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1964) Ty6TOGA (84)


By SADANoBu INouEi) and AKi'ro KAwAzoE2) ' C-,'; 12. Sarangesa dasahara dasahara (MeoRE, 1865) CFigs. 25-26, Textfig. 9, 6 genitalia) Specimens exarnined: ls, Trang Born, 9-Oct.-1960; ls, Trang Bom. 4・ Dec.-1960; IS, Trang Bom, 18-Dec.-1960; 19, Trang Bem, la Sept.-1961; IS, Trang Bom, 17Dec.- Bom, 1961; IS19, Trang Born, 5-Aug.-1962; ls. Trang Bom, 12-Aug.--1962; 19, Trang 9--Sept.-1962. This is a small common in Indo-. Upperside brownish black with white hya]ine

spots on forewing:subapical three dots in spaccs 6 t.o 8, a precostal dot in space 11 ina line with

one or two ceEl-end spots, below which sornetimes may be one or two discal spots. Underside

dark brown, suffused with ochreous grey scaling which is rather dense on hindwing; discal series

of dark spots from space lb to space 7, running faintly towards tornus. flattened,well- Male genitatia: closely related to those of Pseudocoladenia structurally. Tegunien . produccd anteriorly, completely eonglutinated posterlorly with sclerotizecl fenestrula; postcrior mar- gin ef sclerotized fenestrula protruding dorsally. forming a very・ short process, bearing a pair of long finger-like side processes at the postero-lateral corners; scaphium tapered apically, with a pair of long unci which are close together and connected with each other by a thick membrane

threughout exccpt thesc apical extremitie$, apex ef uncus slightly beakecl; gnathos with basal

portion broad, tal]ering ventrally, apical portion not serrate or dentate; vinculum slender, saccus

very long and slender, nearly as long as dorsum. VaLvae shorter than dorsum; ampulla ill-developed, barpe largc, short produced from the middle portion ef dorsal margin, the apex bearing some bri$tles;

occupying the distal half oi valva, with round apex; sacculus rnoderately developed. Phallus long of and slender, nearly twice as Iong as valva; subzonal portion shorter than suprazonal portion aedeagus, coecum squabby; a long peri-vesical area situatcd on the dorsal side of suprazonal portion of aedeagus, which is bluntly ended; vesica with cornutl represented by two stylets widely apart iorming a of from each other. Juxta large, subbasal portion strengly produclng posteriorly, pair triangutar processes; apices of dorsar expansions oi juxta connected wi,th a sclerotized platc which

is situatcd over phallus. This widely distributed occurs from , Ceylon, Pachmarhi, Yunnan, Burma, Indo--China

and the Andamans, and is separated into five subspecies.

fP) 13. Sat'arupa gopala gopala MooRE, 1865 (Figs. 27- 28,

Specimen examined:19, Banmethuot, 16-Aug.--1960. has sorne As c6mpared with the Formosan subspecies, S, gopala maj'ttsra, the presentspecimen and 5; on distinct characters: on forewing above, white spot$ are largcr, especially in spaces 4

hindwlng below, white area is broader, extends to termen at cach middle of spaees4ancl 5, with

black discal spots clearly separated from the black border and, additionally, a conspicuous black

spot at the base of sr.acc 7.

1) 30,Hamaguchi-Naka Itch6me, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 2) 9,Ebisu-Honmachi Nich6me.Naniwa-ku, Osaka

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(85) ec u wt [Vol. XV

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Fig. 9, Male genitalia ef Sarangesa dasaitara dasahara CMoeRE) A: Latcral aspect as a whole, except phallus. B: Dorsal aspect of dorsum. Ct: Lateral aspect of left--hand valva. C2: Inner aspect of right-hand valva, D: Lateral aspect of phallus. F: Postero-ventral aspect of ring, with juxta.

This species is distributed from Sikkim, Assam, Tonkin, , Formosa to Malaya and .

14, Pintara pintvilti pintvilti (BuTLER, 1877) (Figs. 29-30,?) ・1962. Specirnen examined: 19, Banmethuot, 8-Sept. Pintara, Gcnus of which the type species is f)imvilli originall}i describcd trom rv・Ialaya, inc]udes Whil,iilte;itllitkenoawii\iO ground・ One species,

)llrOtibarttPce.rHCEi,O.i.e,soSNP,Ct/eaSs rilllngCin lgt-rckhil.l//aS ,fg?)cPhuililigit infRlackt

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1964) Ty6TOGA (86)

Forewing black with a strong purplish shine on upper- and undersides, central spots pale yellow- orange with broad purplish ish white in ceLour, subapical dots enLirely absent; hindwing yeliow

sF,ots in spaces lb to3 black border, which are coalescent with the b!ack discal dots at spaces 4 to 7, black, fringedwith orange on and in cell clear of the border. Palpi pale yellow; abdomen dorsally

each segrnent distally, below entirely orange. and i$ divided This fine species is known irom Bumna, Siam, A,Ialaya. and Sumatra,

into two subspccies.

subgeneric as follows: The next , Tagiades HtBNER, is divided into two groups in male. Male A: Forewing wlthout hyaline spot in space 11. Hind tibiae with no hair pencil

apex, valvae structurally rather simple. ['ja?betesgroup)' gcnitalia with uncus bilobate at 11. Hind tibiae with a recumbent hair pencil. Male B: Forewing with a hyaline spot in space and mostly having some genitalia with uncus not bilebatc, valvae varied in strttcture serrations on apical margin. //nestzas groupl) the nestus before us. Three species belonging to the j'apetes group and one to group lie

Textfig. 10, agenjtalia) 15. Tagiades japetes ravi c,MooRE, 1865;/ (Figs. 33--34, s; 35-36, 9; Bom, 9-Oct.-1960;16' 19, Specimens examined: 19. Vo Dat, 17-Oct,-1959; 2E G, Trang -1960; Trang Bom, 4-Dec.-196e; Trang Bom, ]6-Oct.-1960; 1s, Trang Bom, 23-Oct. 19, Trang Bom, 2-JuL- 19, Trang Bom, 25-Dec.-1960; IS, Trang Born, 15-Jan.- 1961; 19, 1S, Trang Bom,15- 1961;19, Trang Bom, 24 Dec.-1961; 299, Lai Thieu, 18-Mar.-1962; -May-1962; Bom, 5-Aug. -1962. Apr.--1962; 19, TraTig Bom. 20 19, Trang 'rhis Forewing colour dark brown, isone of the cornmonest hesperiids of Indo-China. ground in band -like area and at cell-end; subapical dots varied in nurnber, two much darker on discal ' case, two discalspots in spaces 6 and 8 at least, five in spaces 4 to 8 in the futly dievelopcd small dot a[ the lower spaces2 and 5, which are distinctly enlarged in female. In female, a to 6; undcrside whitish, a bluish cell-end. Hindwing brown with discal black spots in spaces 2 the latter form the black tinge more sufiused in wet-season form than in dry-season one, in ' discal spots srnall, may be obsolete partially. coinplcte]y united with Male genitalia: Dorsum semi globular; tegumen well-produced anteriorly, inconspicuous and narrow membranous sclerQtized fcnestrula which is longer than tegumen, an fene$trula, scaphium with uncus area at dorsornedian portion between tegumen and sclerotized which is shallowly incised rather stout, slighty tapered apically and ending in weakly beaked tip acutely bent frorn'dorsal view; gnathos large ancl semi circular, thc ventral portion posteriorly long and slencler. and serrate, forming a cochlear; vinculum narrow with saccus well-devetoped,

Va!vae large; both costa and sacculus ill-dcveloped; ampulla with an arm-like proccss posteriorly, outer wall of valva narrowly gradually curving inwards to blunt tip, below the ampullar process the ventral margin smooth membranous; harpe large, postcrodorsal corner of the apex pointed, nearly half of the who!e and rounded. Phallus large, coecum long and slendcr with length of aedeagus shorter than phallus, the middile p6rtion of phallus rather thickened, suprazonal portion

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Fig. 10, Malc genitalia of 71aegiades japetes rawi CMooRE A: Lateral aspect of ring. B: Dorsal aspect of dorsum. Ci: Inner aspect of right- hand valva. C2: Dorsal aspect oi right-hand valva. D: Lateral aspect of phallus. Ei: Ventral aspect of juxta. E2: Posterior aspect of juxta.

subzonal one with the apical two-thirds portion narrowly rnembranous at the left side and thereat the outer wall is [olded doubly. Juxta broad, in the shape of V. Among the 7'agiades-species, this has the widest distribution which extends westwards to India and Ceylon, eastwards to the and southwards to Queensland, the Solomon Islands and Treasury Island, and is, according to Ev,tNs, separable into 24 subspecics.

16. gana, (MooRE, 1865) (Figs. 37 388, 39-40"; Textfig. 11, S genitalia) Specirnens examined: ls, Trang Bom, 16-Oct.-1960; 1S, Tang Bom, 1-Nov.-1960; 1s, Trang Boni, 4-Dec.-1960; 49 9, Trang Bom, 18-Dec.-1960; 2s a, Trang Bom. 25-Dec.- 1960; 19, Trang Bom, -1961; 15-Jan. 16 Trang Bom, 29-Jan.-1961.; IS,Trang Bom, 5-Nov.-1961;23819, Trang Bom, 12-Nov.--1961; la, Trang Bom, 17-Dec.-1961; 19, Trang Bom, 2-Jan.-1962; IS, Trang Bom, 14-Jan.-1962; 266 299, Trang Bom, 21- Jan.・・1962; IS, Dinh Quan, 25-Feb.-1962.

FRilHsToRFER (1910)deseribed two races of this specles from Tonkin, i.e, patimoka and sangarava, but the former is,at present,treated as a synonym of meetana MooRE described from Burma. The materials Iying before present us have the widely bruish white tornal area on upperside hindwing,

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1964] Ty6TOGA (88)

white or brown cilia. We identify two rathcr conspicuous dark spots on the area, and indlvidually Accordin.rv these specimens with t.he nominate subspecies on the basis of the hindwing marking. Sumatra, Borneo to to Evans, this subspecies occurs in south Burrna, peninsular Siam, Malaya,

Palawan and Java. to 8, but without such dots on Forewing brown with three subapical hyaline dots in spaces 6 width; underside discal area. Hindwing brown with turnal white area which varles indivjdually in brown, with submarginal hindwing prominently whitc except for the costal area whieh is broadly black dots coalescent with each other. Male genitalia: Closely allied to,but somewhat different from, those of the precedlng $pecies, from dorsal i.e.,1) tegumen more produced anteriorly with much rounded margin, 2) uncal process 31)valvae mere aspect slightly dilated at/ the apical portion, while in j'apetes it is tapered distally, tip; harpe broad, sub-equal throughout in width; ampullar process slender with rnore pointed

broader, the derso-apical corner extending dorsally, forming a triangular proccss; costa and sacculus with lateralsemi- rather developed, 4]/ phallus !onger and slender, $uprazonal portion of aedeagus side. membranous area exending to zone, apex of aedeagus somewhat produced at the right

E, tt

E, c



Fig. 11, Male genitalia of Tagiades gana gana :IM{)oREI/ A; Lateral aspcct of ring, with right-hand valva. B: Dorsal aspect of dorsum. Ei: Ventral C:Dorsal aspect of right-hand valva. D: Lateral uspect of phallus. aspect of juxta. E2: Posterlor aspect of juxta.

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C89) dire k wt [voi.xv

This species is dtstributedfrom India, South China through all Malaysian region to the Philip- pines. but is not known froni Celebe$, and is separable into 10 subspecies.

17. Tagiades parra EvANs, 1949 gata (Figs. 41-426, 43-449; Textfig. 12, s genitalial/ Specimcns examined: 19, Trang Bom, 9-Oct.-1960; 19-, Trang Bom, 1-Nov. -1960; ls, Trang Bom, 18-Dec.--1960; 19, Trang Bom, 25-Dec.-1960; 19, Trang Bom, 29-Jan. -1961; 13, Trang Bom, 17-Dec. -1961; 19, Trang Boni, 24-Dec.-1961; 16, Trang Bom, 2-Jan.-1962; ls, Trang Bom, 14-Jan.-1962. From Indo-China,Evans reported one rnale of this species belonging to the Indian subspecies, gala EvANs. Minute ebservations of the many specimens beforc us lndicate that spot at end o[ vein lb on hindwing is more or less larger than spot at end of vein 3, apparently between typical gala and the Malayan representative, naxos EvANs.

The wing marl


v E -

Fig. 12, Male genitalia of Tagiades f)arra gala EvANs A: Lateral aspcct of ring. B: Dorsal aspect oi dorsum. C]: Inner aspect of right- hand valva. C2: Dorsal aspect of right--hancl valva. D: Lateral aspect of phallus. E: Juxta.

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'ro 1964J Ty6 GA (90)

Dorsum more flattened,sclerotized Male genltalia: Very close to those of two foregoing species,

fenestrula with a conspicuous niembranous area at the postero-median portion, apex of uncus of and the uncal barely dilated laterally, semi-membranous arca between basal potrion gnathos arnpullar base very narrew, cochlear withapical extremity acutely ben(ling upwards. Valvae: harpe rather short and broacl,itsdorso- process constricted at the base, not tapered, its apex beaky; biiid or trifid apical corner short produced dorsally, forming a triangular expansion with rninutely with serni-membranous extremity. Phallus similar to that in gana, suprazonal portion of acdeagus but not touched zone. area cleeply penetrating into the left-hand wall of aedeagus lndo-China. Siarn, Malaya, Nias, This speeies occurs in Sikkim, Assam, through Burma, Sumatra, Borneo to Paluwan and Java, and is separated into 4 subspecies.

18. Tagiades titigiosa titigiosa MoscHLER, 1878 (Figs. 45-466, 47-489; Textfig. 13, 6 genitalia), 19, Specimens cxamjned: ls, Trang Bom, 9-Oct.-1960; lg, Trang Bom, 16-Oct.-1960; 10-Sept.- 1961; 19, Trang Bom, 23-oct.-196o; 1?,Djiring, 30-Jul.-1961; 1a, Trang Bom, Bom, 5-Aug.- Trang Bom, 15 Apr.-1962; 1?, Trang Bom, 17--Ma}r-1962; 19, Trang ls. Banmethuot, 1962; ls, Trang Bom, 2-Sept,-1962; 1?, Trang Born, 9-Sept.-1962;

E, E,


Fig. 13, Male genitalia of litigiesa M6scHLER of dorsum. C: Inner aspect of right- A: Lateral aspect of ring. B: Dorsal aspect hancl valva. D: Lateral aspect of phallus. Ei: Ventral aspect oi juxta. EE: Posterior aspect of juxta.

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This is a member of the nestus-group of genus Tagiades which has a white costal dot in space 11 over cell dot. Forewing with 3 apical, or 3 4 discal, 1 or 2 cell and 1 costal dots. Hindwing with 4 conspicuous black spots at the cnds of veins lb to 4, these spots in wet-season form are conjoined each other; in dry--season form hind tornus white on upperside, while in wet-season form the tornal margin entirely black on both sides. Male Dorsurn soinewhat genitalia: srnaller than in foregoing 3 species; sclerotized fenestrula strongly dorsally, produced forming a Iarge hump; lateral portion between gnathal base and sca- phium widely semi membranous; scaphium slightly tapered apically, with a rather fiattened uneus, of which the apical extremity is minutely serrate, proxtrnal portion of scaphiuni expand- ing ventrally; large, gnathos the apex forming a well developed cochlear; vinculum narrow with a short saccus. Valvae large. the apical half occupied by large harpe, tapered distally to blunt tip which is individually well- or M-produccd and is slightly curved inwards, outer wall of the apical portion minutely dentate; costa+ampulla very small, represented by a finger-like free which process, is .aently bent down at the subdistul portion, with blunt extrcmity; sacculus very

large, neurly half as long as the whole valva; anellifcr wide, expanding over nearly two-thirds ot inner surface of valva. Phallus moderate, with a long coecum being gently curved dorsally, zone at middle of the phallus, apical opening obliqucly ended, a broad, long semFmernbranous area on

the left side of aedeagus; not reaching to the zone. Juxta V-shaped. According to EvANs this species is divided lnto three subspecific groups based on the shape ef

valva of tEie male gcnitalia; in a group with three subspecies occurring in the continental rcgion north of Siam and the South Andamans, valva has a small ainpullar process and is tapered to blunt apex, while the other twe in groups occurring in the region south of Burma,valva ends into round- -edging ed harpal apex with a serrate sliort proce$s from its dorsoapical corner, and with or

without arnpullar process. The two subspeiecs, titgiios" and ttltra, both occurring in Burma and

Siam, may be the quite different species from each other.

1.9. Chamunda chainunda (MooRE, 1865) (Figs. 31-32Y)

Specimen examined: 1 ?, Banmcthuut, 16-Aug.-1962 This is a large specics with the marking resembling that in t.he Celaenorrhinus-specges or their allied ones. Uppcrside dark brown, densely covered with yellowish oltve scales on basal half of forewing and almost all hindwing except for narrow dark marginal area; underside of same colour

as upperside, the olive-scaling area somewhat narrower. Forewing with the apical 5 dots arranged

jrregularly like in the nestus group of the genus Tagiades, discal band running straight from tornus

to mid costa, consisting of 4white spots in spaces lb, 2, 11 and ccll, the spot in space 11 extending

to costa, and a small dot in the base of space 3. Cilla chequered on hindwing. Abdomen with an

anal tuft of brownish hairs in female. Hitherto this species was known from Sikkim, Assam, Nort.h and South Shan States and Karen Hills.

20. Abraximorpha davidii ・(Figs. elfina EvANs, 1949 49-50s; Textfig. 14, s genitalia) Specimens exarnincd: 46 S, Col de Blao, 26-Aug. -1962

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1964) Ty6TO GA (92)



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,},tS O.5mm Fig'. 14, Male genitalia of Abraximorpha dawidii elfina EvANs aspect of ring. A, Lateral aspect as a whole. A・,.: Lateral aspect of ring. B: Dorsal C, Inner aspect of right-hand valva. C2: Inner aspect of left-hand valva. of left-hand valva. C, Dorsal aspect of right-hand valva. C4: Dorsal aspect E: Posterior aspect of D, Lateral aspect of phallus. D2: Dorsal aspect of phallus. juxta.

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(93) "m L wt [Vol.XV

A]1 specimens before us belong te a distinctly whitish pale race, with dark spots smaller than the

other northern forms and divided by conspicuous "Thite veins. On upperside of forewing apical spots elongated and ・22 joined to spots in spaces 4 and 5. Size smaller, 20 mm in the Iength of iorewing. EvANs descrlbed elfina as a subspecies of A. duvidii based upon enly one male specimen labelled `CJava'' collectecl by BoisDiJvAL, but he mentioned that. that type specimen may be an aberration.The speciinens beforc us are just identical with EvANs' e4fina, so we consider elfina is a good subspecies occurring in the southernmest part of its range. Male genitaiia: Somewhat asymmetrical as a whole. Dorsum moderate; sclerotized fenestrula connected with scaphium by a remarkable suture; scaphium with the proximal portion wide, acutely narrowed posteriorly, strongly constricted at the uncal base, uncus dilated, slightly curving left- wards and weakly bifurcated at the end; gnathos large, producing xrentrally and acutely bending

po$teriorly, with apex proclinate, fonning cochlear; vinculum 1)road, dilated ventraliy. saccus well developed. Valvae asymmetrical, ampullar projection short and blu"t, producing dorsally; sacculus well developed ancl long; right-hand valva with harpc tapered postcriorly to strongly serrated apical which is port,ion producecl dorsally and rather strongly curved inwards, left-hand valva with apex truncate and strongly $errate on both dorsal and postero apica] margins, the po$terodorsal I)ortion curying' inwards, a large swelling on the dorsal maTgin of harpe below ampulla prcscnt in left-hand valva. Phallus moderate, apical half of aedeagus broadly niembranous, vcsica -'ith slightty・ sclero-- tized lamellate cernutus, of which outer margin is sLrongly serrate, Juxta very large and broad, rectangular, with a pair of well-produced lateral ext.ensions dorsall}'.

21. agama agama rMooRE, 18571/ [IFigs. 51-52, wet-season form, ? ; 53-54, dry-season fonn, {?・ ; Textfig. 15, 6 genitalia)

Specimens examined ・Nov.-1958; '1-rang : 1 tt (WSF), Cap St. Jacques, 9 1 9 /(DSFIb, Bom. 7-Fob.-- 1962 ; 2 s s' (WSFII. Cap St. Jacques, 17--Jun.-1962 ; 1 g CWSFIp, Cap St. Jacques, 28--Jun.-1962. In the species of this genus there are two distinct seasonal forms of facies:in wot-season forrn

the wings above are covercd with white or pale yeltow spots on the clark brown ground, while the wings in dry-season form above are almost unmarkcd brown except for thc some translucent

spots,and these two forms seem superficia]ly to be quite different species from each other.

Male genltalia: Rather highly asymmetrical as a whele. Dorsum large, 'circular, globular, gnathos semi- separated from dorsum at the right hand by tiie broad semi-membranous area, cochlear llot developed; scaphium with a short and blunt uncus which is curved rightwards to weakly beaked tip; vinculum dilating ventrally, saceus broad. Valvae asymmetrical, right-hand valva gradually

tapered apically to the sharply pointed and weakly bealced tip; left-hand valva acutely constricted at the subapical portion, ending in the sharply pointed but not beaked tip; ampullar process obso- lete both valvae. asymmetrical, in Juxta dorso-lateral extension at the right hand very long and

tapering distally, while at the that left hand short and blunt. Phallus very long and sinuate, distal portion of aedcagus somewhat swollen, dorsal portion of the apex frecly produced leftwards and serrate.

This species is widely・ distributed from Kumaon and Panjab to Sumba, Sumbawa and Alor,

and is separated into 4 subspecies.

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1964] Ty6TOGA (94)

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' O・5mm

Fig. 15, Male genitalia of Caprona agama agama (MooRE) A: Luteral aspect oi ring. B: Dorsal aspect of ring. Ci: Inner aspect of right-hand valva. C2: Inner aspccL of left- hand valva. Di: Lateral aspect of phallus. D2: Dorsal aspect of phallus. D,i: Extruded vesica. E: Posterior uspect of juxta. F: I'osterior aspeet of ring.

22. Caprona atida alida (DE N[cEviLLE, 1891) (Figs. 55--56, wct-season forrn, ?)

Specimen examined: 19, Trang Born, 13-May-1962 CWSF).

iorms. The This and the preceding species are very similar to each other in their corresponding male genltalia of these two species are sljghtly different in valvae and phallus. The differences

of the facies between both species in wet-season form are as follows: 1) upperside of forewing inner

spot in space lb double in alida, single but large in agama, 2> marginal white spots on forcwing

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(95) ut t Eee [Vol.XV

larger and quadrate in alida, small and triangular in agama, 3) on hindwing above, discal and

subbasal spots absent or vestigial in alida, prominent in agama: in the latter a white spot in mid

cell and an inner series of white spots in spaces lb, 2 and 7 are very rarge, therefore its hingwing

seems to have four rows of white spots on the upper side, 4) on the underside of hindwing, sub- rnarginal black spots jn spaces 2 and 3 with the outer edgc straight in alida, convexed in agama.

Wc did not find out the dry-season forrn of alida from among the Caprona--materials. The male genitalia oi this species are illustrated in detail with the full description by SHiR6zu

and SAIGusA.

This species is distributed from South and Central India, Ceylon to South China and peninsular Siam, and is separable into 4 subspecies.

23. 0dontoptilum angutata angutata (・FELDER, 18621: (Figs. 57-586, 59-60? ; Textfig. 16, G genitalia> Specimens examined: ls, Lagna, 1-Mar.-1959; ls, Vo Dat, 6-Apr.-1959; ls19, Dinh 3-Jul.-1960; Quan, ls, Trang Bom, 9-OcL--1960;1?, Trang Bom, 14-May-1961;ls, Trang Bom, 18-Jun.-1961; 19, Trang Bom, 2・-Jul.-1961; 19, Trang Bom, 5-Nosu-1961; 1?, Trang Bom, 7--Jan.-1962; 1 s, Trang Bom, 18-Feb.-1962; 1s, Ben Nom, 4- Mar.- 1962; 19, Trang Bom, 11-Mar.-1962; 1?, Trang Born. 15-Apr.--1962; 19, Pleiku, ・Sept.-1962; 18 19, Col de Blao, 7--Oct.-1962 Wing shape forewing peculiar: termen strongly produced; hindwing at end of vein 7 projected and angled, lower terrnen from vein 4 to tornus stTaight and tornus acutely angled. Antennae

with stout, blunt, and not tapered apiculus as those in the foregoing genus. The maLe with a hair pencil on fore coxae.

Uppersideoehreous brown; forewing submarginal area widely orange-brown ; hinclwing central area widely paler. with definite whitish lines. Underside, forewing basal and central areas dcnsely

clothed with white scaling, outer one-third tinged with orange ; hindwing white except tornal

area which is rather chocolate brown, with a black spot at base ot space 7.

Mate : Closely resembling genitalia to thosc in the preceding genus, with highly asymmetrical shape as a whole. Dorsum large, tcgumen short, with a triangular lateral expansion at the left side, separated sclerotjzed from fenestrula by a deep incision at the right hand; sclerotized fenes- trula broad, the Iewer portion connected with large gnathos widely at the leit hand while nar- rowly at the right one, the apical portion of gnathos well produced posteriorly, but cochlear undevelop- ed; scaphlum divided from sclerotized fenestrula by a well-rnarked suture, a long uncal projection curved to right, gently constricted at its subapical portion and ending into somewhat dilated extre- mity; lateral reflexion of tegumen very wide; vinculum dilated ventrally, with broad saccus bending to large, asyrnmetrical; left. Valvae ampullar projection vestigial, short and blunt; costa separated from external walt of valva by narrow membranous arca, right-hand valva with costa forming a broad sclerite lyingon anelllfer, left-hand valva with long and filamentouscosta, the bttse of costa in thc left-hand valva broad, nearly twice as long as the same in the right-hand valva; harpe well its produced, apex forming a long and sinuated projectlon with minutely serrat,e tip; in the right-hand vlava with smoothly tapered harpe, while in the left hand valva with harpe acutely narrowed at the beg'inning of apical Phalius mederate, projection. ' straight and rather simple,

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1964) TY6 TO GA (96)


O・5mm -

Fig. 16, Male genitalia of Odontoptilum angutata angutata (FELDERDorsal A: Lateral aspect as a whole, cxcept phallus. B: aspect asa whole, except phallus. C!: Inner aspect of right-hand valva. CL,: Inner aspect of left-hand valva. D: Lateral aspect of pha]lus. E: Posterior aspect of juxta. F: Posterior aspect of ring, with juxta.

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(97) "sc E tsk (Vol.XV

coecum moderate, distal portion of aedeagus with dorsal and ventral broad serni-membranous

areas. Juxta broad, asymmetrical, dorsolaterar cxtension at the right corner longer than that at

the left.

This species is commonly found throughout the tropical parts of South-east Asia from Ceylon and India to the Philippines and Cclebes, and is separable into 5 subspecies. The nominate sub-

species, with its type locality being IIong Kong, is distributed trom Ceylon and whole India, through Burma, Siam, Indo-China, Hainan. South China, Malaya, to Sumatra, Borneo and Java.

24. Tapena thu,aitesi bornea EvANs, 1931 (Figs. 61-62 6; Textfig. 17, s genitalia,// Specimen examined: 1s, Trang Bom, 12-Nov. -1961 Male upperside dark brown, with inconspicuous darker discal and subbasal irregular bands; underside dark brown, more uniform. Forewing with three subapical hyaline dots in spaces 6 to 8, hindwing with two dots in cell and space 7; in the single specimen beiore us the right-hand forewing furnished with a vestigial minute hyaline dot in cell, and the right hindwing with a similar dot in space 6. Wing shape angular: forewing truncate, angled at end of space 2; hindwing weakly lobed at cnd of vein 3and angled at end of vein 8, with tornus not rounded. Antennae with apiculus entirely bent backwards. Hind tibiae with a recumbent hair pencil. According to EvANs this spccies is dividecl into 3 subspecies:the nominate subspccics occurs in

Ceylon and South India, while the other subspecies, minuscula ELwEs & EDwARD occur$ in Manipur

to Siam, and bornea EvANs in Perak, Malaya, Sumatra and Borneo. In the northern race, minusc-

ttla, valvae of the male genitalia have harpe being not bifid at the tip but furnished with two lower

spines, while in the southern race, bornea, harpe is bifid apically, bearing only one single lower spine. In onr slngle male specimen from South Vietnam, shapc of the genitalia is same as that of bornea illustrated in EvANs' catalogue, and also as that of thuTaitesi depicted by ELwEs & EDwARb

:[I897) in their hesperiids revision. Details are given as follows. Male genitalia: Dorsum moderate, strengly const.ricted at the conglutinated portion of tegurnen with sclerotized fenestrula; tegumen broad but very short and flattened, with very wielely expanding lateral reflexions on its antero-lateral margins; sclerotized fcnestrula long, ventrally tupered and

completely connected with gnathos, whicli is acute!y bent posteriorly, forming a cochlear; lateral portion between scaphium and gnathal arm widely semi-membranous; scaphium quadrute at the dorsal view, separated trom sclerotized fenestrula by narrow mernbranous area, uneal projection rather short, ending into the blunt tip which is, from the lateral aspect, incised at the dorsal

corner and, from the clorsal aspect, weakly bifid, its apical extremity with some teeth; vinculum

nearly as high as tegurnen, and narrow, with wclL devetopcd saccus at the lowcr most; valvae Iargc, the posterior incision between ampulla and harpe very wide; ampulla strongly produced forrning posterodorsally, a Iong free process with 3 posterior branches, outer two branches at the apex short, the third from the rniddle portion very long and ensiferm, the posterior margin

between the apical bifurcation and the lower branch miputely serrate; harpe large, tongue-shapcd,

with apex rouncled. the inner surface wcakly sclerotized; costa narrow; $acculus broad and Iong. Phallusmoderate, subzonal portion ncarly half as lung as suprazonal portien of aedeagus, coecum

stout; apical extremity of aedeagus bifid, vesica with two cornuti represent.ed by a lunate sclerite

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1964) Ty6TOGA C98)


m,smm B

Ffig. 17, Male genitalia of Tapena thwaitesi bornea Ev,xNs A: Lateral aspect of ring. B: Dorsal aspect of dorsum. C: Inner aspect of right- hand valva. D: Lateral aspect of phallus. E: Juxta.

and a spine. Juxta V-shaped, with the lateral arms somewhat dilated apically.

25. Ctenoptitum vasava vasava [,M[)oRE, 18651/ /IFigs. 63-64 s, ; Textfig. 18 a genitalia)

Specimen cxamined: 1s, Dinh Quan, 25 Feb.-1962

This is a l)eculiarly shaped skipper with forewing apex acutely truncate and hindwing produced

at ends oi veins 4 and 7. Male forewing rather pale chestnut brown; discal area on forewing and

basal area on hindw・ing dark brown, both with numerous semi-transparent spots whlch are crowded

tegether. Male with recumbent hair pellcil on the hind tibiae,

Ev.4Ns ranged the genus Ctenoptilum (the typc species is wasaval// in the CaProna-group of genera

mainly based upen the antennal character. According to our observation, however, general charac-

ters of this species have, cspccially in structures of legs, wings and antennae, much resembrancc

to those in Tapema, not to those in Caprona, quite against EvANs] descriptions. The malc genitalia

have also close relation to those of Tapena in the fundamental structure. Thus, we consider

this species is closely conncctcd with Tapena-species, as was considered by some predecessors,

and is rather distantly related to the Odontoptitum- or Caf)rona-species.

Male genitalia: Dorsum flattened, tegumen broad, acutely constricted at the connected portion

with sclerotizcd fenestrula, reflexion of tegumen broadly expanding laterally; sclcrotized fenestrula

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(99) ma u wt [Vol.XV

Fig. 18, Male genitalia of Ctenoptilum vasava vasawa (MooRE) A: Lateral aspect of ring. B: Dorsal aspect of dorsum. Ci: Inner aspect of right- 'of hand valva. C2: Dorsal aspect of dorsum. Di: Lateral aspect phallus.

D ± : Dorsal aspect of phallus. E: Juxta.

eompletely united with gnathos, which is tapered ventrally, gently curving posteriorly to the apex

with its cochlear well developed; scaphium quadrate from the dorsal aspect, uncus long and

slender, gently tapering apicaliy and weakly bent ventrally, bluntly ended; vinculum slender,

saccus well developed. Valvae Iargc, triangular, ampulla with two long processes, the antcrior precess producing dorsally with the flattened apical portion, the rear process producing posteriorly and rather straight with roughly serrate apex, the inner edge of ampulla between the proximal corner and apex of anterior process minutely serrate; costa ill-developed with a blunt producing; harpe large. with two processes posteriorly, the upper one Iong and slendcr, gently curving

inwards, with the rninutely serrate apex, the lowcr process broad and tongue-shaped, with the

margin rather rounded; sacculus short but strongly produced inwards, forminga large triangular

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1964) TYO TO GA (leo)

process, of which the apex sharply pointed. Phallus large, coecum extremely thickened, subzonal

portion nearly half as long as the whole phallus, suprazonal portion of aedeagus gradually flattened

apicaliy, vesica with two lamellate cornuti. Juxta V-shaped.

This species is distributed from North-East India, South China, Burma to Tavoy and Siarn,

and is separable into two subspecies.

Explanation of Plates /[MooRE)/, Fig. 25 Sarangesa dasahara dasahara 9 Fig. 26 ditto, underside

Fig. 27 Satarupa golbala gvpala MooRE, ?

Fig. 28 ditto, underside

Fig. 29 Pintara pinwill'i P'inwilti (BuTLER), 9 Fig. 3e ditto, underside Fig. 31 Chamunda chamunda i[MooRE), 9 Fig. 32 ditto, underside

Fig. 33 Tagiades japetes ravi (MooRE), S Fig. 34 ditto, underside

Fig. 35 Tagiades j'aPetes ravi r,MooRE), 9 Fig. 36 ditto, underside

Fig. 37 Tagiades gana gana (MooREI/, S

Fig. 38 ditto, underside Fig. 39 Tagiades gana gana (MooRE), 9 Fig. 40 ditto, underside Fig. 41 Tagiades parra gala EvANs, 6 Fig. 42 ditto, underside Fig. 43 Tagiades parra gala EvANs, 9 Fig. 44 ditto, underside Fig. 45 Tagiades titigiosa gitigiosa MOsciiLER, 8

Fig. 46 ditto, underside

Fig. 47 7'agiades litigiosa litigiosa MOsciiLEii, 9

Fig. 48 ditto, underside Fig. 49 Abraximorpha dawidii el.fVna EvAys, S Fig. 50 ditto, underside Fig. 51 Caprona agama agama (MooRE}, WSF-9

Fig. 52 ditto, underside

Fig. 53 Caprona agama agama (Mooi

Fig. 54 ditto, underside Fig. 55 Caprona alida alida bE NicEviLLE), WSF-? Fig. 56 ditto, underside Fig. 57 Odontof)tilum angutata angutata (FEi.DER), a Fig. 58 ditto, underside Fig. 59 Odontoptilum ang・ulata angulata (FET.DERI/, ? Fig. 60 ditto, underside Fig. 61 Tapena titwaitesi bortzea EvANs, S Fig. 62 ditto, underside Flg. 63 Ctenoptilum vasava vasava (MuoRE), S Fig. 64 ditto, undersicle

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1964 TYO TO GA (102)

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(103) ut t ,Vk (Vol XV

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1964) TYO [OGA (le4)

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1L (105) ut utk [Vol XV

maIMII l l -: - za-ta - . - muww :rT. m--ww.-- wnm =.mewm:diff km== =menung- jz b:ra te -ww va-wwra wwww-: m ny nyrmnlmvamevareI-lt:un tamaMSmava:ecaeeraIMva ladiIzain-enun zama l s 'i ffI,E urX-rm. . fi -mu ggeigts,#.g\ gi: :t ::,#:k'-ps.g:,kl-g・ee:g:vaii l- l' i-:・li:gi-# wmma mu va gett orzau pm fi vaW za orl fi vasme = lIltll: ww di tl fi -: 1SMMI di-Mi Ml MgeV x: va wu va m:ge ny opmxi mh -:Xi MIMM nv va1: fi k-ut. ffvaIvaiin va:vaMfivasg I -liZMM M:eenwmmm me ve p m su- za vet ' tapm :::i: : ge l:M

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