16 Pages Today Official Newspaper Including of Eight Pages Middlesex County of a ad Colored Comics WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIPS FAMILY NEWSPAPER Woodbridge TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR WOODBRIDGE, N. J,, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1935 PRICE THREE CENTS row s REFERENDUM MAY BE USED IN AVENEL CROSSING CONTROVERSY Nest Reed Completes Survey SPENCER TO CONFER \ THK NAVIGATOB BOUND BROOK 11 Of Township for Data A Suggestion-Let's Act On It RESTORATION OF WITH LIQUIDATING NO AGREEMENT! For Refinancing Plans et, rain, and hlfh winds Since its inception, the Woodbridge Stadium CONCERN TONIGHT the township last week-end LOSES 13-7 TILT Commission has been endeavoring to raise $10,000 WOODBRIDGE. — Now that REACHED AFTE poodbrldie, few ventured out- for the completion of the local athletic field. Various AY CUTS VERY WOODBRIDGE - A conference Eugene Reed, ot the consultant L nrs on what wu easily the vicp of the National Municipal ways and means have been tried by the members of expected to lx lu'ld tonight be st day of the yea*. But shore the commission to raise the necessary funds, but with- .mi CommitteemMii Frederick suffered most of all. When TO PRISQO TEAM League, has completed his survej UNLIKELY HERE HEAR1N of the physical assets ol the Town- out much success. Everyone admits that Woodbridtfe . Spencer, chairman of th luv fale and the heavy seas had ship, another step ol the proposed 1 down, the damage was tallied. IHOSTS' DRAMATIC FINAL needs a stadium—and we let it go at that. It begins to OUTLOOK FOR TEACHERS nee- committee and AVENELITES MAY SUBA RUSH SNATCHES GAME retmancing program ol the Town- ives of the Tax Title Liquidating • * « » ship has be«n completed. appear that the Stadium Commission has picked a AND MUNICIPAL EM- company. Of Teaneck. RESOLUTIONS TO C Jetties and piers had been FROM LEADERS Heed has been in the Township hard row to hoe. PLOYEES NOT ANY TOO The concern is now making MITTEE, OPPOSING rried away, boardwalks for several days checking up on Let's leave the Stadium Commission for the time be- BRIGHT urvey of past tax sales which mu> PRESENT PLANS ashed, roadways and homes Leahy, Stanko Score information submitted by the fin- ing and glance at another picture. The Monmouth icad to the company entering mio dermined, countless autos ance committee. His report whicn negotiations with the Township lor illed in the snow and frozen, will be filed with the investment County Council, V. F. W., has been sponsoring what it WOODBRIDGE. — "Al- the purchase and liquidation ENDANGER PWA FUNDS coastwise freighters sent ANACKER NABS SCUTTI'S bankers is expected to be ready in calls a "weekly charity drawing." They sell three though everyone would like approximately a million cioll.us 3S calls. And, small, private- FORWARD TO PLACE a few days. chances for a quarter and announce that the total woith of tax title liens. owned boats, sheltered in to see it come about the out WOODBRIDGE. — Po ilth's Creek, Sewaren, also BALL NEAR GOAL amount distributed is 90 per cent of the net received. look for the restoration oj bilities of a referendumi Dk considerable battering. They have worked the drawing so successfully that pay cuts to municipal em Avenel to poll the true set * « CITY STADIUM, PERTfc WPA PROJECT IS now they award a $1,000 prize, a $500 prize and ployees and the Board of Ed MG GEE CASE IS ments of the taxpayers nday dawned clew, cold ai AMBOY.—Two minutes to scores of other prizes ranging from $100 to $10. ucation employees in th gtirdin.fr. the present AveJ ht—mostly cold. Motorists bur go Bound Brook leading Township residents are buying the chances like the Township is not any to grade crossing plans, to work found their cart 7 to 6 It is Woodbridge'! proverbial "hotcakes". and they seem to be repaid in- The smell of denatured al 0,0 BUT ONLY great for 1936," declared f AGAIN DRAGGED t'orseen here as a possil filled the air. Garages and ball on its own 29-yard line asmuch as the thousand dollar winners within the past m-eans of deciding the mat last down and 11 to go Township official this week stations did a land offlci three weeks have been the residents of Fords. The discussing the recent agitsi which has raised a gr i Uuwfof out radiators Mid Stanko boots a high one drawings, which are public, are made on the stage of n« them for the wlntr; 2 MEN MOW UP. tion for the return of the 2 THROUGH COURT deal of comment and Sumienick, Double-B safetj the Atlantic Theatre, Atlantic Highlands. which to date, no agreem| > to come. man, who took the leathe FOR WORK ON HOPELAWN percent cut in salaries foun DECISION ON APPEAL TO BE » » * • Now, that you have that picture clearly in mind, has been reached. and fumbled on his own 30 IMPROVEMENT TUES- necessary as an econom MADE DURING FEBRUARY The National Republican let's get back to the Stadium Commission, the mem- measure. The hearing on the Ave rty, out of office and with- yard stripe when Levi anc DAY MORNING bers of which are still wondering how to raise $10,- TERM In case there is any inclinatio crossing was held inform a Ut the power of patronage, Cacciola hit him hard Lev 000. Would it not be a simple answer to their problem before Public Utility, eks the resources of business and Cacciola then recovere WOODBRIDGE.—Township En- to restore the salary cuts, it is bt WOOBRIDGE.—Decision in the its 1936 campaign against gineer C. R. Davis found himself if they would sponsor a similar drawing ? We are not lieved that the Taxpayers' associa writ of certiorari obtained toy Hur- missioner Frank J. R< New* Deal. Henry p, in a quandry this week when he attempting to champion anything illegal, for if the tion would fight the plan as C. ry Medinets, of Perth Amboy, at- at Newark, Tuesday of the G. INDIVIDUAL BJiCOBUg hoped to have men start to work Continued On Page Eight Baido, president of the State Ta: payers' association this week in a torney for Mrs. Mary McGee, ot noon and after several flPMdcommittee, ap- •O. L. T. on the WPA projects in Hopelawn 543 Arnold avenue, Perth Amboy ittee Angol (W) 71 0 IS He'had received word that the| survey report declared that "in- of discussion did not de » Itocce Stiuiku (W) 88 6 13 creases in the public payroll must is not expected until the February anything one way or e na- Hlpolit (BB) 46 0 U projects had been approved and term of the supreme court. Med- Scuttl (W) 43 3 12 that the job would start Tuesday— necessarily be out of the question their mets ut a hearing held before er. L.-ahy (W) 28 3 7 but when Tuesday arrived but one RESIDENTS SEEK w.he,n it is so evident that drastic T, Hayden Hamilton, PWAl Siimi.-mck IBB) 26 6 9 AVENEL MAN IS atoorer and a foreman showed up. economies in state governments, Commissioner Somogyi contended /.ycliak (BB) 16 0 9 which should have been made long that Brown was not a duly ap aminer, who was present at| be made U, . Barch (BB) 6 2 Check-up revealed that the ERA session pointed out that a Mason (BB) 2 8 2 had not transferred enough men ago, cannot be delayed." pointed recorder and had no au tion of the present grade cr (•) U—Yards gained, k-Yarua as yet to the WPA, and thus a lack FOUND DEAD ONTO HAVE VOGEL Continuing the report said: inority to try cases. Brown con plans, at the present time, . Pratt, former !mt. T~Tln>w carried ball from "It has come to our attention tended that he was authorized as •fandard Oil of N. Y.; line of acrtniin«ge. of labor occurred. It was also that in a number of municipalites, possibly lead to a withdrav • • *• * acting recorder by certificate tiled Ay, chairman, Mont- pointed out that the ERA office at as well as counties, employees, in- federal funds from the proje is, Ward * Co.; SHu Strawn, TEAM BKCOBDg Amboy has been exceedingly busy by Township Clerk B. J. Dunigan that revision of the plans W. B.B, SUPER -HIGHWAY RENAMED JUDGE cluding teachers, are agitating for not likely lead to approval oowonUim tawyer; Era- First downs 9 and. that it was impossible to restoration of salary cuts. Upon in- and by Recorder B. W. Vogel. straighten out all the records in deadline date has been set; Weir, chairman, National VardB gained rusblDf ..210 65 CORONER PRONOUNCES BROWN PROMINENTLY MEN- vestigation, we find that this move The controversy arose when ; A. W. RobertMn, Yards lust ruahlnj 11 10 time. Some of the records are over ment is becoming wide-spread and cember 15. Furwiirtfa tried ..,. 10 13 six months old and it was found DEATH DUE TO HEART AT- TIONED FOR POST BY Mrs. McGee was arrested by Corp Township Attorney Leon', ertinihouM Electric Forwards completed 3 6 G. O. P. LEADERS seems to be organized. L. Byerson, Chicago Yards gained, forward! ..48 47 that some of the relief recipienls TACK -- SERVICES TO- oral Kelly of the Avenel 'barracks, Elroy endeavored to explain Literals tried 0 had obtained work, and thus fail- MORROW "This is a most untimely pro of the State Police on charges of the rejection of the present Punto 1 8 ed to report for the project when WOODBRIDGE.—Although con- posal, especially in view of the drunken driving. The arrest was might mean that all grade Average distance, punU • 37 serious situation in New Jersey Fumbles I notified. However, it is believed AVENEL.—While walking along siderable favorable comment has made on a Saturday and on a re- ings in the Township wouli erly Hills Cal, radio that men will be put on the Hope- with respect to relief and the ex eliminated but the Avenel were ta a dither the Fumbles recovered I the super-highway between the been heard regarding Judge B. W quest of Medinets, hearing was Penalties 2 ' lawn job today or Monday. Vogel, whose term of office ex- pressed intention of the federal postponed until Thursday, Septern crossing. night. At 8 P. M. they Yards lost, penalties 20 S Cloverleaf bridge and Avenel government to withdraw Total yards gained 268 142 Approve another Project street, Luigi Macaluso, 51, o£ the pires on December 31, it is not contri- I ber 19, at which time Mrs. McGee Township Engineer Claren following time signal: butions for this purpose. Davis pointed out that the ch cars. It is now 5 P. M." Another project on Clinton Super-highway, Avenel, was sud- generally believed that Vogel, a w;is fined $200 and costs and had 1 street, Woodforidge, off Amboy ave "There is not a governing body .her license revoked for two years. desired by the Avenelites sume three-hour diserep- ' denly stricken and died of a hfct Democratic appointee will be re- in New Jersey which today is in a At the time of the arreat, Sep- for the Ghosta on the Bount nue has been approved by the attack Wednesday afternoon at tained by the Republican majority. place an additional cost was noted in the 9 P.M. WPA. The work will consist ol financial position that warrants tember 7, Corporal Kelly said he 000 on the project. Asked . _„ th-i.xthe mysterj. Brook 30. 3;45 o'clock. . It is understood that petitions the slightest consideration to re- was patrolling St. George's avenue railroad would share this ad< •grading, and cinder pavement; Julius Frassi, of 401 Washi, have been circulated in various i cleaned up. "llit an*V>unc-* "Attacker to The total cost will be $8,104.48, storation of pay cuts. Not one caiij wheSi a car driven by Mrs. Mc- al burden, John M. Nich ! mentioned "Millburo, N. J. A minute and three-quarters tt street, Hoboken, a passing motor- sections of the Township and will afford any increase in expendi- Gee ran him off the rood. At first, representing the Pennsylv with the Township' contribution ist, noticed Macaluso lying on the Uce," The ethereal freak go Woodbridge's ball on the in totaling l,496.$!10. be presented to the Township com- tures and many will be forced to he claimed he thought the driver road said that his company explained by engineers Continued on Page Eight road, and believing he had been mittee in the near future asking make still further reductions." Continued On Page Eight be obliged to fight and said "the comparatively struck by a hit-and-run car, that Vogel, who has gathered seek another writ of cer Bk Millburn signals were rushed him to the office of' Dr. leputation for fairness in .his de- with which the entire gra« Tied away by atmospheric Bi'lafsky in Woodbridge where he cisions as recorder, be leappointed.' ing plans of the township 1 rsts." • SEN. TOOLAN TO LESOECKLESS was pronounced dead. Coroner However, when questioned or. PROPER CLOTHES RESTORATION OF burdened with for years, Eugene Mullen was called to • • • • the subject, Vogel, politely but also pointed out that the a icone and pronounced death due al expenses also contribute resentatives of thr Tax Title 3 a heart attack and gave jjej-- firmly, retused to comment. defeat of the plans by the »tlnj Company of Teaneck BE TOASTMASTER DRIVING LATELY liasioii for the removal of-the In ihe meantime, Republican FOR TOTS URGED PAY PREDICTED government as the funds hi sy making a complete check >ody to the Greiner Funeral home leaders seem to be of the opinion ready been allocated. The ra tax sales of the township The deceased is survived by his that Arthur Brown, present uci- pays 45 per cent of the cosl 'to 1930 and prior and may •vile Satina, and a brother Cataldo. ng recorder, will be named to tne federal government 50 per an offer to the township AT SEAL DINNER ON ROUTE NO. >f Dunmore, Pa. Funeral services position. If he is named it will be RY HEALTH DEPT. BY SCHOOL HEAD and the state 5 per cent. Monday night. The or- will be held tomorrow morning at the first time in years that a first tfon has been conducting a MISS ELIZABETH PETERSON DECLARES ACTING RECORD- St. James" church at nine o'clock. ward man did not get the post, BAILEY DECLARES PROPER 'N ANNUAL REPORT OF NEW Upon a suggestion mad| (h survey of the tax title ER BROWN. COMPARES Commissioner Reardon, Toy IN CHARGE OF TOWN- Interment will be in St. James' Brown is a resident of the third CLOTHING PREVENTS JERSEY STATE TEACHERS' Engineer Davis and Mr. Nic i held by the township ARRESTS WITH 1934 cemetery. ward. |W expected to make a cash of- SHIP'S QUOTA COLDS DURING CHANG- ASSOCIATION agreed to review tile prop »buy. vised plans, but no real WOODBRIDGE.—Careless driv- ING WEATHER * * • • WOODBRIDGE. — Many resi- AMBOY MAN STRUCK VAN TASSEL A€AIN WOODBRIDGE.—While Wood an agreement is expected, ing on the super-highway has de- bridge Township teachers and understood, that despite th [At thepresent time, the mu- dents of this community are plan- WOODBRIDGE.—Proper cloth- ality holds more than ning to attend the annual Christ- creased decidedly, according to Act BY HIT-RUN AUTO HEADS DEMOCRATS municipal employees are quietly ing of shortness of time ing for children at this season ol working to obtain the restoration plans of the Pennsylvania 0,000 worth of tax title mas Seal dinner, to be held this ing Recorder Arthur A. Brown. the year as a factor in the preven- of their "pay cut", which was nec- to fight the issue, residenf . But it is a question year at the New Packer House, FORDS.—John Brako, age 43, of —•— tion ol colds, was stressed this In discussing the matter, Judge 650 Johnstone street, Perth Amboy essaiy as an economy measure, Avenel are expected to atti her or not the Teaneck Perth Amboy, Monday evening, at Brown said that he only had one WOODBRIDGE —Ge,orge Van week by Health Officer Harold J. other communities have already Monday night's meeting ..jrn will offer to purchase 6 o'clock, it was announced 'by Miss was seriously injured Monday eve- Tassel was reelected president of case this week o£ reckless driving. ning when he was struck by a hit- Bailey. reported full restoration of salar- Township Committee and pf ! liens with cash as expected Elizabeth Peterson, Woodbridge The defendant, Gabriel Khourie, of the First Ward Democratic Social "At this season oi the year", fa ies, according to a report made a resolution advocating the I the local administration. township's chairman in charge of and-run car while crossing Main club at a meeting held Tuesday tion of the present plans to] 914, 79th street, Brooklyn, N. Y. street at Gordon avenue. said, "when the weather is so public by Dr, Leon N. Neulen, ;r cash, bonds, script or raising this annual quota of ^500. was brought before Brown b; night at the club headquarters changeable, the matter of clothing presidont of the New Jersey State Avenel street a so-called ons will be of greater John Silakoski, of Moore avenue, Other officers named were, end" street. Senator John E. Toolai^will act Trooper Daniel Barclay, of the Av in relation to Health is of vital im- Teacher's association. Among them silt to the township right enel Barracks. Saturday afternoon Woodbridge, reported to police vice president, Edward Kath; sec portance. Too much clothing is as aie: Palisades Park, Ridgefield, Among those present than the many liens. as toastmaster at the dinner, which Headquarters arrived on the scene retary, Richard Ryan, treasurer, River Edge, Audubon, Merchant- will be attended by several hun- Khourie was fined five dollars. and took the injured man to the bad as too little clothing, since hearing were: Township Clg • • * • i "Motorists are getting wise to the Joseph Maher; trustees, Patrick over-heating the body will cause ville, Princeton and West Wind- dred persons frdm all parts of the Perth Amboy General] hospital Trainer, O. S. Dunigan and Wil- J. Dunigan, Committeeman has been many rumors fact, that the State troopers and colds »s readily a»=chilling it." sor Townships, Piscataway, Atlan- Nier, Township Attorney Mcj the opening of & new county. Dr. Phillip Jacobs a direc- where he was treated' lar shock liam FinnPert. h Amboy, were the tic Highlands, Mantville, Dover tor of the National Tuberculosis the Radio Patrol division of the possible fracture of the skull, la- Mr. Bailey suggested providing Township Engineer Davis, C Wbrldge during the Township police department, pa- Anthony Cerethes aneveningd Edwar. dBot Hehr Township, Point Pleasant and Engineer George R. Merrill, Association, will be the principal cerations of the left eye and bruis- bert, of Pe sweaters of various weights so years. However, the la- trol the highways day and night," that adjustments may be made to Wilkerson, W. A. Raleigh, report has food foundation. speaker. Others who Will address ed lejjs. speakers of Penns Grove. said Brown, "and they are begin- suit the weather. Two lightweight Rahway Teachers, local tench,- Steel Equipment Corp.; I have been completed for the the gathering are Dr. Chas. I. Silk, ning to show caution while travel- spoke on the New Deal. regained 15 Wolf and Matthew Smith, honorary president; Mrs. Albert L, garments, he said, are always ers point out, have banking establishment, which ing through this vicinity. Compar- GIOE APPOINTED DATE IS SET FOR warmer than one heavy one. percent of their 25 per cent cuts, Avenel Realty Company; _ to locate in the present de- Garnder, president; and Nathan ed to last year, there is a decided "Protecting the track of the neck while Lambertville, where cuts Tarz, Mrs. P. L. Coupland baaltlnc house, but the offi- Wedeen, treasurer. decrease i,n reckless driving cases RECREATION HEAD is important, " he continued, aveiaged approximately 35 per- Mrs. R. G. Perier, of the notice "go ahead" from Wash- A novel feature of the annual af- METELSK1 TRIAL Last year I had 10 such cases dur- —§— "See that a child's snow suit is cent have seen them reduced to a Teachers' Association; ] It still lacking. fair will be the presentation of a ing Thanksgiving week." WOODBRIDGE.—Samuel Gioe, NEW BRUNSWICK.—The trial built high in the back and that it mere 15 per cent. < Kaplan, Mrs. Thomas Thon * * * • Christmas Season play. "Thanks who for some time has been the of Edward Metelski, of Newark, in- is so fitted that the wind cannot Other communitiies where the Mrs. C. N. Van Leer, Mrs. | Although u goodly represen- for Health" by a class of the Perth unofficial supervisor of Township dicted in connection with the mur- blow down the neck. Be sure that restoration has been at least half enhelder, of the Woman's ve body of Avenelites, aug- Amboy public schools. Those inter- Carteret Man Struck recreational activities, was named der of Trooper Warren G. Yenser this play garment is well cut and of the amount cut are East Ruther- Mrs. H. Kettler, of the Hung Bted by township and coun- ested in obtaining reservations may supervisor by the Recreational at Avenel, on November 9, has well fitted, and that it does not ford, Ho-ho-kus Township, Ridge- American Society- Mrs. W iicials, participated in the do so. by communicating with the By Car Early Last Night Sponsoring Committee at a meat- been set for Monday, December have excessive weight which wil wood, Wyckoff Township, Delan- Krug, Benjamin Clark, Joh " grade crossing hearing local chairman. ing held Monday afternoon at the 16. Arraigned before Judge Adrian co, Moorestown, Mount Holly, bat and Arthur Brown, of th —«— be too much for young shoulders payers' Association and Dr. 1 ire the Public Utilities Parish house. , . Lyon to plead last Monday morn- to carry. Camden, Haddon Heights, Frank- , sion and''officials of PORT READING—While walk- u"" ~"j.>.« „„..„.„ Limoli, | ing, the prisoner entered a plea of MacBride, of the Avenel ARSON CASES TO ing along Woodbridge avenue nea Gioe succeedso Thomas Protection from dampnessjin- j [£" Township, Greenwich Town- terian church. i Pennsylvania railroad at who resigned several weeks ago not guilty. He was represented by other precaution necessary. Play ship, Paulsbbro, Bayonne, Dunel- ark Tuesday, little or no BE HEARD MONDAY Third street, here, shortly after ' to take up a position as a member Walter C. Sedam, who was assign- len, Sayieville, Parsippany, Rock- I'clock last night, Walter Akacky suits are made of moisture-proof .action was realized. As of the Township fiyyfty. |ed to defend him by the judge. fabrics will do much to prevent way Township, Hawthorne, Upper Sbeen done in the past, the NEW BRUNSWICK. — The i3 year old, of 87 Warren street Placed on Probation Penn's Neck, Bound Brook, North Hit-Run Driver Is SooJ 'arteret ( sustained cuts about th< catching cold. Rubbers or galoshes board requested the cases of the five persons Mrs. Anna Mitchell, of Wood- must be provided. Be sure that Plainfield, Linden, Scotch Plains, ners to draft a better charged with arson and con- «ad and body when he was strud MISSIONARY CIRCLE bridge, was placed on probation by and Washington Boro. Apprehended by PJ jy a car driven by John Edgar, - they are large enough, so that the AVENEL.—In short order f than the one presented spiracy in connection with the TO SPONSOR SERVICE Judge Lyon, Monday, after she young child may put them on Discussing the situation, Neulen ay and offer it at a lat- explosion of the Lanni build- Green street, Woodbridge. pleaded guilty to defrauding the bridge police apprehended Akacky was taken to the offic without too much difficulty. If the said, "Predictions of what is likely Madeline Duro, of 2761 Mel ing on Fulton street early on Emergency Relief Administration weather is very cold, it is advisa- to happen during the year indi- street, East Elmhurst, Long II the morning of November 12, if Dr. Kemeny of Carteret by Ed AVENEL.~-Mrs. Robert Mac- of 46.10. cate, on the part of school heads, c to champion any- gar where he was given medical ble to provide heavy socks of cot- who is alleged to have been " will be brought to trial on Mon Bride, will be in charge of the ton'or wool c&mbination to be decided optimism. Twenty-two dis lal, but feeling thai If the aid; He was then removed to hi Sunday evening service on Sun- CAR STRIKES POLE and-run driver late Wedn day, according to assistant worn during the out-of-door tricts expect to see some salary re- night. charity drawing of the prosecutor James S, Wight. home in Radio Car 5-1 in charge o day, December 8 at the Avenei Officers William Brown and Jos hours." storation during the present school According to the police, i Council, V. F. W., is il- Those who will be tried are: Presbyterian church. The service SEWAREN—Thomas Smith, o: year, probably about January 1, i fovernment would have eph Farkas. will be under the auspices of the 237 Poole avenue, Union Beach Duro was the driver of a car] Vincent Piscatelli, 52. of 1936. Sixty-four others are reason- ed by Mrs. Claire O'Neil, to It lon« before this, South Amboly, indicted for ar- Missionary Circle with Mrs. Alice driving a car along West avenue OFFICIALS TO CONFER ably confident that provisions for suggested that the COMMlrfEET^CHOOSE Pomeroy as councilor and Miss this place, struck a Public Service place, which struck and io son and conspiracy; Frank restoration will be included in the James O'Neill, $4 years old |e Stadium Commission Gentile, 21, o! 88 Fulton street, Hedwig Bergmiller as president. pole at the Shell Oil Plant, shortly WITH WATER COMPANY 1936 budgets which are now being Inch an undertaking. This WINNERS TONIGHT FOR Mrs. William L. Raup, president after one o'clock Sunday morning. Homedale, N. J., shortly af arson and conspiracy; Barney BOARD OF DIRECTORS written, and will take effect by o'clock Wednesday night wh ,i the money at home and of the Woodbridge Woman's club Harry T, Kinriear, of Park ave- next September." i time iwell the stadium Lanni, 36, conspiracy; Mrs. BEST "FIRE" THEMES was walking along St. Ge Filomena Gentile, 21, of 88 will speak on "Youth." All mem- nue, Union Beach, riding in Smiths, avenue near the Chicken Cli directly would bene- Fulton street, arson and con- —>— bers of the Woman's Club, Junior car was injured, but refused med- WOODBRIDGE.—A conference yer* Clut>. Girls' club and all yeung ical uttention. Ellsforth Backer, of is expected to be held next week ZULLOWLSET~BY The injured man was tak spiracy; Mrs. Salvina Lanni, WOODBRIDGE. — Commit- the Perth Amboy General ho » * » conspiracy, people of the community are es- Walnut street, Keyport, also a pas- between the Board of Directors of tees will meet tonight at the pecially invited to attend. the Middlesex Water Company and LYON AT $35,000 in Radio Car 8-1 where he| f that we've all had our firehouse to decide on the. prize senger in the car, escaped injury. treated for a broken right le Thkgiing turkey, Radio Officers George Leonard the Township Committee in un at- Roaditond Entered winners for the best themes on tempt to secure lower rates for NEW BRUNSWICK.—Anth- brushes about the body. Oj ijChlcken. yesterday, we "Fire Prevention Weefc", ac- BUSINESSMEN TO MEET and Anthony Peterson investigated Joseph Farkas and Mich»«l I well get right down to WOODBRIDGE. - A regular the accident. Township consumers. Mayor Aug- ony Zullo, who was indicted WOODBRIDGE.—A repprt wai cording to Building Inspector, ust F. Greiner, and Township At- on a murder charge in con- were in charge of the rsdiu 1 plan for the biggest William AUgaler, meeting of the Woodbridge Town- fidy Christmas. received by Sergeant Benjamin ship Businessmen's association BATTEttY STOLEN torney McElroy nave been actively nection with the fatal shooting Parsons this morning that ttu All the schools in Fire Dis- engaged in the fight for a revision of Rocco Perrtno, of Poet INSURANCE i many things for us trict No. 1 competed for the will be held Tuesday night, De- Reading, wag released this got to arrange Smith roadstand on Rahway aye cember 3, at the Memorial Munf- HOPSLAWN.-WilHam Ciggal- of rates. rtvtoet y«u»«ll witk prizes and hundreds of essays akis, of 89 Pennsylvania avenue If the water company should re- week under $35,000 bail at a mobile ud Fin ake up the gift nue, near Prospect street, was en were written on all phases of eipal building. BONUS ACCKrTEU IN PAY! tared sometime Wednesday jughl reported to Motorcycle Officer fuse to alter its schedule, the only hearing* held this week before s, »the dinner ques^ fire prevention. The essays have Further plans will be made for Judge Adrian Lyon. OF PBKMIUMS |ot course, mail our According to the report, 25 carton been read by members of the the New Year's Eve dinner-dance Paniel Gibson, that an Exide bat- alternate the Township has is to . tings and pre- of cigarettes, some candy and tw tery was stolen out of his Diamond resort to a court fight which may Zullo was, brought into DIRK P. DE YOUN< committee and the best have to be held at the Craftsmen's Club court by a writ of habeas i Which reminds us Jugs of cider were stolen. En been picked out of the various and for the Christmas campaign' truck while it was parked in front cost in the neighborhood of |]6.~ only 21 shopping trance was gained by breaking batehes. Tonight's meeting will and decorating. oi hit nous? Monday night. 000. ccrpu*. Santa arrives. side door window. be held to select the final choice. WOODBRIDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNINT, NOVEMRER_29. 1935 PAGE TWO NO CHILDREN MAY BEAVENEL AUXILIARY New Deal Foe's SUCCESSFUL CARD HOLDS EMPLOYED IN, SALOONS PA BYRD TO OUTLINE State Honors FDR |C0MMKS ioiR RULES AVENEL^-The Ladi,< The Aftermath of Sudden Death Avenel News iary Card Party at the f,, By By Mrs. R. G. Perier 7 Burnett Street, Awnri-J NF.WARK--No minor under the on Thursday evening wa, A. J. BRACKEN EXPEDITION AT ago of 15 years old may be employ- suceettful affair. Special rFrom Readers Digest) ed in any manner whatsoever by A GROUP OF BOYS AND GIRLS and Mrs. Frank Brecka. Mr. Fred Brause is instructor. any liquor consumption licensee, Aftfr the sensation created by Not an easy thing to telephone the o( George and Burnett streets in cording to a recent ruling made : And SuddTDe«tl.." The Read- poor father out on the coast and SCOOHjCTURE calling themselves the "Willing * » • • gwt and Mrs j ;/. And MR. public by Commissioner D. Fred- Wlnneri in bridge werr • ~ w^borob«Hedbyim>f Worm him that Uie body of his Workers" have mad* house-to- MR CHARLES STOCKER. 1 1 and Mrs. Charles SlWsel crick Hurnett. ensteln, Mr., A, F Faiken i Bat we tbmwht boy lies in our mortuary. TO BE HEARD AT AMBOY house collections and prepared A. Falkeiuteln Mr8. Ruu •'; said. Then, from A wig that matches his hair, HIGH SCHOOL AUDITOR- | a Thanksgiving basket for a Miss Ruth Stessel, attended a re- Tin- ruling was made after Nich- ception to the state councilor of olas, .!. Ue Vita, of HainsvUle, wn, John Peira,, Mr5 , ,mhalmrr In the villa** of • plastic art and dermasurgeiy re- needy family. The members of Klein, Mrs. C. Braun an,j \- an Nebra'ka came the fol- store the body to almost lifelike >p IUM ON DECEMBER 6. the group are Shirley Azud. the Sons and Daughters of Lib- sought to employ three of his sons, Chappel. erty, Miss Esther Coose, at Mill-1 14, 13, and VI years of *&•£*&*' Ballln. Pinochle: Meyer ,' its emotionali esranee, but we cannot bring back Mary Braithwaite, Emily Ann Harry Hachett,omeKolt ,: that youthful smile or hapv laugh PERTH AMBOY.—Renr Admir- Lance, Betty Geiger, Tom Ben- town, on last Thursday evening. lively, as musicians in his Bcensed (1 al Richard E. Byrd, who comes to • • * * &el Petrag, Mary Swetitts V fnyhir directness. As In the fane which he carried when he left son, President, August Stryker, lavtiMi. ... , home. These are only memories to the Perth Amboy High School Au- Hanson, Laura Davidson " • of Hie previous article, we caattan and Jack Azud. THE WOMAN'S CLUB WILL hold The Commissioner pointed oui Kutchak, Mrs. R, Voelkcr his loved one*. ditorium on Dec. 6. under the a bi-monthly meeting in the that any person having the care or the wn»ltivf reader not to • » * » Glester, Mrt. E. Trost,70 too murh of It. —Dangerous Comer*— auspices of R»ritan Council Boy firehouse next Wednesday, De- control ot any minor cruld under F. Hofgwang, Mrs, Le . , Scouts of America, (or an after- MRS. F. ASHER AND MRS. P. L. cember 4 and will be in charge the age of tifteen years, "wno ld m We natives all knew that was a Coupland spent Thursday in Greco, Joseph Petras, M,, —Just Passing— properly marked noon and evening lecture, will tell of Mrs. p. Kaplan, chairman of who shall in any manner, sell, ap- Glester and Mrs, Farrell mean corner, , but such a sharp the marvelous story of his second New York City. the Civics Department. prentice, give in any dance-house Two ..clock in Hie morning, Isiwilh a turn Fan-tan: Helen Drago , Expedition to the Antarctic. < • • * vMiatsoever, or in any concert sa- S(t that the phom•" There it goes lurn To ^^ it at p^fe than 20 an Kosic, Mr«, Fred Koc,-. loon, theatre or place of entertain- again I grupc my way sleepily to,mj]es wag unsafe. He must have The findings of this recent Ex- MISS ELIZABETH PIERCE OF MRS. H. W. GAUSAM ENTER- Pryne, Mrs. Reimer, Erm. it Hello vis, I understand ; ^en going 50 at least. No one saw pedition out-rival by far the for- Hillside, was a week-end guest tain«i two tables of contract inuni where wines or spiriiiouj or Ethel Szalay; rummy; M, bridge at her home on Meinzer i malt liquors tire sold or given a wreck on the highway two miles lt happen. They found him with, mer Expedition on 1928-30, which of Mrs. Harold Grausam, of 1 liam Kuzmlak and Mrs .1, east Well be nght out • ! the car overturned, the sharp, included Byrd's spectacular air- Meinzer street. street on Monday afternoon. away, or with which any place for ban. 1 the sale of wines or spintoua or Whiit a sight One car, a new ^^ of the runningboard, where plane da»h to the Pole. The Second Those present were: Mrs. Thom- The committee in chau-, 1 * • • * malt liquors is directly or laaitcct- one now a tangled heap of scrap i, jojns (he rear fenderi resting on Expedition left the United States, ns Thompson, Mrs. Frank Barth, chairman, MM. Carl Nier iy connected by any passageway or off "on one side of the road, shat-' ms nead Why d0 they always i October 22, 1933 and returned,: MRS. F. E. BARTH AND MRS. Mrs. William A. Bartha, Mrs. R. by Mrs. H. Hanson, Miss \: tered glass everywhere. The crowd; have their heads mashed up so' I! greeted by President Roosevelt in Forrest Braithwaite, attended a Misenhelder, Mrs. M. Obropta. .ntrancc and any proprietor of any Kennedy and Mrs. R, V« has gathered and they have dug: wonder if this isn't the hope of ev- \ person, at the Washington Navy bridge luncheon at the home of Mrs. P. J. Donate, Mrs. Ross Al- iinnce-house whatever, or any con Mrs. George Burke, of Westfield, cert saloon, theatre or place of en/ one trfxivv out and it lies a bloodi.twy embalmeembalmer whenthentw rreceives Yard, May 10, 1835. A pictorial j lan, and Mrs. fi.G, Perier. Prize twy on Tuesday. winners were Mrs. Frank Barth, lertainment so employing any SUCH grotesque, twistetdd thithirll g under theithe an aut0 accidendt t callll: ""I hoph e ththe record of the adventurous twnj VlR6fl«AWiGHT • t • • Mrs. Ross Allan and Mrs. W. A. child, shall be guilty ot a misae pale light of the moon. Another j h€ad is an right." They usually are years spent in far-flung explora-; tion of the polar seas and polar Barth. ineanor." ENTERTAINS AT lies (jin.iiung :md mumbling, "Myi not A COMITTEE MEETING WILL be| back is broken I think." We lift; such a great big fine fellow in continent, covering 9,000 feet of il B BIRTHDAY PARTY him as gently as possible to the' thepink of health and prime of life. fZ! ^=£Z^: »"hom e"«£> of Mrs . Aj^'Atf. Tarz, on Minn? a THE ACE CARD CLUB ON WOODBRIDGE ambulance cot and hurry to the ^nd his poor young wife We own telling, of this his latest heroic Wednesday evening at the home avenue at 1:30 P. M., to plan| of Mrs. J. Herman, on Park ave- WOODBRIDGE.—Mi?. hospi'al. He dies two hours later pu,.„t, j,„„c. r j0 bed when she arrives effort to wrest scientific secrets —•— 1 for the food sale and luncheon nue. Those present were Mrs. Wight, daughter of Mr ,,. calling for 'Edith". und try to make her comfortable from that mysterious froien world which the Parent-Teachers' as- MRS CHESTER KNOWLES, OF Jamei S. Wight, of Limim How did it happen? The report until we can finish our work, so j still in the grip of the Ice Age. Stanley Berkowitz, Mrs. E. New Rochelle, N. Y., visited her sociation is holding on Wednes- Grade, Mrs. O. Franks, Mrs. H. entertained a group of h.: is thev were trying to pass a car she will never know what he look- Tickets for these lectures may be day, December 4 in the school at parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Monday afternoon on th' against a too clos* oncoming car. cd like when we found him. obtained through any of the Scout Gardner, Mrs. C. Klein, Mrs. C. Morris, over the week-end. 11:SO A. M. Anderson, Mrs. M. Sasso and of her seventh birthdav i What does it matter! We go back A babe to came soon, Who will masters or Scouts in the Council • • « * • • • « corationj were pink and • for the dead body and in the oper- jiever know a father except by as well as at Jackson's Pharmacy Mrs. S. Regensburg. WILLIAM ALBERTSON. SON of MEMBERS AND FRIENDS ARE » » • » the games, prizes were ating room under the strong light tales which are told. at School and Main streets, Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Nels AlberUom, of Amy Baker and Joyce \: we find that we have a job on bridge. The evening tickets are all being reminded of the Ladies' THE TUESDAY NIGHTERS SEW- Edgar street, who underwent an —Dmte Fog— i Aid Bazaar and Luncheon to be Fayor* were di«tributi-•'< pulp. Can we make it look like a IDK" on NOT 29 to the state be tricia Ann O'Brien, MM,. human being and resemble the the windshield and tore away one Mrs. R. G. Perier. Mrs. Belden avenue. side of her face. ON MEMBER'S DEATH is heading the bazaar comn*iM$<»| MERCHANTS PASS considers his "second borne," • * » • Rita Ryan and Nancy Wi; fine strong young man that it was GOT. Eugene Talroadge. abore. only an hour ago? It is just our Poor little brother, who had WOODBRIDGE.— The Middle- with Mrs. J. Mitchell and Mrs. HERBERT MAXF1ELD, OF Grove been driving, how heartbroken William Gery assisting. RESOLUTIONS ON may And plenty of food for Mr*. Catherine c. M, job and we're getting used to it. sex County Real Estate Board re- thought A vast Georgia tribute avenue and Richard Whitney, al- and sorrowful. It was hard to see, so of Grove avenue, attended the Does it make up gun-shy of this ently passed the following reso- 2 RECENT DEATHS: to tbe chief executive ma; rertal WOODBBRIDGE. -Mi fast driving? Well, we wish all the and how was he to know that he utions on the death of John H. Princeton-Darthmouth game at should have pulled to the side of THE THURSDAY EVENING Bi- to the fieri antl-Nevr Dealer and erine C. Melder, 37 yeai, i speeders could spend a night with Concannon, well known local monthly bridge club met at the WOODBRIDGE. — Resolutions touted tucceaaor to tiuej Long Palmer Stadium, Princeton, Sat- us, occasionally, in the operating the road and stopped until the fog businessman: urday. of Joseph Melder lifted, even though they were late home of Mrs. Misenhelder on ! on the deaths of two of its charter lost bow solidly his state or oth road, thisjJf rnoms of the mortuary. RESOLUTION for school? Park avenue with the following I members, John H. Concaanon and en might back him In bla antl Ellsa Caroline Rogen —Old Barleycorn— RESOLVED: With increasing members present: Mrs. R. A"- ' '"natz Lustgarte,n, have been Rooserelt or third part; move- —Loose Gravel— sense of the loss suffered through SEWAREN—Eliza Caroline Rog Three little kiddies, poor little Mrs. F. Brause, Mrs. F. E. Barth. | drawn up_ by the Woodbndge ment ers, 86 years old, died Sunday at tykes, the oldest only seven. They Not much to do this time. The his passing, the members of the Mrs. Thomas Thompsonp, , Mrs. A. Township Businessmen's associa- Middlesex County Real Estate ion and framed copies have been the home of Miss Daisy Rush, 551 hardly know what it is all about. whole thing was on fire when we YoungY , MrsM . L . DavidDid , MrsM . J. West avenue. Funeral services the house and 9 o'dr,. This time it is a young mother re- arrived. We could see his tracks Board, desire thus to record their Wilbur Geiger. ent to the families of the deceas- LETTER TO THE EDITOR James' church, wh.n deep sortow at the death, on Octo- ed. which were private, were held turning home, wil.h her husband where he had come over the top Woodbridge, N. J Tuesday afternoon at the house. mass of requiem w;n • and children, from a happy visit, of the hill and hit theloose giavel ber 11, 1935 of John H. Concannon THE INTERNATIONAL RELA- The resolution read as follows: November 26, 1935 Interment was in St. .I.,. for many years, a member and di- Interment was in St. James' cem- Kiddies are playing in the back Thewarning sign was up so the tions Department will meet this "Resolved by Woodbndge Town- Editor, etery, Yonkers. tery. seat of the car. Bang! Crash a sick- Highway Department had fulfilled rector of this organization. The afternoon with the sub-chair- ihip Businessmen's Association. Leader-Journal: ening twisting and tearing and it its duty, but there it lay where it Board keenly realizes the great man, Mrs. A. Kaplan of Smith "Whereas, it has pleased the "Keep Our Flag Flying High— is all over. had skidded and turned complete- loss it has sustained in no longer street. The committee consists of Great Creator in his infinite wis- At the junction of Woodbridge and miuiminmniniu'l|l*'''*l|)"«*ll|--*||l-—ill—in in 111 in .1 , Just two drunks in an old car ly around and over. A twisted being able to enjoy his valued Mrs. R. G. Perier, chairman, dom to remove from our midst our West avenue, Sewaren, N. J, coming over the top tif the hill on mass of hot iron, that fetid smell services and wise counsel as well Mrs..C. N. Van Leer, Mrs. A. 'ellow-member (name of mem- there is a small memorial triangle, the wrong side of the road, but of burning flesh and a few bones as the delightful personal associa- Nelson, Mrs. C. R. Siessel and ber). on which is a well kept flag pole what slaughter! We work feverish- to tell the tale. tion which it has greatly prized Mrs. M. Obropta. Other mem- We record our deep sense of from which. Old Glory unfurls ly all night attempting to place a How will we prepare these re throughout the past many years. bers of the club are cordially loss in his death. We admired and majesticaly! A fine sight, express- new nose und one side of the face mains for burial? Well, how would His rare understanding and abil- inivited to join the monthly respected him and cherished him ing 'Liberty, Freedom—America NOTHING DOWN on this mangled body which has you? ity, and the unselfishness which i ound table discussions. or those qualities which bound the Beautiful.1 been the loving mother of these And so it goes, on and on, in enhanced these attributes, made a » * • • bound him so closely to us as this small town 01 not quite 3,000 fundamental and lasting contribu- friend and associate. "Why should it be half mast ex- three small helpless children, now THE TUESDAY EVENING bridge pressing death of a beloved citizen. in the hospital, two not expected Add what befalls us here to thi tion to our work, and aided large- club met this week at Mrs. Ross "Resolved: that we tender to the ! tragic'toll in metropolitan citie. ly in developing better, the great family of the deceased in this the Casting gloom. Causing folks to to live. Allan's on Burnett street. Those look at the pole to determine We secure a recent picture of andthe countless towns larger than field of endeavor our board is en- attending were Mrs. E. Wilker- hour of their darkest bereavement ours, and we have a very fain gaged in. our sincere, heartfelt condolence whether or not the 'Gang is all this mother and by long hours of son, Mrs. -E. Ingleholm, Mrs. M here.' Let us rather improve our idea of what is happening on ou To his wife and family is ex- Obropta, Mrs. R. Misenhelder, trusting that a knowledge of the patching and filling those mutil- highways. tended our sincerest sympathy and neighborHness. Good deeds live on, ated features and showing the Mrs. F. Asher, Mrs. F. Brecka esteem and respect in which he has Over 36,000 killed this way last the hopethat our appreciation of always been held, by his numer a lasting tribute. Keep our body under indirect light we keep Mrs. A. Young and Mrs. P. L 'Flying High.' year. Will it be more next year? his untiring services may in some Coupland. ous friends and intimate, asspci from the loved ones the horrible And will you be one of that num-'l measure lighten the burden ofj ates, for the many estimable and "Mrs. Eulot Baitzle, picture of this mutilation. ber? Why wont you? | their bereavement. * • • • "Sewaren, N. J." —The Lonely Pedestrian— THE CONTRACT BRIDGE Clasi noble qualities which he possessed .—.__—. j "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: met this week on Wednesday may in a measure assuage tin Such a freak. We found his arm CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS j That we, on behalf of the member- grief which is theirs in a loss si ABOUT 100 MEMBERS OF THE hanging on the latch of the car shi of 1he afternoon at Mrs. R. G. Perier' Senior Class of Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE — The United' P Middlesex County Real on Burnett street. Mrs. R. Mis isseparable and commend them ti door, torn completly from the states Civil Service Commission | Estate Board. attest *? thejnspira- to the care and protection of tin High School, attended a per- tl0n and su rt whlch Mr Con enhelder, Mrs. C. R. Siessel. Mrs socket at the elbow. The mangled las announced open competitive PP° ;.. " Great Father of Allt Be it furthe formance of "A Midsummer's body lay doubled up in the ditch cp on M. Obropta, Mrs. Thoma: Night's Dream" in Newark, Mon ncammatmn. «as fniWiu/=follows-: ' i ™ brought to the delibera- Thompson. Mrs. F. Brause, Mrs "Resolved: that these resolution: nearby. Junior medical officer (interne), tions of the Board and the com- J: Wilbur Geiger, Mrs. P. ' be spread in full on the minutes o day afternoon. The students Just an old man walking along :,000 a year/junior medical officer mittees upon which he faithfully Coupland, Mrs. A. Kaplan, Mrs this association and a copy suit were eccarapauied by Miss Alida in the dark an the wrong side of psychiatrihiti c resident),id $2,000 a served, ana C. N. Van Leer Mrs. R. Allan ablyengrossed be presented to thi Van Slyke. The trip was made the road, the car coming over the pear, St. "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: A > family." by bus. brow- of thehill, headlights shoot bth Hospital, Wash Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. F. ~ — ing up. Not a chance of escaping it. rganization and that a copy be senior students in a grade A medir :nt to Mr. Concannon's family aj —Endurance vs. Death— cal school; for junior medical of- Just three happy boys on their testimonial of our sincere appre- ficer (psychiatric resident) they iation of his usefulness not only way across the country to Detroit must have been graduated from a Constant driving, day and night, is a member of the Middlesex grade A medical school with a de- bounty Real Estate Board but al- with a change at the wheel every gree of M. D., not prior to January four hours, but endurance lost and 1, 1884, and must have completed 30 as a citizen, long active in civic we pick them up on the side o" an accredited internediip of at matters, contributing to the pro- the road where they have crashe( least 1 year. ress of this community. a telephone pole and overturned "Robert Fullerton, Negative cutter, $1,800 a year. "Sec, Middlesex County Hydragraphie Offices, Navy De- Real Estate Board " partment. Four years' experience DELCO-HEAT of a certain specified kind i.n .neg- Mrs. Cedle Warter ative cutting in lithographic repro- FLOOR SHOW duction work required. 4—, Pays 3 ways to Buy Now Direct From All States except South Dakota WOODBRIDGE. — Mrs. Cecile BROADWAY Iowa, Utah, Vermont, Virginia Warter, wife of George W. Warter, Maryland, and the District of Col- of 29 Lillian terrace, this place rum umbia have received less than died Sunday afternoon. Besidey TWICE NIGHTLY 10:30-12:30 their quota of appointments in the Besides her husband she is surviv - ) II HIOO-HIIT ed by two sisters, Mrs. Leo Mayar, apportioned departmental service of Newark and Mrs. Laura Les- / IIITOIt in Washington, D. C. Junior med queseaux, of Florida. Funeral ser- EVERY SAT. NIGHT kill officer positions are not af vices were held Wednesday after- fected by the State apportionmen AT THE noon at two o'clock at the Garret- QHRBWD econoinifti, with to ty to 0* fcuurt, Mcomme law. son chapel. Perth Amboy, Dev. Dr RARITAN BALLROOM Full information may be obtain Frederick D. Niedermeyer, pastor dhoaM owners lomtmenu of [*rtn*n«nl nlu*. D*lco-H"< ed from Secretary of the U. S. Ci of the Perth Amboy First Presby- Burnt it tosh to lavMtxxKut. Perth Amboy vil Service Board of Examiners, a terian church, officiated. Inter- Orchestra For Dancing the Woodbridge post office. ment was in the Alpine cemetery 1 Wot, IOWM in Dtlco-H«ai M*ocy-o«ly • Until 2 A. M. •* vbttquUtroUburotncofttywrtfD. 1 COVER CHARGE A Ttrmi, mo* libtrtl k financing taJnory. Not a P"" ' ADMISSION CHARGE « down, up to J yean to pay under N JM. pro»i»i°o». NO MINIMUM CHARGE PROCLAMATION m Btnawkil rfmHr beat Btu^t lowtii co*i do"1"1 • "• tad «aL Otrnori report tarings «| high at 40%. Advertisement IMco-HMt (Ml BoroK it a product of Graml Motor.. Er«ry WHEREAS, REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD F. ttalladoa b "tailor made" br factory trained tspirti 10 it f0UI f"" BYRD has added another notable chapter to the «ni bMtlng plant. Prica indudt. «*ry«*/aj-no tMu to '"•' annals of American expeditions by his genius in IouaU Dtlco-rUii now and «njay tbe dmnUnau, coofafl, <4»" DEAR FOLKS: organizing, transporting, and providing for the itaca and Nonomy of dependable, automatic oil beau subsistence of his men while they carried on a READ WHAT 0WME1I IAT Santa Chius is Coming to program of research under the most adverse con- Town! ditions in the South Polar Regions, and did like- America tiudit jt car it can trust, America fur ganand uil economy, too... by popular acclaim Gladden those little hearts wise heroically explore said lands making ex- of your children. tended and valuable scientific observations all in w:know* what to do—buy it junt as fait a* the the UIIMSI beautiful thing on wheels . .. yel priced the interest of the United States of America; factory can product it. And that ia exactly what /'nit slightly above the Unceit-coil run on tilt Ftave Santa make a persona! U happening in the ca»e of Pontuc—built to be market. Check up on these fi -U. .. . You'll MMMI visit to your home Christ America' • nuxt dependable cor ... unaurpaaned decide that Pontiac u the U((((> / buy of the year! mas Eve. NOW THEREFORE, on the occasion of the ap- pearance of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in Yours for a Merry Xmas, this County on December 6, 1935, I do, jointly with the Mayors of the surrounding communi- SANTA CLAUS. ties, proclaim said date as "Byrd Day" in honor of so notable' a figure in American history. i AUGUST P. GBEINER, Ust prieM at rontUc, Mick,.PONTIA Utin al |4I5 /w tks Si* uul #30 fur tkm Eight C(mb)

WOODBRIDGEiLEADEK-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1035 P Ad THRU News Of Interest To All Clubs -:• Churohes TIDKETS READY SEWAREN HELPS ISELIN P. T. ASPECIA. L PRIZES ROSARY SOCIETY TO NANCY DESMOND BAZAAR. DINNI FOR GALA PERTH PUBLIC LIBRARY Thc Colonia Men's WOODBRIDGE. - The annual it'iniunean club emiTiained Satur- election of officers of the Husary fl AWARDS PRIZES WON AT ROSARY BECOMES BRIDE TO BE HELD "y '»8ht at a victory ;iiiair held Society of St. James' school will be( :" thc American Legion home. The held at the regular monthly meet-i AMBOY CONCERT AT CARD PARTY member of the Comma Woman's ing Monday night at 7:30 o'clock' itepuDlican club were guests us AT CARDJARTY SOCIETY PARTY at St. James' school auditorium. CHURCH LADII ON DECEMBER 11 UNDER MANY TURN OUT TO BENE Alter the election a Christmas OF RAHWAY MAN well as oiher Republican organiza- ROCEEDS TO BE USED TO AUSPICES OF PERTH AM- NT AFFAIR SPONSOREU tions in the Township. OVER TWENTY TABLES IN social will be held under the direc- WEDS RALPH EDGAR TANDY LADIES' ASSOCIATION tion of Mrs. Andrew Ruska, A BOY GENERAL HOS- BY SEWAREN HISTORY Among the guests ol honor were PURCHASE XMAS GIFTS PLAY AT EVENT HELD AT ST. JAMES' RECTORY THE CONGREAOATIOh FOR KIDDIES sound moving picture will be one PITAL CLUB Mayor August F. Greiner, James FRIDAY NIGHT of the features. Talented singers SATURDAY CHURCH TO HOLD t Shaffrick, Howard Madison, James UAL EVENT DEC. 5 wllltfffer a number o' Christmas •-'" « — Wight, Harold Bailey. The com- ISELIN.—The. Parent-Teachers' WOODBRIDGE.—Twenty tables I'I'.KTH AMBOY. — Friends of SEWAREN, OnToT the most CaroV WTODBRIDOE. — Miss Nancy mittee in charge was headed by Association of School No. 15, held were in piny at a very successful i,,. ivnh Amboy General hospital successful card parties held in Se- Benjamin Ellison. As there will be an exchange of Desmond, daughter of Mrs. Daniel WOODBRIDGE—All plans Mil receive exchange tickets this a very successful card party Fri- card party sponsored by the Ros- ifts, each member is requested to been completed by the Ladies' .(•ok for the gala entertainment waren was held Friday night at Cards and dancing were enjoy- day night, at the school auditori- ary Society of St. James" church Desmond, of Prospect street, be- ed. Community singing was also um on Green street. The proceeds Sring a small gift to the meeting. sociation of the First Co Hid concert of the institution. The the Sewaren school under the di- Friday night at St. James' audi- came the bride of Ralph Edgar tional church for its annual jijr show will be held on Wedjies- rection of the Sewaren History held during the evening with May- will be used to purchase Christmas torium on Amboy avenue. Mrs. Tandy, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- or Greiner at the piano. Special gifts for the school children. Young Woman's Club day bazaar and turkey dinne lny evening, December 11, in the Club for the benefit of the Sewar- Louis Baumlin and Mrs. Harold liam Warren Tandy, of Rahway, at be held Thursday, December School auditorium. awards were given to Mrs. Ben- en Fiee Public Library. jamin E. Ellisori and HovJard Mad- Prizes were awarded as follows Peck were co-chairmen. The men's Thanksgiving Dance the rectory of St. James' church afternoon and evening, at Tlie Board of Governors of the Bunko, Eugene Tomasso, Wil- door prize was won by Andrew Saturday afternoon. Rev. Charles church, ihe bazaar will be hel hospital will start the mailing of The door prize was awarded to ison. liam Breen, Laula Denopoulo, Ruska and the women's by Mrs To Be Held Tomorrow Miss Amelia Mistier and a special A. Dusten performed the cere-the lecture room upstairs and ' i lie exchange tickets today. On James O'Connor, Wanda Parse, Vi- T. J. Mooney. mony. prize went to Mrs. Herbert Han- olet Conover, Webster Propper, be open at 2:30. The dinner wil] Monday morning, December 2, and kin. Special prizes: A basket ol gro- WOQDBRIDGE. — One of Uw The b*M« w» fewned in sa- from 8 to 7:30 in thrch i hereafter recipients of the ex- George Hofman, Dorothy Tomasso ceries was awarded to Miss Emily outstanding events of the holiday phire blue chiffon velvet with a dining room. Mrs, Ernest C. .•imiigc tickets should present The committee in charge was; 300 GUESTS AT Mrs. Catherine Sheets( Miss Ethel week-end will be the Thanksgiv- Mrs. Olive Van Idersune Mrs L. Blume; a blanket to Mrs. Geo- hat to match. She carried an old- ett and Mrs. F. M. Hall, co-ch ihem at Seaman's Pharmacy, 84 Rung, Ja,ne Fredericks, Virginia rge Crock; cash award to J. Min. g dance scheduled by the Young fashioned bouquet, Miss Margaret men of the dinner, are being as smith street, Perth Amboy to ob- S. J. Henry, Mrs. W. C. Ecker Livingston, Marie Mastrangelo, Woman's club for tomorrow night Mrs. Morrison Christie, Mrs. John McDermott. Non-players' prizes Tandy, the maid of honor, wore a ed by an able committee. i;im numbered coupon tickets for Alice Reedy, Mary Johnson, Ken- were won by Mrs. John Powers at the Colonia Countryy Club. Rayy frock of brown chiffon velvet with The committees ui charge ot| u'sorvod seats. Turk, Mrs, Simon Larson, Mrs VICTORY DINNER neth Katen. Emil Kaus, Mrs. F. T. Howell, and Jr., Mrs. H. Peck, Rev. Charles A Fenton and his orchestra, an Eliza- a matching hat and also carried an bazaar booths are as follows: The board has decided to estab- Euchre: Barney Finegan, Char Dustah, Mrs. Joseph Maher, Mrs beth band will play for the dan- old-fashioned bouquet. Russell Mrs. A. W. Scheldt, president ol les Colangelo, Peter Brugure, cy articles, Mrs. W. A. lish one fixed price for the entire the History Club. Andrew Ruska, Mrs. Fred Lewis, mg. Tandy, brother of the groom, serv- Mrs. B. W. Hoagland, Mrs. oirliestra, which will be reserved OF THIRD WARD Pinochle: John Painter, Charlei Joseph Mecsics, L. Williams, Mrs. Reservations may be made with ed as best man. Harned, Mrs. Kehrer; delicat Tickets will be sold at $1 each, a Prizes were awarded for con- Dufoe, William Hull, Phil Blyth. Theodore Zehrer, Mrs. Stephen the chairman, Miss Evelyn Deter, After the ceremony a reception Mrs. M. Irving Demarcst, ch figure far below the scale whicl tract bridge, to Mrs. W. E. Dey, AFFAIR HELD RECENTLY AT Rummy: Mary Lewis, Marj Kager, Mrs. E. J. Coley, Jr., Mrs. lot later than tonight. was held for the immediate famil- man; Mrs. William H. Voorij tlir calibre of the programme Miss Kloise Gimbernut, J. Heisu- SEWAREN LAND AND Mastendrea, George Ross, Carl John Coffey, Mrs. J. Kolb, M?s. Patrons and Patronesses will be ies and a few intimate friends at Mrs. Floyd Huyck, Mrs. John 1 Aimld call for in ordinary circum- 'ben, A. A. Molitor, Miss Gertrude WATER CLUB Luna, Jafie Brugure. P. J. Trainer, Mrs. H. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith, Mr. and the home of the bride. After a die, Mrs. Dunbar; aprons, innrcs. The extremely popular Toolan, Mrs. Fred Turner, F. Dem Bridge: Raymond Grogan, Hel- Mrs. Helen Baumgartner. Mrs. Chester Peck, Mr. and Mrs wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Tandy Willis Gaylord, chairman, Mr arest, Mrs. Ross Alben, Mrs. Mary , Myers, Alfred Rehberg, Hele George Merrill and Mr. and Mrs price was set to give all friends of SEWAREN.—About 300 persons In the games winner of prizes will make their home on Prospect Royal, Mrs. Henry Schrimpf; i ,i, institution open opportunity to Mack, Mrs. H. B. Rankin, Mrs. Mai Williams, Leo Christensen, Marie were; Bridge: B. Schwenzer, Mrs. William L. Raup. street. Mrs. Roy Anderson, chaird r colm Walcott, Mrs. George Urban, ittended the victory dinner-dance Paulen, William Breen, Arthur .!• the show. held under the auspices of the J. Barren Levi, Mrs. George Mrs. Lincoln Tamboer, Mrs. Mrs. James Chalmers; auction Painter, John Myers, Garfield Gro O'Brien, Miss Marie Grausam, Mrs. neth Thornton; Christmas The Board of Governor! «1» wt Third Ward Republican Club at gan, Anna O'Connor. bridge, Mrs. George Luffberry, at the Sewaren Land and Water Hugh Quigley, Mrs. T. Mooney ties, Mrs. William K. Fra policy of "First Come, First Mis. Charles Coil, H. Halsey, F. J, The door prize was won by Mrs. Mrs. M. B. Sullivan, Mrs. Vincent chairman, Mrs. Laura Coddind Served ' with no exceptions in the Club recently. Herman Stern, as- Adams; fan-tan, Mrs. H. Nevil, sisted by an. able committee was William Lull. The non-players' Catalano, Raymond Anderson Mrs. Walter Stillman; kiddie i ticket exchange. With the whole Mrs. J. Randolph, Miss Mora Mc- who received prizes were: Helen Mrs. Howard R. Valentine, M. Bet ISELIN NEWS pe, Miss May Kelly, Mrs. ( orchestra offered for the same ad- responsible for the success of the Uuirk;; pinochlep, M. Barron,, Jamemes affairs . Hofman, Mrs. John Fredricks, Mrs. tman, Mrs. Robert Ringwood, Mrs. by ELIZABETH HSYBOUIMI Trautwein; candy, Sigma ssion fee, it is certain that the Ct A Kth M ih Helen Hofman, Lila Propper, H. Smithies, Mrs. Michael J girls; grab bags, Christian End mon , Colter, A. Kath, Mrs. Michael Mr. Stern acted as toastmaster. HMcrest Ave., /aettn, N. J. i Imicest reservations will be ac- yi Le Roy Simonson. Charles Richmond. Trainer, Mrs. Alfred J. Coley, Miss or Society with Mrs. Fred quired promptly. Late comers may Following Mayor August Greiner's Helen Van Tassel, Miss Margate in charge; ice cream, Delta I incl it difficult if not impossible welcome to the gathering mapy Bergen, Miss Ann Bergen; Mrs. boys with Bert Patrick in in obtain seats, RARITAN BALLROOM prominent Republicans spoke. Businessmen Complete John Einhorn, Mrs. R. R. Ander- THE CARD PARTY HELD RE- installation held by the Rahway posters, Miss June Bingman. To ;ivoid disappointments among Among those were James Wight, Plans for New Year's sen. cently by the Lady Foresters of Circle of Foresters, recently. Tickes for the dinner are in PLANS SERIES OF Merrill Mosher, Mrs. John Boos, Iselin, at the Pioneer Tavern on « • • • hands of the members and id pit runs of the Institution and the president of the Woodbridge Pinochle: Mrs. Robert Owens public generally, the Board of Gov- Eve Cabaret-Dance Mrs. John Zilai, Mrs. J. Romond, Marconi avenue, was a big suc- :HARLES DUBE AND WILLIAM vations may be made with the] iinniK urges that the exchange CABAREnVFFAIRS Township Woman's Republican John Zilai, Mrs. Hugo Geis, And- cee. Many prizes were awarded. ner chairman, Mrs. Percy O. club; Thomas Wand, president of • • • • Blyth were the guests of friends on. iirkcis be presented promptly at PERTH AMBOY. — Cabaret WOODBRIDGE. — Plans have rew Ruska, Louis Baumlin, Mrs. in Newark Saturday. the First Ward Republican club; Fretf Bisler, Mrs. William Knwal- A VERY SUCCESSFUL DANCE Seaman's Pharmacy on Monday night is being held every Saturday Mrs. Helen Rasmussen, president been completed by the Woodbridge • • » • Knliest arrivals will fare best and night at the Raritan ballroom, this Township Businessmen's associa- czyk, Mrs. George Krock, Mrs. and Drum Corp competition was MR. AND MRS. CONRAD FLEX- of the Young Republican Club of Adam Snyder, Mrs. Joseph Falcon held Saturday night at St. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN exceptions will be made to the place. A monster floor show is be- Avanel; Russell Thergesen, presi- tion for the New Year's Eve dinner instein, of Bloomfield, were the i ule. dance to be held at the Crafts- er, Miss Margaret Holohan, Peter James' school in Woodbridge. Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary CHURCH lite programme that Includes ing planned for tomorrow night dent of the Ernie Nier Republican men's club on Green street. Leahy, Joseph Dolan, Mrs. Charle with a review, a dance team, tap Ciub of the Parish House district Flexinsteln. the Michael Lamb'rti Trio of in- The auditorium will be decorat- Kenny, Mrs, Owen Dunigan, Mrs. THE FIREMEN oV THE GREEN .tuiinentalists, Agnes Knox, Broad dancers and singers and all that Mrs. Frank LaFarr, president of Nathan Patten, Mrs. Jamgs Hard • * • « Minister goes to make an enjoyable eve- ed in holiday colors and potted street station donated several EDWARD JANKOWSKY, OF R«v. Earl Hutnum Devann v/.iy s favorite acrobatic dancer; the Third Ward Woman's Republi plants. Tables will be arranged in ing, Mrs. Thomas McDermo'tt, Mrs baskets of food to the needy this Alfred Chigi, the renowned bari- ning. can club; Dr. C. G. Derrick, presi- Anna Walsh, Harry Wan Tassel, week. Pla infield, was the recent guest The floor shows are the same cabaret fashion. of friends in Iselin, Sunday. Morning Worship: 11:00. inuf, and Dolores Casinelli, the cap dent of the Sewaren Independent A turkey supper will be served F. Fitzpatrick; whist: Mrs. Michael • * « * tivaling Carmen of stage and the type that are now entertaining at Republican club and D. V. Rush, Conole, Mrs. Michael Coffey, Mrs. * * * * mon topic, "The Eighth Comn some of the popular night clubs in at midnight. Paper hats, noise A CARD PARTY, SPONSORED men, "Thou Shalt not Stl i.cieen, is expected to sell out the president of the Seware.n Republi- makers, confetti, streamers and Edward ward Einhorn, Mi's. John MR. AND MRS. CHARLES HUT New York and New Jersey, Danc- can Club, Inc. Coffey, Mrs. James Somers, Mrs. by the women of St, Cecelia's teman, Jr., motored to Plainfieli Thank offering boxes to bo | auditorium to standing room. favors will be distributed among parish will be held Thursday, turned at this service. ing is enjoyed on the spacious the guests. Christijn Witting, Mrs. Lawrenc Sunday and visited Mrs. Harry dance floor and popular orchestra Campion, Mrs. John Sullivan; fan December 19, at the Parish hall. Jeroffie at the Muhlenburg hos- Evening worship: 7:45. Sei) MRS. HESSIE MILLER, OF Brook The Aristocrats of Rhythm have The proceeds will be used to buy topic "Forgiveness." lyn, N. Y., is visiting her daugh- are engaged to play for the danc- SEWAREN tan: Mrs. Joseph Einhorn, S/ pital, ing. been engaged for the dancing Michael DeJoy, Miss Helen Crowe vestments for the pastor. * • • • Sunday school: 9:45 A. M. ter, Mrs. William Tobrowsky which will be held until a late Miss Kate Ohlott, Miss Bernic • * * * MR, AND MRS. ANTHONY Flex- Intermediate Christian End for a few days. MR. AND MRS. H. D. CLARK, OF hour. There will also be a program FRANK ROBINSON, SON OF G. Cliff road, entertained a group Baumlin, Miss Rita Baumlin, Mr A BABY DAUGHTER WAS born enstein, of Newark, were the re- or, 2:30 P. M. of entertainment during the sup- Nathan Patten, Sr., Mrs. Mar; recently to Mr. and Mrs. Peto- cent guests of Mrs. Mary Flex- Junior Christian Endeavor, I •IHK TUESDAY AFTERNOON G. Robinson, of Rowland place of friends at dinner Saturday per hour. was host to a group of his friend night after witnessing the Rut- Einhorn, Miss Grace Witting, Mrs letti. . enstein, of Sonora avenue. P.M. Study Club will meet next Tues- gers-Cplfate game at New Bruns Tickets will be ready for distri- John Boyle, Miss Roberta Nola Senior Christian Endeavor: day afternoon at the home ol Saturday afternoon, at a birth- bution during the early part of day party. Those present were: wick. The party consisted of RJr. and Mrs. Charles Arsenault. DANCIN GLESSONS WILL BE P. M. Mrs. Fred Demarest of Green and Mrs. William Doyle and Mr. next week. given at the near future at the MR. AND MRS. JOHN BARRETT, Monday evening the BusctJ street. Jack Reimers, Earl Devanny, Jr, parish hall under the direction Jr., were the guests of Mr. and Robert Muchanif, George .Fian, ajid Mrs. Bart Carroll, of New Guild will meet at the homq * * * A 'York City; Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Mrs. Turner Presents COLONIA of Mrs. Emily Overgaard. Those Mrs. John Barrett, Sr,, on Sun- Miss Ruth Lorch. Jr* Donald Kerr, Ralph Stauf- wishing to join the classes are day night. The regular monthly meetiH THK SUNSHINE rolSS QTTVtlf fer, Jr., James Robinson, Wil- of Irvington and Mr. and Mrs First Presbyterian church will Herbert Rankin. Twenty-One Volumes to CARL LELLA, OF NORTH HILL asked to get i,n touch with Rev. • • • • the Session will be held at| Howell and George Robinson road, is painting the scenes of William J. Brennun. MR. AND MRS. JOHN NESTOR manse at eight o'clock. meet next Mondnji pight in thi Jr. * • • * Sunday school rooms. High School Library the play to be produced soon by * » * * and sonf Robert, were the guests Wednesday, the regular THE NEXT MEETING OF THE of relatives in Jersey City, Sat- Sewaren Bridge Club will be the Little Theatre group spon- THE ISELIN POST V. F. W., AND tea of the Women's Auxiliary] WOODBRIDGE. — Supervising sored by the Leisure Time. the auxiliary held a combined urday. be held at the home of Mrs. held Wednesday, December 11. ney C. Leeson on Green stre • • t » Principal Victor C. Nicholas an- « » » • meeting recently at the head nounced this week that the Wood- MR. AND MRS. C. C. MITCHELL, quarters on Lincoln highway. HANS AND NELS PETERSEN OF Midweek prayers will be A REGULAR MEETING OF THE Ridgedale avenue, attended the Wednesday night at 7:45. Ladies' Third Ward Republican bridge High School library has re- of Dover road, were the dinner • * * * ceived a number of additional guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A NUMBER OF ISELIN WOMEN Army-Vermont football game at club was held last night in the West Point Saturday. Sewaren Motor Boat club. Four books, the gift of Mrs. Frederick Hogan, of New York City, Sun- were guests at a card party and U*A (he LMaw-Jonnuil new members were voted into Turner, of Sewaren, day. the club, Mrs. Mary Downey, Among the books presented by • • * • Mrs. Mary Murray, Mrs. Anne Mrs. Turner were; 20 volumes of MRS. GARY DEN BLEYKER, OF "Messages and Papers of the Pres- Tun* In WIAF Swidayi 11 Reynolds and Mrs. P. J. Donato. idents" and a volume of "The Cir- Chain o' Hills road, who has The next meeting will be held cle of Knowledge." been ill for the past few weeks, P. M. oml HMr DM Bttttr in January at which time the is slowly recovering. Uf M—BtH«r Slfht prof MM. election of officers will take • * » • THE LADIES ASSOCIATION OF place. MR. AND MRS. HERMAN JER- : : the First Congregational church sw>*: *: will hold a benefit movie tonight oss, of Enfield road, entertained MR. AND MRS. CHARLES Thom- at the State Theatre. The feature Mr. and Mrs. Werren Jonas, of " as and daughter of Staten Island pictures are "Annapolis Fare- Bloomfield, Sunday. were the recent guests of Mr well" with Sir Guy Standing and • « « * nn4 Mrs. John Thomas, of Oak- "Thunder in the Night", starring MR. AND MRS. EDWARD SCHU- land avenue. Edmund Lowe. Mrs. William K. berg, of Highfield road, enter- Thompson is chairman. Tickets tained Mr. and Mrs. Ean Walk- Subscribe to the Leader-Journal are in the hands of members. er, of New York, Sunday. Shop in Woodbridge — at Christensen's MEN'S TWO PANTS SUITS VES SIR, these suits represent perfection in * the tailoring art. They are smartly de- signed sport models with two pair of pants to $10.85 each suit. Sturdy wear resisting fabric. Colors grey and brown, SPECIAL at 18'

STUDENTS TWO PANTS SUITS THIS DAILY RITUAL OMARXLY STYLED Sport models with two pair of trousers. The fabrics are rich in color and design; the tailoring unsurpassed. DEMANDS GOOD ILLUMINATION SPECIAL AT 16 A close shave in a poorly lighted ing Representatives who are trained bathroom is apt to be a painful to measure the illumination in the SMARTLY STYLED OVERCOATS affair. And unnecessary, too,^£ar home. They can be of assistance to ALL NEW 1936 styles. These overcoats are bathrooms can be properly illumi- you in choosing the proper type of bin and comfortable, giving extreme $10.85 nate4 for a trifle. fixture or lamp for any particular warmth without excess weight. Nowhere will If you are shaving in poor light- purpose. They can make helpful you secure better values for less money. tight that throws shadows across recommendations about electric out- SPECIAL - - AND THANK your face, ask us to show you how lets which your electrician can in- to correct the condition. If you are stall for a

. WOODBRIDGE LEADER-JOURNAL. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1935 PAGE FOtm highways and the mechanical condition of ANOTHER OPENING FOR HIM the automobiles themselves. LOOKING BACKWARDS Journal The calm acceptance of the annual death THKOUGH LEADBErJOUENAL FlLES toll through motor vehicle accidents is (I M MI XING amazing. While the education of the public Thf !.«*>' (IJJJ1 The Iwlin J«un>»l •••• to traffic hazards and the adoption of ef- November 30, 1934 fective control measures present the pos- George Van Tassel was unanimously elected prosj,i sibility of reduced death tolls, too much em- of the newly formed First Ward Democratic Social CJ', Published eierv Krlday m KM Miln Strett. Woodbrldr», at an enthusiastic meeting held Monday night at the , ] «„ ,,I \,y tl-.« Municipal Publishing Compsnr phasis cannot be placed upon the necessity wSVr '••• \ J Klllfr.-:! at tin? Post OlflOB. «t WoOd- headquarters on New street brtdge. •• I is »''•"'l! cl:1'* nl!lil '"»""•• for some rigorous investigation into the causes of accidents, with proper penalties December 1, 1933 for those guilty of negligence. A twisting, turning, slashing quarterback n, An Independent Paper Frank Joat finished his brilliant career at Woodl,',-.,!' High yesterday afternoon in a, blaze of glory wh,, RF.PRKSKNTATIVE8 : > A1 IO> A I. ADVEBTISIS.! THROWING the electrified a crowd of 5,000 rabid football fans n\ \ Antrim* Pr»» Perth Amboy City Stadium to lead his mates to ;\ i< • • the stories being circulated have more American government to investigate these CLUB day from some wise old owl (at insomnia uriinis selves black men; their foundation than the usual rumors that have charges, much less to attempt to interfere least in his own estimation) that brown like Arabs." the country editor should confine Hnde gutin ,t:!urt a (all, but in (be case ot Billy. Evans ot readied our ears from time to time since the with internal affairs of other countries. Con his editorials to local subjects and Daniel C. Roper, Secretary .,[ < ,,m Woodbridge National Bank and Trust Com-:sequently, we do not advocate any action let city editors discuss national af- the Cleveland ball club, tt seems merce: fairs and policies. that a bad Indian summer does, "Business profits cannui ; too .pany, closed its doors. I by our government either to help the Jews, Some of the ablest editorials we alized or the profit and In the Irish or the Mexicans unless these j have ever read were written by will suffer from a case >: Woodbridge needs and is ready for a pectoris." people are persecuted in the United States. small-town editors, and some of erness, where savages and beasts banking institution. "Man Overboard" the sappiest we have ever seen lurked an ever-present menace to • • e • At the last session of Congress Senator Borah were indited by the big boys on Jans Smuts, South African cm,.r- By FLOYD GIBBONS life. great and powerful advocate of minding our the city dailies. But the harvest that year had al: The Common Cold is Dangerous own business and keeping out of foreign en- Famous Headline Hunter. And going back over the past been good. There was an assur- "The League is not K: : tanglements,, surprised some citizens by intro- 150 years the country newspapers ance of sufficient food for the long, or on its last legs but oni•. The average citizen of Woodbridge ducing a resolution to investigate conditions in ELL, sir, here's to a life on the ocean wave, where the ad- its feet, only beginning it have done a big job — the rural hard winter, and this certainty of Mexico, where the government is accused of ventures come out to your order. You know, they say you 1 £ A " * \ l_ Ala .M * • • « Township when he has a cold, considers it W people of America have been the the means of sustaining life was oppressing its people, who are mainly Catho- can always find aiuadventure if you go to sea looking for it— Joseph P. Kennedy, fornup ht-.u! a matter of slight inconvenience, except lic in faith. The Knights of Columbus, a great most stable, common-sense mass considered by these simple, hardy and by golly, darned few people realize how absolutely true that of population in the history of the people, whose material needs were of Securities Exchanr,^ once in a while, when a really severe at- Catholic organization in this country, has also sion: advocated such an investigation and some ac- is, and how easy it is to get into trouble out there on the briny. ages. The country editors during so few, as sufficient cause for pub- tack comes, and then, with the passage of that time have played a part in the lic thanksgiving. "The leaders of both : tion by our government that might "relieve There's one guy, though, who can tell you all about It He Is Cbarley and poMticstfbroad feel u.i the affliction, the matter dismissed. the sufferings and miseries imposed upon the education, of the people. What a contrast the present day Carlson. Charley didn't get more than a mile out Into the Atlantic, but We believe that the country'edi- offers! We have suffered reverses, can recovery aecomplishm, Mexican people by the present communistic remarkable." In the opinion of many doctors this is government there." he ran Into an adventure, Just the same. And between yon and me, It's tors will continue to do their part it is true, but still we enjoy rela- one of the hottest adventures I've ever heard about In a long time. in keeping the old ship of state on tive comfort and freedom from the dangerous especially with young people. A Henry A. Wallace, Secretary <>i \j The President, replying to a demand that It was a fishing trip that started Charky off down the old an even keel, and not leave all the specter of starvation. person catching a cold, in the majority of mission to the Hearsts, the Bris- riculture; his administration act to halt "persecution salt-water road of adventure. He started out, on a hot July day Our problems during late years "The pig iron reductun cases should be put to bed and forced to In 1926, with a crowd of other men, In a gasoline-powered fishing banes, the Brouns, etc.—Almogor- have been serious and dishearten- of religion by the Mexican • government" do (N. M.) News. of the big steel companu rest until the cold leaves. Then, care should dory, for a bit of angling on Barnegat bay. But the fishing wasnt ing. Many have yielded to the in- was in principle a thousdi. made by the Knights of Columbus, says, so good on Bnrnegat that morning, so, around noon, they pulled fluences of despair aWl despera- as damnable as the big i>: :• be taken of the body in order that it. may * ' * t tion but for the most part of the "there has not been brought to this gov- up the anchor and headed out into the ocean. ON BEING THANKFUL campaign of 1933" build itself properly. They had better luck out In the ocean, but after a while they noticed fires of faith have been kept burn- ernment during the past year a single com- A study of the conditions of life ing and, through hard struggle and a storm coming up and headed back1 for the bay again. And at the same back in 1621 when the Pilgrim Amelia Earhart, Putnam, auan\ Children with colds should be kept from plaint by any United States citizen that faltering steps, we have returned "You are safer in ;>!s time, uimtber fishing boat started back with them. Fathers held their first observance to the upward path of progress. schools, churches and gatherings of people. such opportunities (to worship freely) jn of Thanksgiving, suggests but than driving forty-ftw An Accident in a Bad Spot at Sea. meager reasons for the ardent The future, while not glowing is miles an hour dn the ro.-. : As a matter of fact, no person, with a bad Mexico have been refused him." Moreover, The other boat had a Hat bottom and headed straight for the shoals spirit of gratitude that glowed in nevertheless brighter. The worst cold, a disease which they will spread, "in respect to the rights enjoyed by Mxican that separated the bay from the ocean—shoals which, because of Its light the hearts of trie first settlers. is behind us and somewhere, off HenryFoW, auto maker: on the horizon, is an America that "The farm and the ' should be allowed to come in contact with citizens living in Mexico, it has t>een,the draught. It could pass over easily. The boat Charley was In drew more Their huts were built upon rocky water than the first craft. So it happened that the two boats,, when they land and before them was the mer conforms more closely to our hopes natural allies. One the public. This rule will be eventually en- policy of the administration to refrain from entered the bay, were about 200 yards apart. And lust as they hit the ciless sea, beating upon a stem and ambitions.-Metuchen Recorder without the other." forced in modern communities.In the mean- intervening in such direct concerns of shoals, Charley saw a man, sitting In the stern of the other boat, fall over coast. At tiieir backs was. the wild- " time, intelligent people might govern them- Mexican government." the side and drop into the water. \ The sea was running highjon the shoals. A big wave washed selves accordingly. ,. This, it seems to us, with all deference to over the head of the man in the water. And when the wave had the natural concern of Catholics in this pasted, the man was nowhere in light. Charley yelled: "Man overboard:" But those birds In the other boat Job! country to the treatment of their co-relig- didn't hear him. His own boat had* to stick to the channel and couldn't The Woodbridge Township Business- ionists in Mexico, is a sound and safe doc- follow tha flat-bottomed craft over tlie shoajs. So Charley brushed off men's Association has begun an active trine of Americanism. If we attempt to in- his sou'wester hat and dived'overturnrjl. membership campaign. One does not ne- terfere in Mexico, in behalf of Catholics, Charley Didn't E\|en Think of His Pipe. shall we not, also, interfere With Italians, Charley was pressed in oilskins and smoking a pipe when he feaw the cessarily have to be a merchant to join this man go down and he dived lnr pipe and all. He came up minus tlie pipe worthwhile organization. Anyone, inter- in behalf of the Masons, or in Poland i|n be- and began swimming toward the spot where fie had last seen the drown- ing man. It was tough going, weighed down by his clothing and those ested in the welfare of the Township as a half of the Protestants, or ajiyyvherb ^^ on oilskins and be couldn't see fur ahead of him on account of the breakers. whole, is cordially invited to join. the globe where somebody is not treating Behind him, the captain of Ida own boat was shouting directions to him At the present time the Businessmen's some group as a group of our citizens think through a megaphone and these were tlie only guide he had to go by. But Association has several projects in view is r%ht and proper? be reached tbe Bpot and began treading water. * Altogether, it U a dangerous precedent to at- He had almost reached the point of exhaustion when sud- which it intends to accomplish. The first an, Russia, Mexico or any other nation nnder- denly, he saw something floating below him, four feet under the is a Christmas campaign, designed to cre- tempt to regulate the world. If Germany, Jap- water. He made a dive—caught it. It wa« his mm! ate a festive atmosphere and to stimulate takes to mistreat its own citlxens it is not the Meanwhile, Jie other boat had discovered Its loss nud was circling official concern I of the government of the back. I'liiirley was so tired that he was scarcely able to inuve In tie buying, The second is the creation of United States, hbwever great may be iur pop- water but ue managed to keep hold of the drowning man's body until some ular sympathy with those persecuted. Chamber of Commerce . in Woodbridge one on tbe other boat caught It with a boat hook. Tben came the crueleat Township and the third is the establish- Moreover, it is rather serious to inject blow of all. 1 ment of a new bank in Woodbridge proper such issues trito the political life of this Who'll Rescue the Rescuer? country. Certainly, religious tolerance and The men on the other boat hauled tbeir own man aboard and tben Such worthwhile plans are deserving of —In the excitement—forget all about Charley—left him to take care of support and the only way you can support good feeling in the United States is more himself. And by this time, Cbarley was BO exhausted that be couldn't them is to join the Woodbridge Township important than any gesture to oppressed even shout for belp. foreigners. Justice and protection to the He triad to float, but his heavy clothing dragged him under. Businessmen's association, He came up again, gasping for air, and somehow managed to races that make up the citizenship of the keep his head out of th* water. He heafd his captain shouting United States is more vital than some side- to the men on the other boat—telling them to take him sboard Five Lucky Little Ladies line row over persecution elsewhere. And but by that time, he was too far gone to tare what happened to , him. He was about to give up and sink beneath the wave* when The Dionne quintuplets are getting along finally nobody in sound se^nse at this time, in life, with an income of $10,000 a month, he ftlt something grab him by the collar and he was dragged advocates punitive action against other over the side of the boat. their ow,n hospital worth $25,000 and a countries. __• Charley hadn't swallowed any water. A minute or two of rest and bank account said to amount to $150,000. he was all rbjht again, lie fouud himself lying In the cockpit, with tb* BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY bod; of the other fellow, apparently drowned, slumped on tbe floor beside Yvonne, Annette, Cecile, Emile, and Ma- FIRST THE PLANNING Lord, who shall abide irutt^jittern^cle? him. rie can be thankful that human beings Who shall dwell in thy holy hill? Artificial Respiration Is Hard Work When You're All In. TTHE happy and the successful family is that wherein place value upon the freakish, the unusual He that walketh uprightly, and worketh There was half a dozen men on that boat—all running around In 1 some thoughtful member foresaw financial indepen- and the exceptional. Had these charming circles. The drowned lad's brother was crying. The rest of them were dence through careful planning and th® carrying out of righteousness, and speaketh the truth in talking hysterically—saying he was dead. Nobody was making any at- little girls arrived in the world a year apart tempt to revive him. those plans. First the planning, then the saving and then his heart. most careful investment. Our trust department is a finan- their lives would have meant very little, if He that backbiteth not with his tongue, Charley saw that it was up to him—that he was the only one on the boat who bid kept bis bead. Tired as he was, be pulled himself to hit cial stronghold for many family fortune*. It wffords our anything to the world, amazing callous to nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh patron* security through most careful administration. This the welfare of little boys and girls. feet, ordered the drowned lad stretched oot on top of the cabin, and up a reproach against his neighbour. went to work applying artittclal respiration. bank also specializes in general banking of all kinds, In- In whose eyes a vile person is condemn- As Charley worked ov«r th* unconscious man, the captain vestment, savings, collections and safe-deposits. We solicit turned the boat and headed for hit dock. It was an hour's run your patronage. Wintej Hazzards ed but he honoureth them that fea,r the to shore, but in 46 minates, the drowned man began to show Winter hazards on the highways make Lord. He that sweareth to his own hurt, •Mil* signs of lift. automobile driving more dangerous than at and ch'angeth not. ' By the time they had reached the shore, Cbarley had the ltd sitting up and uklng what had happened. He wrapped him In blankets ud any other time of the year. The short days He that putteth .not out his. money to us- ordered him teat to a hospital. Then be went un bis own boat, which Rah way National Bank increase night driving, bad weather coup- uary, nor taketh reward against the in- bad followed htm Into the dock, vud went buuie. Aad what happened to that l«d after be got to tbe hospital? Well— led with cold temperatures affect drivers nocent. He that doeth these things shall Charley Ju»t doesn't know. He left the iA»at without even finding out RAHWAY, N. J. an8 an< Uie p«4f#ri * condition of the never be moved.—-Pwlms; P&alrac XV; 1-5. who he wu Ud b* never did bear what became of him.


Brian Alicrnc and Joan Crawford in "I Live My Life"

ln>m having a picture stolc,n right picture stars such aces ns Jack :iwa.y from them by such entertain Benny, Eleanor Powell, Rober CIS. Tnylor, Una Merkel and Sid Sil- Laurel ami Hardy and I mud IWhnore in "Bonnie S,ntlnnd" vers. It's the musical hit of ten Empire Theatre, Rahway. thousand surprises. The associate .•Inml the Green Lights' to he IVjitmvd at Umpire theatre Do you like Drama with a capital feature is "Calling All Cars" with Jack La Rue. "Without Regret" is Then you'll thrill to every min- featuring Elissa Landi and Pau ute of Mascot's gripping police Cavanagh, plus one full hour o story, "Behind the Green Lights," cartoons and comedies, plus dis which will open at this theatre to- night for the ladies, is the show TA day. Wednesday and Thursday. Hollywood Highlights There is wen more punch to it Fral Astaire and (lii Holers in "Top Hat", now play than you might expect from an in- ROKY THEATRE, Perth Amboy. ng at Regent, Theatre s side story by Capt. C. W. Willemse AND SCREEN, Featured at the Roky Theatre in Following this trend, Janet (laynor, who has neve of the New York Police Depart- 'erth Ammboy today, tomorrow, ment, Which suggested this swift- and Sunday is one of the biggest made a picture oil' the Fox lot, has been loaned to Metr moving romance. i:\llWAY THEATRE. Rahway &EGENT THEATRE, Elliabeth newspaper yarns offered to the Coming Attractions to appear with Robert Montgomery in "Small Town Girl] Whiz-bang action, in a splendid May Robson's career as jui ac- Virile Norman Foster is seen as public in some time. "Hot Off the m the role originally intended for Jean llarlow young detective whose brains lory, enacted by experienced and tress constitutes the most unusual Press" starring Jack LaRue, is the record in the history of the stage. and brawn are pitted against a photoplay and is packed with many 'Mutiny on the Bounty" (MOM) In the cast are John Halliduy, performers, make of "Su- Of this "grand old lady's" 52 years ring of jewel thieves headed by thrilling tid-bits dealing with the with Charles Laughton, Clark Ida Lupino, Virginia Wcidler, Theodore Von Eltz and defended Dickie Moore and others. It seems that Warner Brothers is having quite a tin! the new Columbia ac- on the stage and screen, almost ives of newspapermen and wom- Gable and Franchot Tone. tn Hi-drama which will open at the hall a century has been spent in by suave Sidney Blackmer as a en and what they have to go Although there is nothing im- finding the necessary cast for its screen version of "i the theatre iitself. crooked lawyer. Aiding Black- through at times to get the story Powerful! It is a thrilling melo- moral in the picture, it is hardly Haliway Theatre, thoroughly en- mer, though in love with Foster, drama, brutal but exciting- real- one for children. th'ony Adverse." The latest to be signed include Edmi Iji all her years on the stage, not which the public reads. As a co- istic to the point where the suffer- ti-i Uiining filmXare. once did Miss Robson miss a sea- s beautiful Judith Alien, playing feature, the Roky presents Johnny « • • • Gwenii, British actor, who will have the part of Bonn Norman Foster, Florence Rice son. For 22 years she never left an ambitious woman attorney; ing of the seamen will tear one's "Melody Lingers On" (United Ar- while her policeman-father, Pur- Mack Brow/i in "Branded A Cow-heart. The production, which was Feather and Gale Sondergaard, of the Theatre Guild, wli Mid Mary Carlisle head the line New York's Broadway, and for 32 ard", In addition there is a come- tists) Josephine Huchinson, i .ist. The trio's work is outstand- years was starred in plays pro- nell Pratt, is aligned as Foster's two years in the making, is a tech- has been signed for the role of Faith ally. Kenneth Thomson, Edward dy, cartoon and news reel, as well nical triumph. The photography at George Houston, John Halliday, ing in a romance that weaves its duced by Daniel and Charles Froh- as a featurette, "Rex and Rinty". David Scott and Mona Barrie. way through the dynamic story of man, with a simple "gentleman's Gargan, J. Carol Naish, Ford Ster- times is breath-taking. Laughton ling and other stars are also feat- Twice each week, the Roky gives as the sadistic Captain of the A deeply moving drama of moth- intrigue via automobile manufac- agreement" instead of a contract. to the ladies FREE, dishes. So, er love. The plot has been taken Betty Furness believes in making evei-y minute coui turing, and auto and motor-boat When one of the brothers did not ured. ; Bounty, gives an excellent perfor- don't forget dish night every Mon- mance. from the Lowell Bretano novel During eleven weeks of production, she knitted ruling. Daring spills on track and have a suitable play for her, she The second feature offers Bela day and Friday. Because of the sex angle its is hard water course provide thrill upon worked for the other one. Lugosi in "The Mysterious Mr. Clark Gable, as an. officer, lends iy suitable for adolescents, but sweaters, a dress and two pairs of socks in of! times i linll. Now 70 years old and a reigning Wong' with Wallace Ford and the mutiny of the seamen and children under twelve fnay not un- Laurel and Hardy may have ap- screen star Miss Robson is play- Arline Judge. Franchot Tone, although loyal to derstand the sex relationship as it puaied in a better screen vehicle ing at the Regent theatre in'Three Ford is seen as the ace-news- Simply Luxurious the Navy, is forced to go with them has been handled delicately. Joy Hodges, who recently signed a three-year col paperman who uncovers the fact as there is no room for him in than "Bonnie Scotland" during Kids and a Queen", the Universal tract with a major studio, has a unique insurance polic then- long career as a team, but U comedy-drama in which she plays that the murders are the result of Laughtqn's small iboat. DUG HIS OWN GRAVE they have, this writer hasm't seen the role of an eccentric, crabbed a carefully formulated plot to gain In the cast are Herbert Mundin, Lenexa, Kan.—Working hard to It provides $250,000 accident and life insurance it. Although there is more romance old maid, who accidently stumb possession of the throne of a myth- who affords some comedy, Eddie finish digging a grave for a sched- guarantees her earnings of at least $125,000 for the ical kingdom in the Orient. Quillan, Dudley Digges, Donald :.n this picture than is usual in their les onto the pathway to her own uled burial, Walter Cole, 45, threw three years. It also stipulates six dont's as follows: Dod productions, it does not detract heart. Edward Ludwig directed, With him on his dangerous mis- Crisp and others. out ttvfe last shovelful of dirt and from the comedy situations. To the and the star's supporting cast in sion into the maze of labyrinths It may be too brutal for women, died of heart disease. He was bur- marry; don't smoke; don't drink; don't relax present hig contrary, it-serves as a delightful eludes Frankie Darro, Charlotte in which he finds himself while on otherwise it is suitable for all. ed in th^ grave he dug. character values; don't incur adverse public opinioj his "story," is the pretty vivacious naikgiound to their comedy and Henry, William Benedict, Billy • • • • don't grow lax in pursuit of career if one may judge by thfe first-night Burrud, Henry Armetta, John Mil- Arline Judge who portrays the roll "Peter Ibbotson" (Paramount) LIVE 100 YEARS—HERE'S HOW audience reaction as indicated by jan, Herman Bing, Hedda Hopper, of a switchboard operator in thi Gary Cooper and Ann Harding. Preston, Kan. — J. R. Trimble, a crowded house at the film's first Laurence Grant, and many others, newspaper office. Artistically produced, intelligent 100, tells how he lived so long. Re- showing in New York, Rahway The original story was written b; William Night directed this ra ly directed and splendidly acted, tire at 9 P. M.; arise at daybreak, theatre patrons will laugh them- Harry Poppe and Chester Beecrof pidly paced feature from the adap "Peter Ibbetson" is excellent en- eat cold meals; drink beer. selves sick when they see "Bonnie with screenplay toy Harry Triver; tation by Nina Howatt, while tertainment. It is deeply touching Scotland", and Samuel Ornitz. others in the suuporting cast in- drama of frustrated love and suf- FALLS 40 FEET ON OFFICER Nfl clude E. A. Warren, Robert Emmet fering. A few changes have been ELIZABETH It sounds impossible that a grip- , Gay, romantic, tuneful and alto O'Connor, Ed Peil, Lee Shumway New York. — Seeing a man gether delightful, "Top Hat" must made in the adaption of the play climbing an elevated railway pil- ping mystery yarn can be written and Lotus Long. i.nd story tout these, are to the ad- from a bottle of invisible ink—yet be marked as another crowning lar Patrolman John Kennedy this is exactly what Metro-Gold- triumph for Fred Astaire, Ginger vantage of the story. shouted, "come down". The man uyn-Mayer have done with one ol Rogers and RKO Radio. Unques- EMBASSY THEATRE, Iselln. Obeyed—dropping 40 feet on the i the most mystifying of modern tionably, the star team and studio Sunday and Monday, the Em- Robert Cecil, British statesman: officer, w.ho was cut and bruised. I thrillers. The picture is "Rendezr which gave the screen "Flyiing bassy Theatre offers its patrons a "More money, is at the present The unidentified climber, was fa- E D I vous," based upon the actual hap- Down to Rio", "The Gay Divorcee" pair of smash hits, "This Is The tiini? being spent for armies, na- tally injured, penings of the famous American and "Roberta" has delivered an- Life' 'with Jane "Ginger" Withers, vies and air forces than ever be- Black Chamber in World War time. other entertainment hit. It will and "Dante's Inferno" starring fore in peace time." , REVOKES 2,500 COMMISSIONS CffiiJ ASTAIRE [It brings William Powell to the keep the audience at the Regent Spencer Tracy, Claire Trevor, Hen • » * • Sacramento. — The commissions I screen again in the most unusual Theatre in almost continuous ry B. Walthall and Alan Dinehart. George Ade, 70-year old humor- of 2,500 voluntary fire wardens and breathkss I portrayal ef his career as a screen bursts of applause apd apprecia- In addition there are comedies and ist: has been revoked because too [cnmiinologist. tive laughter. cartoons. Also on Monday, the man "I caught myself reading the many of them equipped their uu- G I N d'E'R "Van Dyke—'I Live, My Life'— Hooking up the superlativev agement presents the thrill game of obituary notices yesterday before tomobiles with sirens and red ICatalina — Crawford •+- Aherne — dancing abilities of Astaire and the screen—"Race Night." Don't turned to the sports page and lights. ' flacMahon, Miss Rogers with the melodies of miss it. Free to the kiddies at Sun- that's a sure sign of ossification." ROGERS This legend, posted with many Irving Berlin proves to be a mas- day's matinee — Mel-O-Rol ice • * » * WRECKS TRAIN; SLIGHTLY others, on a blackboard on the ter stroke of concentrated enter- cream. Next Friday and Saturday, Fiorella La Guardia, Mayor, New HURT. tainment values, Berlin never was the theatre goers will see" We're York City; Jowett, Ohio.—The engineer i Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer lot m 1 Dulver City, is cryptic to the un- written,more catchy, ingratiating in The Money" featuring Joan Blon "Any idea that the Federal re fireman on a locomotive were nitiated but has a world of mean- songs than he did for "Top Hat",dll and Glenda Farrell. As an as- lief program can stop abruptly or killed when a fog-blind motorist „ to movie folk. It means that a and the way that ^staire and Miss sociate feature, "Sky Devils" star- July 1 of next year is simply un •drove in front of the train. The Dtion picture troupe, as vast and Rogers put over the numbers, both ring Spencer Tracy and Ann Dvor thinkable and impossible." ' car driver suffered minor injuries. omplete as an army expeditionary in dancing and in singing, leaves ak will be shown. Then there is ree has gone on location to Cat- othing to be desired. movietone news, cartoon and A luxui !•-. is achieved ' i Island. It means that the pic- Perfect support is accorded the Chapter No. 5. of- "The Mirucli In this distinctive evening gown, is titled, i "I Live My Life," co-stars by a grand comedy cast Rider" with Tom Mix. Free to thi worn by Helen Wood, fllia T1LE.-K0N at Joan Crawford, Brian Aherne Edward Everett Horton, Holen lacjies attending the Saturday eye player, despite the complete lack 1 Aline MacMahon are the prin- Broderic'k, the brilliant Broadway nirigj performance — a beautifu of trimming or ornamentation. Rahway 7-1250 working in the outdoor comedienne, Erik .Rhodes and Eric piece of 22 karat gold Maderi; TLa severely molded lines of and that the director is W. Blore are simply priceless in tailor rose china, this ruby red velvet creation are TODAY and TOMORROW Van Dyke. Now finished this made roles. Indeed, only stars with accentuated by the tunic effect cture opens at the Fahway thea- the talents and magnetism of As- STATE THEATRE, Woodbridge. of the three tiers around the taire and Miss Rogers could keep Manager Alex Sabo presents to hips and extreme back fullness. lore GLAMOROUS Than his theatre patrons two excellent photoplays today and tomorrow. PAY ALL WAGES IN SILVER \ Beautiful Joan in her most He is featuring "Thunder in the Delaware, O. — Employers will exciting love-drama I She has ISELIN Night" with Edmund Lowe and pay wages in silver dollars until money to burn — but what Karen Morley, and as a co-feature Christmas. The idea of the Cham- does that help her when she he is showing 'Annapolis Fare- ber of Commerce, which sponsor- falls in love? well" starring Sir Guy Standing ed the use of silver, is that the TATE EMBASSY and Rosalind Keith. Sunday, Mon- heaviness of the coins will stim- day and Tuesday finds "Broadway ulate a desire to get rid of them WOODBRIDGE T1IKATRE Melody of 1936" at the State. The and thus lead to early shopping. FRI. -SAT. NOV. 29-30 TODAY — TOMORROW CHARLIE CHANG NEW 'Thunder In The Night" _in— I HVf —with— ROK EDMUND LOWE SHANGHAI' EMPIRE THEATRE MY UK | and KAREN MORLEY with Companion Feature COMEDY, ETC. THEATRE PERTH AMBOY Wlith I"Annapolis Farewell" KAHWAY BRIAN AHERNE *' — with— SUN. & MON. DEC. 1-2 FRI. — SAT. -- SUN. FRANK ALINE Si* Guy Standing FRI. - • SAT. NEWSPAPER HIT- MORGAN MacMAHON 1 Rosalind Krith 'THIS IS THE LIFE' THRILLS GALORE JUDITH ALLEN also— It Uijrind Ent«rtalnmtnt Thr»«f*>«u»l • ! TUES. —with— HOT OFF Jane "Ginger" Withers "BEHIND THE FEATURE 'Broadway Melody -and— GREEN LIGHTS" THE PRESS of 1W 'DANTE'S INFERNO' —and JACK LaRUE MAY ROBSON —with— with an all-star cast "MYSTERIOUS —also — JACK BKNNY »nd COMEDY - CARTOON MR. WONG" IAURELHARDY Johnny Mack Brown ELEANOR POWELL HUN. — MON. - TUES. —in— ASSOCIATE FEATURE EVERY MONDAY CALLING ALL CARS" The Thrill Game of the Screen MIRIAM "Bonded A Coward" —with— "RACE NIGHT" HOPKINS AND— REX & RINTY Jack La Rue REID'S MELO-RQL •in- • LADIES! FREE WED. — THURS. ICE CREAM SUNDAY and MONDAY To Children Attending "BECKY SHARP" DISHES GIVEN AWAY 1 100% Technicolor WILLIAM ITHOUT REGRET Sunday Matinee "SUPERSPEED" —with— HOOT GIBSON MON. ™* FRI POWELL HENRY ARMETTA FREE TO THE LADIES TWICE-A-WEKK FEATURING [EL1SSA LANDI and in "Frontier Justice" __ AND FRANKIE DARRO IAULCAVANAUGH SATURDAY EVENING Rosalinde Russel NORMAN FOSTER CHARLOTTE HENRY « PERFORMANCE AND pARTOONS — COMEDY PRICES AT THE EMPIREAND ROKY IN Performance, from 5 V. M. —plus— MATINEE 15c — EVENING 25c m ToCUwln* FLORENCE RICE ISH NIGHT CHILDREN 10c RENDEZVOUS" MIDNIGHT SHOW SAT. O BADIES Madera Rose China 1935 WOODBRIDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, in the County of Mlilrllwx »nd HELEN L. COAXUM. his wif«, if New Jersey. own., Complainant, and Joseph Defandanta, FI. Fa. for the ttle of PAGE SIX at two o'clock. Standard Time, In th* Rebeck, and Helen Rebeck, hihli* wife, mortgaged promises dated October 9, More fully described on "VERY SUDDEN" afternoon of the said day, at the 8her- ot. all., Defendants, Ft. Fa. for the map. *ntltled "Map of Ann-... premises dated 1986. Woodbrldge Township, lff'« Office in the City nf New Bruns- salt of' mortgaged By virtus ot the above stated Writ, wick. N. J. County, Sew Jerseeyy, owneii ily j San Francisco, Cal. — In 1900, N. J. October 18, 1985. i me directed and delivered, I will Associates, Inc., 180 Br Valiant War on Tree Scourges Marks All tha• t certain lot, tract or paoel By virtue of the above atattd Writ, 180 Brondwiu Herman Hermansen. wanted to of land situate, lying ana DSIUK m um „m, e directed and delivered, I will ixpoie to sale at public vendue on _ork City, June, 19200 " mirvnyV.Vi • -• •.-!„„ l,(h. v, WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTH DAY Township of Woodbrldge, In the Coun-1 to m« directed andbl idei c lvenduendut on mapped by Larson & Fox, civil i-n> wed Fredericks Friedman but she ty ot Middlesex and State of New J«r- expose to sale at public OF DECEMBER, A. D. NINETEEN ers' 176 Smith Street, Perth A,' wid that she would never marry, y. • I WEDNESDAY,. THE FOURTFX H DAY HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE OF DECEMBER, A. D . NINETEEN New Jersey, which map linn I M Progress in 60 Years of Forestry Too timid to try to change her BEING known and designated as lota " * n .t two o'clock. Standard Time, In the .ofore filed In the offlro n( n, , HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE ftemoon of the laid day, st the Sher- mind, he saw an aggressive rival Nos09. . 3 and 4 In Block NumbereNumb d five at two o'clock, Standard Time, In the if Mlddlewx Omnty, nrul win, i hundred and ninety-nix B (596-B) as ff's Office in the City of New Bruns- are known and deslgnatcil .m ,, .. INETEEN I'HIRVY-8IX win the lady. Remaining a bach- afternoon of the said day, at the Sher- . N. J. ;r shown on a map entitled "Combined iff's Offlct in the City of New Bruns- as lots furty-two (42), fnvtyni,, the 60th anniversary of th> elor, he saw his chance when the Maps of Edgar Terrace. Sect. 1. (Re- All the folowlng tract or parcel of and forty-four (44). hlnck ur, |, N vised) and Edgar Terrace; Sect, i. alt- wick, N. J. and and premises hereinafter parti- husband died eight years ago, but All that tract or parcel of land and the buildings and Improvoimni,,, Qnt ttep toward foreHrj ID IV it took him six years to push the uotrd in Woodbrldge Townahlp, Mld~ cularly described, situate, lying and erected. illcstx County, New Jersey, owned and premises hereinafter particularly de- »elng In the Township of Woodbr.'.ge, United States question by mail. Fredericks said scribed, situate, lying and being In the The approximate amount if : develope• -.,«in™rdt bhyv Charles L. SteurrwsldSteuer, In the County ot Middlesex and Stall In 1876. after « careful «tud> develope lownihlp of Woodbrldge In the County of New Jerwy. crae to be satisfied by snlil n j. •This js very sudden—yes." Inc., SScale l"-80\ Larson * Fox, Civil sf the nation's timber. Trankllt ' Middlesex and Stste of New Jersey. Designated and distinguished on a sum of Three Thousand nnd K,,,,, Engineers. 173-9 Smith Street, Perth BElfcU known and designated as the dred and Eighty Dollars (ts im „' B HftiiKh. Onde Sam's firm 'lot Amboy, N| J., July 1919." more parti- csrtaln map entitled, "Map of lots sit- gether with the costs of thin •> cularly described as follows: ost Northerly thirty-seven and one-uate In thi Township of Woodbridge, Mt agent." raised hl» »olr» In nlf (37^) feet tn width front and rear Now J«rs«y, property of William Zelg- Together with all and Rim IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY - BEUINNLNG at a point in the East- me hundred (100) ftct In depth of rights, privileges warning ihflt Amrrlra'a «lnr« m erly line of Kldgedale Avenue, whtqh ler, Baq., and known as Demorest-on- twreditnm,i Between FRANK W. STILLMAN, ot No. $4, as shown on » certain map appurtenanceances ththereunte o bcl'in treei was slowly but lurch I point is distant Northerly fifty tfc>) the-Hilltopa, surveyed January, 1891 Complainant, and ANNA J. RYAN 0 tltleledd 'Majn«i> pu io f..v Propert, , y.. . known M by J. M. Trowbrldge (now on tile In In anywise appertaining. SDER HANNS, Defend- ,.fee wett (froromm tth|,ee intersectio interneetlonn oinff th»e **"EastV I nnd ALEXANDER HANNS, l ords Fark, situated In Woodbrldge the Mlddleaax County Clerk's Office) ALAN II Kl v nntn. Fi. t'n.. ffo r th' e Bale of mort- er|y line of RldgedalRldgedalee AvenuAvenuee witwith ththe ses dated September 23. Northerly line of traske Street u ownthlp, Middlesex County, belonging usinIg lot* numbered 17 and 18 In block People thouRhl him a rrunk giigod premises John Hanson, Esq." (46) ts laid down on C. ADDI90N SWIFT, said Street and Avenue are laid down lumibtrc! d 125 82 Bolldtor. Mnat American* then ihniiKht on> 1M6. said Slicoi -..- — ... MB.U11H,II*U at a point on the Eaat Hy virtue of the above stated Writ, on said map, and from said beginning ly mue ul Unuit Av«uu«, wliicu puin map. 4t-llm-S.16.93.39 (oreitn Imnerlfhahle In Inert point running (1) East, or nearly But, Being located on the eaaterly aid* ol to mo directed and delivered, I will distant fiuruverly Along Uie Hrospect Avenue, 160 feet north Of farmer* and hnmr hiiM I WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTH HAY bered two (3). one hundred and twenty- nunured ana twelve and une-uai ! OF DECEMBER. A. D. NINETEEN five (136) f<*t to a point; there* 3 ...i) leot Iroin tb» puint m inuriec fifty fe«t along Prospect Avenue and them the tronhle nl rlpnrtnc tin, HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE North, or nearly north, along the west- on ol said kiwieny siue ol ijiuu Ave being 160 feet Ln depth. wland ] at two o'clock, Standard Time, In theerly line of lot numbered eleven Ul) ue with tne nortntrly line ot Lirmei The approximate amount of the de- otreet; running thence (1) woruieny cree to be satisfied by said aale Ii the Nevertheless. Hough's warnim I afternoon of the *ld day, at the Sher- fifty (50) feet to a point; thenoe (9) iffs Office in the City of New Bruns- est, or nearly West, along the south- amnf siia Jtwierty siae ol Unun Ave sum of Three Thousand and Six Hun- nad IU affect 8PP(1« nt » fumr* wick. N. J- erly line of lot numbered five (5) one nu« Unity-seven and one-halt (ifivs dred and Ten Dollws (SS.610.00), to- 'Me eonstrvntlnn rnrnimlen weti All the following tot, tract or parcel hundred and twenty-three and fifty- :eet to a point; thenos W) Easterly o> gether with tno costs ol this sale. t land and premises hereinafter par- seven one bundredths (123 57) feet to line at ngnt angles to said Kuierl Together with all and singular the lowed In the mind* nt the puhllr Imlarly described, situate, lying and a point In the Easterly line of Ridge- ide of Ctrant Aven ue one hundred t luu rights, privileges, hereditaments and Farilirhted though he "n« Pi •"ing In the Township of Woodbrldge. dale Avenue, and thence (4) South, or eel to a point; thence (S) Houtherlj appurtenances thareunto belonging or ANNOUNCV.S on a line parallel with the tint course meet Hough ronld nevft havi ii the County of Middlesex and State nearly South, along the Easterly line In Miywlse appertaining. • ,( New Jersey. ol Rjdgedale Avenue, fifty and five one thirty seven and one-half 187 Vt) feel ALAN H. ELY, IftiFinw) ttm tpfcmtki i>rimr»«» hi hunilr<>athhunilr a point; thence (4) Westerly on i MOUlAft $1.10 POWDER I1EGINN1NQ &t a point on Bie north BRerlTf. rw rnrmerv&tlon that wa« to h' iily line ot, Inman Avenue distant plnrl c of beginningbeginning. ne parallel with the second course BOUNDED on the North by lot num- ,nu hundred (100) feet to said easterly NICHOLAS A. TOMA8ULO, ichlevfd In the nc«l halt renturT Smith 87 degreea 46 minutes East 205.93 Solicitor. NOW feet from the southeast corner of land bered five (5); on the East by part of nOe of Grant Avenue and the point oi il 8lne* Cnnerm tprirnnMMerl imw or formerly of the Estate nf lot numbered eleven (11), on the South place of beginning. t'iflOO to flnanre Hnugh'R forppi Kimiifl Hunt: thence at right angles U> by lot numberebd d twtw o 12(3)) and on ththe BOUNDED Northerly by a portion c inman Avenue North 2 degrees 14 mln- West by Rldgedale Avenue, all as Lot N. £6; Basttrly and Southerly b SHERIFF'S SALE nventorv there have twen" 10 nip mes East 1663.39 feet to a point In shown on said Map, and subject t the remaining portion of Lot No. *• ilflonnl mllentonet on the road the line of lands now or formerly of certain covenants. and Westerly by Orant Avenue. IN CHANCBRY OF NEW JERSEY - o an Intelligent, ecnnomlral for .!"hn H. Cole; thence along said Cole's Being the premises commonly know Being the premises commonly known Between THE BUILDUP AND linn South 84 degrees 66 minutes East and designated as No. 748 Ridgedali and designated at No. 60 Grant Av»- LOAN ASSOCIATION HARMOMA, Ml poltcj In IRR«, th« Division 131.35 feet to a point; thence at rlglu Avenue, Woodbrldge. N. J. rnie, Fords, N. J. a corp, of New Jersey, Complain- if Forestry wn» created P'"?k iingles to Inman Avenue South 2 de- The approximate amount of the de The approximate amount ol the de- ant, and OSCAR WAiNOU and [iwi 14 minutes West 16S6.9 feet to .res to be satisfied by said sale Is thi cree to be satisfied by said sale Is the MARY WAYNOR, his wife. Defend lent Harrlnon eatahlMird ihi* ii point In the northerly line thereof; sum of Five Thousand and Five Hun sum of Five Thousand and Four Hun- ants. FI. Fa. for the aale ot mort- fellnvMlone Park tlmhprlnnd prp dred and Twenty Dollars (16.430.00), gaged premises dated September 37, tth bonce e along the same North 87 de-dred and Sixty Dollars. (16,560.00). to together with the coats of this sale. ierr|)iiiiiiiil iKurl) 01) jinfit nm. appurtenances thereunto belonging or wick. N. J. Wonrlruff art. 192R: and the Me hi-en fli'llnhtod to wnlrh CCC lads fight fon-st fires, Jcadlj In anywise appertaining. All the following tract or parcel of ALAN H, ELY. SHERIFF'S SALE SHERIFF'S SALE hr w<*Jn «/ Ant ikmin ol l Jglyl,1935 1 BEING known and designated as lots Mt. Olive Cemet Ass'n a.bou »•• 639 and 610 on a Man or Plan of 80.4S Acres Hainilton B * h Ass n 4a. "• Gardens, dated September 34th, Block 868 Lot 1 Poor Farm Road 20x125 610. l.; ! TALKING SAVES WOMAN - Ridgeley Avenue House Nala Sondergaard FOR HAIR AND SCALP BOY KILLS EAGLE. 1912 made by A. L. Eliot, Civil Engi- Block 373H Lota 47C and 48 20x95 Bach Anders B. MeUsr- • Lots 88 and 89 Berkeley Court 20x95 Each Kansas City. — Shooting at a neer and filed in the office of the I Block 373N Berkeley Court Building Andera S. Neilr Oakland, Cal.—Four husky fire Clerk of Middlesex County, October Block 373N Lota 92 and 8383 By Irregular "hawk" Earl Hatfield, 11, brought f 1 ft Anders 8. NeiU JAPANESE OIL men visited Mrs. May Valado, 65, Uth, 1912. Block 373NN Lota 1-2 of 14 ft 15 to 21Green Street 20x125 Each Anders 8. Nell down an American eagle, with a BEGINNING at a point In the East- Block 373NN Lots 28 to 44 Worth Street 8x125 Mill ll U- S. A. bed-ridden with a weak heart, and Lot 8' of 46 Worth Street Irregular Anders 8. Neil Th* Antlitptlc Scalp M.dlcln*- wing-sptead of sevep feet, eight erly side of Watson Avenue, distant Block 873NN WHltsm Maari carried on an amiable conversa- two hundred 1200) feet northerly from I Block 373NN Lot 111 Berkeley Court 8.781 Acres Difltrsiit from ordinary Hair Tonici — inches. Lot 1 Middlesex-Essex Turnplk* Building 50x160 Bach Hatue Hunt . We 1 SI. FEEL II WORKI At All Druggiiti tion. By doing so they probably the corner formed by the Intersection' Block 376 p. A. Realty, of the said Easterly side of Watson Block 376D Lots 6 and 7 BLoomfield Avenue Writ! flf FREE Botkllt "Thi Truth About Green Street F. A. Realty < Public Service Corporation saved her life because their com- Avenue and the Northerly line of Van BLock 3S6A Lots 1 to 3 2f John Pennyleatl Thi Hilt." NHUml H.mf«» O Ni« York Vetci.an Avenue; thence running (1) Clay borne Avemw of New Jeney panions were putting out a fire Block 385B Lot 7 26x100 •'"*" ' Co. Northerly along the Easterly side of Block 385B Lot 8 Clayboroe Avenue 26*100 Dividend No. 114 on Cam- which threatened to destroy her Van Vetchen Avenue, a distance of fifty H iiber Avenue Block 385B Lota 16 to 18 P £IBialty Co. .. man Stock home. Doctors feared a shock (60) feet; thence running (2) Easterly, Block iS5B Lot 19 Sloans Street Dividend No. 68 on 8 :;ar.'. and 00 cents per share on the Block 4O4A LoU 46 to 49 Jansen Avenue Sol KeUey Together with all and singular trie _^ 25X100 Each Sol Kelsey 1071" PROBAK IMII par value Common Stock for the rights, privileges, hereditaments and Block 4O4A LoU 60 and 51 Jansen Avenue 35.11 ii:ui.T ending December 31, 1935. All Block 41MB Lota 10 to 12 EUward Street 25xmegular Each Sol Kelsey appurtenances thereunto belonging or Sol Kelsey 111 -J JUNIOR hvidenda are payable , December 31, in anvwise appertaining. Block 404B Lot 13 Bdward Street 26x100 Each i H5 tu .stockholders of record at the ALAN H. ELY, Block 4O4B Lota 32 to 34 Jansen Avenue . Sol Kelsey l..s,- .if business, December 2, 1935. 25x100 Each Sheriff. Block 404B LoU 36 and 86 Jansen Avenue Sol Kelsey '^. 25 blades Dividends on fi'/p Cumulative Pre- RINTWQ i Ulock 4O4C LoU 6 to 8 New State Highway . 20xIrregular Each Sol Kelsey ... 36 I .•rrctl Mock are payable on the last A. J. 4 J S. WIGHT, $2604 Solicitors. Block 404C Lot 12 New State Highway 26xlrregular Sol Kelsey ... lay of each month. BUSINESS Block 4O4C New State Highway H 25xlrregular Each Sol Kelsey ... i'. W. Van Middlesworth, Treasurer 4tillm-8,15,22,2S Lots 13 and 14 Block 4O4C Lots 31 and S3 Jansen Avenue '• 26x100 Each So) Kelsey . • • 59 __, . ? thai Block 4O4C Jansen Avenue 25x100 Sol Kelsey .. Lot 33' Ntt Trial Pitkip »nd qood p«p«. V>» SHERIFF'S SAI.F. Block 4O4D Julius Street 26X96 Sol Ketsty Lot9 26x95 •fAlbdtifwlOc Public Service Electric and IN CHANCEK-V. OF NEW JERSEY — Block 4OtO Lot 12 Julius Street Sol Kelsey .. HAMUEKUta Between North Arobcy Building and Block 4O4Q Reglna Street 26x96 Each Sol Kelsey .. ItTowDuler Gas Company LoU 23 and 24 26x96 Each Dividend No. « on y-% Loan Association, a budy corporate. Block 4O4@ LoU 25 to 28 Reglna Street Sol Kelsey .. in •:< Complainant, and Andrew Kahor and Block 404^ 26x100 Each 74 '••• I'uiiiulnlivB Preferred Stuck LoU 9 to 11 Jansen Avenue 26x100 Each Sol Kelsey • • Dividend No. 18 on S5.00 Pauline Kahor, his wife. et. als., De- Block 4O4E 71 1.' PRABAK LoU IS and 17 Jansen Avenue 26x96 Each Sol Kelsey •• 74 i Cuinulitive Preferred Stock LEADER-JOURNAL fendants. Fi. Fa. for ) the aaie, of Block 4O4E LoU 23 and 24 Julius Street »x96Each Sol Kelaey -• JUNIOR The Board of Directors' of Public mortgaged premises dated October 11, Block 4Q4E 74 !i 104 Main Street LoU 25 and. 26 Julius Street" 36x»5Bach Sol KeUey .. 71 '.'• ' rvire Electric and Gas Company has 1935. Block «ME LoU 27 and" 21 'Julius Street Sol KeUey .. (Jurfd the regular quarterly dividend By virtue of the above stated Writ, Block 404E 26x96 Each 14b ;'." Lots 29 and 30 Julius Street 26x96 Each Caroline Peru 74 ! •i (lie T'< and $6.00 Preferred Stock of TeL 8-1400 to me directed and delivered, I will Block 4 Block 445B Lota 36 to 40 30x100 Vinoemo Bcimem Block 446B Lot 25 Marconi Avenue , 907.1:' 20x100 Each Sofia NlcoletU -•„•• 204 s: Block 446B LoU~2fl to 29 Marconi Avenue r Vincent MauarelU LU1LLY0URCH1LD Lots 1684 to 1686 Middlesex Avenue Irregular 174. SO Block 447A Kennedy Place Irregular Vincent MaziarelU 466'» Block 447A Lots 1687 and 1688 BUiabeth B. Dailey . Block 447B Lots 1786 to 1791 Kennedy Street 20x100 Each' 1 152'.!.' Warwick Street ' 20x100 Bach CltUens B ft L A*" J7liil'' GROW UP TO BE Block 448H Lots 442 and 443 Bernard McHugh LoU 871 wd 872 Auth Avenue • 20x100 Bach 61 5S Block 448N Auth Avenue Bernard McHugh Block 448N Lot 1-2 of 873 10x100 Each 184.VJ ' 20x100 John McHugh 123 11 Block 448N Lots 1-2 of 873 and 874 Auth Avtnua ' John McHugb Lot 875 - iluth. Avenue JOxlOO STRONG and Block 448N Basil Denopoulos . Block 448W Lots 1544 to 1549 Lincoln Highway Bldg Lot 1544 Irrtg 1646 to 1649 . • *htlO0 Bath Ats'd Homes Inc Block 4 Lots 1552 to 1558 Lincoln Highway 20x100 Bfcch 23 i-i STURDY 20xIrr»guUr Altred oarUck 1 Block 449J LoU lKsT 1524 1-2 (if 1525DOW Avenue Wm. Lupstna 31 -I .' Block 468A LoU 2IS1A and 2162 Montrote Avenue 60x150 Ml I' LoU 2088 to 2091 Kensington Avenue Irregular Anna J. Harvey I6'.'i; Block 488J MarU Pascoltn Block 473E Lot 3J0S Inman Avenue Kxlrreiular 11 4. Lots 2286 and 2286 Henry Pltoe »i << 25x100 Bach William T. Ryan ..t ul BLock 47»A 16th Ave,-60th St. Corp •••13 Block 48&C Lot 11 to 23 James Street . 22 '• ill Lots 24 to 33 16th Ave.-50th 8,t. Corp. Block 486C Bender Avenue Morns BalUln 24 40 '•,-ul Block 485E LoU 1 and 2 Bender Avenue 24 10 A SK *ny unemployed man the terror of LoU 3 and 4 Bender Avenue Blka Holding Co Btock 486E Jacob Roaenwu* nothing to fall back on I The least Block 485B Lots 6 to 10 I } Bender Avenue 21 41 Lots 1 and 2 Bender Avenue Mutual Home Bid". i Block 48GQ 16th Av«-60th St. Corp you should provide yourwlf with is six Block 486G Lots 8 to 10 Bender Avtnua 73 » LoU 31 to 36 15to Ave-Wth St. Corp •.', 10 Block 4860 Semel Avenue Salvatore Zluuu-w . • 22-61 months living expenses; and now is the Block 486G LoU 87 and 38 Semel Avenue 15 Ii" LoU 39 and 40 Sth Ave-60th SJ. Corp time to start saving toward that goal. It Block 486G Sernel Avenue Elka Holding Co- 21!) Mi Block 4861 LoU 13 to 80 Warre* Street " lfilXi is the wise man who is prepared to face LoU U to 18 COD LIV£R Block 186J Arthur Place S adversity — even though it may never Block 486J Lot 14 Arthur Plae* Btock 486J Lots 16 to 80 Arthur Plan BkickS03I! LoU 202 to 204 E. Pretcott Avenue JJ.SohwarU Org, Inc. come Block 512 Lot 1 Lake Avenue WMtfleld Airport Iw OIL Block 583A LoU 426 and 427A Woodbrldge-CarUret RoaA Block HBA LoU 427B and 428 Woodbrldge-Carttrtt Road Halpay (Urual (Hmnptuj Block S6iB Lot 10 Rahway Avenue Solvet the problem for Block 671 Lotas Freeman Street yon. It guards your baby KAHWAY, N. J. Block 673 LoU 44 to 46 North Btreet Block 680 LoU W to 101 Harrell Aveneu •gaioil ricket*, itrength- Block 624 Lot 868 Blith Avenue Member Federal Reserve System Block 824 Lot 869 Sixth Avenue «U bone itrucliire, and help little bodiei to |row. UeK«»> Block 607B Lots 5» to 6J7 Summit Avtnu* .HHi'i PWn. Mint-flavored wd Hijh Powiwy Cai Uw 0ft Dated: Nowmber 15,1938 SPORTS SPORTS WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2i>. VX\h PRICE THREE C1NTS MIGHTY BARRON ELEVEN CRASHES IRVINGTON, 19-6, IN SATURDAY'S BLIZZARD 20-30 BOYS WIN McCOY AND Mac AVOY ON TONIGHT CONTEST PLAYED ON SNOWY FIELD OVER FORDS A, G. SHOWS POWER OF FRISCO TEAM; It Musta Bin Somethin' He Drunk BY 25-10 SCORE PLAY AFTER PUYJHRILL-PACKED Because your faithful informer was daffy enough lo be amongst the 60,000 crazy fans at Palmer Stadi- FORDS.—With Dobrowsky and BY ANHY FODOR sinking the pellet through W. H. 8. FoottnH Maiwrw mn, witnessing tta Princeton-Dartmouth game, last the hoops from all angles, the 20- Saturday, it was necessary to assign a man to cover WOODBRIDGE.—Even a blinding snowstorm did not 30 Boys of Perth Amboy socked Blop the Red Ghosts of Woodbridgc High us they slid and I Im Woodbridge-Irvington snowball light at the city the Fords A. C. basketeers for a stadium in Perth Amboy on the same day. rolled over a scrappy Irvington team for an easy 19 to 6 26-10 loss here this week. The two victory Saturday. More than 1,000 watched the two elev- Just what our correspondent saw or didn't see re- mentioned players tallied 14 points mains a mystery. However, it's a sure bet he used between themselves, enough to ens battle on the snow-covered city stadium field in Perth something jn the line of stimulant to help him dream whip the locals. Amboy. The game ended Woodbridge's season with four the following report which he submitted for publica- wins, one ties and three defeats in eight starts. Handerhan and Leroy accounted The Prisco machine resorted to a smashing line at- tion. He swears, up and down—and even crosswise for all but one of the Fords score, that this is what took place: ' tack that sent it up and down the field at will. Hard fought the former collecting five and the and packed with thrills, the game was worthy of victor and "The fights were featured with a pan-out on latter four. Turhes chucked in the other point. vanquished. It was the Ghosts' great rushing attack that the 20-yard lift*. Woodbridge led with a left to counted, Statistics tell the story. Woodbridge gained 178 the stomach,but took a 5-yard penalty in return. The losers lacked the previous yards by rushing to 58 for Irvington. fast brand of ball which they dis- Irvington then pulled |a fake punt and slid into Considering the slippery field third base on a double-tteal. played, but Judging from the prac and eel-like ball, tumbles were "With the score at 3 to 2 in the second quart- tice sessions held this week should comparatively lew. The Red and line to the Camptowners' three be in great form for their next con Black recovered one of its own yard strip, Scutti and Stanko each er, Woodbridge pulled * sl«eper by ordering a miseucs and one of Irvington's, advanced the ball one yard, and round of beers for Irvington—and when Irving- test. with ons-yurd remaining, Stanko 20-30 Boys (26) while the visitors regained posses- sion of only one slip—their own. smashed through for the second ton was m a huddle, the Ghosts threw the round G. F. P tally. Smith's placement for the down the hatch. At this juncture, the visitors put Woodbridge's first score came in Blgos, I 3 0 the second period. Steve Stanko point after was perfect. Wood- on the gas And sunk a beautiful right to the DoDrowski, i 4 o intercepted an Irvington pass in bridge was out front, 13 to 0. Ghosts' chin, and Woodbridge goes down but Hanley, f... 20 midfield, ran it back five yards The final scoring took place in. Sleizki, c 1 1 then tossed a lateral to Dom Scutti the last quarter. The Ghosts were gets right up without a count and kicks a field Dabiznski, g 0 1 working mainly with substitutes goal. who carried it to lrvington's 40 Dolenchik, g 1 0 yard stripe before he was nailed. on the field. They jockeyed them- "This play steams-up Irvington so much that Mohar, g 1 0 With Stanko and Scutti alternat- selves to the Irvington 16-yard ing on line drives, the oval was line, but Leahy's attempted kick the Camptowners start a drive down the field. Totals 1 0 for a field goal went low and the The first m|an up singles and takes second on a taken to the 19-yard marker. Fords A. C. (10) Stanko then heaved a beautiful' visitors gained possession of the beautiful forward pass that is good for three G. F. P leather on their own 20-yard] iker, I o 0 pass to Scutti who romped over for yards. The next man throws the javelin 276 yards H$k the touchdown. Earl Smith's place marker. for a new state record and ties the score 89-89. Nagy, f o 0 ment for the extra point went Failing to go places on a line! Leroy, ( 2 0 wide. buck and two incompleted passes,) "At this stage, Coach Frank "Heinie". Prisoo Gordon, f 0 0 Getting underway in the second Regenye decided to boot out of I sends in Lydia Pinkham to pitch and she comes Hatiderhan, c 2 1 half, the Prlscomeji stepped on the Irvtngton territory. Naz Caciola, I through by taking the ball around end for a two- Turhes, g o 1 gas and began doing things. Tak- Woodbridge tackle, smashed I bagger—then romps across the line. On the next Johnson, g o o ing the opening kickoff, the Ghosts through the Camptown forward! play, which is the ace of diamonds, Irvington re- chalked up four first downs in a wall, blocked the punt and thenl Totals 4 2 row, going from their own 40 yurd recovered the ball on Irvington'sl covers the bail on a rumble and trys a long ptass 8-yard stripe. In three line plunges! which is intercepted by Kid Kidney, who goes no- FIRST QUARTKH STANDING the Ghosts tallied, Johnny Angel| 1NIIUHTKIAI, LKAdUK covering the last five yards to where because he isn't dressed. score. Leahy's placement was STANKO, SCUTTI ST, STEPHEN'S W. L. A\f. "Punk Punkowitz, gnashing his false teeth, 1 i'urltun Hairy 18 3 869,:18 blocked and Woodbridge was out] tears the ball from Kid Kidney's (arms—arms and 2 Vun Sjrklc Five 14 7 Mli.tii front, 19 to 0. A O.»ci> Five 12 9 sri. SPLITS a»d MISSES all—and drives it for a home run. Here the bell 4 Si|>ns Service .. 12 B 820.11 With only a couple of minuted AND ANGEL STAR HAS TOUGH TIME 5 Secu Five ii i« m remaining to play, Irvington pu1| ended the regatta. Wotta game, soaks! Watta II 10 842.48 CIVIC LKAOUK STANDING INDl'HTRIAL LKAUUE SIANUINli W h Pel o,n a final drive against a completi game!" T A. * V. Fivn 4 11 IBB.lia W Pet K Bimy Hw Market ... 2 19 624.4K Wayalde S. V .15 9 .626 Puritan Dairy .in scrub team. Four first downs with^ Crattumrn 14 10 .5*3 V»n Sytkle 17 .101 ****** .tantu 14 10 out a break put the visitors on tfi AS GHOSTS WIN BEATING LOCALS High toam score—Puritan Dairy 1031 Spike Ol.eu Five .. 14 .m Ghosts' 9-yard chalk line. Regenyd High 3-Game team—College Inn 2772 II 13 SlpoH K. S 12 !o71 Fodtball Mortality Mounting II IS .4M 13 .M! —•— PERTH AMBOY. — The Perth High Individual 3 games—G. Deter 667 y went over for the score. The trjf WOODBRIDGE. — Coach Nick Single Game Hl&h—Van Gilder, Lorch Silk Ham ... II 13 .45* Collefe Inn for extra point, a placement, wa Although the present grid season, has seen pre- Amboy Boys' Club after finding it- 10 14 .158 !0 Prisco's Barren Red Ghosts wound 257. •id inroori . II) 14 A. 4 P low. vious attendance records shattered, football lately self i,n a tough spot earlier in the Avend A. A. .417 But) Be* Market 2 1» .096 up their 1935 scheduled gridiron .411 game stepped on the gas in the sec INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE AVERAGES ; * * * • Woodbridge's heroes of the con-J has assumed a somewhat sinister aspect because of test were Stanko, Scutti and Ange program last Saturday by very de- ond half to pile up enough points FIRST QUARTKR 1»S5 OLD TIMERS FADING TWO FOR SPIKE the heavy toll of lives taken as a result of gridiron in- operating as ball carriers, while] cisively whipping a big Irvington to drop the Woodbridge Five, 29- Pln> Running neck and neck, the Silk Taking a pair of games from the juries, a trend that must be curbed immediately if it 15. Total over Lou Bartha and Cacciola playe eleven at the city stadium in Perth Name Games Pins Hatters grabbed two out of three College Inn crew placed the Spike is not to injure football's mounting popularity. Amboy by a 19 to 6 score. Milecki and J. Bigos were the Ave. Ave. games from the Old Timers in Civ bang-up ball in the line. Statistics reveal that Lorch ...... 18 3578 198 14 Olsen Five in third place in the In- Wood- sharpshooters for the victors with 974 ic League competition this week. Woodbridge (19) Irvington (6 In all fairness however, it should be noted bridge marked up eleven first II Deter .... 5 194 dustrial loop standing. Gerity's L.E. Aquila Lipki seven and six points respectively, Nadlei' 9 1721 191 High scores were registered by Os- 203; H. Deter's 223, and Borchard's dow,ns to the up-staters six, while Levlne 12 2213 L.T. Smith Jaeooi; that by far the greatest number of fatalities— while Leffler and Lee, former 3132 1S4 born, 202; Haffner, 202, and Kroh- 210, were tops in scoring in this approximately 30—have occurred in sandlot and total yardage gained also found Woodbridge High stars, paced the Hatfner 17 2762 181 ne, 205. UG. L. Simonsen Fronzu the Ghosts on top, 221 yards to 109. losers, with seven and four points G. Deter 15 3483 184 match. C Markulin Gardne high school games where the participants were J. Bernstein . 19 183 SILK HAT 12) SPIKE OLSEN (!) That powerful sophomore flash resepctively O. Noe 6 1103 1S3 Al ThergeBon 172 181 167 Nadl<;r ..: 180 162 163 R.G. L. Bartha Mysk 2188 Payvan 182 167 147 not favored with the best equipment in the world Steve Stanko, again paced the lo- Woodbridge, (IS) A. Thargesen 12 1093 182 Borchard 311 168 181 R.T. Columbetti McGrad cals in yardage netted from the J. Hmielski . . 0 381!) 182 J. Schweitzer 149 163 160 Ruas Thergesen 187 146 153 R.E. Anacker Middleto or the most favorable playing conditions. G. F. P. Van Gilder .., 21 181 Lltta 180 186 195 Olaon 145 129 160 line of scrimmage. Carrying the 3699 179 Osbornc 167 202 189 Q.B. Scutti Regeny Knight, t - 0- 1 1 'ayran 20 2332 " rch 196 192 151 Collegiate football's contribution to the death list leather on -seventeen occasions Mandemaker .. 13 2862 179 H.B. Angel Weine Lattanzio, t :. 0 0 0 N. Bernstein .. 16 178 Totals 840 898 808 Totals 919 777 ^98 has been much smaller, totaling but six. This, accord- Stanko piled up 77 yards. He was 1262 178 H.B. Karnas Morn Tyrell, g 0 1 1 H. Bernstein ... 7 3742 OM> T1MKKS (1) COLLKGR INN (1) closely followed by Dom Scutti, Seller 21 178 Haffner 167 196 202 F.B, Stanko Shulma ing to Stub Allison, University of California mentor, Fitzgerald, g :....: 0 0 0 2841 177 F. Schwenzer 168 173 HO who covered 58 yards. Krohne 16. Koyen 149 160 171 N. Bernstein ISO Woodbridge n 0 6 7 6—1 Fitzpatrick, c 0 0 0 1593 177 Hlnkle 148 185 148 is accounted for by the careful physical supervision Wagneg r 9 1681 Ferraro 137 156 TEAM RECORDS Mayer, g 10 2 175 Krotine ; 206 166 168 Irvu)gton 0 0 0 6— I exercised over squad members at the higher institutes R. Hmielakl 9 3330 Gerity 203 H3 174 W. I. Siessel 19 '175 Lorch ) 149 170 187 Lee, c 1 2 4 3143 ' 174 H. Deter 223 177 161 I of learning. First downs 11 6 Kuzma .. 18 1046 J. Bernstein 165 178 168 Leffler, g 2 3 7 174 Totals .808 876 876 Yards gained rushing .... 178 58 W. Skay .... 6 2237 172 Gerlty 13 3606 College gridders must submit to intensive Yards lost rushing 6 9 171 Totals 886 800 779 Totals 4 7 15 Kovaca 21 3567 169 DeMOLAY BLANKED physical examinations before they don uniforms Forward tried 19 11 Borchard . „ 21 2646 Boys' Club (39) 1007 1G9 The Avenel A. A. pinners came VAN SYCKLE SWEEPS preparatory to the first workout of the year; and Forwards completed 4 '2 G. F. P. W. Totin ... 15 167 Ferraro 837 back strong this week to dump the Van Syckle's Five made a dean Yrds gained forwards 38 51 Milecki, ( 2 3508 167 periodic checks are made during the season to Sprlnvar 5 DeMolay ibowlers three straigh sweep of the A. & P. outfit thereby Forwards intercepted 3 0 W. Mazurek, f 2 J. Hanscii 21 1169 167 DOW Assure all the boys keep in the pink of condition. 834 games. Double century scores were holding on to second place in the Laterals tried 1 Faley, f • 0 F. Schwenzer .. 7 1S7 Rogers 5 1 »K 166 turned in by C. Siessel, Jr., 201; J league. Seiler was the only pinner If found wanting in health, they lare promptly • Laterals completed 1 Brylg, e 1 12807 GOES THE PRICE OF Saverock 18 3449 165 Rpmias, 202; C. Schwenzer, 216 who hit the double century mark, jerked from the lineup. Yards gained laterals 5 0 J. Bigos, g 3 Olsen .... 17 166 and J. Bernstein, 205. Punts ' 7 8 Gladys ... 21 404 164 getting enough wood for scores of Another group of coaches, including Jimmy M. Bigos, g 1 Duvis .... . 3 3112 164 AVENKI. A. A. (3) 205 and 210. SHAVING C0MF0R1 Ave. distance Punts 42 39 Hollender 168 C. Siessel Jr 201 167 17« C. Mazurek, g 1 19 VAN HYCKLK 6 (3) Litta, of Hice, and Hunk Anderson of North Carolina Pernn . 1 316S 168 J. Remas 169 17li 203 Fumbles 2 1 .... Seller ..:;..;..!..;; 173 206 210 ate, level their criticism at the "slow whistle" as be- Fumbles recovered 2 1 Corey .... 20 2671 157 *\)i-»a " 134 148 Totals 10 9 29 Fultisco .. 17' 471 167 trowley :...,, i,. 84 •' Oladya 170 181 156 C. SchiMiuer \. 166 216 NOW ag responsible for the skyrocket mortality rate. Penalties '. 3 2 Puul . 3 627 157 Snedeker 175 186 132 Yards lost, penalties 35 10 . 4 2343 .151) J. Saner! .fv«5 19TI147 J. Haiisea n 166* 180 170 u 3565 187 196 179 They contend that this feature, introduced Total yards gained 221 109 Rus Theigemm 15 166 VVa n Oeldeld r 187 196 PROBAK 23 935 155' Totals .. .784 890 8W last year for the express purpose of providing INDIVIDUAL RECORDS li. ('oncaniioii .. 2334 Dti HOLAY (0) Totals 869 946 846 1 Btrko . 6 155 €* T T 1394 Demarest 168 167 188 JUNIOR a more open game and giving the ball toter an SIX DAY eiGYGLE H 15 462 155 A. t V. («) Stanko (W) 77' 0 17 Snedeker . 9 154 Blind 136 1S6 186 Hailden 137 133 157 opportunity to gain a little extra yardlage, has re- . 3 2910 Ulller 136 1«1 170 84 94 Scutti (W) :<.„ 58 5 15 Lee 3019 154 Smith Dlokeiist'ti 19 2S&5 153 H. Bernstein 198 184 188 Hunt }«2 sulted in a tendency of the opposition to swarm Angel (W) 33 0 9 20 150 J. Bcrnatein 157 205 180 Cosgruve • 131 133 m 19 597 124 over the ball carrier in an effort to forestall his Morris (I) 22 4 8 RACE WILL GET p 1027 150 HouBeman 1+t '.99 . 4 149 Totals m 842 861 Payoan "8 162 171 uncorkinging a last-minute lateral heave. Any- Regenye (I) 21 3 6 SluTinan . 7 1026 H6 Weiner (I) 15 2 7 Heller . 7 1745 626 74i> thing can happen in such a pile-up. U»y Thergeeen 1691 145 WAYSIDES SKID Totals Also Trial Package Karnas (W) 7 0 3 Jk 12 8023 145 UNDERWAY SUN. iS. Skay 11 3436 144 Hitting on all five with plenty of of 4 Blades For 10c Jumping Joe Savoldi, ex-Notre Dame ace. and Leahy (W) 3 1 1 PURITANS JOLTED B. M&oedlogki ai 1713 143 flash, the Craftsmen alley stars • Blxby The Secq bowlers pulled ajur- At Vour Dealer esent heavy-weight mat behemoth, has an original 17 831 143 took three games fiom the Way- when il sl NEW YORK.—What promises to J. Coucannon 142 TEACHER DIES IN CLASS 13 416 side Social Club lads with high prise this V^k «w<* iew on the subject. He suggests that youths co.ntem- Clarksville, Tenn. — While lec- be the greatest six-day bicycle BbU 2690 138 the league leaders — the Puritan blating a football career should take • up wrestling, race witnessed i,n New York in the Ltsko 787 138 scores featuring the match, Top ,uring to a class in'Home Econom- Haddan 20 2676 134 scores were credited to F. Schwen Dairy team—for two out of three cs, iMiss Mattie Smith died of a last ten years will get underway J. Mucedloski .. 6 rhich will teach them how to fall with the least poss- 877 131 zer, ai4; A. Levi, 216; Naylor, 234; games. High scores were chalked HAVING comfort hll an ill- ieart attack. in Madison Square Garden Sun- Coagrove 20 977 138 up by Corey, 211, 210, 205; Hmiel- injury to themselves. day night with fifteen Internation- Skraski 3 1496 125 211;%. Simonsen, 217, 235; Jell- S lime low In price with ihc Bamg 8 466 125 icks, 224, 203; and E. Hansen, 203, eski, 221, 206. 202; C. Siessel, Jr, aonowictmeiuofProbikJiuiiof al teams competing, So many 123- NO FOOD IN DRUG STORES S. Macedloakl .. 11 124 214. 203, 234; Haffner, 216, 226; Faltis- —the tcmaiiuble new doublc- Denver, Col—-A state law pro- teams are evenly matched that it Mclver ... 4 116 co, 200, and Hollender, 201. Cardmone 123 WA1&1UK 8. C. («) «dfc mw blule. Think of ii! Pott-Season Game Jottings iibiting tbe serving of food in is impossible to pick a winner and W. Skay 194 189 178 PI! BIT AN BUBV «)' :00ms used for other purposes has at least six of the fifteen teams ap- Boka 144 178 156 Haffner ^ 1*> f» You fd I) k«n,unixxh-»hiT- i It might be a good idea for some of the football been sustained by the Supreme pear to have an equal chanece of Kovacs 196 117 194 Blind .„ ... >* Jog blmdci, uuifuiiu in quality, seems that every one goes to the Jelllcks 224 197 203 DHIC 160 146 foe only }{*/. You'll wonder ievenfl throughout the country who are now thinking, Court. Drug and chain stores are winning. Any time you find the six-day race at least one night of E, Hansen 203 ISO 214 competition that keen you are as- Wtlsco 200 190 131672 how such fino black* CM be fck over practically closed seasons to remember that prohibited from operating restau- the week and it is a particular 182 170 ants except in separate quarters. sured of a great battle for first Totals 961 901 845 HellendcKuzma r »J jold (or to link moatj. Irough the great attendance potentialities of football magnet for the stage and screen CBAFTSMKN (3) honors. folks in New YorJc. R. Simonsen 192 168 184 Totals 689 810 Probtk Junior it chc product Wes might be brought some financial relief to some The six-day bicycte™race will F. Sdiweiuer 214 160 177 8KCO (1) "BOMB" IS MICE John M. Chapman, manager of 210 206 of unequalled minufictiuiug I the suffering of the country. Chicago. — Mrs, W, N. Massie hold the centre of the sport stage A. Uv! 216 183 211 Corey ... the race has combed the world Naylor '. 234 1M 211 Bixby 148 157 methodi Mtd auichleii itilL Already in many cities where there is more :alled police to examine a suspic- next week, for hockey, boxing and for talent a,nd has dug up the out- A. Siui.mjcn 192 217 2S& La Forge 181 148 Thli blad* '• •uiomaiictllr ious package which resembled a wrestling and all other indoor SivlUOCK standing six-day stars of the 206 202 (CDptrtd, ground, booed and Ethan on* college, and In which two pchools of the bomb, Cautiously, they listened. sports must take a seat on the side United States, Italy, France, Ger- ToUlB : 10SS m 968 HmlDlakt C. Blefwel Jr. 234 188 mopped—fit" you wonderful |city have as yet not. played against each _ other One heard "ticking and scratch- lines when the six-day race is in many, Belgium, Canada und Aus- •hiring Mil ifiuion.TryProUk the Garden. "The six-day grind is GIANTS COP THREE >l W9 WW ithis season, charity games are being arraigned; ing." Gingerly they opened it— tralia. In the list of riders he has Total! '1LL1111 * Junior and $tt for jounett. G*< ut came four white mice. the gathering of the sport clan. It the champion six-day cyclists of The Giants clamped down on the tiu> profits of which are to go entirly to organized all these'countries. Besides prac- Woelper Five long enough to spear NO PLAY thorn tod*; (ma roar dttkr. a trio of games advancing the charity. The main opposition to the proposed tically all the old favorites there The match between the Sipos Pn^hjnhrjit, sU Gilhttt How much better it would be if tbwte tchools will b« a few new faces In the winners to a higher standing in the Service Station team and the Busy ~'wu SO far have come from the athletic associa- loop. T,he 200 mark was reached by is of the various schools, which *»y, "Why in particular would devote the work ami pre- race. The riders down to make Bee Market boys was postponed m$d Pnktk nutrs paration for one of it* seaion games entirely to their initial appearance are: Bob- Woelper, 209; Lee 200; Deter, 214: on account of something or other. : the physical capabilities of some thirty fo»t- a Gerek, 207; Notchey, 204, 211, and tile eaiue of charity. Of COUTM where a po»t-»ea-' by Echevaria and Martin Journey, r-—1 players when there is neither a conference American riders; Tony Malmesi, of McKay, 204. •on gam* would be neousary for charity, the OIANT8 (9) Itanding wor a school financial profit at stoke? Italy and Eric Putzfleld, of Ger- Nag-y 166 116 185 Legion Baseball Team players themselves should be allowed to vote on many. Gorek i 307 1ST 186 I All well, and good, but do these complaints bring tbe subject of how they feel about playing an Kara 1 188 17» 174 Sponsors Annual Dance There will be five series of Notchey 304 178 111 I the fact that throughout a season of eight to elev- added game to the schedule just for charity. sprints In the race each day. The Igames, football players are playing at a risk just Meh/1« Wl »4 WOODBRIDGE, — The annual first at 8:30 each night, then at 10:- dance sponsored by the Wood- .PR4BAK Some may wish to play jiwtthe regular scTTedule, 30,12:30 and 2:30 In the morning. Tom. treat in each game, an infinitely smaJl number of bridge Legion Baseball team will JUNIOR [oh risks' prove to either fatal or lastingly injurious and no more. But in most cases the gridstera. would Points in the sprint* will score six Urbanikl be eager and willing to play another battle: As stated for first, four for second, two for Oorlty .. be held Thursday evening, Decem- T>l»yers in college circles? And in some cases third and une for fourth. ' Wiwlper ber S, at the Craftsmen's club. above the plan is already in operation in some cities. Lea Music for tht occasion will be T.H. sols which hav« their boys play for a great ftnan- * , HIM* The more schools that realize^ the value of the plan, O. Deter provided by Al Kalla and his t Profit to the institution don't iwsed the money at HAD THB UtADM-JOUKNAL Touu "rSlila WOR orchestra. ""• either scholastic or athletic purposes. ' the better off the needy will be this winter. WOODBRIDGE DEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1935 PAGE EIGHT Woodbridge marched from its own A SUGGESTION-LET'LACT ON IT. 22 yard line to Bound Brook's 18, the Ghosts lost the ball on downs. EVELYN FOX IS Continued from P»ge One NEW BOOKS FOR Hipolit shot around end for a two- From Our Monmouth county proposition had been illegal, the yard gain, but on the next play the government would have put an end to it long before visitors fumbled a lateral and the this. We are not fostering gambling for in our opinion BARRON LIBRARY ball was recovered lor Wood- Back BRIDE OF LOCAL bridge on the Bound Brook flve- Action Sale it is .no more gambling than it is to buy chances on a WOODBRtDO.E —The following yard mark by Smith. Angel ad- Window car. The suggestion has been made that possibly the new books have been added to the vanced the pigskin to the one-yard MAN YESTERDAY churches would be against the proposition, but in a many volumes at the Barron Li- stripe. Leahy then drove through way, are not the churches using practically the same center to score. His placement try WEDS JAMES*FRANCIS GER-j brary: for point after went wide. Wood- of Choicest Used Cars Recommended to those ! method of raising funds when the various organisa- ITY AT IMPRESSIVE CERE- "Storm Signals," by Joseph C. bridge, 6; Bound Brook, 0. who are planning to go to tions promote raffles on a turkey, a ton of coal, or five Lincoln. For the background of Doubtt-B Tikes Lesd MONY IN ST. JAMES' New York to see a show: dollars as the case might be? thig story the author has taken the Bound Brook started off fast in RECTORY The drawing could be held in various sections of colorful period of the Civil War the second half, but didn't really "Jumbo" at the New Hippo- and iU influence On the people of threaten to score untttiHipolit re- drome. The whole place ha» WOODBRIDGE.—Miss Evelyn the Township. For example, one week it could be held a New England seaside village. covered Scutti's fumble in mid- at the State Theatre, in Woodbridge proper, the next been done over to create the Dorothy Fox, daughter of Mr. and) "Hitler Over Europe," by Ernest field. Sumienick traveled around atmosphere of a circus. The Mrs. Charles Fox, of Frames ave-j week at the Fords Playhouse and the following week Henri, This book intends to show end for nine yards and Hipolit fol- nue, this place, became the bride' at the Embassy Theatre in Iselin. lowed for ten more and a first NO CASH show boasts of such stars a* the actual laws of motion, the dy- of James Francis Gerity, son of namic, of that force which in 1933 down. Zydiak, on a spinner, ad- Jimmy Durante, Paul White- In our opinion, a drawing would save local tax- vanced the sphere to Woodbridge's Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gerity. of payers quite a sum of money and at the same time arose in Central Europe, casting irtan and his orchestra, Don- its shadow across the whole of 21 and another first down. Hipolil ald Novis, who won the At- Main street, also of this place, yes- have the commission reach its long-sought-for-goal. erased 5 more yards and Zydiak terday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Continental Europe. water Kent Prize in 1930 as for chances would undoubtedly be sold outside the "Young Renny." This book is a did likewise for 4. Hipolit then St. James' rectory. Rev. Charles A. raced around end for the tying DOWN!! the best tenor on radio and Township as well as within our boundaries. If the mat- capital opening for anyone begin- Dusten, assistant pastor of St. ning his acquaintance with 'Jama' touchdown. Thompson was sent Gloria Grafton, who intro- ter is handled correctly and efficiently, the entire into the game to kick the exira James' church, performed the cere 1 and Canada's foremost novelist, li Yon Have A Car Thai Equals Down Paym,n( duced that tuneful hit, "Two mony. \ $10,000 could be raised within three or four months Mazo de la Roche. point. His placement was good Cigarettes in the Dark" in The bride was attractively gown, at the most, and then it could be dropped when it had "Crystal Tree" by Louise Platt Score; Bound Brook, 7; Wood- last season's drama, "Kill i od in black, chiffon velvet. She served its purpose. Hauck. This is the story of Inail bridge, 6. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CAR TO TRADE WF | wore a hat and accessories to Anyway, it's our suggestion—what do you think Ashby's love of a house which This Kid, Stuko That Story." match. Her corsage was of natur- WILL ARRANGE SPECIAL TERMS FOR YOU of it? brings together odd and lovable The rest of the story has already al orchids. people. been given. Physically 6M statis- Mis. Bernard Nemeth, of Fords, "Life With Father" by Clarence tically, the Ghosts outmatched the Wu begin to realize was the matron of honor. She wore Day. Delightful reminiscenses of a fighting men of Bound Brook. The 1932 Chevrolet De Luxe Convertible Coupe a green and black crepe ensemble how near we are to the New York boyhood. runs, the kicking and the passing end of the year when we and black hat. The basic flowers "Lucy Gayheart" by Willa Cath- 1930 Ford Sport Coupe of her corsage were gardenias. of Steve Stanko were a midfaU 1.: begin to receive calend- er. A modern romantic story of night's dream. David Gerity, cousin of the FORDS BRIEFS the enthusiasm of youth. 1929 Ford Sport Coupe (very good) ars in the mail. One of groom, served as best man. Alter "Next Time We Live" by Ursula In first downs Woodbridge ex- t, ft LOMAINl V. MAOB » the prettier ones so far the ceremony, a reception was Parrott. This novel deals with two celled the visitors, 9 to 7. In yards 1932 Pontiac Six Coach (excellent) is the calendar bring held at the. home of the bride's 26 Anne Street Ktrdi, N. J. people, really in love, who are gained rushing the' Priscomen distributed by John J. parents for the bridal party and seperated by circumstances be- cleared 210 to the losers' 95. In 1935 Ford De Luxe Bitting. the immediate families. yond their control. forward passing the Double-B Cabriolet (with radio) (like new car) Mr. and Mrs. Gerity are now on MISS HAZEL BRENNAN. OF THE FORDS DEMOCRATIC Club "Gun Thunder on the Rio" by team completed 5 to three for the a wedding trip to Washington D Plainfield, is spending the will hold a card party on Tues- Dan James. A story of the great Ghosts. But in yards gained 1933 Chevrolet Business Coupe C., and on their return they will Thanksgiving Holidays at the day December 10, at Thomsen'Sj upcopen MJ»spaces paLJvcpackedu witmmh higlughn Sewaren; Bernard B. However, he turned back and he mark and a first down Another 1 Iluber, Woodbridge; F, testified that he witnessed her do- pass, Hipolit to Zydiak, moved the vention and use of the printing press. It is virtually imp - Bedi, Woodbridge; Din- ing the same thing to other driv- Don't Miw ball to Woodbridge's 29 and a first sible to overemphasize the influence of the printed vt'i ers. He explained that he drove up down Three more aerials, but on civilization. And its influence is to be seen every il er, 34 Lincoln street, Thu Weekend'* all knocked down by frenzied to Mrs. McGee's car and immedi- • in the mountains of products sold through the medium Fords; Joseph Slocum, ately saw her condition. He re- GALA FESTIVAL Ghosts A thirty-yard throw by advertising ... Come in, or phone for us to call and sin "••• 555 West avenue, Se- lated how she was examined by and Hipolit to Zydiak in the end zone i waren; A. A. Deter, 229 Dr. C. H. Rothfuss, who pio-i was batted down And the game you what the well printed word can do. [We are adequate!> nounced her under the influence SURPRISES ends Woodbridge wins, 13 to 7. equipped and staffed to do your printing job, whether it Green street, Wood- of liquor. Story Book Style bridge. Such was the drama enacted large or small, at a minimum price consistent with gw>i. under the arclights here Wednes- quality! work. Let the printed Word sell your goods. (.Vii If you have an illusion day night before nearly 1,500 pop- Woodbridge 8—1400 today. A certain Township offi- about wanting to be a news- GYPSY ORCHESTRA eyed fans, as the Red Ghosts and cial went to Newark a couple Bound Brookers clashed in foot- pja'permain read this add that DIRECT FROM ball's greatest show in Middlesex of weeks ago with his wife. appeared in a recent issue of GREENWICH VIL- county. The Double-B boys under- The wife wished to attend to a publishers' newspaper. LAGE, NEW YORK dogs, and seeming frail opposite some shopping and told her "Young man wanted for ed- the stalwarts in Red and Black, husband that she would meet itorial department of lively For your party aceom- gave their all to win. And, they Leader-Journal odations call.... had the thrill of leading with a him in the furniture depart- aggressive weekly newtpap- single point, only to have triumph 104 Main Street - • Woodbridge, N. J. ment in Bambergers- Friend er in Wisconsin city of 13,- snatched from them in the closing wife was late, as wives usual 000. Must be able to handle seconds. ly are, aad when she finally society, country correspond- Leahy Scores First did arrive, she found friend The Pfisco club scored first. ence and general assign- Eaily in the secern} period, after husband sound asleep in one ments. Previous newspaper of Bbmberger's over-stuffed experience desire*ble. $12 VARADY'S MR. AND MRS. WISE chairs. weekly. Future for capable worker." GROVE AND INN \J$!lNTER INVITES COLDS- THE WI5E CHILDREN llTHey ARE BUBBLING Here's the prize head Ford Ave., Ford«, N. J. INI*UJNE OVER WITH ENERGY line for the month: HEALTH- Taylor Tossed 1 Rosenfeld Routed I. Mann & Son Burke is Bounced 0 " And Taylor Trounced -OPTOWmUSTS- •"'•' The above appeared < in the Wildwood, N. J. -MM- OU)EHBOOMS Leawr over the story of Houxs: Dally 10-12, 2-5,1-t a Republican victory In DAIRY that city in which four Wednesday 10-12 only P Dempewte named Tay- lor, Rouenfeld, Burke Tel. P. A. 4-2037 and Taylor were defeat- 8» Smith Si Perth Amber, N. J, Milk provide. «,cootkkraUe amount, not of ou vitamin, but of ed. ** wbch protect from rtectiow, build good bodie, and te5>, i