Etienne Koeppel Best Dissertation Prize Winner MSc Conflict Studies 2018-9
[email protected] Are French Muslims constructed as a “suspect community”? A critical discourse analysis of French right-wing newspaper coverage of Islamist terrorism between 1995 and 2015 A dissertation submitted to the Department of Government, the London School of Economics and Political Science, in part completion of the requirements for the MSc in Conflict Studies. August, 2019 Word Count: 9,650 GV499 Abstract Muslims living in the West have become the center of interest for counterterrorism policies. Yet, rather than directing their fear toward terrorism, North American and European publics have come to distrust Islam itself as a potential threat to their security and way of life. The concept of the “suspect community” offers a compelling explanation as to why ordinary Muslims are made to bear the responsibility of terrorism committed in the name of their religion. It posits that the public discourses found in politics, civil society, and especially in the media prompt people to fabricate a threatening image of Muslims – one that is based on imagination and prejudice rather than on facts or rationality. Interestingly, research on suspect community creation has largely been confined to the United Kingdom. This dissertation examines right-wing newspapers in France, a country with the largest Muslim population in Europe, to determine whether Muslims are assigned to a suspect community, and how. It identifies three mutually reinforcing discourses: homogenization, enemification, and internalization. Homogenizing language erases the variations inherent to Islam and places all Muslims on a scale of suspicion, from terrorist to silent apologist.