EPRU Working Paper Series Economic Policy Research Unit Institute of Economics University of Copenhagen Studiestræde 6 DK-1455 Copenhagen K DENMARK Tel: (+45) 3532 4411 Fax: (+45) 3532 4444 Web: http://www.econ.ku.dk/epru/ A Synthesis of Recent Developments in the Theory of Capital Tax Competition Signe Krogstrup 2004-02 ISSN 0908-7745 The activities of EPRU are financed by a grant from The National Research Foundation A SYNTHESIS OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE THEORY OF CAPITAL TAX COMPETITION α Signe Krogstrup The Graduate Institute of International Studies, 11A Avenue de la Paix, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland This version: July 2, 2003 Keywords: Tax competition; Capital taxation; Capital mobility JEL Classification: H20; F2 α Comments and suggestions from Richard Baldwin, Peter Birch Sorensen, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Charles Wyplosz are gratefully acknowledged. Errors and omissions remain the responsibility of the author. Address for correspondence: Signe Krogstrup, Rahbeks Alle 24, 4tv. DK-1801 Frederiksberg C. Denmark. Email:
[email protected] A SYNTHESIS OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE THEORY OF CAPITAL TAX COMPETITION 1 Abstract This paper proposes a unifying framework for theories of capital tax competition, and surveys and synthesizes the literature within this framework. The synthesis covers various standard tax competition models, models allowing for leviathan governments and democratic elections, in addition more recent contributions to the literature such as cross hauling of investment and models allowing for agglomeration forces to be associated with capital mobility. The paper illustrates under which assumptions the race to the bottom in tax rates results from increasing capital mobility, and when capital tax rates can be expected to increase as a result of higher capital mobility.