National Academy of Public Final Action Memorandum to the Com- (A) by striking ‘‘Notwithstanding’’ and in- Administration not later than 60 days after mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure serting the following: the date of the enactment of the this Act of the House of Representatives and the ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding’’; and under which the National Academy of Public Committee on Commerce, Science, and (B) by adding at the end the following: Administration shall— Transportation of the Senate. ‘‘(2) DEFINITION.—In this subsection, the (1) conduct an assessment of the cultural (2) STRATEGY WITH MILESTONES.—If any rec- term ‘treaty area’ has the meaning given the competence of the Coast Guard Academy as ommendation or parts of recommendations term in the Treaty on Fisheries Between the an organization and of individuals at the accepted in the Final Action Memorandum Governments of Certain Pacific Island Coast Guard Academy to carry out effec- address any of the following actions, then States and the Government of the United tively the primary duties of the United the plan required in paragraph (1) shall in- States of America as in effect on the date of States Coast Guard listed in section 102 of clude a strategy with appropriate milestones the enactment of the Coast Guard and Mari- title 14, United States Code, when inter- to carry out such recommendations or parts time Transportation Act of 2006 (Public Law acting with individuals of different races, of recommendations: 109–241).’’; and ethnicities, genders, religions, sexual ori- (A) Improve outreach and recruitment of a (2) in subsection (c)— entations, socioeconomic backgrounds, or more diverse Coast Guard Academy cadet (A) by striking ‘‘12.6 or 12.7’’ and inserting from different geographic origins; and candidate pool based on race, ethnicity, gen- ‘‘13.6’’; and (2) issue recommendations based upon the der, religion, sexual orientation, socio- (B) by striking ‘‘and Maritime Transpor- findings in such assessment. economic background, and geographic ori- tation Act of 2012’’ and inserting ‘‘Authoriza- (b) ASSESSMENT OF CULTURAL COM- gin. tion Act of 2019’’. PETENCE.— (B) Modify institutional structures, prac- SEC. 607. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS RELATING (1) CULTURAL COMPETENCE OF THE COAST tices, and policies to foster a more diverse TO CODIFICATION OF PORTS AND GUARD ACADEMY.—The arrangement de- cadet corps body, faculty, and staff work- WATERWAYS SAFETY ACT. scribed in subsection (a) shall require the force based on race, ethnicity, gender, reli- Effective upon the enactment of section 401 National Academy of Public Administration gion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic of the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Author- to, not later than 1 year after entering into background, and geographic origin. ization Act of 2018 (Public Law 115–282), and an arrangement with the Secretary under (C) Modify existing or establish new poli- notwithstanding section 402(e) of such Act— subsection (a), submit to the Committee on cies and safeguards to foster the retention of (1) section 16 of the Ports and Waterways Transportation and Infrastructure of the cadets, faculty, and staff of different races, Safety Act, as added by section 315 of the House of Representatives and the Committee ethnicities, genders, religions, sexual ori- Countering America’s Adversaries Through on Commerce, Science, and Transportation entations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7283 geographic origins at the Coast Guard Acad- (1) a study, or an audit if appropriate, of is amended by inserting after the item relat- emy. the process the Coast Guard Academy uses ing to section 1904 the following: (D) Restructure the admissions office of to— ‘‘1905. Coast Guard Academy minority out- the Coast Guard Academy to be headed by a (A) identify candidates for recruitment; reach team program.’’. civilian with significant relevant higher edu- (B) recruit applicants; SEC. 806. COAST GUARD COLLEGE STUDENT PRE- cation recruitment experience. (C) assist applicants in the application COMMISSIONING INITIATIVE. (3) IMPLEMENTATION.—Unless otherwise di- process; (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter I of chapter rected by an Act of Congress, the Com- (D) evaluate applications; and 21 of title 14, United States Code, is amended mandant of the Coast Guard shall begin im- (E) make admissions decisions; by adding at the end the following: plementation of the plan developed under (2) discussion of the consideration during ‘‘§ 2131. College student pre-commissioning this subsection not later than 180 days after the admissions process of diversity, includ- initiative the submission of such plan to Congress. ing— ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There is authorized (4) UPDATE.—The Commandant of the (A) race; within the Coast Guard the College Student Coast Guard shall include in the first annual (B) ethnicity; Pre-Commissioning Initiative program (in report required under chapter 51 of title 14, (C) gender; this section referred to as the ‘program’) for United States Code, as amended by this Act, (D) religion; eligible undergraduate students to enlist and submitted after the date of enactment of this (E) sexual orientation; receive a guaranteed commission as an offi- section, the strategy with milestones re- (F) socioeconomic background; and cer in the Coast Guard. quired in paragraph (2) and shall report an- (G) geographic origin; ‘‘(b) CRITERIA FOR SELECTION.—To be eligi- nually thereafter on actions taken and (3) an overview of the admissions processes ble for the program a student must meet the progress made in the implementation of such at other Federal service academies, includ- following requirements upon submitting an plan. ing— application: SEC. 803. ANNUAL REPORT. (A) discussion of consideration of diversity, ‘‘(1) AGE.—A student must be not less than (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 51 of title 14, including any efforts to attract a diverse 19 years old and not more than 27 years old United States Code, is amended by adding at pool of applicants, in those processes; and as of September 30 of the fiscal year in which the end the following: (B) an analysis of how the congressional the program selection panel selecting such ‘‘§ 5112. Report on diversity at the Coast nominations requirement in current law re- student convenes. Guard Academy lated to military service academies and the ‘‘(2) CHARACTER.— ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than January Merchant Marine Academy impacts those ‘‘(A) ALL APPLICANTS.—All applicants must 15, 2021, and annually thereafter, the Com- processes and the overall demographics of be of outstanding moral character and meet mandant shall submit a report on diversity the student bodies at those academies; other character requirements as set forth by at the Coast Guard Academy to the Com- (4) a determination regarding how a con- the Commandant. mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure gressional nominations requirement for ‘‘(B) COAST GUARD APPLICANTS.—An appli- of the House of Representatives and the Coast Guard Academy admissions could im- cant serving in the Coast Guard may not be Committee on Commerce, Science, and pact diversity among the student body and commissioned if in the 36 months prior to Transportation of the Senate. the ability of the Coast Guard to carry out the first Officer Candidate School class con- ‘‘(b) CONTENTS.—The report required under effectively the Service’s primary duties de- vening date in the selection cycle, such ap- subsection (a) shall include— scribed in section 102 of title 14, United plicant was convicted by a court-martial or ‘‘(1) the status of the implementation of States Code; and awarded non-judicial punishment, or did not the plan required section 802 of the Coast (5) recommendations for improving Coast meet performance or character requirements Guard Academy Improvement Act; Guard Academy admissions processes, in- set forth by the Commandant. ‘‘(2) specific information on outreach and cluding whether a congressional nominations ‘‘(3) CITIZENSHIP.—A student must be a recruitment activities for the preceding process should be integrated into such proc- United States citizen. year, including the effectiveness of the Coast esses. ‘‘(4) CLEARANCE.—A student must be eligi- ble for a secret clearance. Guard Academy Minority Outreach Team SEC. 805. COAST GUARD ACADEMY MINORITY Program described under section 1905 and of OUTREACH TEAM PROGRAM. ‘‘(5) DEPENDENCY.— outreach and recruitment activities in the (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 19 of title 14, ‘‘(A) A student may not have more than 2 territories and other possessions of the United States Code, is amended by inserting dependents; and United States; after section 1904 the following: ‘‘(B) A student who is single may not have ‘‘(3) enrollment information about the in- sole or primary custody of dependents. ‘‘§ 1905. Coast Guard Academy minority out- ‘‘(6) EDUCATION.— coming class, including the gender, race, reach program ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic back- ‘‘(A) INSTITUTION.—A student must be an ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There is established ground, and State of residence of Coast undergraduate sophomore or junior— within the Coast Guard Academy a minority Guard Academy cadets; ‘‘(i) at a historically Black college or uni- outreach team program (in this section re- ‘‘(4) information on class retention, out- versity described in section 322(2) of the ferred to as the ‘Program’ ) under which offi- comes, and graduation rates, including the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. cers, including minority officers and officers race, gender, ethnicity, religion, socio- 1061(2)) or an institution of higher education from territories and other possessions of the economic background, and State of residence described in section 371(a) of the Higher Edu- United States, who are Academy graduates of Coast Guard Academy cadets; and cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q(a)); or may volunteer their time to recruit minority ‘‘(5) information on efforts to retain di- ‘‘(ii) who is active in minority-serving or- students and strengthen cadet retention verse cadets, including through professional ganizations and pursuing a degree in science, through mentorship of cadets. development and professional advancement technology, engineering, or mathematics at ‘‘(b) ADMINISTRATION.—Not later than July programs for staff and faculty.’’. an institution of higher education described 15, 2020, the Commandant, in consultation (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of for chapter 51 of title 14, United States Code, with Program volunteers and Academy 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001) that is not a historically is amended by adding at the end the fol- alumni that participated in prior programs Black college or university or institution of lowing: at the Academy similar to the Program, higher education referred to in clause (i) of shall appoint a permanent civilian position ‘‘5112. Report on diversity at the Coast Guard this subparagraph. at the Academy to administer the Program Academy.’’. ‘‘(B) LOCATION.—The institution at which by, among other things— such student is an undergraduate must be SEC. 804. ASSESSMENT OF COAST GUARD ACAD- ‘‘(1) overseeing administration of the Pro- EMY ADMISSION PROCESSES. within 100 miles of a Coast guard unit or gram; (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the de- Coast Guard Recruiting Office unless other- partment in which the Coast Guard is oper- ‘‘(2) serving as a resource to volunteers and wise approved by the Commandant. ating shall seek to enter into an arrange- outside stakeholders; ‘‘(C) RECORDS.—A student must meet cred- ment with the National Academy of Public ‘‘(3) advising Academy leadership on re- it and grade point average requirements set Administration under which the National cruitment and retention efforts based on rec- forth by the Commandant. Academy of Public Administration shall, not ommendations from volunteers and outside ‘‘(7) MEDICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE.—A stu- later than 1 year after submitting an assess- stakeholders; dent must meet other medical and adminis- ment under section 802(a), submit an assess- ‘‘(4) establishing strategic goals and per- trative requirements as set forth by the ment of the Coast Guard Academy admis- formance metrics for the Program with Commandant. sions process to the Committee on Transpor- input from active volunteers and Academy ‘‘(c) ENLISTMENT AND OBLIGATION.—Individ- tation and Infrastructure of the House of leadership; and uals selected and accept to participate in the Representatives and the Committee on Com- ‘‘(5) reporting annually to the Com- program shall enlist in the Coast Guard in merce, Science, and Transportation of the mandant on academic year and performance pay grade E–3 with a four year duty obliga- Senate. outcomes of the goals for the Program before tion and four year inactive Reserve obliga- (b) ASSESSMENT SCOPE.—The assessment the end of each academic year.’’. tion. required to be sought under subsection (a) (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis ‘‘(d) MILITARY ACTIVITIES PRIOR TO OFFICER shall, at a minimum, include— for chapter 19 of title 14, United States Code, CANDIDATE SCHOOL.—Individuals enrolled in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 H7284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 the program shall participate in military ac- ported to the House on a bipartisan tunately, the very stupid budget rules tivities each month, as required by the Com- basis and underpinning essential func- we have around here say that we will mandant, prior to attending Officer Can- tions of government such as, in this pretend that they will never be paid— didate School. and if that is the case, then we won’t ‘‘(e) PARTICIPATION IN OFFICER CANDIDATE case, the United States Coast Guard SCHOOL.—Each graduate of the program shall and the Federal Maritime Commission. have a Coast Guard anymore—there- attend the first enrollment of Officer Can- I couldn’t have better partners than I fore, to mandatorily pay them during a didate School that commences after the date had: my ranking member, ; shutdown would count as new deficit, of such graduate’s graduation. the chair of the Subcommittee on like we are never going to pay them. ‘‘(f) COMMISSIONING.—Upon graduation Coast Guard and Maritime Transpor- It is a pretty dumb rule, but those from Officer Candidate School, program tation, ; and concerns were raised by people above graduates shall be discharged from enlisted my pay grade, and I reluctantly re- status and commissioned as an O–1 with an the ranking subcommittee member, initial three-year duty obligation. Representative . They moved the provision from the bill. I am ‘‘(g) BRIEFING.— worked hard on this legislation, and going to continue to push for that pro- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than August 15 many of their concerns were included vision as we move forward through the of each year, the Commandant shall provide in the final product. Each of them has appropriations process and elsewhere. I a briefing to the Committee on Transpor- joined as an original cosponsor, which I will look for any opportunity I can to tation and Infrastructure of the House of appreciate. recognize the service of the Coast Representatives and the Committee on Com- Guard. merce, Science, and Transportation of the We have also worked with other members of the committee on both There is also, in this bill, a modest Senate on the College Student Pre-Commis- $1.4 million increase in the budget of sioning Initiative. sides of the aisle and the House to in- ‘‘(2) CONTENTS.—The briefing required clude provisions that address concerns the Federal Maritime Commission. under paragraph (1) shall describe— raised by them or their constituents. This will help them implement the ‘‘(A) outreach and recruitment efforts over We all know that, over the last few most extensive package of amendments the previous year; and years, the Coast Guard budgets have to the Ocean Shipping Reform Act ‘‘(B) demographic information of enrollees been inadequate, mostly a byproduct of since 1998, particularly looking at anti- including— mandatory cuts imposed by the so- trust oversight of foreign-flag commer- ‘‘(i) race; called Budget Control Act. This inad- cial carrier alliances that transport ‘‘(ii) ethnicity; nearly 98 percent of U.S. foreign com- ‘‘(iii) gender; equate funding has left the Coast ‘‘(iv) geographic origin; and Guard, as Admiral Schultz has said, at merce. ‘‘(v) educational institution.’’. a tipping point. This legislation, at Our overreliance on foreign-flag car- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis long last, begins to reverse that down- riers to move the commerce of the for subchapter I of chapter 21 of title 14, ward spiral. United States is a growing liability United States Code, is amended by adding at Mr. Speaker, there is $11 billion for and, yet, unintended consequence of the end the following: the Coast Guard’s discretionary budget our trade policies. Only now are we be- ‘‘2131. College Student Pre-Commissioning for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. This ginning to recognize and grapple with Initiative.’’. the implications of this dependence on SEC. 807. ANNUAL BOARD OF VISITORS. tracks the recently increased appro- priations of the last 2 fiscal years and our national and economic security. Section 1903(d) of title 14, United States The increased authorized funding of builds in a 2 percent inflation adjust- Code, is amended— $29 million for the operating budget (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) through ment to arrive at the highest author- should provide them with the addi- (6) as paragraphs (3) through (7), respec- ized funding levels for the Coast Guard tional resources they need to actually tively; and in recent memory. be a cop on the beat and ensure foreign (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the fol- Is that totally adequate? No, it isn’t. carriers abide by fair shipping prac- lowing: But it is at least incremental progress ‘‘(2) recruitment and retention;’’. tices and compliance with all U.S. anti- in a time where we aren’t seeing a lot trust requirements. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- of progress on a lot of things these ant to the rule, the gentleman from Or- I am also pleased with provisions days. that would boost coastwise trades and, egon (Mr. DEFAZIO) and the gentleman I am particularly please that the top- from Ohio (Mr. GIBBS) each will control potentially, our shipbuilding industry. line numbers for procurement, acquisi- We are reaffirming, yet again, long- 20 minutes. tions, and improvement have been The Chair recognizes the gentleman term support for the Jones Act, includ- pushed up to $2.7 billion and $2.8 bil- from Oregon. ing clarifications as to how the Jones lion. That means the Coast Guard Act applies to maritime transportation GENERAL LEAVE should be able to maintain its ongoing Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I ask and heavy-lift activities that occur off- recapitalization programs, including unanimous consent that all Members shore. the critically important offshore patrol have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- I believe the language in this bill cutter; the new fleet of polar security tend their remarks and include extra- strikes a sensible path forward. I look cutters, which will be absolutely vital neous materials on H.R. 3409, as forward to resolving any outstanding to deal particularly with the opening of amended. questions and concerns in conference The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the Northwest Passage; and, also, to with the . objection to the request of the gen- continue critical support for our assets Just as important, the bill provides tleman from Oregon? and activities in Antarctica. new authorities to address new or There was no objection. It wasn’t a great year for the Coast emerging ocean technologies, including Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Guard when we had the stupid govern- unmanned systems, to ensure Coast myself such time as I may consume. ment shutdown. They were continuing Guard has enough competence to either Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise to carry out their critical homeland se- use, or regulate the use of, said sys- today and speak in strong support of curity duties in addition to their daily tems; amendments to build on progress H.R. 3409, the Coast Guard Reauthor- lifesaving duties and their drug inter- made last Congress to improve mari- ization Act of 2019. This is genuinely diction duties, many in a high-risk pro- time safety requirements; and it bipartisan legislation which will reau- fession, and yet they weren’t being strengthens standards to prevent dis- thorize funding for the United States paid. crimination, sexual assault and harass- Coast Guard Federal Maritime Com- They were escorting the subs out of ment and promote gender equity in the mission for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Bremerton. The sailors were being paid Coast Guard at the U.S. Merchant Ma- The bill also advances other impor- on the subs. The Coast Guard, which rine Academy and across the U.S. mar- tant provisions to help both the eco- was providing critical surface support itime industry. nomic competitiveness and effective and protection, was not being paid. This is vital legislation to the Coast regulation of the U.S. maritime indus- I had originally included in this leg- Guard, and the maritime shipyard try. islation provisions to assure that the workers across this country. It is the latest in a long line of major Coast Guard would be paid in case of Again, I want to thank my col- legislation from this committee, re- another government shutdown. Unfor- leagues.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.004 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7285 Mr. Speaker, I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote, It also represents the bipartisan spir- carry out crucial shore infrastructure and I reserve the balance of my time. it that so often falls below the radar on repairs. Coasties often spend their per- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Capitol Hill. At a time when the issues sonal time working on infrastructure COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY, dominating the headlines fuel political improvements. It is unacceptable that Washington, DC, July 16, 2019. fighting, it is refreshing to work with they have to sacrifice their rest time Hon. PETER DEFAZIO, colleagues from both sides of the aisle. and family time to repair crumbling Chairman, Committee on Transportation and H.R. 3409 recognizes that port and buildings. Infrastructure, House of Representatives, coastal security, drug interdiction, and Passing this bill will ensure Amer- Washington, DC. maritime safety are commonsense DEAR CHAIRMAN DEFAZIO: I write to you re- ica’s security, the success of our Coast garding H.R. 3409, the ‘‘Coast Guard Author- issues, not Republican or Democrat Guard, and the well-being of our serv- ization Act of 2019.’’ issues. This Coast Guard authorization icemembers. H.R. 3409 contains provisions that fall addresses priorities important to both Mr. GIBBS. Mr. Speaker, I yield such within the jurisdiction of the Committee on East and West Coasts, the inland river time as he may consume to the gen- Homeland Security. I recognize and appre- system, and the Great Lakes. All these tleman from Missouri (Mr. GRAVES), ciate your desire to bring this legislation be- regions are well-represented by the who is the ranking member of the full fore the House in an expeditious manner and, chairs and ranking members of the Transportation and Infrastructure accordingly, I will not seek a sequential re- committee and subcommittee. Committee. ferral of the bill. However, agreeing to waive The Coast Guard plays an important consideration of this bill should not be con- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- strued as the Committee on Homeland Secu- and unique role in national security er, the Coast Guard is one of the Na- rity waiving, altering, or otherwise affecting and maritime safety. It is a critical tion’s five armed services, and this bi- its jurisdiction over subject matters con- component in carrying out drug inter- partisan bill is going to provide the re- tained in the bill which fall within its Rule diction efforts, keeping our ports and sources to help them carry out their X jurisdiction. coasts safe, and conducting icebreaking vital missions more effectively. These Further, I request your support for the ap- operations. H.R. 3409, the Coast Guard missions are critical to ensuring mari- pointment of Homeland Security conferees Authorization Act of 2019, helps the time safety, stopping the flow of illegal during any House-Senate conference con- Coast Guard better perform their mis- vened on this or similar legislation. I also drugs and migrants into the country, ask that a copy of this letter and your re- sions and encourages the use of cut- enforcing U.S. laws at sea, and pro- sponse be included in the legislative report ting-edge technology to improve oper- tecting our Nation’s borders. on H.R. 3409 and in the Congressional Record ations. Utilizing drone technology and In order to carry out the tens of during floor consideration of this bill. upgrading computer systems will help thousands of operations each year, the I look forward to working with you as we the Coast Guard personnel complete Coast Guard must also replace and prepare to pass this important legislation. their missions. Sincerely, modernize their assets—from cutters to I am also proud of the commitment icebreakers to helicopters. This bill is BENNIE G. THOMPSON, made to the Great Lakes in this bill. Chairman. going to help them do that. Working with Congressman MIKE GAL- This legislation also takes steps nec- LAGHER from Wisconsin, we emphasized HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- essary to provide the men and women the economic importance of the Great MITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND of the Coast Guard, as has been pointed INFRASTRUCTURE, Lakes and the necessity for new, dedi- out, parity with other servicemembers Washington, DC, July 17, 2019. cated icebreakers on the lakes to keep in the Department of Defense. The Hon. BENNIE G. THOMPSON, commerce moving. Coast Guard is the only one of the Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, It is unfortunate that the provisions armed services that is not in the De- U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, in the bill to ensure the Coastguards- DC. men were paid during lapses in appro- partment of Defense, and the only DEAR CHAIRMAN THOMPSON: Thank you for priations were stripped from the bill. armed service with law enforcement your letter regarding H.R. 3409, the Coast Nonetheless, I commend Chairman authority. Guard Reauthorization Act of 2019, which I agree with the chairman on the bi- was ordered to be reported out of the Com- DEFAZIO and the 186 cosponsors of the Pay Our Coast Guard Act for pursuing partisan nature of this bill and how it mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure was put together. I commend Chairman on June 26, 2019. I appreciate your willing- this important initiative. DEFAZIO and Subcommittee Chairman ness to work cooperatively on this legisla- I thank Chairman DEFAZIO, Ranking tion. Member GRAVES, and Subcommittee MALONEY, and Subcommittee Ranking I acknowledge that by foregoing a sequen- Chairman MALONEY for working in a Member GIBBS for working diligently tial referral on H.R. 3409, the Committee on bipartisan fashion to give the Coast and coming up with a very good piece Homeland Security does not waive any fu- Guard the resources it needs to accom- of legislation and a very good bipar- ture jurisdictional claims to provisions in plish its missions. tisan agreement that we have here this or similar legislation. In addition, today. should a conference on the bill be necessary, Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support this bill, and I reserve the bal- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to I would support your effort to seek appoint- support this legislation. ment of an appropriate number of conferees ance of my time. to any House-Senate conference involving Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield provisions within this legislation on which minute to the gentlewoman from Flor- such time as he may consume to the the Committee on Homeland Security has a ida (Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL). gentleman from Mississippi (Mr. valid jurisdictional claim. Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL. Mr. THOMPSON), who is the chairman of the I appreciate your cooperation regarding Speaker, I rise in support of this bill Committee on Homeland Security. this legislation, and I will ensure that our which incorporates the Coast Guard Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. exchange of letters is included in the Con- Shore Infrastructure Improvement Act Speaker, I thank the gentleman from gressional Record during floor consideration Oregon for yielding me time. of H.R. 3409. that I introduced with Representative Sincerely, of Louisiana. It directs Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong PETER A. DEFAZIO, the Commandant of the Coast Guard to support of H.R. 3409. I am glad to have Chair. tackle the maintenance backlog of its worked with Chairman DEFAZIO to in- shore infrastructure. tegrate major provisions from legisla- b 1330 The Coast Guard currently has a $2.6 tion I authored to drive long overdue Mr. GIBBS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- billion project backlog, and 25 percent reforms at the Coast Guard Academy. self such time as I may consume. of its assets have exceeded their serv- Our armed services should reflect the Mr. Speaker, H.R. 3409 represents the ice lives. diverse fabric of this Nation. Unfortu- Committee on Transportation and In- We must rebuild our Coast Guard in a nately, the Coast Guard Academy has frastructure’s commitment to the men strategic way, one that accounts for struggled to attract and retain a di- and women serving in the Coast Guard stronger storms that will only worsen verse student body and faculty. The ab- and lays the groundwork for maintain- with climate change. sence of diverse voices at the Coast ing their mission capability in the fu- This bill will ensure that the Coast Guard Academy has contributed to ture. Guard has the processes in place to what many acknowledge as a hostile

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:34 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.034 H24JYPT1 H7286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 environment for cadets and faculty the Puerto Rico area of operations. borders; defense readiness; port and with diverse backgrounds punctuated That is the reason I also was able to in- coastal security issues; search and res- by hateful incidents. I have engaged clude a provision in this bill which en- cue; marine safety; maintaining aids to with the Commandant regarding condi- sures recruitment activities in Puerto navigation; icebreaking; marine envi- tions at the academy and, to his credit, Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and all ronmental protection; oil spill preven- he is open to change. To that end, H.R. the territories as well. We are proud to tion and response; and many other 3409 directs the Commandant to secure answer the call to serve in our Nation’s things. the services of outside experts to carry service branches, and the Coast Guard Mr. Speaker, I often refer to them as out an independent, top-to-bottom re- is no exception. the Swiss Army knife of the Federal view of conditions at the academy with Mr. Speaker, I support this bill. Government. They have an incredibly an eye to issuing recommendations to Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 broad jurisdiction. These are men and foster a more inclusive and supportive minutes to the gentleman from New women who are serving their Nation on environment. Jersey (Mr. VAN DREW). a daily basis. Additionally, the independent body Mr. VAN DREW. Mr. Speaker, I I want to thank all of the leaders of would be directed to assess the acad- thank the gentleman from Oregon and this committee for the work in the emy’s admissions processes and con- chairman of the illustrious Transpor- committee, where we took the Coast sider the potential benefits of congres- tation and Infrastructure Committee. Guard Parity Act and added it to this sional nominations to increase diver- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong bill. The Coast Guard Parity Act recog- sity. The true test for the Coast Guard support of H.R. 3409, the Coast Guard nized that the men and women of the will come when recommendations are Authorization Act—bipartisan legisla- Coast Guard were treated differently issued. At that point it will be clear if, tion that authorizes programs and from all of the other armed services as an organization, the Coast Guard is funding of over $11 billion for the whenever the Federal Government goes willing to abandon its historically in- United States Coast Guard through fis- into a shutdown. sular ways and embrace real reform. cal year 2021. Mr. Speaker, when the government Other noteworthy provisions of my I am proud to represent New Jersey’s shuts down, it is because Congress legislation that are reflected here in- Second Congressional District, home to failed to do its job together with an ad- clude requiring a Coast Guard strategy the United States Coast Guard Train- ministration. The men and women in to increase the representation of ca- ing Center in Cape May, Air Station the Coast Guard do not deserve to be dets, faculty, and staff from diverse Atlantic City, and thousands more of punished. backgrounds, and authorizing both the our brave men and brave women who There is something that is really im- Academy Minority Outreach Team protect our shores and our coastal portant to point out: the men and Program and the College Student Pre- communities. women of the Coast Guard can’t just go Commissioning Initiative. This comprehensive bill authorizes say: Hey, I am going to go work for an- I am pleased that the bill also in- critical funding to upgrade and mod- other job. I am going to leave this one cludes language authored by Congress- ernize our fleets and improve offshore because I am not being paid because man RICHMOND to enhance the Coast navigation safety. It requires a report the government is shut down. I am Guard’s capacity to combat and defend on the effects of climate change and going to go work and do this other job. against cyber threats. the vulnerabilities of our Coast Guard They are contractually obligated to Before I close, I would like to thank installations, directs the use of drone continue doing their work and their Chairman DEFAZIO, Chairman CUM- technology for potential use to support service for our Nation. So the Coast MINGS and their staffs, particularly missions and operations, and orders the Guard Parity Act was added to this bill Dave Jansen on the Transportation and Commandant of the Coast Guard to in committee, and I am very dis- Infrastructure Committee staff, for brief Congress on the conditions and appointed that it was pulled out. I partnering with me and my staff to put need for Coast Guard housing. know the chairman and the ranking the academy on a positive trajectory. Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman member were both very supportive of Mr. GIBBS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 DEFAZIO and Ranking Member GRAVES this. minutes to the gentlewoman from for bringing this important bill to the We need to address this issue. Let me Puerto Rico (Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N). floor, and I urge my colleagues to sup- say it again: the men and women of the Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto port H.R. 3409, the Coast Guard Author- Coast Guard are not responsible for Rico. Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman ization Act. These are our brave men when the government shuts down, and DEFAZIO and Ranking Member GRAVES and women who protect our seas. they should not be penalized for it ei- for working on these bills. This is an Mr. GIBBS. Mr. Speaker, I yield such ther. I hope that we can continue to important one in Puerto Rico. time as he may consume to the gen- work together to solve this. I am really proud about the work the tleman from Louisiana (Mr. GRAVES). But going back, Mr. Speaker, the Coast Guard did during both Hurri- Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Mr. Coast Guard does an incredible job in canes Irma and Maria. Speaker, I want to thank the gen- an incredibly broad mission. This bill I am proud to be a cosponsor of this tleman from Ohio, our ranking member helps to recapitalize an antiquated net- bill, the Coast Guard Authorization of the subcommittee, for all of his work or system of equipment, anti- Act of 2019, which authorizes the serv- work on this. I want to thank Con- quated vessels that have lasted well be- ice for the next 2 years, gives the Coast gressman SEAN PATRICK MALONEY from yond their intended service life. It Guard parity with the other military New York, our chairman; Chairman helps to ensure that we can authorize branches in the Department of Defense, DEFAZIO and the ranking member of the appropriate vessels, whether it is addresses a backlog of shore-side infra- the full committee, SAM GRAVES, for the national security cutter, the off- structure, and reauthorizes the Federal all their work on this. shore patrol cutter, the fast response Maritime Commission. Mr. Speaker, this is a bill that is a cutter, and the helos and winged air- I worked with Delegate Plaskett bipartisan bill, and I do appreciate ev- craft that the men and women of the from the Virgin Islands to get on board eryone working together to make sure Coast Guard depend on on a daily basis. to help determine if the Coast Guard’s that we are doing the right thing. We know that the other side—the maritime surveillance hours used for The Coast Guard, in many cases, is drug traffickers and the alien smug- drug interdictions in the Caribbean not held to the level of regard and re- glers and others—are using new and up- Basin meet mission requirements. The spect that they deserve. dated technology. We need to make U.S. Coast Guard has been vital in ad- Let’s think about all of the things sure that we continue to provide the dressing these threats and securing our that the Coast Guard is responsible for: men and women of the Coast Guard maritime region as well. They are in charge of drug interdic- with the upper hand with the best tech- For example, during the first half of tion on our seas; they are in charge of nology and with the best equipment to fiscal year 2019, the Coast Guard re- alien interdiction on our seas; they are deal with their daily mission of pro- moved over 9 metric tons of cocaine in charge of enforcing all U.S. laws on tecting our Nation and enforcing all and interdicted 722 migrants around our waterways; securing our maritime laws on the seas of the United States.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.035 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7287 Mr. Speaker, again, I want to thank Well, what does that have to do with quired to carry out their missions and maintain Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. GRAVES, Mr. GIBBS, not being able to get skilled labor? The safety along our coastal borders. and Mr. MALONEY for all of the work allegations by some others in the in- Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New that they have done to ensure this bill dustry are that they underbid the con- York. Mr. Speaker, I would like to express my moves forward. It is a bipartisan bill, tract, and now they are trying to come support for the Coast Guard Authorization Act and I urge adoption. up with a rationale. and the inclusive and bipartisan agreement b 1345 It is further disturbing that a former that the Members of the Transportation and Commandant of the Coast Guard runs Infrastructure Committee have reached. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I am pre- this organization. And I am very con- The robust funding for the Coast Guard in pared to close. I reserve the balance of cerned that the Coast Guard is now this 2-year authorization is indicative of this my time. Mr. GIBBS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- contemplating asking Homeland Secu- body’s strong support for the men and women self the balance of my time. rity to invoke a law they have never serving in the Coast Guard and the important Mr. Speaker, this is a very strong bi- used before, claiming national security mission they undertake. I recently visited our partisan bill. We need to support the to renegotiate between the current Coasties in District 7 to see their profes- efforts of our men and women out there Commandant of the Coast Guard and sionalism and skills on full display—they make who are doing the daily work to pro- the past Commandant of the Coast the impossible look routine on a daily basis. tect this country, the Coast Guard. Guard running this shipyard the terms From drug interdictions to search and res- I urge my colleagues to support this of this contract. cue, the Coast Guard continues to prove its bill, and I yield back the balance of my That is not right. It doesn’t protect effectiveness while operating with limited re- time. the taxpayers. It doesn’t protect the sources. The passage of this bill sends the Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield contracting process. I am going to be message that every dollar is a dollar well myself such time as I may consume. pushing very, very hard on this issue. spent with respect to the U.S. Coast Guard. Mr. Speaker, just expanding a little That said, there are many meri- This important legislation includes provisions bit on the former speaker, Representa- torious things in this bill, and I will that will further strengthen the Coast Guard by tive GRAVES of Louisiana, I would rec- yield back the balance of my time after expanding the use of unmanned systems and ommend to people the video that be- recommending a unanimous vote by fully integrating new and existing technologies came available last week of the Coast the House of Representatives. Hope- developed both inside and outside of the serv- Guard boarding a semisubmersible fully, the Senate won’t take 11⁄2 years ice. smuggling drugs. It is an extraordinary to get the bill done this time, so actu- I am pleased that the bill contains a number video and extraordinary and precarious ally it will be a 2-year authorization of provisions aimed at increasing cultural com- undertaking by the Coast Guard, jump- instead of a 2-year/1-year authoriza- petence in the Coast Guard and at the Coast ing from a Zodiac onto the top of this tion. Guard Academy. The service will only realize vessel, pounding on the hatch to get Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance its full potential once it instills a culture that the people to open the hatch and sur- of my time. welcomes all people regardless of gender, render. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a sen- race, or sexual orientation. Again, just reiterating what I said ior member of the House Committees on the The bill also includes several provisions earlier, what they do with drug inter- Judiciary, Homeland Security, and Budget, I aimed to bolster the U.S. maritime industry. By diction far exceeds all of the other Fed- rise in strong support of H.R. 3409, the ‘‘Coast clarifying certain requirements on domestic eral agencies combined, and yet they Guard Authorization Act of 2019.’’ vessels, it sends a strong signal of support for weren’t paid during the shutdown H.R. 3409 is bipartisan legislation that reau- the Jones Act and our coastwise maritime in- doing these dangerous activities, and thorizes appropriations for the Coast Guard dustry. By clarifying cargo preference require- what they do for Homeland Security, and Federal Maritime Commission through the ments, we begin to address losses in the what they do on a daily basis to pro- 2021 Fiscal Year. internationally trading U.S. fleet and rebuild vide search and rescue activities, keep This legislation contains improvements to the American mariner base. our mariners safe and maritime safety promote the U.S. maritime industry and off- The bill also contains important protections inspections. shore renewable energy development, author- So again, I regret that the technical- for the Hudson River in my district and will en- ization of funding for new heavy ice breakers, ities around here didn’t allow us to sure this natural treasure is preserved for fu- and provisions to increase diversity at the move forward at this time, but I am de- ture generations to come. United States Coast Guard Academy. termined that we will do that. I am proud to be one of the original spon- Mr. Speaker, I also want to raise an- Additionally, this legislation will enhance re- sors of this important legislation and I look for- other issue, and I would hope that the cruitment and retention of merchant vessels, ward to ensuring that this important legislation Coast Guard is listening. along with advancing new opportunities to is signed into law. I am very concerned. The largest ac- strengthen the competitiveness of the U.S. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The quisition program—I mentioned earlier maritime and shipbuilding industries. question is on the motion offered by about the acquisition budget for re- Earlier this year the Department of Home- the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFA- capitalization—is the Offshore Patrol land Security, which oversees the United ZIO) that the House suspend the rules Cutter. Twice now, Representatives States Coast Guard, was adversely affected and pass the bill, H.R. 3409, as amend- and Senators from Florida have at- by the Trump Administration’s government ed. tempted to end-run the contracting shutdown. The question was taken; and (two- process. They have a shipyard that The shutdown affected the pay of over thirds being in the affirmative) the claims, that because of the hurricane, 40,000 active duty Coast Guard members, rules were suspended and the bill, as they didn’t underbid the contract. 6,000 reservists, and 8,500 civilian employees. amended, was passed. No, no, no. They didn’t. They didn’t. It took 35 days for Congress and the White A motion to reconsider was laid on But they need hundreds of millions of House to agree on a FY 2019 funding bill. the table. dollars more to do the contract with- During this time the brave men and women f out going through a bidding process, of the Coast Guard endured the cold winter weather while conducting life-saving rescues, DISCLOSING AID SPENT TO without any scrutiny, and without any ENSURE RELIEF ACT information being provided to this drug interdiction operations, environmental committee justifying those increases. protection missions, and costal security oper- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I move In fact, they are saying: Well, we ations. to suspend the rules and pass the bill can’t get workers because of the hurri- This bill will guarantee that the Coast (H.R. 1984) to amend chapter 11 of title cane; it is just impossible. Well, we are Guard’s active duty and civilian personnel are 31, United States Code, to require the rebuilding Tyndall Air Force Base. paid in the event of another federal govern- Director of the Office of Management Armed Services hasn’t heard anything ment shutdown. and Budget to annually submit to Con- about that. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join gress a report on all disaster-related And then, also, they say: Well, it is me in supporting H.R. 1649 ‘‘Coast Guard Au- assistance provided by the Federal going to take 1.3 million more man- thorization Act of 2019’’ in order to ensure that Government. hours. the Coast Guard has all of the resources re- The Clerk read the title of the bill.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.038 H24JYPT1 H7288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 The text of the bill is as follows: ‘‘(D) Research, Development, Test, and ‘‘(3) Disaster for which the spending was H.R. 1984 Evaluation. obligated. ‘‘(E) Military Construction (MILCON) and ‘‘(4) Obligations by disaster. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Family Housing. ‘‘(5) Disaster-related assistance by disaster resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(F) Management Funds. type. Congress assembled, ‘‘(G) Other Department of Defense Pro- ‘‘(6) Response and recovery spending. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. grams. ‘‘(7) Mitigation spending. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Disclosing ‘‘(5) Department of Education: ‘‘(8) Spending in the form of loans. Aid Spent to Ensure Relief Act’’ or the ‘‘DIS- ‘‘(A) Elementary and Secondary Edu- ‘‘(9) Spending in the form of grants. ASTER Act’’. cation. ‘‘(c) AVAILABILITY OF REPORT.—The report SEC. 2. FINDINGS. ‘‘(B) Higher Education. shall be made publicly available on the Congress finds the following: ‘‘(6) Department of Health and Human website of the Office of Management and (1) At a time of constrained budgets, it is Services: Budget and should be searchable, sortable fiscally prudent to understand the amount ‘‘(A) Administration for Children and Fam- and downloadable.’’. and the scope of the Federal Government’s ilies. (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of involvement in providing disaster-related as- ‘‘(B) Public Health and Medical Assistance. chapters for chapter 11 of title 31, United sistance to communities in need. ‘‘(C) Public Health Emergency Fund. States Code, is amended by adding at the end (2) The Federal Government does not pro- ‘‘(7) Department of Homeland Security: the following new item: vide a single, publicly available estimate of ‘‘(A) Federal Emergency Management ‘‘1127. Reporting of disaster-related assist- the amount it is spending on disaster-related Agency: ance.’’. assistance. ‘‘(i) Emergency Declarations. SEC. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. (3) Because recovery is a long-term proc- ‘‘(ii) Fire Management Assistance Grants. The reporting requirement under the ess, providing disaster-related assistance re- ‘‘(iii) Major Disaster Declarations. amendment made by section 3(a) shall take quires significant Federal resources to sup- ‘‘(iv) Administrative Assistance. effect with the budget submission of the port a multi-agency, multi-year restoration ‘‘(B) FEMA Missions Assignments by Fed- President under section 1105(a) of title 31, of infrastructure and commerce in affected eral Agency. United States Code, for fiscal year 2022. ‘‘(C) Community Disaster Loan Program. communities. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (4) Understanding the expenditures of indi- ‘‘(8) Department of Housing and Urban De- vidual Federal agencies for disaster-related velopment (HUD): ant to the rule, the gentleman from Or- assistance will help better inform the con- ‘‘(A) Community Development Block egon (Mr. DEFAZIO) and the gentleman gressional appropriations process, as well as Grants. from Missouri (Mr. GRAVES) each will presidential budget requests. ‘‘(B) Rental Assistance/Section 8 Vouchers. control 20 minutes. (5) Knowledge about disaster-related ex- ‘‘(C) Supportive Housing. The Chair recognizes the gentleman penses will illustrate opportunities for re- ‘‘(D) Public Housing Repair. from Oregon. ‘‘(E) Inspector General. ducing these expenses through efforts to re- GENERAL LEAVE duce vulnerabilities to future natural disas- ‘‘(9) Department of the Interior: Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I ask ters. ‘‘(A) Bureau of Indian Affairs. unanimous consent that all Members SEC. 3. PURPOSE. ‘‘(B) United States Fish and Wildlife Serv- The purpose of this Act is to require the ice. may have 5 legislative days within Director of the Office of Management and ‘‘(C) National Park Service. which to revise and extend their re- Budget to annually submit to Congress a re- ‘‘(D) Wildland Fire Management. marks and include extraneous material port on all disaster-related assistance pro- ‘‘(10) Department of Justice: on H.R. 1984. vided by the Federal Government. ‘‘(A) Legal Activities. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘(B) United States Marshals Service. SEC. 4. REPORTING OF DISASTER-RELATED AS- ‘‘(C) Federal Bureau of Investigation. objection to the request of the gen- SISTANCE. ‘‘(D) Drug Enforcement Administration. tleman from Oregon? (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 11 of title 31, ‘‘(E) Bureau of Tobacco, Firearms, and Ex- There was no objection. United States Code, is amended by adding at plosives. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield the end the following new section: ‘‘(F) Federal Prison System (Bureau of myself such time as I may consume. ‘‘§ 1127. Reporting of disaster-related assist- Prisons). Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. ance ‘‘(G) Office of Justice Programs. 1984, the Disclosing Aid Spent to En- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—On the same day that ‘‘(11) Department of Labor: sure Relief, or DISASTER Act, intro- the President makes the annual budget sub- ‘‘(A) National Emergency Grants for Dis- duced by the gentleman from Cali- mission to the Congress under section 1105(a) location Events. for a fiscal year, the Director of the Office of fornia (Mr. PETERS). ‘‘(B) Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Dis- In 2018 alone, there were 14 natural Management and Budget shall submit to located Worker Program. Congress a report on Federal disaster-related ‘‘(12) Department of Transportation: disasters that each resulted in more assistance for the fiscal year ending in the ‘‘(A) Federal Highway Administration: than $1 billion in losses. Already in calendar year immediately preceding the Emergency Relief Program (ER). 2019, the President has granted over 50 calendar year in which the annual budget ‘‘(B) Federal Aviation Administration major disaster emergency or fire man- submission is made. Disaster-related assist- (FAA). agement declarations under the au- ance encompasses Federal obligations re- ‘‘(C) Federal Transit Administration thorities of the Stafford Act. lated to disaster response, recovery, and (FTA). While insurance partially covers the mitigation efforts, as well as administrative ‘‘(13) Department of the Treasury: Internal cost of disaster recovery, the Federal costs associated with these activities, in- Revenue Service. cluding spending by the following agencies ‘‘(14) Department of Veterans Affairs. Government, along with State, local, and programs: ‘‘(15) Corporation for National and Commu- Tribal, and territorial partners, is ‘‘(1) Department of Agriculture: nity Service. spending billions of dollars annually to ‘‘(A) Agriculture Research Service. ‘‘(16) Environmental Protection Agency: respond to and recover from these ‘‘(B) Farm Service Agency. ‘‘(A) Hurricane Emergency Response Au- events across more than three dozen ‘‘(C) Food and Nutrition Service. thorities. departments and agencies. That results ‘‘(D) Natural Resource Conservation Serv- ‘‘(B) EPA Hurricane Response. in the fact that there is no clear and ice. ‘‘(C) EPA Regular Appropriations. consolidated information regarding ‘‘(E) Forest Service. ‘‘(17) The Federal Judiciary. ‘‘(F) Rural Housing Service. ‘‘(18) Disaster Assistance Program of the Federal spending on disasters. ‘‘(G) Rural Utilities Service. Small Business Administration. The DISASTER Act would change ‘‘(2) Department of Commerce: ‘‘(19) Department of Energy: that by requiring the Office of Manage- ‘‘(A) National Marine Fisheries Service of ‘‘(A) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Secu- ment and Budget to annually compile the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- rity, and Emergency Response. and publicly release a report on dis- ministration. ‘‘(B) Office of Petroleum Services. aster-related spending across the Fed- ‘‘(B) Economic Development Administra- ‘‘(20) General Services Administration. eral Government. tion Economic Adjustment Assistance. ‘‘(21) Other authorities as appropriate. I thank the gentleman from Cali- ‘‘(3) Army Corps of Engineers of the De- ‘‘(b) CONTENT.—The report shall detail the fornia (Mr. PETERS) for introducing partment of Defense (Civil). following: ‘‘(4) Department of Defense (Military): ‘‘(1) Overall amount of disaster-related as- this bill so that we can obtain, in the ‘‘(A) Military Personnel. sistance obligations during the fiscal year. future, this vital consolidated informa- ‘‘(B) Operations and Maintenance. ‘‘(2) Disaster-related assistance obligations tion and have it also be available to ‘‘(C) Procurement. by agency and account. taxpayers of the United States.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.039 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7289 Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to That is why I introduced the bipartisan Mr. Speaker, again, you would think support this commonsense measure. It Disclosing Aid Spent to Ensure Relief, that we would have a better idea of will do more to shed light on how lim- or DISASTER Act with Representative what we actually spend on disasters. ited taxpayer resources are being MARK MEADOWS of North Carolina. We obviously don’t. This legislation is spent. Doing so will help better inform This transparency bill is common going to provide the transparency. how we prioritize policies and spending sense. It requires the Office of Manage- Mr. Speaker, I think it is a good to drive down disaster-related expendi- ment and Budget, OMB, to publish an piece of legislation. I urge my col- tures in the future and more effectively annual total of disaster-related assist- leagues to support it, and I yield back provide relief. ance categorized by disaster type, loca- the balance of my time. tion, and purpose. Mr. Speaker, I strongly support this Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield With this and other smart reforms bill. I urge my colleagues to join me in myself such time as I may consume. support, and I reserve the balance of Congress is considering today, tax- payers will know where their dollars Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- my time. leagues to support this excellent legis- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- are going, and the Federal Government can be a better steward of those re- lation, and I yield back the balance of er, I yield myself such time as I may my time. consume. sources and will be better able to plan for the next disasters. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1984, the DIS- strong support of H.R. 1984, the Disclosing ASTER Act, is a bipartisan piece of Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to pass this legislation today before the Aid Spent to Ensure Relief Act’’, or ‘‘DIS- legislation that requires the Federal next big natural disaster hits. ASTER Act’’, which directs the Director of the agencies across the government to re- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- Office of Management and Budget to submit port on how much they simply spend er, I yield 3 minutes to the gentle- to Congress a report on all disaster-related as- on disasters. woman from Puerto Rico (Miss sistance provided by the Federal Government. I want to thank the gentleman from GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N). Mr. Speaker, this legislation is not only a California (Mr. PETERS) and the gen- ´ ´ Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto reasonable exercise of Congress’ power of tleman from North Carolina (Mr. Rico. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gen- oversight but it is also fiscally prudent. MEADOWS) for their work on this legis- tleman for yielding. lation. To understand the scope of disaster-related I want to thank Representative spending and expenditures by the Federal Mr. Speaker, you would think that PETERS and Ranking Member MEADOWS we would know how much the Federal Government, Congress must have a com- of the Subcommittee on Economic De- prehensive understanding of the various multi- Government spends, actually spends, velopment, Public Buildings, and agency and multiyear efforts in helping dis- on disasters. We have estimates, but we Emergency Management for working aster-stricken areas recover. simply don’t know what the actual on this critical legislation. costs are across the Federal Govern- As coming from one of those places Additionally, having estimates of these ex- ment. that actually was impacted by a hurri- penditures for individual Federal agencies will This bill is going to help us get some cane, I think this is one of the best also help inform the congressional appropria- real numbers. It is going to help us in- ways to be accountable for the money tions process as well as presidential budget crease transparency for the taxpayer. that has been approved. requests. It is going to help Congress make some I am a cosponsor of H.R. 1984, the Mr. Speaker, knowledge about disaster-re- much better-informed decisions. DISASTER Act, which requires the Of- lated expenses will also yield opportunities for Mr. Speaker, I do support this legis- fice of Management and Budget to sub- reducing these expenses through mitigative lation. I would encourage my col- mit an annual report to Congress on all and preventative efforts. leagues to do the same, and I reserve disaster-related assistance provided by Because transparency and open govern- the balance of my time. the Federal Government. The report ment are important, it is essential that Con- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 must include all Federal obligations gress has a single, publicly available estimate minutes to the gentleman from Cali- related to disaster response recovery, of spending on disaster- related assistance. fornia (Mr. PETERS), the author of this mitigation efforts, and administrative The American people deserve to know how excellent legislation. costs associated with these activities their tax dollars are being spent and how Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, I thank for specified agencies and programs. these dollars are being used to help them the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFA- A lot has been said about how much when disaster strikes. ZIO) for yielding. money has been allocated to many ju- This report would also be crucial in helping Mr. Speaker, as we in California and risdictions across the different Federal educate the public about the numerous agen- the West prepare for more scorching agencies, so having this tool will help cies involved in disaster relief efforts. wildfires, the Southeast is in the heart us understand how much in funds have While many would immediately recognize of hurricane season, and the Midwest is been approved and where that money is agencies such as FEMA and the U.S. Army still drying out from historic flooding. going. Corps of Engineers, less conspicuous agen- To date, Puerto Rico has been appro- Across the country, natural disasters cies such as NOAA, EPA, the U.S. Fish and priated $42 billion in disaster funding; have taken the lives of loved ones, de- Wildlife Service, play a crucial role in disaster $20.6 billion has been obligated; and stroyed livelihoods, and caused irrep- only $13.6 billion has been outlaid or relief. arable damage to communities and reached the island’s needs. In short, H.R. 1984 will better inform both businesses. Having this information in a single Congress and the public about what the Fed- Disasters are becoming larger, more report will help Congress and the pub- eral Government is doing to help those af- dangerous and frequent, and signifi- lic better understand the real cost of fected by disaster. cantly more expensive. According to natural disasters and the benefits of in- I strongly urge all members to support this the Federal Emergency Management vesting in mitigation and adaptation necessary and vital legislation. Agency, there have been more than efforts as well. 2,400 federally declared disasters since This legislation will also provide b 1400 2000, totaling hundreds of billions of transparency and accountability when The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dollars in relief aid. it comes to disaster relief costs. That However, when the Federal Govern- is the reason I am a proud cosponsor. question is on the motion offered by ment helps communities recover from Mr. Speaker, I thank Representative the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFA- these disasters, it does not calculate PETERS and Ranking Member MEAD- ZIO) that the House suspend the rules one comprehensive number of how OWS. and pass the bill, H.R. 1984. much we spend on disasters per year. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I have no The question was taken; and (two- Those funds could come from 29 dif- further speakers at this time, and I re- thirds being in the affirmative) the ferent accounts across 11 different serve the balance of my time. rules were suspended and the bill was agencies, which exacerbates delays in Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- passed. disaster recovery and hinders future er, I yield myself the balance of my A motion to reconsider was laid on planning and future accountability. time. the table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.040 H24JYPT1 H7290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 RESTORE THE HARMONY WAY an engineer’s inspection discovered the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. BRIDGE ACT structural integrity issues, which made GRAVES), my good friend and the rank- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I move the bridge unsafe for vehicular traffic. ing member. to suspend the rules and pass the bill This legislation allows the States of Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam (H.R. 3245) to transfer a bridge over the Indiana and Illinois to jointly work to- Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 3245, Wabash River to the New Harmony gether to restore the Harmony Way and I thank Representative BUCSHON River Bridge Authority and the New Bridge and determine the future of this for his hard work on this important Harmony and Wabash River Bridge Au- historic landmark. issue. thority, and for other purposes. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to H.R. 3245 is going to enable entities The Clerk read the title of the bill. join me in passing this legislation, and within the States of Illinois and Indi- The text of the bill is as follows: I reserve the balance of my time. ana to chart a whole new course for the Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Harmony Way Bridge, which is closed H.R. 3245 Speaker, I yield myself such time as I currently. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- may consume. The bridge is not only a critical link resentatives of the United States of America in Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman Congress assembled, between these States, but it is also rep- DEFAZIO for helping make this bill a resentative of that strong bond be- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Restore the bipartisan success, and I rise in support tween the people of Illinois and Indi- Harmony Way Bridge Act’’. of H.R. 3245. ana. That connection is further dem- SEC. 2. TRANSFER OF BRIDGE AND LAND. I really want to thank my colleague, onstrated by the fact that all members Notwithstanding any provision of the Act the ranking member of the committee, of the Indiana and Illinois delegations of April 12, 1941 (55 Stat. 140, chapter 71), not Mr. GRAVES, and also our other col- cosponsored this bill. later than 180 days after the date of enact- league, my former boss, Congressman Madam Speaker, I urge my col- ment of this Act, the White County Bridge JOHN SHIMKUS, who allowed me to work leagues to support H.R. 3245. Commission shall convey, without consider- on this project as one of his staff mem- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. ation, to the New Harmony River Bridge Au- bers back in the early 2000s. Madam Speaker, again, this bill is a bi- thority and the New Harmony and Wabash To be able to stand on the House partisan success story and a bistate River Bridge Authority, any and all right, floor and see this solution be put forth title, and interest of such Commission in and success story. to the bridge across the Wabash River at or by my other colleague from Indiana Madam Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to near New Harmony, Indiana, in the ap- (Mr. BUCSHON), with the support of Mr. the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. proaches thereto, and in land underneath or SHIMKUS, Mr. GRAVES, and the Illinois PENCE). adjacent to such bridge and its approaches. and Indiana delegations in a very bi- Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise SEC. 3. REPEAL. partisan way, it is a privilege for me to today in support of H.R. 3245, legisla- The Act of April 12, 1941 (55 Stat. 140, chap- be able to manage this bill today. tion sponsored by my colleague, friend, ter 71) is repealed effective on the date that Who would have thought that two and fellow Hoosier, Dr. LARRY the White County Bridge Commission com- kids from Christian County, Illinois, BUCSHON. pletes the conveyance described in section 2. would one day stand here on the floor The Harmony Way Bridge connects The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- of the U.S. House of Representatives Indiana to Illinois over the Wabash ant to the rule, the gentleman from Or- and have a bipartisan bill that is going River. The bridge is currently managed egon (Mr. DEFAZIO) and the gentleman to help both the constituents of Indi- by the White County Bridge Commis- from Illinois (Mr. RODNEY DAVIS) each ana and Illinois, but that is exactly sion, which was created by Federal leg- will control 20 minutes. where we are today with my good islation in 1941. The Chair recognizes the gentleman friend Mr. BUCSHON, who grew up about The bridge closed in 2012 due to from Oregon. 8 miles from where I grew up. structural deficiencies, and current GENERAL LEAVE This bill is a long time coming. It is Federal law blocks local officials from Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I ask going to convey the Harmony Way taking action to repair the bridge. unanimous consent that all Members Bridge from the Federal Government I am proud to join my colleagues in may have 5 legislative days in which to to the designated entities within the both the Indiana and Illinois delega- revise and extend their remarks and in- States of Illinois and Indiana. This is tions as a cosponsor on this critical clude extraneous material on H.R. 3245. what the States of Illinois and Indiana legislation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there have asked us for. H.R. 3245 would allow the two States objection to the request of the gen- The bridge is currently managed by to determine the future of the bridge. tleman from Oregon? the White County Bridge Commission, Madam Speaker, supporting this bill There was no objection. which was created by Federal legisla- is common sense. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield tion in 1941. In 2012, this bridge was A companion bill, S. 1833, was intro- myself such time as I may consume. closed because of the inability of that duced by the four Senators from Indi- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. commission to support its safety meas- ana and Illinois and passed by unani- 3245, introduced by the gentleman from ures and to support the improvements mous consent. Indiana (Mr. BUCSHON). that were necessary. Last year, the House passed a similar The legislation is very similar to a By conveying this bridge and repeal- bill overwhelmingly. In addition, both bill, H.R. 6793, which passed the House ing the 1941 legislation, the two States Indiana and Illinois created State com- by unanimous consent during the 115th are going to work together for a new missions to manage the bridge, and Congress but failed to achieve the con- vision, which serves as a very impor- now it is our responsibility to complete sideration of the United States Senate. tant link between Illinois and Indiana the transfer. H.R. 3245 conveys the Harmony Way as it crosses the Wabash River. I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 3245 Bridge to the New Harmony River A companion bill has already been in- and allow the States of Illinois and Indiana, Bridge Authority in Illinois and the troduced by the four Senators from Il- and the community residents surrounding the New Harmony and Wabash River linois and Indiana. Last week, that Harmony Way Bridge, to determine the future Bridge Authority in Indiana. bill, S. 1833, was approved by unani- of this treasured landmark. The bridge currently remains owned mous consent. Additionally, the House Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. by the Federal Government under the passed a similar bill last Congress by Madam Speaker, again, I am proud to White County Bridge Commission, but unanimous consent. stand here next to my good friend Dr. the commission is no longer active. Madam Speaker, I urge my col- BUCSHON, who was born in my home- The bridge, which was constructed in leagues to support H.R. 3245, and I re- town of Taylorville, Illinois, raised in 1930, connects White County, Illinois, serve the balance of my time. Kincaid, Illinois, and went on to be- with Posey County, Indiana, across the Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I re- come a heart surgeon. Wabash River. It was placed on the Na- serve the balance of my time. I don’t know if I would trust him op- tional Register of Historic Places in Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. erating on me, but, hey, I know a lot of 2007 but has been closed since 2012 when Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to patients in Indiana did.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.042 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7291 This is a guy who promised to get This is an opportunity, too, for me, subpage established under subsection (a) the things done. This project, I can tell you again, to thank the hardworking peo- information described in subsection (c), and ensure that any data asset of the agency is firsthand, was not moving anywhere ple in Congressman SHIMKUS’ office. machine-readable. until Mr. BUCSHON took the lead. This I remember learning about this (c) INFORMATION REQUIRED.—The informa- is why I am proud to be able to recog- project from my fellow staffer who tion described in this subsection is, with re- nize him now and thank him very lived right near the New Harmony Way spect to disaster assistance provided by the much for his support of this bill. Bridge, Holly Healy, who gave me the covered Federal agency— Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to lowdown on why it was important to (1) the total amount of disaster assistance the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. pass this legislation. That was back in provided by the agency during such quarter; (2) the amount of disaster assistance pro- BUCSHON). 2003. vided by the agency that was expended or ob- Mr. BUCSHON. Madam Speaker, it is I am proud to thank Holly today for ligated to projects or activities; and an honor to rise today in support of her dedication and the hard work that (3) a detailed list of all projects or activi- H.R. 3245, the Restore the Harmony she has done on behalf of Congressman ties for which disaster assistance dispersed Way Bridge Act. SHIMKUS over the years. Today is the by the agency was expended, obligated, or The Harmony Way Bridge is a local day we finally get to make this happen used, including— landmark and was an engineering mar- so that bridge can be repaired and that (A) the name of the project or activity; vel when it opened in 1930. Throughout bridge can be reopened. (B) a description of the project or activity; the 20th century, the bridge connected (C) an evaluation of the completion status Madam Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote of the project or activity; Posey County, Indiana, and White on this bill, and I yield back the bal- (D) any award identification number as- County, Illinois, creating an access ance of my time. signed to the project; point for commerce and recreation for Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I (E) the Catalog for Disaster Assistance Hoosiers from the New Harmony and yield myself such time as I may con- number assigned by the Federal Emergency surrounding communities, as well as sume. Management Agency; those from White County, Illinois. Madam Speaker, I urge that the (F) the location of the project, including Unfortunately, in 2012, the bridge was House do support and pass this legisla- ZIP codes; and permanently closed due to safety con- (G) any reporting requirement information tion, and I yield back the balance of being collected by a covered Federal agency cerns related to structural issues. my time. with respect to that agency’s disaster assist- While the community has pushed to re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. ance. furbish and reopen the bridge, until TORRES of California). The question is (d) GUIDANCE.—Each covered Federal agen- now, Federal law has stood in the way. on the motion offered by the gen- cy, in coordination with the Director of the That is why the Restore the Har- tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) Office of Management and Budget and the mony Way Bridge Act is important. It that the House suspend the rules and Secretary of the Treasury, shall issue such will convey the bridge to the Indiana guidance as is necessary to meet the require- pass the bill, H.R. 3245. ments of this Act. and Illinois bridge authorities and re- The question was taken; and (two- (e) AGREEMENT WITH PRIVATE ENTITY.—The move the Federal conditions set out on thirds being in the affirmative) the Director, if necessary for purposes of trans- the bridge. rules were suspended and the bill was parency, may enter into an agreement with I am glad to see this bill on the floor passed. a private entity, including a nonprofit orga- today, and I want to give thanks to all nization, to develop the subpage required A motion to reconsider was laid on under this section. those who have helped in the effort. the table. First, I thank Susie Davis, from my SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. f In this Act, the following definitions apply: staff, for her work on this bill. I thank POST-DISASTER ASSISTANCE (1) COVERED FEDERAL AGENCY.—The term Lora Arneberg from the New Harmony, ‘‘covered Federal agency’’ means— Indiana, community, whose hard work ONLINE ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (A) any agency providing assistance under has been invaluable in promoting the Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and bridge restoration. move to suspend the rules and pass the Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et I also thank Indiana State Senator bill (H.R. 1307) to provide for an online seq.); Jim Tomes and State Representative repository for certain reporting re- (B) the Small Business Administration; Wendy McNamara for their efforts at and quirements for recipients of Federal (C) the Department of Housing and Urban the State level. disaster assistance, and for other pur- Development. Furthermore, I thank my colleagues: poses. (2) DISASTER ASSISTANCE.—The term ‘‘dis- Congressman SHIMKUS, Indiana Sen- The Clerk read the title of the bill. aster assistance’’ means any funds that are ators BRAUN and YOUNG, Illinois Sen- The text of the bill is as follows: made available by the Federal Government ators DURBIN and DUCKWORTH, and all H.R. 1307 in response to a specified natural disaster, the members of the Indiana and Illinois including— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (A) any assistance provided by the Admin- House delegations, who are all cospon- resentatives of the United States of America in sors of this bill, for helping me lead istrator of the Small Business Administra- Congress assembled, tion as a result of a disaster declared under this effort in Congress and finally solv- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. section 7(b) of the Small Business Act (15 ing this problem. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Post-Dis- U.S.C. 636(b)); The Restore the Harmony Way aster Assistance Online Accountability Act’’. (B) any assistance provided by the Sec- Bridge Act will breathe life once more SEC. 2. SUBPAGE FOR TRANSPARENCY OF DIS- retary of Housing and Urban Development into the Harmony Way Bridge. ASTER ASSISTANCE. for— Madam Speaker, I ask that my col- (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF REPOSITORY FOR RE- (i) activities authorized under title I of the leagues join me on this monumental PORTING REQUIREMENTS.—The Director of the Housing and Community Development Act of occasion and support this bill. Office of Management and Budget, in con- 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to disaster sultation with the Secretary of the Treasury relief, long-term recovery, restoration of in- Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I and the head of each covered Federal agency, frastructure and housing, and economic revi- have no further speakers, and I reserve shall establish a subpage within the website talization in the most impacted and dis- the balance of my time to close. established under section 2 of the Federal tressed areas resulting from a major disaster Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Funding Accountability and Transparency declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Madam Speaker, I am prepared to Act of 2006 (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) to publish the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance close. I yield myself such time as I may information required to be made available to Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.); and consume. the public under this section. (ii) flood insurance coverage provided Madam Speaker, again, this is a bi- (b) SUBMISSION OF INFORMATION BY FED- under the National Flood Insurance Program partisan success story. This is an issue ERAL AGENCIES.—Not later than 30 days after pursuant to the National Flood Insurance so many of us have worked hard on to- the end of a calendar quarter, each covered Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.); and Federal agency that made disaster assist- (C) any assistance provided under the Rob- gether. To see it pass today with the ance available to an eligible recipient during ert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- support of Republicans and Democrats such quarter shall, in coordination with the gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.). is something that I can tell you a few Director of the Office of Management and (3) ELIGIBLE RECIPIENT.—The term ‘‘eligible years ago I didn’t think would happen. Budget, make available to the public on the recipient’’—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.045 H24JYPT1 H7292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 (A) means any entity that receives disaster oversight of Federal disaster assistance Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam assistance directly from the Federal Govern- and projects. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I ment (including disaster assistance received By increasing the accountability and may consume. through grant, loan, or contract) other than transparency in Federal spending fol- As has been demonstrated by the last an individual; and (B) includes a State that receives disaster lowing disasters, this bill is going to four bills, the Transportation Com- assistance. help ensure that funds are invested mittee is doing good work, and we pro- (4) SPECIFIED NATURAL DISASTER.—The more wisely and better able to help duced four good, bipartisan bills. I am term ‘‘specified natural disaster’’ means— Americans who are trying to recover very proud of that. (A) a fire on public or private forest land or and rebuild their lives. I urge my colleagues to support H.R. grassland described in section 420 of the Rob- H.R. 1307 is going to require various 1307, and I yield back the balance of my ert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- agencies that offer disaster assistance time. gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5187); to publicly report data on disaster Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I (B) a major disaster declared by the Presi- spending and obligations. It is critical, yield myself such time as I may con- dent under section 401 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 5170); as we continue to work to reform and sume. (C) an emergency declared by the President improve our disaster response and re- I want to thank the gentleman from under section 501 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 5191); covery programs, that we have the Missouri. He has been a great partner and most accurate data available. That is in these and other ongoing efforts by (D) any other natural disaster for which a important for our oversight, as well as the committee. disaster declaration is made by the Federal for the taxpayers in holding agencies I urge the positive adoption of this Government. accountable. legislation, and I yield back the bal- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- I want to thank the Economic Devel- ance of my time. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Or- opment, Public Buildings, and Emer- Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Rico. egon (Mr. DEFAZIO) and the gentleman gency Management Subcommittee Mr. Speaker, I rise as a cosponsor to H.R. from Missouri (Mr. GRAVES) each will Ranking Member, Mr. MEADOWS, and 1307—the Post-Disaster Assistance Online control 20 minutes. Mr. PETERS, for their work on this leg- Accountability Act, which establishes a central- The Chair recognizes the gentleman islation. I encourage my colleagues to ized location where Federal Agencies will pub- from Oregon. support it. lish information on disaster assistance. GENERAL LEAVE Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- This legislation requires reports every 3 Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I ask ance of my time. months, that are available to the public regard- unanimous consent that all Members Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I re- ing the total amount of assistance provided by may have 5 legislative days in which to serve the balance of my time. agencies, the amount of funding that obli- revise and extend their remarks and in- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam gated, and where the funds are going, includ- clude extraneous material on H.R. 1307. Speaker, I yield such time as he may ing all projects or activities that received fund- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there consume to the gentleman from North ing. objection to the request of the gen- Carolina (Mr. ROUZER). To date, roughly 32 percent, or $13.6 billion, tleman from Oregon? Mr. ROUZER. Madam Speaker, I of all funding, $42 billion dollars, Congress There was no objection. thank the chairman and the ranking has appropriated to Puerto Rico has actually Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I member for their support and work on been received by the communities and fami- yield myself such time as I may con- this bill as well. lies who are trying to rebuild their lives on the sume. I certainly rise today in support of island. Madam Speaker, I rise in support of this measure sponsored and introduced With this legislation my constituents will H.R. 1307, the Post-Disaster Assistance by my friend and colleague, Mr. MEAD- know exactly how much funding is still ex- Online Accountability Act, introduced OWS, also from North Carolina. We pected to come to Puerto Rico and to their by the gentleman from North Carolina know firsthand just how badly this leg- communities. They will be able to see the (Mr. MEADOWS). islation is needed. process that agencies are making for timely When a major disaster strikes, the In my district alone, which has been dispersals of funding and holding them ac- American people should know how and a victim of two major hurricanes in the countable. where their disaster funds are spent last 3 years, Matthew in 2016, and Flor- Again, I want to thank Rep. PETERS and without wading through reams of in- ence just this past fall, after both hur- Ranking Member MEADOWS again for their scrutable government paperwork. ricanes, Congress appropriated disaster work on this Disaster recovery related bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The H.R. 1307 would simplify the data col- aid funding for rebuilding and recovery question is on the motion offered by lection process for Federal disaster re- efforts. To date, very little of that the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFA- covery projects and activities by estab- money, quite honestly, has been chan- ZIO) that the House suspend the rules lishing an online repository to which neled to the State. and pass the bill, H.R. 1307. agencies could submit information on Taxpayers in North Carolina and The question was taken; and (two- projects and spending. across the rest of the country deserve thirds being in the affirmative) the In order to increase transparency to to know how the Federal Government rules were suspended and the bill was the public, the bill would also create a is spending these recovery funds, or passed. page on USASpending.gov for the pub- whether they are being spent at all. More transparency means more ac- A motion to reconsider was laid on lic to track agency disaster recovery the table. activities and the amount of assistance countability and making this disaster expended, on a quarterly basis. funding data available online to the f public will help ensure that these dol- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE b 1415 lars that Congress has appropriated are A message from the Senate by Ms. Federal agencies need to be account- being spent in a timely and effective Lasky, one of its clerks, announced able to the victims of disasters so that manner. that the Senate has passed a bill of the they can have peace of mind when they As we continue to recover from Hur- following title in which the concur- are at their most vulnerable. ricanes Matthew and Florence, and pre- rence of the House is requested: I strongly support the bill, and I urge pare for yet another hurricane season my colleagues to join me. this year, it is more important than S. 2249. An act to allow the Deputy Admin- istrator of the Federal Aviation Administra- Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- ever that we make sure we are getting tion on the date of enactment of this Act to ance of my time. the most out of every single dollar that continue to serve as such Deputy Adminis- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Congress appropriates. This bill will go trator. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I a long way in helping to ensure just f may consume. that. Madam Speaker, H.R. 1307, the Post- Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I STOPPING BAD ROBOCALLS ACT Disaster Assistance Online Account- have no further speakers. I reserve the Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I ability Act, is going to improve our balance of my time. move to suspend the rules and pass the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.012 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7293 bill (H.R. 3375) to amend the Commu- ment described in subparagraph (I) of such (1) FOR ROBOCALL VIOLATIONS.—Section nications Act of 1934 to clarify the pro- section, as added by subsection (a). To the 227(b) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 hibitions on making robocalls, and for extent such an exemption contains such a re- U.S.C. 227(b)) is amended by adding at the other purposes, as amended. quirement before such date of enactment, end the following: nothing in this section or the amendments ‘‘(4) NO CITATION REQUIRED TO SEEK FOR- The Clerk read the title of the bill. made by this section shall be construed to FEITURE PENALTY.—Paragraph (5) of section The text of the bill is as follows: require the Commission to prescribe or 503(b) shall not apply in the case of a viola- H.R. 3375 amend regulations relating to such require- tion made with the intent to cause such vio- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ment. lation of this subsection.’’. resentatives of the United States of America in SEC. 4. REPORT ON REASSIGNED NUMBER DATA- (2) FOR CALLER IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Congress assembled, BASE. VIOLATIONS.—Section 227(e)(5)(A)(iii) of the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (a) REPORT TO CONGRESS.— Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Stopping (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after 227(e)(5)(A)(iii)) is amended by adding at the Bad Robocalls Act’’. the date of the enactment of this Act, the end the following: ‘‘Paragraph (5) of section SEC. 2. CONSUMER PROTECTION REGULATIONS Commission shall submit to Congress, and 503(b) shall not apply in the case of a viola- RELATING TO MAKING ROBOCALLS. make publicly available on the website of tion of this subsection.’’. Not later than 6 months after the date of the Commission, a report on the status of (b) 4-YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.— the enactment of this Act, and as appro- the efforts of the Commission pursuant to (1) FOR ROBOCALL VIOLATIONS.—Section priate thereafter to ensure that the con- the Second Report and Order in the matter 227(b) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 sumer protection and privacy purposes of of Advanced Methods to Target and Elimi- U.S.C. 227(b)), as amended by subsection (a), section 227 of the Communications Act of nate Unlawful Robocalls (CG Docket No. 17– is further amended by adding at the end the 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227) remain effective, the Com- 59; FCC 18–177; adopted on December 12, 2018). following: mission shall prescribe such regulations, or (2) CONTENTS.—The report required by ‘‘(5) 4-YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.—Not- amend such existing regulations, regarding paragraph (1) shall describe the efforts of the withstanding paragraph (6) of section 503(b), calls made or text messages sent using auto- Commission, as described in such Second Re- no forfeiture penalty for violation of this matic telephone dialing systems and calls port and Order, to ensure— subsection shall be determined or imposed made using an artificial or prerecorded voice (A) the establishment of a database of tele- against any person if the violation charged as will, in the judgment of the Commission, phone numbers that have been disconnected, occurred more than— clarify descriptions of automatic telephone in order to provide a person making calls ‘‘(A) 3 years prior to the date of issuance of dialing systems and ensure that— subject to section 227(b) of the Communica- the notice required by paragraph (3) of such (1) the consumer protection and privacy tions Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(b)) with com- section or the notice of apparent liability re- purposes of such section are effectuated; prehensive and timely information to enable quired by paragraph (4) of such section (as (2) calls made and text messages sent using such person to avoid making calls without the case may be); or automatic telephone dialing systems and the prior express consent of the called party ‘‘(B) if the violation was made with the in- calls made using an artificial or prerecorded because the number called has been reas- tent to cause such violation, 4 years prior to voice are made or sent (as the case may be) signed; the date of issuance of the notice required by with consent, unless consent is not required (B) that a person who wishes to use any paragraph (3) of such section or the notice of under or the call or text message is exempt- safe harbor provided pursuant to such Sec- apparent liability required by paragraph (4) ed by paragraph (1), (2)(B), or (2)(C) of sub- ond Report and Order with respect to mak- of such section (as the case may be).’’. section (b) of such section; ing calls must demonstrate that, before (2) FOR CALLER IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION (3) consumers can withdraw consent for making the call, the person appropriately VIOLATIONS.—Section 227(e)(5)(A)(iv) of the such calls and text messages; checked the most recent update of the data- Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. (4) circumvention or evasion of such sec- base and the database reported that the 227(e)(5)(A)(iv)) is amended— tion is prevented; number had not been disconnected; and (A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘2-YEAR’’ (5) callers maintain records to demonstrate (C) that if the person makes the dem- and inserting ‘‘4-YEAR’’; and that such callers have obtained consent, un- onstration described in subparagraph (B), the (B) by striking ‘‘2 years’’ and inserting ‘‘4 less consent is not required under or the call person will be shielded from liability under years’’. or text message is exempted by paragraph section 227(b) of the Communications Act of (c) INCREASED PENALTY FOR ROBOCALL VIO- (1), (2)(B), or (2)(C) of subsection (b) of such 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(b)) should the database re- LATIONS WITH INTENT.—Section 227(b) of the section, for such calls and text messages, for turn an inaccurate result. Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. a period of time that will permit the Com- (b) CLARIFICATION OF DEFINITION OF CALLED 227(b)), as amended by subsections (a) and mission to effectuate the consumer protec- PARTY.— (b), is further amended by adding at the end tion and privacy purposes of such section; (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 227(a) of the Com- the following: and munications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(a)) is ‘‘(6) INCREASED PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS (6) compliance with such section is facili- amended by adding at the end the following: WITH INTENT.—In the case of a forfeiture pen- tated. ‘‘(6) The term ‘called party’ means, with alty for violation of this subsection that is SEC. 3. CONSUMER PROTECTIONS FOR EXEMP- respect to a call, the current subscriber or determined or imposed under section 503(b), TIONS. customary user of the telephone number to if such violation was made with the intent to (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 227(b)(2) of the which the call is made, determined at the cause such violation, the amount of such Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. time when the call is made.’’. penalty shall be equal to an amount deter- 227(b)(2)) is amended— (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Section mined in accordance with subparagraphs (A) (1) in subparagraph (G)(ii), by striking ‘‘; 227(d)(3)(B) of the Communications Act of through (F) of section 503(b)(2) plus an addi- and’’ and inserting a semicolon; 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(d)(3)(B)) is amended— tional penalty not to exceed $10,000.’’. (2) in subparagraph (H), by striking the pe- (A) by striking ‘‘called party’s line’’ each SEC. 6. ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS. riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and place it appears and inserting ‘‘telephone (3) by adding at the end the following: line called’’; and Section 227 of the Communications Act of ‘‘(I) shall ensure that any exemption under (B) by striking ‘‘called party has hung up’’ 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227) is amended by adding at subparagraph (B) or (C) contains require- and inserting ‘‘answering party has hung the end the following: ments for calls made in reliance on the ex- up’’. ‘‘(i) ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS ON emption with respect to— (3) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ROBOCALLS AND TRANSMISSION OF MISLEADING ‘‘(i) the classes of parties that may make made by this subsection shall apply begin- OR INACCURATE CALLER IDENTIFICATION IN- such calls; ning on the date on which the database de- FORMATION.— ‘‘(ii) the classes of parties that may be scribed in the Second Report and Order in ‘‘(1) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 1 called; and the matter of Advanced Methods to Target year after the date of the enactment of this ‘‘(iii) the number of such calls that a call- and Eliminate Unlawful Robocalls (CG Dock- subsection, and annually thereafter, the ing party may make to a particular called et No. 17–59; FCC 18–177; adopted on Decem- Commission, after consultation with the party.’’. ber 12, 2018) becomes fully operational, such Federal Trade Commission, shall submit to (b) DEADLINE FOR REGULATIONS.—In the that a person may check the database to de- Congress a report regarding enforcement by case of any exemption issued under subpara- termine the last date of permanent dis- the Commission of subsections (b), (c), (d), graph (B) or (C) of section 227(b)(2) of the connection associated with a phone number. and (e) during the preceding calendar year. Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. Nothing in the amendments made by this ‘‘(2) MATTERS FOR INCLUSION.—Each report 227(b)(2)) before the date of the enactment of subsection shall affect the construction of required by paragraph (1) shall include the this Act, the Commission, shall, not later the law as it applies before the effective following: than 1 year after such date of enactment, date. ‘‘(A) The number of complaints received by prescribe such regulations, or amend such SEC. 5. ENFORCEMENT. the Commission during each of the preceding existing regulations, as necessary to ensure (a) NO CITATION REQUIRED TO SEEK FOR- five calendar years, for each of the following that such exemption contains each require- FEITURE PENALTY.— categories:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.050 H24JYPT1 H7294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 ‘‘(i) Complaints alleging that a consumer (I) for providers of voice service to the ex- report on the implementation of subsection received a call in violation of subsection (b) tent the networks of such providers use (b), which shall include— or (c). time-division multiplexing; and (1) an analysis of the extent to which pro- ‘‘(ii) Complaints alleging that a consumer (II) for small providers of voice service and viders of a voice service have implemented received a call in violation of the standards those in rural areas; and the effective call authentication technology, prescribed under subsection (d). (ii) in connection with such findings, may including whether the availability of nec- ‘‘(iii) Complaints alleging that a consumer exempt from the 6-month time period de- essary equipment and equipment upgrades received a call in connection with which mis- scribed in paragraph (1)(A), for a reasonable has impacted such implementation; and leading or inaccurate caller identification period of time a class of providers of voice (2) an assessment of the effective call au- information was transmitted in violation of service, or type of voice calls, as necessary thentication technology, as being imple- subsection (e). for that class of providers or type of calls to mented under subsection (b), in addressing ‘‘(B) The number of citations issued by the participate in the implementation in order all aspects of call authentication. Commission pursuant to section 503(b) dur- to address the identified burdens and bar- (d) VOICE SERVICE DEFINED.—In this sec- ing the preceding calendar year to enforce riers. tion, the term ‘‘voice service’’— subsection (d), and details of each such cita- (B) FULL PARTICIPATION.—The Commission (1) means any service that is inter- tion. shall take all steps necessary to address any connected with the public switched tele- ‘‘(C) The number of notices of apparent li- issues in the findings and enable as promptly phone network and that furnishes voice com- ability issued by the Commission pursuant as possible full participation of all classes of munications to an end user using resources to section 503(b) during the preceding cal- providers of voice service and types of voice from the North American Numbering Plan or endar year to enforce subsections (b), (c), (d), calls to receive the highest level of attesta- any successor to the North American Num- and (e), and details of each such notice in- tion. bering Plan adopted by the Commission cluding any proposed forfeiture amount. (C) ALTERNATIVE METHODOLOGIES.—The under section 251(e)(1) of the Communica- ‘‘(D) The number of final orders imposing Commission shall identify or develop, in con- tions Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 251(e)(1)); and forfeiture penalties issued pursuant to sec- sultation with small providers of service and (2) includes— tion 503(b) during the preceding calendar those in rural areas, alternative effective (A) transmissions from a telephone fac- year to enforce such subsections, and details methodologies to protect customers from simile machine, computer, or other device to of each such order including the forfeiture unauthenticated calls during any exemption a telephone facsimile machine; and imposed. given under subparagraph (A)(ii). Such meth- (B) without limitation, any service that ‘‘(E) The amount of forfeiture penalties or odologies shall be provided with no addi- enables real-time, two-way voice commu- criminal fines collected, during the pre- tional line item charge to customers. nications, including any service that re- ceding calendar year, by the Commission or (D) REVISION OF EXEMPTION.—Not less fre- quires internet protocol-compatible cus- the Attorney General for violations of such quently than annually after the first exemp- tomer premises equipment (commonly subsections, and details of each case in tion is issued under this paragraph, the Com- known as ‘‘CPE’’) and permits out-bound which such a forfeiture penalty or criminal mission shall consider revising or extending calling, whether or not the service is one- fine was collected. any exemption made, may revise such ex- way or two-way voice over internet protocol. ‘‘(F) Proposals for reducing the number of emption, and shall issue a public notice with SEC. 8. STOP ROBOCALLS. calls made in violation of such subsections. regard to whether such exemption remains (a) INFORMATION SHARING REGARDING ‘‘(G) An analysis of the contribution by necessary. ROBOCALL AND SPOOFING VIOLATIONS.—Sec- providers of interconnected VoIP service and (4) ACCURATE IDENTIFICATION.—The regula- tion 227 of the Communications Act of 1934 non-interconnected VoIP service that dis- tions required by subsection (a) shall include (47 U.S.C. 227), as amended by section 6, is count high-volume, unlawful, short-duration guidelines that providers of voice service further amended by adding at the end the calls to the total number of calls made in may use as part of the implementation of ef- following: ‘‘(j) INFORMATION SHARING.— violation of such subsections, and rec- fective call authentication technology under ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 18 months ommendations on how to address such con- paragraph (1) to take steps to ensure the after the date of the enactment of this sub- tribution in order to decrease the total num- calling party is accurately identified. section, the Commission shall prescribe reg- ber of calls made in violation of such sub- (5) NO ADDITIONAL COST TO CONSUMERS OR ulations to establish a process that stream- sections. SMALL BUSINESS CUSTOMERS.—The regula- lines the ways in which a private entity may ‘‘(3) NO ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIRED.— tions required by subsection (a) shall pro- voluntarily share with the Commission in- The Commission shall prepare the report re- hibit providers of voice service from making formation relating to— quired by paragraph (1) without requiring any additional line item charges to con- ‘‘(A) a call made or a text message sent in the provision of additional information from sumer or small business customer sub- violation of subsection (b); or providers of telecommunications service or scribers for the effective call authentication ‘‘(B) a call or text message for which mis- voice service (as defined in section 7(d) of the technology required under paragraph (1). leading or inaccurate caller identification Stopping Bad Robocalls Act).’’. (6) EVALUATION.—Not later than 2 years information was caused to be transmitted in after the date of enactment of this Act, and SEC. 7. REGULATIONS RELATING TO EFFECTIVE violation of subsection (e). CALL AUTHENTICATION TECH- consistent with the regulations prescribed ‘‘(2) TEXT MESSAGE DEFINED.—In this sub- NOLOGY. under subsection (a), the Commission shall section, the term ‘text message’ has the initiate an evaluation of the success of the (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year meaning given such term in subsection effective call authentication technology re- after the date of enactment of this Act, the (e)(8).’’. quired under paragraph (1). Commission shall prescribe regulations in (b) ROBOCALL BLOCKING SERVICE.—Section WC Docket No. 17–97. (7) UNAUTHENTICATED CALLS.—The Commis- 227 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 (b) REQUIREMENTS FOR EFFECTIVE CALL AU- sion shall— U.S.C. 227), as amended by section 6 and sub- THENTICATION TECHNOLOGY.— (A) in the regulations required by sub- section (a) of this section, is further amend- (1) IN GENERAL.—The regulations required section (a), consistent with the regulations ed by adding at the end the following: by subsection (a) shall— prescribed under subsection (k) of section 227 ‘‘(k) ROBOCALL BLOCKING SERVICE.— (A) require providers of voice service to of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year implement, within six months after the date 227), as added by section 8, help protect sub- after the date of the enactment of this sub- on which such regulations are prescribed, an scribers from receiving unwanted calls from section, the Commission shall take a final effective call authentication technology; and a caller using an unauthenticated number, agency action to ensure the robocall block- (B) ensure that voice service providers that through effective means of enabling the sub- ing services provided on an opt-out or opt-in have implemented the effective authentica- scriber or provider to block such calls, with basis pursuant to the Declaratory Ruling of tion technology attest that such provider no additional line item charge to the sub- the Commission in the matter of Advanced has determined, when originating calls on scriber; and Methods to Target and Eliminate Unlawful behalf of a calling party, that the calling (B) take appropriate steps to ensure that Robocalls (CG Docket No. 17–59; FCC 19–51; party number transmitted with such calls calls originating from a provider of service adopted on June 6, 2019)— has been appropriately authenticated. in an area where the provider is exempt from ‘‘(A) are provided with transparency and (2) REASSESSMENT OF REGULATIONS.—The the 6-month time period described in para- effective redress options for both— Commission shall reassess such regulations, graph (1)(A) are not wrongly blocked because ‘‘(i) consumers; and at least once every two years, to ensure the the calls are not able to be authenticated. ‘‘(ii) callers; and regulations remain effective and up to date (c) REPORT.—Not later than 6 months after ‘‘(B) are provided with no additional line with technological capabilities. the date on which the regulations under sub- item charge to consumers and no additional (3) EXEMPTION.— section (a) are prescribed, the Commission charge to callers for resolving complaints re- (A) BURDENS AND BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTA- shall submit to the Committee on Energy lated to erroneously blocked calls. TION.—The Commission— and Commerce of the House of Representa- ‘‘(2) TEXT MESSAGE DEFINED.—In this sub- (i) shall include findings on any burdens or tives and the Committee on Commerce, section, the term ‘text message’ has the barriers to the implementation required in Science, and Transportation of the Senate, meaning given such term in subsection paragraph (1), including— and make publicly available on its website, a (e)(8).’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.015 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7295

(c) STUDY ON INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS of this Act, the Commission shall initiate a the violation of such section (and laws of for- FOR CERTAIN VOIP SERVICE PROVIDERS.— proceeding to protect called parties from eign countries prohibiting similar conduct); (1) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall one-ring scams. and conduct a study regarding whether to re- (b) MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED.—As part of (4) consider— quire a provider of covered VoIP service to— the proceeding required by subsection (a), (A) the benefit and potential sources of ad- (A) provide to the Commission contact in- the Commission shall consider how the Com- ditional resources for the Federal enforce- formation for such provider and keep such mission can— ment and prevention of the violation of such information current; and (1) work with Federal and State law en- section; (B) retain records relating to each call forcement agencies to address one-ring (B) whether memoranda of understanding transmitted over the covered VoIP service of scams; regarding the enforcement and prevention of such provider that are sufficient to trace (2) work with the governments of foreign the violation of such section should be estab- such call back to the source of such call. countries to address one-ring scams; lished between— (2) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 18 (3) in consultation with the Federal Trade (i) the States; months after the date of the enactment of Commission, better educate consumers (ii) the States and the Federal Govern- this Act, the Commission shall submit to about how to avoid one-ring scams; ment; and Congress a report on the results of the study (4) incentivize voice service providers to (iii) the Federal Government and foreign conducted under paragraph (1). stop calls made to perpetrate one-ring scams governments; (3) COVERED VOIP SERVICE DEFINED.—In this from being received by called parties, includ- (C) whether a process should be established subsection, the term ‘‘covered VoIP service’’ ing consideration of adding identified one- to allow States to request Federal subpoenas means a service that— ring scam type numbers to the Commission’s from the Commission with respect to the en- (A) is an interconnected VoIP service (as existing list of permissible categories for forcement of such section; defined in section 3 of the Communications carrier-initiated blocking; (D) whether increased criminal penalties Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153)); or (5) work with entities that provide call- for the violation of such section (including (B) would be an interconnected VoIP serv- blocking services to address one-ring scams; increasing the amount of fines and increas- ice (as so defined) except that the service and ing the maximum term of imprisonment that permits users to terminate calls to the pub- (6) establish obligations on international may be imposed to a period greater than 2 lic switched telephone network but does not gateway providers that are the first point of years) are appropriate; permit users to receive calls that originate entry for these calls into the United States, (E) whether regulation of any entity that on the public switched telephone network. including potential requirements that such enters into a business arrangement with a (d) TRANSITIONAL RULE REGARDING DEFINI- providers verify with the foreign originator carrier for the specific purpose of carrying, TION OF TEXT MESSAGE.—Paragraph (2) of the nature or purpose of calls before initi- routing, or transmitting a call that con- subsection (j) of section 227 of the Commu- ating service. stitutes a violation of such section would as- nications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227), as added (c) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 1 sist in the successful enforcement and pre- by subsection (a) of this section, and para- year after the date of the enactment of this vention of the violation of such section; and graph (2) of subsection (k) of such section 227, as added by subsection (b) of this sec- Act, the Commission shall publish on its (F) the extent to which the prosecution of tion, shall apply before the effective date of website and submit to the Committee on En- certain violations of such section (which re- the amendment made to subsection (e)(8) of ergy and Commerce of the House of Rep- sult in economic, physical, or emotional such section 227 by subparagraph (C) of sec- resentatives and the Committee on Com- harm) pursuant to any Department of Jus- tion 503(a)(2) of division P of the Consoli- merce, Science, and Transportation of the tice policy may inhibit or otherwise inter- dated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public Law Senate a report on the status of the pro- fere with the prosecution of other violations 115–141) as if such amendment was already in ceeding required by subsection (a). of such section. effect. (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (c) MEMBERS.—The interagency working SEC. 9. PROVISION OF EVIDENCE OF CERTAIN (1) ONE-RING SCAM.—The term ‘‘one-ring group shall be composed of such representa- ROBOCALL VIOLATIONS TO ATTOR- scam’’ means a scam in which a caller makes tives of Federal departments and agencies as NEY GENERAL. a call and allows the call to ring the called the Attorney General considers appropriate, (a) IN GENERAL.—If the Chief of the En- party for a short duration, in order to which may include— forcement Bureau of the Commission obtains prompt the called party to return the call, (1) the Department of Commerce (including evidence that suggests a willful, knowing, thereby subjecting the called party to the National Telecommunications and Infor- and repeated robocall violation with an in- charges. mation Administration); tent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongfully (2) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ has the (2) the Department of State; obtain anything of value, the Chief of the meaning given such term in section 3 of the (3) the Department of Homeland Security; Enforcement Bureau shall provide such evi- Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153). (4) the Commission; dence to the Attorney General. (3) VOICE SERVICE.—The term ‘‘voice serv- (5) the Federal Trade Commission; and (b) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 1 ice’’ has the meaning given such term in sec- (6) the Bureau of Consumer Financial Pro- year after the date of the enactment of this tion 227(e)(8) of the Communications Act of tection. Act, and annually thereafter, the Commis- 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(e)(8)). This paragraph shall (d) NON-FEDERAL STAKEHOLDERS.—In car- sion shall publish on its website and submit apply before the effective date of the amend- rying out the study under subsection (a), the to the Committee on Energy and Commerce ment made to such section by subparagraph interagency working group shall consult of the House of Representatives and the (C) of section 503(a)(2) of division P of the with such non-Federal stakeholders as the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Pub- Attorney General determines have relevant Transportation of the Senate a report that— lic Law 115–141) as if such amendment was al- expertise, including the National Associa- (1) states the number of instances during ready in effect. tion of Attorneys General. the preceding year in which the Chief of the (e) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 9 Enforcement Bureau provided the evidence SEC. 11. INTERAGENCY WORKING GROUP. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General, in months after the date of the enactment of described in subsection (a) to the Attorney this Act, the interagency working group General; and consultation with the Commission, shall convene an interagency working group to shall submit to the Committee on Com- (2) contains a general summary of the merce, Science, and Transportation and the types of robocall violations to which such study the enforcement of section 227(b) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate evidence relates. and the Committee on Energy and Commerce (c) RULES OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in 227(b)). (b) DUTIES.—In carrying out the study and the Committee on the Judiciary of the this section shall be construed to affect the House of Representatives a report on the ability of the Commission or the Chief of the under subsection (a), the interagency work- findings of the study under subsection (a), Enforcement Bureau under other law— ing group shall— including— (1) to refer a matter to the Attorney Gen- (1) determine whether, and if so how, any (1) any recommendations regarding the en- eral; or Federal law, including regulations, policies, forcement and prevention of the violation of (2) to pursue or continue pursuit of an en- and practices, or budgetary or jurisdictional such section; and forcement action in a matter with respect to constraints inhibit the enforcement of such (2) a description of what process, if any, which the Chief of the Enforcement Bureau section; relevant Federal departments and agencies provided the evidence described in sub- (2) identify existing and potential Federal have made in implementing the rec- section (a) to the Attorney General. policies and programs that encourage and ommendations under paragraph (1). (d) ROBOCALL VIOLATION DEFINED.—In this improve coordination among Federal depart- section, the term ‘‘robocall violation’’ means ments and agencies and States, and between SEC. 12. COMMISSION DEFINED. a violation of subsection (b) or (e) of section States, in the enforcement and prevention of In this Act, the term ‘‘Commission’’ means 227 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 the violation of such section; the Federal Communications Commission. U.S.C. 227). (3) identify existing and potential inter- SEC. 13. ANNUAL ROBOCALL REPORT. SEC. 10. PROTECTION FROM ONE-RING SCAMS. national policies and programs that encour- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year (a) INITIATION OF PROCEEDING.—Not later age and improve coordination between coun- after the date of the enactment of this Act, than 120 days after the date of the enactment tries in the enforcement and prevention of and annually thereafter, the Commission

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shall make publicly available on the website (e) LIST OF VOICE SERVICE PROVIDERS.—The (3) How the Federal Government and State of the Commission, and submit to the Com- Commission may publish a list of voice serv- governments can help combat such calls. mittee on Energy and Commerce of the ice providers and take appropriate enforce- (d) PROCEEDING BY FCC.—Not later than 180 House of Representatives and the Committee ment action based on information obtained days after the date on which the best prac- on Commerce, Science and Transportation of from the consortium about voice service pro- tices are issued by the Group under sub- the Senate, a report on the status of private- viders that refuse to participate in private- section (c), the Commission shall conclude a led efforts to trace back the origin of sus- led efforts to trace back the origin of sus- proceeding to assess the extent to which the pected unlawful robocalls by the registered pected unlawful robocalls, and other infor- voluntary adoption of such best practices consortium and the participation of voice mation the Commission may collect about can be facilitated to protect hospitals and service providers in such efforts. service providers that are found to originate other institutions. (b) CONTENTS OF REPORT.—The report re- or transmit substantial amounts of illegal (e) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: quired under subsection (a) shall include, at calls. (1) GROUP.—The term ‘‘Group’’ means the minimum, the following: (f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Hospital Robocall Protection Group estab- (1) A description of private-led efforts to (1) PRIVATE-LED EFFORT TO TRACE BACK.— lished under subsection (a). trace back the origin of suspected unlawful The term ‘‘private-led effort to trace back’’ (2) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ has the robocalls by the registered consortium and means an effort made by the registered con- meaning given such term in section 3 of the the actions taken by the registered consor- sortium of voice service providers to estab- Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153). tium to coordinate with the Commission. lish a methodology for determining the ori- (3) VOICE SERVICE.—The term ‘‘voice serv- (2) A list of voice service providers identi- gin of a suspected unlawful robocall. ice’’— fied by the registered consortium that par- (2) REGISTERED CONSORTIUM.—The term (A) means any service that is inter- ticipated in private-led efforts to trace back ‘‘registered consortium’’ means the consor- connected with the public switched tele- the origin of suspected unlawful robocalls tium registered under subsection (d). phone network and that furnishes voice com- through the registered consortium. (3) SUSPECTED UNLAWFUL ROBOCALL.—The munications to an end user using resources (3) A list of each voice service provider term ‘‘suspected unlawful robocall’’ means a from the North American Numbering Plan or that received a request from the registered call that the Commission or a voice service any successor to the North American Num- consortium to participate in private-led ef- provider reasonably believes was made in bering Plan adopted by the Commission forts to trace back the origin of suspected violation of subsection (b) or (e) of section under section 251(e)(1) of the Communica- unlawful robocalls and refused to partici- 227 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 tions Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 251(e)(1)); and pate, as identified by the registered consor- U.S.C. 227). (B) includes— tium. (4) VOICE SERVICE.—The term ‘‘voice serv- (i) transmissions from a telephone fac- (4) The reason, if any, each voice service ice’’— simile machine, computer, or other device to provider identified by the registered consor- (A) means any service that is inter- a telephone facsimile machine; and tium provided for not participating in pri- connected with the public switched tele- (ii) without limitation, any service that vate-led efforts to trace back the origin of phone network and that furnishes voice com- enables real-time, two-way voice commu- suspected unlawful robocalls. munications to an end user using resources nications, including any service that re- (5) A description of how the Commission from the North American Numbering Plan or quires internet protocol-compatible cus- may use the information provided to the any successor to the North American Num- tomer premises equipment (commonly Commission by voice service providers or the bering Plan adopted by the Commission known as ‘‘CPE’’) and permits out-bound registered consortium that have participated under section 251(e)(1) of the Communica- calling, whether or not the service is one- in private-led efforts to trace back the origin tions Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 251(e)(1)); and way or two-way voice over internet protocol. of suspected unlawful robocalls in the en- (B) includes— SEC. 15. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- forcement efforts by the Commission. (i) transmissions from a telephone fac- FECTS. (c) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.—Not later simile machine, computer, or other device to The budgetary effects of this Act, for the than 210 days after the date of the enactment a telephone facsimile machine; and purpose of complying with the Statutory of this Act, and annually thereafter, the (ii) without limitation, any service that Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be deter- Commission shall issue a notice to the public enables real-time, two-way voice commu- seeking additional information from voice mined by reference to the latest statement nications, including any service that re- titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legisla- service providers and the registered consor- quires internet protocol-compatible cus- tium of private-led efforts to trace back the tion’’ for this Act, submitted for printing in tomer premises equipment (commonly the Congressional Record by the Chairman of origin of suspected unlawful robocalls nec- known as ‘‘CPE’’) and permits out-bound essary for the report by the Commission re- the House Budget Committee, provided that calling, whether or not the service is one- such statement has been submitted prior to quired under subsection (a). way or two-way voice over internet protocol. (d) REGISTRATION OF CONSORTIUM OF PRI- the vote on passage. SEC. 14. HOSPITAL ROBOCALL PROTECTION VATE-LED EFFORTS TO TRACE BACK THE ORI- GROUP. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- GIN OF SUSPECTED UNLAWFUL ROBOCALLS.— (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 180 ant to the rule, the gentleman from (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days days after the date of the enactment of this New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) and the gen- after the date of the enactment of this Act, Act, the Commission shall establish an advi- tleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) each the Commission shall issue rules to establish sory committee to be known as the ‘‘Hos- a registration process for the registration of will control 20 minutes. pital Robocall Protection Group’’. The Chair recognizes the gentleman a single consortium that conducts private- (b) MEMBERSHIP.—The Group shall be com- led efforts to trace back the origin of sus- posed only of the following members: from New Jersey. pected unlawful robocalls. The consortium (1) An equal number of representatives GENERAL LEAVE shall meet the following requirements: from each of the following: Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I (A) Be a neutral third-party competent to (A) Voice service providers that serve hos- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- manage the private-led effort to trace back pitals. the origin of suspected unlawful robocalls in bers have 5 legislative days in which to (B) Companies that focus on mitigating un- revise and extend their remarks and in- the judgement of the Commission. lawful robocalls. (B) Maintain a set of written best practices (C) Consumer advocacy organizations. clude extraneous material on H.R. 3375. about the management of such efforts and (D) Providers of one-way voice over inter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there regarding providers of voice services’ partici- net protocol services described in subsection objection to the request of the gen- pation in private-led efforts to trace back (e)(4)(B)(ii). tleman from New Jersey? the origin of suspected unlawful robocalls. (E) Hospitals. There was no objection. (C) Consistent with section 222(d)(2) of the (F) State government officials focused on Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. combatting unlawful robocalls. yield myself such time as I may con- 222(d)(2)), any private-led efforts to trace (2) One representative of the Commission. sume. back the origin of suspected unlawful (3) One representative of the Federal Trade robocalls conducted by the third-party focus Commission. Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- on ‘‘fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful’’ traffic. (c) ISSUANCE OF BEST PRACTICES.—Not later port of H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad (D) File a notice with the Commission that than 180 days after the date on which the Robocalls Act, it is bipartisan legisla- the consortium intends to conduct private- Group is established under subsection (a), tion that I introduced with Ranking led efforts to trace back in advance of such the Group shall issue best practices regard- Member WALDEN, Communications and registration. ing the following: Technology Subcommittee Chairman (2) ANNUAL NOTICE BY THE COMMISSION SEEK- (1) How voice service providers can better DOYLE, and Subcommittee Ranking ING REGISTRATIONS.—Not later than 120 days combat unlawful robocalls made to hos- after the date of the enactment of this Act, pitals. Member LATTA. This legislation ad- and annually thereafter, the Commission (2) How hospitals can better protect them- vanced out of our Energy and Com- shall issue a notice to the public seeking the selves from such calls, including by using un- merce Committee last week by a unan- registration described in paragraph (1). lawful robocall mitigation techniques. imous vote of 48–0.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.015 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7297 The rising tide of unlawful, unwanted In that same vein, consumers need the private sector solutions, at the robocalls started as a nuisance, but more help controlling the calls they same time putting the call out to crack now threatens the way consumers view have asked not to receive. Consumers down on these illegal actors for the and use their telephones. These calls need to be in charge of their own phone criminals that they are. are undermining our entire phone sys- numbers, and scammers or tele- We are going to shut these scammers tem, and that is something we all need marketers must have a consumer’s down. This legislation establishes a to take very, very seriously. consent before making calls. more rigorous enforcement structure Last year, there were an estimated 47 Consumers should be able to block il- to shut down illegal robocalls. It em- billion robocalls made to Americans. It legal and unwanted calls. But with powers the Federal Communications is no wonder that the American people blocking, there needs to be trans- Commission with additional enforce- have lost confidence in answering their parency and effective redress so that ment. It also sets the path for pro- phones. The Stopping Bad Robocalls we ensure the calls people want are ac- viders to implement new caller ID Act will help restore that confidence, tually getting through. technologies, with no new line-item and that is very important, in my opin- Madam Speaker, we need to ensure charges to the consumers. ion. that law enforcement and the Federal The fraud committed on Americans Madam Speaker, Americans use their Communications Commission have the by illegal robocallers is going to stop. phones at some of the most important tools, information, and incentives to go This bipartisan legislation creates a ro- times of their lives. They use their after robocallers that break the law. bust framework designed to protect phones to get help from first respond- This bill takes all these steps and consumers from the fraud and nuisance ers by calling 911; to hear important more. It also includes the text of many of these calls. medical test results from their doctor; important proposals that would help Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to to connect with or reassure a family address the onslaught of robocalls that the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. WAL- member or friend; to learn that school consumers face. DEN), the ranking member of the full is closed tomorrow; or just to conduct And I just want to mention some of committee. daily business. the other bills that were introduced Mr. WALDEN. Madam Speaker, I Illegal, unwanted robocalls threaten that we have tried to incorporate in want to thank my colleagues for their the foundational ways that we commu- this bill. One is the Ending One-Ring work on the Stopping Bad Robocalls nicate with one another and, that, in Scams Act; the Tracing Back and Act. To Chairman PALLONE, to Chairman my opinion is dangerous. Catching Unlawful Robocallers Act; Each time the consumer chooses not DOYLE, to Congressman LATTA, and ev- the Locking Up Robocallers Act, the to pick up the phone out of fear that a erybody that has been involved in this, Spam Calls Task Force Act; and the scam robocall is on the other end of the I think we have come to a really good Protecting Patients and Doctors from line, it chips away at our community agreement here, and it will help stop Unlawful Robocalls Act. I will thank and public safety. Too frequently, con- the illegal robocalls; hopefully, all 47.8 the sponsors of those more specifically sumers feel their best option is to not billion. Let that number sink in. later during this debate. answer their ringing phone, which may Last year, in America, 47.8 billion But ours is a strong and comprehen- lead them to miss an important call. calls were made to all of us, and they It is truly unfortunate that con- sive bill that puts consumers first. I were mostly all illegal, and we are sumers feel they must take that risk in want to thank all of my colleagues going to do our best to stop them. order to proactively defend themselves that have shaped this bill with me, spe- You will be hard-pressed to find a against a scam call. Some studies esti- cifically, Mr. WALDEN, Mr. DOYLE, Mr. technology that is more personal than mate that nearly half of all calls this LATTA, of course. But I also want to your phone; whether it is the phone year will be scam calls; and these calls thank all the consumer advocacy orga- you carry in your pocket or, for some, are not only harmful to the American nizations and the carriers that worked a landline at home, and how we com- people, but they are also harmful to hard to reach a consensus piece of leg- municate on these devices is essential business. islation that will take tough and mean- in the way that we connect to one an- The Chief Information Security Offi- ingful steps to protect consumers from other. cer of the Moffitt Cancer Center re- these annoying and illegal robocalls. Yet that personal connection is being cently testified before our committee Madam Speaker, the legislation now violated by bad actors that have com- that scammers were calling his hos- has 237 sponsors, and I am hopeful that promised our country’s communica- pital, disguised as Department of Jus- it will garner strong bipartisan support tions networks and who hide their tice officials, demanding to speak with today when we vote. tracks with their own hardware and a physician about his medical license. I urge all of my colleagues to put software. Robocalls are dangerous to public consumers first and join us in passing These criminal parties have done sig- health and to people’s privacy, using the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act. nificant harm to Americans, both per- this as an example. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- sonally and professionally. Those that We have heard similar stories of ance of my time. engage in such illicit behavior should scammers disguised as the IRS looking Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I be treated and prosecuted for what to collect a debt; scammers disguised yield myself such time as I may con- they are, criminals. as local governments or police depart- sume. From the outset of our legislative ef- ments; and scammers disguised as Madam Speaker, I rise today in fort to address this problem, I stated loved ones in trouble looking for help. strong support of H.R. 3375, the Stop- we must make a clear distinction be- We are even seeing new scams, such as ping Bad Robocalls Act. I will speak tween parties that have ill purpose, as the one-ring-scam, where fraudsters more later of my contribution on this opposed to those who do not. After all, try to trick consumers into calling legislation, but I congratulate the au- we don’t want to shut off legitimate back international numbers in the thors of this legislation, both the ma- uses of these new technologies, such as hopes that the consumer will rack up jority and the minority. protecting the anonymity of a women’s large charges. The American Association of Retired shelter assisting at-risk individuals or All of these scams are different, and Persons sent us a letter yesterday urg- alerting you to a fraudulent use of there is no silver bullet to fix them all. ing the adoption by stating: ‘‘All your credit card or providing you the For that reason, this legislation takes Americans will benefit from the provi- simple convenience of interacting with the comprehensive approach to cut off sions of H.R. 3375 that promote an ac- your ride-share service. Those are le- robocalls at many different points. curate call authentication framework gitimate purposes. For example, the bill would imple- and prevent consumers from being Our clearest and quickest path for ment a nationwide caller authentica- charged for blocking technology.’’ passing legislation, along with our tion system, free for consumers, so The support does not end with them, friends in the Senate and, ultimately, they can again trust that the number but it spans the consumer and industry to become law, is to go after those that they see on their caller ID is actually groups that have seen the impact of have malicious intent; and to go be- the person calling them. this. This bill incorporates the best of yond that could undermine services

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.051 H24JYPT1 H7298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Americans depend on every day. So I people and to swindle them. Last year, that connect us to the world are being think we have found the right balance an estimated 43 million Americans used for good and not scams. here. were scammed out of $101⁄2 billion. That I want to thank the gentleman from b 1430 is a lot of money. And I have some New Jersey, the chairman of the full friends, intelligent people, who were committee; the gentleman from Penn- By taking all this into account, we convinced by the story at the other end sylvania, the chairman of the sub- can achieve the same kind of bipar- of the line. committee; and the gentleman from tisan, bicameral success as exemplified So the American people, for all the Oregon, the Republican leader of the by the RAY BAUM’S Act last Congress, legitimate reasons, are demanding that full committee for working with us on which, notably, provided us with the we do something, and today I think we this legislation. launching pad for where we are today. are delivering a victory for them. I am I also want to thank our great staffs Now, that law provided the FCC with certainly proud to cosponsor the legis- for all the hard work that they did in more authority to go after bad actors lation. And, as has been said, no one making sure we got this legislation to who utilize calls and texts. Our work bill can completely solve a complex the floor today. from then was echoed by a broad bipar- problem, so the FCC and Congress have I urge my colleagues to support H.R. tisan group of attorneys general from to remain vigilant to ensure that the 3375. across the United States calling for the statutory and the regulatory protec- Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I FCC to move on updating its own rules. tions are sufficient to protect the con- yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Now, we know communications and sumers. Pennsylvania (Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE), technologies are constantly evolving, There are heavy fees for violators in who chairs our Communications and and, unfortunately, the bad actors’ this bill, so it is really going to cost Technology Subcommittee. tricks have evolved beyond our Do Not them, and it is not simply paying be- Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- Call Registry, and I am sure they will cause it is a cost of doing business. vania. Madam Speaker, today the continue figuring out a way to get I urge all of my colleagues to support House will vote on the Stopping Bad around this effort. However, the more this. Robocalls Act, legislation introduced friction we can create against illicit Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I by Chairman PALLONE, Ranking Mem- behavior, the more focused public-pri- yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from ber WALDEN, Ranking Member LATTA, vate partnerships we can create among Ohio (Mr. LATTA), the ranking member and me. This bill addresses a problem industry, consumer groups, and govern- of the Communications and Tech- that we all have firsthand experience ment that will help us root out this nology Subcommittee on the Com- with: persistent, annoying, nonstop problem, prosecute these criminals to mittee on Energy and Commerce. robocalls. the fullest extent of the law, and make Mr. LATTA. Madam Speaker, I thank Americans received nearly 48 billion great strides in regaining Americans’ the gentleman for yielding. robocalls last year, a 60 percent in- confidence in their communication de- I rise today because robocalls have to crease from the year before. That num- vices. stop. With the help of our phone car- ber is expected to increase to 60 billion Now, in the 35 townhalls I have held riers and the FCC, we have crafted this year. In June alone, in my home- in my district this year and phone calls solid legislation in the Stopping Bad town of Pittsburgh, we received an es- I get to my office, people ask one ques- Robocalls Act. But the most important timated 34 million robocalls. On aver- tion. I bet they ask it of you, Madam voices heard in the crafting of this bill age, everyone in this country receives Speaker. were the men and women from our dis- 14 of these calls every day. What are you going to do to stop tricts who have had to deal with these This bill is a comprehensive, bipar- these robocalls? calls. tisan solution that I believe will help I will tell you what. This is a number Illegal robocalls are annoying, dis- seriously reduce the onslaught of ille- you can answer, 3375. That is the num- ruptive, and harmful. Sadly, Madam gal robocalls that Americans face. ber of the bill. Pick it up; answer it; Speaker, for many people in Ohio and The bill before the House today is the vote ‘‘yes’’; and we will put an end to across the country, these calls have result of bipartisan negotiations, which these robocalls—at least for now. Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I also ruined lives. I hosted a workshop included industry and public interest yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman geared toward helping seniors avoid be- stakeholders. This bill was reported coming victims of scams, including il- unanimously out of the Communica- from California (Ms. ESHOO), who chairs our Health Subcommittee. legal robocalls, and the stories are tions and Technology Subcommittee, Ms. ESHOO. Madam Speaker, I thank heartbreaking. which I chair, as well as the full En- the gentleman for yielding. We heard from seniors who have been ergy and Commerce Committee. I thank the chairman of the full com- manipulated into giving away their life I am also pleased that the language mittee; the ranking member, Mr. WAL- savings to scammers, often because from the STOP Robocalls Act, which DEN; the ranking member of the sub- they were tricked into thinking some- Ranking Member LATTA and I intro- committee, Mr. LATTA; and the distin- one they loved had been hurt. They duced, was included in this bill. These guished chairman of the subcommittee, told me, if there was a way for them to provisions allow phone carriers to Mr. DOYLE, for bringing forward this know that it was an illegal robocall be- automatically enable robocall blocking bipartisan legislation. fore they answered that call, this could services by default on phone lines. I hope when the vote is taken on this have possibly been prevented. While these technologies have been today by the full House that it is unan- That is one of the many solutions we available on an opt-in basis, too many imous. And if it is—and it should be— offer in the Stopping Bad Robocalls of our seniors and, frankly, too many I think we are going to hear applause Act. I am proud to have contributed people in general just don’t know about from across the country, because the with language from our own STOP these services and how to sign up for American people have been bombarded Robocalls Act, which would make it them. by robocalls every day. easier for Americans to access robocall Allowing these services to be enabled Last year, as has been stated, Ameri- blocking technology through their by default allows all consumers to ben- cans received an unfathomable 48 bil- phone companies on an informed opt- efit from these technologies without lion—with a B—robocalls. So this is an out basis. having to go through the onerous epidemic, and anyone with a phone Prior to this legislation and the FCC signup process, particularly for seniors knows this. ruling, these services were available to and those most vulnerable to scam I hear it from my constituents daily. consumers who opted in to receive calls. I think we all do. I have been subjected them. This restriction made the num- These provisions also include require- to them. All of my colleagues have ber of customers using blocking tech- ments that the new opt-out robocall been subjected to them, and their fami- nology very low. This legislation will blocking services do not result in new lies, as well. change that. consumer fees. The bill also requires And these calls are not only highly Madam Speaker, Americans deserve all carriers to adopt call authentica- annoying; they are also used to scam peace of mind knowing that the phones tion technology, which would enable

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.052 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7299 people to be certain that the call they I rise in support of H.R. 3375, the from New York (Ms. CLARKE), vice receive—— Stopping Bad Robocalls Act. chair of our committee. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Today, Californians and Americans Ms. CLARKE of New York. Madam time of the gentleman has expired. across the country are receiving more Speaker, as vice chair of the Energy Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I unwanted robocalls than ever before. and Commerce Committee, I rise today yield an additional 30 seconds to the This is something I often hear about to thank the House Energy and Com- gentleman. from my constituents. merce Committee Chairman FRANK Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- Nearly 48 billion robocalls were made PALLONE and Ranking Member WAL- vania. The call authentication tech- in 2018, an increase of 17 billion calls in DEN, and Subcommittee Chair MIKE nology would enable people to be cer- just 1 year. More than 40 percent of DOYLE and Ranking Member LATTA, for tain that the number they see on their these calls are illegal scams. They are their leadership on this bipartisan ef- caller ID is really the number the call defrauding consumers; they are disrup- fort to bring this important piece of is coming from. tive; and they are costing victims an legislation to the floor. All too often, people get calls that average of $430 per scam. Today, I want to speak to the intru- look like they are coming from down I am worried that the real risk here sive reality and damaging repercus- the street, but they are really coming is that we are making our phone sys- sions of robocalls and voice my support from scammers half a world away. tem obsolete, because people just don’t for H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad This legislation came about through want to pick up their phones anymore. Robocalls Act. the hard work of majority staff and mi- Part of the problem is that our cur- While the illegality of these calls is nority staff of the Energy and Com- rent legal framework doesn’t go far an issue, the insistent presence of them merce Committee, and I would like to enough in deterring these harmful is causing American citizens to no thank both staffs on the majority and practices. That is why I am pleased longer view their phone as a legitimate minority for their hard work and dili- that H.R. 3375 includes an amendment form of communication, thus impact- gence to get this bill to the floor. that I offered with my colleague Mr. ing legitimate business. Adding to this, robocalls are actively I urge my colleagues to support this FLORES, during, our full committee hurting the pockets of Americans, as bill. markup. multitudes are scammed daily, costing Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I Our provision will create disincen- yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from the American public millions of dol- tives for the most egregious violators lars. Florida (Mr. BILIRAKIS). of the law. Specifically, our provision During committee markup, I intro- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, I will empower the Federal Communica- duced the Clarke-Bilirakis amendment thank the gentleman for yielding, and tions Commission to assess an addi- based on the base bill, Ending One-Ring I thank the chairman and I thank the tional $10,000 penalty for robocall vio- Scams Act of 2019, and, Madam Speak- ranking member. lations where the offender acted with er, I thank Mr. BILIRAKIS for his leader- Robocalls and spoofing have been a intent to cause the violation. burden to Americans for years. It is ship. Creating these disincentives is crit- This was a bipartisan effort to ensure very simple; it goes without saying: We ical for protecting consumers and put- that the American people are protected must end these bad robocalls. Our con- ting abusive practices to an end. I am from this harmful culture of one-ring stituents are fed up. proud to cosponsor this bipartisan, scams. At a hearing 3 years ago, I was able commonsense legislation, and I urge The nature of these one-ring scams to highlight a constituent who received my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes.’’ may seem ridiculous. However, they hundreds of calls daily to his home Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I have been effective in scamming the phone. His quality of life became so yield 1 minute to the gentleman from American people. With one-ring scams, poor, Madam Speaker, he had to re- Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON). the goal of the scammer is not for you place his phone hardware and phone Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Madam to answer, but, rather, for you to make number to get the peace he deserved in Speaker, I rise in strong support of the call back. his own home. The Stopping Bad H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad Robocalls One-ring calls may appear to be from Robocalls Act will help ensure that sit- Act. These unwanted and annoying phone numbers somewhere in the uations like this become less frequent robocalls, which are increasing at an United States, including initial digits and, eventually, nonexistent. alarming rate, need to end. that resemble U.S. area codes. If one This bill will provide much-needed I am very pleased that the House has calls back, these citizens risk being authority for the FCC to develop rules set aside partisan differences and connected to a phone number outside for blocking robocall violators and en- worked together on legislation to ben- of the United States, thus resulting in hance the ability to pursue these bad efit all Americans and address this se- one being charged a fee for just con- actors and bring them to justice for rious issue. necting. taking advantage of the American peo- This important legislation would re- Ad nauseam, the good people of ple, especially our seniors. quire service providers to implement Brooklyn’s Ninth Congressional Dis- I am also pleased this package in- new technology that ensures caller ID trict have voiced their outrage with cludes the Ending One-Ring Scams Act, is authenticated and establishes addi- the state of their security and privacy which Representative CLARKE and I in- tional protections for consumers re- as the threat of one-ring scams grows troduced this year. This provision will ceiving unwanted and sometimes fraud- more prevalent. direct the FCC to target one of the ulent—robocalls. Madam Speaker, before I conclude newest forms of caller scams and show I am also pleased that H.R. 3375 in- my remarks, I would be remiss if I did that we are serious in combating all cludes legislation that I sponsored with not thank my colleagues who helped forms of illegal phone fraud, no matter my colleague, Representative lead on today’s effort, Congressman the tactics used. BUTTERFIELD, which would require the BILIRAKIS and Congressman VAN DREW. I strongly support the Stop Bad FCC to publish an annual report on the Madam Speaker, I want to say to Robocalls Act, and I urge the Senate to private-led efforts to trace the origin those who are fraudulent: Today, game pass this much-needed legislation, as of unlawful robocalls, an important over. well. step in stopping these bad actors from Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I reaching consumers. yield 1 minute to the gentleman from yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from This kind of illegal, annoying, and Montana (Mr. GIANFORTE), a valuable California (Mr. MCNERNEY). harassing activity must stop, and I en- member of our Energy and Commerce Mr. MCNERNEY. Madam Speaker, I courage my colleagues to join me in Committee. thank the chairman for yielding and supporting this legislation. Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, for his hard work on this; the chairman Montanans are bombarded with of the subcommittee, Mr. DOYLE; the b 1445 robocalls. Last year alone, Americans ranking member; and the staff mem- Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I received over 48 billion robocalls. That bers. Great bill here. yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman is nearly 100,000 robocalls per minute.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.054 H24JYPT1 H7300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Too many robocalls are deceptive and he receives a robocall. He has begged us This bill will give the FCC the au- destructive, from bogus insurance of- to do something. After today, I look thority to move forward with changes fers to threats of legal action. Scam forward to sharing with him that we under the Telephone Consumer Protec- artists scheme to steal hardworking listened and took action to solve this tion Act and to ensure that these Montanans’ private, personal, and fi- problem. changes will lead to an effective effort nancial information. Sometimes, they Madam Speaker, on his behalf and on to get rid of unwanted robocalls. go even farther. behalf of all those whom I have the Not only will we see a greater ability A young woman from Bozeman re- privilege of representing in eastern to stop these, but we will see penalties ceived a call from her little brother’s Washington, I urge support of the Stop- that will, hopefully, deter future ef- phone number. She picked up the call, ping Bad Robocalls Act. forts by bad actors. but it wasn’t her brother. It was a Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, I applaud my col- scammer using her brother’s number. yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman leagues on the Energy and Commerce Tragically, her little brother had died from Florida (Mrs. MURPHY). Committee for their work on this legis- of a drug overdose a few months ear- Mrs. MURPHY. Madam Speaker, lation, especially since it is an issue lier. She was devastated and shaken. Congress has a terrible reputation for that affects everyone. For this reason, This is disgusting and should not hap- being too partisan, but there is one I urge my colleagues to support this pen. issue that has strong bipartisan agree- legislation and to help us get this bill Today, we are taking a big step for- ment in this Congress and across this to the finish line. ward. We are empowering consumers. country, and that is: Fraudulent Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I Phone companies will provide con- robocalls must be stopped. yield 1 minute to the gentleman from sumers with call authentication tools I hear these concerns from my con- Tennessee (Mr. COHEN). and blocking services at no cost. Ille- stituents in central Florida on a reg- Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I thank gal callers will face more jail time. ular basis. It is one of the top issues Mr. PALLONE for yielding. This issue has brought everybody to- Let’s get robocall relief across the that constituents routinely write my gether. It seems to be more popular finish line for the American people. office about. Madam Speaker, I encourage my col- Americans received over 48 billion than ice cream or even fried chicken. It is amazing such a bill could come leagues to pass this legislation. robocalls last year. Nearly half of the about, but it is important because we Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I calls that Americans receive are get these calls that take up our time. yield 1 minute to the gentleman from robocalls, many trying to scam people I have a landline, and I have two Florida (Mr. CRIST). out of their hard-earned money. cellphones. I don’t even answer my Mr. CRIST. Madam Speaker, I thank Floridians have received over 2.2 bil- landline anymore. When I come home Chairman PALLONE for his leadership lion robocalls so far this year alone. from a trip, coming up to Washington on this important legislation, and I My hometown of Orlando is among the and then going home, my service is full thank the ranking member. most targeted cities in the country, of automatic dialers, robocalls. Con- The American people are fed up with having received nearly 350 million stituents who want to get through spam calls. They are predatory, inces- robocalls. can’t get through because the answer- sant, and an invasion of privacy. Robocalls are more than a nuisance. ing machine has been used up. We need a comprehensive approach to They pose a direct threat to con- They try to take advantage of people, root them out, and our Federal Govern- sumers. scam them into buying products they ment plays an important role in that. Often disguised using fake caller IDs, shouldn’t. They waste our time. They Whether it is the FCC, Department of like hospitals and government agen- ruin our opportunity to have a regular Justice, Homeland Security, or FBI, cies, robocallers attempt to trick peo- life during the day. these agencies should have the authori- ple into providing personal informa- Madam Speaker, I thank all the ties and tools to shut down these tion, preying especially on our seniors. sponsors. I am proud to be a supporter spammers’ calls, and these powers are The American people have had and a cosponsor. I look forward to vot- maximized when they are coordinated. enough, and they are demanding swift ing for this. I look forward to the day That is why I included in this legisla- action from this body. when I can pick up my phone and it tion the creation of the Spam Calls Madam Speaker, I am proud to help will be Bear Bryant or somebody look- Task Force. The task force will coordi- introduce this bill, which is a great ing to reach out to call his mama. nate the Federal response. first step to protect Americans from Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I am Madam Speaker, I also thank Rep- robocall harassment. I urge my col- pleased to yield 1 minute to the gentle- resentative for his help leagues to support it. woman from Indiana (Mrs. BROOKS), a with this. Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I am valuable member of the committee. I am confident that by working to- pleased to yield 1 minute to the gen- Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam gether, we can all put a stop to spam tleman from Georgia (Mr. CARTER), a Speaker, I thank the gentleman for calls once and for all, and Americans valued member of the Energy and Com- yielding. will no longer have to fear robocalls. merce Committee. Madam Speaker, we have all gotten Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I am Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam robocalls. They are annoying, dis- pleased to yield 1 minute to the gentle- Speaker, I thank the gentleman for rupting, and actually can be dangerous. woman from Washington (Mrs. ROD- yielding. Oftentimes, robocalls prey on our GERS). Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- communities’ most vulnerable popu- Mrs. RODGERS of Washington. port of the Stopping Bad Robocalls lations in hopes of capitalizing on their Madam Speaker, I rise in support of Act. This legislation will seek to stem personal and private information. Un- this legislation, the Stopping Bad a problem affecting nearly everyone I fortunately, this problem is growing. Robocalls Act. know, and that is the issue of H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad Robocalls We all agree that robocalls are an- robocalls. Act, is a bipartisan solution, ensuring noying, and they are a nuisance. What Last year, we had almost 50 billion that calls consumers receive are is worse is that these calls are often robocalls in the United States. This verified as legitimate. scams, scams that are becoming more year, we have already had almost 30 I am also pleased that the legislation and more sophisticated each day. When billion robocalls, or roughly 90 includes a bill that I was an original our phone rings, we are just one answer robocalls per person. cosponsor of called the Locking Up away from being a victim of identity It is an issue that everyone can agree Robocallers Act. It requires the Fed- theft. That needs to change. is a nuisance and should be addressed. eral Communications Commission to This legislation will restore trust That is why I join my colleagues in report particularly malicious robocall that Americans can again answer their supporting this legislation to end this schemes to the Justice Department so phones. practice and once again make it pos- that Federal resources may continue to Madam Speaker, I have a constituent sible to answer a phone call from a be properly leveraged to stop these who calls my office nearly every time phone number you don’t recognize. schemes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.056 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7301 As a former U.S. attorney, I am real- calls and jeopardizes the relationship Patients and Doctors from Unlawful ly proud that the Justice Department, between the patient and their provider. Robocalls Act, which was added to the working with the FTC and local law Even more challenging than explain- bill in section 14. enforcement, has already taken en- ing to consumers that the calls from And I thank Mr. FLORES and Mr. forcement actions in over 94 cases, your phone number are not always MCNERNEY for offering their amend- which has yielded blocking of more from your organization is the response ment to increase the financial pen- than 1 billion robocalls so far. time required. alties for illegal robocallers. Mr. Speaker, I also thank my part- Madam Speaker, I am reassured that b 1500 with this bill, they will be able to more ners—Mr. WALDEN, Mr. DOYLE, and Mr. efficiently and consistently pursue According to testimony by Dave LATTA—for working with me to intro- robocaller abusers. For these reasons Summitt of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer duce the bill, which included at intro- and many more, I urge my colleagues Center, in a 90-day period, they re- duction Mr. LATTA’s and Mr. DOYLE’s to support this bill. ceived over 6,600 external calls identi- STOP Robocalls Act in section 8. Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, can fied as a Moffitt internal phone num- I also would like to quickly thank I inquire as to the amount of time on ber, requiring 65 hours of response the staff—Alex Hoehn-Saric, AJ Brown, each side? time. This is time that could have been Jennifer Epperson, Dan Miller, Robin The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- used to support the hospital rather Colwell, Tim Kurth—for all their hard tleman from New Jersey has 3 minutes than respond to fraudulent calls. work, and, in particular, Gerry During the Energy and Commerce remaining. The gentleman from Texas Leverich, who is here, for all his time Committee markup, I offered an has 6 minutes remaining. and energy to get this bill to the floor Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I amendment with Mrs. DINGELL of today. I am very proud for all our yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman Michigan to establish a hospital members and staff for this important robocall protection group at the Fed- from Illinois (Ms. UNDERWOOD). bill. Ms. UNDERWOOD. Madam Speaker, eral Communications Commission. Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD 64. That is the number of robocalls that This group will issue best practices to a few letters and statements for the the average Illinoisan has received in help combat unlawful robocalls made RECORD: a letter from AARP on behalf 2019 alone, over 1 billion total. Nation- to hospitals, as well as those made of its nearly 38 million members urging wide, half of all calls to cellphones are spoofing a legitimate hospital phone a vote in favor of the bill; a letter from robocalls. number. more than 80 organizations rep- The hospital robocall protection Yesterday, in my staff meeting, our resenting consumers throughout the group will assist any hospital to com- discussion of floor consideration of the U.S., including Consumer Reports and bat these fraudulent robocalls so that Stopping Bad Robocalls Act was lit- the National Consumer Law Center, they may focus on serving patients. A erally interrupted by two different among others, urging strong support by patient should not have to worry about robocalls. members of the bill; and a list of sup- Madam Speaker, I thank the chair- whether they are speaking with their portive statements from carriers and man and ranking member on behalf of real doctor or their real hospital when relevant associations, including myself and my community in Illinois’ discussing sensitive health informa- USTelecom, The Broadband Associa- 14th Congressional District for their tion, and providers should not have to tion; CTIA, The Wireless Association; hard work to bring this commonsense, deal with disruptive false claims. NCTA, The Internet & Television Asso- This amendment was adopted in com- bipartisan, and incredibly important ciation; Charter Communications, and mittee, and I look forward to the best bill to the floor. Verizon. practices being put forward in the hos- Robocalls aren’t just annoying; they AARP, pital robocall protection group. can be dangerous. They are used by Washington, DC, July 23, 2019. The fraud committed on Americans Hon. NANCY PELOSI, fraudsters and unscrupulous debt col- by illegal robocallers is going to end. Speaker, House of Representatives, lectors to scare hardworking Ameri- This bipartisan legislation creates a ro- Washington, DC. cans to fall for their scams. bust framework designed to protect Hon. KEVIN MCCARTHY, I am so proud to cosponsor the Stop- consumers from the fraud and nuisance Republican Leader, House of Representatives, ping Bad Robocalls Act. This bill en- Washington, DC. of these calls. sures that consumers can block calls DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI AND LEADER MCCAR- Mr. Speaker, I urge a yes vote on the THY: On behalf of our nearly 38 million mem- they don’t want, with no extra charge. underlying legislation, and I yield back It ensures that every call Illinoisans bers and all older Americans nationwide, the balance of my time. AARP is writing to urge a vote in favor of receive is verified by caller ID, and it Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act, strengthens enforcement against myself the balance of my time. bipartisan legislation that will help fight scammers and robocall operators. Mr. Speaker, I thank all of the mem- back against illegal robocalls. I am especially glad the bill includes bers who were able to work together to AARP has a long history of fighting for a provision to require the FCC to es- produce this great legislation, and consumer protections for older Americans. Unwanted robocalls are a rich playground for tablish a Hospital Robocall Working there are a lot. Group to ensure that robocalls don’t scammers to deceive victims into paying I thank Mr. MCEACHIN, Mr. OLSON, money under false pretenses. Through our threaten hospitals’ ability to provide Mr. KIM, Mrs. BROOKS, Mr. BRINDISI, nationwide Fraud Watch Network initiative, timely, lifesaving care. and Mr. KUSTOFF for introducing the we work to empower consumers to spot and Madam Speaker, I strongly urge my Locking Up Robocalls Act, which was avoid scams, and we provide support and colleagues to support the bill. added to this legislation in section 9. guidance to victims and their families when Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I am I thank Ms. CLARKE, Mr. BILIRAKIS, fraud happens. AARP is pleased that H.R. 3375 appro- prepared to close. I yield myself the Mr. VAN DREW, Mr. ROUDA, Ms. FOXX, priately emphasizes consumer consent re- balance of my time. and Mr. WALBERG for introducing the Madam Speaker, robocalls have garding the receipt of automatically dialed Ending One-Ring Scams Act, which calls and expands the enforcement provisions moved beyond a simple nuisance. So- was added to this legislation in section of the Communications Act by extending the phisticated actors are now using 10. statute of limitations. The bill specifies that robocalls to trick people into providing I thank Mr. CRIST for introducing his consumers should not face additional sensitive information by posing as le- Spam Calls Task Force Act, which was charges for having robocalls blocked through gitimate organizations. added to this legislation in section 11. authentication technology and sets reason- When this happens to hospitals, pa- I thank Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. JOHN- able deadlines for the Federal Communica- tients have no reason to believe that SON, Mr. SOTO, and Mr. GIANFORTE for tions Commission (FCC) to prescribe regula- there is a fraudulent actor on the other tions in the ongoing WC Docket No. 17–97. introducing the Tracing Back and AARP also supports the provisions of the line, leading them to reveal sensitive Catching Unlawful Robocalls Act, bill that require the FCC to report on the health data and sensitive financial in- which was added in section 13. implementation of the reassigned number formation. This activity threatens the I thank Mrs. DINGELL and Dr. BUR- database, which will reduce the incidence of integrity of real health-related phone GESS for introducing their Protecting repeated calls to innocent customers based

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.057 H24JYPT1 H7302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 on the telephone number’s previous owner. Consumer Action; Consumer Federation of Association of Consumer Advocates; Na- Likewise, we support the requirement of an America; Consumer Reports; Electronic pri- tional Consumer Law Center on behalf of its annual report to Congress on the FCC’s en- vacy Information Center (EPIC); Justice in low-income clients; Public Citizen; Public forcement actions. Aging; National Association of Consumer Knowledge. All Americans will benefit from the provi- Advocates; National Association of Con- STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT sions of H.R. 3375 that promote an accurate sumer Bankruptcy Attorneys; National Con- Maureen Mahoney, policy analyst for Con- call authentication framework and prevent sumer Law Center on behalf of its low-in- consumers from being charged for blocking sumer Reports: ‘‘Robocalls are a pervasive, come clients; National Consumers League; persistent problem, and consumers are des- technology. We again urge you to enact H.R. National Fair Housing Alliance; National 3375, and we look forward to working with perate for relief from these unsolicited mes- Legal Aid & Defender Association; National sages. These calls don’t just irritate con- you on a bipartisan basis to combat un- Rural Social Work Caucus; Public Citizen; wanted and abusive robocalls against older sumers—they interfere with the phone serv- Public Knowledge. ice for which we pay dearly, and they subject Americans. If you have any questions, please Center for Digital Democracy, Alabama; people to scams. By one estimate, consumers feel free to contact me, or have your staff The Alabama Appleseed Center for Law & lost $10.5 billion to phone scams in one single contact our Government Affairs staff. Justice; Alaska Public Interest Research year. We commend Chairman Pallone and Sincerely, Group (AkPIRG); Center for Economic Integ- Ranking Member Walden for introducing the NANCY A. LEAMOND, rity, Arizona; Arkansans Against Abusive Stopping Bad Robocalls Act, which will help Executive Vice President and Payday Lending, Arkansas; Arkansas Com- ensure that all consumers have effective pro- Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer. munity Institute, Arkansas; California Low- tections from deceptively spoofed calls, in- Income Consumer Coalition; Public Law cluding calls from scammers. The bill will SUPPORT STRONG LEGISLATION TO STOP Center, California; Media Alliance, Cali- also help get rid of loopholes in order to stop ABUSIVE ROBOCALLS fornia; California Alliance for Consumer robocallers from skirting the law. We look (July 23, 2019) Education; Western Center on Law & Pov- forward to working with legislators to en- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: The undersigned erty, California. sure that consumers get the protections they organizations representing consumers Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, California; deserve.’’ throughout the United States strongly urge Public Good Law Center, California; Con- Margot Saunders, Senior Counsel for Na- your support for H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad sumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, Cali- tional Consumer Law Center: ‘‘This bipar- Robocalls Act. This bipartisan legislation, fornia; Public Counsel, California; Justice & tisan bill is an important step forward in the which the Committee on Energy and Com- Diversity Center of the Bar Association of fight to stop unwanted and illegal robocalls. merce approved by a unanimous vote of 48–0, San Francisco/Consumer Advocacy; Funeral There’s still more to be done and there is a will help secure important protections Consumer Alliance of Connecticut, Inc.; Con- lot of responsibility placed on the FCC to against abusive robocalling. necticut Legal Services, Inc.; Tzedek DC, protect consumers. Robocalls plague voters Robocalls are an ever-increasing plague. District of Columbia; Legal Aid Service of of all political stripes so we are especially Last year, Americans received an estimated Broward County, Florida; Florida Alliance pleased to see a bipartisan effort on this bill. 47.8 billion robocalls. They harass us, disrupt for Consumer Protection, Florida; Florida We hope this is the first of several positive our peace of mind, interrupt important time Silver haired Legislature Inc., Florida; Inde- steps that Congress will take.’’ with family, and interfere with important pendent Party of Florida, Florida. AARP: ‘‘AARP commends Chairman Pal- communications. Many of these annoying Mid-Pinellas Coalition of Neighborhood lone, Ranking Member Walden, Chairman automated calls are to sell products or to Associations, Florida; Funeral Consumers Doyle, and Ranking Member Latta for their collect debts. They also enable scams to Alliance of Sarasota—Manatee, Florida; bipartisan commitment to address the seri- enter our homes. Truecaller found that con- Green Forest CDC, Georgia; Georgia Watch, ous problem of illegal and unwanted sumers had lost an estimated $10.5 billion to Georgia; Woodstock Institute, Illinois; Dig- robocalls. AARP shares your belief that ille- phone scams in a single 12-month period. ital Privacy Alliance, Illinois; Western Illi- gal robocalls continue to place all Americans And spoofing, in which a caller sends a false nois Area Agency on Aging; CARPLS Legal at risk of scams and fraud. New AARP Fraud number in the caller ID, compounds the Aid, Illinois; Kentucky Equal Justice Center; Watch Network research shows that con- problem, impeding call-blocking services and Maine Center for Economic Policy; Greater sumers are more likely to answer a call if it tricking consumers into picking up the Boston Legal Services, on behalf of its low- is coming from a familiar area code or tele- phone. income clients, Massachusetts; Massachu- phone exchange, which is precisely what A Consumer Reports national survey re- setts Law Reform Institute; The Midas Col- scammers are exploiting. Older Americans leased earlier this year found that 70 percent laborative, Massachusetts; Center for Civil of consumers don’t even answer the phone are particularly vulnerable to phone scam Justice, Michigan; Mississippi Center for anymore if they don’t recognize the number, victimization, which can wipe out their life Justice, Mississippi; Montana Organizing because their phones are so overrun with un- savings. AARP looks forward to working Project, Montana. wanted robocalls. New Jersey Citizen Action; Legal Services with you and Congress on a bipartisan basis H.R. 3375 would strengthen our laws to of New Jersey; Empire Justice Center, New to combat unwanted and abusive robocalls.’’ curb this abusive robocalling. Jonathan Spalter, President and CEO of York; Public Utility Law Project of New It would direct the FCC to issue clear regu- USTelecom: ‘‘Chairman Pallone, Ranking York; Financial Protection Law Center, lations to better ensure that automated calls Member Walden and the bipartisan members North Carolina; Oregon Legal Guides; Oregon and texts cannot be made without the con- of the House Energy & Commerce Committee Consumer League; SeniorLAW Center, Penn- sumer’s prior consent, by requiring that the delivered a loud and clear message to illegal sylvania; The One Less Foundation, Pennsyl- technologies that enable unwanted calls are robocallers today: ‘enough.’ These legislative vania; Philadelphia VIP, Pennsylvania; properly defined and consumers can stop un- proposals add to the growing momentum and South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Cen- wanted calls by withdrawing consent, and broad partnership among lawmakers, regu- closing off avenues for callers to seek loop- ter. Tennessee Citizen Action; Texas Appleseed; lators, industry and innovators of all stripes holes. who are closely collaborating to end the ille- It would direct the FCC to require phone Friends for life; Texas Legal Services Center; Community Justice Program, Texas; Texas gal robocall plague scamming and spoofing companies to provide effective call authen- consumers.’’ tication capability, at no charge to con- Access to Justice Commission; Texas A&M University; Family Violence Prevention Kelly Cole, Senior Vice President of Gov- sumers, to better identify and stop ernment Affairs for CTIA: ‘‘We commend robocalling and texting that uses deceptively Services, Texas; AAA Fair Credit Founda- tion, Utah; Virginia Citizens Consumer Chairman Pallone, Ranking Member Walden, ‘‘spoofed’’ phone numbers. Chairman Doyle and Ranking Member Latta It would strengthen FCC powers to impose Council; Statewide Poverty Action Network, for their Stopping Bad Robocalls Act. The forfeiture penalties for intentional viola- Washington; Mountain State Justice, Inc., wireless industry is committed to combating tions. West Virginia; West Virginia Center on It would direct the FCC to oversee creation Budget and Policy; WV Citizen Action illegal robocalls and protecting consumers, of a database that callers can check in order Group, West Virginia; National Association and we thank Committee Leadership for to avoid making robocalls and texts to a of Social Workers West Virginia Chapter. tackling this important issue. We look for- telephone number that has been reassigned ward to working on getting robocall legisla- tion enacted.’’ to a different consumer who has not given STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT STOPPING BAD Robert Fisher, Senior Vice President of consent, and would clarify that the caller ROBOCALLS ACT must have consent from the person actually Federal Legislative Affairs for Verizon: ‘‘We [From the Committee on Energy & applaud Chairman Pallone, Ranking Member being called. Commerce, July 2019] Consumers are calling on Congress to Walden, and the rest of the House Energy enact these reforms now. CONSUMER AND PRIVACY ORGANIZATIONS SUP- and Commerce committee co-sponsors of this We strongly urge your support for H.R. PORTING HR 3375, THE STOPPING BAD bill for their continued efforts to protect 3375. ROBOCALLS ACT consumers from disruptive and harassing Sincerely, Americans for Financial Reform; Center robocalls. Enough is enough—it’s time for Allied Progress; Americans for Financial for Responsible Lending; Consumer Action; Americans to hang up on abusive robocallers Reform; Center for Responsible Lending; Consumer Federation of America; National once and for all. Verizon has already begun

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.019 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7303 deploying the STIR-SHAKEN call authen- With the aid of spoofing, scammers can (B) by striking the second sentence and insert- tication protocol for IP Voice services, and take on phone numbers that are the same as ing the following: ‘‘Such research shall inves- we welcome the continued momentum to- or very similar to the numbers of health care tigate the causes (including possible environ- ward a bipartisan, comprehensive solution mental causes), diagnosis or ruling out, early that empowers service providers, law en- providers. and ongoing detection, prevention, services forcement, and most of all consumers. We Robocallers use the names and numbers of across the lifespan, supports, intervention, and commend this legislation and look forward these organizations, to aid their scam of telling treatment of spectrum disorder, includ- to working with Congress to make abusive people that they owe money and requesting ing dissemination and implementation of clinical robocalls history.’’ private information. care, supports, interventions, and treatments.’’; Charter Communications: ‘‘Charter wants We are all aware of the difficulty millions of (2) in subsection (b)— to see an end to robocalls and we commend Americans face in attaining affordable health (A) in paragraph (2)— Chairman Pallone and Ranking Member Wal- care. (i) in the second sentence, by striking ‘‘cause’’ den for introducing legislation that will help and all that follows through ‘‘disorder’’ and in- do just that. This bipartisan bill is an impor- Robocallers are maliciously taking advan- serting ‘‘causes, diagnosis, early and ongoing tant step in curbing unwanted and illegal tage of these circumstances and seek to profit detection, prevention, and treatment of autism calls. As we work to implement the call au- from the exacerbation of the stress that fami- spectrum disorder across the lifespan’’; and thentication protocol SHAKEN/STIR by the lies are challenged with. (ii) in the third sentence, by striking end of the year in addition to our currently The federal government as well as multiple ‘‘neurobiology’’ and all that follows through the offered call blocking, screening, and identi- large telecommunications corporations are period and inserting ‘‘neurobiology, genetics, fication features like the Nomorobo app, we equipped with information on these robocallers genomics, psychopharmacology, developmental will continue to work with Congress to hope- and the groups whom they seek to take ad- psychology, behavioral psychology, and clinical fully stop these disruptive calls once and for psychology.’’; and all.’’ vantage of. (B) in paragraph (3), by adding at the end the NCTA—The Internet & Television Associa- The virulent aspirations of these callers following: tion: ‘‘Robocalls have become a scourge on must be met with the commitment of our gov- ‘‘(D) REDUCING DISPARITIES.—The Director our daily lives causing many Americans to ernment to protect our citizens by placing the may consider, as appropriate, the extent to simply stop answering their phones. This is responsibility on these corporations to protect which a center can demonstrate availability and why we welcome the bipartisan leadership of consumers. access to clinical services for youth and adults Chairman Pallone and Ranking Member Wal- I urge all members to join me in voting to from diverse racial, ethnic, geographic, or lin- den to introduce the Stopping Bad Robocalls pass H.R. 3375, the ‘‘Stopping Bad Robocalls guistic backgrounds in decisions about award- Act. This legislation along with efforts by ing grants to applicants which meet the sci- the FCC to combat robocalls are critical to Act.’’ entific criteria for funding under this section.’’. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. protecting consumers from this nuisance.’’ SEC. 3. PROGRAMS RELATING TO AUTISM. DELGADO). The question is on the mo- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, again, (a) DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SURVEIL- tion offered by the gentleman from this is a bipartisan effort and a bi- LANCE AND RESEARCH PROGRAM.—Section 399AA cameral effort. We are not doing mes- New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) that the of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280i) saging here, Mr. Speaker. This is a bill House suspend the rules and pass the is amended— that will become law, and the Presi- bill, H.R. 3375, as amended. (1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ‘‘adults on dent will sign it once we get it passed The question was taken. disorder’’ and inserting ‘‘adults The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the with autism spectrum disorder’’; in the Senate and we have a final bill. (2) in subsection (a)(2)— Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being in the affirmative, the ayes have it. (A) by striking ‘‘State and local public health of my time. officials’’ and inserting ‘‘State, local, and Tribal Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, on that public health officials’’; support of H.R. 3375, the ‘‘Stopping Bad I demand the yeas and nays. (B) by striking ‘‘or other developmental dis- Robocalls Act.’’ The yeas and nays were ordered. abilities’’ and inserting ‘‘and other develop- H.R. 3375 will require the Federal Commu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- mental disabilities’’; nications Commission to update the definition ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- (3) in subsection (a)(3), by striking ‘‘a univer- of what qualifies as a robocall and ensure that ceedings on this motion will be post- sity, or any other educational institution’’ and poned. inserting ‘‘a university, any other educational any attempt to circumvent its rules using new institution, an Indian tribe, or a tribal organi- or different robocall technology is outlawed. f zation’’; The Stopping Bad Robocalls Act would also (4) in subsection (b)(2)(A), by striking ‘‘rel- require telecommunications corporations to im- AUTISM COLLABORATION, AC- evant State and local public health officials, plement new technology to ensure that calls COUNTABILITY, RESEARCH, EDU- private sector developmental disability research- are not spam. CATION, AND SUPPORT ACT OF ers, and advocates for individuals with develop- In addition, it will yield more efficient inves- 2019 mental disabilities’’ and inserting ‘‘State, local, tigations conducted by government officials Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I move and Tribal public health officials, private sector and the heightened enforcement of anti- developmental disability researchers, advocates to suspend the rules and pass the bill for individuals with autism spectrum disorder, robocall rules. (H.R. 1058) to reauthorize certain provi- and advocates for individuals with other devel- In June of 2019 4.4 billion robocalls were sions of the Public Health Service Act opmental disabilities’’; placed nationwide. relating to autism, and for other pur- (5) in subsection (d)— Texas led all 50 states, receiving over 500 poses, as amended. (A) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as million robocalls in that month. The Clerk read the title of the bill. paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively; and Mr. Speaker, robocalls have become an The text of the bill is as follows: (B) by inserting before paragraph (2), as so re- overwhelming issue in our country and threat- designated, the following new paragraph: H.R. 1058 en to paralyze our most critical communica- ‘‘(1) INDIAN TRIBE; TRIBAL ORGANIZATION.— tions lines. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The terms ‘Indian tribe’ and ‘tribal organiza- These callers are not only a nuisance but resentatives of the United States of America in tion’ have the meanings given such terms in sec- Congress assembled, are also predatory. tion 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.’’; and They have begun to target crucial establish- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Autism Collabo- (6) in subsection (e), by striking ‘‘2019’’ and ments including hospitals, cancer centers, and ration, Accountability, Research, Education, inserting ‘‘2024’’. medical research organizations, creating con- and Support Act of 2019’’ or the ‘‘Autism (b) AUTISM EDUCATION, EARLY DETECTION, ditions that can potentially lead to a health cri- CARES Act of 2019’’. AND INTERVENTION.—Section 399BB of the Pub- sis. SEC. 2. EXPANSION, INTENSIFICATION, AND CO- lic Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280i–1) is Administrators at these institutions worry ORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES OF THE amended— that, without intervention, the myriad of incom- NIH WITH RESPECT TO RESEARCH (1) in subsection (a)(1)— ing robocalls could eventually outmatch their ON AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER. (A) by striking ‘‘individuals with autism spec- best efforts to keep hospital phone lines free Section 409C of the Public Health Service Act trum disorder or other developmental disabil- (42 U.S.C. 284g) is amended— ities’’ and inserting ‘‘individuals with autism during emergencies. (1) in subsection (a)(1)— spectrum disorder and other developmental dis- Robocallers have gone even further to per- (A) in the first sentence, by striking ‘‘and abilities’’; and form scams using the spoofing tactic, in which toxicology’’ and inserting ‘‘toxicology, and (B) by striking ‘‘children with autism spec- they can appear to take on existing phone interventions to maximize outcomes for individ- trum disorder’’ and all that follows through numbers. uals with autism spectrum disorder’’; and ‘‘disabilities;’’ and inserting ‘‘individuals with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.021 H24JYPT1 H7304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 autism spectrum disorder and other develop- (C) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking ‘‘one or ‘‘(vi) emergency room visits and acute care mental disabilities across their lifespan;’’; more additional 4-year terms’’ and inserting hospitalization; (2) in subsection (b)— ‘‘one additional 4-year term’’; and ‘‘(vii) treatment for co-occurring physical and (A) in paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘individ- (3) in subsection (f), by striking ‘‘2019’’ and mental health conditions; uals with’’ before ‘‘autism spectrum disorder’’; inserting ‘‘2024’’. ‘‘(viii) premature mortality; (B) by redesignating paragraphs (4) through (d) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—Section 399DD of ‘‘(ix) medical practitioner training; and (6) as paragraphs (5) through (7), respectively; the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280i–3) ‘‘(x) caregiver mental health.’’. and is amended— (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Sec- (C) by inserting after paragraph (3) the fol- (1) in subsection (a)— tion 399EE of the Public Health Service Act (42 lowing: (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘Autism U.S.C. 280i–4) is amended— ‘‘(4) promote evidence-based screening tech- CARES Act of 2014’’ and inserting ‘‘Autism (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘$22,000,000 niques and interventions for individuals with CARES Act of 2019’’; and for each of fiscal years 2015 through 2019’’ and autism spectrum disorder and other develop- (B) in paragraph (2)— inserting ‘‘$23,100,000 for each of fiscal years mental disabilities across their lifespan;’’; (i) in subparagraphs (A), (B), (D), and (E), by 2020 through 2024’’; (3) in subsection (c)— striking ‘‘Autism CARES Act of 2014’’ each place (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘$48,000,000 (A) in paragraph (1), in the matter preceding it appears and inserting ‘‘Autism CARES Act of for each of fiscal years 2015 through 2019’’ and subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘the needs of in- 2019’’; inserting ‘‘$50,599,000 for each of fiscal years dividuals with autism spectrum disorder or other (ii) in subparagraph (G), by striking ‘‘age of 2020 through 2024’’; and developmental disabilities and their families’’ the child’’ and inserting ‘‘age of the indi- (3) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘there is au- and inserting ‘‘the needs of individuals with au- vidual’’; thorized to be appropriated $190,000,000 for each tism spectrum disorder and other developmental (iii) in subparagraph (H), by striking ‘‘; and’’ of fiscal years 2015 through 2019’’ and inserting disabilities across their lifespan and the needs of and inserting ‘‘;’’; ‘‘there are authorized to be appropriated their families’’; and (iv) in subparagraph (I), by striking the pe- $296,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 through (B) in paragraph (2)— riod and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and 2024’’. (i) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking ‘‘care- (v) by adding at the end the following: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- givers of individuals with an autism spectrum ‘‘(J) information on how States use home- and disorder’’ and inserting ‘‘caregivers of individ- community-based services and other supports to ant to the rule, the gentleman from uals with autism spectrum disorder or other de- ensure that individuals with autism spectrum New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) and the gen- velopmental disabilities’’; disorder and other developmental disabilities are tleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) each (ii) in subparagraph (B)(i)(II), by inserting living, working, and participating in their com- will control 20 minutes. ‘‘autism spectrum disorder and’’ after ‘‘individ- munity.’’; and The Chair recognizes the gentleman uals with’’; and (2) in subsection (b)— from New Jersey. (iii) in subparagraph (B)(ii), by inserting ‘‘au- (A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘YOUNG GENERAL LEAVE tism spectrum disorder and’’ after ‘‘individuals ADULTS AND TRANSITIONING YOUTH’’ and insert- with’’; ing ‘‘THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF INDIVID- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I ask (4) in subsection (e)— UALS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER ACROSS unanimous consent that all Members (A) in paragraph (1)— THEIR LIFESPAN’’; may have 5 legislative days in which to (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), (B) by amending paragraph (1) to read as fol- revise and extend their remarks and in- by inserting ‘‘across their lifespan’’ before ‘‘and lows: clude extraneous material on H.R. 1058. ensure’’; and ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years after The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (ii) in subparagraph (B)(iv), by inserting the date of enactment of the Autism CARES Act ‘‘across their lifespan’’ after ‘‘other develop- of 2019, the Secretary shall prepare and submit, objection to the request of the gen- mental disabilities’’; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, tleman from New Jersey? (B) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee There was no objection. paragraphs (3) and (4), respectively; and on Energy and Commerce of the House of Rep- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield (C) by inserting after paragraph (1) the fol- resentatives, a report concerning the health and myself such time as I may consume. lowing: well-being of individuals with autism spectrum Mr. Speaker, I am proud to rise in ‘‘(2) DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRI- disorder.’’; and support of H.R. 1058, the Autism CIAN TRAINING PROGRAMS.— (C) in paragraph (2)— CARES Act, which will continue crit- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In making awards under (i) by amending subparagraph (A) to read as this subsection, the Secretary may prioritize follows: ical research, surveillance, education, awards to applicants that are developmental-be- ‘‘(A) demographic factors associated with the early detection, and intervention pro- havioral pediatrician training programs located health and well-being of individuals with au- grams for people living with autism in rural or underserved areas. tism spectrum disorder;’’; spectrum disorder, also known as ASD, ‘‘(B) DEFINITION OF UNDERSERVED AREA.—In (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘young and their families. this paragraph, the term ‘underserved area’ adults’’ and all that follows through the semi- The number of children diagnosed means— colon and inserting ‘‘the health and well-being with ASD has risen dramatically over ‘‘(i) a health professional shortage area (as of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, recent years. While 1 in every 150 chil- defined in section 332(a)(1)(A)); and including an identification of existing Federal ‘‘(ii) an urban or rural area designated by the laws, regulations, policies, research, and pro- dren was diagnosed with ASD in 1992, Secretary as an area with a shortage of personal grams;’’; and that number grew to 1 in every 59 chil- health services (as described in section (iii) by amending subparagraphs (C), (D), and dren born in 2006. 330(b)(3)(A)).’’; (E) to read as follows: While some of this increase may be (5) in subsection (f), by inserting ‘‘across the ‘‘(C) recommendations on establishing best attributed to an overall higher number lifespan of such individuals’’ after ‘‘other devel- practices guidelines to ensure interdisciplinary of people with ASD, a significant por- opmental disabilities’’; and coordination between all relevant service pro- tion is likely due to increased efforts (6) in subsection (g), by striking ‘‘2019’’ and viders receiving Federal funding; inserting ‘‘2024’’. ‘‘(D) comprehensive approaches to improving to diagnose people to get them the (c) INTERAGENCY AUTISM COORDINATING COM- health outcomes and well-being for individuals treatment they need. As efforts to MITTEE.—Section 399CC of the Public Health with autism spectrum disorder, including— identify individuals with autism have Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280i–2) is amended— ‘‘(i) community-based behavioral supports and improved, so has the ability to inter- (1) in subsection (b)— interventions; vene and treat them. Early interven- (A) in paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘across the ‘‘(ii) nutrition, recreational, and social activi- tion for children with ASD is associ- lifespan of such individuals’’ before the semi- ties; and ated with a positive outcome on devel- colon; and ‘‘(iii) personal safety services related to public opmental concerns. (B) in paragraph (5), by inserting ‘‘across the safety agencies or the criminal justice system for lifespan of such individuals’’ before ‘‘and the such individuals; and It is important that we continue to families’’; ‘‘(E) recommendations that seek to improve improve outcomes for children and all (2) in subsection (c)— health outcomes for such individuals, including individuals with ASD, and that is what (A) in paragraph (1)(D), by inserting ‘‘, the across their lifespan, by addressing— we are doing with this reauthorization Department of Labor, the Department of Justice, ‘‘(i) screening and diagnosis of children and of the Autism CARES program today. the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Depart- adults; This bill would reauthorize funding for ment of Housing and Urban Development,’’ ‘‘(ii) behavioral and other therapeutic ap- programs at the National Institutes of after ‘‘Department of Education’’; proaches; (B) in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of ‘‘(iii) primary and preventative care; Health, Centers for Disease Control and paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘at least two such ‘‘(iv) communication challenges; Prevention, and Health Resources and members’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘(v) aggression, self-injury, elopement, and Services Administration through 2024. ‘‘at least three such members’’; other behavioral issues; The bill also expands efforts to conduct

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.020 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7305 research and intervene with better early detection and intervention pro- $55 million at HRSA. This money will treatment options for all individuals grams, in addition to workforce pro- be used for research, surveillance, edu- with ASD across their lifespan, regard- grams for health professionals. The cation, detection, and intervention for less of age. Additionally, the bill aims Leadership Education in individuals with autism spectrum dis- to reduce disparities among individuals Neurodevelopmental and Related Dis- orders of all ages, not just children. from diverse racial, ethnic, geographic, abilities, LEND, programs provide The bill also supports training the or linguistic backgrounds, and directs training for healthcare professionals to healthcare workforce to better under- additional care to rural and under- address intellectual disabilities, in- stand and treat individuals with au- served areas. cluding autism. tism, and it prioritizes awards to medi- Mr. Speaker, I am confident that this As we continue to support research cally underserved areas. legislation will improve health out- efforts at the National Institutes of b 1515 comes and quality of life for millions of Health and through the Interagency It also directs HHS to submit a re- Americans living with ASD, as well as Autism Coordinating Committee, we port to Congress on the health and their families. For that reason, I urge will learn more about autism and how well-being of individuals on the autism all of my colleagues to join me in sup- to best address it. As we gain knowl- spectrum, an often-overlooked aspect edge, our healthcare system needs to porting the bill today. of ASD. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of stand ready to implement the best The bill also adds important voices my time. practices obtained, which is why work- to the Interagency Autism Coordi- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield force programs are important. nating Committee, including rep- myself such time as I may consume. It is critical that we reauthorize the resentatives from the Department of Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak in Autism CARES Act on time so that the Labor, the Department of Justice, the favor of H.R. 1058, the Autism Collabo- Interagency Autism Coordinating Com- Department of Housing and Urban De- ration, Accountability, Research, Edu- mittee does not lapse, and so that our velopment, and the VA. cation, and Support Act of 2019, also Nation’s research can seamlessly con- Finally, it increases the minimum known as the Autism CARES Act. tinue. number of self-advocates included in H.R. 1058 builds upon a strong foun- Mr. Speaker, I urge Members to sup- the public membership of the com- dation that Congress laid by passing port this bill, and I hope that the Sen- mittee, an important step for a com- the Combating Autism Act in 2006. ate will swiftly take up this legislation munity whose voices are invaluable. This legislation, in 2006, expanded re- after its passage here today. I am proud of the progress that we search, surveillance, and treatment of Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of have made over the last 20 years, but I autism spectrum disorder, and it has my time. know we have to do more. Autism equipped our Federal agencies with en- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 CARES Act of 2019 takes important hanced resources to expand its knowl- minutes to the gentleman from Penn- steps toward our ultimate goal to en- edge of this complex disorder. sylvania (Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE), the sure that every individual has access to The number of children diagnosed Democratic sponsor of the bill. the treatment and support that is a with autism spectrum disorder has in- Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- right for them. creased. It is even more imperative vania. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of I thank Congressman SMITH, Chair- that we reauthorize this program and the Autism CARES Act of 2019. man PALLONE, Ranking Member WAL- ensure the continuation of the Inter- My good friend and colleague, CHRIS DEN, Chairwoman ESHOO, and Ranking agency Autism Coordinating Com- SMITH, and I formed the Autism Caucus Member BURGESS, as well as Autism mittee. As families across our Nation in 2001 to raise awareness in Congress Speaks, Autism Society of America, navigate raising children with autism, about autism spectrum disorder, ASD Association of University Centers on the Autism CARES Act would provide for short, to advocate for greater Fed- Disabilities, Autistic Self Advocacy hope by authorizing funding for contin- eral involvement in understanding Network, and other stakeholders for ued research, surveillance and edu- ASD, and to help individuals and fami- their input and support for this legisla- cation at the National Institutes of lies get the support they need. tion. Health, Centers for Disease Control and Nearly 20 years later, we have made Mr. Speaker, reauthorization of the Prevention, and Health Resources and significant progress, but we are still far Autism CARES Act means a great deal Services Administration, and it would behind where we would like to be and to millions of Americans affected by continue this through calendar year where individuals and families need us autism spectrum disorder. I urge my 2024. to be. In 2000, the CDC reported ap- colleagues to give this bill their whole- I thank Representatives CHRIS SMITH proximately 1 in 150 children with hearted support and vote in favor of and MICHAEL DOYLE for their tireless ASD. The latest report found that this legislation. work to reauthorize this program and number had increased to 1 in 59 chil- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 better the lives for individuals with au- dren. minutes to the gentleman from New tism and their families. Similarly, even though ASD can be Jersey (Mr. SMITH), the principal au- As Dr. Amy Hewitt pointed out at diagnosed as early as 2 years old, most thor of this bill and the intellectual our hearing, the number of autism children are not diagnosed with ASD driving force behind getting this legis- spectrum disorder diagnoses has risen until after age 4. Children and adoles- lation reauthorized. more than 600 percent in the past few cents with ASD have had average med- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. decades. ical expenditures that were $4,000 to Speaker, I thank my good friend, Dr. In 2018, the Centers for Disease Con- $6,000 higher than children without BURGESS. trol and Prevention determined that 1 ASD. Mr. Speaker, the Autism CARES Act in 59 children is diagnosed with an au- We also don’t have a reliable esti- of 2019, I say to my colleagues, is a tism spectrum disorder, and that boys mate of autism’s prevalence among comprehensive reauthorization and are four times more likely to be diag- adults. As autism is a lifelong condi- strengthening of America’s whole-of- nosed with autism than are girls. As tion, an estimated 50,000 teens and government autism spectrum disorder more individuals are diagnosed, it be- young adults with autism age out of initiative. comes even more important for Con- school-based services each year. That As the prime author of the bill, let gress to ensure that there is adequate is why it is so important that we pass me extend very special thanks to co- research and support services for these this bill: to continue to close the gaps sponsor MIKE DOYLE from Pennsyl- individuals and their families. in knowledge and services surrounding vania for his extraordinary leadership, Early detection and intervention for ASD. his partnership, and his friendship over individuals with autism and their fami- The Autism CARES Act of 2019 in- these many years; to Health Sub- lies help to increase the communica- creases authorized program levels to committee Chairwoman tion and social skills, preparing chil- match our recent success in the Appro- for expertly shepherding this bill dren for a successful future. The Au- priations Committee: $296 million an- through her subcommittee with Rank- tism CARES Act reauthorizes these nually at NIH, $23 million at CDC, and ing Member Dr. BURGESS; and my deep

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.062 H24JYPT1 H7306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 gratitude to the full committee Chair the ASSURE Act, cosponsored by 199 seizures or sleep disorders, as well as mental and Ranking Member Members, which was incorporated as health challenges such as anxiety, depression GREG WALDEN. title I of the Children’s Health Act of and attention issues.’’ Mr. Speaker, I also thank staff, in- 2000. The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, cluding Kelsey Griswold, Kate Werley, Progress, Mr. Speaker, has been Research, Education and Support Act—or Rachel Fybel, Dr. Kristen Shatynski, made over the many years, particu- simply the Autism CARES Act of 2019—is a and Stephen Holland, for their tremen- larly in the area of looking at risk fac- comprehensive reauthorization and strength- dous help and assistance on this legis- tors, but also the overwhelming impor- ening of America’s whole-of-government Au- lation. tance of early intervention. tism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) initiative. Frankly, we couldn’t have done this Mr. Speaker, as my colleagues have As prime author of the bill let me extend without so many autism advocates, in- pointed out, this legislation reauthor- special thanks to cosponsor Mike Doyle of cluding and especially Stuart Spielman izes and expands the interagency co- Pennsylvania for his extraordinary leadership, of and Scott Badesch of ordinating committee, or IACC, man- partnership and friendship and to the Chair- the Autism Society. aged so effectively and professionally woman of the Health subcommittee Anna Mr. Speaker, this bipartisan legisla- by Dr. Susan Daniels, the director of Eshoo for expertly shepherding this through tion powerfully supports and pursues the Office of Autism Research Coordi- the committee with ranking member Dr. Mi- durable remedies and effective inter- nation. chael Burgess and my deep gratitude to full ventions for the approximately 1.5 mil- Speaking to this, the Director of the committee chair Frank Pallone and ranking lion children with ASD. That is an esti- National Institute of Mental Health, member Greg Walden. mated 1 in 59 children in the U.S. In Dr. Joshua Gordon, said yesterday: I also want to thank staff including Kelsey my home State of New Jersey, that is The National Institutes of Health is proud Griswold, Kate Werley, Rachel Fybel, Dr. 1 in 34. We do have the highest rate, ac- to work hand-in-hand with the Interagency Kristen Shatynski, and Stephen Holland for cording to the CDC. Autism Coordinating Committee to ensure their tremendous help and assistance. This bill also helps adults with au- the coordination of research efforts focusing And frankly, we couldn’t have done this tism who were and are today often on critical topics related to autism, such as without so many autism advocates especially developing early detection and screening misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, and tools, understanding the genetic and biologi- Stuart Spielman of Autism Speaks and Scott overlooked. Language throughout the cal underpinnings of autism, and developing Badesch of Autism Society. bill emphasizes that causes, diagnosis, and testing the effectiveness of services and Mr. Speaker, this bipartisan, bicameral legis- detection, prevention, and treatment of supports to improve functional and health lation powerfully supports and pursues durable autism spectrum disorder must be outcomes of individuals with autism. remedies and effective interventions for the throughout the lifespan of that person. As my colleague, Mr. DOYLE, said a approximately 1.5 million children with ASD,— According to Drexel University’s au- moment ago, we have expanded IACC. that is an estimated 1 in 59 children in the tism center—and this is a very impor- The Departments of Labor, Justice, United States, in my home State of New Jer- tant number—in our last bill that the Veterans Affairs, and HUD are now sey, 1 in 34 children, the highest rate in the gentleman, MIKE DOYLE, and I did just part of it, and there has been an expan- CDC study. 5 years ago, it pointed out that the sion from two to three members for This bill also helps adults with autism who number of young people who become self-advocates, parents, legal guard- were and are today often misdiagnosed, adults is increasing every year. Now, it ians, and advocates. underdiagnosed and overlooked. Language is about 50,000 to 60,000 children who Let me remind Members, and I en- throughout the bill emphasizes that causes, di- age out every year, creating challenges courage them even to go online and agnosis, detection, prevention and treatment for education, housing, employment, check this out. of autism spectrum disorder must be through- and access to healthcare. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The out the lifespan of a person. This legislation also assists parents, time of the gentleman has expired. According to Drexel University’s AJ Drexel families, and caregivers who deeply Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Autism Center, about fifty to sixty thousand love and cherish their children and an additional 30 seconds to the gen- children ‘‘age out’’ to adulthood each year cre- want the brightest future for them. In tleman from New Jersey. ating challenges for education, housing, em- addition to its groundbreaking preva- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. ployment and access to health care. Autism lence studies and crafting a whole myr- Speaker, IACC has a strategic plan CARES of 2019 continues the work on aging iad of intervention work, CDC’s ‘‘Learn that is updated every year, so there is out begun under the Autism CARES Act of the Signs. Act Early.’’ program is just no duplication of efforts. They ask sev- 2014. one more amazing tool for parents. eral essential questions, and all the re- The Autism CARES Act of 2019 assists the At its core, the bill authorizes a lit- search revolves around trying to find parents, families and caregivers who deeply tle over $1.8 billion over 5 years for answers to those seven questions. love and cherish children with ASD and want NIH, the Centers for Disease Control HRSA is all about helping the geo- the brightest future possible for them. In addi- and Prevention, and HRSA. graphically isolated and economically tion to its groundbreaking prevalence studies Looking back, Mr. Speaker, it was or medically vulnerable. There are 52 and early intervention work, CDC’s Learn the two dedicated parents from New Jersey Leadership Education in Signs. Act Early is an amazing tool for par- who helped launch the comprehensive Neurodevelopmental and Other Related ents. Federal policy we are now reauthor- Disabilities, or LEND, training pro- The legislation also robustly supports the izing. In September 1997, Bobbi and grams and 10 developmental-behavioral dedicated physicians, scientists and support Billy Gallagher of Brick, New Jersey, pediatric training programs. teams who daily strive to treat, research and my constituents, parents of two con- They are reauthorized, and we have provide meaningful answers. stituent autistic children, walked into one at Rutgers right in my home State. The Autism CARES Act of 2019 authorizes my Ocean County office looking for They are doing an amazing job. There a little over $1.8 billion over five years for the help. are 38 organizations that support this, National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers They believed that Brick had a dis- and I hope all Members will support it for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and proportionate number of students with as well. the Health Resources and Services Adminis- autism and wanted action, especially Mr. Speaker, autism spectrum disorder tration (HRSA). for their son Austin and daughter (ASD), is ‘‘a neurodevelopmental condition Looking back, Mr. Speaker, it was two dedi- Alana. characterized by persistent impairments in so- cated parents from New Jersey who helped I invited the CDC, the ATSDR, and cial communication and social interaction, as launch the comprehensive Federal policy we other Federal agencies to Brick for an well as restricted and repetitive patterns of be- seek to reauthorize today. investigation, only to learn when they havior, leading to difficulty in developing, In September of 1997, Bobbie and Billy Gal- did the study that prevalence rates maintaining and understanding relationships lagher of Brick, New Jersey—parents of two were high in other communities as with others.’’ small autistic children—walked into my Ocean well. As Autism Speaks notes ‘‘it is often accom- County office looking for help. Believing we had a serious spike in panied by sensory sensitivities and medical They believed Brick had a disproportionate prevalence everywhere, I introduced issues such as gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, number of students with autism and wanted

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.076 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7307 action, especially for their son Austin and to build, expand, and enhance the infrastruc- tional Down Syndrome Congress, National daughter Alana, so I invited the CDC, ATSDR ture system to meet the needs of the ASD Down Syndrome Society, National Fragile X and other Federal agencies to Brick for an in- community? Foundation, Network of Jewish Human Serv- vestigation, only to learn that prevalence rates Also, each year since 2007, IACC has pub- ice Agencies, SPAN Parent Advocacy Net- were high not only in Brick, but in nearby com- lished a Summary of Advances in Autism work, TASH, The Independence Center, The munities as well. Spectrum Disorder Research. Jewish Federations of North America, Thomp- Believing we had a serious spike in preva- Dr. does an extraordinary job son Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental lence, I introduced the ASSURE Act, cospon- as National Autism Coordinator—created by Disorders. sored by 199 members, which was incor- Autism CARES Act of 2014—ensuring the im- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 porated as title I of the Children’s Health Act plementation of national autism spectrum dis- minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- of 2000. order (ASD) research, services, and support fornia (Ms. ESHOO), chairwoman of our Mr. Speaker, much progress has been activities across federal agencies. Health Subcommittee. made since. Today, the evidence suggests As my colleagues know, the Health Re- Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I thank the there is no single cause of autism or type. Ge- sources and Services Administration (HRSA) chairman of the full committee. I want netic risk, coupled with environmental factors, is the ‘‘primary federal agency for improving to acknowledge the ranking member of including advanced parental age, low birth healthcare to people who are geographically the Health Subcommittee, Dr. BUR- weight, and prematurity—among other fac- isolated, economically or medically vulner- GESS. I want to salute Mr. DOYLE and tors—may be triggers. Other studies have able.’’ The work begun under Autism CARES Mr. SMITH for their passion and their identified ASD risk factors including pesticides, Act of 2014 continues and is expanded with advocacy inside the Congress and all air pollutants, dietary factors. this legislation including the training of health the advocates and their organizations Early intervention is making a major positive care professionals ‘‘to provide screening, diag- outside the Congress, without whom we impact in the lives of children with ASD but nostic and early, evidence-based intervention wouldn’t be on the floor today on this parents need more support. In 2016, Bobbi services . . . ’’. This includes the 52 Leader- bill. Gallagher wrote a book: A Brick Wall—How a ship Education in Neurodevelopmental and I am so proud that our Health Sub- Boy with No Words Spoke to the World. In this other Related Disabilities (LEND) training pro- committee advanced this bipartisan highly personal, extraordinarily moving must grams like the one at Rutgers in my state and legislation, sponsored by Mr. DOYLE read account of raising two children with au- 10 Developmental-Behavior Pediatric (DBP) and Mr. SMITH. tism, Bobbi writes: ‘‘This mom thing is hard.’’ training programs. The legislation extends the Autism Mr. Speaker, Autism CARES Act of 2019 The HHS Secretary is empowered by the CARES Act for 5 years, and that is ensures that the federal government continues new legislation to prioritize DBP grants to very important. The other very impor- to help hundreds of thousands of parents like ‘‘rural and underserved areas.’’ tant bookend is that the bill funds re- the Gallaghers—funding research and support According to the April 2019 Report to Con- search at the NIH to understand the bi- programs and sharing best practices. The bill gress, most children who have autism are not ology behind autism. It will help to reauthorizes and expands the lnteragency Au- diagnosed until after they reach age 4 years— build the infrastructure at CDC to ad- tism Coordinating Committee (IACC) managed or later—even though many children can be vance our understanding of autism, and so effectively and professionally by Dr. Susan identified before age 2 years. Recent studies it trains medical providers on screen- Daniels, Director of the Office of Autism Re- supported by NIH have uncovered distinct dif- ing, on diagnosis, and on intervention. search Coordination (OARC). ferences in the brain development of children I think what is so important in the Coordination is key to maximizing out- with ASD, as early as 6 months. The earlier paragraph that I just stated is under- comes. The Director of the National Institutes ASD is found, the earlier interventions can standing the biology behind autism. of Mental Health (NIMH) Dr. Joshua Gordon— begin. There is so much that we still don’t who also serves as IACC chair said yesterday: Finally, not later than 2 years after enact- know today. This act renews the Fed- ‘‘The National Institutes of Health is proud to ment, the Autism CARES Act requires a com- eral Government’s commitment to get- work hand-in-hand with the lnteragency Au- prehensive report on the demographic factors ting the answers. tism Coordinating Committee to ensure the co- associated with the health and well-being of During the hearing on the bill at our ordination of research efforts focusing on crit- individuals with ASD, recommendations on es- Health Subcommittee, we heard how ical topics related to autism, such as devel- tablishing best practices to ensure interdiscipli- critical the Autism CARES programs oping early detection and screening tools, un- nary coordination, improvements for health are. Researchers, physicians, parents, derstanding the genetic and biological outcomes, community based behavioral sup- and patients rely on Autism CARES to underpinnings of autism, and developing and port and interventions, nutrition and rec- fund the support services, research, testing the effectiveness of services and sup- reational and social activities, personal safety training, and surveillance programs to ports to improve functional and health out- and more. get people the diagnoses and the serv- comes of individuals with autism.’’ Mr. Speaker, more than three dozen major ices they need. New members of IACC added by our new organizations have helped shape this legisla- The act expands research, and it pro- bill are representatives from the Departments tion and strongly support passage including: vides services to people who are autis- of Labor, Justice, Veterans Affairs and Hous- Autism Society of America, Autism Speaks, tic, with an important focus on ad- ing and Urban Development as well as raising Autism New Jersey, American Academy of dressing racial disparities. Black and from two to three members who are self-advo- Neurology, American Academy of Pediatrics, Latino children tend to go diagnosed cates, parents or legal guardians and advo- American Association on Health and Disability, later than White children and are often cacy/service organizations. American Psychological Association, American misdiagnosed. They have less access to IACC not only includes a cross section of Therapeutic Recreation Association, Associa- services, and they are underrepresented knowledgeable stakeholders, but periodically tion of Maternal & Child Health Programs, As- in most autism research. This 5-year develops the IACC Strategic Plan for ASD and sociation of Special Children and Families, As- renewal addresses these disparities, as most recently the 2018 update. sociation of University Centers on Disability, well as other challenges related to au- The IACC strategic plan asks the seven Autism Science Foundation, Children’s Hos- tism research, education, and detec- most essential questions and helps steer re- pital Association, Council on Exceptional Chil- tion. search projects and resources to find answers dren, Easterseals, EveryLife Foundation, Fam- My congressional district benefits di- including: How can I recognize the signs of ily Voices, Family Voices New Jersey, Family rectly from the act. I am proud that ASD, and why is early detection so impor- Voices North Dakota, Lakeshore Foundation, Stanford University receives CARES tant?; What is the biology underlying ASD?; Madison House Autism Foundation, Maine funding to research how certain inno- What causes ASD, and can disabling aspects Parent Federation, Marcus Autism Center, Na- vative treatments can improve social of ASD be prevented or preempted?; Which tional Alliance on Mental Illness, National As- behavior. Between 2014 and 2017, Cali- treatments and interventions will help?; What sociation of Councils on Developmental Dis- fornia received $237 million from the kinds of services and supports are needed to abilities, National Association of Pediatric NIH to study autism. maximize quality of life for people on the Au- Nurse Practitioners, National Association of When the Federal Government in- tism spectrum?; How can we meet the needs State Directors of Developmental Disabilities vests in research, the return on invest- of people with ASD as they progress into and Services, National Center for Learning Disabil- ment can improve the lives of all through adulthood?; and How do we continue ities, National Council on Severe Autism, Na- Americans. I hope that the House votes

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.024 H24JYPT1 H7308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 unanimously for this legislation. It b 1530 programs relating to autism, and for certainly deserves it. So the provisions in this bill, the Au- other purposes.’’. Those families with loved ones who tism CARES Act, are right on point. It A motion to reconsider was laid on do have autism, I know that their grat- is well thought-out and, again, encour- the table. itude will be unending for what is built ages both research through NIH and f into this act. It is worthy of them, and the talented researchers who do this LIFESPAN RESPITE CARE it is worthy of our vote. important work and, again, those who Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2019 also treat both children and adults minutes to the gentleman from Geor- with autism. It is essential we pass this Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I move gia (Mr. CARTER). to suspend the rules and pass the bill Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- bill. We also need to pay attention to the (H.R. 2035) to amend title XXIX of the er, I thank the gentleman for yielding. long-term care components. There are Public Health Service Act to reauthor- Mr. Speaker, reauthorizing the Au- ize the program under such title relat- tism CARES Act will continue the sci- long-term care challenges that families have to contend with. We need to do ing to lifespan respite care, as amend- entific development in understanding ed. autism and support those with autism our best to support them, and Mr. Speaker, I urge passage. The Clerk read the title of the bill. spectrum disorder. The text of the bill is as follows: Since its original passage in 2006, we Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield have invested over $3 billion for the myself the balance of my time. H.R. 2035 National Institutes of Health, the Cen- Once again, I want to thank my col- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ters for Disease Control and Preven- league, Mr. SMITH from New Jersey, for resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, tion, and Health Resources and Serv- being the intellectual driver and pro- ices Administration to help the autism viding the enthusiasm for getting this SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. bill to the floor and getting it passed. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Lifespan Res- community. pite Care Reauthorization Act of 2019’’. We provided services through pro- Mr. Speaker, I urge all colleagues to support this bill, and I yield back the SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION OF LIFESPAN RES- grams and grants to benefit individuals PITE CARE PROGRAM. with autism. We have improved train- balance of my time. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield (a) DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING.—Sec- ing for those working with autistic pa- tion 2904 of the Public Health Service Act (42 myself such time as I may consume. tients, including how to better deter U.S.C. 290ii–3) is amended to read as follows: Mr. Speaker, I don’t think I can and diagnose autism. ‘‘SEC. 2904. DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING. stress enough how important this legis- We have expanded prevalence moni- ‘‘Each eligible State agency awarded a grant toring to improve our understanding of lation is. I do want to thank my col- or cooperative agreement under section 2902 our population, and we have also in- league from New Jersey, the chief shall collect, maintain, and report such data vested in research that transforms our sponsor, and also our Democratic spon- and records at such times, in such form, and in understanding of autism spectrum dis- sor, Mr. DOYLE, for pushing very hard such manner as the Secretary may require to en- able the Secretary— order and how we were able to treat to make sure that this bill went through regular order in a timely fash- ‘‘(1) to monitor State administration of pro- and care for that community. grams and activities funded pursuant to such In Georgia, we are able to see up ion. I agree with Dr. BURGESS that, hopefully, this is something the Senate grant or cooperative agreement; and close what a big impact these programs ‘‘(2) to evaluate, and to compare effectiveness can make in our children’s lives. Chil- will take up and will get to the Presi- on a State-by-State basis, of programs and ac- dren’s Hospital of Atlanta’s Marcus dent quickly. tivities funded pursuant to section 2902.’’. Autism Center is one of the largest au- Mr. Speaker, I ask support by all of (b) FUNDING.—Section 2905 of the Public tism centers in the U.S. Since opening, our colleagues for the bill, and I yield Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300ii–4) is amend- they have treated more than 40,000 back the balance of my time. ed by striking paragraphs (1) through (5) and inserting the following: children from Georgia and across the Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 1058, the Autism Collabora- ‘‘(1) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2020; country, and we are blessed to have ‘‘(2) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2021; them in our State. tion, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support Act, or Autism CARES Act. This im- ‘‘(3) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2022; This reauthorization builds on our ‘‘(4) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2023; and good work from the past, ensuring that portant bill, led by Representatives CHRIS ‘‘(5) $60,000,000 for fiscal year 2024.’’. SMITH and MIKE DOYLE, reauthorizes the Inter- places like the Marcus Autism Center The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- agency Autism Coordinating Committee along can continue helping our children mov- ant to the rule, the gentleman from with funding for research, public health surveil- ing forward. I encourage my colleagues New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) and the gen- lance, and workforce development programs to support this legislation. tleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) each that directly impact patients with autism spec- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 will control 20 minutes. trum disorder. Reauthorization of these impor- minute to the gentleman from Rhode The Chair recognizes the gentleman tant initiatives demonstrates our commitment Island (Mr. LANGEVIN). from New Jersey. Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I to provide a coordinated federal response to thank the gentleman for yielding. the needs of individuals diagnosed with autism GENERAL LEAVE Mr. Speaker, I thank both the chair- and related neurodevelopmental disabilities. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I ask man and the ranking member of the I’d like to thank Representatives SMITH and unanimous consent that all Members committee and the sponsors of this im- DOYLE for their tireless work on this important may have 5 legislative days in which to portant piece of legislation. I am proud legislation and I urge my colleagues to vote revise and extend their remarks and in- to rise in support of the Autism yes. clude extraneous material on H.R. 2035. CARES reauthorization act. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there This issue is very personal to me. As question is on the motion offered by objection to the request of the gen- an uncle of a young man with autism, the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. tleman from New Jersey? my nephew, Joshua, I know how chal- PALLONE) that the House suspend the There was no objection. lenging this condition can be. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1058, as Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield I also know that, unfortunately, we amended. myself such time as I may consume. still don’t know the causes, let alone The question was taken; and (two- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. how to cure autism. It underscores the thirds being in the affirmative) the 2035, the Lifespan Respite Care Reau- importance of why this legislation is so rules were suspended and the bill, as thorization Act of 2019 sponsored by my important to continue to invest in re- amended, was passed. colleague from , Congress- search and, at best, treatments for the The title of the bill was amended so man LANGEVIN. I am proud to support condition. as to read: ‘‘A bill to amend the Public this program because it provides much- We do know, Mr. Speaker, that early Health Service Act to enhance activi- needed respite services and educational intervention and early treatments do ties of the National Institutes of resources to family caregivers of chil- make a difference in the long-term out- Health with respect to research on au- dren and adults of all ages with special comes. tism spectrum disorder and enhance needs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.065 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7309 Caring for a loved one can be incred- this authorization had technically ex- uals with chronic illnesses or disabil- ibly rewarding but also demanding pired but continued to receive appro- ities with an early onset, such as mul- work. Surveys have shown respite is priations. Respite care is a critical re- tiple sclerosis, brain injury, spinal cord among the most frequently requested source for our caregivers who spend injury, or ALS. Programs that are services by family caregivers. However, much of their time helping their loved predicated on age or a certain degree of only a small percentage of caregivers ones each day. disability can often struggle when can afford respite care. By reauthor- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of adapting to the needs of a young per- izing and growing this program, we can my time. son with a degenerative disease, and expand access to these services across Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 the Lifespan Respite Care program the country. minutes to the gentleman from Rhode helps to bridge those gaps. States who receive grants under the Island (Mr. LANGEVIN), who is the spon- For example, Lifetime Respite Care Lifespan Respite Care program have sor of this legislation. funds were used in my home State of the flexibility to support family care- Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I want Rhode Island to establish the givers in a variety of ways. For exam- to thank the gentleman for yielding CareBreaks program which helps fam- ple, some States use funds for con- and his important leadership on this ily members caring for an individual of sumer-directed vouchers or for the bill and on the committee. any age access respite when they have training of volunteer and paid respite Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong nowhere else to turn. providers. support of H.R. 2035, the Lifespan Res- Reauthorizing the Lifespan Respite My home State of New Jersey re- pite Care Reauthorization Act of 2019, Care program at $20 million in the first ceived a grant in 2011 and today still legislation that I introduced with my year and steadily increasing funding offers robust scheduled and emergency good friend and colleague from Wash- each year after will allow each State respite services to family caregivers. ington State, Mrs. RODGERS. and territory to establish and maintain Without this program many families In 2002, I authored the Lifespan Res- a respite care program. In authoring cannot afford these services. pite Care Act to create a network of the original bill, I recognized that dif- In addition to helping relieve the services and supports for family care- ferent States have different needs for emotional and financial stresses asso- givers across the Nation. In the years caregivers. Expanding funding will ciated with caregiving, respite care can since the bill was signed into law in grow additional, unique programs that also save families and the healthcare 2006, the Lifespan Respite Care pro- directly address community needs. By system money. Research has shown gram has provided grants to 37 States taking this important step to support that supporting caregivers with respite and the District of Columbia to family caregivers, we move forward in services reduces the odds of hos- streamline the delivery of planned and our efforts to provide quality, commu- pitalization and nursing home entry. emergency respite services, provide ac- nity-based care for the millions of We know that more than 43 million cess to direct care services, and address Americans with special needs. adults are family caregivers of an adult the direct service worker shortage by Mr. Speaker, as an American with a or child with a disability or chronic training respite providers. I am thrilled disability—in fact, the first quad- condition, and the estimated economic to be here today to continue building riplegic elected to the United States Congress—I know the immense service value of family caregiving is approxi- on Lifespan Respite Care’s successes that caregivers provide. I am privileged mately $470 billion annually. As our and reauthorize the program. enough to have paid home health aides, population ages, the need for long-term Mr. Speaker, family caregivers are a and I want to thank my CNAs, Dave, services and supports delivered in the critical part of the long-term services Valerie, Carolyn, Kelly, and many oth- home will continue to increase and, as and supports system in the United ers over the years, for the vital assist- a result, so will the burden on family States. Approximately 43 million fam- ance they provide me each and every caregivers. ily caregivers provide hundreds of bil- day. But, injured as I was at the age of The Lifespan Respite Care program is lions of dollars—and yes, that is bil- 16, I also relied on my family members; the only Federal program that sup- lions with a B—in uncompensated care my brothers, Rick and Dave, and my ports respite services for all ages and each year. In fact, in 2013, the last time sister, Joanne, and especially my conditions, so I am glad that we are re- that statistics were updated, uncom- mother and my late father, Richard, newing our commitment to the pro- pensated family care totaled—if you for their support over the decades. I gram today. had to put a dollar figure to it—ap- would not be here before you today Mr. Speaker, I urge support for the proximately $470 billion. That is more without their help, and I am forever passage of H.R. 2035, and I reserve the than Medicaid spending for that year. grateful to them for their love and balance of my time. Respite care services provide short- their care. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield term relief for family caregivers, al- For so many families in a similar po- myself such time as I may consume. lowing them time to account for their sition around the Nation, this bill rec- Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak in favor own health and wellness needs. Despite ognizes their sacrifice and the immense of H.R. 2035, the Lifespan Respite Care respite care being one of the services support that they provide to their Reauthorization Act of 2019. As many most often requested by caregivers, 85 loved ones while reducing the strain on of us know from personal experience, percent of family members caring for our healthcare system. Indeed, Mr. being a caregiver for a loved one is a adults don’t receive any respite serv- Speaker, our family caregivers are challenging and exhausting job, and for ices at all. truly unsung heroes. many Americans, it is a second full- For many older adults and people Beyond those who helped me person- time job. A number of those Americans with disabilities, receiving care in the ally, Mr. Speaker, I want to recognize are also caring for both aging parents home is preferable, both from a quality the many people who were instru- and their own children. That is over 40 of life perspective and a financial per- mental in bringing this bill to the million Americans who have taken on spective. In addition to improving floor. In addition to the chair and the the role of unpaid caregiver in the past caregiver health, researchers also ranking member, I also want to recog- year, and as our Nation’s population found that providing access to services nize Jill Kagan with the ARCH Na- ages, there will be an increasing num- such as respite care can reduce the tional Respite Network for her coali- ber of caregivers who are struggling to need for admission to more costly in- tion and her coalition partners for balance the demands of caregiving with stitutional settings and allow individ- their tireless work to help families ac- the rest of their lives. uals to remain in their own homes. cess respite care and provide technical The Lifespan Respite Care program Mr. Speaker, the Lifespan Respite assistance to States building respite aims to assist caregivers by providing Care program is the only Federal effort programs. them with the opportunity for a small, that provides family caregivers access The SPEAKER pro tempore. The much-needed break from those respon- to respite care services regardless of time of the gentleman has expired. sibilities. H.R. 2035 would reauthorize the age or type of disability of their Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield funding for this program through fiscal loved one. This is especially important the gentleman from Rhode Island an year 2024, which is important because for family members caring for individ- additional 1 minute.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.068 H24JYPT1 H7310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on my ARCH National Respite Network and The question was taken; and (two- staff, I am indebted to my health and Resource Center to provide respite care thirds being in the affirmative) the disabilities LA Katie Lee and also Todd to caregivers across the United States rules were suspended and the bill, as Adams, my Chief of Staff, who has been of America. This legislation is vital to amended, was passed. intimately involved in these issues for ensuring that we maintain our access A motion to reconsider was laid on more years than he probably would to respite care for our caregivers and the table. like to admit. their loved ones. f I also want to thank again Chairman Mr. Speaker, I urge Members to sup- PALLONE and his staff, as well as Rank- port H.R. 2035, and I yield back the bal- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER ing Member WALDEN, for supporting ance of my time. PRO TEMPORE this effort through the committee. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pro- I also must acknowledge the leader- myself the balance of my time and just ceedings will resume on questions pre- ship of Senator COLLINS. I hope that urge support for this legislation. viously postponed. Votes will be taken our actions today will help her in her Again, this is bipartisan, and I thank in the following order: effort to get this important bill everyone who worked on it. Ordering the previous question on through our sister Chamber. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance House Resolution 509; Finally, again, I want to thank the of my time. Adoption of House Resolution 509, if gentlewoman from Washington State, Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ordered; and my colleague, Mrs. RODGERS, for strong support of H.R. 2035, the Lifespan The motion to suspend the rules and partnering with me on this bill when Respite Care Reauthorization Act. This legisla- pass H.R. 3375. we first attempted to reauthorize this tion, led by Representatives JAMES LANGEVIN The first electronic vote will be con- program in 2011 and for her continued and CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS, reauthorizes ducted as a 15-minute vote. Pursuant leadership on this issue in Congress critical grants to states to implement coordi- to clause 9 of rule XX, remaining elec- and on many others in the disability nated systems of respite services for care- tronic votes will be conducted as 5- community. givers, provide planned and emergency res- minute votes. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to pite services, recruit and train workers and support family caregivers and vote in volunteers, and provide information to family f favor of the Lifespan Respite Care Re- caregivers to help them access these critical PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION authorization Act. I thank the gen- services. Many of us have had a loved one OF H.R. 397, REHABILITATION tleman for yielding. with a caregiver—this bill provides those care- FOR MULTIEMPLOYER PENSIONS Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 givers with the support they need and de- ACT OF 2019; PROVIDING FOR minutes to the gentlewoman from serve. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 3239, HU- Washington State (Mrs. RODGERS). this legislation. MANITARIAN STANDARDS FOR Mrs. RODGERS of Washington. Mr. Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support INDIVIDUALS IN CUSTOMS AND Speaker, I want to first just say how of H.R. 2035, the Lifespan Respite Care Re- BORDER PROTECTION CUSTODY much I admire and appreciate the lead- authorization Act. I’m proud that my Sub- ACT; PROVIDING FOR PRO- ership of Mr. JAMES LANGEVIN from committee on Health advanced this bipartisan CEEDINGS DURING THE PERIOD Rhode Island on this important legisla- bill, authored by Representatives LANGEVIN FROM JULY 29, 2019, THROUGH tion. I am proud to have joined with and MCMORRIS RODGERS. SEPTEMBER 6, 2019; AND FOR him partnering to lead the legislation This legislation is now being extended for OTHER PURPOSES this year, the Lifespan Respite Care five years and the funding for the program is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Act of 2019. being increased. The program is administered ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- This is important legislation. I think by the Administration for Community Living ished business is the vote on ordering he laid it out really well. It is sup- and has provided grants to 37 states and the previous question on the resolution ported with bipartisan support. It Washington, D.C. since it was created in (H. Res. 509) providing for consider- would authorize $200 million in funding 2009. ation of the bill (H.R. 397) to amend the over the next 5 years for improved res- More than 40 million Americans serve as Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to create pite care services for families caring family caregivers and this program is their life- a Pension Rehabilitation Trust Fund, for loved ones battling chronic, debili- line. Being an unpaid caregiver for a loved to establish a Pension Rehabilitation tating conditions. one can be physically and emotionally ex- Today more than 43 million people hausting and isolating. The average family Administration within the Department are providing long-term care for family caregiver is a woman who works full-time and of the Treasury to make loans to mul- members in America. The role these is providing care to both aging parents and tiemployer defined benefit plans, and caregivers play cannot be understated. children living at home. for other purposes; providing for con- They ensure that their loved ones re- This bill allows caregivers to take a break sideration of the bill (H.R. 3239) to re- ceive the care that they desperately from their caregiving responsibilities. About 85 quire U.S. Customs and Border Protec- need in their homes and often at a percent of family caregivers of adults are not tion to perform an initial health lower cost. receiving any respite services whatsoever but screening on detainees, and for other Respite care providers relieve their through the Lifespan Respite Care Program, purposes; providing for proceedings family caregivers, and it is an essential caregivers can receive support services from during the period from July 29, 2019, part of our comprehensive healthcare highly qualified, well-trained staff. through September 6, 2019; and for approach. This legislation will support Grant programs through the program sup- other purposes, on which the yeas and respite care agencies so that they can port day care, transportation and summer nays were ordered. support family caregivers in commu- camp for Americans living with disabilities. For The Clerk read the title of the resolu- nities across the country. their caregivers, these programs give them tion. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to much needed time off, time to do chores The SPEAKER pro tempore. The support it. It expands services and ac- around the house or just take a breather. question is on ordering the previous cess to care, and it will improve These programs are critical to the many question. healthcare outcomes. Americans, mostly women, who are taking The vote was taken by electronic de- care of their loved ones every day. I’m proud vice, and there were—yeas 234, nays b 1545 to support this important legislation and I urge 198, not voting 0, as follows: Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my colleagues to vote for H.R. 2035. [Roll No. 500] myself the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The YEAS—234 Mr. Speaker, most insurance plans do question is on the motion offered by Adams Bass Blumenauer not cover the cost of respite care, but the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. Aguilar Beatty Blunt Rochester the Administration for Community PALLONE) that the House suspend the Allred Bera Bonamici Axne Beyer Boyle, Brendan Living at the Department of Health rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2035, as Barraga´ n Bishop (GA) F. and Human Services works with the amended.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:34 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.069 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7311 Brindisi Heck Pascrell Gooden Long Scalise Evans Lewis Ruiz Brown (MD) Higgins (NY) Payne Gosar Loudermilk Schweikert Finkenauer Lieu, Ted Ruppersberger Brownley (CA) Hill (CA) Perlmutter Granger Lucas Scott, Austin Fletcher Lipinski Rush Bustos Himes Peters Graves (GA) Luetkemeyer Sensenbrenner Foster Loebsack Ryan Butterfield Horn, Kendra S. Peterson Graves (LA) Marchant Shimkus Frankel Lofgren Sa´ nchez Carbajal Horsford Phillips Graves (MO) Marshall Simpson Fudge Lowenthal Sarbanes Ca´ rdenas Houlahan Pingree Green (TN) Massie Smith (MO) Gabbard Lowey Scanlon Carson (IN) Hoyer Pocan Griffith Mast Smith (NE) Gallego Luja´ n Schakowsky Cartwright Huffman Porter Grothman McCarthy Smith (NJ) Garamendi Luria Schiff Case Jackson Lee Pressley Guest McCaul Smucker Garcı´a (IL) Lynch Schneider Casten (IL) Jayapal Price (NC) Guthrie McClintock Spano Garcia (TX) Malinowski Schrader Castor (FL) Jeffries Quigley Hagedorn McHenry Stauber Golden Maloney, Schrier Castro (TX) Johnson (GA) Raskin Harris McKinley Stefanik Gomez Carolyn B. Scott (VA) Chu, Judy Johnson (TX) Rice (NY) Hartzler Meadows Steil Gonzalez (TX) Maloney, Sean Scott, Kaptur Richmond Hern, Kevin Meuser Steube Gottheimer Matsui Serrano Herrera Beutler Miller Stewart Cisneros Keating Rose (NY) Green, Al (TX) McAdams Sewell (AL) Hice (GA) Mitchell Stivers Clark (MA) Kelly (IL) Rouda Grijalva McBath Shalala Clarke (NY) Kennedy Higgins (LA) Moolenaar Taylor Haaland McCollum Roybal-Allard Sherman Clay Khanna Hill (AR) Mooney (WV) Thompson (PA) Harder (CA) McEachin Ruiz Sherrill Cleaver Kildee Holding Mullin Thornberry Hastings McGovern Ruppersberger Sires Clyburn Kilmer Hollingsworth Newhouse Timmons Hayes McNerney Rush Slotkin Cohen Kim Hudson Norman Tipton Heck Meeks Ryan Smith (WA) Connolly Kind Huizenga Nunes Turner Higgins (NY) Meng Sa´ nchez Soto Cooper Kirkpatrick Hunter Olson Upton Hill (CA) Moore Sarbanes Spanberger Correa Krishnamoorthi Scanlon Hurd (TX) Palazzo Wagner Himes Morelle Costa Kuster (NH) Johnson (LA) Palmer Walberg Horn, Kendra S. Moulton Speier Schakowsky Stanton Courtney Lamb Schiff Johnson (OH) Pence Walden Horsford Mucarsel-Powell Johnson (SD) Stevens Cox (CA) Langevin Schneider Perry Walker Houlahan Murphy Jordan Posey Walorski Suozzi Craig Larsen (WA) Schrader Hoyer Nadler Joyce (OH) Ratcliffe Waltz Swalwell (CA) Crist Larson (CT) Schrier Huffman Napolitano Joyce (PA) Reed Watkins Takano Crow Lawrence Scott (VA) Jackson Lee Neal Cuellar Lawson (FL) Katko Reschenthaler Weber (TX) Jayapal Thompson (CA) Scott, David Neguse Cummings Lee (CA) Keller Rice (SC) Webster (FL) Jeffries Norcross Thompson (MS) Serrano Cunningham Lee (NV) Kelly (MS) Riggleman Wenstrup Johnson (GA) O’Halleran Titus Sewell (AL) Davids (KS) Levin (CA) Kelly (PA) Roby Westerman Johnson (TX) Ocasio-Cortez Tlaib Shalala Davis (CA) Levin (MI) King (IA) Rodgers (WA) Williams Kaptur Omar Tonko Sherman Davis, Danny K. Lewis King (NY) Roe, David P. Wilson (SC) Keating Pallone Torres (CA) Sherrill Dean Lieu, Ted Kinzinger Rogers (AL) Wittman Kelly (IL) Panetta Torres Small Sires DeFazio Lipinski Kustoff (TN) Rogers (KY) Womack Kennedy Pappas (NM) Slotkin DeGette Loebsack LaHood Rooney (FL) Woodall Khanna Pascrell Trahan Smith (WA) DeLauro Lofgren LaMalfa Rose, John W. Wright Kildee Payne Trone Soto DelBene Lowenthal Lamborn Rouzer Yoho Kilmer Perlmutter Underwood Spanberger Delgado Lowey Latta Roy Peters Van Drew Demings Luja´ n Speier Lesko Rutherford Zeldin Kind Peterson Vargas DeSaulnier Luria Stanton Kirkpatrick Phillips Veasey Deutch Lynch Stevens b 1614 Krishnamoorthi Pingree Vela Dingell Malinowski Suozzi Kuster (NH) Pocan Vela´ zquez Doggett Maloney, Swalwell (CA) Messrs. RUTHERFORD, JOHNSON of Lamb Porter Visclosky Doyle, Michael Carolyn B. Takano Ohio, and KATKO changed their vote Langevin Pressley Wasserman F. Maloney, Sean Thompson (CA) Larsen (WA) Price (NC) Schultz Thompson (MS) from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Engel Matsui Mr. LARSON of Connecticut changed Larson (CT) Quigley Waters Escobar McAdams Titus Lawrence Raskin Watson Coleman Eshoo McBath Tlaib his vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Lawson (FL) Rice (NY) Welch Espaillat McCollum Tonko So the previous question was ordered. Lee (CA) Richmond Wexton Evans McEachin Torres (CA) The result of the vote was announced Lee (NV) Rose (NY) Wild Finkenauer McGovern Torres Small Levin (CA) Rouda Wilson (FL) Fletcher McNerney (NM) as above recorded. Levin (MI) Roybal-Allard Yarmuth Foster Meeks Trahan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Frankel Meng Trone question is on the resolution. NAYS—195 Underwood Fudge Moore The question was taken; and the Gabbard Morelle Van Drew Abraham Cook Herrera Beutler Gallego Moulton Vargas Speaker pro tempore announced that Aderholt Crawford Hice (GA) Garamendi Mucarsel-Powell Veasey the ayes appeared to have it. Allen Crenshaw Higgins (LA) Amash Curtis Hill (AR) Garcı´a (IL) Murphy Vela Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, on that Garcia (TX) Nadler Vela´ zquez Amodei Davidson (OH) Holding Golden Napolitano Visclosky I demand the yeas and nays. Armstrong Davis, Rodney Hollingsworth Gomez Neal Wasserman The yeas and nays were ordered. Arrington DesJarlais Hudson Gonzalez (TX) Neguse Schultz Babin Diaz-Balart Huizenga The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Bacon Duffy Hunter Gottheimer Norcross Waters 5-minute vote. Green, Al (TX) O’Halleran Watson Coleman Baird Duncan Hurd (TX) Grijalva Ocasio-Cortez Welch The vote was taken by electronic de- Balderson Dunn Johnson (LA) Haaland Omar Wexton vice, and there were—yeas 234, nays Banks Emmer Johnson (OH) Barr Estes Johnson (SD) Harder (CA) Pallone Wild 195, not voting 3, as follows: Hastings Panetta Wilson (FL) Bergman Ferguson Jordan Hayes Pappas Yarmuth [Roll No. 501] Biggs Fitzpatrick Joyce (OH) Bilirakis Fleischmann Joyce (PA) YEAS—234 NAYS—198 Bishop (UT) Flores Katko Adams Cartwright Cuellar Bost Fortenberry Keller Abraham Buck Davidson (OH) Aguilar Case Cummings Brady Foxx (NC) Kelly (MS) Aderholt Bucshon Davis, Rodney Allred Casten (IL) Cunningham Brooks (AL) Fulcher Kelly (PA) Allen Budd DesJarlais Axne Castor (FL) Davids (KS) Brooks (IN) Gaetz King (IA) Amash Burchett Diaz-Balart Barraga´ n Castro (TX) Davis (CA) Buchanan Gallagher King (NY) Amodei Burgess Duffy Bass Chu, Judy Davis, Danny K. Buck Gianforte Kinzinger Armstrong Byrne Duncan Beatty Cicilline Dean Bucshon Gohmert Kustoff (TN) Arrington Calvert Dunn Bera Cisneros DeFazio Budd Gonzalez (OH) LaHood Babin Carter (GA) Emmer Beyer Clark (MA) DeGette Burchett Gooden LaMalfa Bacon Carter (TX) Estes Bishop (GA) Clarke (NY) DeLauro Burgess Gosar Lamborn Baird Chabot Ferguson Blumenauer Clay DelBene Byrne Granger Latta Balderson Cheney Fitzpatrick Blunt Rochester Cleaver Delgado Calvert Graves (GA) Lesko Banks Cline Fleischmann Bonamici Clyburn Demings Carter (GA) Graves (LA) Long Barr Cloud Flores Boyle, Brendan Cohen DeSaulnier Carter (TX) Graves (MO) Loudermilk Bergman Cole Fortenberry F. Connolly Deutch Chabot Green (TN) Lucas Biggs Collins (GA) Foxx (NC) Brindisi Cooper Dingell Cheney Griffith Luetkemeyer Bilirakis Collins (NY) Fulcher Brown (MD) Correa Doggett Cline Grothman Marchant Bishop (UT) Comer Gaetz Brownley (CA) Costa Doyle, Guest Marshall Bost Conaway Gallagher Bustos Courtney F. Cole Guthrie Massie Brady Cook Gianforte Butterfield Cox (CA) Engel Collins (GA) Hagedorn Mast Brooks (AL) Crawford Gibbs Carbajal Craig Escobar Collins (NY) Harris McCarthy Brooks (IN) Crenshaw Gohmert Ca´ rdenas Crist Eshoo Comer Hartzler McCaul Buchanan Curtis Gonzalez (OH) Carson (IN) Crow Espaillat Conaway Hern, Kevin McClintock

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.028 H24JYPT1 H7312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 McHenry Roe, David P. Taylor The vote was taken by electronic de- Morelle Rouda Thompson (CA) McKinley Rogers (AL) Thompson (PA) vice, and there were—yeas 429, nays 3, Moulton Rouzer Thompson (MS) Meadows Rogers (KY) Thornberry Mucarsel-Powell Roy Thompson (PA) Meuser Rooney (FL) Timmons not voting 0, as follows: Mullin Roybal-Allard Thornberry Miller Rose, John W. Tipton Murphy Ruiz [Roll No. 502] Timmons Mitchell Rouzer Upton Nadler Ruppersberger Tipton Moolenaar Roy Wagner YEAS—429 Napolitano Rush Titus Mooney (WV) Rutherford Walberg Neal Rutherford Tlaib Abraham Davidson (OH) Huffman Mullin Scalise Walden Neguse Ryan Tonko Adams Davis (CA) Huizenga Newhouse Schweikert Walker Newhouse Sa´ nchez Torres (CA) Norman Scott, Austin Walorski Aderholt Davis, Danny K. Hunter Norcross Sarbanes Aguilar Davis, Rodney Hurd (TX) Torres Small Nunes Sensenbrenner Waltz Norman Scalise (NM) Olson Shimkus Watkins Allen Dean Jackson Lee Nunes Scanlon Allred DeFazio Jayapal Trahan Palazzo Simpson Weber (TX) O’Halleran Schakowsky Trone Palmer Smith (MO) Webster (FL) Amodei DeGette Jeffries Ocasio-Cortez Schiff Armstrong DeLauro Johnson (GA) Turner Pence Smith (NE) Wenstrup Olson Schneider Underwood Perry Smith (NJ) Williams Arrington DelBene Johnson (LA) Omar Schrader Upton Posey Smucker Wilson (SC) Axne Delgado Johnson (OH) Palazzo Schrier Van Drew Ratcliffe Spano Wittman Babin Demings Johnson (SD) Pallone Schweikert Vargas Reed Stauber Womack Bacon DeSaulnier Johnson (TX) Palmer Scott (VA) Veasey Reschenthaler Stefanik Woodall Baird DesJarlais Jordan Panetta Scott, Austin Vela Rice (SC) Steil Wright Balderson Deutch Joyce (OH) Pappas Scott, David ´ Riggleman Steube Yoho Banks Diaz-Balart Joyce (PA) Pascrell Sensenbrenner Velazquez Roby Stewart Young Barr Dingell Kaptur Payne Serrano Visclosky Rodgers (WA) Stivers Zeldin Barraga´ n Doggett Katko Pence Sewell (AL) Wagner Bass Doyle, Michael Keating Perlmutter Shalala Walberg NOT VOTING—3 Beatty F. Keller Perry Sherman Walden Walker Gibbs Turner Westerman Bera Duffy Kelly (IL) Peters Sherrill Bergman Duncan Kelly (MS) Peterson Shimkus Walorski ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Beyer Dunn Kelly (PA) Phillips Simpson Waltz The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Bilirakis Emmer Kennedy Pingree Sires Wasserman Bishop (GA) Engel Khanna Pocan Slotkin Schultz the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Bishop (UT) Escobar Kildee Porter Smith (MO) Waters ing. Blumenauer Eshoo Kilmer Posey Smith (NE) Watkins Blunt Rochester Espaillat Kim Pressley Smith (NJ) Watson Coleman b 1621 Bonamici Estes Kind Price (NC) Smith (WA) Weber (TX) Bost Evans King (IA) Quigley Smucker Webster (FL) So the resolution was agreed to. Boyle, Brendan Ferguson King (NY) Raskin Soto Welch The result of the vote was announced F. Finkenauer Kinzinger Ratcliffe Spanberger Wenstrup as above recorded. Brady Fitzpatrick Kirkpatrick Reed Spano Westerman Brindisi Fleischmann Krishnamoorthi A motion to reconsider was laid on Reschenthaler Speier Wexton Brooks (AL) Fletcher Kuster (NH) Rice (NY) Stanton Wild the table. Brooks (IN) Flores Kustoff (TN) Rice (SC) Stauber Williams Stated against: Brown (MD) Fortenberry LaHood Richmond Stefanik Wilson (FL) Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- Brownley (CA) Foster LaMalfa Riggleman Steil Wilson (SC) Buchanan Foxx (NC) Lamb Roby Steube Wittman ably detained. Had I been present, I would Buck Frankel Lamborn Rodgers (WA) Stevens Womack have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 501. Bucshon Fudge Langevin Roe, David P. Stewart Woodall Mr. WESTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Budd Fulcher Larsen (WA) Rogers (AL) Stivers Wright Burchett Gabbard Larson (CT) avoidably detained. Had I been present, I Rogers (KY) Suozzi Yarmuth Burgess Gaetz Latta Rooney (FL) Swalwell (CA) Yoho would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 501. Bustos Gallagher Lawrence Rose (NY) Takano Young Butterfield Gallego Lawson (FL) Rose, John W. Taylor Zeldin f Byrne Garamendi Lee (CA) Calvert Garcı´a (IL) Lee (NV) NAYS—3 MOMENT OF SILENCE IN MEMORY Carbajal Garcia (TX) Lesko Amash Biggs Massie OF OFFICER JACOB J. CHESTNUT Ca´ rdenas Gianforte Levin (CA) AND DETECTIVE JOHN M. GIB- Carson (IN) Gibbs Levin (MI) b 1631 SON Carter (GA) Gohmert Lewis Carter (TX) Golden Lieu, Ted So (two-thirds being in the affirma- The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks Of- Cartwright Gomez Lipinski tive) the rules were suspended and the ficer Jacob Chestnut’s wife, Gwenling Case Gonzalez (OH) Loebsack Casten (IL) Gonzalez (TX) Lofgren bill was passed. Chestnut, for being here with us today Castor (FL) Gooden Long The result of the vote was announced in the Capitol, along with her son, Wil- Castro (TX) Gosar Loudermilk as above recorded. liam Chestnut, and grandson, Jacob. Chabot Gottheimer Lowenthal A motion to reconsider was laid on The Chair asks that the House now Cheney Granger Lowey Chu, Judy Graves (GA) Lucas the table. observe a moment of silence in mem- Cicilline Graves (LA) Luetkemeyer ory of Officer Jacob J. Chestnut and Cisneros Graves (MO) Luja´ n f Detective John M. Gibson of the United Clark (MA) Green (TN) Luria Clarke (NY) Green, Al (TX) Lynch States Capitol Police, who were killed Clay Griffith Malinowski AFFIRMING THE VALIDITY OF in the line of duty defending the Cap- Cleaver Grijalva Maloney, SUBPOENAS DULY ISSUED AND itol on July 24, 1998. Cline Grothman Carolyn B. INVESTIGATIONS UNDERTAKEN Cloud Guest Maloney, Sean f Clyburn Guthrie Marchant BY ANY STANDING OR PERMA- Cohen Haaland Marshall NENT SELECT COMMITTEE OF STOPPING BAD ROBOCALLS ACT Cole Hagedorn Mast THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- Collins (GA) Harder (CA) Matsui TIVES PURSUANT TO AUTHORI- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Collins (NY) Harris McAdams DELGADO). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule Comer Hartzler McBath TIES DELEGATED BY THE CON- XX, the unfinished business is the vote Conaway Hastings McCarthy STITUTION AND THE RULES OF Connolly Hayes McCaul THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- on the motion to suspend the rules and Cook Heck McClintock pass the bill (H.R. 3375) to amend the Cooper Hern, Kevin McCollum TIVES Communications Act of 1934 to clarify Correa Herrera Beutler McEachin The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. the prohibitions on making robocalls, Costa Hice (GA) McGovern Courtney Higgins (LA) McHenry DINGELL). Pursuant to House Resolu- and for other purposes, as amended, on Cox (CA) Higgins (NY) McKinley tion 509, House Resolution 507 is con- which the yeas and nays were ordered. Craig Hill (AR) McNerney sidered as adopted. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Crawford Hill (CA) Meadows The text of the resolution is as fol- Crenshaw Himes Meeks The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Crist Holding Meng lows: question is on the motion offered by Crow Hollingsworth Meuser H. RES. 507 Cuellar Horn, Kendra S. Miller the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. Whereas Congress’ power to conduct over- PALLONE) that the House suspend the Cummings Horsford Mitchell Cunningham Houlahan Moolenaar sight and investigations is firmly rooted in rules and pass the bill, as amended. Curtis Hoyer Mooney (WV) its legislative authority under Article I of This is a 5-minute vote. Davids (KS) Hudson Moore the Constitution, which commits to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.029 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7313 House of Representatives alone the author- referred to the Union Calendar and or- The Clerk read the title of the bill. ity to establish its rules governing the proce- dered to be printed. The text of the bill is as follows: dures and methods for the conduct of over- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- H.R. 3299 sight and investigations, as well as to deter- ant to clause 1, rule XXI, all points of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- mine the powers that it delegates to its var- resentatives of the United States of America in ious committees; order are reserved on the bill. Congress assembled, Whereas those powers delegated to the f committees include the power to conduct SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Promoting oversight into and to investigate, pursuant ELECTING A MEMBER TO A CER- Respect for Individuals’ Dignity and Equal- to the legitimate legislative purposes of the TAIN STANDING COMMITTEE OF ity Act of 2019’’ or as the ‘‘PRIDE Act of respective committees, matters involving, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- 2019’’. referring, or related, directly or indirectly, TIVES to the persons, entities, and organizations SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF LIMITATION Ms. CHENEY. Madam Speaker, by di- FOR CERTAIN LEGALLY MARRIED specified in this resolution; COUPLES. Whereas committees of the House, pursu- rection of the Republican Conference, I (a) IN GENERAL.—In the case of an indi- ant to the authority delegated by clause 2(m) offer a privileged resolution and ask vidual first treated as married for purposes of rule XI and clause 11(d) of rule X of the for its immediate consideration. of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by the Rules of the House of Representatives, have The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- application of the holdings of Revenue Rul- undertaken investigations and issued related lows: ing 2013–17— subpoenas seeking personal, financial, bank- H. RES. 516 (1) if such individual filed a return (other ing, and tax information related to the than a joint return) for a taxable year ending Resolved, That the following named Mem- President, his immediate family, and his before September 16, 2013, for which a joint ber be, and is hereby, elected to the fol- business entities and organizations, among return could have been made by the indi- lowing standing committee of the House of others; vidual and the individual’s spouse but for the Representatives: Whereas the validity of some of these in- fact that such holdings were not effective at (1) COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND vestigations and subpoenas has been incor- the time of filing, such return shall be treat- TECHNOLOGY.—Mr. Rooney of Florida. rectly challenged in Federal court on the ed as a separate return within the meaning grounds that the investigations and sub- Ms. CHENEY (during the reading). of section 6013(b) of such Code and the time poenas were not authorized by the full House Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous con- prescribed by section 6013(b)(2)(A) of such and lacked a ‘‘clear statement’’ of intent to sent that the resolution be considered Code for filing a joint return after filing a include the President, which the President’s as read and printed in the RECORD. separate return shall not expire before the personal attorneys have argued in Federal date prescribed by law (including extensions) court is necessary before the committees The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentle- for filing the return of tax for the taxable may seek information related to the Presi- year that includes the date of the enactment dent; and woman from Wyoming? of this Act, and Whereas while these arguments are plainly There was no objection. (2) in the case of a joint return filed pursu- incorrect as a matter of law, it is neverthe- The resolution was agreed to. ant to paragraph (1)— less in the interest of the institution of the A motion to reconsider was laid on (A) the period of limitation prescribed by House of Representatives to avoid any doubt the table. section 6511(a) of such Code for any such tax- on this matter and to unequivocally reject able year shall be extended until the date these challenges presented in ongoing or fu- f prescribed by law (including extensions) for ture litigation: Now, therefore, be it filing the return of tax for the taxable year Resolved, That the House of Representa- REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- that includes the date of the enactment of tives ratifies and affirms all current and fu- this Act, and ture investigations, as well as all subpoenas VIVORS PROTECTION ACT (B) section 6511(b)(2) of such Code shall not previously issued or to be issued in the fu- Mr. HUNTER. Madam Speaker, I ask apply to any claim of credit or refund with ture, by any standing or permanent select respect to such return. committee of the House, pursuant to its ju- unanimous consent that the Com- mittee on the Judiciary be discharged (b) AMENDMENTS, ETC. RESTRICTED TO risdiction as established by the Constitution CHANGE IN MARITAL STATUS.—Subsection (a) of the United States and rules X and XI of from further consideration of H.R. 962, shall apply only with respect to amendments the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- to the return of tax, and claims for credit or concerning or issued directly or indirectly tection Act, and ask for its immediate refund, relating to a change in the marital to— consideration in the House. status for purposes of the Internal Revenue (1) the President in his personal or official The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Code of 1986 of the individual. capacity; guidelines consistently issued by suc- SEC. 3. RULES RELATING TO ALL LEGALLY MAR- (2) his immediate family, business entities, RIED COUPLES. or organizations; cessive Speakers, as recorded in sec- tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- (a) IN GENERAL.—The Internal Revenue (3) the Office of the President; Code of 1986 is amended— (4) the Executive Office of the President; ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- (1) in section 21(d)(2)— (5) the White House; tertain the request unless it has been (A) by striking ‘‘HIMSELF’’ in the heading (6) any entity within the White House; cleared by the bipartisan floor and and inserting ‘‘SELF’’; and (7) any individual currently or formerly committee leaderships. (B) by striking ‘‘any husband and wife’’ employed by or associated with the White Mr. HUNTER. Madam Speaker, I re- and inserting ‘‘any married couple’’; House; spectfully urge the Speaker to imme- (2) in section 22(e)(1)— (8) any Federal or State governmental en- (A) by striking ‘‘husband and wife who tity or current or former employee or officer diately schedule this important bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- live’’ and inserting ‘‘married couple who thereof seeking information involving, refer- lives’’; and ring, or related to any individual or entity tleman is not recognized for debate. (B) by striking ‘‘the taxpayer and his described in paragraphs (1) through (7); or f spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘the taxpayer and the (9) any third party seeking information in- spouse of the taxpayer’’; volving, referring, or related to any indi- PROMOTING RESPECT FOR INDI- (3) in section 38(c)(6)(A), by striking ‘‘hus- vidual or entity described in paragraphs (1) VIDUALS’ DIGNITY AND EQUAL- band or wife who files’’ and inserting ‘‘mar- through (7). ITY ACT OF 2019 ried individual who files’’; (4) in section 42(j)(5)(C), by striking clause f Ms. of California. Madam (i) and inserting the following new clause: Speaker, I move to suspend the rules REPORT ON H.R. 3931, DEPART- ‘‘(i) MARRIED COUPLE TREATED AS 1 PART- and pass the bill (H.R. 3299) to permit NER.—For purposes of subparagraph (B), indi- MENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY legally married same-sex couples to viduals married to one another (and their es- APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2020 amend their filing status for income tates) shall be treated as 1 partner.’’; Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, from the tax returns outside the statute of limi- (5) in section 62(b)(3)— Committee on Appropriations, sub- tations, to amend the Internal Revenue (A) in subparagraph (A)— mitted a privileged report (Rept. No. Code of 1986 to clarify that all provi- (i) by striking ‘‘husband and wife who lived apart’’ and inserting ‘‘married couple who 116–180) making appropriations for the sions shall apply to legally married lived apart’’; and Department of Homeland Security for same-sex couples in the same manner (ii) by striking ‘‘the taxpayer and his the fiscal year ending September 30, as other married couples, and for other spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘the taxpayer and the 2020, and for other purposes, which was purposes, as amended. spouse of the taxpayer’’; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:34 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.033 H24JYPT1 H7314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘hus- ual’s spouse, but only if at the time of the spect to the decedent can be made only by band and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married cou- gift each spouse is a citizen or resident of the the decedent’s executor or administrator.’’; ple’’; United States. This paragraph shall not (G) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘husband (6) in section 121— apply with respect to a gift by an individual and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘spouses’’; (A) in subsection (b)(2), by striking ‘‘hus- of an interest in property if such individual (H) in subsection (d)(1), by striking ‘‘status band and wife who make’’ and inserting creates in the individual’s spouse a general as husband and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘the ‘‘married couple who makes’’; and power of appointment, as defined in section marital status with respect to each other’’; (B) in subsection (d)(1), by striking ‘‘hus- 2514(c), over such interest. For purposes of (I) in subsection (d)(2), by striking ‘‘his band and wife make’’ and inserting ‘‘married this section, an individual shall be consid- spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘the spouse of the in- couple makes’’; ered as the spouse of another only if the indi- dividual’’; (7) in section 165(h)(4)(B), by striking ‘‘hus- vidual is married to the individual’s spouse (J) in subsection (f)(2)(B), by striking band and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married cou- at the time of the gift and does not remarry ‘‘such individual, his spouse, and his estate ple’’; during the remainder of the calendar year.’’; shall be determined as if he were alive’’ and (8) in section 179(b)(4), by striking ‘‘a hus- (21) in section 2516— inserting ‘‘such individual, the individual’s band and wife filing’’ and inserting ‘‘individ- (A) by striking ‘‘Where a husband and wife spouse, and the individual’s estate shall be uals married to one another who file’’; enter’’ and inserting the following: determined as if the individual were alive’’; (9) in section 213(d)(8), by striking ‘‘status ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Where a married couple and as husband and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘marital enters’’; and (K) in subsection (f)(3)— status’’; (B) by adding at the end the following new (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘for (10) in section 219(g)(4), in the matter pre- subsection: which he is entitled’’ and inserting ‘‘for ‘‘(b) SPOUSE.—For purposes of this section, ceding subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘A hus- which such member is entitled’’; and if the spouses referred to are divorced, wher- band and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘Married indi- (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘for ever appropriate to the meaning of this sec- viduals’’; which he is entitled’’ and inserting ‘‘for tion, the term ‘spouse’ shall read ‘former (11) in section 274(b)(2)(B), by striking which such employee is entitled’’; spouse’.’’; ‘‘husband and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married (24) in section 6014(b), by striking ‘‘husband couple’’; (22) in section 5733(d)(2), by striking ‘‘hus- band or wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married indi- and wife’’ in the second sentence and insert- (12) in section 643(f), by striking ‘‘husband ing ‘‘a married couple’’; and wife’’ in the second sentence and insert- vidual’’; (23) in section 6013— (25) in section 6017, by striking ‘‘husband ing ‘‘married couple’’; and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married couple’’; (A) by striking ‘‘JOINT RETURNS OF INCOME (13) in section 761(f)— (26) in section 6096(a), by striking ‘‘of hus- TAX BY HUSBAND AND WIFE’’ in the heading and (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘husband band and wife having’’ and inserting ‘‘report- inserting ‘‘JOINT RETURNS OF INCOME TAX BY A and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married couple’’; ing’’; MARRIED COUPLE’’; and (27) in section 6166(b)(2), by striking sub- (B) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ‘‘hus- (B) in subsection (a), in the matter pre- ceding paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘husband paragraph (B) and inserting the following band and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married cou- new subparagraph: ple’’; and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married couple’’; ‘‘(B) CERTAIN INTERESTS HELD BY MARRIED (14) in section 911— (C) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ‘‘either COUPLE.—Stock or a partnership interest (A) in subsection (b)(2), by striking sub- the husband or wife’’ and inserting ‘‘either which— paragraph (C) and inserting the following spouse’’; ‘‘(i) is community property of a married new subparagraph: (D) in subsection (a)(2)— couple (or the income from which is commu- ‘‘(C) TREATMENT OF COMMUNITY INCOME.—In (i) by striking ‘‘husband and wife’’ and in- nity income) under the applicable commu- applying subparagraph (A) with respect to serting ‘‘spouses’’; and nity property law of a State, or amounts received from services performed by (ii) by striking ‘‘his taxable year’’ and in- ‘‘(ii) is held by a married couple as joint a married individual which are community serting ‘‘such spouse’s taxable year’’; tenants, tenants by the entirety, or tenants income under community property laws ap- (E) in subsection (a)(3)— plicable to such income, the aggregate (i) by striking ‘‘his executor or adminis- in common, amount which may be excludable from the trator’’ and inserting ‘‘the decedent’s execu- shall be treated as owned by 1 shareholder or gross income of such individual and such in- tor or administrator’’; 1 partner, as the case may be.’’; dividual’s spouse under subsection (a)(1) for (ii) by striking ‘‘with respect to both him- (28) in section 6212(b)(2)— any taxable year shall equal the amount self and the decedent’’ and inserting ‘‘with (A) by striking ‘‘return filed by husband which would be so excludable if such respect to both the surviving spouse and the and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘return’’; and amounts did not constitute community in- decedent’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘his last known address’’ come.’’; and (iii) by striking ‘‘constitute his separate and inserting ‘‘the last known address of (B) in subsection (d)(9)(A), by striking return’’ and inserting ‘‘constitute the sur- such spouse’’; ‘‘where a husband and wife each have’’ and vivor’s separate return’’; (29) in section 7428(c)(2)(A), by striking inserting ‘‘where both spouses have’’; (F) in subsection (b), by striking paragraph ‘‘husband and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married (15) in section 1244(b)(2), by striking ‘‘a (1) and inserting the following new para- couple’’; husband and wife filing’’; graph: (30) in section 7701(a)— (16) in section 1272(a)(2)(D), by striking ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in (A) by striking paragraph (17); and clause (iii) and inserting the following new paragraph (2), if an individual has filed a sep- (B) in paragraph (38), by striking ‘‘husband clause: arate return for a taxable year for which a and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘married couple’’; ‘‘(iii) TREATMENT OF A MARRIED COUPLE.— joint return could have been made by the in- and For purposes of this subparagraph, a married dividual and the individual’s spouse under (31) in section 7872(f), by striking para- couple shall be treated as 1 person. The pre- subsection (a) and the time prescribed by law graph (7) and inserting the following new ceding sentence shall not apply where the for filing the return for such taxable year paragraph: spouses lived apart at all times during the has expired, such individual and such spouse ‘‘(7) MARRIED COUPLE TREATED AS 1 PER- taxable year in which the loan is made.’’; may nevertheless make a joint return for SON.—A married couple shall be treated as 1 (17) in section 1313(c)(1), by striking ‘‘hus- such taxable year. A joint return filed under person.’’. band and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘spouses’’; this subsection shall constitute the return of (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— (18) in section 1361(c)(1)(A)(i), by striking the individual and the individual’s spouse for (1) The table of sections for subchapter B ‘‘a husband and wife’’ and inserting ‘‘a mar- such taxable year, and all payments, credits, of chapter 12 of the Internal Revenue Code of ried couple’’; refunds, or other repayments made or al- 1986 is amended by striking the item relating (19) in section 2040(b), by striking ‘‘CERTAIN lowed with respect to the separate return of to section 2513 and inserting the following JOINT INTERESTS OF HUSBAND AND WIFE’’ in either spouse for such taxable year shall be new item: the heading and inserting ‘‘CERTAIN JOINT IN- taken into account in determining the ex- ‘‘Sec. 2513. Gift by spouse to third party.’’. TERESTS OF MARRIED COUPLE’’; tent to which the tax based upon the joint (2) The table of sections for subpart B of (20) in section 2513— return has been paid. If a joint return is part II of subchapter A of chapter 61 of such (A) by striking ‘‘GIFT BY HUSBAND OR WIFE made under this subsection, any election Code is amended by striking the item relat- TO THIRD PARTY’’ in the heading and inserting (other than the election to file a separate re- ing to section 6013 and inserting the fol- ‘‘GIFT BY SPOUSE TO THIRD PARTY’’; and turn) made by either spouse in a separate re- lowing new item: (B) by striking paragraph (1) of subsection turn for such taxable year with respect to (a) and inserting the following new para- the treatment of any income, deduction, or ‘‘Sec. 6013. Joint returns of income tax by a graph: credit of such spouse shall not be changed in married couple.’’. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A gift made by one indi- the making of the joint return where such SEC. 4. RULES RELATING TO THE GENDER OF vidual to any person other than such individ- election would have been irrevocable if the SPOUSES, ETC. ual’s spouse shall, for the purposes of this joint return had not been made. If a joint re- (a) IN GENERAL.—The following provisions chapter, be considered as made one-half by turn is made under this subsection after the of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 are each the individual and one-half by such individ- death of either spouse, such return with re- amended by striking ‘‘his spouse’’ each place

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.035 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7315 it appears and inserting ‘‘the individual’s (D) in section 63(f)(4), by striking ‘‘his’’ (AA) in section 2012(c), by striking ‘‘his spouse’’: both places it appears and inserting ‘‘the in- spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘the decedent’s (1) Subsections (a)(1) and (d) of section 1. dividual’s’’; spouse’’; (2) Section 2(b)(2)(A). (E) in section 105(b)— (BB) in section 2032A(e)(10), by striking (3) Subsections (d)(1)(B) and (e)(3) of sec- (i) by striking ‘‘his spouse, his dependents’’ ‘‘his surviving spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘the de- tion 21. and inserting ‘‘the taxpayer’s spouse, the cedent’s surviving spouse’’; (4) Section 36(c)(5). taxpayer’s dependents’’; and (CC) in section 2035(b)— (5) Section 179(d)(2)(A). (ii) by striking ‘‘by him’’; (i) by striking ‘‘his estate’’ and inserting (6) Section 318(a)(1)(A)(i). (F) in the heading of section 119(a), by ‘‘the decedent’s estate’’; and (7) Section 408(d)(6). striking ‘‘, HIS SPOUSE, AND HIS DEPEND- (ii) by striking ‘‘his spouse’’ and inserting (8) Section 469(i)(5)(B)(ii). ENTS’’ and inserting ‘‘AND THE EMPLOYEE’S ‘‘the decedent’s spouse’’; (9) Section 507(d)(2)(B)(iii). SPOUSE AND DEPENDENTS’’; (DD) in subsections (a) and (b)(5) of section (10) Clauses (ii) and (iii) of section (G) in section 119(a), by striking ‘‘him, his 2056, by striking ‘‘his’’; 613A(c)(8)(D). spouse, or any of his dependents by or on be- (EE) in section 2523(b)— (11) Section 672(e)(2). half of his employer’’ and inserting ‘‘the em- (i) by striking ‘‘(or his heirs or assigns) or ployee or the employee’s spouse or depend- (12) Section 704(e)(2). such person (or his heirs or assigns)’’ in para- ents by or on behalf of the employer of the (13) Subparagraphs (A) and (B)(ii) of sec- graph (1) and inserting ‘‘(or the donor’s heirs employee’’; tion 911(c)(3). or assigns) or such person (or such person’s (H) in section 119(a)(2), by striking ‘‘his’’ (14) Section 1235(c)(2). heirs or assigns)’’; both places it appears and inserting ‘‘the em- (15) Section 1563(e)(5). (ii) by striking ‘‘himself’’ in paragraph (1) ployee’s’’; and inserting ‘‘the donor’s self’’; (16) Section 3121(b)(3)(B). (I) in section 119(d)(3)(B), by striking ‘‘his (17) Section 4946(d). (iii) by striking ‘‘he’’ in paragraph (2) and spouse, and any of his dependents’’ and in- inserting ‘‘the donor’’; and (18) Section 4975(e)(6). serting ‘‘the employee’s spouse, and any of (19) Subparagraphs (A)(iv) and (B) of sec- (iv) by striking ‘‘him’’ each place it ap- the employee’s dependents’’; pears in the matter following paragraph (2) tion 6012(a)(1). (J) in section 129(b)(2), by striking ‘‘him- (20) Section 7703(a). and inserting ‘‘the donor’’; self’’ and inserting ‘‘the spouse’s self’’; (FF) in section 2523(d), by striking ‘‘him- (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— (K) in section 170(b)(1)(F)(iii)— self’’ and inserting ‘‘the donor’s self’’; (1) The following provisions of the Internal (i) by striking ‘‘his spouse’’ and inserting (GG) in section 2523(e), by striking ‘‘his Revenue Code of 1986 are each amended by ‘‘the spouse of such donor’’; and spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘the donor’s spouse’’; striking ‘‘his spouse’’ each place it appears (ii) by striking ‘‘his death or after the (HH) in section 3121(b)(3)— and inserting ‘‘the taxpayer’s spouse’’: death of his surviving spouse if she’’ and in- (i) by striking ‘‘his father’’ in subpara- (A) Section 2(a)(2)(B). serting ‘‘the death of the donor or after the graph (A) and inserting ‘‘the child’s father’’; (B) Subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section death of the donor’s surviving spouse if such (ii) by striking ‘‘his father’’ in subpara- 2(b)(2). surviving spouse’’; graph (B) and inserting ‘‘the individual’s fa- (L) in section 213(c)(1)— (C) Paragraphs (2) and (6)(A) of section ther’’; and (i) by striking ‘‘his estate’’ and inserting 21(e). (iii) by striking ‘‘his son’’ in subparagraph ‘‘the estate of the taxpayer’’; and (D) Section 36B(e)(1). (B) and inserting ‘‘the individual’s son’’; (ii) by striking ‘‘his death’’ and inserting (E) Section 63(e)(3)(B). (II) in section 3306(c)(5)— ‘‘the death of the taxpayer’’; (F) Section 86(c)(1)(C)(ii). (i) by striking ‘‘his son’’ and inserting ‘‘the (M) in section 213(d)(7), by striking ‘‘he’’ (G) Section 105(c)(1). individual’s son’’; and and inserting ‘‘the taxpayer’’; (H) Section 135(d)(3). (ii) by striking ‘‘his father’’ and inserting (N) in section 217(g)— (I) Section 151(b). ‘‘the child’s father’’; (i) by striking ‘‘, his spouse, or his depend- (J) Subsections (a) and (d)(7) of section 213. (JJ) in section 3402(l)— ents’’ in paragraph (2) and inserting ‘‘or the (K) Section 1233(e)(2)(C). spouse or dependents of such member’’; (i) by striking ‘‘he’’ each place it appears (L) Section 1239(b)(2). (ii) by striking ‘‘his dependents’’ in para- in paragraphs (2) and (3)(A) and inserting (M) Section 6504(2). graph (3) and inserting ‘‘dependents’’; and ‘‘the employee’’; and (2) The following provisions of the Internal (iii) by striking ‘‘his spouse’’ each place it (ii) by striking ‘‘his taxable year’’ both Revenue Code of 1986 are each amended by appears in paragraph (3) and inserting ‘‘the places it appears in paragraph (3)(B) and in- striking ‘‘his spouse’’ each place it appears member’s spouse’’; serting ‘‘the employee’s taxable year’’; and inserting ‘‘the employee’s spouse’’: (O) in section 217(i)(3)(A), by striking (KK) in section 4905(a), by striking ‘‘his (A) Section 132(m)(1). ‘‘his’’; spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘such person’s (B) Section 401(h)(6). (P) in section 267(c), by striking ‘‘his’’ each spouse’’; (C) Section 3402(l)(3). place it appears and inserting ‘‘the individ- (LL) in section 6046(c), by striking ‘‘his’’ (3) The following provisions of the Internal ual’s’’; both places it appears and inserting ‘‘the in- Revenue Code of 1986 are each amended by (Q) in section 318(a)(1)(A)(ii), by striking dividual’s’’; striking ‘‘his taxable year’’ each place it ap- ‘‘his’’ and inserting ‘‘the individual’s’’; (MM) in section 6103(e)(1)(A)(ii), by strik- pears and inserting ‘‘the individual’s taxable (R) in section 402(l)(4)(D), by striking ‘‘, his ing ‘‘him’’ and inserting ‘‘the individual’’; year’’: spouse, and dependents’’ and inserting ‘‘and (NN) in section 7448(a)(8), by striking ‘‘his (A) Section 2(b)(1). the spouse and dependents of such officer’’; death’’ and inserting ‘‘the individual’s (B) Section 7703(a)(1). (S) in section 415(l)(2)(B), by striking ‘‘, his death’’; (4) The following provisions of the Internal spouse, or his dependents’’ and inserting ‘‘or (OO) in subsections (d), (m), and (n) of sec- Revenue Code of 1986 are each amended by the participant’s spouse or dependents’’; tion 7448, by striking ‘‘his’’ each place it ap- striking ‘‘his taxable year’’ each place it ap- (T) in section 420(f)(6)(A), by striking ‘‘his pears and inserting ‘‘the individual’s’’; pears and inserting ‘‘the taxpayer’s taxable covered spouse and dependents’’ each place it (PP) in subsection (m) of section 7448, as so year’’: appears and inserting ‘‘the covered spouse amended, by striking ‘‘he’’ each place it ap- (A) Subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section and dependents of such retiree’’; pears and inserting ‘‘such judge or special 2(b)(2) (as amended by paragraph (1)(B)). (U) in section 424(d)(1), by striking ‘‘his’’ trial judge’’; and (B) Section 63(f)(1)(A). and inserting ‘‘the individual’s’’; (QQ) in section 7448(q)— (5) The following provisions of the Internal (V) in section 544(a)(2), by striking ‘‘his’’ (i) by striking ‘‘his’’ both places it appears Revenue Code of 1986 are each amended by each place it appears and inserting ‘‘the indi- and inserting ‘‘such judge’s’’; and striking ‘‘his home’’ and inserting ‘‘the indi- vidual’s’’; (ii) by striking ‘‘to bring himself’’ and in- vidual’s home’’: (W) in section 911(c)(3), by striking ‘‘him’’ serting ‘‘to come’’. (A) Section 2(b)(1)(A). each place it appears in subparagraphs (A) SEC. 5. INCREASE IN PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO (B) Section 21(e)(4)(A)(i). and (B)(ii) and inserting ‘‘the individual’’; FILE. (C) Section 7703(b)(1). (X) in section 1015(d)(3), by striking ‘‘his (6) The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as spouse’’ and inserting ‘‘the donor’s spouse’’; (a) IN GENERAL.—The second sentence of amended by this section, is amended— (Y) in section 1563(e)— subsection (a) of section 6651 of the Internal (A) in section 2(a)(1)(A), by striking ‘‘his (i) by striking ‘‘his children’’ both places it Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking two taxable years’’ and inserting ‘‘the tax- appears in paragraphs (5)(D) and (6)(A) and ‘‘$330’’ and inserting ‘‘$435’’. payer’s two taxable years’’; inserting ‘‘the individual’s children’’; and (b) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.—Section (B) in section 2(a)(1)(B), by striking ‘‘his (ii) by striking ‘‘his parents’’ both places it 6651(j)(1) of such Code is amended by striking home’’ and inserting ‘‘the taxpayer’s home’’; appears in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of para- ‘‘$330’’ and inserting ‘‘$435’’. (C) in paragraphs (1)(A) and (2)(A) of sec- graph (6) and inserting ‘‘the individual’s par- tion 63(f), by striking ‘‘for himself if he’’ ents’’; (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments both places it appears and inserting ‘‘for the (Z) in section 1563(f)(2)(B), by striking made by this section shall apply to returns taxpayer if the taxpayer’’; ‘‘him’’ and inserting ‘‘the individual’’; required to be filed after December 31, 2019.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.035 H24JYPT1 H7316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 SEC. 6. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- which is why DOMA was struck down For far too long, LGBTQ Americans FECTS. by the Supreme Court in 2013. have been denied equal treatment The budgetary effects of this Act, for the But though DOMA was gone, many of under the Tax Code. Six years after the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be deter- the impacted families were unable to Supreme Court found it unconstitu- mined by reference to the latest statement amend their tax returns because of a tional to deny same-sex couples the titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legisla- restriction in the Tax Code that only full rights and privileges of marriage, tion’’ for this Act, submitted for printing in allows married couples to amend re- Congress has yet to rectify the con- the Congressional Record by the Chairman of turns from 3 years ago. That restric- sequences of the Tax Code’s discrimi- the House Budget Committee, provided that tion was keeping money out of the nation against LGBTQ couples. such statement has been submitted prior to pockets of families who had earned it. We must live up to our duty to gov- the vote on passage. That is why my bill corrects this, to ern in a manner such that everyone is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- allow the IRS to provide refunds to treated equally under the law, which is ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from same-sex couples who married in why I stand in support today of this California (Ms. JUDY CHU) and the gen- States that recognized same-sex mar- legislation. tleman from New York (Mr. REED) each riage before DOMA was overturned. Last month marked the 50th anniver- will control 20 minutes. This is expected to give over $50 mil- sary of the Stonewall riots. Recog- The Chair recognizes the gentle- lion back to the families who should nizing the deep historical importance woman from California. never have had to file separately in the of this event in a decades-long fight for GENERAL LEAVE first place. equality, the PRIDE Act—which, by Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam These are commonsense changes that the way, passed the Ways and Means Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that recognize the reality that marriage Committee unanimously—seeks to end all Members have 5 legislative days to does not just mean one man and one and correct discriminatory practices in revise and extend their remarks and in- woman. That is a lesson already recog- our tax system affecting LGBTQ com- clude extraneous material on the bill nized by children across the country munity members. under consideration. who know that no matter who their The PRIDE Act essentially clarifies The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there parents are, they are a family. They that all Federal tax provisions respect- objection to the request of the gentle- should not be told otherwise by an out- ing marriage will apply to legally mar- woman from California? dated Tax Code. ried same-sex couples by removing gen- There was no objection. I urge my colleagues to support this der language related to married cou- Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam measure, and I reserve the balance of ples from the Tax Code. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I my time. Additionally, this bill will reconcile may consume. discriminatory Federal policies by en- b 1645 I rise today in strong support of the suring fair tax treatment for those cou- PRIDE Act, the bill I authored with Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I yield ples for every year of their marriage. Congressman of Michigan, myself such time as I may consume. This is the way anybody is treated in to bring equality to our tax law. Madam Speaker, first, I rise to thank the Tax Code if they choose to take ad- Last month, we celebrated the 50th my colleague, Ms. CHU, on the other vantage of that deduction. anniversary of the Stonewall riots, side of the aisle for her efforts on this I take pride in hailing from Massa- which marked the launch of a pivotal legislation. chusetts, which was the first State to movement for gay rights in our coun- As we are proposing this legislation, legalize same-sex marriage. While Mas- try and across the world. Since then, Madam Speaker, we recognize that dis- sachusetts has issued marriage licenses the LGBT movement has fought bat- crimination in any form is never ac- to all couples since 2004, 15 years now, tles on the local and Federal level to ceptable and that also the PRIDE Act the Federal Government has failed to gain the equal rights that all Ameri- would remove that gender language in recognize the full tenure of legal mar- cans deserve. To the enormous joy of our Tax Code of ‘‘husband and wife,’’ ried status for those couples who have millions of American families, the Su- consistent with that of the U.S. Su- been married since 2010. preme Court ultimately ruled that preme Court and now as recognized as The PRIDE Act extends to same-sex same-sex marriages are equal. the law of the land. couples the opportunity to amend their ‘‘Love is love’’ went the cry, but you As we have expressed previously in returns to reflect their marital status would not know it by looking at our some of our hearings on this matter, and claim the ensuing tax benefits Tax Code. Today, a same-sex couple fil- there are some administrative con- wrongfully denied to them before 2010. ing their taxes is still forced to con- cerns that we still hold on our side of So part of this is legislative, but part tend with out-of-date references that the aisle in regard to this legislation, of this is also clarification. no longer reflect what marriage looks in regard to the audit function, the The changes in the bill state loudly like in this country. look-back opportunities that are there and clearly that the Federal Govern- Filing taxes can be unpleasant in regard to the removal of IRS tax ment respects the dignity and equality enough as it is. No family should feel records after 6 years, and some issues of all married couples, regardless of excluded in this process. Most impor- technical in nature that deal with com- gender or sexual orientation. tantly, our Tax Code should not be de- pliance with this legislation. For this reason, Madam Speaker, it fining families in outdated and dis- We hope that those concerns can be is my sincere wish that all of our col- criminatory ways. That is what this dealt with administratively, but at its leagues once again will join in sup- legislation will fix. heart, I personally stand here and join porting this legislation. With a simple change to gender lan- with my colleague from California in America’s opinions have changed, guage removing requirements for ‘‘hus- support of this legislation and look for- and we would like the Tax Code to re- band and wife,’’ instead using words ward to the adoption of it, as I antici- flect the changes that the American like ‘‘they’’ and ‘‘married couple,’’ we pate the passage of it here on the floor. people have clearly led the way on. can put the equality promised by our Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- Madam Speaker, I thank Ms. CHU. Constitution into the Code. ance of my time. This was really complicated work that This bill corrects a second injustice, Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam she began undertaking, but she also as well. Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the gen- made it clear that this legislation For years, the Defense of Marriage tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. moves us closer to ensuring that our Act prevented the Federal Government NEAL), the chair of our committee who laws respect the dignity of all Ameri- from recognizing same-sex marriage, has led us in such an excellent way. cans. even as States began allowing for it. Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, I thank Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 That meant that married couples were the gentlewoman from California (Ms. minutes to the gentleman from Ari- being denied the Federal tax refunds JUDY CHU) for the really extraordinary zona (Mr. SCHWEIKERT), one of the they earned simply because of whom job and leadership that she offered on members of the Ways and Means Com- they loved. That was blatantly wrong, this legislation. mittee, who does great work.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.035 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7317 Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Madam Speaker, mocracy, and this legislation will re- H.R. 3299, the PRIDE Act, would I thank the gentleman from New York move another vestige of discrimination bring parity to LGBTQ couples and the (Mr. REED) for yielding. from our country’s code of laws. benefits afforded to heterosexual mar- Madam Speaker, the reason I am be- Including language that is inclusive ried couples in our Tax Code. hind the microphone is because, in the of LGBTQ couples and families is a The PRIDE Act allows married same- committee, we actually asked the small change that will have a huge im- sex couples to file claims for tax cred- question of staff and others who were pact, affirming loud and clear to all of its and refunds back to the year of testifying that this look-back to be our brothers and sisters and siblings in their marriage. Allowing these claims able to file for the marriage deduction spirit in the LGBTQ community that to be dated back to the original mar- and benefits would not create a new av- we love them, that they are part of our riage dates respects the spirit of the enue of audit, would not create a new Nation. Supreme Court’s Windsor decision and channel for opening up someone’s tax We also have an opportunity with the underscores that the IRS must recog- records for a new line of investigation. PRIDE Act to correct an injustice ex- nize same-sex marriages and afford The feedback we received as a com- perienced by LGBTQ couples who mar- them equal protection under the law. mittee was saying, no, this was very ried in States before marriage equality Equality takes many forms. It means specifically just to this benefit. was finally recognized nationwide in civil, social, and financial equality. Did the gentleman from Massachu- the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. This legislation directly tackles finan- setts (Mr. NEAL) hear the same thing? Hodges decision. cial inequality created by parts of our Mr. NEAL. Will the gentleman yield? For years, LGBTQ couples in States Tax Code head-on. Mr. SCHWEIKERT. I yield to the that recognized legal marriage were The PRIDE Act also modifies the Tax gentleman from Massachusetts. wrongfully denied Federal tax refunds. Code to change language used to distin- Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, that was The PRIDE Act will allow those cou- guish married couples to be gender- carefully tailored, yes. ples to amend their past tax returns neutral. By changing dated and limited Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Madam Speaker, and receive the corresponding benefits. terms such as ‘‘husband and wife,’’ our I just thought it is important for all of Protecting LGBTQ families is not laws will become more inclusive. us to hear it on the RECORD that we are just about the LGBTQ community. It Language is powerful. We must en- not opening up a new avenue of inves- is about our never-ending pursuit to sure that the language in our laws re- tigation because I need to be brutally move America closer to freedom and flects our values and does not exclude honest that the language of the legisla- justice for all. members of the LGBTQ community tion, I don’t think, is crisp enough on Madam Speaker, I thank Congress- from enjoying the same benefits as that point. Let’s make sure it is clean- woman CHU for her tremendous leader- their heterosexual counterparts. ly in at least the RECORD we have pro- ship and for her partnership, and I Congress must do everything it can duced here today. thank Chairman NEAL for prioritizing to guarantee equal treatment under Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, I thank this effort. the law for every person, regardless of the gentleman for his friendly inquiry. Madam Speaker, I also thank my their gender identity or sexual orienta- Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I reserve predecessor and my dad, Congressman tion. the balance of my time. Sandy Levin, who first introduced the This bill upholds our commitment to Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam Equal Dignity for Married Taxpayers family values by ensuring that every Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gen- Act in 2015. family, including LGBTQ families, can tleman from Michigan (Mr. LEVIN), Madam Speaker, I urge strong sup- enjoy the same benefits in our Tax who is the coauthor of this bill and in- port for this legislation across the Code, and it helps us get one step clos- troduced this bill with me. aisle, both sides, and I look forward to er to full equality. Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam the day when it becomes law. Madam Speaker, I urge my col- Speaker, I thank my colleague, the Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, I yield leagues to support this bill. gentlewoman from California (Ms. myself such time as I may consume. Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, in clos- JUDY CHU) for yielding. Madam Speaker, I would be remiss if ing, I would just echo as we started. I Madam Speaker, I am proud to rise I did not take a moment to recognize thank my colleague from California in strong support of the Promoting Re- my colleague from Michigan, Mr. (Ms. JUDY CHU) for her efforts on this spect for Individuals’ Dignity and LEVIN, and his efforts on this matter, issue. I thank our chairman, Mr. NEAL, Equality, or PRIDE, Act, which I have as well to recognize the service of our who has artfully indicated his words on been privileged to colead with Con- fellow member of the Ways and Means the RECORD in regard to this issue. gresswoman CHU. Committee, his father, Sandy Levin. Madam Speaker, what I would en- This bill is about moving our country Sandy Levin was an individual who, courage Members to do is to consider closer to true equality and equity for even though we passionately disagreed passage of this legislation—I know I the LGBTQ community. We have an ideologically and philosophically often, personally will be supporting this legis- opportunity today to send a message to was a gentleman I enjoyed getting to lation—to make sure that our Tax LGBTQ married couples across Amer- know. I appreciate his commitment to Code is reflective of the law of the land ica that their unions are recognized, this issue, as well as now his son car- as it has been declared by the Supreme valued, and dignified by the U.S. Gov- rying on that legacy. That, to me, is a Court. ernment. shining example of this institution, We recognize the administrative I am especially proud that this bill where people can believe passionately problems that have been raised includes the text of my bill, H.R. 1244, in their ideology and still work to- through the hearing process and the the Equal Dignity for Married Tax- gether in order to deal in a positive colloquy with the chairman of the payers Act, which addresses the glaring way for the American people. Ways and Means Committee, and we problem that the Tax Code is replete Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- hope that those issues can be adminis- with out-of-date references to marriage ance of my time. tratively resolved. that no longer reflect the institution of Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- legal marriage in this country. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gen- ance of my time. Our Tax Code, like all of our laws, tleman from California (Mr. TAKANO), should accurately represent and in- who is the co-chair of the Equality b 1700 clude all the people to whom it applies. Caucus. Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam Gendered language in the Tax Code Mr. TAKANO. Madam Speaker, I Speaker, it is long overdue for Con- represents a time when LGBTQ couples thank my colleague, Ms. CHU, for yield- gress to take action to ensure equal could not get married. Fortunately, ing. dignity in our Tax Code. The product those days are over, and marriage Madam Speaker, I rise today to join will send a strong message to our equality is the law of the land. my colleagues in affirming the dignity LGBT brothers and sisters to say that We need to ensure that our laws re- and respect for married LGBTQ cou- our Tax Code should represent you, flect the vibrant diversity of our de- ples. too.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.082 H24JYPT1 H7318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 I am proud that this bill is endorsed 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, which a suspension of benefits has been ap- by the Human Rights Campaign and United States Code. proved under section 432(e)(9) of such Code and passed unanimously out of the Ways (B) CONTRACTING.— section 305(e)(9) of such Act as of such date; (i) IN GENERAL.—The Director may contract (ii) as of such date of enactment, are in crit- and Means Committee. I strongly urge for financial and administrative services (in- ical status (within the meaning of section my colleagues to continue to build on cluding those related to budget and accounting, 432(b)(2) of such Code and section 305(b)(2) of this progress and support its passage financial reporting, personnel, and procure- such Act), have a modified funded percentage of on the House floor. ment) with the General Services Administration, less than 40 percent, and have a ratio of active Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- or such other Federal agency as the Director de- to inactive participants which is less than 2 to ance of my time. termines appropriate, for which payment shall 5; or be made in advance, or by reimbursement, from (iii) are insolvent for purposes of section 418E The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of such Code as of such date of enactment, if question is on the motion offered by funds of the Pension Rehabilitation Administra- tion in such amounts as may be agreed upon by they became insolvent after December 16, 2014, the gentlewoman from California (Ms. the Director and the head of the Federal agency and have not been terminated; and JUDY CHU) that the House suspend the providing the services. (B) subject to subsection (b), to establish ap- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3299, as (ii) SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATIONS.—Contract propriate terms for such loans. amended. authority under clause (i) shall be effective for For purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii), the term The question was taken; and (two- any fiscal year only to the extent that appro- ‘‘modified funded percentage’’ means the per- thirds being in the affirmative) the priations are available for that purpose. centage equal to a fraction the numerator of which is current value of plan assets (as defined SEC. 3. PENSION REHABILITATION TRUST FUND. rules were suspended and the bill, as in section 3(26) of such Act) and the denomi- (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter A of chapter 98 amended, was passed. nator of which is current liabilities (as defined of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended A motion to reconsider was laid on in section 431(c)(6)(D) of such Code and section by adding at the end the following new section: the table. 304(c)(6)(D) of such Act). ‘‘SEC. 9512. PENSION REHABILITATION TRUST f (2) CONSULTATION.—The Director of the Pen- FUND. sion Rehabilitation Administration shall consult REHABILITATION FOR MULTIEM- ‘‘(a) CREATION OF TRUST FUND.—There is es- with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Sec- PLOYER PENSIONS ACT OF 2019 tablished in the Treasury of the United States a retary of Labor, and the Director of the Pension trust fund to be known as the ‘Pension Reha- Benefit Guaranty Corporation before making Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam bilitation Trust Fund’ (hereafter in this section any loan under paragraph (1), and shall share Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution referred to as the ‘Fund’), consisting of such with such persons the application and plan in- 509, I call up the bill (H.R. 397) to amounts as may be appropriated or credited to formation with respect to each such loan. amend the Internal Revenue Code of the Fund as provided in this section and section (3) ESTABLISHMENT OF LOAN PROGRAM.— 1986 to create a Pension Rehabilitation 9602(b). (A) IN GENERAL.—A program to make the ‘‘(b) TRANSFERS TO FUND.— Trust Fund, to establish a Pension Re- loans authorized under this section shall be es- ‘‘(1) AMOUNTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO TREASURY tablished not later than September 30, 2019, with habilitation Administration within the BONDS.—There shall be credited to the Fund the guidance regarding such program to be promul- Department of the Treasury to make amounts transferred under section 6 of the Re- gated by the Director of the Pension Rehabilita- loans to multiemployer defined benefit habilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act of tion Administration, in consultation with the plans, and for other purposes, and ask 2019. Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- for its immediate consideration. ‘‘(2) LOAN INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL.— poration, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the The Clerk read the title of the bill. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Director of the Pen- Secretary of Labor, not later than December 31, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- sion Rehabilitation Administration established 2019. under section 2 of the Rehabilitation for Multi- (B) LOANS AUTHORIZED BEFORE PROGRAM ant to House Resolution 509, in lieu of employer Pensions Act of 2019 shall deposit in DATE.—Without regard to whether the program the amendments in the nature of a sub- the Fund any amounts received from a plan as under subparagraph (A) has been established, a stitute recommended by the Com- payment of interest or principal on a loan under plan may apply for a loan under this section be- mittee on Education and Labor and the section 4 of such Act. fore either date described in such subparagraph, Committee on Ways and Means printed ‘‘(B) INTEREST.—For purposes of subpara- and the Pension Rehabilitation Administration in the bill, an amendment in the na- graph (A), the term ‘interest’ includes points shall approve the application and make the loan ture of a substitute consisting of the and other similar amounts. before establishment of the program if necessary ‘‘(3) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Amounts cred- text of Rules Committee Print 116–24 is to avoid any suspension of the accrued benefits ited to or deposited in the Fund shall remain of participants. adopted, and the bill, as amended, is available until expended. (b) LOAN TERMS.— considered read. ‘‘(c) EXPENDITURES FROM FUND.—Amounts in (1) IN GENERAL.—The terms of any loan made The text of the bill, as amended, is as the Fund are available without further appro- under subsection (a) shall state that— follows: priation to the Pension Rehabilitation Adminis- (A) the plan shall make payments of interest on the loan for a period of 29 years beginning H.R. 397 tration— ‘‘(1) for the purpose of making the loans de- on the date of the loan (or 19 years in the case Be it enacted by the Senate and House scribed in section 4 of the Rehabilitation for of a plan making the election under subsection of Representatives of the United States of Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019, (c)(5)); America in Congress assembled, ‘‘(2) for the payment of principal and interest (B) final payment of interest and principal SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. on obligations issued under section 6 of such shall be due in the 30th year after the date of This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Rehabilitation Act, and the loan (except as provided in an election for Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019’’. ‘‘(3) for administrative and operating expenses under subsection (c)(5)); and of such Administration.’’. (C) as a condition of the loan, the plan spon- SEC. 2. PENSION REHABILITATION ADMINISTRA- sor stipulates that— TION; ESTABLISHMENT; POWERS. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sec- tions for subchapter A of chapter 98 of the In- (i) except as provided in clause (ii), the plan (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established in will not increase benefits, allow any employer the Department of the Treasury an agency to be ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by add- ing at the end the following new item: participating in the plan to reduce its contribu- known as the ‘‘Pension Rehabilitation Adminis- tions, or accept any collective bargaining agree- tration’’. ‘‘Sec. 9512. Pension Rehabilitation Trust ment which provides for reduced contribution (b) DIRECTOR.— Fund.’’. rates, during the 30-year period described in (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF POSITION.—There shall SEC. 4. LOAN PROGRAM FOR MULTIEMPLOYER subparagraphs (A) and (B); be at the head of the Pension Rehabilitation Ad- DEFINED BENEFIT PLANS. (ii) in the case of a plan with respect to which ministration a Director, who shall be appointed (a) LOAN AUTHORITY.— a suspension of benefits has been approved by the President. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Pension Rehabilitation under section 432(e)(9) of the Internal Revenue (2) TERM.— Administration established under section 2 is Code of 1986 and section 305(e)(9) of the Em- (A) IN GENERAL.—The term of office of the Di- authorized— ployee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, rector shall be 5 years. (A) to make loans to multiemployer plans (as or under section 418E of such Code, before the (B) SERVICE UNTIL APPOINTMENT OF SUC- defined in section 414(f) of the Internal Revenue loan, the plan will reinstate the suspended bene- CESSOR.—An individual serving as Director at Code of 1986) which are defined benefit plans fits (or will not carry out any suspension which the expiration of a term may continue to serve (as defined in section 414(j) of such Code) and has been approved but not yet implemented); until a successor is appointed. which— (iii) the plan sponsor will comply with the re- (3) POWERS.— (i) are in critical and declining status (within quirements of section 6059A of the Internal Rev- (A) APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY DIRECTORS, OF- the meaning of section 432(b)(6) of such Code enue Code of 1986; FICERS, AND EMPLOYEES.—The Director may ap- and section 305(b)(6) of the Employee Retirement (iv) the plan will continue to pay all premiums point Deputy Directors, officers, and employees, and Income Security Act) as of the date of the due under section 4007 of the Employee Retire- including attorneys, in accordance with chapter enactment of this section, or with respect to ment Income Security Act of 1974; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.085 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7319 (v) the plan and plan administrator will meet the reasons for such denial. Any approval or de- ready receiving financial assistance (other than such other requirements as the Director of the nial of an application by the Director of the under section 4261(d) of such Act) from the Pen- Pension Rehabilitation Administration provides Pension Rehabilitation Administration shall be sion Benefit Guaranty Corporation at the time in the loan terms. treated as a final agency action for purposes of of the application for the loan under this sec- The terms of the loan shall not make reference section 704 of title 5, United States Code. The tion. to whether the plan is receiving financial assist- Pension Rehabilitation Administration shall (3) USE OF LOAN FUNDS.— ance under section 4261(d) of the Employee Re- make the loan pursuant to any application (A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding section tirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. promptly after the approval of such application. 432(f)(2)(A)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1431(d)) or to any adjustment of the loan (4) CERTAIN PLANS REQUIRED TO APPLY.—The 1986 and section 305(f)(2)(A)(ii) of such Act, the amount under subsection (d)(2)(A)(ii). plan sponsor of any plan with respect to which loan received under subsection (a) shall only be (2) INTEREST RATE.—Except as provided in the a suspension of benefits has been approved used to purchase annuity contracts which meet second sentence of this paragraph and sub- under section 432(e)(9) of the Internal Revenue the requirements of subparagraph (B) or to im- section (c)(5), loans made under subsection (a) Code of 1986 and section 305(e)(9) of the Em- plement a portfolio described in subparagraph shall have as low an interest rate as is feasible. ployee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 or (C) (or a combination of the two) to provide the Such rate shall be determined by the Pension under section 418E of such Code, before the date benefits described in paragraph (1). (B) ANNUITY CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.—The Rehabilitation Administration and shall— of the enactment of this Act shall apply for a annuity contracts purchased under subpara- (A) not be lower than the rate of interest on loan under this section. The Director of the graph (A) shall be issued by an insurance com- 30-year Treasury securities on the first day of Pension Rehabilitation Administration shall pany which is licensed to do business under the the calendar year in which the loan is issued, provide for such plan sponsors to use the sim- laws of any State and which is rated A or better and plified application under subsection (d)(2)(B). by a nationally recognized statistical rating or- (B) not exceed the greater of— (5) INCENTIVE FOR EARLY REPAYMENT.—The ganization, and the purchase of such contracts (i) a rate 0.2 percentage points higher than plan sponsor may elect at the time of the appli- shall meet all applicable fiduciary standards such rate of interest on such date, or cation to repay the loan principal, along with under the Employee Retirement Income Security (ii) the rate necessary to collect revenues suf- the remaining interest, at least as rapidly as Act of 1974. ficient to administer the program under this sec- equal installments over the 10-year period begin- (C) PORTFOLIO.— tion. ning with the 21st year after the date of the (i) IN GENERAL.—A portfolio described in this OAN APPLICATION.— loan. In the case of a plan making this election, (c) L subparagraph is— (1) IN GENERAL.—In applying for a loan under the interest on the loan shall be reduced by 0.5 percentage points. (I) a cash matching portfolio or duration subsection (a), the plan sponsor shall— matching portfolio consisting of investment (A) demonstrate that, except as provided in (d) LOAN AMOUNT AND USE.— (1) AMOUNT OF LOAN.— grade (as rated by a nationally recognized sta- subparagraph (C)— (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in sub- tistical rating organization) fixed income invest- (i) the loan will enable the plan to avoid in- paragraph (B) and paragraph (2), the amount ments, including United States dollar-denomi- solvency for at least the 30-year period described of any loan under subsection (a) shall be, as nated public or private debt obligations issued in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection demonstrated by the plan sponsor on the appli- or guaranteed by the United States or a foreign (b)(1) or, in the case of a plan which is already cation under subsection (c), the amount needed issuer, which are tradeable in United States cur- insolvent, to emerge from insolvency within and to purchase annuity contracts or to implement a rency and are issued at fixed or zero coupon avoid insolvency for the remainder of such pe- portfolio described in paragraph (3)(C) (or a rates; or riod; and combination of the two) sufficient to provide (II) any other portfolio prescribed by the Sec- (ii) the plan is reasonably expected to be able benefits of participants and beneficiaries of the retary of the Treasury in regulations which has to pay benefits and the interest on the loan dur- plan in pay status, and terminated vested bene- a similar risk profile to the portfolios described ing such period and to accumulate sufficient fits, at the time the loan is made. in subclause (I) and is equally protective of the funds to repay the principal when due; (B) PLANS WITH SUSPENDED BENEFITS.—In the interests of participants and beneficiaries. (B) provide the plan’s most recently filed case of a plan with respect to which a suspen- Once implemented, such a portfolio shall be Form 5500 as of the date of application and any sion of benefits has been approved under section maintained until all liabilities to participants other information necessary to determine the 432(e)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and beneficiaries in pay status, and terminated loan amount under subsection (d); and section 305(e)(9) of the Employee Retirement vested participants, at the time of the loan are (C) stipulate whether the plan is also apply- Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. satisfied. ing for financial assistance under section 1085(e)(9)) or under section 418E of such Code— (ii) FIDUCIARY DUTY.—Any investment man- 4261(d) of the Employee Retirement Income Se- (i) the suspension of benefits shall not be ager of a portfolio under this subparagraph curity Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1431(d)) in com- taken into account in applying subparagraph shall acknowledge in writing that such person is bination with the loan to enable the plan to (A); and a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement In- avoid insolvency and to pay benefits, or is al- (ii) the loan amount shall be the amount suffi- come Security Act of 1974 with respect to the ready receiving such financial assistance as a cient to provide benefits of participants and plan. result of a previous application; beneficiaries of the plan in pay status and ter- (iii) TREATMENT OF PARTICIPANTS AND BENE- (D) state in what manner the loan proceeds minated vested benefits at the time the loan is FICIARIES.—Participants and beneficiaries cov- will be invested pursuant to subsection (d), the made, determined without regard to the suspen- ered by a portfolio under this subparagraph person from whom any annuity contracts under sion, including retroactive payment of benefits shall continue to be treated as participants and such subsection will be purchased, and the per- which would otherwise have been payable dur- beneficiaries of the plan, including for purposes son who will be the investment manager for any ing the period of the suspension. of title IV of the Employee Retirement Income portfolio implemented under such subsection; (2) COORDINATION WITH PBGC FINANCIAL AS- Security Act of 1974. and SISTANCE.— (D) ACCOUNTING.— (E) include such other information and certifi- (A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a plan which (i) IN GENERAL.—Annuity contracts purchased cations as the Director of the Pension Rehabili- is also applying for financial assistance under and portfolios implemented under this para- tation Administration shall require. section 4261(d) of the Employee Retirement In- graph shall be used solely to provide the benefits (2) STANDARD FOR ACCEPTING ACTUARIAL AND come Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1431(d))— described in paragraph (1) until all such bene- PLAN SPONSOR DETERMINATIONS AND DEM- (i) the plan sponsor shall submit the loan ap- fits have been paid and shall be accounted for ONSTRATIONS IN THE APPLICATION.—In evalu- plication and the application for financial as- separately from the other assets of the plan. ating the plan sponsor’s application, the Direc- sistance jointly to the Pension Rehabilitation (ii) OVERSIGHT OF NON-ANNUITY INVEST- tor of the Pension Rehabilitation Administration Administration and the Pension Benefit Guar- MENTS.— shall accept the determinations and demonstra- anty Corporation with the information nec- (I) IN GENERAL.—Any portfolio implemented tions in the application unless the Director, in essary to determine the eligibility for and under this paragraph shall be subject to over- consultation with the Director of the Pension amount of the loan under this section and the sight by the Pension Rehabilitation Administra- Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the Secretary of financial assistance under section 4261(d) of tion, including a mandatory triennial review of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Labor, con- such Act; and the adequacy of the portfolio to provide the ben- cludes that any such determinations or dem- (ii) if such financial assistance is granted, the efits described in paragraph (1) and approval (to onstrations in the application (or any under- amount of the loan under subsection (a) shall be provided within a reasonable period of time) lying assumptions) are unreasonable or are in- not exceed an amount equal to the excess of— of any decision by the plan sponsor to change consistent with any rules issued by the Director (I) the amount determined under paragraph the investment manager of the portfolio. pursuant to subsection (g). (1)(A) or (1)(B)(ii) (whichever is applicable); (II) REMEDIAL ACTION.—If the oversight under (3) REQUIRED ACTIONS; DEEMED APPROVAL.— over subclause (I) determines an inadequacy, the The Director of the Pension Rehabilitation Ad- (II) the amount of such financial assistance. plan sponsor shall take remedial action to en- ministration shall approve or deny any applica- (B) PLANS ALREADY RECEIVING PBGC ASSIST- sure that the inadequacy will be cured within 2 tion under this subsection within 90 days after ANCE.—The Director of the Pension Rehabilita- years of such determination. the submission of such application. An applica- tion Administration shall provide for a sim- (E) OMBUDSPERSON.—The Participant and tion shall be deemed approved unless, within plified application for the loan under this sec- Plan Sponsor Advocate established under sec- such 90 days, the Director notifies the plan tion which may be used by an insolvent plan tion 4004 of the Employee Retirement Income Se- sponsor of the denial of such application and which has not been terminated and which is al- curity Act of 1974 shall act as ombudsperson for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.036 H24JYPT1 H7320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 participants and beneficiaries on behalf of drawal liability of such employer shall be deter- the withdrawal liability of any employer under whom annuity contracts are purchased or who mined under the Employee Retirement Income subparagraph (A), but the amount equal to the are covered by a portfolio under this paragraph. Security Act of 1974— greater of— (e) COLLECTION OF REPAYMENT.—Except as ‘‘(i) by applying section 4219(c)(1)(D) of the ‘‘(i) the benefits provided under such con- provided in subsection (f), the Pension Rehabili- Employee Retirement Income Security Act of tracts or portfolios to participants and bene- tation Administration shall make every effort to 1974 as if the plan were terminating by the with- ficiaries, or collect repayment of loans under this section in drawal of every employer from the plan, and ‘‘(ii) the remaining payments due on the loan accordance with section 3711 of title 31, United ‘‘(ii) by determining the value of nonforfeit- under section 4(a) of such Act, States Code. able benefits under the plan at the time of the shall be taken into account as unfunded vested (f) LOAN DEFAULT.—If a plan is unable to deemed termination by using the interest as- benefits in determining such withdrawal liabil- make any payment on a loan under this section sumptions prescribed for purposes of section 4044 ity. when due, the Pension Rehabilitation Adminis- of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act ‘‘(2) COORDINATION WITH FUNDING REQUIRE- tration shall negotiate with the plan sponsor re- of 1974, as prescribed in the regulations under MENTS.—In the case of a plan which receives a vised terms for repayment (including installment section 4281 of the Employee Retirement Income loan under section 4(a) of the Rehabilitation for payments over a reasonable period or forgive- Security Act of 1974 in the case of such a mass Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019— ness of a portion of the loan principal), but only withdrawal. ‘‘(A) annuity contracts purchased and port- to the extent necessary to avoid insolvency in ‘‘(B) ANNUITY CONTRACTS AND INVESTMENT folios implemented under section 4(d)(3) of such the subsequent 18 months. PORTFOLIOS PURCHASED WITH LOAN FUNDS.—An- Act, and the benefits provided to participants (g) AUTHORITY TO ISSUE RULES, ETC.—The Di- nuity contracts purchased and portfolios imple- and beneficiaries under such contracts or port- rector of the Pension Rehabilitation Administra- mented under section 4(d)(3) of the Rehabilita- folios, shall not be taken into account in deter- tion, in consultation with the Director of the tion for Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019 mining minimum required contributions under Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the Sec- shall not be taken into account as plan assets in section 302, retary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of determining the withdrawal liability of any em- ‘‘(B) payments on the interest and principal Labor, is authorized to issue rules regarding the ployer under subparagraph (A), but the amount under the loan, and any benefits owed in excess form, content, and process of applications for equal to the greater of— of those provided under such contracts or port- loans under this section, actuarial standards ‘‘(i) the benefits provided under such con- folios, shall be taken into account as liabilities and assumptions to be used in making estimates tracts or portfolios to participants and bene- for purposes of such section, and and projections for purposes of such applica- ficiaries, or ‘‘(C) if such a portfolio is projected due to un- tions, and assumptions regarding interest rates, ‘‘(ii) the remaining payments due on the loan favorable investment or actuarial experience to mortality, and distributions with respect to a under section 4(a) of such Act, be unable to fully satisfy the liabilities which it portfolio described in subsection (d)(3)(C). shall be taken into account as unfunded vested covers, the amount of the liabilities projected to (h) REPORT TO CONGRESS ON STATUS OF CER- benefits in determining such withdrawal liabil- be unsatisfied shall be taken into account as li- TAIN PLANS WITH LOANS.—Not later than 1 year ity. abilities for purposes of such section.’’. after the date of the enactment of this Act, and ‘‘(2) COORDINATION WITH FUNDING REQUIRE- SEC. 6. ISSUANCE OF TREASURY BONDS. annually thereafter, the Director of the Pension MENTS.—In the case of a plan which receives a The Secretary of the Treasury shall from time Rehabilitation Administration shall submit to loan under section 4(a) of the Rehabilitation for to time transfer from the general fund of the the Committee on Ways and Means and the Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019— Treasury to the Pension Rehabilitation Trust Committee on Education and Labor of the ‘‘(A) annuity contracts purchased and port- Fund established under section 9512 of the In- House of Representatives, and the Committee on folios implemented under section 4(d)(3) of such ternal Revenue Code of 1986 such amounts as Finance and the Committee on Health, Edu- Act, and the benefits provided to participants are necessary to fund the loan program under cation, Labor and Pensions of the Senate, a re- and beneficiaries under such contracts or port- section 4 of this Act, including from proceeds port identifying any plan that— folios, shall not be taken into account in deter- from the Secretary’s issuance of obligations (1) has failed to make any scheduled payment mining minimum required contributions under under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code. on a loan under this section, section 412, SEC. 7. REPORTS OF PLANS RECEIVING PENSION (2) has negotiated revised terms for repayment ‘‘(B) payments on the interest and principal REHABILITATION LOANS. of such loan (including any installment pay- under the loan, and any benefits owed in excess (a) IN GENERAL.—Subpart E of part III of sub- ments or forgiveness of a portion of the loan of those provided under such contracts or port- chapter A of chapter 61 of the Internal Revenue principal), or folios, shall be taken into account as liabilities Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end (3) the Director has determined is no longer for purposes of such section, and the following new section: reasonably expected to be able to— ‘‘(C) if such a portfolio is projected due to un- (A) pay benefits and the interest on the loan, ‘‘SEC. 6059A. REPORTS OF PLANS RECEIVING PEN- favorable investment or actuarial experience to SION REHABILITATION LOANS. or be unable to fully satisfy the liabilities which it ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a plan re- (B) accumulate sufficient funds to repay the covers, the amount of the liabilities projected to ceiving a loan under section 4(a) of the Reha- principal when due. be unsatisfied shall be taken into account as li- bilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act of Such report shall include the details of any such abilities for purposes of such section.’’. 2019, with respect to the first plan year begin- failure, revised terms, or determination, as the (b) AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT ning after the date of the loan and each of the case may be. INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974.—Section 305 of 29 succeeding plan years, not later than the 90th (i) COORDINATION WITH TAXATION OF UNRE- the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of day of each such plan year the plan sponsor LATED BUSINESS INCOME.—Subparagraph (A) of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1085) is amended by adding at shall file with the Secretary a report (including section 514(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of the end the following new subsection: appropriate documentation and actuarial cer- 1986 is amended— ‘‘(k) SPECIAL RULES FOR PLANS RECEIVING tifications from the plan actuary, as required by (1) by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of clause (i); PENSION REHABILITATION LOANS.— the Secretary) that contains— (2) by striking the period at the end of clause ‘‘(1) DETERMINATION OF WITHDRAWAL LIABIL- ‘‘(1) the funded percentage (as defined in sec- (ii)(II) and inserting ‘‘, or’’; and ITY.— tion 432(j)(2)) as of the first day of such plan (3) by adding at the end the following new ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If any employer partici- year, and the underlying actuarial value of as- clause: pating in a plan at the time the plan receives a sets (determined with regard, and without re- ‘‘(iii) indebtedness with respect to a multiem- loan under section 4(a) of the Rehabilitation for gard, to annuity contracts purchased and port- ployer plan under a loan made by the Pension Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019 withdraws folios implemented with proceeds of such loan) Rehabilitation Administration pursuant to sec- from the plan before the end of the 30-year pe- and liabilities (including any amounts due with tion 4 of the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer riod beginning on the date of the loan, the with- respect to such loan) taken into account in de- Pensions Act of 2019.’’. drawal liability of such employer shall be deter- termining such percentage, SEC. 5. COORDINATION WITH WITHDRAWAL LI- mined— ‘‘(2) the market value of the assets of the plan ABILITY AND FUNDING RULES. ‘‘(i) by applying section 4219(c)(1)(D) as if the (determined as provided in paragraph (1)) as of (a) AMENDMENT TO INTERNAL REVENUE CODE plan were terminating by the withdrawal of the last day of the plan year preceding such OF 1986.—Section 432 of the Internal Revenue every employer from the plan, and plan year, Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end ‘‘(ii) by determining the value of nonforfeit- ‘‘(3) the total value of all contributions made the following new subsection: able benefits under the plan at the time of the by employers and employees during the plan ‘‘(k) SPECIAL RULES FOR PLANS RECEIVING deemed termination by using the interest as- year preceding such plan year, PENSION REHABILITATION LOANS.— sumptions prescribed for purposes of section ‘‘(4) the total value of all benefits paid during ‘‘(1) DETERMINATION OF WITHDRAWAL LIABIL- 4044, as prescribed in the regulations under sec- the plan year preceding such plan year, ITY.— tion 4281 in the case of such a mass withdrawal. ‘‘(5) cash flow projections for such plan year ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If any employer partici- ‘‘(B) ANNUITY CONTRACTS AND INVESTMENT and the 9 succeeding plan years, and the as- pating in a plan at the time the plan receives a PORTFOLIOS PURCHASED WITH LOAN FUNDS.—An- sumptions used in making such projections, loan under section 4(a) of the Rehabilitation for nuity contracts purchased and portfolios imple- ‘‘(6) funding standard account projections for Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019 withdraws mented under section 4(d)(3) of the Rehabilita- such plan year and the 9 succeeding plan years, from the plan before the end of the 30-year pe- tion for Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019 and the assumptions relied upon in making such riod beginning on the date of the loan, the with- shall not be taken into account in determining projections,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:35 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.036 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7321

‘‘(7) the total value of all investment gains or (c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sec- from the Pension Rehabilitation Administra- losses during the plan year preceding such plan tions for subpart E of part III of subchapter A tion and shall be determined as if the plan year, of chapter 61 of the Internal Revenue Code of were insolvent on the date of the applica- ‘‘(8) any significant reduction in the number 1986 is amended by adding at the end the fol- tion, and the present value of the maximum of active participants during the plan year pre- lowing new item: guaranteed benefit amount with respect to ceding such plan year, and the reason for such ‘‘Sec. 6059A. Reports of plans receiving pension such participants and beneficiaries may be reduction, rehabilitation loans.’’. calculated in the aggregate, rather than by ‘‘(9) a list of employers that withdrew from SEC. 8. PBGC FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. reference to the benefit of each such partici- the plan in the plan year preceding such plan (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 4261 of the Em- pant or beneficiary. year, and the resulting reduction in contribu- ployee Retirement Income Security Act of ‘‘(4) In the case of a plan described in para- tions, 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1431) is amended by adding at ‘‘(10) a list of employers that paid withdrawal graph (1)(C), the financial assistance pro- the end the following new subsection: liability to the plan during the plan year pre- ‘‘(d)(1) The plan sponsor of a multiem- vided pursuant to such application under ceding such plan year and, for each employer, a ployer plan— this subsection shall be the present value of total assessment of the withdrawal liability ‘‘(A) which is in critical and declining sta- the amount (determined by the plan actuary paid, the annual payment amount, and the tus (within the meaning of section 305(b)(6)) and submitted on the application) that, if number of years remaining in the payment as of the date of the enactment of this sub- such amount were paid by the corporation in schedule with respect to such withdrawal liabil- section, or with respect to which a suspen- combination with the loan and any other as- ity, sion of benefits has been approved under sec- sistance being provided to the plan by the ‘‘(11) any material changes to benefits, ac- tion 305(e)(9) as of such date; corporation at the time of the application, crual rates, or contribution rates during the ‘‘(B) which, as of such date of enactment, would enable the plan to emerge from insol- plan year preceding such plan year, and wheth- is in critical status (within the meaning of vency and avoid any other insolvency pro- er such changes relate to the terms of the loan, section 305(b)(2)), has a modified funded per- jected under paragraph (1). ‘‘(12) details regarding any funding improve- ‘‘(5)(A)(i) Except as provided in subpara- centage of less than 40 percent (as defined in ment plan or rehabilitation plan and updates to graph (B), if the corporation determines at section 4(a)(1) of the Rehabilitation for Mul- such plan, the time of approval, or at the beginning of tiemployer Pensions Act of 2019), and has a ‘‘(13) the number of participants during the any plan year beginning thereafter, that the ratio of active to inactive participants which plan year preceding such plan year who are ac- plan’s 5-year expenditure projection (deter- is less than 2 to 5; or tive participants, the number of participants mined without regard to loan payments de- ‘‘(C) which is insolvent for purposes of sec- and beneficiaries in pay status, and the number scribed in clause (iii)(III)) exceeds the fair tion 418E of the Internal Revenue Code of of terminated vested participants and bene- market value of the plan’s assets, the cor- 1986 as of such date of enactment, if the plan ficiaries, poration shall (subject to the total amount became insolvent after December 16, 2014, ‘‘(14) the amount of any financial assistance of financial assistance approved under this and has not been terminated; received under section 4261 of the Employee Re- subsection) provide such assistance in an tirement Income Security Act of 1974 to pay ben- and which is applying for a loan under sec- amount equal to the lesser of— efits during the preceding plan year, and the tion 4(a) of the Rehabilitation for Multiem- ‘‘(I) the amount by which the plan’s 5-year total amount of such financial assistance re- ployer Pensions Act of 2019 may also apply expenditure projection exceeds such fair ceived for all preceding years, to the corporation for financial assistance market value, or ‘‘(15) the information contained on the most under this subsection, by jointly submitting ‘‘(II) the plan’s expected expenditures for recent annual funding notice submitted by the such applications in accordance with section the plan year. plan under section 101(f) of the Employee Re- 4(d)(2) of such Act. The application for finan- ‘‘(ii) For purposes of this subparagraph, the tirement Income Security Act of 1974, cial assistance under this subsection shall term ‘5-year expenditure projection’ means, ‘‘(16) the information contained on the most demonstrate, based on projections by the with respect to any plan for a plan year, an recent annual return under section 6058 and ac- plan actuary, that after the receipt of the amount equal to 500 percent of the plan’s ex- tuarial report under section 6059 of the plan, anticipated loan amount under section 4(a) pected expenditures for the plan year. and of such Act, the plan will still become (or re- ‘‘(iii) For purposes of this subparagraph, ‘‘(17) copies of the plan document and amend- main) insolvent within the 30-year period be- the term ‘expected expenditures’ means, ments, other retirement benefit or ancillary ben- ginning on the date of the loan. with respect to any plan for a plan year, an efit plans relating to the plan and contribution ‘‘(2) In reviewing an application under amount equal to the sum of— obligations under such plans, a breakdown of paragraph (1), the corporation shall review ‘‘(I) expected benefit payments for the plan administrative expenses of the plan, participant the determinations and demonstrations sub- year, census data and distribution of benefits, the mitted with the loan application under sec- ‘‘(II) expected administrative expense pay- most recent actuarial valuation report as of the tion 4(c) of the Rehabilitation for Multiem- ments for the plan year, plus plan year, copies of collective bargaining agree- ployer Pensions Act of 2019 and provide guid- ‘‘(III) payments on the loan scheduled dur- ments, and financial reports, and such other in- ance regarding such determinations and ing the plan year pursuant to the terms of formation as the Secretary, in consultation with demonstrations prior to approving any appli- the loan under section 4(b) of the Rehabilita- the Director of the Pension Rehabilitation Ad- cation for financial assistance under this tion for Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019. ministration, may require. subsection. The corporation may deny any ‘‘(iv) For purposes of this subparagraph, in ‘‘(b) ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION.—The report re- application if any such determinations or the case of any plan year during which a quired under subsection (a) shall be submitted demonstrations (or any underlying assump- plan is approved for a loan under section 4 of electronically. tions) are unreasonable, or inconsistent with such Act, but has not yet received the pro- ‘‘(c) INFORMATION SHARING.—The Secretary rules issued by the corporation, and the plan ceeds, such proceeds shall be included in de- shall share the information in the report under and the corporation are unable to reach termining the fair market value of the plan’s subsection (a) with the Secretary of Labor and agreement on such determinations or dem- assets for the plan year. The preceding sen- the Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty onstrations. The corporation shall prescribe tence shall not apply in the case of any plan Corporation. any such rules or guidance not later than that for the plan year beginning in 2015 was ‘‘(d) REPORT TO PARTICIPANTS, BENE- December 31, 2019. certified pursuant to section 305(b)(3) as FICIARIES, AND EMPLOYERS.—Each plan sponsor ‘‘(3)(A) In the case of a plan described in being in critical and declining status, and required to file a report under subsection (a) paragraph (1)(A) or (1)(B), the total financial had more than 300,000 participants. shall, before the expiration of the time pre- assistance provided under this subsection ‘‘(B) The financial assistance under this scribed for the filing of such report, also provide shall be an amount equal to the smallest subsection shall be provided in a lump sum if a summary (written in a manner so as to be un- portion of the loan amount with respect to the plan sponsor demonstrates in the appli- derstood by the average plan participant) of the the plan under paragraph (1)(A) or (1)(B)(ii) cation, and the corporation determines, that information in such report to participants and of section 4(d) of the Rehabilitation for Mul- such a lump sum payment is necessary for beneficiaries in the plan and to each employer tiemployer Pensions Act of 2019 (determined the plan to avoid the insolvency to which the with an obligation to contribute to the plan.’’. without regard to paragraph (2) thereof) application relates. In the case of a plan de- (b) PENALTY.—Subsection (e) of section 6652 of that, if provided as financial assistance scribed in paragraph (1)(C), such lump sum the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— under this subsection instead of a loan, shall be provided not later than December 31, (1) by inserting ‘‘, 6059A (relating to reports of would allow the plan to avoid the projected 2020. plans receiving pension rehabilitation loans)’’ insolvency. ‘‘(6) Subsections (b) and (c) shall apply to after ‘‘deferred compensation)’’; ‘‘(B) Such amount shall not exceed the financial assistance under this subsection as (2) by inserting ‘‘($100 in the case of failures present value of the maximum guaranteed if it were provided under subsection (a), ex- under section 6059A)’’ after ‘‘$25’’; and benefit with respect to all participants and cept that the terms for repayment under (3) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘In beneficiaries of the plan under sections 4022A subsection (b)(2) shall not require the finan- the case of a failure with respect to section and 4022B. For purposes of the preceding sen- cial assistance to be repaid before the date 6059A, the amount imposed under this sub- tence, the present value of the maximum on which the loan under section 4(a) of the section shall not be paid from the assets of the guaranteed benefit amount shall be deter- Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions plan.’’. mined by disregarding any loan available Act of 2019 is repaid in full.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.036 H24JYPT1 H7322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 ‘‘(7) The corporation may forgo repayment period of inability described in such subpara- Act, and the employee has made an irrev- of the financial assistance provided under graph with respect to the individual is an in- ocable election before such date as to the this subsection if necessary to avoid any sus- definite one which is reasonably expected to method and amount of the annuity payments pension of the accrued benefits of partici- be lengthy in nature), or to the employee or any designated bene- pants.’’. ‘‘(V) an individual not described in any of ficiaries; or (b) APPROPRIATIONS.—There is appropriated the preceding subclauses who is not more (II) if subclause (I) does not apply, the em- to the Director of the Pension Benefit Guar- than 10 years younger than the employee. ployee has made an irrevocable election be- anty Corporation such sums as may be nec- ‘‘(iii) SPECIAL RULE FOR CHILDREN.—Subject fore the date of enactment of this Act as to essary for each fiscal year to provide the fi- to subparagraph (F), an individual described the method and amount of the annuity pay- nancial assistance described in section in clause (ii)(II) shall cease to be an eligible ments to the employee or any designated 4261(d) of the Employee Retirement Income designated beneficiary as of the date the in- beneficiaries. Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1431(d)) (as dividual reaches majority and any remainder (5) EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN BENEFICIARIES.— added by this section) (including necessary of the portion of the individual’s interest to (A) IN GENERAL.—If an employee dies be- administrative and operating expenses relat- which subparagraph (H)(ii) applies shall be fore the effective date, then, in applying the ing to such assistance). distributed within 10 years after such date. amendments made by this subsection to such SEC. 9. MODIFICATION OF REQUIRED DISTRIBU- ‘‘(iv) TIME FOR DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBLE employee’s designated beneficiary who dies TION RULES FOR DESIGNATED DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY.—The determina- after such date— BENEFICIARIES. tion of whether a designated beneficiary is (i) such amendments shall apply to any (a) MODIFICATION OF RULES WHERE EM- an eligible designated beneficiary shall be beneficiary of such designated beneficiary; PLOYEE DIES BEFORE ENTIRE DISTRIBUTION.— made as of the date of death of the em- and (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 401(a)(9) of the In- ployee.’’. (ii) the designated beneficiary shall be ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by (3) EFFECTIVE DATES.— treated as an eligible designated beneficiary adding at the end the following new subpara- (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in this for purposes of applying section graph: paragraph and paragraphs (4) and (5), the 401(a)(9)(H)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code ‘‘(H) SPECIAL RULES FOR CERTAIN DEFINED amendments made by this subsection shall of 1986 (as in effect after such amendments). CONTRIBUTION PLANS.—In the case of a de- apply to distributions with respect to em- (B) EFFECTIVE DATE.—For purposes of this fined contribution plan, if an employee dies ployees who die after December 31, 2019. paragraph, the term ‘‘effective date’’ means before the distribution of the employee’s en- (B) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING EXCEPTION.—In the first day of the first calendar year to tire interest— the case of a plan maintained pursuant to 1 which the amendments made by this sub- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Except in the case of a or more collective bargaining agreements be- section apply to a plan with respect to em- beneficiary who is not a designated bene- tween employee representatives and 1 or ployees dying on or after such date. ficiary, subparagraph (B)(ii)— more employers ratified before the date of (b) PROVISIONS RELATING TO PLAN AMEND- ‘‘(I) shall be applied by substituting ‘10 enactment of this Act, the amendments MENTS.— years’ for ‘5 years’, and made by this subsection shall apply to dis- (1) IN GENERAL.—If this subsection applies ‘‘(II) shall apply whether or not distribu- tributions with respect to employees who die to any plan amendment— tions of the employee’s interests have begun in calendar years beginning after the earlier (A) such plan shall be treated as being op- in accordance with subparagraph (A). of— erated in accordance with the terms of the ‘‘(ii) EXCEPTION ONLY FOR ELIGIBLE DES- (i) the later of— plan during the period described in para- IGNATED BENEFICIARIES.—Subparagraph (I) the date on which the last of such col- graph (2)(B)(i); and (B)(iii) shall apply only in the case of an eli- lective bargaining agreements terminates (B) except as provided by the Secretary of gible designated beneficiary. (determined without regard to any extension the Treasury, such plan shall not fail to ‘‘(iii) RULES UPON DEATH OF ELIGIBLE DES- thereof agreed to on or after the date of the meet the requirements of section 411(d)(6) of IGNATED BENEFICIARY.—If an eligible des- enactment of this Act), or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and sec- ignated beneficiary dies before the portion of (II) December 31, 2019, or tion 204(g) of the Employee Retirement In- the employee’s interest to which this sub- (ii) December 31, 2021 come Security Act of 1974 by reason of such paragraph applies is entirely distributed, the For purposes of clause (i)(I), any plan amend- amendment. exception under clause (iii) shall not apply ment made pursuant to a collective bar- (2) AMENDMENTS TO WHICH SUBSECTION AP- to any beneficiary of such eligible designated gaining agreement relating to the plan PLIES.— beneficiary and the remainder of such por- which amends the plan solely to conform to (A) IN GENERAL.—This subsection shall tion shall be distributed within 10 years after any requirement added by this section shall apply to any amendment to any plan or the death of such eligible designated bene- not be treated as a termination of such col- which is made— ficiary. lective bargaining agreement. (i) pursuant to any amendment made by ‘‘(iv) APPLICATION TO CERTAIN ELIGIBLE RE- (C) GOVERNMENTAL PLANS.—In the case of a this section or pursuant to any regulation TIREMENT PLANS.—For purposes of applying governmental plan (as defined in section issued by the Secretary of the Treasury the provisions of this subparagraph in deter- 414(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986), under this section or such amendments; and mining amounts required to be distributed subparagraph (A) shall be applied by sub- (ii) on or before the last day of the first pursuant to this paragraph, all eligible re- stituting ‘‘December 31, 2021’’ for ‘‘December plan year beginning after December 31, 2021, tirement plans (as defined in section 31, 2019’’. or such later date as the Secretary of the 402(c)(8)(B), other than a defined benefit plan (4) EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN EXISTING ANNU- Treasury may prescribe. described in clause (iv) or (v) thereof or a ITY CONTRACTS.— In the case of a governmental or collectively qualified trust which is a part of a defined (A) IN GENERAL.—The amendments made bargained plan to which subparagraph (B) or benefit plan) shall be treated as a defined by this subsection shall not apply to a quali- (C) of subsection (a)(4) applies, clause (ii) contribution plan.’’. fied annuity which is a binding annuity con- shall be applied by substituting the date (2) DEFINITION OF ELIGIBLE DESIGNATED BEN- tract in effect on the date of enactment of which is 2 years after the date otherwise ap- EFICIARY.—Section 401(a)(9)(E) of such Code this Act and at all times thereafter. plied under such clause. is amended to read as follows: (B) QUALIFIED ANNUITY.—For purposes of (B) CONDITIONS.—This subsection shall not ‘‘(E) DEFINITIONS AND RULES RELATING TO this paragraph, the term ‘‘qualified annuity’’ apply to any amendment unless— DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY.—For purposes of means, with respect to an employee, an an- (i) during the period— this paragraph— nuity— (I) beginning on the date the legislative or ‘‘(i) DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY.—The term (i) which is a commercial annuity (as de- regulatory amendment described in para- ‘designated beneficiary’ means any indi- fined in section 3405(e)(6) of the Internal Rev- graph (1)(A) takes effect (or in the case of a vidual designated as a beneficiary by the em- enue Code of 1986); plan amendment not required by such legis- ployee. (ii) under which the annuity payments are lative or regulatory amendment, the effec- ‘‘(ii) ELIGIBLE DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY.— made over the life of the employee or over tive date specified by the plan); and The term ‘eligible designated beneficiary’ the joint lives of such employee and a des- (II) ending on the date described in sub- means, with respect to any employee, any ignated beneficiary (or over a period not ex- paragraph (A)(ii) (or, if earlier, the date the designated beneficiary who is— tending beyond the life expectancy of such plan amendment is adopted), ‘‘(I) the surviving spouse of the employee, employee or the joint life expectancy of such the plan is operated as if such plan amend- ‘‘(II) subject to clause (iii), a child of the employee and a designated beneficiary) in ment were in effect; and employee who has not reached majority accordance with the regulations described in (ii) such plan amendment applies retro- (within the meaning of subparagraph (F)), section 401(a)(9)(A)(ii) of such Code (as in ef- actively for such period. ‘‘(III) disabled (within the meaning of sec- fect before such amendments) and which SEC. 10. INCREASE IN PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO tion 72(m)(7)), meets the other requirements of section FILE. ‘‘(IV) a chronically ill individual (within 401(a)(9) of such Code (as so in effect) with re- (a) IN GENERAL.—The second sentence of the meaning of section 7702B(c)(2), except spect to such payments; and section 6651(a) of the Internal Revenue Code that the requirements of subparagraph (A)(i) (iii) with respect to which— of 1986, as amended by the Taxpayer First thereof shall only be treated as met if there (I) annuity payments to the employee have Act, is amended by striking ‘‘$330’’ and in- is a certification that, as of such date, the begun before the date of enactment of this serting ‘‘$435’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.036 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7323 (b) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.—Section The Chair recognizes the gentleman Madam Speaker, I anticipate that my 6651(j)(1) of such Code, as amended by such from Virginia. Republican colleagues will talk about Act, is amended by striking ‘‘$330’’ and in- GENERAL LEAVE structural reforms that are needed to serting ‘‘$435’’. prevent multiemployer plans from fac- (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam made by this section shall apply to returns Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that ing bankruptcy in the future. I agree. the due date for which (including extensions) all Members may have 5 legislative The SPEAKER pro tempore. The is after December 31, 2019. days in which to revise and extend time of the gentleman has expired. SEC. 11. INCREASED PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO their remarks and insert extraneous Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam FILE RETIREMENT PLAN RETURNS. material on H.R. 397, the Rehabilita- Speaker, I yield myself an additional 1 (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (e) of section tion for Multiemployer Pensions Act. minute. 6652 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is Madam Speaker, reforms are needed, amended— The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- and I am committed to working on a (1) by striking ‘‘$25’’ and inserting ‘‘$250’’; bipartisan basis to enact prospective and tleman from Virginia? (2) by striking ‘‘$15,000’’ and inserting There was no objection. reforms. But when the house is on fire, ‘‘$150,000’’. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam you don’t debate on how the fire start- (b) ANNUAL REGISTRATION STATEMENT AND 1 ed or pontificate over how to prevent Speaker, I yield myself 2 ⁄2 minutes. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES.—Subsection (d) of Madam Speaker, over the last few fires in the future; you put out the fire. section 6652 of the Internal Revenue Code of decades, construction workers, truck So today we are putting out the fire 1986 is amended— and protecting retirement security for (1) by striking ‘‘$1’’ both places it appears drivers, industrial bakers, coal miners, and other hardworking Americans, more than 1 million Americans across in paragraphs (1) and (2) and inserting ‘‘$10’’; the country and saving the taxpayers (2) by striking ‘‘$5,000’’ in paragraph (1) and some of whom are here today, did ev- hundreds of billions of dollars. inserting ‘‘$50,000’’; and erything they could to prepare them- Madam Speaker, I encourage my col- (3) by striking ‘‘$1,000’’ in paragraph (2) and selves and their families for a secure leagues to support this legislation, and inserting ‘‘$10,000’’. retirement. Year after year, these I reserve the balance of my time. (c) FAILURE TO PROVIDE NOTICE.—Sub- workers negotiated with their employ- section (h) of section 6652 of the Internal Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Madam Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— ers to defer wages in return for a prom- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I (1) by striking ‘‘$10’’ and inserting ‘‘$100’’; ise of a pension that would allow them may consume. and to retire with dignity. Madam Speaker, my colleague on the (2) by striking ‘‘$5,000’’ and inserting Now, through no fault of their own, other side of the aisle said that we ‘‘$50,000’’. the pensions they earned over their have a house on fire and we must do (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments lifetimes and the retirement security something about it. What this bill does made by this section shall apply to returns, they were promised are in jeopardy. statements, and notifications required to be is it gives more gasoline to the arsonist filed, and notices required to be provided, Today, approximately 130 multiem- who started the fire. after December 31, 2019. ployer pension plans, covering about 1 Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition SEC. 12. INCREASE INFORMATION SHARING TO million participants, are in severe fi- to H.R. 397, a risky, fiscally irrespon- ADMINISTER EXCISE TAXES. nancial distress. Several plans are fac- sible, politically motivated scheme (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 6103(o) of the In- ing insolvency in the next few years, that will negatively impact hard- ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by while many others are projected to fail working Americans and retirees. adding at the end the following new para- over the next 20 years. graph: Union multiemployer pension plans Making matters worse, the Pension ‘‘(3) TAXES IMPOSED BY SECTION 4481.—Re- are currently underfunded by $638 bil- turns and return information with respect to Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which lion, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty taxes imposed by section 4481 shall be open insures these pension plans, is pro- Corporation, PBGC, which ensures to inspection by or disclosure to officers and jected to run out of money by 2025 as these pensions, has a $54 billion deficit. employees of United States Customs and large plans face insolvency. If multi- In other words, workers and retirees Border Protection of the Department of employer pension plans go broke and won’t see the benefits they have been Homeland Security whose official duties re- the PBGC’s multiemployer program promised because of union and em- quire such inspection or disclosure for pur- collapses, there will be catastrophic poses of administering such section.’’. ployer negligence. (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Paragraph consequences to retirees, workers, This problem requires a serious, bi- (4) of section 6103(p) of the Internal Revenue businesses, and taxpayers. partisan response. That is why, histori- Code of 1986 is amended by striking ‘‘or The Rehabilitation for Multiem- cally, Members on both sides of the (o)(1)(A)’’ each place it appears and inserting ployer Pensions Act, commonly known aisle have worked together on this ‘‘, (o)(1)(A), or (o)(3)’’. as the Butch Lewis Act, is a bipartisan issue. But last month, when the Edu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill, solution to avert this financial dis- cation and Labor Committee marked as amended, shall be debatable for 1 aster, and it will actually end up sav- up H.R. 397, committee Republicans hour equally divided among and con- ing taxpayers billions of dollars. were shut out of the debate and denied trolled by the chair and ranking minor- According to one estimate, a multi- the opportunity to offer even a single ity member of the Committee on Edu- employer pension system collapse amendment, a highly unfortunate and cation and Labor and the chair and would cost the Federal Government at inappropriate decision. ranking minority member of the Com- least $170 billion over 10 years, and pos- For the first time ever, taxpayers mittee on Ways and Means. sibly $400 billion over 30 years, due to will prop up failing, mismanaged, After 1 hour of debate on the bill, as lost tax revenue and increased reliance union-run pension plans. These plans, amended, it shall be in order to con- on social programs. all 160 of them, can apply for a govern- sider the further amendment printed in According to the CBO, to solve the ment loan. There is no limit to the part A of House Report 116–178, if of- problem, this bill is estimated to cost loan amount, and, remarkably, the fered by the Member designated in the not $400 billion over 30 years, but $55 loans will be completely forgiven if report, which shall be considered read, billion, total, over those 30 years. This they are unable to be repaid after 29 shall be separately debatable for the bill will solve the problem. And that is years. time specified in the report equally di- just the cost to the Federal budget, ig- The chairman of the Education and vided and controlled by the proponent noring the pain and suffering of people Labor Committee said: ‘‘If you can’t and an opponent, and shall not be sub- losing their pensions and businesses pay it back, you can’t pay it back.’’ So, ject to a demand for a division of the going out of business. by the chairman’s own admission, we question. That is the choice we have today. We are giving failed union pensions a The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. can support a bipartisan bill that saves blank check. What a deal. SCOTT), the gentlewoman from North retirees’ hard-earned pensions, protect All the while, H.R. 397 allows plans to Carolina (Ms. FOXX), the gentleman businesses from going bankrupt, and continue to promise new benefits, al- from Massachusetts (Mr. NEAL), and costs far less than doing nothing, or we lowing their liabilities to grow. the gentleman from Texas (Mr. BRADY) can oppose it and end up costing the While I strongly oppose what H.R. 397 each will control 15 minutes. taxpayers far more in the long run. intends to do, I am equally appalled by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.036 H24JYPT1 H7324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 what the bill fails to do. This legisla- thousands of current workers and re- is a historic moment for working men tion fails to include any reforms that gional economies and could cost Amer- and women in this country, and it has would ensure responsible funding of fu- ican taxpayers between $170 billion and been a long time coming because peo- ture benefit promises or prevent a $240 billion. ple have been working on this for a similar situation from recurring. b 1715 long time. The bill also fails to address the Today, we are telling millions of chronic underfunding that plagues the There is a huge risk, so we must act Americans who worked a lifetime for entire union multiemployer system now. This is an issue on which both their pensions that are now in jeop- and passively accepts that plan trust- Democrats and Republicans should ardy, through no fault of their own, ees and actuaries may continue to un- agree. This issue has no party, no race, that we are standing with you. We are derestimate pension promises—to the no religion. We are all in the same listening. We are taking action. detriment of workers and retirees. In boat, and we are running out of time. For too long, these working men and fact, under H.R. 397, the situation could Our failure to take action to protect women have worked in fear, not know- become far worse. retirees and American taxpayers, our ing what was going to happen. They The nonpartisan Congressional Budg- constituents, is not an option. It is a have given up pay raises. They played et Office, CBO, now estimates that H.R. necessity, and we must act now. There by the rules. They thought they would 397 could increase the Federal budget is no time to waste. Let’s do the right have a safe and secure retirement. By deficit by more than $48 billion. But thing and pass the Butch Lewis Act of passing the Butch Lewis Act, we are that estimate is based on last-minute, 2019 today. sending a loud message that we hear bogus Democrat pay-fors and covers Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Madam them and are taking steps to ensure only the bill’s first 10 years. If we look Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- that their retirement that they worked at the 30-year scheme created by the tleman from South Dakota (Mr. JOHN- for, for a lifetime, will be there when bill, we will find a price tag of hun- SON). they need it. dreds of billions of dollars. And remem- Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. This is money hardworking men and ber, it is American taxpayers who are Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to women earned and counted on to retire on the hook. the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer safely, to afford to stay in their homes, Madam Speaker, Congress was set up Pensions Act. It is funny, in this town, to afford food on their table, and to af- to be in this position years ago because rehabilitation is a word we use to kind- ford their medicine. American workers Democrats and unions and employers ly describe a bailout. For normal peo- have done their part. The House will knew that Members and the public ple, rehabilitation is a word that would soon do its part. would feel sorry for the union members conjure up the idea that perhaps today I hope the Senate will also act quick- who were not taken care of by those we are attempting to fix or improve ly because I know the men and women, they trusted to take care of them. the $638 billion pension problem before they have come to my door at 7 a.m., Every Member here should feel angry us. they have threatened suicide. They are about being put in this position. H.R. This bill would, more accurately, be scared. 397 is a fiscally irresponsible and care- called the bailout for multiemployer Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD less approach that will cause far more pensions act, because this bill does not two letters in support of this legisla- harm than good. contain any of the needed reforms to tion. One is from the International Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- change the unsustainable trajectory of Brotherhood of Teamsters, and one is ance of my time. these plans. from UNITE HERE. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam What does the bill do instead? It cre- INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF Speaker, I yield myself 15 seconds to ates a new Federal Government bu- TEAMSTERS, reaucracy. It allows for billions of dol- July 18, 2019. remind the ranking member that CBO HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, estimates that the 30-year cost of this lars of loans to be just forgiven. It pro- Washington, DC. bill is about $55 billion of money that vides loan terms that actually encour- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: The House of Rep- will not be paid back, or we can pay up age not paying down the principal of resentatives will soon have the opportunity to $400 billion over 30 years. We have a these loans. to ensure that more than a million retirees choice. I would pick the $55 billion. So to be clear, and to make no doubt, and workers who have played by the rules Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to we do have to fix this pension problem, will receive the pension benefits they have the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. but real progress will only come from a earned through years of hard work. On be- careful, deliberate, and bipartisan half of the International Brotherhood of WILSON). Teamsters, its retirees and working families, Ms. WILSON of Florida. Madam process, and this bill was not designed I ask for a yes vote on H.R. 397, the Rehabili- Speaker, as chairwoman of the Edu- to be bipartisan. tation for Multiemployer Pensions Act cation and Labor Subcommittee on In committee, Republicans were ac- (often referred to as The Butch Lewis Act). Health, Employment, Labor, and Pen- tually blocked from offering amend- As you know, this legislation is of the high- sions, I rise today to urge my col- ments that would have improved this est priority for the Teamsters Union. leagues to unanimously pass the Butch bill. So here we are today, taking up The multiemployer pension system has for floor time for a one-sided bill that does many decades been an essential foundation Lewis Act of 2019. for providing financial security in retire- Failure to do so will have dire con- not fix the problem and that will not ment for millions of Americans and their sequences for at least 1.3 million Amer- become law. families. Now, through no fault of their own, icans who did everything right. They When the majority wants to make the earned pension benefits of millions of re- put in decades of hard work to ensure real progress, I will be here, ready to tirees are being threatened due to the ‘‘crit- that their retirement years would be fix the problem, ready to roll up my ical and declining’’ (financial) status and the secure, so many of them in physically sleeves, ready to invest the bipartisan impending insolvency of a number of multi- grueling jobs in mining and construc- effort needed to make meaningful re- employer pension plans. No doubt you have tion and on ships and the Nation’s forms. Until then, I will vote ‘‘no’’ on heard from retirees and families who live with this uncertainty and whose lives have highways. the bailout. been turned upside down. H.R. 397 will ensure They often sacrificed wage increases, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, that we meet our obligations to current re- choosing instead a contribution to I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman tirees and workers for years to come and to their pension plans so that they could from Michigan (Mrs. DINGELL). do so without retiree benefit cuts. It will live in their golden years with dignity Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I thank strengthen these plans and provide a path and peace, a life well planned. Yet, Chairman SCOTT for yielding me the forward for financial stability and solvency. after all of that, retired people and fu- time. It will provide improved retirement security ture retirees are now living in fear of Mr. Speaker, I want to thank both for both workers and retirees. And, it will lessen the financial pressure on the Pension losing everything they worked so hard Chairman SCOTT and Chairman NEAL Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) for, and that is a shame. for their leadership on this issue. which also faces insolvency. Failure to pass this legislation also Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support The bill creates a Pension Rehabilitation will have dire consequences for tens of of H.R. 397, the Butch Lewis Act. This Administration (PRA) which would sell

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.088 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7325 Treasury-issued bonds on the open market retirement years—a time they have worked nately, the Obama administration and then loan money from the bond sale to hard to attain. made a political decision and refused these critical and declining multiemployer On behalf of our members, I again urge you to approve an application from the to support H.R. 397 and stand up for millions pension plans. Plans borrowing from the country’s largest troubled plan, Cen- PRA must set aside the money in separate of middle-class Americans who should be investments that match pension payments able to retire in dignity. tral States. And while many supporters for retirees. Retirees and their families are D. TAYLOR, of today’s bill cheered that decision, guaranteed their promised benefits. It will International President. the Obama administration virtually also free up remaining assets and future con- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I thank ensured Central States retirees will re- tributions to protect the benefits for active Chairman SCOTT and Chairman NEAL ceive far less in their retirement than workers. for their leadership and taking a lot of they would have or could have, all be- PRA loans will not be sufficient to help all cause the Obama administration pre- financially troubled multiemployer pension words and putting it into real action. plans. Some will need additional help. For Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. ferred politics over policy. such plans, the bill proposes that the PBGC Speaker, the gentlewoman from Michi- I still have hope that the Senate will provide such help. In doing so, the cost to gan is correct. The union members are act in a more responsible manner. The the Federal government and the U.S. econ- not at fault. The union bosses are at concept of the multiemployer pension omy will be far less than allowing Plans and fault, and hardworking, nonunion tax- plan is a good one and an idea worth the PBGC to fail. Unlike the current federal payers should not be bailing out the saving, but I would say this to sup- pension insurance program, H.R. 397 protects union bosses for their mistakes. porters of this bill: By choosing to act benefits before plan failure. The financial distress many of these plans Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the in a largely partisan manner, you are face were and are beyond the control of these gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. DAVID further jeopardizing retiree benefits. retirees and workers. Multiemployer pension P. ROE). Literally, every day these plans fail plans have been buffeted by economic turbu- Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. to act, is a step closer to bankruptcy. lence over the decades—from deregulation to Speaker, I rise today in opposition to Today’s action may be the final nail in financial melt downs to recessions. H.R. 397 because it is nothing more the coffin for Central States, whose Pension statutes and legislation are ex- than a huge step backwards in our plan is in such dire straits they cannot traordinarily complex, none more so than work to save failing multiemployer multiemployer and Taft–Hartley pension wait another 18 months for a fix. plans. They are both unique in their struc- pensions. Outside of Central States, there are ture, and the challenges they have faced. If It is the government picking retiree many other pension plans in crisis, but these plans fail, it will not only impact the winners and retiree losers. Our work in all assuring that the PBGC multiem- retirees receiving the benefit, there will be a Congress, until now, has been bipar- ployer plan will be insolvent by the end broader impact on their communities and tisan with both sides realizing that of FY 2025. the economy—adverse effects on economic workers’ retirement security is too im- We have less than 6 years to solve growth and tax losses to state, local and fed- portant of an issue to play politics this problem before retirees receive eral governments. with. I and others have been willing to H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation for Multiem- pennies on the dollar for what they ployer Pensions Act provides a mechanism work across the aisle for a bipartisan have earned. I recommend voting for ‘‘critical and declining’’ multiemployer solution that works for retirees and for against this bill. pension plans to address their serious under- taxpayers. That offer is still open. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam The idea that Congress should bail funding problem. It will strengthen these Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- plans and provide a path forward for finan- out union-negotiated pension plans, tlewoman from Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI). cial stability and solvency. Importantly, the but not the retirement plans of mil- Ms. BONAMICI. Madam Speaker, I bill does this while avoiding retiree benefit lions of other Americans who have seen thank Chairman SCOTT for yielding. cuts. their companies go under and had their I hope that I can report to our retirees and benefits reduced as a result, is the In Oregon and across the country, members in your district that you stood people have worked hard to provide with the International Brotherhood of Team- most unfair proposal that I have ever seen on the House floor. themselves and their families with a sters family to enact this critically impor- secure retirement by contributing a tant legislation. Vote to protect retirement The Democrats are telling hard- benefits. Vote yes on H.R. 397. working Americans that they should portion of their income to pensions. Sincerely, not only get stiffed in their retirement, But now, through no fault of their JAMES P. HOFFA, but that their taxpayer dollars should own, too many of these hardworking General President. be used to bail out someone else’s re- Americans find that their pension plans are struggling, and without UNITEHERE!, tirement. To make matters worse, the bill itself is deeply flawed. It requires intervention, these plans will become Las Vegas, NV, July 17, 2019. insolvent, putting the retirement secu- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, no fundamental changes to pension Washington, DC. plans in poor financial shape, and no rity of about 1.3 million people at risk. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the reforms to ensure that troubled plans The bipartisan Rehabilitation for 300,000 members of UNITE HERE and their and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- Multiemployer Pensions Act, the families, we strongly urge your support for poration don’t wind up in the same sit- Butch Lewis Act, will help protect re- H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation for Multi-Em- uation. tirees, workers, and employers by cre- ployer Pensions Act. Again, instead, the bill gives these ating the Pension Rehabilitation Ad- At a time when hard working American’s ministration to issue bonds to finance are already anxious about an economy where plans a so-called loan, and then allows one job should be enough but often isn’t to the loan principal to be forgiven if the loans for critical and declining status make ends meet, we should also be very con- plan cannot repay the loan. Simply multiemployer pension plans. Impor- cerned about the retirement security of mil- put, this is not a loan. It is a taxpayer- tantly, this bill does not cut benefits lions of Americans. funded gift. Why would anybody pay it for workers and retirees, benefits they H.R. 397, also known as the ‘‘Butch-Lewis back? This doesn’t have to be partisan. have earned. Act’’, includes a modest, common sense ap- In 2014, as chairman of the Health, Workers, families, businesses, and re- proach to bringing stability and reassurance tirees are counting on Congress to ad- to the retirement pensions of over a million Employment, Labor, and Pensions Sub- Americans. Only a small number of multi- committee, I worked with the full com- dress the growing retirement security employer plans are facing financial dif- mittee chair, Chairman Kline, Ranking crisis in our country and protect the ficulty, but that does not ease the pain and Member Miller, and the Obama admin- benefits workers have earned over their potential devastation for the millions who istration to develop a bipartisan solu- lifetime. This bipartisan bill is one im- honorably worked hard for themselves and tion to save these plans. Our plan, the portant piece of the solution to address their families. We are talking about auto Multiemployer Pension Reform Act the multiemployer pension crisis, and I workers, truck drivers, iron workers and gave plans the tools they needed to urge all of my colleagues to join me in other impacted workers who live, work and supporting it. retire in our communities. avoid insolvency and continue offering If we do not offer the means to see those benefits to retirees. I thank Chairman SCOTT and Chair- impacted plans through to solvency, we will If we passed such a good bipartisan man NEAL for their leadership on this all feel the pain of their distress during their bill, why are we here today? Unfortu- issue.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.038 H24JYPT1 H7326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Madam those pension years. They are deferred has a zero chance in the Senate, and I Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- wages. recommend a ‘‘no’’ vote. tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. I know firsthand. Over 3 years ago, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, GROTHMAN). my very first speech on the House floor could you advise as to how much time Mr. GROTHMAN. Madam Speaker, I was right here talking about pensions. is still available on each side. have a great deal of sympathy for the For 37 years, I have been a member of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. people we are trying to help in H.R. a multiemployer plan, as a rank-and- CA´ RDENAS). The gentleman from Vir- 397, and that is one of the reasons why file worker, and as a negotiator. I un- ginia has 51⁄2 minutes remaining. The I feel we need a real solution to this. derstand how they work. gentlewoman from North Carolina has Obviously, the pension plans are in But the cost of doing nothing to the 13⁄4 minutes. such horrible shape that to continue taxpayers is far greater than the loans Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, with the current system and to con- we are giving out now. We bailed out I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman tinue with this bill would be a very ex- the banks, gave them billions of dol- from Pennsylvania (Ms. WILD). pensive bailout for the taxpayer. lars, but the people who earn these, Ms. WILD. Mr. Speaker, the crisis Unlike some of my colleagues, I real- who did nothing wrong, you are saying facing multiemployer pensions is not ize that the taxpayer will ultimately no to. We cannot screw the people who some faraway event, and it is not about politics or ideology. It is about people’s have to put something in these plans. earned the wages. It is important for us lives and whether they will be able to And the reason I say that is the multi- to pass this because they did nothing retire in dignity after a lifetime of employer pension plan system was set wrong. They played by the rules. That up by Congress in the 1950s, and my hard work—American people. is what we do in America. By 2025, the Central States Pension guess is, the way it was set up, it is not b 1730 Fund and the PBGC will be insolvent. surprising that it will fail. While the That means over a million American Congressmen who are at fault for this This is not a grand conspiracy. This employees’ and retirees’ earned bene- have long since retired and left us, we is about doing the right thing for the fits could disappear if we don’t act as a successor Congress, are supposed right people, for America. right now. to do something. Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- This crisis doesn’t just affect those However, first of all, I don’t think enrolled in multiemployer pension this is a sincere proposal. If it was a tleman from Georgia (Mr. ALLEN). Mr. ALLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise plans. If we don’t act, the consequences sincere proposal, it would have been will be detrimental for our local busi- passed when President Obama was in opposition to H.R. 397. You can call it, Madam Speaker, whatever you want nesses, economies, and residents, ulti- President, and when the Democratic mately affecting everyone, including Party was in total control around here, to call it, but the taxpayers are going to bail out an underwater multiem- millions of American families. about 10 years ago. Participants nationwide, including ployer pension plan. It is just that sim- We are going to have to, as part of thousands in my district, could lose ev- ple, based on this legislation. this plan, change things in the future erything they have earned if we don’t Since my time in Congress, my col- so we don’t begin to run up more debt act. These folks who came to watch the leagues and I on the House Education immediately. We are probably going to proceedings today never wanted a bail- and Labor Committee have held nu- have to have the taxpayer do some- out, as my colleague across the aisle merous hearings on multiemployer thing to make up for the damage that termed it. They just want and deserve pension plans. I have learned a few has been done in the past, but to pass what they have earned. They deserve things. These plans currently are un- this bill will only delay that, in that it it. derfunded by $638 billion. is really, quite frankly, just a political We need to pass this bill. We must How in the world did that happen? move. pass this bill for them and for our The Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- I strongly recommend that we get to- country. gether, put together a new committee poration, PBGC, multiemployer insur- Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. of four or eight people, and begin to do ance program has a $54 billion deficit Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gen- and is expected to become insolvent by something. We know something has got tleman from Texas (Mr. WRIGHT). to be done eventually, because not only the end of fiscal year 2025. According to Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise do we have these workers hanging out the PBGC data, 75 percent of multiem- today in opposition to H.R. 397. The Re- there, but the way this multiemployer ployer participants are in plans that habilitation for Multiemployer Pen- pension plan is set up, a lot of busi- are less than 50 percent funded. sions Act is nothing more than a false nesses are going to go under too unless I think we can all agree that the sys- promise to American workers, retirees, something is done. tem has failed, and these retirees, I and their families. House Democrats, But I am saddened today that the bill agree, deserve better. instead of working together with us as before us, I don’t believe is a bill that, How were they so misled to believe they have done historically, moved this for all their talking, people really be- their contributions would cover their bill through committee without one lieve is a serious solution. Because if it retirement? In fact, this is just another single hearing or considering one single was a serious solution, they would have example of unions overpromising and amendment. passed that bill 10 years ago. underdelivering. The union says, hey, if The result? A bill that makes no Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam you pay this, you are going to get this structural reforms to prevent or shore Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- retirement. up future pension plan insolvencies. In tleman from New Jersey (Mr. NOR- As the owner of a small business, I fact, it incentivizes pension plan man- CROSS). like to think of myself as coming to agers to offer generous underfunded Mr. NORCROSS. Madam Speaker, the table, negotiating, and solving the benefits while taking risky bets at the first of all, I want to thank Chairman problem. However, both parties must cost of the American worker and re- NEAL and Chairman SCOTT for bringing be willing to find a reasonable solution tiree, knowing full well they have a this bill to the floor, and my colleague, that works for everyone. forgivable taxpayer-funded loan to fall , and Dr. ROE who sat The Democratic solution on the mul- back on. on the supercommittee last time to ad- tiemployer pension program is short- Mr. Speaker, I implore my colleagues dress this. sighted and partisan. In the business to abandon this bill and instead work The Butch Lewis Act is a bill that world, we don’t call that problem-solv- with us so we can achieve forward- makes sure that those Americans re- ing. We call that another massive tax- looking solutions to protect workers ceive the wages that they earned. This payer giveaway. and prevent future insolvencies. is not a handout. These are deferred Taxpayers are not going to stand for Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, dreams, deferred wages that they said this. Not to my surprise, the Demo- I reserve the balance of my time. they will put aside during their active cratic solution is Big Government and Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. career so that they can live out the billions of dollars in new costs. Again, Speaker, I yield myself the remainder American Dream; those golden years, this bailout is an unserious policy. It of my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.090 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7327 Mr. Speaker, the bottom line is that employer retiree pensions and the Pension efits of millions of retirees, workers, and retirees and workers in multiemployer Benefit Guaranty Corporation. If you have their families. This innovative legislation union pension plans deserve better any questions, please feel free to contact me. would allow the Treasury to provide low-cost than a political statement disguised as Sincerely, loans to qualified underfunded multiem- NANCY A. LEAMOND, ployer pension plans. Under the legislation, a legislative proposal. Executive Vice President and the troubled plans would have up to thirty Advancing this highly flawed bill, Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer. years to prudently invest the loaned funds which has no chance of being passed in and would use the investment earnings to the Senate, will only result in delays AFL–CIO, pay retiree benefits, improve the plan’s fi- rather than solutions for workers and Washington, DC, July 22, 2019. nancial position, and pay interest on the retirees who are so rightfully con- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: The AFL–CIO is loan to the Treasury. At the end of the thir- cerned about the state of their pen- pleased that the ‘‘Rehabilitation for Multi- ty year period, the plan would pay back the employer Pensions Act’’ (H.R. 397) will be on loan in full. In order to be eligible for the sions. the House floor this week. We urge you to loan, the plan would have to demonstrate Mr. Speaker, the individuals in the support this bill, as it is the first step to- that the loan would enable the plan to re- unions did trust those in charge. They wards enactment of legislation to address main solvent, pay all retiree benefits and are not at fault for what has happened, our nation’s looming pension crisis. loan interest, and repay the loan principle but I urge all of my colleagues to join Absent federal action, the retirement in- when due. During the loan period, contrib- me in opposing H.R. 397, and I yield come security of over one million American uting employers would have to maintain back the balance of my time. workers, retirees, and their spouses across their contribution levels and the plan would the country will be in jeopardy because of Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, not be allowed to make any increases to re- the impending failure of their multiemployer tiree benefits. I yield myself the balance of my time. pension plans. By establishing a federal loan In the wake of the Multiemployer Pension Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD program for troubled plans meeting certain Reform Act of 2014, a brutal scheme to steal the following five letters in support: criteria, H.R. 397 reflects the fact that allow- the pension promises made to retirees, the AARP, AFL–CIO, International Asso- ing these plans to fail will have a dev- Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions ciation of Machinists and Aerospace astating impact not only on individual retir- Act provides a much needed correction and Workers, Service Employees Inter- ees and their families, but also on their com- remedy. This legislation will work to lift national Union, and the United Steel- munities and their employers. troubled multiemployer plans out of their fi- The working men and women whose retire- workers. nancial hole, while maintaining the financial ment income security is at risk have not for- integrity of the PBGC. Most importantly, AARP, gotten the 2008 record-setting federal rescue the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pen- Washington, DC, July 22, 2019. of Wall Street. Multiemployer pension plan sions Act provides a pathway to accom- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, participants and retirees are no less worthy plishing these venerable goals without steal- Speaker, House of Representatives, than the financial services firms who were ing from retirees, workers, and their fami- Washington, DC. the beneficiaries of the $700 billion Troubled lies. Hon. KEVIN MCCARTHY, Asset Relief Program. Moreover, unlike the The Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pen- Republican Leader, House of Representatives, Wall Street banks, they played no part in ei- sions Act is the only solution put forth to Washington, DC. ther the industry deregulation or financial date which appropriately and adequately ad- DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI AND LEADER MCCAR- crisis that weakened many multiemployer dresses the multiemployer pension crisis by THY: On behalf of our nearly 38 million mem- pension plans. providing a lifeline to plans in critical finan- bers nationwide and all Americans age 50 and Congress has the ability to avert the im- cial status while maintaining the integrity older, AARP is pleased to urge House pas- pending retirement security crisis if it acts of healthy multiemployer plans and the sage of H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation for Mul- expeditiously. The ‘‘Rehabilitation for Mul- PBGC without cutting the earned benefit tiemployer Pensions Act. This bipartisan tiemployer Pensions Act’’ is an important promises made to our nation’s retirees and legislation would help enable eligible multi- bill because it is the only legislation that, working families. employer pension plans to continue to pay thus far, offers a solution to that crisis. On For these reasons, I urge you to support earned pensions to retirees and fund their behalf of the AFL–CIO, I urge you to support this vitally important legislation and vote long-term pension commitments. it. ‘‘Yes’’ on H.R. 397, The Rehabilitation for Over ten million workers, retirees, and Sincerely, Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019. their families are counting on these earned WILLIAM SAMUEL, Thank you, retirement benefits for their retirement se- Director, Government Affairs Department. ROBERT MARTINEZ, Jr., curity. As part of the FY 2015 Omnibus Ap- International President. propriations Act, with almost no debate, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MA- Congress permitted underfunded multiem- CHINISTS AND AEROSPACE WORK- SEIU, ployer pension plans to cut the earned pen- ERS, Washington, DC, July 24, 2019. sions of current retirees. Congress’ action July 22, 2019. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the broke forty years of settled pension law and DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the two million members of the Service Employ- put hundreds of thousands of retirees at risk International Association of Machinists and ees International Union (SEIU), I write to of having their retirement benefits and fi- Aerospace Workers (IAM), I strongly urge urge you to support H.R. 397, the Rehabilita- nancial security undermined. Instead of cut- you to vote ‘‘Yes’’ on H.R. 397, The Rehabili- tion for Multiemployer Pensions Act. Im- ting earned pensions, Congress should in- tation for Multiemployer Pensions Act of proving the solvency of troubled multiem- stead enact reasonable solutions to help en- 2019. Commonly referred to as the ‘‘Butch ployer pension plans and the Pension Benefit able multiemployer pension plans to pay Lewis Act’’, this highly important and inno- Guaranty Corporation (‘‘PBGC’’) are the two earned benefits and fully fund their pension vative legislation would help save those mul- critical issues that need to be addressed, and plans over time. tiemployer pension plans which are finan- this legislation will accomplish that without We commend the bipartisan group of spon- cially-troubled while protecting the earned jeopardizing plans that are already solvent. sors on their bill’s proposed creation of a and vested benefits of current and future re- SEIU and its Locals sponsor 19 multiem- Pension Rehabilitation Administration, tirees. ployer pension plans covering over 800,000 re- within the Treasury Department, to provide The multiemployer pension system is on tired and active participants and their bene- low-cost loans to qualified underfunded mul- the brink of a real and disastrous crisis. ficiaries. The health of the multiemployer tiemployer pension plans. Plans would have While the majority of multi employer pen- retirement community is very important to up to thirty years to pay earned retiree ben- sion plans are financially sound, the PBGC our union, our members, and the employers efits, prudently invest the loan proceeds, and estimates that over 100 multiemployer pen- from the health and service industries which re-pay the loan. During the loan period, em- sion plans, covering more than a million par- participate in these funds. We support a re- ployers may not reduce contributions and ticipants, are in ‘‘critical and declining sta- silient multiemployer pension system that the plan may not increase promised benefits. tus’’ and will become insolvent within the provides continued retirement security to The plan must also demonstrate that receipt next twenty years. Currently, the only Fed- millions of American workers and their fam- of the loan will enable the plan to avoid in- eral assistance offered to these troubled ilies. solvency, pay benefits and loan interest, and plans comes from the PBGC and only after Fortunately, none of SEIU’s plans are clas- accumulate sufficient funds to repay the the plan has already failed. Given the num- sified as ‘‘critical and declining.’’ Neverthe- loan principal when due. ber of plans on the brink of failure, the less we have followed closely developments AARP urges passage of the Rehabilitation PBGC’ s multiemployer insurance program is in plans that are facing possible insolvency of Multiemployer Pensions Act to protect projected to become insolvent by 2025. as we believe that such a development would the hardearned pensions of retirees. We look The Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pen- cause serious harm to thousands of workers forward to working with Congress to enact sions Act of 2019 offers a real, proactive solu- and retirees, to employers, to the economy this important bill, as well as additional leg- tion which rehabilitates failing plans, bol- and to the multiemployer pension system as islation to adequately fund all earned multi- sters the PBGC, and protects the earned ben- a whole.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.092 H24JYPT1 H7328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 The loan program which the Rehabilita- We have also heard about process. time when they are often unable to re- tion for Multiemployer Pensions Act would Let me tell you about the process. We turn to the workforce. establish should maximize the chances that had 1 year of a select committee—no It is worth noting that we have not troubled plans avoid insolvency. Thousands arrived here because of malfeasance or of workers and retirees in these plans will be plan from the Republicans. This bill able to avoid devastating benefit cuts. Also, was introduced in January—no plan. corruption. These are forces of the the legislation would dramatically reduce We had a hearing in March—no plan. marketplace that have caused this dis- the expected liabilities of the PBGC and can We had a markup in June—no plan or tortion. save the PBGC’s insurance program for all amendment until shortly before the When I heard the gentleman from multiemployer plans. markup occurred. Then, instead of seri- South Dakota say earlier that this is a We thank you for your support for workers ously considering those amendments, bailout, this is not a bailout. This is a and their retirement security. backstop. Sincerely, they required us to read the whole bill. Do you know what a bailout is? It is MARY KAY HENRY, Mr. Speaker, we have a choice to International President. make. Members of Congress can con- the savings and loan crisis. That is a tinue to wring our hands and listen to bailout. UNITED STEELWORKERS, complaints while the catastrophe con- Do you know what a bailout is? Wall Pittsburgh, PA, July 24, 2019. tinues to unfold and unnecessarily adds Street. That is a bailout. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, hundreds of billions of dollars in costs Do you know what a bailout is? When Washington, DC. to the Federal budget, or we can act on Enron made sure that the people at the DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the 1.2 million active and retired members of the this bipartisan solution. top of the corporation kept their United Steelworkers, I urge you to pass H.R. The only bipartisan solution pending money and that the people at the bot- 397, the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer in Congress today is the Butch Lewis tom lost their pensions. That is a bail- Pensions Act. Otherwise known to most as Act. This bill addresses the immediate out. the ‘‘Butch-Lewis Act’’ scheduled for the crisis, protects hard-earned pensions, We are talking about a sensible plan. floor this week. The legislation will reassert protects many businesses from bank- As I have noted, I have worked for al- our nation’s commitment to millions of re- ruptcy, avoids misery, and saves the most 2 years to build within the De- tirees in the multi-employer pension system, partment of the Treasury an oppor- and ensure that they receive the benefits taxpayers money. they have earned without needless cuts to In fact, according to the CBO, this tunity for a super-administrator to pensioner incomes. bill, over 30 years, will cost less than help to nurse these plans back to good Pensions are one of the most secure forms $60 billion. Doing nothing over 30 years health. of long-term retirement if government, in- will cost $300 billion to over $400 bil- Rita Lewis is in this gallery today, dustry and workers operate in a cooperative lion. and she is a beneficiary of the Central manner to ensure long-term sustainability. Mr. Speaker, I am voting for the so- States Pension Plan, which is the larg- Unfortunately, small subsets of plans, bat- est of the underfunded multiemployer tered by federal deregulation, changing in- lution. I urge my colleagues to do the dustries, and unfair trade, have fallen into same to ensure that all workers can re- pension plans. decline. After a decade of effort by these pen- tire with stability and dignity. She and Butch Lewis did nothing sion plans to recover since the Great Reces- Mr. Speaker, I yield the balance of wrong. They played by the rules, pre- sion, the damage done by inadequate federal my time to the gentleman from Massa- cisely as we would ask people to do. policy could cause almost 1.5 million to lose chusetts (Mr. NEAL), and I ask unani- So then we hear that this is about their retirement and impact all of the 10 mil- mous consent that he may control that union bosses. Then we hear that this is lion participants who are enrolled in multi- time. about malfeasance. This is entirely employer pension plans. Representative Neal’s bipartisan legisla- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there about people who have been cir- tion is the guidepost to ensuring millions of objection to the request of the gen- cumspect in the manner in which they retired Americans receive the benefits they tleman from Virginia? have treated their pension plans. are promised. The legislation will create a There was no objection. She is looking at a significant cut in Pension Rehabilitation Administration Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- her pension after years of hard work under the Department of Treasury and per- self such time as I may consume. and when retirement is finally in sight. mit the sale of bonds to finance long-term, Mr. Speaker, I stand in support of Many workers and retirees have stories low-interest loans to troubled pension plans. H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation for Multi- very similar to Mrs. Lewis’. These are By shoring up critical and declining status pension plans, millions of retirees will be as- employer Pensions Act, commonly re- real people with a very real problem if sured of a continued secure retirement with- ferred to as the Butch Lewis Act. Congress doesn’t act. out forcing cuts to retiree benefits. Contrary to what you have heard, The American people sent us here to During the loan period, employers may not Mr. Speaker, this is a bipartisan bill. It address problems like multiemployer reduce contributions and the plan may not has Republican sponsors. PETER KING is pension plans, and the legislation be- increase promised benefits. The plan must about to speak next. At different inter- fore us today, despite what anybody demonstrate that receipt of the loan will en- vals, there have been up to 20 Repub- and everybody says, accomplishes that. able the plan to avoid insolvency, pay bene- licans who have signed on to this legis- It would give millions of workers and fits and loan interest, and accumulate suffi- cient funds to repay the loan principal when lation. retirees like those who have joined due. Providing federal oversight and access This addresses a real problem that, Mrs. Lewis in the gallery today the se- to capital, multi-employer pension funds will for 2 years, Congress has talked about curity and the retirement that they be able to manage the long-term commit- and not moved on. For 2 years, we have have worked and planned for in their ments to retirees which in turn will reduce worked on this. I sat on the special golden years. long-term government risk of default at the commission for 2 years. It became a de- The Butch Lewis Act would allow Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation bating society rather than an oppor- pension plans to borrow money they (PBGC). For these reasons, I urge you to pass H.R. tunity to act on a measured response need to remain solvent—borrow, em- 397, the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer to a crisis that is now pending that phasis on ‘‘borrow’’—and continue to Pensions Act. could be averted by the work that we provide retirement security for retirees Sincerely, undertake today. There are 200 bipar- and workers for decades to come while THOMAS M. CONWAY, tisan sponsors of this legislation in the plan is nursed back to health. International President. this House. Let me remind my colleagues: Plans Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Ten million Americans participate in that receive loans under this bill are when it comes to the multiemployer multiemployer plans, and about 1.3 subject to numerous requirements and crisis, the most expensive and harmful million of them are in plans that are ample oversight. They are not per- thing the Congress can do is nothing. quickly running out of money. And, mitted to increase benefits or to reduce Over the course of 4 years and multiple yes, we have a plan. contributions, and loan proceeds must hearings, including five hearings of a These are American workers who be invested in conservative invest- joint select committee, we have repeat- planned for their retirement. Now, ments, grade-A instruments. This is edly heard the need to address this after working for 30-plus years, they not a bailout. This is a loan program. issue. are facing financial uncertainty at a It is a commonsense solution. It is the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:49 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.039 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7329 private sector coming together with ious gimmicks some of these plans are They are Democrats. They are Re- public-sector opportunities to address allowed to use. publicans. They are Black. They are this crisis. Plans have to accurately measure White. They are people we rely on all Mr. Speaker, I will have more to say their pension promises in a way similar the time. They have done everything about it when I close, and I reserve the to insurance companies making those they have been asked to do. balance of my time. same promises. For example, I don’t Now, they are not high-paid CEOs. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- understand: Why are promises to They are not big bankers. They are or- bers are reminded to avoid references unions worth only one-third of the pen- dinary, day-to-day Americans, the peo- to occupants of the gallery. sion promises made to workers who are ple we claim to represent. And to allow Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I working for a single company? Aren’t them not to be taken care of, not to be yield myself such time as I may con- union workers just as important, and protected, that this ‘‘not be done to sume. aren’t those promises just as important me’’ just flies in the face of our oath of Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposi- for them as other workers? office. tion to H.R. 397, which is truly unfortu- Equally important, we have folks on We have an obligation to these men nate because I know the authors’ goals accountability. A promise is a promise, and women who have done so much for here are very well-intended. and companies need to be on the hook their country, and there is no example I have worked as a meatpacker; I for every pension promise they made to of malfeasance. We are not talking have worked as a sheet metal worker; their workers. And so, by the way, do about that. We are talking about and I have worked construction. I the trustees. changing economic conditions that know how hard these union families Why do we allow the same people to have affected these multiemployer pen- work, both for their wages and for operate the same way and leave the sion plans. That is the reality. Our their retirement. same union workers behind? What economy is moving fast, so there are It is why Republicans and Democrats sense does that make? people getting ahead. There are also And, finally, one of the reasons we agree we are in a multiemployer pen- people being left behind. oppose this bill is we need to prevent sion crisis. When there are over 1.3 mil- It is our duty to make sure that ev- the severely underfunded plans from eryone gets the opportunity to go for- lion workers covered by these union- digging themselves even deeper in the ward, that those who are entering their managed plans whose pensions are set hole under the guise of protecting golden years, who planned, did every- to be drained entirely over the next workers. We have to wall off the con- thing they had to do, were asked to do, decade, that is a crisis. These figures tributions that fund these new prom- were expected to do, that they not be only scratch the surface. If we are to ises that we know will be broken in- left out. look at the bigger picture of every stead of perpetuating what now is sort It is easy to look at some actuarial union-managed pension, less than half of a Ponzi scheme: Retirees are paid chart and put on the green eyeshade the promises made by trustees to these out of the contributions that are sup- and say: Well, this may cause this; this union workers are actually funded— posed to fund benefits to younger may cause that. less than half. workers. That is double counting, and In fact, even if we do that, to me, the To put it simply, there is $638 billion that is what gets people in trouble. economic loss by not protecting these promised to workers’ retirement that I believe our union workers deserve workers is far worse than whatever the is absolutely imaginary. That is wrong. better. The companies in these plans cost may be. And as Congressman NEAL This bill, I think, doubles down on deserve better. said, this is not a bailout. It is a back- the worst aspects of the pension sys- This bill doesn’t make these plans stop. It is doing what has to be done. tem that have these workers in a pick- more stable. It doesn’t end under- And, again, they are not high-priced le today. funding. It doesn’t make them secure CEOs. They are not looking for a free b 1745 for the long term. And our biggest ride. They are not trying to get a tax Congress has tried to kick the can worry as Republicans, it doesn’t solve reduction for their jet or anything like down the road before. In 2006, Congress the problem. So these same workers, that. They just want to get what they waived the required contributions for years down the road, are going to be in are entitled to, what they have earned, plans that said: We just can’t make the the same problem. We haven’t helped and what they played by the rules to contributions. them. get. I think our workers deserve better, So, again, as a Republican, I am And what happened? Things got which is why I strongly urge all my proud to stand for this and, also, for all worse for the workers. colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on this bill. Republicans in my district who are 2007, plans were $193 billion under- I give my commitment for the Ways proud Teamsters, proud union mem- funded. A couple years ago, it had tri- and Means Republicans to work with bers, as I was a union member. pled. They were three times worse off. you, Mr. Chairman, to find a real solu- Again, we should not be setting class PBGC—they are the Federal insurer tion. Our workers really do deserve against class, not talking about union of these plans—went from a deficit of this. bosses and union corruption. That stuff $739 million; their deficit increased Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of should have gone out in the 1930s. seventyfold. That is even worse for the my time. We are all Americans. They are hard- workers. Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 working Americans. They deserve to So rather than continuing the status minutes to the gentleman from New receive the protection that we, as quo in today’s partisan exercise—and York (Mr. KING), and I believe he is a Members of the Congress, can give just be honest. Having nine Repub- Republican demonstrating that this is them. licans does not make this a bipartisan a bipartisan piece of legislation. Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge support bill. And we already know, unfortu- Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, of this bill. nately, because it is one party, this bill I thank the chairman for yielding, and Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 is dead on arrival in the Senate. Demo- I address this to my Republican and minutes to the gentleman from Ari- crats acknowledge it. Republicans do. Democratic friends. zona (Mr. SCHWEIKERT), one of the key Even some of the unions do. I am the lead Republican sponsor of members of the Ways and Means Com- That is why I think a solution needs this bill and I am proud to be because, mittee. to happen this year, getting it to the as far as I am concerned, this bill pro- Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, I President’s desk so we say: Let’s find a tects and helps the men and women thank the gentleman from Texas (Mr. bipartisan solution to offer certainty, that we Republicans claim to care BRADY) for yielding. stability, and accountability and save about: hardworking, middle-income I may come to the microphone with a these union-managed plans. people who play by the rules. slightly different message, having been We ought to be working together to They are not looking for welfare. on the bipartisan multiemployer pen- ensure that the plans can make good They are not looking for a free ride. sion commission, having hundreds of on their promises to our union work- They have played by the rules. They staff-hours into digging into the num- ers. This means eliminating the var- are the backbone of our communities. bers and desperately trying to come up

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.093 H24JYPT1 H7330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 with an honest, holistic, complete solu- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Chair- of hardworking American taxpayers’ tion. man NEAL for working with me to pockets. They had no role to play in I fear we are about to do a level of vi- make this important change, and I this, and what we are saying is you are olence here financially that we don’t urge my colleagues to support this leg- going to have to bail them out. mean to. A previous Democrat speaker islation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in the previous testimony actually Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 time of the gentleman has expired. spoke about we need to do a lifeboat. minutes to the gentleman from Penn- Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I yield an If you do the math here, we are not sylvania (Mr. KELLY), a key member of additional 30 seconds to the gentleman. doing a lifeboat. We are putting a little the Ways and Means Committee, a bus- Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. life preserver out when we need a big inessperson, and who funds retirements Speaker, I want to fix this. I want to lifeboat. And the math—let’s be honest and know how hard these workers see it fixed, and I want to see every- about the math. If we actually come work. body in labor feel that all those genera- here, and I know this chart is too small Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. tional gains, all of that negotiation ac- to read, but I brought it up because we Speaker, I thank the chairman for tually meant something. have all seen the actuarial report that yielding. I think it is a shame when they look makes it very clear. Listen, I share the same concerns. I If we actually use anything even at, well, why isn’t it functioning the don’t think there is anybody I agree way we were told it was functioning close to what a union worker for a sin- with, probably, on 99 percent of what gle employer plan—the protection, the when we signed that contract? It we talk about than Mr. NEAL; and I wasn’t their fault. It certainly wasn’t rate of return, the net present value have been, for the last couple years, calculations they get—if we do that to the rest of America’s taxpayers. Some- trying to figure out how to fix this. thing failed, probably a lot more than these multiemployers, the vast major- If this would actually fix it, that ity of the multiemployer plans are in one instance’s worth. would be great. We look at this like it But today, we aren’t fixing this. We the red. is some type of a government program And we are, right now, about to fix are putting it across something that that hasn’t been run right; and Lord isn’t going to get through the Senate, an offer—whether you want to call it a knows, there is enough of those out bailout, whether you want to call it a and we are giving people false hope, there. This is a private plan. which I think is the worst thing we can subsidy, it is really expensive, and we We keep talking about union mem- are only taking care of a small portion do. Let’s not make promises we can’t bers, and I have to tell you, I live in a keep. of the problem. union town. I grew up with union mem- What are we about to do to all the Chairman NEAL, I would be glad to bers. I work with people. My dad was others, saying: Well, you were close to work with you any amount of time. the first Kelly to wear a white shirt to the cutoff; you are on your own? However we have to do it to get this work for crying out loud. Is that the type of cruelty you are fixed, it has to get fixed. But the question isn’t about union actually about to pass, telling every- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, might I one we took care of the problem when members being irresponsible. It is about union plans that just didn’t func- inquire as to how much time is remain- the vast majority of the workers in ing. these plans are on the other side of the tion the way they are supposed to. If I knew going out of here today and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- cliff? tleman from Massachusetts has 101⁄2 I beg of you, come back. We were so voting for this legislation would fix the problem, I would do it in a minute. But minutes remaining. The gentleman close in the commission work, and it 1 we know it is not going to. And then from Texas has 5 ⁄2 minutes. was painful. Everyone was going to be Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 mad at us, and it got a little too politi- we will have people who will clap and say, yes, they passed it. Well, we are minute to the gentleman from Oregon cally difficult. (Mr. BLUMENAUER). But there is a mathematical way to going in the right direction. And we know it is not going any further than Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I get there. And for once, can we use our thank the gentleman from Massachu- calculators to actually solve the prob- the floor of the House. Fixing the plan is paramount. Let’s setts (Mr. NEAL), and I appreciate his lem and be honest rather than the po- laser-like focus on this issue. litical rhetoric that is absolutely vacu- quit figuring out who we are going to We are hearing people in an alter- ous on the scale of this problem. put the blame on and figure out how we native universe. The problems that we Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 are going to fix it. are facing financially are not an issue minute to the gentlewoman from Flor- I am not saying it is anybody’s fault of mismanagement. It is the near col- ida (Mrs. MURPHY). on their own. But, collectively, you Mrs. MURPHY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in have got to look at, if I am a member lapse of the economy that plunged it support of the Butch Lewis Act. of a union, I am saying: So all those into a downward spiral and the fact Passage of this bill is vital to mil- things that I won at the bargaining that the deregulation by the Congress lions of Americans who have worked table, all that compensation I passed in the trucking industry meant that hard and played by the rules. That in- up, all those things that I could have there were many, many jobs that dis- cludes tens of thousands of workers asked for but didn’t because I was plan- appeared. Many plans were no longer and retirees who live in Florida and ning for the future, I found out that sustainable. hundreds of workers and retirees who the people who I entrusted my future But I find it rich to hear my friends reside in my Orlando area district. to weren’t capable of running the pro- on the other side of the aisle talk I want to highlight section 4(h) of the gram the right way. about fiscal conservatism and pro- bill, which was added at my request be- The program that we have at my tecting the taxpayer’s money. These tween committee markup and floor small business is okay. We are going to are the folks who passed a tax bill, consideration. This provision requires be able to meet our obligations. We without the benefit of a hearing, that the Pension Rehabilitation Adminis- have got to stop using taxpayer money added $2.3 trillion to the deficit. And tration to provide an annual report to to fix irresponsible decisions or actions they are ignoring the fact that, if we Congress on pension plans that have re- by people who didn’t—maybe they allow these plans to go over the edge, ceived a loan under this bill and that knew what they were doing; maybe it will cost five, six, eight times as are at risk of failing to repay interest they didn’t know what they were much money. or principal on that loan. Such a fail- doing. I am not blaming anybody. But Let’s get real here. ure would require Federal taxpayers to the real problem sits on our doorstep I appreciate the commitment that we absorb the cost of the loan. right now today. have, Mr. Chairman, to a bipartisan so- This provision to increase congres- And believe me, there is nothing easi- lution. There are people on the other sional oversight will maximize the er than loaning other people’s money side of the aisle who want to work on number of plans that repay their loans to somebody who needs it. I get that. that. This isn’t the last word. We have and minimize the financial burden on But the truth of the matter is every things to do, but this is, however, the Federal taxpayers. single penny we talk about comes out first step to get us there.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00084 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.096 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7331 b 1800 Mr. PASCRELL. At the Joint Select Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Committee on Solvency of Multiem- minute to the gentleman from Chicago, minute to the gentleman from Ne- ployer Pension Plans hearing last year, Illinois (Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS). braska (Mr. SMITH), one of the leaders my constituent Carol Podesta-Smallen Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. of our Tax Policy Subcommittee ef- said that her monthly benefits were on Speaker, I rise in strong support of the forts. the verge of being cut by 61 percent— Butch Lewis Act, and I do so because Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speak- read that—from $2,600 to $1,022. Imag- we are not talking about bailing out er, I agree we have a serious problem ine that loss. savings and loans. We are not talking with multiemployer pensions which ‘‘My biggest fear,’’ she told the com- about giving tax breaks to the wealthi- needs to be addressed. However, this mittee, ‘‘is losing my home’’ and ‘‘end- est 1 percent. bill, I believe, will actually set us back. ing up in a shelter.’’ We are talking about protecting the It does nothing to address the under- Thanks to the Butch Lewis Act, benefits of hardworking men and lying structural issues of these plans. which creates a unique public-private women who have worked for decades: It actually does nothing to protect partnership, 1.3 million working Amer- truck drivers, bakers, grocery clerks, younger workers, who will be asked to icans might not have to fear any coal miners, people who have given keep paying into a system which re- longer. their all to make sure that our commu- mains troubled. And it saddles tax- Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 nities continue to live and thrive. payers with liabilities which are un- minute to the gentleman from Kansas I commend Chairman NEAL and likely to be paid back, at a massive (Mr. ESTES), a member of the Ways and Chairman SCOTT, the Democratic lead- cost to taxpayers. Means Committee who, as a State ership, for bringing this bill to the Let me provide just one alarming ex- treasurer, has worked with these public floor. I urge that everybody vote for it. ample of how flawed this proposal is, pension programs. Vote for the men and women who which I also highlighted in our com- Mr. ESTES. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- have kept America strong. mittee markup. position to H.R. 397. Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I reserve Under this legislation, if a pension Protecting pensions and retirement the balance of my time. plan applies for a loan and the newly security for all Americans should be Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 created Pension Rehabilitation Admin- one area where Republicans and Demo- minute to the gentleman from New istration cannot make a determination crats can agree. It should be a top pri- York (Mr. HIGGINS). on that plan’s ability to repay in order ority in Congress. Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Mr. to approve or deny the loan within 90 As the gentleman from Virginia indi- Speaker, 10 years ago this Congress days, the loan would be automatically cated earlier, these plans need struc- saved the American economy by ex- deemed approved. tural reform. Sadly, this bill does not tending Federally secured low- or no- Taxpayers deserve timely responses include any. interest loans to the banking and in- from Treasury, but no reputable finan- H.R. 397 falls short of making any surance industries and the American cial institution would rubberstamp meaningful structural reforms to ad- automakers. In many cases, it was the loans like this. dress the problems of underfunding or reckless activity of those industries Pensioners and taxpayers both de- provide a method to pay back the that caused the economic crisis. serve better. Let’s work together to de- loans. Instead, H.R. 397 provides tax- And nothing for hardworking Amer- liver a real solution. payer-subsidized loans to multiem- ican families. Mr. Speaker, I certainly urge opposi- ployer pension plans that are insolvent In 2017, this Congress passed a 14 per- tion to this bill so that we can, to- or in danger of becoming insolvent. cent corporate tax cut, creating a $2 gether, focus on a better solution. This only throws out more taxpayer trillion debt, to many of the same in- Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 dollars while kicking the can down the dustries that almost destroyed the minute to the gentleman from New road. This is unacceptable. We can and American economy. Jersey (Mr. PASCRELL), the always eru- should do better. And, again, nothing for America’s dite Congressman. However, my colleagues on the other working families. Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, for side of the aisle have rushed this par- Today, more than 200 pension plans years, multiemployer pension plans of- tisan legislation to the House floor covering 1.5 million Americans are se- fered working-class Americans some- with almost zero Republican feedback riously in danger of failing. Working thing almost priceless: a nest egg for or amendments. families from Buffalo to Boston are their retirement. This security was Instead of a partisan bill with no threatened with their pensions and provided through collective bargaining chance of going anywhere, I believe we their retirement savings being ripped benefit plans. Workers put in their own should work together on serious bipar- away from them. hard-earned dollars—they did not fall tisan solutions to make the needed re- Mr. Speaker, the Butch Lewis Act, down on their obligations—for the forms so that we don’t get right back brought to the floor today under the promise of a safe and secure retire- in this situation again. leadership of Chairman ment. As Kansas State treasurer, we re- and BOBBY SCOTT, will provide stability Workers entered into a contract. You formed the public pension system. We and retirement security for millions of know what a contract is? should do that with this system as humble, hardworking Americans, and I Industry deregulation, the decrease well. urge its passage. in the unionized workforce after dec- As Kansas State Treasurer, I helped reform Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 ades of concerted political attacks, and the Kansas public pension program when it minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- the devastating—the other side had the was facing a financial crisis and set it on a fornia (Ms. JUDY CHU). House of Representatives for so many path to being solvent. Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. years in the last 20 years; they never In fact, when I was sworn-in as state treas- Speaker, I rise to offer my strong sup- even introduced a labor bill. What are urer, Kansas had the second worst funded port of the Butch Lewis Act. they talking about—bipartisan? pension in the nation. But thanks to reforms This bill would ensure that multiem- This means almost 200 multiem- we enacted, KPERS is now funded at 67% ployer pension plans can continue to ployer plans are projected to fail. Some and ranked 29th in the country. provide security to millions of retired of them are going to be in your dis- This was a big turnaround and is also the workers, everybody from the Team- trict, in your district. Plans are pro- same kind of leadership and action we need sters to the United Food and Commer- jected to fail, many within the next 10 now to preserve and protect pensions across cial Workers. years. Mr. Speaker, 1.3 million are at the country. Pension plans can be reformed This is particularly important for my risk. even after 2008 stockmarket decline. district in Los Angeles County, which The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Unfortunately, today’s bill does nothing to is home to thousands of actors, musi- time of the gentleman has expired. keep pensions solvent in the future. cians, and so many more creative pro- Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield the American workers and families deserve bet- fessionals. gentleman from New Jersey an addi- ter and I urge my colleagues to vote against But the American Federation of Mu- tional 30 seconds. this bill. sicians and Employers’ Pension Fund is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.098 H24JYPT1 H7332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 set to run out of money within 20 prescribed numbers of dollars for the author and leader is well intended be- years, putting their 50,000 members in purpose of enjoying a period of time in cause I know him. danger. In fact, it is tragic that this their lives that they have carefully I think this will actually delay Con- fund has been put in the position of ap- planned for. gress from making the progress we plying to the U.S. Treasury for a reduc- Now, let me draw attention to the really need to on this issue. tion in benefits, the benefits that these following. For 2 years we have worked So, today, after what will be a large- workers put in a lifetime of hard work on this legislation, and I know there ly partisan vote, we are going to be to earn. are men and women of goodwill on both forced to start over at step one. Instead, the Butch Lewis Act would sides who would like to find a solution. I just think union workers and their give pension funds like this loans for 30 But the truth is, this is the only plan families, who work incredibly hard years to help build up their funds, en- in town. This is the only plan that has every day, that promises to them suring that workers can keep the full been submitted, formally or infor- ought to be kept. And they demand benefits that they earned and counted mally, after 2 years of planning and better from us. on. work and an exhaustive 1 year of a spe- b 1815 Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues cial commission that came up with no To solve this issue, we have to work to vote for the Butch Lewis Act. solution to the multiemployer pension together to get to the root cause, Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 plan problem. which is that there are lower standards minute to the gentleman from New So, instead, we constructed, through and less accountability for these union- York (Mr. SUOZZI). a careful process, an opportunity where Mr. SUOZZI. Mr. Speaker, every everybody on the Ways and Means managed plans. That is why the prom- Democrat and every Republican in this Committee was heard. ises to union workers are worth a third House believes, or at least should be- I have been around long enough to what the promises are to workers in lieve, that if you are willing to go to have a special regard for the minority other plans. That isn’t right. This bill doesn’t take any steps to work every single day, you are willing in a legislative institution. They get to make these failing plans more stable. to work 40 or 50 hours a week, you are be heard. They get to offer amend- It won’t end underfunding. It doesn’t willing to work 48 or 50 weeks a year, ments. make them more solvent over time for you should have a decent life in Amer- They offered those amendments. their children, who are working, by the ica. Now, I was prepared to accept a couple way, in these same companies. That is the American Dream: If you of those amendments that I thought Families of these union workers are work hard, you make enough money so were actually pretty good, the provi- counting on these plans, and these you can find a place to live, you can sion being that I attached to that, to workers have put their trust in these educate your children, you can retire accept the amendment, they would trustees to make good on their prom- one day without being scared. have to vote for the legislation. ises. Too many failed, and too many And, right now, 1.3 million Ameri- So I hope—and despite what we are hearing, by the way, that this doesn’t are still failing. cans are scared that they are going to The truth is, we are in this crisis lose the retirement benefits that they have a chance in the Senate—— The SPEAKER pro tempore. The today because not all managers, by the negotiated for. way, did a bad job, but too many did. We have got to work together to try time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- They dramatically overpromised and and solve this problem on their behalf. self an additional 1 minute. underdelivered. Will we rely on the Chairman NEAL has stated he has The idea that we are hearing that same people who created this mess to been working on this for the past 2 this has no chance in the Senate, I dis- do the same thing to the same workers years. People say, ‘‘Oh, we have got to agree with that. I disagree with that they have already let down? work together. We have got to work to- profoundly. It is the workers we worry about the gether.’’ There is an opportunity, once this most. I have been on the factory floors Let’s do it already. This is your op- moves to the Senate, to at least have with these men and women. They are portunity to try and move together to something to negotiate with, the Butch good people. They care deeply about help hardworking people in America, to Lewis Act. providing for themselves and their save the American Dream for people And I think that there are men and families. They just want their promises that have put the time in, that have women, again, in the Senate who are kept. done the hard work, that have nego- prepared to act on this problem, large- What our union workers need is for tiated for their benefits. ly because the contagion from this plan Congress to come up with a long-term, It is time to protect these people. will eventually make its way and leach bipartisan solution now. We will need And it is time to stop saying we are into the PBGC. to start over, Republicans and Demo- going to work together; it is time to The head of the PBGC, while not en- crats working together to develop seri- work together now and pass the Butch dorsing this specific plan, said to me: ous bipartisan reforms. Lewis Act. Mr. Chairman, I am glad you are doing Again, I pledge to our chairman that Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- what you are doing because you are Republicans are eager to engage, if self 2 minutes. going to invite further opportunities to asked, to try to find this solution—for Mr. Speaker, we have heard repeat- address this problem, short of, in the the first time, if we are asked, to find edly during the course of this conversa- end, having to bail out the PBGC, a solution. tion and debate that somehow this is a which will happen if we don’t formally Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD bailout. address the measure that is in front of letters in opposition to the bill from I even heard one speaker reference us today. Heritage Action for America, Ameri- public pension plans. What has that got Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of cans for Tax Reform, and National to do with this? my time. Taxpayers Union. The subject in front of us today is Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- HERITAGE ACTION FOR AMERICA, the multiemployer pension plan sys- self such time as I may consume. July 23, 2019. tem that is under duress through no Look, it is not enough to do some- Hon. , fault of the individuals who were sup- thing. We have to do the right thing. Ranking Member, House Ways and Means Com- posed to receive the derived benefit on We know the Senate isn’t going to con- mittee, House of Representatives, Wash- a date certain based upon the contribu- sider this bill. They have told every- ington, DC. tion that they made. one. There is no one in the Senate pre- DEAR RANKING MEMBER BRADY: This week, the House is expected to consider H.R. 397, Instead, we find ourselves in a posi- dicting this bill will be taken up. tion where the argument has become the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pen- The White House certainly won’t sup- sions Act (previously known as the Butch- that somehow this is a bailout of spe- port it in its current form. But, like us, Lewis Act). The bill would essentially bail cial interests. they believe we need to find a solution. out over $600 billion in pension liabilities at This is a backstop of hardworking When all is said and done, I know taxpayer expense without making any re- men and women who have set aside this bill is well intended. I know the forms to ensure future shortfalls will be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00086 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.099 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7333 avoided. This bill would also set a dangerous mittee should therefore focus on minimizing Reform hopes that the committee will work precedent for other insolvent pensions, in- taxpayers’ burden and enacting serious re- to lessen the burden on taxpayers and will cluding the $6 trillion in unfunded pension li- form to prevent a future crisis from occur- pursue a solution that prevents a similar abilities currently held by state and local ring again. pension crisis from happening again. governments. Any proposal seeking to provide federal as- Thank you for your consideration. Politically, this is not an easy issue for sistance to multiemployer pensions should Onward, many offices. Every member wants to assure include the following reforms: GROVER G. NORQUIST, their constituents that he or she is doing ev- 1. Improved Solvency of the PBGC. The President, Americans for Tax Reform. erything possible to protect their retirement first priority should be ensuring the PBGC is capable of providing its intended level of in- security. But there are four important con- NATIONAL TAXPAYERS UNION, sured benefits to retirees. While the PBGC is siderations representatives should take into Washington, DC, July 23, 2019. not taxpayer funded, it is still an entity of account before voting on this bill: 1) Existing National Taxpayers Union urges all Rep- policies have allowed pensions shortfalls to the government and has failed to meet its obligations. Efforts at properly funding the resentatives to vote ‘‘NO’’ on H.R. 397, the grow uncontrollably and must be fixed before PBGC should focus upon raising standard Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions any other actions are taken; 2) Private sec- multiemployer premiums significantly to in- Act. This legislation would bail out failing tor workers were promised their pensions by crease PBGC revenues, requiring termi- private pension plans with few guardrails for their employers and their unions, not by fel- nation plans for insolvent plans and intro- taxpayers and cost at least $67 billion over low taxpayers or the government; 3) There ducing a standard PBGC eligibility age for the next decade. Congress should instead are alternative ways to ensure workers re- new individuals receiving PBGC benefits. An pursue legislation that tackles the multiem- ceive most or all of their pensions without a underfunded PBGC has contributed to this ployer pension plan (MPP) crisis in a pru- taxpayer bailout if action is taken quickly; crisis and increases the burden placed on dent, determined, patient and gradual way. 4) bailouts set dangerous precedents, create taxpayers, this problem must be addressed. NTU has noted before that the MPP crisis, moral hazard, and shield bad actors. 2. Accrual of new benefits should freeze which affects 1.5 million Americans, deserves Rather than bailing out multiemployer while switching employees to 401(k) plans. It attention from Congress. However, H.R. 397 pensions plans through costly loans that will is standard practice for single-employer pen- is a flawed piece of legislation. We wrote last never be paid back, lawmakers should make sion funds to immediately freeze accrual of month and in 2018 that, when it comes to them solvent by applying some of the tighter new benefits and switch employees to 401(k) MPPs, ‘‘[i]nfusions of cash from the Treas- rules that govern single-employer pensions plans when seeking assistance from the Pen- ury with few restrictions tend to charac- (which were 79% funded in 2015 vs. 43% for sion Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Multi- terize overreaction rather than corrective multiemployer), increasing PBGC premiums, employer pensions must be held to the same action.’’ Unfortunately, this is exactly what placing reasonable restrictions on growth as- standard. Despite approaching insolvency, H.R. 397 does, by providing 30–year loans to sumptions, and giving workers a buyout op- multiemployer pension plans continue to failing MPPs with few guardrails for tax- tion. promise benefits several times more gen- payer dollars. We believe that H.R. 397 will Allowing taxpayer dollars to flow to pri- erous than the typical employer contribu- hurt workers in the long run, by allowing vate pensions without even addressing the tion to 401(k)s. Almost two-thirds of con- plan sponsors to double down on unrealistic underlying causes of the shortfall is an irre- tributions made by multiemployer plans promises and assumptions. sponsible non-solution to a growing national simply cover newly earned benefits, an irra- H.R. 397 will also exacerbate the troubled problem. Heritage Action opposes this legis- tional amount for plans approaching insol- state of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- lation and urges all members of Congress to vency and seeking taxpayer aid. Halting ac- poration (PBGC), which is scheduled to reach oppose it. cruals will free up funds to pay current bene- insolvency during fiscal year (FY) 2025. Por- All the best, fits while new benefits will be more appro- tions of PBGC’s operations have appeared on GARRETT BESS, priately funded through both employer and the Government Accountability Office’s High Director of Government Relations, employee contributions. Risk List for over a decade, and H.R. 397 fails Heritage Action for America. 3. Multiemployer plans must be held to ap- to introduce real reforms to PBGC. propriate funding standards. Taxpayers Finally, we are alarmed by the Congres- AMERICANS FOR TAX REFORM, should not be on the hook for pensions tak- sional Budget Office (CBO) report that Washington, DC, November 1, 2018. ing on greater risk. Multiemployer pensions pegged the cost of H.R. 397 at more than $67 Re Multiemployer Pension Solvency. have been granted special funding rules that billion over the next decade. NTU must add, Hon. ORRIN HATCH, allow them to set lower employer contribu- though, that even this troubling CBO score Chairman, Joint Select Committee on Solvency tion levels and rely on higher returns than fails to account for the 30-year timeframe on of Multiemployer Pension Plans. U.S. Sen- comparative single-employer plans. For ex- the repayment of loans issued to failing ate, Washington, DC. ample, while single-employer plans are ex- MPPs. It is reasonable to assume that the 30- pected to resume full funding in seven years, Hon. SHERROD BROWN, year costs to taxpayers will be at least tens Co-Chairman, Joint Select Committee on Sol- multiemployer employer plans are given of billions of dollars more, and even greater vency of Multiemployer Pension Plans, U.S. thirty years to payoff unfunded liabilities. if MPPs fail to pay back the full principal Senate, Washington, DC. Allowing multiemployer plans this substan- and interest on Treasury Department loans. tially larger time period has allowed the DEAR CO-CHAIRMEN HATCH AND BROWN: As We have outlined more prudent reforms be- funding shortage to snowball. As several par- the Joint Select Committee on Multiem- fore: require PBGC to more fully embrace ticipating employers went bankrupt or with- ployer Pension Solvency considers proposals risk pricing and other management tools to drew over time, the remaining employers to address the multiemployer pension crisis safeguard against liability surprises in the were on the hook for guaranteeing the same we urge Congress to enact meaningful reform future; include a uniform, significant benefit investment returns to participants of these aimed at preventing the situation from reoc- reduction to show good faith in, the reform ‘‘orphaned plans.’’ curring and protecting taxpayers from future 4. Beneficiaries should be protected within effort; and require that loans be burden. This crisis has created uncertainty reason. Retirees should be granted protec- collateralized with real-world assets that en- for millions of American workers planning tion to their benefits, but that protection sure the loans will be entirely repaid over a their retirement and we appreciate the com- must be given within fiscally responsible term measured in years rather than decades. mittee’s attention to this issue. limits. 401(k) holders don’t receive a bailout We believe any of these reforms would The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation if their account drops, despite plans being present far better options to solving the (PBGC) currently estimates that there are funded by the employees themselves. Retir- MPP crisis than H.R. 397. 100 multiemployer pension plans in danger of ees under single-employee pensions don’t re- NTU strongly urges Representatives to op- insolvency if benefits are not reduced. The ceive unlimited PCGC protection despite pose H.R. 397, and instead work towards pru- Heritage Foundation assesses that multiem- more stringent funding rules. Beneficiaries dent, determined, patient and gradual solu- ployer pensions hold roughly $638 billion in of multiemployer plans shouldn’t receive tions to the MPP crisis that avoid putting unfunded pension promises with only 7 years special treatment from the government sim- taxpayers on the hook for multibillion-dollar before plans begin collapsing. Insolvency on ply because their union representatives over- bailouts. this widespread scale would likely bankrupt promised on returns. Perhaps most impor- Roll call votes on H.R. 397 will be included the PBGC, itself underfunded, as it is re- tantly, having taxpayers fully cover the loss in our annual Rating of Congress and a ‘‘no’’ quired by law to insure retirees’ benefits up for retirees will be a signal to employees vote will be considered the pro-taxpayer po- to $12,870 per year. that their union representatives successfully sition. While promises were made to participants advocated to protect them, when in reality Mr. BRADY. I am convinced we can in multiemployer plans, they were made by union leadership overpromised and under- find a solution. This isn’t the right private labor unions, not the government funded their pensions. To avoid a repeat sce- thing for our workers, but there is a and certainly not taxpayers. While the enor- nario, this situation must be recognized as a right way to help them. We are serious mity of the problem may make government pension crisis, not business as usual with a intervention a political inevitability, tax- taxpayer safety net. about making that happen. payers have no direct responsibility to inter- As the Joint Committee continues to con- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance vene. Any action considered by the com- sider a potential solution, Americans for Tax of my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:35 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.041 H24JYPT1 H7334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, might I in- The Butch Lewis Act will provide the eco- a bailout of our private financial insti- quire as to how much time is remain- nomic security this body ripped out from under tutions. Nevertheless, that decision ing. millions of hardworking Americans. was made, and now one bailout is being The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Across our country, 1.3 million workers and used to justify another. If we believe tleman from Massachusetts has 1 retirees face serious and significant threat of Congress should be in the business of minute remaining. cuts to their hard earned multiemployer pen- bailing out privately negotiated, col- Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- sion plans, through no fault of their own. Sev- lectively bargained benefit arrange- self the balance of my time. eral of these plans are large enough to take ments of private employers, we should Mr. Speaker, this has been edifying. down the entire Pension Benefit Guarantee do so using the same terms as TARP. There has been an opportunity here for Corporation, threatening the guaranteed secu- A key feature of TARP was the Cap- a full discussion about this impending rity of 10 million Americans. ital Purchase Program, which provided problem that threatens the Pension I have heard the message time and again capital to finance institutions by pur- Benefit Guaranty Corporation. This is from retirees in my district and across this na- chasing senior preferred shares. My an acknowledgment of the threat that tion: they worked for decades to earn these amendment would set the interest rate is before us. of loans authorized under this bill to There is one thing that we have in pensions. Now they are too old, or their health too unstable, to return to the workforce. The the same rate that senior preferred common today. Nobody doubts the stock dividends paid under TARP’s gravity of the situation that is in front stress and anxiety are sapping their will. Some have taken their own lives. Capital Purchase Program. If these of us. Nobody doubts just how serious terms were good enough for the TARP this is for financial markets going for- The Butch Lewis Act will provide much needed and long-overdue relief. bailout, they should be good enough for ward if we don’t address this issue, the bailout offered by this bill. given the contagion that I referenced The Butch Lewis Act keeps the promises made to retirees. It guarantees pension bene- The majority refuses to accept the earlier that is likely to occur in other outrageous risk associated with mak- pension plans across the country if we fits they have earned into the future. It does so by allowing troubled pension plans to bor- ing loans in these plans. Instead, this don’t address this issue forthwith. bill offers low-interest loans to mas- When I hear people say we want to do row the money needed to remain solvent in sively underfunded, failing pension this in a spirit of bipartisanship, when? 30-year, low interest loans. The plan will plans and allows loan principal forgive- For 2 years, we talked about this, and repay. ness if the plans can’t be repaid. This is finally, there is a plan that the House Pensions-have afforded millions of middle- unbelievable. This proves the majority is about to vote on in the next few min- class Americans the opportunity to enjoy their has no belief that the loans will ever be utes. I am ever so hopeful and opti- golden years with economic peace of mind. repaid and is simply looking to gift mistic that we, in fact, are going to be Let us restore this peace with swift and just hundreds of billions of dollars of tax- able to see the opportunity to pass this passage of the Butch Lewis Act. payer funds to these failing pension legislation and get it over to the Sen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time ate. for debate on the bill has expired. plans. What about the retirement plans af- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. DAVID P. fected during the same time? What are of my time. ROE OF TENNESSEE we going to bail out next? Are we going Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. to continue having the Federal Govern- today to support the bipartisan bill H.R. 397, Speaker, I have an amendment at the ment come along and throw money at the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions desk. badly managed investments? Act. This bill would allow pension plans to get The SPEAKER pro tempore. The back on their feet and ensure retirees receive If we do make these loans, the gov- Clerk will designate the amendment. ernment shouldn’t just throw the their promised benefits. The text of the amendment is as fol- We must act quickly to ensure that Ameri- money at a problem without some lows: guardrails. With TARP, banks were not cans who contributed to their multiemployer Amend section 4(b)(2) to read as follows: pension plans will not have their financial se- given low-interest loans over 30 years (2) INTEREST RATE.—Loans made under sub- and told it really doesn’t matter if curity at risk. That is why I am proud to co- section (a) shall have an interest rate of 5 sponsor H.R. 397. This bill provides financial percent for each of the first 5 years and 9 they repay them or not, that we will assistance to financially troubled multiem- percent thereafter. forgive them anyway. In fact, those loans were repaid, and the government ployer defined benefit pension plans covering The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- about 10 million, mostly working-class, Ameri- made money doing that. ant to House Resolution 509, the gen- Mr. Speaker, having said that, I cans across the country. tleman from Tennessee (Mr. DAVID P. The financial assistance provide by the bill served as chairman of the Health, Em- ROE) and a Member opposed each will ployment, Labor, and Pension Sub- consists of loans with a 30-year repayment control 5 minutes. term. Multiemployer pension plans are collec- committee for 6 years. I worked on the The Chair recognizes the gentleman bill with Chairman Kline and Ranking tively bargained pension plans covering em- from Tennessee. ployees with two or more employers. Retirees, Member MILLER to help solve this prob- Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. lem. It is a huge problem. workers and their families, who rely on these Speaker, I yield myself such time as I plans are losing benefits earned over a life- My father was a union member who may consume. time of work through no fault of their own. lost his job 30 years after World War II, One talking point that I have heard a As an example, the Central States Pension so I have been down that road with my Fund in my district has 10 employers covering lot from my friends across the aisle in own family. more than 1,500 participants. Some of the top support of this bill is that Congress has I am willing to work across the aisle. employers using Central States Pension Fund already bailed out our Nation’s finan- As Mr. NEAL stated, I was on that com- are YRC Inc., ABF Freights Systems, Penske cial institutions so we should bail out mittee that didn’t do anything. I am Truck Leasing Co., DHL Express, and Air Ex- the pension plans. willing now to work on this. press International. Without this financial as- While I don’t agree with that senti- This bill, I disagree with him, is not sistance, pensions of truck drivers, elec- ment, if that is the argument, then we going anywhere. The PBGC chairman tricians, ironworkers, bakers, and many more should treat these bailouts the same. today said that we should work in a bi- would continue to be cut significantly—putting Using this logic, my amendment would partisan way, and I am sitting here their families’ financial security and future at set the loan interest rates in the bill at today telling the gentleman that I am risk. 5 percent for the first 5 years and 9 per- willing to do that. I have been willing Mr. Speaker, the growing number of families cent after that, the same rate given to to for the past 6 years. We did pass that in our country relying on their pension plans is banks under the Troubled Asset Relief bill back about 4 years ago, which will growing and can no longer go unnoticed. We Program. help with the plans, so I am willing to now have an opportunity to help these families While I wasn’t in Congress at the do that. This plan is not it. protect their financial security. time TARP was passed, the situation I urge support of my amendment, and Mr. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, it is with great we are in today, considering a union I yield back the balance of my time. pleasure today that I rise in support of strong, pension bailout, is the best evidence of Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, bipartisan passage of the Butch Lewis Act. why we shouldn’t have interfered with I rise in opposition to the amendment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.102 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7335 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. sions, including Rita’s survivor bene- vive without responsible financial as- GARCI´A of Illinois). The gentleman is fits. sistance. Consequently, we recommend recognized for 5 minutes. As Rita testified before Congress: long-term, low-interest loans that will Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, ‘‘This pension was not a gift. He protect taxpayers from financial liabil- I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman worked hard for every penny of that ity.’’ from California (Ms. PELOSI), the dis- pension. He gave up wages and vaca- These business groups recognize that tinguished Speaker of the House of tion pay and other benefits . . . so I doing nothing is more expensive to tax- Representatives. would be taken care of if something payers than the provisions of this bill Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank happened to him.’’ and a low-interest loan. the gentleman for yielding. I thank Now that pension risks being slashed him for his leadership on behalf of to the core. b 1830 America’s working families, and I Workers, retirees, and survivors like thank him for his role in bringing this Sam, Kenneth, and Rita are forgoing The amendment before us mandates important legislation to the floor. much-needed medicines, or working the interest rate to be 5 percent for the I thank Chairman NEAL as well for into their eighties for more income, first 5 years and 9 percent thereafter. his chairmanship of the Ways and and are being robbed of their benefits This is not a low-interest loan in to- Means Committee, so essential in our that they need to help out their fami- day’s environment where a 30-year being able today to come to respect the lies. Treasury security rate is 2.6 percent. work of America’s workers. Not Rita. She is not working into her Raising the interest rates to the lev- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the eighties. els prescribed by my friend from Ten- legislation and in opposition to the We must act now. We will swiftly nessee would entirely subvert the loan amendment. Again, this is about the fi- pass this bill to honor workers’ dig- program. Nobody would apply, and nancial security and future of Amer- nity, support their families, and pro- those who did apply would have to rep- ica’s workers. tect their futures. resent an earnings rate that would not Our House Democratic majority was We must always remember that the be realistic. elected to fight for the people. Today, middle class is the backbone of our de- This amendment would increase loan as we pass the Butch Lewis bill that is mocracy, and our workers are the defaults, and its effect, whether in- bipartisan, that has bipartisan support, strength of that middle class. In fact, I tended or not, would doom the loan that is exactly what we are doing. do believe that the middle class has a program before it starts. Therefore, The Butch Lewis Act delivers justice union label on it. Mr. Speaker, I would recommend that for 1.3 million workers and retirees fac- In the coming months, the House will we reject the amendment. ing devastating cuts to pensions earned continue to build on this progress, Before I yield back, I want to say over a lifetime of work. It protects the passing future legislation on behalf of that the gentleman from Tennessee financial security of families, ensuring working families. Our majority is for and I disagree on this amendment and workers have the benefits they have the people, and we will work relent- the underlying bill, but I appreciate his earned and need to provide for spouses, lessly to restore a government that leadership and expertise. We served on children, and grandchildren. It honors works for the people’s interest, not the the Joint Select Committee last year, the sacred pension promise in America, special interests. and we agree that something needs to that if you work hard, you deserve the I urge a strong bipartisan vote to be done because we have a crisis. So I dignity of a secure retirement. protect the pensions of workers and re- look forward to working with him and Sadly, years of relentless special in- tirees, and I urge Senator MCCONNELL his colleague from Tennessee, the terest agendas have put that promise to immediately take up this bill so Chair of the Senate Health, Education, in peril. Unchecked recklessness on that we can send it to the President’s Labor, and Pensions Committee, Mr. Wall Street ignited a financial melt- desk and give comfort to so many fami- ALEXANDER, as this process moves for- down that dealt a devastating blow to lies in America. ward. multiemployer pension plans while Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Now, I want to remind everybody, if dangerous deregulation and relentless I yield myself the balance of my time. we do nothing, over a million hard- attacks against unions have eaten Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to working Americans will lose their pen- away at these plans’ health. the amendment. The intent of this bill sions, businesses will go bankrupt, and If we do not act, the pensions of is to keep loan interest rates as low as the Federal Government will unneces- many workers and retirees will be cut possible for two reasons, to get finan- sarily spend hundreds of billions of dol- to the bone, and the financial security cially distressed plans back on their lars. and futures of their families and com- feet and to maximize the chance of full This amendment will not help. It will munities will be thrown into jeopardy. repayment of the loan. actually make matters worse, and, Workers are the backbone of our Na- CBO estimates that, under the provi- therefore, we should defeat the amend- tion, and we cannot accept a single sions of the bill, the cost of the loans, ment and then pass the bill. penny to be cut from their pensions. after some defaults, will cost less than Congress has a responsibility to do $60 billion over 30 years, much less Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance right by hardworking Americans. than the hundreds of billions of dollars of my time. We have a responsibility to Ameri- if we do nothing. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cans like Sam, a retired coal miner This bill specifies an interest rate to ant to the rule, the previous question from southwest Virginia who has sec- be around the 30-year U.S. Treasury se- is ordered on the bill, as amended, and ond-stage black lung and relies on a curities rate with a 20 basis-point in- on the amendment offered by the gen- $475 a month pension to pay for his crease to cover costs of administration. tleman from Tennessee (Mr. DAVID P. healthcare because he has been denied For those plans that elect to repay the ROE). Federal black lung benefits. loan principal on an accelerated sched- The question is on the amendment We have a responsibility to Ameri- ule, there is an incentive of a 50 basis- offered by the gentleman from Ten- cans like Kenneth from Wisconsin, who point reduction in the interest rate. nessee (Mr. DAVID P. ROE). needs his pension to provide for his five The bottom line here is that this is The question was taken; and the children, nine grandkids, and, until re- not a program from which the Federal Speaker pro tempore announced that cently, his beloved wife, Beverly, who Government intends to make a profit. the noes appeared to have it. he just lost to cancer. Yet, his pension The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, faces a 55 percent cut. Business Roundtable, and many em- I demand a recorded vote. We have a responsibility to Ameri- ployer organizations have not endorsed The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cans like Rita Lewis, who is here with the bill. However, they did send a let- ant to clause 6 of rule XVIII, further us today, wife to Butch Lewis, this ter last year that said: ‘‘The financial proceedings on the amendment offered bill’s namesake, who so heroically and demographic circumstances of cer- by the gentleman from Tennessee will fought until his death to protect pen- tain plans will not allow them to sur- be postponed.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.104 H24JYPT1 H7336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 HUMANITARIAN STANDARDS FOR Lack of access to showers, func- sis and actually fix our laws, the Dem- INDIVIDUALS IN CUSTOMS AND tioning toilets, and basic personal hy- ocrat majority has done nothing except BORDER PROTECTION CUSTODY giene products; stand by, at first denying that there ACT Flu outbreaks, lice infestations, and was a crisis, and then watching as a GENERAL LEAVE other conditions that threaten the chaotic and dangerous situation devel- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I ask health and safety of everyone who is oped. unanimous consent that all Members exposed to them. The administration repeatedly have 5 legislative days in which to re- Mr. Chairman, I will include in the warned us that the unprecedented mi- vise and extend their remarks and in- RECORD a copy of the report submitted grant flow was overwhelming the gov- sert extraneous material on H.R. 3239, by the inspector general of the Depart- ernment’s ability to adequately re- the Humanitarian Standards for Indi- ment of Homeland Security on the sit- spond and that the facilities were over- viduals in Customs and Border Protec- uation at the border. crowded because they were not de- tion Custody Act. The situation is so dire that no less signed as long-term holding facilities. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. HIG- than three children and seven other in- Yet the Democrat majority brought GINS of New York). Is there objection dividuals have died in CBP custody so forth no legislation to fix the problems. to the request of the gentlewoman far this fiscal year. By comparison, not Instead, they passed the Dream Act, a from California? a single child died in CBP custody in bill which will only incentivize more il- There was no objection. the previous decade. legal immigration. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Although the administration asserts So, aside from the Dream Act, what ant to House Resolution 509 and rule that these conditions are the inevitable is the majority’s next idea? H.R. 3239, XVIII, the Chair declares the House in result of the increase in the number of the Humanitarian Standards for Indi- the Committee of the Whole House on people seeking protection at our bor- viduals in Customs and Border Protec- the state of the Union for the consider- der, it is not just the numbers that are tion Custody Act, a bill that will not ation of the bill, H.R. 3239. the problem. It is the administration’s solve the border crisis and, in fact, will The Chair appoints the gentleman mission to deter migration through make the crisis worse. from California (Mr. CARBAJAL) to pre- heavy-handed enforcement and its H.R. 3239 does nothing to address the side over the Committee of the Whole. steadfast refusal to address the crisis root causes of this crisis: b 1836 competently that has gotten us where It does nothing to address the push- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE we are today. and-pull factors that drive illegal im- Accordingly, the House resolved H.R. 3239 will literally save lives by migration, including loopholes in our itself into the Committee of the Whole restoring order and basic standards in own laws; House on the state of the Union for the the processing of immigrants at the It does nothing to fix the Flores set- consideration of the bill (H.R. 3239) to border. tlement agreement’s guarantee of require U.S. Customs and Border Pro- H.R. 3239 requires CBP to ensure that catch and release for almost all family tection to perform an initial health all individuals arriving at our border units; screening on detainees, and for other receive a basic health screening, and It does nothing to fix the provision in purposes, with Mr. CARBAJAL in the the bill also requires other emergency the Trafficking Victims Protection Re- chair. care professionals to be available at authorization Act that prevents the The Clerk read the title of the bill. least by phone so that, if a life-threat- safe repatriation of children from non- The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the ening situation arises, it can be ad- contiguous countries; bill is considered read the first time. dressed quickly instead of hours later It does not introduce reasonable re- General debate shall not exceed 1 when it is too late. forms to our asylum laws. Instead, it hour equally divided and controlled by H.R. 3239 would also prohibit over- imposes onerous and burdensome re- the chair and ranking minority mem- crowding and requires migrants to quirements on the hundreds of CBP fa- ber of the Committee on the Judiciary. have access to showers, basic hygiene cilities at a time when the government The gentlewoman from California products, and clean clothing so they is already overwhelmed. (Ms. LOFGREN) and the gentleman from are not forced to sit in clothing soiled Of course, CBP should always strive Florida (Mr. STEUBE) each will control from dirt and sweat for weeks and days to comply with their custodial care 30 minutes. at a time. Detainees would have access The Chair recognizes the gentle- standards, and I know that the men to water and standard age-appropriate and women of CBP are treating mi- woman from California. diets comprised of food that follows ap- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chairman, I yield grants with respect. But H.R. 3239 does plicable safety standards. not address the root causes of the con- myself such time as I may consume. My colleagues across the aisle have Mr. Chair, I rise in support of H.R. ditions at CBP facilities: that ICE and claimed that H.R. 3239 is unworkable 3239, the Humanitarian Standards for HHS do not have enough space avail- Individuals in Customs and Border Pro- because CBP lacks the funding to im- able to take custody of these individ- tection Custody Act, a bill that will ad- plement it, but just a few weeks ago uals. dress an important piece of the human- Congress passed a $4.6 billion spending The bill does not increase funding for itarian crisis at the border, ensuring measure to send emergency funding to ICE detention beds to ensure single the delivery of basic standards of care the border. The Trump administration adults do not have to be in CBP cus- for individuals who are detained in has yet to prove that it can put this tody beyond 72 hours. It does not fund CBP custody. money to good use and treat arriving additional permanent HHS shelter ca- Many of us, including myself, have migrants competently. H.R. 3239 would pacity for unaccompanied children. traveled to our southern border over do just that. Instead, in the midst of a chaotic sit- the past couple of months and wit- I would like to commend our col- uation, H.R. 3239 imposes extensive nessed firsthand the effects of the situ- league, Representative and Dr. RAUL medical screening, medical care, and ation that continues to unfold. No one RUIZ, for his efforts in moving this bill facilities requirements on to CBP that who has made that journey has not forward and for his commitment to en- are, in many cases, simply unworkable. been deeply moved by the severe over- suring the dignity and safety of those This bill’s onerous requirements sig- crowding and inhumane conditions at seeking protection in our country. nificantly impact CBP’s mission and some CBP facilities. I urge all of my colleagues to support ignore the reality that CBP is con- If you have not observed these condi- the Humanitarian Standards for Indi- fronting an influx of migrants that has tions in person, you have undoubtedly viduals in CBP Custody Act, and I re- overwhelmed the system and caused a seen pictures or read the latest DHS in- serve the balance of my time. crisis. spector general report and know how Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chair, I yield my- serious this situation is: self such time as I may consume, and Families, children, and single adults rise in opposition to the bill. b 1845 housed outside or in severely over- Despite months of opportunities for H.R. 3239 requires a fully documented crowded cells; Congress to intervene in the border cri- medical screening of each and every

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.107 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7337 person entering CBP custody, to in- H.R. 3239 will also weaken border se- crease in mandatory spending. Instead, clude a full physical exam, risk assess- curity at a time when we should be en- it provides the blueprint for how CBP ment, interview, medical intake ques- hancing CBP’s ability to respond to the should use its current budget and the tionnaire, and taking of all vital signs. surge. $4.6 billion in emergency funding we re- In addition, the bill requires CBP to The bill would limit CBP’s ability to cently passed to address the humani- require additional follow-up medical house migrants that come during a tarian crisis. care, including psychological and men- surge, while simultaneously limiting Second, the myth that my bill will tal health care. the number of people that could be make it more difficult for CBP to pre- The bill even requires that CBP shall housed in existing CBP processing fa- vent human trafficking. have onsite, to the extent practicable, cilities, yet CBP cannot simply process My bill specifically allows for CBP to in addition to the medical profes- those individuals out to ICE custody, separate a child from an adult if ‘‘ . . . sionals employed to conduct the initial because, again, H.R. 3239 does not fund such an arrangement poses safety or medical screenings, ‘‘ . . . licensed any additional ICE detention beds. security concerns . . . ’’, such as in in- emergency care professionals, specialty The practical effects of H.R. 3239 are stances of suspected human traf- physicians (including physicians spe- simply more catch-and-release. ficking. cializing in pediatrics, family medi- The majority has made no secret Furthermore, my bill requires CBP cine, obstetrics and gynecology, geri- that CBP will be forced to release even personnel to receive training on indica- atric medicine, internal medicine, and more people into the United States. tors of child sexual exploitation and infectious diseases), nurse practi- This is not a design flaw; it is a feature abuse. tioners, other nurses, physician assist- of the bill. Third, the myth that my bill requires ants, licensed social workers, mental H.R. 3239 also increases the incentive medical specialists onsite at all times. health professionals, public health pro- That is simply not true. It is simply to exploit children to gain entry into fessionals, dieticians, interpreters, and false. the United States. Smugglers know mi- chaperones.’’ If it is impracticable to My bill only requires a licensed grants will be released into the U.S. in- have them onsite, CBP must have them health provider like a nurse, a physi- on call. terior if they bring a child, because of cian assistant, an EMT, or paramedic May I remind you that our own vet- a legal loophole created by the Flores to conduct health screenings, and it erans do not have access to the same settlement agreement preventing those empowers CBP to call an emergency list of healthcare specialists at an ini- family units from being detained for a care provider to help with emergency tial request at their clinics. sufficient amount of time to complete triage decisions. That is it. And those I offered an amendment that was not their immigrant court proceedings. emergency care providers can include made in order that stated that this bill DHS continues to see adults fraudu- those specialists, but it doesn’t require would not go into effect until the VA lently posing as a parent. This loophole them, all of them, to be on call at all confirms that medical care that meets is exploited by smugglers and human times or to be onsite. the standards listed in this bill for de- traffickers on a daily basis, as children Finally, the myth that my bill is too tainees is made available to every vet- are being rented and purchased like cumbersome for CBP and will distract eran seeking medical care at a facility chattel. agents from safety and security con- of the Department of Veterans Affairs. H.R. 3239 broadens this loophole even cerns. CBP personnel should be interdicting further, extending it beyond parents to One, CBP agents want the assistance narcotics, preventing illegal immigra- any adult relative of a child. The in- in my bill because it provides them tion, stopping child trafficking, and fa- centive to bring a child will be even with humanitarian and health assist- cilitating lawful trade and travel, yet greater, and human traffickers would ance to free up their time to focus on H.R. 3239 would have them, instead, now be able to pose as a child’s distant safety and security issues; therefore, setting up full-service hospitals at hun- relative to evade detection and take my bill will make our country safer. dreds of facilities. advantage of the Flores loophole. And, two—look, I was an early re- The requirements of H.R. 3239 apply CBP is already confronting a crisis sponder after the Haiti earthquake and not only to border patrol stations, but that is worsening by Congressional in- medical director for the largest inter- also to ports of entry, including land, action to fix the loopholes in our laws nally-displaced camp in Haiti. sea, and air ports of entry, check- that fuel illegal immigration. Congress If nonprofits can meet the humani- points, forward operating bases, and shouldn’t make the crisis worse by tarian standards in this bill in the secondary inspection areas. passing H.R. 3239. worst circumstances in the poorest As if the current crisis weren’t Mr. Chair, I oppose the bill and urge country in the Western Hemisphere, enough of a challenge, the bill requires my colleagues to do the same. I reserve then we can meet them in the greatest updates to hundreds of CBP facilities, the balance of my time. requisition of personnel and equip- country known to man. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chairman, I yield So here is what my bill actually does. ment, and training for all CBP per- 5 minutes to the gentleman from Cali- It creates a simple health triage sys- sonnel at covered facilities, all at an fornia (Mr. RUIZ), my colleague and the tem and basic humanitarian public immense cost. author of the bill. May I mention again, I offered an health standards. Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Chair, I thank Chair amendment that would require the It ensures that every individual in LOFGREN for her leadership on address- DHS Secretary to also report on the CBP custody receives a health screen- ing the humanitarian crisis at our bor- cost of implementation of this legisla- ing to triage for acute conditions and tion. der. high-risk vulnerability, something that My amendment would have also de- I rise in support of H.R. 3239, the Hu- is easy to do. And, no, you don’t need layed the 6-month implementation re- manitarian Standards for Individuals a full physical exam. You are just quirement if Congress does not appro- in Customs and Border Protection Cus- triaging. You need vital signs and a priate sufficient funds to carry out the tody Act. cursory physical exam. In fact, for requirements of this bill, yet H.R. 3239 My legislation is meant to prevent most people, it would take less than 5 does not authorize any appropriations. children from dying at the border, and minutes to perform. The requirements apply to facilities promote a professional, humane way to It ensures that every individual in no matter the size, the location, or treat children and families under the CBP custody receives a health screen- even the amount of traffic. So it ap- custody, and therefore, the responsi- ing to triage for acute conditions and plies equally to a very busy airport, bility of CBP. But before I explain my high-risk vulnerabilities so people processing millions of passengers a bill’s American-values-based, humani- don’t die under the responsibility of year, just as it would to an extremely tarian, public health approach, I want CBP. remote port of entry or to an isolated to refute a few myths. It ensures that an emergency care checkpoint. First, the myth that this bill costs provider is on call to pick up the phone Under this bill, there could be more too much. and help make triage decisions for life- medical personnel working at the facil- My bill will not raise the deficit one threatening medical emergencies. That ity than aliens on any given day. penny and does not require any in- is it. That is all we are asking for.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.109 H24JYPT1 H7338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 My bill also prioritizes high-risk pop- So this bill absolutely requires that end the humanitarian crisis at the ulations, the most vulnerable to severe all of these specialty physicians are southern border. illnesses and dying, to receive a health available either onsite or within 30 Mr. Chairman, I urge all of my col- screening within 6 hours, including minutes or closer to being able to be at leagues to join me in supporting H.R. children, pregnant women, and the el- the location, any of these CBP loca- 3239. derly. tions, and they have to be provided this Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chairman, I re- My bill requires very basic and nec- healthcare within 12 hours of mani- serve the balance of my time. essary things like toothbrushes and festing themselves at these facilities. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chairman, I yield diapers. Right now our veterans don’t have 1 minute to the gentlewoman from It includes nutrition standards to access to this healthcare that is en- California (Ms. LEE), my colleague. make sure that infants have formula sured in this bill for illegal immigrants Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Chairman, and babies have baby food. How hard is coming into our country. If you go to a I thank the chairwoman for yielding that? clinic at a VA facility, they don’t have and for her tremendous leadership. In terms of shelter, my bill will en- specialty physicians. You have to wait Mr. Chairman, I rise today in strong sure that people are no longer packed 30 to 60, maybe 90 days to get an ap- support of H.R. 3239, the Humanitarian and piled on top of each other; that the pointment with a specialty physician Standards for Individuals in Customs temperature is not too cold, weakening in order to get the care that that vet- and Border Protection Custody Act. a child’s immune system; and that tod- eran wants or needs, not 12 hours. I thank Dr. for bringing dlers don’t have to sleep on a cold con- So we are providing through this bill his medical expertise to this body and crete floor. better healthcare opportunities for il- introducing this bill to bring some hu- Finally, my bill addresses the chal- legal immigrants showing up at the mane treatment to families and chil- lenges of surge capacity, adds training, border than we are for our veterans dren seeking refuge in the United and requires reporting. who have served our country, who have States. The straightforward reforms in my raised their right hand to swear an This critical bill creates basic stand- bill are essential to protecting the oath to our Constitution, who have ards for humanitarian care of all de- health and safety of agents and the service-connected disability, and have tainees within CBP facilities. By estab- children and families in their custody. the ability to use Veterans Affairs fa- lishing health screenings, emergency Let me repeat myself. Let me reit- cilities. They only get 30 to 60 days to medical care, appropriate access to erate. This is not just for asylum-seek- get those medical needs taken care of; water, nutrition, and shelter, these ing children and families. This bill will illegal immigrants get it in 12 hours, critical standards are a step in the help CBP agents. according to this bill. right direction. The CHAIR. The time of the gen- Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of Last year, when I traveled to Browns- tleman has expired. my time. ville and McAllen, Texas, I saw the Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chair, I yield an Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chairman, I just horrors of the Trump administration’s additional 30 seconds to the gentleman. would note that we went through this family detention jails. I saw children Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Chair, it will empower in committee during the markup. All sleeping on concrete floors. It is cruel CBP to meet the basic provisions for of the specialty positions listed need and inhumane. And I, quite frankly, human dignity. not be available at the site, as is men- wrote a letter to the United Nations Mr. Chair, I sincerely urge my fellow tioned on line 23. asking the secretary general to send representatives to listen to their better As we mentioned, if you took a pic- observers to report on the conditions angels, do the right thing, and vote for ture of a rash on a child, you could text and treatment of these children and H.R. 3239, the Humanitarian Standards that picture to a pediatrician, say, ‘‘Is adults. for Individuals in CBP Custody Act, to this a communicable disease or is this Mr. Chairman, I include in the prevent another child from dying in a small rash?’’ and that would meet the RECORD my letter. the custody of CBP and to promote a requirements of this. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, professional, humane approach to ad- Mr. Chair, I yield 1 minute to the Washington, DC, June 19, 2018. dressing the humanitarian challenges gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. GARCIA). His Excellency Mr. ANTONIO GUTERRES, at our border and create the basic con- Ms. GARCIA of Texas. Mr. Chair, I Secretary General United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY. ditions for human dignity. rise in support of H.R. 3239, a bill intro- Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chair, I yield my- DEAR SECRETARY-GENERAL GUTERRES: I duced by my friend and colleague from write today to request your urgent assist- self as much time as I may consume. California, Congressman RAUL RUIZ, ance in the ongoing crisis our country is fac- I want to bring attention to page 8 of and which I proudly cosponsor. ing at our Southern Border with Mexico. the bill, line 16. I am going to read it The humanitarian crisis at the As the Democratic Congressional Rep- verbatim: ‘‘The Commissioner or the southern border is greatly worsened by resentative to the United Nations (UN), I am Administrator of General Services understaffed, unprepared, and under- formally requesting UN observers travel to shall ensure that each location to equipped CBP facilities. the United States to report on the conditions of detention facilities and treatment of chil- which detainees are first transported I know this. I have seen them first- after an initial encounter has onsite at dren, based on relevant international law hand in visits that I have made to some and human rights principles. least one licensed medical professional of these facilities not only in Texas, I am appalled by the reports and images to conduct health screenings. Other but also in New Mexico. from detention facilities in Texas and other personnel that are or may be necessary This bill will alleviate these prob- states along the border, where more than for carrying out the functions de- lems by requiring CBP facilities to 2,300 children have been separated from their scribed in subsection (e), such as li- maintain the personnel and equipment parents by border patrol agents. censed emergency care professionals, This weekend, I will be traveling to the necessary to screen all individuals in border myself, to witness first-hand the con- specialty physicians (including physi- custody and provide emergency care as cians specializing in pediatrics, family ditions adults and children are facing while needed. in detention. medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, b 1900 I urge you to send experts from relevant geriatric medicine, internal medicine, UN agencies to observe conditions in both and infectious diseases), nurse practi- Our American values, moral con- Department of Homeland Security (OHS) and tioners, other nurses, physician assist- science, and the Constitution require Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) facili- ants, licensed social workers, mental that we treat all individuals on Amer- ties both at the border and throughout the health professionals, public health pro- ican soil humanely and respectfully. more than 17 states around the country that fessionals, dieticians, interpreters, and For this purpose, border agents must are now housing children who have been sep- chaperones, shall be located onsite, to have the equipment, resources, and arated from their families. As a mother, a grandmother, and as a psy- the extent practicable, or if not prac- training necessary to carry out this chiatric social worker, I am most concerned ticable, shall be available on call.’’ mission and save lives. for the physical and mental well being of In the medical field, ‘‘on call’’ means Congress must continue working to children separated from their parents at 30 minutes or closer. solve the immigration issue and finally their most vulnerable time. The American

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:35 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.110 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7339 Academy of Pediatrics has warned that this days faster than veterans can get ap- ture that is doable and will save the practice of family separation can cause ir- pointments for medical care at a VA lives of children. reparable harm to lifelong development by facility. Mr. Chairman, I hope that we can disrupting a child’s brain architecture.’’ The requirements in this bill show adopt this bill, and I yield back the You recently said in a statement, ‘‘As a matter of principle, the Secretary-General that, depending on the scenario, CBP balance of my time. believes that refugees and migrants should has 6 to 12 hours to provide care to the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, as a senior always be treated with respect and dignity, immigrant. A veteran under the MIS- member of the Judiciary Committee, I rise in and in accordance with existing inter- SION Act that was passed by Congress support of the H.R. 3239, a the ‘‘Humanitarian national law.’’ And you added, ‘‘children last session, has 30 to 60 days to get an Standards for Individuals in Customs and Bor- must not be traumatized by being separated appointment. So we are treating an il- der Protection Custody Act.’’ from their parents. Family unity must be legal immigrant within a day, a re- I support H.R. 3239, because it would re- preserved.’’ quirement by law, where veterans have I sincerely hope that you will consider this quire CBP to perform an initial health screen- urgent humanitarian request in a timely to wait 30 to 60 days just to get an ap- ing on all individuals in CBP custody and en- manner. pointment. sure that everyone in custody has access to Sincerely, And let’s discuss the cost. Oh, that is water, sanitation and hygiene, food and nutri- , right, we don’t know the cost because tion, and safe shelter, among other provisions. Member of Congress. the majority didn’t consult CBP or I have also offered two amendments that I The CHAIR. The time of the gentle- Homeland Security, and we have abso- truly believe keeps the CBP staff and detain- woman has expired. lutely no idea how much this is going ees safe under the current conditions. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chairman, I yield to cost. We are going to put this un- My first amendment to H.R. 3239 requires an additional 30 seconds to the gentle- funded mandate on CBP when they are retention of video monitoring and certification woman from California. already taxed and already tolled with that the video is on at all times. Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Chairman, the crisis that we have on the border CBP is considered ‘‘at capacity’’ when de- it is really our responsibility to protect and not know how much it is going to tainee levels reach 4,000. the health and safety of individuals in cost them to implement all of these However, between May 14 and June 13, CBP custody and, yes, we have failed. medical requirements that are in this 2019, CBP detained more than 14,000 people By passing this bill today, we are bill. per day—and sometimes as many as 18,000. putting critical protocol and protec- Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- A cell with a maximum capacity of 12 held tions in place for individuals and mak- ance of my time. 76 detainees; a cell with a maximum capacity ing sure that their well-being and Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chairman, I yield of 8 held 41 detainees, and a cell with a max- health are a priority. We can no longer myself such time as I may consume to imum capacity of 35 held 155 detainees. allow individuals to suffer, be abused, close. Individuals were standing on toilets in the or die under CBP. Our values demand Mr. Chairman, this bill is an impor- cells to make room and gain breathing space, that we take this action. It is past tant step forward to make sure that we thus limiting access to the toilets. time for us to protect adults and chil- have minimal standards at CBP facili- There is limited access to showers and dren fleeing violence, seeking a safe ties. It is simply incorrect to assert clean clothing, and individuals have been haven in America. that the minimum standards provided wearing soiled clothing for days or weeks. Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues for in this bill are extravagant exten- While DHS concurred with the rec- to vote yes on this vital bill. And I sions of healthcare to people seeking ommendation made to alleviate overcrowding thank Dr. RUIZ for giving us a chance assistance. at the Del Norte Processing Center, it identi- to do the right thing. If you have a medical emergency, you fied November 30, 2020 as the date on which Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chairman, I con- should call for an ambulance. If you the situation would be corrected. tinue to reserve the balance of my are having a heart attack, you should There have been reports of agitation and time. go to a hospital and be treated. If you frustration from the CBP staff and the detain- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Chairman, I yield have a medical emergency, you have to ees. 1 minute to the gentleman from Texas be dealt with under the section on page This legislation provides some of the trans- (Mr. CASTRO). 4. If there is an indication of a problem, parency, accountability and oversight that pro- Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Mr. Chairman, you have to have the ability to reach tects the detainees and the CBP employees I stand in support and the Hispanic out to an expert by phone, if necessary, and contractors. Caucus stands in support of H.R. 3239. or to get some guidance on what to do. My second amendment to H.R. 3239 re- We had an opportunity, not too long This is just common sense. quires that the Commissioner shall ensure that ago, to visit rural New Mexico and An- We have relied on Dr. RUIZ, who saw language-appropriate ‘‘Detainee Bill of Rights,’’ telope Wells, a forward operating base, this very system work in one of the including indigenous languages, are posted in and another Border Patrol station. It hemisphere’s poorest nations—Haiti— all areas where detainees are located. became very clear to Dr. RUIZ, and to after an earthquake where they had no The ‘‘Detainee Bill of Rights’’ shall include all of us, that the Border Patrol is not infrastructure. The nonprofits working all rights afforded to the detainee under this prepared for medical emergencies that there could do this. I have no doubt bill. migrants may encounter or that their that the richest nation on Earth and In July, Border Patrol was holding about own agents may encounter. the Department of Homeland Security 8,000 detainees in custody at the time of the Something must be done. These folks could do as well as nonprofits in Haiti DHS OIG visit, with 3,400 held longer than the are not livestock. They are not ani- after the earthquake. And to suggest 72 hours generally permitted under the Trans- mals. They shouldn’t be treated in a that they couldn’t, I think is really a port, Escort, Detention, and Search (TEDS) subhuman way. problem. standards. Mr. Chairman, this bill establishes I would like to note that if we said Of those 3,400 detainees, Border Patrol minimum standards for humane care, that veterans are going to get the care held 1,500 for more than 10 days. and I, wholeheartedly, support it. outlined in this bill, it would be a dra- Border Patrol data indicated that 826 (31 Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chairman, I yield matic reduction in the care provided to percent) of the 2,669 children at these facili- myself the balance of my time to close. veterans because this is a minimal ties had been held longer than the 72 hours Mr. Chairman, I will make this very standard. We want to do better for our generally permitted under the TEDS standards quick and to the point. If this bill were veterans always, but to suggest that and the Flores Agreement. to become law, illegal immigrants ille- they should get this, would be a huge The estimated completion date is November gally crossing our border will have bet- reduction in what we owe the veterans 30, 2020 which is too far in the future for the ter access to healthcare at government of this country. pressing issue we are having today. expense than our veterans with service- I thank Dr. RUIZ for the work that he Border Patrol agents has said that some connected disabilities. And not just put into this bill. As an emergency single adults had been held in standing-room- better healthcare access to specialty physician and a public health expert, only conditions for days or weeks. Border Pa- doctors and psychiatric care, not just checking with the American Pediatric trol management on site said there is an on- that, but within a timeframe 30 to 60 Association, he came up with a struc- going concern that rising.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.048 H24JYPT1 H7340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Currently, there are no regulations to guide this Act as the ‘‘Commissioner’’), in consulta- censed medical professional conducting the CBP on medical evaluation or sanitation within tion with the Secretary of Health and Human screening or assessment determines that one or the short-term detention facilities. Services, the Administrator of the Health Re- more of the detainee’s vital sign measurements are significantly outside normal ranges in ac- It is very concerning that CBP has reported sources and Services Administration, and non- governmental experts in the delivery of health cordance with the National Emergency Services the deaths of four children and six adults in care in humanitarian crises and in the delivery Education Standards, or if the detainee is iden- CBP custody. of health care to children, shall develop guide- tified as high-risk or in need of medical inter- The posting of the Detainee Bill of Rights al- lines and protocols for the provision of health vention, the detainee shall be provided, as expe- lows the detainees to understand what screenings and appropriate medical care for in- ditiously as possible, with an in-person or tech- screenings will be done during their intake, dividuals in the custody of U.S. Customs and nology-facilitated medical consultation with a and what help is afforded to them during cus- Border Protection (referred to in this Act as licensed emergency care professional. ‘‘CBP’’), as required under this section. (2) RE-EVALUATION.— tody. (A) IN GENERAL.—Detainees described in para- The posting will also help the detainees (b) INITIAL SCREENING AND MEDICAL ASSESS- MENT.—The Commissioner shall ensure that any graph (1) shall be re-evaluated within 24 hours communicate with the CBP employees about individual who is detained in the custody of and monitored thereafter as determined by an what needs may not be met under the provi- CBP (referred to in this Act as a ‘‘detainee’’) re- emergency care professional (and in the care of sions of this legislation. ceives an initial in-person screening by a li- a consultation provided to a child, with a li- I truly believe this will ease some of the ten- censed medical professional in accordance with censed emergency care professional with a back- sions and frustrations at the detention facili- the standards described in subsection (c)— ground in pediatric care). (1) to assess and identify any illness, condi- (B) REEVALUATION PRIOR TO TRANSPOR- ties. TATION.—In addition to the re-evaluations tion, or age-appropriate mental or physical I applaud Rep. RAUL RUIZ for introducing the under subparagraph (A), detainees shall have symptoms that may have resulted from dis- Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Cus- all vital signs re-evaluated and be cleared as tressing or traumatic experiences; safe to travel by a medical professional prior to toms and Border Protection Custody Act and (2) to identify acute conditions and high-risk transportation. my colleagues for working together to ease vulnerabilities; and (3) PYSCHOLOGICAL AND MENTAL CARE.—The tensions in a difficult situation. (3) to ensure that appropriate healthcare is Commissioner shall ensure that detainees who provided to individuals as needed, including pe- I believe that the adoption of the Jackson have experienced physical or sexual violence or diatric, obstetric, and geriatric care. Lee amendments strengthen H.R. 3239 by who have experienced events that may cause se- (c) STANDARDIZATION OF INITIAL SCREENING continuing to provide transparency, account- vere trauma or toxic stress, are provided access AND MEDICAL ASSESSMENT.— ability and oversight. to basic, humane, and supportive psychological (1) IN GENERAL.—The initial screening and assistance. I also believe that the Jackson Lee amend- medical assessment shall include— (f) INTERPRETERS.—To ensure that health ment that provided transparency for duties that (A) an interview and the use of a standard- are outsourced to private contractors to be screenings and medical care required under this ized medical intake questionnaire or the equiva- section are carried out in the best interests of subject to FOIA through CBP would have lent; the detainee, the Commissioner shall ensure that strengthened the bill more and is also needed (B) screening of vital signs, including pulse language-appropriate interpretation services, to keep all parties safe. rate, body temperature, blood pressure, oxygen including indigenous languages, are provided to The CHAIR. All time for general de- saturation, and respiration rate; each detainee and that each detainee is in- bate has expired. (C) screening for blood glucose for known or formed of the availability of interpretation serv- suspected diabetics; ices. Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be (D) weight assessment of detainees under 12 considered for amendment under the 5- (g) CHAPERONES.—To ensure that health years of age; screenings and medical care required under this minute rule. (E) a physical examination; and section are carried out in the best interests of In lieu of the amendment in the na- (F) a risk-assessment and the development of the detainee— ture of a substitute recommended by a plan for monitoring and care, when appro- (1) the Commissioner shall establish guidelines the Committee on the Judiciary, print- priate. for and ensure the presence of chaperones for ed in the bill, it shall be in order to (2) PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION.—The medical all detainees during medical screenings and ex- professional shall review any prescribed medica- consider as an original bill for the pur- aminations consistent with relevant guidelines tion that is in the detainee’s possession or that in the American Medical Association Code of pose of amendment under the 5-minute was confiscated by CBP upon arrival and deter- rule an amendment in the nature of a Medical Ethics, and recommendations of the mine if the medication may be kept by the de- American Academy of Pediatrics; and substitute consisting of the text of tainee for use during detention, properly stored (2) to the extent practicable, the physical ex- Rules Committee Print 116–26 modified by CBP with appropriate access for use during amination of a child shall always be performed by the amendment printed in part B of detention, or maintained with the detained indi- in the presence of a parent or legal guardian or House Report 116–178. That amendment vidual’s personal property. A detainee may not in the presence of the detainee’s closest present in the nature of a substitute shall be be denied the use of necessary and appropriate adult relative if a parent or legal guardian is medication for the management of the detainee’s considered as read. unavailable. illness. (h) DOCUMENTATION.—The Commissioner shall The text of the amendment in the na- (3) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this ensure that the health screenings and medical ture of a substitute is as follows: subsection shall be construed as requiring de- care required under this section, along with any H.R. 3239 tainees to disclose their medical status or his- other medical evaluations and interventions for Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tory. detainees, are documented in accordance with resentatives of the United States of America in (d) TIMING.— commonly accepted standards in the United Congress assembled, (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in para- States for medical record documentation. Such graph (2), the initial screening and medical as- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. documentation shall be provided to any indi- sessment described in subsections (b) and (c) (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as vidual who received a health screening and sub- shall take place as soon as practicable, but not sequent medical treatment upon release from the ‘‘Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in later than 12 hours after a detainee’s arrival at Customs and Border Protection Custody Act’’. CBP custody. a CBP facility. (i) INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT.—The (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- (2) HIGH PRIORITY INDIVIDUALS.—The initial tents of this Act is as follows: Commissioner or the Administrator of General screening and medical assessment described in Services shall ensure that each location to Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. subsections (b) and (c) shall take place as soon which detainees are first transported after an Sec. 2. Initial health screening protocol. as practicable, but not later than 6 hours after initial encounter with an agent or officer of Sec. 3. Water, sanitation and hygiene. a detainee’s arrival at a CBP facility if the indi- CBP has the following: Sec. 4. Food and nutrition. vidual reasonably self-identifies as having a (1) A private space that provides a comfortable Sec. 5. Shelter. medical condition that requires prompt medical and considerate atmosphere for the patient and Sec. 6. Coordination and Surge capacity. attention or is— that ensures the patient’s dignity and right to Sec. 7. Training. (A) exhibiting signs of acute or potentially se- privacy during the health screening and medical Sec. 8. Interfacility transfer of care. vere physical or mental illness, or otherwise has assessment and any necessary follow-up care. Sec. 9. Planning and initial implementation. an acute or chronic physical or mental dis- (2) All necessary and appropriate medical Sec. 10. Contractor compliance. ability or illness; equipment and facilities to conduct the health Sec. 11. Inspections. (B) pregnant; screenings and follow-up care required under Sec. 12. GAO report. (C) a child (with priority given, as appro- this section, to treat trauma, to provide emer- Sec. 13. Rule of construction. priate, to the youngest children); or gency care, including resuscitation of individ- Sec. 14. Definitions. (D) elderly. uals of all ages, and to prevent the spread of SEC. 2. INITIAL HEALTH SCREENING PROTOCOL. (e) FURTHER CARE.— communicable diseases. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commissioner of U.S. (1) IN GENERAL.—If, as a result of the initial (3) Basic over-the-counter medications appro- Customs and Border Protection (referred to in health screening and medical assessment, the li- priate for all age groups.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.049 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7341 (4) Appropriate transportation to medical fa- (4) A detainee with a temporary or permanent emergency department’s evaluation, diagnosis, cilities in the case of a medical emergency, or an disability shall be held in an accessible location treatment, management, and discharge care in- on-call service with the ability to arrive at the and in a manner that provides for his or her structions to assess the safety of the discharge CBP facility within 30 minutes. safety, comfort, and security, with accommoda- and transfer and to provide necessary follow-up (j) PERSONNEL.—The Commissioner or the Ad- tions provided as needed. care. ministrator of General Services shall ensure that (5) No detainee shall be placed in a room for SEC. 9. PLANNING AND INITIAL IMPLEMENTA- each location to which detainees are first trans- any period of time if the detainee’s placement TION. ported after an initial encounter has onsite at would exceed the maximum occupancy level as (a) PLANNING.—Not later than 60 days after least one licensed medical professional to con- determined by the appropriate building code, the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary duct health screenings. Other personnel that are fire marshal, or other authority. of Homeland Security shall submit to Congress a or may be necessary for carrying out the func- (6) Each detainee shall be provided with tem- detailed plan delineating the timeline, process, tions described in subsection (e), such as li- perature appropriate clothing and bedding. and challenges of carrying out the requirements censed emergency care professionals, specialty (7) The facility shall be well lit and well venti- of this Act. physicians (including physicians specializing in lated, with the humidity and temperature kept (b) IMPLEMENTATION.—The Secretary of pediatrics, family medicine, obstetrics and gyne- at comfortable levels (between 68 and 74 degrees Homeland Security shall ensure that the re- cology, geriatric medicine, internal medicine, Fahrenheit). quirements of this Act are implemented not later and infectious diseases), nurse practitioners, (8) Detainees who are in custody for more than 6 months after the date of enactment. other nurses, physician assistants. licensed so- than 48 hours shall have access to the outdoors SEC. 10. CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE. cial workers, mental health professionals, public for not less than 1 hour during the daylight The Secretary of Homeland Security shall en- health professionals, dieticians, interpreters, hours during each 24-hour period. sure that all personnel contracted to carry out and chaperones, shall be located on site to the (9) Detainees shall have the ability to practice this Act do so in accordance with the require- extent practicable, or if not practicable, shall be their religion or not to practice a religion, as ap- ments of this Act. plicable. available on call. SEC. 11. INSPECTIONS. (k) ETHICAL GUIDELINES.—The Commissioner (10) Detainees shall have access to lighting (a) IN GENERAL.—The Inspector General of and noise levels that are safe and conducive for shall ensure that all medical assessments and the Department of Homeland Security shall— sleeping throughout the night between the procedures conducted pursuant to this section (1) conduct unannounced inspections of ports hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. are conducted in accordance with ethical guide- of entry, border patrol stations, and detention (11) Officers, employees, and contracted per- lines in the applicable medical field, and respect facilities administered by CBP or contractors of sonnel of CBP shall— human dignity. CBP; and (A) follow medical standards for the isolation SEC. 3. WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE. (2) submit to Congress, reports on the results and prevention of communicable diseases; and The Commissioner shall ensure that detainees of such inspections as well as other reports of (B) ensure the physical and mental safety of have access to— the Inspector General related to custody oper- detainees who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, (1) not less than one gallon of drinking water ations. transgender, and intersex. per person per day, and age-appropriate fluids (b) PARTICULAR ATTENTION.—In carrying out (12) The facility shall have video-monitoring as needed; subsection (a), the Inspector General of the De- to provide for the safety of the detained popu- (2) a private, safe, clean, and reliable perma- partment of Homeland Security shall pay par- lation and to prevent sexual abuse and physical nent or portable toilet with proper waste dis- ticular attention to— harm of vulnerable detainees. posal and a hand washing station, with not less (1) the degree of compliance by CBP with the (13) The Commissioner shall ensure that lan- than one toilet available for every 12 male de- requirements of this Act; guage-appropriate ‘‘Detainee Bill of Rights’’, tainees, and 1 toilet for every 8 female detainees; (2) remedial actions taken by CBP; and (3) a clean diaper changing facility, which in- including indigenous languages, are posted or (3) the health needs of detainees. cludes proper waste disposal, a hand washing otherwise made available in all areas where de- (c) ACCESS TO FACILITIES.—The Commissioner station, and unrestricted access to diapers; tainees are located. The ‘‘Detainee Bill of may not deny a Member of Congress entrance to (4) the opportunity to bathe daily in a perma- Rights’’ shall include all rights afforded to the any facility or building used, owned, or oper- nent or portable shower that is private and se- detainee under this Act. ated by CBP. cure; and (14) Video from video-monitoring must be pre- served for 90 days and the detention facility SEC. 12. GAO REPORT. (5) products for individuals of all age groups (a) IN GENERAL.—The Comptroller General of and with disabilities to maintain basic personal must maintain certified records that the video- monitoring is properly working at all times. the United States shall— hygiene, including soap, a toothbrush, tooth- (1) not later than 6 months after the date of paste, adult diapers, and feminine hygiene SEC. 6. COORDINATION AND SURGE CAPACITY. enactment of this Act, commence a study on im- products, as well as receptacles for the proper The Secretary of Homeland Security shall plementation of, and compliance with, this Act; storage and disposal of such products. enter into memoranda of understanding with and SEC. 4. FOOD AND NUTRITION. appropriate Federal agencies, such as the De- (2) not later than 1 year after the date of en- The Commissioner shall ensure that detainees partment of Health and Human Services, and actment of this Act, submit a report to Congress have access to— applicable emergency government relief services, on the results of such study. (1) three meals per day including— as well as contracts with health care, public (b) ISSUES TO BE STUDIED.—The study re- (A) in the case of an individual age 12 or health, social work, and transportation profes- quired by subsection (a) shall examine the man- older, a diet that contains not less than 2,000 sionals, for purposes of addressing surge capac- agement and oversight by CBP of ports of entry, calories per day; and ity and ensuring compliance with this Act. border patrol stations, and other detention fa- (B) in the case of a child who is under the age SEC. 7. TRAINING. cilities, including the extent to which CBP and of 12, a diet that contains an appropriate num- The Commissioner shall ensure that CBP per- the Department of Homeland Security have ef- ber of calories per day based on the child’s age sonnel assigned to each short-term custodial fa- fective processes in place to comply with this and weight; cility are professionally trained, including con- Act. The study shall also examine the extent to (2) accommodations for any dietary needs or tinuing education as the Commissioner deems which CBP personnel, in carrying out this Act, restrictions; and appropriate, in all subjects necessary to ensure make abusive, derisive, profane, or harassing (3) access to food in a manner that follows ap- compliance with this Act, including— statements or gestures, or engage in any other plicable food safety standards. (1) humanitarian response protocols and conduct evidencing hatred or invidious preju- SEC. 5. SHELTER. standards; dice to or about one person or group on account The Commissioner shall ensure that each fa- (2) indicators of physical and mental illness, of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sex- cility at which a detainee is detained meets the and medical distress in children and adults; ual orientation, age, or disability, including on following requirements: (3) indicators of child sexual exploitation and social media. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), males effective responses to missing migrant children; SEC. 13. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. and females shall be detained separately. and Nothing in this Act may be construed— (2) In the case of a minor child arriving in the (4) procedures to report incidents of suspected (1) as authorizing CBP to detain individuals United States with an adult relative or legal child sexual abuse and exploitation directly to for longer than 72 hours; guardian, such child shall be detained with the National Center for Missing and Exploited (2) as contradicting the March 7, 2014, De- such relative or legal guardian unless such an Children. partment of Homeland Security rule adopting arrangement poses safety or security concerns. SEC. 8. INTERFACILITY TRANSFER OF CARE. Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to In no case shall a minor who is detained apart (a) TRANSFER.—When a detainee is discharged Sexual Abuse and Assault in Confinement Fa- from an adult relative or legal guardian as a re- from a medical facility or emergency depart- cilities, which includes a zero tolerance policy sult of such safety or security concerns be de- ment, the Commissioner shall ensure that re- prohibiting all forms of sexual abuse and as- tained with other adults. sponsibility of care is transferred from the med- sault of individuals in U.S. Customs and Border (3) In the case of an unaccompanied minor ar- ical facility or emergency department to an ac- Protection custody, including in holding facili- riving in the United States without an adult rel- cepting licensed health care provider of CBP. ties, during transport, and during processing; ative or legal guardian, such child shall be de- (b) RESPONSIBILITIES OF ACCEPTING PRO- (3) as contradicting current protocols related tained in an age-appropriate facility and shall VIDERS.—Such accepting licensed health care to Department background checks in the hiring not be detained with adults. provider shall review the medical facility or process;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:35 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00095 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.050 H24JYPT1 H7342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 (4) as restricting the Department from denying sion and respect. Unfortunately, due to promulgated to prevent, detect, and re- employment to or terminating the employment of the misguided policies of the Trump spond to sexual abuse in CBP facilities. any individual who would be or is involved with administration, many migrants have I have no objection to the amend- the handling or processing at holding facilities, found themselves stuck living in inhu- ment insofar as the inspector general is during transport, or during processing, or care of detainees, including the care of children, and mane conditions. already directed by statute to conduct has been convicted of a sex crime or other of- Earlier this month, I visited one of audits to ensure compliance with Fed- fense involving a child victim; or those facilities in McAllen, Texas, and eral regulations, and I have no doubt (5) as affecting the obligation to fully comply I was disturbed by what I saw. that the men and women of CBP are ef- with all applicable immigration laws, including I am proud of my colleague, Con- fectively carrying out the mandates of being subject to any penalties, fines, or other gressman RAUL RUIZ, and the Judiciary regulations, implementing a zero toler- sanctions Committee and the leadership of Con- ance for sexual abuse policy. SEC. 14. DEFINITIONS. gresswoman for putting CBP is currently bound by duly pub- In this Act: together a comprehensive piece of leg- lished regulation at 6 CFR 115 that the (1) INTERPRETATION SERVICES.—The term ‘‘in- agency mandate ‘‘zero tolerance to- terpretation services’’ includes translation serv- islation that will alleviate the suf- ices that are performed either in-person or fering of some of these migrants. ward all forms of sexual abuse.’’ The through a telephone or video service. My amendment is very simple. It di- regulation contains extensive and de- (2) CHILD.—The term ‘‘child’’ has the meaning rects the Department of Homeland Se- tailed requirements implemented to given the term in section 101(b)(1) of the Immi- curity’s Office of Inspector General to prevent sexual assault. Those require- gration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. pay particular attention to whether ments detail the steps CBP must take 1101(b)(1)). CBP facilities comply with the Depart- relating to prevention planning; re- (3) U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION FA- ment of Homeland Security’s sexual sponsive planning in the case of an al- CILITY.—The term ‘‘U.S. Customs and Border Protection Facility’’ includes— abuse prevention policies while in- legation; training and education; risk (A) U.S. Border Patrol stations; specting detention facilities. assessments; reporting mechanisms; (B) ports of entry; Many provisions in DHS’ standards the official response following a de- (C) checkpoints; to prevent, detect, and respond to sex- tainee report; investigations; discipli- (D) forward operating bases; ual abuse and assault are very well in- nary sanctions for staff, contractors, (E) secondary inspection areas; and tentioned. These include requiring sex- and volunteers; medical and mental (F) short-term custody facilities. ual abuse prevention training for staff, care; data collection and review; and (4) FORWARD OPERATING BASE.—The term ‘‘forward operating base’’ means a permanent limiting cross-gender searches, ensur- audits for compliance. These regula- facility established by CBP in forward or remote ing there are plans in place to respond tions are designed to ensure the safety locations, and designated as such by CBP. to sexual violence, and providing sur- of not only those in custody, but also The CHAIR. No amendment to that vivors of sexual abuse with access to of CBP personnel and staff in CBP fa- amendment in the nature of a sub- sexual assault nurse examiners. cilities. stitute shall be in order except those These policies should help reduce the The Inspector General Act already printed in part C of House Report 116– prevalence of sexual violence, enable requires the DHS Office of Inspector 178. Each such amendment may be of- victims to report abuse, and provide General ‘‘to conduct, supervise, and co- fered only in the order printed in the support for survivors after experi- ordinate audits and investigations re- report, by a Member designated in the encing trauma. But I am concerned lating to the programs and operations’’ report, shall be considered as read, that Customs and Border Protection is of the DHS. And the inspector general shall be debatable for the time speci- not meeting DHS’ own standards. routinely conducts audits of DHS pro- fied in the report equally divided and An Office of Inspector General report grams and facilities to ensure compli- controlled by the proponent and an op- from 2016 recommended that DHS iden- ance with Federal regulations. ponent, shall not be subject to amend- tify which facilities qualify for routine I have no objection to the amend- ment, and shall not be subject to a de- auditing and ensure that these facili- ment, which directs the OIG to do what mand for division of the question. ties are audited by July 2018, as re- it already does under the Inspector quired by DHS’ own policies. General Act, which is to conduct audits AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MS. KUSTER OF to ensure compliance with regulations NEW HAMPSHIRE Today, nearly 1 year after CBP was promulgated by the DHS to ensure the The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- supposed to complete these audits, safety of CBP personnel and those in sider amendment No. 1 printed in part they have not finished the job. If Cus- custody. C of House Report 116–178. toms and Border Protection is not tak- Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. ing this basic step of auditing facili- my time. Chairman, I have an amendment at the ties, we cannot be sure they have prop- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. desk. erly implemented more onerous, yet Chair, could I inquire as to how much The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate crucial, policies. The best plans to pre- vent sexual violence are worthless if time I have remaining. the amendment. The CHAIR. The gentlewoman from The text of the amendment is as fol- they are not followed. New Hampshire has 2 minutes remain- lows: This amendment, which I thank my colleagues, Representative MOORE and ing. Page 16, line 9, strike ‘‘and’’. Representative CISNEROS for cospon- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. Page 16, line 10, strike the period at the Chair, I want to thank the gentleman end and insert ‘‘; and’’. soring, will help provide clarity about Page 16, insert after line 10 the following: whether CBP is taking steps to prevent for agreeing to the amendment. (4) the degree of compliance with part 115 and respond to sexual violence. I yield the balance of my time to the of title 6, Code of Federal Regulations (com- Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON monly known as the ‘‘Standards To Prevent, to support it, and I reserve the balance LEE). Detect, and Respond to Sexual Abuse and As- of my time. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I sault in Confinement Facilities’’). thank the distinguished gentlewoman, The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- b 1915 and I want to personally thank her for lution 509, the gentlewoman from New Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chair, I rise in op- her constant and needed fight for wom- Hampshire (Ms. KUSTER) and a Member position to the amendment; however, I en’s rights and, particularly, pro- opposed each will control 5 minutes. do not oppose it. tecting these women against sexual as- The Chair recognizes the gentle- The CHAIR. Without objection, the sault and sexual abuse. woman from New Hampshire. gentleman from Florida is recognized I cannot tell you how many stories Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. for 5 minutes. that we have heard at the border of Chairman, I yield myself such time as There was no objection. young women who have come either by I may consume. Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chair, this amend- coyotes, or even when they get here to Mr. Chairman, migrants in Customs ment would direct the DHS Office of this country, the fear that they have of and Border Protection holding facili- Inspector General to investigate CBP’s sexual assault and sexual abuse. It is a ties deserve to be treated with compas- compliance with Federal regulations long walk and a long journey from the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:35 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.050 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7343 Northern Triangle, and I want to thank than 90 days after the date of enactment of The CHAIR. The gentleman from the gentlewoman again for recognizing this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Secu- Florida is recognized for 5 minutes. that. rity, acting in coordination with the Office Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chair, this amend- So, I rise to support the Kuster of Inspector General and Office for Civil ment is in keeping with the clear hos- Rights and Civil Liberties, shall publicly re- tility with which the majority views amendment, and I rise to support the lease aggregate data on complaints of sexual underlying bill, H.R. 3239. abuse at CBP facilities on its website on a the men and women of U.S. Customs I thank the gentlewoman from Cali- quarterly basis, excluding any personally and Border Protection, including the fornia for her leadership, and I thank identifiable information that may com- Border Patrol agents who have put my good friend Dr. RAUL RUIZ. We have promise the confidentiality of individuals their lives on the line to effectuate talked about this. The gentleman has who reported abuse. over 3,800 migrant rescues so far this talked about this. I have heard the gen- The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- fiscal year and the officers of field op- tleman on many occasions speaking to lution 509, the gentlewoman from New erations who are in peril each day us as Members of Congress, not Demo- Hampshire (Ms. KUSTER) and a Member when they search vehicles and pedes- crats, but Democrats and Republicans opposed each will control 5 minutes. trians for dangerous and deadly nar- and Independents who would listen. The Chair recognizes the gentle- cotics like fentanyl. In his conversation, we did not hear woman from New Hampshire. The amendment requires quarterly anything that would suggest that we Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. publication of complaints of sexual would undermine, in any way, our Chair, I yield myself such time as I abuse in CBP facilities. Of course, pre- friends or veterans who are in need of may consume. venting sexual abuse in any govern- great medical care. We stand ready, as Brave survivors have begun to come ment facility is an extremely impor- we have done over the past, to continue forward detailing chilling assaults by tant endeavor, but this amendment to try to push dollars to help them. Border Protection agents. Some of the does not do that. Instead, it requires This bill in particular deals with CBP survivors are only in their teens. premature publication of mere allega- to perform an initial health screening Despite these heartbreaking stories, tions without any context. The effect on all individuals in CBP custody, and there is a stunning lack of trans- is the maligning of the men and women ensures that everyone in custody has parency about sexual abuse at Customs who serve on our border and at our and Border Protection facilities. access to water, sanitation, hygiene, ports of entry without doing anything According to the agency’s most re- food, nutrition, and safe shelter. to actually prevent such abuse. cent report on assessing sexual abuse But having been to the border, I will This amendment requires all com- at holding facilities, in fiscal year 2017, say that they are still in cages. They plaints to be aggregated and published CBP processed more than 534,000 indi- are still in small areas where they only quarterly, regardless of whether an in- viduals in its holding facilities, and yet vestigation is complete, regardless of have standing room. the agency itself only received seven This is to protect both contractors, whether the complaint was substan- claims of sexual abuse. tiated, and regardless of whether the employees, and those human beings Ten months after FY18, CBP has yet who came because they are desperate victim was a CBP employee, con- to release its report on abuse last year. tractor, or detainee. and fleeing violence. The stories tell From my own experience working on We will not know whether those com- you of their fathers being murdered, sexual violence prevention on college plaints were ever substantiated or un- their husband’s being murdered, and campuses and in the military, I have substantiated pursuant to an investiga- their sons being taken away. learned that the absence of formal tion. This underlying bill, its purpose is to complaints of sexual abuse does not re- We will not know whether those com- ensure that the American people are flect the absence of sexual violence plaints were against CBP personnel, protected so that epidemics don’t start, but, rather, signals a culture that pre- contracted staff, or against other so that little babies don’t die—like the vents people from reporting violence. aliens in the facility. seven who have died on the watch of According to a Freedom of Informa- We will not know whether the vic- the Trump administration. tion Act request, between January of tims were CBP personnel, contracted I am delighted that my amendment 2010 and July of 2016, the Department staff, or an alien in the facility. was included, which requires retention of Homeland Security Office of Inspec- I am also concerned that the amend- of video monitoring and certification tor General received 624 complaints ment requires CBP to exclude person- that the video is on at all times. It will about sexual abuse at Customs and ally identifiable information of the in- enhance the amendment of Ms. Border Protection facilities. dividual who reported the abuse, but it KUSTER. Considering this information, CBP’s is silent as to the personally identifi- The other amendment I want to ap- failure to promptly publish its own sex- able information of the accused. It preciate is the Detainee Bill of Rights. ual abuse data, and the stories of sur- would be inappropriate to publish a I support the amendment and the un- vivors who have come forward, there is complaint against an individual with- derlying bill. a clear need to improve transparency out any context, especially if an inves- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. about sexual abuse at CBP. tigation later determines that the com- Chair, I yield back the balance of my My amendment, which I was proud to plaint is unsubstantiated. time. introduce with Representatives MOORE The Judiciary Committee already The CHAIR. The question is on the and CISNEROS, directs the Secretary of went through a similar situation with amendment offered by the gentle- Homeland Security, working with the Health and Human Services, where one woman from New Hampshire (Ms. DHS office that typically receives com- member of the majority claimed that KUSTER). plaints of sexual abuse, to release all hundreds of sexual abuse allegations The amendment was agreed to. complaints of sexual abuse at CBP once were made against HHS employees AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MS. KUSTER OF per quarter, removing any information when, in fact, the allegations by unac- NEW HAMPSHIRE that would compromise the anonymity companied alien children were against The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- of survivors. contractors and other UACs. sider amendment No. 2 printed in part This is an amendment that all Mem- The requirements of this amendment C of House Report 116–178. bers should be able to support. Releas- will simply give the appearance, re- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. ing more data in a timely manner will gardless of the facts or ultimate out- Chairman, I have an amendment at the help lawmakers grasp the scope of this come of the investigation into the desk. problem. Knowing that they are not complaints, that CBP facilities are rife The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate alone may also encourage other sur- with sexual abuse. And the further im- the amendment. vivors to step forward. plication is that CBP personnel con- The text of the amendment is as fol- I urge my colleagues to support this done sexual violence. Such a character- lows: amendment, and I reserve the balance ization is offensive to the hardworking Page 18, insert after line 10 the following: of my time. men and women of CBP who follow ex- (5) PUBLICATION OF DATA ON COMPLAINTS OF Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chairman, I rise in isting regulations and policies to pre- SEXUAL ABUSE AT CBP FACILITIES.—Not later opposition to the amendment. vent sexual abuse in their facilities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00097 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.117 H24JYPT1 H7344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 In fact, CBP is bound by a duly pub- Mr. Chair, I yield 1 minute to the the Trump Administration has chosen to ap- lished regulation at 6 CFR 115, that the gentlewoman from California (Ms. proach this situation with cruelty, instead of agency mandate ‘‘zero tolerance to- PELOSI), the Speaker of the House. compassion. ward all forms of sexual abuse.’’ And b 1930 The appalling conditions facing children and ‘‘zero tolerance’’ isn’t a mere buzzword. families are an affront to our values and our The regulation contains extensive and Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Chairman, let us sa- humanity: detailed requirements implemented to lute Congressman RUIZ, Chairman NAD- Children sleeping on concrete floors, in prevent sexual assault. Those require- LER, Chairwoman LOFGREN, Chair- freezing temperatures with constant light expo- ments detail the steps CBP must take woman UNDERWOOD, Chairwoman sure; relating to prevention planning; re- SLOTKIN, and Members. I thank my col- Children eating frozen or inedible food, and sponsive planning in the case of an al- league, Congresswoman KUSTER, for having insufficient or unclean water to drink; legation; training and education; risk yielding me time. Children denied basic sanitation, forced to assessments; reporting mechanisms; These Members have followed the use open toilets and deprived of showers and the official response following a de- facts, gone to the border, and raised a handwashing stations. tainee report; investigations; discipli- drumbeat on behalf of the children. The Gospel of Matthew says, ‘‘When the nary sanctions for staff, contractors, I want to add to that Congresswoman Son of Man comes in all his glory,’’ he will and volunteers; medical and mental ESCOBAR, who has been so great on all speak to the nations gathered before him and care; data collection and review; and of this. say: audits for compliance. The humanitarian situation at the ‘‘For I was hungry and you gave me some- The manager’s amendment to the bill border challenges the conscience of our thing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me already makes clear that the bill does country, yet the Trump administration something to drink, I was a stranger and you not abrogate existing policies designed has chosen to approach the situation invited me in, I needed clothes and you to prevent, detect, and respond to sex- with cruelty instead of compassion. clothed me, I was sick and you looked after ual abuse. In fact, it acknowledges that Children sleeping on concrete floors, me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’’ CBP has a zero-tolerance policy for children eating frozen and inedible The Administration’s treatment of little chil- sexual abuse. food, and children denied basic sanita- dren abandons that teaching, ignores the Furthermore, the DHS OIG is already tion. ‘‘least of these’’ and endangers lives. directed to conduct unannounced in- As the Gospel of Matthew said, As the American Medical Association writes: spections of CBP facilities in the bill, ‘‘When the Son of Man comes in all His ‘‘Conditions in CBP facilities, including open and CBP’s own existing regulations re- glory,’’ He will speak to the nations toilets, constant light exposure, insufficient quire periodic audits based on the risk gathered before Him. food and water, extreme temperatures, and assessment of the facility. You all know the Gospel of Matthew, forcing pregnant women and children to sleep CBP is already confronting a crisis ‘‘When I was hungry.’’ on cement floors, are traumatizing. that is worsened by congressional inac- The American Medical Association ‘‘It is well known that childhood trauma and tion to fix the loopholes in our laws writes, ‘‘It is well known that child- adverse childhood experiences created by in- that fuel illegal immigration. The men hood trauma and adverse childhood ex- humane treatment often create negative health and women who protect our border periences created by inhumane treat- impacts that can last an individual’s entire life- have been given an enormous task ment often create negative health im- span.’’ made more difficult by offensive rhet- pacts that can last an individual’s en- This week, the American Academy of Pedi- oric. Congress shouldn’t make their job tire lifespan.’’ atrics led a joint letter with other medical ex- more difficult by requiring premature The American Academy of Pediatrics perts to urge action, writing: ‘‘The tragic publication of complaints without con- led a joint letter, writing, ‘‘The tragic deaths of children in CBP custody are evi- text, which will have the effect of deaths of children in CBP custody are dence for why timely, appropriate medical and wrongfully painting the civil servants evidence for why timely, appropriate mental health screening and care is so cru- as sexual predators. medical and mental health screening cial.’’ I oppose the amendment and urge my and care is so crucial.’’ The deaths of children at the border are un- colleagues to do the same. With Congressman RUIZ’s Humani- conscionable; a profound violation of the moral Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of tarian Standards for Individuals in responsibility we all have to ensure all children my time. Customs and Border Protection Cus- of God are treated with compassion and de- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. tody Act, we are taking a strong step cency. Chair, contrary to the allegations by to safeguard children and respect their Today, with Congressman RUIZ’s ‘‘Humani- my colleague disparaging our view of families. tarian Standards for Individuals in Customs Customs and Border Protection agen- Mr. Chairman, I am going to submit and Border Protection Custody Act’’, we are cies, I was actually very impressed by most of my statement for the RECORD, taking a strong step to safeguard children and the professionalism of many of the Bor- in the interest of time. I know you respect their spark of divinity. der Patrol agents that we met and had have heard it over and over again, Mr. This bill protects children and families’ the opportunity to tour the facilities in Chairman. There is no use to just keep health: requiring the CBP to provide timely, McAllen and Brownsville with. talking. We have to act. appropriate and standards-based health I share the gentleman’s commitment We have sent the money. We have screenings by licensed medical professionals. to a zero-tolerance policy. Frankly, paid attention. Now, we have to set the It creates water, sanitation, and hygiene one incident of sexual assault is far too standards that must be met for human- standards: requiring the CBP to provide suffi- much. This data will provide more itarian, hygiene, food, clothing, cient drinking water; private, safe and clean transparency for Congress and for sur- healthcare, and the rest. toilets; a handwashing station; and basic per- vivors and, frankly, more transparency I thank Mr. RUIZ for bringing his ex- sonal hygiene products. for those members of the Border Patrol perience as a public health doctor, as It sets out nutrition standards: requiring that who are doing their job with respect to someone who has dealt with these cri- detainees receive three meals per day, with migrants. ses in other parts of the world. We are age-appropriate caloric intake, and special Mr. Chair, how much time do I have blessed to have his service in the Con- diets for babies, pregnant & breastfeeding remaining? gress, especially at this time, for the women, the elderly & ill. The CHAIR. The gentlewoman from good of the children. And it establishes standards for shelters: New Hampshire has 1 minute remain- Mr. Chair, let us salute Congressman RUIZ, specifying space requirements, temperature ing. Chairman NADLER, Chairwoman LOFGREN, ranges and bedding standards, and also pro- Mr. Chair, I am happy to work with Congresswoman UNDERWOOD, Chairwoman tecting religious freedom, family unity and the my colleagues to ensure that Customs SLOTKIN and Members who have followed the safety of unaccompanied minors and LGBTQ and Border Protection has the re- facts, gone to the border and raised a drum- persons. sources to comply with this provision, beat on behalf of the children. Once we pass this bill—and our other legis- but we need more transparency for sur- The humanitarian situation at the border lation for the children—we will call on Senator vivors. challenges the conscience of our country. Yet, MCCONNELL to immediately take them up.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:09 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.119 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7345 Sadly, some in the Republican Leadership REHABILITATION FOR MULTIEM- Beyer Haaland Panetta PLOYER PENSIONS ACT OF 2019 Bishop (GA) Harder (CA) Pappas have not demonstrated a concern for the chil- Blumenauer Hartzler Pascrell dren. The obstruction of the House-passed AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. DAVID P. Blunt Rochester Hastings Payne Bonamici Hayes border bill dishonored our values, denigrated ROE OF TENNESSEE Perlmutter our immigrant heritage, and endangered little Boyle, Brendan Heck Peters The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- F. Herrera Beutler Peterson children. finished business is the question on Brindisi Higgins (NY) Phillips Every day that Senator MCCONNELL delays adoption of amendment No. 1 to H.R. Brown (MD) Hill (CA) Pingree Brownley (CA) Himes this bill—and every vote against it—is a stain 397, printed in part A of House Report Pocan on the collective conscience of the Congress. Bustos Horn, Kendra S. Porter 116–178, offered by the gentleman from Butterfield Horsford I urge a strong, bipartisan vote of con- Pressley Tennessee (Mr. DAVID P. ROE) on which Carbajal Houlahan Price (NC) science for this legislation. Ca´ rdenas Hoyer a recorded vote was ordered. Quigley Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. Carson (IN) Huffman Raskin The Clerk will redesignate the Cartwright Jackson Lee Chairman, I yield back the balance of Rice (NY) Case Jayapal amendment. Richmond my time. Casten (IL) Jeffries Rose (NY) The CHAIR. The question is on the The Clerk redesignated the amend- Castor (FL) Johnson (GA) Rouda ment. Castro (TX) Johnson (TX) amendment offered by the gentle- Roybal-Allard woman from New Hampshire (Ms. RECORDED VOTE Chu, Judy Kaptur Cicilline Katko Ruiz KUSTER). The SPEAKER pro tempore. A re- Cisneros Keating Ruppersberger The amendment was agreed to. corded vote has been demanded. Clark (MA) Kelly (IL) Rush The CHAIR. The question is on the Clarke (NY) Kennedy Ryan A recorded vote was ordered. Sa´ nchez amendment in the nature of a sub- Clay Khanna The vote was taken by electronic de- Cleaver Kildee Sarbanes stitute, as amended. vice, and there were—ayes 186, noes 245, Clyburn Kilmer Scanlon The amendment was agreed to. not voting 1, as follows: Cohen Kim Schakowsky Connolly Kind Schiff The CHAIR. Under the rule, the Com- [Roll No. 503] mittee rises. Cooper King (NY) Schneider AYES—186 Correa Kirkpatrick Schrader Accordingly, the Committee rose; Costa Krishnamoorthi Schrier Abraham Gonzalez (OH) Olson and the Speaker pro tempore (Ms. Courtney Kuster (NH) Scott (VA) Aderholt Gooden Palazzo Cox (CA) Lamb Scott, David HAALAND) having assumed the chair, Allen Gosar Palmer Craig Langevin Serrano Mr. CARBAJAL, Chair of the Committee Amodei Granger Pence Crist Larsen (WA) Sewell (AL) Armstrong Graves (GA) Perry of the Whole House on the state of the Crow Larson (CT) Shalala Arrington Graves (LA) Posey Union, reported that that Committee, Cuellar Lawrence Sherman Babin Graves (MO) Ratcliffe Cummings Lawson (FL) Sherrill having had under consideration the bill Bacon Green (TN) Reed Cunningham Lee (CA) Sires Baird Griffith Reschenthaler (H.R. 3239) to require U.S. Customs and Davids (KS) Lee (NV) Balderson Guest Rice (SC) Slotkin Border Protection to perform an initial Davis (CA) Levin (CA) Banks Guthrie Riggleman Smith (NJ) Davis, Danny K. Levin (MI) health screening on detainees, and for Barr Hagedorn Roby Smith (WA) Dean Lewis other purposes, and, pursuant to House Bergman Harris Rodgers (WA) Soto DeFazio Lieu, Ted Biggs Hern, Kevin Roe, David P. Spanberger Resolution 509, he reported the bill DeGette Lipinski Bilirakis Hice (GA) Rogers (AL) Speier back to the House with an amendment DeLauro Loebsack Bishop (UT) Higgins (LA) Rogers (KY) Stanton DelBene Lofgren adopted in the Committee of the Bost Hill (AR) Rooney (FL) Stauber Delgado Lowenthal Brady Holding Rose, John W. Stefanik Whole. Demings Lowey Brooks (AL) Hollingsworth Rouzer Stevens The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under DeSaulnier Luja´ n Brooks (IN) Hudson Roy Suozzi Deutch Luria the rule, the previous question is or- Buchanan Huizenga Rutherford Swalwell (CA) Dingell Lynch dered. Buck Hunter Scalise Takano Doggett Malinowski Bucshon Hurd (TX) Schweikert Thompson (CA) Is a separate vote demanded on any Doyle, Michael Maloney, Budd Johnson (LA) Scott, Austin Thompson (MS) amendment to the amendment re- F. Carolyn B. Burchett Johnson (OH) Sensenbrenner Engel Maloney, Sean Titus ported from the Committee of the Burgess Johnson (SD) Shimkus Escobar Matsui Tlaib Whole? Byrne Jordan Simpson Eshoo McAdams Tonko Calvert Joyce (OH) Smith (MO) If not, the question is on the amend- Espaillat McBath Torres (CA) Carter (GA) Joyce (PA) Smith (NE) ment in the nature of a substitute, as Evans McCollum Torres Small Carter (TX) Keller Smucker Finkenauer McEachin (NM) amended. Chabot Kelly (MS) Spano Fitzpatrick McGovern Trahan The amendment was agreed to. Cheney Kelly (PA) Steil Fletcher McKinley Trone Cline King (IA) Steube The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Fortenberry McNerney Underwood Cloud Kinzinger Stewart question is on the engrossment and Foster Meeks Van Drew Cole Kustoff (TN) Stivers Frankel Meng Vargas third reading of the bill. Collins (GA) LaHood Taylor Fudge Moore Veasey The bill was ordered to be engrossed Collins (NY) LaMalfa Thompson (PA) Gabbard Morelle Vela Comer Lamborn Thornberry and read a third time, and was read the Gallego Mucarsel-Powell Vela´ zquez Conaway Latta Timmons third time. Garamendi Murphy Visclosky Cook Lesko Tipton Garcı´a (IL) Nadler Wasserman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Crawford Long Turner Garcia (TX) Napolitano Schultz ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further Crenshaw Loudermilk Upton Golden Neal Waters Curtis Lucas Wagner consideration of H.R. 3239 is postponed. Gomez Neguse Watson Coleman Davidson (OH) Luetkemeyer Walberg Gonzalez (TX) Norcross Welch f Davis, Rodney Marchant Walden Gottheimer O’Halleran Wexton DesJarlais Marshall Walker ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Green, Al (TX) Ocasio-Cortez Wild Diaz-Balart Massie Walorski Grijalva Omar Wilson (FL) PRO TEMPORE Duffy Mast Waltz Grothman Pallone Yarmuth The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pro- Duncan McCarthy Watkins Dunn McCaul Weber (TX) NOT VOTING—1 ceedings will resume on questions pre- Emmer McClintock Webster (FL) Moulton viously postponed. Votes will be taken Estes McHenry Wenstrup in the following order: Ferguson Meadows Westerman b 2003 Adopting the amendment to H.R. 397 Fleischmann Meuser Williams Flores Miller Wilson (SC) Ms. SHALALA, Messrs. MCEACHIN, offered by Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Ten- Foxx (NC) Mitchell Wittman BRINDISI, STAUBER, Mses. HER- nessee; Fulcher Moolenaar Womack RERA BEUTLER, CLARKE of New A motion to recommit on H.R. 397, if Gaetz Mooney (WV) Woodall Gallagher Mullin Wright York, and WILSON of Florida changed offered; and Gianforte Newhouse Yoho their vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Passage of H.R. 397, if ordered. Gibbs Norman Young Messrs. GREEN of Tennessee, MEAD- The first electronic vote will be con- Gohmert Nunes Zeldin OWS, NORMAN, and HARRIS changed ducted as a 15-minute vote. Pursuant NOES—245 their vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ to clause 9 of rule XX, remaining elec- Adams Amash Bass So the amendment was rejected. tronic votes will be conducted as 5- Aguilar Axne Beatty The result of the vote was announced minute votes. Allred Barraga´ n Bera as above recorded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:36 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.056 H24JYPT1 H7346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Semitism and BDS will have no home If you support these hardworking AGUILAR). The question is on the en- here in Congress and no home in this Americans, vote ‘‘no’’ on this motion. grossment and third reading of the bill. bill. If you believe the rare effort in this The bill was ordered to be engrossed It is simple. If you are one of the 398 House to achieve bipartisan progress is and read a third time, and was read the Members who voted last night to con- too important to undermine with cyn- third time. demn the BDS movement, then you ical partisan games, vote ‘‘no’’ on this MOTION TO RECOMMIT should support this MTR, stand with motion. Mr. MAST. Mr. Speaker, I have a mo- our ally Israel, and continue to combat If you believe it is critical that the tion to recommit at the desk. this anti-Semitic movement. United States-Israel relationship re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance mains bipartisan to ensure Israel’s gentleman opposed to the bill? of my time. long-term security and find a path to Mr. MAST. In its current form, abso- Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise peace, vote ‘‘no’’ on this motion. lutely. in opposition to the motion to recom- Yesterday, we spoke in a united voice The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mit. in support of our ally. Let’s do it again Clerk will report the motion to recom- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- today in support of these workers and mit. tleman from Illinois is recognized for 5 vote down this motion. The Clerk read as follows: minutes. Mr. Speaker, I yield the remainder of Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise my time to the gentlewoman from Mr. Mast moves to recommit the bill H.R. today in strong opposition to the mo- 397 to the Committee on Education and Michigan (Ms. STEVENS). tion to recommit offered by my Repub- Labor with instructions to report the same Ms. STEVENS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in lican colleagues. back to the House forthwith with the fol- opposition to this cynical, partisan mo- lowing amendment: I oppose the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, full stop. It tion to recommit. In section 4(b)(1)(C), strike ‘‘and’’ at the The bill before us today is not a bail- end of clause (iv), redesignate clause (v) as is a movement that denies the Jewish clause (vi), and insert after clause (iv) the people’s connection to the land of out. It is a backstop. It is a solution to following: Israel, refuses to accept the basic idea a boiling point that we ignore at the (v) the plan will not knowingly engage in a of a Jewish state, and seeks to peril of more than a million workers commerce-related or investment-related delegitimize Israel in international fo- who are now faced with financial catas- boycott, divestment, or sanctions activity in rums, on college campuses, and in glob- trophe in retirement. the course of interstate or international If we do nothing with this multiem- commerce that is intended to undermine the al commerce. Yesterday, this body voted over- ployer pension crisis, taxpayers will existence of, penalize, inflict economic harm pay the price. on, or otherwise limit commercial relations whelmingly to condemn the global BDS with Israel or persons doing business in movement. Mr. Speaker, 398 votes in If we do nothing, our Pension Benefit Israel or Israeli-controlled territories for favor—189 Republicans and 209 Demo- Guaranty Corporation will tumble. purposes of coercing political action by, or crats—united together to affirm the If we do nothing, 1.3 million hard- imposing policy positions on, the Govern- vital relationship between the United working Americans will lose what they ment of Israel; and States and Israel, our most important paid into their entire working life. Mr. MAST (during the reading). Mr. ally and closest strategic partner in a To the teamster who has played by Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to difficult region in the world. the rules, to the carpenter who is al- dispense with the reading. We expressed our strong, bipartisan ready seeing a drop in his monthly ben- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there support for a negotiated two-state so- efits, we are here today to do some- objection to the request of the gen- lution as the best way to justly resolve thing. tleman from Florida? the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and en- But the ringing irony, that the very There was no objection. sure a future for two peoples living side people opposing this bill are some of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- by side in peace, security, and pros- the very people who rushed to vote to ant to the rule, the gentleman from perity. pass a tax relief act for the wealthiest Florida is recognized for 5 minutes in As the lead sponsor of that resolu- corporations and the biggest banks, support of his motion. tion, I believe I speak with credibility ballooning our deficit by $1.9 trillion. Mr. MAST. Mr. Speaker, this amend- when I say this motion to recommit, in We scratch our heads and we ask, Why ment is very simple. It would prohibit the context both of last night’s vote is it that you cannot lift a finger for pension plans receiving loans under and today’s critically important legis- the middle class? this bill from engaging in the Boycott, lation, would not, in any way, help the Today, we deliver for the American Divestment, and Sanctions movement fight against the global BDS movement people, and we save the pensions of against Israel. or strengthen the U.S.-Israel relation- those who have never asked for any- Understanding this MTR does not ship. thing. take a lot of words. Yesterday’s bipartisan vote sent a Take it from me, my friends, I know Mr. Speaker, I hear colleagues who clear, united message. Today, my Re- what it is like to be on the phone with must believe that BDS is a 1-day event publican colleagues are undercutting the PBGC when the auto industry need- occurring, so that is why it makes it this achievement with a cynical, par- ed our help. even more important for us to speak tisan gimmick, continuing a dangerous I know what that means when they about this MTR. effort to make Israel a wedge issue. It tell us that these plans will run insol- Now, understanding this MTR takes must stop. vent by 2025. very few words. Let me be very blunt Mr. Speaker, the underlying legisla- I know what it is like to be working about this. Yesterday, as was aptly tion is too important for this political in the Department of the Treasury dur- pointed out, this Chamber passed a bi- ploy. We have an opportunity to pass ing the largest economic crisis of our partisan resolution—398 in support, 17 legislation addressing a national emer- times; when Republicans and Demo- opposing—which opposed any efforts to gency, the multiemployer pension cri- crats came together, shelving political delegitimize the State of Israel, con- sis that threatens the financial secu- dogma, to make a uniquely Federal demning the BDS movement as dan- rity of Americans across the Nation problem right. gerous and anti-Semitic. and leaves the taxpayers on the hook Butch Lewis is a good deal, and the Today, let’s simply continue that for more than $100 billion over the 10- kind of deal you make to protect our progress, understanding that BDS year budget window. middle class and the economic security equals anti-Semitism. While anti-Sem- Let me remind my colleagues that of so many. This is what you do. itism may be a political investment by these retirees did everything right. Make government work for us. Con- some, it has no place in managing re- They planned for their retirement, peo- tribute to the best action in the out- tirement pensions, and BDS has no ple like those in the gallery today who come of the very people—pass Butch place in this House. chose, year after year, to contribute to Lewis. Let us say simply, let us agree, let us their pensions instead of taking a wage Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I plant our bipartisan flag that anti- increase. yield back the balance of my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.125 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7347 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Brownley (CA) Heck Pascrell [Roll No. 505] Bustos Higgins (NY) Payne objection, the previous question is or- Butterfield Hill (CA) Perlmutter AYES—264 dered on the motion to recommit. Carbajal Himes Peters Adams Garcia (TX) O’Halleran There was no objection. Ca´ rdenas Horn, Kendra S. Peterson Aguilar Gibbs Ocasio-Cortez The question was taken; and the Carson (IN) Horsford Phillips Allred Golden Omar Cartwright Houlahan Pingree Speaker pro tempore announced that Axne Gomez Pallone Case Hoyer Pocan Bacon Gonzalez (TX) Panetta the noes appeared to have it. Casten (IL) Huffman Porter Barraga´ n Gottheimer Pappas Castor (FL) Jackson Lee Pressley RECORDED VOTE Bass Green, Al (TX) Pascrell Castro (TX) Jayapal Price (NC) Beatty Griffith Payne Mr. MAST. Mr. Speaker, I demand a Chu, Judy Jeffries Quigley Bera Grijalva Pelosi recorded vote. Cicilline Johnson (GA) Raskin Bergman Haaland Perlmutter Cisneros Johnson (TX) Rice (NY) Beyer Harder (CA) Peters A recorded vote was ordered. Clark (MA) Kaptur Richmond Bishop (GA) Hartzler Peterson The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Clarke (NY) Keating Rose (NY) Blumenauer Hastings Phillips Clay Kelly (IL) Rouda 5-minute vote. Blunt Rochester Hayes Pingree Cleaver Kennedy Roybal-Allard Bonamici Heck Pocan The vote was taken by electronic de- Clyburn Khanna Ruiz Bost Higgins (NY) Porter vice, and there were—ayes 200, noes 232, Cohen Kildee Ruppersberger Boyle, Brendan Hill (CA) Pressley Connolly Kilmer Rush not voting 0, as follows: F. Himes Price (NC) Cooper Kim Ryan Brindisi Horn, Kendra S. Quigley [Roll No. 504] Correa Kind Sa´ nchez Brooks (IN) Horsford Raskin AYES—200 Costa Kirkpatrick Sarbanes Brown (MD) Houlahan Rice (NY) Courtney Krishnamoorthi Scanlon Abraham Granger Olson Brownley (CA) Hoyer Cox (CA) Kuster (NH) Schakowsky Richmond Aderholt Graves (GA) Palazzo Burchett Huffman Craig Lamb Schiff Rose (NY) Allen Graves (LA) Bustos Huizenga Palmer Crist Langevin Schneider Rouda Amodei Graves (MO) Butterfield Hurd (TX) Pence Crow Larsen (WA) Schrader Roybal-Allard Armstrong Green (TN) Carbajal Jackson Lee Perry Cuellar Larson (CT) Schrier Ruiz Arrington Griffith Ca´ rdenas Jayapal Posey Cummings Lawrence Scott (VA) Ruppersberger Babin Grothman Carson (IN) Jeffries Ratcliffe Cunningham Lawson (FL) Scott, David Rush Bacon Guest Cartwright Johnson (GA) Reed Davids (KS) Lee (CA) Serrano Ryan Baird Guthrie Case Johnson (TX) Reschenthaler Davis (CA) Lee (NV) Sewell (AL) Sa´ nchez Balderson Hagedorn Casten (IL) Joyce (OH) Rice (SC) Davis, Danny K. Levin (CA) Shalala Sarbanes Banks Harris Castor (FL) Kaptur Riggleman Dean Levin (MI) Sherman Scanlon Barr Hartzler Castro (TX) Katko Roby DeFazio Lewis Sherrill Schakowsky Bergman Hern, Kevin Chu, Judy Keating Rodgers (WA) DeGette Lieu, Ted Sires Schiff Biggs Herrera Beutler Cicilline Kelly (IL) Roe, David P. DeLauro Lipinski Slotkin Schneider Bilirakis Hice (GA) Cisneros Kennedy Rogers (AL) DelBene Loebsack Smith (WA) Schrader Bishop (UT) Higgins (LA) Clark (MA) Khanna Rogers (KY) Delgado Lofgren Soto Schrier Bost Hill (AR) Clarke (NY) Kildee Rooney (FL) Demings Lowenthal Spanberger Scott (VA) Brady Holding Clay Kilmer Rose, John W. DeSaulnier Lowey Speier Scott, David Brooks (AL) Hollingsworth Cleaver Kim Rouzer Deutch Luja´ n Stanton Serrano Brooks (IN) Hudson Clyburn Kind Roy Dingell Lynch Stevens Sewell (AL) Buchanan Huizenga Cohen King (NY) Rutherford Doggett Malinowski Suozzi Shalala Buck Hunter Collins (NY) Kinzinger Scalise Doyle, Michael Maloney, Swalwell (CA) Sherman Bucshon Hurd (TX) Connolly Kirkpatrick Schweikert F. Carolyn B. Takano Sherrill Budd Johnson (LA) Cook Krishnamoorthi Scott, Austin Engel Maloney, Sean Thompson (CA) Sires Burchett Johnson (OH) Cooper Kuster (NH) Sensenbrenner Escobar Matsui Thompson (MS) Slotkin Burgess Johnson (SD) Correa Lamb Shimkus Eshoo McAdams Titus Smith (NJ) Byrne Jordan Costa Langevin Simpson Espaillat McCollum Tlaib Smith (WA) Calvert Joyce (OH) Courtney Larsen (WA) Smith (MO) Evans McEachin Tonko Soto Carter (GA) Joyce (PA) Cox (CA) Larson (CT) Smith (NE) Finkenauer McGovern Torres (CA) Spanberger Carter (TX) Katko Craig Lawrence Smith (NJ) Fletcher McNerney Torres Small Speier Chabot Keller Crist Lawson (FL) Smucker Foster Meeks (NM) Stanton Cheney Kelly (MS) Crow Lee (CA) Spano Frankel Meng Trahan Stauber Cline Kelly (PA) Cuellar Lee (NV) Stauber Fudge Moore Trone Stevens Cloud King (IA) Cummings Levin (CA) Stefanik Gabbard Morelle Underwood Stivers Cole King (NY) Cunningham Levin (MI) Steil Gallego Moulton Vargas Suozzi Collins (GA) Kinzinger Davids (KS) Lewis Garamendi Mucarsel-Powell Veasey Swalwell (CA) Collins (NY) Kustoff (TN) Steube Davis (CA) Lieu, Ted Garcı´a (IL) Murphy Vela Takano Comer LaHood Stewart Davis, Danny K. Lipinski Garcia (TX) Nadler Vela´ zquez Conaway LaMalfa Stivers Davis, Rodney Loebsack Thompson (CA) Golden Napolitano Visclosky Cook Lamborn Taylor Dean Lofgren Thompson (MS) Gomez Neal Wasserman Crawford Latta Thompson (PA) DeFazio Lowenthal Titus Gonzalez (TX) Neguse Schultz Crenshaw Lesko Thornberry DeGette Lowey Tlaib Gottheimer Norcross Waters Curtis Long Timmons DeLauro Luja´ n Tonko Green, Al (TX) O’Halleran Watson Coleman Davidson (OH) Loudermilk Tipton DelBene Luria Torres (CA) Grijalva Ocasio-Cortez Welch Davis, Rodney Lucas Turner Delgado Lynch Torres Small Haaland Omar Wexton DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Upton Demings Malinowski (NM) Harder (CA) Pallone Wild Diaz-Balart Luria Van Drew DeSaulnier Maloney, Trahan Hastings Panetta Wilson (FL) Duffy Marchant Wagner Deutch Carolyn B. Trone Hayes Pappas Yarmuth Duncan Marshall Walberg Dingell Maloney, Sean Turner Dunn Massie Walden Doggett Matsui Underwood Emmer Mast Walker b 2022 Doyle, Michael McAdams Van Drew Estes McBath Walorski F. McBath Vargas Ferguson McCarthy Waltz So the motion to recommit was re- Duffy McCollum Veasey Fitzpatrick McCaul Watkins jected. Engel McEachin Vela Fleischmann McClintock Weber (TX) Escobar McGovern Vela´ zquez Flores McHenry Webster (FL) The result of the vote was announced Eshoo McKinley Visclosky Fortenberry McKinley Wenstrup as above recorded. Espaillat McNerney Walberg Foxx (NC) Meadows Westerman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Evans Meeks Wasserman Finkenauer Meng Schultz Fulcher Meuser Williams question is on the passage of the bill. Gaetz Miller Wilson (SC) Fitzpatrick Moore Waters Gallagher Mitchell Wittman The question was taken; and the Fletcher Morelle Watson Coleman Gianforte Moolenaar Womack Speaker pro tempore announced that Fortenberry Moulton Welch Gibbs Mooney (WV) Woodall the ayes appeared to have it. Foster Mucarsel-Powell Wexton Gohmert Mullin Wright Frankel Murphy Wild Gonzalez (OH) Newhouse Yoho RECORDED VOTE Fudge Nadler Wilson (FL) Gooden Norman Young Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speak- Gabbard Napolitano Yarmuth Gosar Nunes Zeldin Gallego Neal Yoho er, I demand a recorded vote. Garamendi Neguse Young NOES—232 A recorded vote was ordered. Garcı´a (IL) Norcross Zeldin Adams Bass Blunt Rochester The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a NOES—169 Aguilar Beatty Bonamici 5-minute vote. Allred Bera Boyle, Brendan The vote was taken by electronic de- Abraham Amodei Baird Amash Beyer F. Aderholt Armstrong Balderson Axne Bishop (GA) Brindisi vice, and there were—ayes 264, noes 169, Allen Arrington Banks Barraga´ n Blumenauer Brown (MD) not voting 0, as follows: Amash Babin Barr

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.128 H24JYPT1 H7348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Biggs Harris Ratcliffe tection to perform an initial health sions and my other deployments came Bilirakis Hern, Kevin Reed screening on detainees, and for other under President Obama, who also saw Bishop (UT) Herrera Beutler Reschenthaler Brady Hice (GA) Rice (SC) purposes, will now resume. the crisis at the border and the dire hu- Brooks (AL) Higgins (LA) Riggleman The Clerk will report the title of the manitarian concerns. Buchanan Hill (AR) Roby bill. In February, I watched from above as Buck Holding Rodgers (WA) The Clerk read the title of the bill. border agents struggled to thwart mi- Bucshon Hollingsworth Roe, David P. Budd Hudson Rogers (AL) MOTION TO RECOMMIT grant groups that would systemati- Burgess Hunter Rogers (KY) Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I have cally stagger their attempts to run and Byrne Johnson (LA) Rooney (FL) cross the open border. Calvert Johnson (OH) a motion to recommit at the desk. Rose, John W. Carter (GA) Johnson (SD) My fellow guardsmen shared their ac- Rouzer The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the Carter (TX) Jordan counts of agents giving their last water Roy gentleman opposed to the bill? Chabot Joyce (PA) bottles to dehydrated migrants. My fel- Cheney Keller Rutherford Mr. KINZINGER. I am in its current Cline Kelly (MS) Scalise form. low guardsmen shared various ac- Cloud Kelly (PA) Schweikert The SPEAKER pro tempore. The counts, and one was about agents giv- Cole King (IA) Scott, Austin ing their last bottle of water as they Sensenbrenner Clerk will report the motion. Collins (GA) Kustoff (TN) came across people who were dehy- Comer LaHood Shimkus The Clerk read as follows: Conaway LaMalfa Simpson Mr. Kinzinger moves to recommit the bill drated and in a bad situation, often Crawford Lamborn Smith (MO) H.R. 3239 to the Committee on the Judiciary risking their own safety and their own Crenshaw Latta Smith (NE) with instructions to report the same back to health. Curtis Lesko Smucker the House forthwith with the following While my mission was nice in Feb- Davidson (OH) Long Spano amendment: DesJarlais Loudermilk ruary, today it is pretty hot out in the Stefanik Page 18, after line 10, add the following: Diaz-Balart Lucas Steil desert. These agents are still expected, Duncan Luetkemeyer Steube SEC. 15. SENSE OF CONGRESS. by their oath and by the direction of Dunn Marchant Stewart It is the sense of the Congress that the men the laws of this body, to walk miles Emmer Marshall Taylor and women of the U.S. Border Patrol should Estes Massie Thompson (PA) be commended for continuing to carry out through terrible terrain that, in many Ferguson Mast Thornberry cases, cannot even be accessed by vehi- Fleischmann McCarthy their duties in a professional manner, includ- Timmons ing caring for the extraordinarily high num- cles. They are often met with a foot Flores McCaul Tipton Foxx (NC) McClintock bers of family units, unaccompanied alien chase, sometimes with multiple people Upton Fulcher McHenry children, and single adults processed in Wagner or with dangerous cartel members. Gaetz Meadows Walden United States Customs and Border Protec- And sometimes this happens even at Gallagher Meuser tion facilities referenced in this Act. Gianforte Miller Walker the end of their shift, so it means that Gohmert Mitchell Walorski The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- later they are going to have to call Gonzalez (OH) Moolenaar Waltz ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- home. They are going to have to tell Gooden Mooney (WV) Watkins linois is recognized for 5 minutes. Weber (TX) their loved ones that they are not Gosar Mullin Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, this Granger Newhouse Webster (FL) going to be home to tuck the kids in Graves (GA) Norman Wenstrup motion to recommit is very simple. It bed or say good night because duty Graves (LA) Nunes Westerman affirms this Chamber’s appreciation of calls. Graves (MO) Olson Williams and support for the men and women of Green (TN) Palazzo Wilson (SC) I listened to defeated Customs and Grothman Palmer Wittman the United States Border Patrol. Border Protection agents talk about Guest Pence Womack We in this Chamber know that we the emotional and physical tolls that Guthrie Perry Woodall can debate and disagree all day long this crisis was taking on them and Hagedorn Posey Wright every day, and we have more than their family as they grappled with ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE enough issues to argue about on a reg- these impossible tasks, and more than The SPEAKER pro tempore (during ular basis, but this institution makes once it was mentioned to me the toxic the vote). The Chair will remind all laws. We pass the laws, and we expect rhetoric used in describing them in persons in the gallery that they are those laws to be carried out faithfully. many cases in terms reserved for just here as guests of the House and that This motion to recommit today is our enemies. any manifestation of approval or dis- about recognizing the men and women I saw the compassion in a CBP agent approval of proceedings is in violation of our U.S. Border Patrol who carry during one of my missions as he helped of the rules of the House. out the very laws that we pass for their a young woman we found in the desert hard work and for their dedication. b 2034 to safety after she was left for dead by Without question, we are facing a cri- her cartel handlers because they got So the bill was passed. sis on our southern border. spooked and they ran and abandoned The result of the vote was announced Without question, we are facing a cri- her. as above recorded. sis on our southern border, and our fa- These coyotes work for the cartels, A motion to reconsider was laid on cilities are overcrowded and over- and these cartels make money on two the table. whelmed. And lacking the resources, primary products: people and drugs. f our personnel, our CBP agents are Human lives are viewed as nothing overworked, and I can tell you this be- more than commodities for them, and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER cause I saw it firsthand. this is what I saw firsthand. This is PRO TEMPORE Now, I didn’t go in a windbreaker and what I experienced with the hard- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The get a photo op. I didn’t start a working men and women of our border, Chair will remind all persons in the livestream. Mr. Speaker, I went as a who are often the first and only defense gallery that they are here as guests of lieutenant colonel in the Air National against such tragedy. the House and that any manifestation Guard on a deployment to the mission And it is true, the CBP has effec- of approval or disapproval of pro- in Arizona, to the border. tuated over 3,800 migrant rescues so far ceedings is in violation of the rules of And for me, going to Arizona with this fiscal year risking their own lives the House. my unit in late February was a nice to save others. If you remove CBP, you f respite from the bitter cold of Illinois, will cost lives. but what I saw truly opened my eyes to And maybe people don’t want to be- HUMANITARIAN STANDARDS FOR the crisis at hand and the short- lieve that, maybe it doesn’t fit a nar- INDIVIDUALS IN CUSTOMS AND comings that our CBP agents face with rative, but it is an undeniable fact. We BORDER PROTECTION CUSTODY their limited resources. have placed an unprecedented burden ACT This, by the way, was my fourth de- on our agents asking them to handle The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ployment to the border, and it was some really tough things, and for that ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further only my first under President Trump. they have been villainized. consideration of the bill (H.R. 3239) to So what does that mean? Yes, that The CBP’s facilities were not de- require U.S. Customs and Border Pro- means that my three other border mis- signed as long-term or even short-term

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.057 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7349 shelters for families or children, and Today, I stand before you not only as Hartzler McBath Sensenbrenner Hern, Kevin McCarthy Sherrill those resources to accommodate them a public health professional and an Herrera Beutler McCaul Shimkus and handle the influx are limited. emergency medicine physician trained Hice (GA) McClintock Simpson If this Congress cannot agree to pro- in humanitarian aid, I stand before you Higgins (LA) McHenry Slotkin vide these agents the resources they as a parent of two young daughters. I Hill (AR) McKinley Smith (MO) Holding Meadows Smith (NE) need, as this bill fails to do, the least stand before you as a patriot, whose Hollingsworth Meuser Smith (NJ) we can do is affirm our appreciation for faith in our American values, in the Horn, Kendra S. Miller Smucker their work. Agreeing to this motion to power of basic human decency, has Horsford Mitchell Spanberger recommit will not impact the passage never been stronger. Houlahan Moolenaar Spano Hudson Mooney (WV) Stauber of this bill. Voting in favor of this MTR Tonight’s vote isn’t about politics, it Huizenga Moulton Stefanik will not kill the bill that we are voting isn’t about party, it isn’t even about Hunter Mullin Steil on here today. immigration policy. Hurd (TX) Murphy Steube Johnson (LA) Newhouse Stewart Today what we have is an oppor- This vote is about the beauty and Johnson (OH) Norman Stivers tunity and a moment in time to make power of grace. This vote is about lov- Johnson (SD) Nunes Taylor a simple statement. This institution ing and protecting children, because in Jordan Olson Thompson (PA) can leave politics aside and take this Joyce (OH) Palazzo Thornberry the United States of America, we rec- Joyce (PA) Palmer Timmons time to recognize the mothers and fa- ognize the inherent dignity of every Katko Pence Tipton thers, the brothers and sisters, the sons human being, because in the United Keller Perry Torres Small and daughters, the husbands and wives, States of America, every child is worth Kelly (MS) Peters (NM) Kelly (PA) Peterson Turner our neighbors and the constituents we saving, because in the United States of Kind Phillips Underwood serve, the men and women of our U.S. America, when children die on our King (IA) Porter Upton Border Patrol working in these facili- watch, we take action. King (NY) Posey Van Drew ties every day. Let’s show our support Kinzinger Ratcliffe Vela Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Kustoff (TN) Reed Wagner by rising above the fray of politics and vote ‘‘no’’ on the MTR, then vote ‘‘yes’’ LaHood Reschenthaler Walberg vote in favor of this MTR. for Humanitarian Standards for Indi- LaMalfa Rice (SC) Walden I yield back the balance of my time. viduals Under CBP Custody. Lamborn Riggleman Walker Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- Latta Roby Walorski Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Lee (NV) Rodgers (WA) Waltz position to the MTR. of my time. Lesko Roe, David P. Watkins The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Levin (CA) Rogers (AL) Weber (TX) Lipinski Rogers (KY) Webster (FL) tleman from California is recognized objection, the previous question is or- for 5 minutes. Long Rooney (FL) Wenstrup dered on the motion to recommit. Loudermilk Rose (NY) Westerman Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, my bill, the There was no objection. Lucas Rose, John W. Williams Humanitarian Standards for Individ- Luetkemeyer Rouzer Wilson (SC) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The uals in CBP Custody Act, honors CBP Luria Roy Wittman question is on the motion to recommit. Malinowski Rutherford Womack agents by giving them the assistance The question was taken; and the Marchant Ryan Woodall they have requested and so desperately Marshall Scalise Wright Speaker pro tempore announced that need. Massie Schrader Yoho This bill gives them the tools to help the noes appeared to have it. Mast Schweikert Young McAdams Scott, Austin Zeldin protect kids and families. RECORDED VOTE You see, Mr. Speaker, this bill isn’t Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I de- NOES—192 about political trickery. It is not about mand a recorded vote. Adams Demings Kuster (NH) partisan gotcha politics. A recorded vote was ordered. Aguilar DeSaulnier Lamb This bill is about the goodness of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Allred Deutch Langevin American people. This bill is a call to Barraga´ n Dingell Larsen (WA) ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair Bass Doggett Larson (CT) our better angels. This bill, and I say will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum Beatty Doyle, Michael Lawrence this wholeheartedly, is inspired time for any electronic vote on the Bera F. Lawson (FL) through prayer and by God’s loving question of passage. Beyer Engel Lee (CA) Bishop (GA) Escobar Levin (MI) grace. This is a 5-minute vote. Blumenauer Eshoo Lewis You see, it asks us to remember and The vote was taken by electronic de- Blunt Rochester Espaillat Lieu, Ted heed the words of Jesus in the good vice, and there were—ayes 239, noes 192, Bonamici Evans Loebsack news book of Matthew: ‘‘For I was hun- Boyle, Brendan Finkenauer Lofgren not voting 1, as follows: F. Fletcher Lowenthal gry, and you gave me something to eat. [Roll No. 506] Brown (MD) Foster Lowey I was thirsty, and you gave me some- Brownley (CA) Frankel Luja´ n AYES—239 thing to drink. I was a stranger, and Bustos Fudge Lynch Abraham Carter (GA) Estes Butterfield Gallego Maloney, you welcomed me in’’, and, ‘‘Truly I Aderholt Carter (TX) Ferguson Carbajal Garamendi Carolyn B. tell you, whatever you did for one of Allen Case Fitzpatrick Ca´ rdenas Garcı´a (IL) Maloney, Sean the least of these brothers and sisters Amash Chabot Fleischmann Carson (IN) Garcia (TX) Matsui of mine, you did for me.’’ Amodei Cheney Flores Cartwright Gomez McCollum Armstrong Cisneros Fortenberry Casten (IL) Green, Al (TX) McEachin This bill asks us to fulfill the Golden Arrington Cline Foxx (NC) Castor (FL) Grijalva McGovern Rule: ‘‘Do unto others as you would Axne Cloud Fulcher Castro (TX) Haaland McNerney have them do unto you.’’ Babin Cole Gaetz Chu, Judy Hastings Meeks These principles, you see, are funda- Bacon Collins (GA) Gallagher Cicilline Hayes Meng Baird Collins (NY) Gianforte Clark (MA) Heck Moore mental to our American values. They Balderson Comer Gibbs Clarke (NY) Higgins (NY) Morelle are shared by the CBP agents and doc- Banks Conaway Gohmert Clay Hill (CA) Mucarsel-Powell tors I spoke with at the border. Barr Cook Golden Cleaver Himes Nadler Bergman Costa Gonzalez (OH) Clyburn Hoyer Napolitano This bill protects children, women, Biggs Cox (CA) Gonzalez (TX) Cohen Huffman Neal and families by setting humanitarian Bilirakis Craig Gooden Connolly Jackson Lee Neguse standards that require basic health Bishop (UT) Crawford Gosar Cooper Jayapal Norcross screenings and triage, formula for in- Bost Crenshaw Gottheimer Correa Jeffries O’Halleran Brady Cuellar Granger Courtney Johnson (GA) Ocasio-Cortez fants, diapers for toddlers, and simple Brindisi Cunningham Graves (GA) Crist Johnson (TX) Omar necessities like toothbrushes and soap. Brooks (AL) Curtis Graves (LA) Crow Kaptur Pallone This bill also protects the health of Brooks (IN) Davidson (OH) Graves (MO) Cummings Keating Panetta Buchanan Davis, Rodney Green (TN) Davids (KS) Kelly (IL) Pappas our agents, proud Americans who work Buck Delgado Griffith Davis (CA) Kennedy Pascrell tirelessly in dangerous and inhumane Bucshon DesJarlais Grothman Davis, Danny K. Khanna Payne conditions, who are also parents and Budd Diaz-Balart Guest Dean Kildee Perlmutter suffer lifelong trauma when someone Burchett Duffy Guthrie DeFazio Kilmer Pingree Burgess Duncan Hagedorn DeGette Kim Pocan else’s child dies under their respon- Byrne Dunn Harder (CA) DeLauro Kirkpatrick Pressley sibilities. Calvert Emmer Harris DelBene Krishnamoorthi Price (NC)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.133 H24JYPT1 H7350 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Quigley Serrano Torres (CA) Bera Haaland Pappas Fortenberry Kustoff (TN) Rose, John W. Raskin Sewell (AL) Trahan Beyer Harder (CA) Pascrell Foxx (NC) LaHood Rouzer Rice (NY) Shalala Trone Bishop (GA) Hastings Payne Fulcher LaMalfa Roy Richmond Sherman Vargas Blumenauer Hayes Perlmutter Gaetz Lamborn Rutherford Rouda Sires Veasey Blunt Rochester Heck Peters Gallagher Latta Scalise Roybal-Allard Smith (WA) Vela´ zquez Bonamici Higgins (NY) Peterson Gianforte Lesko Schweikert Ruiz Soto Visclosky Boyle, Brendan Hill (CA) Phillips Gibbs Long Scott, Austin Ruppersberger Speier Wasserman F. Himes Pingree Gohmert Loudermilk Sensenbrenner Rush Stanton Gonzalez (OH) Lucas Shimkus Schultz Brindisi Horn, Kendra S. Pocan Sa´ nchez Stevens Brown (MD) Horsford Gooden Luetkemeyer Simpson Waters Porter Sarbanes Suozzi Brownley (CA) Houlahan Gosar Marchant Smith (MO) Watson Coleman Pressley Scanlon Swalwell (CA) Bustos Hoyer Granger Marshall Smith (NJ) Welch Price (NC) Schakowsky Takano Butterfield Huffman Graves (GA) Massie Smucker Wexton Quigley Schiff Thompson (CA) Carbajal Jackson Lee Raskin Graves (LA) Mast Spano Wild ´ Schneider Thompson (MS) Cardenas Jayapal Rice (NY) Graves (MO) McCarthy Stauber Schrier Titus Wilson (FL) Green (TN) McCaul Carson (IN) Jeffries Richmond Stefanik Scott (VA) Tlaib Yarmuth Griffith McClintock Steil Cartwright Johnson (GA) Rose (NY) Scott, David Tonko Case Johnson (TX) Grothman McHenry Steube Rouda Casten (IL) Kaptur Guest McKinley Stewart Roybal-Allard NOT VOTING—1 Castor (FL) Keating Guthrie Meadows Stivers Ruiz Gabbard Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Hagedorn Meuser Taylor Ruppersberger Chu, Judy Kennedy Hartzler Miller Thompson (PA) Rush Cicilline Khanna Hern, Kevin Mitchell Thornberry b 2053 Cisneros Kildee Ryan Herrera Beutler Moolenaar Timmons Sa´ nchez So the motion to recommit was Clark (MA) Kilmer Hice (GA) Mooney (WV) Tipton Clarke (NY) Kim Sarbanes Higgins (LA) Mullin Turner agreed to. Clay Kind Scanlon Hill (AR) Newhouse Upton The result of the vote was announced Cleaver Kirkpatrick Schakowsky Holding Norman Wagner as above recorded. Clyburn Krishnamoorthi Schiff Hollingsworth Nunes Walberg Schneider Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, pursu- Cohen Kuster (NH) Hudson Olson Walden Connolly Lamb Schrader Huizenga Palazzo Walker ant to the instructions of the House on Cooper Langevin Schrier Hunter Palmer Walorski the motion to recommit, I report the Correa Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Hurd (TX) Pence Waltz bill, H.R. 3239, back to the House with Costa Larson (CT) Scott, David Johnson (LA) Perry Watkins Courtney Lawrence Serrano Johnson (OH) Posey Weber (TX) an amendment. Cox (CA) Lawson (FL) Sewell (AL) Johnson (SD) Ratcliffe Webster (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Craig Lee (CA) Shalala Jordan Reed Wenstrup Clerk will report the amendment. Crist Lee (NV) Sherman Joyce (OH) Reschenthaler Westerman The Clerk read as follows: Crow Levin (CA) Sherrill Joyce (PA) Rice (SC) Williams Cuellar Levin (MI) Sires Katko Riggleman Wilson (SC) Amendment offered by Ms. LOFGREN: Cummings Lewis Slotkin Keller Roby Wittman Page 18, after line 10, add the following: Cunningham Lieu, Ted Smith (WA) Kelly (MS) Rodgers (WA) Womack Davids (KS) Lipinski Soto Kelly (PA) Roe, David P. Woodall SEC. 15. SENSE OF CONGRESS. Davis (CA) Loebsack Spanberger King (IA) Rogers (AL) Wright It is the sense of the Congress that the men Davis, Danny K. Lofgren Speier King (NY) Rogers (KY) Yoho and women of the U.S. Border Patrol should Dean Lowenthal Stanton Kinzinger Rooney (FL) Zeldin be commended for continuing to carry out DeFazio Lowey Stevens NOT VOTING—4 their duties in a professional manner, includ- DeGette Luja´ n Suozzi ing caring for the extraordinarily high num- DeLauro Luria Swalwell (CA) Bass Harris bers of family units, unaccompanied alien DelBene Lynch Takano Gonzalez (TX) Smith (NE) Delgado Malinowski Thompson (CA) children, and single adults processed in Demings Maloney, United States Customs and Border Protec- Thompson (MS) DeSaulnier Carolyn B. Titus b 2102 tion facilities referenced in this Act. Deutch Maloney, Sean Tlaib Dingell Matsui So the bill was passed. Ms. LOFGREN (during the reading). Tonko Doggett McAdams Torres (CA) The result of the vote was announced Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Doyle, Michael McBath Torres Small as above recorded. F. McCollum that the amendment be considered as (NM) Engel McEachin A motion to reconsider was laid on read. Trahan Escobar McGovern the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Eshoo McNerney Trone objection to the request of the gentle- Espaillat Meeks Underwood Evans Meng Van Drew f woman from California? Vargas There was no objection. Finkenauer Moore Fletcher Morelle Veasey The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Foster Moulton Vela REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, question is on the amendment. Frankel Mucarsel-Powell Vela´ zquez BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- The amendment was agreed to. Fudge Murphy Visclosky VIVORS PROTECTION ACT Gabbard Nadler Wasserman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gallego Napolitano Schultz Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask question is on the engrossment and Garamendi Neal Waters unanimous consent that the Com- third reading of the bill. Garcı´a (IL) Neguse Watson Coleman mittee on the Judiciary be discharged The bill was ordered to be engrossed Garcia (TX) Norcross Welch Golden O’Halleran Wexton from further consideration of H.R. 962, and read a third time, and was read the Gomez Ocasio-Cortez Wild the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- third time. Gottheimer Omar Wilson (FL) tection Act, and ask for its immediate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Green, Al (TX) Pallone Yarmuth Grijalva Panetta Young consideration in the House. question is on the passage of the bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under The question was taken; and the NOES—195 guidelines consistently issued by suc- Speaker pro tempore announced that Abraham Brooks (AL) Comer cessive Speakers, as recorded in sec- the ayes appeared to have it. Aderholt Brooks (IN) Conaway tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- RECORDED VOTE Allen Buchanan Cook ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- Amash Buck Crawford Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I de- Amodei Bucshon Crenshaw tertain the request unless it has been mand a recorded vote. Armstrong Budd Curtis cleared by the bipartisan floor and A recorded vote was ordered. Arrington Burchett Davidson (OH) committee leaderships. Babin Burgess Davis, Rodney The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Bacon Byrne DesJarlais Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, if this 5-minute vote. Baird Calvert Diaz-Balart unanimous consent request cannot be The vote was taken by electronic de- Balderson Carter (GA) Duffy entertained, I urge the Speaker and the vice, and there were—ayes 233, noes 195, Banks Carter (TX) Duncan majority leader to immediately sched- Barr Chabot Dunn not voting 4, as follows: Bergman Cheney Emmer ule the born-alive bill so that we can [Roll No. 507] Biggs Cline Estes stand up and protect the sanctity of Bilirakis Cloud Ferguson human life. AYES—233 Bishop (UT) Cole Fitzpatrick Adams Allred Barraga´ n Bost Collins (GA) Fleischmann The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Aguilar Axne Beatty Brady Collins (NY) Flores tlewoman is not recognized for debate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.059 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7351 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER ‘‘used to reimburse the applicable appropria- GENERAL LEAVE PRO TEMPORE tions’’; (2) in section 1704(a) by striking ‘‘, subject Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. to the availability of appropriations,’’ and ask unanimous consent that all Mem- CISNEROS). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule inserting ‘‘from the Claims Fund’’; and bers have 5 legislative days in which to XX, the Chair will postpone further (3) by striking section 1707(a). revise and extend their remarks and in- proceedings today on additional mo- SEC. 2. BUDGETARY TREATMENT OF TECHNICAL clude extraneous material on the meas- tions to suspend the rules on which a AMENDMENTS. ure under consideration. recorded vote or the yeas and nays are (a) DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- ordered, or votes objected to under FECTS.—As the budgetary effects for spend- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there clause 6 of rule XX. ing provided by this Act were estimated and objection to the request of the gen- The House will resume proceedings offset as part of the enactment of the Guam tleman from Guam? World War II Loyalty Recognition Act (title on postponed questions at a later time. XVII of division A of Public Law 114–328), the There was no objection. f budgetary effects of this Act shall be deter- Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I mined as if the amendments made by this yield myself such time as I may con- MAKING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS Act were included in the enactment of the TO GUAM WORLD WAR II LOY- Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act sume. ALTY RECOGNITION ACT (title XVII of division A of Public Law 114– Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I 328), for purposes of the Congressional Budg- revised CBO materials. et Act of 1974 and the Statutory Pay-As-You- move to suspend the rules and pass the U.S. CONGRESS, Go Act of 2010. bill (H.R. 1365) to make technical cor- CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, (b) PAY-AS-YOU-GO COMPLIANCE.—The rections to the Guam World War II budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose Washington, DC, July 12, 2019. ´ Loyalty Recognition Act, as amended. of complying with the Statutory Pay-As- Hon. RAUL M. GRIJALVA, The Clerk read the title of the bill. You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources The text of the bill is as follows: reference to the latest statement titled House of Representatives, Washington, DC. H.R. 1365 ‘‘Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation’’ DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- for this Act, submitted for printing in the Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost resentatives of the United States of America in Congressional Record by the Chairman of the estimate for H.R. 1365, a bill to make tech- Congress assembled, House Budget Committee, provided that such nical corrections to the Guam World War II SECTION 1. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO GUAM statement has been submitted prior to the Loyalty Recognition Act. This cost estimate WORLD WAR II LOYALTY RECOGNI- vote on passage. supersedes the estimate transmitted on July TION ACT. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 10, 2019. Title XVII of division A of Public Law 114– ant to the rule, the gentleman from 328 is amended— If you wish further details on this esti- (1) in section 1703(e)— Guam (Mr. SAN NICOLAS) and the gen- mate, we will be pleased to provide them. (A) by striking ‘‘equal to’’ and inserting tleman from Utah (Mr. CURTIS) each The CBO staff contact is Matthew Pickford. ‘‘not to exceed’’; and will control 20 minutes. Sincerely, (B) by striking ‘‘covered into the Treasury The Chair recognizes the gentleman PHILLIP L. SWAGEL, Director. as miscellaneous receipts’’ and inserting from Guam. Enclosure. H.R. 1365, A BILL TO MAKE TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE GUAM WORLD WAR II LOYALTY RECOGNITION ACT—AS REPORTED BY THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES ON JULY 11, 2019 [By fiscal year, millions of dollars]

2019 2019–2024 2019–2029

Direct Spending (Outlays) ...... 0 40 40 Revenues ...... 0 0 0 Deficit Effect ...... 0 40 40 Spending Subject to Appropriation (Outlays) ...... 0 0 0 Statutory pay-as-you-go procedures apply? ...... Yes Mandate Effects Increases on-budget deficits in any of the four consecutive 10-year periods beginning in 2030? ...... No Contains No intergovernmental mandate? Contains private-sector No mandate?

H.R. 1365 would authorize a portion of cus- ing World War II. Those customs duties and would increase direct spending by $40 million toms duties and federal income taxes col- income taxes are currently deposited in the for compensation payments as funds become lected in Guam to be spent to compensate Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. available over the 2020–2023 period. certain residents and surviving family mem- Using information from the Department of The costs of the legislation (detailed in bers for their treatment during the island’s Justice about how much compensation is Table 1) fall within budget function 800 (gen- occupation by Japanese military forces dur- due, CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 1365 eral government). TABLE 1—ESTIMATED INCREASES IN DIRECT SPENDING UNDER H.R. 1365 [By fiscal year, millions of dollars]

2019- 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2024

Estimated Budget Authority ...... 0 12 12 12 4 0 40 Estimated Outlays ...... 0 12 12 12 4 0 40

This estimate supersedes the CBO estimate viewed by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy As- While H.R. 1365 is a bipartisan bill for H.R. 1365, a bill to make technical correc- sistant Director for Budget Analysis. that would simply make technical cor- tions to the Guam World War II Loyalty rections to the current Guam World Recognition Act that was transmitted on Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, this marks the first time that I have taken War II Loyalty Recognition Act, it is July 10, 2019. Although the five-year and ten- the final component of a 75-year saga year totals are correct, the initial estimate to this floor to deliver remarks as a rooted in loyalty, faith, hope, and love indicated that there would be some costs in Member of Congress. My constituents 2019. The legislation has not yet passed ei- in the midst of unimaginable suffering. can attest to the fact that I have never The Guam World War II Loyalty Rec- ther House of Congress and CBO assumes it been one known to shy away from a would be enacted near the end of fiscal year ognition Act was passed by Congress 2019. Given that timing, CBO expects spend- microphone. However, the gravitas of and signed into law at the end of 2016, ing would probably commence in fiscal year H.R. 1365 that I bring to the floor today recognizing the sacrifices the people of 2020. is of such consequence that I chose to Guam endured at the hands of foreign The CBO staff contact for this estimate is withhold the privilege of this floor occupiers during World War II. Nearly Matthew Pickford. The estimate was re- until this day. 78 years ago, foreign enemies bombed

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.140 H24JYPT1 H7352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Pearl Harbor and then made their way Unfortunately, pertinent technical service and those who made the ulti- east, taking control of Guam from language was left out of the original mate sacrifice. United States naval forces, many of bill, preventing the Department of the Mr. Speaker, I humbly ask my col- which were evacuated prior to the in- Treasury from making payments for leagues for their support in passing vasion. claims adjudicated and certified for H.R. 1365 so the Greatest Generation of The civilian population of Guam, re- compensation by the Foreign Claims Guam who instilled in us this faith in garded as Americans by the enemy, Settlement Commission. H.R. 1365 American democracy can finally re- were left undefended, for all intents makes the necessary corrections to the ceive the long-awaited closure they and purposes. In the 974 days of enemy Guam World War II Loyalty Recogni- have been seeking since the end of occupancy, too many of the people of tion Act to see Congress’ intent World War II. Guam, who today are American citi- through, and it was drafted in close As a gracious victor who assumed the zens, were injured, raped, maimed, consultation with the Department of responsibility for postwar peace, the murdered, and even forced to dig their the Treasury and the Department of passage of H.R. 1365 represents an own grave sites or those of their family the Interior, to ensure the language’s unreconciled act of grace by the United and friends. efficacy. States of America to a people who suf- These atrocities occurred due to the Mr. Speaker, it is important to note fered for their loyalty to America. Per- unwavering patriotism of the people of for my colleagues that the moneys haps most importantly, it represents Guam. used for payment of these claims does an affirmation that, while slow to turn, An 83-year-old survivor clearly re- not create a new expense category for and sometimes too slow, the wheels of members her family risking their lives the budget. I repeat, H.R. 1365 does not justice in the land of the free do even- to hide and care for the only living create a new expense category for the tually come full circle. U.S. Navy soldier left on the island, Federal budget. Instead, the moneys A loyal people await the ultimate who was tasked with sending informa- deposited in the Guam War Claims passage of H.R. 1365. And I am humbled tion to our forces overseas. She shared Fund is funding that originates from to not only represent them in this her observations of enemy soldiers Guam’s section 30 Federal income tax body, but to extend my thanks on their going village to village, looking for ra- transfer payments, essentially moneys behalf to the Speaker, majority leader, dioman George Tweed and leaving a already due to the government of majority whip, committee chairs of ju- trail of tortured and dead in their path. Guam. As such, funding for these risdiction, my minority leader, and Another 83-year-old survivor shared claims do not represent a new expense ranking committee members who have how he witnessed his childhood friend but a reprogramming of existing ex- made this moment possible, and to my beaten up every day just for looking penses. colleagues on both sides of the aisle American. It is also important to note that who, today, do us the tremendous One survivor, who was 5 years old at these claimants are not just constitu- honor of seeing this measure through the time, testified to remembering her ents of mine. Many claimants live in 46 this House. mother, pregnant with her sibling, other States and territories and are Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of after being severely beaten, hemor- constituents to 265 districts across our my time. rhage to a slow death while performing Nation. We have claimants in Alabama; Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield forced labor under the grueling Sun. Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; myself such time as I may consume. The baby did not survive either. Colorado; Connecticut; Florida; Geor- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Though our people experienced such gia; Hawaii; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; of H.R. 1365. cruel acts, we remained vigilant with Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; As the gentleman has so well already the hope and faith that the United Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; explained, this bill would authorize the States would return and liberate us Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Mon- release of certain funds from the Guam from enemy forces. Seventy-five years tana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hamp- Treasury that have been set aside to ago this past Sunday, true to their shire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New pay Guam World War II survivor word, our servicemen took to the York; North Carolina; Ohio; Oklahoma; claims. shores of Guam, many of whom gave Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Many individuals living on the island their lives to reclaim the island, and South Carolina; South Dakota; Ten- during the Japanese occupation suf- rescued those left who survived the nessee; Texas; Utah, the great State fered injury and, in some cases, death. brutality. that my colleague this evening rep- In 2016, Congress enacted the Guam These stories are the memories of our resents; Virginia; Washington; Wash- World War II Loyalty Recognition Act survivors who continue to carry the ington, D.C.; Wisconsin; Wyoming; the to provide for the adjudication of heavy burdens of war post-liberation. Commonwealth of the Northern Mar- claims and for the payment of com- These survivors, who were steadfast in iana Islands; and Guam. pensation as recommended by the their devotion to this country, the Over these past 75 years, our World Guam War Claims Review Commission United States of America, were left out War II survivors and their families in their 2004 report. However, legisla- when America forgave its vanquished have made their home throughout this tion and language in the act uninten- enemies from any form of redress to country. Notwithstanding our current tionally prevented funds from being those who suffered under their occupa- political status, our sons, daughters, provided to World War II survivors and tion. mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters their heirs. This bill fixes the original Almost 3 years ago, Congress voted have died defending the freedom that act’s language to ensure survivors can to pass the Guam World War II Loyalty liberators brought to our shores 75 receive these claims. Recognition Act, providing those re- years ago. Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of this maining survivors with a Federal measure. I have no additional speakers, claims process to seek adjudicated b 2115 and I yield back the balance of my compensation for wartime suffering, a While we struggle on Guam under in- time. Federal process that, today, 75 years equities and supplemental security in- Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I later, has one final hurdle to clear with come, Medicaid, and even basic voting yield myself the balance of my time. H.R. 1365 to make those who qualified rights, we remain the Sparta of Amer- Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank whole. Of the over 14,000 who suffered, ica, with the highest per capita armed my colleague on the other side of the 3,663 survivors have filed claims, with services recruitment rates in the coun- aisle for his support. many of the nearly 11,000 having passed try. Mr. Speaker, I want to extend my ap- before this process could even begin. The brutality of the enemy 75 years preciation to various individuals and Nonetheless, the Foreign Claims Set- ago could not break the resolve of our entities for their unyielding support tlement Commission, since October of relationship with the United States of and assistance in pushing this bill for- last year, has certified over 600 claims, America and the generations since ward. and the Commission continues to adju- then and, to this very day, reflect this I thank Ms. Irene Sgambelluri, an 89- dicate all claims filed. exemplary patriotism in our rights of year-old war survivor who flew out

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.142 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7353 here on her own to take meetings at bers have 5 legislative days to revise the Civil War. I want to thank Ms. Car- the White House and who now has a and extend their remarks and include rier as an educator, historian, and au- White House special assistant on speed extraneous materials on the measure thor with expertise in African Amer- dial; Congressman KILILI SABLAN for under consideration. ican music, Texas history, and heritage his assistance in moving this bill The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tourism. through the process; my predecessors objection to the request of the gen- I also thank Ms. Eileen Lawal for her for laying much groundwork over tleman from Guam? April 2019 oral testimony before the many years that brings us to this in- There was no objection. Natural Resources Committee in an flection point; my leadership counter- Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I amazing, passionate expression of how parts in Guam; the speaker of the Leg- yield myself such time as I may con- vital this trail will be. Ms. Lawal is the islature of Guam and the Republican sume. president Houston Freedmen’s Town Party of Guam, who recognized and en- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 434, introduced by Conservancy, whose mission is to pro- dorsed this very important bipartisan Representative JACKSON LEE of Texas, tect and preserve the history of Freed- measure. celebrates the freedom of the last men’s Town. Lastly, I want to thank the senior American slaves by authorizing the I also thank the Mayor of the city of citizens of Guam, our war survivors study of an approximately 51-mile Houston, Sylvester Turner; Commis- whose sacrifices, patience, and for- route for inclusion as a national his- sioner Rodney Ellis; the mayor of the titude have given us the strength and toric trail in the National Trails Sys- city of Galveston; my colleague, my inspiration to bring this to closure on tem. The study will examine the suit- original cosponsor, Congressman their behalf. ability of designating the Emanci- WEBER, who represents the Galveston I urge my colleagues to support the pation National Historic Trail from area. legislation, and I yield back the bal- Galveston to Freedmen’s Town in The work of H.R. 434 will result in ance of my time. Houston. only the second trail in the United States that chronicles the experience The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Nearly 21⁄2 years after President Lin- question is on the motion offered by coln’s Emancipation Proclamation, of African Americans. the gentleman from Guam (Mr. SAN United States General Gordon Granger I am hoping that this will move swiftly through the United States NICOLAS) that the House suspend the rode into Galveston, Texas, to an- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1365, as nounce the freedom of the last Amer- House, then to the United States Sen- ate, and then is signed by the President amended. ican slaves. The question was taken; and (two- Upon gaining their freedom, many of of the United States. Currently, the National Park Service thirds being in the affirmative) the the 250,000 newly freed slaves traversed only has one national historic trail rules were suspended and the bill, as the route from Galveston to Freed- which centers on the African American amended, was passed. men’s Town in Houston, spreading the experience. It is a Selma to Mont- A motion to reconsider was laid on news to neighboring communities. This the table. gomery National Historic Trail which bill is a fitting tribute that honors the covers a 54-mile path between Selma f historic journey and lasting legacy of and Montgomery. EMANCIPATION NATIONAL the last American slaves. But as slaves lived in this land from HISTORIC TRAIL STUDY ACT I want to thank the gentlewoman 1619 to 1865 as slaves, a 250-year his- from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I tory, to think only one trail would championing this important legislation commemorate that historic moment— move to suspend the rules and pass the and for her hard work moving this bill bill (H.R. 434) to designate the Emanci- although a moment in history that all through the legislative process. of us are saddened by—it is important pation National Historic Trail, and for I strongly support passing this bill. other purposes, as amended. to capture the bravery, the courage, I yield such time as she may consume the strength of those families who The Clerk read the title of the bill. to the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. The text of the bill is as follows: managed to stay together. JACKSON LEE). H.R. 434 The establishment of the Emanci- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I pation National Historic Trail will be Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- thank the gentleman very much for resentatives of the United States of America in the second trail for which the National Congress assembled, yielding, and I thank him for his lead- Park Services would have responsi- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ership and the leadership of Chairman bility and, again, would tell the won- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Emancipation GRIJALVA, for the full committee, and, derful story for future generations of National Historic Trail Study Act’’. certainly, the ranking member for his the rich history of this Nation and the SEC. 2. EMANCIPATION NATIONAL HISTORIC courtesies. role that African Americans played in TRAIL STUDY. I thank the manager tonight, a friend the economic, political, religious, cul- Section 5(c) of the National Trails System Act from Utah, for their kindness in yield- tural, and governmental efforts of this (16 U.S.C. 1244(c)) is amended by adding at the ing to me. This is an emotional mo- Nation. It ties into the work that we end the following: ment for me and, as well, for many in ‘‘(47) EMANCIPATION NATIONAL HISTORIC are continuing to do. TRAIL.—The Emancipation National Historic my constituency, and I am delighted to The Emancipation National Historic Trail, extending approximately 51 miles from the be able to rise to give strong support to Trail Study Act would pave the way to Osterman Building and Reedy Chapel in Gal- H.R. 434, the Emancipation National working to establish an important veston, Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and Historic Trail Study Act. story. It will go 51 miles from the his- Interstate Highway 45 North, to Freedmen’s I thank all of the Members, as I have toric Osterman Building and Reedy Town, then to Independence Heights and Eman- indicated, and also thank Congress- Chapel in Galveston, Texas, along cipation Park in Houston, Texas, following the woman HAALAND, chair of the Natural migration route taken by newly freed slaves and Highway 3 and Interstate 45, all the other persons of African descent from the major Resources Committee’s Subcommittee way up to Freedmen’s Town and Eman- 19th century seaport town of Galveston to the on National Parks, Forests, and Public cipation Park and Independence burgeoning community of Freedmen’s Town, lo- Lands, for holding the hearing that al- Heights, which was the first city orga- cated in the 4th Ward of Houston, Texas.’’. lowed the committee to learn of the nized by African Americans here in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- strong support enjoyed by H.R. 434 and Southwest region. ant to the rule, the gentleman from the hard work of dedicated historic H.R. 434 requires that we study the Guam (Mr. SAN NICOLAS) and the gen- preservationists to preserve the rich post-Civil War history of newly freed tleman from Utah (Mr. CURTIS) each history of former slaves. slaves in a major slave-holding State will control 20 minutes. I also thank Naomi Mitchell Carrier following the largest military cam- The Chair recognizes the gentleman of Houston, Texas, for her stalwart ef- paign waged on domestic soil in the from Guam. forts to share the stories of newly freed history of the United States. GENERAL LEAVE slaves who settled in Freedmen’s Town, It is important to take note of the Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I a section of Houston, to begin their fact that those of us west of the Mis- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- lives as free persons during the end of sissippi did not know that Abraham

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.143 H24JYPT1 H7354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Lincoln had freed the slaves until 1865. years of planning and construction and cause The Gregory School currently holds Captain Granger came to the shores over 100 years of struggle, to see the and has held a very unique place in the his- and said to us in 1865, those of our an- history of former slaves as part of the tories of Texas, Houston, and Freedmen’s complex of the museums of the Smith- Town/Fourth Ward history for more than 152 cestors, that they had been freed. years. In a second inaugural address, Presi- sonian that began in 1915. In 2009, The Gregory School was estab- dent Abraham Lincoln declared that I am proud to say that one of my lished by the Houston Public Library as an slavery was America’s original sin: predecessors, the Honorable Mickey African American Research and Archival ‘‘Yet, if God wills that it continue Leland, was the first to seek to estab- Center in Houston’s Historic Fourth Ward or until all the wealth piled by the bonds- lish a museum dealing with slaves. Freedmen’s Town. Freedman’s Town was es- man’s 250 years of unrequited toil shall Then came JOHN LEWIS, who intro- tablished in 1865 as the destination of former duced his bill in 2003. I was delighted to enslaved people in Texas and Louisiana after be sunk, and until every drop of blood the Civil War. In 1866, the Freedmen’s Bu- drawn with the lash shall be paid by be able to be part of it. I am asking for strong support for reau opened schools for black children and another drawn with the sword, as was adults in the area. The Texas Legislature au- said 3,000 years ago, so still it must be H.R. 434. As I indicated, it brings back thorized the creation of public schools for said ‘the judgments of the Lord are great memories of understanding our the black community in 1870. By 1872 most of true and righteous altogether.’ ’’ discussion in school about slavery and the students and teachers who were at the We know that Abraham Lincoln its aftermath. There was no commemo- Bureau schools, which were closing, left wanted to maintain the unity of this ration to recognize that historic them to attend the state-managed Gregory Institute. The Gregory Institute was the Nation, but he wanted it to be without march, that historic migration when the slaves were freed in Galveston at first school for freed slaves in Houston. Mike slaves. The story of the trail will be Snyder of the Houston Chronicle said that it one that will be enlightening because that time and the settling that went on in the city of Houston. was ‘‘perhaps the first school for freed slaves the newly freed slaves established com- in the State of Texas.’’ By 1876 the Gregory munities. They established schools. b 2130 Institute became a part of the Houston Pub- They established churches, and they It is very important to have knowl- lic School System. The building that now houses the African American Library at the migrated into the Houston community, edge of our history. With this trail, not coming up from that Emancipation Na- Gregory School first opened in 1926, as a two- only will the information about this story public school building for ‘‘colored tional Historic Trail. historic trail be placed in the annals of children,’’ and was named Gregory Elemen- Today, the city of Houston is fortu- the history of the United States, but I tary School. In March 2019, The Gregory nate to call those communities Freed- will be very grateful that the children School was designated as a ‘‘site of Memory men’s Town and Emancipation Park. and their children’s children will really associated with the UNESCO Slave Route The first park that was bought in the understand the important collective Project’’ for being the first public school for State of Texas was bought by freed history of this great Nation. freed slaves in the state of Texas. slaves in Independence Heights. Freed- Again, I wish to thank all of those This bill will result in the Emancipation men’s Town survived while other com- National Historic Trail, which extends ap- who supported this. It is important to proximately 51 miles from the Osterman munities did not, and it continues to be able to thank Harris County Pre- Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, have some of the historic buildings. cinct 1 Commissioner Rodney Ellis, the Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and By 1915, over 400 African American- African American Library at Gregory Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, owned businesses existed in Freedmen’s School, the Houston Freedmen’s Town then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- Town. By 1920, one-third of Houston’s Conservatory, the Freedmen’s Town pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail 85,000 people lived in Freedmen’s Town. Advisory Committee, the Emanci- follows the migration route taken by newly Freedmen’s Town is recognized as a pation Park Conservancy, the Inde- freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- historic district. Emancipation Park pendence Heights Redevelopment port town of Galveston to the burgeoning was established in 1872 as Texas’ oldest community of Freedmen’s Town, which is Council, the Freedmen’s Town Preser- now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the park, and it was bought, as I indicated, vation Coalition, the Kohrville Com- 18th Congressional District. by freed slaves for a mere $8. After the munity Amos Cemetery Association, The start of the trail is located where Gen- emancipation, Freedmen’s Town be- the Texas Center for African American eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, came one of the only sanctuaries for Living History, the Rutherford B. Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- free persons in Houston. Hayes Yates Museum, the Heritage So- nounce the freedom of the last American The Freedmen’s Town community ciety of Sam Houston Park, the Hous- slaves. His announcement belatedly freed has fought to preserve its structures, ton Association of Black Psycholo- 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- and though we are suffering from gists, the Kinder Foundation, and Van- lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled gentrification and the movement of our derbilt University. from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- historic structures, we still have the Ramon Manning, who heads the boring communities. character of that community. Emancipation Park Conservancy, was Should this bill become law it would estab- I am delighted that the new neigh- an avid and strong supporter, also, as I lish the first trail in the Southwest United bors, the new residents of that area mentioned, Sylvester Turner, the States that recognizes the role of African will now be able to recognize how im- mayor of the city of Houston; Jac- Americans in the legacy of freedom in the portant Freedmen’s Town is, and we queline Bostic; the Fourth Ward Rede- United States. An Emancipation Historic velopment Authority; the head of the Trail designation would bring long overdue can work together to build the histor- historic recognition due to the role African ical story. Emancipation Park Conservancy; and Americans played in the building of the to- One such struggle was to preserve the the director of parks. As I said, the day’s Houston and the state of Texas. In ad- handmade red bricks, and this evi- mayor of the city of Galveston was also dition, the revenue generated by people who dences the restoring, the very impor- a supporter. come to visit the area and walk this trail tant ceremony to put the old bricks Mr. Speaker, I include letters in sup- will result in tourism dollars to the city of that were made by freed slaves, to put port of H.R. 434. Houston and the adjoining areas. them back into Freedmen’s Town. CITY OF HOUSTON Sincerely, RHEA BROWN LAWSON, Ph.D., There are many stories that have LIBRARY DEPARTMENT, Houston, TX, July 22, 2019. Director of the Houston Public Library. come with this recurrent retelling of Hon. , this trail, and I believe it will be an im- House of Representatives, HARRIS COUNTY PRECINT ONE, portant trail and important story as Washington, DC. Houston, TX, July 22, 2019. well. DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Let me also indicate that Independ- LEE: The Houston Public Library, on behalf U.S. House of Representatives, ence Heights, as I said, was the first of the African American Library at the Greg- Washington, DC. city, and we have already discussed the ory School (The Gregory School), endorses DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON H.R. 434, the Emancipation National Historic LEE: I would like to express my strong sup- importance of Emancipation Park. Trail Act, which had a hearing before the port for H.R. 434, ‘‘Emancipation National On September 24, 2016, the National Subcommittee on April 2, 2019. Historic Trail Act.’’ The trail will follow the Museum of African American History The Library has a vested interest in the migration route taken by newly freed slaves and Culture opened its doors, after 13 Emancipation National Historic Trail be- from Galveston to the vibrant settlement of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.145 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7355 Freedmen’s Town, which today is located from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- Americans in the legacy of freedom in the outside downtown Houston in the 18th Con- boring communities. United States. An Emancipation Historic gressional District. The trail would extend Should this bill become law it would estab- Trail designation would bring long overdue north 51 miles from Galveston’s historic lish the first trail in the Southwest United historic recognition due to the role African Osterman Building and Reedy Chapel AME States that recognizes the role of African Americans played in the building of the to- Church along Highway 3 and Interstate 45 to Americans in the legacy of freedom in the day’s Houston and the state of Texas. In ad- Freedmen’s Town and Emancipation Park in United States. An Emancipation Historic dition, the revenue generated by people who Houston. Trail designation would bring long overdue come to visit the area and walk this trail As the Harris County Precinct One Com- historic recognition due to the role African will result in tourism dollars to the city of missioner, I have the privilege of rep- Americans played in the building of the to- Houston and the adjoining areas. resenting the Freedman’s Town and Emanci- day’s Houston and the state of Texas. In ad- Sincerely, pation Park areas; I firmly believe the trail dition, the revenue generated by people who CATHYRINE STEWART, will further elevate the historical signifi- come to visit the area and walk this trail President Kohrville Community Association. cance of these vibrant communities and tell will result in tourism dollars to the city of an important part of our local and national Houston and the adjoining areas. FREEDMEN’S TOWN history. The Emancipation National Historic This August I will attend the meeting of PRESERVATION COALITION Trail would be the first trail in southwest the UNESCO International Scientific Com- Houston, TX, July 22, 2019. United States that recognizes the role of Af- mittee for the Slave Route Project in Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, rican Americans in the legacy of freedom. Cotonou, Benin, where we will celebrate the House of Representatives, I applaud you for introducing the bill, 25th anniversary of the project and where I Washington, DC. which I wholeheartedly support, and urge will be proud to report on the successes in DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON your support of the creation of the Emanci- Texas. I hope that the passage of this bill LEE: This letter is written to advise you that pation National Historic Trail Act. It would will be an additional item to celebrate. the Freedmen’s Town Preservation Coalition bring national attention to a period of his- Sincerely, was established in June 2014 to preserve and tory when our nation took significant strides JANE LANDERS, protect historical sites and properties. We to make real the promise of our founding Gertrude Conaway therefore, enthusiastically endorse H.R. 434, documents that give all people the right to Vanderbilt Chair of the Emancipation National Historic Trail freedom—a worthy goal, indeed. History, Vanderbilt Act, which had a hearing before the Sub- Thank you for your time and consider- University, Director, committee on April 2, 2019. ation. Slave Societies Dig- FTPC is a grassroots citizens-based organi- Sincerely, ital Archive, Mem- zation that saw a problem with the destruc- RODNEY ELLIS, ber, UNESCO Inter- tion of historical cultural sites and prop- Commissioner. national Scientific erties in Freedmen’s Town, the first place for Committee for the settlement of formerly enslaved Africans. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, Slave Route Project. The trail of Freedom led to establishment of Nashville, TN, July 19, 2019. Freedmen’s Town. FTPC stopped the de- Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, struction and removal of the historic bricks U.S. House of Representatives, House of Representatives, that were made, paid for and laid by freed- Washington, DC. Washington, DC. men and their descendants by first, devel- DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON oping an awareness campaign, secondly, LEE: As the U.S. Member of the UNESCO LEE: The Kohrville Community Amos Ceme- placing a human body in the hole of destruc- International Scientific Committee for the tery Association endorses H.R. 434, the tion and finally, through legal action. Hence, Slave Route Project: ‘‘Resistance, Liberty Emancipation National Historic Trail Act, as you can see, we recognize that preserva- and Heritage,’’ I write to endorse H.R. 434, which had a hearing before the Sub- tion must happen and thusly, we are de- the Emancipation National Historic Trail committee on April 2, 2019. lighted with your proposed action to estab- Act, which had a hearing before the Sub- The Amos Cemetery is the oldest African- lish an Emancipation National Historic committee on April 2, 2019. American burial ground in the Kohrville Trail. My UNESCO charge has been to help iden- community. Amos Cemetery is a significant This bill will result in the Emancipation tify sites of importance for the history of Af- part of Texas history by awarding it an Offi- National Historic Trail, which extends ap- ricans and their descendants in our country, cial Texas Historical Marker. The designa- proximately 51 miles from the Osterman and to support the nomination of these sites tion honors the cemetery as an important Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, for a UNESCO Slave Route designation. and educational part of local history. In 1881, Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and Since 2017, I have had the pleasure of work- former enslaved blacks from Alabama and Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, ing with the organizations and individuals in Mississippi settled the area located on Cy- then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- Houston who have been dedicated to pre- press Creek. The Kohrville community, cen- pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail serving this important and underappreciated tered on farming, ranching and lumber in- follows the migration route taken by newly history. After much hard work on their part, dustries, and offered schools for black stu- freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- this year a number of Houston sites won the dents. Families that established this com- port town of Galveston to the burgeoning UNESCO Slave Route designation. As an his- munity are buried here as history is pre- community of Freedmen’s Town, which is torian of the African past in the Americas, I served by the Kohrville Community Amos now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the have long recognized the role Galveston Cemetery Association. 18th Congressional District. played in the African slave trade, filtering This bill will result in the Emancipation The start of the trail is located where Gen- newly imported Africans into the U.S. National Historic Trail, which extends ap- eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, Southwest. Nor did Galveston’s engagement proximately 51 miles from the Osterman Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- in that trade end in 1808 when Congress offi- Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, nounce the freedom of the last American cially abolished that trade. Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and slaves. His announcement belatedly freed This bill will result in the Emancipation Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years National Historic Trail, which extends ap- then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- proximately 51 miles from the Osterman pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, follows the migration route taken by newly from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- boring communities. Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, port town of Galveston to the burgeoning Should this bill become law it would estab- then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- community of Freedmen’s Town, which is lish the first trail in the Southwest United pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the States that recognizes the role of African follows the migration route taken by newly 18th Congressional District. Americans in the legacy of freedom in the freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- The start of the trail is located where Gen- United States. An Emancipation Historic port town of Galveston to the burgeoning eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, Trail designation would bring long overdue community of Freedmen’s Town, which is Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- historic recognition due to the role African now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the nounce the freedom of the last American Americans played in the building of the to- 18th Congressional District. slaves. His announcement belatedly freed day’s Houston and the state of Texas. In ad- The start of the trail is located where Gen- 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years dition, the revenue generated by people who eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- come to visit the area and walk this trail Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled will result in tourism dollars to the city of nounce the freedom of the last American from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- Houston and the adjoining areas. slaves. His announcement belatedly freed boring communities. Sincerely, 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years Should this bill become law it would estab- DORRIS ELLIS ROBINSON, after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- lish the first trail in the Southwest United Founder and President of the Freedmen’s lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled States that recognizes the role of African Town Preservation Coalition.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:01 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00109 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.082 H24JYPT1 H7356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019

Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, across America that still exist today. We are slaves and community members in the Third House of Representatives, hopeful that H.R. 434 will serve as a beacon and Fourth Wards led by Reverend Jack Washington, DC. and give hope to many other places that are Yates, Richard Allen, Richard Brock, and DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON struggling to protect heritage before it is all Reverend Elias Dibble united to raise $1,000 LEE: The Houston Association of Black Psy- erased. in 1872 to purchase 10 acres of park land to chologists (HABPsi) endorses H.R. 434, the African Americans were tenacious people. host Juneteenth Celebrations. Emancipation Emancipation National Historic Trail Act, After the Civil War, they united and estab- Park is the most historic and culturally sig- which had a hearing before the Sub- lished settlements and even incorporated nificant park in the city of Houston and was committee on April 2, 2019. towns in the south amidst racial upheaval formerly one of the only communal spaces As a group of mental health professionals, and reconstruction. We are proud f this her- for Blacks in Houston. Over the years, HABPsi is of the opinion that the recogni- itage and are proud to stand with other com- Emancipation Park’s immediate surrounding tion of the Emancipation National Historic munities including Galveston, Emancipation area experienced an economic boom, where Trail would extend further the redemption of Park and Freedman’s Town in Houston. The many Black owned and frequented busi- people of African descent who continue to passing of this bill will result in the Emanci- nesses, financial institutions and venues live with the legacy of enslavement to this pation National Historic Trail, which ex- flourished in Houston’s Third Ward. Emanci- day. Even after more than 150 years since the tends approximately 51 miles from the pation Park is significant, not only as a rit- Emancipation Proclamation, African Ameri- Osterman Building and Reedy Chapel in Gal- ual of remembrance and celebration, but also cans experience mental, emotional and spir- veston, Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 as an early act of exercising the rights of itual pain from the experience of generations and Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, property ownership, commerce and coopera- of enslavement. Acknowledgement of slavery then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- tive economics amongst Blacks, which were ending . . . of free men, women and children pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail formerly denied, known in our nation’s walking away is a powerful remembrance. follows the migration route taken by newly founding documents as ‘‘life, liberty, and the This bill will result in the Emancipation freed slaves where General Gordon Granger pursuit of happiness’’. The Emancipation Na- National Historic Trail, which extends ap- announced the Emancipation Proclamation tional Historic Trail would serve as an in- proximately 51 miles from the Osterman on June 19, 1865, freeing the last American valuable opportunity to share rich cultural, Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, slaves. The newly freed slaves traveled social, historical and economic strides that Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and spreading the news to neighboring commu- have shaped society in the past and present. Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, nities. Thank you for your consideration in this then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- Should this bill become law it would estab- designation. pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail lish the first trail in the Southwest United Sincerely, follows the migration route taken by newly States that recognizes the role of African RAMON MANNING, freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- Americans in the legacy of freedom. It would Board Chairman, port town of Galveston to the burgeoning also bring awareness highlighting the Emancipation Park Conservancy. community of Freedmen’s Town, which is undertold story of many African Americans now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the towns and places. In addition, the revenue FREEDMEN’S TOWN 18th Congressional District. generated by people who come to visit the ADVISORY COMMITTEE, The start of the trail is located where Gen- area and walk this trail will result in tour- Houston, TX, July 20, 2019. eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, ism dollars to the city of Houston and the Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- adjoining areas. House of Representatives, nounce the freedom of the last American Sincerely, Washington, DC. slaves. His announcement belatedly freed TANYA DEBOSE, DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN JACKSON LEE: The 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years Executive Director, Freedmen’s Town Advisory Committee after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- Independence would like to express our enthusiastic sup- lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled Heights Redevelop- port for H.R. 434, the Emancipation National from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- ment Council, Inc. Historic Trail Act, which had a hearing be- boring communities. fore the Subcommittee on April 2, 2019. Should this bill become law it would estab- EMANCIPATION PARK CONSERVANCY, The Freedmen’s Town Advisory Committee lish the first trail in the Southwest United April 2, 2019. was established by Mayor Sylvester Turner States that recognizes the role of African Hon. DEB HAALAND, to help preserve the historical integrity of Americans in the legacy of freedom in the Chairwoman—House Subcommittee National Freedmen’s Town for the benefit of genera- United States. An Emancipation Historic Parks, Forest, and Public Lands Natural tions to come. Historians have stated that Trail designation would bring long overdue Resources Committee, Washington, DC. Freedmen’s Town is potentially the ‘‘largest historic recognition due to the role African Hon. , linear architectural footprint still preserved Americans played in the building of the to- Ranking Member—House Subcommittee Na- in America’’ of black urban life during the day’s Houston and the state of Texas. In ad- tional Parks, Forest, and Public Lands Nat- post-slavery Reconstruction era. dition, the revenue generated by people who ural Resources Committee, Washington, DC. The Committee has worked to promote come to visit the area and walk this trail DEAR CHAIRWOMAN HAALAND AND RANKING Freedmen’s Town and bring international will result in tourism dollars to the city of MEMBER YOUNG: I write to express strong recognition from the United Nations Edu- Houston and the adjoining areas. support for H.R. 434, the Emancipation Na- cational, Scientific, and Cultural Organiza- Sincerely, tional Historic Trail Act, introduced by Con- tion to the area. As a result of this collabo- MS. ANELLE WILLIAMS, gresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Enactment ration, multiple sites located on the pro- HABPsi President. of this bill will make possible an Emanci- posed Trail have been designated as ‘‘Sites of pation National Historic Trail, which will Memory Associated to the UNESCO Slave INDEPENDENCE HEIGHTS extend 51 miles from the historic Osterman Route Project’’. REDEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INC., Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, This bill will result in the Emancipation Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas, along Highway 3 and Interstate 45, National Historic Trail, which extends ap- House of Representatives, north to Freedmen’s Town and Emanci- proximately 51 miles from the Osterman Washington, DC. pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON follows the migration route taken by newly- Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and LEE: On behalf of the Board of Directors, freed slaves from the Galveston, Texas a Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, staff and community of historic Independ- major nineteenth century port to the vibrant then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- ence Heights. we are pleased to offer this let- settlement of Freedmen’s Town, which is pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail ter supporting the establishment of the Na- today the Fourth Ward of Houston, in the follows the migration route taken by newly tional Emancipation Heritage Trail. We are 18th Congressional District. freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- excited about this effort and have been en- The Emancipation National Historic Trail port town of Galveston to the burgeoning gaged to assure all of our local churches, would be the first trail in the southwest community of Freedmen’s Town, which is businesses and community groups join us as United States that recognizes the role of Af- now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the we endorse H.R. 434: the Emancipation Na- rican Americans in the legacy of freedom in 18th Congressional District. tional Historic Trail Act, referenced in a the United States. An Emancipation Historic The start of the trail is located where Gen- hearing held before the Subcommittee on Trail designation would bring national rec- eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, April 2, 2019. ognition to a period of history when our na- Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- As the local convening agency in Independ- tion took significant strides to make real nounce the freedom of the last American ence Heights, we work everyday to preserve the promise of our nation’s founding docu- slaves. His announcement belatedly freed the rich heritage of Independence Heights, ments attesting to the rights of all to live 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years the first municipality established by African free. after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- Americans in the State of Texas. This is es- Sparked by the desire to have a place to lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled pecially important to us as we are amongst commemorate the anniversary of their from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- only a handful of communities remaining emancipation, known as Juneteenth, former boring communities. Should this bill become

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00110 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.077 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7357 law it would establish the first trail in the me. I ask my colleagues to support H.R. 434 requires that we study the post- Southwest United States that recognizes the H.R. 434 enthusiastically. We look for- Civil War history of newly-freed slaves in a role of African Americans in the legacy of ward to the history being told for all to major slave holding state following the largest freedom in the United States. An Emancipation Historic Trail designa- know, to appreciate, and to under- military campaign waged on domestic soil in tion would bring long overdue historic rec- stand. the history of the United Sates. ognition to the role African Americans Mr. Speaker, as the author and principal This period is more than just a story about played in the building of today’s Houston sponsor, I rise today in strong support of H.R. the North’s victory and the South’s loss—it is and the state of Texas. In addition, the rev- 434, the ‘‘Emancipation National Historic Trail a story about a newly-freed people emerging enue generated by people who come to visit Act.’’ from over 250 years of slavery and how they the area and walk this trail will result in I thank Chairman RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA for survived into the 21st century when other simi- tourism dollars to the city of Houston and the adjoining areas. shepherding this legislation to the floor. larly situated communities did not. Warm Regards, I also thank Congresswoman HAALAND, In his Second Inaugural Address President EILEEN LAWAL, chair of the Natural Resources Committee’s Abraham Lincoln declared that slavery was Chair. Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and America’s Original Sin: Public Lands for holding the hearing that al- Yet, if God wills that it continue [The Civil HOUSTON FREEDMEN’S lowed the Committee to learn of the strong War] until all the wealth piled by the bonds- TOWN CONSERVANCY, support enjoyed by H.R. 434, and the hard man’s two hundred and fifty years of unre- Houston, TX, July 20, 2019. work of dedicated historic preservationists to quited toil shall be sunk, and until every Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, preserve the rich history of former slaves. drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be House of Representatives, paid by another drawn with the sword, as Washington, DC. Let me begin by thanking Ms. Naomi Mitch- was said three thousand years ago, so still it DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN JACKSON LEE: With ell Carrier of Houston, Texas, for her stalwart must be said ‘‘the judgments of the Lord are this letter, The Houston Freedmen’s Town efforts to preserve and share the stories of true and righteous altogether.’’ Conservancy would like to express our en- newly freed slaves who settled in the Freed- thusiastic support for H.R. 434, the Emanci- The bloody civil war was one phrase often men’s Town section of Houston to begin lives used by battlefield survivors to describe what pation National Historic Trail Act, which as free persons following the end of the Civil had a hearing before the Subcommittee on it was—blood, suffering, tears, and death, but April 2, 2019. War. from this struggle came a new birth of free- The Houston Freedmen’s Town Conser- Ms. Mitchell Carrier is an educator, histo- dom for millions of former slaves. vancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation rian, and author with expertise in African There were thousands of communities com- that was established to protect and preserve American music, Texas history, and heritage prised of freed slaves throughout the United the history of Freedmen’s Town for the ben- tourism. efit of future generations. Freedmen’s Town States—although most of these communities I also thank Ms. Eileen Lawal for her April were found in the South, they could also be was listed on the National Register of His- 2019 oral testimony before the Natural Re- toric Places in 1985, by the U.S. Department found in the North, South, and Midwestern of Interior, and some of the historic sites lo- sources Committee, in support of H.R. 434. sections of the country. cated in this ‘‘Mother Ward’’ as it is com- Ms. Lawal is the president of Houston Newly-freed slaves held malice toward monly known, were recognized in March, 2019 Freedmen’s Town Conservancy, whose mis- none, including former slave owners. by the United Nations Educational, Sci- sion is to protect and preserve the history of But the same could not be said for those entific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Freedmen’s Town for the benefit of future gen- who once owned slaves. Seven of these historic sites, all located erations. along the proposed Historic Trail, have been Through economic hardship, natural disas- The work of H.R. 434 will result in the sec- ters, and the period of 1919–1921 called the designated as ‘‘Sites of Memory Associated ond trail in the United States that chronicles with the UNESCO Slave Route Project’’. ‘‘Burnings,’’ dozens of communities ceased to This bill will result in the Emancipation the experience of African Americans. exist. National Historic Trail, which extends ap- Currently, the National Parks Service only The City of Houston is fortunate that much proximately 51 miles from the Osterman has one National Historic Trail, which centers of this early history of former slaves has sur- Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, on the African American experience. vived to this day: Freedmen’s Town, Inde- Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and It is the Selma to Montgomery National His- Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, pendence Heights, and the Emancipation Park toric Trail, which covers a 54-mile path be- areas, which are treasures in our nation’s his- then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- tween Selma and Montgomery, Alabama, was pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail tory. follows the migration route taken by newly designated a National Historic Trail in 1966. Freedmen’s Town survived where other freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- The Selma to Montgomery Trail tells an im- communities did not, and it is the only sur- port town of Galveston to the burgeoning portant story about a pivotal moment in the viving 19th century community built by former community of Freedmen’s Town, which is nation’s struggle with turning away from a his- slaves to have a notable number of original now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the tory of segregation and toward a future of structures that have been protected, pre- 18th Congressional District. equality and justice. served, or restored. The start of the trail is located where Gen- Establishment of the Emancipation National eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, Freedmen’s Town became the center of op- Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- Historical Trail will be the second trail for portunity for freed slaves throughout the Hous- nounce the freedom of the last American which that the National Parks Services would ton area. slaves. His announcement belatedly freed have responsibility, and it will tell the story of By 1915, over 400 African American-owned 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years African Americans and will preserve for future businesses existed there. after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- generations the rich history of the newly-freed By 1920 one-third of Houston’s 85,000 peo- lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled slaves who journeyed to Houston in search of ple lived in Freedmen’s Town. from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- economic and political opportunity, and greater Freedmen’s Town is a recognized Historic boring communities. Should this bill become religious and cultural freedom. District. law it would establish the first trail in the It is a remarkable story and one that all Southwest United States that recognizes the Emancipation Park was established in 1872 role of African Americans in the legacy of Americans can be proud to share with the and is Texas’s oldest public park. freedom in the United States. world. After emancipation, Freedmen’s Town be- An Emancipation Historic Trail designa- The Emancipation National Historic Trail Act came one of the only sanctuaries for freed tion would bring long overdue historic rec- would pave the way for the establishment of persons in Houston, Texas. ognition due to the role African Americans only the second nationally-recognized historic Today, Freedmen’s Town hosts an impres- played in the building of today’s Houston trail that chronicles the experience of African sive number of post-Civil War surviving struc- and the state of Texas. In addition, the rev- Americans in their struggle for equality and enue generated by people who come to visit tures—which include homes, public buildings, the area and walk this trail will result in justice. and commercial spaces built by former slaves. tourism dollars to the city of Houston and H.R. 434, the Emancipation National Histor- The Freedmen’s Town community has the adjoining areas. ical Trail Act, designates as a national historic fought to preserve structures, unique construc- Warm Regards, trail the 51 miles from the historic Osterman tion features, and period materials which are EILEEN LAWAL, Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, unique in their continued presence as origi- Board of Directors President. Texas, along Highway 3 and Interstate 45, nally installed. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I north to Freedmen’s Town and Emancipation One such struggle was the work to preserve thank the gentleman for yielding to Park in Houston, Texas. handmade red brick street in Freedmen’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.078 H24JYPT1 H7358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 Town that streets would have been destroyed Since its opening the NMAAHC has gen- upon reconsideration accepted her as a mem- had community leaders and preservationists erated a sustained demand for tickets, an un- ber, making her the first of many women of not fought and succeeded in winning needed precedented problem for a museum—where color who became members of the organiza- infrastructure improvements, and the re-instal- interest far outstrips capacity to accommodate tion. lation of the period bricks onto the street. visitors. The history of the United States is more There are concerns that Texas Department About three million people have already vis- complex and immensely richer than would be of Transportation’s announced highway im- ited the NMAAHC, which is the newest mu- apparent if we only consider the history of one provements on I–45 in the City of Houston seum in the Smithsonian Institution and group of people. would impact the historic areas of Independ- houses close to 37,000 rare artifacts within The tenacity demonstrated and the focus on ence Heights before the study directed by this three stories. historical accuracy and the need to save what bill could begin. Not only is demand for tickets high, accord- is a unique aspect of American history for fu- The reason the National Parks Service ex- ing to the museum’s associate director, so is ture generations is important. ists is to preserve the public lands for all to the amount of time visitors spend in the mu- For this reason, I ask my colleagues on use and enjoy. seum once they get in. both sides of the aisle to vote in support of The nation has invested a great deal in pro- The museum’s associate director told H.R. 434. tecting national parks and historic places due NPR.com that while most venues have a Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield to their unique beauty, typographical features, ‘‘dwell’’ time of an hour and 45 minutes to two myself such time as I may consume. or historic relevance. hours, visitors are spending up to six hours Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. The stories that make up the American ex- exploring. It’s already an important part of 434, which would authorize the Sec- perience have, for far too long, been limited to many people’s list of things to do in Wash- retary of the Interior to conduct a spe- those of one group of Americans. ington, D.C.’’ cial resource study of the proposed The limited view of what is of value or inter- There is a hunger in the nation for stories Emancipation National Historic Trail. est to the American public has changed with about African Americans from our past that This 51-mile trail follows the migration the establishment of a Native American His- link us to our present and act as guideposts route taken by newly freed slaves and tory Museum and most recently the opening of to our future. other persons of African descent from the National African American History and Cul- This is a momentous opportunity—one that the major 19th-century seaport town of ture on the Mall. fires the imagination for fully telling the Amer- Galveston to the burgeoning commu- The ‘‘whites-only’’ version of American his- ican story from the voices and perspectives of nity of Freedmen’s Town in Houston. tory must end and at the same time we can all of our nation’s citizens. Although President Abraham Lincoln make room for other American stories. The richness of these diverse stories is officially ended slavery through the In 1915, the first suggestion of creating an found in Houston’s African American historic Emancipation Proclamation on Sep- African American History Museum came from areas. tember 22, 1862, many slaves were not African American Union veterans of the Civil These areas of Houston tell the story of freed until much later when news of War. many peoples who are part of our nation’s his- the proclamation reached their towns. By 1988, Congressmen JOHN LEWIS and tory by filling in gaps of the story of the United The last of those slaves lived in the Mickey Leland introduced legislation for a States that too many Americans do not know South and were freed on June 19, 1865, stand-alone African American history museum or understand because these stories are now after the Emancipation Proclamation within the Smithsonian Institution. being taught as part of American history. was read in Galveston. Their bill faced significant opposition in Con- It is important to ensure that the public trust On January 1, 1866, the Emancipation gress due to its cost. to preserve our nation’s history is also a com- Proclamation was read at the African Supporters of the African American museum mitment to preserving all of its history, includ- Methodist Episcopal Church on 20th tried to salvage the proposal by suggesting ing that which reflects both its best and worst and Broadway, now Reedy Chapel. A that the Native Indian museum (then moving moments. large number of the freed slaves through Congress) and African American mu- By way of example, when I was a young marched from the courthouse on 21st seum share the same space. girl, I learned the story of Crispus Attucks—a and Ball Streets to the church, where But the compromise did not work, and Con- key figure in our nation’s history who on the the director of the Freedmen’s Bureau gress took no further action on the bill. eve of the American Revolution lost his life read the proclamation to the marchers. In 2001, Congressman LEWIS and Con- during a protest of British rule prior to the start The Emancipation Proclamation is gressman J.C. Watts reintroduced legislation of the Revolutionary War. still read at the church each year at for a museum in the House of Representatives However, Crispus Attucks was not the sole the Juneteenth celebration. which became law, creating a federal commis- person of African descent who wanted to see Houston, Texas, has rich ties to Afri- sion to study the idea of an African American freedom from British rule—he fought for the can American history. The Emanci- Museum near Capitol Hill. United States and was joined by thousands of pation Trail proposed by H.R. 434 ends After completing a 2-year study the Com- other persons of African descent who partici- in Freedmen’s Town and Emancipation mission determined that an African American pated in the Revolutionary War. Park in Houston. Freedmen’s Town is history museum would be of substantial ben- Over time the history of the American War one of the first and the largest of the efit to the nation. for Independence is revealing a tapestry of di- post-Civil War Black urban commu- In 1994, despite winning approval in both versity that had not been well understood. nities in Texas. The community was es- House and Senate committees, the bill died In the 1980s the daughters of the American tablished by former Texas slaves who once more, due to opposition by North Caro- Revolution initially would not accept black left their plantations for the safety of lina Senator Jesse Helms, who refused to women as members until one stood up and Houston. allow the legislation to come to the Senate took a stand. Emancipation Park is also signifi- floor despite bipartisan support. According to a March 1984 story in the cant to Houston African American his- In 2003, the House passed the ‘‘National Washington Post, Lena Lorraine Santos Fer- tory. In the years following the eman- Museum of African American History and Cul- guson, a retired school secretary, was denied cipation of slaves in Texas, African ture Act,’’ which passed the Senate and was membership in a Washington, D.C. chapter of American populations across Texas col- signed into law by President George W. Bush. the DAR because she was black. lected money to buy property dedi- On September 24, 2016, the National Mu- Her two white sponsors, Margaret M. John- cated to the Juneteenth celebrations. seum of African American History and Culture ston and Elizabeth E. Thompson, were In honor of their freedom, they named (NMAAHC) opened its doors after 13 years of shocked at Ms. Ferguson’s rejection. it Emancipation Park. planning, and construction and over a hundred Ms. Ferguson met the lineage requirements This bill is an important reminder of years of struggle to see the history of former and could trace her ancestry to Jonah Gay, a the struggles of African Americans slaves as part of the complex of museums on white man who fought in Maine. throughout our Nation’s history as we the Capital Mall began in 1915. When the reason for not admitting Ms. Fer- have worked to form a more perfect The success of the National Museum of Af- guson became known, the public reaction was union. I support Ms. JACKSON LEE’s ef- rican American History and Culture reveals the swift and negative. forts to study the proposed trail and hunger in the nation and across the world for The Daughters of the American Revolution highlight the important African Amer- authentic stories from our past. revisited their denial of Ms. Ferguson, and ican history of Texas.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00112 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.080 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7359 Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption of by Reverend Jack Yates, Richard Allen, proximately 51 miles from the Osterman this measure. Richard Brock, and Reverend Elias Dibble to Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, Mr. Speaker, I have no more speak- serve as a gathering place for former slaves Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and ers, and I yield back the balance of my living in the Third and Fourth Wards to Interstate 45 North to include the Freed- commemorate the anniversary of their men’s Town National Register Historic time. emancipation (‘‘Juneteenth’’). The Kinder Place-TCP, then to Independence Heights, Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I Foundation also actively supports the Eman- and Emancipation Park in Houston, Texas. thank my colleague for his support, cipation Park Conservancy to further pro- This trail follows a migration route taken by and I yield back the balance of my gramming and operations at Emancipation previously enslaved peoples from the major time. Park, as well as the Emancipation Commu- 19th century seaport town of Galveston to Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I include nity Development Partnership and the the founding of the earliest Urban settle- in the RECORD the following letters in support Emancipation Economic Development Coun- ment of Freedmen’s Town-4th Ward, Hous- of H.R. 434, the Emancipation National His- cil in an effort to revitalize the area through ton, home to the 18th Congressional District. affordable housing and education initiatives. The start of the trail is located where Gen- toric Trail Act: Passing H.R. 434, will have an enormous im- eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, CITY OF HOUSTON, pact and be a major contribution towards Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- Houston, TX, March 26, 2019. the historical and cultural preservation of nounce the freedom of the last American Hon. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA, three of Houston’s most historically signifi- slaves. His announcement belatedly freed Chairman, Natural Resources Committee, cant neighborhoods. slaves nearly two and a half years after House of Representatives, Washington, DC. This bill will result in the Emancipation Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclama- DEAR CHAIRMAN GRIJALVA: I write today to National Historic Trail, which extends ap- tion. The newly freed slaves traveled from express my support of Representative Sheila proximately 51 miles from the Osterman Galveston and from Plantations throughout Jackson Lee’s bill, H.R. 434, the Emanci- Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, Texas. to other cities and states in search of pation National Historic Trail Act. Passage Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and family members who had been previously of this bill will pave the way for the Emanci- Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, sold into slavery, and to spread the news of pation National Historic Trail, which will then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- freedom to neighboring communities. extend approximately 51 miles from the pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail The Emancipation National Historic Trail Osterman Building and Reedy Chapel in Gal- follows the migration route taken by newly Act would bring long overdue historic rec- veston, Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- ognition for the role African Americans and Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town port town of Galveston to the burgeoning played in the building of Houston and Texas. and Emancipation Park in Houston, Texas. community of Freedmen’s Town, which is In addition, the revenue generated by herit- This trail follows the migration route taken now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the age cultural tourists who visit and walk this by newly freed slaves from the major 19th 18th Congressional District. trail will benefit the City of Houston and the century seaport town of Galveston to the The start of the trail is located where Gen- State of Texas. burgeoning community of Freedmen’s Town, eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, Sincerely, which is now the 4th Ward of Houston, home Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- THEOPHILUS HERRINGTON, PH.D. to the 18th Congressional District. nounce the freedom of the last American The start of the trail is located where Gen- slaves. His announcement belatedly freed THE HERITAGE SOCIETY eral Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years AT SAM HOUSTON PARK, Texas, on June 19, 1865, to announce the free- after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- Houston, TX. dom of the last American slaves. His an- lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, nouncement belatedly freed 250,000 slaves from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- House of Representatives, nearly two and a half years after Abraham boring communities. Washington, DC. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. The Should this bill become law it would estab- DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON newly freed slaves traveled from Galveston lish the first trail in the Southwest United LEE: The Heritage Society endorses H.R. 434, to spread the news to neighboring commu- States that recognizes the role of African the Emancipation National Historic Trail nities. Americans in the legacy of freedom in the Act, which had a hearing before the Sub- The Emancipation National Historic Trail United States. An Emancipation Historic committee on April 2, 2019. would be the first trail in the Southwest Trail designation would bring long overdue Since its founding, The Heritage Society, a United States that recognizes the role that historic recognition due to the role African non-profit 501(c)(3), has acquired and re- African Americans in the legacy of freedom Americans played in the building of the to- stored ten historic buildings in the city of in the United States. An Emancipation His- day’s Houston and the state of Texas. In ad- Houston. The result is a treasure for our toric Trail designation would bring long dition, the revenue generated by people who city, with buildings that tell the stories of overdue historic recognition due to the role come to visit the area and walk this trail how diverse segments of society lived daily, African Americans played in the building of will result in tourism dollars to the city of from freed slaves building new lives for the today’s Houston and the state of Texas. Houston and the adjoining areas. themselves to prosperous merchant families In addition, the revenue generated by people Sincerely, from Houston’s early years. The Heritage So- who come to visit the area and walk this NANCY G. KINDER, ciety is an educational institution whose trail will result in tourism dollars to the President & CEO. mission is to tell the stories of the diverse city of Houston and the surrounding area. I history of Houston and Texas through its urge you to pass this bill to create the RUTHERFORD B. H. YATES collections, exhibitions and programing. Emancipation National Historic Trail. MUSEUM, INC., This bill will result in the Emancipation Sincerely, Houston, TX. National Historic Trail, which extends ap- SYLVESTER TURNER, Hon. SHIELA JACKSON LEE, proximately 51 miles from the Osterman Mayor. House of Representatives, Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, Washington, DC. Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and KINDER FOUNDATION, DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, Houston, TX, July 22, 2019. LEE: The Rutherford B H Yates Museum, Inc. then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, endorses H.R. 434, the Emancipation Na- pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail House of Representatives, tional Historic Trail Act, which had a hear- follows the migration route taken by newly Washington, DC. ing before the Subcommittee on April 2, 2019. freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON The Rutherford B H Yates Museum, Inc. port town of Galveston to the burgeoning LEE: The Kinder Foundation endorses H.R. believes that the approval of H.R. 434 will be community of Freedmen’s Town, which is 434, the Emancipation National Historic the first major step toward the goal for the now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the Trail Act, which had a hearing before the 40 block Freedmen’s Town National Register 18th Congressional District. Subcommittee on April 2, 2019. Historic Place-TCP and its related sites, to Two of the historic buildings cared for by The Kinder Foundation actively supports become U.S. National Landmarks and ulti- The Heritage Society, the Jack Yates House the community development and preserva- mately to receive UNESCO-World Heritage and the 4th Ward Cottage, have been nomi- tion of the historic Freedmen’s Town and Cite recognition. In March 2019, the first six nated as ‘‘Sites of Memory’’ as part of the Third Ward in Houston, Texas, which has a (6) of the (74) sites that RBHYates Museum, UNESCO Slave Route Project. Obtaining direct relationship and serves as a key loca- Inc. had nominated in 2016, have been award- international recognition to the Jack Yates tion in H.R. 434, the Emancipation National ed as ‘‘Sites of Memory Associated with the House signifies its importance as a place Historic Trail Act. The Kinder Foundation is UNESCO-Slave Route’’. We continue to sub- that embodies what is was to be an enslaved participating in planning efforts for Freed- mit documents for consideration of the nom- African-American, who, once freed, became a men’s Town and provided early funding for inated sites, in the UNESCO-Slave Route community leader whose lasting impact is the renovation of Emancipation Park lo- process. seen today. Recognizing this Historic Trail cated in Third Ward. Emancipation Park This bill will result in the Emancipation would truly provide a larger understanding began as 10 acres of land purchased in 1872, National Historic Trail, which extends ap- of how Houston’s history is both unique and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00113 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.149 H24JYPT1 H7360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 also very much a part of the larger story of bring long overdue historic recognition due Through our project plan that directs the impact of enslavement of African Ameri- to the role African Americans played in the TIRZ #14 to allocate its funds to historical cans in the United States. building of the today’s Houston and the state preservation, among other designated Should this bill become law it would estab- of Texas. In addition, the revenue generated projects, the Authority has set its priorities lish the first trail in the Southwest United by people who come to visit the area and on preserving and renovating the institu- States that recognizes the role of African walk this trail will result in tourism dollars tional vestiges of Freedman’s Town to assure Americans in the legacy of freedom in the to the city of Houston and the adjoining that for generations to come the story of the United States. An Emancipation Historic areas. African-American experience in Houston can Trail designation would bring long overdue My research gathered over the past 30 be retold and personally experienced. We historic recognition due to the role African years will be an invaluable asset to the Na- strongly believe that The Emancipation Na- Americans played in the building of the to- tional Park Service in the study of the Trail tional Historic Trail will lend itself to act as day’s Houston and the state of Texas. In ad- and relevant 19th and early 20th century his- the impetus by which the nation will come dition, the revenue generated by people who toric sites in the surrounding areas. to know and experience the tenacity and come to visit the area and walk this trail Sincerely, strength of the freed slave to build, thrive will result in tourism dollars to the city of NAOMI MITCHELL CARRIER, and prosper in its own community. Houston and the adjoining areas. M.Ed.—Professor, Therefore, it is an honor to lend our sup- Sincerely, Houston Community port to the H.R. 434, The Emancipation Na- tional Historic Trail Act. ALISON A. BELL, College, Author, Go Very truly yours, Executive Director. Down, Old Hannah, Founder, Texas Cen- JACQUELINE BOSTIC, Chair. Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, ter for African Amer- House of Representatives, ican Living History EMANCIPATION PARK CONSERVANCY, Washington, DC. (TCAALH), Director, April 2, 2019. DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN SHEILA JACKSON Performing and Vis- Hon. DEB HAALAND, LEE: The Texas Center for African American ual Arts Workshop. Chairwoman, House Subcommittee National Living History endorses H.R. 434, the Eman- Parks, Forest, and Public Lands, Natural cipation National Historic Trail Act, which FOURTH WARD REDEVELOPMENT AU- Resources Committee, Washington, DC. had a hearing before the Subcommittee on THORITY, TIRZ NO. 14, FREED- Hon. DON YOUNG, April 2, 2019. MAN’S TOWN, Ranking Member, House Subcommittee National Owing to my research to document historic Houston, TX, April 1, 2019. Parks, Forest, and Public Lands, Natural sites and markers from Galveston to Hous- Re H.R. 434, the Emancipation National His- Resources Committee, Washington, DC. ton Freedmen’s National Historic District, I, toric Trail Act DEAR CHAIRWOMAN HAALAND AND RANKING Naomi Carrier, develop a written testimony EB AALAND Hon. D H , MEMBER YOUNG: I write to express strong that has become a part of the historical Chairwoman, House Subcommittee on National support for H.R. 434, the Emancipation Na- record for H.R. 434, as expressed in this ex- Parks, Forests and Public Lands, Natural tional Historic Trail Act, introduced by Con- cerpt from Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Resources Committee, Washington, DC. gresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Enactment Lee: DEAR CHAIRWOMAN HAALAND: On behalf of of this bill will make possible an Emanci- ‘‘As the founder and CEO of Texas Center the Boards of Directors for Tax Increment pation National Historic Trail, which will for African American Living History, your Reinvestment Zone Number Fourteen, City extend 51 miles from the historic Osterman insight will be beneficial to the effort to see of Houston, Texas (‘‘TIRZ #14’’) and Fourth Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, H.R. 434 become law. In the past thirty Ward Redevelopment Authority (the ‘‘Au- Texas, along Highway 3 and Interstate 45, years, you have endeavored to bring a fresh thority’’), please allow this correspondence north to Freedmen’s Town and Emanci- perspective to Texas History through per- to serve as our expression of support for H.R. pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail formance art and education. If you will pre- 434, the Emancipation National Historic follows the migration route taken by newly- pare written remarks in support of the bill, Trail Act, introduced by Congresswoman freed slaves from the Galveston, Texas a I will see that your written statement is Sheila Jackson Lee. major nineteenth century port to the vibrant It is our understanding that the enactment placed into the record for the hearing and settlement of Freedmen’s Town, which is of this bill will make possible an Emanci- that you will be recognized. There will also today the Fourth Ward of Houston, in the pation National Historic Trail which will ex- be a seat for you to observe this historic 18th Congressional District. tend 51 miles from the historic Osterman hearing. I ask that you plan to attend, you The Emancipation National Historic Trail Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, would be the first trail in the southwest should plan to arrive the evening before or Texas along Highway 3 and Interstate 45 the morning of the hearing to allow us an op- United States that recognizes the role of Af- north to Freedman’s Town and Emanci- rican Americans in the legacy of freedom in portunity to speak before the hearing begins. pation Park located in Houston, Texas. The Your written testimony is welcomed and the United States. An Emancipation Historic trail will follow the migration route taken Trail designation would bring national rec- appreciated. by newly-freed slaves from Galveston, Texas, Very truly yours, ognition to a period of history when our na- a major nineteenth century port, to the vi- tion took significant strides to make real Sheila Jackson Lee brant settlement of Freedmen’s Town which Member of Congress’’ the promise of our nation’s founding docu- today is also referenced as the Fourth Ward ments attesting to the rights of all to live This bill will result in the Emancipation Houston within the 18th Congressional Dis- free. National Historic Trail, which extends ap- trict. Sparked by the desire to have a place to proximately 51 miles from the Osterman The Emancipation National Historic Trail commemorate the anniversary of their Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, would be the first trail in the southwest re- emancipation, known as Juneteenth, former Texas, along Texas State Highway 3 and gion of the United States that recognizes the slaves and community members in the Third Interstate 45 North to Freedmen’s Town, role of African Americans in the legacy of and Fourth Wards led by Reverend Jack then to Independence Heights, and Emanci- freedom in the United States. An Emanci- Yates, Richard Allen, Richard Brock, and pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail pation Historic Trail designation would Reverend Elias Dibble united to raise $1,000 follows the migration route taken by newly bring national recognition to the period of in 1872 to purchase 10 acres of park land to freed slaves from the major 19th century sea- time when our nation took significant host Juneteenth Celebrations. Emancipation port town of Galveston to the burgeoning strides to make real the promise of our na- Park is the most historic and culturally sig- community of Freedmen’s Town, which is tion’s founding documents attesting to the nificant park in the city of Houston and was now the 4th Ward of Houston, home to the rights of all men to live free. formerly one of the only communal spaces 18th Congressional District. Freedmen’s Town is contained within the for Blacks in Houston. Over the years, The start of the trail is located where Gen- boundaries of TIRZ #14 and within our zone Emancipation Park’s immediate surrounding eral Gordon Granger sailed into Galveston, we have significant structures that are di- area experienced an economic boom, where Texas, with troops on June 19, 1865, to an- rectly related to the founders of Emanci- many Black owned and frequented busi- nounce the freedom of the last American pation Park. Of note are the historic brick nesses, financial institutions and venues slaves. His announcement belatedly freed streets that were laid by freed slaves; Bethel flourished in Houston’s Third Ward. Emanci- 250,000 slaves nearly two and a half years Church founded by Jack Yates which has pation Park is significant, not only as a rit- after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proc- been restored as an open space park; and The ual of remembrance and celebration, but also lamation. The newly freed slaves traveled African American Library at Gregory School as an early act of exercising the rights of from Galveston to spread the news to neigh- which originally served as the first public property ownership, commerce and coopera- boring communities. Should this bill become school for black students. Antioch Mis- tive economics amongst Blacks, which were law it would establish the first trail in the sionary Baptist Church, the oldest African formerly denied, known in our nation’s Southwest United States that recognizes the American church in Houston (1876) whereby founding documents as ‘‘life, liberty, and the role of African Americans in the legacy of Jack Yates served as pastor still resides in pursuit of happiness’’. freedom in the United States. An Emanci- the historic boundaries of Freedmen’s Town The Emancipation National Historic Trail pation Historic Trail designation would just east of the TIRZ boundaries. would serve as an invaluable opportunity to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:01 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00114 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.087 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7361 share rich cultural, social, historical and EMANCIPATION PARK CONSERVANCY, The title of the bill was amended so economic strides that have shaped society in Houston, TX, April 2, 2019. as to read: ‘‘A bill to amend the Na- the past and present. Thank you for your Hon. DEB HAALAND, tional Trails System Act to provide for consideration in this designation. Chairwoman—House Subcommittee National the study of the Emancipation Na- Sincerely, Parks, Forest, and Public Lands, Natural RAMON MANNING, Resources Committee, Washington, DC. tional Historic Trail, and for other pur- Board Chairman, Emancipation, Hon. DON YOUNG, poses.’’. Park Conservancy. Ranking Member—House Subcommittee Na- A motion to reconsider was laid on tional Parks, Forest, and Public Lands, the table. NATIONAL TRUST FOR Natural Resources Committee, Washington, f DC. HISTORIC PRESERVATION, REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- March 29, 2019. DEAR CHAIRWOMAN HAALAND AND RANKING MEMBER YOUNG: I write to express strong Chairman RAUL GRIJALVA, VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF Washington, DC. support for H.R. 434, the Emancipation Na- H.R. 3877, BIPARTISAN BUDGET tional Historic Trail Act, introduced by Con- Ranking Member ROB BISHOP, ACT OF 2019; PROVIDING FOR Washington, DC. gresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Enactment CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 549, of this bill will make possible an Emanci- VENEZUELA TPS ACT OF 2019; DEAR CHAIRMAN GRIJALVA AND RANKING pation National Historic Trail, which will MEMBER BISHOP: We appreciate the oppor- extend 51 miles from the historic Osterman AND WAIVING A REQUIREMENT tunity to share our support for H.R. 434, the Building and Reedy Chapel in Galveston, OF CLAUSE 6(A) OF RULE XIII Emancipation National Historic Trail Act. Texas, along Highway 3 and Interstate 45, WITH RESPECT TO CONSIDER- The National Trust enthusiastically en- north to Freedmen’s Town and Emanci- ATION OF CERTAIN RESOLU- dorses this legislation and looks forward to pation Park in Houston, Texas. This trail TIONS REPORTED FROM THE its enactment in this Congress. follows the migration route taken by newly- COMMITTEE ON RULES INTERESTS OF THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR freed slaves from the Galveston, Texas a Mr. PERLMUTTER, from the Com- HISTORIC PRESERVATION major nineteenth century port to the vibrant settlement of Freedmen’s Town, which is mittee on Rules, submitted a privi- The National Trust for Historic Preserva- today the Fourth Ward of Houston, in the leged report (Rept. No. 116–183) on the tion is a privately-funded charitable, edu- 18th Congressional District. resolution (H. Res. 519) providing for cational, and nonprofit organization char- The Emancipation National Historic Trail tered by Congress in 1949 to ‘‘facilitate pub- consideration of the bill (H.R. 3877) to would be the first trail in the southwest amend the Balanced Budget and Emer- lic participation in historic preservation’’ United States that recognizes the role of Af- and to further the purposes of federal his- rican Americans in the legacy of freedom in gency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to es- toric preservation laws. The intent of Con- the United States. An Emancipation Historic tablish a congressional budget for fis- gress was for the National Trust ‘‘to mobi- Trail designation would bring national rec- cal years 2020 and 2021, to temporarily lize and coordinate public interest, partici- ognition to a period of history when our na- suspend the debt limit, and for other pation, and resources in the preservation and tion took significant strides to make real purposes; providing for consideration of interpretation of sites and buildings.’’ With the promise of our nation’s founding docu- the bill (H.R. 549) to designate Ven- headquarters in Washington, D.C., nine field ments attesting to the rights of all to live offices, 27 historic sites, more than one mil- ezuela under section 244 of the Immi- free. gration and Nationality Act to permit lion members and supporters, and a national Sparked by the desire to have a place to network of partners in states, territories, commemorate the anniversary of their nationals of Venezuela to be eligible and the District of Columbia, the National emancipation, known as Juneteenth, former for temporary protected status under Trust works to save America’s historic slaves and community members in the Third such section, and for other purposes; places and advocates for historic preserva- and Fourth Wards led by Reverend Jack and waiving a requirement of clause tion as a fundamental value in programs and Yates, Richard Allen, Richard Brock, and 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consid- policies at all levels of government. Reverend Elias Dibble united to raise $1,000 eration of certain resolutions reported H.R. 434, EMANCIPATION NATIONAL HISTORIC in 1872 to purchase 10 acres of park land to from the Committee on Rules, which host Juneteenth Celebrations. Emancipation TRAIL ACT was referred to the House Calendar and Park is the most historic and culturally sig- We appreciate Representative Sheila Jack- nificant park in the city of Houston and was ordered to be printed. son Lee’s leadership on this legislation to es- formerly one of the only communal spaces f tablish the Emancipation National Historic for Blacks in Houston. Over the years, YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO AND Trail in the state of Texas. The route would Emancipation Park’s immediate surrounding extend approximately 51 miles from the area experienced an economic boom, where ALABAMA-COUSHATTA TRIBES Osterman Building and Reedy Chapel in Gal- many Black owned and frequented busi- OF TEXAS EQUAL AND FAIR OP- veston along Texas State Highway 3 and nesses, financial institutions and venues PORTUNITY SETTLEMENT ACT Interstate Highway 45 North to Freedmen’s flourished in Houston’s Third Ward. Emanci- Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I Town and Emancipation Park located in pation Park is significant, not only as a rit- move to suspend the rules and pass the Houston. ual of remembrance and celebration, but also bill (H.R. 759) to restore an opportunity The designation of this historic trail-to be as an early act of exercising the rights of administered by the National Park Service- property ownership, commerce and coopera- for tribal economic development on traces the 19th century migration route from tive economics amongst Blacks, which were terms that are equal and fair, and for Galveston to Houston of newly freed slaves formerly denied, known in our nation’s other purposes, as amended. and persons of African descent. On June 19, founding documents as ‘‘life, liberty, and the The Clerk read the title of the bill. 1865, General Gordon Granger arrived at Gal- pursuit of happiness’’. The Emancipation Na- The text of the bill is as follows: veston to announce the freedom of the last tional Historic Trail would serve as an in- H.R. 759 American slaves, which belatedly freed ap- valuable opportunity to share rich cultural, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- proximately 250,000 slaves nearly two and a social, historical and economic strides that resentatives of the United States of America in half years after Abraham Lincoln’s Emanci- have shaped society in the past and present. Congress assembled, pation Proclamation. Their migration to the Thank you for your consideration in this community of Freedmen’s Town located in designation. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the Fourth Ward of Houston would be codi- Sincerely, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Ysleta del fied in this proposed historic trail designa- RAMON MANNING, Sur Pueblo and Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of tion and further allow the National Park Board Chairman—Emancipation Texas Equal and Fair Opportunity Settle- Service to tell the stories of all Americans. Park Conservancy. ment Act’’. National Historic Trails administered by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The SEC. 2. AMENDMENT. the National Park Service provide an oppor- question is on the motion offered by The Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Alabama and Coushatta Indian Tribes of Texas Res- tunity to recognize, commemorate, and in- the gentleman from Guam (Mr. SAN terpret travel routes of national historic sig- toration Act (Public Law 100–89; 101 Stat. NICOLAS) that the House suspend the 666) is amended by adding at the end the fol- nificance while sharing the significant his- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 434, as tories of our nation. We urge Congressional lowing: amended. support of this legislation and look forward ‘‘SEC. 301. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. to enactment of H.R. 434. The question was taken; and (two- ‘‘Nothing in this Act shall be construed to Sincerely, thirds being in the affirmative) the preclude or limit the applicability of the In- PAM BOWMAN, rules were suspended and the bill, as dian Gaming Regulatory Act (25 U.S.C. 2701 Director of Public Lands Policy. amended, was passed. et seq.).’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00115 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.084 H24JYPT1 H7362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- does it in any way limit the existing ervation for the better part of two dec- ant to the rule, the gentleman from rights of the State of Texas. This is ades with no interference from the Guam (Mr. SAN NICOLAS) and the gen- simply a matter of parity and fairness. State of Texas. tleman from Utah (Mr. CURTIS) each Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of this Second, it should be noted that vir- will control 20 minutes. legislation, and I reserve the balance of tually all communities surrounding the The Chair recognizes the gentleman my time. Alabama-Coushatta reservation have from Guam. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield passed a resolution endorsing this leg- GENERAL LEAVE myself such time as I may consume. islation. In fact, over 30 resolutions in Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, H.R. 759, sponsored by favor of H.R. 759 show that support for ask unanimous consent that all Mem- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. BABIN), the bill runs from the Gulf of Mexico to bers may have 5 legislative days in would amend the act of Congress that the Red River border on Oklahoma. which to revise and extend their re- restored Federal recognition to the two This represents genuine grassroots marks and include extraneous material Tribes in Texas that are the subject of support for the people who will be most on the measure under consideration. this bill. impacted. Far from thwarting the will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The amendment would override a of the people of Texas, this legislation objection to the request of the gen- gaming limitation imposed by Con- enables it. tleman from Guam? gress on the Tribes, thereby author- Mr. Speaker, from someone who has There was no objection. izing the Tribes to operate the casinos worked on this legislation a long time, Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I regulated under the Indian Gaming I encourage my colleagues to vote in yield myself such time as I may con- Regulatory Act of 1988 and not under favor of this legislation to solve an un- sume. Texas law. fair state. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 759, introduced by The question of whether Texas law or Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 Representative BABIN from Texas, the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act ap- minutes to the gentleman from Texas amends the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and plies to the two Tribes is no longer (Mr. BABIN). Alabama-Coushatta Indian Tribes of under serious dispute. Federal courts Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I ran for Texas Restoration Act of 1987 to clarify have settled the question, and the re- Congress to take on and address the that the Indian Gaming Regulatory sult of the litigation is that the two tough issues facing our Nation and the Act applies to both the Pueblo and the Tribes may not conduct gaming under world and leave it a better place for my Tribe. IGRA unless Congress enacts a meas- grandchildren, which I will note The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of ure to allow them to do so. climbed to number 16 with the arrival Texas was federally terminated in 1954, This bill enjoys significant local sup- of Truett Ryan Babin just yesterday. followed by the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, port in the communities around the When I say the tough issues, I mean also known as the Tigua Tribe, in 1968. reservations of the two Tribes, and the the ones most of us would agree on: Congress rightfully restored both the Members who represent the Tribes border security, immigration, taxes, Pueblo and the Tribe in 1987 at one strongly support enactment of the trade, national security, and on and on. time by enacting the aforementioned measure because the reservations, But when you take this job, you real- Restoration Act. where the casinos would be operated, ize that working on behalf of your con- The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act are within their districts. stituents as their elected Representa- was enacted just 1 year later, in 1988. However, while the bill enjoys sup- tive to the Federal Government can The framework that it created should port in Texas, I must note that the mean taking on issues that you weren’t have applied to both the Pueblo and Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has expecting to, and this is certainly one the Tribe, just as it did to every other written letters to the House leaders such case. Tribe. However, since the Restoration and committee leaders in opposition to But I am proud and honored to be Act was passed at a time when Indian the legislation. In the view of the Gov- here, and I thank the leaders from both gaming was just emerging and Federal ernor, this bill allows the Tribes to vio- sides of the aisle who have come to- regulations had not yet been imple- late the Texas constitution without gether and worked with us to get H.R. mented, it contains a section regarding the consent of the State of Texas. 759, the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Ala- gaming. It is my hope that such concerns with bama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas Equal We know from the CONGRESSIONAL the measure can be worked out as the and Fair Opportunity Settlement Act, RECORD that the intent of this section legislative process continues. passed favorably out of committee and of the Restoration Act was to clarify Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the here to the floor today. Indian gaming policy at the time, not gentleman from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG). I am not in this fight because of a to completely prohibit gaming on these (Mr. YOUNG asked and was given love for gaming. I am here because it is lands in perpetuity, but that is what is permission to revise and extend his re- about fairness. It is about equal treat- occurring. The language in the Res- marks.) ment under the law, jobs, and economic toration Act has been used by the Mr. YOUNG. Mr. Speaker, I thank development and opportunity. State of Texas to completely stymie the ranking member for yielding. With the exception of a few years in the Pueblo’s and the Tribe’s ability to Mr. Speaker, this is about fairness, the military, I have lived in southeast engage in Class II gaming, much to the and when you have been in this office Texas all of my life, and I have seen detriment of the economic health and as long as I have been—I was here when firsthand how these proud Native well-being of both the Pueblo and the we passed the 1984, the 1985, and the Americans have provided jobs and eco- Tribe. 1986 gaming laws—we tried and ex- nomic opportunity not only for mem- Additionally, the only other federally pected to do the right thing for all bers of their Tribe but for Texans recognized Tribe in Texas, the Kick- Tribes. I say I have been involved with throughout our entire region. That is apoo Traditional Tribe, is allowed to this. When I was chairman, we tried to why the 32 government and civic orga- operate a Class II gaming facility, as do the same thing. It is the right thing nizations who live and work closest to they were restored by Congress in 1983 to do. It is the fair thing to do. The this reservation have given their without any type of gaming restric- most important thing is it is a simple strong endorsement of this bill. tions. matter of fairness. Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD H.R. 759 remedies this inequality by I will say it again. These two Tribes the letters and resolutions from every clarifying that the Pueblo and the have been denied the same opportunity one of them. Tribe, like the Kickapoo, have the of every other federally recognized GOVERNMENT & COMMUNITY ENTITIES IN same rights and responsibilities under Tribe, including the Kickapoo Tribe, to SUPPORT OF H.R. 759 the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act as engage in Class II gaming on their res- Chambers County, Cherokee County Com- virtually every other federally recog- ervation. Class II is bingo. missioners Court, CHI St. Luke’s Health Me- nized Tribe in the United States. The This legislation opens no new door to morial, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, legislation confers no new or special gaming in Texas. The Kickapoo Tribe Deep East Texas Council of Governments, rights to the Pueblo or the Tribe, nor has been offering bingo on their res- Hardin County Commissioners Court, City of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00116 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.151 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7363

Ivanhoe, Jasper County Commissioners Commissioner, Precinct GREATER CLEVELAND CHAMBER, Court, Jasper Economic Development Corp, 4. Cleveland, Texas, April 24, 2019. Jefferson County Commissioners Court. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is a Letter City of Livingston, Texas, Livingston Ro- Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of of Support for Naskila Gaming, 540 State tary Club, Lufkin & Angelina County Cham- Texas is a federally recognized Indian Tribe Park Road 56, Livingston Texas and the Ala- ber of Commerce, Madison County Commis- located in Polk County, Texas and is com- bama-Coshatta Tribe of Texas. Naskila Gam- sioners Court, National Congress of Amer- mitted to supporting the economic develop- ing joined the Greater Cleveland Chamber of ican Indians, Newton County Commissioners ment and creation of jobs within Polk and Commerce in October 2016 at the ‘‘Distin- Court, City of Onalaska, Texas, Orange surrounding counties of Deep East Texas; guished Investor’’ membership level. They County Commissioners Court, Polk County and are committed to our Chamber events and Chamber of Commerce, Polk County Com- Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of were a Bronze Level sponsor of our 2019 an- missioners Court. Texas’ Naskila electronic bingo facility, has nual awards banquet—Cleveland Through the Polk County GOP, The River Church, created over 560 new jobs in Deep East Texas Ages. Sabine County Commissioners Court, San and is the third largest employer in the re- The Greater Cleveland Chamber appre- Augustine County Commissioners Court, San gion, and is responsible for injecting nearly ciates the support Naskila gives to both the Jacinto County, Trinity County Commis- $140 million annually in revenue to the re- people, as well as the businesses in the great- sioners Court, Tyler County Chamber of gion; and er Cleveland area. Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Commerce, Tyler County Hospital District, Sincerely, Texas provided over 46 fully paid collegiate USET Sovereignty Protection, Walker Coun- CHARLIE RICE, scholarships for graduating high school stu- ty Commissioners Court, Walling Printing President & Chairman dents of the Tribe in 2018; and of the Board. Company, City of Woodville. Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of JIM CARSON, Texas being a good community partner, con- RESOLUTION tributed $500,000 in donations after Hurricane Vice President and Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Harvey to several counties, and purchased 30 COO. Texas is a federally recognized Indian Tribe manufactured home units; and DETCOG RES0LUTION—Deep East Texas located in Polk County, Texas and is com- Whereas, United States Congressman Brian Council of Governments & Economic De- mitted to supporting the economic develop- Babin (R–Woodville) has filed H.R. 759 to velopment District ment and creation of jobs within Polk Coun- clarify conflicting federal statutes regarding IN SUPPORT OF THE ALABAMA- ty and surrounding counties of Deep East the right of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of COUSHATTA TRIBE OF TEXAS Texas; and Texas to offer Class II electronic bingo on WHEREAS, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of their tribal lands pursuant to the Indian of Texas is a federally recognized Indian Texas’ Naskila electronic bingo facility, has Gaming Regulatory Act, a right enjoyed and Tribe located in Polk County, Texas and is created over 560 new jobs in Deep East Texas exercised by the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe committed to supporting the economic de- and is the third largest employer in the re- of Texas since 1996; and velopment and creation of jobs within Polk gion, and is responsible for injecting nearly Whereas, the passage of H.R. 759 is vital to and neighboring counties of Deep East $140 million annually in revenue to the re- continued economic development and health Texas; and gion; and of both the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of WHEREAS, through the creation of Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas and all Deep East Texas; Now, there- Naskila Gaming, the Alabama-Coushatta Texas provided over 46 fully paid collegiate fore, be it Tribe of Texas has created over 560 new jobs scholarships for graduating high school stu- Resolved, the CHI St. Luke’s Health Memo- in Deep East Texas and is the third largest dents of the Tribe in 2018; and rial hereby joins the Alabama-Coushatta employer in the region, and is responsible for Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Tribe of Texas in support of its effort for pas- injecting nearly $140 million annually into Texas being a good community partner, con- sage of H.R. 759 to clarify that the Tribe can our regional economy; and tributed $500,000 in donations after Hurricane enjoy the opportunity for tribal economic WHEREAS, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe Harvey to several counties, and purchased 30 development on terms that are equal and of Texas is a great asset to our region and a manufactured home units; and fair, and to protect jobs. Further, the CHI St. wonderful neighbor and friend to all of Whereas, United States Congressman Brian Luke’s Health Memorial urgently requests Texas. When Hurricane Harvey devastated Babin (R–Woodville) has filed H.R. 759 to that United States Senators John Cornyn our state, they were among the first to step clarify conflicting federal statutes regarding and Ted Cruz of Texas, as well as the other up and provide emergency financial assist- the right of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of 35 Texans elected to the United States House ance to victims throughout Deep East Texas Texas to offer Class II electronic bingo on of Representatives, join Congressman Babin and many other hard-hit areas; and their tribal lands pursuant to the Indian in securing the enactment of H.R. 759 into WHEREAS, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe Gaming Regulatory Act, a right enjoyed and law. of Texas supports the youth of Deep East Approved this 26 day of March, 2019. exercised by the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe Texas and provided 46 fully paid collegiate MONTE BOSTWICK, ofTexas since 1996; and scholarships for graduating high school stu- Market Chief Executive Officer, Whereas, the passage of H.R. 759 is vital to dents in 2018, and CHI St. Luke’s Health Memorial. continued economic development and health WHEREAS, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of both the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of of Texas deserves to be treated equally and GREATER CLEVELAND CHAMBER, Texas and all Deep East Texas; Now, there- fairly and enjoy the same opportunities as Cleveland, Texas, April 24, 2019. fore, be it other federally recognized Tribes; and NASKILA GAMING, Resolved, the Cherokee County Commis- WHEREAS, federal statutes conflict re- Yolanda Poncho, Public Relations Manager, sioners Court hereby joins the Alabama- garding the right of the Alabama-Coushatta Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, Living- Coushatta Tribe of Texas in support of its ef- Tribe of Texas to offer Class II electronic ston, Texas. fort for passage of H.R. 759 to clarify that the bingo on their tribal lands pursuant to the DEAR MRS. PONCHO: Thanks to you and Tribe can enjoy the opportunity for tribal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, a right en- your team for the presentation to our Board joyed and exercised by the Kickapoo Tradi- economic development on terms that are on Thursday, April 4, 2019 regarding a resolu- equal and fair, and to protect jobs. Further, tional Tribe of Texas since 1996, and Rep- tion by our board supporting HR 459. resentative has filed legislation the Cherokee County Commissioners Court Our Board held its regular meeting on to clarify the conflicting federal statutes; urgently requests that United States Sen- Thursday, 4/18/19 and discussed the issue. Now, therefore, be it ators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas, as After review by our board and it has been de- RESOLVED,the Board of Directors of the well as the other 35 Texans elected to the termined that Greater Cleveland Chamber Deep East Texas Council of Governments United States House of Representatives, join By-Laws will not allow a resolution endors- hereby states its support for the Alabama- Congressman Babin in securing the enact- ing the bill. Coushatta Tribe of Texas in the effort to ment of H.R. 759 into law. The Board did vote to send give the at- clarify that the Tribe can enjoy the oppor- Witness our hands this 9 day of July, 2019. tached letter supporting Naskila. CHRIS DAVIS, I hope this helps your cause and thank all tunity for tribal economic development on County Judge. of you a Naskila for the support your give to terms that are equal and fair, and to protect KELLY TRAYLOR, the Chamber and the Cleveland community. jobs. Commissioner, Precinct Please feel free to contact me if you have ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of 1. any questions regarding the above. the Deep East Texas Council STEVEN NORTON, Respectfully, Governments and Economic Commissioner, Precinct CHARLIE RICE, Development District on the 28th day 2. President & Chairman of March, 2019. PATRICK REAGAN, of the Board. THE HONORABLE DAPHNE SESSION, Commissioner, Precinct JIM CARSON, President. 3. Vice President and THE HONORABLE ROY BOLDON, BILLY MCCUTCHEON, COO. Secretary.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:36 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00117 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.093 H24JYPT1 H7364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 RESOLUTION—12–19 Poverty and joblessness are a scourge Mr. Speaker, we still work in a bipar- STATE OF TEXAS, §, COMMISSIONERS in many communities across this coun- tisan way here in Washington, D.C., COURT. try, but the consequences are espe- and the fact that we are going to help COUNTY OF HARDIN, §, OF HARDIN cially dire on the reservation lands of these two Tribes support their commu- COUNTY, TEXAS. BE IT REMEMBERED at a meeting of Com- the Native American peoples across nity is an example of this today. missioners Court of Hardin County, Texas, this Nation. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I have no more speakers on this bill, and I yield held on this 26TH Day of March. 2019, on mo- b 2145 tion by LW Cooper Jr., Commissioner of Pre- back the balance of my time. cinct No. 1, and second by . . .. Alvin Rob- This facility has already helped turn Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Mr. Speaker, I erts, Commissioner of Precinct No. 4, the fol- that tide of poverty away from my dis- yield myself the balance of my time. lowing RESOLUTION was adopted: trict, creating over 500 jobs, contrib- Mr. Speaker, I, too, do not wish for A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 759 uting $140 million in economic activity my support of this measure to indicate Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of each year. But all of those benefits and or to be misconstrued as support for Texas is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe more aren’t just at risk if this bill gaming. located in Polk County, Texas and is com- doesn’t pass. They are guaranteed to go My support of this measure has ev- mitted to supporting the economic develop- away. erything to do with what my colleague ment and creation of jobs within Polk and So please join us today and stop that surrounding counties of Deep East Texas; on the other side of the aisle has stat- and from happening, and please support ed. This is about parity, and this is Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of this bill. about the unique sovereignty that rec- Texas’ Naskila electronic bingo facility has Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 ognized Tribes have with the Federal created over 560 new jobs in Deep East Texas. minutes to the gentleman from Texas Government through our own Constitu- and is the third largest employer in the re- (Mr. HURD). tion. gion and is responsible for injecting nearly Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I If we are going to be recognizing this $140 million annually in revenue to the re- rise today in support of H.R. 759, the gion; and unique sovereignty, we should do so Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Alabama- equally among all the other Tribes. Texas provided over 46 fully paid collegiate Coushatta Tribes of Texas Equal and This equality is so necessary if we are scholarships for graduating high school stu- Fair Opportunity Settlement Act. going to maintain the credibility of the dents of the Tribe in 2018; and As a Representative with more process. Whereas, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Tribes in my district than any other Mr. Speaker, I am grateful for my Texas being a good community partner con- Texan, it is my solemn obligation to tributed $500,000.00 in donations after Hurri- colleagues and all the work that they fight on behalf of Texas’ native people. put into this, and I yield back the bal- cane Harvey to several counties, and pur- I am a proud Texan, and there is no chased 30 mobile home units; and ance of my time. Whereas, United State Congressman Brian greater State in the Union, no prouder The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Babin (R-Woodville) has filed H.R. 759 to people than we Texans, and for all the question is on the motion offered by clarify conflicting federal statutes regarding blessings bestowed upon the Lone Star the gentleman from Guam (Mr. SAN the right of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of State, we still fall short in our efforts NICOLAS) that the House suspend the Texas to offer Class II Electronic Bingo on of providing true economic stability to their tribal lands pursuant to the Indian rules and pass the bill, H.R. 759, as our Native American Tribes. amended. Gaming Regulatory Act, a right enjoyed and The Ysleta del Sur Pueblo are the exercised by the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe The question was taken; and (two- of Texas since 1996; and oldest community in the State of thirds being in the affirmative) the Whereas, the passage of H.R. 759 is vital to Texas claiming a governing body since rules were suspended and the bill, as continued economic development and health 1682. amended, was passed. of both the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of During the Texas Revolution, it was A motion to reconsider was laid on Texas and all Deep East Texas; Now, there- the Alabama-Coushatta of East Texas the table. fore, be it who provided refuge, food, and medi- RESOLVED that the Hardin County Com- cine to the great Sam Houston and his f missioners Court hereby joins the Alabama- EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Coushatta Tribe of Texas in support of its ef- army. Their story is sewn into the fab- fort for passage of H.R. 759 to clarify that the ric of Texas’ history. FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM REAU- Tribe can enjoy the opportunity for tribal Mr. Speaker, H.R. 759 is not about THORIZATION ACT OF 2019 economic development on terms that are whether one agrees or disagrees with Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I move equal and fair, and to protect jobs. FUR- gambling. This bill isn’t about gam- to suspend the rules and pass the bill THER, the Hardin County Commissioners bling. It is about letting two Tribes in (H.R. 776) to amend the Public Health Court urgently requests that United States two of Texas’ most economically dis- Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Service Act to reauthorize the Emer- tressed zones engage in what every gency Medical Services for Children Texas, as well as the other 35 Texans elected other Tribe in America engages in. to the United States House of Representa- program. tives, join Congressman Babin in securing This bill would allow these two Tribes The Clerk read the title of the bill. the enactment of H.R. 759 into law.. in Texas to do bingo. The text of the bill is as follows: SIGNED this 26th, day of MARCH, 2019. That is it. Not blackjack. Not poker. H.R. 776 JUDGE WAYNE MCDANIEL, Not craps. Just bingo. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- County Judge For too long, the Alabama-Coushatta resentatives of the United States of America in L.W. COOPER JR., and the Tigua Tribes have been pre- Congress assembled, County Commissioner, Precinct 1. vented from achieving self-sufficiency. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. COMMISSIONER CHRIS KIRKENDALL, It is time we right this wrong. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Emergency County Commissioner, Precinct 2. We will take today efforts to give the Medical Services for Children Program Reau- KEN PELT Alabama-Coushatta and Ysleta del Sur thorization Act of 2019’’. COMMISSIONER, KEN PELT, County Commissioner, Precinct 3. Pueblo Tribes a chance to embark on SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION OF THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FOR CHILDREN COMMISSIONER, ALVIN ROBERTS, the American Dream. We will vote to lift their families out of poverty. We PROGRAM. County Commissioner, Precinct 4. Section 1910(d) of the Public Health Serv- Mr. BABIN. All I want is for this will vote to educate their youth, and ice Act (42 U.S.C. 300w–9(d)) is amended— Tribe in my district to simply have the we will vote to grow their economies. I (1) by striking ‘‘2014, and’’ and inserting same rights and the same opportunities am hoping my 432 colleagues say ‘‘yes’’ ‘‘2014,’’; and as their counterparts at the Kickapoo with their vote. (2) by inserting before the period the fol- Tribe of Texas facility in Eagle Pass, I want to thank the distinguished lowing: ‘‘, and $22,334,000 for each of fiscal Texas, and what they deserve under a gentleman from the great State of years 2020 through 2024’’. fair interpretation of IGRA, the Indian Texas, my friend, Dr. BABIN, and I want The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Gaming Regulatory Act. to thank my friends on the other side ant to the rule, the gentleman from Why should one Tribe be able to play of the aisle, Chairman GRIJALVA and New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) and the gen- bingo and another Tribe not be able to others, because without them, this tleman from Georgia (Mr. CARTER) in the same State of Texas? would not have happened. each will control 20 minutes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.089 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7365 The Chair recognizes the gentleman the ability of emergency medical sys- State Partnership, Targeted Issues, State from New Jersey. tems to care for pediatric populations. Partnership Regionalization of Care, and The GENERAL LEAVE Not only does this program provide Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I ask funding so that emergency depart- Network. unanimous consent that all Members ments and hospitals can equip them- Additionally, the EMSC program has been may have 5 legislative days in which to selves with the appropriate pediatric used to establish national resource centers revise and extend their remarks and in- medical tools, it enables partnerships and a pediatric emergency care research net- clude extraneous material on H.R. 776. and drives research and innovation in work. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there emergency care for children. Mr. Speaker, the majority of children are objection to the request of the gen- Whether children require emergency treated in community and rural emergency de- tleman from New Jersey? care following a car crash or fall ill in partments rather than specialized centers such There was no objection. the middle of the night with nowhere as large children’s hospitals. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield else to turn, our emergency medical As a result, pediatric visits make up less myself such time as I may consume. system needs to have staff trained in than 20 percent of cases at emergency de- Mr. Speaker, for 35 years, the Emer- how to treat children. A major part of partments, so they lack the quality of pediatric gency Medical Services for Children, or that is providing the resources to equip emergency care needed for established prac- EMSC, program has been the only Fed- healthcare professionals with the right tice guidelines. eral grant program specifically focused size medical tools. I support H.R. 776 because Congress has a on addressing the needs of children in The Emergency Medical Services for responsibility to ensure that every child has emergency medical systems. Children program provides grants for access to necessary emergency medical serv- If ever a parent or caregiver is re- the State Partnership Program to inte- ices and that no child in our nation is left un- quired to call 911 to get emergency care grate pediatric care into the EMS sys- treated. tem and reduce pediatric morbidity for a child, they should know that the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join and mortality. States can focus on pro- child will receive the medical care that me in supporting H.R. 776, the ‘‘Emergency viding quality prehospital and hos- they need. Medical Services for Children Program Reau- pital-based care, in addition to estab- The EMSC program helps provide thorization Act of 2019.’’ lishing plans to handle disaster and this peace of mind by enhancing care The SPEAKER pro tempore. The trauma care. for all children, no matter where they question is on the motion offered by Our Nation’s healthcare workforce live, travel, or go to school. the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. The EMSC program invests in re- still has much to learn about the treat- ment of pediatric populations, which is PALLONE) that the House suspend the search, care delivery enhancements, rules and pass the bill, H.R. 776. data monitoring, innovation in both why continued research through the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Re- The question was taken; and (two- prehospital EMS settings as well as thirds being in the affirmative) the hospital emergency departments. search Network is crucial. This body is the first federally funded pediatric rules were suspended and the bill was The program has led to real results passed. and better care for children. For exam- emergency medicine research network in the country and conducts a wide va- A motion to reconsider was laid on ple, research funded by EMSC has led the table. to a new pediatric head injury algo- riety of research about acute illness and injuries in children. f rithm, which has led to a reduction in The reauthorization of the Emer- unnecessary radiation exposure from NEWBORN SCREENING SAVES gency Medical Services for Children LIVES REAUTHORIZATION ACT CT scans in children who have suffered program is critical to maintaining and head injuries. improving pediatric emergency care. OF 2019 Mental health and substance abuse Mr. Speaker, I urge strong support of Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I move screenings have been created to better H.R. 776, and I yield back the balance to suspend the rules and pass the bill assess children in emergency situa- of my time. (H.R. 2507) to amend the Public Health tions, and a full 50 percent of hospitals Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I would Service Act to reauthorize certain pro- have adopted new guidelines to assist urge support for this bipartisan legisla- grams under part A of title XI of such them in transferring children to appro- tion, and I yield back the balance of Act relating to genetic diseases, and priate facilities when specialized care my time. for other purposes, as amended. is needed. Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in The Clerk read the title of the bill. Any doctor, nurse, or EMS provider support of H.R. 776, the Emergency Medical The text of the bill is as follows: will tell you that we can’t simply treat Services for Children Program Reauthorization H.R. 2507 children as small adults. They need Act, sponsored by Representatives Peter King specialized treatment and protocols to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- and . This legislation reauthorizes resentatives of the United States of America in ensure that the care they receive is ap- grants that focus on addressing the unique Congress assembled, propriate and available to them when needs of children in emergency medical sys- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. and where they need it. Passing this 5- tems, with the ultimate goal of reducing the This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Newborn year reauthorization of the EMSC pro- prevalence of morbidity and mortality in chil- Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act gram will continue to provide innova- dren that may occur as a result of acute ill- of 2019’’. tive and appropriate care to children. ness and severe injury. This is really critical SEC. 2. IMPROVED NEWBORN AND CHILD Mr. Speaker, I hope all of my col- legislation for parents and children in our com- SCREENING AND FOLLOW-UP FOR leagues will join me in supporting this munities—no one should have to know the HERITABLE DISORDERS. bill today, and I reserve the balance of pain of losing a child. I urge my fellow House (a) PURPOSES.—Section 1109(a) of the Pub- lic Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300b–8(a)) is my time. members to support this bill. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- amended— Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a sen- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘enhance, er, I yield myself such time as I may ior member of the Committee on the Budget, improve or’’ and inserting ‘‘facilitate, en- consume. I rise in strong support of H.R. 776, the Emer- hance, improve, or’’; Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak in gency Medical Services for Children Program (2) by amending paragraph (3) to read as support of H.R. 776, the Emergency Reauthorization Act of 2019. follows: Medical Services for Children Program The Emergency Medical Services for Chil- ‘‘(3) to develop, and deliver to parents, Reauthorization Act of 2019. dren Program (EMSC) reduces child and families, and patient advocacy and support I would like to thank Representa- youth mortality and morbidity due to severe ill- groups, educational programs that— ‘‘(A) address newborn screening counseling, tives PETER KING and KATHY CASTOR ness or injury by increasing awareness among for their work on this important legis- testing (including newborn screening pilot health professionals, providers and planners, studies), follow-up, treatment, specialty lation. and the general public of the special needs of services, and long-term care; The Emergency Medical Services for children receiving emergency medical care. ‘‘(B) assess the target audience’s current Children program was enacted in 1984 Specifically, the EMSC program has pro- knowledge, incorporate health communica- to provide grant funding to increase vided grants to all states since I 1985 for the tions strategies, and measure impact; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00119 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.156 H24JYPT1 H7366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 ‘‘(C) are at appropriate literacy levels;’’; (ii) by striking the period at the end and ally funded research conducted pursuant to and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 200 (3) in paragraph (4)— (C) by adding at the end the following: et seq.).’’. (A) by striking ‘‘followup’’ and inserting ‘‘(3) performance evaluation services to en- SEC. 9. NAM REPORT ON THE MODERNIZATION ‘‘follow-up’’; and hance disease detection, including the devel- OF NEWBORN SCREENING. (B) by inserting before the semicolon at opment of tools, resources, and infrastruc- (a) STUDY.—Not later than 60 days after the end the following: ‘‘, including re-engag- ture to improve data analysis, test result in- the date of the enactment of this Act, the ing patients who have not received rec- terpretation, data harmonization, and dis- Secretary of Health and Human Services ommended follow-up services and supports’’. semination of laboratory best practices.’’; shall seek to enter into an agreement with (b) APPROVAL FACTORS.—Section 1109(c) of and the National Academy of Medicine (in this the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. (2) in subsection (b) to read as follows: section referred to as ‘‘NAM’’) (or if NAM de- 300b–8(c)) is amended— ‘‘(b) SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITIES.—The Sec- clines to enter into such an agreement, an- (1) by striking ‘‘or will use’’ and inserting retary, acting through the Director of the other appropriate entity) under which NAM, ‘‘will use’’; and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or such other appropriate entity, agrees to (2) by inserting ‘‘, or will use amounts re- and taking into consideration the expertise conduct a study on the following: ceived under such grant to enhance capacity of the Advisory Committee on Heritable Dis- (1) The uniform screening panel review and and infrastructure to facilitate the adoption orders in Newborns and Children established recommendation processes to identify fac- of,’’ before ‘‘the guidelines and recommenda- under section 1111, shall provide for the co- tors that impact decisions to add new condi- tions’’. ordination of national surveillance activi- tions to the uniform screening panel, to de- SEC. 3. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON HERITABLE ties, including— scribe challenges posed by newly nominated DISORDERS IN NEWBORNS AND ‘‘(1) standardizing data collection and re- conditions, including low-incidence diseases, CHILDREN. porting through the use of electronic and late onset variants, and new treatments Section 1111 of the Public Health Service other forms of health records to achieve real- Act (42 U.S.C. 300b–10) is amended— without long-term efficacy data. time data for tracking and monitoring the (2) The barriers that preclude States from (1) in subsection (b)— newborn screening system, from the initial (A) in paragraph (5), by inserting ‘‘and adding new uniform screening panel condi- positive screen through diagnosis and long- tions to their State screening panels with adopt process improvements’’ after ‘‘take ap- term care management; and propriate steps’’; recommendations on resources needed to ‘‘(2) by promoting data sharing linkages help States implement uniform screening (B) in paragraph (7) by striking ‘‘and’’ at between State newborn screening programs the end; panel recommendations. and State-based birth defects and develop- (3) The current state of federally and pri- (C) by redesignating paragraph (8) as para- mental disabilities surveillance programs to graph (9); vately funded newborn screening research help families connect with services to assist with recommendations for optimizing the ca- (D) by inserting after paragraph (7) the fol- in evaluating long-term outcomes.’’. lowing: pacity of this research, including piloting ‘‘(8) develop, maintain, and publish on a SEC. 6. HUNTER KELLY RESEARCH PROGRAM. multiple prospective conditions at once and publicly accessible website consumer-friend- Section 1116 of the Public Health Service addressing rare disease questions. ly materials detailing— Act (42 U.S.C. 300b–15) is amended— (4) New and emerging technologies that ‘‘(A) the uniform screening panel nomina- (1) in subsection (a)(1)— would permit screening for new categories of tion process, including data requirements, (A) by striking ‘‘may’’ and inserting disorders, or would make current screening standards, and the use of international data ‘‘shall’’; and more effective, more efficient, or less expen- in nomination submissions; and (B) in subparagraph (D)— sive. ‘‘(B) the process for obtaining technical as- (i) by inserting ‘‘, or with a high prob- (5) Technological and other infrastructure sistance for submitting nominations to the ability of being recommended by,’’ after needs to improve timeliness of diagnosis and uniform screening panel and detailing the in- ‘‘recommended by’’; and short- and long-term follow-up for infants stances in which the provision of technical (ii) by striking ‘‘that screenings are ready identified through newborn screening and assistance would introduce a conflict of in- for nationwide implementation’’ and insert- improve public health surveillance. terest for members of the Advisory Com- ing ‘‘that reliable newborn screening tech- (6) Current and future communication and mittee; and’’; nologies are piloted and ready for use’’; and educational needs for priority stakeholders (E) in paragraph (9), as redesignated— (2) in subsection (b) to read as follows: and the public to promote understanding and (i) by redesignating subparagraphs (K) and ‘‘(b) FUNDING.—In carrying out the re- knowledge of a modernized newborn screen- (L) as subparagraphs (L) and (M), respec- search program under this section, the Sec- ing system with an emphasis on evolving tively; and retary and the Director shall ensure that en- communication channels and messaging. (ii) by inserting after subparagraph (J) the tities receiving funding through the program (7) The extent to which newborn screening following: will provide assurances, as practicable, that yields better data on the disease prevalence ‘‘(K) the appropriate and recommended use such entities will work in consultation with for screened conditions and improves long- of safe and effective genetic testing by State departments of health, as appro- term outcomes for those identified through health care professionals in newborns and priate.’’. newborn screening, including existing sys- children with an initial diagnosis of a disease SEC. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS tems supporting such data collection and or condition characterized by a variety of ge- FOR NEWBORN SCREENING PRO- recommendations for systems that would GRAMS AND ACTIVITIES. netic causes and manifestations;’’; and allow for improved data collection. Section 1117 of the Public Health Service (2) in subsection (g)— (8) The impact on newborn morbidity and Act (42 U.S.C. 300b–16) is amended— (A) in paragraph (1) by striking ‘‘2019’’ and mortality in States that adopt newborn (1) in paragraph (1)— inserting ‘‘2024’’; and screening tests included on the uniform (A) by striking ‘‘$11,900,000’’ and inserting (B) in paragraph (2) by striking ‘‘2019’’ and panel. ‘‘$31,000,000’’; inserting ‘‘2024’’. (b) PUBLIC STAKEHOLDER MEETING.—In the (B) by striking ‘‘2015’’ and inserting ‘‘2020’’; course of completing the study described in SEC. 4. CLEARINGHOUSE OF NEWBORN SCREEN- and ING INFORMATION. subsection (a), NAM or such other appro- Section 1112(c) of the Public Health Serv- (C) by striking ‘‘2019’’ and inserting ‘‘2024’’; priate entity shall hold not less than one ice Act (42 U.S.C. 300b–11(c)) is amended by and public meeting to obtain stakeholder input striking ‘‘and supplement, not supplant, ex- (2) in paragraph (2)— on the topics of such study. isting information sharing efforts’’ and in- (A) by striking ‘‘$8,000,000’’ and inserting (c) REPORT.—Not later than 18 months serting ‘‘and complement other Federal new- ‘‘$29,650,000’’; after the effective date of the agreement born screening information sharing activi- (B) by striking ‘‘2015’’ and inserting ‘‘2020’’; under subsection (a), such agreement shall ties’’. and require NAM, or such other appropriate enti- SEC. 5. LABORATORY QUALITY AND SURVEIL- (C) by striking ‘‘2019’’ and inserting ‘‘2024’’. ty, to submit to the Secretary of Health and LANCE. SEC. 8. INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARDS; ETHICS Human Services and the appropriate com- Section 1113 of the Public Health Service GUIDANCE PROGRAM. mittees of jurisdiction of Congress a report Act (42 U.S.C. 300b–12) is amended— Section 12 of the Newborn Screening Saves containing— (1) in subsection (a)— Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014 (42 U.S.C. (1) the results of the study conducted (A) in paragraph (1)— 289 note) is amended to read as follows: under subsection (a); (i) by striking ‘‘performance evaluation ‘‘SEC. 12. INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARDS; ETH- (2) recommendations to modernize the services,’’ and inserting ‘‘development of new ICS GUIDANCE PROGRAM. processes described in subsection (a)(1); and screening tests,’’; and ‘‘Research on nonidentified newborn dried (3) recommendations for such legislative (ii) by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end; blood spots shall be considered secondary re- and administrative action as NAM, or such (B) in paragraph (2)— search (as that term is defined in section other appropriate entity, determines appro- (i) by striking ‘‘performance test mate- 46.104(d)(4) of title 45, Code of Federal Regu- priate. rials’’ and inserting ‘‘test performance mate- lations (or successor regulations)) with non- (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— rials’’; and identified biospecimens for purposes of feder- There is authorized to be appropriated

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00120 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.095 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7367 $2,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2020 tions, some life-threatening, for our new treatments for conditions detected and 2021 to carry out this section. Nation’s infants. These screenings in- in newborn screenings. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- form both physicians and the families I applaud Representatives ROYBAL- ant to the rule, the gentleman from of a newborn what steps may be nec- ALLARD and SIMPSON for their work on New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) and the gen- essary to treat or prevent further this bill, and I urge my fellow Members tleman from Georgia (Mr. CARTER) health complications as the infant to support H.R. 2507. each will control 20 minutes. ages. Mr. Speaker, I have no further speak- The Chair recognizes the gentleman The Newborn Screening Saves Lives ers at this time. I urge passage of this from New Jersey. Act, which passed for the first time in bill, and I yield back the balance of my GENERAL LEAVE 2008, aims to improve the ability to ad- time. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I ask dress pediatric health by standardizing Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield unanimous consent that all Members newborn screening programs. such time as she may consume to the gentlewoman from California (Ms. ROY- may have 5 legislative days in which to b 2200 revise and extend their remarks and in- BAL-ALLARD), the chairwoman of the clude extraneous material on H.R. 2507. Newborn screenings are incredibly Homeland Security Appropriations The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there important in providing physicians and Subcommittee. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, objection to the request of the gen- families with information regarding I rise to support reauthorization of my tleman from New Jersey? their baby’s health, enabling them to Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act, There was no objection. practice early intervention and treat- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield ment, if necessary. which I first introduced in 2002. Let me begin by extending my sin- myself such time as I may consume. According to the March of Dimes, in cere gratitude to Congressman MIKE Mr. Speaker, every year over 12,000 2017, only 10 States and Washington, SIMPSON for our 15-year partnership newborns are born with conditions that D.C., required infant screening for the championing newborn screening. Many require early detection and treatment. recommended disorders. thanks to Congresswomen KATHERINE With proper screening, parents can re- Since enactment of the Newborn CLARK and ceive education and children can re- Screening Saves Lives Act, all the States, D.C., and Puerto Rico screen who, this year, joined us as House ceive appropriate follow-up and treat- champions. And my heartfelt apprecia- ment and, ultimately, better long-term for at least 29 of the 35 recommended conditions. tion to the coalition of public health health outcomes. groups, who continue to support my Over the years, as more screening This bill would reauthorize funding newborn screening efforts, especially tests and treatments have become for the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Centers for Dis- the March of Dimes and the APHL. available as we have expanded our Newborn screening involves a baby ease Control and Prevention, and the medical and scientific knowledge, we receiving a simple blood test to iden- National Institutes of Health to ensure have also seen greater potential for im- tify life-threatening diseases before that our newborn screening remains proving outcomes for children. symptoms begin. Prior to the first new- comprehensive and that our Nation’s However, prior to Congress passing born screening test being developed, healthcare providers are adequately the first Newborn Screening Saves these children would have died or suf- equipped to conduct the screenings. Lives Act in 2008, a patchwork of State fered lifelong disabilities. Newborn screenings are for serious requirements for screening led to some And, until enactment of my original but rare conditions that families and newborns screened for many disorders newborn screening bill in 2008, newborn doctors may otherwise be unable to de- and others for very few. screenings and access to follow-up in- tect at birth. Since the Newborn Screening law was formation were not consistent and Newborns are screened in the hos- enacted, we have seen tremendous available to families in all commu- pital when they are 1 or 2 days old by progress around the country, with all nities. At that time, only 10 States and blood tests, in addition to hearing and 50 States screening for at least 29 rec- the District of Columbia required in- heart screenings. About 1 in 300 ommended conditions. But as we de- fants to be screened for a complete newborns has a condition that can be velop new screening tests and treat- panel of recommended disorders, and detected via newborn screening. ments for diseases once thought un- there was no Federal repository of in- By catching these disorders early, treatable, we must ensure that States formation on the diseases. are able to adopt recommended screen- many can be managed successfully, al- Today, 49 States and D.C. require ing tests more quickly. lowing children to live fuller, better screening of at least 31 of the 35 core The bill we are considering today will lives. However, if not detected and left treatable conditions, and a national do that by reauthorizing the program untreated, these conditions can impact clearinghouse of newborn screening in- for 5 years, with higher authorization a child for the rest of their life by caus- formation is available for parents and levels, improved processes and pilot ing disabilities, delays in development, professionals. testing for new screening tests, and a illness, or even death. Rapid identification and treatment study focused on how we can better Prior to the passage of the initial bill make the difference between health modernize newborn screening for the in 2008, States had varying standards and disability—or even life and death— future. for newborn screening. Some States for the approximately 12,000 babies This bipartisan bill will bring us clos- were only screening for 4 conditions in who, each year, test positive for one of er to the goal of every child born in the 2002, when other States were screening these serious conditions. United States receiving all rec- for more than 30. In addition, this simple test saves ommended screening tests and will im- Reauthorizing the Newborn Screen- our healthcare system millions of dol- prove countless lives of the youngest ing Saves Lives Act will allow the CDC lars in care for each child who is iden- Americans. to work with States to continue to tified and treated early. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to support it level the playing field and provide for This truly public health success and ask all of my colleagues to join me equal access to newborn screenings story exemplifies what can be accom- in passing it today, and I reserve the across the country. plished when private and public insti- balance of my time. H.R. 2507 also reauthorizes grants tutions, industry, advocates, scientists, Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- through the Health Resources and providers, and parents partner to en- er, I yield myself such time as I may Services Administration that not only sure a healthier future for our children. consume. allows for expansion of screening pro- Mr. Speaker, to maintain and ad- Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak in sup- grams but improved follow-up care vance the incredible progress that we port of H.R. 2507, the Newborn Screen- after a detection. have made over the last decade, we ing Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of The bill also allows for the continu- must reauthorize the Newborn Screen- 2019. ation of the National Institutes of ing Saves Lives Act. Newborn screening is critical in early Health Hunter Kelly Newborn Screen- Passing H.R. 2507 will ensure the ad- detection and intervention for condi- ing program, which helps to identify visory committee continues its critical

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00121 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.095 H24JYPT1 H7368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 work of recommending new screenings tested for can only result in more lives being ‘‘(ii) personally giving instructions to an to State programs. It will guarantee saved. exhibitor; or access to the most current follow-up I urge all members to join me in voting to ‘‘(iii) being knowingly present in a warm- up area, inspection area, or other area at a programs and educational materials for pass H.R. 2507, the ‘‘Newborn Screening horse show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or parents and providers, as well as high- Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2019.’’ auction that spectators are not permitted to quality technical assistance for State The SPEAKER pro tempore. The enter. programs and public health labs. question is on the motion offered by ‘‘(B) Such term does not include spec- Reauthorization will also commis- the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. tating.’’. sion a National Academies of Sciences PALLONE) that the House suspend the (b) FINDINGS.—Section 3 of the Horse Pro- study to make recommendations for a rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2507, as tection Act (15 U.S.C. 1822) is amended— amended. (1) in paragraph (3)— 21st century newborn screening sys- (A) by inserting ‘‘and soring horses for tem. The question was taken; and (two- such purposes’’ after ‘‘horses in intrastate Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on thirds being in the affirmative) the commerce’’; and the passage of H.R. 2507 to ensure all rules were suspended and the bill, as (B) by inserting ‘‘in many ways, including our newborns receive the comprehen- amended, was passed. by creating unfair competition, by deceiving sive and consistent testing and follow A motion to reconsider was laid on the spectating public and horse buyers, and up that they will need for a healthy the table. by negatively impacting horse sales’’ before and productive life. the semicolon; f (2) in paragraph (4), by striking ‘‘and’’ at Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I have CONSENSUS CALENDAR the end; no additional speakers. I would ask my (3) in paragraph (5), by striking the period colleagues, on a bipartisan basis, to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The at the end and inserting a semicolon; and support this legislation. I thank the Chair announces the Speaker’s designa- (4) by adding at the end the following new sponsor, the chairwoman, and I yield tion, pursuant to clause 7(a)(1) of rule paragraphs: back the balance of my time. XV, of H.R. 693 as the measure on the ‘‘(6) the Inspector General of the Depart- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a sen- Consensus Calendar to be considered ment of Agriculture has determined that the this week. program through which the Secretary in- ior member of both the Judiciary Committee spects horses is inadequate for preventing and the Committee on Homeland Security, I f soring; rise in strong support of H.R. 2507, the ‘‘New- U.S. SENATOR JOSEPH D. TYDINGS ‘‘(7) historically, Tennessee Walking born Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization MEMORIAL PREVENT ALL Horses, Racking Horses, and Spotted Saddle Act of 2019.’’ SORING TACTICS ACT OF 2019 Horses have been subjected to soring; and The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reau- ‘‘(8) despite regulations in effect related to thorization Act would yield major improve- Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I move inspection for purposes of ensuring that ments in both the screening and follow up to suspend the rules and pass the bill horses are not sore, violations of this Act (H.R. 693) to amend the Horse Protec- continue to be prevalent in the Tennessee processes involved in the testing of infants for Walking Horse, Racking Horse, and Spotted heritable diseases and conditions. tion Act to designate additional unlaw- ful acts under the Act, strengthen pen- Saddle Horse breeds.’’. In the United States, more than 4,000,000 (c) HORSE SHOWS AND EXHIBITIONS.—Sec- infants and children are screened every year, alties for violations of the Act, im- tion 4 of the Horse Protection Act (15 U.S.C. and up to 4,000 of the children test positive for prove Department of Agriculture en- 1823) is amended— one or more disease or disorder. forcement of the Act, and for other (1) in subsection (a)— Mr. Speaker, 4,000 conditions detected are purposes, as amended. (A) by striking ‘‘appointed’’ and inserting ‘‘licensed’’; and 4,000 young lives saved, as many of the dis- The Clerk read the title of the bill. The text of the bill is as follows: (B) by adding at the end the following new eases on the uniform screening panel, the list sentences: ‘‘In the first instance in which the H.R. 693 of conditions that newborns are tested for, are Secretary determines that a horse is sore, very treatable but can be deadly if left Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the Secretary shall disqualify the horse from unaddressed. resentatives of the United States of America in being shown or exhibited for a period of not However, there is an ever-present need to Congress assembled, less than 180 days. In the second instance in continue adapting the panel of conditions that SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. which the Secretary determines that such This Act may be cited as the ‘‘U.S. Senator newborns and young children are tested for, horse is sore, the Secretary shall disqualify Joseph D. Tydings Memorial Prevent All the horse for a period of not less than one as improvements in technology allow medical Soring Tactics Act of 2019’’ or the ‘‘PAST year. In the third instance in which the Sec- professionals to identify new diseases, sooner. Act’’. retary determines that such horse is sore, Mr. Speaker, children and their families SEC. 2. INCREASED ENFORCEMENT UNDER the Secretary shall disqualify the horse for a should have access to state of the art testing, HORSE PROTECTION ACT. period of not less than three years.’’; and treatments. (a) DEFINITIONS.—Section 2 of the Horse (2) in subsection (b) by striking ‘‘ap- H.R. 2507 specifically improves the current Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 1821) is amended— pointed’’ and inserting ‘‘licensed’’; Newborn Screening Act in several ways, in- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (3) by striking subsection (c) and inserting cluding: and (4) as paragraphs (2), (3), (4), and (5), re- the following new subsection: spectively; ‘‘(c)(1)(A) The Secretary shall prescribe by Creating new educational strategies and (2) by inserting before paragraph (2) (as so regulation requirements for the Department practices regarding the screening and follow- redesignated) the following new paragraph: of Agriculture to license, train, assign, and up treatments for heritable diseases and con- ‘‘(1)(A) The term ‘action device’ means any oversee persons qualified to detect and diag- ditions; boot, collar, chain, roller, or other device nose a horse which is sore or to otherwise in- Creating an advisory committee for heritable that encircles or is placed upon the lower ex- spect horses at horse shows, horse exhibi- diseases in newborns and children; tremity of the leg of a horse in such a man- tions, or horse sales or auctions, for hire by Creating a Clearinghouse of newborn ner that it can— the management of such events, for the pur- ‘‘(i) rotate around the leg or slide up and poses of enforcing this Act. screening information; ‘‘(B) No person shall be issued a license Improving laboratory quality and surveil- down the leg, so as to cause friction; or ‘‘(ii) strike the hoof, coronet band, fetlock under this subsection unless such person is lance, which includes implementing new tools, joint, or pastern of the horse. free from conflicts of interest, as defined by the Secretary in the regulations issued under resources and infrastructure, to improve data ‘‘(B) Such term does not include soft rub- analysis, interpretation and lab practices; subparagraph (A). ber or soft leather bell boots or quarter boots ‘‘(C) If the Secretary determines that the Increasing funding for the Hunter Kelly Insti- that are used as protective devices.’’; and performance of a person licensed in accord- tute; and (3) by adding at the end the following new ance with subparagraph (A) is unsatisfac- Authorizing $2 million in Appropriations to paragraph: tory, the Secretary may, after notice and an the National Academy of Medicine, to fund ‘‘(6)(A) The term ‘participate’ means en- opportunity for a hearing, revoke the license studies dedicated to further improving the gaging in any activity with respect to a issued to such person. horse show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or practice and procedure of the Uniform Screen- ‘‘(D) In issuing licenses under this sub- auction, including— section, the Secretary shall give a preference ing Panel. ‘‘(i) transporting or arranging for the to persons who are licensed or accredited The screening of children has already been transportation of a horse to or from a horse veterinarians. proven to be effective, and improvements and show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or auc- ‘‘(E) Licensure of a person in accordance additions to the panel of diseases that are tion; with the requirements prescribed under this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00122 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.159 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7369 subsection shall not be construed as author- (A) in paragraph (1)— SEC. 3. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- izing such person to conduct inspections in a (i) by striking ‘‘Except as provided in para- FECTS. manner other than that prescribed for in- graph (2) of this subsection, any person who The budgetary effects of this Act, for the spections by the Secretary (or the Sec- knowingly violates section 5’’ and inserting purpose of complying with the Statutory retary’s representative) under subsection (e). ‘‘Any person who knowingly violates section Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be deter- ‘‘(2)(A) Not later than 30 days before the 5 or the regulations issued under such sec- mined by reference to the latest statement date on which a horse show, horse exhi- tion, including any violation recorded during titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legisla- bition, or horse sale or auction begins, the an inspection conducted in accordance with tion’’ for this Act, submitted for printing in management of such show, exhibition, or section 4(c) or 4(e)’’; and the Congressional Record by the Chairman of sale or auction may notify the Secretary of (ii) by striking ‘‘more than $3,000, or im- the House Budget Committee, provided that the intent of the management to hire a per- prisoned for not more than one year, or such statement has been submitted prior to son or persons licensed under this subsection both.’’ and inserting ‘‘more than $5,000, or the vote on passage. and assigned by the Secretary to conduct in- imprisoned for not more than three years, or The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- spections at such show, exhibition, or sale or both, for each such violation.’’; ant to the rule, the gentleman from Or- auction. (B) in paragraph (2)— egon (Mr. SCHRADER) and the gen- ‘‘(B) After such notification, the Secretary (i) by striking subparagraph (A); tleman from Georgia (Mr. CARTER) shall assign a person or persons licensed (ii) by striking ‘‘(2)’’; and under this subsection to conduct inspections (iii) by redesignating subparagraphs (B) each will control 20 minutes. at the horse show, horse exhibition, or horse and (C) as paragraphs (2) and (3), respec- The Chair recognizes the gentleman sale or auction. tively, and moving the margins of such para- from Oregon. ‘‘(3) A person licensed by the Secretary to graphs (as so redesignated) two ems to the GENERAL LEAVE conduct inspections under this subsection left; and Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I ask shall issue a citation with respect to any vio- (C) by adding at the end the following new lation of this Act recorded during an inspec- unanimous consent that all Members paragraph: tion and notify the Secretary of each such may have 5 legislative days in which to ‘‘(4) Any person who knowingly fails to violation not later than five days after the revise and extend their remarks and in- obey an order of disqualification shall, upon date on which a citation was issued with re- clude extraneous material on H.R. 693. conviction thereof, be fined not more than spect to such violation.’’; and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there $5,000 for each failure to obey such an order, (4) by adding at the end the following new imprisoned for not more than three years, or objection to the request of the gen- subsection: tleman from Oregon? ‘‘(f) The Secretary shall publish on the both.’’; (2) in subsection (b)— There was no objection. public website of the Animal and Plant Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Health Inspection Service of the Department (A) in paragraph (1)— (i) by striking ‘‘section 5 of this Act’’ and myself such time as I may consume. of Agriculture, and update as frequently as Mr. Speaker, I am proud to lead H.R. the Secretary determines is necessary, infor- inserting ‘‘section 5 or the regulations issued mation on violations of this Act for the pur- under such section’’; and 693, the U.S. Senator Joseph D. Tydings poses of allowing the management of a horse (ii) by striking ‘‘$2,000’’ and inserting Memorial Prevent All Soring Tactics show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or auc- ‘‘$4,000’’; and Act, with my colleague, good friend, tion to determine if an individual is in viola- (B) by adding at the end the following new and fellow veterinarian, Congressman paragraph: tion of this Act.’’. TED YOHO. (d) UNLAWFUL ACTS.—Section 5 of the ‘‘(5) Any person who fails to pay a licensed The PAST Act would finally end the Horse Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 1824) is inspector hired under section 4(c) shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than incredibly abusive practice of horse amended— soring. Soring is the act of deliberately (1) in paragraph (2)— $4,000 for each such violation.’’; and (A) by striking ‘‘or (C) respecting’’ and in- (3) in subsection (c)— causing pain on a horse’s legs or hooves serting ‘‘(C), or (D) respecting’’; and (A) in the first sentence— to artificially exaggerate the horse’s (B) by striking ‘‘and (D)’’ and inserting (i) by inserting ‘‘, or otherwise partici- normal gait. The gait is called the ‘‘big ‘‘(D) causing a horse to become sore or di- pating in any horse show, horse exhibition, lick.’’ recting another person to cause a horse to or horse sale or auction’’ before ‘‘for a period Horses can, and are, trained to do become sore for the purpose of showing, ex- of not less than one year’’; and this naturally, but, unfortunately, a hibiting, selling, auctioning, or offering for (ii) by striking ‘‘any subsequent’’ and in- cottage industry has been built up sale the horse in any horse show, horse exhi- serting ‘‘the second’’; (B) by inserting before ‘‘Any person who around this abusive soring practice. bition, or horse sale or auction; and (E)’’; Soring is most commonly done to (2) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘appoint’’ knowingly fails’’ the following: ‘‘For the and inserting ‘‘hire’’; third or any subsequent violation, a person Tennessee Walking Horse, Racking (3) in paragraph (4)— may be permanently disqualified by order of Horse, and Spotted Saddle Horse (A) by striking ‘‘appoint’’ and inserting the Secretary, after notice and an oppor- breeds. ‘‘hire’’; and tunity for a hearing before the Secretary, Soring can be done by applying caus- (B) by striking ‘‘qualified’’; from showing or exhibiting any horse, judg- tic chemicals to a horse’s lower leg— (4) in paragraph (5), by striking ‘‘ap- ing or managing any horse show, horse exhi- imagine that—trimming their hooves pointed’’ and inserting ‘‘hired’’; bition, or horse sale or auction, or otherwise unnaturally, applying weighted shoes (5) in paragraph (6)— participating in, including financing the par- ticipation of other individuals in, any horse to the horse’s hooves, and wrapping (A) by striking ‘‘appointed’’ and inserting ‘‘action devices’’ like heavy chains ‘‘hired’’; and show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or auc- (B) by inserting ‘‘that the horse is sore’’ tion (regardless of whether walking horses around a horse’s hooves. after ‘‘the Secretary’’; and are shown, exhibited, sold, auctioned, or of- The Horse Protection Act of 1970 out- (6) by adding at the end the following new fered for sale at the horse show, horse exhi- lawed chemical soring, supposedly, paragraphs: bition, or horse sale or auction).’’; and which causes burning and blistering to ‘‘(12) The use of an action device on any (C) by striking ‘‘$3,000’’ each place it ap- horses’ legs, and soring caused by—ac- limb of a Tennessee Walking Horse, a pears and inserting ‘‘$5,000’’. tually, they used to inject nails, tacks, Racking Horse, or a Spotted Saddle Horse at (f) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 180 days and chemical agents into the limb of a horse show, horse exhibition, or horse sale after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall issue reg- the horse. or auction. It did not include the action devices, ‘‘(13) The use of a weighted shoe, pad, ulations to carry out the amendments made wedge, hoof band, or other device or material by this section, including regulations pre- however, or the stacked shoes which at a horse show, horse exhibition, or horse scribing the requirements under subsection are also common in today’s soring sale or auction that— (c) of section 4 of the Horse Protection Act techniques. ‘‘(A) is placed on, inserted in, or attached (15 U.S.C. 1823(c)), as amended by subsection We have a photo, I think, that shows to any limb of a Tennessee Walking Horse, a (c)(3). very clearly what this is like. The Racking Horse, or a Spotted Saddle Horse; (g) SEVERABILITY.—If any provision of this photo actually shows—which we would ‘‘(B) is constructed to artificially alter the Act or any amendment made by this Act, or like to get up here at some point in gait of such a horse; and the application of a provision to any person time, if that is remotely possible—that or circumstance, is held to be unconstitu- ‘‘(C) is not strictly protective or thera- it is actually a package. peutic in nature.’’. tional, the remainder of this Act and the (e) VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES.—Section 6 amendments made by this Act, and the ap- What they do is use plastic pads and of the Horse Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 1825) is plication of the provisions to any person or wedges stacked on one another, actu- amended— circumstance, shall not be affected by the ally nailed together, and then attached (1) in subsection (a)— holding. to the bottom of the hoof.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00123 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.097 H24JYPT1 H7370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 The package elevates the horse’s That is who we should be focused on b 2215 front feet and adds weight and pres- right now—not the abusers but the ani- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- sure, causing the horse’s foot to strike mals, these equine athletes that we er, I yield myself such time as I may at a very unusual and painful angle. love and revere so much. consume. The chains are wrapped over the Our bill is supported by the American Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support horse’s chemically sored and raw front Veterinary Medical Association; the of H.R. 693, the PAST Act. In a bipar- pastern, increasing the pain felt by the American Horse Council; American As- tisan fashion, this bill takes a step for- horse and further exaggerating that big sociation of Equine Practitioners; Na- ward to protect horses from abuse and lick, pain-induced gait, which again, as tional Sheriffs’ Association; Kentucky- make the practice of ‘‘soring’’ some- I said before, is not necessary. Horses based United States Equestrian Fed- thing of the past. will move with that action under their eration; the All American Walking As with many other professions, I own volition when properly trained by Horse Alliance; Animal Wellness Ac- know the vast majority of breeders and an actual trainer. tion; Humane Society; veterinary med- trainers care deeply about their horses Our bill will make it illegal to use ical associations from all 50 States; and and their businesses. these and other similar devices in the many, many more. As someone who has been a prac- show ring, and horses would only be al- Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD ticing pharmacist for over 30 years, I lowed to show with a normal horse- a letter from the American Horse can tell you that there is nothing more shoe. offensive than people in your profes- There is the photo I was alluding to Council. AMERICAN HORSE COUNCIL, sion who don’t follow the rules. That is earlier. why it is so important to address the Some people may argue that these Washington, DC, July 24, 2019. Hon. , small number of bad actors and ensure action devices are not harmful for House of Representatives, that the men and women who follow horses, but the experts at the Amer- Washington, DC. the rules have the ability to operate in ican Veterinary Medical Association, Hon. TED YOHO, a profession they care so deeply about. the American Association of Equine House of Representatives, Although the practice of soring is al- Practitioners, and the United States Washington, DC. ready banned and the industry takes Equine Federation all say that pres- DEAR REPRESENTATIVES SCHRADER AND action to police itself, there are still sure from these items contained in this YOHO: The American Horse Council (AHC) examples of this occurring in the package produce pain in the hoof and congratulates you for your leadership and hard work to position the Sen. Joseph United States. in the leg, that the horse lifts its feet Additionally, loopholes in Federal higher and faster in an exaggerated Tydings Memorial Prevent All Soring Tac- tics (PAST) Act (H.R. 693) for a vote on the law often disallowed the United States gait beyond what they are naturally House floor prior to adjourning for the Au- Department of Agriculture from taking able to do. gust recess. With more than 300 cosponsors action against those individuals who All of these organizations support a on your bill, we look forward to a resounding are soring their horses. That is why ban on action devices and packages to and long-awaited legislative victory for this bill is so important. protect the health and welfare of the equine welfare. H.R. 639 amends the 1976 Horse Pro- horse. As you know, the PAST Act outlines a tection Act to make important changes As a veterinarian with over 30 years’ commonsense solution to prevent the contin- in enforcement and to address any cri- experience, I agree with them. I agree ued practice of taking action on a horse’s teria that could lead to soring. with the AVMA that it is indisputable limb to produce an accentuated gait during In addition to the technical provi- competition. The scope of the bill is limited. that soring causes horses an unneces- sions laid out in this bill, it is an exam- sary and unacceptable level of pain. It lays out a specific framework that focuses enforcement efforts on three horse breeds— ple of the work that can be accom- These horses—it is horrible when you the Tennessee Walking Horses, Spotted Sad- plished when both sides of the aisle see them, you see what is going on in dle Horses, and Racking Horses—that con- work together. the legs of these horses. tinue to be the target of soring practices. While I would have preferred we ad- They used to actually use soldering The treatment of these select breeds stands dress this in the Energy and Commerce irons sometimes to blister the horses’ in stark contrast to the dramatic decline in Committee, we are here because of the legs so that they would react to these the overall mistreatment of horses that has widespread support for this legislation, chains in an exaggerated manner. I saw occurred since enactment of the HPA during which has 307 cosponsors. Simply put, that. the 1970s. AHC, along with most major na- tional horse show organizations and state we are here because we want to im- In addition to outlawing action de- prove the support and strengthen it, vices and stacked shoes, the PAST Act and local organizations, supports the PAST Act. Also, AHC members have sent hundreds not weaken it. will also end the unsuccessful system ofletters to your House colleagues this year It is my hope that we can continue to of industry self-policing that we tried supporting H.R. 693. work on these and other issues to- for almost 40 years. Thank you very much for all the efforts gether to ensure a better industry for The USDA has let it run, and, unfor- you’re making to push this important bill all of those involved. tunately, it has been completely inef- across the finish line. If you’d like more in- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of fective. Our bill will require the USDA formation related to the PAST Act, feel free my time. to create a process to train, license, as- to contact me. Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I yield sign, and oversee impartial inspec- Regards, 3 minutes to the gentleman from New JULIE M. BROADWAY, CAE, tors—hopefully veterinarians, among Jersey (Mr. PALLONE), chairman of the President, AHC. others—who can detect and diagnose Energy and Commerce Committee, the horses that have been sored. best committee in the House. Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, the It will also require the USDA’s Ani- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I want PAST Act will strengthen existing law mal and Plant Health Inspection Serv- to thank the gentleman from Oregon, to ensure that horse soring becomes a ice to publicly publish information on particularly for saying we are the best thing of the past. sorers so that the folks managing the committee in the House. horse shows, competitions, and sales It is a commonsense bill and widely I rise in support of his bill, H.R. 693, know who has broken the law and supported. I am proud to have 307 of the PAST Act. abused their horses. my colleagues as cosponsors on this I want to start by thanking Rep- Soring has been illegal since 1970, yet bill, especially the original cosponsors, resentatives SCHRADER and YOHO for here we are 50 years later, and soring is the long-time champions of this bill: their work over the past several years still taking place. Self-policing has not Dr. TED YOHO, Congressman COHEN of on this important bill that will finally worked. Tennessee, Congresswoman SCHA- put an end to the cruel practice of There is a clear and demonstrable KOWSKY, Congressman ESTES, and Con- soring Tennessee Walking Horses, need for this bill. To oppose this action gressman COLLINS. Spotted Saddle Horses, and Racking is a disservice to the people who really I urge all of my colleagues to support Horses. work hard and train and show horses the PAST Act, and I reserve the bal- This incredibly painful practice has the right way, without abusing them. ance of my time. been illegal in the United States for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:36 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00124 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.161 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7371 nearly 50 years, since Congress passed the leg to irritate it, then they put this I hope that this legislation occasions the Horse Protection Act of 1970. But on there. And you know why they do a little bit of soul-searching. The ani- despite the Federal ban, soring con- that? So they can win a blue ribbon. So mal protection agenda of this Congress tinues to run rampant in some seg- that they can win a blue ribbon and is one of the areas that brings people ments of the walking horse industry. take it and say, Look what we have ac- together, like my two veterinarian The bill would amend the Horse Pro- complished. friends have shown bipartisan coopera- tection Act and finally put an end to It makes me sick that we have to tion dealing with the facts, mustering the abhorrent practice for good. The spend the time to do this stuff. support, being far more patient than I bill bans the use at horse shows of Secondly, it saddens me. We are talk- would have. chains, weighted shoes, and other de- ing about preserving a terrible practice I mean, the last two Congresses, we vices that are commonly used to sore of animal abuse. And I see it very had 280 cosponsors. We couldn’t even horses. clearly. You are either supportive of get a hearing, let alone get it on the It also puts an end to the failed sys- animal abuse or you are against it. floor. That is outrageous. tem of industry self-policing by giving That is the bottom line here. Now, there is a little bit of political the USDA authority to train and li- Congress shouldn’t have to do this; blowback. Some people who are part of cense independent inspectors at horse but, again, that industry has had 49 that aren’t here anymore. I hope that shows. The legislation also strengthens years. I had one of the trainers come in there are some lessons, both in terms penalties on those who violate the law. my office with an owner, for an hour of the politics and the basic decency This bill has received endorsements and a half, to try to tell me not to sup- for protection of animal welfare. from hundreds of equine and veterinary port this bill. He showed me these I agree with the gentleman from organizations, including more than 60 weights and he looked at my watch. He Georgia, I wish it went through regular State and national horse groups, and goes: Congressman, that watch prob- order. I wish that we had an oppor- all 50 State veterinary medical associa- ably weighs about the same in relation- tunity in committees of jurisdiction to tions. ship, body weight, as what you are give a little bit of the time that is mer- So, again, I thank Representative wearing. ited to be able to give the public a view SCHRADER for his continued leadership. I said, You know what? You are prob- of what is going on; the bureaucracy It is time that Congress pass this legis- ably absolutely right. But there is a that, for 49 years, has been unable to lation and put an end to soring once huge difference. take the self-policing mechanism and and for all. And he goes, What is that? be able to make it work. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- I said, I choose to put this watch on. I hope that this is the first of a series er, I yield such time as he may con- That horse has no option. of items. I plan on talking to our lead- sume to the gentleman from Florida This bill is a good bill to get rid of a ership, and I hope we will have leader- (Mr. YOHO), a veterinarian, who has practice that is archaic and shouldn’t ship on the other side of the aisle who, worked on this bill tirelessly and has be done. And it won’t hurt this indus- in the past have held off, despite over- done a yeoman’s job at getting it to try. It will make this industry strong- whelming support, to the frustration, I this point here. er. know, of one of the principal sponsors. Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I would like And anybody that says this is going I hope that we understand that this to thank my colleagues. I would like to to kill the Tennessee Walking Horse in- is something that shouldn’t be dealt thank Dr. SCHRADER, and the leader- dustry is equivalent to the guy in the with in a partisan fashion, and there ship of the House to bring this bill up. late 1800s that said, Those automobiles shouldn’t be jurisdictional battles. I am here today for two reasons: One, are bad; if you go over 30 miles an People ought to be able to take funda- we shouldn’t even be here to have to hour, you are going to die. mental animal welfare issues and bring run this through this body and take up We know that was a fallacy. Their ar- them forward on the merits, have the valuable time, legislative time, that we gument is a fallacy. debate, and get them enacted. It will could be talking about our debt, bor- Every one of these agencies that he make people in this body feel better, der, those kinds of things, but we are mentioned, the AVMA, the American because for a number of days, I think, here. Association of Equine Practitioners, people don’t feel so good watching First, it saddens me that we have to every veterinary college in the United what happens around here, and we pass a bill to stiffen fines and penalties States of America, 98 percent of the don’t have much to show for our ef- to keep people from doing the des- farrier associations are for this bill. forts. picable act of intentionally soring a They are against the opposition to this So I want to commend my colleagues horse’s forelegs. And this is done bill, and I stand with this. for their patience and their persever- through chemical means or mechanical Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I yield ance. devices to artificially—understand 4 minutes to the other gentleman from , my co-chair of the this—artificially accentuate the gait of Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER). Animal Protection Caucus, has been the Tennessee Walking, Racking, or Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I writing op-eds with me and working on Saddle Horse. thank the gentleman for yielding the this, so it’s a culmination of a lot of Dr. SCHRADER and I are both equine time and for his tireless efforts on this work. vets, the only ones in the House. We with Mr. YOHO. I have watched as the But I hope it is a first step toward know this. We have seen this. We have gentleman has battled this for years. I dealing with an area that is supported dealt with this. have worked with him to get co- by the American public. It is important As Dr. SCHRADER brought up, the sponsorships. work. It is not particularly controver- Horse Protection Act was passed in We have had the Animal Protection sial, except for a few special interests 1970 to stop this. It was passed to stop Caucus having sessions, bringing staff who, frankly, don’t have a leg to stand this. That industry has had 49 years to members, having demonstrations of on, even though they didn’t have one of bring this to an end, and they wanted this horrific practice. those things on their legs. to self-police. They have had 49 years This is the ninth year that this has I hope that we can use this as an op- to self-police, and they have not been before us. Now, I am pleased that portunity to make more progress in a brought this to an end. we are here. I am pleased that we are bipartisan way to solve problems, not I have got a shoe here that the gen- making the case. I am pleased that, to- just for animal welfare, but other areas tleman had a picture of. This is a built- night, we are going to pass this legisla- that the American people would like us up shoe that we use on horses. I could tion, although I wish it weren’t at 10:30 to add. drop it on the table, but I don’t want to at night for a few minutes; because Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- get the bill to fix it. This weighs about there is no guarantee that, even with er, I yield 4 minutes to the gentleman 10 pounds. This is one foot, on the front this case, with the momentum, that we from Tennessee (Mr. DESJARLAIS). of a leg. are going to be able to get it through Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise Then they put these devices on there. the Senate, where we have seen objec- today to speak in opposition to H.R. After they put the chemical irritant on tion in the past. 693, the PAST Act.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:16 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00125 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.163 H24JYPT1 H7372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 The only thing good about the PAST issues, found that the application of This sort of thing almost guarantees Act is the name, because it is reflective stacked wedges and action devices to a horse is going to prematurely get ar- of just that, the past. the forefeet of horses evoke no acute or thritic, end its athletic career, and I have been listening to my col- subacute stress to the horse. have serious problems. It is completely leagues, and I don’t think they have I heard my colleague and good friend unnecessary and unfair. been spending time where I have, in the Dr. YOHO talk about his wristwatch. The Veterinary Medical Association inspection barns over the last six-plus Most of you in here are wearing wrist- states unequivocally, along with the years, where I see people who love their watches, or some of you may just use American Association of Equine Prac- animals, take care of them, and treat your smartphones now, but you wear titioners, who are the medical ex- them like family. those all day, and that doesn’t hurt perts—not the Farm Bureau from Ken- What I have seen is inspectors that you. If there is a soring agent applied, tucky or Tennessee; these are the med- were abusing the process, not self- then, yes, that is going to cause prob- ical experts—say that pads and chains policers, people sent by the USDA. And lems. Action devices are pieces of cause harm to the horses. these people are being disqualified, not equipment no different than a saddle or I believe the veterinary experts. being able to perform, and then not a bridle or a bit. There is no doubt. subsequently being cited or penalized This is a slippery slope, folks. What I would certainly hope that folks after the fact. will these groups seek to ban next? here would go with the body of evi- Now, the last couple of years there Saddles, maybe riding horses at all. dence, the folks who care about the has been an improvement. And today, Like my colleagues, I feel strong that horses passionately, deeply, have the Tennessee Walking Horse has over animal abusers should be identified and worked on them for their entire profes- 96 percent compliance rate, according punished; however, the PAST Act will sional career. Let’s be fair about this, to the USDA’s own numbers. not accomplish this goal. These horses and let’s make sure there is no unfair The only problem with the Tennessee are already incredibly regulated, more competition. Walking Horse today is that the cur- so than any other horse, including Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of rent inspection methods are subjective. those in rodeo, those that race, and my time. The PAST Act does nothing to change those that do jumping and dressage. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- this. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The er, I yield 4 minutes to the gentleman What is even more concerning is the time of the gentleman has expired. from Tennessee (Mr. JOHN W. ROSE). PAST Act would increase fines and Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Mr. JOHN W. ROSE of Tennessee. I penalties, including up to 3 years in er, I yield an additional 30 seconds to thank the gentleman for yielding. Today I rise in opposition to H.R. 693, prison, while still utilizing subjective the gentleman from Tennessee. the PAST Act. inspection methods. Mr. DESJARLAIS. No other horses Mr. Speaker, I include in the CON- I have a bill, H.R. 1157, that numer- are subjected to taxpayer-funded in- GRESSIONAL RECORD a letter from the spections, and these owners are already ous groups, including the American Kentucky and Tennessee Farm Bureau incredibly compliant. Furthermore, it Farm Bureau Federation, believe is a Federations opposing the PAST Act. is not true when groups suggest there better course of action, as it would re- KENTUCKY FARM BUREAU, quire all inspections be objective and is no additional cost to taxpayers. The July 23, 2019. science-based. CBO has scored this legislation at $2 Hon. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, As a medical professional, I realize million per year. House of Representatives, the importance of utilizing science to The PAST Act purports itself to be Washington, DC. identify medical conditions. USDA re- an innocent bill that would provide DEAR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: Please accept alizes this problem and has sought to stricter enforcement of standards in this letter as a statement of opposition to protecting horses. The fact of the mat- H.R. 693, the Prevent All Soring Tactics address it by partnering with the Na- (PAST) Act by the Kentucky Farm Bureau tional Academy of Sciences to deter- ter is that it is a Federal overreach and Tennessee Farm Bureau. mine the best objective, science-based into an issue in which compliance is The PAST Act is misleading in its strate- methods to inspect the Tennessee higher than any other USDA-regulated gies and purpose and sets a dangerous prece- Walking Horse. industry, including the food industry. dent for animal agriculture. Please take the I strongly believe that all legislation I strongly urge my colleagues to time to review it closely and understand this should be held off until this study carefully consider the consequences of initiative and the agenda of the Humane So- ciety of the United States (HSUS). While the reaches its conclusion next May. this bill before casting their votes. It should go back to committee and be PAST Act expressly targets Walking Horses, This legislation is a product of ani- this push by the HSUS brings to question mal welfare groups spreading misin- transparent. which segment of animal-based agriculture formation on the status of the Ten- Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I yield will be targeted next. nessee Walking Horse industry, again, myself such time as I may consume. Supporters of the PAST Act argue the bill living in the past. I fear that, to this Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the gen- will ‘‘eliminate soring’’ within the Walking point, some Members have been fed one tleman from Tennessee coming down Horse Industry. However, soring is essen- and talking on this, and obviously he is tially nonexistent today. The bill professes side of the story from powerful interest to end soring by banning hoof pads and ac- groups like the Humane Society or from Tennessee and has an interest, maybe a slightly special interest in tion devices which are used in Walking Horse PETA who, in advocating for their po- performance shows, and implies such items sition, neglect the fact that numerous talking about the industry from his cause soring. Hoof pads and action devices do veterinarians, equine experts, and agri- perspective. not cause soring. Hoof pads are used to pro- cultural groups, including the Ten- And if, indeed, most of the industry vide protection from ground force, to accen- nessee and Kentucky Farm Bureaus, is complying, then he shouldn’t object tuate movement, and balance motion. These have come out in strong opposition to to this bill. This bill just makes sure pads are used in many breeds other than the Walking Horse including the American Paint the PAST Act. that the bad actors that the gentleman from Georgia referenced in his opening Horse, American Quarter Horse, American b 2230 remarks are, frankly, taken care of and Saddlebred, and Morgan breeds. An action device is a band/chain weighing six (6) ounces An example of the biased presen- they can, therefore, not compete un- or less. We are not aware of a study that in- tation of this bill is the misguided fairly against the other 90 percent that dicates action devices or pads produce pain scrutiny of action devices that are are doing the right thing. or cause tissue damage. highlighted in the PAST Act. I will show you a picture here. I don’t The Tennessee Walking Horse is the most The claims put forth by special inter- know if it shows up, but look at all the inspected horse in the world. The industry ests behind this bill that action devices nails in here. Look at all this stuff. and its shows maintain a compliance rate with the Horse Protection Act that averages are cruel or inhumane rest on very lit- Congressman YOHO and I in our pre- tle academic evidence. In fact, to the vious lives treated a lot of horses, 92–95%. This rate is significant considering the inspection process today is almost 100% contrary, a 2018 study by the American would see a lot of limb problems, would subjective. Veterinary Medical Association, the see a lot of coffin bone problems in The PAST Act eliminates the organiza- scientific authority on animal welfare their feet. tions established by Congress in the original

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.165 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7373 Horse Protection Act called Horse Industry percent. In fact, Tennessee’s celebra- past. Well, if it was in the past, we Organizations (HIOs). These independent or- tion had a compliance rate of 96 per- wouldn’t do it. ganizations provide inspectors for shows and cent last year. These compliance rates And he brought up the expense of this are trained and certified by the U.S. Depart- are based on the USDA standards. bill. So we are saying it is okay, if it is ment of Agriculture (USDA). Without HIOs, As the Farm Bureau has pointed out, the PAST Act requires an increase in the too expensive, we can’t do this. We can USDA’s workforce as well as additional em- the Tennessee Walking Horse is the sore the horses because it is too expen- ployees for the U.S. Department of Justice. most inspected horse in the world. sive. That is a bogus argument, and I The Congressional Budget Office numbers re- Overall, the industry has a USDA com- think it is a shameful argument. flect this cost. pliance rate higher than even the food And again, the bottom line comes, We urge you to not accept the mistreat- industry. With that, the rate of catch- you are either for animal cruelty or ment claims from years past as true today. ing bad actors at this point is, of you are against it. It is real simple. Visit a Walking Horse farm and see the course, extremely low. And, again, let me show you this. horses. Visit with a horse owner, trainer, far- These low rates mean we must be Look at the nails in this. This is a keg rier and their veterinarians. Contact your vigilant if we are going to find and stop state Farm Bureau, the Tennessee Farm Bu- shoe. A horse doesn’t need that. This is reau or the Kentucky Farm Bureau if you bad actors. Vigilance will require a new to win a blue ribbon. want assistance arranging a visit or tour. system. The PAST Act does not create Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- We urge you to oppose H.R. 693. a scientific, objective process for in- er, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman Thank you for your consideration of this spections, and until we have that, the from North Carolina (Mr. BUDD). information. remaining bad actors will continue to Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Sincerely, go under the radar, while those acting gentleman for yielding. JEFF AIKEN, with integrity could be treated un- President, Tennessee As a family owner and a fan of the fairly. Tennessee Walker breed, I rise today in Farm Bureau. It is because of these concerns that I MARK HANEY, strong support of this very important President, Kentucky will oppose the PAST Act today. I call animal protection bill, the PAST Act, Farm Bureau. on my colleagues to oppose the PAST of which I am a cosponsor. Mr. JOHN W. ROSE of Tennessee. Mr. Act and, instead, stand with me in I want to thank my good friend, the Speaker, as an eighth-generation farm- truly stopping soring by supporting gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOHO) for er and Tennessean, the grand tradition H.R. 1157. his tireless leadership on this bill, as Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I of Tennessee Walking Horses is among well as the gentleman from Oregon would just point out for those who are my earliest and fondest memories. We (Mr. SCHRADER). I thank them. listening that the bill referenced by the take great pride in the Tennessee So the PAST Act bans the practice of gentleman from Tennessee is another Walking Horse National Celebration, soring, which is a process of inflicting self-policing bill where you have, pain on horses’ hooves and their legs in drawing neighbors and tourists alike to frankly, the industry and the horse Shelbyville, Tennessee, every year for order to give them a higher gait. people from those States selecting and Breeders sometimes use soring to give our world-class showcase. designating these people for inspection. However, this grand tradition is not their horses an advantage in competi- And contrary to some of the remarks, tion, as we have talked about tonight, unmarred by a few bad actors looking the PAST Act has science behind it, li- but the pain inflicted upon the animals to gain at the expense of innocent ex- censed, trained professionals—again, is inhumane, and it should be stopped. hibitors. Soring has been investigated probably veterinarians, for the most For years, we have known about this and debated, and both Congress and in- part—who are going to be the ones who harmful practice, yet there has been dustry leaders have put forth their best are going to be looking at this. efforts to end this horrible practice. I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman very little action to remedy or fix the problem. Tennessee Walking Horses are regal from Florida (Mr. YOHO), my good A recent story I read described the and strong, but the ones that suffer friend and colleague. from soring are harmed in ways that Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate process of exposing sensitive tissues are cruel and unjust. The bad actors the gentleman yielding the time. within the hooves of the horse by filing who are soring compromise fair com- The information you just heard there away the hoof. Sharp objects, such as petition and the integrity of this great is a lot of fallacy in that. He makes it screws, are then pierced into the sen- tradition, but most importantly, they sound like the Farm Bureau is behind sitive tissue inflicting pain to the ani- endanger our prized Tennessee Walking this. The Farm Bureau is not behind it, mal. The damaged tissue that appears Horses. other than in Tennessee and in Ken- after this process is burned away some- I can assure you we in Tennessee tucky. times with acids that burn the horse’s stand against this vile practice. My I have got a list here of the infrac- skin. strong opposition to soring is why I tions, and 90 percent of them are from Sadly, this barbaric practice con- rise today in opposition to the PAST Tennessee; a couple from Kentucky, a tinues, and sometimes even out in the Act. It is my belief that this bill is not couple from North Carolina, but the open. the best solution to this cruel practice. majority are from Tennessee. The current enforcement mecha- While I appreciate the sincere mo- This bill, we sat down specifically nisms we have in place are not working tives of those who support this bill, I with the USDA, APHIS, the regulating well enough, and it is time to pass this call on my colleagues to consider an- body of the USDA on animal cruelty, important bipartisan piece of legisla- other, better solution. I am a cosponsor and we made sure, being a practicing tion. Horses, especially those used in of H.R. 1157, the Horse Protection veterinarian, that the owner was pro- shows, are beautiful animals that have Amendments Act, authored by my col- tected and that the trainer was pro- done nothing to deserve the pain that league from Tennessee, Congressman tected from an overzealous USDA in- soring causes. DESJARLAIS. This bill works to end spector. They have to be certified and So once enacted into law, the PAST soring in a way that is fair to those trained, and they have to be licensed. Act will ensure that we have a more ef- acting properly and humanely and pro- And we added the objective testing. ficient system in place to protect our vides timely consequences for those We use thermography. We use radi- equine companions from unnecessary, who are not. ology. We do swabs of the skin. In fact, inhumane, and cruel suffering. Inspections must be objective, but we use the same technology that our So once again, I want to thank my the PAST Act does not correct the cur- Department of Homeland Security uses friend, the veterinarian from Florida, rent subjective process that is used. My to pick up traces of explosives and for his work and also just to let you colleagues’ bill, H.R. 1157, creates a things like that. That is how in-depth know that my Tennessee Walkers, our framework for consistent, scientific, we went. But we also made sure the family’s Tennessee Walkers, Just and objective inspections. safeguards were there for the owner Power and Dancers Boss Lady, thank H.R. 693 does not solve the real issue and for the trainer. you, as well. here: soring. Industrywide, the current This bill should not have to—he Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- compliance rate is between 92 and 95 talked about this is something in the er, I urge my colleagues to join me in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:01 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00127 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.101 H24JYPT1 H7374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 supporting H.R. 693, and I yield back bipartisan basis; and the three bipar- SENATE BILL REFERRED the balance of my time. tisan bills that I had the honor of sup- A bill of the Senate of the following Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I yield porting that have been signed into law title was taken from the Speaker’s myself the balance of my time. by the President. table and, under the rule, referred as I appreciate the discussion here to- I am most proud of our constituent follows: night. I wish we didn’t have to have services in the district. In just 200 days S. 2249. An act to allow the Deputy Admin- this discussion. Unfortunately, soring in office, we have retrieved over istrator of the Federal Aviation Administra- is still with us, and it is crystal clear $190,000 from Federal agencies for our tion on the date of enactment of this Act to we need the PAST Act, a commonsense constituents and worked on over 250 continue to serve as such Deputy Adminis- bill to give USDA and the industry cases. trator; to the Committee on Transportation itself the ability to clean out these bad I work for the people of my district. and Infrastructure. actors who are, frankly, a stain on the It is why I have attended hundreds of f Tennessee Walking industry that we local events and met with thousands of all love and respect. Those horses are my constituents. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED majestic. Anyone that has been around I look forward to the next 100 days Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the an equine athlete just can’t be but in and beyond, working for the people; House, reported and found truly en- awe of what they are able to do. bringing change to Washington, DC; rolled a bill of the House of the fol- Soring is completely unnecessary. and ensuring I give my constituents lowing title, which was thereupon Good trainers, good veterinary help, the representation they deserve. signed by the Speaker. these horses are going to perform in a H.R. 1327. An act to extend authorization way that make Americans proud. f for the September 11th Victim Compensation I thank my colleagues for the work Fund of 2001 through fiscal year 2092, and for on the bill and urge all my colleagues IT IS GAME OVER FOLLOWING other purposes. to support the PAST Act. SPECIAL COUNSEL TESTIMONY f Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time. (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given ADJOURNMENT permission to address the House for 1 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I move minute and to revise and extend his re- question is on the motion offered by that the House do now adjourn. marks.) the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. The motion was agreed to; accord- Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, today, SCHRADER) that the House suspend the ingly (at 10 o’clock and 49 minutes the Democrats got their wish. Special rules and pass the bill, H.R. 693, as p.m.), under its previous order, the Counsel Robert Mueller testified before amended. House adjourned until tomorrow, not one but two House committees. The question was taken. Thursday, July 25, 2019, at 10 a.m. for I wonder if they would reconsider The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the morning-hour debate. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being that in hindsight. I don’t think it went in the affirmative, the ayes have it. as they had planned. BUDGETARY EFFECTS OF PAYGO Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, on Today’s hearings only hammered LEGISLATION that I demand the yeas and nays. home the simple fact we already knew. Pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As- The yeas and nays were ordered. The special counsel did not find evi- You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO), Mr. YAR- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dence to charge the President with a MOUTH hereby submits, prior to the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- crime. Game over. vote on passage, for printing in the ceedings on this motion will be post- Sadly, this was nothing more than CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, that H.R. 693, poned. political theater and a colossal waste the PAST Act, would have no signifi- of time. Democrats wanted reinforce- f cant effect on direct spending or reve- ment for their partisan witch hunt nues, and therefore, the budgetary ef- b 2245 against the President. Didn’t happen. fects of such bill are estimated as zero. If anything, today’s testimony is MARKING FIRST 200 DAYS AS only going to raise more questions as Pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As- MEMBER OF CONGRESS to why this entire investigation was You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO), Mr. YAR- (Mr. CISNEROS asked and was given even opened in the first place and why MUTH hereby submits, prior to the vote permission to address the House for 1 exculpatory evidence wasn’t included on passage, for printing in the CON- minute and to revise and extend his re- in the report. GRESSIONAL RECORD, that H.R. 1365, a marks.) After wasting 22 months, 25 million bill to make technical corrections to Mr. CISNEROS. Mr. Speaker, this taxpayer dollars, and countless other the Guam World War II Loyalty Rec- week marks 200 days into my first term resources, Americans deserve to know ognition Act, as amended, would have as a Member of Congress. It has been the truth about how this whole episode no significant effect on direct spending an incredible honor to serve the resi- was fabricated and who is responsible. or revenues, and therefore, the budg- dents of the 39th Congressional District The Steele dossier, abuse of our intel- etary effects of such bill are estimated in California. ligence agencies, DNC direct involve- as zero. I am very proud of what we have ac- ment? If Democrats would put as much complished so far in Congress, from the effort in improving our country as they Pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As- passage of three of my pieces of bipar- do into baseless attempts to impeach You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO), Mr. YAR- tisan legislation this week, which will the President, we might just be able to MUTH hereby submits, prior to the vote expand access to benefits for veterans, get something done around here. on passage, the attached estimate of servicemembers, and their families; to Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to the costs of H.R. 3299, the PRIDE Act, the 32 amendments my colleagues and I move on from this disaster and get as amended, for printing in the CON- have offered that were agreed to on a back to work for the American people. GRESSIONAL RECORD. ESTIMATE OF PAY-AS-YOU-GO EFFECTS FOR H.R. 3299

By fiscal year, in millions of dollars— 2019– 2019– 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2024 2029

NET INCREASE OR DECREASE (¥) IN THE DEFICIT Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Impact ...... 0 ¥56 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 ¥41 ¥18 Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00128 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 8634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.168 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7375 Pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO), Mr. YARMUTH hereby submits, prior to the vote on passage, the attached estimate of the costs of H.R. 3352, the Department of State Authorization Act of 2019, as amended, for printing in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.


By fiscal year, in millions of dollars— 2019– 2019– 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2024 2029

NET INCREASE OR DECREASE (¥) IN THE DEFICIT Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Impact ...... 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 100 Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

Pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO), Mr. YARMUTH hereby submits, prior to the vote on passage, for printing in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, that H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act, would have no signifi- cant effect on direct spending or revenues, and therefore, the budgetary effects of such bill are estimated as zero.

Pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO), Mr. YARMUTH hereby submits, prior to the vote on passage, the attached estimate of the costs of H.R. 3409, the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2019, as amended, for print- ing in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.


By fiscal year, in millions of dollars— 2019– 2019– 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2024 2029

NET INCREASE OR DECREASE (¥) IN THE DEFICIT Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Impact ...... 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 30 Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- ETC. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial sion, transmitting the Commission’s final Services. rule — Auction of Construction Permits for Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive 1757. A letter from the Director, Regu- Low Power Television and TV Translator communications were taken from the latory Management Division, Environmental Stations Scheduled for September 10, 2019; Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Notice and Filing Requirements, Minimum cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Ken- 1752. A letter from the Director, Regula- Opening Bids, Upfront Payments, and Other tucky: Jefferson County Definitions and Fed- tions Management Division, Rural Develop- Procedures for Auction 104 [AU Docket No.: ment, Rural Utilities Service, Department of erally Enforceable District Origin Operating Permits [EPA-R04-OAR-2017-0758; FRL-9996- 19-16] [GN Docket No.: 12-268] [MB Docket Agriculture, transmitting the Department’s No.: 16-306] received July 22, 2019, pursuant to final rule — Streamlining Electric Program 92-Region 4] received July 19, 2019, pursuant 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Procedures (RIN: 0572-AC40) received July 18, to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Energy and Commerce. ergy and Commerce. 1758. A letter from the Director, Regu- Committee on Agriculture. 1763. A letter from the Chief, Publications latory Management Division, Environmental 1753. A letter from the Alternate OSD Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue FRLO, Office of the Secretary, Department cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Mary- Service, transmitting the Service’s final reg- of Defense, transmitting the Department’s land; Update to Materials Incorporated by ulations and removal of temporary regula- final rule — Uniformed Services University Reference [MD 205-3121; FRL-9992-15-Region tions — Income Inclusion When Lessee of Health Sciences, Privacy Act of 1974 3] received July 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Treated as Having Acquired Investment [Docket ID: DOD-2019-OS-0042] (RIN: 0790- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Credit Property [TD 9872] (RIN: 1545-BM74) AK61) received July 22, 2019, pursuant to 5 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and received July 23, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Commerce. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on 1759. A letter from the Director, Regu- Armed Services. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and latory Management Division, Environmental Means. 1754. A letter from the Program Specialist, Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Chief Counsel’s Office, Office of the Comp- cy’s final rule — Lactic Acid; Exemption 1764. A letter from the Chief, Publications troller of the Currency, Department of from the Requirement of a Tolerance [EPA- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Treasury, transmitting the Department’s HQ-OPP-2018-0157; FRL-9994-63] received July Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only final rule — Reduced Reporting for Covered 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); rule — Indexing adjustments for certain pro- Depository Institutions [Docket ID: OCC- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to visions under Sec. 36B of the Internal Rev- 2018-0032] (RIN: 1557-AE39) received July 19, the Committee on Energy and Commerce. enue Code (Rev. Proc. 2019-29) received July 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public 1760. A letter from the Director, Regu- 23, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the latory Management Division, Environmental Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to Committee on Financial Services. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Committee on Ways and Means. 1755. A letter from the Program Specialist, cy’s final rule — Protection of Human Re- Chief Counsel’s Office, Office of the Comp- search Subjects [EPA-HQ-ORD-2018-0280; 1765. A letter from the Chief, Publications troller of the Currency, Department of the FRL-9996-48-ORD] received July 19, 2019, pur- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Treasury, transmitting the Department’s suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only final rule — Liquidity Coverage Ratio Rule: 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee rule — Automatic Consent to Change Meth- Treatment of Certain Municipal Obligations on Energy and Commerce. ods of Accounting to Comply with Section as High-Quality Liquid Assets [Docket ID: 1761. A letter from the Director, Regu- 846 (Rev. Proc. 2019-30) received July 23, 2019, OCC-2018-0013] (RIN: 1557-AE36) received July latory Management Division, Environmental pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to cy’s final rule — Sulfoxaflor; Pesticide Tol- mittee on Ways and Means. the Committee on Financial Services. erances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0179; FRL-9995-63] 1756. A letter from the Director, Regula- received July 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 1766. A letter from the Chief, Publications tions Management Division, Rural Develop- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue ment, Rural Utilities Service, Department of Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Service, transmitting the Service’s final reg- Agriculture, transmitting the Department’s Commerce. ulations and removal of temporary regula- final rule — Single Family Housing Guaran- 1762. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Auc- tions — Allocation of Creditable Foreign teed Loan Program (RIN: 0575-AD10) received tions Division, Office of Economics and Ana- Taxes [TD 9871] (RIN: 1545-BM56) received July 18, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. lytics, Incentive Auction Task Force, Media July 23, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:01 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00129 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.064 H24JYPT1 H7376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019

801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 By Mr. MCKINLEY (for himself and Ms. By Mr. CLYBURN (for himself, Mr. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and BLUNT ROCHESTER): CUNNINGHAM, Mr. WILSON of South Means. H.R. 3927. A bill to direct the Secretary of Carolina, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. TIMMONS, 1767. A letter from the Chief, Publications Health and Human Services to carry out a Mr. NORMAN, and Mr. RICE of South and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue pilot program to test the feasibility and out- Carolina): Service, transmitting the Agency’s final reg- comes of integrating a substance use dis- H.R. 3936. A bill to establish in the States ulations and removal of temporary regula- order and behavioral health treatment loca- of North Carolina and South Carolina the tions — Regulations on the Requirement To tor tool into the prescription drug moni- Southern Campaign of the Revolution Na- Notify the IRS of Intent To Operate as a Sec- toring programs of 5 eligible States; to the tional Heritage Corridor, and for other pur- tion 501(c)(4) Organization [TD 9873] (RIN: Committee on Energy and Commerce. poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- 1545-BN25) received July 23, 2019, pursuant to By Mr. RIGGLEMAN: sources. 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. H.R. 3928. A bill to require the Board of By Mr. NEWHOUSE: 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Governors of the Federal Reserve to satisfy H.R. 3937. A bill to redesignate the facility Ways and Means. certain requirements before providing any of the Bureau of Reclamation located at new payment service, or substantially 1768. A letter from the Chief, Publications Highway-155, Coulee Dam, WA 99116, as the changing or expanding any existing payment and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue ‘‘Nathaniel ‘Nat’ Washington Power Plant’’; service, and for other purposes; to the Com- Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only to the Committee on Natural Resources. mittee on Financial Services. rule — Notice: Additional Preventive Care By Mr. TAYLOR (for himself, Mr. ARM- By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, Mr. Benefits Permitted to be Provided by a High STRONG, Mr. CISNEROS, Mr. CREN- DESAULNIER, and Ms. BLUNT ROCH- Deductible Health Plan Under Sec. 223 [No- SHAW, Mr. BACON, Mrs. LURIA, Mr. ESTER): tice 2019-45] received July 23, 2019, pursuant STEUBE, Mr. BAIRD, Mr. WALTZ, Mr. H.R. 3929. A bill to direct the Architectural KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. PANETTA, and to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, and Transportation Barriers Compliance Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ): Board to develop a minimum nonvisual ac- H.R. 3938. A bill to amend title 5, United Ways and Means. cess standard for home use medical devices, States Code, to provide that children of cer- f exercise equipment, and home appliances, tain permanently disabled or deceased vet- and for other purposes; to the Committee on erans shall be preference eligible for pur- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Energy and Commerce. poses of appointments in the civil service, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. BRADY (for himself, Mr. and for other purpose; to the Committee on Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of GOSAR, Mr. DAVIDSON of Ohio, Mr. Oversight and Reform. WEBER of Texas, Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. committees were delivered to the Clerk By Mr. BUDD: SCHWEIKERT, Mr. WILLIAMS, and Mr. H.R. 3939. A bill to require the Board of for printing and reference to the proper WRIGHT): Governors of the Federal Reserve System to calendar, as follows: H.R. 3930. A bill to cap noninterest Federal carry out a quantitative impact study of any Mr. TAKANO: Committee on Veterans’ Af- Spending as a percentage of potential GDP proposed real-time payment system under fairs. H.R. 2385. A bill to permit the Sec- to right-size the government, grow the econ- the Faster Payments Initiative before imple- retary of Veterans Affairs to establish a omy, and balance the budget; to the Com- menting such system; to the Committee on grant program to conduct cemetery research mittee on the Budget, and in addition to the Financial Services. and produce educational materials for the Committee on Rules, for a period to be sub- By Mr. CARTER of Texas: Veterans Legacy Program; with an amend- sequently determined by the Speaker, in H.R. 3940. A bill to amend the William Wil- ment (Rept. 116–179). Referred to the Com- each case for consideration of such provi- berforce Trafficking Victims Protection Re- mittee of the Whole House on the state of sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the authorization Act of 2008 to provide for the the Union. committee concerned. expedited removal of unaccompanied alien Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD: Committee on Ap- By Ms. UNDERWOOD (for herself, Mr. children who are not victims of a severe form propriations. H.R. 3931. A bill making appro- GONZALEZ of Ohio, and Mr. ZELDIN): of trafficking in persons and who do not have H.R. 3932. A bill to amend title 38, United priations for the Department of Homeland a fear of returning to their country of na- States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- tionality or last habitual residence, and for Department of Veterans Affairs for medi- tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes (Rept. other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- cines relating to preventive health services, 116–180). Referred to the Committee of the diciary, and in addition to the Committee on and for other purposes; to the Committee on Whole House on the state of the Union. Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subse- Veterans’ Affairs. quently determined by the Speaker, in each Mr. ENGEL: Committee on Foreign Af- By Mr. LEVIN of Michigan: case for consideration of such provisions as fairs. H.R. 3352. A bill to provide for certain H.R. 3933. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee authorities of the Department of State, and cation Act of 1965 to establish State and In- concerned. for other purposes; with an amendment dian tribe grants for community colleges and By Mr. CONNOLLY (for himself and (Rept. 116–181). Referred to the Committee of grants for Historically Black Colleges and Mr. MEADOWS): the Whole House on the state of the Union. Universities, Tribal Colleges and Univer- H.R. 3941. A bill to enhance the innovation, Mr. NADLER; Committee on the Judici- sities, and Minority-Serving Institutions, security, and availability of cloud computing ary. H.R. 2336. A bill to amend title 11, and for other purposes; to the Committee on services used in the Federal Government by United States Code, with respect to the defi- Education and Labor. establishing the Federal Risk and Authoriza- nition of ‘‘family farmer’’ (Rept. 116–182). Re- By Mr. BRADY (for himself, Mr. tion Management Program within the Gen- ferred to the Committee of the Whole House ARRINGTON, Mr. BABIN, Mr. BACON, eral Services Administration and by estab- on the state of the Union. Mr. BUCSHON, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. CAR- lishing a risk management, authorization, Mr. PERLMUTTER: Committee on Rules. TER of Texas, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. FLO- and continuous monitoring process to enable House Resolution 519. Resolution providing RES, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, Ms. the Federal Government to leverage cloud for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3877) to GRANGER, Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana, computing services using a risk-based ap- amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. of proach consistent with the Federal Informa- Deficit Control Act of 1985, to establish a Oklahoma, Mr. HURD of Texas, Mr. tion Security Modernization Act of 2014 and congressional budget for fiscal years 2020 and KING of Iowa, Mr. LATTA, Mr. MARCH- cloud-based operations, and for other pur- 2021, to temporarily suspend the debt limit, ANT, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. OLSON, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Oversight and and for other purposes; providing for consid- RATCLIFFE, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. TAY- Reform. eration of the bill (H.R. 549) to designate LOR, Mr. VELA, Mr. WEBER of Texas, By Ms. DELAURO (for herself, Mr. Venezuela under section 244 of the Immigra- Mr. WRIGHT, Mr. RICE of South Caro- ARMSTRONG, Mr. COLLINS of Georgia, tion and Nationality Act to permit nationals lina, and Mr. CRENSHAW): Mr. RASKIN, Mr. WILSON of South of Venezuela to be eligible for temporary H.R. 3934. A bill to amend title II of the So- Carolina, Mr. CORREA, Mr. WOMACK, protected status under such section, and for cial Security Act to replace the windfall Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. HILL of other purposes; and waiving a requirement of elimination provision with a formula equal- Arkansas, Mr. GALLAGHER, and Mrs. clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to con- izing benefits for certain individuals with BEATTY): sideration of certain resolutions reported non-covered employment, and for other pur- H.R. 3942. A bill to apply requirements re- from the Committee on Rules (Rept. 116–183). poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. lating to delivery sales of cigarettes to deliv- Referred to the House Calendar. By Mr. CARTER of Georgia (for him- ery sales of electronic nicotine delivery sys- ´ f self, Mr. CARDENAS, Mr. GRAVES of tems, and for other purposes; to the Com- Georgia, and Mr. BISHOP of Georgia): mittee on the Judiciary. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 3935. A bill to amend title XIX of the By Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Social Security Act to provide for the con- Rico: Under clause 2 of rule XII, public tinuing requirement of Medicaid coverage of H.R. 3943. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- bills and resolutions of the following nonemergency transportation to medically enue Code of 1986 to allow accelerated depre- titles were introduced and severally re- necessary services; to the Committee on En- ciation of certain qualified film and tele- ferred, as follows: ergy and Commerce. vision and live theatrical productions in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00130 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L24JY7.000 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7377 Puerto Rico; to the Committee on Ways and ical assistance under the State Medicaid Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., executive; to Means. plan while the individual is an inmate of a the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma (for public institution, to apply to inmates of f himself and Mr. MULLIN): any age; to the Committee on Energy and H.R. 3944. A bill to amend the Water Re- Commerce. MEMORIALS sources Reform and Development Act of 2014 By Mr. SENSENBRENNER (for himself Under clause 3 of rule XII, memorials to modify the procedure for communicating and Mr. CORREA): certain emergency risks, and for other pur- H.R. 3954. A bill to amend title 35, United were presented and referred as follows: poses; to the Committee on Transportation States Code, to include the exclusive eco- 123. The SPEAKER presented a memorial and Infrastructure. nomic zone as part of the United States for of the Senate of the State of California, rel- By Mr. LAWSON of Florida: patent infringement, and for other purposes; ative to Senate Joint Resolution No. 7, urg- H.R. 3945. A bill making supplemental ap- to the Committee on the Judiciary. ing the United States Congress to act favor- propriations for the Army Corps of Engineers By Mr. TIPTON: ably in regard to legislation to award the for flood control projects and storm damage H.R. 3955. A bill to direct the United States Congressional Gold Medal to the Merrill’s reduction projects in areas affected by flood- Postal Service to designate a single, unique Marauders; which was referred to the Com- ing in the city of Jacksonville, Florida, and ZIP Code for Silver Cliff, Colorado, and for mittee on Financial Services. for other purposes; to the Committee on Ap- other purposes; to the Committee on Over- 124. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the propriations, and in addition to the Com- sight and Reform. State of California, relative to Senate Joint mittee on the Budget, for a period to be sub- By Mr. WELCH (for himself, Mr. BILI- Resolution No. 7, urging the United States sequently determined by the Speaker, in RAKIS, and Ms. FRANKEL): Congress to act favorably in regard to legis- each case for consideration of such provi- H.R. 3956. A bill to protect consumers from lation to award the Congressional Gold sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the deceptive practices with respect to online Medal to the Merrill’s Marauders; which was committee concerned. booking of hotel reservations, and for other referred to the Committee on Financial By Mr. MARCHANT (for himself, Mr. purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Services. SCHWEIKERT, and Mr. ARRINGTON): Commerce. f H.R. 3946. A bill to provide further means By Mr. STEIL: of accountability with respect to the United H. Con. Res. 54. Concurrent resolution es- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY States debt and promote fiscal responsi- tablishing the Joint Select Committee on STATEMENT Solvency of Mutiemployer Pension Plans; to bility; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. MEADOWS: the Committee on Rules. H.R. 3947. A bill to lower the cost of pre- By Mr. BURGESS: the Rules of the House of Representa- scription drugs, and for other purposes; to H. Con. Res. 55. Concurrent resolution ex- tives, the following statements are sub- the Committee on Energy and Commerce, pressing the sense of Congress on the need to mitted regarding the specific powers and in addition to the Committees on Ways inform American consumers with more bal- granted to Congress in the Constitu- and Means, the Judiciary, Armed Services, anced purchasing information for prescrip- tion to enact the accompanying bill or and Oversight and Reform, for a period to be tion drugs through the disclosure of price in- joint resolution. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in formation in direct-to-consumer (DTC) ad- By Mr. MCKINLEY: each case for consideration of such provi- vertisements; to the Committee on Energy H.R. 3927. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the and Commerce, and in addition to the Com- Congress has the power to enact this legis- committee concerned. mittee on Ways and Means, for a period to be lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. MEEKS: subsequently determined by the Speaker, in H.R. 3948. A bill to amend the Fair Debt each case for consideration of such provi- Article 1 Section 8 Collection Practices Act to extend the provi- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Section 8—Powers of Congress. To make sions of that Act to cover a debt collector committee concerned. all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing who is collecting debt owed to a State or By Mr. PENCE (for himself, Mr. GALLA- Powers, and all other Powers vested by this local government, to index award amounts GHER, Mr. CARBAJAL, and Mr. Constitution in the Government of the under such Act for inflation, to provide for MOULTON): civil injunctive relief for violations of such H. Res. 515. A resolution expressing support United States, or in any Department or Offi- Act, and for other purposes; to the Com- for the designation of October 23, 2019, as a cer thereof. mittee on Financial Services. national day of remembrance of the tragic By Mr. RIGGLEMAN: By Ms. MENG: 1983 terrorist bombing of the United States H.R. 3928. H.R. 3949. A bill to amend the Safe Drink- Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon; Congress has the power to enact this legis- ing Water Act to provide for drinking water to the Committee on Oversight and Reform. lation pursuant to the following: fountain replacement in playgrounds and By Ms. CHENEY: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 parks, and for other purposes; to the Com- H. Res. 516. A resolution electing a Member By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY: mittee on Energy and Commerce. to a certain standing committee of the H.R. 3929. By Mr. NORCROSS (for himself, Mr. House of Representatives; considered and Congress has the power to enact this legis- MOULTON, Mr. KIM, Mr. COX of Cali- agreed to. lation pursuant to the following: fornia, and Ms. CRAIG): By Mr. ENGEL (for himself and Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 3950. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- MCCAUL): The Congress shall have Power . . . To reg- cation Act of 1965 to establish a grant pro- H. Res. 517. A resolution supporting the ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and gram for the improvement of remedial edu- Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis among the several States, and with the In- cation programs at institutions of higher (TB), malaria, and its Sixth Replenishment; dian Tribes. education, and for other purposes; to the to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. BRADY: Committee on Education and Labor. By Mr. LOWENTHAL (for himself and H.R. 3930. By Ms. PRESSLEY (for herself and Mr. Mr. CONNOLLY): Congress has the power to enact this legis- GARCI´A of Illinois): H. Res. 518. A resolution expressing the lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3951. A bill to amend the Expedited sense of the House of Representatives regard- Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- Funds Availability Act to require that funds ing United States efforts to resolve the tion, which gives Congress the authority to deposited be available for withdrawal in real Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a nego- borrow money on the credit of the United time and to require the Board of Governors tiated two-state solution; to the Committee States. of the Federal Reserve System to create a on Foreign Affairs. By Ms. UNDERWOOD: real time payment system, and for other pur- By Mr. CORREA: H.R. 3932. poses; to the Committee on Financial Serv- H. Res. 520. A resolution remembering Congress has the power to enact this legis- ices. kindness in the United States and affirming lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. SCHRIER (for herself and Mr. our commitment to fostering community Article 1 Section 8 of the United States COX of California): and building resiliency through every day Constitution H.R. 3952. A bill to amend the Agricultural acts of kindness; to the Committee on Over- By Mr. LEVIN of Michigan: Research, Extension, and Education Reform sight and Reform. H.R. 3933. Act of 1998 to establish a waiver from the By Mr. MCCAUL (for himself and Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- matching requirement for certain grants ENGEL): lation pursuant to the following: under the specialty crop research initiative; H. Res. 521. A resolution commending the Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution. to the Committee on Agriculture. Government of Canada for upholding the rule By Mr. BRADY: By Mr. SCOTT of Virginia: of law and expressing concern over actions H.R. 3934. H.R. 3953. A bill to amend title XIX of the by the Government of the People’s Republic Congress has the power to enact this legis- Social Security Act to expand the require- of China in response to a request from the lation pursuant to the following: ment for States to suspend, rather than ter- United States Government to the Govern- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. minate, an individual’s eligibility for med- ment of Canada for the extradition of a Constitution: The Congress shall have Power

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00131 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L24JY7.100 H24JYPT1 H7378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 24, 2019 to make all Laws which shall be necessary Congress has the power to enact this legis- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS and proper for carrying into Execution the lation pursuant to the following: foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- Article I, Section VIII of the U.S. Constitu- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors ed by this Constitution in the Government of tion were added to public bills and resolu- the United States, or in any Department or By Mr. LAWSON of Florida: tions, as follows: Officer thereof. H.R. 3945. H.R. 40: Mr. SARBANES. By Mr. CARTER of Georgia: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 93: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New H.R. 3935. lation pursuant to t] following: York. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8: To make all Laws H.R. 95: Mr. PHILLIPS. lation pursuant to the following: which shall be necessary and proper for car- H.R. 194: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Article I, Section 8 of the United States rying into Execution the foregoing Powers, H.R. 310: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Constitution. and all other Powers vested by this Constitu- H.R. 333: Mr. PAPPAS. By Mr. CLYBURN: tion in the Government of the United States, H.R. 336: Mr. RUTHERFORD. H.R. 3936. or in any Department or Officer thereof H.R. 437: Mr. ABRAHAM. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. MARCHANT: H.R. 497: Mr. BYRNE. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3946. H.R. 510: Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 571: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Constitution lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 586: Mr. WENSTRUP. By Mr. NEWHOUSE: Article I, section 8, clause 18: The Congress H.R. 587: Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH and Mr. BRIN- H.R. 3937. shall have Power . . . To make all Laws DISI. Congress has the power to enact this legis- which shall be necessary and proper for car- H.R. 628: Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. H.R. 647: Mr. SCHWEIKERT and Mr. DUFFY. lation pursuant to the following: rying into Execution the foregoing Powers, H.R. 663: Ms. DELBENE. Article One, Section 8, Clause 18 of the and all other Powers vested by the Constitu- H.R. 724: Mr. ABRAHAM and Ms. SCHRIER. United States Constitution tion in the Government of the United States, H.R. 729: Mr. CASE. or in any Department or Officer thereof. By Mr. TAYLOR: H.R. 737: Mr. ALLRED. By Mr. MEADOWS: H.R. 3938. H.R. 830: Mr. COX of California. H.R. 3947. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 849: Mr. Garcı´a of Illinois, Mr. SCHIFF, Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Ms. DELBENE, and Ms. JUDY CHU of Cali- lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United fornia. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 ‘‘The Con- States Constitution: H.R. 886: Mr. YOHO, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. gress shall have Power To . . . regulate Com- ‘‘To make all Laws which shall be nec- STANTON, and Mr. PHILLIPS. merce . . . among the several States . . . .’’ essary and proper for carrying into Execu- H.R. 913: Mr. KATKO. By Mr. MEEKS: tion the foregoing Powers, and all other H.R. 961: Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio. H.R. 3948. Powers vested by this Constitution in the H.R. 1024: Mr. GARAMENDI. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Government of the United States, or in any H.R. 1025: Mr. VISCLOSKY. Department or Officer thereof.’’ lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1034: Miss RICE of New York. By Mr. BUDD: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 Commerce H.R. 1035: Mr. CLINE. H.R. 3939. Clause H.R. 1049: Mr. COLE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. MENG: H.R. 1108: Ms. WATERS, Mr. KINZINGER, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3949. Mr. VELA. Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1109: Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- 3 of the United States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: homa. By Mr. CARTER of Texas: Article I, Section 8. H.R. 1135: Mr. CALVERT. H.R. 3940. By Mr. NORCROSS: H.R. 1154: Mr. MEEKS, Mr. BUCHANAN, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3950. SCHRIER, and Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: homa. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18—To make all lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1173: Mrs. FLETCHER. Article I, Section 8 Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 1175: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of By Ms. PRESSLEY: carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- New York and Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. H.R. 3951. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 1225: Mrs. FLETCHER and Ms. WEXTON. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1301: Ms. SCHRIER. stitution in the Government of the United lation pursuant to the following: States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 1380: Mr. BERA. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United H.R. 1398: Mr. AGUILAR, Mr. CLOUD, and Mr. thereof. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3—To es- States Constitution tablish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, WILLIAMS. By Ms. SCHRIER: H.R. 1400: Mr. CISNEROS. and uniform Laws on the subject of Bank- H.R. 3952. H.R. 1423: Ms. STEVENS. ruptcies throughout the United States. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1440: Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio. By Mr. CONNOLLY: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1452: Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- H.R. 3941. Article 1 homa. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SCOTT of Virginia: H.R. 1471: Ms. ESHOO. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3953. H.R. 1511: Ms. TITUS and Mr. RUPPERS- Article I, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution Congress has the power to enact this legis- BERGER. By Ms. DELAURO: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1529: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of H.R. 3942. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of New York. Congress has the power to enact this legis- the United States H.R. 1533: Ms. SCANLON. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. SENSENBRENNER: H.R. 1554: Ms. SCANLON. Article 1, Section 8; U.S. Constitution H.R. 3954. ´ ´ H.R. 1570: Mr. DUFFY. By Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1597: Mr. RUTHERFORD. Rico: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1607: Mr. FULCHER. H.R. 3943. Clause 8 of Section 8 of Article 1 of the H.R. 1629: Mr. FLORES and Ms. LEE of Cali- Congress has the power to enact this legis- U.S. Constitution fornia. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. TIPTON: H.R. 1678: Mr. BUCSHON. The Congress has the power to enact this H.R. 3955. H.R. 1694: Mr. VARGAS, Mr. KIND, and Mr. legislation pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Congress has the power to enact this legis- DEUTCH. Clauses 1 and 18 of the U.S. Constitution, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1695: Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. COLLINS of which provide as follows: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- New York, Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Penn- The Congress shall have Power To lay and stitution sylvania, and Mr. CUMMINGS. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, By Mr. WELCH: H.R. 1709: Ms. SHALALA, Ms. TITUS, Ms. to pay the Debts and provide for the common H.R. 3956. OCASIO-CORTEZ, Mr. GREEN of Texas, and Mr. Defence and general Welfare of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- SABLAN. States; [and . . . ] lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1713: Mrs. KIRKPATRICK and Miss To make all laws which shall be necessary Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- Gonza´ lez-Colo´ n of Puerto Rico. and proper for carrying into Execution the gress shall have Power To . . . make all H.R. 1737: Mr. BLUMENAUER. foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 1766: Mr. MARCHANT. ed by this Constitution in the Government of carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 1786: Mr. NORCROSS and Mr. Luja´ n. the United States, or in any Department or ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 1864: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Officer thereof. stitution in the Government of the United H.R. 1869: Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. LONG, Mr. By Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma: States, or in any Department or Officer GUTHRIE, Miss RICE of New York, and Mr. H.R. 3944. thereof . . CALVERT.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00132 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.074 H24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7379

H.R. 1873: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana and Mr. H.R. 2678: Mr. RASKIN, Mr. HECK, and Mr. H.R. 3667: Miss RICE of New York. NEGUSE. PAYNE. H.R. 3668: Mr. PANETTA, Ms. ESHOO, Mrs. H.R. 1887: Mr. of California. H.R. 2682: Mr. MOOLENAAR. HAYES, Mr. TRONE, Ms. PINGREE, and Mr. H.R. 1923: Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. CISNEROS, Mr. H.R. 2721: Mr. WITTMAN. RUIZ. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New York, Ms. H.R. 2733: Mr. O’HALLERAN. H.R. 3670: Mr. WALTZ, Mr. FITZPATRICK, and OMAR, and Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. H.R. 2747: Mr. FOSTER. Mr. UPTON. H.R. 1925: Mr. BRINDISI. H.R. 2751: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 3717: Mr. BURGESS. H.R. 1934: Mrs. DINGELL. H.R. 2771: Mr. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 3742: Mrs. HAYES. H.R. 1978: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. MEEKS, H.R. 2775: Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. H.R. 3744: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire and Ms. NORTON. H.R. 2802: Ms. MENG, Mr. GRIFFITH, Mrs. and Mr. KATKO. H.R. 1980: Mrs. DAVIS of California, Ms. SE- NAPOLITANO, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. VELA, H.R. 3760: Mr. KHANNA, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. WELL of Alabama, Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL, Mr. RASKIN, Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana, and Ms. KENNEDY, and Mrs. HAYES. Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mrs. RADEWAGEN, Mr. SEN- CRAIG. H.R. 3775: Mr. QUIGLEY. SENBRENNER, Ms. CRAIG, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, H.R. 2847: Mr. GOSAR. H.R. 3783: Mrs. LEE of Nevada. Mr. CHABOT, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. WILLIAMS, H.R. 2851: Mr. COHEN and Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 3786: Mr. COLE. Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. KELLY of Pennsyl- H.R. 2856: Mr. ESTES. H.R. 3794: Mr. WESTERMAN and Mr. RUIZ. vania, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. GOODEN, Mr. H.R. 2958: Mrs. HAYES. H.R. 3799: Ms. OMAR. EMMER, and Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. H.R. 2969: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida and Mr. H.R. 3807: Mr. MCGOVERN and Mr. POCAN. H.R. 1987: Mr. BRINDISI. YOHO. H.R. 3816: Mr. PENCE. USTER H.R. 2026: Ms. K of New Hampshire. H.R. 2970: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. H.R. 3828: Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto H.R. 2031: Ms. DELBENE. H.R. 2975: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Rico and Mr. BILIRAKIS. H.R. 2046: Mr. MULLIN. H.R. 2991: Ms. MCCOLLUM, Ms. NORTON, and H.R. 3829: Mr. RYAN and Mr. SHERMAN. H.R. 2048: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Ms. LEE of California. H.R. 3846: Ms. CRAIG. H.R. 2096: Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mrs. H.R. 3026: Mrs. LEE of Nevada. H.R. 3848: Ms. OMAR. KIRKPATRICK, and Mr. KENNEDY. H.R. 3115: Ms. SHALALA, Mr. VAN DREW, and H.R. 3861: Mr. CARTWRIGHT and Mr. ZELDIN. H.R. 2118: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. KIM. H.R. 3862: Mrs. NAPOLITANO and Mr. GRI- H.R. 2155: Ms. TITUS and Mr. CASE. H.R. 3145: Ms. KELLY of Illinois. JALVA. H.R. 2167: Mr. PHILLIPS. H.R. 3157: Ms. SCANLON and Mr. RASKIN. H.R. 3867: Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. COHEN, and H.R. 2200: Mr. RUTHERFORD. H.R. 3162: Mr. KIND. OFGREN Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. H.R. 2201: Ms. L . H.R. 3182: Mr. WESTERMAN. H.R. 2208: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 3872: Mr. ROSE of New York and Mr. H.R. 3195: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. H.R. 2218: Mr. BLUMENAUER. CARTWRIGHT. VARGAS, and Mr. QUIGLEY. H.R. 2219: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. H.R. 3874: Mr. DEUTCH. H.R. 3205: Mr. LARSEN of Washington. H.R. 2235: Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee, H.R. 3882: Ms. MENG. H.R. 3219: Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. SUOZZI, and Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. RUPPERS- H.R. 3884: Ms. SCANLON. Mr. LOWENTHAL. BERGER, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. SLOTKIN, and Mr. H.R. 3909: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 3221: Mr. CARTER of Georgia. TONKO. H.R. 3918: Mr. GARAMENDI and Mr. KEN- H.R. 3266: Mr. HIMES. H.R. 2256: Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. CISNEROS, NEDY. H.R. 3280: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. GREEN of Texas, and Mr. H.J. Res. 38: Mr. CUNNINGHAM. H.R. 3302: Ms. CRAIG. RASKIN. H. Con. Res. 52: Ms. JUDY CHU of California H.R. 3332: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 2271: Mr. COHEN. and Ms. HILL of California. H.R. 3356: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. H.R. 2311: Ms. FRANKEL, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. H. Res. 54: Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana and H.R. 3369: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire YARMUTH, Mr. KATKO, Mr. GARAMENDI, Mrs. Mr. EVANS. and Mr. GARAMENDI. LAWRENCE, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, H. Res. 60: Mr. EVANS and Mr. PHILLIPS. H.R. 3388: Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. HUFFMAN, and Ms. DELBENE. H. Res. 217: Mr. RASKIN and Mr. DUNN. H.R. 3396: Mr. NEGUSE. H.R. 2382: Ms. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. H. Res. 219: Mr. COOK. H.R. 3412: Mr. WENSTRUP. SCHNEIDER, Ms. Sa´ nchez, Mr. LANGEVIN, and H. Res. 255: Mr. PETERS, Ms. SHALALA, Ms. H.R. 3463: Mr. YARMUTH, Ms. SCANLON, Mr. Mr. LARSEN of Washington. PINGREE, Mr. GIANFORTE, and Mr. VARGAS. BLUMENAUER, Ms. PORTER, Ms. CLARKE of H.R. 2404: Ms. ESHOO. H. Res. 259: Ms. SPANBERGER. New York, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, H.R. 2408: Mr. NEGUSE. H. Res. 326: Mrs. HAYES. Mr. TRONE, Ms. PRESSLEY, Mr. MICHAEL F. H.R. 2411: Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Ms. H. Res. 374: Mr. WITTMAN. DOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. PETERS, Mr. CHABOT, H. Res. 387: Mr. GRIJALVA. TONKO, Mr. MEEKS, and Mr. RUIZ. Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. JOHNSON of H. Res. 395: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana and Mr. H.R. 3465: Mr. SCHIFF. Louisiana, Ms. DELBENE, Ms. SCANLON, Mr. CARTWRIGHT. H.R. 3473: Mr. CONNOLLY, Ms. MATSUI, and CALVERT, and Mr. CARTER of Texas. H. Res. 452: Mr. GARAMENDI and Ms. ESHOO. Mr. PAPPAS. H.R. 2420: Mr. HASTINGS, Mrs. HAYES, Mr. H. Res. 480: Mr. RUSH and Ms. KELLY of Illi- VISCLOSKY, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. COHEN, Mr. H.R. 3497: Mr. RIGGLEMAN, Mr. DIAZ- nois. BALART, Mrs. RODGERS of Washington, Ms. KILMER, and Ms. WILD. H. Res. 493: Mr. RUTHERFORD. SPANBERGER, Mr. COLE, Mr. BOST, and Ms. H.R. 2431: Ms. PINGREE. H. Res. 499: Mrs. MURPHY. H.R. 2433: Mr. PHILLIPS. STEVENS. H.R. 2442: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire H.R. 3515: Mr. WRIGHT, Mr. BYRNE, Mr. f and Miss RICE of New York. MARSHALL, Mr. BRINDISI, Mr. WALKER, and H.R. 2452: Ms. SCANLON. Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. H.R. 2501: Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- H.R. 3557: Mr. KILMER. PETITIONS, ETC. homa. H.R. 3575: Ms. STEVENS. H.R. 2550: Ms. CLARKE of New York and Ms. H.R. 3580: Mr. WESTERMAN. Under clause 3 of rule XII, WILSON of Florida. H.R. 3602: Ms. NORTON. 34. The SPEAKER presented a petition of H.R. 2584: Mr. POCAN and Mr. PAYNE. H.R. 3604: Ms. ESHOO and Mr. MCGOVERN. Commission of the City of Miami, FL, rel- H.R. 2605: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 3623: Mr. LEVIN of California. ative to Resolution R-19-0236, urging Presi- H.R. 2616: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 3637: Mr. BUTTERFIELD. dent Donald J. Trump to prohibit any fur- H.R. 2668: Mr. NEGUSE, Ms. ROYBAL- H.R. 3654: Mr. PETERSON. ther cultural exchanges between Cuba and ALLARD, Mr. TED LIEU of California, Mr. CAL- H.R. 3663: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. WILSON of the United States until freedom of expres- VERT, Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas, Mrs. AXNE, and Florida, and Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. sion is restored for all Cubans; which was re- Ms. SCHRIER. H.R. 3666: Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. ferred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00133 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY7.068 H24JYPT1 E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2019 No. 125 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was American worker. In my State, one out actually needs. The 2-year funding called to order by the President pro of every four American manufacturing agreement will secure the resources we tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). firms export to Canada and Mexico. need to continue restoring the readi- f Seventy percent of these are very small ness of our Armed Forces and modern- or medium-sized businesses. More than izing them to meet the 21st-century PRAYER 25,400 Iowans depend on manufacturing challenges that face our country. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- jobs. As I mentioned yesterday, I always fered the following prayer: By encouraging auto manufacturers find it curious when our Democratic Let us pray. to use more U.S. content in our cars colleagues take the negotiating posi- Eternal God, our shelter in the time and high-wage labor, the U.S.-Mexico- tion that funding critical Pentagon of storms, we thank You for this land Canada Agreement will help American missions and providing for the common we love. We are grateful for its history, workers compete on a level playing defense are partisan Republican prior- government, discoveries, knowledge, field and benefit from selling to two of ities. They act like only Republicans creativity, and vision. As our law- our largest trading partners. want a modern, ready military, such that our spending on national defense makers seek to keep our Nation strong, f may they act and speak in ways that needs to be matched up with other make us proud to be Americans. Use IOWA spending in order to make it palatable our Senators to banish hate and big- Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, to Democrats. In one sense, my Republican col- otry, inspiring our citizens to live to- on another matter, at the website leagues and I will probably say, ‘‘guilty gether in peace. May the words of our ThisIsIowa.com, you can view a video as charged.’’ Yes, we absolutely of people visiting a fake real estate of- legislators’ mouths and the medita- prioritize the national defense and the fice in New York advertising modern, tions of their hearts receive Your ap- U.S. military. Yes, we prioritize keep- spacious properties. You can see the as- proval. ing Americans safe. This is the funda- tonishment, then, on the faces of New We pray in Your great Name. Amen. mental obligation of the U.S. govern- Yorkers as they are shown beautiful, f ment. modern apartments, as well as homes 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Over the past 2 ⁄2 years, it has been a near art museums and award-winning Republican President who has sought The President pro tempore led the restaurants. to reverse the previous 8 years of de- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The prices and the neighborhood cline in defense. It has been Repub- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the amenities seem too good to believe. licans in Congress who prioritized re- United States of America, and to the Repub- The details are real and so are the job building our national defense after the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, opportunities real. Only the location is Obama administration’s neglect and indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. not New York. The location is Iowa. atrophy. Thanks to the Trump admin- f Check it out on ThisIsIowa.com. istration’s tough negotiating, this deal I yield the floor. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME will secure a larger increase in defense f funding than in nondefense programs The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. relative to current law. Better than BLACKBURN). Under the previous order, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER parity for defense. the leadership time is reserved. I doubt Members need any reminding The Senator from Iowa. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- about why these investments are so Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I jority leader is recognized. critical, but if they do, every day’s ask permission to speak in morning f newspapers make the case loud and business for 1 minute. clear. For years, our adversaries have BUDGET AGREEMENT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without methodically stepped up their incur- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, sions and their aggressions. They want f earlier this week the Trump adminis- to chip away at the peaceful, rules- tration and Speaker PELOSI reached an based international order that Amer- UNITED STATES-MEXICO-CANADA agreement to avoid a government fund- ican leadership has helped to establish TRADE AGREEMENT ing crisis and provide for our Armed and preserve. Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, Forces. In the tough circumstances of Between 2009 and 2018, the Chinese the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agree- divided government, they achieved the Communist Party increased its mili- ment will be a very big boon to the kind of deal that our national defense tary spending—listen to this—by 83

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.000 S24JYPT1 S5028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 percent—83 percent. Talk about a judge capable of setting aside personal pen on their own. Our comprehensive buildup. The Chinese nearly doubled opinion.’’ response involves countless law en- their military spending in less than a Despite his objective qualifications forcement officers, medical profes- decade. This is just the PRC’s publicly and all this praise, our Senate Demo- sionals, educators, community leaders, acknowledged funding. cratic colleagues were not satisfied. and family members and friends of These numbers have very real impli- Here was the bombshell that offended those affected. cations. When China gets a leg up in some of our colleagues with respect to I am proud of that. Several times in terms of readiness or technology, they this nominee. Listen to this. The nomi- recent years, this Senate has done our are able to hold a greater number of nee is a practicing Catholic. part to bolster this fight with sweep- U.S. and allied forces at risk. They are My goodness, imagine that—in the ing—sweeping—bipartisan action. We able to push their air and maritime United States of America, a person of passed wide-ranging legislation to control further into the Indo-Pacific faith, serving in government. Really? backstop the work on the frontlines region, increasing hegemonic control In particular, some of our Demo- with new programs, new funding for re- and effectively pushing the United cratic colleagues raked him over the search, and new Federal resources for States and our allies back. coals in committee for his membership the communities most in need. So the importance of this funding in the Knights of Columbus. It is Just last year, we passed another agreement is not simply our ability to shocking that a nominee for Federal landmark bill to attack the crisis of provide for the upkeep and regular district court would be a member of abuse from every single angle. Among maintenance on our military as it cur- the Knights of Columbus. its many features, the legislation rently exists. We are also talking about Of course, we all know the Knights— makes it harder to traffic illegal drugs building the U.S. military of the fu- a noted worldwide ‘‘extremist sect’’ of across the border; it supports mothers ture—research, development, and mod- Catholics, which is about 2 million men and babies struggling with opioid with- ernization—so that our Nation and our strong, known among other things for drawal; and it even includes one of my servicemembers are equipped to keep their love of their Catholic faith, their provisions to help those in recovery Americans safe and project power as unparalleled commitment to charitable find a good job and stable housing as necessary for years and decades to work, and for hosting barbecues and they work toward long-term recovery. come. pancake breakfasts. I am particularly proud of Ken- In my view, this grave responsibility Outrageous. I can’t believe I need to tucky’s own role in leading in this re- should be a top, top priority on both repeat it in the U.S. Capitol, but there covery. Researchers at the University sides of the aisle, and this funding is nothing about living out one’s faith of Kentucky received the largest Fed- agreement will allow us to get it done. that is disqualifying for public serv- eral grant in the school’s history to I am proud that it will meet the press- ice—nothing. To the contrary, what fight opioid abuse all across our State. ing needs of servicemembers stationed the Constitution does forbid is impos- I was pleased to help them secure these at installations around the country, ing any kind of religious test for public resources as they aim to achieve a 40- percent reduction of opioid overdose like Ft. Campbell, Ft. Knox, and the office. deaths in 3 years. Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky. It is the Democrats’ opposition to In my hometown of Louisville, a pri- this nominee’s faith, not his faith The deal will secure sorely needed in- vate sector research facility received itself, that rubs against the grain of vestment in the national defense, and FDA approval for a medicine to ease our Constitution. Fortunately, this it contains none of the far-left poison withdrawal symptoms. I have worked tactic didn’t fly. Our colleagues on the pills that House Democrats had sought, to secure the inclusion of more Ken- Judiciary Committee saw this tactic like going backward on the issue of life tucky counties under the High Inten- or stripping away rightful Presidential for what it is and voted to report Mr. sity Drug Trafficking Area Program authorities. In divided government, Buescher favorably to the floor. I will and increase coordination among local, that is what we call a good deal. The be proud to vote to confirm him later State, and Federal law enforcement on Senate will vote on it before the end of today. drug interdiction. next week. f This tireless work by Kentuckians f OPIOID EPIDEMIC has helped write the headlines we are NOMINATIONS celebrating today, but, of course, there Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, is still much more to do. We know this Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, on another matter, the epidemic of is not the end of the battle against ad- on another matter, first, the Senate opioid and substance abuse has diction—not even close—but it is en- will confirm several more impressive wreaked havoc throughout our coun- couraging to see the reduction in over- nominations. We are currently consid- try. More than 2 million Americans dose deaths across the country. ering Stephen Dickson, of Georgia, to suffer from opioid addiction. For years, As majority leader, I will continue to lead the Federal Aviation Administra- the situation only seemed to get worse fight to ensure Kentucky and the Na- tion. After him, we will turn our atten- and worse. Unfortunately, my home tion have the resources to build on this tion to two district court nominees. State of Kentucky saw the pain first- progress, prevent and treat addiction, Wendy Williams Berger is the Presi- hand. We are among the hardest hit and ultimately save lives. dent’s choice for the U.S. District States by this crisis. f Court for the Middle District of Flor- Last week, both Kentucky and the ida. She is a two-time graduate of Flor- entire Nation received a glimmer of ISRAEL ida State University, with nearly three long-awaited good news. Preliminary Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, decades of courtroom experience, half figures from the National Center for on one final matter, yesterday, the of which has come on the bench. Health Statistics show that last year, Democratic House of Representatives Brian Buescher has been tapped for a 2018, saw the first—the first—nation- took a small step—small—to denounce vacancy in the District of Nebraska, wide decline in drug overdose deaths the scourge of anti-Semitism. They where he has spent nearly two decades since 1990. For 28 straight years, over- passed a symbolic resolution opposing practicing law. Throughout his career, dose deaths climbed. But in 2018, that efforts to delegitimize the State of he has gained expertise in a wide array tragic number finally dropped. It was Israel and condemn the BDS move- of legal areas and has earned admira- approximately a 5-percent decline na- ment. tion within the Nebraska legal commu- tionwide. It is too bad all of this, of all things, nity and beyond. In Kentucky, the Bluegrass State couldn’t have been a unanimous vote. Those who know Mr. Buescher praise saw overdose deaths fall by nearly 15 It is too bad that 16 Democrats voted his ‘‘intelligence, integrity, profes- percent last year, the largest drop in against condemning BDS. Sixteen sionalism, attentiveness, [and] char- our State in more than a decade. After Democrats voted against condemning acter.’’ The mayor of Omaha, where he years of working and waiting, we are BDS over in the House yesterday. has spent his entire legal career said: finally seeing progress in the fight to It is regrettable that some of the ‘‘Mr. Buescher would be an impartial save lives. These numbers didn’t hap- Democrats who claim to represent the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.001 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5029 future of their party lobbied against Obviously, 2017 was a banner year for they meet a set of objective criteria. the measure that should be completely tax reform. In December of 2017, we The certainty my bill provides will without controversy. passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a benefit not only these workers but also Even more broadly, I am sorry the bi- historic, comprehensive reform of our traditional independent contractors partisan Senate-passed bill that would Tax Code that put more money in like freelance writers and delivery actually do something about BDS—in American families’ pockets and helped drivers. other words, action, not mere rhet- spur growth at American businesses. I also introduced the Digital Goods oric—is still languishing over in the The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has been and Services Tax Fairness Act in House without a vote, bipartisan legis- a great success for our economy and for March with Senator WYDEN. Our legis- lation that passed with the support of hard-working Americans, but there are lation is designed to prevent consumers 77 Senators, including my friend the still things we can do to strengthen our from being faced with multiple taxes Democratic leader—77 votes in the Sen- Tax Code even further. for downloading digital products. ate, thoroughly bipartisan, but the As I mentioned, last week, Senator For example, right now, a digital Democratic House has found a way to CARDIN and I introduced our S Corpora- purchase of a television series could fumble the ball. tion Modernization Act. S corporations hypothetically be taxed in up to three Several months back, it took days of are the most common formal business States, depending on the circumstances throat-clearing and a whole lot of wa- structure in the United States. There of the purchase. The Digital Goods and tering down before they could even are nearly 5 million of these businesses Services Tax Fairness Act would pro- halfway condemn anti-Semitic re- throughout the United States, includ- vide rules of the road for taxing digital marks by one of their own Members. ing large numbers in rural America. goods and services and ensure that dig- Now this symbolic BDS resolution is Despite the popularity of S corpora- ital purchases could only be taxed in held up as a major victory, while Sen- tions, however, there have been few S one State—the State in which the con- ate-passed legislation that would actu- corporation-related changes to the Tax sumer resides. It would also prohibit States and ally take action—actually do some- Code since this business structure was local governments from taxing digital thing against BDS—doesn’t even get a created. goods at higher rates than tangible vote. They will not even give it a vote There are things we can do to make goods. In other words, under our bill, over there in the House. it easier for these businesses to operate that season of ‘‘The Office’’ that you House Republicans have called for a and raise capital. That is why Senator want to buy digitally shouldn’t be vote on S. 1 over and over and over CARDIN and I developed the S Corpora- taxed at a higher rate than if you were again, but the Speaker of the House tion Modernization Act. Our legislation makes pro-growth reforms that will purchasing the season on DVD. doesn’t seem interested. We have a proud history of charitable make it easier for these businesses to I understand that picking fights with giving in this country. Americans care grow and create new jobs and opportu- the President seems to be a higher pri- about a lot of worthy causes and are nities in their communities. ority across the Capitol than joining committed to helping those in need. Change is a human constant, but with the Senate to get bipartisan legis- That is why I have routinely intro- with modern technology, the pace of lation actually made into law, but duced amendments to the Tax Code to change has seemed to accelerate. surely taking action to combat anti- make charitable giving easier, several American workers and American busi- Semitic efforts to delegitimize Israel of which have been signed into law. shouldn’t be too much to ask. nesses face very different situations This year, I again introduced the I suggest the absence of a quorum. than they did even a decade ago. It is Charities Helping Americans Regularly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The important that our Tax Code keeps Throughout the Year Act, or CHARITY clerk will call the roll. pace with the 21st century economy. Act, with Senator CASEY. This year’s The legislative clerk proceeded to In February, I reintroduced my Mo- version of our bill builds on some of the call the roll. bile Workforce State Income Tax Sim- provisions we succeeded in getting Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask plification Act along with Senator passed over the past few years and will unanimous consent that the order for SHERROD BROWN. Today substantial continue to help make it easier for the quorum call be rescinded. numbers of workers travel to different Americans to give—and charities to re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without States for temporary work assign- ceive—money. objection, it is so ordered. ments on a regular basis, and they end Finally, this year I once again intro- f up subject to a bewildering variety of duced legislation to repeal the punitive State laws governing State income tax. double—or triple—taxation known as CONCLUSION OF MORNING Senator BROWN’s and my legislation the death tax. I have worked a lot on BUSINESS would create an across-the-board the death tax issue over the years be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning standard for mobile employees who cause of the way it affects family farms business is closed. spend a short period of time working and ranches. The death tax can make it f across State lines. It would ensure that difficult or impossible to hand off the States receive fair tax payments while EXECUTIVE SESSION family farm or ranch to the next gen- substantially simplifying tax require- eration. ments for employees and employers. While we gave farmers and ranchers EXECUTIVE CALENDAR In March, I introduced two other substantial relief from the death tax in bills focused on updating the Tax Code the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, that relief The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under for the 21st century economy. The last is only guaranteed for 61⁄2 more years, the previous order, the Senate will pro- decade or so has seen the rise of the gig which is why I am committed to pass- ceed to executive session to resume economy—services provided by individ- ing a permanent death tax repeal. consideration of the following nomina- uals through apps and websites like I am proud of the progress we have tion, which the clerk will report. Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit, Postmates, made for American businesses and The legislative clerk read the nomi- Grubhub, and many others. These ar- American families with the Tax Cuts nation of Stephen M. Dickson, of Geor- rangements have stretched the bound- and Jobs Act, and I will continue work- gia, to be Administrator of the Federal aries of current tax law. ing on these bills and others to further Aviation Administration for the term My New Economy Works to Guar- refine the Tax Code to spur economic of five years. antee Independence and Growth Act, or growth and to address the realities of TAX REFORM the NEW GIG Act, as we call it, up- the 21st century economy. Mr. THUNE. Madam President, last dates our tax law to provide clear guid- TRIBUTE TO LYNN TJEERDSMA week, Senator CARDIN and I introduced ance on the classification of this new Madam President, before I close, I our S Corporation Modernization Act. generation of workers. It will ensure would like to take a couple of minutes That brings the total of tax reform that Uber drivers, Postmates, Taskers, to recognize a staffer of mine who will bills I have introduced so far this year and others are treated as independent be retiring at the end of this work pe- to six. contractors for purposes of tax law if riod.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.003 S24JYPT1 S5030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 Lynn Tjeerdsma first came to work going to miss him as well. He has been RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER for me in 2007 to help out on the 2008 a mentor to many in the office, and, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The farm bill. After the bill passed, he perhaps more importantly, he has been Democratic leader is recognized. headed back to the Farm Service Agen- supplying the staff with doughnuts 9/11 VICTIM COMPENSATION FUND cy at the U.S. Department of Agri- every Friday for years. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, it is culture to serve as Assistant Deputy After a tough week, everyone looked the morning after. This is a happy Administrator for Farm Programs, but forward to Lynn’s Friday morning morning after because the 9/11 bill I asked him back in 2011 to work with email letting them know the Krispy passed. Now it is on its way to the me on the 2012—which actually ended Kremes were in the office. The dough- President’s desk. My understanding is up being the 2014—farm bill, and he has nut notification email always included he is certain to sign it, and our first re- been with me ever since. a list of things Lynn was thankful for sponders can breathe a sigh of relief. It I suppose it is possible that there is that week, whether it was the weather is wonderful. someone out there who knows the ins or the fact that South Dakota farmers I am filled with gratitude for a lot of and outs of farm policy better than had gotten all their soybeans in the people, above all for those who rushed Lynn, but I have yet to meet that per- ground. to the Towers, those patriots, those son. Lynn and his wife Mary were gen- brave men and women who put Amer- After working with Lynn in 2007 and erous hosts, as well, inviting staffers ican freedom above their own safety, 2008, I asked him back for the 2012 farm over for Easter egg hunts and cook- defending us at a time when we were bill because I wanted the best for outs. We will miss other distinctly under attack. South Dakota’s farmers and ranchers, Lynn things, too, like his impressive God bless them. God bless those who and Lynn is the best. There is a reason cowboy boot collection or how we had have passed from the illnesses. God for that. to prevent him from biking home in a bless those who are suffering from the Lynn has an impressive farm policy torrential downpour. Lynn has logged illnesses. God bless those who will get ´ ´ resume on both the administrative and more than 5,000 miles on his bike while illnesses yet unknown and their fami- the legislative side. In addition to working for me, traveling from his lies, their friends, their units—fire, po- working for me, he worked for Senator home in Alexandria to the Dirksen lice, port authority, the military, you Larry Pressler on the 1990 farm bill, Building on a daily basis. name it. Yesterday, I met an FBI and he has extensive experience in the And, of course, everyone will miss agent—I had not met her before—who executive branch of our government. Lynn’s stories—like the one about the He worked for the Farm Service was there and who was suffering from day that a younger Lynn tried to bring Agency at the Department of Agri- cancer. God bless them all. a rattlesnake home in a burlap bag. As First and foremost, I want to thank culture for years as a county executive you can imagine, the snake did not ap- director in Moody, SD; as a county ex- so many people who made this happen, preciate the accommodations, so he got ILLIBRAND ecutive director in Cass County, NB; as beginning with Senator G , a a program specialist and later a branch loose, slithering under the driver’s seat champion for this issue like no other. chief; and then, as I mentioned, as As- of Lynn’s car. Lynn’s abrupt exit from She was constantly here on the floor sistant Deputy Administrator for Farm the vehicle created quite a hazard that buttonholing people—and she is per- Programs. He also worked for the non- day, with the snake as the only occu- sistent, those of us who know her—over profit Theodore Roosevelt Conserva- pant of the now driverless vehicle roll- and over again until she got names like tion Partnership. ing down the gravel roads near his COTTON and CRUZ to support our bill, As impressive as his farm policy childhood home. which was a big turning point. I also re´sume´ is, that is not all Lynn has When I talk about missing Lynn, I thank her legislative director, Brooke brought to the table. Lynn often says: also have to talk about the farmers and Jamison. She was sort of the quiet ‘‘The best ideas for a farm bill come ranchers in my State who will miss force behind all this, and I thank her as from a farm, not from behind a desk in having him here in Washington. More well as the rest of the Gillibrand staff. Washington, DC.’’ than once, agricultural groups in To our cosponsors in the Senate, Lynn isn’t just an agricultural policy South Dakota have asked Lynn to key- every one of them, thank you. expert; Lynn is a farmer—not was a note during annual banquets. On one I thank the leaders in the House— farmer—although he farmed a large occasion, I offered to give a speech but Congressmembers MALONEY, NADLER, spread for 15 years before going to was told that Lynn was the preferred KING, and so many others. work for the Department of Agri- speaker. Then there were the great advocates, culture—but is a farmer. Lynn still Lynn will be sorely missed, but he Jon Stewart and John Feal. Man oh owns and operates a corn and soybean has more than earned his retirement. I man, they were the heart and soul of farm near Platte, SD. So he has a deep know how much he is looking forward this operation, and they kept going and insight into the challenges facing to spending more time with his wife going and going until they succeeded— farmers and ranchers and how we can Mary and with their 5 children and 10 one of my great joys. meet their needs here in Washington, grandchildren. I know he and Mary My great sadness was meeting some DC. plan to travel to Hawaii and Alaska of the widows. I knew the widow of Ray I have talked a lot about Lynn’s agri- and that it is a goal of Lynn’s to visit Pfeifer, for whom the bill is named. I cultural expertise. I have relied on it as many national parks as he possibly met briefly the family of Detective Al- for almost a decade. South Dakota’s can. varez while at his wake, and that was a farmers and ranchers are better off I know he will enjoy sitting, watch- sad thing. But a happy thing was see- today because of the knowledge and in- ing the waves with Mary at their house ing the genuine smiles on the faces of sight Lynn has brought to the table. I in Alabama and, of course, continuing Stewart and particularly Feal, who also want to talk about Lynn person- to farm his corn and soybeans in South doesn’t smile that much, but now he ally. Dakota. can. That was a joy. Every one of us in the Senate wants Lynn, thank you for your service and Suzy Ballantyne and Ben Chevat smart and knowledgeable staffers, but your friendship. May God bless you in were just relentless. in an ideal world, our staffers aren’t your retirement. What about all the labor leaders and just smart and knowledgeable; they I suggest the absence of a quorum. unions—and by the way, construction also have the kind of character that The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. workers were another group who Lynn displays—dedicated, hard-work- CRAMER). The clerk will call the roll. rushed to the Towers and suffered ing, cheerful, generous, humble, and The legislative clerk proceeded to many losses; let’s not forget them—the unfailingly kind. call the roll. labor leaders and unions that organized He is the kind of public servant we Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask with us every step of the way: the UFA, all aim to be and a gentleman in the unanimous consent that the order for the UFOA, the NYPD and the Port Au- very truest sense of the word. the quorum call be rescinded. thority unions, the PBA, the DEA, the I am not the only one who is going to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without teachers, the laborers, AFL–CIO, miss Lynn. Every one of my staffers is objection, it is so ordered. AFGE, AFSCME, and so many more.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:50 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.004 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5031 The union movement always protects liberal, conservative; that has to do [Rollcall Vote No. 225 Ex.] its workers. We need them to be with patriotism and defending Amer- YEAS—52 stronger in America. That is one of the ica. Bipartisan bills to harden our elec- Alexander Fischer Portman reasons income is going up to the top tion structure are languishing. The Re- Barrasso Gardner Risch and not going to the middle class any- publican majority has even blocked Blackburn Graham Roberts Blunt Grassley more—because we don’t have as strong Democratic requests to provide addi- Romney Boozman Hawley Rounds unions as we should. But the unions, tional election security funding to the Braun Hoeven Rubio when they get behind something, God States. Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse Just yesterday, the FBI Director con- Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) bless them. Cassidy Johnson Scott (SC) Finally, I need to thank the first re- firmed that President Putin remains Collins Kennedy Shelby sponders who came here themselves intent on interfering in our elections, Cornyn Lankford Sullivan and who delayed cancer treatments to and we haven’t done enough to deter Cotton Lee Cramer McConnell Thune testify at hearings, who wheeled the that. Next to the brazenness of Presi- Crapo McSally Tillis Halls of Congress in their wheelchairs dent Putin’s assault on our democracy Cruz Moran Toomey to chase down legislators, who gifted in 2016, the response of the Republican Daines Murkowski Wicker lawmakers their NYPD badges and majority in the Senate has been tepid. Enzi Paul Young Ernst Perdue FDNY patches—the sacred totems of I know there were great divisions their service—to remind those public about certain parts of the Mueller re- NAYS—40 servants to do the right thing. Many port. We are seeing it in the hearings Baldwin Hirono Schatz are no longer with us: James Zadroga, going on now. But there can be no divi- Blumenthal Jones Schumer sion—and I haven’t heard any Repub- Brown Kaine Shaheen Luis Alvarez, and my dear friend Ray Cantwell King Sinema Pfeifer. Wherever they may now be, let lican on that panel so far contest the Cardin Leahy Smith them breathe a final sigh of relief fact that Russia interfered in our elec- Carper Manchin Stabenow knowing their friends are cared for and tions in a strong way in 2016. Why Casey Markey Tester Coons Menendez Udall the job is well done. aren’t we doing something about it Cortez Masto Merkley Van Hollen Duckworth Murphy MUELLER REPORT now? Let’s forget the political divi- Warner Durbin Murray Mr. President, on another issue, all sions. Let’s forget the pettiness of Whitehouse Feinstein Peters eyes are no doubt on the House Judici- President Trump, who says: Well, my Hassan Reed Wyden ary Committee, where, as I speak, election may not be legitimate if I Heinrich Rosen former Special Counsel Robert Mueller admit that the Russians interfered. NOT VOTING—8 is testifying. His testimony is unques- President Trump, the Russians have interfered, and every American knows Bennet Harris Sanders tionably of great interest and impor- Booker Isakson Warren tance to the Nation. But even without it. Let’s not let it happen in 2020. Let’s Gillibrand Klobuchar work together on this. It is vital to the the special counsel’s testimony today, The nomination was confirmed. Congress must grapple with the report future of American democracy. I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under he has already written. the previous order, the motion to re- The principal conclusion of the first I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The consider is considered made and laid section of the Mueller report was that upon table, and the President will be Russia interfered in our 2016 elections, clerk will call the roll. The senior assistant legislative clerk immediately notified of the Senate’s in his words, in a ‘‘sweeping and sys- action. tematic’’ fashion. What he described in proceeded to call the roll. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I that section of his report constitutes f ask unanimous consent that the order nothing less than an attack on our de- for the quorum call be rescinded. CLOTURE MOTION mocracy. It is almost like going to war The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant and hurting our men and women in the objection, it is so ordered. Armed Forces. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the VOTE ON STEPHEN M. DICKSON NOMINATION This administration and this Cham- Senate the pending cloture motion, The question is, Will the Senate ad- ber frankly have done not enough—not which the clerk will state. vise and consent to the Dickson nomi- nearly enough—to respond to that at- The senior assistant bill clerk read as nation? tack and to prevent such an attack follows: Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I from taking place again. CLOTURE MOTION ask for the yeas and nays. I know we are going to have a great The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- deal of debate on the obstruction of ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the sufficient second? justice—I am appalled by what the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby There appears to be a sufficient sec- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- President did there—but there should ond. be no debate on, A, Russian inter- nation of Wendy Williams Berger, of Florida, The clerk will call the roll. to be United States District Judge for the ference in our election—that is un- The bill clerk called the roll. Middle District of Florida. equivocal—and, B, that we must do a Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is Mitch McConnell, Bill Cassidy, David lot more about it to prevent it from necessarily absent: the Senator from Perdue, John Thune, Roy Blunt, Thom happening in 2020. Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON). Tillis, Roger F. Wicker, Mike Braun, The Trump administration has been Further, if present and voting, the James E. Risch, Mike Rounds, John horrible on this issue—unpatriotic, un- Senator from Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON) Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Johnny Isakson, American, and almost letting America would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ John Boozman, Marco Rubio, Kevin fall prey to a nasty, brutal foreign Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Cramer, Pat Roberts. power: Russia. This administration has Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- watered down or failed to fully imple- the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. imous consent, the mandatory quorum ment sanctions against Russia for what BOOKER), the Senator from New York call has been waived. they did in 2016, and in the Senate, as (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator from The question is, Is it the sense of the usual, our Republican colleagues bow California (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator Senate that debate on the nomination down in obeisance. from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the of Wendy Williams Berger, of Florida, Leader MCCONNELL—shame on him— Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), to be United States District Judge for has stymied progress and consigned bi- and the Senator from Massachusetts the Middle District of Florida, shall be partisan bill after bill to his legislative (Ms. WARREN) are necessarily absent. brought to a close? graveyard. These are bipartisan bills. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. The yeas and nays are mandatory There are so many Republicans who SASSE). Are there any other Senators under the rule. want to do something here. Leader in the Chamber desiring to vote? The clerk will call the roll. MCCONNELL doesn’t. And that has noth- The result was announced—yeas 52, The senior assistant bill clerk called ing to do with Democrat, Republican, nays 40, as follows: the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.006 S24JYPT1 S5032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is Mitch McConnell, Roger F. Wicker, Pat EXECUTIVE CALENDAR necessarily absent: the Senator from Roberts, Chuck Grassley, John Cornyn, Tom Cotton, David Perdue, Ron John- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON). clerk will report the nomination. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the son, Joni Ernst, Mike Braun, Martha McSally, John Boozman, Richard Burr, The senior assistant legislative clerk Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), Lindsey Graham, Shelley Moore Cap- read the nomination of Brian C. the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. ito, Johnny Isakson, Thom Tillis. Buescher, of Nebraska, to be United BOOKER), the Senator from New York The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- States District Judge for the District (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator from imous consent, the mandatory quorum of Nebraska. California (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator call has been waived. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the ator from Texas. Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), The question is, Is it the sense of the BUDGET AGREEMENT and the Senator from Massachusetts Senate that debate on the nomination Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, earlier (Ms. WARREN) are necessarily absent. of Brian C. Buescher, of Nebraska, to The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 55, be United States District Judge for the this week, the administration and nays 37, as follows: District of Nebraska, shall be brought House Democrats reached a bipartisan to a close? budget deal to deliver on the Presi- [Rollcall Vote No. 226 Ex.] The yeas and nays are mandatory dent’s priorities and prevent a funding YEAS—55 under the rule. crisis this fall. Alexander Gardner Portman The clerk will call the roll. As our Armed Forces continue their Barrasso Graham Risch global engagements, this agreement Blackburn Grassley Roberts The senior assistant legislative clerk Blunt Hawley Romney called the roll. importantly secures the funding nec- Boozman Hoeven Rounds essary to maintain readiness and mod- Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is Braun Hyde-Smith Rubio ernize the force. It provides increased Burr Inhofe necessarily absent: the Senator from Sasse defense spending to recover from the Capito Johnson Scott (FL) Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON). Cassidy Jones Scott (SC) depressed military readiness rates of Collins Kennedy Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Shelby the previous administration. It pro- Cornyn Lankford Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), Sinema vides our men and women in uniform Cotton Lee the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Cramer Manchin Sullivan with the resources, equipment, and Crapo McConnell Thune BOOKER), the Senator from New York training they need in order to defend Tillis Cruz McSally (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator from our freedoms. Daines Moran Toomey California (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator Enzi Murkowski Wicker I know Congress deals with a lot of from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Ernst Paul Young different topics, and all of them, by and Fischer Perdue Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), large, are important, but there is noth- the Senator from Massachusetts (Ms. NAYS—37 ing more important, nor is there any- WARREN), and the Senator from Rhode Baldwin Heinrich Schatz thing more quintessentially a Federal Island (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) are nec- Blumenthal Hirono Schumer Government responsibility than na- Brown Kaine Shaheen essarily absent. tional security. Cantwell King Smith The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Cardin Leahy All other considerations aside, if this Stabenow ANKFORD Carper Markey L ). Are there any other Sen- bipartisan budget deal did nothing Tester ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? Casey Menendez Udall more than fully fund our national secu- Coons Merkley Van Hollen The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 52, rity efforts, I would support it, but im- Cortez Masto Murphy Warner Duckworth Murray nays 39, as follows: portantly, it also keeps other impor- Whitehouse Durbin Peters [Rollcall Vote No. 227 Ex.] Wyden tant elements of the congressional con- Feinstein Reed sensus intact—things like the Hyde Hassan Rosen YEAS—52 Alexander Fischer Portman amendment, which, as the Presiding NOT VOTING—8 Barrasso Gardner Risch Officer knows, since the late 1970s has Bennet Harris Sanders Blackburn Graham Roberts ensured that no taxpayer dollars can be Booker Isakson Warren Blunt Grassley Romney used to fund abortions. In addition, Gillibrand Klobuchar Boozman Hawley Rounds Braun Hoeven this agreement prevents our Demo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Rubio Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse cratic colleagues from trying to block vote, the yeas are 55, the nays are 37. Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) President Trump from using funds to Cassidy Johnson The motion is agreed to. Scott (SC) Collins Kennedy strengthen border security. Shelby f Cornyn Lankford The administration—Secretary Sullivan Cotton Lee EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Thune Mnuchin—negotiated a tough deal and Cramer McConnell one that excludes any radical, leftwing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Crapo McSally Tillis Toomey poison pills—a difficult task in these clerk will report the nomination. Cruz Moran Daines Murkowski Wicker times, to be sure. The senior assistant legislative clerk Enzi Paul Young We know they wanted to use policy read the nomination of Wendy Wil- Ernst Perdue riders—nearly 30 of them and count- liams Berger, of Florida, to be United NAYS—39 ing—to try to implement elements of States District Judge for the Middle Baldwin Heinrich Reed the Green New Deal to undo the Presi- District of Florida. Blumenthal Hirono Rosen dent’s regulatory reforms or to rewrite f Brown Jones Schatz our immigration laws through the back Cantwell Kaine Schumer CLOTURE MOTION Cardin King Shaheen door. Earlier this year, their far-left Carper Leahy Sinema policy riders led to the longest govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Casey Manchin Smith ment shutdown in history and almost to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Coons Markey Stabenow prevented the enactment of bipartisan Senate the pending cloture motion, Cortez Masto Menendez Tester border supplemental funding. I saw the which the clerk will state. Duckworth Merkley Udall Durbin Murphy Van Hollen devastating impact that shutdown had The senior assistant legislative clerk Feinstein Murray Warner on dedicated public servants across the read as follows: Hassan Peters Wyden country, especially in Texas. This CLOTURE MOTION NOT VOTING—9 agreement will prevent another sense- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Bennet Harris Sanders less shutdown and ensure that the ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Booker Isakson Warren trains of government run on time. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Gillibrand Klobuchar Whitehouse move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- To be sure, no bipartisan agreement nation of Brian C. Buescher, of Nebraska, to The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this is ever perfect. That is the definition of be United States District Judge for the Dis- vote, the yeas are 52, the nays are 39. a negotiation—both sides give a little. trict of Nebraska. The motion is agreed to. It is the nature of compromise, which

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.002 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5033 is a necessary part of effective gov- sis at the border, the criminal gangs on likely flows through the U.S. financial erning. There is no doubt that there our streets—much of that can be di- system. The provision included on re- are other priorities I would have liked rectly traced to the violence that ex- mittances requires Treasury to submit to have seen included in the deal. I ists in Central America and Mexico. an analysis of the use of remittances wish we had done something to reform This morning, I had the pleasure of by drug kingpins and crime syndicates our entitlement programs, which will speaking at the Hudson Institute about and develop a strategy to prevent them continue to outpace inflation and in- my proposal to attack this crisis from from using that remittance system in crease our national deficit. Someday, every angle, an all-government ap- order to launder proceeds from crimi- we are going to have to deal with our proach, something we call the New nal enterprises. deficits and debt; I just hope it is not Americas Recommitment to Counter- It is also time for us to reevaluate during the time of a national emer- narcotics Operations and Strategy. As our current strategy and to determine gency. But as a practical matter, the Presiding Officer knows, we love a how to update the Bank Secrecy Act, Speaker PELOSI wasn’t going to agree good acronym here in Washington, DC, which was enacted more than 50 years with such far-reaching reforms in the so we can simply refer to this initiative ago and is the primary money laun- context of this spending deal and debt as the NARCOS Initiative. dering law regulating financial institu- limit provision. Thankfully, the Presi- First, it takes aim at the dangerous tions. dent was able to secure half of the substances that are crossing our south- In addition to fueling violence and spending cuts he asked for—roughly ern border. Customs and Border Pro- instability, the conditions in Central equal to next year’s increase in non- tection officers are incredibly well- America serve as a push factor. As defense spending. trained and equipped to find illegal human beings, we all understand peo- Above all, this deal carries out the drugs, and seize an average of 5,800 ple fleeing violence and poverty. So en- most critical responsibilities of the pounds of narcotics each day. By the couraging those countries to provide Federal Government, which is to sup- way, on June 16, Customs and Border safety and stability for their own peo- port our national defense and fully Protection seized 20 tons of cocaine— ple so they can stay in their homes and fund the government’s operation. which is the largest seizure in the 230- live their lives ought to be one of the Again, I appreciate the President’s year history of Customs and Border things that we do. Otherwise, these efforts here and particularly those in Protection—with an estimated street push factors encourage migrants to his administration who helped nego- value of $1.3 billion. So good for them. take the same routes used by cartels tiate this bipartisan deal—particularly They are extremely professional and and criminal organizations to reach Secretary Mnuchin. I look forward to well-trained law enforcement officers. the United States. As we know, some of supporting it. As we know, many of these drugs them simply don’t make it. They die in OPIOID EPIDEMIC managed to make their way into the the process. Young girls and women are Mr. President, last week, the Na- interior of our country and into local routinely sexually assaulted. It is a tional Center for Health Statistics re- communities, causing untold misery miserable alternative to staying at leased preliminary data showing that and grief. Stopping their production home and living in safety and security. drug overdose deaths in America de- and movement is not a fight we can We know all of this has contributed clined by about 5 percent last year. Be- win alone. It will take a bipartisan, to the humanitarian crisis at our fore anybody begins to applaud, let me long-term commitment from the Fed- southern border. We all know but have point out that drug overdoses killed eral Government, as well as our foreign not yet had the political will to reform more than 70,000 Americans the year partners. An important step is to our broken laws and prevent these before. So a 5-percent reduction is wel- strengthen law enforcement coopera- smugglers and criminal organizations come, but obviously it is still very tion by improving intelligence-sharing from gaming the system. alarming. This 5 percent decline is the and providing training for some of our I know the Presiding Officer was at first national drop in three decades, foreign partners. It is an important the border earlier this week. I have though, and for communities across force multiplier and a necessary com- tried to figure out how we crack this the country that continue to battle the ponent of our counternarcotics efforts. nut. How do we take this polarized en- opioid epidemic, it is a small indica- In addition to attacking the drugs vironment and provide the tools nec- tion that our efforts here in Congress themselves, the NARCOS Initiative essary to begin to staunch the flow of are having an impact. We certainly goes after the cartels and humanity coming across our border? have a long fight ahead of us, but this transnational criminal organizations They are attracted by the easy access is an encouraging sign. that profit from this business. These to the United States through our bro- If you look closer, the data shows groups are what I call commodity-ag- ken laws but also the push factors, like that the decline is due almost entirely nostic. They really don’t care who they the violence and poverty in their coun- to a decrease in prescription opioid-re- hurt or what they ply. The only thing tries. lated deaths. Those caused by other they care about is making money. It is I am working with a Democratic col- opioids—particularly fentanyl and her- not just narcotics they are dealing; it league of mine from Laredo, TX, HENRY oin—remain on the rise. is human trafficking, migrant smug- CUELLAR. Together, we introduced the The cruel reality is that the more we gling, money laundering, counterfeit HUMANE Act, which made great step up our efforts to limit prescription goods, public corruption. The list of strides to help fix our broken asylum opioid diversion, the higher the de- crimes is long, indeed, and they do all system in a way that would give legiti- mand is for other illegal drugs, many of it. mate asylees an opportunity to present of which come across our southern bor- These transnational criminal organi- their case on a timely basis in front of der. We can’t limit our efforts to what zations turn an enormous profit from an immigration judge. It would also can be done here at home. In order for their corrupt dealings, and then they make sure the conditions of their cus- our work to be successful and for us to have to launder the money they use to tody while they are here in the United save more lives, we have to stop this finance their operation. We know that States are something we can be proud poison from entering our country in one of the most effective ways to suf- of. Specifically, what this bill does is the first place. focate criminal networks is to cut off closes a loophole in the law known as I have the honor of cochairing the the money, so that is precisely where the Flores settlement, which is often Senate Caucus on International Nar- we should aim. used by smugglers to gain entry into cotics Control with Senator DIANNE The Senate Judiciary Committee re- the United States. It would streamline FEINSTEIN of California, where we are cently passed legislation to combat the processing of migrants and improve working on ways to do exactly that—to money laundering and other illicit fi- standards of care for individuals in cus- slow down the poison coming across nancing, which includes a provision tody. our borders. that I offered that has to do with the If we want to restore law and order If you look at many of the challenges role of remittances. According to the and make it sustainable, we need to we face here at home—whether it is the United Nations, over $300 billion in il- look at ways to invest in economic de- opioid epidemic, the humanitarian cri- licit transnational crimes proceeds velopment to help these countries build

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.014 S24JYPT1 S5034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 stronger economies. But I share some by which they stay in business, but we without her consent. Simply because of the concerns expressed by the Presi- are going to need responsible partners Jean lived with a disability, it was dent and others. We need some metrics. in this effort. often assumed that she was not capable We need a strategy. We need reliable As our own experience with nation- of making her own decisions, but she foreign partners that can work with us. building in the Middle East has dem- worked hard to find a way out of that The one effort I can think of where onstrated, we can’t want something for institution. When she finally suc- we actually were successful working them that they don’t want for them- ceeded, she chose to live independently with foreign partners and strong lead- selves. That is why it is so important in her community and has found a ful- ers to really effect a dramatic change to have a clear understanding about filling career in Harrisburg. is the nation of Colombia, so-called what the strategy is, what the goals The rights affirmed by the ADA and Plan Colombia. Obviously, Mexico and are, and to have strong, reliable leaders the services and supports Medicaid and the region are much more complex, and in those countries who will work with other programs have provided have Plan Colombia doesn’t easily fit on top us in a bipartisan way to accomplish made it possible for Jean to be a full of that region. I think the concept is a our collective goal. citizen of the Commonwealth of Penn- sound one, one in which we come to- We have both the responsibility and sylvania and, yes, even of the United gether on a bipartisan basis, develop a the opportunity to make meaningful States of America. Jean has dedicated strategy, help train our foreign part- changes to stabilize the region, and I her life to protecting the rights of peo- ners, and seek out strong leaders who believe the time to act was yesterday. ple with disabilities. can help us work through these chal- I hope our colleagues will join me in During this ADA anniversary week, lenges, because there is a multiplicity supporting this legislation to promote it is also fitting that today is Jean’s of challenges, as I have indicated. a secure and prosperous Western Hemi- birthday. One of the things that would help is sphere. So, Jean, in looking at your picture to ratify the new and improved The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- on my left, I say happy birthday. I NAFTA, known as the United States- ator from Pennsylvania. know many here would wish the same Mexico-Canada Agreement, or the Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I ask if you were here in person on the floor USMCA. Obviously, a strong economy unanimous consent to speak as in with us. I am honored to share your in Mexico means people don’t have to morning business. birthday. come to the United States in order to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Let me pause here. Almost 30 years after her infant son, provide for their families. The Inter- objection, it is so ordered. whom I referred to earlier, was taken national Trade Commission’s analysis 29TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERICANS WITH from her, Jean had the opportunity re- of the agreement shows some positive DISABILITIES ACT cently to meet him for the first time. indicators for North American work- Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I rise to Jean often says that to make the world ers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses. celebrate one of the seminal moments a better place, we need to spend our About 5 million American jobs depend in American civil rights history. This time listening to people with disabil- on the binational trade with Mexico week marks the 29th anniversary of the ities and learning from the disability alone, which is some indication of how signing of the Americans with Disabil- ities Act. On July 26, 1990, President community. important this is. Well said, Jean. We can strengthen public-private George H. W. Bush signed a sweeping, When I listen, I hear about the great- partnerships in other ways to help add bipartisan bill that acknowledged and ness of the ADA and, at the same time, to the effort to provide for investment, affirmed the rights of people with dis- about much more that still needs to be a clean environment, and a positive re- abilities. done. One of those things is to protect lationship with our colleagues in Mex- The passage of the so-called ADA what we have. That includes protecting ico. One example is the North Amer- promised that people with disabilities access to healthcare, preventing the re- ican Development Bank. For every one would be included in the guarantee of peal of the Affordable Care Act, and en- NAD Bank dollar that has been in- fundamental rights—just by way of ex- suring that Medicaid remains intact. vested in a project, it has successfully amples, the right to petition the court We also need to combat threats to peo- leveraged $20 in total infrastructure in- when discriminated against; the right ple with disabilities. vestment in using both private- and to apply for and be considered for a job; Over the past 2 years, we have seen a public-sector dollars. To that end, I the right to have and having the access systemic and concerted effort to sabo- have introduced legislation with Sen- to vote; the right to economic security; tage supports that are necessary for ator FEINSTEIN, of California, that the right to live where you want to equality, opportunity, and the full par- would authorize the Treasury Depart- live. ticipation of people with disabilities. ment to increase NAD Bank’s capital Twenty-nine years later, our country What this administration has failed to and provide additional authority that is better because we agreed to make do with legislation it is trying to ac- is specifically related to port infra- the opportunities of our country acces- complish through regulation and court structure. sible to all. The ADA changed the lives cases. Cutting Medicaid is contrary to We know the ports of entry are not of 61 million Americans with disabil- the ADA’s goals, and it makes it dif- only avenues of commercial trade and ities and has made our Nation more ac- ficult—or even potentially impossible— traffic but are where a lot of the high- cessible. The ADA proclaimed that for people with disabilities to work, to end or expensive illegal drugs are Americans with disabilities must have go to school, or to be engaged in their smuggled through. We need to mod- the right and the means to fully par- communities. ernize those ports of entry. We need to ticipate in their communities. The While we protect the hard-fought expand the infrastructure and make ADA offers a path toward a truly ac- rights the disability community has sure they are adequately staffed, not cessible nation and elevates the voices earned, we can also build upon the only to facilitate the flow of legitimate of millions of individuals. ADA’s promises. As we celebrate the trade and travel but also to stop these One of those voices belongs to Jean ADA’s 29th anniversary, we can do at drugs from coming through the ports of Searle from the Commonwealth of least three things—honor the great ad- entry. Pennsylvania. Jean works at Disability vancements that have been made be- I just want to say a few words about Rights Pennsylvania, where she pro- cause of the ADA; remain vigilant to this NARCOS Initiative. I believe that tects the rights of people with disabil- attacks on those civil rights; and work we do need an all-government approach ities so they may live the lives they to ensure that the ADA’s goals are re- that would address the broad range of choose—free from abuse, neglect, dis- alized for all people with disabilities. problems across Central America and crimination, and segregation. I believe Jean’s own words make the Mexico, including with the As a child and young adult, Jean was point clearer than I can. transnational criminal organizations forced to live in an institution. In that We must never go back. We must never for- themselves, with the products and institution, she faced many indignities, get the struggle that people with disabilities services they provide, as well as with the worst of which may have been hav- have gone through and are still going the corruption they fuel and the means ing had her infant child taken from her through today.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.015 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5035 We must never go back, as Jean said. sonnel who work hard and who care and ending or short-circuiting or un- So, as we celebrate the ADA’s 29th an- about the families, but I cannot say dermining the asylum process is not in niversary, I promise—and I know it is that about all of those who work there. the interest of the country. the promise of many Members of Con- So, when there is mistreatment or It is entirely possible to have an im- gress—to never forget that struggle. I when there is abuse, we need to make migration system that both respects also promise to stand side by side with sure there is full accountability. At the the rule of law and treats all individ- the disability community to fully ac- same time, there are folks who work in uals with human dignity. I will con- complish the ADA’s goals. our government who may not agree tinue to press the administration and Mr. BROWN. Will the Senator from with the White House’s policy on immi- the House and the Senate to work on Pennsylvania yield? gration or asylum or on its migration bipartisan solutions so our immigra- Mr. CASEY. I yield to Senator policy in general but who have difficult tion system again reflects those Amer- BROWN. work to do. To those who are doing ican values. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- good work and showing compassion and MUELLER REPORT ator from Ohio. respect, I commend them for that. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I appre- Mr. President, I will conclude my re- Instead of closing the door on asylum marks by raising the third topic, and it ciate Senator CASEY’s advocacy for dis- seekers who flee terrible violence and abled Americans and for children espe- is timely for today. I want to do two persecution, we should adopt policies things with regard to the service and cially. that are more humane and that will I just want to make a brief comment, the work of former Special Counsel help alleviate instead of exacerbate the for I know he has some other com- Robert Mueller but also talk about the humanitarian crisis. We should utilize ments to make, on his support for Med- report he issued. effective alternatives to detention, like icaid and on the efforts that we have There is a reference in a narrative made together on the Finance Com- the Family Case Management Pro- about Robert Mueller’s service in Viet- mittee in fighting against President gram—a pilot program that began in nam that I won’t add to the RECORD be- Trump’s attacks on Medicaid and the the last administration and pretty cause it is very long, but I will quote Affordable Care Act. much ended in this administration. It from it for just a couple of minutes. I know, in my State, the expansion of had a 99-percent attendance rate—or This is an account by the publication Medicaid and what came out of that success rate—at immigration court Wired. It is a long account, but I will meant that 900,000 more people had in- proceedings. The Family Case Manage- just briefly read the beginning of it surance, including a whole lot of people ment Program also had 99-percent com- about his service. who were disabled. I know that Penn- pliance with ICE’s monitoring require- Just imagine this: someone who grew sylvania is the same way. So I thank ments. up with probably not too many con- Senator CASEY. We should ensure that migrant chil- cerns about economic security; some- Mr. CASEY. I thank the senior Sen- dren are cared for by child welfare one who had the benefit of a great edu- ator from Ohio, who makes the point workers and have their medical needs cation and then volunteered to serve in broadly about the importance of Med- fully met. We should also work to ad- Vietnam. icaid in the context of healthcare but dress the violence, poverty, and perse- This particular vignette says: especially with regard to Americans cution that are causing so many to After [serving] nine months at war, he was with disabilities. I thank him for his flee. I am a cosponsor of the Central finally due— comments, and I thank him for his ad- American Reform and Enhancement ‘‘He’’ meaning Robert Mueller— vocacy. Act, which is legislation that would ad- —for a few short days of R&R outside the BORDER SECURITY dress the root causes of migration by battle zone. Mueller had seen intense combat Mr. President, my second topic in- increasing aid to the Northern Tri- since he last said goodbye to his wife. He’d volves a visit that I and a delegation of angle, creating new options for refu- received the Bronze Star with a distinction Senators made just a week ago—it will gees to apply for entry from Mexico for valor for his actions in one battle, and be a week ago on Friday—to McAllen, and Central America, and, of course, he’d been airlifted out of the jungle during TX. I guess there were 13 of us in total. increasing the number of immigration another firefight after being shot in the judges to reduce court backlogs and thigh. [Robert Mueller] and [his wife] Ann During that visit and throughout the had spoken only twice since he had left for course of the day, we toured DHS de- creating new criminal penalties for the South Vietnam. tention facilities—DHS is the Depart- smuggling and defrauding of immi- Then it goes on to say why he wanted ment of Homeland Security—including grants. to keep serving in the Marine Corps: the Border Patrol facility in McAllen, We know that some of the dollars re- TX, and the processing centers in both cently appropriated will help on some I didn’t relish the US Marine Corps absent combat. Donna and Ursula, TX. of these priorities, but we have to I saw children who needed better make sure the dollars are spent wisely Then it goes on to talk about his de- care. I saw the overcrowding of adults, and appropriately and in full compli- cision to go to law school after being in who were packed into cages or glass- ance with the law. Vietnam, with the goal of serving his enclosed rooms, and you couldn’t hear We are indeed a nation of laws, and country as a prosecutor. He went on to the voices of those behind the glass. I we are also a nation of immigrants. lead the Criminal Division of the Jus- saw the need for hygiene products and These two principles are intertwined in tice Department and to prosecute a lot better access to showers. At the same our values, and they are not—they are of bad guys—my words, not words from time, we also saw Catholic Charities— not—competing values. the publication—and then ‘‘became di- the Respite Center, run by Sister We should be trying over and over rector of the FBI one week before Sep- Norma Pimentel, known to so many as again—both parties, both Chambers, tember 11, 2001, and stayed on to be- just ‘‘Sister Norma’’—where migrants and the administration—to pass some- come the bureau’s longest-serving di- were welcomed, where migrants were thing comparable to the comprehensive rector since J. Edgar Hoover. And yet, cared for, and where migrants were immigration reform bill that this body throughout his five-decade career, that treated with compassion. passed in 2013 that did not get a vote in year of combat experience with the I believe the White House’s policies the House. Marines has loomed large in Mueller’s take the opposite approach—that of Let me conclude this part of my re- mind. ‘I’m most proud the Marine not welcoming migrants but of pushing marks with this: The problem is not Corps deemed me worthy of leading them away. I believe several of those that we must choose between prin- other Marines,’ he [said] in . . . 2009.’’ policies make it bad not only for the ciples like being a rule-of-law country So that is his background—just some migrants or immigrants but also for and being a nation of immigrants; the of his background: service to his coun- the DHS personnel who have to do the problem is that our immigration sys- try in Vietnam, service as a Federal work every day. It is also bad for the tem is badly broken. If there are sug- prosecutor for many, many years, and security of our Nation. gestions to be made to improve the then called upon to serve his country I know, last Friday, that our delega- asylum process, we should be open to again. He is the embodiment of public tion met a number of dedicated per- that, but pushing immigrants away service. He gives integrity and meaning

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.017 S24JYPT1 S5036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 and value to what President Kennedy stantial evidence’’ is a compelling part Congresses and couldn’t get done be- called us all to do—to not ask what our of what we saw. cause of being up against these very country can do for us but what we can Let me just quickly—because I know powerful, moneyed interests. I think do for our country. Robert Mueller has I am over time. I will now move to the President and his team deserve a answered that call over and over again. page 113. This is a separate section. lot of credit for pushing these reforms He is a person of integrity and ability. This section is titled ‘‘The President across the finish line and getting a big For just a few minutes before I yield Orders McGahn’’—White House Counsel win for rural America. the floor, I want to talk about some of McGahn—‘‘to Deny that the President As I have said on numerous occa- his work. Tried to Fire the Special Counsel,’’ so sions, Congress intended for the EB–5 One of the points then-Special Coun- referring back to the earlier section, program to help spur investment in sel Mueller made in a statement I and then, when they go through the rural and high-unemployment areas guess back in May was—he first of all evidence, they again get back to the when this program was established in outlined how the Russian Federation consideration or the weighing of the 1990. Unfortunately, over the last 30 interfered with our election and point- evidence. years, big-moneyed interests have been ed to the serious consequences of that, I am looking at volume II, page 118— able to gerrymander EB–5 targeted em- but then he also talked about how— again, those words: ployment areas in a way that redi- when the second volume of the report Substantial evidence supports McGahn’s rected investment away from our rural deals with obstruction, he reminded us account that the President had directed him and economically deprived commu- in that statement—at least I took from to have the Special Counsel removed, includ- nities and towards major development it, my impression of the statement—of ing the timing and context of the President’s projects in Manhattan and other big not just the seriousness of what Russia directive; the manner in which McGahn re- acted; and the fact that the President had cities. Therefore, instead of providing did but the seriousness and the gravity been told conflicts were substantial, were much needed investment for rural of obstructing that kind of an inves- being considered by the Department of Jus- America, as originally intended, EB–5 tigation. tice, and should be raised with the Presi- has become a source of cheap foreign So if someone wanted to read just a dent’s personal counsel rather than brought capital for development projects in al- portion of the report—the almost 500 to McGahn. ready prosperous areas of America. pages—if you wanted to just zero in on So you get the message I am sending. For the first time, this rule will some key parts of volume II about ob- And the last one is on page 120—‘‘Sub- bring much needed change so that con- struction, you could start on page 77. stantial evidence indicates’’ the fol- dition cannot continue. Under the rule, That is a section titled ‘‘The Presi- lowing facts. States will no longer be allowed to dent’s Efforts to Remove the Special So I raise all that because there is a game and gerrymander targeted em- Counsel.’’ Then there are other in- lot of discussion about volume II and ployment areas. Instead, the Depart- stances—several instances of obstruc- what the conclusion might have been. ment of Homeland Security will make tion—alleged obstruction there. So if The reason I refer to those areas of targeted employment area designa- you read between pages 77 and 120 of substantial evidence is that in May of tions directly based on revised require- volume II, you are going to learn a lot this year, there was a statement by ments that will help to ensure rural about obstruction. Let me read a cou- former Federal prosecutors. We were and high-unemployment areas get ple of the lines that the report sets told that as many as 1,000 bipartisan more of the investment they have been forth. prosecutors from both parties signed a deprived of for far too long under this When the special counsel walks letter, and I will read just one sentence program, as it has been misdirected. through the factual predicate of what from the letter: ‘‘Each of us’’—meaning Again, this is a major win for rural happened in the first instance where these Republican and Democratic America and high-unemployment the President calls the White House former prosecutors—‘‘believes that the areas, and I want to sincerely thank Counsel, Mr. McGahn, and says some conduct of President Trump described President Trump and the people in the things that the special counsel con- in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s re- administration who worked on this cluded were a directive to fire or have port would, in the case of any other rule for making this happen and look- fired the special counsel, they say in person not covered by the Office of ing out for the interests of my con- the report on page—this is volume II, Legal Counsel’s policy against indict- stituents in Iowa and other rural page 88: ing a sitting President, result in mul- States and for areas of high unemploy- Substantial evidence, however, supports tiple felony charges for obstruction of ment. the conclusion that the President went fur- justice.’’ This rule also addresses the min- ther and in fact directed McGahn to call I think those prosecutors—I believe imum investment threshold amounts Rosenstein to have the Special Counsel re- those prosecutors are resting that de- that are required for the EB–5 projects moved. termination that they each made indi- around the country. Page 89: vidually on those areas of the report This is the very first time the invest- Substantial evidence indicates that by that begin with the words ‘‘substantial ment thresholds have been adjusted June 17, 2017, the President knew his conduct evidence indicates.’’ since the program was created in 1990. was under investigation by a federal pros- I yield the floor. ecutor who could present evidence of federal Think of the inflation since that time. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ROM- crimes to a grand jury. For projects that are outside of tar- NEY). The Senator from Iowa. geted employment areas, the threshold It goes on from there in the ‘‘Intent’’ EB–5 PROGRAM will be raised from $1 million to $1.8 section, where the special counsel has Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I million. For projects in targeted em- to lay out the evidence to prove intent come to the Senate floor to advise my ployment areas, the threshold will be because if you can’t prove intent, you colleagues about a new rule that the raised from $500,000 to $900,000. The can’t go much further. Department of Homeland Security pub- minimum investment amount will be Substantial evidence indicates that the lished in the Federal Register this very automatically adjusted for inflation President’s attempts to remove the Special Counsel were linked to the Special Counsel’s day to finally bring some needed re- every 5 years. oversight on investigations that involved the form to the EB–5 green card program. It is ridiculous that our country’s President’s conduct and, most immediately, As I mentioned in my remarks on major green card program for investors to reports that the President was being in- this topic last week, this rule was first has been operating with investment vestigated for potential obstruction of jus- proposed in January 2017. Those of us amounts that haven’t been adjusted a tice. who want to reform the EB–5 program single time in 30 years. That makes no So those are just three vignettes have been waiting 21⁄2 years for this sense, and I am glad the President and from pages 88 and 89, operative words rule to become final, and we have been his team have taken necessary action there being ‘‘substantial evidence.’’ In waiting much, much longer than that to restore a little common sense to the other parts of the report, evidence is for some meaningful reforms to this EB–5 program. laid out. Sometimes they say there is fraudulent-laden program that we tried There is more work that needs to be not enough evidence, but I think ‘‘sub- to get enacted into law in previous done on the EB–5 program, and we will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.018 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5037 have to do that by legislation, but the on Congress so they can finalize their diesel tax credit. Should we fail to ex- President and his administration de- 2018 taxes and, in some cases, it may tend the biodiesel tax credit soon, serve a lot of credit for finally imple- even mean whether or not they can many more will be closed. That would menting these first reforms that I and stay in business. put the 60,000 jobs supported by the bio- several other colleagues have cham- While Finance Committee Ranking diesel industry nationwide in jeopardy. pioned for years. Member WYDEN and I, working as a Going to another one, after this I, more than most, understand the team, have been ready and willing to green energy proposal which I just dis- power and influence that big-moneyed address tax extenders since early on in cussed, individual provisions represent EB–5 interests have historically had in this Congress, the new Democratic ma- the second largest component of tax Washington, and how they have used jority in the House of Representatives extenders, totaling nearly one-third of that power and influence to consist- has been reluctant to act. It seems as the cost. These provisions include re- ently thwart any attempt to reform though the House Democrats are un- lief for homeowners who obtained debt this program in such an obvious way aware of the historic bipartisan, bi- forgiveness on home mortgages, a de- that it is needed. cameral nature of tax extenders or how duction for mortgage insurance pre- Their unrelenting efforts to stymie those provisions even apply to tax- miums, and a provision that allows col- EB–5 reform over the years absolutely payers, to industries, and maybe help- lege students to deduct tuition and re- epitomize the swamp culture that so ing the entire economy. This is evi- lated expenses. In regard to college stu- many voters rejected in the last Presi- denced from the characterization of dents, wouldn’t you think the new dential election, and getting rid of that these provisions by some of these Mem- Democratic majority would be inter- swamp culture is exactly what the bers as ‘‘just tax breaks for corpora- ested in helping college students? President campaigned on. This is a per- tions and businesses.’’ So I want to tell They also include incentives for indi- fect example of his carrying out a cam- you how these are not just tax breaks vidual consumers to purchase energy- paign promise. for corporations and businesses. efficient products for their homes, as They are also representative of a cul- In fact, the overwhelming majority well as certain types of alternative ve- ture in Washington that too often dis- of the tax extenders either benefit indi- hicles. regards the interests of the little guy viduals and families directly or they To highlight just one of these provi- in rural Iowa in favor of the interests benefit our communities by giving a sions, in 2017, over 1.5 million tax- of the rich and the powerful. Again, I boost to local businesses that many payers took advantage of the college tuition deduction. You can think of applaud the President and his team for people directly rely on for jobs and to that as over 1.5 million students who standing up to these rich and powerful support their local economies. interests. For illustration purposes, I have bro- have been left dangling for last year I am happy to say that, with the pub- ken the tax provisions that expired in and this year as Congress continues to lication of this rule, the little guys in 2017 into four categories: tax relief for consider whether or not to extend this rural America finally got a win in the individuals, green energy incentives, college tuition deduction. For some, this deduction of up to $4,000 for edu- EB–5 program. I now look forward to employment and economic incentives cation expenses can make the dif- working with the President and my for distressed areas, and general busi- ference between continuing their edu- colleagues to build off of this win and ness incentives. bring further reform to the EB–5 pro- If you look at this chart, you will see cation or waiting another year to fin- gram in the future. Thank you, Presi- that these four categories are broken ish a degree and to move up to a better dent Trump. down by the relative costs of the exten- job. The remaining two categories are BUDGET AGREEMENT sion of the tax extender in each cat- small in terms of cost in comparison to egory. As you can see, based upon Joint On another subject, for the past week the first two. The provisions relating there have been ongoing discussions be- Committee on Taxation estimates— to employment and economic initia- tween congressional leadership and the these aren’t my estimates, but Joint tives for distressed areas makes up administration relating to an agree- Committee on Taxation estimates—of only 4.1 percent of the overall cost and ment on budget caps and raising the a 2-year extension of these provisions consists of two provisions. One would debt limit. Those discussions produced for 2018 and 2019, the largest cost asso- be the Indian employment credit, and an agreement that was announced ciated with extending them is for what the other would be the empowerment Monday night. is termed ‘‘green energy incentives.’’ zone incentives. While I understand reaching an These green energy incentives ac- Now, this is really odd. It is really agreement was important to ensure the count for nearly 60 percent of the cost hard to believe the new House Demo- full faith and credit of the United of this extension. These incentives in- cratic majority finds it very objection- States, I am disappointed the final clude provisions to encourage the use able to incentivize employers to hire agreement does not address a subject and production of clean and renewable Native Americans or, for the second that has been causing heartache for fuels, to promote electricity genera- part of it, to provide incentives to en- millions of taxpayers for at least the tion from certain clean and renewable courage businesses to locate and bring past 6 months. The subject is what is sources, and tax incentives for more jobs to low-income areas. I hear the known around Capitol Hill and Wash- energy efficient buildings and homes. new majority in the other body talking ington, DC, as tax extenders, things Here I would have thought the new that we don’t do enough to help low-in- that come up every 2 or 3 years that Democratic majority in the House come people. What is better than pro- need to be reauthorized. would be all about what we call green viding them with jobs and doing it For decades, Congress has routinely jobs, and reducing our Nation’s carbon through the empowerment zone incen- acted on a bipartisan basis to extend a emissions through alternative energy tives tax credit so you get capital in number of expired or expiring provi- sources is what we are talking about there to build jobs up in low-income sions. Typically, their extension would here. Yet the new Democratic majority areas? be included as part of a larger spending has been reluctant to embrace a bipar- If we can’t address these two employ- package or budget deal at the end of tisan tax package with nearly 60 per- ment and economic incentives, how are the year. Unfortunately, this never oc- cent of the cost dedicated to green en- we going to deal with two much larger curred at the end of last year. Now, ergy incentives. ones that expire at the end of this here we are almost 7 months into the The long delay in addressing these year—the work opportunity tax credit end of 2018 and 3 months after the close provisions is needlessly putting thou- and the new markets tax credit—all to of the regular tax filing season, and sands of good-paying green jobs at create jobs? taxpayers still have no answers. stake. A couple weeks ago, we saw a I guess it must somehow be the final The budget and debt limit agreement biodiesel plant in Nebraska close down, category, which I have termed general announced Monday is yet another costing about 40 employees their jobs. business incentives, that the House missed opportunity to provide answers Just this very day, a renewable energy Democratic majority must find objec- for millions of taxpayers—both individ- group announced it is closing a Texas tionable because it falls into the cat- uals and businesses—who are waiting plant due to the uncertainty of the bio- egory that we are only trying to help

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.020 S24JYPT1 S5038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 big business or big corporations. That in the House of Representatives and SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR CONTINUATION OF is their accusation. whom they benefit on the part of the SERVICE OF THE DEPUTY ADMINIS- TRATOR OF THE FEDERAL AVIATION These provisions make a whopping same Democratic House majority con- ADMINISTRATION. 4.5 percent of the total cost of extend- tributed to these extenders being left (a) IN GENERAL.—An individual serving as ing provisions that expired at the end out of the deal announced Monday. Deputy Administrator of the Federal Avia- of 2017. Most of these provisions have I know there are those who question tion Administration on the date of enact- very minimal cost as they only accel- the need to extend these provisions in ment of this Act may continue to serve as erate when a business may deduct cer- perpetuity. It happens that I agree such Deputy Administrator, without regard tain deductions and not whether the to the restrictions specified in the 5th sen- with those points of view. That is why tence of section 106(d)(1) of title 49, United costs are deductible in the first place. the Finance Committee, which I chair, States Code. However, the most costly of what I created a series of task forces to exam- (b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in term general business incentives is also ine these policies for the long term. this Act shall be construed as approval by likely the most popular. I am going to The task forces were charged with Congress of any future appointments of mili- show you in just a minute. It is the examining each of these provisions to tary persons to the Offices of Administrator most popular because it has such an determine if we can reach a consensus and Deputy Administrator of the Federal overwhelming number of cosponsors in on a long-term resolution so that we Aviation Administration. both bodies. That is the short line tax don’t have to have an extended debate HEALTHCARE credit. This provision offers a tax cred- every 2 years about extending extend- Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I it to short line railroads for qualified ers or tax credits. come to the floor today again, as I maintenance expenditures. This credit I look forward to receiving the sum- have week after week, to highlight the isn’t available to the largest railroads, mations of the task forces that I have healthcare policy disaster the Demo- which we call the class 1 railroads. appointed later this week. Hopefully, crats have labeled as Medicare for All. This credit benefits smaller railroads these submissions will provide a basis This mislabeled, one-size-fits-all ap- that are critically important for farm- for the Finance Committee to put to- proach takes health insurance away— ers and many manufacturers to get gether an extenders package before the takes it away—from 180 million Ameri- their products to the global markets. end of the year that includes longer cans who have earned and who get For example, in my State of Iowa, ac- term solutions for as many of these their health insurance on the job. cording to recent data from the Amer- temporary provisions as possible. Still, many Democratic Members and ican Short Line and Regional Railroad This is important so that we can stop many Presidential candidates support Association, there are nine short line the annual exercise of kicking the can this radical proposal, which would ac- and regional railroads. down the road. However, in the mean- tually eliminate on-the-job insurance. This credit isn’t just supported by time, I remain committed to acting as Offered originally by Senator SANDERS, and important to the railroads them- soon as possible so that taxpayers who this so-called Medicare for All bill selves; it is also supported by the users have relied on these provisions in 2018 would dramatically raise taxes. It of short line railroads who depend on don’t end up feeling like Charlie Brown would destroy Medicare as we know it, these railroads to get their products to after Lucy pulls the football away. and, of course, it would ration care. market around the world. For example, I yield the floor. Last week I discussed healthcare ra- Midwest soybean farmers selling to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tioning in Britain and in Canada. Asian market typically must ship their ator from Wyoming. Today my focus is the plan’s impact on crop by rail to the Port of Seattle, and medical innovation. As a doctor, I con- the short line railroads are part of that f tinue to remain astonished at how far railroad system and are critical to that medical technology has come in the 30 transportation network. years since I started to practice medi- The fact is, this provision is far more ALLOWING THE DEPUTY ADMINIS- cine. Scientific breakthroughs are sav- than some sort of giveaway to busi- TRATOR OF THE FEDERAL AVIA- ing lives all around the world. I know ness. It is a provision that is important TION ADMINISTRATION ON THE because my wife Bobbi is a breast can- to whole communities. This is probably DATE OF ENACTMENT OF THIS cer survivor. a big reason why legislation making ACT TO CONTINUE TO SERVE AS According to the American Cancer this short line tax credit permanent SUCH DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR Society, the death rate for women with currently has 50 cosponsors in this Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, as in breast cancer has fallen nearly 40 per- body of the Senate and 228 cosponsors legislative session, I ask unanimous cent. More women are living longer in the House of Representatives. consent that the Senate proceed to the after being diagnosed and treated. The I hope I have been able to clear up immediate consideration of S. 2249, in- progress is due to earlier detection as some of the misunderstanding regard- troduced earlier today. well as better treatment. It is a com- ing tax extenders for the new Demo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bination. cratic majority in the House, not only clerk will report the bill by title. This is not limited to breast cancer on the substance of these tax extenders The legislative clerk read as follows: alone. The death rate for all cancer pa- but also on the fact that extending A bill (S. 2249) to allow the Deputy Admin- tients has steadily declined. The diag- these tax credits has been both bi- istrator of the Federal Aviation Administra- nosis of cancer is no longer considered cameral and bipartisan for at least a tion on the date of enactment of this Act to a death penalty. People survive and couple of decades. Extenders are not continue to serve as such Deputy Adminis- thrive. We have made tremendous just about businesses or corporations. trator. strides. U.S. brain power has led the This overwhelmingly benefits individ- There being no objection, the Senate way. According to the New York uals—individuals. It benefits green en- proceeded to consider the bill. Times, the United States is ‘‘home to ergy and promotes job creation in Mr. BARRASSO. I ask unanimous an outsize share of global [healthcare] urban and rural communities alike. consent that the bill be considered read innovation.’’ In order to provide certainty—and a third time and passed and the motion The innovation comes from America. you need certainty in tax law. If you to reconsider be considered made and Patients the world over depend upon want to provide certainty to the people laid upon the table. our medical breakthroughs. who relied on these provisions in 2018 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without What happens if we put Washington and potentially this year, we should ex- objection, it is so ordered. in charge of all of U.S. healthcare? tend them at least through 2019 as The bill (S. 2249) was ordered to be Washington bureaucrats—not you, not quickly as possible. This could have engrossed for a third reading, was read your family, not your doctor, not sci- been done as part of the bipartisan the third time, and passed as follows: entists, but Washington bureaucrats— agreement on budget and debt limits S. 2249 will call the shots. announced Monday. Unfortunately, I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Let’s look again at Britain, which fear a misunderstanding of what ex- resentatives of the United States of America in has a government-run system. There tenders really are by the new Members Congress assembled, was a recent headline in the British

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.021 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5039 newspaper, the Guardian, and it is en- We need to get the cost of care down. ing our first freedom, which is religious lightening. It says this: ‘‘NHS cancer We also need to protect innovation be- liberty. scans left unread for weeks.’’ The can- cause that is the future of healthcare. In a few minutes, we will be voting to cer scans have been left unread for Doctors and scientists need the free- confirm Brian Buescher to be the U.S. weeks. dom to give us the next generation of Federal district judge for the District The Guardian reports: ‘‘Cancer scans lifesaving drugs. That is why I am con- of Nebraska. Brian is a born-and-raised showing the presence or spread of the cerned that under the Democrats’ plan Nebraskan. He is a husband, a father of disease are going unread for as long as such medical progress is threatened. five, and for nearly two decades he has six weeks.’’ Think about that. You are Clearly, Democrats have taken a served his home State admirably in the a patient. It is cancer. It is ongoing, hard-left turn when it comes to legal profession. His nomination is an and it is spreading. You have had a healthcare and when it comes to the honor for our State, and it is a testa- scan and have been waiting 6 weeks to role of imposing more government in ment to his integrity and to his tire- know what is happening with your own our lives. They want to take away your less service. At the same time, Brian’s body. health insurance, the one you get from confirmation process has been an occa- Cancer scan reports used to take a work, and in place of on-the-job insur- sion for one of the most baffling dis- week; then, about a month and now, 6 ance, they want one expensive, new, plays of constitutional confusion and weeks. As a result, according to one of government-run program for everyone. prejudice I have seen in my time here. the radiologists in Britain, Democrats’ extreme scheme is ex- Brian is a Catholic, and he is a mem- ‘‘[u]nexpected and critical findings are pected to cost $32 trillion. It is so ex- ber of the Knights of Columbus. The going unreported for weeks.’’ As he pensive, in fact, that even doubling ev- Knights of Columbus is the largest said, ‘‘We are now just firefighting.’’ eryone’s taxes wouldn’t cover it. That Catholic fraternal organization in the The patients are getting the scans, means Washington bureaucrats will be world. The organization has 1.6 million and they are waiting for results. Amer- restricting your care. You will lose the members. It raises millions and mil- ican patients simply would not tolerate freedom to choose your doctor. You lions of dollars every year for charity, this. They wouldn’t in my home State. will lose the freedom to choose your and they contribute millions—literally They wouldn’t in your home State, Mr. hospital. You will have the freedom to millions and millions—of hours of vol- President. make choices about your own life, and unteer and charitable service for their American patients will not tolerate neighbors. this. That is why we can’t afford to bureaucrats will limit your access to new treatments as well as cutting-edge Like a lot of Catholic men in Ne- lose our competitive edge. The return braska, Brian joined the Knights of Co- of our investment in medical research technologies. lumbus as a way to give back to his and development in this country is ab- It is hard to know how many months community. This is not a scandal. This solutely tremendous. It is thanks to you will have to wait for urgently is actually just really basic—some- U.S. investment and innovation. That needed care. We have seen it in Canada. times really boring—love of neighbor, is why patient care is improving not We have seen it in England. We do not but it is the kind of stuff that makes just in the United States but world- want to see it here in the United communities work. wide. States. Delayed care becomes denied According to some of my colleagues President Trump is asking Europe care. on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and other developed countries to start Why should you pay more, which is paying their fair share. The President what this so-called Medicare for All Brian’s association with this extraor- is right. American patients shouldn’t does? You will be paying more to wait dinary charitable organization—again, have to foot all of the bill for global longer for worse care. Why would really mundane, the Knights of Colum- cures. Still, U.S. patients will surely America want that? That is exactly bus, the largest Catholic fraternal or- suffer if Washington bureaucrats start what the Democrats are proposing. ganization in the world—according to blocking new innovations. Meanwhile, Republicans are focused some of my colleagues, the Knights of As I said last week, the Congres- on real reforms—reforms that lower Columbus is an extremist outfit. One of sional Budget Office came out and costs without lowering standards. That my colleagues suggested that Brian talked about their report on what is the key difference. We want to lower needs to resign his membership in the Medicare for All would mean, and they costs but not standards. Knights if he were confirmed to the said that there would be a delay—a In England, they say: Well, it is free, Federal bench to avoid the appearance delay in treatment, as well as a delay but you are going to have to wait for a of conflict and bias—really bizarre in technology if we had a one-size-fits long time for your free care. As I re- stuff. all healthcare system and 180 million ported last week, people have actually To be clear, the Knights of Columbus Americans lost the insurance they get gone blind while waiting and others is not some shadowy organization from from work. have died while waiting. a Dan Brown novel. The Knights is a Patients in England have bureau- The Democrats’ proposal actually bunch of guys who organize fish fries, crats as judge and as jury weighing the lowers standards while limiting your and sometimes they sell Tootsie Rolls, value of every advancement, seeing if choices and raising your costs. It is but basically what they are doing is they can even have it in that country. time to reject the Democrats’ one-size- helping to fund organizations like the What we see is that the bureaucrats fits-all healthcare scheme. Instead, Special Olympics. That is what they do are denying lifesaving treatment, much let’s ensure our patients get the inno- in Omaha, in Lincoln, across Nebraska, of it invented in the United States. vative care they need from a doctor and across the country. It is really British patients recently protested they choose at lower costs. weird that we are talking about the their National Health Service. They Thank you. Knights of Columbus as an extremist protested because the National Health I yield the floor. organization. Service refused to permit the use of a I suggest the absence of a quorum. In this weird rebirth of McCarthyism, cutting-edge drug to treat cystic fibro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The it seems that the Catholics are to re- sis. The protesters ended up placing T- clerk will call the roll. place the Communists. This isn’t just shirts in Parliament Square, rep- The legislative clerk proceeded to Brian. We have had other nominees resenting the 255 people in England call the roll. come before the Senate Judiciary Com- who have died as a result of the refusal Mr. SASSE. Mr. President, I ask mittee this year being asked questions of England to approve the use of a drug unanimous consent that the order for laughably close to: Are you now or that exists and that works. the quorum call be rescinded. have you ever been involved in the or- Of course, we all agree the prices of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ganization of a fish fry? medications need to come down. In objection, it is so ordered. We have people asked questions that England, the government just says: No, Mr. SASSE. Mr. President, today is a sound like they are going to be called we are not going to have that treat- good day for this body, for the State of to account for what their prayer may ment, that cure, to be used in our Nebraska, and for every American who have been at the last pancake feed: country. is committed to the rule of law, includ- Have you or your colleagues ever been

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:15 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.023 S24JYPT1 S5040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 involved in any plot to overthrow the step. Today, in a few minutes, when promise on spending levels and the government at a fish fry? Brian Buescher is going to be con- debt ceiling. One of our nominees was asked: How firmed as a U.S. district judge for the Like any compromise, this funding long has the dogma lived loudly within District of Nebraska, we will see an- agreement is not perfect. Neither side you, and if you had to rank the dogma other important step, which is a reaf- got everything it wanted. It accom- on a volume scale from 1 to 10, just firmation and a confirmation to the plishes three important things, how- how loud is the dogma? American people that people of every ever. This stuff seems almost laughable, faith and of no faith—to Protestants First, it will provide certainty to our unless you pause and recognize that and Catholics, Jews and Muslims, Hin- military. This is critical after the last the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee dus and Buddhists, agnostics, atheists, decade, when 2 years ago, two-thirds of is asking nominees questions like this. and otherwise—that in America, you our F/A teams couldn’t fly. Only 3 of This shouldn’t be happening. have a place in the life of this Nation. our Army brigades could fight that Again, just so we are clear, a U.S. We don’t have to resolve every con- night out of the 58 Army brigades we Senator, who has taken an oath to up- flict, even conflicts and arguments and have. Our readiness was terrible. This hold and defend the Constitution, debates about things more important deal will continue to reestablish readi- asked Brian, as a faithful Catholic, to than politics. We don’t have to resolve ness for our military, provide our resign his membership in the Knights every conflict to agree that we will live troops with the compensation and ben- of Columbus to ‘‘avoid the appearance peaceably today in this colony. This efits they deserve, and take care of our of bias.’’ should be a reaffirmation of the basic veterans here at home. The implication in these questions is American belief that there is room in Before this, three Democratic Presi- really straightforward. It is that this country to disagree. dents disinvested in the military. That Brian’s religious beliefs and his affili- In fact, so much of what makes this is just historic fact. It was done in the ation with his Catholic religious fra- country exceptional is that we do dis- seventies, it was done in the nineties, ternal organization might make him agree about some of the most impor- and it was done by the prior adminis- unfit for service. tant things and some of the ultimate tration. Let’s put it bluntly: This is plain, un- Second, none of the liberal poison things. Yet we do it without severing adulterated anti-Catholic bigotry. This pills or riders actually ended up in this all the temporal bonds that bring us isn’t a new thing in U.S history; it is final bill. Going forward, President together as friends, neighbors, citizens, just a new, new thing. John F. Ken- Trump and congressional Republicans and patriots. nedy, 60 years ago, was asked, as he will ensure that we keep those out but Brian is a good man, and I am con- was running for President, some really in the spirit of compromise and hard vinced Brian is going to be a great similar questions. negotiation. It is also plainly unconstitutional. judge. I suspect that he and many of Third, and most importantly, this Every Member of this body, all 100 of his other fellow Knights of Columbus deal keeps the ball moving on the proc- us, has raised our hands and took an in Omaha are going to be organizing ess of funding the government on time oath to defend the Constitution, which fish fries together again next spring, to avoid another devastating shutdown in article VI states in language so clear and I look forward to joining them at or continuing resolution. However, de- that even a politician has to acknowl- those fish fries. spite these benefits, this deal high- edge that it does what it says: ‘‘No reli- So today I am pleased to celebrate lights two significant problems. These gious test shall ever be required as with Brian and his family and the are not new. qualification to any office or public whole State of Nebraska his confirma- First, Washington’s funding process trust under the United States.’’ tion to the Federal bench, and I cele- is broken. The current system is ineffi- I just want to say this again. This is brate, too, this victory for our prin- cient and time-consuming. It has actu- just straight out of the Constitution, cipled American commitment to reli- ally only funded the government on article VI. ‘‘No religious test shall ever gious liberty for each and every Amer- time four times in the last 45 years be required as qualification to any pub- ican. since the 1974 Congressional Budget lic office or public trust under the I suggest the absence of a quorum. Act was put into place. We now have United States.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. just 13 working days between now and That is why—because this was hap- PERDUE). The clerk will call the roll. the end of this fiscal year. We are sup- pening in the Senate Judiciary Com- The bill clerk proceeded to call the posed to have 12 appropriations bills mittee—in January, I led a charge on roll. and $1.3 trillion of funding appro- the floor to push through a resolution Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I ask priated by the end of that time, by Sep- to reaffirm our oath of office to the unanimous consent that the order for tember 30. Good luck with that. Constitution that rejects religious big- the quorum call be rescinded. So here we are in the eleventh hour. otry. I called on every Member of this The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. We just made a big agreement, and I body to affirm that we respect the free- SASSE). Without objection, it is so or- believe now the pressure is on to get dom of every American to worship as dered. defense and some of the domestic he or she sees fit and to live out their BUDGET AGREEMENT spending appropriations done certainly faith in the public square. Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, thank by September 30 so we can avoid the Fortunately, the Federal Govern- you for your accommodation today. I draconian impact of continuing resolu- ment and politics, more broadly, is not rise to talk about another responsi- tions on our military. in the business of trying to resolve bility we have in the Senate; that is, to The lack of time means that for the questions of Heaven and Hell. That is fund the Federal Government. second year in a row, Congress has had not what we use politics for in this Our Nation was built on debate and to rush in order to fund the govern- country. Here, we are only in this compromise. If you read what the ment in the last moments of the fiscal worldly business of trying to maintain Founding Mothers and Founding Fa- year. Last year, we stayed here in Au- the peace and the public order nec- thers debated in Chambers just like gust during the work period, and we essary so every individual can make this and then later in this Chamber went from 12 percent funding to 75 per- their own decisions about ultimate through the first 100 years of our exist- cent funding, and this year we have the matters, about last things for them- ence, there was hot debate and many opportunity to do that. selves under the dictates of conscience, disagreements, but somehow they I believe the plan is in place, when we not trying to submit to the whims of found a way to find a compromise. come back this September, that we can politicians or political movements. Our Founding Mothers and Founding actually get upward of two-thirds done This is a great American blessing and Fathers believed rightly that to get the by the end of September, which would we need to reaffirm it and we need to best results, both sides had to come to include the military, which would reteach it every occasion we have that the table to make a deal. This week, avoid this CR issue we have been talk- opportunity. the Trump administration and congres- ing about. Happily, the unanimous support for sional leaders, including Speaker This process has been the norm in that resolution was an encouraging PELOSI, reached a critical 2-year com- Washington for decades, however. This

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.024 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5041 is nothing new. Since the Budget Act ative that we save these important pro- Going into the next year, now that of 1974 was put in place, we have only grams. Yet nothing is being done when we have an agreement on a topline for done this four times, as I said. We can- we deal with the discretionary part of discretionary spending for 2020, we not allow this process to continue this this budget. need to expedite appropriations to en- way. Instead, Congress has been wrangling sure we avoid the unnecessary drama Last year, we had a joint select com- over the discretionary budget, which next year. This is one reason why I ran mittee, as you know. I believe we have makes up just 30 percent of all spend- for the Senate. We have to get serious four things that we can move on this ing. The whole situation shows just about the long-term implications of year in terms of bills and possibly how shortsighted Washington is. Rath- our debt. The world knows that. Our change this going forward. The Amer- er than address the long-term problems people know that. The problem is the ican people sent us here to get this job facing the country, Congress keeps political will has been missing in done. It is time we break through all kicking the can down the road. Fortu- Washington. this—the logjam of politics—and face nately, there are five steps, ultimately, We passed one milestone, hopefully, the fact next year that our No. 1 pri- we can take to address this long-term with this agreement on the topline, ority is to fund the government. fiscal problem. and we will move to appropriations, The second problem this budget deal First is we have to grow the econ- but we have to move, starting imme- has highlighted is the most important omy. Check that box because the econ- diately, to change the process so we issue facing our country, in my opin- omy is moving. Regulatory work, en- don’t have this drama next year and we ion—the $22 trillion debt crisis. While ergy, taxes, and Dodd-Frank have kick- begin the dialogue about how to save this deal provides for all discretionary started this economy, creating 6 mil- Social Security and Medicare. spending, the current budget deal does lion new jobs. The economy is growing I yield the floor. not include mandatory spending, nor at about twice the rate it did under the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. does any other prior spending bill in- prior administration, so the economy PERDUE). The Senator from Nebraska. clude mandatory. is growing. NOMINATION OF BRIAN C. BUESCHER By law, all the budget does and all Second is to root out redundant Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I rise the appropriations do is deal with the spending; third, fix the funding process; today to voice my support for Brian discretionary budget, which is only $1.3 fourth, save Social Security and Medi- Buescher, President Trump’s nominee trillion of $4.6 trillion in total money care; and lastly, we have to finally ad- to serve on the U.S. District Court for that we spend as the Federal Govern- dress the underlying drivers of our the District of Nebraska. ment. So you say: Well, what is the dif- healthcare costs. Near the end of 2017, both Senator ference? Well, we spent $1.3 trillion. Thanks to President Trump’s leader- SASSE and I were given notice that Well, what is in that? That is military, ship, we already have the first part Chief Judge Laurie Smith Camp would Veterans’ Administration, and all do- covered. Unemployment is the lowest assume senior status on Nebraska’s mestic discretionary spending. Well, it has been in 50 years. Our energy po- Federal bench. Many people may not what is in mandatory? Social Security, tential has been unleashed. The Tax know this, but the case docket for the Medicare, Medicaid, pension benefits, Cuts and Jobs Act has brought new in- U.S. District Court for the District of and the interest on the debt, which, by vestment to our country. Nebraska is among the busiest dockets the way, has gone up over $450 billion I want to highlight again the driver in the Nation. In recent years, the dis- in the last 21⁄2 years. here. I am going to show a chart just as trict has carried some of the highest Let me put this into perspective. I close. Mandatory spending is the No. per-judge criminal caseloads in the This budget deal only increases discre- 1 problem we have with our debt crisis. country, which surpasses judicial dis- tionary spending from last year’s level The bottom line here is discretionary tricts that include New York City, Chi- over the next 2 years by $54 billion. spending. The vertical dotted line is cago, and Los Angeles. That is why it That is 2 percent per year for the next today, 2019. You can see, over the last is critical to both Nebraska and our 2 years. That is lower growth in spend- decade or so, that discretionary spend- Nation that the Senate delivers an ex- ing on discretionary items than the ing has been relatively quiet. We have ceptional judge to fill this vacancy growth of our economy at the moment. had some increase. The green line is without further delay. That means that in 2 years, the spend- total spending, but the orange line is In this spirit, both Senator SASSE ing on discretionary spending items the total mandatory line. You can see and I worked quickly to begin the will be less as a percentage of our econ- the explosive nature of growth from open-application process. Nebraska is omy than it is today. today forward. the proud home of many brilliant legal This is an incredibly important point That is why this conversation today minds, and we thoroughly studied and was a major goal of President is so timely because, in the past, while every application and interviewed Trump’s going into this process. The it was going up, it is going up geo- qualified candidates. After an exten- problem is, the CBO projects that man- metrically in the next 20 years com- sive search spanning the course of a datory spending and interest payments pared to what it has been. That is a few months, Senator SASSE and I came will grow in that same period over the function of the growth of the size of to a conclusion. We would recommend next 2 years by $420 billion. That is our the debt itself and also because of the to President Trump that Brian problem. This is what is driving the aging demographic of our population. Buescher be nominated as the next huge increases on our debt over the As more and more people retire and go judge on Nebraska’s Federal district next two decades. In these 2 years, into Medicare and Medicaid, you will court. ironically, half the increase in the see these numbers continue to rise. Mr. Buescher is a proud husband and mandatory spending is in interest ex- These are Congressional Budget Office father of five children who have been pense. Even with interest rates being numbers. This highlights how serious his biggest cheerleaders throughout historically low, that is the case. Imag- this is and why all the drama is on the this long confirmation process. He ine what we would have if interest 30 percent down here and why we have grew up in Clay County, NE. There he rates were at their 30-year average of 5 to change the rhetoric here, change the learned the importance of hard work at to 6 percent. predicate of discussion and start talk- a young age on his family’s farm, Right now, 70 percent of what the ing about the mandatory expenditures where they raised corn, milo, wheat, government spends is made up of man- and how we save them. alfalfa, hogs and cattle. It is also from datory spending, as I said: Social Secu- Solving the debt crisis is the right this upbringing that he developed a rity, Medicare, Medicaid, pension bene- thing to do and the only thing to do. keen appreciation for how the law di- fits for Federal employees, and the in- The world needs us to do this, and the rectly affects the everyday lives of terest on the debt. Many of these pro- time is right now. Given that, this Americans and even more so for those grams are in dire need of reform. The budget deal is a reasonable com- who live and work in America’s heart- Social Security Trust Fund goes to promise, and we now need to make sure land. zero in 16 years. The Medicare trust we appropriate to avoid any continuing After receiving his undergraduate de- fund goes to zero in 7 years. It is imper- resolution for our defense funding. gree from the University of Nebraska-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.026 S24JYPT1 S5042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 Lincoln, Brian was accepted into law they reverted to attacking his personal The Founders were a visual represen- school at Georgetown University. He religious beliefs. Both the junior Sen- tation of American values and modeled thrived both in and out of the class- ator from California and the junior our first principles in their behavior. room. He was editor-in-chief of the Senator from Hawaii questioned Mr. After their deaths, these core values Georgetown Journal of Ethics and vice Buescher’s membership in the Knights were being forgotten and mob rule president of the Georgetown Law Stu- of Columbus. began to rise, threatening our Repub- dent Bar Association. For anyone who may be unaware, the lic. The young politician had a solu- Mr. Buescher is currently a partner Knights of Columbus is not a radical tion: Our people should transfer rev- at Nebraska’s largest law firm, Kutak interest group. It is not political at all. erence for our Founders to reverence to Rock. He is chairman of the firm’s ag- The Knights of Columbus is the world’s the laws that they created. He said: ribusiness litigation team and oversees largest Roman Catholic fraternal orga- ‘‘Only reverence for our Constitution large, complex commercial litigation, nization. Their motto is ‘‘In service to and laws’’ will protect our Nation’s po- which includes environmental law, food one, service to all,’’ and they are litical institutions and retain the ‘‘at- law, real estate, class actions, product founded on the core principles of char- tachment of the people.’’ ity, unity, and patriotism. liability, and banking. The speaker that day, in 1838, was He has gained invaluable experience Over the last decade, the Knights of Columbus have donated $1.1 billion to Abraham Lincoln, who was 28 years old as a litigator, and his resume speaks at the time. He understood the delicate for itself. His success includes favor- charities and performed more than 68 million hours of volunteer service. In nature of our laws—that when our laws able rulings in cases heard by Nebraska collapse, everything else in our Nation and Iowa’s State and Federal courts, 2017 alone, local councils donated and distributed over 105,000 winter coats for can crumble with it. the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, and I believe that to love our country we the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Dis- underprivileged children through their ‘‘Coats for Kids’’ program. They have must respect our Constitution and trict of Nebraska. Time after time, apply the laws fairly to all. When we do case after case, he has demonstrated raised more than $382 million in the past three decades to help groups and so, we not only honor our past, but we his commitment to upholding the Con- protect the future generations of this stitution and the rule of law. programs that support the intellectu- ally and physically disabled. Whether great Nation. We can do that here in In 2017, the American Agricultural the Senate by appointing exceptional Law Association awarded him the it is providing food and shelter for refu- gees, rebuilding homes for families judges to the Federal bench, and I can award for Excellence in Agricultural say with great confidence that Mr. Law in Private Practice. The American that are struck by natural disasters, volunteering at veterans medical fa- Buescher will be one of them. He is a Bar Association rated Mr. Buescher as well-qualified nominee and a man who ‘‘qualified’’ by an overwhelming major- cilities, or simply having pancake breakfasts to raise money for local possesses high ethical standards. I have ity. His 20 years of litigation experi- no doubt that Brian Buescher will ence has unquestionably prepared him schools, the acts of charity and kind- ness of the Knights of Columbus are honor his family, our State, and our for his next life chapter as a U.S. dis- truly inspiring. Nation with his service on the U.S. Dis- trict court judge. That is why I was shocked to hear trict Court for the District of Ne- Nebraska’s former secretary of State, that Mr. Buescher received a letter braska. John Gale, recruited Brian to serve on from the junior Senator from Hawaii the Nebraska State Records Board. I urge my colleagues on both sides of following his confirmation hearing Secretary Gale noted that ‘‘Mr. the aisle to vote in favor of his nomina- that suggested he leave the Knights of Buescher reflects the highest level for tion. Columbus to ‘‘avoid an appearance of the qualities needed for a district I yield the floor. bias.’’ The notion that being a Knights NOMINATION OF WENDY WILLIAMS BERGER judge, ranging from intelligence, integ- of Columbus member is disqualifying rity, professionalism, attentiveness, to serve on the Federal bench is dis- Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, character, and skillful articulation to a turbing on its own, but holding reli- Judge Wendy Williams Berger has hon- deep understanding of the rules and gious tests for our judicial nominees orably served the State of Florida for procedures of the courtroom.’’ blatantly ignores the Constitution and several years, and I proudly support While everyone who has worked with tears at the fabric of our core Amer- her confirmation as a district judge for him praises his legal acumen, those ican values—the freedom to worship the Middle District of Florida today. who know him on a personal level and pray as we choose. Throughout her distinguished legal ca- speak to his integrity and his char- Fortunately, the Senate passed a res- reer, she has remained committed to acter. One of his friends from college olution earlier this year that con- upholding the rule of law, prosecuting who has known Brian for a quarter of a demned unconstitutional religious criminal offenses as an Assistant State century praised his commitment to tests for nominees. Attorney for Florida’s Seventh Judi- serving the community and his quali- President Kennedy endured anti- cial Circuit, and subsequently pre- ties as a husband and father. His friend Catholic attacks throughout his 1960 siding as a circuit court judge for that concluded: ‘‘I can say with complete campaign, and for me it was exception- same judicial circuit. As Governor of confidence what kind of person Brian is ally troubling to see that rhetoric re- Florida, I was honored to appoint and that there is nothing that should turn to the Senate in 2019. Now we will Judge Berger to the Fifth District give you hesitation about his confirma- have another chance here in the Senate Court of Appeal in 2012, and I am proud tion.’’ to send a clear message that we share to support her confirmation to the Fed- By all accounts Brian Buescher has our Founding Fathers’ contempt for re- eral bench, where she will continue her enthusiastic support in Nebraska for ligious tests for public office by con- exemplary service to our State and Na- his superb legal work and fairminded firming Brian Buescher to the Federal tion. disposition. bench. Mrs. FISCHER. I suggest the absence I was proud to introduce Mr. In closing, I think it is important to of a quorum. Buescher at his confirmation hearing reiterate that reverence for our Con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The before the Senate Judiciary Committee stitution and our laws is part of what clerk will call the roll. last November. I sincerely hoped that it means to be an American. My friend my Democratic colleagues would see Peggy Noonan characterized this best a The senior assistant legislative clerk Mr. Buescher for who he was—a sharp few weeks ago in her Wall Street Jour- proceeded to call the roll. legal mind and a man of high char- nal column. She described a young pol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- acter. However, my Democratic friends itician in 1838 who gave a speech to a ator from Arkansas. on the Judiciary Committee deployed Midwestern youth group about public Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I ask unjust, bigoted attacks instead of policy and the political events at the unanimous consent that the order for using reason and open-mindedness. time. The last of our Founding Fathers the quorum call be rescinded. They could not criticize his solid had recently died, and in their absence, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without record nor his judicial philosophy. So our Nation felt lost. objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.027 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5043 EXECUTIVE CALENDAR EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The Senator from North Dakota. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f the previous order, the Senate will pro- clerk will report the next nomination. LEGISLATIVE SESSION ceed to executive session to resume The legislative clerk read the nomi- consideration of the following nomina- nation of Brian C. Buescher, of Ne- tion, which the clerk will report. braska, to be United States District MORNING BUSINESS The legislative clerk read the nomi- Judge for the District of Nebraska. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I nation of Wendy Williams Berger, of ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Florida, to be United States District question is, Will the Senate advise and consent to the Buescher nomination? ate proceed to legislative session and Judge for the Middle District of Flor- be in a period of morning business, ida. Mr. WICKER. I ask for the yeas and nays. with Senators permitted to speak The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a therein for up to 10 minutes each. question is, Will the Senate advise and sufficient second? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without consent to the Berger nomination? There appears to be a sufficient sec- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I ask for ond. The Senator from Oregon. the yeas and nays. The clerk will call the roll. f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a The senior assistant bill clerk called sufficient second? the roll. RECOGNIZING SHELDON WHITE- There appears to be a sufficient sec- Mr. THUNE. The following Senators HOUSE’S 250TH CLIMATE CHANGE ond. are necessarily absent: the Senator SPEECH The PRESIDING OFFICER. The from West Virginia (Mrs. CAPITO) and Mr. MERKLEY. Madam President, I clerk will call the roll. the Senator from Georgia (Mr. ISAK- rise in recognition of a friend and col- The legislative clerk called the roll. SON). league, Senator , Mr. THUNE. The following Senators Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the on this special occasion of his 250th are necessarily absent: the Senator Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), speech in his ‘‘Time to Wake up’’ se- from West Virginia (Mrs. CAPITO) and the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. ries, a series of speeches, as far as I the Senator from Georgia (Mr. ISAK- BOOKER), the Senator from New York know, unparalleled in the history of SON). (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator from the Senate for addressing a major na- Mr. DURBIN. I announce the that the California (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator tional issue, a major world issue—the Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the issue of carbon pollution and climate the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), chaos. BOOKER), the Senator from New York and the Senator from Massachusetts As we take in a breath of air at this (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator from (Ms. WARREN) are necessarily absent. very moment, when you are sitting on California (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. the dais or at one of the desks or sit- from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the BLACKBURN). Are there any other Sen- ting on the benches, that breath of air Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? contains air very different from the air and the Senator from Massachusetts The result was announced—yeas 51, when I was born. The air contains 33 (Ms. WARREN) are necessarily absent. nays 40, as follows: percent more carbon. This has never The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- [Rollcall Vote No. 229 Ex.] happened over the lifetime of any indi- TON). Are there any other Senators in YEAS—51 vidual in the history of the human spe- the Chamber desiring to vote? Alexander Fischer Perdue cies on this planet, and it means big Barrasso Gardner Portman changes because every molecule of car- The result was announced—yeas 54, Blackburn Graham Risch nays 37, as follows: Blunt Grassley Roberts bon is grabbing heat and holding on to [Rollcall Vote No. 228 Ex.] Boozman Hawley Romney it. Braun Hoeven Rounds Out in Oregon that means there are YEAS—54 Burr Hyde-Smith Rubio warmer winters, which is wonderful for Alexander Gardner Perdue Cassidy Inhofe Sasse Barrasso Graham Portman Collins Johnson Scott (FL) the pine beetles and bad for the pine Blackburn Grassley Risch Cornyn Kennedy Scott (SC) trees. It means there is a smaller Blunt Hawley Roberts Cotton Lankford Shelby snowpack that melts earlier, on aver- Boozman Hoeven Romney Cramer Lee Sullivan age, resulting in less irrigation water Braun Hyde-Smith Rounds Crapo McConnell Thune Burr Inhofe Rubio Cruz McSally Tillis for our farmers and ranchers. It also Cassidy Johnson Sasse Daines Moran Toomey means less healthy streams for salmon Collins Jones Scott (FL) Enzi Murkowski Wicker and trout. It means that a lot of the Ernst Paul Young Cornyn Kennedy Scott (SC) carbon will be absorbed into the ocean Cotton Lankford Shelby NAYS—40 Cramer Lee Sinema and become carbonic acid, and now we Crapo Manchin Sullivan Baldwin Hirono Schatz have to artificially buffer the Pacific Cruz McConnell Thune Blumenthal Jones Schumer Ocean seawater in order for baby oys- Daines McSally Tillis Brown Kaine Shaheen Enzi Moran Toomey Cantwell King Sinema ters to survive. Ernst Murkowski Wicker Cardin Leahy Smith The list goes on, but the point is that Fischer Paul Young Carper Manchin Stabenow these changes are happening not just in Casey Markey Tester NAYS—37 my State but all over our country, and Coons Menendez Udall Cortez Masto Merkley Baldwin Heinrich Schatz Van Hollen not just in our country but all over the Duckworth Murphy Blumenthal Hirono Schumer Warner world. Most of these changes have Durbin Murray Brown Kaine Shaheen Whitehouse Feinstein Peters manifested themselves within the last Cantwell King Smith Hassan Reed Wyden 10 years, that is, when we actually see Cardin Leahy Stabenow Heinrich Rosen what is happening. Just a couple of Carper Markey Tester Casey Menendez Udall NOT VOTING—9 years ago, the sea stars off the coast of Coons Merkley Van Hollen Oregon started dying, and off the coast Cortez Masto Murphy Bennet Gillibrand Klobuchar Warner Duckworth Murray Booker Harris Sanders of Washington and off the coast of Cali- Whitehouse Durbin Peters Capito Isakson Warren fornia. In fact, in some areas they have Wyden Feinstein Reed The nomination was confirmed. been completely wiped out. The result Hassan Rosen The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under of that is that the blue sea urchins NOT VOTING—9 the previous order, the motions to re- have exploded without the sea stars to Bennet Gillibrand Klobuchar consider are considered made and laid eat them. The result of that is the Booker Harris Sanders upon the table. The President will be rapid disappearance of big kelp forests Capito Isakson Warren immediately notified of the Senate’s that harbor thousands of species. Who The nomination was confirmed. action. knows what impact that will have on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:14 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.030 S24JYPT1 S5044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 the chain of life in the ocean or on the surd. Sometimes we have caucus those of us who have been working on fisheries that are such an important lunches, and there are probably 10 or 15 climate for a long time felt a jolt of en- part of our economy. In place after moments when we are all applauding ergy in a positive way. That is No. 1. place, effect after effect, effects can be each other. It gets crazy. No. 2 is a little unfortunate, but it is measured with a thermometer or with But I want to take this moment on changing the politics, and that is litmus paper for acidity or with a the Senate floor to applaud someone events—weather events, climate ruler—effects that can be seen by our who really deserves it and who has events. We are no longer talking about ranchers, farmers, fishermen, and the really displayed extraordinary leader- climate change as a near-term future forests and timber economy; effects ship. Whatever one may think about issue or a long-term future issue; cli- that are felt by the 180 million Ameri- the U.S. Senate and how it functions, mate change is now. It is happening cans who suffered through an extraor- these are 100 pretty impressive people. across the country. It is not just hap- dinary heat wave in what is now ex- They have accomplished something pening to conservation areas or places pected to be the hottest month in probably prior in their life and just to where you might enjoy the outdoors; it human recorded history, this July. get to the Senate is a real thing. But is happening to communities from So we face a huge challenge, but we SHELDON WHITEHOUSE is the single coast to coast and everywhere in be- cannot respond by saying: Oh, my most fearless individual in politics tween. There are record heat waves, goodness, it is overwhelming. I want to that I ever have met. He is the single record floods, record snowstorms, coral ignore it. Or it is such a large chal- most tireless individual in politics that bleaching events. It is very difficult to lenge that I cannot make a difference. I have ever met, and it is not just with describe something as a 100-year flood Instead, we have to increase our at- speechmaking. or a 500-year flood—which means it is tention. We have to increase our ef- Today is a marker because he has supposed to happen, statistically forts. We have to drive a faster transi- made 250. Is it 250 or did the Senator speaking, about every 100 or 500 years— tion off of fossil fuels that are creating already do it? if that flood is happening every year. the carbon to renewable fuels, and, in Mr. WHITEHOUSE. This is 250. It is very difficult to ignore the re- so doing, create millions of jobs and Mr. SCHATZ. He has done 249, and he ality of climate change when the last 8 make sure they are good-paying jobs, is about to do 250, and I will let him get hottest years on record were over the and have a race to the top with project to it. But it will be 250 individual last 9 years. The weather is absolutely labor agreements and with good family speeches on the Senate floor. Some- getting weirder and more unpleasant, wages and benefits. We need to make times there are people in the Chamber, and our storms are getting more fre- sure that we move forward in a fashion and sometimes it is empty and you are quent and more severe. that puts jobs in places where they are talking to these incredible young men Public opinion is moving. Now you needed, including in our frontline com- and women who serve as pages and the have a majority of Republicans, a deci- munities, in our frontier communities, Presiding Officer, who has no choice sive majority of young Republicans, a as I like to call them, and in rural but to sit there politely. But SHELDON huge, vast majority of Independents, parts of Oregon, in our rural commu- WHITEHOUSE will give his 250th speech and pretty much every single Demo- nities, in our former fossil fuel commu- on climate, and it is not most of what crat wanting climate action. The other nities. Our former fossil fuel workers he has done. It is a small part of what part of that, which is encouraging, is who did the hard work, took the risks, he has done to lead on climate with ab- that Senator WHITEHOUSE has a strat- and suffered black lung should be first solute moral, scientific, political, and egy. He understands it is not enough in line for new energy jobs in our econ- pragmatic clarity. just to marshal public opinion. omy. I will just say a couple more things Look at what is happening with gun But we have no time to wait. This about my partnership with SHELDON. safety. We are not there yet, even needs to be bipartisan. This is not blue You know, I was a very happy Lieuten- though public opinion is absolutely on or red. This is planet Earth. We are all ant Governor of the State of Hawaii, our side. Sometimes you have to look on it together. We are all on this little and I was leading the Hawaii Clean En- at what is structurally happening in remote planet, a long distance to our ergy Initiative, which is our effort to politics, especially in the U.S. Con- next planet, a long distance between get to 100 percent clean energy by the gress. our star and the next star. There are an year 2040. The very unfortunate death Senator WHITEHOUSE understands estimated 2 trillion galaxies in the uni- of Daniel K. Inouye made a vacancy in that we have to deal with the struc- verse with perhaps a billion stars each, the Senate seat, and I decided to pur- tural aspects of the way campaigns are but all we have is our little blue-green sue this Senate seat because I wanted funded, the way information and misin- orb. So let’s save it. to do something about climate. I didn’t formation is propagated, and we need Can human civilization rise to the know most of the Members except for to engage on that battlefield, as well. task? That hangs in the balance. We the famous ones. I will close with this. A, I have never are not doing very well so far. When I came to the Senate, every- been so hopeful about the prospect for But my colleague from Rhode Island body told me to talk to SHELDON climate action in 2021, and, B, I have has given his attention to this anal- WHITEHOUSE, and we became fast never been so thankful to have a part- ysis, bringing everything to bear, say- friends. He comes from the Ocean ner who can lead this effort as Senator ing: Pay attention and work hard. So I State, even though that sounds weird SHELDON WHITEHOUSE can. applaud him and thank him for his to me. I come from the Aloha State, I yield the floor. weekly speeches and his efforts to un- and he comes from the Ocean State, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- derstand and establish a momentum and we have been working together ator from Rhode Island. around a solution and applaud him in ever since. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- this very robust form of leadership on But I want to report to whomever is dent, let me first thank my friend Sen- such an important undertaking. watching that I never felt such momen- ator SCHATZ for his incredibly kind re- Thank you. tum on this issue. It is because of the marks. He is an outstanding colleague. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- young people who have sort of stormed We work together extremely well. He ator from Hawaii. the castle over the last year or so and brings a good cop ‘‘aloha’’ sensibility Mr. SCHATZ. Madam President, in demanded change and demanded action to a conversation, whereas I tend to the Senate, in the Congress, and in pol- and demanded the kinds of change and lean more toward the bad cop, and he itics, people are a little too loose with action that are equal to the scale of has a remarkable vision for how this their praise. Everybody is getting ap- this problem. can be solved. I am incredibly honored plause, everybody is getting thanked, People will quibble with the political that he is here. everybody is the greatest, and it gets a tactics and the messaging and all of For the 250th week that the Senate little tiresome. So I try to be a little that, but when change happens in the has been in session, I rise to call this more sparing. I mean you still have to United States of America, it is led by Chamber to wake up to the threat of be nice to people, but I try to be a lit- young people, and that is what hap- climate change. In April of 2012, I deliv- tle more sparing because this gets ab- pened. They stormed the castle. Even ered the first of these speeches. I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.033 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5045 began: ‘‘I know that many in Wash- anti-climate campaign. With that economy. It is not free to ignore it, and ington would prefer to ignore this money, they have talked up some seri- the costs could come in the form of issue, but nature keeps sending us mes- ously ridiculous notions, such as car- crashes. Back in 2012, these economic sages—messages we ignore at our bon pollution is good for us all because warnings—these crash warnings—were peril.’’ carbon is plant food. They have taken uncommon. Today, they are coming It was a cry of frustration—frustra- out billboards comparing climate sci- from everywhere. tion that the Supreme Court’s infa- entists to the Unabomber. It is false Freddie Mac predicts that rising sea mous Citizens United decision had and ugly stuff powered by hidden levels will prompt a crash in coastal killed the bipartisan work that I saw money. property values greater than the hous- here on climate for 3 years; frustration Oil giants still spend huge amounts ing crash that caused the 2008 financial that the fossil fuel industry’s death to infect America’s corporate lobbying crisis. grip had tightened around this Cham- with their obstruction message. First Street has shown how sea level ber, preventing action; frustration that InfluenceMap reckons the biggest anti- rises already are affecting coastal real our Democratic administration had climate lobbying force in Washington estate values up and down the east abandoned leadership on climate is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a coast. It found that rising seas have al- change and would barely even talk trade group that purports to represent ready resulted in $16 billion in lost about it. typical patriotic American businesses. property values in coastal homes from It has been a run, and here I am, still It should, more properly, be called the Maine to Mississippi. at it, 7 years on. Some things have ‘‘U.S. Chamber of Carbon.’’ There it is Moody’s warns that climate risk changed; some things have not. at the rock bottom, side by side with could trigger downgrades in coastal Let’s start with what has not the National Association of Manufac- communities’ bond ratings. Just last changed. What has not changed is the turers, in a statistical tie for worst ob- week, the mayor of Honolulu testified scientific certainty about what is hap- structor of climate action in America. at Senator SCHATZ’s Climate Commit- pening in our atmosphere and oceans. Why wouldn’t Big Oil go to all this tee’s first hearing that the credit rat- Scientists have understood that burn- trouble? They are defending a $650 bil- ing agencies are already grilling him ing fossil fuels has caused our planet to lion per year subsidy in the United about this. heat up since the days when Abraham States alone, according to the Inter- BlackRock has estimated that some Lincoln was riding around Washington, national Monetary Fund. So it is log- coastal communities face annual aver- DC, in his top hat. This is not new ical, but it is still shameful. age losses of up to 15 percent of GDP news. There is a vast majority of American from climate change by the end of the Nearly four decades ago, Exxon’s own companies that have a different view century. Heads up, Florida. scientists reported to Exxon manage- and that want to see climate action. Coastal property is not the only fi- ment that there is ‘‘little doubt’’ that Yet in Congress, that vast majority is nancial risk. The Bank of England, atmospheric CO concentrations were 2 a silent majority. When I say ‘‘silent,’’ Bank of France, Bank of Canada, San increasing due to fossil fuel burning. I mean they are not showing up in Con- Francisco Fed, and European Central They said back in 1982 that the result- gress—not to push back, not to correct ing greenhouse effect ‘‘would warm the Bank—along with many top-tier, peer- Earth’s surface, causing changes in cli- the record, not even to seek serious cli- reviewed economic papers—are all mate affecting atmospheric and ocean mate legislation. Corporate America warning of systemic economic risk. temperatures, rainfall patterns, soil was AWOL in Congress in 2012, and That is central banker speak for some- moisture, and . . . potentially melting they are AWOL in Congress now. Cor- thing that poses a risk to the entire the polar ice caps.’’ porate America’s silence was deafening economy, all from stranded fossil fuel There was no legitimate debate over then, and it is deafening still today. assets called the carbon asset bubble. the science when I started in 2012, and So what has changed since that first One other thing I have spent a lot of there is no legitimate debate over the speech 7-plus years ago? First of all, time on is oceans—the heating, the science today. Indeed, the science has the economics of renewable energy acidification, the lost and shifting fish- only strengthened. With each passing changed in a big way. In 2012, wind and eries, the collapse in coral and expand- year, as Senator MERKLEY said, we rely solar weren’t cost-competitive with ing dead zones, and, of course, the ris- less on complicated climate models and fossil fuels. Storage and electric vehi- ing sea levels. Our terrestrial species on scientific forecasts and, unfortu- cles were nowhere. That year, the aver- needs to pay a lot more attention to nately, more on straightforward, age cost of solar was over $200 per the seas. There has been a real shift in realtime measurement of the changes. megawatt hour. Today, it is one-quar- attention in these intervening years. Today, we observe with our own eyes ter of that. The cost of wind power is Then you have Standard & Poor’s, what recently was predicted: glacial down, and offshore wind is emerging. Moody’s, Citigroup, and more econo- collapse and retreat, sea level rise, arc- Battery storage now competes on price mists warning that the costs of climate tic warming, and increasingly extreme with gas-fired, peak-demand plants in change will not be measured in the weather. many areas. Automakers around the hundreds of billions or even in the tril- Another constant since 2012 is the world are making more and more elec- lions but will be measured in the tens fossil fuel industry’s remorseless cam- tric vehicles, driving costs down and of trillions of dollars. That is a penalty paign, A, to block climate change and, performance up for consumers. Even worth avoiding and worth the atten- B, to do this while hiding its hands be- with that massive subsidy for fossil tion in the Senate. hind front groups. I have delivered doz- fuel, renewables are starting to win on So here I am, 7-plus years later, giv- ens of these speeches about the dozens price. ing my 250th speech. Somewhere be- of climate denial front groups. Indeed, Another new area is that we are tween persistent, tiresome, and, I sup- we have had whole groups of Senators starting to capture carbon. This little pose, foolhardy is where you will find come to the floor to talk about the web cube that I have in my hand is CO2 that me. of denial that the fossil fuel industry was pulled out of the air by direct air I never thought I would still be at it has constructed to propagate fake capture technology and can be turned well into 2019, but the fossil fuel indus- science, to hide that it is the fossil fuel into tiles, blocks, bricks. There it is. It try, with all of its wretched dark industry pulling these strings, and to is the beginning of a new era of carbon money, is still calling the shots in Con- push its muscle and weight around capture. The group that did this is gress while the rest of corporate Amer- Congress. Mostly, it is funded by Big competing in Wyoming this summer ica still sits on its hands. The U.S. Sen- Oil and the Koch brothers. They set for the XPRIZE for carbon capture. ate still is not seriously considering these groups up, and they set them Another big thing that has changed any legislation to reduce carbon pollu- loose to sow false doubt about real cli- since 2012 is that economists, central tion, and I am still frustrated, but I am mate science and to obstruct, obstruct, bankers, Wall Street bankers, real es- optimistic because the denial wall is obstruct here in Washington. tate professionals, and asset managers cracking. They have spent—at a minimum— are all recognizing the major risks that Bankers and asset managers and fi- hundreds of millions of dollars on this climate change poses to the global nancial titans recognize the massive

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.035 S24JYPT1 S5046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 economic risks of a fossil fuel-based Until then, I conclude for the 250th the great leader from the State of economy and see the huge economic time by saying it is time to wake up. Rhode Island, SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, potential of a low-carbon economy. There being no objection, the mate- who has come onto the Senate floor 250 They now see real business incentive to rial was ordered to be printed in the times to say to the Senate and to say push back on the fossil fuel denial ap- RECORD, as follows: to our country that it is time to wake paratus. They now see real business [From the Wall Street Journal, Jan. 16, 2019] up. His voice is inspiring. His voice peril in allowing the fossil fuel denial ECONOMISTS’ STATEMENT ON CARBON DIVI- cuts through all of the obfuscation apparatus to rule. DENDS—BIPARTISAN AGREEMENT ON HOW TO that has been paid for by the special in- I ask unanimous consent to have COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE terests. It ensures that we hear the printed in the RECORD at the end of my Global climate change is a serious problem truth about the danger climate change remarks the ‘‘Economists’ Statement calling for immediate national action. Guid- poses to our country and to the planet. on Carbon Dividends’’ that was pub- ed by sound economic principles, we are I came out here just to say how spe- lished in the Wall Street Journal, united in the following policy as rec- cial it is for me and for every other which illustrates that exact point. ommendations. Member who partners with SHELDON I. A carbon tax offers the most cost-effec- I am also optimistic because people WHITEHOUSE on this issue. This is are talking about climate change tive lever to reduce carbon emissions at the somebody who has dedicated his career scale and speed that is necessary. By cor- again, and colleagues are talking about recting a well-known market failure, a car- to solving this problem. He knows all climate change. Americans everywhere bon tax will send a powerful price signal that issues go through three phases—polit- are talking about climate change. Most harnesses the invisible hand of the market- ical education, political activation, Republicans want action on climate place to steer economic actors towards a and political implementation. He has change. Voters are engaged on climate low-carbon future. been a one-man tutor in his educating change, and more than anyone else, II. A carbon tax should increase every year of the American public and the U.S. young people especially are engaged. until emissions reductions goals are met and Senate on not only the technical as- From young hero Greta Thunberg to be revenue neutral to avoid debates over the pects of climate change but on the po- size of government. A consistently rising kids all across this country, to the carbon price will encourage technological in- litical aspects of it because, ulti- young plaintiffs in the Juliana suit, novation and large-scale infrastructure de- mately, it is not a technology problem; young people are engaged. Any politi- velopment. It will also accelerate the diffu- it is a political problem we have. The cian who wants a long career had bet- sion of carbon-efficient goods and services. technologies are ready to go. ter care about what young people III. A sufficiently robust and gradually ris- What Senator WHITEHOUSE has done think. Any political party that wants ing carbon tax will replace the need for var- is to have served as this inspirational to matter in a decade had better care. ious carbon regulations that are less effi- center point. He has ensured that the Over in the House, it is starting to cient. Substituting a price signal for cum- voice of sanity has been heard, that the show. A few Republicans have actually bersome regulations will promote economic growth and provide the regulatory certainty voice of truth has been heard. Why is it introduced legislation to put a price on companies need for long-term investment in important for him to be this incredible carbon emissions. Even President clean-energy alternatives. leader? It is that climate change—or Trump—the guy who handed over the IV. To prevent carbon leakage and to pro- the climate crisis—is the national se- keys to his administration to the fossil tect U.S. competitiveness, a border carbon curity, economic, environmental, fuel industry—feels the need now to adjustment system should be established. healthcare, and moral issue of our talk about the environment. As empty This system would enhance the competitive- time, of this century. Everything he as that talk is, the pressure he feels is ness of American firms that are more en- has been saying is something that, in progress. The fact that he feels he has ergy-efficient than their global competitors. It would also create an incentive for other my opinion, is going to wind up putting to talk about it is progress. nations to adopt similar carbon pricing. him in the history books for the in- As for me, I can’t wait to stop giving V. To maximize the fairness and political credible leadership he has shown. these speeches. These speeches chron- viability of a rising carbon tax, all the rev- There are a lot of times in which you icle the continued failure of this body enue should be returned directly to U.S. citi- can be right but too soon. People are and the continued failure of our coun- zens through equal lump-sum rebates. The not ready to hear it. Yet what we are try to grapple with an evident climate majority of American families, including the finding across the country is that more crisis, and these speeches chronicle the most vulnerable, will benefit financially by and more people are ready to hear it, fake science and the political mischief receiving more in ‘‘carbon dividends’’ than especially the younger generation, es- and muscle that the fossil fuel industry they pay in increased energy prices. George Akerlof, Robert Aumann, Angus pecially people who recognize right has used to debauch our American de- Deaton, Peter Diamond, Robert Engle, Eu- now they are going to live their entire mocracy. Marking that sordid history gene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, Oliver Hart, lives with this crisis. is important, but I want it to be his- Bengt Holmstro¨ m, Daniel Kahneman, Finn How do we know that? tory. When the dark days of denial and Kydland, Robert Lucas, Eric Maskin, Daniel Back in November, our scientists—13 obstruction are past, these speeches McFadden, Robert Merton, Roger Myerson, Federal agencies—who were mandated will no longer be necessary. Edmund Phelps, Alvin Roth, Thomas Sar- by a 1990 law, had to present a report to I particularly thank my colleague gent, Myron Scholes, Amartya Sen, William the President on climate change. All 13 Sharpe, Robert Shiller, Christopher Sims, from Hawaii, Senator SCHATZ; my col- agencies—the Department of Energy, Robert Solow, Michael Spence and Richard league from Oregon, Senator MERKLEY; Thaler are recipients of the Nobel Memorial the EPA, the Department of State— my colleague from Massachusetts, Sen- Prize in Economic Sciences. had to come together. Here is what ator MARKEY; and other colleagues who Paul Volcker is a former Federal Reserve they concluded: If we do not change have been incredible friends and allies chairman. what we are doing right now, the plan- in this fight, like Senator HEINRICH of Martin Baily, Michael Baskin, Martin et will warm by 9 degrees Fahrenheit New Mexico and Senator WARREN of Feldstein, Jason Furman, Austan Goolsbee, by the year 2100. Let’s say that again. Massachusetts. I thank my colleagues Glenn Hubbard, Alan Krueger, Edward The planet will warm by 9 degrees for being here today and for being such Lazear, N. Gregory Mankiw, Christina Fahrenheit between now and 2100—81 Romer, Harvey Rosen and Laura Tyson are extraordinary partners and teammates. former chairmen of the president’s Council years from now. We are a band of brothers and sisters in of Economic Advisers. In other words, the pages who are this cause, and our band is growing. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Janet here in the well of the Senate right As more and more Americans, from Yellen have chaired both the Fed and the now will live through this entire story kitchen tables to corporate cocktail Council of Economic Advisers. as it unfolds if we continue with busi- parties, come to terms with the real George Shultz and Lawrence Summers are ness as usual. Interestingly, the con- scope of the problem and the danger former Treasury secretaries. sequences are not those the deniers this failure presents, not only am I Mr. WHITEHOUSE. I yield the floor. want us to know, for all 13 agencies proud of my colleagues who are with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- concluded there could be upward of— me already, but I am very hopeful my ator from Massachusetts. get ready for this—an 11-foot rise in colleagues across the aisle will also Mr. MARKEY. Madam President, the ocean in the Northeastern part of soon become great partners. what an honor it is to be out here with the United States. Think about that—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.037 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5047 11 feet higher. The impact would be The U.N. scientists and our scientists thank Senator WHITEHOUSE for his in- catastrophic. Our pages will live have each now said that climate credible leadership and to let him through this entire story unless we change poses an existential threat to know that I am honored to be his part- change what we are doing in our coun- our planet—not ours, not Senator ner in this effort. try, unless we change what the U.S. WHITEHOUSE’s and mine. Those are the I will be by your side the entire time Senate does to put preventive measures words of the scientists of the planet it takes for us to get a solution for the in place. and our own scientists. young people in our country that they What Senator WHITEHOUSE is saying So we have to respond in the same deserve and they expect from this in- is: Wake up. The science is clear, and it way that President Kennedy asked our stitution. is unchallengeable. Nation to respond back in the 1960s. I yield the floor. Our problem is that too many Repub- And the young people in our country— The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- licans—especially the denier in chief they are ready to go. They are ready to ator from Rhode Island. who sits in the Oval Office—are nos- do whatever is necessary. But in order Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- talgic for a time that never existed. to do so, it is going to require us to dent, may I propose to my wonderful They pretend, somehow or other, that take the kinds of actions that are nec- colleague, the Senator from Massachu- all of these climate-related problems essary. setts, that the Good Lord forbid that I are going to magically be solved by The U.N. special report said that if have to get to 500 such speeches before policies that don’t exist and perhaps we emissions are not cut by 100 percent by we solve this problem. are just in some kind of cycle on our 2050, climate change will lead to nat- Mr. MARKEY. The Good Lord and planet that will go away and that these ural disasters costing $54 trillion over MITCH MCCONNELL. young people will not have a legacy of the next 80 years. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. I would note that climate change to have to deal with in A lot of people say: Can we afford to if we look back to 2009, there are some their lives. Of course, every scientist in take on this challenge? What our sci- very important signs of optimism. America, with the exception of those entists are saying is that we can’t af- On the legislative side, Senator MAR- who are bought by the Koch brothers, ford not to take on this challenge. We KEY—then-Representative Markey with bought by ExxonMobil, bought by the can’t afford that kind of a price when his colleague Representative Wax- fossil fuel companies, agrees that this we can create millions of jobs saving man—successfully ushered, with sig- is going to happen. the planet in wind and solar and new nificant industry and popular support, From my perspective, what we are all-electric vehicles and buildings, a serious climate bill through the seeing is something that is deadly—the House of Representatives, proving that forest fires, the extreme heat waves, technologies, energy efficiency. We can it can be done, proving that real cli- the supercharged hurricanes, the Bib- save all of creation by engaging in mate legislation can pass in this body. lical flooding. All of it is happening as massive job creation. It is all there for In that same year, in 2009, a gen- a result of what human beings are us. We just did it with the telecommuni- tleman named Donald Trump—the doing to our own planet. Global tem- cations revolution. We moved from same Donald Trump who is President peratures are rising like a runaway freight train. This month is on track to black, rotary dial phones to the young now at the other end of Pennsylvania be the hottest month on Earth ever re- people who are here in the well of the Avenue in the White House—took out corded. May I say that again? The Senate here today—they have iPhones an advertisement in the New York month of July in 2019 is on track to be that they walk around with. Those Times, and in his advertisement, Don- the hottest month ever recorded in the iPhones have more computing power ald Trump and his children—Donald, history of our planet. Last month was than the computers on the Apollo mis- Eric, and Ivanka—as well as the Trump the hottest June in recorded history. sion. How did we do that? We are Organization, all said that the science Every month so far in 2019 has been in Americans. We take on these chal- of climate change was incontrovert- the top five hottest on record. The last lenges, and we revolutionized the tele- ible. They further said that if we did 5 years have been the hottest 5 years communications industry to move not act, the consequences of climate ever recorded, and 20 of the last 22 from the black, rotary dial phone. And change would be catastrophic and irre- years have been the hottest ever re- these young people don’t even know versible. corded. what that is. So we have the living experience of This is not a drill; this is an emer- We have moved from having no fax legislation passing, led by then-Rep- gency, and it is an emergency that has machines in our country 40 years ago resentative Markey and Representative an answer in deploying wind and solar to today. There are no fax machines in Waxman, and all we need, really, is to and new batteries and all-electric vehi- America. That is how quick the revolu- bring back that 2009 Donald Trump. cles and energy efficiency and invest- tion goes when you put a plan together Come on back, buddy. We want you be- ing in new technologies that can accel- to accomplish it. cause you were right in 2009. erate the solution even more. It is all Well, the same thing is true in the I yield the floor. there for us to do. clean energy sector, and what Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Right now, we are celebrating the WHITEHOUSE has been leading us on is ator from Massachusetts. 50th anniversary of the Apollo mission this explication to the Senate that we Mr. MARKEY. Madam President, you to the Moon. President Kennedy felt can do it. You can’t let the special in- know, Massachusetts is the Bay State, there was an existential threat to our terests dictate it, though. You can’t let and Rhode Island is the Ocean State. planet that the Soviet Union was pos- the dark money control it. That is his Back 240 or so years ago, Paul Revere ing. He actually said at Rice Univer- lecture to us, that it is incredibly im- got on his horse, and he started riding, sity that he knew we were behind. The portant for us to ignore it. In the same warning of great danger. From my per- Russians had already sent up Sputnik. way we ignored the monopolies in tele- spective, SHELDON WHITEHOUSE is a lat- The Russians had already sent up Yuri communications, we have to ignore the ter-day Paul Revere, and he is warning Gagarin. He said we were behind but monopolies and the duopolies that that the climate crisis is coming and that we would not be behind by the end exist in the energy sector as well. that it is going to be much worse than of the decade. He made it quite clear So I thank the Senator from Rhode it is today. that we would have to invent metals Island again, and I will repeatedly do So from my perspective, this latter- that did not exist, invent alloys that so because he will reach 300 speeches day Paul Revere, who is SHELDON did not exist, invent propulsion sys- out here on the floor and 500 speeches WHITEHOUSE, represents the best of tems that did not exist; that we would out here on the floor. You might as New England and the best of our coun- have to return from the mission from well put an infinity sign behind the try and the best of our planet because the Moon through heat that was half number because that is how many we have to be all in this together, and the intensity of the Sun and that we speeches he will give out here on the we can’t be leaders by sitting on the would have to do so within a decade so Senate floor to wake up this institu- sidelines, which is where Donald we would control that existential tion. That day is going to come, and I Trump wants to have us. The Indians, threat. just wanted to come out here and the Chinese, and others—they won’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.038 S24JYPT1 S5048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 listen to us. You cannot preach tem- a name and a phone number across nances and their lives on the line and perance from a barstool. You can’t tell them. That is the only identifying who are working every day to solve the rest of the world to do something thing they have. They tested the phone some of the problems that we have. while you have a cigar in one hand and number, by the way, and the phone For the past several years, there a beer in the other. That is where we number didn’t work. have been disagreements on the solu- are now with pollution under President Those human smugglers—moving tions and wide disagreements on Fed- Trump. people into the United States, using eral law enforcement and what they We have to be leaders, not laggers. children as the vehicle—are prone to are doing along the border. There have That is what SHELDON WHITEHOUSE is just cast that child aside if they slow been a lot of folks casting blame on all about. That is why it is my great them down. Federal law enforcement and on the honor to be up here with him, and for The Border Patrol agents who en- President, instead of actually trying to as long as it takes, he will be out here. countered this child wearing those figure out what the problem is at the I yield the floor. shoes, took him back to the office. border. Why is this happening? Why The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Those Border Patrol agents personally have our numbers so rapidly acceler- CRAMER). The majority leader. bought him new clothing. The fellow ated? f agents entertained him. You can see This past weekend, I visited the bor- him playing PAW Patrol back in the der with some of my colleagues. I went UNANIMOUS CONSENT station. They spent time comforting with Senator JONI ERNST of Iowa and AGREEMENT—VETO him and trying to figure out who he Dr. BILL CASSIDY of Louisiana. We Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr President, I was and where he was from. Border Pa- went to the Rio Grande Valley Sector. ask unanimous consent that the veto trol agents alternated taking care of That area of the border is a thin slice messages on S. J. Res. 36, 37, and 38 be him, personally buying supplies for of the border between the United considered as having been read en bloc, him until they can transition him into States and Mexico, but in that area, in that they be printed in the RECORD and Health and Human Services’ care. That that one zone, 40 percent of all illegal spread in full upon the Journal en bloc. is what is really happening on the bor- traffic moves across the border. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there der every single day. most heavily trafficked area of that objection? Border Patrol agents are dealing zone is the McAllen Sector, and that is Without objection, it is so ordered. with children that cartels are using to where we went. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I move adults into the United States. Across that one area, in that one ask unanimous consent that the veto Yes, there are some family units who small segment of the border, they have message with respect to S. J. Res. 36, S. are moving in, but every single family between 1,500 and 2,000 individuals ille- J. Res. 37, and S. J. Res. 38 be consid- unit that moves into the United States gally crossing the border every single ered at a time to be determined by the is being ushered in by a cartel that day. That is one small sector of a 2,000- majority leader in consultation with works the border, and they are choos- mile-long border. Just this year, in the Democratic leader prior to August ing the time and the place to move that one small sector, they have had 2; that they be debated concurrently those individuals. individuals from 63 different countries for up to 2 hours, with 15 minutes re- These officers are risking their lives cross the border illegally—63 different served for the chairman and ranking every single day. They are working countries. member, respectively; that the Senate with families every single day to try to I hear a lot of folks say: It is all peo- vote on passage of the joint resolu- figure out who is a family unit and who ple from Central America who are tions, the objections of the President is a child that is just being smuggled to crossing across the border to flee. That to the contrary notwithstanding, in the be used as a vehicle to get across the is not true. There are 63 countries just order listed; and, finally, that the border and how to separate the two. this year, just around McAllen, TX, not unanimous consent order of June 19 for Then, once they identify the child, including the whole rest of the border. the remaining joint resolutions of dis- they try to figure out this: What do we You see, the cartels sort individuals approval of arms sales remain in effect. do now with this child that we have? by country and by background. They The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Where are you from? send Indians in one direction. They objection, it is so ordered. Several months ago, most of the chil- send Pakistanis in another direction. The Senator from Oklahoma. dren who were moving across were 10, They send individuals from Bangladesh f 11, and 12 years old, and they could in another direction. They send folks interview those children. The cartels from Honduras and Guatemala in an- BORDER SECURITY have figured that out now, and they are other direction. Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, in sending more and more children who When I walked into one of the five April of this year, Border Patrol agents are infants, 1, 2, and 3 years old, who stations that we visited all through in South Texas, in McAllen—one of the don’t know where they are from and that area this weekend, just to do a most crossed areas for illegal traffic in don’t know their names or their back- quick pop-in to see who was there at the entire southern border—saw a ground or any other details. It is be- that moment, half of the adults who group of individuals walking north who coming more and more difficult for the were there—these were single adults— had already crossed the border, and Border Patrol agents to figure this out. were there from Venezuela and half of they broke and ran. They assumed In fact, Border Patrol agents just them were from Cuba, because that is these individuals were illegally present like this are now actually bringing how the cartels sort individuals. in the United States, and they started their own car seats or finding other Just in that one station in McAllen, moving to try to interdict them. They people from their churches and other we have had individuals from Pakistan, searched through a very large and very places that would donate car seats be- Yemen, China, Venezuela, Bangladesh, overgrown field. cause when HHS needs to transport and Syria, in addition to many coun- I can tell you that that area is very, them out of a bus, they don’t have car tries from Africa and Asia, and obvi- very rough terrain. It is very isolating, seats there. So they are paying for car ously much of Central America as well. and the brush is exceptionally heavy. seats to help some of these abandoned Those individuals are moving across On a day in April, even in South Texas, children be able to get to a place of the border in very high numbers. Nine- it is extremely hot. safety. ty percent of the apprehensions that As they searched through the field These are the folks who are being have happened this year—90 percent— looking for individuals, they happened criticized. These are the folks who have been from countries other than to hear a child crying in their search. some of my colleagues, even as re- Mexico. They encountered a 3-year-old boy who cently as this week, said they need to Just as recently as 2014, only 1 per- had been abandoned by the human get 40 hours of sensitivity training be- cent of men who crossed the border had smugglers when they broke and ran. cause they are so insensitive to what is a child with them. Now the number is This young boy, 3 years old, had these happening on the border. These are the 50 percent of the men crossing the bor- shoes on, and on his shoes were written folks putting their own personal fi- der have a child with them—50 percent.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.039 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5049 The numbers have dramatically rately and, at the same time, moving curring, but it is becoming a critical changed, and what is happening along large quantities of drugs across the issue that we have to respond to, and our border is significant. border not far away from there. we should. The men and women who are actu- On the date I was there, this picture Let me show you this next shot. This ally working every single day to pro- was taken along the border not far is what it looks like now along the bor- tect what is happening at the border from where I was. This was taken at 3 der. As I traveled through the different are also processing trade that is hap- o’clock in the afternoon with a group locations to see what was happening in pening. These same individuals are of four individuals carrying large bags the five different locations, some of processing 650,000 trucks coming into and boxes across the border. Now, I them are gut-wrenching and difficult this area, 2.2 million pedestrians, and can’t tell you for certain what is in because for the Border Patrol, they are 9.3 million passengers coming across in those, but I have a pretty good guess a police station, basically, along the different personal vehicles. There is a that at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, four border. lot going on. So when I went down to individuals bringing almost identical Border Patrol—they don’t do deten- the border this weekend and visited the bundles across the border, it is a pretty tion. When you go to a police station— five different facilities and then spent good guess those are drugs. and I hope you only go legally to a po- much of the evening and deep into the This still photo that was snapped at lice station—but when you go to a po- night riding along with Border Patrol, 3 o’clock in the afternoon during a lice station, they are not there to hold where one set of agents switched vehi- weekend was a reminder again of ex- people. They are there to write up all cles to go with a separate set of agents actly what is happening at the border. the reports. They are there to go to ride along through the border just to As cartels line up, families go this di- through processing, but they are not get a feel for what was happening, what rection, single individuals with a set up to hold people for long periods of I experienced was exceptionally pain- criminal record go this direction, and time. That is not what a police station ful. What I saw were places that were then we move drugs a different direc- does. crowded, spartan situations, and in my tion to see if we can’t work our way Border Patrol stations are like police mind it echoed that for months the ad- through it. stations along the border. They are ministration and the committee that I Why is this happening? This is hap- really offices, and they manage that, serve on—members of the Homeland pening because Customs and Border but now they have also become places Security Committee—have said for Protection is spending all their time on where they have to hold children and months that there is a humanitarian humanitarian work now. Now 60 per- adults by the thousands. Thousands of crisis on this border. But it didn’t seem cent of the work of each individual people are crossing the border, and that anyone was listening until re- agent is spent on humanitarian work they are trying to figure out how to cently, as if all of this had been created processing families. They are doing the manage it. Some of the facilities are recently. work; they are engaged in the process; exceptionally overcrowded. Now, suddenly, people are turning and they are committed to taking care There is a facility that many people their attention to what is happening of people. have seen the pictures of. They effec- along this border and saying that there When 60 percent are in town taking tively call it the ‘‘kids in cages’’ facil- is a serious humanitarian problem. And care of the humanitarian work, that ity. I will tell you more about that in we said: Welcome to the dialogue be- leaves only 40 percent to patrol the a little bit. That location was designed cause we have been saying it for border. Where there used to be literally for 1,500 people total. It had 1,590 the months. 60 people who would travel in this re- day I was there. It has had as many as Cartels are making millions and mil- gion of the border, now there are 20 to 3,000 in that facility, though, within lions of dollars exploiting children. cover all of those miles. The cartels the last couple of months. It is miser- They are smuggling children and fami- know it. So the more they can send ably overcrowded. There are people lies across the border. It now costs families up through this section and packed in together. Those individuals $8,000 to cross a single individual cross the more they can cause chaos inside, are getting meals, showers, toilets, ac- the border. You pay a toll to the car- the greater likelihood they can move cess to supplies, and snacks. All the ba- tels, both to the traffickers and smug- drugs across the border freely. sics are being provided. The Border Pa- glers who are moving people—that How does this happen? This happens trol is trying to figure out how they $8,000 and, then, an additional fee to because the cartels can work to get a manage this many people when none of actually physically cross the border at message to Central America and say: them were trained on how to detain the time of the cartel’s choosing in We have a way to get you into the people because that is not their task. that area. But if you bring a child with United States, and we can get you in Border Patrol has now set up this fa- you, it is half price. It is $4,000. The in- quickly. Bring a child with you—you cility called a soft-sided facility, where centive now is that it is cheaper to pay them $8,000 or $4,000 if you bring a they have moved 1,000 family units cross this area if you bring a child be- child—and we will work you up. They away from that larger, what they call cause the cartel knows they don’t have make promises to them of what will the central processing facility. They to sneak you over the wall. All they happen. Many of these people are from moved it away from the central proc- have to do is get you to the border and high poverty areas of Central America, essing facility a few miles away, and drop you off. and they will work them toward the they set up a massive series of tents— We watched as a family unit and a border and drop them off at that spot. air-conditioned and a lot more space. group of families were sent in one di- It costs even more if you are not This happens to be in one of those rection and Border Patrol interdicted from Central America. Some Chinese where it was actually teenage boys in them, and then a mile away, three sin- individuals who have been moved this particular area. gle adults made a sprint for the border. across our border paid as much as This is what detention looks like now They went to the wall with a make- $30,000 to the cartels—$30,000 to pay the along the border. They are sitting shift ladder and started working their price to move them through Mexico there watching, actually, ‘‘Puss n way up the ladder, but because it took and then cross the border at a time of Boots’’ on the TV. There are people extra time for them to do that, Border their choosing. lying around and getting a chance to Patrol was able to get to their loca- This is something that is making a get some space, recreation space, and tion, interdict, and arrest them. tremendous amount of money for the plenty of activity that is going on Cartels time it to move a set of fami- cartels, and if we don’t engage on solv- there. This is what Border Patrol is lies one direction to get all the Border ing this issue, we are allowing it. We currently doing to try to manage it. Patrol gathered around them to hope- need to realize our laws are broken. What does that look like, and how fully sneak in people who most likely They are not only broken for immigra- will things work? When you check in at have a criminal record who can’t just tion and what is happening, they are the Border Patrol station, wherever it go through the normal system. They also not only breaking our hearts for may be, whether it is in the central can’t just match up a family with what is happening with the humani- processing facility that is so over- them. They have to move them sepa- tarian crisis and what is actually oc- crowded or whether it is out at the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.041 S24JYPT1 S5050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 soft-sided facility, when you get there, Guard is coming to help the Border Pa- ever it may be, and drive across the the first thing they do is they actually trol because they need additional man- border. Thousands of people line up to swap clothes with you. They have power. This is a Coastie who was com- do it and millions a year in each facil- clothes they bought with their budgets. ing through the facility that found a ity. They allow you to pick different types young girl who was just crying on her I watched as people crossed the bor- of clothes to wear. The Border Patrol own. She was alone—one of these kids der on a pedestrian bridge, and as they and their families take the clothes to who has just been dropped off. He was crossed it with their paperwork, they those individual migrants. They have walking through the facility, walking were brought in. As they walk up to washing machines there set up, and her around, holding her while she cried, the bridge, they say: ‘‘I am asking for they will personally wash all their and they had just stopped for a mo- asylum.’’ They walk across the border clothes for them while they get a show- ment to watch TV. This is what is ac- on the international bridge and are er and they get cleaned up because tually going on at the border. taken into an air-conditioned room to many of these folks have not showered Now, are there facilities that are start processing their asylum request. and cleaned up for a month. overcrowded? Absolutely there are, and That is happening every day right now. So the first step is, they help them the people who struggle with that the Yet everyone in the media is saying get all cleaned up and put fresh clothes most are actually members of the Bor- that is not happening. The first thing on, a fresh shower, and hot meals. They der Patrol, and they have been excep- we can do is start getting out accurate have hot meals every single day. They tionally frustrated that they are not information of what is actually occur- also have snacks and supplies. This is, getting more support and more ability ring at the border. again, in that same soft-sided facility. to transition people out of their facili- The second thing we can do is—one of This is just one of their supply rooms ties into actual detention facilities. the primary issues the Border Patrol where you get a feel for snacks and You see, the famous ‘‘kids in cages’’ asked for over and over again, fund drinks and water and toiletries. Back facility that President Trump has ICE. Now, why would the Border Patrol over in this area are large quantities of taken so much heat for is actually a fa- ask for more funding for somebody hygiene products and clothes—all cility in McAllen, TX, they call the else? Because ICE is the primary entity kinds of things that are all piled up central processing facility. It was stood that actually does detention. Border that they have gathered to help take up in 2014 and 2015 when President Patrol is the police station. ICE does care of individuals. Obama was facing a rush of children detention. One of the things I heard so many coming across the border with no place When individuals are picked up at times is, these kids can’t even brush to put them. So President Obama’s the border by Border Patrol, they are their teeth because Americans are so team, Jeh Johnson, as the Secretary of processed and immediately delivered to mean and because the Border Patrol is DHS, built a facility in McAllen to ICE. ICE then does detention for those so ruthless to them. I went to five dif- hold children there. That is the facility individuals. They have facilities scat- ferent facilities, and in every facility, I President Obama is getting blamed tered all over the country where they asked to see their supply room. In for—I am sorry, President Trump is can house individuals in consistent every facility, I saw these. That looks getting blamed for—that President housing, with plenty of space and set like toothbrushes to me. In fact, in the Obama and his team actually designed up perfectly for that with well-trained central processing facility that has had and built. individuals to detain folks to go Now, is it a great facility for chil- so much attention in the media, I through that process. asked the director there, and they said dren? No, I don’t think it is, nor is it Border Patrol’s No. 1 request is: they actually have had 87,000 tooth- the Border Patrol’s fault, though, that Please stop asking us to do detention. brushes there. There has always been it is a bad facility. They are using what We don’t have facilities for it. Clearly, toothbrushes and toothpaste. There has they have to manage the crisis that is that is why everyone is packed in. always been soap and water and ways happening in front of them. Allow ICE to do this. to clean up. I am tired of hearing people say The challenge is, some of these folks President Trump is trying to throw all Now, why doesn’t ICE have funding? come from very remote villages, and these kids out and treat them so miser- Well, because it has been one of our guess what, they are not used to brush- ably, when that is not the case. They biggest battles with our Democratic ing their teeth every day. That is not a are scrambling to figure out what they colleagues who are obsessed with normal hygiene habit for some people can do and how they can manage and defunding ICE. Over and over again in some places they come from. So take care of the kids and the families they say they want to abolish ICE, when the media comes to them and they have and how they can sort out defund ICE, and get rid of ICE. What is says: Have you brushed your teeth and try to figure out what to do. really being stated there is there is no today, and they say no, it is not be- So let me talk through the solutions place to do detention when that occurs. cause they didn’t have a toothbrush here. How do we solve this crisis that is Let me give you an example. In 2018, available. It is because, no, they didn’t going on currently with thousands and the request for ICE was $3.6 billion. Ac- brush their teeth today. thousands of people who are illegally tually, what we could get at the end of I actually watched an interview crossing the border every day? it was just over $3 billion. They were where they went to a child and said: Well, some of them, we can start get- $600 million down from what they said Have you brushed your teeth, and they ting the message out, which has al- they needed. In 2019, the request was said no. Their response on Twitter was: ready happened, that America is open $3.5 billion. What they got was $3.1 bil- How atrocious. We are better than this to immigration if you do it legally. We lion—again, much less than what they as Americans. Well, this was what was have 1.1 billion people who go through needed. in the storeroom and what they have the legal permanent residence process When the crisis began to hit in its been offered. every single year. We have 700,000 peo- highest proportion and we finally got a Interestingly enough, even as I ple every single year who become citi- humanitarian relief package to these walked through the central processing zens of the United States through a individuals on the border to try to get facility that is way overcrowded, I saw naturalized system. We have 500,000 additional support, including building people lined up at the sinks brushing people every day who legally cross the the soft-sided facility, my Democratic their teeth. We are providing supplies border from Mexico into the United colleagues held out and refused to do and resources to these individuals. States. Half a million every day legally any funding for ICE. In the humani- That is a normal habit. do it. tarian package, there was zero funding This was interesting to me. As I One of the places I stopped to see was for ICE detention—none. walked through the facility—and this the legal border crossings at the inter- Border Patrol said that is the prime was in that central processing facility national bridge, and I watched individ- thing we need to actually solve this that was so crowded. As I walked uals drive in and show their papers and problem. What we need, more than through, there was a Coast Guard indi- go through the simple process. They anything else, is to allow these folks to vidual here because, yes, the Coast show a passport, show their visa, what- move out of these temporary facilities

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.057 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5051 into long-term facilities so we can ac- with a child. They are being detained I looked at them and said: Here is a tually get them in better housing situ- for 20 days while we request criminal basic rule of thumb I live by. When ations, but when we debated our way records from their home country. They there are an angel and a devil talking through this, our Democratic col- are still there when on the 21st day we to you, go with the angel every time. leagues held firm and said: No funding have to release them, and 10 to 15 days This is something we should do, and for ICE detention. That perpetuates later, we get word that the individual we should stop playing political games this problem on the border. actually had a murder warrant in their and trying to hurt the President and We have to solve this. They should be home country. That really happened ignoring the obvious solution we all able to have the additional funding just a few days ago. should see. This is not a partisan issue; that they need so that we can get these Also, a few days ago, we released an this is a humanity issue. Let’s solve it kids and families into better locations adult with a child and then found out a together. for their housing and not temporary, few days later that their home country With that, I yield the floor. stopgap locations. was seeking them because they were a I suggest the absence of a quorum. The next issue we need to address is, pedophile in their country. But we had The PRESIDING OFFICER. The we should move asylum officers to the just released that adult with a child clerk will call the roll. border. This is one of the prime things into our country because we have a 20- The bill clerk proceeded to call the that Border Patrol wanted. Many of day restriction and we can’t wait until roll. these individuals come and say: I want we get criminal records from another Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask asylum. Let’s walk them through the country. That is absurd. unanimous consent that the order for process. Let’s get there. The problem is We are encouraging the trafficking of the quorum call be rescinded. that the vast majority of individuals children by saying that you can get The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without who request asylum do not qualify for into our country no matter what if you objection, it is so ordered. asylum. They come into the United just bring a child, and we are encour- States because they want to connect aging people with a criminal record to f with family members who are here or come in and bring a child because they PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL for economic or other opportunities. I know that is their fast track to be able DISAPPROVAL OF THE PRO- completely understand that. We have a to get in, because their home country POSED TRANSFER TO THE KING- legal process to do that. But someone can’t fulfill our request fast enough. DOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, THE can’t just come across the border and Why would we do that as a country? UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT say: I have a cousin who lives here and Why would we knowingly, willingly do BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRE- I want to come, and that qualifies as that? LAND, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, asylum. That is not asylum. Only 15 We can solve this problem. It is a AND THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC OF percent of the people crossing the bor- horrible humanitarian crisis. We need CERTAIN DEFENSE ARTICLES der who are asking for asylum actually to pay attention to it and be logical AND SERVICES—S. J. RES. 36— qualify, but individuals wait up to 2 about this. Stop saying ‘‘abolish ICE’’ VETO years for a hearing to find out if they when what we really need is the ICE fa- qualify. So the legitimate individuals cilities to help us to detain people in who desperately need asylum, who the best possible of environments while have to get through that process as we find out who they are, what their PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL rapidly as they can, cannot do so be- records are, who is related to whom, DISAPPROVAL OF THE PRO- cause 85 percent of the people are clog- and what their background is. POSED EXPORT TO THE UNITED ging up the system, asking for things Stop ignoring the obvious things. We ARAB EMIRATES, THE UNITED that are not asylum. have some people coming due to pov- KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN We should move asylum officers clos- erty. We have some people coming to AND NORTHERN IRELAND, AND er to the border to do faster processing smuggle drugs. Until we can sort that THE REPUBLIC OF FRANCE OF so we can help individuals who are out, we should figure out who is who. CERTAIN DEFENSE ARTICLES seeking asylum to get it and also iden- That doesn’t seem irrational to me. AND SERVICES—S. J. RES. 37— tify people who are gaming the system We should also find a way to process VETO and say: You cannot just game the sys- asylum requests faster than we are so tem. You have to go through the proc- that individuals pursuing asylum can ess legally. go through the system and get proc- PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL Additionally, we have to deal with essed and individuals who are gaming DISAPPROVAL OF THE PRO- this 20-day release issue. Right now, the system do not get to game the sys- POSED EXPORT TO THE KING- the rule is that a family with a child or tem. DOM OF SAUDI ARABIA AND THE a child can only be held for 20 days We can do better, and we have to do UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT total. They can be held for only 20 better. I would encourage us to be seri- BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRE- days, and after that, they have to be ous about immigration in the days LAND OF CERTAIN DEFENSE AR- released into the country. The cartels ahead. This Congress can solve this TICLES AND SERVICES—S. J. and human smugglers know that rule, issue, but it won’t because it is just a RES. 38—VETO political game. When it is about scor- and that is why we have seen an in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ing political points rather than solving crease from 2014 from only 1 percent of the previous order, the Senate having a humanitarian crisis, people in this the men bringing a child to now 50 per- received the veto messages on S.J. Res. body have to decide which one they cent of the men bringing a child, be- 36, S.J. Res. 37, and S.J. Res. 38, the want to do more. cause they know that if they bring a messages are considered read and child, they will be released within 20 I will never forget last year, sitting with a bipartisan group of my col- spread upon the Journal in full, en days. bloc. Here is what is different, though. In leagues, and as we discussed solutions The veto messages are ordered to be 20 days, we can do our record checks in to immigration, one of my Democratic printed in the RECORD as follows: the United States to see whether this colleagues said out loud: I haven’t de- person has a criminal record, but when cided what I want to do on this yet. To the Senate of the United States: we contact any of the 63 other coun- There is an angel on one shoulder say- I am returning herewith without my tries that these individuals are coming ing this problem needs to be solved, approval S.J. Res. 36, a joint resolution from, just in that sector, most of those and there is a devil on my other shoul- that would prohibit the issuance of cer- countries can’t respond to us with der saying this is the greatest political tain licenses with respect to several their country’s criminal record within weapon I have against the President. proposed agreements or transfers to 20 days. Why would I give that up? And I the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the What is really happening on the bor- haven’t decided which way I am going United Kingdom of Great Britain and der is individuals are coming across to go yet. Northern Ireland, the Kingdom of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:08 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.058 S24JYPT1 S5052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 Spain, and the Italian Republic. This tionships of the United States and im- to prohibit for many reasons. First and resolution would weaken America’s peding our ability to support key part- foremost, it is our solemn duty to pro- global competitiveness and damage the ners at a critical time, the joint resolu- tect the safety of the more than 80,000 important relationships we share with tion would harm—not help—efforts to United States citizens who reside in our allies and partners. end the conflict in Yemen. And without Saudi Arabia and are imperiled by In particular, S.J. Res. 36 would pro- precision-guided munitions, more—not Houthis attacking from Yemen using hibit licensing for manufacturing in fewer—civilians are likely to become missiles, armed drones, and explosive Saudi Arabia of Guidance Electronics casualties of the conflict. While I share boats. The UAE is an important part of Detector Assemblies, Computer Con- concerns that certain Members of Con- the Saudi-led Coalition that helps pro- trol Groups, Airfoil Groups, Aircraft gress have expressed about civilian cas- tect Americans from these Iranian-sup- Umbilical Interconnect Systems, ualties of this conflict, the United ported Houthi attacks on civilian and Fuses, and other components to sup- States has taken and will continue to military facilities, including those lo- port the production of Paveway II, En- take action to minimize such casual- cated in areas frequented by United hanced Paveway II, and Paveway IV ties, including training and advising States citizens like the airport in Ri- munitions. The misguided licensing Saudi-led Coalition forces to improve yadh, Saudi Arabia. Second, the joint prohibitions in the joint resolution di- their targeting processes. resolution would degrade the UAE’s rectly conflict with the foreign policy The United States is very concerned military preparedness and ability to and national security objectives of the about the conflict’s toll on innocent ci- protect its sovereignty, directly affect- United States, which include strength- vilians and is working to bring the con- ing its ability to defend the thousands ening defense alliances with friendly flict in Yemen to an end. But we can- of United States military personnel countries throughout the world, deep- not end it through ill-conceived and hosted there. Third, the UAE is a bul- ening partnerships that preserve and time-consuming resolutions that fail to wark against the malign activities of extend our global influence, and en- address its root causes. Rather than ex- Iran and its proxies in the region. It is hancing our competitiveness in key pend time and resources on such reso- also an active partner with the United markets. Apart from negatively affect- lutions, I encourage the Congress to di- States in combatting terrorism in ing our bilateral relationships with rect its efforts toward supporting our Yemen and elsewhere. The licenses the Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, work to achieve peace through a nego- joint resolution would prohibit en- Spain, and Italy, the joint resolution tiated settlement to the conflict in hance our partner’s ability to deter and would hamper the ability of the United Yemen. defend against these threats. States to sustain and shape critical se- For these reasons, it is my duty to In addition, S.J. Res. 37 would nega- curity cooperation activities. S.J. Res. return S.J. Res. 36 to the Senate with- tively affect our NATO Allies and the 36 would also damage the credibility of out my approval. transatlantic defense industry. It the United States as a reliable partner DONALD J. TRUMP. could, for example, produce unintended by signaling that we are willing to THE WHITE HOUSE, July 24, 2019. consequences for defense procurement abandon our partners and allies at the and interoperability with and between very moment when threats to them are To the Senate of the United States: our partners. It could also create diplo- increasing. I am returning herewith without my matic and security opportunities for The United States is providing the li- approval S.J. Res. 37, a joint resolution our adversaries to exploit. censes that the joint resolution seeks that would prohibit the issuance of ex- Finally, by restricting the ability of to prohibit for many reasons. First and port licenses for certain defense arti- our partners to produce and purchase foremost, it is our solemn duty to pro- cles, defense services, and technical precision-guided munitions, S.J. Res. tect the safety of the more than 80,000 data to support the transfer of 37 would likely prolong the conflict in United States citizens who reside in Paveway II kits to the United Arab Yemen and deepen the suffering it Saudi Arabia and who are imperiled by Emirates (UAE), the United Kingdom causes. By undermining bilateral rela- Houthi attacks from Yemen. The of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, tionships of the United States and im- Houthis, supported by Iran, have at- and the Republic of France. This reso- peding our ability to support key part- tacked civilian and military facilities lution would weaken America’s global ners at a critical time, the joint resolu- using missiles, armed drones, and ex- competitiveness and damage the im- tion would harm—not help—efforts to plosive boats, including in areas fre- portant relationships we share with end the conflict in Yemen. And without quented by United States citizens, such our allies and partners. precision-guided munitions, more—not as the airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In particular, S.J. Res. 37 would pro- fewer—civilians are likely to become Second, the joint resolution would de- hibit the issuance of export licenses for casualties of the conflict. While I share grade Saudi Arabia’s military pre- Paveway II kits to the UAE, the United concerns that certain Members of Con- paredness and ability to protect its Kingdom, and France. The misguided gress have expressed about civilian cas- sovereignty, directly affecting its abil- licensing prohibitions in the joint reso- ualties of this conflict, the United ity to defend United States military lution directly conflict with the for- States has taken and will continue to personnel hosted there. Third, Saudi eign policy and national security ob- take action to minimize such casual- Arabia is a bulwark against the malign jectives of the United States, which in- ties, including training and advising activities of Iran and its proxies in the clude strengthening defense alliances the Saudi-led Coalition forces to im- region, and the licenses the joint reso- with friendly countries throughout the prove their targeting processes. lution would prohibit enhance Saudi world, deepening partnerships that pre- The United States is very concerned Arabia’s ability to deter and defend serve and extend our global influence, about the conflict’s toll on innocent ci- against these threats. and enhancing our competitiveness in vilians and is working to bring the con- In addition, S.J. Res. 36 would nega- key markets. Apart from negatively af- flict in Yemen to an end. But we can- tively affect our NATO Allies and the fecting our bilateral relationships with not end it through ill-conceived and transatlantic defense industry. It the UAE, the United Kingdom, and time-consuming resolutions that fail to could, for example, produce unintended France, the joint resolution would address its root causes. Rather than ex- consequences for defense procurement hamper the ability of the United States pend time and resources on such reso- and interoperability with and between to sustain and shape critical security lutions, I encourage the Congress to di- our partners. It could also create diplo- cooperation activities with those part- rect its efforts toward supporting our matic and security opportunities for ners. S.J. Res. 37 would also damage work to achieve peace through a nego- our adversaries to exploit. the credibility of the United States as tiated settlement to the conflict in Finally, by restricting the ability of a reliable partner by signaling that we Yemen. our partners to produce and purchase are willing to abandon our partners For these reasons, it is my duty to precision-guided munitions, S.J. Res. and allies at the very moment when return S.J. Res. 37 to the Senate with- 36 would likely prolong the conflict in threats to them are increasing. out my approval. Yemen and deepen the suffering it The United States is providing the li- DONALD J. TRUMP. causes. By undermining bilateral rela- censes that the joint resolution seeks THE WHITE HOUSE, July 24, 2019.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.010 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5053 To the Senate of the United States: our partners. It could also create diplo- willing to dismiss it, but this is exactly I am returning herewith without my matic and security opportunities for the same message we heard earlier this approval S.J. Res. 38, a joint resolution our adversaries to exploit. week from FBI Director Wray. It is a that would prohibit the issuance of ex- Finally, by restricting the ability of message that all of us have heard, and port licenses for the proposed transfer our partners to produce and purchase being on the Intelligence Committee, I of defense articles, defense services, precision-guided munitions, S.J. Res. have heard repeatedly from Director of and technical data to support the man- 38 would likely prolong the conflict in National Intelligence Coats, and we ufacture of the Aurora Fuzing System Yemen and deepen the suffering it have heard this, as well, from other for the Paveway IV Precision Guided causes. By undermining bilateral rela- leaders of law enforcement and our in- Bomb Program in regard to the King- tionships of the United States and im- telligence community. Again, I point dom of Saudi Arabia and the United peding our ability to support key part- out that the leaders who have sounded Kingdom of Great Britain and North- ners at a critical time, the joint resolu- the alarm about the ongoing Russian ern Ireland. This resolution would tion would harm—not help—efforts to threat to our elections were all ap- weaken America’s global competitive- end the conflict in Yemen. And without pointed by this President. ness and damage the important rela- precision-guided munitions, more—not Unfortunately, in the nearly 3 years tionships we share with our allies and fewer—civilians are likely to become since we uncovered Russia’s attack on partners. casualties of the conflict. While I share our democracy, this body has not held In particular, S.J. Res. 38 would pro- concerns that certain Members of Con- a single vote on stand-alone legislation hibit the issuance of export licenses for gress have expressed about civilian cas- to protect our elections. the proposed transfer of defense arti- ualties of this conflict, the United I am not here to relitigate the 2016 cles, defense services, and technical States has taken and will continue to election or, for that matter, to second- data for the manufacturing of the Au- take action to minimize such casual- guess the special counsel’s findings. rora Fuzing System for the Paveway ties, including training and advising This is more a question of how we de- IV Precision Guided Bomb Program. the Saudi-led Coalition forces to im- fend our democracy on a going-forward The misguided licensing prohibition in prove their targeting processes. basis. the joint resolution directly conflicts The United States is very concerned The reason we need to do this— with the foreign policy and national se- about the conflict’s toll on innocent ci- amongst a host of reasons—is that just curity objectives of the United States, vilians and is working to bring the con- a month ago, the President of the which include strengthening defense al- flict in Yemen to an end. But we can- United States sat in the Oval Office, liances with friendly countries not end it through ill-conceived and and by dismissing this threat, effec- throughout the world, deepening part- time-consuming resolutions that fail to tively gave Russia the green light to nerships that preserve and extend our address its root causes. Rather than ex- interfere in future elections. Since global influence, and enhancing our pend time and resources on such reso- then, unfortunately, my Republican competitiveness in key markets. Apart lutions, I encourage the Congress to di- colleagues have done nothing to pre- from negatively affecting our bilateral rect its efforts toward supporting our vent further future attempts at under- relationships with Saudi Arabia and work to achieve peace through a nego- mining our democracy. the United Kingdom, the joint resolu- tiated settlement to the conflict in Let me be clear. If a foreign adver- tion would hamper the ability of the Yemen. sary tries to offer assistance to your United States to sustain and shape For these reasons, it is my duty to campaign, your response should not be critical security cooperation activities. return S.J. Res. 38 to the Senate with- thank you; your response should be a S.J. Res. 38 would also damage the out my approval. moral obligation to tell the FBI. Mr. credibility of the United States as a re- DONALD J. TRUMP. Mueller, the former FBI Director and liable partner by signaling that we are THE WHITE HOUSE, July 24, 2019. inarguably the straightest arrow in willing to abandon our partners and al- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- public service, said as much this after- lies at the very moment when threats ator from Virginia. noon. to them are increasing. f So if the President or other members The United States is providing the li- of his family or his campaign can’t be censes that the joint resolution seeks UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST— trusted to do the right thing and report to prohibit for many reasons. First and S. 2242 their foreign contacts and foreign of- foremost, it is our solemn duty to pro- Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, in a fers of assistance to their political ac- tect the safety of the more than 80,000 moment, I will ask unanimous consent tivities, then we need to make it a United States citizens who reside in for the Senate to take up and pass leg- legal requirement. Saudi Arabia and who are imperiled by islation I have introduced to help pro- That is what my legislation, the Houthi attacks from Yemen. The tect our democracy from foreign inter- FIRE Act, is all about. The FIRE Act is Houthis, supported by Iran, have at- ference. a simple, narrowly targeted bill. All it tacked civilian and military facilities Earlier today, Special Counsel Rob- does is make sure that attempts to using missiles, armed drones, and ex- ert Mueller testified that the Russian interfere in future Presidential elec- plosive boats, including in areas fre- Government’s efforts to undermine our tions are promptly reported to the FBI quented by United States citizens, such elections are ‘‘among the most serious and the FEC. as the airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. challenges to our democracy’’—a chal- Let me be clear. The FIRE Act is not Second, the joint resolution would de- lenge he says that ‘‘deserves the atten- about prohibiting innocent contacts or grade Saudi Arabia’s military pre- tion of every American.’’ the exercise of First Amendment paredness and ability to protect its Mr. Mueller’s testimony should serve rights. Contrary to some of the mis- sovereignty, directly affecting its abil- as a warning to every Member of this taken rhetoric we have heard, it does ity to defend United States military body about what could happen in 2020— not require the reporting of contacts personnel hosted there. Third, Saudi literally, in our next election—if we with foreign journalists or with Dream- Arabia is a bulwark against the malign fail to act. When asked if he thought ers or of official meetings with foreign activities of Iran and its proxies in the that Russia would attack our democ- governments. It is simply about pre- region, and the licenses the joint reso- racy again in 2020, Mr. Mueller said: serving Americans’ trust in our demo- lution would prohibit enhance Saudi ‘‘They’re doing it as we sit here.’’ cratic process. If a candidate is receiv- Arabia’s ability to deter and defend Think about that for a moment. The ing or welcoming help from the Krem- against these threats. special prosecutor spent 21⁄2 years look- lin or its spy services, I think the In addition, S.J. Res. 38 would nega- ing into Russian intervention in our American people should have a right to tively affect our NATO Allies and the elections in 2016 and says not only are know before they head to the polls. transatlantic defense industry. It they going to do it, but they are doing Consequently, I ask unanimous con- could, for example, produce unintended it as we sit here. sent that the Committee on Rules and consequences for defense procurement If this were just coming from the spe- Administration be discharged from fur- and interoperability with and between cial prosecutor, some folks might be ther consideration of S. 2242, the FIRE

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.011 S24JYPT1 S5054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 Act; that the Senate proceed to its im- shows—perhaps most importantly for add a new tier—a strong protection— mediate consideration; that the bill be the purpose of this measure—that the for the sanctity of our elections. read a third time and passed; and that Trump campaign knew of it, welcomed I thank Senator BLUMENTHAL. He is a the motion to reconsider be considered it, and happily accepted it. member of the Committee on the Judi- made and laid upon the table with no Mueller testified this morning: ciary, where he is doing important intervening action or debate. Over the course of my career, I have seen work on these issues. I thank our col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a number of challenges to our democracy. league, Senator WARNER, of course, an objection? The Russian Government’s efforts to inter- who is the vice chairman of the Intel- Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I fere in our election is among the most seri- ligence Committee, on which I serve. I object. ous. As I said on May 29, this deserves the at- also thank my colleague who is still on The PRESIDING OFFICER. An objec- tention of every American. the floor, Senator BLUMENTHAL, for all tion is heard. Equally important is that, just yes- of his leadership. I look forward to The Senator from Connecticut. terday, FBI Director Christopher Wray partnering with him and with Senator f came before the Committee on the Ju- WARNER in the days ahead. diciary and warned that the Russians In a moment, I will ask for unani- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST— are still actively trying to interfere in mous consent to adopt a bipartisan bill S. 1247 our election, which is what Mueller that I have proposed with Senator COT- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I said today when he was asked about TON. It is S. 890, the Senate Cybersecu- thank my colleague Senator WARNER, some of the remarks and some of the rity Protection Act. Before I ask, how- and we will hear shortly from Senator efforts in the Trump campaign. He was ever, for that unanimous consent re- WYDEN. referring to Donald Trump, Jr., when quest, I will give some brief back- These two great colleagues are cham- he said, ‘‘I love it,’’ in welcoming Rus- ground as to why Senator COTTON and pioning election security. Senator sia’s offer of assistance to the Trump I are working on this issue and putting WARNER, at the helm as vice chairman campaign in the June 9 meeting, Direc- all of this time into this effort. of the Intelligence Committee, has tor Mueller said, ‘‘I hope this is not the In the 2016 election, obviously, the done as much as any American and any new normal, but I fear it is.’’ Russians inflicted damage on our de- Member of this body to uncover the se- This is the context of troubling com- mocracy by hacking the personal ac- rious Russian threat to our election ments that brings us here today. One of counts of political parties and individ- system. It is a threat not just from the most troubling is President uals and then by dumping emails and Russia but from other countries as Trump’s own comment when asked if documents online. This tactic gen- well. That is why I have offered and he would accept foreign help in 2020, erated massive amounts of media cov- will ask unanimous consent for the and he said, ‘‘I would take it.’’ That is erage that was based on those stolen passage of S. 1247, the Duty To Report why we need the Duty To Report Act. documents. It is clear, in my view, that Act. If that kind of assistance is offered, the Russians and other hostile foreign This legislation, like Senator WAR- there is an obligation to report it, not actors are going to continue to target NER’s, is based on a very simple idea: If to take it. the personal devices and accounts, you see something, say something. The The election of 2016 was simply a which are often less secure than offi- Duty To Report Act would require dress rehearsal. With the 2020 election cial government devices. You don’t campaigns, candidates, and family upon us, we must stop this kind of for- have to take my word for it. Top na- members to immediately report to the eign interference and ensure that it is tional security officials in the Trump FBI and the Federal Election Commis- the American people, not Russia or any administration have said virtually the same thing. sion any offers of illegal foreign assist- other foreign power like China or Iran, Last year, the Director of National ance. It differs in some technical as- who decide who the leaders of this Intelligence—our former colleague, pects—for example, with regard to fam- country will be and the direction of our Senator Coats—told the Senate Intel- ily members—from Senator WARNER’s democracy. ligence Committee: ‘‘The personal ac- proposed FIRE Act. Yet it is the same Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- counts and devices of government offi- idea because it codifies into law what sent that the Committee on Rules and cials can contain information that is is already a moral duty, a patriotic Administration be discharged from fur- useful for our adversaries to target, ei- duty, and basic common sense. It is al- ther consideration of S. 1247; that the ther directly or indirectly, these offi- ready illegal to accept foreign assist- Senate proceed to its immediate con- cials and the organizations with which ance during a campaign. It is already sideration; that the bill be considered they are affiliated.’’ illegal to solicit foreign assistance dur- read a third time and passed; and that Likewise, in a letter to me last year, ing a campaign. All this bill does is re- the motion to reconsider be considered the then-Director of the National Secu- quire campaigns and individuals to re- made and laid upon the table with no rity Agency, MIKE ROGERS, said that port such illegal foreign assistance di- intervening action or debate. the personal devices and accounts be- rectly to the FBI. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there longing to senior U.S. government offi- Special Counsel Robert Mueller came an objection? cials ‘‘remain prime targets for exploi- before Congress today to answer ques- Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I tation.’’ tions about his very comprehensive and object. These foreign intelligence threats are powerful report that documents the The PRESIDING OFFICER. An objec- not just aimed at the executive branch. sweeping and systematic interference tion is heard. Last year, a bipartisan Senate working in our election, as he testified, to ben- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I group examined cybersecurity threats efit, principally, Donald Trump’s cam- yield to another great colleague who against Senators. In its November 2018 paign. Yet this measure is about the has been a champion of this cause of report, the working group revealed future. It is about preventing such election security, Senator WYDEN. there was ‘‘mounting evidence that election interference in the future and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Senators are being targeted for hack- providing a mandate and a duty to re- ator from Oregon. ing, which could include exposure of port any offers of assistance from a for- f personal data.’’ Likewise, Google has eign government, like Russia. now publicly confirmed that it has UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST— This report outlines the most serious quietly warned specific Senators and S. 890 attack on our democracy by a foreign Senate staff that their personal email power in our history. It tells the story Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I thank accounts were targeted by state-spon- of more than 150 contacts between the my colleagues, Senator BLUMENTHAL sored hackers. Trump campaign and Russian agents. and Senator WARNER, who have spoken Unfortunately, the Sergeant at It tells the story of Russian covert and strongly on the issue at hand, which is Arms—the office that is tasked with overt efforts to influence the outcome to protect our great country and our protecting the Senate’s cybersecurity— of our election by helping one can- extraordinary 200-year experiment in is currently barred from using its re- didate and hurting another, and it self-governance. To do it, we have to sources to protect the personal devices

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.062 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5055 and accounts of Senators and their ending of her quintessentially Amer- of the American Legion. I appreciate staff, even if Senators and their staff ican story. the opportunity to speak about this are being targeted by foreign spies and On July 13, Mrs. Eva Yeh Chang of truly significant milestone in the his- hackers. San Francisco died peacefully at the tory of our veterans and this organiza- That is why, on a bipartisan basis, I age of 100. Eva was born in 1919 in tion. The centennial celebration is a and Senator COTTON, who also serves Shanghai during a different era for historical benchmark for the State of on the Intelligence Committee with me China. Though she was born into a Michigan, as well as the entire Nation. and with Senator WARNER, who spoke well-to-do banking family, her first Established in 1919 in Paris, France, earlier, introduced legislation to per- three decades involved significant the American Legion was founded to mit the Sergeant at Arms to provide hardship: the Chinese Civil War, the bolster the morale of American troops 100-percent voluntary cybersecurity as- Japanese occupation in the late 1930s, as they awaited their return home as sistance to Senators and their staff. the Second World War, and the begin- recently discharged combat veterans Our bill is modeled after a provision in ning of the Communist Revolution. following the Great War. In September the recently passed Senate Intelligence That final event led Eva and her hus- of the same year, the American Legion , which permits the band, Fu-Yun Chang, a Harvard-edu- was federally chartered by Congress. Director of National Intelligence to cated diplomat, statesman, and schol- By November 1919, the American Le- provide voluntary cyber help to protect ar, to leave their lives behind and de- gion had 2,500 paid members and hosted the personal devices and accounts of part for American shores. They essen- its first national convention in Indian- intelligence community employees. tially started over in a new country apolis, which then became the perma- Fighting back against foreign inter- with three young children under the nent home of the American Legion Na- ference means securing every aspect of age of 10. tional Headquarters. our democracy, including the personal What followed was the kind of entre- With local posts in each State, var- accounts and devices of elected offi- preneurial ‘‘start-up life’’ that would ious territories, and overseas, the American Legion is our Nation’s larg- cials. I feel strongly that the majority sound impossible in many other lands est wartime Veterans’ service organiza- leader, our colleague from Kentucky, but has been the building block of our tion. The Legion embodies its commit- must stop blocking this commonsense Nation from the beginning. Eva worked ment of upholding the Constitution of legislation and allow this body to bet- multiple jobs, from retail to waiting the United States of America and pro- ter defend itself against foreign hack- tables. Eventually, she saved enough to moting peace and goodwill through its ers. strike out on her own. First she opened volunteerism in the communities it Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- a diner. Then she started one of San Francisco’s early Northern Chinese res- represents. sent that the Committee on Rules and The Legion’s grassroots involvement Administration be discharged from fur- taurants—a big success—and then came more investments in enterprise has shaped legislation at all levels of ther consideration of S. 890, the Senate government. Within its inaugural year, Cybersecurity Protection Act; that the and real estate in the city. Eva didn’t just keep what she had Legionnaires across the country advo- Senate proceed to its immediate con- built for herself. She put it into service cated for better conditions for disabled sideration; that the bill be read a third for others. Eva built a new life for her veterans in Washington, DC. Within a time and passed; and that the motion children. She became a pillar of her week, Congress passed the Sweet Bill to reconsider be considered made and community, and she used her resources which included provisions that would laid upon the table with no intervening to help a number of her relatives back more than double the compensation action or debate. in China complete the same journey disabled veterans were receiving at the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there she had made and follow in her foot- time. In 1921, The American Legion an objection? steps to America. claimed another legislative victory Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I This remarkable woman may have with the consolidation of three Federal object. left us, but the positive effects of her agencies into the Veterans Bureau, The PRESIDING OFFICER. An objec- life continue to ripple out. For exam- which would later become the Veterans tion is heard. ple, she lived to see her daughter, Am- Administration. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I note bassador Julia Chang Bloch, become The American Legion created various again there has been an objection. the first-ever Asian-American to serve organizations to support the Nation’s I would only state that I don’t see as a U.S. Ambassador and continue the veterans and youth, including the Vet- how anyone could consider what I have family legacy of giving back to this erans and Children Foundation and proposed to be a partisan issue. I and Nation. Sons of the American Legion. Since its our colleague from Arkansas, Senator The Senate stands with the entire creation in 1924, the foundation has COTTON—a military veteran—have Chang family and all who mourn Eva given over $30 million in financial as- joined in an effort, which I would just in this time of grief, and we stand with sistance for disabled veterans and mili- say to the Senators who are on the them in celebrating 100 years so well tary families. Through scholarships floor, is going to be one of the great lived. and programming, the Legion also in- threats of our time. (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the vests in the future of our Nation’s We know that hostile foreign actors following statement was ordered to be youth. are going to target the personal ac- printed in the RECORD.) Today, with 386 posts in Michigan counts and devices of government offi- ∑ Ms. HARRIS. Mr. President, I was and more than 12,000 posts nationwide cials. Russia clearly demonstrated the necessarily absent but, had I been with nearly 2 million members, the opportunities for meddling in the last present, would have voted no on roll- American Legion continues to grow to election. Now, we know that those op- call vote No. 226, the motion to invoke support the needs of today’s veterans. portunities are going to grow exponen- cloture on Wendy Williams Berger to Whether it is drafting the first version tially in the days and months ahead. be U.S. District Judge for the Middle of the GI Bill, organizing our flag code, So I only want to pass on that I think District of Florida. or donating to the construction of the this is regrettable, and there has been Mr. President: I was necessarily ab- Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Wash- an objection, and I just hope we will be sent but, had I been present, would ington, DC, the Legion has been at the able to pass this bill before more peo- have voted no on rollcall vote No. 227, forefront of monumental changes to ple are hacked and their stolen data is the motion to invoke cloture on Brian our military and veterans policy and exploited by hostile foreign actors. C. Buescher to be U.S. District Judge overall patriotism. I yield the floor. for the District of Nebraska.∑ It is my great pleasure to congratu- f f late the American Legion on the last- ing impact it has made throughout our REMEMBERING EVA YEH CHANG 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Nation’s history and for the work it Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I AMERICAN LEGION continues to do. As the American Le- am sorry to note today the recent pass- Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, today I gion celebrates this centennial mile- ing of a dear friend to many and the wish to recognize the 100th anniversary stone, I ask all my colleagues to join

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:08 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.063 S24JYPT1 S5056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 me in congratulating its members its before Congress, Sergeant Major Dailey she is studying agricultural business. growth and prosperity in the years has also traveled the world to hear and She has demonstrated a strong work ahead. tell the soldier’s story, spearheaded ethic, which has made her an invalu- f initiatives to enhance Army readiness able asset to our office. The quality of and increase soldier opportunity, and her work is reflected in her great ef- TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT MAJOR routinely met with business and indus- forts over the last several months. DANIEL A. DAILEY try leaders, and State and local govern- I want to thank Madison for the dedi- Ms. ERNST. Mr. President, today I ment officials to improve the quality cation she has shown while working for wish to recognize SMA Daniel A. of life for Soldiers and their families. me and my staff. It was a pleasure to Dailey, the fifteenth Sergeant Major of Sergeant Major Dailey is the public have her as part of our team. I know the Army, SMA, for his extraordinary face of the U.S. Army’s noncommis- she will have continued success with 30 years of faithful service to our Army sioned officer corps, representing the all of her future endeavors. I wish her and our Nation. corps to the American people in the all my best on her next journey.∑ Sergeant Major Dailey’s impressive media and through business and com- f and distinguished career has been char- munity engagements. Sergeant Major acterized by his diligent work, compas- Dailey is a shining example of Army TRIBUTE TO JAYME CHANDLER sionate leadership, and focus on taking values, and he exemplifies the non- ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I care of and advocating to improve the commissioned officer’s creed. He has would like to take the opportunity to lives of soldiers and their family mem- remained technically and tactically express my appreciation to Jayme for bers. proficient, and he has consistently pro- her hard work as an intern in the Envi- In the next few weeks, Sergeant vided outstanding leadership. He is the ronment and Public Works Committee. Major Dailey will transition his re- personification of what it means to be I recognize her efforts and contribu- sponsibilities as the U.S. Army’s senior a professional soldier, and his service is tions to my office as well as to the enlisted leader, and he will retire from an example of how the Army’s NCO State of Wyoming. the army after a long and distinguished corps is the ‘‘Backbone of the Army.’’ Jayme is a native of California. She career of military service at home and It has been a pleasure to know, work, is a student at the University of Cali- abroad. While Sergeant Major Dailey and serve with Sergeant Major Dailey fornia, Berkeley, where she is studying may transition his official duties, his during his time as the Sergeant Major history. She has demonstrated a strong heart and soul is that of a soldier. I of the Army. On behalf of a grateful work ethic, which has made her an in- know that, as a Soldier for Life, Ser- Nation, it is my honor to recognize the valuable asset to our office. The qual- geant Major Dailey will continue his selfless service and sacrifice of Ser- ity of her work is reflected in her great life’s work to improve our Army and to geant Major Dailey and his family. I efforts over the last several months. take care of our soldiers. wish Sergeant Major Dailey and his I want to thank Jayme for the dedi- A native of Palmerton, PA, Sergeant family the very best in all of their fu- cation she has shown while working for Major Dailey began his journey of serv- ture endeavors as he and they begins me and my staff. It is a pleasure to ice when he enlisted in the Army in this new chapter. May God continue to have her as part of our team. I know 1989 and successfully completed basic bless Sergeant Major Dailey, his fam- she will have continued success with training and advanced individual train- ily, and the United States of America. all of her future endeavors. I wish her ing as an infantryman at Fort Benning, f all my best on her journey.∑ GA. During his career, Sergeant Major Dailey has held every enlisted leader- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS f ship position in the mechanized infan- TRIBUTE TO JACK CHIESA try, ranging from Bradley Fighting Ve- ∑ hicle commander to command sergeant TRIBUTE TO GILLIAN AIKEN Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I major. ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to Sergeant Major Dailey has served would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Al for his with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Infantry express my appreciation to Gigi for her hard work as an intern in the Environ- Divisions stateside and overseas. In hard work as an intern in the Senate ment and Public Works Committee. I March 2009, he was selected as the 4th Republican Conference. I recognize her recognize his efforts and contributions Infantry Division command sergeant efforts and contributions to my office to my office as well as to the State of major, where he served as both the as well as to the State of Wyoming. Wyoming. command sergeant major of Fort Car- Gigi is a native of Virginia. She will Al is a native of New Jersey. He is a son, CO, and U.S. Division-North, Iraq. attend the University of the South: student at the College of William and In 2011, Sergeant Major Dailey was se- Sewanee. She has demonstrated a Mary. He has demonstrated a strong lected to serve as the Command Ser- strong work ethic, which has made her work ethic, which has made him an in- geant Major of the United States Army an invaluable asset to our office. The valuable asset to our office. The qual- Training and Doctrine Command, quality of her work is reflected in her ity of his work is reflected in his great TRADOC. great efforts over the last several efforts over the last several months. In addition to four deployments sup- months. I want to thank Al for the dedication porting Operations IRAQI FREEDOM I want to thank Gigi for the dedica- he has shown while working for me and and NEW DAWN, where he earned the tion she has shown while working for my staff. It is a pleasure to have him Bronze Star with Valor for his leader- me and my staff. It is a pleasure to as part of our team. I know he will ship during the 4th Infantry Division’s have her as part of our team. I know have continued success with all of his 2-month ‘‘Battle for Sadr City’’ in 2008, she will have continued success with future endeavors. I wish him all my he also deployed in support of Oper- all of her future endeavors. I wish her best on his journey.∑ ations DESERT STORM and DESERT all my best on her journey.∑ f SHIELD during the first Gulf War. f Sergeant Major Dailey’s tenure as TRIBUTE TO AVERY DOUGLAS the 15th Sergeant Major of the Army TRIBUTE TO MADISON ANDERSON ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I began on January 30, 2015. As Sergeant ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to Major of the Army, Sergeant Major would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Avery for Dailey serves as the senior enlisted ad- express my appreciation to Madison for her hard work as an intern in the Envi- visor to the Army’s Chief of Staff on her hard work as an intern in my ronment and Public Works Committee. all matters affecting enlisted soldiers Sheridan office. I recognize her efforts I recognize her efforts and contribu- and the NCO corps. In addition to being and contributions to my office as well tions to my office as well as to the the soldier’s voice through his member- as to the State of Wyoming. State of Wyoming. ship on multiple councils, boards, and Madison is a native of Ten Sleep. She Avery is a native of Florida. She is a commissions and frequently testifying is a student at Sheridan College, where student at the University of South

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:08 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.015 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5057 Carolina School of Law. She has dem- onstrated a strong work ethic, which science and Spanish. She has dem- onstrated a strong work ethic, which has made her an invaluable asset to onstrated a strong work ethic, which has made her an invaluable asset to our office. The quality of her work is has made her an invaluable asset to our office. The quality of her work is reflected in her great efforts over the our office. The quality of her work is reflected in her great efforts over the last several months. reflected in her great efforts over the last several months. I want to thank Skylar for the dedi- last several months. I want to thank Avery for the dedica- cation she has shown while working for I want to thank Kaitlyn for the dedi- tion she has shown while working for me and my staff. It was a pleasure to cation she has shown while working for me and my staff. It is a pleasure to have her as part of our team. I know me and my staff. It is a pleasure to have her as part of our team. I know she will have continued success with have her as part of our team. I know she will have continued success with all of her future endeavors. I wish her she will have continued success with all of her future endeavors. I wish her all my best on her next journey.∑ all of her future endeavors. I wish her ∑ ∑ all my best on her journey. f all my best on her journey. f f TRIBUTE TO JACK HOLT TRIBUTE TO PATRICK MCLEAN TRIBUTE TO PRESTON GROMER ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ∑ ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Jack for his would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Preston for hard work as an intern in the Senate express my appreciation to Patrick for his hard work as an intern in my Wash- Republican Conference. I recognize his his hard work as an intern in the Envi- ington, DC, office. I recognize his ef- efforts and contributions to my office ronment and Public Works Committee. forts and contributions to my office as as well as to the State of Wyoming. I recognize his efforts and contribu- well as to the State of Wyoming. Jack is a native of Buffalo. He is a tions to my office as well as to the Preston is a native of Casper. He is a student at Colorado Mesa University, State of Wyoming. student at Pepperdine University, where he is studying history and busi- Patrick is a native of South Carolina. where he is studying economics. He has ness. He has demonstrated a strong He is a graduate of Wofford College, demonstrated a strong work ethic, work ethic, which has made him an in- where he studied history. He has dem- which has made him an invaluable valuable asset to our office. The qual- onstrated a strong work ethic, which asset to our office. The quality of his ity of his work is reflected in his great has made him an invaluable asset to work is reflected in his great efforts efforts over the last several months. our office. The quality of his work is over the last several months. I want to thank Jack for the dedica- reflected in his great efforts over the I want to thank Preston for the dedi- tion he has shown while working for last several months. cation he has shown while working for me and my staff. It is a pleasure to I want to thank Patrick for the dedi- me and my staff. It is a pleasure to have him as part of our team. I know cation he has shown while working for have him as part of our team. I know he will have continued success with all me and my staff. It is a pleasure to he will have continued success with all of his future endeavors. I wish him all have him as part of our team. I know of his future endeavors. I wish him all my best on his journey.∑ he will have continued success with all my best on his journey.∑ of his future endeavors. I wish him all f my best on his journey.∑ f TRIBUTE TO KAMERON JENSEN f TRIBUTE TO GARRETT HARTIGAN ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I TRIBUTE TO TREVOR MERRIFIELD ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Kameron would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Garrett for for his hard work as an intern in my express my appreciation to Trevor for his hard work as an intern in my Chey- Washington, DC, office. I recognize his his hard work as an intern in the Envi- enne office. I recognize his efforts and efforts and contributions to my office ronment and Public Works Committee. contributions to my office as well as to as well as to the State of Wyoming. I recognize his efforts and contribu- the State of Wyoming. Kameron is a native of Cheyenne. He tions to my office as well as to the Garrett is a native of Cheyenne. He is is a student at the University of Wyo- State of Wyoming. a student at the University of Wyo- ming, where he is studying chemical Trevor is a native of North Carolina. ming, where he is studying agricultural engineering. He has demonstrated a He is a graduate of Auburn University, business and pre-law. He has dem- strong work ethic, which has made him where he studied political science. He onstrated a strong work ethic, which an invaluable asset to our office. The has demonstrated a strong work ethic, has made him an invaluable asset to quality of his work is reflected in his which has made him an invaluable our office. The quality of his work is great efforts over the last several asset to our office. The quality of his reflected in his great efforts over the months. work is reflected in his great efforts last several months. I want to thank Kameron for the over the last several months. I want to thank Garrett for the dedi- dedication he has shown while working I want to thank Trevor for the dedi- cation he has shown while working for for me and my staff. It is a pleasure to cation he has shown while working for me and my staff. It is a pleasure to have him as part of our team. I know me and my staff. It is a pleasure to have him as part of our team. I know he will have continued success with all have him as part of our team. I know he will have continued success with all of his future endeavors. I wish him all he will have continued success with all ∑ of his future endeavors. I wish him all my best on his journey. of his future endeavors. I wish him all ∑ my best on his journey. f my best on his journey.∑ f TRIBUTE TO KAITLYN MAHAR f TRIBUTE TO SKYLAR HOLMQUIST ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I TRIBUTE TO CHANDLER PAULING ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Kaitlyn for would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation to Skylar for her hard work as an intern in the Sen- express my appreciation to Chandler her hard work as an intern in my Cas- ate Republican Conference. I recognize for her hard work as an intern in my per office. I recognize her efforts and her efforts and contributions to my of- Washington, DC, office. I recognize her contributions to my office as well as to fice as well as to the State of Wyo- efforts and contributions to my office the State of Wyoming. ming. as well as to the State of Wyoming. Skylar is a native of Baggs. She is a Kaitlyn is a native of Colorado. She Chandler is a native of Laramie. She student at Casper College, where she is is a student at the University of Wyo- is a student at the University of Wyo- studying art education. She has dem- ming, where she is studying political ming, where she is studying political

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:08 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.046 S24JYPT1 S5058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 science and communication. She has neering professors Richard Cassady and the Senate by Ms. Roberts, one of his demonstrated a strong work ethic, Chase Rainwater volunteer as team secretaries. which has made her an invaluable asset coaches, serving as excellent mentors f to our office. The quality of her work is to the students. Since day one, the reflected in her great efforts over the team has worked hard to build a world- PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE last several months. class, high-school robotics program to I want to thank Chandler for the compete at the most elite level. dedication she has shown while work- The numerous benefits these Spring- REPORT OF THE VETO OF S.J. ing for me and my staff. It was a pleas- dale students get from participating in RES. 36, A JOINT RESOLUTION ure to have her as part of our team. I the FIRST program will have a long PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL know she will have continued success lasting impact on team members. By DISAPPROVAL OF THE PRO- with all of her future endeavors. I wish having the opportunity to learn from POSED TRANSFER TO THE KING- her all my best on her next journey.∑ professional engineers and master DOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, THE f STEM skills before they enter college, UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT they are well on their way to success- BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRE- TRIBUTE TO BRIANNA SIMS ful futures. LAND, THE KINGDOM OF SPAIN, ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I I am very proud of the team’s accom- AND THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC OF would like to take the opportunity to plishments as its members continue CERTAIN DEFENSE ARTICLES express my appreciation to Brianna for their journey to develop such relevant, AND SERVICES—PM 23 her hard work as an intern in my Cas- in-demand skills. Congratulations to The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- per office. I recognize her efforts and Root Negative One Robotics Team on fore the Senate the following message contributions to my office as well as to all of these accomplishments on earn- from the President of the United the State of Wyoming. ing a spot to compete in the FIRST States, together with an accompanying Brianna is a native of Casper. She is Global Challenge. I wish the team the report; which was ordered to be printed a student at the University of Wyo- best of luck as it represents our coun- in the RECORD, spread in full upon the ming, where she is studying physi- try in the fall.∑ Journal, and held at the desk: ology. She has demonstrated a strong work ethic, which has made her an in- f To the Senate of the United States: valuable asset to our office. The qual- TRIBUTE TO TIM MORGAN I am returning herewith without my approval S.J. Res. 36, a joint resolution ity of her work is reflected in her great ∑ Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, today I efforts over the last several months. that would prohibit the issuance of cer- wish to recognize Tim Morgan, an in- tain licenses with respect to several I want to thank Brianna for the dedi- tern in my Washington, DC, office, for cation she has shown while working for proposed agreements or transfers to all the hard work he has done on behalf the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the me and my staff. It was a pleasure to of myself, my staff, and the State of have her as part of our team. I know United Kingdom of Great Britain and South Dakota. Northern Ireland, the Kingdom of she will have continued success with Tim is a graduate of Mitchell High all of her future endeavors. I wish her Spain, and the Italian Republic. This ∑ School in Mitchell, SD. Currently, he is resolution would weaken America’s all my best on her next journey. attending South Dakota State Univer- f global competitiveness and damage the sity in Brookings, SD, where he studies important relationships we share with RECOGNIZING THE SPRINGDALE political science and journalism. Tim our allies and partners. TYSON SCHOOL OF INNOVATION is a dedicated and diligent worker who In particular, S.J. Res. 36 would pro- ROBOTICS TEAM has been devoted to getting the most hibit licensing for manufacturing in ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, today out of his internship experience and Saudi Arabia of Guidance Electronics I wish to congratulate Root Negative has been a true asset to the office. Detector Assemblies, Computer Con- One, Springdale’s Don Tyson School of I extend my sincere thanks and ap- trol Groups, Airfoil Groups, Aircraft Innovation Robotics Team, on quali- preciation to Tim for all of the fine Umbilical Interconnect Systems, work he has done and wish him contin- Fuses, and other components to sup- fying for the FIRST Global Challenge ∑ in Dubai. Arkansas is proud to have a ued success in the years to come. port the production of Paveway II, En- team from our State represent the f hanced Paveway II, and Paveway IV munitions. The misguided licensing United States in the robotics competi- TRIBUTE TO ANNELIESE TAGGART tion in October. prohibitions in the joint resolution di- Root Negative One has achieved ∑ Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, today I rectly conflict with the foreign policy much success in the team’s 4-year his- wish to recognize Anneliese Taggart, and national security objectives of the tory. It won the Inspire Award, the top an intern in my Washington, DC, of- United States, which include strength- award given at the FIRST Tech Chal- fice, for all the hard work she has done ening defense alliances with friendly lenge tournament, in its first year. on behalf of myself, my staff, and the countries throughout the world, deep- During the 2017–2018 season, the team State of South Dakota. ening partnerships that preserve and earned the Inspire Award at the Arkan- Anneliese is a graduate of Vermillion extend our global influence, and en- sas FIRST Tech Challenge Champion- High School in Vermillion, SD. Cur- hancing our competitiveness in key ship, and it was an Inspire Award Fi- rently, she is attending the University markets. Apart from negatively affect- nalist at the FIRST Tech Challenge of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL, where ing our bilateral relationships with World Championship in Houston, TX. she studies political science and com- Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, This past season, the team won the In- munications studies. Anneliese is a Spain, and Italy, the joint resolution spire Awards at the Alabama FIRST dedicated and diligent worker who has would hamper the ability of the United Tech Challenge Championship and the been devoted to getting the most out of States to sustain and shape critical se- FIRST Tech Challenge World Cham- her internship experience and has been curity cooperation activities. S.J. Res. pionship in Houston. This award recog- a true asset to the office. 36 would also damage the credibility of nizes Root Negative One as one of the I extend my sincere thanks and ap- the United States as a reliable partner top two teams worldwide. preciation to Anneliese for all of the by signaling that we are willing to For Inspiration and Recognition of fine work she has done and wish her abandon our partners and allies at the Science and Technology—FIRST—em- continued success in the years to very moment when threats to them are powers students to develop skills in come.∑ increasing. science, technology, engineering, and f The United States is providing the li- mathematics—STEM—and provides op- censes that the joint resolution seeks portunities for youth to make connec- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT to prohibit for many reasons. First and tions with professionals in these areas. Messages from the President of the foremost, it is our solemn duty to pro- University of Arkansas College of Engi- United States were communicated to tect the safety of the more than 80,000

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.055 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5059 United States citizens who reside in REPORT OF THE VETO OF S.J. military preparedness and ability to Saudi Arabia and who are imperiled by RES. 37, A JOINT RESOLUTION protect its sovereignty, directly affect- Houthi attacks from Yemen. The PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL ing its ability to defend the thousands Houthis, supported by Iran, have at- DISAPPROVAL OF THE PRO- of United States military personnel tacked civilian and military facilities POSED EXPORT TO THE UNITED hosted there. Third, the UAE is a bul- ARAB EMIRATES, THE UNITED wark against the malign activities of using missiles, armed drones, and ex- KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN Iran and its proxies in the region. It is plosive boats, including in areas fre- AND NORTHERN IRELAND, AND also an active partner with the United quented by United States citizens, such THE REPUBLIC OF FRANCE OF States in combatting terrorism in as the airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. CERTAIN DEFENSE ARTICLES Yemen and elsewhere. The licenses the Second, the joint resolution would de- AND SERVICES—PM 24 joint resolution would prohibit en- grade Saudi Arabia’s military pre- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- hance our partner’s ability to deter and paredness and ability to protect its fore the Senate the following message defend against these threats. sovereignty, directly affecting its abil- from the President of the United In addition, S.J. Res. 37 would nega- ity to defend United States military States, together with an accompanying tively affect our NATO Allies and the personnel hosted there. Third, Saudi report; which was ordered to be printed transatlantic defense industry. It Arabia is a bulwark against the malign in the RECORD, spread in full upon the could, for example, produce unintended consequences for defense procurement activities of Iran and its proxies in the Journal, and held at the desk: and interoperability with and between region, and the licenses the joint reso- To the Senate of the United States: our partners. It could also create diplo- lution would prohibit enhance Saudi I am returning herewith without my matic and security opportunities for Arabia’s ability to deter and defend approval S.J. Res. 37, a joint resolution our adversaries to exploit. against these threats. that would prohibit the issuance of ex- Finally, by restricting the ability of port licenses for certain defense arti- In addition, S.J. Res. 36 would nega- our partners to produce and purchase cles, defense services, and technical precision-guided munitions, S.J. Res. tively affect our NATO Allies and the data to support the transfer of transatlantic defense industry. It 37 would likely prolong the conflict in Paveway II kits to the United Arab Yemen and deepen the suffering it could, for example, produce unintended Emirates (UAE), the United Kingdom causes. By undermining bilateral rela- consequences for defense procurement of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, tionships of the United States and im- and interoperability with and between and the Republic of France. This reso- peding our ability to support key part- our partners. It could also create diplo- lution would weaken America’s global ners at a critical time, the joint resolu- matic and security opportunities for competitiveness and damage the im- tion would harm—not help—efforts to our adversaries to exploit. portant relationships we share with end the conflict in Yemen. And without our allies and partners. Finally, by restricting the ability of precision-guided munitions, more—not In particular, S.J. Res. 37 would pro- fewer—civilians are likely to become our partners to produce and purchase hibit the issuance of export licenses for precision-guided munitions, S.J. Res. casualties of the conflict. While I share Paveway II kits to the UAE, the United concerns that certain Members of Con- 36 would likely prolong the conflict in Kingdom, and France. The misguided gress have expressed about civilian cas- Yemen and deepen the suffering it licensing prohibitions in the joint reso- ualties of this conflict, the United causes. By undermining bilateral rela- lution directly conflict with the for- States has taken and will continue to tionships of the United States and eign policy and national security ob- take action to minimize such casual- immpeding our ability to support key jectives of the United States, which in- ties, including training and advising partners at a critical time, the joint clude strengthening defense alliances the Saudi-led Coalition forces to im- resolution would harm—not help—ef- with friendly countries throughout the prove their targeting processes. forts to end the conflict in Yemen. And world, deepening partnerships that pre- The United States is very concerned without precision-guided munitions, serve and extend our global influence, about the conflict’s toll on innocent ci- and enhancing our competitiveness in more—not fewer—civilians are likely vilians and is working to bring the con- key markets. Apart from negatively af- flict in Yemen to an end. But we can- to become casualties of the conflict. fecting our bilateral relationships with While I share concerns that certain not end it through ill-conceived and the UAE, the United Kingdom, and time-consuming resolutions that fail to Members of Congress have expressed France, the joint resolution would address its root causes. Rather than ex- about civilian casualties of this con- hamper the ability of the United States pend time and resources on such reso- flict, the United States has taken and to sustain and shape critical security lutions, I encourage the Congress to di- will continue to take action to mini- cooperation activities with those part- rect its efforts toward supporting our mize such casualties, including train- ners. S.J. Res. 37 would also damage work to achieve peace through a nego- ing and advising Saudi-led Coalition the credibility of the United States as tiated settlement to the conflict in forces to improve their targeting proc- a reliable partner by signaling that we Yemen. esses. are willing to abandon our partners For these reasons, it is my duty to and allies at the very moment when The United States is very concerned return S.J. Res. 37 to the Senate with- threats to them are increasing. out my approval. about the conflict’s toll on innocent ci- The United States is providing the li- DONALD J. TRUMP. vilians and is working to bring the con- censes that the joint resolution seeks THE WHITE HOUSE, July 24, 2019. flict in Yemen to an end. But we can- to prohibit for many reasons. First and f not end it through ill-conceived and foremost, it is our solemn duty to pro- time-consuming resolutions that fail to tect the safety of the more than 80,000 REPORT OF THE VETO OF S.J. address its root causes. Rather than ex- United States citizens who reside in RES. 38, A JOINT RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL pend time and resources on such reso- Saudi Arabia and are imperiled by DISAPPROVAL OF THE PRO- lutions, I encourage the Congress to di- Houthis attacking from Yemen using missiles, armed drones, and explosive POSED EXPORT TO THE KING- rect its efforts toward supporting our DOM OF SAUDI ARABIA AND THE work to achieve peace through a nego- boats. The UAE is an important part of the Saudi-led Coalition that helps pro- UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT tiated settlement to the conflict in tect Americans from these Iranian-sup- BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRE- Yemen. ported Houthi attacks on civilian and LAND OF CERTAIN DEFENSE AR- For these reasons, it is my duty to military facilities, including those lo- TICLES AND SERVICES—PM 25 return S.J. Res. 36 to the Senate with- cated in areas frequented by United The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- out my approval. States citizens like the airport in Ri- fore the Senate the following message DONALD J. TRUMP. yadh, Saudi Arabia. Second, the joint from the President of the United THE WHITE HOUSE, July 24, 2019. resolution would degrade the UAE’s States, together with an accompanying

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:08 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.019 S24JYPT1 S5060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 report, which was ordered to be printed could, for example, produce unintended Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- in the RECORD, spread in full upon the consequences for defense procurement nounced that the House has passed the Journal, and held at the desk: and interoperability with and between following bill, without amendment: our partners. It could also create diplo- To the Senate of the United States: S. 504. An act to amend title 36, United I am returning herewith without my matic and security opportunities for States Code, to authorize The American Le- approval S.J. Res. 38, a joint resolution our adversaries to exploit. gion to determine the requirements for Finally, by restricting the ability of membership in The American Legion, and for that would prohibit the issuance of ex- our partners to produce and purchase other purposes. port licenses for the proposed transfer precision-guided munitions, S.J. Res. of defense articles, defense services, The message also announced that the 38 would likely prolong the conflict in and technical data to support the man- House has passed the following bills, in Yemen and deepen the suffering it ufacture of the Aurora Fuzing System which it requests the concurrence of causes. By undermining bilateral rela- for the Paveway IV Precision Guided the Senate: tionships of the United States and im- Bomb Program in regard to the King- H.R. 34. An act to ensure consideration of peding our ability to support key part- dom of Saudi Arabia and the United water intensity in the Department of Ener- ners at a critical time, the joint resolu- gy’s energy research, development, and dem- Kingdom of Great Britain and North- tion would harm—not help—efforts to onstration programs to help guarantee effi- ern Ireland. This resolution would end the conflict in Yemen. And without cient, reliable, and sustainable delivery of weaken America’s global competitive- precision-guided munitions, more—not energy and clean water resources. ness and damage the important rela- fewer—civilians are likely to become H.R. 36. An act to provide for research to tionships we share with our allies and better understand the causes and con- casualties of the conflict. While I share partners. sequences of sexual harassment affecting in- In particular, S.J. Res. 38 would pro- concerns that certain Members of Con- dividuals in the scientific, technical, engi- hibit the issuance of export licenses for gress have expressed about civilian cas- neering, and mathematics workforce and to the proposed transfer of defense arti- ualties of this conflict, the United examine policies to reduce the prevalence cles, defense services, and technical States has taken and will continue to and negative impact of such harassment, and take action to minimize such casual- for other purposes. data for the manufacturing of the Au- H.R. 617. An act to authorize the Depart- rora Fuzing System for the Paveway ties, including training and advising the Saudi-led Coalition forces to im- ment of Energy to conduct collaborative re- IV Precision Guided Bomb Program. search with the Department of Veterans Af- The misguided licensing prohibition in prove their targeting processes. fairs in order to improve healthcare services The United States is very concerned the joint resolution directly conflicts for veterans in the United States, and for about the conflict’s toll on innocent ci- with the foreign policy and national se- other purposes. vilians and is working to bring the con- curity objectives of the United States, H.R. 1665. An act to direct the National flict in Yemen to an end. But we can- which include strengthening defense al- Science Foundation to support STEM edu- not end it through ill-conceived and cation research focused on early childhood. liances with friendly countries time-consuming resolutions that fail to H.R. 1837. An act to make improvements to throughout the world, deepening part- address its root causes. Rather than ex- certain defense and security assistance pro- nerships that preserve and extend our pend time and resources on such reso- visions and to authorize assistance for Israel, global influence, and enhancing our and for other purposes. lutions, I encourage the Congress to di- competitiveness in key markets. Apart H.R. 1850. An act to impose sanctions with rect its efforts toward supporting our from negatively affecting our bilateral respect to foreign support for Palestinian work to achieve peace through a nego- relationships with Saudi Arabia and terrorism, and for other purposes. tiated settlement to the conflict in the United Kingdom, the joint resolu- H.R. 2397. An act to amend the National In- Yemen. stitute of Standards and Technology Act to tion would hamper the ability of the For these reasons, it is my duty to make changes to the implementation of the United States to sustain and shape return S.J. Res. 38 to the Senate with- Manufacturing USA Network, and for other critical security cooperation activities. out my approval. purposes. S.J. Res. 38 would also damage the H.R. 2938. An act to exempt from the cal- DONALD J. TRUMP. culation of monthly income certain benefits credibility of the United States as a re- THE WHITE HOUSE, July 24, 2019. liable partner by signaling that we are paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs willing to abandon our partners and al- f and the Department of Defense. lies at the very moment when threats MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE H.R. 2942. An act to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out the Women’s to them are increasing. ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTIONS SIGNED The United States is providing the li- Health Transition Training pilot program At 9:32 a.m., a message from the through at least fiscal year 2020, and for censes that the joint resolution seeks House of Representatives, delivered by other purposes. to prohibit for many reasons. First and Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- H.R. 2943. An act to direct the Secretary of foremost, it is our solemn duty to pro- nounced that the Speaker has signed Veterans Affairs to make all fact sheets of tect the safety of the more than 80,000 the following enrolled joint resolu- the Department of Veterans Affairs in United States citizens who reside in tions: English, Spanish, and Tagalog. H.R. 3153. An act to direct the Director of Saudi Arabia and who are imperiled by S.J. Res. 36. Joint resolution providing for Houthi attacks from Yemen. The the National Science Foundation to support congressional disapproval of the proposed research on opioid addiction, and for other Houthis, supported by Iran, have at- transfer to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the purposes. tacked civilian and military facilities United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- H.R. 3196. An act to designate the Large using missiles, armed drones, and ex- ern Ireland, the Kingdom of Spain, and the Synoptic Survey Telescope as the ‘‘Vera C. plosive boats, including in areas fre- Italian Republic of certain defense articles Rubin Observatory’’. quented by United States citizens, such and services. H.R. 3304. An act to exempt for an addi- S.J. Res. 37. Joint resolution providing for as the airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. tional 4-year period, from the application of congressional disapproval of the proposed ex- the means-test presumption of abuse under Second, the joint resolution would de- port to the United Arab Emirates, the grade Saudi Arabia’s military pre- chapter 7, qualifying members of the reserve United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- components of the Armed Forces and mem- paredness and ability to protect its ern Ireland, and the Republic of France of bers of the National Guard who, after Sep- sovereignty, directly affecting its abil- certain defense articles and services. tember 11, 2001, are called to active duty or S.J. Res. 38. Joint resolution providing for ity to defend United States military to perform a homeland defense activity for congressional disapproval of the proposed ex- personnel hosted there. Third, Saudi not less than 90 days. port to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the H.R. 3311. An act to amend chapter 11 of Arabia is a bulwark against the malign United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- title 11, United States Code, to address reor- activities of Iran and its proxies in the ern Ireland of certain defense articles and ganization of small businesses, and for other region, and the licenses the joint reso- services. lution would prohibit enhance Saudi purposes. The enrolled joint resolutions were H.R. 3504. An act to amend title 38, United Arabia’s ability to deter and defend subsequently signed by the President States Code, to provide for improvements to against these threats. pro tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). the specially adapted housing program and In addition, S.J. Res. 38 would nega- educational assistance programs of the De- tively affect our NATO Allies and the At 11:49 a.m., a message from the partment of Veterans Affairs, and for other transatlantic defense industry. It House of Representatives, delivered by purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.021 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5061

ENROLLED BILL SIGNED S.J. Res. 36. Joint resolution providing for AE36) received during adjournment of the At 12:26 p.m., a message from the congressional disapproval of the proposed Senate in the Office of the President of the House of Representatives, delivered by transfer to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Senate on July 19, 2019; to the Committee on Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. ern Ireland, the Kingdom of Spain, and the EC–2095. A communication from the Pro- nounced that the Speaker has signed Italian Republic of certain defense articles gram Specialist, Office of the Comptroller of the following enrolled bill: and services. the Currency, Department of the Treasury, H.R. 1327. An act to extend authorization S.J. Res. 37. Joint resolution providing for transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of for the September 11th Victim Compensation congressional disapproval of the proposed ex- a rule entitled ‘‘Reduced Reporting for Cov- Fund of 2001 through fiscal year 2092, and for port to the United Arab Emirates, the ered Depository Institutions’’ (RIN1557– other purposes. United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- AE39) received during adjournment of the The enrolled bill was subsequently ern Ireland, and the Republic of France of Senate in the Office of the President of the signed by the President pro tempore certain defense articles and services. Senate on July 19, 2019; to the Committee on S.J. Res. 38. Joint resolution providing for Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (Mr. GRASSLEY). congressional disapproval of the proposed ex- EC–2096. A communication from the Acting f port to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Director, Office of Management and Budget, MEASURES REFERRED United Kingdom of Great Britain and North- Executive Office of the President, transmit- ern Ireland of certain defense articles and ting, pursuant to law, a report on appropria- The following bills were read the first services. tions legislation within seven days of enact- and the second times by unanimous ment; to the Committee on the Budget. f consent, and referred as indicated: EC–2097. A communication from the Direc- H.R. 34. An act to ensure consideration of EXECUTIVE AND OTHER tor of the Regulatory Management Division, water intensity in the Department of Ener- COMMUNICATIONS Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- gy’s energy research, development, and dem- The following communications were onstration programs to help guarantee effi- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Kentucky: Jeffer- cient, reliable, and sustainable delivery of laid before the Senate, together with son County Definitions and Federally En- energy and clean water resources; to the accompanying papers, reports, and doc- forceable District Origin Operating Permits’’ Committee on Energy and Natural Re- uments, and were referred as indicated: (FRL No. 9996–92–Region 4) received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of sources. EC–2088. A communication from the Direc- the President of the Senate on July 19, 2019; H.R. 36. An act to provide for research to tor of the Regulatory Management Division, to the Committee on Environment and Pub- better understand the causes and con- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- lic Works. sequences of sexual harassment affecting in- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–2098. A communication from the Direc- dividuals in the scientific, technical, engi- titled ‘‘Lactic Acid; Exemption from the Re- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, neering, and mathematics workforce and to quirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. 9994–63– Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- examine policies to reduce the prevalence OCSPP) received during adjournment of the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- and negative impact of such harassment, and Senate in the Office of the President of the titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Maryland; Update for other purposes; to the Committee on Senate on July 19, 2019; to the Committee on to Materials Incorporated by Reference’’ Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. (FRL No. 9992–15–Region 3) received during H.R. 617. An act to authorize the Depart- EC–2089. A communication from the Direc- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of ment of Energy to conduct collaborative re- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the President of the Senate on July 19, 2019; search with the Department of Veterans Af- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- fairs in order to improve healthcare services ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- lic Works. for veterans in the United States, and for titled ‘‘Sulfoxaflor; Pesticide Tolerances’’ other purposes; to the Committee on Energy EC–2099. A communication from the Direc- (FRL No. 9995–63–OCSPP) received during ad- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, and Natural Resources. journment of the Senate in the Office of the H.R. 1665. An act to direct the National Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- President of the Senate on July 19, 2019; to ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Science Foundation to support STEM edu- the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, cation research focused on early childhood; titled ‘‘Protection of Human Research Sub- and Forestry. jects’’ (FRL No. 9996–48–ORD) received dur- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, EC–2090. A communication from the Direc- and Transportation. ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office tor of the Regulatory Review Group, Farm of the President of the Senate on July 19, H.R. 1837. An act to make improvements to Service Agency, Department of Agriculture, certain defense and security assistance pro- 2019; to the Committee on Environment and transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Public Works. visions and to authorize assistance for Israel, a rule entitled ‘‘Emergency Conservation and for other purposes; to the Committee on EC–2100. A communication from the Chair- Program’’ (RIN0560–AI46) received in the Of- man of the Council of the District of Colum- Foreign Relations. fice of the President of the Senate on July H.R. 1850. An act to impose sanctions with bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report 22, 2019; to the Committee on Agriculture, on D.C. Act 23–78, ‘‘Fiscal Year 2020 Local respect to foreign support for Palestinian Nutrition, and Forestry. terrorism, and for other purposes; to the Budget Act of 2019’’; to the Committee on EC–2091. A communication from the Acting Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Committee on Foreign Relations. Secretary of Defense, transmitting a report H.R. 2397. An act to amend the National In- fairs. on the approved retirement of General Rob- stitute of Standards and Technology Act to EC–2101. A communication from the Chair- ert B. Brown, United States Army, and his make changes to the implementation of the man of the Council of the District of Colum- advancement to the grade of general on the Manufacturing USA Network, and for other bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report retired list; to the Committee on Armed purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, on D.C. Act 23–79, ‘‘Adelaide Alley Designa- Services. Science, and Transportation. tion Act of 2019’’; to the Committee on EC–2092. A communication from the Acting H.R. 3153. An act to direct the Director of Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Secretary of Defense, transmitting a report the National Science Foundation to support fairs. on the approved retirement of Lieutenant research on opioid addiction, and for other EC–2102. A communication from the Chair- General Steven L. Kwast, United States Air purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, man of the Council of the District of Colum- Force, and his advancement to the grade of Science, and Transportation. bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report lieutenant general on the retired list; to the on D.C. Act 23–86, ‘‘Legitimate Theater Side- f Committee on Armed Services. walk Cafe Authorization Temporary Amend- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME EC–2093. A communication from the Presi- ment Act of 2019’’; to the Committee on dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- The following bill was read the first suant to law, a report relative to the con- fairs. time: tinuation of the national emergency with re- EC–2103. A communication from the Direc- S. 2258. A bill to provide anti-retaliation spect to significant transnational criminal tor, White House Liaison, Department of protections for antitrust whistleblowers. organizations that was established in Execu- Education, transmitting, pursuant to law, a f tive Order 13581 on July 24, 2011; to the Com- report relative to a vacancy in the position mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- of Chief Financial Officer of the Department ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTIONS fairs. of Education, received in the Office of the PRESENTED EC–2094. A communication from the Pro- President of the Senate on July 22, 2019; to The Secretary of the Senate reported gram Specialist, Office of the Comptroller of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, the Currency, Department of the Treasury, and Pensions. that on today, July 24, 2019, she had transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–2104. A communication from the Direc- presented to the President of the a rule entitled ‘‘Liquidity Coverage Ratio: tor, White House Liaison, Department of United States the following enrolled Treatment of Certain Municipal Obligations Education, transmitting, pursuant to law, a joint resolutions: as High-Quality Liquid Assets’’ (RIN1557– report relative to a vacancy in the position

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.023 S24JYPT1 S5062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 of Assistant Secretary, Office of Postsec- * Robert M. Duncan, of Kentucky, to be a Troops-to-Teachers Program, and for other ondary Education, Department of Education, Governor of the United States Postal Service purposes; to the Committee on Armed Serv- received in the Office of the President of the for a term expiring December 8, 2025. ices. Senate on July 22, 2019; to the Committee on * Chad F. Wolf, of Virginia, to be Under By Mr. WICKER: Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Secretary for Strategy, Policy, and Plans, S. 2249. A bill to allow the Deputy Admin- EC–2105. A communication from the Chief Department of Homeland Security. istrator of the Federal Aviation Administra- Financial Officer of the National Tropical * Rainey R. Brandt, of the District of Co- tion on the date of enactment of this Act to Botanical Garden, transmitting, pursuant to lumbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Su- continue to serve as such Deputy Adminis- law, a report relative to an audit of the Gar- perior Court of the District of Columbia for trator; considered and passed. den for the period from January 1, 2018, the term of fifteen years. By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. through December 31, 2018; to the Committee * Shana Frost Matini, of the District of Co- LEAHY, and Mr. MENENDEZ): on the Judiciary. lumbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Su- S. 2250. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- EC–2106. A communication from the Dep- perior Court of the District of Columbia for cation Act of 1965 to establish State and In- uty Chief, Auctions Division, Federal Com- the term of fifteen years. dian tribe grants for community colleges and munications Commission, transmitting, pur- * Catherine Bird, of Texas, to be General grants for Historically Black Colleges and suant to law, the report of a rule entitled Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Au- Universities, Tribal Colleges and Univer- ‘‘Auction of Construction Permits for Low thority for a term of five years. sities, and Minority-Serving Institutions, Power Television and TV Translator Sta- * Ann C. Fisher, of the District of Colum- and for other purposes; to the Committee on tions Scheduled for September 10, 2019; No- bia, to be a Commissioner of the Postal Reg- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. tice and Filing Requirements, Minimum ulatory Commission for a term expiring Oc- By Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself and Opening Bids, Upfront Payments, and Other tober 14, 2024. Mr. PAUL): Procedures for Auction 104’’ (DA 19–477) re- * Ashley Jay Elizabeth Poling, of North S. 2251. A bill to permanently extend the ceived in the Office of the President of the Carolina, to be a Commissioner of the Postal exemption for the aging process of distilled Senate on July 22, 2019; to the Committee on Regulatory Commission for a term expiring spirits from the production period for pur- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. November 22, 2024. poses of capitalization of interest costs; to EC–2107. A communication from the Direc- * Nomination was reported with rec- the Committee on Finance. tor, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, ommendation that it be confirmed sub- By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- Mr. CARDIN): tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ject to the nominee’s commitment to S. 2252. A bill to amend title XIX of the So- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Mallows Bay-Poto- respond to requests to appear and tes- cial Security Act to expand the permitted mac River National Marine Sanctuary Des- tify before any duly constituted com- uses of drug price information disclosed to ignation’’ (RIN0648–BG02) received in the Of- mittee of the Senate. States under the Medicaid drug rebate pro- fice of the President of the Senate on July f gram; to the Committee on Finance. 22, 2019; to the Committee on Commerce, By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mrs. Science, and Transportation. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND SHAHEEN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. GILLI- EC–2108. A communication from the Dep- JOINT RESOLUTIONS BRAND, and Ms. HIRONO): uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory The following bills and joint resolu- S. 2253. A bill to amend chapter 2205 of title Programs, National Marine Fisheries Serv- 36, United States Code, to provide pay equity ice, Department of Commerce, transmitting, tions were introduced, read the first for amateur athletes and other personnel, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled and second times by unanimous con- and for other purposes; to the Committee on ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone sent, and referred as indicated: Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Off Alaska; Allow the Use of Longline Pot By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself and By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Ms. BALD- Gear in the Gulf of Alaska Sablefish Indi- Ms. WARREN): WIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, vidual Fishing Quota Fishery; Amendment S. 2243. A bill to amend the Expedited Mr. CASEY, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. DUR- 101’’ (RIN0648–BF42) received in the Office of Funds Availability Act to require that funds BIN, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. the President of the Senate on July 22, 2019; deposited be available for withdrawal in real- HEINRICH, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. JONES, Mr. to the Committee on Commerce, Science, time, and for other purposes; to the Com- KAINE, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MANCHIN, and Transportation. mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. EC–2109. A communication from the Dep- fairs. PETERS, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. SANDERS, uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory By Mr. ROBERTS: Mr. SCHUMER, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. Programs, National Marine Fisheries Serv- S. 2244. A bill to amend the Controlled Sub- SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. VAN HOL- ice, Department of Commerce, transmitting, stances Act to allow community addiction LEN, Ms. WARREN, and Mr. WHITE- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled treatment facilities and community mental HOUSE): ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone health facilities to register to dispense con- S. 2254. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska; Final 2018 and trolled substances through the practice of enue Code of 1986 to create a Pension Reha- 2019 Harvest Specification for Groundfish’’ telemedicine, and for other purposes; to the bilitation Trust Fund, to establish a Pension (RIN0648–XF633) received in the Office of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Rehabilitation Administration within the President of the Senate on July 22, 2019; to Pensions. Department of the Treasury to make loans the Committee on Commerce, Science, and By Mr. BRAUN (for himself and Mr. to multiemployer defined benefit plans, and Transportation. for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- EC–2110. A communication from the Direc- YOUNG): S. 2245. A bill to cap noninterest Federal nance. tor, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Spending as a percentage of potential GDP By Mr. MARKEY (for himself and Mr. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- to right-size the government, grow the econ- BROWN): tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the omy, and balance the budget; to the Com- S. 2255. A bill to amend title XIX of the So- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Vessel and Aircraft mittee on the Budget. cial Security Act to expand the requirement Discharges from United States Coast Guard By Mr. MORAN: for States to suspend, rather than terminate, in Greater Farallones and Cordell Bank Na- S. 2246. A bill to amend titles XVIII and an individual’s eligibility for medical assist- tional Marine Sanctuaries’’ (RIN0648–BG73) XIX of the Social Security Act to provide ance under the State Medicaid plan while the received in the Office of the President of the equal coverage of in vitro specific IgE tests individual is an inmate of a public institu- Senate on July 22, 2019; to the Committee on and percutaneous tests for allergies under tion, to apply to inmates of any age; to the Commerce, Science, and Transportation. the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and for Committee on Finance. f other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- By Ms. SMITH (for herself, Ms. CORTEZ EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF nance. MASTO, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. KAINE, COMMITTEES By Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Mr. Mr. CASEY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MAR- TESTER, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. BROWN, Mr. KEY, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. DUCKWORTH, The following executive reports of CASSIDY, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. DAINES, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. REED, Ms. HIRONO, nominations were submitted: Mr. CRAMER, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. UDALL, Ms. By Mr. WICKER for the Committee on MANCHIN, and Mr. WICKER): BALDWIN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 2247. A bill to amend titles XI and XVIII MERKLEY, Mr. MENENDEZ, and Mr. * Coast Guard nomination of Rear Adm. of the Social Security Act to provide greater BOOKER): Todd C. Wiemers, to be Rear Admiral (Lower transparency of discounts provided by drug S. 2256. A bill to protect children affected Half). manufacturers, to establish requirements re- by immigration enforcement actions; to the By Mr. JOHNSON for the Committee on lating to pharmacy-negotiated price conces- Committee on the Judiciary. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- sions, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. BALD- fairs. mittee on Finance. WIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, * William Bryan, of Virginia, to be Under By Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina: Mr. BOOKER, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. COONS, Secretary for Science and Technology, De- S. 2248. A bill to amend title 10, United Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, partment of Homeland Security. States Code, to redesignate and expand the Ms. HARRIS, Mr. HEINRICH, Ms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.028 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5063 HIRONO, Mr. KING, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, S. 551 (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a co- Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the sponsor of S. 1247, a bill to amend the MENENDEZ, Mr. MURPHY, Mrs. MUR- names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 RAY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. BROWN) and the Senator from Indiana to require reporting to the Federal SMITH, Mr. UDALL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, RAUN and Ms. WARREN): (Mr. B ) were added as cosponsors Election Commission and the Federal S. 2257. A bill to reform the financing of of S. 551, a bill to amend title XVIII of Bureau of Investigation of offers by Senate elections, and for other purposes; to the Social Security Act to require foreign nationals to make prohibited the Committee on Finance. manufacturers of certain single-dose contributions, donations, expenditures, By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. vial drugs payable under part B of the or disbursements, and for other pur- LEAHY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Ms. KLO- Medicare program to provide rebates poses. BUCHAR, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. KEN- with respect to amounts of such drugs S. 1267 NEDY, Mr. COONS, and Ms. WARREN): discarded, and for other purposes. S. 2258. A bill to provide anti-retaliation At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the protections for antitrust whistleblowers; S. 569 name of the Senator from New Mexico read the first time. At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor By Mr. CASEY (for himself and Ms. name of the Senator from North Da- of S. 1267, a bill to establish within the MURKOWSKI): kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- Smithsonian Institution the National S. 2259. A bill to amend the Family Vio- sponsor of S. 569, a bill to direct the Museum of the American Latino, and lence Prevention and Services Act to make Secretary of Transportation to issue for other purposes. improvements; to the Committee on Health, S. 1416 Education, Labor, and Pensions. regulations relating to commercial By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself, Mr. motor vehicle drivers under the age of At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. MENENDEZ): 21, and for other purposes. the name of the Senator from Maine S. 2260. A bill to provide for the improve- S. 638 (Mr. KING) was added as a cosponsor of ment of domestic infrastructure in order to At the request of Mr. CARPER, the S. 1416, a bill to amend the Federal prevent marine debris, and for other pur- name of the Senator from Rhode Island Trade Commission Act to prohibit poses; to the Committee on Environment and anticompetitive behaviors by drug Public Works. (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 638, a bill to require the product manufacturers, and for other f Administrator of the Environmental purposes. S. 1602 SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND Protection Agency to designate per- At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the SENATE RESOLUTIONS and polyfluoroalkyl substances as haz- ardous substances under the Com- name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. The following concurrent resolutions prehensive Environmental Response, CRAPO) was added as a cosponsor of S. and Senate resolutions were read, and Compensation, Liability Act of 1980, 1602, a bill to amend the United States referred (or acted upon), as indicated: and for other purposes. Energy Storage Competitiveness Act of By Mr. COONS (for himself, Mrs. CAP- 2007 to establish a research, develop- S. 684 ITO, Mr. PETERS, and Mr. DAINES): ment, and demonstration program for At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the S. Res. 283. A resolution expressing support grid-scale energy storage systems, and name of the Senator from Wyoming for the designation of 2019 as the ‘‘Inter- for other purposes. national Year of the Periodic Table of Chem- (Mr. BARRASSO) was added as a cospon- ical Elements’’; considered and agreed to. sor of S. 684, a bill to amend the Inter- S. 1608 At the request of Mr. WICKER, the f nal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on high-cost employer-spon- name of the Senator from Massachu- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS sored health coverage. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 1608, a bill to provide for S. 153 S. 931 the publication by the Secretary of At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the At the request of Mr. CASEY, the Health and Human Services of physical name of the Senator from North Da- name of the Senator from Connecticut activity recommendations for Ameri- kota (Mr. CRAMER) was added as a co- (Mr. MURPHY) was added as a cosponsor cans. sponsor of S. 153, a bill to promote vet- of S. 931, a bill to amend the Internal S. 1685 eran involvement in STEM education, Revenue Code of 1986 to enhance the At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the computer science, and scientific re- Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit name of the Senator from Colorado search, and for other purposes. and make the credit fully refundable. (Mr. GARDNER) was added as a cospon- S. 178 S. 1088 sor of S. 1685, a bill to require the Sec- At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the retary of Energy to establish a pro- name of the Senator from North Caro- name of the Senator from Maryland gram for the research, development, lina (Mr. TILLIS) was added as a co- (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor and demonstration of commercially sponsor of S. 178, a bill to condemn of S. 1088, a bill to amend the Immigra- viable technologies for the capture of gross human rights violations of ethnic tion and Nationality Act to require the carbon dioxide produced during the Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and call- President to set a minimum annual generation of natural gas-generated ing for an end to arbitrary detention, goal for the number of refugees to be power. torture, and harassment of these com- admitted, and for other purposes. S. 1728 munities inside and outside China. S. 1116 At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the S. 206 At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, name of the Senator from Minnesota At the request of Mr. TESTER, the the name of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Connecticut (Ms. MCSALLY) was added as a cospon- of S. 1728, a bill to require the United (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- sor of S. 1116, a bill to require providers States Postal Service to sell the Alz- sponsor of S. 206, a bill to award a Con- of broadband internet access service heimer’s semipostal stamp for 6 addi- gressional Gold Medal to the female and edge services to clearly and con- tional years. telephone operators of the Army Signal spicuously notify users of the privacy S. 1769 Corps, known as the ‘‘Hello Girls’’. policies of those providers, to give At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the S. 327 users opt-in or opt-out approval rights name of the Senator from Maryland At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the with respect to the use of, disclosure (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Wisconsin of, and access to user information col- of S. 1769, a bill to require the Sec- (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- lected by those providers based on the retary of Energy to establish an off- sor of S. 327, a bill to amend the Fed- level of sensitivity of the information, shore wind career training grant pro- eral Lands Recreation Enhancement and for other purposes. gram, and for other purposes. Act to provide for a lifetime National S. 1247 S. 1822 Recreational Pass for any veteran with At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, At the request of Mr. WICKER, the a service-connected disability. the name of the Senator from Nevada names of the Senator from Connecticut

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.031 S24JYPT1 S5064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 (Mr. BLUMENTHAL), the Senator from initiative focused on the development S. 2249 Mississippi (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH), the of long-duration energy storage tech- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Senator from Alaska (Mr. SULLIVAN), nologies, including a joint program to resentatives of the United States of America in the Senator from Maine (Mr. KING), the be established in consultation with the Congress assembled, Senator from Wyoming (Mr. BAR- Secretary of Defense, and for other SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR CONTINUATION OF SERVICE OF THE DEPUTY ADMINIS- RASSO), and the Senator from North purposes. TRATOR OF THE FEDERAL AVIATION Dakota (Mr. CRAMER) were added as co- S. 2065 ADMINISTRATION. sponsors of S. 1822, a bill to require the At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the (a) IN GENERAL.—An individual serving as Federal Communications Commission name of the Senator from New Hamp- Deputy Administrator of the Federal Avia- tion Administration on the date of enact- to issue rules relating to the collection shire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as a co- ment of this Act may continue to serve as of data with respect to the availability sponsor of S. 2065, a bill to require the of broadband services, and for other such Deputy Administrator, without regard Secretary of Homeland Security to to the restrictions specified in the 5th sen- purposes. publish an annual report on the use of tence of section 106(d)(1) of title 49, United S. 1840 deepfake technology, and for other pur- States Code. At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the poses. (b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in name of the Senator from Nebraska S. 2085 this Act shall be construed as approval by Congress of any future appointments of mili- (Mr. SASSE) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Ms. ROSEN, the of S. 1840, a bill to establish certain re- tary persons to the Offices of Administrator names of the Senator from Colorado and Deputy Administrator of the Federal quirements for the small refineries ex- (Mr. BENNET) and the Senator from Aviation Administration. emption of the renewable fuels provi- Montana (Mr. DAINES) were added as sions under the Clean Air Act, and for cosponsors of S. 2085, a bill to authorize By Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself other purposes. the Secretary of Education to award and Mr. PAUL): S. 1907 grants to eligible entities to carry out S. 2251. A bill to permanently extend At the request of Ms. SMITH, the educational programs about the Holo- the exemption for the aging process of name of the Senator from Pennsyl- caust, and for other purposes. distilled spirits from the production vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- S. 2166 period for purposes of capitalization of sponsor of S. 1907, a bill to amend the At the request of Mr. WICKER, the interest costs; to the Committee on Fi- Richard B. Russell National School name of the Senator from Massachu- nance. Lunch Act to prohibit the stigmatiza- setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tion of children who are unable to pay sponsor of S. 2166, a bill to designate ask unanimous consent that the text of for school meals, and for other pur- Regional Ocean Partnerships of the Na- the bill be printed in the RECORD. poses. tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- There being no objection, the text of S. 1918 ministration, and for other purposes. the bill was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the S. RES. 142 S. 2251 name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- 1918, a bill to amend the Richard B. resentatives of the United States of America in SCHATZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. Congress assembled, Russell National School Lunch Act to Res. 142, a resolution condemning the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. require alternative options for summer Government of the Philippines for its food service program delivery. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Advancing continued detention of Senator Leila Growth in the Economy through Distilled S. 1936 De Lima, calling for her immediate re- Spirits Act’’ or the ‘‘AGED Spirits Act’’. At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, lease, and for other purposes. SEC. 2. PRODUCTION PERIOD OF DISTILLED the name of the Senator from Nebraska S. RES. 252 SPIRITS. (Mrs. FISCHER) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the (a) IN GENERAL.—Subparagraph (B) of sec- sor of S. 1936, a bill to amend title name of the Senator from Colorado tion 263A(f)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: XVIII of the Social Security Act to (Mr. BENNET) was added as a cosponsor protect coverage for screening mam- ‘‘(B) TERMINATION.—Clauses (i) and (ii) of of S. Res. 252, a resolution designating subparagraph (A) shall not apply to interest mography, and for other purposes. September 2019 as National Democracy costs paid or accrued after December 31, S. 1949 Month as a time to reflect on the con- 2019.’’. At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the tributions of the system of government (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. of the United States to a more free and made by this section shall apply to interest KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. stable world. costs paid or accrued after December 31, 2019. 1949, a bill to amend the Richard B. S. RES. 260 By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Russell National School Lunch Act to At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, require the Secretary of Agriculture to name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and Ms. make loan guarantees and grants to fi- ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. HIRONO): nance certain improvements to school Res. 260, a resolution recognizing the S. 2253. A bill to amend chapter 2205 lunch facilities, to train school food importance of sustained United States of title 36, United States Code, to pro- service personnel, and for other pur- leadership to accelerating global vide pay equity for amateur athletes poses. progress against maternal and child and other personnel, and for other pur- S. 2001 malnutrition and supporting the com- poses; to the Committee on Commerce, At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the mitment of the United States Agency Science, and Transportation. name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. for International Development to glob- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor al nutrition through the Multi-Sec- rise today to introduce the Even Play- of S. 2001, a bill to award a Congres- toral Nutrition Strategy. ing Field Act of 2019. This legislation is sional Gold Medal to Willie O’Ree, in f an important step forward in ensuring recognition of his extraordinary con- that women in sports are treated with tributions and commitment to hockey, STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED the respect and dignity they deserve. inclusion, and recreational oppor- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Female athletes, coaches, and train- tunity. By Mr. WICKER: ers are consistently paid less than S. 2048 S. 2249. A bill to allow the Deputy their male counterparts, subjected to At the request of Mr. KING, the name Administrator of the Federal Aviation subpar working conditions, and receive of the Senator from Colorado (Mr. Administration on the date of enact- substantially less investment in their GARDNER) was added as a cosponsor of ment of this Act to continue to serve athletic programs. Simply put, the S. 2048, a bill to require the Secretary as such Deputy Administrator; consid- same opportunities and resources pro- of Energy to establish a demonstration ered and passed. vided to men’s teams are not provided

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.033 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5065 to women’s teams. The inequities in BUCHAR, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. ‘‘(4) ENHANCED SUPPORT QUALIFYING PE- women’s sports recently came to light MERKLEY, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. RIOD.—The term ‘enhanced support quali- in a gender discrimination lawsuit filed MURPHY, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. fying period’ means, with respect to a gen- eral election, the period which begins 60 days by the U.S. Women’s National Soccer SANDERS, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. before the date of the election and ends 14 Team against the U.S. Soccer Federa- SMITH, Mr. UDALL, Mr. VAN days before the date of the election. tion. HOLLEN, and Ms. WARREN): ‘‘(5) FAIR ELECTIONS QUALIFYING PERIOD.— Although the U.S. Women’s National S. 2257. A bill to reform the financing The term ‘Fair Elections qualifying period’ Soccer Team consistently outperforms of Senate elections, and for other pur- means, with respect to any candidate for the Men’s Team—having won four poses; to the Committee on Finance. Senator, the period— FIFA Women’s World Cup titles and Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘(A) beginning on the date on which the four Olympic gold medals—the lawsuit unanimous consent that the text of the candidate files a statement of intent under section 511(a)(1); and alleges that the Women’s Team is paid bill be printed in the RECORD. ‘‘(B) ending on the date that is 30 days be- an average of 38 cents on the dollar There being no objection, the text of fore— compared to the men. the bill was ordered to be printed in ‘‘(i) the date of the primary election; or The gender pay gap isn’t limited to the RECORD, as follows: ‘‘(ii) in the case of a State that does not players, either. Jill Ellis, the coach of S. 2257 hold a primary election, the date prescribed by State law as the last day to qualify for a the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- position on the general election ballot. Team, is paid less than half of what the resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(6) FAIR ELECTIONS START DATE.—The Men’s Team coaches are paid. This is Congress assembled, term ‘Fair Elections start date’ means, with despite the fact that the Men’s Team SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. respect to any candidate, the date that is 180 failed to even qualify for the last World (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as days before— Cup. the ‘‘Fair Elections Now Act of 2019’’. ‘‘(A) the date of the primary election; or Unfortunately, the disparate treat- (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘(B) in the case of a State that does not ment of women in sports is not limited tents of this Act is as follows: hold a primary election, the date prescribed to pay. Megan Rapinoe, a captain of Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. by State law as the last day to qualify for a the U.S. Women’s National Soccer TITLE I—SMALL DOLLAR FINANCING OF position on the general election ballot. SENATE ELECTION CAMPAIGNS ‘‘(7) FUND.—The term ‘Fund’ means the Team, said in a recent interview with Fair Elections Fund established by section CNN: ‘‘It’s really more about the in- Sec. 101. Eligibility requirements and bene- 502. vestment in the game. Is the invest- fits of Fair Elections financing ‘‘(8) IMMEDIATE FAMILY.—The term ‘imme- ment equal? We’re talking marketing of Senate election campaigns. diate family’ means, with respect to any can- dollars and branding, investment in the Sec. 102. Prohibition on joint fundraising didate— committees. ‘‘(A) the candidate’s spouse; youth, investment in the players, in- Sec. 103. Exception to limitation on coordi- vestment in the coaching staff. I don’t ‘‘(B) a child, stepchild, parent, grand- nated expenditures by political parent, brother, half-brother, sister, or half- think that that’s there. I don’t think party committees with partici- sister of the candidate or the candidate’s that that’s ever been there.’’ pating candidates. spouse; and It is clear that we must do more to TITLE II—IMPROVING VOTER ‘‘(C) the spouse of any person described in promote and protect women in sports. INFORMATION subparagraph (B). This legislation is a step towards that Sec. 201. Broadcasts relating to all Senate ‘‘(9) MATCHING CONTRIBUTION.—The term goal by making critical updates to the candidates. ‘matching contribution’ means a matching Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sec. 202. Broadcast rates for participating payment provided to a participating can- Sports Act. candidates. didate for qualified small dollar contribu- Sec. 203. FCC to prescribe standardized form tions, as provided under section 523. First, the bill would require the U.S. ‘‘(10) NONPARTICIPATING CANDIDATE.—The Olympic Committee to provide female for reporting candidate cam- paign ads. term ‘nonparticipating candidate’ means a athletes with wages, investment and candidate for Senator who is not a partici- TITLE III—RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE pating candidate. working conditions equal to their male FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION counterparts. ‘‘(11) PARTICIPATING CANDIDATE.—The term Sec. 301. Petition for certiorari. ‘participating candidate’ means a candidate Second, the bill would clarify that Sec. 302. Electronic filing of FEC reports. national governing bodies for amateur for Senator who is certified under section 514 TITLE IV—REVENUE PROVISIONS as being eligible to receive an allocation sports must provide investment, work- Sec. 401. Fair Elections Fund revenue. from the Fund. ing conditions, wages and other com- ‘‘(12) QUALIFYING CONTRIBUTION.—The term pensation for amateur athletes, coach- TITLE V—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ‘qualifying contribution’ means, with respect es, trainers, managers, administrators Sec. 501. Severability. to a candidate, a contribution that— and officials that is free from discrimi- Sec. 502. Effective date. ‘‘(A) is in an amount that is— nation on the basis of race, color, reli- TITLE I—SMALL DOLLAR FINANCING OF ‘‘(i) not less than the greater of $5 or the gion, sex, age or national origin. SENATE ELECTION CAMPAIGNS amount determined by the Commission under section 531; and Third, the bill would further clarify SEC. 101. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS AND BEN- ‘‘(ii) not more than the greater of $200 or that national governing bodies for EFITS OF FAIR ELECTIONS FINANC- ING OF SENATE ELECTION CAM- the amount determined by the Commission amateur sports must provide equitable PAIGNS. under section 531; support and encouragement for partici- The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 ‘‘(B) is made by an individual— pation by women in sports, including (52 U.S.C. 30101 et seq.) is amended by adding ‘‘(i) who is a resident of the State in which investment, working conditions, wages, at the end the following: such candidate is seeking election; and and other compensation. ‘‘TITLE V—FAIR ELECTIONS FINANCING ‘‘(ii) who is not otherwise prohibited from Finally, the bill would mandate that OF SENATE ELECTION CAMPAIGNS making a contribution under this Act; national governing bodies submit reg- ‘‘(C) is made during the Fair Elections ‘‘Subtitle A—General Provisions qualifying period; and ular reports to Congress on their com- ‘‘SEC. 501. DEFINITIONS. ‘‘(D) meets the requirements of section pensation practices by race and gender. ‘‘In this title: 512(b). I hope my colleagues will consider and ‘‘(1) ALLOCATION FROM THE FUND.—The term ‘‘(13) QUALIFIED SMALL DOLLAR CONTRIBU- support this legislation. ‘allocation from the Fund’ means an alloca- TION.—The term ‘qualified small dollar con- I thank the chair, and I yield the tion of money from the Fair Elections Fund tribution’ means, with respect to a can- floor. to a participating candidate pursuant to sec- didate, any contribution (or series of con- tion 522. tributions)— By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. ‘‘(2) COMMISSION.—The term ‘Commission’ ‘‘(A) which is not a qualifying contribution BALDWIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. means the Federal Election Commission. (or does not include a qualifying contribu- ‘‘(3) ENHANCED MATCHING CONTRIBUTION.— tion); BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. The term ‘enhanced matching contribution’ ‘‘(B) which is made by an individual who is CARDIN, Mr. COONS, Ms. means an enhanced matching payment pro- not prohibited from making a contribution DUCKWORTH, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, vided to a participating candidate for quali- under this Act; and Ms. HARRIS, Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. fied small dollar contributions, as provided ‘‘(C) the aggregate amount of which does HIRONO, Mr. KING, Ms. KLO- under section 524. not exceed the greater of—

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REQUIREMENTS. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualifying ‘‘(3) Not later than the last day of the Fair ‘‘(a) GENERAL RULE.—A candidate for Sen- multicandidate political committee con- Elections qualifying period, the candidate ator meets the requirements of this section tribution’ means any contribution to a can- files with the Commission an affidavit signed if, during the election cycle of the candidate, didate that is made from a qualified account by the candidate and the treasurer of the the candidate— of a multicandidate political committee candidate’s principal campaign committee ‘‘(1) except as provided in subsection (b), (within the meaning of section 315(a)(2)). declaring that the candidate— accepts no contributions other than— ‘‘(B) QUALIFIED ACCOUNT.—For purposes of ‘‘(A) has complied and, if certified, will ‘‘(A) qualifying contributions; subparagraph (A), the term ‘qualified ac- comply with the contribution and expendi- ‘‘(B) qualified small dollar contributions; count’ means, with respect to a multi- ture requirements of section 513; ‘‘(C) qualifying multicandidate political candidate political committee, a separate, ‘‘(B) if certified, will not run as a non- committee contributions; segregated account of the committee that participating candidate during such year in ‘‘(D) allocations from the Fund under sec- consists solely of contributions which meet any election for the office that such can- tion 522; the following requirements: didate is seeking; and ‘‘(E) matching contributions under section ‘‘(i) All contributions to such account are ‘‘(C) has either qualified or will take steps 523; made by individuals who are not prohibited to qualify under State law to be on the bal- ‘‘(F) enhanced matching contributions from making contributions under this Act. lot. under section 524; and ‘‘(ii) The aggregate amount of contribu- ‘‘(b) GENERAL ELECTION.—Notwithstanding ‘‘(G) vouchers provided to the candidate tions from each individual to such account subsection (a), a candidate shall not be eligi- under section 525; and all other accounts of the political com- ble to receive an allocation from the Fund ‘‘(2) makes no expenditures from any mittee do not exceed the amount described for a general election or a general runoff amounts other than from— in paragraph (13)(C). election unless the candidate’s party nomi- ‘‘(A) qualifying contributions; nated the candidate to be placed on the bal- ‘‘(B) qualified small dollar contributions; ‘‘SEC. 502. FAIR ELECTIONS FUND. ‘‘(C) qualifying multicandidate political ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established lot for the general election or the candidate committee contributions; in the Treasury a fund to be known as the otherwise qualified to be on the ballot under ‘‘(D) allocations from the Fund under sec- ‘Fair Elections Fund’. State law. tion 522; ‘‘(b) AMOUNTS HELD BY FUND.—The Fund ‘‘SEC. 512. QUALIFYING CONTRIBUTION REQUIRE- ‘‘(E) matching contributions under section shall consist of the following amounts: MENT. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A candidate for Senator 523; ‘‘(1) APPROPRIATED AMOUNTS.— meets the requirement of this section if, dur- ‘‘(F) enhanced matching contributions ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Amounts appropriated under section 524; and to the Fund. ing the Fair Elections qualifying period, the candidate obtains— ‘‘(G) vouchers provided to the candidate ‘‘(B) SENSE OF THE SENATE REGARDING AP- ‘‘(1) a number of qualifying contributions under section 525; and PROPRIATIONS.—It is the sense of the Senate equal to the greater of— ‘‘(3) makes no expenditures from personal that— ‘‘(A) the sum of— funds or the funds of any immediate family ‘‘(i) there should be imposed on any pay- ‘‘(i) 2,000; plus member (other than funds received through ment made to any person (other than a State ‘‘(ii) 500 for each congressional district in qualified small dollar contributions and or local government or a foreign nation) who the State with respect to which the can- qualifying contributions). has a contract with the Government of the didate is seeking election; or For purposes of this subsection, a payment United States in excess of $10,000,000 a tax ‘‘(B) the amount determined by the Com- made by a political party in coordination equal to 0.50 percent of amount paid pursu- mission under section 531; and with a participating candidate shall not be ant to each contract, except that the aggre- ‘‘(2) a total dollar amount of qualifying treated as a contribution to or as an expendi- gate tax on each contract for any taxable contributions equal to the greater of— ture made by the participating candidate. year shall not exceed $500,000; and ‘‘(b) CONTRIBUTIONS FOR LEADERSHIP PACS, ‘‘(A) 10 percent of the amount of the allo- ‘‘(ii) the revenue from such tax should be ETC.—A political committee of a partici- cation such candidate would be entitled to appropriated to the Fund. pating candidate which is not an authorized receive for the primary election under sec- ‘‘(2) VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.—Vol- committee of such candidate may accept tion 522(c)(1) (determined without regard to untary contributions to the Fund. contributions other than contributions de- paragraph (5) thereof) if such candidate were ‘‘(3) OTHER DEPOSITS.—Amounts deposited scribed in subsection (a)(1) from any person a participating candidate; or into the Fund under— if— ‘‘(B) the amount determined by the Com- ‘‘(A) section 513(c) (relating to exceptions ‘‘(1) the aggregate contributions from such mission under section 531. to contribution requirements); person for any calendar year do not exceed ‘‘(b) REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO RECEIPT ‘‘(B) section 521(c) (relating to remittance $200; and OF QUALIFYING CONTRIBUTION.—Each quali- ‘‘(2) no portion of such contributions is dis- of allocations from the Fund); fying contribution— bursed in connection with the campaign of ‘‘(C) section 532 (relating to violations); ‘‘(1) may be made by means of a personal and the participating candidate. check, money order, debit card, credit card, ‘‘(c) EXCEPTION.—Notwithstanding sub- ‘‘(D) any other section of this Act. or electronic payment account; ‘‘(4) INVESTMENT RETURNS.—Interest on, section (a), a candidate shall not be treated ‘‘(2) shall be accompanied by a signed as having failed to meet the requirements of and the proceeds from, the sale or redemp- statement containing— tion of, any obligations held by the Fund this section if any contributions that are not ‘‘(A) the contributor’s name and the con- qualified small dollar contributions, quali- under subsection (c). tributor’s address in the State in which the ‘‘(c) INVESTMENT.—The Commission shall fying contributions, qualifying multi- contributor is registered to vote; and invest portions of the Fund in obligations of candidate political committee contributions, ‘‘(B) an oath declaring that the contrib- the United States in the same manner as or contributions that meet the requirements utor— provided under section 9602(b) of the Internal of subsection (b) and that are accepted before ‘‘(i) understands that the purpose of the Revenue Code of 1986. the date the candidate files a statement of qualifying contribution is to show support ‘‘(d) USE OF FUND.— intent under section 511(a)(1) are— for the candidate so that the candidate may ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The sums in the Fund ‘‘(1) returned to the contributor; or qualify for Fair Elections financing; shall be used to provide benefits to partici- ‘‘(2) submitted to the Commission for de- ‘‘(ii) is making the contribution in his or pating candidates as provided in subtitle C. posit in the Fund. her own name and from his or her own funds; ‘‘(2) INSUFFICIENT AMOUNTS.—Under regula- ‘‘SEC. 514. CERTIFICATION. ‘‘(iii) has made the contribution willingly; tions established by the Commission, rules ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 5 days and similar to the rules of section 9006(c) of the after a candidate for Senator files an affi- ‘‘(iv) has not received anything of value in Internal Revenue Code shall apply. davit under section 511(a)(3), the Commission return for the contribution; and shall— ‘‘Subtitle B—Eligibility and Certification ‘‘(3) shall be acknowledged by a receipt ‘‘(1) certify whether or not the candidate is ‘‘SEC. 511. ELIGIBILITY. that is sent to the contributor with a copy a participating candidate; and ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A candidate for Senator kept by the candidate for the Commission ‘‘(2) notify the candidate of the Commis- is eligible to receive an allocation from the and a copy kept by the candidate for the sion’s determination. Fund for any election if the candidate meets election authorities in the State with re- ‘‘(b) REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATION.— the following requirements: spect to which the candidate is seeking elec- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Commission may re- ‘‘(1) The candidate files with the Commis- tion. voke a certification under subsection (a) if— sion a statement of intent to seek certifi- ‘‘(c) VERIFICATION OF QUALIFYING CONTRIBU- ‘‘(A) a candidate fails to qualify to appear cation as a participating candidate under TIONS.—The Commission shall establish pro- on the ballot at any time after the date of this title during the period beginning on the cedures for the auditing and verification of certification; or

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‘‘(B) a candidate otherwise fails to comply ‘‘(1) PRIMARY ELECTION ALLOCATION; INITIAL the date on which such candidate is certified with the requirements of this title, including ALLOCATION.—Except as provided in para- under section 514. any regulatory requirements prescribed by graph (5), the Commission shall make an al- ‘‘(b) LIMITATION.—The aggregate payments the Commission. location from the Fund for a primary elec- under subsection (a) with respect to any can- ‘‘(2) REPAYMENT OF BENEFITS.—If certifi- tion to a participating candidate in an didate shall not exceed the greater of— cation is revoked under paragraph (1), the amount equal to 67 percent of the base ‘‘(1) 400 percent of the allocation such can- candidate shall repay to the Fund an amount amount with respect to such participating didate is entitled to receive for such election equal to the value of benefits received under candidate. under section 522 (determined without regard this title plus interest (at a rate determined ‘‘(2) PRIMARY RUNOFF ELECTION ALLOCA- to subsection (c)(5) thereof); or by the Commission) on any such amount re- TION.—The Commission shall make an allo- ‘‘(2) the percentage of such allocation de- ceived. cation from the Fund for a primary runoff termined by the Commission under section ‘‘Subtitle C—Benefits election to a participating candidate in an 531. amount equal to 25 percent of the amount ‘‘SEC. 521. BENEFITS FOR PARTICIPATING CAN- ‘‘(c) TIME OF PAYMENT.—The Commission DIDATES. the participating candidate was eligible to shall make payments under this section not ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—For each election with receive under this section for the primary later than 2 business days after the receipt of respect to which a candidate is certified as a election. a report made under subsection (d). ‘‘(3) GENERAL ELECTION ALLOCATION.—Ex- participating candidate under section 514, ‘‘(d) REPORTS.— cept as provided in paragraph (5), the Com- such candidate shall be entitled to— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Each participating can- mission shall make an allocation from the ‘‘(1) an allocation from the Fund to make didate shall file reports of receipts of quali- Fund for a general election to a partici- or obligate to make expenditures with re- fied small dollar contributions at such times pating candidate in an amount equal to the spect to such election, as provided in section and in such manner as the Commission may base amount with respect to such candidate. 522; by regulations prescribe. ‘‘(4) GENERAL RUNOFF ELECTION ALLOCA- ‘‘(2) matching contributions, as provided in ‘‘(2) CONTENTS OF REPORTS.—Each report TION.—The Commission shall make an allo- section 523; under this subsection shall disclose— cation from the Fund for a general runoff ‘‘(3) enhanced matching contributions, as ‘‘(A) the amount of each qualified small election to a participating candidate in an provided in section 524; and dollar contribution received by the can- amount equal to 25 percent of the base ‘‘(4) for the general election, vouchers for didate; amount with respect to such candidate. broadcasts of political advertisements, as ‘‘(B) the amount of each qualified small ‘‘(5) UNCONTESTED ELECTIONS.— provided in section 525. dollar contribution received by the can- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a primary ‘‘(b) RESTRICTION ON USES OF ALLOCATIONS didate from a resident of the State in which or general election that is an uncontested FROM THE FUND.—Allocations from the Fund the candidate is seeking election; and election, the Commission shall make an allo- received by a participating candidate under ‘‘(C) the name, address, and occupation of cation from the Fund to a participating can- section 522, matching contributions under each individual who made a qualified small didate for such election in an amount equal section 523, and enhanced matching con- dollar contribution to the candidate. to 25 percent of the allocation which such tributions under section 524 may only be ‘‘(3) FREQUENCY OF REPORTS.—Reports candidate would be entitled to under this used for campaign-related costs. under this subsection shall be made no more section for such election if this paragraph ‘‘(c) REMITTING ALLOCATIONS FROM THE frequently than— did not apply. FUND.— ‘‘(A) once every month until the date that ‘‘(B) UNCONTESTED ELECTION DEFINED.—For ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than the date is 90 days before the date of the election; purposes of this subparagraph, an election is that is 45 days after an election in which the ‘‘(B) once every week after the period de- uncontested if not more than 1 candidate has participating candidate appeared on the bal- scribed in subparagraph (A) and until the campaign funds (including payments from lot, such participating candidate shall remit date that is 21 days before the election; and the Fund) in an amount equal to or greater to the Commission for deposit in the Fund ‘‘(C) once every day after the period de- than 10 percent of the allocation a partici- an amount equal to the lesser of— scribed in subparagraph (B). pating candidate would be entitled to receive ‘‘(A) the amount of money in the can- ‘‘(4) LIMITATION ON REGULATIONS.—The under this section for such election if this didate’s campaign account; or Commission may not prescribe any regula- paragraph did not apply. ‘‘(B) the sum of the allocations from the tions with respect to reporting under this Fund received by the candidate under sec- ‘‘(d) BASE AMOUNT.— subsection with respect to any election after tion 522, the matching contributions received ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise pro- the date that is 180 days before the date of by the candidate under section 523, and the vided in this subsection, the base amount for such election. enhanced matching contributions under sec- any candidate is an amount equal to the ‘‘(e) APPEALS.—The Commission shall pro- greater of— tion 524. vide a written explanation with respect to ‘‘(A) the sum of— ‘‘(2) EXCEPTION.—In the case of a candidate any denial of any payment under this section ‘‘(i) $750,000; plus who qualifies to be on the ballot for a pri- and shall provide the opportunity for review ‘‘(ii) $150,000 for each congressional district mary runoff election, a general election, or a and reconsideration within 5 business days of in the State with respect to which the can- general runoff election, the amounts de- such denial. scribed in paragraph (1) may be retained by didate is seeking election; or the candidate and used in such subsequent ‘‘(B) the amount determined by the Com- ‘‘SEC. 524. ENHANCED MATCHING SUPPORT. election. mission under section 531. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—In addition to the pay- ‘‘SEC. 522. ALLOCATIONS FROM THE FUND. ‘‘(2) INDEXING.—In each even-numbered ments made under section 523, the Commis- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall year after 2025— sion shall make an additional payment to an make allocations from the Fund under sec- ‘‘(A) each dollar amount under paragraph eligible candidate under this section. tion 521(a)(1) to a participating candidate— (1)(A) shall be increased by the percent dif- ‘‘(b) ELIGIBILITY.—A candidate is eligible ‘‘(1) in the case of amounts provided under ference between the price index (as defined to receive an additional payment under this subsection (c)(1), not later than 48 hours in section 315(c)(2)(A)) for the 12 months pre- section if the candidate meets each of the after the date on which such candidate is ceding the beginning of such calendar year following requirements: certified as a participating candidate under and the price index for calendar year 2022; ‘‘(1) The candidate is on the ballot for the section 514; ‘‘(B) each dollar amount so increased shall general election for the office the candidate ‘‘(2) in the case of a general election, not remain in effect for the 2-year period begin- seeks. later than 48 hours after— ning on the first day following the date of ‘‘(2) The candidate is certified as a partici- ‘‘(A) the date of the certification of the re- the last general election in the year pre- pating candidate under this title with re- sults of the primary election or the primary ceding the year in which the amount is in- spect to the election. runoff election; or creased and ending on the date of the next ‘‘(3) During the enhanced support quali- ‘‘(B) in any case in which there is no pri- general election; and fying period, the candidate receives qualified mary election, the date the candidate quali- ‘‘(C) if any amount after adjustment under small dollar contributions in a total amount fies to be placed on the ballot; and subparagraph (A) is not a multiple of $100, of not less than the sum of $15,000 for each ‘‘(3) in the case of a primary runoff elec- such amount shall be rounded to the nearest congressional district in the State with re- tion or a general runoff election, not later multiple of $100. spect to which the candidate is seeking elec- than 48 hours after the certification of the ‘‘SEC. 523. MATCHING PAYMENTS FOR QUALIFIED tion. results of the primary election or the general SMALL DOLLAR CONTRIBUTIONS. ‘‘(4) During the enhanced support quali- election, as the case may be. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall fying period, the candidate submits to the ‘‘(b) METHOD OF PAYMENT.—The Commis- pay to each participating candidate an Commission a request for the payment which sion shall distribute funds available to par- amount equal to 600 percent of the amount of includes— ticipating candidates under this section qualified small dollar contributions received ‘‘(A) a statement of the number and through the use of an electronic funds ex- by the candidate from individuals who are amount of qualified small dollar contribu- change or a debit card. residents of the State in which such partici- tions received by the candidate during the ‘‘(c) AMOUNTS.— pating candidate is seeking election after enhanced support qualifying period;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.039 S24JYPT1 S5068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 ‘‘(B) a statement of the amount of the pay- only if it discloses the value of the voucher lowing the year in which the voucher was ment the candidate anticipates receiving used as an expenditure under section 315(d). issued by the Commission. with respect to the request; and ‘‘(2) EXCHANGE WITH POLITICAL PARTY COM- ‘‘(5) VOUCHER AS EXPENDITURE UNDER ‘‘(C) such other information and assur- MITTEE.— FECA.—The use of a voucher to purchase ances as the Commission may require. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A participating can- broadcast airtime constitutes an expenditure ‘‘(5) After submitting a request for the ad- didate who receives a voucher under this sec- as defined in section 301(9)(A). ditional payment under paragraph (4), the tion may transfer the right to use all or a ‘‘(f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: candidate does not submit any other applica- portion of the value of the voucher to a com- ‘‘(1) BROADCASTING STATION.—The term tion for an additional payment under this mittee of the political party of which the in- ‘broadcasting station’ has the meaning given title. dividual is a candidate (or, in the case of a that term by section 315(f)(1) of the Commu- ‘‘(c) AMOUNT.— participating candidate who is not a member nications Act of 1934. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), of any political party, to a committee of the ‘‘(2) POLITICAL PARTY.—The term ‘political the amount of the additional payment made political party of that candidate’s choice) in party’ means a major party or a minor party to an eligible candidate under this subtitle exchange for money in an amount equal to as defined in section 9002 (3) or (4) of the In- shall be an amount equal to 50 percent of— the cash value of the voucher or portion ex- ternal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 9002 (3) ‘‘(A) the amount of the payment made to changed. or (4)). the candidate under section 523 with respect ‘‘(B) CONTINUATION OF CANDIDATE OBLIGA- ‘‘Subtitle D—Administrative Provisions to the qualified small dollar contributions TIONS.—The transfer of a voucher, in whole or in part, to a political party committee ‘‘SEC. 531. DUTIES OF THE FEDERAL ELECTION which are received by the candidate during COMMISSION. under this paragraph does not release the the enhanced support qualifying period (as ‘‘(a) DUTIES AND POWERS.— candidate from any obligation under the included in the request submitted by the ‘‘(1) ADMINISTRATION.—The Commission agreement made under subsection (b) or oth- candidate under (b)(4)(A)); or shall have the power to administer the provi- erwise modify that agreement or its applica- ‘‘(B) in the case of a candidate who is not sions of this title and shall prescribe regula- tion to that candidate. eligible to receive a payment under section tions to carry out the purposes of this title, ‘‘(C) PARTY COMMITTEE OBLIGATIONS.—Any 523 with respect to such qualified small dol- including regulations— lar contributions because the candidate has political party committee to which a vouch- er or portion thereof is transferred under ‘‘(A) to establish procedures for— reached the limit on the aggregate amount ‘‘(i) verifying the amount of valid quali- of payments under section 523, the amount of subparagraph (A)— ‘‘(i) shall account fully, in accordance with fying contributions with respect to a can- the payment which would have been made to didate; the candidate under section 523 with respect such requirements as the Commission may establish, for the receipt of the voucher; and ‘‘(ii) effectively and efficiently monitoring to such qualified small dollar contributions and enforcing the limits on the raising of if the candidate had not reached such limit. ‘‘(ii) may not use the transferred voucher or portion thereof for any purpose other than qualified small dollar contributions; ‘‘(2) LIMIT.—The amount of the additional a purpose described in paragraph (1)(B). ‘‘(iii) monitoring the raising of qualifying payment determined under paragraph (1) multicandidate political committee con- with respect to a candidate may not exceed ‘‘(D) VOUCHER AS A CONTRIBUTION UNDER FECA.—If a candidate transfers a voucher or tributions through effectively and efficiently the sum of $150,000 for each congressional any portion thereof to a political party com- monitoring and enforcing the limits on indi- district in the State with respect to which mittee under subparagraph (A)— vidual contributions to qualified accounts of the candidate is seeking election. ‘‘(i) the value of the voucher or portion multicandidate political committees; ‘‘(3) NO EFFECT ON AGGREGATE LIMIT.—The thereof transferred shall be treated as a con- ‘‘(iv) effectively and efficiently monitoring amount of the additional payment made to a tribution from the candidate to the com- and enforcing the limits on the use of per- candidate under this section shall not be in- mittee, and from the committee to the can- sonal funds by participating candidates; cluded in determining the aggregate amount didate, for purposes of sections 302 and 304; ‘‘(v) monitoring the use of allocations from of payments made to a participating can- ‘‘(ii) the committee may, in exchange, pro- the Fund and matching contributions under didate with respect to an election cycle vide to the candidate only funds subject to this title through audits or other mecha- under section 523. the prohibitions, limitations, and reporting nisms; and ‘‘SEC. 525. POLITICAL ADVERTISING VOUCHERS. requirements of title III of this Act; and ‘‘(vi) the administration of the voucher ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall ‘‘(iii) the amount, if identified as a ‘vouch- program under section 525; and establish and administer a voucher program er exchange’, shall not be considered a con- ‘‘(B) regarding the conduct of debates in a for the purchase of airtime on broadcasting tribution for the purposes of sections 315 and manner consistent with the best practices of stations for political advertisements in ac- 513. States that provide public financing for elec- cordance with the provisions of this section. ‘‘(e) VALUE; ACCEPTANCE; REDEMPTION.— tions. ‘‘(b) CANDIDATES.—The Commission shall ‘‘(1) VOUCHER.—Each voucher disbursed by ‘‘(2) REVIEW OF FAIR ELECTIONS FINANCING.— only disburse vouchers under the program the Commission under this section shall ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—After each general elec- established under subsection (a) to partici- have a value in dollars, redeemable upon tion for Federal office, the Commission shall pants certified pursuant to section 514 who presentation to the Commission, together conduct a comprehensive review of the Fair have agreed in writing to keep and furnish to with such documentation and other informa- Elections financing program under this title, the Commission such records, books, and tion as the Commission may require, for the including— other information as it may require. purchase of broadcast airtime for political ‘‘(i) the maximum dollar amount of quali- ‘‘(c) AMOUNTS.—The Commission shall dis- advertisements in accordance with this sec- fied small dollar contributions under section burse vouchers to each candidate certified tion. 501(13); under subsection (b) in an aggregate amount ‘‘(2) ACCEPTANCE.—A broadcasting station ‘‘(ii) the maximum and minimum dollar equal to the greater of— shall accept vouchers in payment for the amounts for qualifying contributions under ‘‘(1) $100,000 multiplied by the number of purchase of broadcast airtime for political section 501(12); congressional districts in the State with re- advertisements in accordance with this sec- ‘‘(iii) the number and value of qualifying spect to which such candidate is running for tion. contributions a candidate is required to ob- office; or ‘‘(3) REDEMPTION.—The Commission shall tain under section 512 to qualify for alloca- ‘‘(2) the amount determined by the Com- redeem vouchers accepted by broadcasting tions from the Fund; mission under section 531. stations under paragraph (2) upon presen- ‘‘(iv) the amount of allocations from the ‘‘(d) USE.— tation, subject to such documentation, Fund that candidates may receive under sec- ‘‘(1) EXCLUSIVE USE.—Vouchers disbursed verification, accounting, and application re- tion 522; by the Commission under this section may quirements as the Commission may impose ‘‘(v) the maximum amount of matching be used only for the purchase of broadcast to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the contributions a candidate may receive under airtime for political advertisements relating voucher redemption system. section 523; to a general election for the office of Senate ‘‘(4) EXPIRATION.— ‘‘(vi) the maximum amount of enhanced by the participating candidate to which the ‘‘(A) CANDIDATES.—A voucher may only be matching contributions a candidate may re- vouchers were disbursed, except that— used to pay for broadcast airtime for polit- ceive under section 524; ‘‘(A) a candidate may exchange vouchers ical advertisements to be broadcast before ‘‘(vii) the amount and usage of vouchers with a political party under paragraph (2); midnight on the day before the date of the under section 525; and Federal election in connection with which it ‘‘(viii) the overall satisfaction of partici- ‘‘(B) a political party may use vouchers was issued and shall be null and void for any pating candidates and the American public only to purchase broadcast airtime for polit- other use or purpose. with the program; and ical advertisements for generic party adver- ‘‘(B) EXCEPTION FOR POLITICAL PARTY COM- ‘‘(ix) such other matters relating to financ- tising (as defined by the Commission in regu- MITTEES.—A voucher held by a political ing of Senate campaigns as the Commission lations), to support candidates for State or party committee may be used to pay for determines are appropriate. local office in a general election, or to sup- broadcast airtime for political advertise- ‘‘(B) CRITERIA FOR REVIEW.—In conducting port participating candidates of the party in ments to be broadcast before midnight on the review under subparagraph (A), the Com- a general election for Federal office, but December 31st of the odd-numbered year fol- mission shall consider the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.039 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5069

‘‘(i) QUALIFYING CONTRIBUTIONS AND QUALI- alty against the candidate in an amount that nications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 315(b)(1)) is FIED SMALL DOLLAR CONTRIBUTIONS.—The is not more than 3 times the amount of the amended— Commission shall consider whether the num- contribution or expenditure. Any amounts (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph ber and dollar amount of qualifying con- collected under this subsection shall be de- (A), by striking ‘‘to such office’’ and insert- tributions required and maximum dollar posited into the Fund. ing the following: ‘‘to such office, or by a na- amount for such qualifying contributions ‘‘(b) REPAYMENT FOR IMPROPER USE OF FAIR tional committee of a political party on be- and qualified small dollar contributions ELECTIONS FUND.— half of such candidate in connection with strikes a balance regarding the importance ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If the Commission deter- such campaign,’’; and of voter involvement, the need to assure ade- mines that any benefit made available to a (2) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ‘‘for quate incentives for participating, and fiscal participating candidate under this title was preemptible use thereof’’ after ‘‘station’’. responsibility, taking into consideration the not used as provided for in this title or that (b) PREEMPTION; AUDITS.—Section 315 of number of primary and general election par- a participating candidate has violated any of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. ticipating candidates, the electoral perform- the dates for remission of funds contained in 315) is amended— ance of those candidates, program cost, and this title, the Commission shall so notify the (1) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) any other information the Commission de- candidate and the candidate shall pay to the as subsections (f) and (g), respectively and termines is appropriate. Fund an amount equal to— moving them to follow the existing sub- ‘‘(ii) REVIEW OF PROGRAM BENEFITS.—The ‘‘(A) the amount of benefits so used or not section (e); Commission shall consider whether the to- remitted, as appropriate; and (2) by redesignating the existing subsection tality of the amount of funds allowed to be ‘‘(B) interest on any such amounts (at a (e) as subsection (c); and raised by participating candidates (including rate determined by the Commission). (3) by inserting after subsection (c) (as re- through qualifying contributions and small ‘‘(2) OTHER ACTION NOT PRECLUDED.—Any designated by paragraph (2)) the following: dollar contributions), allocations from the action by the Commission in accordance ‘‘(d) PREEMPTION.— Fund under section 522, matching contribu- with this subsection shall not preclude en- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in tions under section 523, enhanced matching forcement proceedings by the Commission in paragraph (2), and notwithstanding the re- contributions under section 524, and vouch- accordance with section 309(a), including a quirements of subsection (b)(1)(A), a licensee ers under section 525 are sufficient for voters referral by the Commission to the Attorney shall not preempt the use of a broadcasting in each State to learn about the candidates General in the case of an apparent knowing station by a legally qualified candidate for to cast an informed vote, taking into ac- and willful violation of this title.’’. Senate who has purchased and paid for such count the historic amount of spending by SEC. 102. PROHIBITION ON JOINT FUNDRAISING use. winning candidates, media costs, primary COMMITTEES. ‘‘(2) CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND CONTROL OF LI- election dates, and any other information Section 302(e) of the Federal Election Cam- CENSEE.—If a program to be broadcast by a the Commission determines is appropriate. paign Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. 30102(e)) is broadcasting station is preempted because of ‘‘(C) ADJUSTMENT OF AMOUNTS.— amended by adding at the end the following circumstances beyond the control of the sta- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Based on the review con- new paragraph: tion, any candidate or party advertising spot ducted under subparagraph (A), the Commis- ‘‘(6) No authorized committee of a partici- scheduled to be broadcast during that pro- sion shall provide for the adjustments of the pating candidate (as defined in section 501) gram shall be treated in the same fashion as following amounts: may establish a joint fundraising committee a comparable commercial advertising spot. ‘‘(I) The maximum dollar amount of quali- with a political committee other than an au- ‘‘(e) AUDITS.—During the 30-day period pre- fied small dollar contributions under section thorized committee of a candidate.’’. ceding a primary or primary runoff election and the 60-day period preceding a general or 501(13)(C). SEC. 103. EXCEPTION TO LIMITATION ON CO- ‘‘(II) The maximum and minimum dollar ORDINATED EXPENDITURES BY PO- special election, the Commission shall con- amounts for qualifying contributions under LITICAL PARTY COMMITTEES WITH duct such audits as it deems necessary to en- section 501(12)(A). PARTICIPATING CANDIDATES. sure that each licensee to which this section ‘‘(III) The number and value of qualifying Section 315(d) of the Federal Election Cam- applies is allocating television broadcast ad- contributions a candidate is required to ob- paign Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. 30116(d)) is vertising time in accordance with this sec- tion and section 312.’’. tain under section 512(a)(1). amended— (c) REVOCATION OF LICENSE FOR FAILURE TO ‘‘(IV) The base amount for candidates (1) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking ‘‘in the case of’’ and inserting ‘‘except as provided in PERMIT ACCESS.—Section 312(a)(7) of the under section 522(d). Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. ‘‘(V) The maximum amount of matching paragraph (6), in the case of’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following new 312(a)(7)) is amended— contributions a candidate may receive under (1) by striking ‘‘or repeated’’; section 523(b). paragraph: ‘‘(6)(A) The limitation under paragraph (2) by inserting ‘‘or cable system’’ after ‘‘(VI) The maximum amount of enhanced ‘‘broadcasting station’’; and matching contributions a candidate may re- (3)(A) shall not apply with respect to any ex- penditure from a qualified political party- (3) by striking ‘‘his candidacy’’ and insert- ceive under section 524(c). ing ‘‘the candidacy of the candidate, under ‘‘(VII) The dollar amount for vouchers participating candidate coordinated expendi- ture fund. the same terms, conditions, and business under section 525(c). practices as apply to the most favored adver- ‘‘(ii) REGULATIONS.—The Commission shall ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘qualified political party-participating candidate co- tiser of the licensee’’. promulgate regulations providing for the ad- (d) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- ordinated expenditure fund’ means a fund es- justments made under clause (i). MENTS.—Section 315 of the Communications tablished by the national committee of a po- ‘‘(D) REPORT.—Not later than March 30 fol- Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 315) is amended— litical party, or a State committee of a po- lowing any general election for Federal of- (1) in subsection (f), as redesignated by litical party, including any subordinate com- fice, the Commission shall submit a report to subsection (b)(1)— mittee of a State committee, for purposes of Congress on the review conducted under sub- (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), making expenditures in connection with the paragraph (A). Such report shall contain a by striking ‘‘For purposes of this section—’’ general election campaign of a candidate for detailed statement of the findings, conclu- and inserting the following: ‘‘Definitions.— election to the office of Senator who is a par- sions, and recommendations of the Commis- For purposes of this section:’’; ticipating candidate (as defined in section sion based on such review. (B) in paragraph (1)— 501), that only accepts qualified coordinated ‘‘(b) REPORTS.—Not later than March 30, (i) by striking ‘‘the term’’ and inserting expenditure contributions. 2024, and every 2 years thereafter, the Com- ‘‘BROADCASTING STATION.—The term’’; and ‘‘(C) In this paragraph, the term ‘qualified mission shall submit to the Senate Com- (ii) by striking ‘‘; and’’ and inserting a pe- coordinated expenditure contribution’ mittee on Rules and Administration a report riod; and means, with respect to the general election documenting, evaluating, and making rec- (C) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘the campaign of a candidate for election to the ommendations relating to the administra- terms’’ and inserting ‘‘LICENSEE; STATION LI- office of Senator who is a participating can- tive implementation and enforcement of the CENSEE.—The terms’’; and didate (as defined in section 501), any con- provisions of this title. (2) in subsection (g), as redesignated by tribution (or series of contributions)— ‘‘(c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘The Commis- ‘‘(i) which is made by an individual who is There are authorized to be appropriated such sion’’ and inserting ‘‘REGULATIONS.—The not prohibited from making a contribution sums as are necessary to carry out the pur- Commission’’. poses of this subtitle. under this Act; and ‘‘(ii) the aggregate amount of which does SEC. 202. BROADCAST RATES FOR PARTICI- ‘‘SEC. 532. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. PATING CANDIDATES. not exceed $500 per election.’’. ‘‘(a) CIVIL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF CON- Section 315(b) of the Communications Act TRIBUTION AND EXPENDITURE REQUIRE- TITLE II—IMPROVING VOTER of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 315(b)), as amended by sec- MENTS.—If a candidate who has been cer- INFORMATION tion 201, is amended— tified as a participating candidate under sec- SEC. 201. BROADCASTS RELATING TO ALL SEN- (1) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ‘‘para- tion 514 accepts a contribution or makes an ATE CANDIDATES. graph (2)’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraphs (2) and expenditure that is prohibited under section (a) LOWEST UNIT CHARGE; NATIONAL COM- (3)’’; and 513, the Commission shall assess a civil pen- MITTEES.—Section 315(b)(1) of the Commu- (2) by adding at the end the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.039 S24JYPT1 S5070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 ‘‘(3) PARTICIPATING CANDIDATES.—In the tain and file such designation, statement, or SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS case of a participating candidate (as defined report in electronic form accessible by com- in section 501 of the Federal Election Cam- puters.’’; paign Act of 1971), the charges made for the (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘48 use of any broadcasting station for a tele- hours’’ and all that follows through ‘‘filed SENATE RESOLUTION 283—EX- vision broadcast shall not exceed 80 percent electronically)’’ and inserting ‘‘24 hours’’; PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE of the lowest charge described in paragraph and (1)(A) during— (3) by striking subparagraph (D). DESIGNATION OF 2019 AS THE ‘‘INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE ‘‘(A) the 45 days preceding the date of a TITLE IV—REVENUE PROVISIONS primary or primary runoff election in which PERIODIC TABLE OF CHEMICAL SEC. 401. FAIR ELECTIONS FUND REVENUE. the candidate is opposed; and ELEMENTS’’ (a) IN GENERAL.—The Internal Revenue ‘‘(B) the 60 days preceding the date of a Code of 1986 is amended by inserting after general or special election in which the can- Mr. COONS (for himself, Mrs. CAPITO, chapter 36 the following new chapter: didate is opposed. Mr. PETERS, and Mr. DAINES) submitted ‘‘(4) RATE CARDS.—A licensee shall provide ‘‘CHAPTER 37—TAX ON PAYMENTS PURSU- the following resolution; which was to a candidate for Senate a rate card that ANT TO CERTAIN GOVERNMENT CON- considered and agreed to: TRACTS discloses— S. RES. 283 ‘‘(A) the rate charged under this sub- ‘‘Sec. 4501. Imposition of tax. Whereas, on December 20, 2017, the United section; and ‘‘SEC. 4501. IMPOSITION OF TAX. Nations General Assembly designated 2019 as ‘‘(B) the method that the licensee uses to ‘‘(a) TAX IMPOSED.—There is hereby im- the ‘‘International Year of the Periodic determine the rate charged under this sub- posed on any payment made to a qualified Table of Chemical Elements’’ (referred to in section.’’. person pursuant to a contract with the Gov- this preamble as the ‘‘International Year of SEC. 203. FCC TO PRESCRIBE STANDARDIZED ernment of the United States a tax equal to the Periodic Table’’), recognizing that— FORM FOR REPORTING CANDIDATE 0.50 percent of the amount paid. (1) the development of the periodic table CAMPAIGN ADS. ‘‘(b) LIMITATION.—The aggregate amount of was one of the most significant achieve- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days tax imposed per contract under subsection ments in science; and after the date of enactment of this Act, the (a) for any calendar year shall not exceed Federal Communications Commission shall $500,000. (2) the periodic table is a uniting scientific concept with broad applications and implica- initiate a rulemaking proceeding to estab- ‘‘(c) QUALIFIED PERSON.—For purposes of lish a standardized form to be used by each this section, the term ‘qualified person’ tions in astronomy, chemistry, physics, biol- broadcasting station, as defined in section means any person which— ogy, and other natural sciences; 315(f) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 ‘‘(1) is not a State or local government, a Whereas the International Year of the U.S.C. 315(f)) (as redesignated by section foreign nation, or an organization described Periodic Table will coincide with the 150th 201(b)(1)), to record and report the purchase in section 501(c)(3) which is exempt from tax- anniversary of the development of the peri- of advertising time by or on behalf of a can- ation under section 501(a), and odic table by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869; didate for nomination for election, or for ‘‘(2) has a contract with the Government of Whereas the periodic table is a unique tool election, to Federal elective office. the United States with a value in excess of enabling scientists to predict the appearance (b) CONTENTS.—The form prescribed by the $10,000,000. and properties of matter on Earth and in the universe; Federal Communications Commission under ‘‘(d) PAYMENT OF TAX.—The tax imposed by subsection (a) shall require a broadcasting this section shall be paid by the person re- Whereas the International Year of the station to report to the Federal Communica- ceiving such payment. Periodic Table provides an opportunity to tions Commission and to the Federal Elec- ‘‘(e) USE OF REVENUE GENERATED BY TAX.— educate the public about the ways in which tion Commission, at a minimum— It is the sense of the Senate that amounts chemical elements can help to address chal- (1) the station call letters and mailing ad- equivalent to the revenue generated by the lenges relating to water, food, health, secu- dress; tax imposed under this chapter should be ap- rity, and energy throughout the world; (2) the name and telephone number of the propriated for the financing of a Fair Elec- Whereas it is critical that the brightest station’s sales manager (or individual with tions Fund and used for the public financing young minds continue to be attracted to responsibility for advertising sales); of Senate elections.’’. chemistry and other branches of science in (3) the name of the candidate who pur- (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of order to ensure the development of the next chased the advertising time, or on whose be- chapters of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 generation of scientists, engineers, and half the advertising time was purchased, and is amended by inserting after the item relat- innovators; the Federal elective office for which he or ing to chapter 36 the following: Whereas the American Chemical Society, she is a candidate; founded in 1876 and chartered by Congress in ‘‘CHAPTER 37—TAX ON PAYMENTS PURSUANT (4) the name, mailing address, and tele- 1938, is committed to— TO CERTAIN GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS’’. phone number of the person responsible for (1) improving the lives of people through purchasing broadcast political advertising (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments the transforming power of chemistry; and for the candidate; made by this section shall apply to contracts (2) advancing the broader chemistry enter- (5) notation as to whether the purchase entered into after the date of the enactment prise and the practitioners of that enterprise agreement for which the information is of this Act. for the benefit of Earth and people around being reported is a draft or final version; and TITLE V—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS the world; and (6) with respect to the advertisement— SEC. 501. SEVERABILITY. Whereas the American Chemical Society (A) the date and time of the broadcast; If any provision of this Act or amendment and other chemical societies and associa- (B) the program in which the advertise- made by this Act, or the application of a pro- tions around the world are encouraging the ment was broadcast; and vision or amendment to any person or cir- members of those societies and associations (C) the length of the broadcast airtime. cumstance, is held to be unconstitutional, to work with colleagues to organize outreach (c) INTERNET ACCESS.—In its rulemaking the remainder of this Act and amendments activities that will instill public apprecia- under subsection (a), the Federal Commu- made by this Act, and the application of the tion of— nications Commission shall require any provisions and amendment to any person or (1) the periodic table; and broadcasting station required to file a report circumstance, shall not be affected by the (2) the contributions of the periodic table under this section that maintains an inter- holding. to the betterment of life on Earth: Now, net website to make available a link to each SEC. 502. EFFECTIVE DATE. therefore, be it such report on that website. (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as may otherwise Resolved, That the Senate— TITLE III—RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE be provided in this Act and in the amend- (1) recognizes and applauds the United Na- FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION ments made by this Act, this Act and the tions for proclaiming 2019 as the ‘‘Inter- SEC. 301. PETITION FOR CERTIORARI. amendments made by this Act shall apply national Year of the Periodic Table of Chem- Section 307(a)(6) of the Federal Election with respect to elections occurring during ical Elements’’ (referred to in this resolution Campaign Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. 30107(a)(6)) is 2026 or any succeeding year, without regard as the ‘‘International Year of the Periodic amended by inserting ‘‘(including a pro- to whether or not the Federal Election Com- Table’’); and ceeding before the Supreme Court on certio- mission has promulgated the final regula- (2) commends the global community of rari)’’ after ‘‘appeal’’. tions necessary to carry out this Act and the chemists for their efforts— SEC. 302. ELECTRONIC FILING OF FEC REPORTS. amendments made by this Act by the dead- (A) to advance the field of chemistry; Section 304(a)(11) of the Federal Election line set forth in subsection (b). (B) to recognize the International Year of Campaign Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. 30104(a)(11)) (b) DEADLINE FOR REGULATIONS.—Not later the Periodic Table; and is amended— than June 30, 2024, the Federal Election Com- (C) to participate in events marking the (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘under mission shall promulgate such regulations as International Year of the Periodic Table as— this Act—’’ and all that follows and inserting may be necessary to carry out this Act and (i) an important scientific milestone; and ‘‘under this Act shall be required to main- the amendments made by this Act. (ii) a global celebration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.039 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5071 AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO the Senate on Wednesday, July 24, 2019, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The MEET at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing on clerk will read the title of the bill for Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I have the following nominations: Chad F. the first time. 10 requests for committees to meet Wolf, of Virginia, to be Under Sec- The senior assistant legislative clerk during today’s session of the Senate. retary for Strategy, Policy, and Plans, read as follows: They have the approval of the Majority and William Bryan, of Virginia, to be A bill (S. 2258) to provide anti-retaliation and Minority leaders. Under Secretary for Science and Tech- protections for antitrust whistleblowers. Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph nology, both of the Department of Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- Homeland Security, Robert M. Duncan, now ask for a second reading, and in ate, the following committees are au- of Kentucky, to be a Governor of the order to place the bill on the calendar thorized to meet during today’s session United States Postal Service, Ann C. under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- of the Senate: Fisher, of the District of Columbia, and ject to my own request. Ashley Jay Elizabeth Poling, of North COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- Carolina, both to be a Commissioner of The Committee on Armed Services is tion is heard. the Postal Regulatory Commission, authorized to meet during the session The bill will receive a second reading Catherine Bird, of Texas, to be General of the Senate on Wednesday, July 24, on the next legislative day. Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations 2019, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing on Authority, and Rainey R. Brandt, and f the nomination of David L. Norquist, Shana Frost Matini, both to be an As- of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of sociate Judge of the Superior Court of EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE Defense. the District of Columbia. DESIGNATION OF 2019 AS THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS ‘‘INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE TRANSPORTATION The Committee on Indian Affairs is PERIODIC TABLE OF CHEMICAL The Committee on Commerce, authorized to meet during the session ELEMENTS’’ Science, and Transportation is author- of the Senate on Wednesday, July 24, ized to meet during the session of the Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I 2019, at 10 a.m., to conduct a business Senate on Wednesday, July 24, 2019, at ask unanimous consent that the Sen- meeting and the nomination of E. ate proceed to the immediate consider- 10:30 a.m., to conduct a business meet- Sequoyah Simermeyer, of Maryland, to ing and hearing on the following nomi- ation of S. Res. 283, submitted earlier be Chairman of the National Indian today. nations: Theodore Rokita, of Indiana, Gaming Commission. to be a Director of the Amtrak Board The PRESIDING OFFICER. The COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION of Directors, Jennifer L. Homendy, of clerk will report the resolution by The Committee on Rules and Admin- Virginia, and Michael Graham, of Kan- title. istration is authorized to meet during The senior assistant legislative clerk sas, both to be a Member of the Na- the session of the Senate on Wednes- tional Transportation Safety Board, read as follows: day, July 24, 2019, at 11 a.m., to conduct A resolution (S. Res. 283) expressing sup- Carl Whitney Bentzel, of Maryland, to a hearing. be a Federal Maritime Commissioner, port for the designation of 2019 as the ‘‘Inter- COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND national Year of the Periodic Table of Chem- Michael J.K. Kratsios, of South Caro- ENTREPRENEURSHIP ical Elements’’. lina, to be an Associate Director of the The Committee on Small Business There being no objection, the Senate Office of Science and Technology Pol- and Entrepreneurship is authorized to icy, and Ian Paul Steff, of Indiana, to proceeded to consider the resolution. meet during the session of the Senate Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I be Assistant Secretary of Commerce on Wednesday, July 24, 2019, at 2:30 and Director General of the United further ask unanimous consent that p.m., to conduct a hearing. the resolution be agreed to, the pre- States and Foreign Commercial Serv- SUBCOMMITTEE ON AFRICA AND GLOBAL HEALTH ice. amble be agreed to, and the motions to POLICY reconsider be considered made and laid COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC The Subcommittee on Africa and upon the table with no intervening ac- WORKS Global Health Policy of the Committee The Committee on Environment and tion or debate. on Foreign Relations is authorized to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Public Works is authorized to meet meet during the session of the Senate during the session of the Senate on objection, it is so ordered. on Wednesday, July 24, 2019, at 2:30 The resolution (S. Res. 283) was Wednesday, July 24, 2019, at 10 a.m., to p.m., to conduct a hearing. conduct a hearing. agreed to. f The preamble was agreed to. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE (The resolution, with its preamble, is The Committee on Finance is author- PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I ask printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- ized to meet during the session of the mitted Resolutions.’’) Senate on Wednesday, July 24, 2019, at unanimous consent that my fellow, 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing on the Dan Becerra, have privileges of the f following nominations: Brent James floor for the balance of his fellowship McIntosh, of Michigan, to be an Under and that Luchanna Sagoo, my intern, UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- Secretary, Brian Callanan, of New Jer- have privileges for the balance of the MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR sey, to be General Counsel, and Brian day. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I McGuire, of New York, to be a Deputy The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ask unanimous consent that at 1:45 Under Secretary, all of the Department objection, it is so ordered. p.m. tomorrow, the Senate proceed to Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I ask of the Treasury, and Travis Greaves, of executive session for the consideration unanimous consent that my fellow, the District of Columbia, to be a Judge of Calendar No. 375; that the Senate of the United States Tax Court for a Michele Bustamante, be granted floor privileges for the remainder of this ses- vote on the nomination with no inter- term of fifteen years. sion. vening action or debate; that if con- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without firmed, the motion to reconsider be The Committee on Foreign Relations objection, it is so ordered. considered made and laid upon the is authorized to meet during the ses- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- table with no intervening action or de- sion of the Senate on Wednesday, July ator from Mississippi. bate; that no further motions be in 24, 2019, at 10:15 a.m., to conduct a f order; that any statements related to hearing. the nomination be printed in the COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND MEASURE READ THE FIRST RECORD, the President be immediately GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS TIME—S. 2258 notified of the Senate’s action, and the The Committee on Homeland Secu- Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I Senate then resume legislative session. rity and Governmental Affairs is au- understand that there is a bill at the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thorized to meet during the session of desk, and I ask for its first reading. objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY6.041 S24JYPT1 S5072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2019 ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, JULY 25, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CONFIRMATIONS 2019. objection, it is so ordered. Executive nominations confirmed by Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I f the Senate July 24, 2019: ask unanimous consent that when the Senate completes its business today, it ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. THE JUDICIARY adjourn until 10 a.m., Thursday, July TOMORROW WENDY WILLIAMS BERGER, OF FLORIDA, TO BE 25; further, that following the prayer UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE MIDDLE DIS- and pledge, the morning hour be Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, if TRICT OF FLORIDA. BRIAN C. BUESCHER, OF NEBRASKA, TO BE UNITED deemed expired, the Journal of pro- there is no further business to come be- STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DISTRICT OF NE- ceedings be approved to date, the time fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- BRASKA. sent that it stand adjourned under the for the two leaders be reserved for their DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION use later in the day, and the Senate be previous order. STEPHEN M. DICKSON, OF GEORGIA, TO BE ADMINIS- in a period of morning business, with There being no objection, the Senate, TRATOR OF THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Senators permitted to speak therein at 6:33 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, FOR THE TERM OF FIVE YEARS. for up to 10 minutes each. July 25, 2019, at 10 a.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\G24JY6.065 S24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E971 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RECOGNIZING THE BENEFITS OF forts to mediate conflicts in Southeast Asia, ronment of prayer, praise, fellowship and mu- OVER-THE-COUNTER CONSUMER the Middle East, South America and on the In- tual aid where everybody was somebody. This HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS dian subcontinent. His Holiness has dedicated legacy lives on in the longevity of Pastor Fos- himself to social initiatives all over the world ter’s service. HON. DIANA DeGETTE and especially in India, where he has worked Please join me in tribute to Pastor Lawrence OF COLORADO to increase voter awareness and establish free T. Foster and the members of Calvary Baptist health camps, and address social problems Church as we recognize its one hundredth an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ranging from drug abuse to the rehabilitation niversary. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 of prison populations. His Holiness has also f Ms. DeGETTE. Madam Speaker, each year, worked to protect our environment with an as- July 24th, is recognized as ‘‘International Self- sortment of water and river rehabilitation IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- Care Day,’’ an annual opportunity to put a projects, and through efforts ranging from pro- NIVERSARY OF WAVERLY spotlight on the benefits that safe and effective grams to help train farmers on creating seed TOWSHIP AND THE WAVERLY self-care provide to advance public health. banks to building waste management facilities. COMMUNITY HOUSE Consumer healthcare products such as over- In recognition of his decades of service, His the-counter (OTC) medicines, consumer med- Holiness has been honored with awards from HON. ical devices, and dietary supplements play a countries including India, Argentina, Brazil, OF PENNSYLVANIA critical role in self-care. Americans enjoy easy Colombia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Para- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES guay, Peru, Russia and the United States. In access to consumer healthcare products at Wednesday, July 24, 2019 thousands of retail locations nationwide and 2016, the Government of India awarded him online, and they recognize the tremendous the ‘‘Padma Vibhushan’’, its second highest ci- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Madam Speaker, I rise value that consumer healthcare products pro- vilian honor. today to commemorate the 100th anniversary vide for individuals and healthcare systems. In His Holiness continues his work throughout of Waverly Township, Pennsylvania and the fact, OTCs alone save the U.S. healthcare the world to bring peace and understanding Waverly Community House. The first corner- system over $146 billion annually. For every through meditation and spiritual growth. stone for the Waverly Community House, the $1 consumers spend on OTC medicines, the Madam Speaker, I want to recognize His Holi- hub of community activity and affectionately healthcare system saves $7 by reducing the ness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for the good work known as ‘the Comm,’ was laid in 1919. need for more expensive types of healthcare. he has done through his spiritual leadership Waverly found its humble beginning as a That’s why I was so proud to introduce H.R. and humanitarian service, and commend him few settlers homesteading in a small area of 3443 with my colleague from Ohio, Mr. LATTA. for his continued efforts to make a more just a forest, but as more businesses and settle- f and peaceful world. ments began to populate the area, local resi- f dent and philanthropist Margaretta Belin and HONORING HIS HOLINESS SRI SRI her children saw the need for a space for their RAVI SHANKAR HONORING THE ANNIVERSARY OF community to gather. The idea was a tribute to CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH her beloved husband Henry Belin Jr. who HON. passed away in 1917. As the director of the OF ILLINOIS HON. Scranton Lace Company, Henry was stead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN fastly dedicated to emphasizing the impor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tance of recreation to his staff. The Belins in- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 corporated the memory of their dear father Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Madam Speaker, I Wednesday, July 24, 2019 into the mission statement and purpose of the rise to honor his Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shan- Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Waverly Community House as a place for resi- kar, a Hindu spiritual leader and humanitarian tribute to Calvary Baptist Church, a house of dents to gather, learn, and play together. In who has devoted his life to eliminating vio- worship in Detroit, Michigan, as its members 1919, under the direction of architect George lence and spreading compassion throughout celebrate the church’s one hundredth anniver- M.D. Lewis, the Comm was built, and in 1920 the world. I also wish to acknowledge the sary, as well as twenty-five years under the the building and the portion of the land were America Meditates guided meditation con- leadership of Pastor Lawrence T. Foster. deeded to Abington Township. ducted today in Denver, Colorado by His Holi- Born and raised in San Francisco, Cali- In the century that followed, the Comm faith- ness as part of the National Summit for Mental fornia, Pastor Foster arrived in Detroit to lead fully embodied the spirit of the Belin family’s Health and Mental Fitness, an event that will the flock at Calvary Baptist Church in 1994. mission to promote civic engagement and rec- be livestreamed nationwide and joined by Pastor Foster is a proud graduate of More- reational activities for the Abingtons and be- thousands of His Holiness’ devotees. house College, completing his theological yond. The original building included a bowling His Holiness’s teachings emphasize the studies at Harvard University Divinity School. alley, a gathering area, a post office, a library, close relationship between spirituality, com- Outside his duties attending to the spiritual and the first kindergarten in Lackawanna passion for others, and concern for the envi- needs of his congregation, Pastor Foster has County. The Comm offered activities such as ronment. According to his beliefs, spirituality is worked to advance causes such as fair hous- an annual fair, classes, tennis tournaments, open to all people regardless of religion or cul- ing as a member of the Virginia Park-Henry and movie. During World War II, the Comm ture, because the bond that all humans share Ford Hospital Non-profit Housing Corporation was pivotal in support the war effort on the is stronger than any characteristics that may Board of Directors, as a board member of the home front by organizing volunteer efforts, divide us. Michigan AIDS Coalition, as well as an advo- sending regular newsletters to soldiers sta- His Holiness has taken part in extensive hu- cate for economic and agricultural develop- tioned abroad, holding defense meetings, and manitarian work around the world. Volunteers ment in west Africa as a member of the Pro- collecting book donations. from his many service organizations have dis- gressive National Baptist Convention’s Mis- As the Comm flourished, the Belin children tributed food and emergency supplies, and sionary Ministry. dedicated two additional wings to the building provided spiritual support and counseling, to Calvary Baptist Church was founded in in honor of their mother to accommodate its victims from natural disasters including Hurri- 1919 by Reverend Henry James Mastin as a growing community events. The rooms are still cane Katrina in the United States and the place of refuge in its surrounding communities. in use today and house spaces for camps, 2004 tsunami that devastated Southeast Asia. More than that, Calvary welcomed the migrat- education, arts programs, and a welcome cen- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a champion of ing masses of African Americans who pos- ter which features Destination Freedom, a peace, and has actively sought to assist in ef- sessed little social status, providing an envi- Walking Tour of the Underground Railroad in

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24JY8.001 E24JYPT1 E972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2019 Waverly. The Comm continues to be the cen- Middle East must include and center on a two- throughout their neighborhoods. The resolution ter of community life in Waverly. Special state solution. A two-state solution will not only also recognizes that kindness and compassion events like the annual Antiques Show and secure Israel’s future as a democratic, Jewish can heal the country from within and promote Sale, the Artisans’ Marketplace, the House state, it will also advance U.S. security inter- a healthier society. and Garden Show, Summer Music Concerts, ests in the region and enhance our ability to Creating a culture of kindness can foster and seasonal children’s parties. confront the threats posed by Iran, Hezbollah, strong bonds that will bring individuals to- It is an honor to recognize Waverly Town- Hamas, and other dubious actors in the Mid- gether despite their differences in order to ship and the Waverly Community House on dle East. tackle the challenges that face us. We must their centennial. The Comm has been the Unfortunately, this resolution does nothing ensure that we remain a nation who acts with heartbeat of community life in the Abingtons to address the fact that the Trump administra- kindness towards one another. since 1919, and I wish them another hundred tion and the Israeli government under Prime f years of growth and prosperity in the tradition Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have taken a CALLING ON GOVERNMENT OF of service to others, recreation, and civic en- number of actions that severely undermine a CAMEROON AND ARMED GROUPS gagement. two-state solution. This includes the Trump TO RESPECT THE HUMAN administration’s decision to recognize the city f RIGHTS OF ALL CAMEROONIAN of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, to relocate CITIZENS OPPOSING GLOBAL BOYCOTT, the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, to greenlight DIVESTMENT, AND SANCTIONS the continuing expansion of Israeli settlements SPEECH OF in the West Bank, and to discontinue U.S. SPEECH OF contributions to the United Nations Relief and HON. HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO Works Agency (UNRWA) and bilateral assist- OF WISCONSIN OF OREGON ance to the Palestinians—all decisions which I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strongly oppose. Regrettably, the Trump ad- Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Tuesday, July 23, 2019 ministration’s actions have undermined the Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, over the past two confidence among Palestinians and Arab years, tensions have escalated in the North- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I will vote in countries in the region that the U.S. desires to west and Southwest regions in Cameroon be- support of H. Res. 246, a resolution opposing play a productive role as a neutral mediator in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) tween the minority Anglophone population and the Middle East peace process. the Francophone factions that control the gov- movement against Israel. As an ally of Israel, the United States in- While it will be a difficult vote, I support this ernment. The conflict has killed hundreds of vests more than $3 billion in aid to Israel an- Cameroonians, has displaced nearly half of a resolution because some individuals leading nually. Accordingly, I believe it is only appro- the BDS movement have engaged in anti- million people, and human rights violations priate that lawmakers voice their legitimate have been alleged against both security forces Semitic rhetoric and actions and have ques- concerns with Israeli policies in a constructive tioned the right of Israel to exist. While not loyal to the Francophone-led Cameroonian way, as I have done throughout my time in government and militant Anglophone sepa- perfect, this resolution sends an important Congress and will continue to do. That’s why message that anti-Semitism is unacceptable. ratist groups. This conflict has severely im- I have joined my colleagues in urging the pacted the town of Kumbo in Cameroon, Let me be clear: anti-Semitism, as with any Israeli government not to demolish Palestinian other form of racism or discrimination, is anti- which is the sister city of La Crosse, Wis- communities in the West Bank, cosponsored consin. thetical to the values and aspirations of the legislation such as the Promoting Human American people. I am disturbed by the rise of As sister cities, Kumbo and La Crosse have Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of exchanged many official delegation visits, and anti-Semitism in the United States and other Palestinian Children Act, and continued to parts of the world, and I am troubled by the a local nonprofit called the La Crosse Friends urge President Trump to restore vital aid to of Cameroon has been dedicated to deep- fact that the genocide that took place during the Palestinians. Protecting human rights, re- the Holocaust is fading from memory. ening the ties between the two cities and rais- gardless of any ongoing tension between ing awareness about the conflict. Their pas- That’s why I have taken substantive actions Israelis and Palestinians, should be a funda- to combat anti-Semitism, including joining the sion and dedication to finding a sustainable mental American value. and inclusive peace in Cameroon was clear as House Bipartisan Task Force for Combating It is only through thoughtful, respectful, Anti-Semitism, voting in support of the Special I spoke before them at an event in La Crosse. nuanced debate that Congress can produc- Following that event, I traveled to Cameroon Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism tively contribute towards resolving the Israeli- Act of 2018, and voting in support of a resolu- as part of a congressional delegation, and I Palestinian conflict and addressing the legiti- was grateful to the local leaders from Kumbo tion condemning anti-Semitism and other mate needs of both peoples. The bottom line forms of bigotry and intolerance. I am also a who traveled to meet with us to share their is it is critical that the U.S. pursue policies that powerful stories about how the conflict has af- cosponsor of the Never Again Education Act, will move Israelis and Palestinians towards a which would help address the rise in anti- fected their home. negotiated, two-state solution, and I will con- The ongoing devastation that our Semitism by granting teachers across the tinue to push the Trump administration and Cameroonian friends are experiencing as a re- country the resources and training necessary Congress to do so. sult of this crisis is unconscionable, which is to teach our children the lessons of the Holo- f why I helped introduce a resolution calling for caust and the horrific consequences of hate the respect of human rights of all and intolerance. INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION At the same time, I agree with this resolu- SUPPORTING KINDNESS Cameroonian citizens, an immediate end to tion’s statements that boycotts and related ac- the violence, and for the creation of a broad- tions are legitimate forms of free speech pro- HON. J. LUIS CORREA based dialogue to seek nonviolent solutions to tected under the First Amendment of the U.S. the conflict. I am proud to see the House of OF CALIFORNIA Representatives take up this resolution to Constitution. That’s why I am cosponsoring H. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Res. 496, a resolution affirming that all Ameri- show that Congress supports a path to a sus- cans have the right to participate in boycotts, Wednesday, July 24, 2019 tainable, inclusive peace in Cameroon. as protected by the First Amendment to the Mr. CORREA. Madam Speaker, remem- f Constitution. I have also consistently op- bering to act with kindness in the United HONORING MS. JUDY SCHNEIDER posed—and will continue to oppose—any leg- States and affirming our commitment to fos- islation that would punish or criminalize indi- tering community and building resiliency HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO viduals’ constitutionally-protected right to free through every day acts of kindness can do OF CONNECTICUT speech. wonders. Kindness can change a family, a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I also agree with the stated support for a neighborhood, a school, a city, a nation, and two-state solution in H. Res. 246. I have con- ultimately, our world. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 sistently supported a two-state solution We must recognize the long history of Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I rise throughout my time in Congress, and I am Americans demonstrating kindness daily in today to recognize Ms. Judy Schneider of the once again a cosponsor of legislation stating their homes, schools, places of faith, busi- Congressional Research Service for her serv- that any U.S. plan or proposal for peace in the nesses, community organizations, and ice to the United States Congress and the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.001 E24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E973 American people. After over 40 years of dedi- We owe a great debt of gratitude to those Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to cated service, Ms. Schneider is retiring. who toiled to bring awareness and visibility to join me in supporting H.R. 549 to allow certain When I was first elected to Congress, Ms. the people who were once disincluded or seg- Venezuelan nationals to stay in the U.S., re- Schneider was my most valuable resources regated from public life, due to physical bar- gardless of their current immigration status. for learning how this institution functions. She riers or due to the stigma of misconception. f helped me understand parliamentary proce- We still have a long way to go to ensure eq- CONGRATULATING THE GUAM dure, and even took the time to role play sce- uity for the differently abled, but we can sup- TERRITORIAL BAND narios with me so I could best serve my con- port and acknowledge the organizations that stituents. When Democrats lost the Majority in are advocating, educating, and protecting. 1994, Ms. Schneider gave me all the tools I I therefore rise today to mark the anniver- HON. MICHAEL F. Q. SAN NICOLAS needed to tackle being in the Minority. sary of the American Disabilities Act. OF GUAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over her storied career, she has honed a f singular knowledge of the legislative and polit- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 VENEZUELA TPS ACT OF 2019 ical process and has shared this insight for the Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Madam Speaker, I rise benefit of the institution and the young people SPEECH OF today to congratulate the Guam Territorial who came to this city to make opportunity real Band for taking home a Gold Award in the for their communities and their country. It is HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE 2019 Australian International Music Festival thanks to Ms. Schneider that many of my col- OF TEXAS held in Sydney, Australia. leagues in Congress are able to serve their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Guam Territorial Band was organized in constituents every day. She taught me every- Tuesday, July 23, 2019 1976 as the Governor’s Youth Band to per- thing I know about the steering process, a key form for the inauguration of President Jimmy part of Congress’ work. I still use the knowl- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise Carter in 1977. The band continues its service edge Ms. Schneider shared with me every in strong support of H.R. 549, ‘‘The Venezuela to the people of Guam as the Official Band of day. TPS Act of 2019.’’ Guam by performing at graduations, military As well as helping to guide Members of The bill would designate Venezuela for tem- events, national holiday ceremonies, official Congress and their staff through the proce- porary protected status (TPS), allowing certain visits, village fiestas, local government func- dures of this institution, she has helped count- Venezuelan nationals to stay in the U.S., re- tions, and numerous venues in Guam, the less young professions through her Direct gardless of their current immigration status. United States, and abroad. The Guam Terri- Connect to Congress classes. Ms. Schneider The Secretary of Homeland Security grants torial Band is led by Chief Band Master leaves behind a legacy of hard work and dedi- TPS to certain individuals who cannot safely Maximo Ronquillo, Jr., and the Regional Band cation to mentoring other professionals dedi- return to their home countries due to ongoing Masters, Joanne Matanane Sosa and William cated to civil service that will live on in the armed conflict, environmental disasters, or Brandon Aydlett. Women in Government Relations Judy other extraordinary circumstances. The Guam Territorial Band has educational Schneider Fellowship program. While the total number of individuals, who programs for aspiring musicians to gain expe- One of my personal heroes, Shirley Chis- would be eligible for TPS under this bill, is un- rience and training. The Guam Honor Band holm, said ‘‘service is the rent we pay for the clear, about 72,000 Venezuelans have come Program provides middle and high school stu- privilege of living on this earth.’’ Ms. Schneider to the U.S. since 2014. dents opportunities to develop their musical has certainly paid her rent. The Congress is a The Venezuela TPS Act of 2019 would: talents. For more advanced musicians, the place long in history and deep with complexity. Designate Venezuela for TPS, allowing its Guam Band Academy offers in-depth training It can be a labyrinth where passionate individ- nationals to remain in the U.S. for 18 months, in music theory, marching band, solo perform- uals dedicated to service become separated regardless of their immigration status if they: ance, and small ensemble performance under from their original aspirations. It has been Have been continuously physically present the Chief Band Master. Judy who has, again and again, helped others in the United States since the date of the en- In the 2019 Australian International Music navigate the path to change. I congratulate actment of the bill; and Festival, the Guam Territorial Band was a her on 40 years of service and I thank her for Meet all other requirements for TPS. Command Performance Band and received a impacting the lives of hundreds of young peo- Provide Venezuelan nationals who meet the Gold Award. The Australian International ple, staff and members. above requirements with: Music Festival is among the largest music fes- It is my honor and privilege today to recog- Employment authorization; and tivals in the southern hemisphere, receiving nize Ms. Judy Schneider for her hard work Authorization to travel outside the U.S. for participation from 62 ensembles and over and dedication, and to wish her the best of emergencies and extenuating circumstances. 1,300 participants in 2019. The Guam Terri- luck in her new retirement. She will be greatly Direct the Secretaries of State and Home- torial Band has previously received numerous missed. land Security to work with international part- honors and awards, including being a Com- mand Performance Band and received Gold f ners to increase capacity of countries sur- rounding Venezuela to provide migration serv- Awards in the 2005 and 2014 Australian Inter- HONORING THE ANNIVERSARY OF ices and asylum, specifically to establish and national Music Festivals, respectively. THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT expand in-country reception centers and shel- On behalf of the people of Guam, I want to ters and improve migration and asylum reg- congratulate the Guam Territorial Band for HON. RASHIDA TLAIB istration systems. their success in the 2019 Australian Inter- national Music Festival. They continue to dem- OF MICHIGAN Congress should designate Venezuela for onstrate outstanding musicianship in Guam, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TPS because: The country has been facing unprecedented the United States, and abroad. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 economic, humanitarian, security, and refugee f Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today to crisis, consisting of extreme food and medi- IN RECOGNITION OF JOSEPH P. bring awareness to the anniversary of the pas- cine shortages, severe infant and child mal- LEAHY sage of the American Disabilities Act, which nutrition, rampant crime, and government- was signed into law on July 26, 1990. sponsored repression. The passage and signing of the Act rep- Venezuela ranks as the most dangerous HON. RICHARD E. NEAL OF MASSACHUSETTS resent the culmination of many years of hard country in the world. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work and advocacy by countless differently In 2017, the country’s homicide rate stood abled individuals, their families, and allies. It is at 89 per 100,000 people which compares to Wednesday, July 24, 2019 unbelievable that until only thirty-nine years 5.3 per 100,000 people in the United States. Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, I would like to ago, there were no laws in place to protect the TPS holders contribute to the U.S. econ- take this opportunity to recognize my good civil rights of some of our communities’ most omy. friend Mr. Joe Leahy as he nears the end of vulnerable populations. The American Disabil- For example, TPS holders from El Salvador, his term as the 114th chairman of the nation’s ities Act provides important protections in Honduras, and Haiti contribute $4.5 billion in largest insurance association—the Inde- workplaces, schools, transportation, and all income to the gross domestic product annually pendent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Amer- public and private places that are open to the and $6.9 billion to Social Security and Medi- ica, also known as the Big ‘‘I’’. He was ap- general public. care over a decade. pointed chairman of the Big ‘‘I’’ in August

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.005 E24JYPT1 E974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2019 2018, in my hometown of Springfield, MA, and SAFE DRINKING WATER IN ment by securing $100 million under the over the past year has done a remarkable job PLAYGROUNDS AND PARKS ACT Projects of National Significance Title of the of piloting the association. He has proven him- Transportation bill for the cross harbor rail self to be a strong and thoughtful leader for HON. freight tunnel. Securing this much money in a independent insurance agents across the OF NEW YORK highway bill for a rail project was unprece- dented. She also consistently ensured that country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Joe graduated from Western New England passenger rail legislation protected resources College and is cunently the President of Leahy Wednesday, July 24, 2019 for the Northeast Corridor, while preventing & Brown Insurance & Realty, Inc., which he Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, I rise today massive cuts to Amtrak. She ensured I had a founded with his wife Frances in 1989. Joe with a call to action regarding the right to seat on the Conference Committee that nego- has a fine record of public service as he pre- clean drinking water. Every person has a right tiated the 2015 FAST Act, which allowed me viously served as Chief of Staff to Massachu- to drink water without fear of being poisoned. to bring an additional $1.5 billion in highway setts State Senator Martin T. Reilly (D–Spring- That is why, today, I am introducing the and transit formula funding to New York. In field). Safe Drinking Water in Playgrounds and Parks 2016, she worked on the FAA extension and At the state association level, Leahy was Act. This bill would ensure states, municipali- ensured that my legislation, the Families Fly- elected to the Executive Committee of the ties, and schools have the financial resources ing Together Act, was included in the final bill. Massachusetts Association of Insurance to replace drinking water fountains. While we Lisette has faced down many national crises Agents (MAIA) in 2001, served as chairman in can test water fountains for lead poisoning, as a member of my team. She worked for me 2005, and was Massachusetts director on the some municipalities and schools lack the re- on September 11, 2001, and was tireless in Big ‘‘I’’ national board from 2008 to 2013. In sources to replace its water fountains; this is her efforts to get a proper detoxification and 2013, Leahy received the MAIA Henry F. simply wrong. My bill will ensure such entities cleanup after the attack in New York and to Barry, Jr. Memorial Pacesetter Award, which have the necessary financial resources. hold the EPA accountable. Without her fierce is awarded to an agent who has contributed Children who play at playgrounds may be advocacy and dedication, there would be more his or her talent, time and energy for the bet- exposed to lead if they drink from the water 9/11 responders and survivors sick today. Her terment of the agency system and is the high- fountain. This is deeply worrisome and no par- work laid the groundwork for everything that est honor that the MAIA bestows. ent should have to worry that their child may followed, including the establishment of a per- On the national association level, Joe has be exposed to this deadly contaminant. manent World Trade Center Health Program served on numerous Big ‘‘I’’ committees and Exposure to lead—even low levels—can and 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. During task forces including the Big ‘‘I’’ Executive have serious health and development con- the BP oil spill in 2010, Lisette worked tire- Committee, Government Affairs Committee, sequences for infants, children under six, and lessly to get language I authored to ban the Tax Task Force, and the InsurPac Board of pregnant women. For those exposed to this use of dispersants included in the Gulf Spill Trustees. dangerous element, signs of poisoning may in- legislation that passed the House of Rep- I would also like to recognize the aforemen- clude cognitive impairment, behavioral prob- resentatives. Finally, during Superstorm tioned Frances Leahy, Joe’s esteemed wife. lems, and other health related problems. Ac- Sandy, Lisette worked closely with me and my Joe has been married to Frances for more cording to the American Academy of Pediat- staff to drive resources quickly to those who than 30 years. Together they reside in North- rics, ‘‘there is no safe amount of lead expo- needed it in the aftermath of the storm. She ampton, Massachusetts and have six children sure in children . . . ,’’ which is why it is crit- worked around the clock with federal, state, and eight grandchildren. ical that we advance efforts that prevents lead and local officials to solve problems as they arose and pass supplemental funding legisla- Once again, Madam Speaker, I am proud of poisoning. tion to build back our critical New York infra- Joe Leahy and all he has accomplished for Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support the Safe Drinking Water in Play- structure and make it more resilient. Massachusetts and beyond. I wish him and Lisette has always been an advocate for the Frances well in all their future endeavors, fol- grounds and Parks Act. It is undeniable that the fate of our children and future generations arts, especially music, and protecting the lowing his successful year as Chairman of the rights of artists. Lisette played a critical role in Big ‘‘I.’’ rests on the decisions we make today about fighting lead water pipes. my work on copyright issues with the Judiciary f Committee. Lisette worked tremendously hard f to pass the Music Modernization Act out of the HONORING GARY GALLO RECOGNIZING LISETTE MORTON Judiciary Committee and ultimately out of the AND HER SERVICE TO THE House by a remarkable vote of 415–0. Pas- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sage of this bill was a major legislative HON. RASHIDA TLAIB achievement that took years to complete and OF MICHIGAN HON. JERROLD NADLER would not have happened without her hard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK work and dedication to the effort. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lisette played a critical role in helping to elect me to the position of Ranking Member of Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Wednesday, July 24, 2019 the Judiciary Committee in 2017. She quickly tribute to Gary Gallo on the occasion of his re- Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, I rise today established herself as the Director of Member tirement from the Garden City, Michigan Fire to commemorate the Congressional career of Services and worked to make sure Members Department. Lisette Morton, my long time Legislative Direc- concerns are heard and that committee staff Gary Gallo has displayed true leadership, tor and the Director of Policy, Planning, and and Members are kept informed of Judiciary rising through the ranks of the Garden City Member Services of the House Judiciary Com- Committee business. Fire Department, before finally retiring as cap- mittee. This year, when I became Chairman of the tain. After obtaining certification, Captain Gallo Lisette began her career on Capitol Hill Judiciary Committee, Lisette took on the new took on the role of Team Leader to the West- nearly 20 years ago working on environmental role of Director of Policy, Planning, and Mem- ern Wayne County Hazardous Incident Re- issues for the late Congressman Bruce Vento. ber Services. She worked with our entire Judi- sponse Team in addition to his responsibilities. She started working as my Legislative Assist- ciary team to create a bold legislative agenda, He has been a dependable and active mem- ant in the year 2000 and became my Legisla- to ensure hearings were held on critical issues ber of the Fire Department. Captain Gallo’s tive Director in 2004. facing the country, and to pass meaningful devotion is evident in his service to the com- Lisette has an encyclopedic understanding legislation out of Committee and onto the floor munity. Beyond his duties as a firefighter, he of a huge range of issues and always ensured of the House. With her help, the Judiciary has served as a board member to of Garden that I was well prepared for hearings, mark- Committee passed H.R. 1, the For the People City United Needy Family Fund as well as ups, and floor debates. She is a constant Act; H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Union President and Treasurer of International source of reliable and informed advice on Checks Act; H.R. 1112, the Enhanced Back- Association of Fire Fighters Local 1911. which I have relied for almost two decades. ground Checks Act; H.R. 6, the American Please join me in saluting Captain Gary Throughout her tenure in my office, Lisette Dream and Promise Act; H.R. 1585, the Vio- Gallo for his twenty-five years of bravery and worked tirelessly to meet New York’s unique lence Against Women Act Reauthorization; service to the public as we wish him well on transportation and infrastructure needs. She H.R. 5, the Equality Act; and H.R. 1327, the his retirement. helped achieve a major legislative accomplish- Permanent Reauthorization of the September

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.008 E24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E975 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act. Our agement Association, the International City Elizabeth Le´, Howard University; Committee would not be as active or success- and County Management Association, and a Keva Luke, Georgetown University; ful without her incredible work. graduate of Leadership Polk, Class Il, and has Michael Pender, United States Naval Acad- None of these accomplishments happen by served on the Board of Directors of Polk Vi- emy; chance. They are the result of hard work and sion and the Advisory Board of Polk County Nia Prince, Rice University; years of building relationships on , in Career Academies. the administration, and in New York. She un- Jim has lived in Winter Haven since 1989 Hargun Sodhi, University of Houston; derstands how this institution works—and how and is married to Gena Freeman. Between the Rafael Martinez, Texas Tech University; it should work—and she knows how to do the two of them, they have seven children and 11 Lily Rathbun, The Madeira School; necessary work to turn a simple bill into an or- grandchildren; and are members of the Cal- Keenan Parker, The Madeira School; ganizing tool for a movement. She has a vary Baptist Church in Winter Haven. Jacky Lee, The Madeira School; and unique ability to build relationships and work We worked together to bring critical funding Kayla Rothstein, The Madeira School. with others to get a job done. That is what back to Polk County for Hurricane Irma relief, makes her so effective in creating lasting to combat citrus greening, to bring higher pay- Madam Speaker, the energy, intelligence, change. ing jobs, and to protect our environment. and idealism these wonderful young people And I am not the only one to hold that view. I have truly appreciated the time I have brought to my office and those interning in the Judiciary Committee Ranking Member DOUG spent working with him. I congratulate Jim on offices of my colleagues help keep our democ- COLLINS has said, Lisette ‘‘has given a great a tremendous career and wish him much hap- racy vibrant. The insights, skills, and knowl- deal of service to this House and to me and piness in his well-deserved retirement. edge of the governmental process they gain from their experiences will last a lifetime and to my staff personally. She will be missed, on f both sides of this aisle, because she under- prove invaluable to them as they go about stands completely what this House should be TRIBUTE TO YOUNG STAFF MEM- making their mark in this world. about and that is actually service and actually BERS FOR THEIR CONTRIBU- Because of persons like them the future of getting legislation done.’’ TIONS ON BEHALF OF THE PEO- our country is bright, and its best days lie But Lisette is more than just a staffer to me. PLE OF THE 18TH CONGRES- ahead. I wish them all well. To me, she is like family. She has given our SIONAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS AND Madam Speaker, I am grateful that such office more than her hard work, she has given THE UNITED STATES thoughtful committed young men and women us her great sense of humor and ready laugh, can be found working in my office, those of her kind support, and her willingness to share HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE my colleagues, and in every community in her life with us. She tells stories with great OF TEXAS America. Their good works will keep America passion about her beloved Nationals and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES great, good, and forever young. Caps, her trips to Spring Training or to the Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Minnesota State Fair, her love of all things f Star Wars, Star Trek, and Disney, and her Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, as love of Bravo TV and good books. She has Members of Congress we know well, perhaps SUPPORTING H.R. 736 brought all that joy and life with her to work better than most, how blessed our nation is to each day in addition to being an incredibly have in reserve such exceptional young men hard working, capable, and brilliant staffer. and women who will go on to become leaders HON. HARLEY ROUDA I know I will miss Lisette greatly, but I am in their local communities, states, and the na- OF CALIFORNIA happy she has found a new position working tion in the areas of business, education, law, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on issues she is passionate about. And I am government, philanthropy, the arts and culture, pleased she will continue to pursue those pas- and the military. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 sions both in and out of the office every day. We know this because we see them and Mr. ROUDA. Madam Speaker, I include in I wish her luck and joy in all her future en- benefit from their contributions every day. the RECORD the following letters from Chair- deavors. Many of them work for us in our offices as jun- man CUMMINGS and Chairperson LOFGREN in And so, it is only fitting to say as a final ior staff members, congressional fellows, or in- support of H.R. 736. farewell, ‘‘Lisette, may the Force be with you.’’ terns and they do amazing work for and on HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, f behalf of the constituents we are privileged to COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM, represent. Washington, DC, July 17, 2019. RETIREMENT OF POLK COUNTY Madam Speaker, I believe there is no higher Hon. ZOE LOFGREN, MANAGER JIM FREEMAN calling than the call to serve a cause larger Chairperson, Committee on House Administra- than ourselves. That is why I ran for public of- tion, House of Representatives, Washington, HON. DARREN SOTO fice. I was inspired to serve by President Ken- DC. OF FLORIDA nedy who said, ‘‘Ask not what your country DEAR MADAM CHAIRPERSON: Thank you for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES your letter regarding H.R. 736, the Access to can do for you, ask what you can do for your Congressionally Mandated Reports Act. As Wednesday, July 24, 2019 country,’’ and by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther you know, the bill was referred primarily to Mr. SOTO. Madam Speaker, Jim Freeman, King, Jr. who said: the Committee on Oversight and Reform, who has served as the County Manager of Everybody can be great because anybody with an additional referral to the Committee Polk County, Florida since 2010 will retire on can serve. . . . You only need a heart full of on House Administration. July 31. grace. A soul generated by love. I thank you for allowing the Committee on Jim is a true public servant who began his By this measure, there are several other the House Administration to be discharged career with Polk County in 1989 as Director of great young men and women who served as from further consideration of the bill to ex- volunteers this year in my offices. They may pedite floor consideration. This discharge in Information Technology. From 1997 to 2003, no way affects your jurisdiction over the he served as Administrative Services Director, toil in obscurity but their contributions to the subject matter of the bill, and it will not becoming Deputy County Manager in Novem- constituents we serve are deeply appreciated. serve as precedent for future referrals. In ad- ber 2003. That is why today I rise to pay tribute to 17 dition, should a conference on the bill be His previous experience includes eight extraordinary young persons for their service necessary, I would support your request to years with the Gwinnett County, Georgia, to my constituents in the 18th Congressional have the Committee on House Administra- Board of Commissioners and four years with District of Texas and to the American people. tion represented on the conference com- the Georgia Mountains Regional Development They are: mittee. Commission in Gainesville, Georgia . Hadeel Abdallah, University of Oxford; I would be pleased to include this letter A native of the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan Lakeisha Barnes, Indiana University; and any response in the bill report filed by area, he holds an AS in Business Data Proc- Mia Arrington, Villanova University; the Committee on Oversight and Reform, as well as in the Congressional Record during essing from Gainesville College, in Georgia, Dalia Batuuka, Pennsylvania State Univer- floor consideration, to memorialize our un- and a BA in Business Administration from sity; derstanding. Saint Leo University in Florida. Julia Chun, Clark University; Sincerely, Jim is a Certified Public Manager and a Katherine Holder, Texas Tech University; ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, member of the Florida City and County Man- Lillian Keller, Swarthmore College; Chairman.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24JY8.007 E24JYPT1 E976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2019 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, significant inventions in optics and spectros- matics (STEM) fields by supporting sexual COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, copy that have optimized the use of lasers harassment research and efforts to prevent Washington, DC, July 17, 2019. and optical systems, aiding in the treatment of and respond to sexual harassment. Hon. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, This bill also directs the National Science Chairman, Committee on Oversight and Reform, major diseases and improving the design of House of Representatives, Washington, DC. the world’s fiber optic communication system. Foundation (NSF) to award grants to institu- DEAR CHAIRMAN CUMMINGS: I am writing to Joanna S. Fowler: Native Floridian, Univer- tions of higher education or nonprofit organiza- you regarding H.R. 736, the ‘‘Access to Con- sity of South Florida alumni, and 2008 Na- tions. gressionally Mandated Reports Act.’’ This tional Medal of Science recipient selected for Such grants to institutions of higher edu- measure, introduced on January 23, 2019, was her transformative research that enabled the cation will be used to expand research into referred to your committee as well as the use of molecular imaging to more accurately sexual harassment in the STEM workforce, in- Committee on House Administration. identify and treat illnesses ranging from drug cluding students and trainees; and to examine The Committee on House Administration addiction to cancer. interventions for reducing the incidence and recognizes the importance of H.R. 736 and Hedy Lamarr (1914–2000): Former Florida the need to move this bill expeditiously. negative consequences of such harassment. Therefore, while we have valid jurisdictional resident for nearly two decades, Oscar-nomi- According to a report issued by the National claims to this bill, the Committee on House nated actress, and 2014 National Inventors Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Administration will waive further consider- Hall of Fame inductee selected for her ground Medicine in 2018 entitled ‘‘Sexual Harassment ation of H.R. 736. The Committee does so breaking invention of the Secret Communica- of Women: Climate, Culture, and Con- with the understanding that by waiving fur- tion System, which led to the creation of var- sequences in Academic Sciences, Engineer- ther consideration of this bill it does not ious technologies used today to support Wi-Fi, ing, and Medicine,’’ sexual harassment is per- waive any future jurisdictional claims over GPS, and Bluetooth. vasive in institutions of higher education. similar measures. Thomas A. Lipo: Research Professor at the The most common type of sexual harass- I would appreciate the inclusion of this let- Florida State University Center for Advanced ter and a copy of your response in the Con- ment is gender harassment, which includes gressional Record during consideration of Power Systems selected for his pioneering in- verbal and nonverbal behaviors that convey H.R. 736 on the House floor. novations in the field of electrical machinery insulting, hostile, and degrading attitudes Sincerely, and power electronics that improved the tech- about members of one gender. ZOE LOFGREN, nology that runs subway cars as well as Fifty-eight percent of individuals in the aca- Chairperson. paved the way for hybrid and electric vehicles. demic workplace experience sexual harass- f Alan F. List: CEO and president of Moffitt ment, which is the second highest rate when Cancer Center selected for his dedication to compared to the military, the private sector, FLORIDA INVENTORS HALL OF understanding cancer biology and developing and Federal, State, and local government. FAME 2019 INDUCTEES novel therapeutic strategies for treating hem- Women who are members of racial or ethnic atologic malignancies such as myelodysplastic minority groups are more likely to experience HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS syndrome (MDS) and acute myelocytic leu- sexual harassment and to feel unsafe at work OF FLORIDA kemia (AML). than White women, White men, or men who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chris A. Malachowsky: University of Florida are members of such groups. alum selected for inventing the Graphics Proc- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 The training for each individual who has a essing Unit (GPU) that transformed the visual doctor of philosophy in the science, tech- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, I rise computing industry, revolutionized high per- nology, engineering, and mathematics fields is today to honor the eight inventors who have formance computing, and opened the door to estimated to cost approximately $500,000. been recognized as the 2019 Inductees of the modern artificial intelligence. Attrition of an individual so trained results in Florida Inventors Hall of Fame. To be named Luther George Simjian (1905–1997): prolific a loss of talent and money. as an Inductee, these inventors were nomi- inventor and founder of Tampa based Sexual harassment undermines the career nated by their peers nationwide and have un- Reflectone, Inc, who developed the Optical advancement for women. dergone the scrutiny of the Florida Inventors Range Estimation Trainer used during WWII, Many women are reported to leave employ- Hall of Fame Selection Committee. As a re- which became the standard for simulation de- ment at institutions of higher education due to sult, their innovations have been identified as fense training, and for his many other inven- sexual harassment. significantly impacting the quality of life, eco- tions including his ATM concept that revolu- Research shows the majority of individuals nomic development, and welfare of their com- tionized the banking system. do not formally report experiences of sexual munities, the residents of Florida, and the Richard A. Yost: University of Florida pro- harassment due to a justified fear of retaliation United States. fessor of chemistry selected for his invention or other negative professional or personal con- The Florida Inventors Hall of Fame was of the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, a sequences. founded in 2013 by Paul R. Sanberg, Senior ground breaking analytical instrument that is Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join Vice President for Research, Innovation and used daily in drug development, disease test- me in supporting H.R. 36 to research and bet- Knowledge Enterprise, and Judy Genshaft, ing, food safety, and environmental studies. ter understand the causes and consequences Innovation and invention are the building President, at the University of South Florida. It of sexual harassment affecting individuals in blocks of our nation. I applaud these highly was recognized by the Florida Senate with science. accomplished individuals and the organiza- Senate Resolution 1756, adopted on April 30, f 2014. Its mission is to encourage individuals tions that support them in their quest to of all backgrounds to strive toward the better- change the world in ways that truly benefit hu- HONORING HARRY BEAL, ment of Florida and society through contin- manity. It is because of the perseverance of AMERICA’S FIRST NAVY SEAL uous, groundbreaking innovation by cele- these inventors that future generations are en- brating the incredible scientific work that has couraged to reach beyond their limits and HON. JOHN JOYCE push the boundaries of innovation. been or is being accomplished in Florida and OF PENNSYLVANIA f by its citizens. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nomination to the Florida Inventors Hall of COMBATING SEXUAL HARASSMENT Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Fame is open to all Florida inventors (living or IN SCIENCE ACT OF 2019 dead) who are or have been residents of Flor- Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- ida. The nominee must be a named inventor SPEECH OF er, I rise today to honor Greenville Township, on a patent issued by the United States Pat- Somerset County, Pennsylvania, native Harry ent and Trademark Office. The impact of the HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Beal, who was the first U.S. Navy SEAL. OF TEXAS inventor and his or her invention should be Mr. Beal enlisted in the Navy in 1948 when IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES significant to society, and the invention should he was just 17 years old. The Korean War have been commercialized, utilized, or led to Tuesday, July 23, 2019 began shortly after Beal joined the Navy, how- important innovations. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ever, he never saw Korea. In the early 1960s, The 2019 Inductees of the Florida Inventors support of H.R. 36, the ‘‘Combating Sexual Beal was sent to Naval Amphibious Base Little Hall of Fame are: Harassment in Science Act of 2019.’’ Creek to learn underwater demolition. There is Michael Bass: Professor Emeritus at the This bill addresses sexual harassment in the where he signed up for the Navy SEALs in University of Central Florida selected for his science, technology, engineering, and mathe- 1962.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.011 E24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E977 President John F. Kennedy was looking for the 2019 Australian International Music Fes- vented me from voting YEA on H. Res. 246, a group of men that could go anywhere in the tival held in Sydney, Australia. Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of world at a moment’s notice. Beal was a mem- The Tumon Bay Youth Orchestra was orga- Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and ber of SEAL Team Two, which was based out nized in September 2018, launching Guam’s Sanctions Movement targeting Israel, of which of Little Creek. His service was exemplary. newest community youth orchestra. The Or- I am a co-sponsor. I strongly support this res- Harry Beal served in the Navy for 20 years. chestra seeks to provide a platform for youth olution and our ally, the Jewish, democratic His service took him to South America, South- musicians from various schools to build cama- state of Israel. I am a proponent of a nego- east Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean Sea. I raderie through music. The repertoire for the tiated two-state solution for the Israelis and ask my colleagues to join me in thanking ensemble includes the grand masterworks of the Palestinians and will continue to condemn Harry Beal for his lifetime of service to our na- centuries past to the latest movie or video efforts that stand in the way of the path to tion. game soundtracks, to the delight of audiences peace. of all ages. The Orchestra is led by Artistic Di- f rector Maximo Ronquillo, Jr. f OPPOSING GLOBAL BOYCOTT, DI- The Tumon Bay Youth Orchestra received a VESTMENT, AND SANCTIONS Gold Award for its debut performance for the SMALL BUSINESS MOVEMENT TARGETING ISRAEL 2019 Australian International Music Festival at REORGANIZATION ACT OF 2019 the Sydney Opera House. The Australian SPEECH OF International Music Festival is among the larg- est music festivals in the southern hemi- SPEECH OF HON. sphere, receiving participation from 62 ensem- OF FLORIDA bles and over 1,300 participants in 2019. HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of the people of Guam, I want to OF TEXAS congratulate the Tumon Bay Youth Orchestra Tuesday, July 23, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for their success in the 2019 Australian Inter- Ms. FRANKEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- national Music Festival. Tuesday, July 23, 2019 port of H. Res. 246, a bipartisan resolution f that opposes the Boycott, Divestment and Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Sanctions (BDS) movement aimed against IN RECOGNITION OF strong support of H.R. 3311, ‘‘The Small Busi- Israel, strongly supports a two-state solution to INTERNATIONAL SELF-CARE DAY ness Reorganization Act of 2019.’’ the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and affirms the H.R. 3311, the ‘‘Small Business Reorganiza- Constitutional right of American citizens to free HON. ROBERT E. LATTA tion Act of 2019,’’ would streamline the bank- speech. OF OHIO ruptcy process by which small business debt- Let’s be clear about what BDS is and is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ors reorganize and rehabilitate their financial not—BDS is not a social justice movement. It affairs. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 ignores Palestinian terrorist attacks targeting I support this legislation because it address- Israeli civilians, including more than 18,000 Mr. LATTA. Madam Speaker, July 24th is es the special problems presented by small rockets and 105 suicide bombings, as well as recognized as ‘‘International Self-Care Day’’ to business cases by instituting a variety of time human rights abuses perpetrated by Pales- bring attention to the importance of advancing frames and enforcement mechanisms de- tinian leaders against their own people. public health through effective and safe self- signed to weed out small business debtors BDS is an international effort to economi- care. Over-the-counter (OTC) products from who are not likely to reorganize. cally, politically and culturally isolate our close cold medicines to cures for headaches, play a ally Israel. It undermines prospects for a two- key role in consumer self-care which is evi- It also requires these cases to be more ac- state solution by punishing Israel with eco- dent by widespread use in nearly every tively monitored by United States trustees and nomic harm in order to force concessions by household across the country. We must do all the bankruptcy courts. Israel alone and encouraging the Palestinians we can to support self-care and to advance According to the Small Business Administra- to reject negotiations in favor of international lower-cost, safe and effective options for tion (SBA) Office of Advocacy, approximately pressure. American consumers. 20 percent of small businesses survive the BDS does not recognize the right of the When health care innovation is blocked by first year, but by the five-year mark only 50 Jewish people to national self-determination, a government regulations, it’s patients who lose. percent are still in business and by the ten- right proclaimed by the United Nations. Some Our current process for approving over-the- year mark only one-third survive. of its supporters even advocate for Israel’s counter products is unnecessarily inefficient, Under the protection of chapter 11, a debtor complete destruction. Omar Barghouti, a co- leading to higher prices and fewer choices for is given a ‘‘financial breathing spell’’ from most founder of the movement, has said, ‘‘Most consumers. A problem like this rightfully de- creditor collection efforts. serves bipartisan solutions, and that’s what we definitely, we oppose a Jewish state in any This protection allows the chapter 11 debtor part of Palestine.’’ have in the Over-the-Counter Monograph Safety, Innovation, and Reform Act. I thank to continue its business operations while for- I am pleased that members of Congress, on mulating a plan of reorganization to repay its both sides of the aisle, understand that a se- my friend from Colorado, Ms. DEGETTE for working with me for several years on H.R. creditors. cure Israel is important for our country as well 3443 to reform a broken system and bring as our allies. I am proud to be a co-sponsor Not surprisingly, while most chapter 11 busi- new cost-effective OTC products to market of this resolution which puts Congress on the ness cases are filed by small business debt- faster. It’s time for the over-the-counter ap- record opposing the discriminatory BDS cam- ors, they are often ‘‘the least likely to reorga- proval process to be as modem as the innova- paign against Israel and supporting a nego- nize successfully. tions being presented to the FDA. tiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict I know first hand that Hurricane Harvey hurt Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join resulting in two states. many small businesses and though we worked me in recognizing the value and importance of to help them recover, bankruptcy was the only f OTC medicines to promote and achieve self- option for some of them. care for families across our nation. CONGRATULATING THE TUMON While the Bankruptcy Code envisions that BAY YOUTH ORCHESTRA f creditors will play a major role in monitoring PERSONAL EXPLANATION these cases, this often does not occur, chiefly HON. MICHAEL F.Q. SAN NICOLAS because creditors in these smaller cases do not have claims large enough to warrant the OF GUAM HON. VICENTE GONZALEZ time and money to participate actively in these IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS cases. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join Mr. SAN NICOLAS. Madam Speaker, I rise Wednesday, July 24, 2019 me in supporting H.R. 3311 to help our small today to congratulate the Tumon Bay Youth Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Madam Speaker, businesses have a chance at success during Orchestra for taking home a Gold Award in extenuating circumstances regrettably pre- difficult times.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.014 E24JYPT1 E978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2019 TRIBUTE TO JUDY SCHNEIDER ognize Judy’s accomplishments, guarantees 120,000 members and associates of this great that her impact will continue to be felt. Last organization. You see the book. You go HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY year, she won the inaugural Democracy through the sad, tragic, but heroic exhibit they OF ILLINOIS Awards Lifetime Achievement award for Con- have of the martyrs to freedom. Look at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressional staff from the Congressional Man- photograph of the people in the infirmary agement Foundation, a truly fitting honor. And being treated for illness, slaughtered just a few Wednesday, July 24, 2019 yet, I believe her greatest reward is knowing years ago. Killed 52 of them of the last 100 Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise that she has mentored, trained and inspired so people who stayed at Ashraf, they tried to today to offer my deep gratitude and apprecia- many who have gone on to use her lessons wipe them all out. In 1988, in two months they tion to someone who has played an indispen- to improve people’s lives and well-being. slaughtered 30,000 people. These are not sable role in Congress for more than four dec- I thank Judy, I love her and I wish her ev- numbers, these are human lives. ades—my guide and my great friend, Judy erything good. I know that she will spend time So there are three things that we have to Schneider. After a legendary career as a Spe- on the Jersey shore, with family and friends, do. Number one, we have to get the govern- cialist on Congress at the Congressional Re- and enjoy some well-deserved downtime. But ments of Europe to stand up, to wake up, to search Service—really the specialist on Con- I also hope that, even in retirement, she will reclaim their dignity and their honor. These gress—Judy is retiring. Judy will be missed. continue to serve as a resource for all of us are the countries that gave us democracy. Judy Schneider is a recognized institution who have relied on her for her wisdom. I hope Greece, Rome, Italy, France, United Kingdom, on Capitol Hill—not just because of her unpar- to be able to turn to her for her counsel and Germany, all places in which freedom was alleled knowledge of procedure, but because friendship in the future, as I have so frequently born, democracy was born, democracy of her belief in how those of us fortunate over the past years. emerged. Democracy for my nation came out of Europe and the experience of Europe. So enough to work here can use those proce- f dures to move effective policy solutions. She how can the leaders of those countries turn has never failed to recognize the enormous RUDY GIULIANI COMMENTS RE- their back on mass murder? How can they do possibilities we have been given to represent GARDING THE IRANIAN REGIME it and live with themselves? It’s time to end our constituents and our nation, and she has OF TERROR that shameful disregard. never failed to help anyone—on either side of There’s no statute of limitations on murder. the aisle—who sought her guidance. HON. PAUL A. GOSAR I prosecuted two Nazis 40 years after their horrible deeds. One killed 20,000 people, the Like many of my colleagues and their staffs, OF ARIZONA other killed 12,000 people and we found them I have relied on Judy to help me navigate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress—not just how the House and Sen- and it took years and we brought them to jus- ate are supposed to work according to prece- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 tice. The people who slaughtered 30,000 peo- dent, but how these bodies actually work in to- Mr. GOSAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today ple in 1988 should be identified, they should day’s world. Along with her colleague Michael to include in the RECORD comments about the be prosecuted, and they should either be im- Koempel, she literally wrote the book—The situation in Iran that I believe are relevant and prisoned for life or executed. They’re crimi- Congressional Deskbook: The Practical and should be widely shared. The comments, from nals. They’re murderers. They’re not leaders Comprehensive Guide to Congress—to help former New York City Mayor and attorney to of countries. They are no better than the mur- explain the rules under which we operate. My the U.S. President Rudy Giuliani, address derer in the street except they’re worse be- staff and I have turned to the Deskbook count- peaceful regime change in Iran and the work cause they’re mass murderers. I am so proud of my government because less times, and we are far from alone. Wheth- of the Iranian Resistance. Giuliani delivered we have stood up. We looked at that agree- er you work on the Hill or simply want to un- this speech at the International Gathering at ment that would make Iran a nuclear power derstand how Congress operates, you can rely Ashraf–3, Tirana, Albania, which is home to and we said tear it up. We’re not going to put on Judy Schneider’s writings for clear, concise members of the Iranian opposition, the nuclear weapons in the hands of a maniac. and accurate information. That includes not Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK). More than Well, I say to the leaders of Europe, you can just the Deskbook but hundreds of reports and 350 bipartisan dignitaries and parliamentarians be liberators too. You can go down in history from 47 countries attended the conference. I guidance documents, including one that each as fighters for freedom. of my staffers receives on how to prepare a offer these comments for thoughtful discussion Isn’t that better than just running a govern- legislative plan. as follows: ment and making money and giving blood But Judy is not just an author. She is avail- Giuliani: ‘‘Thanks to you and particularly to money to Iran? How can you do commerce able to talk with Members of Congress, their the people who live here in Ashraf 3. You’ll be with them? We all know they’re the largest staffs, and others to answer questions and the ones who lead your people to freedom sponsor of terrorism in the world. What does share her vast expertise. I was fortunate to and you’ll be honored forever in Iranian history that mean? That means they fund and they meet Judy at the new member retreat during and in the history of those who love and are supply murderers not only in their own country my first weeks in Congress, and Immediately willing to die for freedom. God bless you. but all over the world. And when you give recognized her many talents. It was clear to This organization has grown and grown and them money, when you relieve them of a debt, me that if I wanted to learn how the House grown and I feel in this room today a kind of which my government did in the prior adminis- really works, I needed to know Judy. I am so optimism that I don’t remember feeling before tration, and put over a billion dollars back in thankful that Judy agreed to serve as my men- when we were in Paris. I feel an optimism their hands, you are supporting murder. What tor and guide. Whenever my staff or I have a maybe because you’ve done a miracle here in do they use it for? Their people know, their question about procedural or legislative op- Ashraf. If we were to build this in New York people know that when they get money, when tions, we turn to not just to Judy’s books and City, it would take 15 years and 14 corruption a French company or a German company reports, but to Judy in person. She is not just investigations. I was here a year and a half does business with them, that money, that on our speed-dial, she is the ‘‘go-to’’ person ago, this wasn’t here. profit is going to be used to kill people in Syria for offices throughout the House and Senate. And of course, all of this is possible be- or to kill people somewhere else or to send Her influence goes beyond the walls of Con- cause of the leadership of Madame Maryam people to Albania to kill us or to send people gress. Judy has been generous in sharing her Rajavi, a truly exceptional leader. Just like her to France like they did last year to kill Ma- understanding of Congress with a wide range husband Massoud Rajavi, who began this dame Rajavi and us. That’s what they’re fund- of groups off the Hill, speaking to countless movement in one very brave act. He refused ing, don’t you realize it? That makes you associations and organizations while also to swear allegiance to the Supreme Leader complicit in murder. mentoring many individuals—especially Khomeini to his face. He said, ‘‘No, I will not Number two, let’s make it clear, there is an women—who are interested in policymaking swear allegiance to you. I will not deliver my alternative to this horrible regime of terror. careers. Using her trademark Socratic style to nation to a tyrant.’’ This isn’t one of those situations in which we challenge her countless students, Judy has I’m here to say three things. First, I accuse have the choice of deposing a horrible dictator taught a generation of thinkers how to use pol- the Ayatollah and Rouhani and all of their and we don’t know if a more horrible one will icy and procedures creatively. sycophants and followers of mass murder, come along. Right? And when we saw that Judy Schneider has received many awards crimes against humanity. We should be em- happen, we saw it happen in Egypt, in some and accolades—all of which are richly de- barrassed for our countries if they haven’t ways we saw it happen in Libya. served. The Judy Schneider Fellowship, cre- stood up against this. There’s no middle But here we don’t have that problem. We’ve ated by Women in Government in 2015 to rec- ground here. These people have killed at least got the worst regime in the world by far, the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.020 E24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E979 biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world. And But I know and I feel as I’ve told you, and tests that culminates in a bustling street fair then we have the National Council, the NCRI, I know why there’s an optimism in this room. and parade. led by the president-elect, Madame Rajavi. Because we’re going to be in Tehran much Furthermore, Higginsville is home to some Coalition of resistance organizations respected sooner than all those cynics believe. You of the best retirement facilities in the area. throughout the world. There are representa- know why? [Because we are Hazer, Hazer, Meyer Care Center and John Knox Village tives of most of the major countries in the Hazer. (We’re ready).’’ East (a not-for-profit retirement community) world here. They’ve gotten to know her. f are cornerstones of the community and world- They’ve gotten to respect her. In my country, class homes for senior citizens. she’s thoroughly respected. CELEBRATION OF THE SESQUI- The quality schools, solid jobs, and caring We know there’s a group of people who CENTENNIAL OF HIGGINSVILLE retirement communities make Higginsville a have been fighting for freedom all their lives, good place to grow-up, work, and retire. who have lost the closets people to them in HON. Higginsville is successful because of its citi- the fight for freedom, who are dedicated to it. OF MISSOURI zens’ commitment to improving the commu- People here at Ashraf, let’s make it clear. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity, through their community organizations, spent a lot of time with them. These are peo- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 churches, and fraternal spirit. This commit- ple who are dedicated to freedom. And if you ment will never diminish, and Higginsville will think that’s a cult, then there’s something Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I rise continue to be a crossroads of Missouri and wrong with you. There’s something missing in today to honor the sesquicentennial of the center of Lafayette County. Madam your soul. Higginsville, Missouri. For the past 150 years, Speaker, please join me, Missouri’s Fifth Con- But we know that there is a government in Higginsville has served as the hub of Lafay- gressional District, and citizens across the na- exile, it negotiates with the whole world, and ette County and the home of a tight-knit, car- tion in honoring the City of Higginsville for 150 it’s written down plain as can be what it stands ing community. May it stand for another 150 years of community and growth. for. And it looks just like our Bill of Rights, just years as a glittering example to other towns f like the universal declarations of freedom and around the country. decency and human rights enshrined in the In 1869, the town was incorporated on land HONORING AMERICAN VETERANS great documents of the world. Free elections purchased by its namesake, Harvey Higgins. IN EXTREME NEED ACT OF 2019 within six months is the promise, and I believe A post office was soon established, and the it will be fulfilled. They’re for gender equality. growth of the town took off from there. The SPEECH OF They’re for human rights. They’re for a system first school was built in 1886 and enrolled 572 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE of law. They’re for we don’t imprison someone students by 1888. Powered by coal mines, OF TEXAS manufacturing, and agriculture, the population unless they have a fair trial. And because of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their history, they oppose capital punishment, exploded until it had over 2,500 people living because there’s been too much of it. And it there in 1910. To point the way to a bustling Tuesday, July 23, 2019 isn’t just capital punishment, it’s murder in town, the yellow ‘‘Welcome to Higginsville’’ fin- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in their country. This is a good organization. And ger signs were installed on Highway 13 and strong support of H.R. 2938, ‘‘The Honoring it’s an organization that is ready, willing and US Highway 40 (now I–70) in 1924. These American Veterans in Extreme Need Act of able not to take over Iran but to guide Iran to four iconic signs stand today as a sunny trib- 2019’’, or the HAVEN Act. elections as quickly as possible and hopefully ute to the hospitality of Higginsville’s people. Section 2 would amend Bankruptcy Code they will be part of the coalition governing Iran The 20th century and President Franklin section 101(1 OA), which defines current like they’re part of the coalition that is trying to Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal programs monthly income’’ for purposes of the Code’s guide Iran to freedom. This is a group that we brought development and investment, includ- means test, to exclude compensation paid by can support. It’s a group that we should stop ing Fairground park, a swimming pool, and a the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and maligning and it’s a group that should make new post office with a mural done by a stu- the U.S. Department of Defense to an indi- us comfortable having regime change in the dent of the great regionalist painter Thomas vidual in connection with a disability, combat- worst regime in the world. Hart Benton. After World War II, further invest- related injury or disability, or death of a mem- Here’s what you can do. You can be a wit- ment brought a golf course, additions to the ber of the uniformed services. ness like in the Biblical sense of a witness. park, a new city hall, new school buildings, I strongly support this legislation because it You know something that a lot of people don’t and a municipal airport. would bring certain veterans’ disability benefits know. You know really how bad it is in Iran. In 1967, the Higginsville and Corder School paid by the U.S. Department of Veterans Af- And you know about MEK. And you know districts were consolidated forming the Lafay- fairs and the U.S. Department of Defense into about Madame Rajavi. And you know the ette County C–1 school district. The school parity with the treatment of Social Security truth, not the lies, ‘‘the cult, they don’t have has grown to serve almost a thousand stu- payments under the Bankruptcy Code’s support in Iran.’’ Why has the Ayatollah been dents and stands as a center of academic ex- means test. murdering them for 40 years if they don’t have cellence. It was Accredited with Distinction in Although Social Security benefits are not support in Iran? The Ayatollah, Rouhani, have Performance by the State of Missouri for the treated as income for purposes of the Bank- said that this organization is the only one 2009–2010 school year. The district’s com- ruptcy Code’s means test, veterans’ disability that’s really a danger to them. petent instructors, small class sizes, and benefits. do constitute income under this test. You now have a responsibility because of abundant resources makes it one of the best This requirement applies even with respect your knowledge. Don’t be euphemistic about schools in the county. to servicemembers who have returned to the it. Don’t hide your eyes. You’ve got to get the Situated less than fifty miles outside of Kan- United States from active service and thus no leaders of your country to stand up so you can sas City and near I–70, Higginsville residents longer receive combat pay. all be proud of your country and its heritage. have the advantages of both easy access to Under the means test, such servicemember I get attacked and my colleagues who will city and country living. Jobs in Kansas City would have to calculate his or her income be here in a moment get attacked all the time are easily accessible, and there are also good based on the average monthly income that he in America. Why we’re doing this? We’re jobs in Higginsville. Lafayette County’s top or she received during the six-month period doing it really very simply because we love employer is the Higginsville Habilitation Center preceding the filing date of the bankruptcy freedom and we can’t turn our back on people and Northwest Community Services. case, rather than the debtor’s actual income, who are being treated this way and we can’t Higginsville also serves as the central police which may be much less because of the debt- turn our back on a situation that could be cat- dispatch for Lafayette County, making it es- or’s non-combat status. astrophic for them and catastrophic for the sential to keeping the whole county safe. Many veterans become ineligible for the world. You know what I say to them? Keep Higginsville also has innumerable civil society more immediate discharge available under doing it. Keep doing it. I wear it as a badge organizations and churches that are the back- Chapter 7 and, instead, they are steered into of honor. I support freedom, you support op- bone of the community. From the Freemasons Chapter 13, which requires a debtor to make pression. I support democracy, you support a and the Odd Fellows to the Rotary and 4–H, payments to creditors pursuant to a 3 or 5 dictatorship. I support decent people who the people of Higginsville are civically minded year plan before he or she can receive a dis- share the values of decent governments, and and active volunteers. These volunteers come charge. you support mass murderers. Now who’s right together every September to put on the Coun- According to the National Conference of and who’s wrong? try Fair, a bustling week of activities and con- Bankruptcy Judges (NCBJ), such treatment

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.021 E24JYPT1 E980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2019 ‘‘will remedy an imbalance in the Bankruptcy including political expression aimed at Israeli ministration that have been roundly rejected Code that disproportionately steers veterans policy. Americans have long used such tactics by many. receiving such benefits into Chapter 13 cases to influence and pressure our government and Again, in looking at this resolution, I under- because they often fail the Chapter 7 means other governments. The only difference here is stand that it is easier to blame a host of out- test.’’ we appear to be striving to carve out and treat side actors, including those who we disagree This bill is supported by the Veterans of differently, even silence, those who disagree with, for the current damaging status quo. The Foreign Affairs, the American Legion, and the with the policies undertaken by our ally Israel. reality however remains that it is the con- Disabled American Veterans, the National How can you support the right under the sistent and repeated failure of political leaders Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, and the Constitution to political speech including boy- in Ramallah, Jerusalem, and at 1600 Pennsyl- American College of Bankruptcy among oth- cotts and then bring this resolution to the vania Avenue to make the tough decisions ers. floor? and concessions that peace requires and Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join Let me be clear, I oppose anyone (Pales- which has left us in this damaging status quo. me in supporting H.R. 2938 to allow our vet- tinian, Israeli, American, etc..) who are taking The folly of the current situation was encap- erans to have a chance to provide for their actions inimical to peace. And after nearly sulated by the Trump administration’s recent families and to live a peaceful lifestyle. three decades, it is fair to say all sides, includ- Bahrain conference which neither the Palestin- f ing the U.S., have done so in some shape or ians or Israelis attended. form. Finally, I am concerned that this resolution PERSONAL EXPLANATION Any effort that has at its heart delegitimizing is a slippery slope to actually taking up binding the State of Israel is doomed to fail. And the legislation affecting cherished First Amend- HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND BDS movement, just like unilateral actions un- ment rights such as the bill that passed the OF LOUISIANA dertaken by either side, is not going to bring Senate earlier this year which was derided in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES two states living in peace side by side. It was media reports as a ‘‘political stunt.’’ Israeli’s born out of frustration, that we all share, with and Palestinians alike have had enough of po- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 a moribund peace process that harms both litical stunts. Mr. RICHMOND. Madam Speaker, I was Israelis and Palestinians. Opportunities for progress and for peace are unable to be present for the following votes on At this time when Congress can be doing so growing fewer and farther apart as the dam- Tuesday, July 23. Had I been present, I would much more to help advance the peace proc- aging status quo and divides only harden, have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 497; YEA on ess or even to just revive it, why is the only waiting for the next explosion of violence. And Roll Call No. 498; and YEA on Roll Call No. action we are taking is to bring to the floor a are we surprised that without prospects for 499. nonbinding resolution that doesn’t address peace, extremists seem to be gaining ground? f where most of the blame for the failures lay: I would be far more constructive if this Con- the continuing intransigence and refusal by gress would focus on finding viable solutions CONGRATULATING TIMOTHY Israeli and Palestinian political leaders to to the Israel-Palestinian conflict rather that WEAVERLING make the tough decisions and compromises promoting legislation that raises free speech that need to be made for peace. concerns. For example, H.Res. 326 which was HON. JOHN JOYCE That refusal continues to feed the status marked up in committee at the same time as OF PENNSYLVANIA quo. But rather than call out those respon- this resolution but is curiously absent from this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sible, including several actions taken by this week’s calendar. I firmly believe it is our responsibility as a Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Administration, for setting back the cause of peace, we have decided that this moment is Congress to keep working towards peace de- Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- ripe solely to attack the First Amendment spite pessimism and pessimists. er, I rise today to congratulate 2019 Citizen of rights of Americans? Clearly right now, what the Middle East the Year, Timothy Weaverling. Mr. Weaverling Again, rather than pressing the parties to needs is more solutions, not more meaning- of Bedford Borough, Bedford County, Pennsyl- make the tough decision and concessions that less resolutions. I said this a few years ago vania, will receive this honor on August 19th will be necessary for peace, Congress has de- and I will repeat it again now: both peoples from the Rotary Clubs of Bedford and the cided that the top focus at the moment is the would gladly trade empty resolutions from the Bedford Elks Lodge. voluntary decisions by some Americans to ex- U.S. Congress for real progress on the ground Mr. Weaverling has served on the Bedford ercise political expression? The First Amend- and a sincere path forward. County Chamber Foundation Board of Trust- ment does not threaten Israel’s right to exist. f ees, the Chamber Board of Directors and Ex- Nor does any American exercising that right. PERSONAL EXPLANATION ecutive Committee. He is currently serving in I agree with the editorial by the New York the second year of his term as Chair of the Times which warned that attempting to ‘‘si- Chamber Board. In addition to the Chamber, lence one side of the debate’’ is not ‘‘in the in- HON. Mr. Weaverling serves on the Bedford Bor- terests of Israel, the United States, or their OF NORTH DAKOTA ough Council as well as leadership of the Bed- shared democratic values.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ford Sunrise Rotary. Rather than attacking the First Amendment Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Mr. Weaverling is a community leader that right of Americans to criticize the policies of Mr. ARMSTRONG. Madam Speaker, I got exemplifies Bedford in commitment, growth, our own government or our allies, how about delayed travelling back to D.C. Had I been and development. Mr. Weaverling is a role pushing our own administration to actually say present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call model of citizenship and pride that allows oth- the words ‘‘two-state solution’’ which it refuses No. 497. ers to engage and empower. I take great to do or to actually act as if its interested in pleasure in congratulating Timothy Weaverling pursuing that longstanding goal that this Con- f for this outstanding accomplishment. gress and past administrations has reaffirmed HONORING NATHANIEL ‘‘NAT’’ f is the best option for peace between the WASHINGTON, SR. AND HIS SON Israelis and Palestinians. NAT JR. OPPOSING GLOBAL BOYCOTT, DI- I am concerned that resolutions such as this VESTMENT, AND SANCTIONS one serves no real purpose, certainly not to MOVEMENT TARGETING ISRAEL HON. those of us interested in working as honest OF WASHINGTON brokers to bring this decades long history of SPEECH OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES simmering tensions, outright war, and hostility HON. to an end, permanently. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 OF WISCONSIN I fear that this resolution is just another in a Mr. NEWHOUSE. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES long line of nonbinding resolutions considered today to honor Nathaniel ‘‘Nat’’ Washington, by this House that fails to actually advance Sr. and his son, Nat Jr. Their public service Tuesday, July 23, 2019 peace between the two sides, ignores the var- transformed the Columbia Basin, Washington Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, the right to par- ious and complex factors that have made the state, and the entire Pacific Northwest by se- ticipate in boycotts, whether we agree with prospects for peace in this conflict the worse curing hydropower as the foundation of the re- them or not, is protected by our constitution, in a generation including actions by this ad- gion’s power system.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.023 E24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E981 The Grand Coulee Dam is the largest power opportunities for historically disadvantaged 6. It’s what the vast majority of Americans station in the nation. With a 6,809-megawatt workers in low-wage sectors. With a federal want. generating capacity, the Dam supplies an av- minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, a full-time Vast majorities (up to three quarters, in- worker may only make $15,080 a year, a sal- cluding a majority across party lines) sup- erage of 21 billion kilowatt hours of clean, af- ary that is almost $4,000 below the poverty port raising the wage. Even in a poll spon- fordable, and reliable electricity to 11 States line for a family of three. sored by the National Restaurant Associa- and Canada each year. Reservoirs from the The Raise the Wage Act of 2019 would ben- tion (which has worked to block state min- Dam are the backbone of the Columbia Basin efit over a quarter of the workforce: nearly imum wage increases and preempt local sick Project, which supplies irrigation to 10,000 40 million workers and their families. The day laws), 71 percent of Americans indicated farms on 671,000 acres of farmland in the Co- act would raise the federal minimum wage to support for raising the wage, ‘‘even if it also lumbia Basin. $8.55 this year and increase it over the next increases the cost of food and service to cus- While residents throughout the Pacific five years until it reaches $15 in 2024, then tomers.’’ adjust it each year to keep pace with the In fact, over half the states have raised Northwest reap these benefits, many are un- typical worker’s wages. their minimum wages to restore basic fair- aware of how the Dam came to be or how the Here are six reasons why raising the wage ness to the workforce. work of a father and son changed Central makes sense. CONCLUSION Washington, our state, and the region forever. 1. It is long overdue. Raising the minimum wage offers benefits In 1908, Nat Washington, Sr., a decedent of In the decade since it was last raised, the to workers, children, taxpayers, and the President George Washington’s family, left his minimum wage has failed to keep up with in- economy as a whole. It increases buying flation, failed to keep up with average wages, power and reduces the daily struggle for peo- home in Virginia and established a homestead and—most dramatically—failed to keep up along the Columbia River, not far from where ple to pay their basic expenses. It enables with incomes of the top 1 percent and CEOs, people to save for and invest in their future. the Grand Coulee Dam sits today. Shortly contributing to America’s growing inequal- after arriving in Washington, Nat Sr. was elect- It contributes toward building a work force ity. that is healthier, more stable, better edu- Low-wage workers are not benefiting from ed as Grant County Prosecutor and the first cated, and more productive. president of the Columbia River Dam, Irriga- economic growth and productivity. If the Raising the minimum age will require tion, and Power District. In this role, Nat Sr. minimum wage had kept pace with produc- members of Congress of both parties to be tivity increases, it would be around $20. willing to overcome the divide: to be open to played a key role in the conception, approval, Just 30 years ago, the average pay gap be- the debate, to consider the needs of hard- and construction of the Grand Coulee Dam. tween CEOs and workers was 59 to 1; last working constituents and taxpayers, to con- Nat Jr. shared his father’s passion for public year, it soared to 361 to 1. The average CEO sider the wide range of benefits—and ulti- service. After earning his law degree from the makes $13,940,000, while a minimum wage mately, to give a raise to the people who University of Washington, Nat Washington, Jr. worker makes $15,080: a gap of 924 to 1. 2. It would address longstanding racial and need it the most. also served as Grant County Prosecutor and We strongly urge every member of Con- gender inequities. later in the Washington State Legislature for gress to vote for the Raise the Wage Act and Historically marginalized people do more enact this important piece of legislation as 30 years. During this time, Nat Jr. was instru- than their fair share of low-wage work, and quickly as possible. mental in the development of several hydro- would stand to benefit disproportionately Sincerely, power projects across the region, including the from the bump. Columbia Basin Project, which is the largest While 27 percent of the total workforce MINOR SINCLAIR, water reclamation project in the United States, would benefit from the raise: Director, US Domestic Program, Oxfam America. providing nearly $2 billion in economic benefits 39 percent of Black and Latina women would benefit (vs. 18 percent of white men), f to the region each year. 38 percent of African American workers With these immeasurable contributions to would benefit, RETIREMENT OF MR. MICHAEL J. Central Washington in mind, I rise to introduce 33 percent of Latino workers would benefit, SULLIVAN, GOVERNMENT AC- legislation to rename the Third Power Plant at 32 percent of women workers would benefit COUNTABILITY OFFICE the Grand Coulee Dam as the Nathaniel ‘‘Nat’’ (vs 22 percent of men). Washington’’ Power Plant in honor of Nat Jr. 3. It would reduce poverty. The bump from $290 a week to $600 a week HON. JOE COURTNEY and Sr. I urge my colleagues to join me in rec- would lift millions of family out of poverty. OF CONNECTICUT ognizing the contributions of these pioneers of Two-thirds of all working people in poverty IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Northwest hydropower. (67.3 percent) would see a raise in wages. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 f 4. It would fuel economic growth. The roughly $120 billion extra paid to Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise RAISE THE WAGE ACT workers would be pumped back into the today, on behalf of myself and the members of economy for necessities such as rent, food, the House Committee on Armed Services, to SPEECH OF clothes. congratulate and celebrate Mr. Michael J. Sul- Economists have long recognized that HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT boosting purchasing power by putting money livan, the Director of Defense Weapon System OF VIRGINIA in people’s pockets for consumer spending Acquisitions for the Government Accountability IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has positive ripple effects on the entire econ- Office (GAO), on the occasion of his retire- omy. ment after 34 years of distinguished federal Thursday, July 18, 2019 In one recent poll, 67 percent of small busi- service. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I in- ness owners support the minimum wage in- Mr. Sullivan’s dedication to his profession, crease to $15 an hour. They say it would clude in the RECORD the following letter in his selfless public service, and his role helping spark consumer demand, which would enable GAO meet its mission have exceeded every- support of H.R. 582, the Raise the Wage Act. them to retain or hire new employees. OXFAM, And raising the wage doesn’t seem to com- one’s expectations. During his time at GAO, July 16, 2019. pel employers to cut jobs. As states and cit- Mr. Sullivan has been an effective thought- MEMBERS OF THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- ies across the country have raised wages, re- leader, most notably in GAO’s work to expertly TIVES. search has found no statistically significant identify and apply best acquisition practices for Ms. EUNICE IKENE, effect on employment. product development, production, testing, and Labor Policy Advisor at House Committee on 5. It would save taxpayers money and re- fielding for many of DOD’s most complex, ex- Education and the Workforce. duce use of government programs. pensive, and critical weapon system acquisi- DEAR MS. IKENE AND MEMBERS OF CON- When employers don’t pay people enough GRESS: On behalf of Oxfam America, I urge to survive, those workers are compelled to tions. Over the years, Mr. Sullivan’s efforts re- you to vote for the Raise the Wage Act (H.R. seek government assistance, meaning tax- sulted in numerous modifications and alter- 582) and vote against any amendments that payers are essentially subsidizing the cor- ations to DOD’s acquisition policies, processes would weaken the bill. porations. and implementation. Mr. Sullivan significantly Oxfam America is an international devel- In 2016, EPI found that, among recipients contribute to the development and enactment opment and relief agency committed to of public assistance, most work or have a of the Weapon System Acquisition Reform Act working for lasting solutions to poverty, family member who works; and they are con- of 2009 (P.L. 111–23), which lead to improved hunger and social injustice in over 90 coun- centrated at the bottom of the pay scale. tries, including the United States. Oxfam has Raising wages for low-wage workers would acquisition outcomes and effective returns on carried out development and humanitarian ‘‘unambiguously reduce net spending on pub- investment of billions of dollars on behalf of programs across the globe. lic assistance, particularly among workers the Congress and the American taxpayer. Within the United States, we have focused likely to be affected by a federal minimum- Mr. Sullivan testified numerous times before our efforts to elevating the rights and life wage increase.’’ the House Armed Services Committee,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.028 E24JYPT1 E982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2019 expertly representing GAO’s work on high pro- Her touchstone is immeasurable, her serv- VENEZUELA TPS ACT OF 2019 file, complex, and sensitive DOD acquisition ice is deeply appreciated, and her retirement programs including the F–22 Raptor, the F–35 is well-deserved. SPEECH OF Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, among other HON. BRENDAN F. BOYLE high-profile programs such as the B–2 Spirit, f OF PENNSYLVANIA the KC–46A tanker, the B–21 Raider, the Next IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Generation Air Dominance concept, and nu- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY merous unmanned aircraft programs such as OF SUSAN ‘‘LEANNE’’ POWELL Tuesday, July 23, 2019 the MQ–1, MQ–9, RQ–4, UCAV, UCLASS, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. and MQ–25. He consistently delivered insight- Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of ful, independent, and fact-based analyses that HON. RICHARD HUDSON H.R. 549, the Venezuela TPS Act of 2019. I informed the decision-making of the Armed cosponsored this bill because I believe this is Services Committee made regarding many of OF NORTH CAROLINA the right policy to protect the thousands of DOD’s largest and most complex acquisition IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Venezuelans fleeing horrific conditions in their programs during many cycles of the Com- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 country. They don’t want to leave. They are mittee during formulation of annual National being forced to leave. Defense Authorization Acts. He has been a Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today Today, the people of Venezuela face eco- constant voice for good government and a to honor the life and legacy of Susan nomic, political and humanitarian crises. The force for positive change. In addition to his ‘‘Leanne’’ Powell, a dear friend of more than economy has shrunk by nearly 30 percent program oversight noted above, Mr. Sullivan 15 years. Leanne was a passionate and fierce over the past four years, declines often seen has also been greatly involved in reviewing leader whose light reached across North Caro- only in wartime. Their currency erodes daily issues related to science and technology port- lina’s Eighth Congressional District and bright- and is experiencing the highest inflation rates folio management, technology maturation and ened our great nation. Leanne departed this in the world. Poverty rates have skyrocketed requirements development efforts, and Depart- life on July 20, 2019 at Carolinas Medical with over three out of every four Venezuelans ment of Defense tactical aircraft force struc- Center in Charlotte. Exemplary of her devotion living in dire straits. Venezuelans can no ture planning and execution. to others, Leanne requested her organs be longer meet the recommended 2,000 calories We all are eternally grateful for Mr. Sulli- donated to her community and now three a day. 75 percent of the population reported van’s contributions to oversight of national se- Notth Carolinians will benefit from her contin- significant weight loss in the last year alone. curity issues and fiscal resources of the most ued generosity. Hospitals are without basic medicines and importance to Congress and the American tax- Leanne led a life of distinction and at age equipment to treat the sick. payer. Mr. Sullivan’s exceptional work and 12 started a career in politics that would span Venezuela used to be South America’s rich- many accomplishments over more than three more than three decades. As a young woman est nation, now the majority of Venezuelans decades are deeply valued by me, the com- she served as a campaign volunteer for the live in unsustainable conditions. mittee, and the Congress. We sincerely thank late Congressman Bill Hefner and later joined This crisis is also affecting regional stability. Mr. Sullivan and wish him the best success in his office staff. This experience foreshadowed Brazil and Colombia are dealing with esca- all of his future endeavors after retirement. the extraordinary woman she was to become. lating migrant and refugee flows, as millions of f Leanne went on to serve the White House Venezuelans cross into their borders. Colom- RECOGNIZING THE EXEMPLARY Women’s Office under President Bill Clinton bia has taken in almost 1.5 million Venezuelan SERVICE OF JUDY SCHNEIDER and Department of Agriculture Undersecretary refugees, straining their countries resources. ON THE OCCASION OF HER RE- Jill Long Thompson. Following this time in our The U.N. called the exodus from Venezuela TIREMENT nation’s capital, she returned to North Carolina the ‘‘largest in recent history of Latin America and founded a successful campaign consulting and the Caribbean.’’ HON. firm before managing the campaign of Con- It is time for the United States to step up. gressman Larry Kissell. Leanne helped elect President Trump has been tough on Ven- OF OHIO this history teacher-turned-candidate to Con- ezuela’s dictator, Maduro, but has shown no IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gress in 2008 and served two terms as Con- mercy to the thousands of Venezuelans that Wednesday, July 24, 2019 gressman Kissell’s Chief of Staff, a tenure de- have applied for protection in the United Mrs. BEATTY. Madam Speaker, I rise today fined by ideological purity and constituent States. The conditions in Venezuela are ex- to recognize Judy Schneider on the occasion service. actly what TPS was designed to address. It of her retirement. After deciding to leave politics in 2013, prevents foreign nationals from being deported Throughout her time on the Hill, Judy Leanne would tell colleagues she wanted to back to countries facing civil unrest. served as an unparalleled testament to biparti- ‘‘make an honest living’’ making whiskey. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the sanship, hard work, and public service. There Today, Southern Grace Distilleries stands as aisle to support this critical bill tonight. is no one more deserving of being recognized one of North Carolina’s premier distilleries and This is how we help Venezuelans in the for a lifetime of exemplary public service. a testament of Leanne’s hard work and dedi- short term. Cherished mentor to a lucky few and friend cation. Reflective of Leanne’s innumerable ac- f to countless Members of this body, Senators, complishments and devotion to public service, and Hill staffers, including my Chief of Staff, REMEMBERING STEFANO North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper inducted GIUSEPPE RIBOLI Judy embraced each day of her four decades Leanne into the Order of the Long Leaf Pine of service as an opportunity to improve the on July 17, 2019, the highest civilian honor the processes of Congress. governor can bestow. Throughout Leanne’s HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD Her expertise knew no bounds. She has au- life she made service to others a priority. OF CALIFORNIA thored countless reports and mentored thou- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sands. Judy was a tremendous help in the My thoughts and prayers are with Leanne’s Wednesday, July 24, 2019 successful orchestration of the 2014 Women’s husband, Drew Arrowood; her mother, Judy Fly-In. M. McCord; her brother, Albett ‘‘Chip’’ Powell Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, I Committing forty years to Congress takes Jr.; and all who loved her, including her be- rise to remember a great Angeleno, Stefano resilience and a passion for public service. But loved canine companion, Bleu. Renee and I Giuseppe Riboli, who passed away on July 3, to embrace those years with her unwavering join our entire community as we grieve to- 2019, at the age of 97. He was a devoted belief that Congress can always do better is gether during this difficult time. husband, father, grandfather, and great-grand- her shining legacy. I know I speak for the entire community father, and lived a joyous life filled with the Many of you know that I am fierce advocate when I say Leanne lives on in the hearts and love of family and friends. To the people of for the 3 P’s of public service: Policy, Process, minds of all who felt her kindness and gen- Los Angeles, he was also cherished as the and Politics. Fewer know that it was Judy who erosity and I will do everything in my power to patriarch of San Antonio Winery, who led the took the time to teach me the three P’s, and honor her extraordinary life. winery’s growth into the thriving, century-old emphasize that they are the key to fostering- Madam Speaker, please join me today in local institution it is today. bipartisanship, even in the most contentious of honoring the life and legacy of Susan Stefano was a Los Angeles native. He was times. ‘‘Leanne’’ Powell. born in the city on September 8, 1921, to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.030 E24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E983 Italian immigrant parents. However, when he SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS 10:15 a.m. was three, his family moved back to Italy, and Committee on Finance Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, To hold hearings to examine the United Stefano grew up there in the small mountain agreed to by the Senate of February 4, village of Berzo San Fermo. In the springs and States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- SD–215 summers, he shepherded cows in the local Al- tem for a computerized schedule of all 2:30 p.m. pine mountain pastures, and those experi- meetings and hearings of Senate com- Committee on Foreign Relations ences helped give him his lifelong fondness mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- for nature and animals. tees, and committees of conference. tions of John Leslie Carwile, of Mary- When Stefano was 16, he returned to Los This title requires all such committees land, to be Ambassador to the Republic Angeles to work at San Antonio Winery, which to notify the Office of the Senate Daily of Latvia, and Erin Elizabeth McKee, of his uncle, Santo Cambianica, had founded in California, to be Ambassador to the Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Independent State of Papua New Guin- 1917 in the Italian-American neighborhood of mittee—of the time, place and purpose Lincoln Heights. Santo mentored Stefano, and ea, and to serve concurrently and with- of the meetings, when scheduled and out additional compensation as Ambas- his friendly and helpful attitude to people of all any cancellations or changes in the sador to the Solomon Islands and Am- backgrounds set an example that Stefano car- meetings as they occur. bassador to the Republic of Vanuatu, ried forward throughout his life. As an additional procedure along both of the Department of State. Thanks in large part to Stefano’s hard work, with the computerization of this infor- SD–419 his kind and cheerful manner, and the love mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Committee on Homeland Security and and support of his family, San Antonio Winery Governmental Affairs Digest will prepare this information for Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and rose from its humble beginnings to become printing in the Extensions of Remarks Los Angeles’s largest and longest-producing Federal Management section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD To hold hearings to examine solutions to winery, recently honored as 2018’s American on Monday and Wednesday of each improve Federal hiring. Winery of the Year by Wine Enthusiast Maga- week. SD–342 zine. And just as in its early days, the winery Meetings scheduled for Thursday, Committee on the Judiciary is a family enterprise, with all of Stefano’s chil- July 25, 2019 may be found in the Daily Subcommittee on Intellectual Property dren and many ofhis grandchildren working To hold an oversight hearing to examine Digest of today’s RECORD. there. the United States Copyright Office. San Antonio Winery is much more than just SD–226 a winery to the Los Angeles community. It is MEETINGS SCHEDULED JULY 31 a place where people of all backgrounds can 9:30 a.m. JULY 30 meet and enjoy each other’s company. All are Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and welcome, from families to business leaders to 9:30 a.m. Forestry Committee on Armed Services tourists. And Stefano’s charm and his remark- To hold hearings to examine perspectives To hold hearings to examine the nomina- on reauthorization of the U.S. Grain able memory were essential to the winery’ s tion of Vice Admiral Michael M. Standards Act. convivial spirit. He was known as ‘‘Papa Gilday, USN, to be Admiral and Chief SR–328A Steve,’’ and would regale visitors with stories of Naval Operations, Department of De- 10 a.m. ofthe winery’s history and his days growing up fense. Committee on Commerce, Science, and in Italy—always with a smile on his face and SD–G50 Transportation a glass of wine at the ready. His outgoing dis- 10 a.m. Business meeting to markup an original position was infectious, and encouraged visi- Committee on Banking, Housing, and bill entitled, ‘‘Coast Guard Reauthor- Urban Affairs tors to come back again and again. ization Act of 2019’’. To hold hearings to examine regulatory SH–216 For 73 years, Stefano was blessed by the frameworks for digital currencies and Committee on the Judiciary strong and loving union he shared with his blockchain. To hold hearings to examine pending wife, Maddalena. Their suppmt and devotion SD–538 nominations. to each other nurtured their children and Committee on Health, Education, Labor, SD–226 grandchildren, their winery, and their entire and Pensions 2 p.m. community. Business meeting to consider the nomi- Committee on Commerce, Science, and nations of Sharon Fast Gustafson, of Transportation Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Virginia, to be General Counsel, and me in sending our deepest condolences to the To hold hearings to examine next steps Charlotte A. Burrows, of the District of for positive train control implementa- family of Stefano Giuseppe Riboli, including Columbia, to be a Member, both of the tion. Maddalena, their children Santo (Joan), Cathy Equal Employment Opportunity Com- SH–216 (Nino), and Steve (Sindee), their grandchildren mission. SEPTEMBER 17 Anthony, Steve, Lisa, Michael, Jennifer, David, SD–430 Dante, Blake, Christopher, and Alex, and their Committee on Homeland Security and 2:30 p.m. Governmental Affairs Committee on the Judiciary seven great-grandchildren. Stefano will be To hold hearings to examine unprece- Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition greatly missed by Angelenos of all ages and dented migration at the United States Policy and Consumer Rights walks of life, but we know that his gracious southern border, focusing on what is To hold an oversight hearing to examine and gentle spirit will always live on in the fam- required to improve conditions. enforcement of the antitrust laws. ily he loved and the business he led. SD–342 SD–226

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:23 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.034 E24JYPT1 Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Daily Digest Senate Arabia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain Chamber Action and Northern Ireland of certain defense articles and Routine Proceedings, pages S5027–S5072 services, be considered as having been read, en bloc, Measures Introduced: Eighteen bills and one reso- that they be printed in the Record and spread in full lution were introduced, as follows: S. 2243–2260, upon the Journal, en bloc. Page S5048 and S. Res. 283. Pages S5062–63 A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached providing that the veto messages with respect to S.J. Measures Reported: Res. 36, S.J. Res. 37, and S.J. Res. 38, be considered S. 542, to protect the right of law-abiding citizens at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, to transport knives interstate, notwithstanding a in consultation with the Democratic Leader, prior to patchwork of local and State prohibitions. (S. Rept. August 2, 2019; that they be debated concurrently No. 116–65) for up to two hours, with 15 minutes reserved for H.R. 3305, to designate the facility of the United the Chairman and Ranking Member respectively; States Postal Service located at 2509 George Mason and that Senate vote on passage of the joint resolu- Drive in Virginia Beach, Virginia, as the ‘‘Ryan tions, the objections of the President to the contrary Keith Cox Post Office Building’’. notwithstanding, in the order listed; and that the Measures Passed: unanimous-consent agreement of Wednesday, June Federal Aviation Administration: Senate passed 19, 2019, for the remaining joint resolutions of dis- S. 2249, to allow the Deputy Administrator of the approval of arms sales remain in effect. Page S5048 Federal Aviation Administration on the date of en- Messages from the President: Senate received the actment of this Act to continue to serve as such following messages from the President of the United Deputy Administrator. Page S5038 States: International Year of the Periodic Table of Transmitting, pursuant to the Constitution, the Chemical Elements: Senate agreed to S. Res. 283, report of the veto of S.J. Res. 36, a Joint Resolution expressing support for the designation of 2019 as the providing for congressional disapproval of the pro- ‘‘International Year of the Periodic Table of Chem- posed transfer to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the ical Elements’’. Page S5071 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land, the Kingdom of Spain, and the Italian Repub- Veto Messages: lic of certain defense articles and services; ordered to Resolutions of Disapproval of Proposed Trans- be printed in the Record, spread in full upon the fers of Certain Defense Articles and Services— Journal, and held at the desk. (PM–23) Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was Pages S5058–59 reached providing that the veto messages with re- Transmitting, pursuant to the Constitution, the spect to S.J. Res. 36, providing for congressional dis- report of the veto of S.J. Res. 37, a Joint Resolution approval of the proposed transfer to the Kingdom of providing for congressional disapproval of the pro- Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain posed export to the United Arab Emirates, the and Northern Ireland, the Kingdom of Spain, and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- the Italian Republic of certain defense articles and land, and the Republic of France of certain defense services, S.J. Res. 37, providing for congressional articles and services; ordered to be printed in the disapproval of the proposed export to the United Record, spread in full upon the Journal, and held at Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom of Great Brit- the desk. (PM–24) Page S5059 ain and Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Transmitting, pursuant to the Constitution, the France of certain defense articles and services, and report of the veto of S.J. Res. 38, a Joint Resolution S.J. Res. 38, providing for congressional disapproval providing for congressional disapproval of the pro- of the proposed export to the Kingdom of Saudi posed export to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and D900

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D901 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and Ireland of certain defense articles and services; or- adjourned at 6:33 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Thursday, dered to be printed in the Record, spread in full July 25, 2019. (For Senate’s program, see the re- upon the Journal, and held at the desk. (PM–25) marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s Pages S5059–60 Record on page S5072.) Miley Nomination—Agreement: A unanimous- consent agreement was reached providing that at Committee Meetings 1:45 p.m., on Thursday, July 25, 2019, Senate begin consideration of the nomination of General Mark A. (Committees not listed did not meet) Milley, to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; NOMINATION and that Senate vote on confirmation of the nomina- tion, with no intervening action or debate, and that Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of David L. no further motions be in order. Page S5071 Norquist, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of De- Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- fense, after the nominee testified and answered ques- lowing nominations: tions in his own behalf. By 52 yeas to 40 nays (Vote No. EX. 225), Ste- BUSINESS MEETING phen M. Dickson, of Georgia, to be Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration for the term Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: of five years. Pages S5029–31, S5072 Committee ordered favorably reported the following By 54 yeas to 37 nays (Vote No. EX. 228), business items: Wendy Williams Berger, of Florida, to be United S. 496, to preserve United States fishing heritage States District Judge for the Middle District of Flor- through a national program dedicated to training ida. Pages S5031–32, S5043, S5072 and assisting the next generation of commercial fish- During consideration of this nomination today, ermen; Senate also took the following action: S. 893, to require the President to develop a strat- By 55 yeas to 37 nays (Vote No. EX. 226), Senate egy to ensure the security of next generation mobile agreed to the motion to close further debate on the telecommunications systems and infrastructure in the United States and to assist allies and strategic part- nomination. Pages S5031–32 ners in maximizing the security of next generation By 51 yeas to 40 nays (Vote No. EX. 229), Brian mobile telecommunications systems, infrastructure, C. Buescher, of Nebraska, to be United States Dis- and software, with an amendment in the nature of trict Judge for the District of Nebraska. a substitute; Pages S5032–38, S5043, S5072 S. 1148, to amend title 49, United States Code, During consideration of this nomination today, to require the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Senate also took the following action: Administration to give preferential consideration to By 52 yeas to 39 nays (Vote No. EX. 227), Senate individuals who have successfully completed air traf- agreed to the motion to close further debate on the fic controller training and veterans when hiring air nomination. Page S5032 traffic control specialists, with amendments; Messages from the House: Pages S5060–61 S. 1341, to adopt a certain California flammability standard as a Federal flammability standard to protect Measures Referred: Page S5061 against the risk of upholstered furniture flammability, Measures Read the First Time: Pages S5061, S5071 with amendments; Enrolled Bills Presented: Page S5061 S. 1349, to expand enrollment in TSA PreCheck to expedite commercial travel screening and improve Executive Communications: Pages S5061–62 airport security; Executive Reports of Committees: Page S5062 S. 1625, to promote the deployment of commer- Additional Cosponsors: Pages S5063–64 cial fifth-generation mobile networks and the sharing of information with communications providers in the Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: United States regarding security risks to the net- Pages S5064–70 works of those providers, with an amendment in the Additional Statements: Pages S5056–58 nature of a substitute; Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S5071 S. 1822, to require the Federal Communications Commission to issue rules relating to the collection Privileges of the Floor: Page S5071 of data with respect to the availability of broadband Record Votes: Five record votes were taken today. services, with an amendment in the nature of sub- (Total—229) Pages S5031, S5032, S5043 stitute;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 D902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 24, 2019

S. 1858, to ensure the Chief Information Office of NOMINATIONS the Consumer Product Safety Commission has a sig- Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing nificant role in decisions related to information tech- to examine the nominations of Brent James nology, proposed legislation entitled, ‘‘Regional McIntosh, of Michigan, to be an Under Secretary, Ocean Partnership Act’’, with an amendment in the Brian Callanan, of New Jersey, to be General Coun- nature of a substitute; sel, and Brian McGuire, of New York, to be a Dep- S. 2035, to require the Transportation Security uty Under Secretary, who was introduced by Senator Administration to develop a strategic plan to expand McConnell, all of the Department of the Treasury, eligibility for the PreCheck Program to individuals and Travis Greaves, of the District of Columbia, to with Transportation Worker Identification Creden- be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a tials or Hazardous Materials Endorsements; term of fifteen years, who was introduced by Senator S. 2203, to extend the transfer of Electronic Trav- Blackburn, after the nominees testified and answered el Authorization System fees from the Travel Pro- questions in their own behalf. motion Fund to the Corporation for Travel Pro- motion (Brand USA) through fiscal year 2027, with AUTHORITIES FOR THE USE OF MILITARY amendments; FORCE S. 2166, to designate Regional Ocean Partnerships Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- a hearing to examine authorities for the use of mili- tration, with an amendment in the nature of a sub- tary force, after receiving testimony from David stitute; and Hale, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, and A promotion list in the Coast Guard. Marik String, Acting Legal Adviser, Office of Legal NOMINATIONS Adviser, both of the Department of State. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: CONFRONTING EBOLA Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Theodore Rokita, of Indiana, to be a Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on Afri- Director of the Amtrak Board of Directors, Jennifer ca and Global Health Policy concluded a hearing to L. Homendy, of Virginia, who was introduced by examine confronting Ebola, focusing on addressing a Senator Blumenthal, and Michael Graham, of Kan- 21st century global health crisis, after receiving tes- sas, who was introduced by Senator Moran, both to timony from Tibor Nagy, Assistant Secretary, Bu- be a Member of the National Transportation Safety reau of African Affairs, and Marcia S. Bernicat, Prin- Board, Carl Whitney Bentzel, of Maryland, to be a cipal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Oceans Federal Maritime Commissioner, Michael J.K. and International Environmental and Scientific Af- Kratsios, of South Carolina, to be an Associate Di- fairs, both of the Department of State; Rear Admiral rector of the Office of Science and Technology Pol- Tim Ziemer, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for icy, and Ian Paul Steff, of Indiana, to be Assistant Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, Secretary of Commerce and Director General of the United States Agency for International Development; United States and Foreign Commercial Service, who and Mitch Wolfe, Chief Medical Officer, Centers for was introduced by Senator Young, after the nomi- Disease Control and Prevention, Department of nees testified and answered questions in their own Health and Human Services. behalf. BUSINESS MEETING REDUCING HUMAN-PREDATOR CONFLICT Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Committee on Environment and Public Works: Com- fairs: Committee ordered favorably reported the fol- mittee concluded a hearing to examine the Theodore lowing business items: Roosevelt Genius Prize, focusing on innovative solu- S. 1976, to amend the FAST Act to improve the tions to reduce human-predator conflict, including S. Federal permitting process, with an amendment in 2194, to amend the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conserva- the nature of a substitute; tion, Management, and Recreation Act to establish S. 2065, to require the Secretary of Homeland Se- the Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize for reducing curity to publish an annual report on the use of human-predator conflict, after receiving testimony deepfake technology, with an amendment in the na- from Brad S. Hovinga, Wyoming Game and Fish ture of a substitute; Department Jackson Regional Wildlife Supervisor, S. 2183, to require the Comptroller General of the Jackson Hole; Forrest Galante, Animal Planet, New United States to analyze certain legislation in order York, New York; and Nick Whitney, New England prevent duplication of and overlap with existing Aquarium Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, Federal programs, offices, and initiatives, with Boston, Massachusetts. amendments;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D903 S. 2177, to provide taxpayers with an improved The nominations of Chad F. Wolf, of Virginia, to understanding of Government programs through the be Under Secretary for Strategy, Policy, and Plans, disclosure of cost, performance, and areas of duplica- and William Bryan, of Virginia, to be Under Sec- tion among them, leverage existing data to achieve retary for Science and Technology, both of the De- a functional Federal program inventory; partment of Homeland Security, Robert M. Duncan, S. 2169, to amend section 3116 of title 5, United of Kentucky, to be a Governor of the United States States Code, to clarify the applicability of the ap- Postal Service, Ann C. Fisher, of the District of Co- pointment limitations for students appointed under lumbia, and Ashley Jay Elizabeth Poling, of North the expedited hiring authority for post-secondary Carolina, both to be a Commissioner of the Postal students, with an amendment; Regulatory Commission, Catherine Bird, of Texas, to S. 2107, to increase the number of CBP Agri- be General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations culture Specialists and support staff in the Office of Authority, and Rainey R. Brandt, and Shana Frost Field Operations of U.S. Customs and Border Protec- Matini, both to be an Associate Judge of the Supe- tion; rior Court of the District of Columbia. S. 2193, to require the Administrator of General BUSINESS MEETING Services to issue guidance to clarify that Federal agencies may pay by charge card for the charging of Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee ordered favor- Federal electric motor vehicles, with an amendment; ably reported S. 2159, to repeal the Act entitled S. 764, to provide for congressional approval of ‘‘An Act to confer jurisdiction on the State of North national emergency declarations, with an amendment Dakota over offenses committed by or against Indi- in the nature of a substitute; ans on the Devils Lake Indian Reservation’’. S. 439, to allow Members of Congress to opt out NOMINATION of the Federal Employees Retirement System, and Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded a allow Members who opt out of the Federal Employ- hearing to examine the nomination of E. Sequoyah ees Retirement System to continue to participate in Simermeyer, of Maryland, to be Chairman of the Na- the Thrift Savings Plan; tional Indian Gaming Commission, after the nomi- S. 2119, to amend title 5, United States Code, to nee testified and answered questions in his own be- appropriately limit the authority to award bonuses to half. Federal employees; H.R. 2590, to require a Department of Homeland GPO OVERSIGHT Security overseas personnel enhancement plan, with Committee on Rules and Administration: Committee an amendment in the nature of a substitute; concluded an oversight hearing to examine the Gov- H.R. 3305, to designate the facility of the United ernment Publishing Office, Office of the Inspector States Postal Service located at 2509 George Mason General, after receiving testimony from Michael P. Drive in Virginia Beach, Virginia, as the ‘‘Ryan Leary, Inspector General, Government Publishing Keith Cox Post Office Building’’; and Office. h House of Representatives the Veterans Legacy Program, with an amendment Chamber Action (H. Rept. 116–179); Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 29 pub- H.R. 3931, making appropriations for the Depart- lic bills, H.R. 3927–3930, 3932–3956; and 8 reso- ment of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending lutions, H. Con. Res. 54–55; and H. Res. 515–518, September 30, 2020, and for other purposes (H. 520–521 were introduced. Pages H7376–77 Rept. 116–180); Additional Cosponsors: Pages H7378–79 H.R. 3352, to provide for certain authorities of Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: the Department of State, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 116–181); H.R. 2385, to permit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a grant program to conduct cem- H.R. 2336, to amend title 11, United States etery research and produce educational materials for Code, with respect to the definition of ‘‘family farm- er’’ (H. Rept. 116–182); and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 D904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 24, 2019 H. Res. 519, providing for consideration of the Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘To bill (H.R. 3877) to amend the Balanced Budget and amend the Public Health Service Act to enhance ac- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to establish tivities of the National Institutes of Health with re- a congressional budget for fiscal years 2020 and spect to research on autism spectrum disorder and 2021, to temporarily suspend the debt limit, and for enhance programs relating to autism, and for other other purposes; providing for consideration of the purposes’’; Page H7308 bill (H.R. 549) to designate Venezuela under section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to per- Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act of mit nationals of Venezuela to be eligible for tem- 2019: H.R. 2035, amended, to amend title XXIX porary protected status under such section, and for of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the other purposes; and waiving a requirement of clause program under such title relating to lifespan respite 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of cer- care; Pages H7308–10 tain resolutions reported from the Committee on Promoting Respect for Individuals’ Dignity and Rules (H. Rept. 116–183). Page H7376 Equality Act of 2019: H.R. 3299, amended, to per- Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she mit legally married same-sex couples to amend their appointed Representative Cuellar to act as Speaker filing status for income tax returns outside the stat- pro tempore for today. Page H7247 ute of limitations, to amend the Internal Revenue Recess: The House recessed at 11:13 a.m. and re- Code of 1986 to clarify that all provisions shall apply to legally married same-sex couples in the convened at 12 noon. Page H7255 same manner as other married couples; Guest Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the Pages H7313–18 Guest Chaplain, Rabbi Mark Getman, Temple Emanu-El of Canarsie, Brooklyn, New York. Making technical corrections to the Guam World Page H7255 War II Loyalty Recognition Act: H.R. 1365, amended, to make technical corrections to the Guam Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules World War II Loyalty Recognition Act; and pass the following measures: Pages H7351–53 Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2019: H.R. 3409, amended, to authorize appropriations for the Emancipation National Historic Trail Study Act: H.R. 434, amended, to designate the Emanci- Coast Guard; Pages H7263–87 pation National Historic Trail; Pages H7353–61 Disclosing Aid Spent to Ensure Relief Act: H.R. Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘To 1984, to amend chapter 11 of title 31, United States amend the National Trails System Act to provide for Code, to require the Director of the Office of Man- the study of the Emancipation National Historic agement and Budget to annually submit to Congress Trail, and for other purposes’’; Page H7361 a report on all disaster-related assistance provided by the Federal Government; Pages H7287–89 Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas Equal and Fair Opportunity Set- Restore the Harmony Way Bridge Act: H.R. 3245, to transfer a bridge over the Wabash River to tlement Act: H.R. 759, amended, to restore an op- the New Harmony River Bridge Authority and the portunity for tribal economic development on terms New Harmony and Wabash River Bridge Authority; that are equal and fair; Pages H7361–64 Pages H7290–91 Emergency Medical Services for Children Pro- Post-Disaster Assistance Online Accountability gram Reauthorization Act of 2019: H.R. 776, to Act: H.R. 1307, to provide for an online repository amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize for certain reporting requirements for recipients of the Emergency Medical Services for Children pro- Federal disaster assistance; Pages H7291–92 gram; and Pages H7364–65 Stopping Bad Robocalls Act: H.R. 3375, amend- Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization ed, to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to Act of 2019: H.R. 2507, amended, to amend the clarify the prohibitions on making robocalls, by a 2/ Public Health Service Act to reauthorize certain pro- 3 yea-and-nay vote of 429 yeas to 3 nays, Roll No. grams under part A of title XI of such Act relating 502; Pages H7292–H7303, H7312 to genetic diseases. Pages H7365–68 Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Moment of Silence: The House observed a moment Education, and Support Act of 2019: H.R. 1058, of silence in memory of Officer Jacob J. Chestnut amended, to reauthorize certain provisions of the and Detective John M. Gibson of the United States Public Health Service Act relating to autism; Capitol Police who were killed in the line of duty Pages H7303–08 defending the Capitol on July 24, 1998. Page H7312

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D905 Committee Election: The House agreed to H. Res. be considered as an original bill for purpose of 516, electing a Member to a certain standing com- amendment under the five-minute rule, in lieu of mittee of the House of Representatives. Page H7313 the amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act ommended by the Committee on the Judiciary now of 2019: The House passed H.R. 397, to amend the printed in the bill. Pages H7340–42 Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to create a Pension Agreed to: Rehabilitation Trust Fund, to establish a Pension Kuster (NH) amendment (No. 1 printed in part Rehabilitation Administration within the Depart- C of H. Rept. 116–178) that directs DHS OIG to ment of the Treasury to make loans to multiem- pay particular attention to whether CBP meets its ployer defined benefit plans, by a recorded vote of own sexual violence prevention standards when in- 264 ayes to 169 noes, Roll No. 505. specting ports of entry, border patrol stations, and detention facilities; and Pages H7342–43 Pages H7318–35, H7345–48 Kuster (NH) amendment (No. 2 printed in part Rejected the Mast motion to recommit the bill to C of H. Rept. 116–178) that requires the Secretary the Committee on Education and Labor with in- of Homeland Security make publicly available data structions to report the same back to the House about sexual abuse allegations every 3 months in forthwith with an amendment, by a recorded vote of order to improve transparency about sexual abuse at 200 ayes to 232 noes, Roll No. 504. Pages H7346–47 CBP facilities. Pages H7342–45 Pursuant to the Rule, an amendment in the na- H. Res. 509, the rule providing for consideration ture of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules of the bills (H.R. 397) and (H.R. 3239) was agreed Committee Print 116–24 shall be considered as to by a yea-and-nay vote of 234 yeas to 195 nays, adopted, in lieu of the amendments in the nature of Roll No. 501, after the previous question was or- a substitute recommended by the Committees on dered by a yea-and-nay vote of 234 yeas to 198 nays, Education and Labor and Ways and Means now Roll No. 500. Pages H7310–12 printed in the bill. Pages H7318–23 Rejected: Consensus Calendar: The Chair announced the Roe amendment (No. 1 printed in part A of H. Speaker’s designation, pursuant to clause 7(a)(1) of Rept. 116–178) that sought to set the loan interest rule 15, of H.R. 693, to amend the Horse Protection rates at 5% per annum for the first 5 years and 9% Act to designate additional unlawful acts under the per annum thereafter (by a recorded vote of 186 ayes Act, strengthen penalties for violations of the Act, improve Department of Agriculture enforcement of to 245 noes, Roll No. 503). Pages H7334–35, H7345 the Act, as the measure on the Consensus Calendar H. Res. 509, the rule providing for consideration to be considered this week. Page H7368 of the bills (H.R. 397) and (H.R. 3239) was agreed to by a yea-and-nay vote of 234 yeas to 195 nays, Suspension—Proceedings Postponed: The House Roll No. 501, after the previous question was or- debated the following measure under suspension of dered by a yea-and-nay vote of 234 yeas to 198 nays, the rules. Further proceedings were postponed. Roll No. 500. Pages H7257–63, H7310–12 U.S. Senator Joseph D. Tydings Memorial Pre- Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Cus- vent All Soring Tactics Act of 2019: H.R. 693, toms and Border Protection Custody Act: The amended, to amend the Horse Protection Act to des- House passed H.R. 3239, to require U.S. Customs ignate additional unlawful acts under the Act, and Border Protection to perform an initial health strengthen penalties for violations of the Act, im- screening on detainees, by a recorded vote of 233 prove Department of Agriculture enforcement of the ayes to 195 noes, Roll No. 507. Act. Pages H7368–74 Pages H7336–45, H7348–50 Senate Referral: S. 2249 was referred to the Com- Agreed to the Kinzinger motion to recommit the mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure. bill to the Committee on the Judiciary with instruc- Senate Message: Message received from the Senate tions to report the same back to the House forthwith today appears on page H7292. with an amendment, by a recorded vote of 239 ayes to 192 noes, Roll No. 506. Subsequently, Represent- Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes ative Lofgren reported the bill back to the House and five recorded votes developed during the pro- with the amendment and the amendment was agreed ceedings of today and appear on pages H7310–11, to. Pages H7348–50 H7311–12, H7312, H7345, H7347, H7347–48, Pursuant to the Rule, an amendment in the na- H7349–50, and H7350. There were no quorum ture of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules calls. Committee Print 116–26, modified by the amend- Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- ment printed in part B of H. Rept. 116–178, shall journed at 10:49 p.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 D906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 24, 2019

al Adaptation and Protection, Office of the Gov- Committee Meetings ernor, Virginia; and public witnesses. OVERSIGHT OF THE UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN PROGRAM: ENSURING THE BUILDING AMERICA’S CLEAN FUTURE: SAFETY OF CHILDREN IN HHS CARE PATHWAYS TO DECARBONIZE THE ECONOMY Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on the De- partments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Education, and Related Agencies held a hearing en- Environment and Climate Change held a hearing en- titled ‘‘Oversight of the Unaccompanied Children titled ‘‘Building America’s Clean Future: Pathways Program: Ensuring the Safety of Children in HHS to Decarbonize the Economy’’. Testimony was heard Care’’. Testimony was heard from Representatives from public witnesses. Shalala, Wasserman Schultz, Higgins of Louisiana, LEGISLATION TO MAKE CARS IN AMERICA and Burgess; Jonathan Hayes, Director, Office of SAFER Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on and Families, Department of Health and Human Consumer Protection and Commerce held a hearing Services; Lynn Johnson, Assistant Secretary, Admin- entitled ‘‘Legislation to Make Cars in America istration for Children and Families, Department of Safer’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Health and Human Services; and public witnesses. APPROPRIATIONS—WHITE HOUSE OFFICE THE NEXT MEGABANK? EXAMINING THE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY PROPOSED MERGER OF SUNTRUST AND BB&T Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Com- merce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies held a Committee on Financial Services: Full Committee held budget and oversight hearing on the White House a hearing entitled ‘‘The Next Megabank? Examining Office of Science and Technology Policy. Testimony the Proposed Merger of SunTrust and BB&T’’. Testi- was heard from Kelvin Droegemeier, Director, mony was heard from public witnesses. White House Office of Science and Technology Pol- THE FY20 BUDGET: STATE DEPARTMENT icy, Executive Office of the President. COUNTERTERRORISM AND COUNTERING U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER VIOLENT EXTREMISM BUREAU PROTECTION—BORDER PATROL Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on the De- Middle East, North Africa, and International Ter- partment of Homeland Security held an oversight rorism held a hearing entitled ‘‘The FY20 Budget: hearing on the U.S. Customs and Border Protec- State Department Counterterrorism and Countering tion—Border Patrol. Testimony was heard from Violent Extremism Bureau’’. Testimony was heard Carla Provost, Chief, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Cus- from Nathan Sales, Acting Under Secretary for Civil- toms and Border Protection, Department of Home- ian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Coor- land Security. dinator for Counterterrorism, Ambassador-at-Large, Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION, Extremism, Department of State. EDUCATION CONSTRUCTION Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Inte- OVERSIGHT OF THE REPORT ON THE rior, Environment, and Related Agencies held a INVESTIGATION INTO RUSSIAN hearing entitled ‘‘Bureau of Indian Education, Edu- INTERFERENCE IN THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL cation Construction’’. Testimony was heard from ELECTION: FORMER SPECIAL COUNSEL Jason Freihage, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Man- ROBERT S. MUELLER, III agement, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Indian Committee on the Judiciary: Full Committee held a Affairs, Department of the Interior. hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight of the Report on the In- vestigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 THE COSTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE: FROM Presidential Election: Former Special Counsel Robert COASTS TO HEARTLAND, HEALTH TO S. Mueller, III’’. Testimony was heard from a public SECURITY witness. Committee on the Budget: Full Committee held a hear- ing entitled ‘‘The Costs of Climate Change: From LEGISLATIVE MEASURES Coasts to Heartland, Health to Security’’. Testimony Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on En- was heard from Rear Admiral Lower Half Ann C. ergy and Mineral Resources held a hearing on H.R. Phillips, Special Assistant to the Governor for Coast- 934, the ‘‘Health Benefits for Miners Act of 2019’’;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D907 and H.R. 935, the ‘‘Miners Pension Protection Act’’. HOMELAND SECURITY IMPROVEMENT Testimony was heard from Representative McKinley ACT; BIPARTISAN BUDGET ACT OF 2019; and public witnesses. VENEZUELA TPS ACT OF 2019 THE STATUS OF THE RECLAMATION FUND Committee on Rules: Full Committee held a hearing on AND THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION’S H.R. 2203, the ‘‘Homeland Security Improvement FUTURE INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING Act’’; H.R. 3877, the ‘‘Bipartisan Budget Act of NEEDS 2019’’; and H.R. 549, the ‘‘Venezuela TPS Act of Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on 2019’’. The Committee granted, by record vote of 8–4, a rule providing for consideration of H.R. Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled 3877, the ‘‘Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019’’, and ‘‘The Status of the Reclamation Fund and the Bu- H.R. 549, the ‘‘Venezuela TPS Act of 2019’’. The reau of Reclamation’s Future Infrastructure Funding rule provides for consideration of H.R. 3877, the Needs’’. Testimony was heard from Grayford Payne, ‘‘Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019’’, under a closed Deputy Commissioner, Policy, Administration and rule. The rule provides one hour of debate equally Budget, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Interior; Tony Willardson, Executive Director, West- nority member of the Committee on the Budget. ern States Water Council, Murray, Utah; Federico The rule waives all points of order against consider- Barajas, Executive Director, San Luis and Delta- ation of the bill, provides that the bill shall be con- Mendota Water Authority, Los Ban˜os, California; sidered as read, and waives all points of order against and a public witness. provisions in the bill. The rule provides one motion EXAMINING JUUL’S ROLE IN THE YOUTH to recommit. The rule provides for consideration of NICOTINE EPIDEMIC: PART I H.R. 549, the ‘‘Venezuela TPS Act of 2019’’, under Committee on Oversight and Reform: Subcommittee on a closed rule. The rule provides thirty minutes of Economic and Consumer Policy held a hearing enti- general debate equally divided and controlled by the tled ‘‘Examining JUUL’s Role in the Youth Nicotine chair and ranking minority member of the Com- Epidemic: Part I’’. Testimony was heard from Sen- mittee on the Judiciary. The rule waives all points ator Durbin; and public witnesses. of order against consideration of the bill and pro- vides that an amendment in the nature of a sub- BEYOND THE CITIZENSHIP QUESTION: stitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee REPAIRING THE DAMAGE AND Print 116–28 shall be considered as adopted and the PREPARING TO COUNT ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. The Committee on Oversight and Reform: Subcommittee on rule waives all points of order against provisions in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties held a hearing enti- the bill, as amended, and provides one motion to re- tled ‘‘Beyond the Citizenship Question: Repairing commit with or without instructions. The rule the Damage and Preparing to Count ‘We the Peo- waives clause 6(a) of Rule XIII, requiring a two- ple’ ’’. Testimony was heard from Steven Dillingham, thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is Director, U.S. Census Bureau; Robert Goldenkoff, reported from the Rules Committee against any reso- Director of Strategic Issues, Government Account- lution reported through the legislative day of July ability Office; and Nicholas Marinos, Director of In- 26, 2019. Testimony was heard from Chairman formation Technology and Cybersecurity, Govern- Thompson of Mississippi and Representative Rogers ment Accountability Office. of Alabama. THE DEVIL THEY KNEW—PFAS MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES CONTAMINATION AND THE NEED FOR Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY mittee held a markup on H.R. 3597, the ‘‘Solar En- Committee on Oversight and Reform: Subcommittee on ergy Research and Development Act of 2019’’; H.R. Environment held a hearing entitled ‘‘The Devil 3607, the ‘‘Fossil Energy Research and Development They Knew—PFAS Contamination and the Need for Act of 2019’’; H.R. 3609, the ‘‘Wind Energy Re- Corporate Accountability’’. Testimony was heard search and Development Act of 2019’’; and H.R. from Catherine R. McCabe, Commissioner, New Jer- 335, the ‘‘South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act of sey Department of Environmental Protection; Robert 2019’’. H.R. 3597, H.R. 3607, H.R. 3609, and R. Scott, Commissioner, New Hampshire Depart- H.R. 335 were ordered reported, as amended. ment of Environmental Services; Steve Sliver, Execu- IS THE TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT A HELP tive Director, Michigan PFAS Action Response OR HINDRANCE TO MAIN STREET? Team, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Committee on Small Business: Full Committee held a Lakes, and Energy; and public witnesses. hearing entitled ‘‘Is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 5627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 D908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 24, 2019 Help or Hindrance to Main Street?’’. Testimony was Committee on Foreign Relations: business meeting to con- heard from Jane Gravelle, Senior Specialist in Eco- sider S. 398, to support the peaceful resolution of the nomic Policy, Congressional Research Service, Li- civil war in Yemen, to address the resulting humanitarian brary of Congress; and public witnesses. crisis, and to hold the perpetrators responsible for mur- TRUE TRANSPARENCY? ASSESSING WAIT dering a Saudi dissident, S. 2066, to review United States TIMES FIVE YEARS AFTER PHOENIX Saudi Arabia Policy, S. 1441, to impose sanctions with respect to the provision of certain vessels for the construc- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Full Committee held a tion of Russian energy export pipelines, protocol to the hearing entitled ‘‘True Transparency? Assessing Wait Times Five Years after Phoenix’’. Testimony was North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of the heard from Debra A. Draper, Director, Health Care Republic of North Macedonia (Treaty Doc. 116–01), and Team, Government Accountability Office; Teresa S. the nominations of Pamela Bates, of Virginia, to be Rep- Boyd, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health resentative of the United States of America to the Orga- for Clinical Operations, Veterans Health Administra- nization for Economic Cooperation and Development, tion, Department of Veterans Affairs; and public with the rank of Ambassador, Jonathan R. Cohen, of witnesses. California, to be Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Kelly Craft, of Kentucky, to be the Representative FORMER SPECIAL COUNSEL ROBERT S. of the United States of America to the United Nations, MUELLER, III ON THE INVESTIGATION with the rank and status of Ambassador, and the Rep- INTO RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE IN THE resentative of the United States of America in the Secu- 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION rity Council of the United Nations, and to be Represent- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Full Com- ative of the United States of America to the Sessions of mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Former Special the General Assembly of the United Nations during her Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III on the Investigation tenure of service as Representative of the United States into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential of America to the United Nations, Philip S. Goldberg, Election’’. Testimony was heard from public wit- of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Re- nesses. public of Colombia, Christopher Landau, of Maryland, to MODERNIZING LEGISLATIVE be Ambassador to the United Mexican States, Richard B. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: LESSONS Norland, of Iowa, to be Ambassador to Libya, John FROM THE STATES Rakolta, Jr., of Michigan, to be Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Jennifer D. Nordquist, of Vir- Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress: Full Committee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Modernizing ginia, to be United States Executive Director of the Inter- Legislative Information Technologies: Lessons from national Bank for Reconstruction and Development for a the States’’. Testimony was heard from Diane Boyer- term of two years, and other pending nominations, 10:30 Vine, Legislative Counsel, California; Nelson P. Moe, a.m., S–116, Capitol. Chief Information Officer, Virginia; Mike Rohrbach, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Chief Information Officer and Director of Informa- to hold hearings to examine state and Federal rec- tion Technology, State Legislature, Washington. ommendations for enhancing school safety against tar- geted violence, 9:30 a.m., SD–342. Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider Joint Meetings S. 1494, to amend the William Wilberforce Trafficking No joint committee meetings were held. Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 to pro- f tect alien minors and to amend the Immigration and Na- tionality Act to end abuse of the asylum system and es- COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, tablish refugee application and processing centers outside JULY 25, 2019 the United States, 10 a.m., SD–226. (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to examine certain intelligence matters, 2 p.m., SH–219. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: to hold House hearings to examine hemp production and the 2018 farm Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on the De- bill, 9:30 a.m., SR–328A. partment of Homeland Security, oversight hearing on Committee on Armed Services: business meeting to con- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 1 p.m., sider pending military nominations, 9:30 a.m., SVC–217. 2359 Rayburn. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hear- Committee on Education and Labor, Subcommittee on ings to examine the importance of energy innovation to Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions, hearing enti- economic growth and competitiveness, 10 a.m., SD–366. tled ‘‘Protecting the Right to Organize Act: Modernizing Committee on Finance: business meeting to consider an America’s Labor Laws’’, 10:15 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. original bill entitled, ‘‘The Prescription Drug Pricing Re- Committee on Energy and Commerce, Full Committee, duction Act of 2019’’, 9:30 a.m., SD–215. hearing entitled ‘‘Member Day’’, 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 5627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D909

Committee on Financial Services, Task Force on Financial Boulevard North in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, as the Technology, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Use of Al- ‘‘Lake Havasu City Combat Veterans Memorial Post Of- ternative Data in Underwriting and Credit Scoring to Ex- fice Building’’; H.R. 3329, to designate the facility of the pand Access to Credit’’, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. United States Postal Service located at 5186 Benito Street Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation, hearing entitled ‘‘Human in Montclair, California, as the ‘‘Paul Eaton Post Office Rights in Southeast Asia: A Regional Outlook’’, 10 a.m., Building’’; a Resolution Offered by Chairman Elijah E. 2172 Rayburn. Cummings Authorizing Issuance of Subpoena Related to Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and the En- Non-Official Electronic Messaging Accounts; H.R. 3889, vironment, hearing entitled ‘‘Russia and Arms Control: the ‘‘ONDCP Technical Corrections Act’’; and a Resolu- Extending New START or Starting Over?’’, 2 p.m., 2172 tion Recommending that the House of Representatives Rayburn. find Kellyanne Conway, Senior Counselor to the Presi- Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Intel- dent, in Contempt of Congress for her Refusal to Comply ligence and Counterterrorism; and the Subcommittee on with a Subpoena Duly Issued by the Committee on Over- Border Security, Facilitation, and Operations, joint hear- ing entitled ‘‘Homeland Security Implications of the sight and Reform, 10 a.m., 2154 Rayburn. Opioid Crisis’’, 10 a.m., 310 Cannon. Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, Committee on the Judiciary, Full Committee, hearing en- hearing entitled ‘‘Examining JUUL’s Role in the Youth titled ‘‘Oversight of Family Separation and U.S. Customs Nicotine Epidemic: Part II’’, 2 p.m., 2154 Rayburn. and Border Protection Short-Term Custody under the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee Trump Administration’’, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. on Research and Technology, hearing entitled ‘‘Benign by Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Energy Design: Innovations in Sustainable Chemistry’’, 10 a.m., and Mineral Resources, hearing entitled ‘‘Increasing Re- 2318 Rayburn. newable Energy on Public Lands’’, 10 a.m., 1324 Long- Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, hearing enti- worth. Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife, hear- tled ‘‘The Commercial Space Landscape: Innovation, Mar- ing on H.R. 335, the ‘‘South Florida Clean Coastal ket, and Policy’’, 2 p.m., 2318 Rayburn. Waters Act of 2019’’; H.R. 729, the ‘‘Tribal Coastal Re- Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Rural siliency Act’’; H.R. 2185, the ‘‘District of Columbia Development, Agriculture, Trade, and Entrepreneurship, Flood Prevention Act of 2019’’; H.R. 3115, the ‘‘Living hearing entitled ‘‘Supporting the Next Generation of Ag- Shorelines Act of 2019’’; H.R. 3237, the ‘‘Platte River ricultural Businesses’’, 10 a.m., 2360 Rayburn. Recovery Implementation Program Extension Act’’; H.R. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Sub- 3510, the ‘‘Water Resources Research Amendments Act’’; H.R. 3541, the ‘‘Coastal State Climate Preparedness Act’’; committee on Highways and Transit, hearing entitled H.R. 3596, the ‘‘Keep America’s Waterfronts Working ‘‘Examining the Federal Role in Improving School Bus Act’’; and H.R. 3723, the ‘‘Desalination Development Safety’’, 2 p.m., 2167 Rayburn. Act’’, 10 a.m., 1334 Longworth. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Tech- Full Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘When Science Gets nology Modernization, hearing entitled ‘‘VistA Transi- Trumped: Scientific Integrity at the Department of the tion: Assessing the Future of an Electronic Health Interior’’, 2 p.m., 1324 Longworth. Records Pioneer’’, 10:15 a.m., HVC–210. Committee on Oversight and Reform, Full Committee, Committee on Ways and Means, Full Committee, hearing markup on S. 406, the ‘‘Federal Rotational Cyber Work- entitled ‘‘The Social Security 2100 Act’’, 10 a.m., 1100 force Program Act of 2019’’; H.R. 887, to designate the Longworth. facility of the United States Postal Service located at 877 Full Committee, business meeting on historical docu- East 1200 South in Orem, Utah, as the ‘‘Jerry C. ments protected under Internal Revenue Code section Washburn Post Office Building’’; H.R. 1252, to des- 6103, 2 p.m., 1100 Longworth. ignate the facility of the United States Postal Service lo- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Full Com- cated at 6531 Van Nuys Boulevard in Van Nuys, Cali- mittee, business meeting on Consideration of the Access fornia, as the ‘‘Marilyn Monroe Post Office’’; H.R. 1253, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Request from Rep. and Rep. Mike Thomp- ice located at 13507 Van Nuys Boulevard in Pacoima, son; and Consideration of the Access Request from Rep. California, as the ‘‘Ritchie Valens Post Office Building’’; , 9 a.m., HVC–304. H.R. 1972, to designate the facility of the United States Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, Full Committee, Postal Service located at 1100 West Kent Avenue in Mis- hearing entitled ‘‘Creating a Climate Resilient America: soula, Montana, as the ‘‘Jeannette Rankin Post Office Business Views on the Costs of the Climate Crisis’’, 2 Building’’; H.R. 2151, to designate the facility of the p.m., 2261 Rayburn. United States Postal Service located at 7722 South Main Street in Pine Plains, New York, as the ‘‘Senior Chief Joint Meetings Petty Officer Shannon M. Kent Post Office’’; H.R. 3207, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: to hold to designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- hearings to examine the state of media freedom in the ice located at 114 Mill Street in Hookstown, Pennsyl- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe re- vania, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Dylan Elchin Post Office gion, 3 p.m., HVC–210. Building’’; H.R. 3314, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1750 McCulloch

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24JY9.REC D24JYPT1 D910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 24, 2019

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Thursday, July 25 10 a.m., Thursday, July 25

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: After the transaction of any Program for Thursday: Consideration of H.R. 3877— morning business (not to extend beyond 1:45 p.m.), Sen- Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 (Subject to a Rule). Con- ate begin consideration of the nomination of General sideration of H.R. 549—Venezuela TPS Act of 2019 Mark A. Milley, to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of (Subject to a Rule). Staff, and vote on confirmation thereon.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E972 Neal, Richard E., Mass., E973 Frankel, Lois, Fla., E977 Newhouse, Dan, Wash., E980 Armstrong, Kelly, N. Dak., E980 Gonzalez, Vicente, Tex., E977 Raja, Krishnamoorthi, Ill., E971 Beatty, Joyce, Ohio, E982 Gosar, Paul, Ariz., E978 Richmond, Cedric L., La., E980 Bilirakis, Gus M., Fla., E976 Hudson, Richard, N.C., E982 Rouda, Harley, Calif. E975 Boyle, Brendan F., Pa., E982 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E973, E975, E976, E977, E979 Roybal-Allard, Lucille, Calif., E982 Cartwright, Matt, Pa., E971 Joyce, John, Pa., E976, E980 Cleaver, Emanuel, Mo., E979 Kind, Ron, Wisc., E972 San Nicolas, Michael F. Q., Guam , E973, E977 Correa, J. Luis, Calif., E972 Latta, Robert E., Ohio, E977 Schakowsky, Janice D., Ill., E978 Courtney, Joe, Conn., E981 Meng, Grace, N.Y., E974 Scott, Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’, Va., E981 DeFazio, Peter A., Ore., E972 Moore, Gwen, Wisc., E980 Soto, Darren, Fla., E975 DeGette, Diana, Colo., E971 Nadler, Jerrold, N.Y., E974 Tlaib, Rashida, Mich., E971, E973, E974

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