cover flats.qxp 3/20/06 10:56 AM Page 1 Statement of Votes for the Fort Whyte By-Election December 13, 2005 13 décembre 2005 décembre 13 électorale de de électorale Fort Whyte Fort iption circonscr la dans tielles par élections des Relevé des suffrages des Relevé Statement of Votes 2005 By-election Fort Whyte CONTACT US: 120-200 Vaughan Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3C 1T5 Phone: (204) 945-3225 Toll-free: 1 (800) 282-8069 Email:
[email protected] Web: TABLE OF CONTENTS Fort Whyte By-election . 5 Voter Registration . .5 Nominations . .5 Voting . .6 Registered Parties . .7 Summary of Votes Received . .7 Summary of Results . .7 Standing of Parties . .8 Map & Poll-by-Poll Results . 9 Fort Whyte By-election Section 142(2) of The Elections Act requires that the Chief Electoral Officer publish a book containing poll-by-poll results of an election. This publication sets out the results of the by-election held in 2005 in the electoral division of Fort Whyte. On November 10, 2005, the Chief Electoral Officer issued the writ of election to the Returning Officer for the electoral division of Fort Whyte, Johanna Denesiuk pursuant to Order in Council number 441/2005. The member for the electoral division, Mr. John Loewen, resigned his seat on September 26, 2005. Nominations were set to close on November 29, 2005 and the by-election was directed to take place on December 13, 2005. The boundaries of the electoral division were the same as in the 2003 provincial general election as established in 1999 under The Electoral Divisions Act based on the Report of the 1998 Electoral Divisions Boundaries Commission.