CHAPLIN, Edward Graham Mellish, CMG
BDOHP Biographical Details and Interview Index CHAPLIN, Edward Graham Mellish (born 21 February 1951) CMG 2004, OBE 1988 Career (with, on right, relevant pages in interview) Entered FCO (Middle East Department), 1973 pp 3-4 MECAS language training, 1974-75 pp 4-5 Muscat, 1975–77 pp 5-6 Brussels, 1977–78 pp 6-8 Ecole Nationale d’Administration, Paris, 1978–79 pp 8-10 On secondment to Civil Service Department as Private Secretary pp 10-13 to Lord President of the Council and Leader of House of Lords (Christopher Soames), 1980–81 Near East and North Africa Department, FCO, 1981–84 pp 14-15 Head of Chancery, Tehran, 1985–87 pp 15-25 Personnel Operations Department, FCO, 1987–89 p 26 On secondment to Price Waterhouse Management Consultants, 1990–92 pp 26-29 Deputy Permanent Representative, UKMIS Geneva, 1992–96 pp 29-32 Head, Middle East Department, FCO, 1997–99 pp 32-34 Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2000–02 pp 34-37 Director, Middle East and North Africa, FCO, 2002–04 pp 37-40 Ambassador to Iraq, 2004–05 pp 40-47 Sabbatical, Cambridge University, 2005-06 pp 47-48 Ambassador to Italy, 2006–11 pp 48-52 1 BRITISH DIPLOMATIC ORAL HISTORY PROGRAMME RECOLLECTIONS OF EDWARD CHAPLIN CMG OBE, RECORDED AND TRANSCRIBED BY SUZANNE RICKETTS Copyright: Edward Chaplin SR: It’s 21 January 2021 and I am talking to Edward Chaplin via WhatsApp. Edward, why did you choose to join the FCO? Unusually, you had spent some of your childhood in Baghdad. How did that come about and was that part of the reason? EC: Yes, that was one of the reasons.
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