Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill No
PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE FIRST SESSION (2015-2017) OF THE ELEVENTH PARLIAMENT OF GUYANA UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CO-OPERATIVE REPUBLIC OF GUYANA HELD IN THE PARLIAMENT CHAMBER, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, BRICKDAM, GEORGETOWN 59TH Sitting Friday, 6TH January, 2017 Assembly convened at 2.44 p.m. Prayers [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] PUBLIC BUSINESS GOVERNMENT BUSINESS BILLS – Second Readings INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSING (AMENDMENT) BILL 2016 – BILL No. 32/2016 A BILL intituled: “AN ACT to amend the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act.” [Minister of Finance] Mr. Speaker: Hon. Members, I must begin by acknowledging our late start and apologising for that. There are two matters which I would like to comment on. First of all, it is to say to Hon. Members, in relation to the information which is to be supplied to questions raised during the debate, that having looked at what is required of us in relation to dissemination of the questions, of the answers to the questions raised, we are proposing that the answers be disseminated by way of soft copy and that hard copy be provided to the questioner. It is proving financially laborious. It will prove that way if we were to supply hard copies of all the answers to all the questions to every Hon. Member in this House. I repeat, we will provide the questioner with the hard copy 1 and to all other Hon. Members we will supply soft copies of the answers. I hope that will prove satisfactory to Hon. Members. Secondly, Hon. Members, the two Chief Whips and I have had a conversation on the progress of our work.
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