Ecumenical Service Thanksgiving
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Property of the Watertown Historical Society Clovewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn XTimee - T h e The Waterto wn -Oak v i 11 e - M i d d 1 e b u tj Week I y Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County VOL. 21 NO. Subscription Price. $3.75 Per Year Price 10 Cents NOVEMBER 16, 1967 Ecumenical Service Thanksgiving Eve 'The second, annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be held on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, Head Start Program Here Nov., 22, at 8 p.m.. in, St. .John's Church. Strikes Snag Over Funds The service, In, which all local clergymen will participate, was A chance In federal, require- Mary Cofrancesco, Head .Start, received successfully last year ments for local Head, Start pro- Director, will 'be asked, to brief by a capacity congregation. grams apparently has placed the the Board on the entire setup. Dr. Frederick W. Otten, ELD.,, future of Watertown's program In .An application for Watertown's pastor of •'Trinity Lutheran Chap- doubt. participation in the program was el, will, deliver the sermon. 'The The Board of Education was In- submitted to federal authorities service also will pray- formed Monday that, new regula- Nov., 10, Mr. Wilber said. How- ers, .scripture, readings and, tions will require that Watertown ever, he pointed out that the hymns. A. combined Ecumenical put up $1,400 for Its share of the application will not be acted upon cost of next summer's program, by federal officials until spring' if it is to be' held. At the present and: the Board can, if it so decid- time, no such funds are available ed, have the application withdrawn, in the school budget. any time 'before then. S u p e r i. n t e n d, e n t of .Schools Chairman Frank. M, Re In hold, 'George H. Wilber told the Board who also is Chairman of the that. for the past two years the Board's Personnel Relations federal government has supplied Committee, called a meeting of 90 per cent of 'the cost of the the committee for Nov., 30 to go RICHARD C. BOZZUTO, Chairman of the Town Council, 'program, with, the remaining 10 over requests for improvements left, helpeu hick off Watertown's participation in the 1967 per cent coming locally. Through in their contract made by custo- Christmas Seal Campaign 'by purchasing the first sheet of provisions "of1 the act., Watertawn, dial workers, members of Local seals from Joseph M. Macau, chairman of the sale, early has been able to use the use <-> 1049,. this week. Appeal letters will be sent to' 100,000 homes i n its facilities to cover its 10 'The Board will meet on Nov. Morthwestern Connecticut by the Tuberculosis and. Respira- per cent. 16 to study the proposed addi- tory Disease Association of Northwestern Connecticut. Le- Starting next year changes in tions to three schools, 'and. again roy Anderson, noted composer, again, is serving as honorary government requirements pro- on Nov. 21 with the .School Build- chairman of the drive. - vide that a community must pro- ing Committee. The Board is to vide 20' per cent of 'the cost, with have its recommendations on the 1.0 per cent to come in cash, proposed additions ready for sub- while the government will put up mission to the Town Council Improved Indians, 4-49 the other 80 per' cent. Mr. Wil- Nov. 27.* Dr., Frederick W. otten ber said that this, 'based on this 'The appointment of William, Choir will sing the German an- summer's figure, would amount Celadon as industrial arts teacher them- "Sing to 'the Lord of. Har- Prepare For Torrington to a. $1,400' 'Outlay for Watertown. at Swift .Junior' High .School was vest," by H. W'illan. 'The organ Since no provision for this ex- approved. Mr. Celadon will re- prelude will be played, by Cecile In Turkey Day Encounter penditure was made in the budget, ceive his B.S.. Degree from, Cen- Desjardlns, organist and choir which was cut by the "Town Coun- (Continued 'On Page 16: director at St. Mary Magdalen - Like a.. good wine, Coach Bill Last Saturday the Indians cil, and TOwn. Meeting,, no funds Church. 'Other organ accompany-. Gargano's Watertown, High foot- 'bombed 'hapless Crosby of Water- are available at this time. Mr. Notice ment will be played by Mrs. .Ju- ball team, has Improved with age. bury, 68-20, piling up their high- Wilber proposed that the School lia, George, organist and choir After dropping four of Its first est score in the school's brief Because of the' Thanksgiving Board, ask the "Town Council for a holiday next Thursday, Town 'director o'f St., John's Church. five 'games, three' by big scores, gridiron career. Coach, Jimmy supplemental, appropriation to go 'Times will foe published one day Dr. Otten celebrated Hie 50th, the Indians have bounced tack 'to 'Lee's wlnless Ivy,, with, former ahead with. Head Start, but the early, on Wednesday. All per- anniversary of his ordination to •win three to, a row over Mau,~ Watertown Coach Jim. Kraysske Board decided, to hold off until sons,, groups and advertisers 'the ministry on Sept. 26, IMS, gatuck Valley League opponents as assistant coach, was never In. the program can be reviewed. having copy for 'the week's issue at St. John's Evangelical Luther- .ami ' even their record at 4-4 'the 'game. This review will take' place at are asked to cooperate 'by sub- an Church," Brooklyn, N.Y., a with 'One game remaining. The Ivy 'took the' opening kick Its Dec. 11. meeting when Mrs. mitting' it early. (Continued 'On Page 15) Coach Gargano 'now Is aiming off but couldn't move. Watertown fur' that final opponent, 'Towing- set the pattern .tor- the remainder ton, 'which will, be here Thanks- of the game moments, later when, giving morning for the big Turkey after a, punt, Larry Baker Bay., encounter at 10:30. The Red, scampered. 72 yards on. 'the first 'Raiders have been an up and, play from, scrimmage tor a touch- down team, 'but probably are down, the first of tour he was to better than, 'their record 'Indicates, score during the morning,. 'Dan having' met somewhat stronger Leaver bulled over tor the first opposition than have the Indians, of his tour two-point conversions. Last Saturday they 'held a strong Still, early to, the first quarter .Lee of New Haven team to a 8-8 Baker scored his second touch- hall 'time deadlock 'before 'bowing down, this on a 15-yard run. 30-8 'to three second half touch- A pass for the extra points failed. downs. .. Halfback- Tom, Marino got Into A win lor Watertown would give the act three plays after the the school a 5-4 record tor the klckoff when . he gathered In,, a, season,, .and, the second winning quick kick on his 4? and raced season to. two years of varsity 53 yards untouched Into -the end- competition. Last year' the Indians zone. Leever again converted to' had. a 5-4-1. record, with the .give Watertown a 22-0' lead. Ue coming on Thanksgiving 'Day The second quarter was more against Torrington. A, win also even,, as Watertown scored once would give the locals a 4-2 record on a, run, by Leever and Crosby ' In. the Valley League and, should. racked up its .first touchdown, Sacred. Heart defeat Witty Sat- this on .an. Interception by Frank urdayt a tie for second place 'in, Dlnatali on. 'the 10-yard line. league standing's. The half ended 30-6. An advance sale of tickets for 'The 'third quarter produced two the Thanksgiving Day game now more Watertown touchdowns,, one Is going on at the high school. on a 3-yard run by 'Dan 'Leever 'Tickets at 'the gate the day nf and the second on a, 42-yardpass HALFBACK LARRY BAKER races into the end zone at. the end of a 17-yard rua for a. fourth the game will be 50 cents extra .play from Quarterback SeanBut- period, touchdown, one of four he scored in, Watertown's 63-:2§ romp over Crosby last Satur- for all,, 'with the exception of terly to end Craig . Lamphler. day at Municipal Stadium. A block at the goal line on the Crosby back, in the foreground by elementary school children. (Continued, Co Page 8) an unidentified Watertown player enabled Baker to go in untouched. Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page 2-T©wi Tines<lat©itowii» Conn.), November 16, 1967 Junior High, Honor 'Richard Natale, Donald Payne, Audubon Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgNeil Pearson, Marcla Phelan, *n.e Litchfield _Hills Audubon Roll Lists 79 ' . Richard Riedl, Kathryn Rinaldl, society will meet Sunday, Nov. Randan Rock, /Daniel Speer, 19 at the Lltchfleld Nature Cen- ' Seventy-nine students .in the Joanne Stelnls, .Man Teenier, Gall ter -and Museum on: the White' seventh and eighth grades at Weselowski .and 'Clark Wheeler. Foundation grounds at 1:30 p.m. Swift Junior High School have gor their annual dock trip, to' foe 'been named to the honor roll for Parents who are afraid to put followed 'by a pot tuck supper. the first marking period which their flood down usually have ctiil- 'Gordon Loery will be 'the lead- ended, Oct. 26, according to Prin- drat, who step on 'their toes. er. cipal Richard Q1 Sullivan. 'Hie 'lists consists ol 41 eighth graders and 38 seventh graders, as follows: . Grade' 8 Kalita Insurance Agency First. Honors: Gerlaune Blum, Philip Bohlen, Sally Booth,, Fran- . -Life - Anfo - Fire-- Theft els Colangelo, Frances Hate, Carol Hannon, 'Barbara Landau, Liability - Health - Accident - Marine « Frederick Quigley, Nancy Bead.