Pinnacle Entertainment Bets On Wdesk— And Wins s the gambling song goes, “You gotta know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em.” That’s just what Tifani Walker, Vice President of Financial Reporting and Corporate Accounting at Pinnacle AEntertainment, Inc., had to do when it came to her company’s SEC reporting process.

A Better Deal time constraints on Walker’s report XBRL tagging, Pinnacle canceled its development team. contracts with the other two companies. For several years, the casino and Walker estimates that by working entertainment company had contracted So she contracted with yet a second with Wdesk, Pinnacle will save more with an outside printer to EDGARize and company to handle only the XBRL than 40 percent on fees associated file its SEC reports. “For what we were tagging. Now Walker was managing with SEC report development. doing, I felt it was fine. Although it took two different vendors, multiple versions longer than I wanted to turn document of the document, and several different The Winning Hand changes around—especially if it was timelines. The process was anything “Now our process is quite streamlined,” the day before filing,” explains Walker, but smooth. “We had three documents says Walker. “The fact that we can link who is in charge of the company’s SEC running at once. So if there was a numbers in the documents, and that reporting process. change, we would have to run it through multiple people can be in the document three documents,” she explains. It was Then the SEC dealt Pinnacle a new hand, at once has saved us a tremendous time to “fold ‘em” and start over. mandating that the company start XBRL amount of time.” tagging on its 2010 second quarter 10-Q Then Walker hit the jackpot: she found Waiting for changes to be made is also a report. Pinnacle’s printer offered XBRL Wdesk. Because Wdesk External thing of the past. “In our old process, it services, but the price was high and the Reporting Solution integrates report would take several hours to make process would have put even tighter development, EDGARizing, and

“We chose Wdesk because we liked the ease of use, the cloud environment, and the price point was favorable compared to the competitors’.”

—DAN BOUDREAUX, Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer “We recommend Wdesk because it streamlines the SEC reporting process, turnaround time is fast, and the customer service is fantastic.”

—TIFANI WALKER, Vice President of Financial Reporting and Corporate Accounting

changes,” explains Walker. “With Wdesk the Pinnacle team has also transitioned adopted the new reporting format.” I can make a change and have a final from its previous XBRL process and proof within minutes. It’s really created a is learning about detailed tagging. Pinnacle Entertainment is finding out lot of efficiencies for us.” “The transition went very smoothly,” that with Wdesk, streamlined SEC comments Walker. “Workiva XBRL report development is anything but With the help of Workiva XBRL experts, expertise has been invaluable to us as we beginner’s luck.

Company: Solution: Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc., Switch to Wdesk, which integrates report development, Las Vegas, Nev. EDGARizing, filing, and XBRL tagging in a single cloud-based business platform.

Business Profile: Results: Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. is an owner, operator, and • Saved 40% in report development fees developer of casinos and related hospitality & entertainment facilities with a diversified portfolio of properties in , • Cut the time required for document changes , Indiana, and . from hours to minutes Situation:

BRIEF • Reduced the number of document versions from Pinnacle Entertainment contracted with one third-party to three to one

IN EDGARize and file its SEC reports, and a second firm to handle XBRL tagging. The process was complex and costly, • Received outstanding customer service every and the results weren’t always accurate. step of the way [email protected] +1.888.275.3125

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